Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU required by him, true and exact plans of such forts, and of the land and sea, or harbour or harbours adjacent. And the said boards, and all public officers, shall communicate to the Governor, as soon as may be after receiving the same, all letters, dispatches, and intelligences of a public nature, which shall be directed to them respectively. XIII. As the public good requires that the Governor should not be under the undue influence of any of the members of the General Court, by a dependence on them for his support – that he should, in all cases, act with freedom for the benefit of the public – that he should not have his attention necessarily diverted from that object to his private concerns – and that he should maintain the dignity of the Commonwealth in the character of its chief magistrate – it is necessary that he should have an honourable stated salary, of a fixed and permanent value, amply sufficient for those purposes, and established by standing laws: And it shall be among the first acts of the General Court, after the commencement of this Constitution, to establish such salary by law accordingly. Permanent and honourable salaries shall also be established by law for the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court. And if it shall be found that any of the salaries aforesaid, so established, are insufficient, they shall, from time to time, be enlarged as the General Court shall judge proper. ChAPTER II. SECTION II. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Ar T. I. ThERE shall be annually elected a Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, whose title shall be – hIS hONOUR – and who shall be qualified, in point of religion, property, and residence in the Commonwealth, in the same manner with the Governor: And the day and manner of his election, and the qualifications of the electors, shall be the same as are required in the election of a Governor. The return of the votes for this officer, and the declaration of his election, shall be in the same manner: And if no one person shall be found to have a majority of all the votes returned, the vacancy shall be filled by the Senate and house of Representatives, in the same manner as the Governor is to be elected, in case no one person shall have a majority of the votes of the people to be Governor. II. The Governor, and in his absence the Lieutenant-Governor, shall be President of the Council, but shall have no vote in Council: And the Lieutenant-Governor shall always be a member of the Council, except when the chair of the Governor shall be vacant. III. Whenever the chair of the Governor shall be vacant, by reason of his death, 424

CONSTITUCIÓN DE MASSACHUSETTS 1780 les solicite, planos exactos y verdaderos de dichos fuertes y del territorio y mar o puerto o puertos adyacentes. Y dichos Consejos y todos los oficiales públicos comunicarán al gobernador, en cuanto los hayan recibido, todas las cartas, despachos e informes secretos de naturaleza pública que les sean dirigidos. XIII. Ya que el bien público exige que el gobernador no debe estar bajo la influencia indebida de ninguno de los miembros de la Corte General, por depender de ellos su sustento, [sino] que, para el provecho del público, debe actuar libremente en todo los casos, que su atención no se debe distraer de ese objetivo con preocupaciones personales, y que debe guardar la solemnidad de la comunidad en la persona de su magistrado jefe, es necesario que tenga un salario digno [y] determinado, cuyo valor sea fijo y permanente, generosamente suficiente para esos fines y establecido por leyes escritas; y será una de las primeras actuaciones de la Corte General, después de su inauguración, fijar dicho salario mediante la correspondiente ley. La ley también establecerá salarios dignos y permanentes para los jueces del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia. Y si se descubre que alguno de los salarios mencionados es insuficiente, será aumentado cuando así sea necesario como la Corte General lo considere necesario. Capítulo II. Sección II. Subgobernador Artículo I. Se elegirá anualmente un subgobernador de la Comunidad de Massachusetts, cuyo título será El honorable; que deberá cumplir los mismos requisitos de religión, propiedades y residencia en la Comunidad que el gobernador; y el día y forma de su elección y los requisitos de los electores serán los mismos exigidos para la elección del gobernador. El escrutinio de los votos para este oficial, y la declaración de su elección, serán de la misma forma [que para el gobernador]. Y si resulta que nadie consigue la mayoría de todos los votos escrutados, la vacante será cubierta por el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes de la misma forma como se elige el gobernador en caso de que nadie consiga una mayoría de votos populares para ser gobernador. II. El gobernador, y en su ausencia el subgobernador, será el presidente del Consejo, pero no tendrá voto en el Consejo; y el subgobernador será siempre uno de los miembros del Consejo, excepto cuando el escaño de gobernador esté vacante. III. Siempre que el escaño del gobernador esté vacante debido a su fallecimiento 425


required by him, true and exact p<strong>la</strong>ns of such forts, and of the <strong>la</strong>nd and sea, or<br />

harbour or harbours adjacent.<br />

And the said boards, and all public officers, shall communicate to the Governor,<br />

as soon as may be after receiving the same, all letters, dispatches, and intelligences<br />

of a public nature, which shall be directed to them respectively.<br />

XIII. As the public good requires that the Governor should not be un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

undue influence of any of the members of the General Court, by a <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on<br />

them for his support – that he should, in all cases, act with freedom for the benefit<br />

of the public – that he should not have his attention necessarily diverted from that<br />

object to his private concerns – and that he should maintain the dignity of the<br />

Commonwealth in the character of its chief magistrate – it is necessary that he<br />

should have an honourable stated sa<strong>la</strong>ry, of a fixed and permanent value, amply<br />

sufficient for those purposes, and established by standing <strong>la</strong>ws: And it shall be<br />

among the first acts of the General Court, after the commencement of this Constitution,<br />

to establish such sa<strong>la</strong>ry by <strong>la</strong>w accordingly.<br />

Permanent and honourable sa<strong>la</strong>ries shall also be established by <strong>la</strong>w for the<br />

Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court.<br />

And if it shall be found that any of the sa<strong>la</strong>ries aforesaid, so established, are<br />

insufficient, they shall, from time to time, be en<strong>la</strong>rged as the General Court shall<br />

judge proper.<br />

ChAPTER II.<br />



Ar T. I. ThERE shall be annually elected a Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth<br />

of Massachusetts, whose title shall be – hIS hONOUR – and who<br />

shall be qualified, in point of religion, property, and resi<strong>de</strong>nce in the Commonwealth,<br />

in the same manner with the Governor: And the day and manner of his<br />

election, and the qualifications of the electors, shall be the same as are required<br />

in the election of a Governor. The return of the votes for this officer, and the <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>ration<br />

of his election, shall be in the same manner: And if no one person shall<br />

be found to have a majority of all the votes returned, the vacancy shall be filled<br />

by the Senate and house of Representatives, in the same manner as the Governor<br />

is to be elected, in case no one person shall have a majority of the votes of the<br />

people to be Governor.<br />

II. The Governor, and in his absence the Lieutenant-Governor, shall be Presi<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

of the Council, but shall have no vote in Council: And the Lieutenant-Governor<br />

shall always be a member of the Council, except when the chair of the<br />

Governor shall be vacant.<br />

III. Whenever the chair of the Governor shall be vacant, by reason of his <strong>de</strong>ath,<br />


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