Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU officers elected. The Major-Generals shall be appointed by the Senate and house of Representatives, each having a negative upon the other; and be commissioned by the Governor. And if the electors of Brigadiers, Field-Officers, Captains or Subalterns, shall neglect or refuse to make such elections, after being duly notified, according to the laws for the time being, then the Governor, with advice of Council, shall appoint suitable persons to fill such offices. And no officer duly commissioned to command in the militia, shall be removed from his office, but by the address of both Houses to the Governor, or by fair trial in court-martial, pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth for the time being. The commanding officers of regiments shall appoint their Adjutants and Quarter-Masters; the Brigadiers their Brigade-Majors; and the Major-Generals their Aids; and the Governor shall appoint the Adjutant-General. The Governor, with advice of Council, shall appoint all officers of the continental army, whom by the confederation of the United States it is provided that this Commonwealth shall appoint, – as also all officers of forts and garrisons. The divisions of the militia into brigades, regiments and companies, made in pursuance of the militia laws now in force, shall be considered as the proper divisions of the militia of this Commonwealth, until the same shall be altered in pursuance of some future law. XI. No monies shall be issued out of the treasury of this Commonwealth, and disposed of (except such sums as may be appropriated for the redemption of bills of credit or Treasurer’s notes, or for the payment of interest arising thereon) but by warrant under the hand of the Governor for the time being, with the advice and consent of the Council, for the necessary defence and support of the Commonwealth; and for the protection and preservation of the inhabitants thereof, agreeably to the acts and resolves of the General Court. XII. All public boards, the Commissary-General, all superintending officers of public magazines and stores, belonging to this Commonwealth, and all commanding officers of forts and garrisons within the same, shall, once in every three months, officially, and without requisition, and at other times, when required by the Governor, deliver to him an account of all goods, stores, provisions, ammunition, cannon with their appendages, and small arms with their accoutrements, and of all other public property whatever under their care respectively; distinguishing the quantity, number, quality and kind of each, as particularly as may be; together with the condition of such forts and garrisons: And the said commanding officer shall exhibit to the Governor, when 422

CONSTITUCIÓN DE MASSACHUSETTS 1780 oficiales han sido elegidos. Los generales de división serán nombrados por el Senado y la Cámara de Representantes, que tendrán veto uno sobre el otro, y serán comisionados por el gobernador. Y si los electores de generales de brigada, oficiales de campo, capitanes y alféreces, incumplen o se niegan a hacer las elecciones, después de que fueran debidamente notificados, según las leyes vigentes, el gobernador, con el asesoramiento del Consejo, nombrará a las personas adecuadas para cubrir dichos cargos. Y todo oficial debidamente comisionado para mandar en la milicia sólo será destituido de su cargo mediante la notificación de ambas cámaras al gobernador, o mediante un juicio justo en consejo de guerra conforme a las leyes de la Comunidad en ese momento. Los oficiales de mando de los regimientos nombrarán a sus ayudantes e intendentes; los generales de brigada a sus comandantes de brigada; y los generales de división a sus ayudantes; y el gobernador nombrará al general de estado mayor. El gobernador, con el asesoramiento del Consejo, nombrará a todos los oficiales del ejército continental que según la Confederación de los Estados Unidos les corresponda nombrar, así como a todos los oficiales de fuertes y guarniciones. Las divisiones de la milicia en brigadas, regimientos y compañías, hechas en cumplimiento de las leyes de la milicia ahora en vigor, se considerarán las divisiones propias de la milicia de esta Comunidad hasta que sean modificadas en cumplimiento de alguna futura ley. XI. No se repartirán dineros del tesoro de esta Comunidad, ni se gastarán (excepto las sumas que sean destinadas para la amortización de letras de crédito o notas del tesoro, o para el pago de intereses acumulados por ellos) si no es por orden del gobernador en ese momento con el asesoramiento y consentimiento del Consejo para la necesaria defensa y financiamiento de la Comunidad y para la protección y amparo de sus habitantes, de conformidad con las leyes y resoluciones de la Corte General. XII: Todos los Consejos públicos, el comisario general, todos los oficiales supervisores de los polvorines y almacenes pertenecientes a esta Comunidad, y todos los comandantes de fuertes y guarniciones de la misma deberán enviarle de oficio, formalmente y cada tres meses, y toda vez que se lo exija el gobernador, los informes contables de todos los bienes, existencias, suministros, munición, cañones con sus accesorios y armas cortas con sus avíos, y el resto de la propiedad pública que esté a su cuidado, identificando con el detalle que sea posible la cantidad, número, calidad y clase de cada uno, junto con el estado de dichos fuertes y guarniciones; y dichos comandantes mostrará al gobernador, cuando se 423


officers elected.<br />

The Major-Generals shall be appointed by the Senate and house of Representatives,<br />

each having a negative upon the other; and be commissioned by the<br />

Governor.<br />

And if the electors of Brigadiers, Field-Officers, Captains or Subalterns, shall<br />

neglect or refuse to make such elections, after being duly notified, according to<br />

the <strong>la</strong>ws for the time being, then the Governor, with advice of Council, shall appoint<br />

suitable persons to fill such offices.<br />

And no officer duly commissioned to command in the militia, shall be removed<br />

from his office, but by the address of both Houses to the Governor, or by<br />

fair trial in court-martial, pursuant to the <strong>la</strong>ws of the Commonwealth for the time<br />

being.<br />

The commanding officers of regiments shall appoint their Adjutants and Quarter-Masters;<br />

the Brigadiers their Briga<strong>de</strong>-Majors; and the Major-Generals their<br />

Aids; and the Governor shall appoint the Adjutant-General.<br />

The Governor, with advice of Council, shall appoint all officers of the continental<br />

army, whom by the confe<strong>de</strong>ration of the United States it is provi<strong>de</strong>d that<br />

this Commonwealth shall appoint, – as also all officers of forts and garrisons.<br />

The divisions of the militia into briga<strong>de</strong>s, regiments and companies, ma<strong>de</strong><br />

in pursuance of the militia <strong>la</strong>ws now in force, shall be consi<strong>de</strong>red as the proper<br />

divisions of the militia of this Commonwealth, until the same shall be altered in<br />

pursuance of some future <strong>la</strong>w.<br />

XI. No monies shall be issued out of the treasury of this Commonwealth, and<br />

disposed of (except such sums as may be appropriated for the re<strong>de</strong>mption of bills<br />

of credit or Treasurer’s notes, or for the payment of interest arising thereon) but<br />

by warrant un<strong>de</strong>r the hand of the Governor for the time being, with the advice<br />

and consent of the Council, for the necessary <strong>de</strong>fence and support of the Commonwealth;<br />

and for the protection and preservation of the inhabitants thereof,<br />

agreeably to the acts and resolves of the General Court.<br />

XII. All public boards, the Commissary-General, all superintending officers<br />

of public magazines and stores, belonging to this Commonwealth, and all<br />

commanding officers of forts and garrisons within the same, shall, once in every<br />

three months, officially, and without requisition, and at other times, when<br />

required by the Governor, <strong>de</strong>liver to him an account of all goods, stores, provisions,<br />

ammunition, cannon with their appendages, and small arms with their<br />

accoutrements, and of all other public property whatever un<strong>de</strong>r their care respectively;<br />

distinguishing the quantity, number, quality and kind of each,<br />

as particu<strong>la</strong>rly as may be; together with the condition of such forts and garrisons:<br />

And the said commanding officer shall exhibit to the Governor, when<br />


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