Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU oppressive, and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of a free government. XXV. No subject ought, in any case, or in any time, to be declared guilty of treason or felony by the legislature. XXVI. No magistrate or court of law shall demand excessive bail or sureties, impose excessive fines, or inflict cruel or unusual punishments. XXVII. In time of peace no soldier ought to be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner; and in time of war such quarters ought not to be made but by the civil magistrate, in a manner ordained by the legislature. XXVIII. No person can in any case be subjected 9 to law-martial, or to any penalties or pains, by virtue of that law, except those employed in the army and 10 navy, and except the militia in actual service, but by authority of the legislature. XXIX. It is essential to the preservation of the rights of every individual, his life, liberty, property and character, that there be an impartial interpretation of the laws, and administration of justice. It is the right of every citizen to be tried by judges as free, impartial and independent as the lot of humanity will admit. It is therefore not only the best policy, but for the security of the rights of the people, and of every citizen, that the judges of the supreme judicial court should hold their offices as long as they behave themselves well; and that they should have honourable salaries ascertained and established by standing laws. XXX. In the government of this Commonwealth, the legislative department shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them: The executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them: the judicial shall never exercise the legislative and executive powers, or either of them: to the end it may be a government of laws and not of men. PART ThE SECOND Th e FRAME o f GOVERNMENT Th e People inhabiting the territory formerly called the Province of Massachusetts-Bay, do hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic 11 , by the name of ThE COMMONWEALTh OF MASSAChUSETTS. ChAPTER I. The LEGISLATIVE POWER. 9. En Thorpe “subject”. 10. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “or”. 11. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “politic or State”. 400

CONSTITUCIÓN DE MASSACHUSETTS 1780 opresivas e inconsistentes con los principios fundamentales de un gobierno libre. XXV. Ningún ciudadano, en ningún caso o en ningún momento, podrá ser declarado por el legislativo culpable de traición o felonía. XXVI. Ningún magistrado o tribunal de derecho exigirá fianzas o garantías excesivas, impondrá multas excesivas, o infligirá castigos crueles o inusuales. XXVII. En tiempo de paz ningún soldado será acuartelado en una casa sin el consentimiento de su propietario; y en tiempo de guerra tales acuartelamientos sólo se harán por [orden del] magistrado civil [y] en la forma ordenada por el legislativo. XXVIII. salvo por mandato del legislativo, ninguna persona será sometida en ningún caso a la ley marcial o a ningún castigo o pena según dicha ley, excepto los reclutados en el ejército y la marina y excepto los milicianos en servicio activo. XXIX. Es esencial para la conservación de los derechos de todo individuo, de su vida, libertad, propiedad y honor, que se haga una interpretación imparcial de las leyes y de la administración de la justicia. Es el derecho de todo ciudadano ser juzgado por jueces tan libres, imparciales e independientes como lo permita la naturaleza humana. Por lo tanto, no sólo es la mejor política, sino que, para la garantía de los derechos del pueblo y de todo ciudadano, los jueces del tribunal judicial supremo deberán mantener sus cargos mientras su comportamiento sea bueno y tendrán sueldos honorables determinados y fijados por leyes escritas. XXX. En el gobierno de esta Comunidad, el departamento legislativo nunca ejercerá los poderes ejecutivos y judiciales, o alguno de ellos; el ejecutivo nunca ejercerá los poderes legislativos y judiciales, o alguno de ellos; el judicial nunca ejercerá los poderes legislativos y ejecutivos, o alguno de ellos, para que así sea un gobierno de leyes y no de hombres. Segunda parte El marco de gobierno El pueblo que habita el territorio anteriormente denominado Provincia de la Bahía de Massachusetts, por la presente acuerda entre sí, solemne y mutuamente, organizarse en un cuerpo-político libre, soberano e independiente denominado la Comunidad de Massachusetts. Capítulo I El poder legislativo 401


oppressive, and inconsistent with the fundamental principles of a free government.<br />

XXV. No subject ought, in any case, or in any time, to be <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>red guilty of<br />

treason or felony by the legis<strong>la</strong>ture.<br />

XXVI. No magistrate or court of <strong>la</strong>w shall <strong>de</strong>mand excessive bail or sureties,<br />

impose excessive fines, or inflict cruel or unusual punishments.<br />

XXVII. In time of peace no soldier ought to be quartered in any house without<br />

the consent of the owner; and in time of war such quarters ought not to be ma<strong>de</strong><br />

but by the civil magistrate, in a manner ordained by the legis<strong>la</strong>ture.<br />

XXVIII. No person can in any case be subjected 9 to <strong>la</strong>w-martial, or to any<br />

penalties or pains, by virtue of that <strong>la</strong>w, except those employed in the army and 10<br />

navy, and except the militia in actual service, but by authority of the legis<strong>la</strong>ture.<br />

XXIX. It is essential to the preservation of the rights of every individual, his<br />

life, liberty, property and character, that there be an impartial interpretation of the<br />

<strong>la</strong>ws, and administration of justice. It is the right of every citizen to be tried by<br />

judges as free, impartial and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt as the lot of humanity will admit. It is<br />

therefore not only the best policy, but for the security of the rights of the people,<br />

and of every citizen, that the judges of the supreme judicial court should hold<br />

their offices as long as they behave themselves well; and that they should have<br />

honourable sa<strong>la</strong>ries ascertained and established by standing <strong>la</strong>ws.<br />

XXX. In the government of this Commonwealth, the legis<strong>la</strong>tive <strong>de</strong>partment<br />

shall never exercise the executive and judicial powers, or either of them: The executive<br />

shall never exercise the legis<strong>la</strong>tive and judicial powers, or either of them:<br />

the judicial shall never exercise the legis<strong>la</strong>tive and executive powers, or either of<br />

them: to the end it may be a government of <strong>la</strong>ws and not of men.<br />



Th e People inhabiting the territory formerly called the Province of Massachusetts-Bay,<br />

do hereby solemnly and mutually agree with each other, to form<br />

themselves into a free, sovereign, and in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt body politic 11 , by the name of<br />


ChAPTER I.<br />


9. En Thorpe “subject”.<br />

10. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “or”.<br />

11. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “politic or State”.<br />


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