Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...


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In Congress at Exeter Jan ry 5 th 1776.<br />

Voted That this Congress Take up Civil Go v e r n m e n T for this Colony in manner<br />

and Form Following, viz. 2<br />

We the members of the Congress of 3 New-hampshire Chosen and Appointed<br />

by the Free Suffrages of the People of said Colony, and Authorised and Impowered<br />

by them to meet together, and use such means and Pursue Such Measures as<br />

we Should 4 Judge best for the Public Good; And in Particu<strong>la</strong>r to establish Some<br />

Form of Government, Provi<strong>de</strong>d that Measures 5 should be recommen<strong>de</strong>d by the<br />

Continental Congress; And a Recommendation to that Purpose having been Transmitted<br />

to us From the Said Congress; have taken into our Serious Consi<strong>de</strong>ration<br />

the Unhappy Circumstances, into [P. 2] 6 which this Colony is Involved by means<br />

of many Grievous and Oppressive Acts of the British Parliament, Depriving us of<br />

our Natural 7 & Constitutional rights & Privileges: To Enforce Obedience to which<br />

Acts. A Powerful Fleet and Army have been Sent into this Country. by the ministry<br />

of Great Britain, who have Exercised a Wanton & Cruel Abuse of their Power,<br />

in Destroying the Lives and Properties of the Colonists in many P<strong>la</strong>ces with Fire<br />

& Sword: Taking the Ships & Lading from many of the honest and Industrious<br />

Inhabitants of this Colony Employed in Commerce. agreeable to the Laws & Customs<br />

a long time used here. The Sud<strong>de</strong>n & Abrupt Departure of his Excellency<br />

John Wentworth, Esq r our Late Governor, and Several of the Council, Leaving us<br />

Destitute of Legis<strong>la</strong>tion. and no Executive Courts being open to Punish Criminal<br />

Offen<strong>de</strong>rs: whereby the Lives and Propertys of the honest People of this Colony.<br />

are Liable to the Machinations & Evil Designs of wicked men; Th e r e f o r e for the<br />

Preservation of Peace and good or<strong>de</strong>r. and for the Security of the Lives and Properties<br />

of the Inhabitants of this Colony. We Conceive ourselves Reduced to the<br />

Necessity of establishing A fo r m of Go v e r n m e n T to Continue During the Present<br />

Unhappy 8 and Unnatural Contest with Great Britain; Pr o T e s T i n G & De C l A r i n G<br />

that we Never Sought to throw off our Depen<strong>de</strong>nce upon Great Britain. but felt<br />

ourselves happy un<strong>de</strong>r her Protection, while we Could Enjoy our Constitutional<br />

Rights and Priviledges, – And that we Shall Rejoice if Such a reconciliation<br />

2. Falta todo el párrafo en Jackson y en Collections-1834.<br />

3. En Jackson y en Collections-1834 “of the colony of”.<br />

4. En Jackson y en Collections-1834 “shall”.<br />

5. En Jackson, Collections-1834, Poore y Thorpe “measure”.<br />

6. Indica <strong>la</strong> página <strong>de</strong>l Diario <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Cámara (que no aparece en otros textos).<br />

7. En Jackson y en Collections-1834 “native”.<br />

8. Falta “Unhappy” en Collections-1834.<br />


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