Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU except the parishes of Prince George and All Saints, which shall elect one member: And the election of senators for such parishes respectively, shall, until otherwise altered by the legislature, be at the parish of Prince George for the said parish and the parish of All Saints, and at the parish of St. Matthew for that parish and the parish of Orange; to meet on the first Monday in January then next, at the seat of government, unless the casualties of war, or contagious disorders, should render it unsafe to meet there, in which case, the governor and commander in chief for the time being, may, by proclamation, with the advice and consent of the privy council, appoint a more secure and convenient place of meeting; and to continue for two years from the said last Monday in November; and that no person shall be eligible to a seat in the said senate unless he be of the protestant religion, and hath attained the age of thirty years, and hath been a resident in this state at least five years. Not less than thirteen members shall be a quorum to do business, but the president or any three members may adjourn from day to day. No person who resides in the parish or district for which he is elected shall take his seat in the senate, unless he possess a settled estate and freehold in his own right in the said parish or district, of the value of two thousand pounds currency at least, clear of debt; and no non-resident shall be eligible to a seat in the said senate, unless he is owner of a settled estate and freehold in his own right, in the parish or district where he is elected, of the value of seven thousand pounds currency at least, also clear of debt. XIII. That on the last Monday in November next, and the day following, and on the same days of every second year thereafter, members of the house of representatives shall be chosen, to meet on the first Monday in January then next, at the seat of government, unless the casualties of war or contagious disorders should render it unsafe to meet there, in which case the governor and commander in chief for the time being may, by proclamation, with the advice and consent of the privy council, appoint a more secure and convenient place of meeting, and to continue for two years from the said last Monday in November. Each parish and district within this state shall send members to the general assembly in the following proportions, (that is to say,) the parish of St. Philip and St. Michael’s, Charleston, thirty members; the parish of Christ Church, six members; the parish of Saint John’s, in Berkely county, six members; the parish of St. Andrew, six members; the parish of St. George, Dorchester, six members; the parish of St. James, Goose Creek, six members; the parish of St. Thomas and St. Dennis, six members; the parish of St. Paul, six members; the parish of St. Bartholomew, six members; the parish of St. helena, six members; the parish of St. James, Santee, six members; the 346

CONSTITUCIÓN DE CAROLINA DEL SUR 1778 excepto las parroquias de Prince George y All Saints, que elegirán un miembro; y hasta que haya sido modificada por el legislativo, la elección de senadores en esas parroquias se hará en la parroquia de Prince George para dicha parroquia y para la parroquia de All Saints, y en la parroquia de St. Matthew para esa parroquia y para la parroquia de Orange. Se reunirán el primer lunes del siguiente enero en la sede del gobierno, a no ser que las vicisitudes de la guerra o las enfermedades contagiosas hagan peligroso reunirse allí, en cuyo caso el gobernador y comandante en jefe en ese momento nombrará, mediante una proclama y con el asesoramiento y consentimiento del Consejo Privado, un lugar de reunión más seguro y conveniente. Y continuarán [los senadores en el escaño] durante dos años desde dicho último lunes de noviembre; y nadie podrá ser elegido para un escaño en dicho Senado a menos que sea de religión protestante y haya alcanzado la edad de treinta años y haya residido en este estado al menos cinco años. [Se necesitarán] por lo menos trece miembros para constituir quórum y realizar gestiones, pero el presidente o tres miembros podrán suspender la sesión de día en día. Nadie que resida en la parroquia o distrito para el que ha sido elegido ocupará su escaño en el Senado a menos que posea una hacienda y freehold establecida y de derecho propio en dicha parroquia y distrito valorada en al menos dos mil libras, libre de deudas, y nadie que no sea residente [en la parroquia] será elegible para un escaño en dicho Senado a menos que sea propietario de una hacienda y propiedad establecida y de propio derecho en la parroquia o distrito donde sea elegido que esté valorada al menos en siete mil libras, también libre de deudas. XIII. Que el último lunes del próximo noviembre y el día siguiente, y en adelante los mismo días cada dos años, se elegirán los miembros de la Cámara de Representantes que se reunirán el primer lunes del siguiente enero en la sede del gobierno, a no ser que las vicisitudes de la guerra o las enfermedades contagiosas hagan peligroso reunirse allí, en cuyo caso el gobernador y comandante en jefe en ese momento elegirá, mediante una proclama, con el asesoramiento y consentimiento del Consejo Privado, un lugar de reunión más seguro y conveniente. Y continuarán [los representantes en el escaño] durante dos años desde dicho último lunes de noviembre. Cada parroquia y distrito de este Estado enviará miembros a la Asamblea General en las siguientes proporciones; a saber, la parroquia de St. Philip y St. Michael, [en] Charleston, treinta miembros; la parroquia de Christ Church, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. John, en el condado de Berkely, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. Andrew, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. George, [en] Dorchester, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. James, [en] Goose Creek, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. Thomas y St. Dennis, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. Paul, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. Bartholomew, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. helena, seis miembros; la parroquia de St. James, [en] Santee, seis miembros; la 347


except the parishes of Prince George and All Saints, which shall elect one member:<br />

And the election of senators for such parishes respectively, shall, until otherwise<br />

altered by the legis<strong>la</strong>ture, be at the parish of Prince George for the said<br />

parish and the parish of All Saints, and at the parish of St. Matthew for that parish<br />

and the parish of Orange; to meet on the first Monday in January then next, at the<br />

seat of government, unless the casualties of war, or contagious disor<strong>de</strong>rs, should<br />

ren<strong>de</strong>r it unsafe to meet there, in which case, the governor and comman<strong>de</strong>r in<br />

chief for the time being, may, by proc<strong>la</strong>mation, with the advice and consent of<br />

the privy council, appoint a more secure and convenient p<strong>la</strong>ce of meeting; and<br />

to continue for two years from the said <strong>la</strong>st Monday in November; and that no<br />

person shall be eligible to a seat in the said senate unless he be of the protestant<br />

religion, and hath attained the age of thirty years, and hath been a resi<strong>de</strong>nt in this<br />

state at least five years. Not less than thirteen members shall be a quorum to do<br />

business, but the presi<strong>de</strong>nt or any three members may adjourn from day to day.<br />

No person who resi<strong>de</strong>s in the parish or district for which he is elected shall take<br />

his seat in the senate, unless he possess a settled estate and freehold in his own<br />

right in the said parish or district, of the value of two thousand pounds currency<br />

at least, clear of <strong>de</strong>bt; and no non-resi<strong>de</strong>nt shall be eligible to a seat in the said<br />

senate, unless he is owner of a settled estate and freehold in his own right, in the<br />

parish or district where he is elected, of the value of seven thousand pounds currency<br />

at least, also clear of <strong>de</strong>bt.<br />

XIII. That on the <strong>la</strong>st Monday in November next, and the day following, and<br />

on the same days of every second year thereafter, members of the house of representatives<br />

shall be chosen, to meet on the first Monday in January then next, at the<br />

seat of government, unless the casualties of war or contagious disor<strong>de</strong>rs should<br />

ren<strong>de</strong>r it unsafe to meet there, in which case the governor and comman<strong>de</strong>r in chief<br />

for the time being may, by proc<strong>la</strong>mation, with the advice and consent of the privy<br />

council, appoint a more secure and convenient p<strong>la</strong>ce of meeting, and to continue<br />

for two years from the said <strong>la</strong>st Monday in November. Each parish and district<br />

within this state shall send members to the general assembly in the following<br />

proportions, (that is to say,) the parish of St. Philip and St. Michael’s, Charleston,<br />

thirty members; the parish of Christ Church, six members; the parish of Saint<br />

John’s, in Berkely county, six members; the parish of St. Andrew, six members;<br />

the parish of St. George, Dorchester, six members; the parish of St. James, Goose<br />

Creek, six members; the parish of St. Thomas and St. Dennis, six members; the<br />

parish of St. Paul, six members; the parish of St. Bartholomew, six members; the<br />

parish of St. helena, six members; the parish of St. James, Santee, six members; the<br />


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