Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU SECTION XXXIV. The future legislature of this State, shall regulate entails, in such manner as to prevent perpetuities. SECTION XXXV. To deter more effectually from the commission of crimes, by continued visible punishment of long duration, and to make sanguinary punishment less necessary; houses ought to be provided for punishing, by hard labor, those who shall be convicted of crimes not capital; wherein the criminal shall be employed for the benefit of the public, or for reparation of injuries done to private persons; and all persons, at proper times, shall be admitted to see the prisoners at their labor. SECTION XXXVI. Every officer, whether judicial, executive or military, in authority under this State, shall take the following oath or affirmation of allegiance, and general oath of office, before he enter on the execution of his office. The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance “I __ __ do solemnly swear by the ever living God, (or affirm in the presence of Almighty God,) that I will be true and faithful to the State of Vermont; and that I will not, directly or indirectly, do any act or thing, prejudicial or injurious, to the constitution or government thereof, as established by Convention.” The Oath or Affirmation of Office “I ___ ___ do solemnly swear by the ever living God, (or affirm in presence of Almighty God) that I will faithfully execute the office of __ for the __ of __; and will do equal right and justice to all men, to the best of my judgment and abilities, according to law.” SECTION XXXVII. No public tax, custom or contribution shall be imposed upon, or paid by, the people of this State, except by a law for that purpose; and before any law be made for raising it, the purpose for which any tax is to be raised ought to appear clear to the legislature to be of more service to the community than the money would be, if not collected; which being well observed, taxes can never be burthens. SECTION XXXVIII. Every foreigner of good character, who comes to settle in this State, having first taken an oath or affirmation of allegiance to the same, may purchase, or by other just means acquire, hold, and transfer, land or other real estate; and after one years residence, shall be deemed a free denizen thereof, and intitled to all the rights of a natural born subject of this State; except that he shall not be capable of being elected a representative, until after two years residence. 332

CONSTITUCIÓN DE VERMONT 1777 Sección XXXIV. El futuro legislativo regulará los mayorazgos para impedir las perpetuidades. Sección XXXV. Para disuadir más efectivamente mediante largos castigos evidentes la comisión de delitos, y para hacer menos necesarios los castigos sanguinarios, se proporcionarán los lugares para que se castigue mediante trabajos forzados a los condenados por delitos no capitales, por tanto, se empleará a los delincuentes en trabajos para el beneficio público o para compensar los daños causados a las personas privadas, y a horas elegidas se permitirá que todas las personas vean a los prisioneros en sus trabajos. Sección XXXVI. Todo oficial, bien judicial, ejecutivo o militar, con autoridad otorgada por este estado, antes de iniciar el ejercicio de su cargo, deberá hacer el siguiente juramento o promesa de lealtad y juramento general del cargo. Juramento o promesa de lealtad “Yo, [nombre], juro por el Dios eterno, (o prometo en la presencia del Dios Todopoderoso), que seré sincero y fiel al Estado de Vermont; y que no cometeré directa o indirectamente ningún acto o cosa perjudicial o dañina a la Constitución o al gobierno como establece la Convención”. Juramento o promesa de cargo “Yo, [nombre], juro por el Dios eterno, (o afirmo en la presencia del Dios Todopoderoso), que ejecutaré fielmente el cargo de __ para el __ de __ y trataré con iguales derechos y justicia a todos los hombre según mi mejor criterio y habilidad, y conforme con la ley.” Sección XXXVII. No se impondrá ningún impuesto público, tarifa o contribución, ni los pagará el pueblo de este estado, excepto mediante una ley explícita. Y antes de que se apruebe ninguna ley para recaudarlos, el legislativo tiene que tener claro que el fin para el que se recauda el impuesto debe de ser más beneficioso a la comunidad que si el impuesto no se recaudase; cumpliendo esto, los impuestos nunca podrán ser cargas. Sección XXXVIII. Después de jurar o afirmar lealtad a este estado, todo extranjero de buen carácter que se asiente en él podrá comprar o adquirir por cualquier otro justo medio, poseer y transferir terrenos u otros bienes reales; y después de un año de residencia será considerado un habitante libre con derecho a los mismos derechos que una persona nacida en este estado, excepto que no podrá ser elegido como representante hasta que haya residido dos años. 333



The future legis<strong>la</strong>ture of this State, shall regu<strong>la</strong>te entails, in such manner as to<br />

prevent perpetuities.<br />


To <strong>de</strong>ter more effectually from the commission of crimes, by continued visible<br />

punishment of long duration, and to make sanguinary punishment less necessary;<br />

houses ought to be provi<strong>de</strong>d for punishing, by hard <strong>la</strong>bor, those who shall be<br />

convicted of crimes not capital; wherein the criminal shall be employed for the<br />

benefit of the public, or for reparation of injuries done to private persons; and all<br />

persons, at proper times, shall be admitted to see the prisoners at their <strong>la</strong>bor.<br />


Every officer, whether judicial, executive or military, in authority un<strong>de</strong>r this<br />

State, shall take the following oath or affirmation of allegiance, and general oath<br />

of office, before he enter on the execution of his office.<br />

The Oath or Affirmation of Allegiance<br />

“I __ __ do solemnly swear by the ever living God, (or affirm in the presence<br />

of Almighty God,) that I will be true and faithful to the State of Vermont; and that<br />

I will not, directly or indirectly, do any act or thing, prejudicial or injurious, to<br />

the constitution or government thereof, as established by Convention.”<br />

The Oath or Affirmation of Office<br />

“I ___ ___ do solemnly swear by the ever living God, (or affirm in presence of<br />

Almighty God) that I will faithfully execute the office of __ for the __ of __; and<br />

will do equal right and justice to all men, to the best of my judgment and abilities,<br />

according to <strong>la</strong>w.”<br />


No public tax, custom or contribution shall be imposed upon, or paid by, the<br />

people of this State, except by a <strong>la</strong>w for that purpose; and before any <strong>la</strong>w be ma<strong>de</strong><br />

for raising it, the purpose for which any tax is to be raised ought to appear clear to<br />

the legis<strong>la</strong>ture to be of more service to the community than the money would be,<br />

if not collected; which being well observed, taxes can never be burthens.<br />


Every foreigner of good character, who comes to settle in this State, having<br />

first taken an oath or affirmation of allegiance to the same, may purchase, or by<br />

other just means acquire, hold, and transfer, <strong>la</strong>nd or other real estate; and after<br />

one years resi<strong>de</strong>nce, shall be <strong>de</strong>emed a free <strong>de</strong>nizen thereof, and intitled to all the<br />

rights of a natural born subject of this State; except that he shall not be capable of<br />

being elected a representative, until after two years resi<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />


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