Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU SECTION XV. The style of the laws of this State shall be, – “Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted, by the Representatives of the Freemen of the State of Vermont, in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same.” SECTION XVI. In order that the Freemen of this State might enjoy the benefit of election, as equally as may be, each town within this State, that consists, or may consist, of eighty taxable inhabitants, within out septenary or seven years, next after the establishing this constitution, may hold elections therein, and choose each, two representatives; and each other inhabited town in this State may, in like manner, choose each, one representative, to represent them in General Assembly, during the said septenary or seven years; and after that, each inhabited town may, in like manner, hold such election, and choose each, one representative, forever thereafter. SECTION XVII. The Supreme Executive Council of this State, shall consist of a Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, and twelve persons, chosen in the following manner, viz. The Freemen of each town, shall, on the day of election for choosing representatives to attend the General Assembly, bring in their votes for Governor, with his name fairly written, to the constable, who shall seal them up, and write on them, votes for the Governor, and deliver them to the representative chosen to attend the General Assembly; and, at the opening of the General Assembly, there shall be a committee appointed out of the Council, and Assembly, who, after being duly sworn to the faithful discharge of their trust, shall proceed to receive, sort, and count, the votes for the Governor, and declare the person who has the major part of the votes, to be Governor, for the year ensuing. And if there be no choice made, then the Council and General Assembly, by their joint ballot, shall make choice of a Governor. The Lieutenant Governor and Treasurer, shall be chosen in the manner above directed; and each freeman shall give in twelve votes for twelve councillors, in the same manner; and the twelve highest in nomination shall serve for the ensuing year as Councillors. 11 The Council 12 that shall act in the recess of this Convention, shall supply the place of a Council for the next General Assembly, until the new Council be declared chosen. The Council shall meet annually, at the same time and place with the General Assembly; and every member of the Council shall be a Justice of the Peace for the whole State, by virtue of his office. 11. Thorpe, en nota a pie de página, indica que es el “Council of Safety”. 12. Slade, en nota a pie de página, indica que se está refiriendo al “Council of Safety”. 324

CONSTITUCIÓN DE VERMONT 1777 Sección XV. El título de las leyes de esta comunidad será: “Que sea aprobado, y por tanto aquí lo aprueban los Representantes de los freemen del estado de Vermont, reunidos en Asamblea General, y por la autoridad de la misma”. Sección XVI. Para que los freemen de este estado puedan disfrutar del derecho de elección con la [mayor] igualdad que se pueda, cada municipio de este estado que tenga o pueda tener ochenta habitantes gravables en el septenario o siete años después de que se haya aprobado esta Constitución, podrán celebrar elecciones en él, y elegir en cada uno de ellos a dos representantes; y los demás municipios habitados en este estado podrán, de la misma forma, elegir cada uno a un representante que les represente en la Asamblea General durante dicho septenario o siete años, y después y para siempre, cada municipio habitado podrá celebrar elecciones de la misma forma y elegir cada uno un representante. Sección XVII. El Supremo Consejo Ejecutivo de este estado estará formado por un gobernador, un subgobernador y doce personas, elegidas de la siguiente manera, a saber: Los freemen de cada municipio, el día de votación para elegir representantes a la Asamblea General, llevarán su voto para gobernador, con su nombre claramente escrito, al constable que los sellará y escribirá en ellos: “votos para Gobernador”; y los enviará al representante elegido para la Asamblea General. Y en la inauguración de la Asamblea General se formará un comité designado de entre [miembros] del Consejo y de la Asamblea, miembros que, una vez juramentados adecuadamente para el cumplimiento leal de su encargo, pasarán a recibir, clasificar y contar los votos para gobernador, y anunciarán [el nombre de] la persona que tenga el mayor número de votos para que sea el gobernador el año siguiente. Y si no se hubiera hecho una elección, entonces el Consejo y la Asamblea elegirán al gobernador mediante votación conjunta. El subgobernador y el tesorero serán elegidos de la misma manera indicada más arriba; y de la misma forma cada freeman entregará doce votos para los doce consejeros; y los doce [freemen] con más nominaciones servirán como consejeros al año siguiente. El Consejo que actúe a la clausura de esta Convención, actuará como Consejo para la próxima Asamblea General, hasta que se declare elegido el nuevo Consejo. El Consejo se reunirá anualmente, al mismo tiempo y en el mismo lugar que la Asamblea General; y cada miembro del Consejo será, en virtud de su cargo, juez de paz en todo el estado. 325



The style of the <strong>la</strong>ws of this State shall be, – “Be it enacted, and it is hereby<br />

enacted, by the Representatives of the Freemen of the State of Vermont, in General<br />

Assembly met, and by the authority of the same.”<br />


In or<strong>de</strong>r that the Freemen of this State might enjoy the benefit of election,<br />

as equally as may be, each town within this State, that consists, or may consist,<br />

of eighty taxable inhabitants, within out septenary or seven years, next after the<br />

establishing this constitution, may hold elections therein, and choose each, two<br />

representatives; and each other inhabited town in this State may, in like manner,<br />

choose each, one representative, to represent them in General Assembly, during<br />

the said septenary or seven years; and after that, each inhabited town may, in like<br />

manner, hold such election, and choose each, one representative, forever thereafter.<br />


The Supreme Executive Council of this State, shall consist of a Governor,<br />

Lieutenant-Governor, and twelve persons, chosen in the following manner, viz.<br />

The Freemen of each town, shall, on the day of election for choosing representatives<br />

to attend the General Assembly, bring in their votes for Governor, with his<br />

name fairly written, to the constable, who shall seal them up, and write on them,<br />

votes for the Governor, and <strong>de</strong>liver them to the representative chosen to attend<br />

the General Assembly; and, at the opening of the General Assembly, there shall<br />

be a committee appointed out of the Council, and Assembly, who, after being<br />

duly sworn to the faithful discharge of their trust, shall proceed to receive, sort,<br />

and count, the votes for the Governor, and <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>re the person who has the major<br />

part of the votes, to be Governor, for the year ensuing. And if there be no choice<br />

ma<strong>de</strong>, then the Council and General Assembly, by their joint ballot, shall make<br />

choice of a Governor.<br />

The Lieutenant Governor and Treasurer, shall be chosen in the manner above<br />

directed; and each freeman shall give in twelve votes for twelve councillors, in<br />

the same manner; and the twelve highest in nomination shall serve for the ensuing<br />

year as Councillors. 11<br />

The Council 12 that shall act in the recess of this Convention, shall supply the<br />

p<strong>la</strong>ce of a Council for the next General Assembly, until the new Council be <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>red<br />

chosen. The Council shall meet annually, at the same time and p<strong>la</strong>ce with<br />

the General Assembly; and every member of the Council shall be a Justice of the<br />

Peace for the whole State, by virtue of his office.<br />

11. Thorpe, en nota a pie <strong>de</strong> página, indica que es el “Council of Safety”.<br />

12. S<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong>, en nota a pie <strong>de</strong> página, indica que se está refiriendo al “Council of Safety”.<br />


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