Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU constitutional for the legislature to abolish the same: Provided, Two thirds of the members present in each house, respectively, shall concur therein. And further, that during the continuance of the present war, and until the legislature of this state shall provide for the election of senators and representatives in assembly, by ballot, the said election shall be made viva voce. VII. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have personally resided within one of the counties of this state for six months immediately preceding the day of election, shall, at such election, be entitled to vote for representatives of the said county in assembly; if, during the time aforesaid, he shall have been a freeholder, possessing a freehold of the value of twenty pounds, within the said county, or have rented a tenement therein of the yearly value of forty shillings, and been rated and actually paid taxes to this state: Provided always, That every person who now is a freeman of the city of Albany, or who was made a freeman of the city of New York, on or before the fourteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and shall be actually and usually resident in the said cities respectively, shall be entitled to vote for representatives in assembly within his said place of residence. VIII. That every elector, before he is admitted to vote, shall, if required by the returning officer or either of the inspectors, take an oath, or if of the people called Quakers, an affirmation, of allegiance to the state. IX. That the assembly thus constituted shall choose their own speaker, be judges of their own members, and enjoy the same privileges, and proceed in doing business, in like manner as the assemblies of the colony of New York of right formerly did; and that a majority of the said members shall, from time to time, constitute a house to proceed upon business. X. And this convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this state, o r D A i n, D e T e r m i n e, A n D D e C l A r e, That the senate of the state of New York shall consist of twenty-four freeholders, to be chosen out of the body of the freeholders, and that they be chosen by the freeholders of this state possessed of freeholds of the value of one hundred pounds, over and above all debts charged thereon. XI. That the members of the senate be elected for four years, and immediately after the first election, they be divided by lot into four classes, six in each class, and numbered, one, two, three, four; 14 that the seats of the members of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the first year; the second class the second year; and so on continually, to the end that the fourth part of the senate, as nearly as possible, may be annually chosen. 14. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “and four”. 284

CONSTITUCIÓN DE NUEVA YORK DE 1777 el legislativo pueda abolirla legal y constitucionalmente, siempre que estuvieran de acuerdo [al menos] dos tercios de los miembros presentes en cada cámara. Y además, que mientras dure la presente guerra y hasta que el legislativo de este estado establezca la elección por votación secreta de senadores y representantes en la Asamblea, dichas elecciones se hagan viva voz. VII: Que todo habitante varón [y] mayor de edad, que haya residido personalmente en uno de los condados de este estado seis meses inmediatamente antes del día de las elecciones, tendrá derecho a votar a los representantes de dicho condado en la Asamblea si durante el mencionado periodo hubiera sido freeholder en dicho condado [de bienes] por valor de veinte libras, o haya alquilado una propiedad por un valor anual de cuarenta chelines, y que haya sido gravado y realmente haya pagado impuestos a este estado. Con tal que toda persona que sea ahora freeman de la ciudad de Albany, o que se hubiera hecho freeman de la ciudad de Nueva York antes del 14 de octubre del año de nuestro Señor de 1775, y que sea realmente residente habitual en dichas ciudades, tenga derecho a votar a los representantes en la Asamblea de su lugar de residencia. VIII. Que si lo requiere el oficial de escrutinios o cualquiera de los interventores, todo elector, antes de que se le permita votar, jurará, o si fuera de las personas llamadas cuáqueras afirmará, lealtad al estado. IX: Que la Asamblea así constituida elegirá a su propio presidente, será juez de sus propios miembros, y disfrutará los mismos privilegios y tratará los asuntos de la misma manera que hicieron en derecho anteriormente las Asambleas de la colonia de Nueva York; y que la mayoría de dichos miembros constituirán una cámara para tratar asuntos. X. Y además, en nombre y por la autoridad del buen pueblo de este estado, esta Convención ordena, determina y declara que el Senado del Estado de Nueva York estará formado por veinticuatro freeholders que serán elegidos entre el grupo de freeholders; y que serán elegidos por los freeholders de este estado que posean propiedad valorada en cien libras por encima de todas sus deudas. XI. Que los miembros del Senado serán elegidos por un periodo de cuatro años; e inmediatamente después de la primera elección se dividirán en grupos de cuatro clases, [habiendo] seis [senadores] en cada clase, numeradas una, dos, tres [y] cuatro; que los escaños de los miembros de la primera clase se desalojarán al final del primer año, la segunda clase el segundo año, y así en adelante, a fin de que la cuarta parte del Senado, más o menos, pueda ser elegida anualmente. 285


constitutional for the legis<strong>la</strong>ture to abolish the same: Provi<strong>de</strong>d, Two thirds of the<br />

members present in each house, respectively, shall concur therein. And further,<br />

that during the continuance of the present war, and until the legis<strong>la</strong>ture of this<br />

state shall provi<strong>de</strong> for the election of senators and representatives in assembly, by<br />

ballot, the said election shall be ma<strong>de</strong> viva voce.<br />

VII. That every male inhabitant of full age, who shall have personally resi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

within one of the counties of this state for six months immediately preceding the<br />

day of election, shall, at such election, be entitled to vote for representatives of<br />

the said county in assembly; if, during the time aforesaid, he shall have been a<br />

freehol<strong>de</strong>r, possessing a freehold of the value of twenty pounds, within the said<br />

county, or have rented a tenement therein of the yearly value of forty shillings,<br />

and been rated and actually paid taxes to this state: Provi<strong>de</strong>d always, That every<br />

person who now is a freeman of the city of Albany, or who was ma<strong>de</strong> a freeman<br />

of the city of New York, on or before the fourteenth day of October, in the year<br />

of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five, and shall be actually<br />

and usually resi<strong>de</strong>nt in the said cities respectively, shall be entitled to vote for<br />

representatives in assembly within his said p<strong>la</strong>ce of resi<strong>de</strong>nce.<br />

VIII. That every elector, before he is admitted to vote, shall, if required by the<br />

returning officer or either of the inspectors, take an oath, or if of the people called<br />

Quakers, an affirmation, of allegiance to the state.<br />

IX. That the assembly thus constituted shall choose their own speaker, be<br />

judges of their own members, and enjoy the same privileges, and proceed in doing<br />

business, in like manner as the assemblies of the colony of New York of right<br />

formerly did; and that a majority of the said members shall, from time to time,<br />

constitute a house to proceed upon business.<br />

X. And this convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the<br />

good people of this state, o r D A i n, D e T e r m i n e, A n D D e C l A r e, That the senate of the<br />

state of New York shall consist of twenty-four freehol<strong>de</strong>rs, to be chosen out of the<br />

body of the freehol<strong>de</strong>rs, and that they be chosen by the freehol<strong>de</strong>rs of this state<br />

possessed of freeholds of the value of one hundred pounds, over and above all<br />

<strong>de</strong>bts charged thereon.<br />

XI. That the members of the senate be elected for four years, and immediately<br />

after the first election, they be divi<strong>de</strong>d by lot into four c<strong>la</strong>sses, six in each c<strong>la</strong>ss,<br />

and numbered, one, two, three, four; 14 that the seats of the members of the first<br />

c<strong>la</strong>ss shall be vacated at the expiration of the first year; the second c<strong>la</strong>ss the second<br />

year; and so on continually, to the end that the fourth part of the senate, as<br />

nearly as possible, may be annually chosen.<br />

14. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “and four”.<br />


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