Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU in the reign of Charles the Second; unless otherwise altered by any future Act of the legislature. LII. A Register of Probates shall be appointed by the legislature in every county, for proving wills, and granting letters of administration. LIII. All civil officers in each county shall be annually elected on the day of the general election, except Justices of the Peace, and Registers of Probates, who shall be appointed by the house of Assembly. LIV. Schools shall be erected in each county, and supported at the general expense of the State, as the legislature shall hereafter point out. LV. A court-house and gaol 24 shall be erected at the public expence in each county, where the present Convention, or the future legislature shall point out and direct. LVI. All persons whatever shall have the free exercise of their religion, provided it be not repugnant to the peace and safety of the State; and shall not, unless by consent, support any teacher or teachers, except those of their own profession. LVII. The Great Seal of this State shall have the following device: on one side a scroll, whereon shall be engraved, The Constitution of the State of Georgia, and the motto, Pro bono publico; on the other side an elegant house and other buildings, fields of corn, and meadows covered with sheep and cattle; a river running thro’ the same, with a ship under full sail, and the motto, Deus nobis hæc otia fecit. LVIII. No person shall be allowed to plead in the courts of law in this State, except those who are authorized so to do by the house of Assembly; and if any person so authorized shall be found guilty of mal-practice before the house of Assembly, they shall have power to suspend them. This is not intended to exclude any person from that inherent privilege of every freeman, the liberty to plead his own cause. LIX. Excessive fines shall not be levied, not excessive bail demanded. LX. The principles of the Habeas Corpus Act shall be a part of this Constitution. LXI. Freedom of the press, and trial by jury, to remain inviolate forever. LXII. No Clergyman, of any denomination, shall be allowed a seat in the legislature. LXIII. No alteration shall be made in this Constitution without petitions from 24. En Poore y Thorpe “jail”. 262

CONSTITUCIÓN DE GEORGIA 1777 durante el reinado de Carlos II, a menos que sea modificada por una ley futura del legislativo. LII. El legislativo establecerá en cada condado un registro de últimas voluntades para comprobar los testamentos y los mandamientos de administración. LIII. Todos los oficiales civiles de cada condado se elegirán anualmente el día de las elecciones generales, excepto los jueces de paz y los registradores de últimas voluntades que serán nombrados por la Cámara de la Asamblea. LIV. Se levantarán escuelas en todos los condados, que serán financiadas a cargo del estado como el legislativo lo determine más adelante. LV. Donde indique y determine la Convención actual o el legislativo futuro, se edificarán con dineros públicos en cada condado un juzgado y una cárcel. LVI. Todas las personas podrán practicar libremente su religión siempre que no sea contraria a la paz y seguridad del estado. Y a menos que lo acepten no tendrán que financiar ningún maestro excepto a los de su misma religión. LVII. El gran sello de este estado tendrá el siguiente emblema: por un lado un rollo en el que esté escrito “La Constitución del Estado de Georgia” y el lema Pro bono publico 25 . En el otro lado una casa elegante y otros edificios, campos de maíz y prados cubiertos con ovejas y ganado, un río que corra por ellos con un barco a toda vela y el lema Deus nobis haec otia fecit. 26 LVIII. No se permitirá a nadie ejercer la abogacía ante los tribunales de derecho de este estado excepto a los autorizados a hacerlo por la Cámara de la Asamblea. Y si una persona autorizada fuera declarada culpable de negligencia por la Cámara de la Asamblea, ésta tendrá potestad para inhabilitarla. Esto no pretende excluir a nadie del derecho inherente de todo freeman a defender su propia causa. LIX. No se impondrán multas excesivas ni se exigirán fianzas excesivas. LX. Los principios de la ley de habeas corpus serán parte de esta Constitución. LXI. La libertad de prensa y el juicio por jurado nunca se profanarán. LXII. A ningún clérigo de ninguna confesión se le permitirá ocupar un escaño en el legislativo. LXIII. No se hará ninguna modificación a esta Constitución sin que lo soliciten 25. “Para el bien general”. 26. “Dios lo hizo para nuestra felicidad”. 263


in the reign of Charles the Second; unless otherwise altered by any future Act of<br />

the legis<strong>la</strong>ture.<br />

LII. A Register of Probates shall be appointed by the legis<strong>la</strong>ture in every county,<br />

for proving wills, and granting letters of administration.<br />

LIII. All civil officers in each county shall be annually elected on the day of<br />

the general election, except Justices of the Peace, and Registers of Probates, who<br />

shall be appointed by the house of Assembly.<br />

LIV. Schools shall be erected in each county, and supported at the general<br />

expense of the State, as the legis<strong>la</strong>ture shall hereafter point out.<br />

LV. A court-house and gaol 24 shall be erected at the public expence in each<br />

county, where the present Convention, or the future legis<strong>la</strong>ture shall point out<br />

and direct.<br />

LVI. All persons whatever shall have the free exercise of their religion, provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

it be not repugnant to the peace and safety of the State; and shall not, unless<br />

by consent, support any teacher or teachers, except those of their own profession.<br />

LVII. The Great Seal of this State shall have the following <strong>de</strong>vice: on one si<strong>de</strong><br />

a scroll, whereon shall be engraved, The Constitution of the State of Georgia, and<br />

the motto, Pro bono publico; on the other si<strong>de</strong> an elegant house and other buildings,<br />

fields of corn, and meadows covered with sheep and cattle; a river running<br />

thro’ the same, with a ship un<strong>de</strong>r full sail, and the motto, Deus nobis hæc otia<br />

fecit.<br />

LVIII. No person shall be allowed to plead in the courts of <strong>la</strong>w in this State,<br />

except those who are authorized so to do by the house of Assembly; and if any<br />

person so authorized shall be found guilty of mal-practice before the house of<br />

Assembly, they shall have power to suspend them. This is not inten<strong>de</strong>d to exclu<strong>de</strong><br />

any person from that inherent privilege of every freeman, the liberty to plead his<br />

own cause.<br />

LIX. Excessive fines shall not be levied, not excessive bail <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

LX. The principles of the Habeas <strong>Corpus</strong> Act shall be a part of this Constitution.<br />

LXI. Freedom of the press, and trial by jury, to remain invio<strong>la</strong>te forever.<br />

LXII. No Clergyman, of any <strong>de</strong>nomination, shall be allowed a seat in the<br />

legis<strong>la</strong>ture.<br />

LXIII. No alteration shall be ma<strong>de</strong> in this Constitution without petitions from<br />

24. En Poore y Thorpe “jail”.<br />


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