Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU XLI. The jury shall be judges of law, as well as of fact, and shall not be allowed to bring in a special verdict; but if all or any of the jury have any doubts concerning points of law, they shall apply to the bench, who shall each of them in rotation give their opinion. XLII. The jury shall be sworn to bring in a verdict according to law, and the opinion they entertain of the evidence; provided it be not repugnant to the rules and regulations contained in this Constitution. XLIII. The special jury shall be sworn to bring in a verdict according to law, and the opinion they entertain of the evidence, provided it be not repugnant to justice, equity and conscience, and the rules and regulations contained in this Constitution, of which they shall judge. XLIV. Captures both by sea and land to be tried in the county where such shall be carried in: a special court to be called by the Chief-justice, or, in his absence, by the then senior Justice in the said county, upon application of the captors or claimants, which cause shall be determined within the space of ten days. The mode of proceeding and appeal shall be the same as in the Superior Courts, unless after the second trial an appeal is made to the Continental Congress; and the distance of time between the first and second trial shall not exceed fourteen days; and all maritime causes to be tried in like manner. XLV. No grand-jury shall consist of less than eighteen; and twelve may find a bill. XLVI. That the Court of Conscience be continued as heretofore practiced, and that the jurisdiction thereof be extended to try causes not amounting to more than ten pounds. XLVII. All executions exceeding five pounds, except in the case of a courtmerchant, shall be stayed until the first Monday in March; provided security be given for debt and costs. XLVIII. All the costs attending any action in the Superior Court shall not exceed the sum of three pounds, and that no cause be allowed to depend in the Superior Court longer than two terms. XLIX. Every officer of the State shall be liable to be called to account by the house of Assembly. L. Every county shall keep the public records belonging to the same; and authenticated copies of the several records, now in the possession of this State, shall be made out, and deposited in that county to which they belong. LI. Estates shall not be entailed; and when a person dies intestate, his or her estate shall be divided, according 22 to the act of distribution made 22. En Poore y Thorpe “equally among their children; the widow shall have a child’s share, or her dower, at her option; all other intestates’ estates to be divided”. 260

CONSTITUCIÓN DE GEORGIA 1777 XLI. El jurado serán jueces del derecho así como de los hechos, y no se les permitirá producir un veredicto especial; pero si todos o alguno de los jurados tiene cualquier duda sobre el derecho, lo indicarán a los miembros del tribunal que rotarán para dar cada uno su opinión. XLII. El jurado jurará emitir un veredicto conforme a derecho y la conclusión a que han llegado de las pruebas, siempre que no sea contraria a las reglas y regulaciones contenidas en esta Constitución. XLIII. El jurado especial jurará emitir un veredicto conforme a derecho y la conclusión a que han llegado de las pruebas, siempre que no sea contraria a la justicia, a la equidad y conciencia y a las reglas y regulaciones contenidas en esta Constitución, de la que serán jueces. XLIV. Los capturados, tanto en el mar como en tierra, serán juzgados en el condado donde se les capture; a petición de los captores o demandantes, el juez presidente, o en su ausencia el juez más antiguo en dicho condado, formará un tribunal especial que resolverá la causa en el espacio de diez días. La forma del proceso y de la apelación será la misma que en los tribunales superiores a menos que después de la segunda instancia se haga una apelación al Congreso Continental. Y el tiempo entre el primer y segundo juicio no será más de catorce días. Y todas las causas marítimas se enjuiciarán de la misma forma. XLV. Ningún gran jurado estará formado por menos de dieciocho [jurados]; y doce [jurados] pueden resolver una demanda. XLVI. Que el tribunal de equidad continuará como hasta ahora se ha ejercido, y que su jurisdicción se extenderá para enjuiciar casos de no más de diez libras. XLVII. Los procesos de más de cinco libras, excepto en el caso de los tribunales mercantiles, se pospondrán hasta el primer lunes de marzo siempre que se depositen fianzas por lo debido y por las costas. XLVIII. Todas las costas por llevar cualquier acción ante el Tribunal Superior no excederán la cantidad de tres libras, y ninguna causa podrá estar pendiente en el Tribunal Superior más de dos sesiones. XLIX. Todo oficial del estado podrá ser convocado a declarar en la Cámara de la Asamblea. L. Todo condado guardará sus actas públicas, y se harán copias autenticadas de varias actas que ahora están en posesión de este estado y se depositarán en el condado al que pertenecen. LI. Los patrimonios no se otorgarán a los mayorazgos, y cuando una persona fallezca intestada su patrimonio se dividirá según 23 la ley de distribución hecha 23. En Poore y Thorpe “ dividirá entre sus hijos por igual; la viuda tendrá, a su elección, una parte como los hijos o su dote; todos los demás patrimonios intestados se dividirán según...”. 261


XLI. The jury shall be judges of <strong>la</strong>w, as well as of fact, and shall not be allowed<br />

to bring in a special verdict; but if all or any of the jury have any doubts<br />

concerning points of <strong>la</strong>w, they shall apply to the bench, who shall each of them in<br />

rotation give their opinion.<br />

XLII. The jury shall be sworn to bring in a verdict according to <strong>la</strong>w, and the<br />

opinion they entertain of the evi<strong>de</strong>nce; provi<strong>de</strong>d it be not repugnant to the rules<br />

and regu<strong>la</strong>tions contained in this Constitution.<br />

XLIII. The special jury shall be sworn to bring in a verdict according to <strong>la</strong>w,<br />

and the opinion they entertain of the evi<strong>de</strong>nce, provi<strong>de</strong>d it be not repugnant to<br />

justice, equity and conscience, and the rules and regu<strong>la</strong>tions contained in this<br />

Constitution, of which they shall judge.<br />

XLIV. Captures both by sea and <strong>la</strong>nd to be tried in the county where such shall<br />

be carried in: a special court to be called by the Chief-justice, or, in his absence,<br />

by the then senior Justice in the said county, upon application of the captors or<br />

c<strong>la</strong>imants, which cause shall be <strong>de</strong>termined within the space of ten days. The<br />

mo<strong>de</strong> of proceeding and appeal shall be the same as in the Superior Courts, unless<br />

after the second trial an appeal is ma<strong>de</strong> to the Continental Congress; and the<br />

distance of time between the first and second trial shall not exceed fourteen days;<br />

and all maritime causes to be tried in like manner.<br />

XLV. No grand-jury shall consist of less than eighteen; and twelve may find<br />

a bill.<br />

XLVI. That the Court of Conscience be continued as heretofore practiced, and<br />

that the jurisdiction thereof be exten<strong>de</strong>d to try causes not amounting to more than<br />

ten pounds.<br />

XLVII. All executions exceeding five pounds, except in the case of a courtmerchant,<br />

shall be stayed until the first Monday in March; provi<strong>de</strong>d security be<br />

given for <strong>de</strong>bt and costs.<br />

XLVIII. All the costs attending any action in the Superior Court shall not exceed<br />

the sum of three pounds, and that no cause be allowed to <strong>de</strong>pend in the<br />

Superior Court longer than two terms.<br />

XLIX. Every officer of the State shall be liable to be called to account by the<br />

house of Assembly.<br />

L. Every county shall keep the public records belonging to the same; and authenticated<br />

copies of the several records, now in the possession of this State, shall<br />

be ma<strong>de</strong> out, and <strong>de</strong>posited in that county to which they belong.<br />

LI. Estates shall not be entailed; and when a person dies intestate, his<br />

or her estate shall be divi<strong>de</strong>d, according 22 to the act of distribution ma<strong>de</strong><br />

22. En Poore y Thorpe “equally among their children; the widow shall have a child’s share, or<br />

her dower, at her option; all other intestates’ estates to be divi<strong>de</strong>d”.<br />


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