Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU county of Chatham. The second Tuesday in March, in the county of Effingham. The third Tuesday in March, in the county of Burke. The fourth Tuesday in March, in the county of Richmond. The next Tuesday, in the county of Wilkes. And Tuesday fortnight, in the county of Liberty. The next Tuesday, in the county of Glyn. And 18 the next Tuesday, in the county of Camden. The like courts to commence in October, and continue as above. XXXVII. All causes and matters of dispute between any parties residing in the same county, to be tried within the county. XXXVIII. All matters in dispute between contending parties residing in different counties, shall be tried in the county where the defendant resides; except in cases of real estate, which shall be tried in the county where such real estate lies. XXXIX. All matters of breach of the peace, felony, murder, and treason against the State, to be tried in the county where the crime 19 was committed. All matters of dispute, both civil and criminal, in any county where there is not a sufficient number of inhabitants to form a court, shall be tried in the next adjacent county where a court is held. XL. All causes, of what nature soever, shall be tried in the Superior 20 court, except as hereafter mentioned; which court shall consist of the Chief-justice, and three or more of the Justices residing in the county. In case of the absence of the Chief-justice, the senior Justice on the bench shall act as Chief-justice, with the Clerk of the county, Attorney for the State, Sheriff, Coroner, Constable, and the jurors. And in case of the absence of any of the aforementioned officers, the Justices on the bench 21 to appoint others in their room pro tempore. And if any plaintiff or defendant in civil causes shall be dissatisfied with the determination of the jury, then, and in that case, they shall be at liberty within three days to enter an appeal from that verdict, and demand a new trial by a special jury, to be nominated as follows, viz. each party, plaintiff and defendant, shall chuse six, six more names shall be taken indifferently out of a box provided for that purpose, the whole eighteen to be summoned, and their names to be put together into the box, and the first twelve that are drawn out, being present, shall be the special jury to try the cause, and from which there shall be no appeal. 18. Falta “And” en Poore y Thorpe. 19. En Poore y Thorpe “same”. 20. En Poore y Thorpe “supreme”. 21. Falta “on the bench” en Poore y Thorpe. 258

CONSTITUCIÓN DE GEORGIA 1777 el condado de Chatham. El segundo martes de marzo en el condado de Effingham. El tercer martes de marzo en el condado de Burke. El cuarto martes de marzo en el condado de Richmond. El martes siguiente en el condado de Wilkes. Y el martes en quince días en el condado de Liberty. El siguiente martes en el condado de Glyn. Y el siguiente martes el condado de Camden. Los mismos tribunales se reunirán en octubre y continuarán [en el orden que] antes se ha indicado. XXXVII. Todas las causas y disputas entre partes que residan en el mismo condado se enjuiciarán en dicho condado. XXXVIII. Todos los asuntos en disputa entre partes rivales que residan en diferentes condados se enjuiciarán en el condado en que resida el demandado, excepto en los casos de bienes reales que serán juzgados en el condado donde se encuentre dicho bien real. XXXIX: Todas las causas por violación de la paz, delito, homicidio y traición contra el estado serán enjuiciadas en el condado donde se cometió el delito. Todas las disputas civiles o penales [planteadas] en un condado en el que no hubiera un número suficiente de habitantes para formar un juzgado se enjuiciarán en el condado adyacente en el que se forme un tribunal. XL. Todas las causas de la naturaleza que sean, excepto las mencionadas anteriormente, serán enjuiciadas en el Tribunal Superior, que estará formado por el juez presidente y tres o más de los jueces que residan en el condado. En el caso de ausencia del juez presidente, el juez más antiguo actuará como juez presidente, con el secretario del condado, el fiscal del Estado, el sheriff, el coroner, el constable y los jurados; y en el caso de ausencia de alguno de los oficiales mencionados los jueces nombrarán temporalmente a otros en su lugar. Y si algún demandante o demandado en las causas civiles no estuviera conforme con la elección del jurado, entonces y en ese caso, tendrá derecho a interponer en tres días un recurso contra esa decisión y exigir un nuevo juicio con un jurado especial nombrado como sigue, a saber: cada parte, demandante y demandado, elegirá a seis [miembros del jurado], seis nombres más se elegirán de una urna facilitada a tal fin, siendo los dieciocho convocados y sus nombre puestos en la urna, y los primeros doce que se saquen, y estén presentes, constituirán el jurado especial para enjuiciar la causa y contra el que no habrá apelación. 259


county of Chatham.<br />

The second Tuesday in March, in the county of Effingham.<br />

The third Tuesday in March, in the county of Burke.<br />

The fourth Tuesday in March, in the county of Richmond.<br />

The next Tuesday, in the county of Wilkes.<br />

And Tuesday fortnight, in the county of Liberty.<br />

The next Tuesday, in the county of Glyn.<br />

And 18 the next Tuesday, in the county of Cam<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

The like courts to commence in October, and continue as above.<br />

XXXVII. All causes and matters of dispute between any parties residing in the<br />

same county, to be tried within the county.<br />

XXXVIII. All matters in dispute between contending parties residing in different<br />

counties, shall be tried in the county where the <strong>de</strong>fendant resi<strong>de</strong>s; except<br />

in cases of real estate, which shall be tried in the county where such real estate<br />

lies.<br />

XXXIX. All matters of breach of the peace, felony, mur<strong>de</strong>r, and treason against<br />

the State, to be tried in the county where the crime 19 was committed. All matters<br />

of dispute, both civil and criminal, in any county where there is not a sufficient<br />

number of inhabitants to form a court, shall be tried in the next adjacent county<br />

where a court is held.<br />

XL. All causes, of what nature soever, shall be tried in the Superior 20 court,<br />

except as hereafter mentioned; which court shall consist of the Chief-justice, and<br />

three or more of the Justices residing in the county. In case of the absence of<br />

the Chief-justice, the senior Justice on the bench shall act as Chief-justice, with<br />

the Clerk of the county, Attorney for the State, Sheriff, Coroner, Constable, and<br />

the jurors. And in case of the absence of any of the aforementioned officers, the<br />

Justices on the bench 21 to appoint others in their room pro tempore. And if any<br />

p<strong>la</strong>intiff or <strong>de</strong>fendant in civil causes shall be dissatisfied with the <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

of the jury, then, and in that case, they shall be at liberty within three days to<br />

enter an appeal from that verdict, and <strong>de</strong>mand a new trial by a special jury, to be<br />

nominated as follows, viz. each party, p<strong>la</strong>intiff and <strong>de</strong>fendant, shall chuse six, six<br />

more names shall be taken indifferently out of a box provi<strong>de</strong>d for that purpose,<br />

the whole eighteen to be summoned, and their names to be put together into the<br />

box, and the first twelve that are drawn out, being present, shall be the special jury<br />

to try the cause, and from which there shall be no appeal.<br />

18. Falta “And” en Poore y Thorpe.<br />

19. En Poore y Thorpe “same”.<br />

20. En Poore y Thorpe “supreme”.<br />

21. Falta “on the bench” en Poore y Thorpe.<br />


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