Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU offered to them by the house of Assembly. XXIII. The governor shall be chosen annually by ballot, and shall not be eligible to the said office for more than one year out of three, nor shall he hold any military commission under any other State or States. The governor shall reside at such place as the house of Assembly for the time being shall appoint. XXIV. The Governor’s oath: “I, A. B, elected Governor of the State of Georgia, by the Representatives thereof, do solemnly promise and swear, that I will, during the term of my appointment, to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the said office faithfully and conscientiously, according to law, without favor, affection, or partiality; that I will to the utmost of my power support, maintain, and defend the State of Georgia, and the Constitution of the same; and use my utmost endeavours to protect the people thereof in the secure enjoyment of all their rights, franchises and privileges; and that the laws and ordinances of the State be duly observed, and that law and justice in mercy be executed in all judgments. And I do further solemnly promise and swear, that I will peaceably and quietly resign the government to which I have been elected, at the period to which my continuance in the said office is limited by the Constitution. And lastly, I do also solemnly swear, that I have not accepted of the government, whereunto I am elected, contrary to the articles of this Constitution. So help me, God.” This oath to be administered to him by the Speaker of the Assembly. The same oath to be administered by the Speaker to the President of the Council. No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor who has not resided three years in this State. XXV. The Executive Council shall meet the day after their election, and proceed to the choice of a President out of their own body; they shall have power to appoint their own officers, and settle their own rules of proceedings. The Council shall always vote by counties, and not individually. XXVI. Every Councillor, being present, shall have power of entering his protest against any measures in Council he has not consented to, provided he does it within 14 three days. XXVII. During the sitting of the Assembly, the whole of the Executive Council shall attend, unless prevented by sickness, or some other urgent necessity; and in that case, a majority of the Council shall make a Board, to examine the laws and ordinances sent them by the house of Assembly; and all laws and ordinances 14. En Poore y Thorpe “in”. 254

CONSTITUCIÓN DE GEORGIA 1777 enviadas por la Cámara de la Asamblea. XXIII. El gobernador será elegido anualmente por votación, y no será elegible para tal cargo más de un año cada tres, ni podrá ocupar ningún otro cargo militar en otro estado o estados. El gobernador residirá en el lugar que decida la Cámara de la Asamblea en ese momento. XXIV. Juramento del gobernador: “Yo, [nombre], elegido gobernador del Estado de Georgia por sus representantes, solemnemente prometo y juro que durante el término de mi nombramiento ejecutaré dicho cargo según mi mejor capacidad y juicio, fiel y concienzudamente conforme con la ley, sin favoritismos, partidismos ni parcialidades; que con todo mi poder respaldaré, guardaré y defenderé al Estado de Georgia y a su Constitución; y utilizaré todos mis esfuerzos para proteger a su pueblo en el disfrute garantizado de todos sus derechos, concesiones y privilegios; y que las leyes y decretos del estado se cumplirán debidamente, y que la ley y la justicia se ejercerán con clemencia en todas las sentencias. Y además juro y prometo solemnemente que, al final del periodo limitado por la Constitución, dejaré pacífica y tranquilamente el gobierno para el que he sido elegido. Y por último también juro solemnemente que no he aceptado el gobierno para el que he sido elegido en contra de los artículos de esta Constitución. Y que Dios me ayude. Este juramento se lo tomará el presidente de la Asamblea. El mismo juramento se lo tomará el presidente [de la Asamblea] al presidente del Consejo. Nadie será elegible para el cargo de gobernador si no ha residido tres años en este estado. XXV. El Consejo ejecutivo se reunirá el día después de su elección y procederá a la elección de un presidente entre sus propios miembros; tendrá la potestad de nombrar sus propios oficiales y establecer sus propias reglas de procedimiento. El Consejo votará siempre por condados y no individualmente. XXVI. Todo consejero presente tendrá la potestad de incluir su queja contra cualquier medida del Consejo que él no haya refrendado, siempre que lo haga dentro de los tres días siguientes [a la votación]. XXVII. Durante la sesión de la Asamblea todos [los miembros] del Consejo ejecutivo deberán asistir a menos que no puedan por enfermedad o alguna otra necesidad urgente; y en ese caso una mayoría del Consejo compondrán una mesa para examinar las leyes o decretos que les envíe la Cámara de la Asamblea; y todas las leyes y decretos 255


offered to them by the house of Assembly.<br />

XXIII. The governor shall be chosen annually by ballot, and shall not be eligible<br />

to the said office for more than one year out of three, nor shall he hold any<br />

military commission un<strong>de</strong>r any other State or States.<br />

The governor shall resi<strong>de</strong> at such p<strong>la</strong>ce as the house of Assembly for the time<br />

being shall appoint.<br />

XXIV. The Governor’s oath:<br />

“I, A. B, elected Governor of the State of Georgia, by the Representatives<br />

thereof, do solemnly promise and swear, that I will, during the term of my appointment,<br />

to the best of my skill and judgment, execute the said office faithfully<br />

and conscientiously, according to <strong>la</strong>w, without favor, affection, or partiality;<br />

that I will to the utmost of my power support, maintain, and <strong>de</strong>fend the State of<br />

Georgia, and the Constitution of the same; and use my utmost en<strong>de</strong>avours to<br />

protect the people thereof in the secure enjoyment of all their rights, franchises<br />

and privileges; and that the <strong>la</strong>ws and ordinances of the State be duly observed,<br />

and that <strong>la</strong>w and justice in mercy be executed in all judgments. And I do further<br />

solemnly promise and swear, that I will peaceably and quietly resign the government<br />

to which I have been elected, at the period to which my continuance in the<br />

said office is limited by the Constitution. And <strong>la</strong>stly, I do also solemnly swear,<br />

that I have not accepted of the government, whereunto I am elected, contrary to<br />

the articles of this Constitution. So help me, God.”<br />

This oath to be administered to him by the Speaker of the Assembly.<br />

The same oath to be administered by the Speaker to the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Council.<br />

No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor who has not resi<strong>de</strong>d three<br />

years in this State.<br />

XXV. The Executive Council shall meet the day after their election, and proceed<br />

to the choice of a Presi<strong>de</strong>nt out of their own body; they shall have power to<br />

appoint their own officers, and settle their own rules of proceedings.<br />

The Council shall always vote by counties, and not individually.<br />

XXVI. Every Councillor, being present, shall have power of entering his protest<br />

against any measures in Council he has not consented to, provi<strong>de</strong>d he does it<br />

within 14 three days.<br />

XXVII. During the sitting of the Assembly, the whole of the Executive Council<br />

shall attend, unless prevented by sickness, or some other urgent necessity; and<br />

in that case, a majority of the Council shall make a Board, to examine the <strong>la</strong>ws<br />

and ordinances sent them by the house of Assembly; and all <strong>la</strong>ws and ordinances<br />

14. En Poore y Thorpe “in”.<br />


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