Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU and that only, should be esteemed the Southern boundary of this State, as follows: that is to say, beginning on the sea side, at a Cedar stake, at or near the mouth of Little River, being the southern extremity of Brunswick county, and running from thence, a north-west course through the boundary house, which stands in thirty-three degrees fifty-six minutes, to thirty-five degrees north latitude; and from thence a west course, so far as is mentioned in the Charter of king Charles the Second, to the late proprietors of Carolina. Therefore, all the territories, seas, waters and harbors, with their appurtenances, lying between the line above described, and the southern line of the State of Virginia, which begins on the sea shore in thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, and from thence runs west, agreeable to the said Charter of king Charles, are the right and property of the people of this State, to be held by them in sovereignty, any partial line without the consent of the Legislature of this State, at any time thereafter directed or laid out, in any wise notwithstanding. Provided always, That this declaration of right 8 shall not prejudge 9 any nation or nations of Indians from enjoying such hunting grounds, as may have been, or hereafter shall be secured to them by any former or future Legislature of this State. And provided also, That it shall not be construed so as to prevent the establishment of one or more Governments westward of this State, by consent of the Legislature. And provided further, That nothing herein contained, shall affect the titles or possessions of individuals, holding or claiming under the laws heretofore in force, or grants heretofore made by the late king George the Third, 10 or his predecessors, or the late Lords Proprietors or any of them. December the seventeenth day, Anno Dom. one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-six, read the third time and ratified in open Congress} R, CASWELL, Prest. JA m e s Gr e e n, Ju n. Secretary. 8. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “Rights”. 9. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “prejudice”. 10. En Jackson y Poore “II”, y en Thorpe “Second”. 226

CONSTITUCIÓN DE CAROLINA DEL NORTE 1776 y sólo esa, deberá ser considerada la frontera sur de este estado como sigue: es decir, que comienza en el lado del mar, en un poste de cedro, en o cerca de la desembocadura del río Little (que es la extremidad más al sur del condado de Brunswick), y transcurre desde allí con dirección noroeste a través de la casa de la frontera, que está situada a 33 grados [y] 56 minutos, hasta 35 grados de latitud norte; y desde allí en dirección oeste hasta donde se indica en la carta del rey Carlos II a los Propietarios de Carolina. Y por tanto, todos los territorios, mares, aguas [interiores] y puertos, con sus accesorios, que se encuentren entre la frontera descrita y la frontera sur del estado de Virginia, que comienza en la costa del mar, a 36 grados [y] 30 minutos de latitud norte, y desde allí transcurre al oeste, de conformidad con la mencionada carta del rey Carlos, son el derecho y propiedad del pueblo de este estado para que los ocupe soberanamente; a pesar de cualquier frontera parcial que en el futuro se disponga o se trace sin el consentimiento del Legislativo de este estado. Considerando siempre, que esta Declaración de Derechos no impedirá a ninguna nación india disfrutar los cazaderos que se le hayan garantizado, o se les garantice en el futuro, por algún Legislativo de este estado pasado o futuro. Y considerando también que no se interpretará que [esta Declaración de Derechos] impide la formación de uno o más gobiernos al oeste de este estado, con el consentimiento del Legislativo. Y considerando además que nada contenido aquí afectará a los títulos o posesiones que los individuos tengan o reclamen según las leyes hasta ahora vigentes, o según concesiones hechas anteriormente por el anterior rey Jorge III, o sus predecesores, o los anteriores Lores Propietarios [de la colonia], o cualquiera de todos ellos. Leído por tercera vez y ratificado en Congreso abierto el día 17 de diciembre del año del señor 1776} R. Caswell, Presidente. James Green, Jun., Secretario. 227


and that only, should be esteemed the Southern boundary of this State, as follows:<br />

that is to say, beginning on the sea si<strong>de</strong>, at a Cedar stake, at or near the mouth<br />

of Little River, being the southern extremity of Brunswick county, and running<br />

from thence, a north-west course through the boundary house, which stands in<br />

thirty-three <strong>de</strong>grees fifty-six minutes, to thirty-five <strong>de</strong>grees north <strong>la</strong>titu<strong>de</strong>; and<br />

from thence a west course, so far as is mentioned in the Charter of king Charles<br />

the Second, to the <strong>la</strong>te proprietors of Carolina. Therefore, all the territories, seas,<br />

waters and harbors, with their appurtenances, lying between the line above <strong>de</strong>scribed,<br />

and the southern line of the State of Virginia, which begins on the sea<br />

shore in thirty-six <strong>de</strong>grees thirty minutes north <strong>la</strong>titu<strong>de</strong>, and from thence runs<br />

west, agreeable to the said Charter of king Charles, are the right and property of<br />

the people of this State, to be held by them in sovereignty, any partial line without<br />

the consent of the Legis<strong>la</strong>ture of this State, at any time thereafter directed or <strong>la</strong>id<br />

out, in any wise notwithstanding. Provi<strong>de</strong>d always, That this <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>ration of right 8<br />

shall not prejudge 9 any nation or nations of Indians from enjoying such hunting<br />

grounds, as may have been, or hereafter shall be secured to them by any former or<br />

future Legis<strong>la</strong>ture of this State. And provi<strong>de</strong>d also, That it shall not be construed<br />

so as to prevent the establishment of one or more Governments westward of this<br />

State, by consent of the Legis<strong>la</strong>ture. And provi<strong>de</strong>d further, That nothing herein<br />

contained, shall affect the titles or possessions of individuals, holding or c<strong>la</strong>iming<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the <strong>la</strong>ws heretofore in force, or grants heretofore ma<strong>de</strong> by the <strong>la</strong>te king<br />

George the Third, 10 or his pre<strong>de</strong>cessors, or the <strong>la</strong>te Lords Proprietors or any of<br />

them.<br />

December the seventeenth day, Anno Dom. one thousand, seven hundred and<br />

seventy-six, read the third time and ratified in open Congress} R, CASWELL,<br />

Prest.<br />

JA m e s Gr e e n, Ju n. Secretary.<br />

8. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “Rights”.<br />

9. En Jackson, Poore y Thorpe “prejudice”.<br />

10. En Jackson y Poore “II”, y en Thorpe “Second”.<br />


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