Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU Worcester county. That the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the city of Annapolis, or any three or more of them, be judges of and hold the elections for the city of Annapolis. That John Merryman, jun. James Calhoun, and Benjamin Griffin, Esquires, or any two or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Baltimore-Town. That a clerk or clerks be appointed by the said judges for taking the polls at the said elections. That every judge of the election, before he proceeds to take or receive any vote, shall take the following oath or affirmation, to wit, “I, A. B. do swear or affirm, that I will permit all persons to vote, who shall offer to poll at the elections now to be held for ___ county, ___ city, or ___ town, who in my judgment shall, according to the directions contained in the form of government, be entitled to poll at the same election and that I will not admit any person to poll at the same election, who before his voting shall be objected against by any three of the electors, if such person is not in my judgment qualified to vote as aforesaid, and will in all things execute the office of judge of the said elections according to the best of my knowledge, without favour or partiality. So help me God.” That every clerk, before he enters any vote in the polls, shall take the following oath, to wit, “I, A. B. do declare, that I will well and faithfully, without favour, affection, or partiality, execute the office of clerk of the elections for ___ county, the city of Annapolis, or Baltimore-Town, according to the best of my knowledge. So help me God.” 45 This form of government was assented to and passed in Convention of the delegates of the freemen of Maryland, begun and held at the city of Annapolis, the 14th day of August, anno domini 1776. By order of the Convention. MATThEW TILGhMAN, President. 45. Falta todo el párrafo en Jackson, Poore y Thorpe. 218

CONSTITUCIÓN DE MARYLAND 1776 Worcester. Que el alcalde, el registrador y los concejales de la ciudad de Annapolis, o cualesquiera tres o más de ellos serán los jueces de las elecciones y las celebrará en la ciudad de Annapolis. Que John Merryman Junior, James Calhoun y Benjamin Griffin, Esquires, o cualesquiera dos o uno de ellos será el juez de las elecciones y las celebrará en el municipio de Baltimore. Que dichos jueces designarán uno o [más] secretarios para que anoten los resultados de dichas elecciones. Que cada juez electoral, antes de empezar a tomar o recibir los votos hará el siguiente juramento o promesa, a saber: “Yo, [nombre], juro o prometo que permitiré votar a todas las personas que se ofrezcan a votar en las elecciones celebradas ahora en el condado ___, en la ciudad ___, o municipio ___, que según las instrucciones contenidas en la forma de gobierno tengan a mi juicio derecho a votar en las mismas elecciones, y que no dejaré votar en las mismas elecciones a ninguna persona contra quien se opongan tres cualesquiera de los electores antes de que vote si a mi juicio esa persona no cumple los requisitos para votar como se ha dicho. Y en todas las cosas ejecutaré el cargo de juez de dichas elecciones según mi mejor entender, sin favoritismo ni parcialidad, y que dios me ayude”. Que cada secretario, antes de registrar ningún voto en los resultados hará el siguiente juramento, a saber: “Yo, [nombre], declaro que ejecutaré bien, fielmente, sin favoritismo, prejuicio ni parcialidad, el cargo de secretario de las elecciones del condado de ___, la ciudad de Annapolis o el municipio de Baltimore, según mi mejor entender, y que Dios me ayude”. Esta Forma de Gobierno fue acordada y aprobada por la Convención de los delegados de los freemen de Maryland, iniciada y celebrada en la ciudad de Annapolis, el 14 de agosto de 1776. Por orden de la Convención. Matthew Tilghman, Presidente. 219


Worcester county. That the mayor, recor<strong>de</strong>r and al<strong>de</strong>rmen of the city of Annapolis,<br />

or any three or more of them, be judges of and hold the elections for the city<br />

of Annapolis. That John Merryman, jun. James Calhoun, and Benjamin Griffin,<br />

Esquires, or any two or one of them, be judge of and hold the elections for Baltimore-Town.<br />

That a clerk or clerks be appointed by the said judges for taking the<br />

polls at the said elections. That every judge of the election, before he proceeds to<br />

take or receive any vote, shall take the following oath or affirmation, to wit, “I, A.<br />

B. do swear or affirm, that I will permit all persons to vote, who shall offer to poll<br />

at the elections now to be held for ___ county, ___ city, or ___ town, who in my<br />

judgment shall, according to the directions contained in the form of government,<br />

be entitled to poll at the same election and that I will not admit any person to poll<br />

at the same election, who before his voting shall be objected against by any three<br />

of the electors, if such person is not in my judgment qualified to vote as aforesaid,<br />

and will in all things execute the office of judge of the said elections according<br />

to the best of my knowledge, without favour or partiality. So help me God.” That<br />

every clerk, before he enters any vote in the polls, shall take the following oath,<br />

to wit, “I, A. B. do <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>re, that I will well and faithfully, without favour, affection,<br />

or partiality, execute the office of clerk of the elections for ___ county, the<br />

city of Annapolis, or Baltimore-Town, according to the best of my knowledge.<br />

So help me God.” 45<br />

This form of government was assented to and passed in Convention of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>legates of the freemen of Mary<strong>la</strong>nd, begun and held at the city of Annapolis,<br />

the 14th day of August, anno domini 1776.<br />

By or<strong>de</strong>r of the Convention.<br />

MATThEW TILGhMAN, Presi<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

45. Falta todo el párrafo en Jackson, Poore y Thorpe.<br />


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