Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU course of law; they may expel any member for a great misdemeanor, but not a second time for the same cause; they may examine and pass all accounts of the state, relating either to the collection or expenditure of the revenue, or appoint auditors to state and adjust the same; they may call for all public or official papers and records, and send for persons, whom they may judge necessary, in the course of their enquiries, concerning affairs relating to the public interest, and may direct all office bonds (which shall be made payable to the state) to be sued for any breach of duty. 11. That the senate may be at full and perfect liberty to exercise their judgment in passing laws, and that they may not be compelled by the house of delegates either to reject a money bill which the emergency of affairs may require, or to assent to some other act of legislation, in their conscience and judgment injurious to the public welfare; the house of delegates shall not on any occasion, or under any pretence, annex to, or blend with a money bill, any matter, clause, or thing, not immediately relating to, and necessary for the imposing, assessing, levying or applying the taxes or supplies, to be raised for the support of government, or the current expences of the state; and to prevent altercation about such bills, it is declared, that no bill imposing duties or customs for the mere regulation of commerce, or inflicting fines for the reformation of morals, or to enforce the execution of the laws, by which an incidental revenue may arise, shall be accounted a money bill; but every bill assessing, levying or applying taxes or supplies for the support of government, or the current expences of the state, or appropriating money in the treasury, shall be deemed a money bill. 12. That the house of delegates may punish, by imprisonment, any person who shall be guilty of a contempt in their view, by any disorderly or riotous behaviour, or by threats to or abuse of their members, or by any obstruction to their proceedings; they may also punish, by imprisonment, any person who shall be guilty of a breach of privilege, by arresting on civil process, or by assaulting, any of their members, during their sitting, or on their way to or return from the house of delegates, or by any assault of, or obstruction to their officers, in the execution of any order or process, or by assaulting or obstructing any witness, or any other person, attending on, or on their way to or from, the house, or by rescuing any person committed by the house; and the senate may exercise the same power, in similar cases. 192

CONSTITUCIÓN DE MARYLAND 1776 proceso de la ley. Puede expulsar a cualquier miembro por mala conducta, pero no una segunda vez por los mismos motivos. Puede examinar y aprobar las cuentas del estado, relativas bien a la recaudación o al gasto de los ingresos, o nombrar auditores para determinar y cerrar [el presupuesto]. [Sus miembros] pueden requerir todos los documentos y actas públicos u oficiales, y llamar a la personas que consideren necesarias en un proceso de investigación relacionado con asuntos de interés público; y pueden determinar los avales de los cargos (que se entregarán al estado) para demandarles en caso de incumplimiento de sus obligaciones. 11. Que [los miembros del] Senado tienen toda la libertad para decidir qué leyes aprobar; y que la Cámara de delegados no puede obligarles ni a rechazar un proyecto de ley fiscal que la urgencia de las circunstancias pueda exigir, ni a aprobar cualquier otra ley que, en su conciencia y juicio, fuera perjudicial al bienestar público. En ninguna ocasión, ni bajo ninguna circunstancia, la Cámara de delegados incluirá como acompañamiento añadido o armonizado con un proyecto de ley fiscal ninguna materia, cláusula o asunto que no esté directamente relacionado y sea necesario para la imposición, tasación, recaudación o empleo de los impuestos o reservas, para ser recaudados para la financiación del gobierno o los gastos del estado en ese momento; y para prevenir la polémica sobre tales proyectos de ley, se declara que no será considerado un proyecto de ley fiscal ningún proyecto de ley que imponga derechos o arbitrios simplemente para la regulación del comercio, o imponga multas para la reforma de la moral, o para hacer cumplir las leyes, [y] por el que se pueda recolectar algún ingreso incidental; pero sí se considerará como proyecto de ley fiscal todo proyecto de ley que grave, recaude o emplee impuestos o reservas para financiar al gobierno o los gastos del estado en ese momento o para destinar dinero al erario. 12: Que la Cámara de delegados puede castigar con la cárcel a cualquier persona que, por su comportamiento alborotado o amotinado o por sus amenazas o insultos a sus miembros, o por su obstrucción de los procedimientos, fuera en su opinión culpable de desacato. También puede castigar con la cárcel a cualquier persona que fuera culpable de abuso de privilegio, por parar un procedimiento civil, o por agredir a alguno de sus miembros durante la sesión o de camino a la Cámara de delegados o de vuelta de ella, o por cualquier agresión u obstrucción a sus oficiales cuando estén ejecutando alguna orden o procedimiento, o por agredir o impedir [testificar] a algún testigo o a cualquier otra persona que estuviere asistiendo a la Cámara o que fuera de camino o volviera de ella, o por liberar a cualquier persona que hubiera detenido la Cámara; y el Senado puede ejercer iguales poderes en casos similares. 193


course of <strong>la</strong>w; they may expel any member for a great mis<strong>de</strong>meanor, but not a<br />

second time for the same cause; they may examine and pass all accounts of the<br />

state, re<strong>la</strong>ting either to the collection or expenditure of the revenue, or appoint<br />

auditors to state and adjust the same; they may call for all public or official papers<br />

and records, and send for persons, whom they may judge necessary, in the<br />

course of their enquiries, concerning affairs re<strong>la</strong>ting to the public interest, and<br />

may direct all office bonds (which shall be ma<strong>de</strong> payable to the state) to be sued<br />

for any breach of duty.<br />

11. That the senate may be at full and perfect liberty to exercise their judgment<br />

in passing <strong>la</strong>ws, and that they may not be compelled by the house of <strong>de</strong>legates<br />

either to reject a money bill which the emergency of affairs may require, or to<br />

assent to some other act of legis<strong>la</strong>tion, in their conscience and judgment injurious<br />

to the public welfare; the house of <strong>de</strong>legates shall not on any occasion, or un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

any pretence, annex to, or blend with a money bill, any matter, c<strong>la</strong>use, or thing,<br />

not immediately re<strong>la</strong>ting to, and necessary for the imposing, assessing, levying<br />

or applying the taxes or supplies, to be raised for the support of government, or<br />

the current expences of the state; and to prevent altercation about such bills, it is<br />

<strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>red, that no bill imposing duties or customs for the mere regu<strong>la</strong>tion of commerce,<br />

or inflicting fines for the reformation of morals, or to enforce the execution<br />

of the <strong>la</strong>ws, by which an inci<strong>de</strong>ntal revenue may arise, shall be accounted<br />

a money bill; but every bill assessing, levying or applying taxes or supplies for<br />

the support of government, or the current expences of the state, or appropriating<br />

money in the treasury, shall be <strong>de</strong>emed a money bill.<br />

12. That the house of <strong>de</strong>legates may punish, by imprisonment, any person<br />

who shall be guilty of a contempt in their view, by any disor<strong>de</strong>rly or riotous behaviour,<br />

or by threats to or abuse of their members, or by any obstruction to their<br />

proceedings; they may also punish, by imprisonment, any person who shall be<br />

guilty of a breach of privilege, by arresting on civil process, or by assaulting, any<br />

of their members, during their sitting, or on their way to or return from the house<br />

of <strong>de</strong>legates, or by any assault of, or obstruction to their officers, in the execution<br />

of any or<strong>de</strong>r or process, or by assaulting or obstructing any witness, or any other<br />

person, attending on, or on their way to or from, the house, or by rescuing any<br />

person committed by the house; and the senate may exercise the same power, in<br />

simi<strong>la</strong>r cases.<br />


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