Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU enacted into a law, which seal shall be kept by the assembly, and shall be called, Th e s e A l o f T h e l A W s o f Pe n n s y l v A n i A; and shall not be used for any other purpose. SECT. 17. The city of Philadelphia and each county of this commonwealth respectively, shall on the first Tuesday of November in this present year, and on the second Tuesday of October, annually, for the two next succeeding years, viz. 9 the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, and the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight, choose six persons to represent them in general assembly. But as representation in proportion to the number of taxable inhabitants is the only principle which can at all times secure liberty and make the voice of a majority of the people the law of the land; therefore the general assembly shall cause complete lists of the taxable inhabitants in the city and each county in the commonwealth respectively, to be taken and returned to them on or before the last meeting of the assembly elected in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight, who shall appoint a representation to each in proportion to the number of taxables in such returns, which representation shall continue for the next seven years afterwards, at the end of which, a new return of the taxable inhabitants shall be made, and a representation agreeable thereto appointed by the said assembly, and so on septennially for ever. The wages of the representatives in general assembly, and all other state charges shall be paid out of the state treasury. SECT. 18. In order that the freemen of this commonwealth may enjoy the benefit of election as equally as may be, until the representation shall commence, as directed in the foregoing section, each county, at its own choice, may be divided into districts, hold elections therein, and elect their representatives in the county and their other elective officers, as shall be hereafter regulated by the general assembly of this state: And no inhabitant of this state shall have more than one annual vote at the general election for representatives in assembly. SECT. 19. For the present the supreme executive council of this state shall consist of twelve persons chosen in the following manner: The freemen of the city of Philadelphia, and of the counties of Philadelphia, Chester and Bucks respectively, shall choose by ballot one person for the city and one for each county aforesaid, to serve for three years and no longer, at the time and place for electing representatives in general assembly. The freemen of the counties of Lancaster, York, Cumberland and Berks, shall in like manner elect one person for each county respectively, to serve as councillors 10 for two years and no longer. And the counties of Northampton, Bedford, Northumberland and Westmoreland 9. En Jackson “to wit”. 10. En Poore y en Thorpe “counsellors”, y así en las demás ocasiones. 158

CONSTITUCIÓN DE PENNSYLVANIA 1776 aprobados en leyes, guardando la Asamblea dicho sello que se denominará “El sello de las leyes de Pennsylvania”, y que no se utilizará para ningún otro fin. Sec. 17. La ciudad de Filadelfia y todos los condados de esta comunidad elegirán, el primer martes de noviembre de este año, y el segundo martes de octubre anualmente durante los dos años siguientes, o sea el año de 1777 y el de 1778, seis personas que los representen en la Asamblea General. Pero como el único principio que puede garantizar la libertad en todo momento es una representación proporcional al número de habitantes gravados fiscalmente, y para que la voz de la mayoría del pueblo exprese la ley vigente, la Asamblea General mandará hacer censos completos de los habitantes gravables en la ciudad y en cada condado de la comunidad, para que se les entreguen en la última reunión de la Asamblea elegida el año de 1778 o antes, para que fije a cada [condado] una representación proporcional al número de [personas] gravables en dichos censos; y esta representación se mantendrá durante siete años, haciéndose entonces un nuevo censo de habitantes gravables; y dicha Asamblea fijará una representación en consonancia, y así se hará para siempre cada siete años. Los salarios de los representantes de la Asamblea General y los demás gastos estatales se pagarán del erario del estado. Sec. 18. Para que los freemen de esta comunidad puedan disfrutar del beneficio de sufragio de la forma más equitativa posible hasta que la representación se haga como se indica en la sección anterior, cada condado puede dividirse en distritos a su opción, celebrar las elecciones en ellos y elegir sus representantes del condado y los otros cargos electivos en la forma como a partir de ahora regulala Asamblea General de este Estado. Y ningún habitante de este Estado tendrá más de un voto anual en las elecciones generales para representantes en la Asamblea. Sec. 19. De momento, el supremo Consejo ejecutivo de este Estado estará formado por doce personas elegidas de la siguiente manera: En el momento y lugar para elegir a los representantes para la Asamblea General, los freemen de la ciudad de Filadelfia y de los condados de Filadelfia, Chester, y Bucks, elegirán por papeletas una persona por la ciudad y otra por cada condado mencionado, para que sirva [como concejal] tres años y ninguno más. Los freemen de los condados de Lancaster, York, Cumberland y Berks elegirán de igual manera una persona por cada condado para que sirvan como concejales durante dos años y no más. Y los condados de Northampton, Bedford, Northumberland y Westmoreland 159


enacted into a <strong>la</strong>w, which seal shall be kept by the assembly, and shall be called,<br />

Th e s e A l o f T h e l A W s o f Pe n n s y l v A n i A; and shall not be used for any other purpose.<br />

SECT. 17. The city of Phi<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong>lphia and each county of this commonwealth respectively,<br />

shall on the first Tuesday of November in this present year, and on the<br />

second Tuesday of October, annually, for the two next succeeding years, viz. 9 the<br />

year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, and the year one thousand<br />

seven hundred and seventy-eight, choose six persons to represent them in general<br />

assembly. But as representation in proportion to the number of taxable inhabitants<br />

is the only principle which can at all times secure liberty and make the voice<br />

of a majority of the people the <strong>la</strong>w of the <strong>la</strong>nd; therefore the general assembly<br />

shall cause complete lists of the taxable inhabitants in the city and each county<br />

in the commonwealth respectively, to be taken and returned to them on or before<br />

the <strong>la</strong>st meeting of the assembly elected in the year one thousand seven hundred<br />

and seventy-eight, who shall appoint a representation to each in proportion to<br />

the number of taxables in such returns, which representation shall continue for<br />

the next seven years afterwards, at the end of which, a new return of the taxable<br />

inhabitants shall be ma<strong>de</strong>, and a representation agreeable thereto appointed by<br />

the said assembly, and so on septennially for ever. The wages of the representatives<br />

in general assembly, and all other state charges shall be paid out of the state<br />

treasury.<br />

SECT. 18. In or<strong>de</strong>r that the freemen of this commonwealth may enjoy the benefit<br />

of election as equally as may be, until the representation shall commence, as<br />

directed in the foregoing section, each county, at its own choice, may be divi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

into districts, hold elections therein, and elect their representatives in the county<br />

and their other elective officers, as shall be hereafter regu<strong>la</strong>ted by the general<br />

assembly of this state: And no inhabitant of this state shall have more than one<br />

annual vote at the general election for representatives in assembly.<br />

SECT. 19. For the present the supreme executive council of this state shall<br />

consist of twelve persons chosen in the following manner: The freemen of the<br />

city of Phi<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong>lphia, and of the counties of Phi<strong>la</strong><strong>de</strong>lphia, Chester and Bucks respectively,<br />

shall choose by ballot one person for the city and one for each county<br />

aforesaid, to serve for three years and no longer, at the time and p<strong>la</strong>ce for electing<br />

representatives in general assembly. The freemen of the counties of Lancaster,<br />

York, Cumber<strong>la</strong>nd and Berks, shall in like manner elect one person for<br />

each county respectively, to serve as councillors 10 for two years and no longer.<br />

And the counties of Northampton, Bedford, Northumber<strong>la</strong>nd and Westmore<strong>la</strong>nd<br />

9. En Jackson “to wit”.<br />

10. En Poore y en Thorpe “counsellors”, y así en <strong>la</strong>s <strong>de</strong>más ocasiones.<br />


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