Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...

Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ... Corpus Bilingüe Tomo I Vol. 1 - Archivo Abierto Institucional de la ...
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LUIS GRAU in their stead, until there shall be a new election. XXII. Every person who shall be chosen a Member of either House, or appointed to any office or place of trust, before taking his seat, or entering upon the execution of his office, shall take the following oath, or affirmation, if conscientiously scrupulous of taking an oath, to wit, “I, A. B. will bear true allegiance to the Delaware State, submit to its constitution and laws, and do no act wittingly whereby the freedom thereof may be prejudiced.” And also make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit, “I, A. B. do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ his only Son, and the 8 holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.” And all officers shall also take an oath of office. XXIII. The President, when he is out of office, and within eighteen months after, and all others, offending against the State, either by mal-administration, corruption, or other means, by which the safety of the Commonwealth may be endangered, within eighteen months after the offence committed, shall be impeachable by the house of Assembly before the Legislative Council; such impeachment to be prosecuted by the Attorney-General, or such other person or persons as the house of Assembly may appoint, according to the laws of the land. If found guilty, he or they shall be either forever disabled to hold any office under government, or removed from office pro tempore, or subjected to such pains and penalties as the laws shall direct. And all officers shall be removed on conviction of misbehavior at common law, or on impeachment, or upon the address of the General Assembly. XXIV. All acts of Assembly in force in this State on the fifteenth day of May last (and not hereby altered, or contrary to the resolutions of Congress, or of the late house of Assembly of this State), shall so continue until altered or repealed by the legislature of this State, unless where they are temporary, in which case they shall expire at the times respectively limited for their duration. XXV. The common law of England, as well as so much of the statute law as has been heretofore adopted in practice in this State, shall remain in force, unless they shall be altered by a future law of the legislature; such parts only excepted as are repugnant to the rights and privileges contained in this Constitution, 8. En Poore y en Thorpe “in the”, que es lo correcto gramaticalmente y así se traduce. 138

CONSTITUCIÓN DE DELAWARE 1776 el Presidente y el Consejo Privado pueden designar otras personas en su lugar hasta que se produzca una nueva elección. XXII. Toda persona que sea elegida como miembro de cualquiera de las cámaras o designado para cualquier cargo o puesto de confianza, antes de tomar su escaño o su cargo, deberá hacer el siguiente juramento, o promesa si es que tuviera algún escrúpulo de conciencia para hacer el juramento, a saber: “Yo, [nombre], entregaré [mi] auténtica lealtad al Estado de Delaware, me someteré a su constitución y a sus leyes, y no actuaré a sabiendas de forma que su libertad pueda ser perjudicada”. Y también hará y firmará la siguiente declaración, a saber: “Yo, [nombre], creo en Dios Padre, y en Jesucristo su único hijo, y en el Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, bendito sea para siempre; y reconozco que las sagradas escrituras del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento nos las dio la inspiración divina”. Y todos los oficiales deberán jurar el cargo. XXIII. Dentro de los dieciocho meses siguientes a que el Presidente haya dejado el cargo, la Cámara de la Asamblea podrá juzgarle por impeachment ante el Consejo Legislativo, a él y a todos aquellos que hayan delinquido contra el Estado, cuando hayan puesto en riesgo la seguridad de la Comunidad, bien por mala administración, por corrupción o por otros medios, y siempre dentro de los dieciocho meses de haberse cometido el delito. En tal impeachment actuará como acusador el fiscal general o cualquier otra persona o personas que designe la Cámara de la Asamblea de conformidad con las leyes en vigor. Los que fueren declarados culpables serán inhabilitados permanentemente para ocupar cargos en el gobierno o depuestos de su cargo pro tempore, o castigados con las penas y castigos que marque la ley. Y todos los oficiales que sean condenados según la ley común, o por impeachment, o a petición de la Asamblea General, serán depuestos. XXIV. Todas las leyes de la Asamblea vigentes en este Estado el 15 de mayo pasado 9 (y que no hayan sido modificadas por la presente [Constitución], o que sean contrarias a las resoluciones del Congreso [Continental] o de la anterior Cámara de la Asamblea de este Estado) continuarán vigentes hasta que sean modificadas o revocadas por el Legislativo de este Estado a menos que fueran leyes temporales, en cuyo caso caducarán en el momento indicado en su duración. XXV. El common law de Inglaterra, así como la parte de [su] derecho escrito que haya sido adoptada en la práctica hasta ahora en este Estado, continuarán vigentes a menos que sean modificados por alguna ley futura del Legislativo, 9. De 1776. 139


in their stead, until there shall be a new election.<br />

XXII. Every person who shall be chosen a Member of either House, or appointed<br />

to any office or p<strong>la</strong>ce of trust, before taking his seat, or entering upon the<br />

execution of his office, shall take the following oath, or affirmation, if conscientiously<br />

scrupulous of taking an oath, to wit,<br />

“I, A. B. will bear true allegiance to the De<strong>la</strong>ware State, submit to its constitution<br />

and <strong>la</strong>ws, and do no act wittingly whereby the freedom thereof may be<br />

prejudiced.”<br />

And also make and subscribe the following <strong>de</strong>c<strong>la</strong>ration, to wit,<br />

“I, A. B. do profess faith in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ his only Son,<br />

and the 8 holy Ghost, one God, blessed for evermore; and I do acknowledge the<br />

holy scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.”<br />

And all officers shall also take an oath of office.<br />

XXIII. The Presi<strong>de</strong>nt, when he is out of office, and within eighteen months<br />

after, and all others, offending against the State, either by mal-administration,<br />

corruption, or other means, by which the safety of the Commonwealth may be<br />

endangered, within eighteen months after the offence committed, shall be impeachable<br />

by the house of Assembly before the Legis<strong>la</strong>tive Council; such impeachment<br />

to be prosecuted by the Attorney-General, or such other person or<br />

persons as the house of Assembly may appoint, according to the <strong>la</strong>ws of the <strong>la</strong>nd.<br />

If found guilty, he or they shall be either forever disabled to hold any office un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

government, or removed from office pro tempore, or subjected to such pains and<br />

penalties as the <strong>la</strong>ws shall direct. And all officers shall be removed on conviction<br />

of misbehavior at common <strong>la</strong>w, or on impeachment, or upon the address of the<br />

General Assembly.<br />

XXIV. All acts of Assembly in force in this State on the fifteenth day of May<br />

<strong>la</strong>st (and not hereby altered, or contrary to the resolutions of Congress, or of the<br />

<strong>la</strong>te house of Assembly of this State), shall so continue until altered or repealed<br />

by the legis<strong>la</strong>ture of this State, unless where they are temporary, in which case<br />

they shall expire at the times respectively limited for their duration.<br />

XXV. The common <strong>la</strong>w of Eng<strong>la</strong>nd, as well as so much of the statute <strong>la</strong>w as<br />

has been heretofore adopted in practice in this State, shall remain in force, unless<br />

they shall be altered by a future <strong>la</strong>w of the legis<strong>la</strong>ture; such parts only excepted<br />

as are repugnant to the rights and privileges contained in this Constitution,<br />

8. En Poore y en Thorpe “in the”, que es lo correcto gramaticalmente y así se traduce.<br />


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