10/05/2012 - Myclipp

10/05/2012 - Myclipp

10/05/2012 - Myclipp


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The New York Times/ - Politics, Qui, <strong>10</strong> de Maio de <strong>2012</strong><br />


Justice Department Sues Arizona Sheriff<br />

PHOENIX — The Justice Department on Thursday<br />

sued Joe Arpaio, a prominent Arizona sheriff known for<br />

his crackdowns aimed at rounding up illegal<br />

immigrants, accusing him of discrimination and<br />

retaliating against his critics. The move, in an election<br />

year, escalated a politically charged fight over local<br />

enforcement of federal immigration laws and the civil<br />

rights of Latinos.In a 32-page civil rights lawsuit<br />

against Mr. Arpaio and his Maricopa County Sheriff’s<br />

Office, the Justice Department contended that Mr.<br />

Arpaio’s campaign against illegal immigration —<br />

including traffic stops and sweeps of homes and<br />

workplaces — had resulted in a “pattern or practice of<br />

unlawful discrimination” aimed at Latinos. Mr. Arpaio’s<br />

focus on immigration enforcement has eroded the<br />

relationship between law enforcement and the Latino<br />

community here, with Latinos growing increasingly<br />

wary of cooperating with the authorities when they are<br />

victims or witnesses of crimes. The lawsuit also argues<br />

that the resources devoted to the sweeps have<br />

required the sheriff’s office to put a lower priority on<br />

traditional local law enforcement responsibilities, like<br />

investigating rapes and domestic violence. "The United<br />

States is not seeking, and has never sought, monetary<br />

damages or attorney's fees in connection with our<br />

case," Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for<br />

the Justice Department's civil rights division, said in a<br />

news conference here. The goal, Mr. Perez said, is "to<br />

fix the problems" and to "ensure that the necessary<br />

policies, practices and oversight are in place" to<br />

prevent them from happening again. The conduct of<br />

the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and Mr. Arpaio “is<br />

neither constitutional nor effective law enforcement,”<br />

the Justice Department argued in court papers. “The<br />

defendants’ violations of the Constitution and laws of<br />

the United States are the product of a culture of<br />

disregard for Latinos that starts at the top and<br />

pervades the organization.” Mr. Arpaio has waged an<br />

increasingly bitter dispute with the Obama<br />

administration, including questioning the president’s<br />

birth certificate and portraying the civil rights<br />

investigation as politicized. In a pre-emptive strike, Mr.<br />

Arpaio’s office released on Wednesday a 17-page plan<br />

that promises to “establish and maintain specific<br />

bias-free law enforcement and detention” through<br />

better training and comprehensive policies. Portraying<br />

his agency as poorly trained and supervised, the<br />

lawsuit contends that its roughly 900 deputies are far<br />

more likely to stop and search Latinos than others – a<br />

sort of “detain first, ask questions later” approach that<br />

has led to roundups of people whose names are not<br />

listed in warrants. It cites many examples, including a<br />

woman of Hispanic descent who was held in custody<br />

for four hours before she was able to prove she had<br />

been born in the United States. Meanwhile, the roughly<br />

1,800 officers in the county jail system have a “culture<br />

of bias” against Latinos, whom they frequently refer to<br />

as “wetbacks” and “stupid Mexicans,” the complaint<br />

said. It said it was routine for department employees to<br />

circulate e-mails displaying bias against Latinos, like a<br />

picture of a Chihuahua in swimming gear and<br />

captioned “A Rare Photo of a Mexican Navy Seal.” The<br />

federal government and Arizona officials have been<br />

feuding on many fronts about immigration<br />

enforcement. State officials contend that the federal<br />

government has failed to police the southwestern<br />

border, leading to a flood of illegal immigrants who<br />

have strained state services and created a host of<br />

problems. The Supreme Court is weighing a federal<br />

challenge to a 20<strong>10</strong> Arizona law that requires state law<br />

enforcement officials to determine the immigration<br />

status of people they stop and suspect are not in the<br />

United States legally. But even by Arizona’s standards,<br />

Mr. Arpaio, a media-savvy figure who is known as<br />

“Sheriff Joe,” has been aggressive. The Justice<br />

Department’s investigation of his policing practices<br />

began during the Bush administration. It eventually<br />

stalled, and in 20<strong>10</strong> the Obama administration filed a<br />

lawsuit to compel the department to cooperate,<br />

including interviewing more than 400 people and<br />

reviewing thousands of pages of documents.In<br />

December, the Justice Department released a highly<br />

critical report laying out the alleged violations by Mr.<br />

Arpaio and the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. The<br />

department moved to negotiate a settlement, but Mr.<br />

Arpaio eventually refused to acquiesce to its demand<br />

to place a monitor in his office, saying it would give the<br />

federal government too much power over a local law<br />

enforcement agency.In a letter to Mr. Arpaio on<br />

Wednesday, Justice Department officials notified him<br />

of the impending lawsuit, saying that an agreement<br />

"could not be resolved through voluntary means."<br />

While most such cases end in a settlement, the bitter<br />

standoff suggests that it may take a trial to resolve the<br />

matter, at which the federal government would have to<br />

submit evidence to prove its claims of intentional bias<br />

against Latinos. The complaint sketched the outlines of<br />

such a case, including a study in 2011 that found that<br />

Hispanic drivers in Maricopa County were between<br />

four and nine times as likely to be stopped as<br />


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