10/05/2012 - Myclipp

10/05/2012 - Myclipp

10/05/2012 - Myclipp


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The New York Times/ - Politics, Ter, 15 de Maio de <strong>2012</strong><br />


A Ticket, 3 Taser Jolts and, Perhaps, a<br />

Trip to the Supreme Court<br />

WASHINGTON — There have been many hundreds of<br />

varied rulings in the lower courts on when the use of<br />

Taser stun guns by the police amounts to excessive<br />

force, and sooner or later the Supreme Court will<br />

have to bring order to this area of the law. Next week,<br />

the justices are scheduled to decide whether to hear<br />

an appeal from three Seattle police officers who say<br />

they are worried about the future of what they call “a<br />

useful pain technique.”The case involves Malaika<br />

Brooks, who was seven months pregnant and driving<br />

her 11-year-old son to school in Seattle when she was<br />

pulled over for speeding. The police say she was going<br />

32 miles per hour in a school zone; the speed limit was<br />

20. Ms. Brooks said she would accept a ticket but drew<br />

the line at signing it, which state law required at the<br />

time. Ms. Brooks thought, wrongly, that signing was an<br />

acknowledgment of guilt. Refusing to sign was a crime,<br />

and the two officers on the scene summoned a<br />

sergeant, who instructed them to arrest Ms. Brooks.<br />

She would not get out of her car. The situation plainly<br />

called for bold action, and Officer Juan M. Ornelas met<br />

the challenge by brandishing a Taser and asking Ms.<br />

Brooks if she knew what it was. She did not, but she<br />

told Officer Ornelas what she did know. “I have to go to<br />

the bathroom,” she said. “I am pregnant. I’m less than<br />

60 days from having my baby.” The three men<br />

assessed the situation and conferred. “Well, don’t do it<br />

in her stomach,” one said. “Do it in her thigh.” Officer<br />

Ornelas twisted Ms. Brooks’s arm behind her back. A<br />

colleague, Officer Donald M. Jones, applied the Taser<br />

to Ms. Brooks’s left thigh, causing her to cry out and<br />

honk the car’s horn. A half-minute later, Officer Jones<br />

applied the Taser again, now to Ms. Brooks’s left arm.<br />

He waited six seconds before pressing it into her neck.<br />

Ms. Brooks fell over, and the officers dragged her into<br />

the street, laying her face down and cuffing her hands<br />

behind her back. In the months that followed, Ms.<br />

Brooks gave birth to a healthy baby girl; was convicted<br />

of refusing to sign the ticket, a misdemeanor, but not of<br />

resisting arrest; and sued the officers who three times<br />

caused her intense pain and left her with permanent<br />

scars. The officers won a split decision in October from<br />

a <strong>10</strong>-member panel of the United States Court of<br />

Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco. The<br />

majority said the officers had used excessive force but<br />

nonetheless could not be sued because the law on the<br />

question was not clear in 2004, when the incident took<br />

place. While the ruling left the three officers in the<br />

clear, it did put them and their colleagues on notice<br />

that some future uses of Tasers would cross a<br />

constitutional line and amount to excessive force.<br />

Chief Judge Alex Kozinski dissented on the first point,<br />

saying Ms. Brooks had been “defiant” and “deaf to<br />

reason” and so had brought the incident upon herself.<br />

As for the officers, he said: “They deserve our praise,<br />

not the opprobrium of being declared constitutional<br />

violators. The City of Seattle should award them<br />

commendations for grace under fire.” Another<br />

dissenter, Judge Barry G. Silverman, said “tasing was<br />

a humane way to force Brooks out of her car.” “There<br />

are only so many ways a person can be extracted from<br />

a vehicle against her will, and none of them is pretty,”<br />

he explained. “Fists, batons, chokeholds, tear gas and<br />

chemical spray all carry their own risks to suspects and<br />

officers alike.” The bottom line, in any event, was that<br />

the officers had won. They have nonetheless appealed<br />

to the Supreme Court, in an effort to clear their names<br />

and preserve the freewheeling use of “a useful pain<br />

technique.” Their employer, the City of Seattle, seems<br />

to think they have gone rogue. In a separate Supreme<br />

Court filing, Seattle disavowed what it called the<br />

officers’ “ ‘sky is falling’ interpretation” of the Ninth<br />

Circuit’s decision, which said only, as the city put it,<br />

that “three applications of a Taser in drive-stun mode<br />

in less than a minute on a pregnant woman who does<br />

not pose a safety threat” may give rise to a lawsuit for<br />

a jury to sort out. Seattle, which said it was liable for<br />

any damages in the case, urged the justices not to<br />

hear the officers’ appeal. So did Ms. Brooks, who lost<br />

in the Ninth Circuit but is still pursuing claims under<br />

state law. But several police groups, including the Los<br />

Angeles County Police Chiefs’ Association, asked the<br />

Supreme Court to hear the officers’ appeal because<br />

the Ninth Circuit’s decision “damages the rule of law.”<br />

“It won’t be long,” their brief said, “before the word<br />

spreads throughout society’s criminal underground that<br />

the Ninth Circuit hasn’t simply given them a ‘get out of<br />

jail free’ card, but a ‘never have to go to jail in the first<br />

place’ card.” Michael F. Williams, a lawyer at Kirkland<br />

& Ellis, which represents Ms. Brooks, said the criminal<br />

justice system would endure even if the police were<br />

barred from delivering thousands of volts of electricity<br />

into the body of a pregnant woman who refused to sign<br />

a piece of paper. “The officers are trying to defend<br />

inexcusable conduct,” he said. “They inflicted<br />

enormous pain on a woman who was especially<br />

vulnerable over what was essentially a traffic violation.”<br />


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