10/05/2012 - Myclipp

10/05/2012 - Myclipp

10/05/2012 - Myclipp


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Diario Libre/ - Notícias, Sáb, 12 de Maio de <strong>2012</strong><br />


Leonel says Diario Libre strengthens<br />

democracy and plurality<br />

SANTO DOMINGO. President Leonel Fernandez<br />

congratulated the Diario Libre on its eleventh<br />

anniversary, saying that the newspaper occupies a<br />

predominant place in Dominican society which is now<br />

accustomed to its valuable and attractive way of<br />

presenting the news.<br />

The Chief of State said that he understands that the<br />

philosophy which guides the work of the Diario Libre<br />

has placed the paper in a notable position with the<br />

media of our country and of other nations.<br />

\"We appreciate the fact that the distinguished media<br />

practices journalism based on ethical and democratic<br />

principles and that each day it provides something to<br />

the strengthening of the institutions and to the<br />

advancement of pluralism of ideas which prevail in our<br />

country,\" said Fernandez in a letter sent to the director<br />

Adriano Miguel Tejada.<br />

The President stresses that he has seen with<br />

admiration that under the leadership of Tejada this<br />

newspaper has carried out a enviable labor which<br />

promotes the development of education and stimulates<br />

compromise and tolerance.<br />

Together with the President, officials from diverse<br />

areas of the state, entities and private companies have<br />

come together to congratulate and celebrate the<br />

eleventh anniversary of the Diario Libre.<br />

The president of the Judicial System and Chief Justice<br />

of the Supreme Court, Mariano German Mejia,<br />

stresses the merits and the daily creative and dynamic<br />

presentation of the Diario Libre, which with its<br />

persistent work has achieved a level of journalism that<br />

is worthy of being praised.<br />

The chief of staff of the National Army, Major General<br />

Pedro Caceres Chestaro, said that it was fair to<br />

recognize the important role played the media, which<br />

since its beginning has become an impartial tribune of<br />

all schools of thought.<br />

For the Attorney General of the Republic, Radhames<br />

Jimenez Peña, the celebration of one more year with<br />

such great success can be added to the work of<br />

contributing to the Institutionalism and democracy of<br />

the Dominican people.<br />

The Minister of Foreign Relations, Carlos Morales<br />

Troncoso, stressed the fact that the Diario Libre<br />

informs, educates and entertains in a brilliant fashion<br />

and never stops innovating in its proposals for<br />

communicating to our society.<br />

Congratulations were also received by Diario Libre<br />

from the rector of the Autonomous University of Santo<br />

Domingo (UASD), Mateo Aquimo Febrillet; the director<br />

of the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation, Alejandro<br />

Herrera; the general manager of the National Council<br />

for Social Security, Rafael Perez Modesto; the director<br />

of the National Institute for Hydraulic Resources<br />

(INDRHI), Frank Rodriguez and the director of the<br />

Specialized Corps for Airport Security (CESA), General<br />

Zenon Antonio Padilla.<br />

From the private sector, the executive vice-president of<br />

the Cibao Savings and Loan Association, Rafael<br />

Genao Arias, said that the newspaper has fulfilled the<br />

valuable role of reaching the greatest number of<br />

people with up to date and factual information through<br />

it free distribution.<br />

For Oliver Bojos, the director general for American<br />

Airlines, the Diario Libre has established a milestone in<br />

the history of our country and has conquered the<br />

democratic distribution of information.<br />

Also sending best wishes were Albert C. Staffield of<br />

Staffield & Co., Phillip Morris and its director of<br />

Corporate Affairs, Manuel Cabral; Ricardo Hernandez<br />

Marchena, the executive president of Cartonera Rierba<br />

and the president of the Tropicalia Foundation,<br />

William. R. Phel<br />


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