Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre la atención al parto normal

Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre la atención al parto normal

Guía de Práctica Clínica sobre la atención al parto normal


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83. Brancato RM, Church S, Stone PW. A meta-an<strong>al</strong>ysis of passive <strong>de</strong>scent versus<br />

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84. Gleeson NC, Griffith AP. The management of the second stage of <strong>la</strong>bour in<br />

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85. Hartmann K, Viswanathan M, P<strong>al</strong>mieri R, et <strong>al</strong>. Outcomes of routine episiotomy:<br />

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86. Dannecker C, Hillemanns P, Strauss A, et <strong>al</strong>. Episiotomy and perine<strong>al</strong> tears<br />

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87. Sleep J, Roberts J, Ch<strong>al</strong>mers I. Care during the second stage of <strong>la</strong>bour. In:<br />

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88. Roberts CL, Torv<strong>al</strong>dsen S, Cameron CA, et <strong>al</strong>. De<strong>la</strong>yed versus early pushing<br />

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89. Simpson KR, James DC. Effects of immediate versus <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong>yed pushing during<br />

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90. Stamp G, Kruzins G, Crowther C. Perine<strong>al</strong> massage in <strong>la</strong>bour and prevention<br />

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91. Albers LL, An<strong>de</strong>rson D, Cragin L, et <strong>al</strong>. Factors re<strong>la</strong>ted to perine<strong>al</strong> trauma in<br />

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92. Dahlen HG, Homer CS, Cooke M, Upton AM, Nunn R, Brodrick B. Perine<strong>al</strong><br />

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94. Laine K, Pirhonen T, Rol<strong>la</strong>nd R, Pirhonen J. Decreasing the inci<strong>de</strong>nce of an<strong>al</strong><br />

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95. San<strong>de</strong>rs J, Peters TJ, Campbell R. Does lidocaine spray reduce perine<strong>al</strong> pain<br />

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96. Carroli G BJ. Episiotomy for vagin<strong>al</strong> birth. (Cochrane Review). In: Cochrane<br />

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