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100 Bibliografía [169] Nasir, M. S. and Jolley, M. E. (2002) Development of a fluorescence polarization assay for the determination of aflatoxins in grains. J Agric Food Chem 50, 3116-3121. [170] Schneider, E., Curtui, V., Seidler, C., Dietrich, R., Usleber, E. and Martlbauer, E. (2004) Rapid methods for deoxynivalenol and other trichothecenes. Toxicol Lett 153, 113-121. [171] Harris, D. C. (1992) Aspectos instrumentales de la espectrofotometría, In Análisis químico cuantitativo pp 539-578, Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica, México D. F. [172] Hernández-Pérez, J. M. (2002) Detección del índice de refracción por resonancia superficial del plasmón. Boletín Informativo SEQC, 8-9. [173] Biacore, A., Ed. (2003) BIAtechnology Handbook, Uppsala. [174] Torreri, P., Ceccarini, M., Macioce, P. and Petrucci, T. C. (2005) Biomolecular interactions by Surface Plasmon Resonance technology. Ann Ist Super Sanita 41, 437-441. [175] Jonsson, U., Fagerstam, L., Ivarsson, B., Johnsson, B., Karlsson, R., Lundh, K., Lofas, S., Persson, B., Roos, H., Ronnberg, I. and et al. (1991) Real-time biospecific interaction analysis using surface plasmon resonance and a sensor chip technology. Biotechniques 11, 620-627. [176] Turbadar, T. (1959) Complete absorption of light by thin metal films. Proc. Phys. Soc. 73, 40-44. [177] Karlsson, R. (2004) SPR for molecular interaction analysis: a review of emerging application areas. J Mol Recognit 17, 151-161. [178] Pattnaik, P. (2005) Surface plasmon resonance: applications in understanding receptor-ligand interaction. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 126, 79-92. [179] Tudos, A. J., Lucas-van den Bos, E. R. and Stigter, E. C. (2003) Rapid surface plasmon resonance-based inhibition assay of deoxynivalenol. J Agric Food Chem 51, 5843-5848. [180] Lotierzo, M., Henry, O. Y., Piletsky, S., Tothill, I., Cullen, D., Kania, M., Hock, B. and Turner, A. P. (2004) Surface plasmon resonance sensor for domoic acid based on grafted imprinted polymer. Biosens Bioelectron 20, 145-152.

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100<br />

Bibliografía<br />

[169] Nasir, M. S. and Jolley, M. E. (2002) Development of a fluorescence<br />

polarization assay for the determination of aflatoxins in grains. J Agric Food<br />

Chem 50, 3116-3121.<br />

[170] Schneider, E., Curtui, V., Seidler, C., Dietrich, R., Usleber, E. and<br />

Martlbauer, E. (2004) Rapid methods for deoxynivalenol and other<br />

trichothecenes. Toxicol Lett 153, 113-121.<br />

[171] Harris, D. C. (1992) Aspectos instrumentales de la espectrofotometría, In<br />

Análisis químico cuantitativo pp 539-578, Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica,<br />

México D. F.<br />

[172] Hernández-Pérez, J. M. (2002) Detección del índice de refracción por<br />

resonancia superficial del plasmón. Boletín Informativo SEQC, 8-9.<br />

[173] Biacore, A., Ed. (2003) BIAtechnology Handbook, Uppsala.<br />

[174] Torreri, P., Ceccarini, M., Macioce, P. and Petrucci, T. C. (2005)<br />

Biomolecular interactions by Surface Plasmon Resonance technology. Ann Ist<br />

Super Sanita 41, 437-441.<br />

[175] Jonsson, U., Fagerstam, L., Ivarsson, B., Johnsson, B., Karlsson, R., Lundh,<br />

K., Lofas, S., Persson, B., Roos, H., Ronnberg, I. and et al. (1991) Real-time<br />

biospecific interaction analysis using surface plasmon resonance and a sensor<br />

chip technology. Biotechniques 11, 620-627.<br />

[176] Turbadar, T. (1959) Complete absorption of light by thin metal films. Proc.<br />

Phys. Soc. 73, 40-44.<br />

[177] Karlsson, R. (2004) SPR for molecular interaction analysis: a review of<br />

emerging application areas. J Mol Recognit 17, 151-161.<br />

[178] Pattnaik, P. (2005) Surface plasmon resonance: applications in understanding<br />

receptor-ligand interaction. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 126, 79-92.<br />

[179] Tudos, A. J., Lucas-van den Bos, E. R. and Stigter, E. C. (2003) Rapid<br />

surface plasmon resonance-based inhibition assay of deoxynivalenol. J Agric<br />

Food Chem 51, 5843-5848.<br />

[180] Lotierzo, M., Henry, O. Y., Piletsky, S., Tothill, I., Cullen, D., Kania, M.,<br />

Hock, B. and Turner, A. P. (2004) Surface plasmon resonance sensor for<br />

domoic acid based on grafted imprinted polymer. Biosens Bioelectron 20,<br />


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