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92 Bibliografía [88] Takai, A., Murata, M., Torigoe, K., Isobe, M., Mieskes, G. and Yasumoto, T. (1992) Inhibitory effect of okadaic acid derivatives on protein phosphatases. A study on structure-affinity relationship. Biochem J 284 ( Pt 2), 539-544. [89] Larsen, K., Petersen, D., Wilkins, A. L., Samdal, I. A., Sandvik, M., Rundberget, T., Goldstone, D., Arcus, V., Hovgaard, P., Rise, F., Rehmann, N., Hess, P. and Miles, C. O. (2007) Clarification of the C-35 stereochemistries of dinophysistoxin-1 and dinophysistoxin-2 and its consequences for binding to protein phosphatase. Chem Res Toxicol 20, 868- 875. [90] Cohen, P. (1989) The structure and regulation of protein phosphatases. Annu Rev Biochem 58, 453-508. [91] Wera, S. and Hemmings, B. A. (1995) Serine/threonine protein phosphatases. Biochem J 311 ( Pt 1), 17-29. [92] Tripuraneni, J., Koutsouris, A., Pestic, L., De Lanerolle, P. and Hecht, G. (1997) The toxin of diarrheic shellfish poisoning, okadaic acid, increases intestinal epithelial paracellular permeability. Gastroenterology 112, 100- 108. [93] Tubaro, A., Sosa, S., Bornancin, A. and Hungerford, J. (2008) Pharmacology and toxicology of diarrheic shellfish toxins., In Seafood and freshwater toxins: pharmacology, physiology and detection. 2nd edition (Botana, L. M., Ed.) pp 229-253, CRC Press, Boca Raton. [94] Tubaro, A., Sosa, S., Carbonatto, M., Altinier, G., Vita, F., Melato, M., Satake, M. and Yasumoto, T. (2003) Oral and intraperitoneal acute toxicity studies of yessotoxin and homoyessotoxins in mice. Toxicon 41, 783-792. [95] Bouaicha, N., Hennion, M. C. and Sandra, P. (1997) Determination of okadaic acid by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with ultraviolet detection. Toxicon 35, 273-281. [96] Llamas, N. M., Stewart, L., Fodey, T., Higgins, H. C., Velasco, M. L., Botana, L. M. and Elliott, C. T. (2007) Development of a novel immunobiosensor method for the rapid detection of okadaic acid contamination in shellfish extracts. Anal Bioanal Chem 389, 581-587. [97] Murata, M., Kumagai, M., Lee, J. S. and Yasumoto, T. (1987) Isolation and structure of yessotoxin, a novel polyether compound implicated in diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Tetrahedron Lett 28, 5869-5872.

93 Bibliografía [98] Satake, M., Terasawa, K., Kadowaki, Y. and Yasumoto, T. (1996) Relative configuration of yessotoxin and isolation of two new analogs from toxic scallops. Tetrahedron Lett 37, 5955-5958. [99] Takahashi, H., Kusumi, T., Kan, Y., Satake, M. and Yasumoto, T. (1996) Determination of the absolute configuration of yessotoxin, a polyether compound implicated in diarrhetic shellfish poisoning, by NMR spectroscopic method using a chiral anisotropic reagent, methoxy-(2- naphthyl)acetic acid. Tetrahedron Lett 37, 7087-7090. [100] Paz, B., Daranas, A. H., Norte, M., Riobo, P., Franco, J. M. and Fernandez, J. J. (2008) Yessotoxins, a group of marine polyether toxins: an overview. Mar Drugs 6, 73-102. [101] Satake, M., MacKenzie, L. and Yasumoto, T. (1997) Identification of Protoceratium reticulatum as the biogenetic origin of yessotoxin. Nat Toxins 5, 164-167. [102] Draisci, R., Ferretti, E., Palleschi, L., Marchiafava, C., Poletti, R., Milandri, A., Ceredi, A. and Pompei, M. (1999) High levels of yessotoxin in mussels and presence of yessotoxin and homoyessotoxin in dinoflagellates of the Adriatic Sea. Toxicon 37, 1187-1193. [103] Rhodes, L. L., McNabb, P., De Salas, M., Briggs, L., Beuzenberg, V. and Gladstone, M. (2006) Yessotoxin production by Gonyaulax spinifera. Harmful Algae 5, 148-155. [104] Terao, K., Ito, E., Oarada, M., Murata, M. and Yasumoto, T. (1990) Histopathological studies on experimental marine toxin poisoning--5. The effects in mice of yessotoxin isolated from Patinopecten yessoensis and of a desulfated derivative. Toxicon 28, 1095-1104. [105] Ogino, H., Kumagai, M. and Yasumoto, T. (1997) Toxicologic evaluation of yessotoxin. Nat Toxins 5, 255-259. [106] de la Rosa, L. A., Alfonso, A., Vilarino, N., Vieytes, M. R. and Botana, L. M. (2001) Modulation of cytosolic calcium levels of human lymphocytes by yessotoxin, a novel marine phycotoxin. Biochem Pharmacol 61, 827-833. [107] Alfonso, A., de la Rosa, L., Vieytes, M. R., Yasumoto, T. and Botana, L. M. (2003) Yessotoxin, a novel phycotoxin, activates phosphodiesterase activity. Effect of yessotoxin on cAMP levels in human lymphocytes. Biochem Pharmacol 65, 193-208.

92<br />

Bibliografía<br />

[88] Takai, A., Murata, M., Torigoe, K., Isobe, M., Mieskes, G. and Yasumoto, T.<br />

(1992) Inhibitory effect of okadaic acid derivatives on protein phosphatases.<br />

A study on structure-affinity relationship. Biochem J 284 ( Pt 2), 539-544.<br />

[89] Larsen, K., Petersen, D., Wilkins, A. L., Samdal, I. A., Sandvik, M.,<br />

Rundberget, T., Goldstone, D., Arcus, V., Hovgaard, P., Rise, F., Rehmann,<br />

N., Hess, P. and Miles, C. O. (2007) Clarification of the C-35<br />

stereochemistries of dinophysistoxin-1 and dinophysistoxin-2 and its<br />

consequences for binding to protein phosphatase. Chem Res Toxicol 20, 868-<br />

875.<br />

[90] Cohen, P. (1989) The structure and regulation of protein phosphatases. Annu<br />

Rev Biochem 58, 453-508.<br />

[91] Wera, S. and Hemmings, B. A. (1995) Serine/threonine protein phosphatases.<br />

Biochem J 311 ( Pt 1), 17-29.<br />

[92] Tripuraneni, J., Koutsouris, A., Pestic, L., De Lanerolle, P. and Hecht, G.<br />

(1997) The toxin of diarrheic shellfish poisoning, okadaic acid, increases<br />

intestinal epithelial paracellular permeability. Gastroenterology 112, 100-<br />

108.<br />

[93] Tubaro, A., Sosa, S., Bornancin, A. and Hungerford, J. (2008) Pharmacology<br />

and toxicology of diarrheic shellfish toxins., In Seafood and freshwater<br />

toxins: pharmacology, physiology and detection. 2nd edition (Botana, L. M.,<br />

Ed.) pp 229-253, CRC Press, Boca Raton.<br />

[94] Tubaro, A., Sosa, S., Carbonatto, M., Altinier, G., Vita, F., Melato, M.,<br />

Satake, M. and Yasumoto, T. (2003) Oral and intraperitoneal acute toxicity<br />

studies of yessotoxin and homoyessotoxins in mice. Toxicon 41, 783-792.<br />

[95] Bouaicha, N., Hennion, M. C. and Sandra, P. (1997) Determination of<br />

okadaic acid by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with ultraviolet<br />

detection. Toxicon 35, 273-281.<br />

[96] Llamas, N. M., Stewart, L., Fodey, T., Higgins, H. C., Velasco, M. L.,<br />

Botana, L. M. and Elliott, C. T. (2007) Development of a novel<br />

immunobiosensor method for the rapid detection of okadaic acid<br />

contamination in shellfish extracts. Anal Bioanal Chem 389, 581-587.<br />

[97] Murata, M., Kumagai, M., Lee, J. S. and Yasumoto, T. (1987) Isolation and<br />

structure of yessotoxin, a novel polyether compound implicated in diarrhetic<br />

shellfish poisoning. Tetrahedron Lett 28, 5869-5872.

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