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70 Publicaciones [5] E. Takahashi, Q. Yu, G. Eaglesham, D.W. Connell, J. McBroom, S. Costanzo and G.R. Shaw, Mar Environ Res, 64 (2007) 429 [6] J. Aasen, S.L. MacKinnon, P. LeBlanc, J.A. Walter, P. Hovgaard, T. Aune and M.A. Quilliam, Chem Res Toxicol, 18 (2005) 509 [7] S.L. MacKinnon, J.A. Walter, M.A. Quilliam, A.D. Cembella, P. Leblanc, I.W. Burton, W.R. Hardstaff and N.I. Lewis, J Nat Prod, 69 (2006) 983 [8] P. Ciminiello, C. Dell'Aversano, E. Fattorusso, S. Magno, L. Tartaglione, M. Cangini, M. Pompei, F. Guerrini, L. Boni and R. Pistocchi, Toxicon, 47 (2006) 597 [9] Z. Amzil, M. Sibat, F. Royer, N. Masson and E. Abadie, Mar Drugs, 5 (2007) 168 [10] A. Villar Gonzalez, M.L. Rodriguez-Velasco, B. Ben-Gigirey and L.M. Botana, Toxicon, 48 (2006) 1068 [11] D.J. Stirling, N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 35 (2001) 851 [12] J.A. Aasen, W. Hardstaff, T. Aune and M.A. Quilliam, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 20 (2006) 1531 [13] T. Hu, I.W. Burton, A.D. Cembella, J.M. Curtis, M.A. Quilliam, J.A. Walter and J.L. Wright, J Nat Prod, 64 (2001) 308 [14] L. MacKenzie, P. Holland, P. McNabb, V. Beuzenberg, A. Selwood and T. Suzuki, Toxicon, 40 (2002) 1321 [15] R. Kharrat, D. Servent, E. Girard, G. Ouanounou, M. Amar, R. Marrouchi, E. Benoit and J. Molgó, J Neurochem, 107 (2008) 952 [16] R. Munday, N.R. Towers, L. Mackenzie, V. Beuzenberg, P.T. Holland and C.O. Miles, Toxicon, 44 (2004) 173 [17] R. Munday, in: L.M. Botana (Eds.), Seafood and freshwater toxins: pharmacology, physiology and detection. 2nd edition, CRC Press, New York, 2008, 581 [18] E. Fux, D. McMillan, R. Bire and P. Hess, J Chromatogr A, 1157 (2007) 273 [19] L. Sleno and D.A. Volmer, Anal Chem, 77 (2005) 1509 [20] N. Vilariño, E.S. Fonfría, J. Molgó, R. Aráoz and L.M. Botana, Anal. Chem., In press (2009) [21] T. Aune, in: L.M. Botana (Eds.), Seafood and freshwater toxins: pharmacology, physiology and detection. 2nd edition, CRC Press, New York, 2008, 3

FIGURES. 71 Publicaciones Figure 1. GYM calibration curves in PBS-BT and shellfish extracts using the fluorescence polarization assay. (A) PBS-BT buffer, (B) mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis (C) clam, Venerupis semidecussatus (D) cockle, Cerastoderma edule (E) scallop, Pecten maximus, (F) Parameter values of the logarithmic fit. Serial dilutions of GYM were prepared at concentrations of 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 2,000 nM in mollusk extract or in PBS-BT containing 19.2% ethanol and were added to a well containing a solution of Torpedo marmorata nAChR-enriched membranes. After 2 h Alexa Fluor α-BTX was also added to the well and its binding to receptors determined by changes in fluorescence polarization. Data are expressed as percentage of maximum α-BTX-binding response. Calibration curves were obtained using a logarithmic fit. Representative experiment of n = 4 for each condition.

FIGURES.<br />

71<br />

Publicaciones<br />

Figure 1. GYM calibration curves in PBS-BT and shellfish extracts using the<br />

fluorescence polarization assay. (A) PBS-BT buffer, (B) mussel, Mytilus<br />

galloprovincialis (C) clam, Venerupis semidecussatus (D) cockle, Cerastoderma<br />

edule (E) scallop, Pecten maximus, (F) Parameter values of the logarithmic fit. Serial<br />

dilutions of GYM were prepared at concentrations of 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 2,000<br />

nM in mollusk extract or in PBS-BT containing 19.2% ethanol and were added to a<br />

well containing a solution of Torpedo marmorata nAChR-enriched membranes.<br />

After 2 h Alexa Fluor α-BTX was also added to the well and its binding to receptors<br />

determined by changes in fluorescence polarization. Data are expressed as<br />

percentage of maximum α-BTX-binding response. Calibration curves were obtained<br />

using a logarithmic fit. Representative experiment of n = 4 for each condition.

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