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MAY - •<br />

Experimental Haven for Jews in West Indies Has Room for Many More<br />

& x _ • _ ,_..._, 8 tu. ZZtZZZl Z hnd. ^Manv of the settler's in this Jewish came_ too late for thousands of little<br />

BY JOHN A. THALE frame or cemant buildings housing a give more the appearance of busi­ Many of the settlers in this Jewish came too late for thousands of little<br />

OSUA. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC typical count}}' general store, half ai nessmen, small shopkeepers or<br />

S —(CDN)—This settlement that dozen little individual enterprises—a teachers.<br />

the Dominican Republic established tailor shop, novelty store, barber! <strong>The</strong>y are grateful for what the<br />

as a haven for up to 100.000 perse­ shop, a coup.lfe of restaurants—and, Dominican Government has done for<br />

cuted Jews is today badly in need<br />

them. But the average colonist<br />

of a blood transfusion. j<br />

<strong>The</strong> ranks of the colonists in tnei<br />

25,000-acre seaside valley refuge are:<br />

growing thinner almost daily. Few.<br />

if any, are coming from Europe to<br />

replace them.<br />

Six years ago President Rafael<br />

Leonidas Trujillo Molina donated<br />

this site out of his own extensive private<br />

land holdings. He announced<br />

that the doors of the Dominican Republic<br />

would be open to as many as<br />

100.000 Jewish refugees from the<br />

Nazi fury.<br />

Many observers hailed the project<br />

as a possible pattern for future<br />

Latin American refugee immigration<br />

possibilities.<br />

Some 500 expatriates, chiefly from<br />

Germany and Austria, eventually<br />

•rrived at Sosua. Today their number<br />

has dwindled to 380. And about<br />

100 more are expected to leave soon.<br />

Site Overlooks the Sea<br />

A dusty, rutted road threads its<br />

way past a quarter-mile stretch of<br />

very inviting beach and up a small<br />

hill to where the refugees have built<br />

the "business district" of their settlement,<br />

overlooking the Atlantic.<br />

Lining the dirt-surfaced "Main<br />

Street" are a score of small, rough<br />

refugee colony say they would like<br />

to return to their ol

A las diez de la mariana LA NACION<br />

ha llegodo al ultimo extremo del Pais.<br />

Por su informacion, por su circulacion,<br />

por su seriedad, es considerado el<br />

diorio nacional por excelencia.<br />

AVENIDA MELLA, NUM. 52 AffO VI — NUM. 1963<br />


Los emigrados europeos radicados en Sostia<br />

abrican productos con materiales del pais<br />

Mactequilfa, queso, aeeites, diilces en confervas, manleles, earteras, zapatog,<br />

pantuflas, juguetes y otros articulos son elaboration<br />

LA NJ<br />

Director: Lio. GILBER1<br />

CIUDAF T^UmZo~JR<br />

CIUDAD TRUJILLO. 12 dp Ju­ •indiscutible lmportancia y la no-, • Aparte de mantequilla, queso,<br />

lio—(Agenda Dominicina dp Pu- vedad de los artfculos que se estan aceites esenciales de cit.ronela y<br />

bllcidad'—Cuando pn el afio 1940 fabrlcando accualmente.<br />

yerbalimoncillo, se fabrican dulces<br />

fui fupndada la cnlonia agricola dp<br />

en conservas, manteles para mesa,<br />

'Sosiu, en In rpgion norte del pais, j« Comilf de Ayuda<br />

carteras, zapatos, pantuflas, capas<br />

para radicar a los emigrados cen-<br />

de agua, pantallas, colchones y notroeuropeo*<br />

que vinieron- a la Re- I Una vez estableoidos en la co- vedades que ban obtenido crecien-<br />

*bublicp por humanitaria invitaclon 1<br />

Ionia de Sosua. no escatimaron te demanda en los mercados del<br />

del Excclentisimo Primer Magistra- j oportunidad para entregarse al pais y del extranjero.<br />

do de le Nacion, Generalfslmo Dr. ' trabajo, convlrtiendo aquella fe>-<br />

Rafael L .Trujillo 'Molina, llustre<br />

Lo esencial en la industria de<br />

| til regi6n en un sitio verdadera-<br />

Benefactor de la Patria, pocos pen-<br />

Sosiia consiste en el hecho de que<br />

mente atractivo. Y si bien es cier-<br />

Baron que aquel contingente de<br />

las materias primas son extraidas<br />

,iran aumentf ndt>>"le dia en dia, en<br />

! to que mediante las labores agri-<br />

favor de nuejftro credito exterior y<br />

hombres traba.iadores rendiria frucolas el progreso se fue acentuan- de nuestra tierra, aprovechandose, de nuestra economia.<br />

tos tan beneficiosos para el des- ' do cada vez mas. tambien cupo su como ocurre con las semillas de —Entre emigrados y dominlcanos—<br />

Birollo de nuevas industrias nacio- parte al desarrollo industrial, con- framboyan, especies que anterlor- nos dijo el Dr. Baum—, hay una<br />

tales.sistente<br />

en la produccion de armente se perdian por falta de estrecha cooperacidn que dice mu-<br />

La actit.ud asumida por el Pre- ticulos nuevos, elaborados con ma­ aplicacl6n Industrial.<br />

cho del espiritu acogedor de este<br />

Bldente Trujillo en favor de los terial! primas de nuest.ro suelo. Realizan tan proflcuas labores pais. Por lo demas, nosotros esta-<br />

hombres que no cablan en la Eu- El Joint Relief Committee (Co-<br />

mas de doscientos obreros, dominimos muy agradecldos, y lo estareropa-<br />

de Hitler, se traduce ahora mite de Ayuda) inieio sus activicanos<br />

y extranjeros, de la menmos siempre, de la amplia hosplta-<br />

en realidades de bienestar por la | dades al establecer algunas induscionada<br />

colonia de Sosiia. Los prilldad que nos ha ofrecido el Goblertrias.<br />

en pequefta escala, en Ciuimeros,<br />

como es 16gico advertir, no dominicano, gracias a la magdad<br />

Trujillo. bajo la direccion del<br />

aprenden las habilidades tecnicas nanimidad del Honorable seflor Pre-<br />

Dr. Walter Baum, experto en asis-<br />

necesarias para la elaboracion de sidente de la Republica, Generalftencia<br />

social. Mas tardp este or-<br />

los artfculos creados por la fabrica simo Dr. Rafael L. Trujillo Molina,<br />

ganismo extendid tales actividades<br />

de novedades de fibras, la oual pro­ quien nos abrib las puertas de esta<br />

hasta Sosua, con resultados altaduce<br />

ya mercancias por valor de nueva patria para que vivieramos al<br />

mente satisfactorios para el fo-<br />

cuatro a cinco rail pesos mensual- abrigo de la paz y del trabajo.<br />

mento de las mismas.<br />

mente.<br />

Los expresados articulos son en-<br />

Lai productos de Sneria<br />

viados a la oficina central establecida<br />

en esta ciudad, y dirigida por<br />

El centra principal de la indus- el sefior Henry Hlrsehen, quien potria<br />

radicada en Sosua es la Fibre se* una vasta experiencia en mate­<br />

Carft (Pabrica de novedades de ria de organ izacidn de ventas in-<br />

fibrasL<br />

ternacionales.<br />

Lns productos en los<br />

) mercados extranjeros<br />

Los progresos alcanzados por la<br />

' industria de Sosua se reflejan clara-<br />

' mente en la gran demanda que tienen<br />

sus productos en los mercados<br />

del exterior. La Dominican Sales<br />

Offices, que es la oficina establecida<br />

en esta ciudad, esta en contacto<br />

con diez pafses del Continente |<br />

americano. Cartas que se reciben de<br />

important** casas de America manifiestan<br />

que la mercancia de Sosua<br />

supera, en muchos casos, la de<br />

fabrlcaci6n exdtica, compitiendo<br />

ventajosamente con la de produccion<br />

haitlana de la misma Indole.<br />

Se recomiendan los productos crioilos<br />

por su presentaci6n artistica y<br />

su buena calidad, que son apreciadas<br />

como es debldo.<br />

Lo que dice el Dr. Baum<br />

En un breve cambio de ideas celebrado<br />

con el Dr. Baum, en la Dominican<br />

Sales Offices, nos manifesto,<br />

entre otras cosas, que la lmportancia<br />

y el exito de la referida industria<br />

descansan en el aprovechamiento<br />

clentifico de las materias<br />

• primas del suelo, creandose, por es-<br />

I te medio, fuentes de produccibn que<br />

.' i

LCION<br />


Qifimo DS if] iwm<br />


Pxogreaaea tn tha •nttonnl I»*f»**J .M. -4#ll<br />

fiaxonean amigxanta naUIod In Soaoa axe mnttnfnotoxing prodoota with<br />

Dominican raw-materiala* ^ w -,*•„«.«,-<br />

* and other articles are prodncad.<br />

Ciodad TroJillo.Joiy 12 < Dominican agency •£_JJ}J52. t faiflTia the Haswhan<br />

tha aariooltoxai colony of Soaoa was entnbliahnd 1040 in the nortKrn<br />

Xgitn of the ooontry to settle thare ••J^^JH^* i ?lfi2 tl<br />

antaring tS Dominican Bepobllc following to- tha humanltaxian invita-<br />

"on of 8 thTaxoalUnt fi rat ma gist rata of *• •»X B ?«*S?!!S l 2S!a #<br />

jtafa.i L-TM 1lllo Molina.illostrioaJ Banefaotox de la ietria#there<br />

!SS f i i ? M £ ^Suii! that thia centingent of diligent rafo-<br />

dOBtxiea,?he attitode assumed by Resident «»4U1P in banal f of indivTtoalifox<br />

whom thaxa »aa not any piaoa in Hitlex's Itoxope xesolted<br />

no? in • "ndition of xaal prosperity dna to the indiapotable importance<br />

and novelty of the articlea actoaiiy pxodoced*<br />

Tha * Joint Belief Cmm\ ttna "<br />

once established in Sosoa W dia nnTjmll -Jj » g * S 2 ".jft^<br />

thomaalvaa folly to thaix worsens forming this fertil region in a<br />

real!v attractive place .And bein^ evident that the progreae in tha agri-<br />

SEtere became mora and mora remlrkable,thexe also coold be obaexved a<br />

conaidarabla progxeaa in tiie incoatrial development coneU.ting in the<br />

prodoctlon of naa articiaa elaborated with raw material* of oox nolle<br />

ma * Joint Belief committee * initiated ita •otlvittea,eatabliahing<br />

SJatlv a faWindoatxiaa in a amaller frame in Clodad Trujillo under the<br />

&£&•* o?PxSaliix SaSm e*pext In social acienoaa^atex J*^ •»£•*•<br />

aationT-extended theaa aotivitlaa to 3oaoa with vexy favorable xesolts*<br />

i<br />

<strong>The</strong> pxodocte of Spang<br />

Tha principal* centre of tha of~the indoatry eatabliahad in Soaoa ia tha<br />

"FLbrS Art CraftiBaaidae batter,^eeaa,aaaential oila ot J*^* aim Kip<br />

monexasB thexe are prodoc.d preaervea^tabla-clotba^hand-baga.ahoaSiSlip<br />

^!Sin.caDaa;iMp^hadeaiatxesaaa and noveltiea which are oxdexed on<br />

STflS^kSt a? thia c^ntxfand abroad with a continoaily incxaaaing interest.<br />

Tha aaaential importance of the Soaoa-indoatxy ilea in ** J* 0 * **»* *fJam-<br />

!!L"""S«i-.nK. «ct««etad f*nm nor a oil .o till aim* fox instance the fxam-

lUDrican proauctos con materiales del pais<br />

ManiequiHa, queso, aceites, dulces en eonservas, manteles, carteras, zapatos,<br />

pantuflas, juguetes y otros articulos son elaborados<br />

n 1<br />

OTUDAD TRUJILLO. 12 de Ju­ *indiscuiible importancia y la nolio.—(ARCH<br />

cia Dominlcsna de Pu-<br />

• Aparte de mantequilla, queso,<br />

Ivedad de los articulos que se estan<br />

iblicldad'—Cuando en el ano 1940<br />

aceites esenciales de citronela y<br />

fabricando actualmente.<br />

fue fupndada la colonia agrlcola

PHgfWftes in tha hUWll IflflMlfj<br />

Baropaan emigrants settled in Soaoa are manofaotorlng products with<br />

Dominican caw-materials*<br />

Bntts*,olwins#oiU#prassrfesfUbia-oloths,hnnd-baga,ahoaa,oiippar8#toys<br />

and other axticias are produced*<br />

Clodad Trujillo, July IS ( Dominican agency of Publicity ).when<br />

the agriooltnral colony of Soaoa was established 1940 in the norths<br />

xn region of the country to settle thexe central -liuropean ami grants<br />

entering the Dominican Bepoblio following to- the humanitarian invitation<br />

of the excellent first magistrate of the nation Oenoraliaimo Dx.<br />

Bafaal L.TroJill0 Molina,lllostriou3 Benefactor de la Batria,there<br />

ware few persona only thinking that thia contingent of diligent xefo*<br />

gaea would lnfloenoe so favorably the development of the national Indus<br />

tries «<strong>The</strong> attitude aaaumad by President Trujillo in behalf of individuals<br />

fox whom there was not any place in Hitler's Europe xesulted<br />

nos in a condition of real prosperity doe to the indisputable importance<br />

and novelty of the articles actually produced.<br />

the » Joint Belief Committee «<br />

Once established in soaoa they did not omit any opportunity to devote<br />

tbamselvaa folly to their work, trans forming thia fertll region in a<br />

really attractive place .and being evident that the pxogxesa in the agricol<br />

tore became more and more remarkable,there also could be observed^<br />

considerable progress in the indostrial development consisting in the<br />

production of new articles elaborated with raw materials of our soil.<br />

<strong>The</strong> * Joint Belief Committee * initiated its activities,establishing<br />

firstly a few Industries in a smaller frame in Ciudad Trujillo under the<br />

direction of Dx#Waltex Baum expert In social sciences .La tar this organisation/extended<br />

these activities to Sosua with vexy favorable results*<br />

,' (•<br />

<strong>The</strong> pxodnote of 3 osoa<br />

<strong>The</strong>. principal'aentre of the of—the indos try established in Sosua is the<br />

'libxe Art Craft*Besidca butter,cheese,essential oils of citroneia and lemon<br />

gxaa a thexe are prodoc d preserves,table-cloths,hand-bags,shoes,slip<br />

pe xa, xain-ca pea,lamp-shad as ^aatxes sea and novelties which are ordered on<br />

the aerket of this oountxy and abroad with a continually increasing interest*<br />

Tha essential Importance of the Sosoa-indoatry Ilea in the fact that the<br />

raw-materials are extra a ted from our soil,utilising fox instance the framboyan-aends,species<br />

which formerly were lost by the lack of industrial<br />

exploitation*<br />

More than two hundred Dominican and foreign worker of the above-mentioned<br />

colony of Sosua axe 9 xforming each useful labors .<strong>The</strong> first,as it la<br />

logical, are learning the technical skills necesaaxy for the elaboration<br />

of artioles orated ih the factory of novelties in fibres which is<br />

alxaady producing goods in the value of four to five thousand doilaxd<br />

monthly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mentioned artioles axe sent to the central office established in this<br />

city and directed by Mr .Henry Kirschen,who has a vast experience in the<br />

field of organisation of internation_al sales.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prodocts on the foreign maxketa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> frequent demanda fox thaae products on foreign maxketa give a<br />

iotore of the pxogxeaa reached by the indos try of Soaoa .<strong>The</strong> * Dominical<br />

f alas Offioea * which is tha name of the off loo aa tab 11 shad in thia city*,<br />

is in continual contact with tan coontriaa of the Amerloan continent*<br />

Lattera of Important American firms axe received the re, a on firming that<br />

the a osoa goada surpass in many oases the goods of •xotioal pxodnotion,<br />

competing advantageously with the Haitian production of the same kind*<br />

<strong>The</strong> products of thia country axe xecommended fox their axtlstioal execution<br />

and good quality which ace duly appreciated*<br />

Oauvsrahtion with Pr Jams<br />

In a short conversation with Dx.Baum in the * Dominican Sales Offices *<br />

he 'stated among other things that the importance and the aoooeaa of tha<br />

re farced industry are based on the scientific exploitation of the xawmate<br />

rials of the a oil, discovering by this way new posslbilitlea of production<br />

whlqh axe increasing daily with a favorable lnfloenoe on box<br />

foxeign credit and 00 x ed on amy .<strong>The</strong> close cooperation between emigrants<br />

and Dominicano U-ae Dx-Baum la telling as-ahowing clearly the aplxit<br />

ef hoapitality prevailing in this ooontry*Besldaa-,we axe and always<br />

will be extremely grateful for the generous hoapitality extended to oa<br />

by the Dominican government thanks to the magnimlty of the honorable<br />

President of the Eapublic,General! a imo,Dr.fla feel J*.Trujillo Molina,who<br />

opened to oa the doers of a no* fatherland,in which we may live shielded<br />

by the spirits of peace and work.

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