Chapter 12: Appendixes

Chapter 12: Appendixes

Chapter 12: Appendixes


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Order Metatremellales (waxy fungi)<br />

Common Name Family Location<br />

Calocera cornea clublike tuning fork Dacrymycetaceae RE<br />

CLASS HYMENOMYCETES (exposed hymenium fungi)<br />

Order Agaricales (coral and pore fungi)<br />

Agaricus campestris meadow mushroom Agaricaceae CK<br />

Agaricus comtulus agaricus Agaricaceae RE<br />

Amanita phalloides death cup Amanitaceae RE<br />

Amanitopsis vaginata sheathed amanitopsis Amanitaceae RE<br />

Armillaria mellea honey mushroom Agaricaceae CK<br />

Atrichum undulatum wavy Catherinea mushroom Polyporaceae CK<br />

Bjerkandera adusta pore fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Boletus chrysenteron golden-flesh or red-crack bolete Boletaceae RE<br />

Boletus piperatus edible bolete Boletaceae RE<br />

Clavaria flaccida soft coral fungus Clavariaceae RE<br />

Clavaria pyxidata edible coral fungus Clavariaceae RE<br />

Clavaria sp. coral mushroom Clavariaceae CK<br />

Clitocybe infundibuliformis-membranacea funnel clitocybe Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Clitopilus abortivus field type mushroom Agaricaceae CK<br />

Collybia delicatella collybia Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Collybia dryophila oak-loving collybia Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Collybia myriadophylla conifer collybia Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Collybia platyphylla broad-gilled collybia Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Coprinus fuscescens ink-cup Coprinaceae RE<br />

Coprinus micaceus glistening ink-cup Coprinaceae RE<br />

Crepidotus malachius spotted stumpfoot Agaricaceae CK<br />

Daedalea confragosa currycomb bracket fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Daedalea quercina oak mazegill fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Entoloma sp. entoloma Rhodophyllaceae RE<br />

Favolus alveolaris pore fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Fomes applanatus artist’s fomes Polyporaceae RE<br />

Fomes everhartii artist’s type fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Fomes ohioensis artist’s type fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Galera sp. deadly galerina Cortinariaceae RE<br />

Ganoderma applanatum artist’s shelf fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Gomphidius sp. gomphidius Gomphidiaceae RE<br />

Gyrodom merulioides fleshy pore fungus or bolete Boletaceae CK<br />

Hydrochaete olivacea red leather fungus Polyporaceae CK,RE<br />

Inocybe sp. fiber cap Cortinariaceae RE<br />

Irpex lacteus white leather fungus Polyporaceae RE<br />

Lactarius rimosellus milk cap Russulaceae RE<br />

Lactarius subdulcis dull milk cap Russulaceae RE<br />

Lactarius theiogalus yellow -straining milk cap Russulaceae RE<br />

Laetiporus sulphurous sulfur polypore Polyporaceae RE<br />

Lentinus sulcatus lentinus Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Lenzites betulina birch mazegill fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Lenzites sepiaria gill polypore Polyporaceae RE<br />

Lepiota adirondackensis Adirondacks lepiota Lepiotaceae RE<br />

Lepiota cristata crested lepiota Lepiotaceae RE<br />

Lepiota erminea ermine lepiota Lepiotaceae RE<br />

Lepiota illinita lepiota Lepiotaceae RE<br />

Macrolepiota procera parasol mushroom Lepiotaceae CK<br />

Marasmius albiceps marasmius Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Marasmius candidus marasmius Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Marasmius nigripes marasmius Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Marasmius oreades fairy-ring mushroom Tricholomataceae CK<br />

Marasmius siccus orange pin-wheel Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Marasmius trullisatipes marasmius Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Mycena capillaris bonnet mushroom Tricholomataceae RE<br />

Oligoporus tephroleucus pore fungus Polyporaceae CK<br />

Panus rudis rudy panus Amanitaceae RE<br />


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