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STF na Mídia - Myclipp

STF na Mídia - Myclipp


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<strong>STF</strong> <strong>na</strong> <strong>Mídia</strong><br />

Clipping Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - Dia 26/10 à 09/11/2011

Índice<br />

10 de Novembro de 2011<br />

APFDigital - Politicas<br />



Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce<br />


Bank of New York Mellon’s Board Sued by Shareholder Over Currency Trades<br />

El Pais - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Sepultan a Gadafi en sitio secreto<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


Ocma destituye a 40 magistrados<br />

El Universal - Estados<br />


Panistas exigen renuncia de presidente de IEE<br />

La Nacion - Información geral<br />


Lorenzetti avaló el expediente digital<br />

Los Angeles Times - Local<br />


California Supreme Court rejects challenges to political districts<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

Dictators Get the Deaths They Deserve<br />

The New York Times - Politics<br />


Push for ‘Personhood’ Amendment Represents New Tack in Abortion Fight<br />

Denver Bussiness Jour<strong>na</strong>l - News<br />


Law group appeals for Mile High Cab to Colorado Supreme Court<br />

Los Angeles Times - Local<br />


California high court rejects challenges to redistricting<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

Muammar Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam ready to surrender in Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages<br />


The ‘Personhood’ Initiative<br />

The New York Times - Politics<br />


Lawyer Opposing Health Law Is Familiar Face to the Justices<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

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Goldman, Citigroup, Madoff, JPMorgan, MERS in Court News<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


Participan más de doscientos magistrados<br />

El Universal - Metropoli<br />


Magistrado busca u<strong>na</strong> segunda presidencia del TSJDF<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Dictar sentencia cuesta $31 mil: Judicatura<br />

El Universal - Estados<br />


Ministra pide deslindar responsabilidades por Royale<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Cronología El caso Wallace<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Dan a plagiario de Wallace 131 años de cárcel<br />

Nación.cl - Tribu<strong>na</strong>les<br />


Suprema emite dura declaración en respuesta al Gobierno<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region<br />


Being Handcuffed? Press Send<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - New<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

Factbox: What is the Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court?<br />

Business Line - Industry & Company<br />


2G case: CBI to oppose bail plea of 5 corporate heads in apex court<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


Ocma suspende a juez en Lambayeque<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


Compromiso por la justicia<br />

Nación.cl - Tribu<strong>na</strong>les<br />


Magistrados califican como “agresión” dichos de ministro de Justicia<br />

Diario La Prensa - Politica<br />


El expediente digital llega a la Justicia<br />

Bizjour<strong>na</strong>is - News<br />


Appeals court: KCUMB doesn’t have to pay legal bills for ex-CEO Pletz<br />

Bloomberg - News<br />


33<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

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49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />


Wells Fargo Sued by Loreley Fi<strong>na</strong>ncing Over $163 Million CDOs<br />

Bloomberg - World View<br />


Culture War Ens<strong>na</strong>res a Beloved Indian Epic: Choudhury<br />

Clarín - Política<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Falleció Sergio Montiel, ex gober<strong>na</strong>dor entrerriano<br />

Correio Del Uniroco - Notícias<br />


Darío Vivas: La derecha privatiza hasta los derechos políticos<br />

El Argentino - País<br />


Reclaman a Macri la aplicación de la Ley de Comu<strong>na</strong>s<br />

El Pais - Entrevista<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La hora de racio<strong>na</strong>lizar la España autonómica<br />

El Pais - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Argenti<strong>na</strong> debate ley de aborto; Fernández no está de acuerdo<br />

El País - Sociedad<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La hora de racio<strong>na</strong>lizar la España autonómica<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La CPI busca al reemplazante de Moreno Ocampo<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


El juez que sentenciaba en verso<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


Comunidad jurídica participa con la magistratura<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Cuitláhuac Sali<strong>na</strong>s, nuevo titular de la SIEDO<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Impug<strong>na</strong>n reglamento de radio y tv<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Halla IFE cuentas fantasmas en partidos<br />

Le Figaro - Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Cour pé<strong>na</strong>le inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>le<br />

Seif el-Islam/reddition: des négociations<br />

Los Tiempos - Economía<br />


Cocaleros y colonos suspenden bloqueos y a<strong>na</strong>lizan marcha a La Paz<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


We did not oppose Kanimozhi's bail: CBI<br />

56<br />

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63<br />

67<br />

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77<br />

79<br />


The New York Times - N.Y./Region<br />


Detective Is Found Guilty of Planting Drugs<br />

The New York Times - Politics<br />


As Polls Slip, Perry Gets First Bounty of ‘Super PAC’ Ads<br />

The New York Times - Opinion<br />


Under ‘Color of Federal Law’<br />

The New York Times - Opinion<br />


A Political Battle Over the Courts’ Power<br />

The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article<br />


Olympus Names Review Panel<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Column: Jobs and civics go hand in hand<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Column: 'Juan Crow' law alive and well in Alabama<br />

USA Today - News<br />


High court case on GPS surveillance could break new ground<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Justice Stevens' memoir: Modest tone but pointed critiques<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News<br />


Japan not safe for meeting with panel: ex-Olympus CEO<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - New<br />


Court rules WikiLeaks' Assange should be extradited<br />

Bloomberg - World View<br />


Culture War Ens<strong>na</strong>res a Beloved Indian Epic: Choudhury<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce<br />


Abortion Ban Republicans Favor May Be Deadly in Latin America<br />

Bloomberg - News<br />


Visa, MasterCard See Potential $4B Settlement<br />

Bloomberg - News<br />


CBS Ruling on Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl Exposure Upheld by Appeals Court<br />

Business Travel - Industry & Economy<br />


Apex Court calls for Land Act amendment<br />

81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

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88<br />

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100<br />

103<br />

105<br />


Correio Del Uniroco - Notícias<br />


Honduras inicia “Operación Relámpago” para combatir la violencia<br />

Correo Del Orinoco - Nacio<strong>na</strong>les<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

FGR instaló Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas mención Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Correo Peru - Política<br />


Desig<strong>na</strong>n a Rosa Florián como secretaria de coordi<strong>na</strong>ción de la PCM<br />

Correo Peru - Mundo<br />


Tanzania prefiere perder ayuda británica antes que aceptar la homosexualidad<br />

Crítica em Línea - Además<br />


Educadores interponen amparo contra descuento<br />

Diário de La Prensa - Política<br />


El expediente digital llega a la Justicia<br />

Diário de La Prensa - Política<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia<br />

Mujica reclama termi<strong>na</strong>r la polémica con Argenti<strong>na</strong> por Botnia<br />

Diario El Argentino - Noticias<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Pacayut recurrirá a la Suprema corte de la Nación<br />

El Mundo Bolívia - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l<br />


SENADOR DEL MAS Anuncia dejar la investigación de las ONG´<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Argenti<strong>na</strong> debate ley de aborto; Fernández no está de acuerdo<br />

El País - España<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La CPI busca al reemplazante de Moreno Ocampo<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />


Mensajes de los lectores<br />

El País - España<br />


El PSE pide "desacralizar" algu<strong>na</strong>s leyes para evitar duplicidades<br />

El País - España<br />


Guiño del Gobierno al PP al hablar de u<strong>na</strong> Conferencia de Paz en 2012<br />

El País - Sociedad<br />


Congreso grande o pequeño<br />

El País - España<br />


Guiño del Gobierno al PP al hablar de u<strong>na</strong> Conferencia de Paz en 2012<br />

El País - Opiníon<br />

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Austeridad<br />

El Universal - Primera<br />


Detecta IFE “cuentas fantasmas” en partidos<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


Partidos reprueban auditoría del IFE<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


TEPJF declara infundada queja por consejeros de IFE<br />

La Nacion - Política<br />


PGN e Itaipu: Resultados de la sesión de Se<strong>na</strong>dores<br />

La Nacion - Economía<br />


Por acciones de la Anses, se traban más juicios de jubilados<br />

La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias<br />


Diputados PPD y PS rechazan nueva “lista negra” de Isapre Consalud<br />

La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias<br />


Gobierno recibió informe de Carabineros por parte adulterado<br />

La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias<br />


Matrimonio homosexual: TC rechazó el requerimiento de parejas gay<br />

Los Angeles Times - Business<br />


CBS beats FCC again in Janet Jackson 'wardrobe malfunction' case<br />

Los Angeles Times - Business<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Supreme Court<br />

Amazon offers to serve as tax collector - for a price<br />

Los Angeles Times - Business<br />


Restaurant group to respond Friday to Cain accuser request<br />

Portal Paraguaio - Actualidad<br />


Centro de Estudiantes del STJ celebra sus 30 años de creación<br />

Reuters Argenti<strong>na</strong> - Articulo<br />


G-20 esboza plan acción para reactivar crecimiento global<br />

Reuters General - Article<br />


UK court rules WikiLeaks's Assange should be extradited<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


2G: A Raja completes 9-months in jail, never sought bail<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


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147<br />


Denying bail a grave miscarriage of justice: Ram Jethmalani<br />

The Economist Times - News<br />


Monopoly after SC ban on mining helps NMDC<br />

The Economist Times - News<br />


2G: DMK MP Kanimozhi, 7 others denied bail by court<br />

The New York Times - Opinion<br />


As Polls Slip, Perry Gets First Bounty of ‘Super PAC’ Ads<br />

The New York Times - Opinion<br />


Under ‘Color of Federal Law’<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

A Political Battle Over the Courts’ Power<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region<br />


Detective Is Found Guilty of Planting Drugs<br />

The New York Times - Politics<br />


As Polls Slip, Perry Gets First Bounty of ‘Super PAC’ Ads<br />

The New York Times - Editorial<br />


Tainted Witness<br />

The New York Times - Politics<br />


Meeting With Chinese, Official Tests Limits Set by Congress<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region<br />


Years Later, Lawsuit Seeks to Recreate a Wedding<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region<br />


Firing Sought for One of Two Officers in Bell Shooting Case<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region<br />


Trial Begins for Man Charged With Falsely Accusing Ex-Girlfriend<br />

The New York Times - World<br />


British Court Says WikiLeaks Founder Can Be Extradited for Questioning<br />

The New York Times - Opinion<br />


Having the Watchdogs to Tea<br />

The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article<br />


U.K. Court Rejects Bid by Assange to Stop Extradition<br />

The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article<br />


Court Affirms Ruling That FCC Wrongly Fined CBS<br />

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USA Today - News<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Judicial Review<br />

Ex-wife of Texas judge calls his brutal spankings an 'addiction'<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Column: 'Juan Crow' law alive and well in Alabama<br />

USA Today - News<br />


High court case on GPS surveillance could break new ground<br />

USA Today - On Polítics<br />


Arizo<strong>na</strong> gives boot to redistricting leader<br />

USA Today - Communities<br />


Justice Ginsburg: A clean bill of health<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Texas judge questions daughter's motives in posting video<br />

USA Today - On Politics<br />


Group to decide whether Cain accuser can make statement<br />

USA Today - Sports<br />


Unbeaten New York team loses appeal in state court<br />

UY Press - Actualidad<br />


Suprema Corte de Justicia en sesión extraordi<strong>na</strong>ria por caso Damasco<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - New<br />


Court rules WikiLeaks' Assange should be extradited<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News<br />


CBS wins Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction ruling<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - World<br />


Supreme Court blocks Khadr extradition to U.S.<br />

Correo Del Orinoco - Comunicación y Cultura<br />


Co<strong>na</strong>tel anunció medidas cautelares contra las radioemisoras Machiques Stereo, Romance<br />

y K’lor<br />

185<br />

Diário de La Prensa - Economía<br />


Macri admitió que el subte podría aumentar a 3,40 pesos si se quitan los subsidios<br />

186<br />

El Argentino - País<br />


Venta de dólares: Se rechazó el primer recurso de amparo<br />

187<br />

El Mundo Bolívia - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l<br />


Juez ciudadano procesado por renunciar a caso Porvenir<br />

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El Mundo Bolívia - Política<br />


TSE dio a conocer a los titulares del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Supremo de Justicia<br />

El Pais - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Suprema Corte de Justicia<br />

Jueces con mucho poder y poco control de la Corte<br />

El País - España<br />


Nicolás Sartorius: "El 20-N Franco falleció en la cama pero su dictadura murió en la calle"<br />

193<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Fiscal: la CPI no juzga decisiones políticas<br />

195<br />

El Universal - Metropoli<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Alabama: ecos de la lucha por los derechos civiles<br />

196<br />

El Universal - Metropoli<br />


Acotan cláusula de gober<strong>na</strong>bilidad<br />

197<br />

El Universal - Cultura<br />


Palesti<strong>na</strong>, tierra con u<strong>na</strong> identidad por construir<br />

198<br />

El Universal - Metropoli<br />


TEPJF falla en favor de queja ciudada<strong>na</strong><br />

200<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


"Blindan" protesta del Presidente<br />

201<br />

La Nacion - Economía<br />


Rechazan un amparo contra los controles<br />

202<br />

La Nacion - Información geral<br />


Reclamo de justicia<br />

203<br />

La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias<br />


Manuel García, Chancho en Piedra y La Noche dan el vamos a la Gira Teletón 2011<br />

204<br />

Le Monde - Idées<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Constitutionnel<br />

L'arme référendaire aux mains du Sé<strong>na</strong>t<br />

205<br />

Los Angeles Times - Business<br />


Restaurant group to respond Friday to Cain accuser request<br />

206<br />

Reuters General - Article<br />


Supreme Court grants bail to Satyam founder Raju<br />

207<br />

Reuters General - Article<br />


India top court grants bail to Satyam founder Raju<br />

208<br />

188<br />

189<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


Satyam founder Ramalinga Raju granted bail by Supreme Court<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


Supreme Court dismisses Ayodhya verdict judge's plea<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


Denying bail a grave miscarriage of justice: Ram Jethmalani<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


Kanimozhi bail denial in 2G case: Bail may be considered after recording of evidence, hints<br />

court<br />

212<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


Kanimozhi bail denial: Legal eagles divided over decision to deny bail<br />

213<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


2G scam:CBI probes share transfer trail to identify beneficiaries<br />

214<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


ED's attachment of Hasan Ali's properties upheld<br />

215<br />

The Economic Times - Politics/Nation<br />


Maoists refuse to meet Mukul Roy<br />

216<br />

The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article<br />


Strip-Search Lawyers Air Dirty Linen<br />

217<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Texas judge questions daughter's motives in posting video<br />

219<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Justice Ginsburg: A clean bill of health<br />

221<br />

USA Today - On Politics<br />


Group to decide whether Cain accuser can make statement<br />

222<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - World<br />


Supreme Court blocks Khadr extradition to U.S.<br />

223<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News<br />


Olympus delays earnings announcement; shares plunge<br />

224<br />

El Argentino - Mundo<br />


Lula da Silva, el más admirado por los congresistas brasileños<br />

225<br />

APFDigital - Politicas<br />




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Bloomberg - News<br />


Police GPS Device Use Triggers Clash Over Privacy at U.S. Supreme Court<br />

Bloomberg - Politics<br />


Passport Clash Over Jerusalem at High Court May Shape Foreign Policy Power<br />

Bloomberg - News<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Suprema Corte<br />

Life Sentences for Juveniles Will Be Subject to U.S. Supreme Court Review<br />

Correo Del Orinoco - Multipolaridad<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia<br />

Costa Rica reforzará presencia policial en frontera con Nicaragua<br />

Nación.cl - Tribu<strong>na</strong>les<br />


Suprema descarta que libertad a mayor (r) Cereceda pueda ser revertida<br />

Reuters General - Article<br />


Supreme Court to decide juveniles' life sentence<br />

USA Today - News<br />


States' grandparent visitation laws raise concern<br />

USA Today - News<br />


Supreme Court wrestles with sticky Jerusalem passport case<br />

El Peruano - Noticia<br />


Hay que reestructurar el Poder Judicial<br />

El Universal - Nación<br />


CJF podrá revisar las cuentas de juzgadores<br />

El Argentino - Sociedad<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Polémica por la prohibición de do<strong>na</strong>r sangre a homosexuales<br />

El Pais - Opinión<br />


El juez poeta y la juez malhablada<br />

Nación.cl - País<br />


Hinzpeter critica a jueces y al Ministerio Público: "Todos deben dar la cara"<br />

The New York Times - Europe<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | European Court of Justice<br />

Greek Leader’s Speech Hints at Decision on New Prime Minister<br />

Índice Remissivo por Assunto<br />

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APFDigital - Politicas, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />




PARANÁ, 26 OCT (APF.Digital)<br />

– La Cámara de Diputados dio sanción definitiva<br />

esta maña<strong>na</strong> al proyecto de aumento al Poder<br />

Judicial, sin tener en cuenta u<strong>na</strong> moción para<br />

incluir un artículo que contemple el cómputo de la<br />

antigüedad para los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios judiciales desde la<br />

matriculación como abogados • Según dijo a APF<br />

el diputado radical Jaime Benedetti, también<br />

recibieron, para ser a<strong>na</strong>lizado, copia del<br />

Presupuesto 2012 tratado anoche por la Cámara<br />

de Se<strong>na</strong>dores<br />

“Se trató el aumento al Poder Judicial y que fue<br />

aprobado por u<strong>na</strong>nimidad y en general, pero en<br />

particular el Bloque Radical hizo un<br />

cuestio<strong>na</strong>miento, fundamentalmente en cuanto a la<br />

forma en que se computa la antigüedad de los<br />

magistrados”, indicó Benedetti.<br />

Según detalló el legislador, el artículo 4º del<br />

proyecto de incremento a los judiciales establece<br />

que los magistrados comiencen a cobrar desde el<br />

momento en que se matriculan como abogados y<br />

no como funcio<strong>na</strong>rios judiciales: “Esto hace que<br />

alguien que se matriculó cuando tenía 25 años,<br />

pero que empezó a trabajar a los 40 comience a<br />

cobrar por unos cuantos años más. Esta propuesta<br />

no fue aceptada por el bloque mayoritario del<br />

Peronismo Federal y el oficialismo y quedó<br />

aprobado tal como vino del Se<strong>na</strong>do”, indicó<br />

Benedetti.<br />

Además, señaló que la ley aprobada sólo le otorga<br />

jerarquía legislativa a un acuerdo que ya se está<br />

aplicando en el Poder Judicial.<br />

• Ley de Presupuesto<br />

Por otra parte, Benedetti se refirió a la iniciativa del<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>do que ayer decidió enviar u<strong>na</strong> copia de la<br />

Ley de Presupuesto a la Cámara Baja para que<br />

pueda ser estudiado: “Tenemos ya la copia de esta<br />

ley de leyes para verla a medida que se vaya<br />

a<strong>na</strong>lizando en Comisión (de Hacienda y<br />

Presupuesto) de la Cámara de Se<strong>na</strong>dores”, añadió.<br />

“Si bien todavía el presupuesto no ingresó (a<br />

Diputados) hay otros temas para tratar y no<br />

descarto que allí se comience a recibir, como todos<br />

los años, a los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios de (Ministerio de)<br />

Economía para que nos informen perso<strong>na</strong>lmente<br />

cuáles son los grandes trazos”, apuntó.<br />

Por último, Benedetti dijo a esta Agencia que lo<br />

ideal es que el Presupuesto provincial se trate en<br />

esta gestión. “Sin embargo, lo importante es que<br />

esté aprobado para el año que viene”, culminó.<br />

(APF.Digital)<br />


Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Bank of New York Mellon’s Board Sued by<br />

Shareholder Over Currency Trades<br />

By David McLaughlin - Oct 26, 2011 2:01 AM<br />

GMT-0200<br />

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (BK)’s chief<br />

executive officer and directors were sued by a<br />

shareholder after government officials alleged the<br />

bank defrauded clients through foreign-exchange<br />

transactions.<br />

The bank’s pricing practices for currency trades, as<br />

described in lawsuits by state and federal officials,<br />

have damaged its reputation and have caused or<br />

will cause it to lose business, the shareholder,<br />

Murray Zucker, said in a complaint filed yesterday<br />

in New York State Supreme Court.<br />

Chief Executive Officer Gerald Hassell and the<br />

directors “risked sacrificing a significant long-term<br />

revenue stream and hard earned reputation for<br />

short-term price gouging of institutio<strong>na</strong>l clients,”<br />

Zucker said. He is suing on behalf of the bank for<br />

damages caused by the directors’ actions.<br />

BNY Mellon was sued by the U.S. and the New<br />

York attorney general’s office this month over<br />

foreign exchange trades made on behalf of clients.<br />

The New York-based bank earned $2 billion<br />

through a 10-year fraud, according to Attorney<br />

General Eric Schneiderman. Florida and Virginia<br />

have also sued the bank.<br />

Kevin Heine, a bank spokesman, had no immediate<br />

comment on the lawsuit. The bank previously has<br />

denied that it defrauded clients and said it will fight<br />

the lawsuits by New York and the U.S. government.<br />

The case is Zucker v. Hassell, 11112133, New York<br />

State Supreme Court (Manhattan).<br />

To contact the reporter on this story: David<br />

McLaughlin in New York at<br />

dmclaughlin9@bloomberg.net<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this story:<br />

Michael Hytha at mhytha@bloomberg.net<br />


El Pais - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Sepultan a Gadafi en sitio secreto<br />

La nueva Libia. El exlíder y uno de sus hijos fueron<br />

sepultados en el desierto Saif al-Islam, su hijo que<br />

se preparaba para el poder, escapaba rumbo a<br />

Níger Rebeldes quieren que la OTAN se quede | w<br />

Exguardaespaldas cuenta cómo fue el ocaso del<br />

dictador<br />


El depuesto dictador Muamar Gadafi fue enterrado<br />

ayer en el desierto, en u<strong>na</strong> tumba sin nombre, tras<br />

u<strong>na</strong> ceremonia sencilla en presencia de varios<br />

clérigos islámicos, tras casi 42 años de régimen<br />

autoritario en Libia y ocho meses de guerra civil.<br />

Un sobrino de Gadafi leyó u<strong>na</strong> oración antes que el<br />

cadáver del exdictador -junto con los de su hijo<br />

Muatassim y su ex-ministro de Defensa Abu Bakr<br />

Yunis- fuera entregado para su sepultura, dijo el<br />

vocero del consejo militar en la ciudad portuaria de<br />

Misrata, Ibrahim Beitalmal.<br />

Los cadáveres fueron conservados en un frigorífico<br />

industrial de Misrata durante cuatro días antes de<br />

ser trasladados antes del amanecer al lugar del<br />

enterramiento, que según Beitalmal "no estaba muy<br />

lejos" de la ciudad.<br />

Como parte de la ceremonia, los cadáveres fueron<br />

lavados conforme a los cánones islámicos. Un<br />

clérigo musulmán, un sobrino de Gadafi y los hijos<br />

de Abu Bakr recitaron varias plegarias antes de<br />

entregar los cadáveres para su inhumación,<br />

efectuada a las 5 de la maña<strong>na</strong>.<br />

Los nuevos líderes de Libia dijeron que no<br />

revelarán el lugar de la tumba por temor a que sea<br />

profa<strong>na</strong>da o transformada en un santuario por los<br />

incondicio<strong>na</strong>les del exdictador.<br />

Gadafi fue capturado el jueves cuando intentaba<br />

huir de su aldea <strong>na</strong>tal de Sirte, donde se había<br />

escondido desde que las fuerzas revolucio<strong>na</strong>rias<br />

conquistaron Trípoli hacía dos meses. Murió horas<br />

después en circunstancias poco claras y los líderes<br />

libios prometieron investigar el caso en respuesta a<br />

la presión inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Durante el fin de sema<strong>na</strong>, el director de patología<br />

libio, Othman el-Zentani, realizó la autopsia de los<br />

tres cadáveres y tomó muestras de ADN a fin de<br />

confirmar sus identidades. El-Zentani dijo que<br />

Gadafi murió de un disparo a la cabeza, y dijo que<br />

el informe forense completo será publicado esta<br />

sema<strong>na</strong>, después que presente su reporte ante el<br />

procurador general.<br />

Ejecución. Ha circulado un video en el que se ve<br />

cómo u<strong>na</strong> turba golpea e insulta a Gadafi tras su<br />

captura. El grupo activista neoyorquino Human<br />

Rights Watch (HRW) dijo que hay sobrados indicios<br />

de que fue ejecutado.<br />

Los activistas de los derechos humanos advirtieron<br />

que la nueva Libia podría comenzar por mal<br />

camino si se confirma el linchamiento, pero muchos<br />

libios creen que si Gadafi no hubiese muerto,<br />

habría sido inconveniente un prolongado juicio,<br />

además de que habría dificultado el camino hacia<br />

un nuevo país.<br />

El cuerpo de Gadafi, su hijo y el ministro fueron<br />

sepultados luego de exhibirse durante casi u<strong>na</strong><br />

sema<strong>na</strong> en Misrata. La cámara frigorífica donde<br />

estaba fue visitada por hombres, mujeres y niños<br />

libios.<br />

HRW, además, denuncia que en Sirte se están<br />

realizando ejecuciones contra dece<strong>na</strong>s de exleales<br />

al depuesto líder. Según precisó, se hallaron ya 53<br />

cuerpos en la ciudad <strong>na</strong>tal de Gadafi, donde vivió<br />

refugiado los últimos días de su vida.<br />

Fugado. Saif al-Islam, otro de los hijos de Gadafi,<br />

sobre quien pesa u<strong>na</strong> orden de captura de la Corte<br />

Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l (CPI), se acercaba ayer a la<br />

frontera con Níger, según afirmó un responsable<br />

tuareg del norte de ese país.<br />

El hijo del exlíder, de 39 años, "está cerca de la<br />

frontera con Níger, todavía no entró a Níger, pero<br />

no está lejos. Parece que está siendo escoltado por<br />

excombatientes tuaregs, pero esa información<br />

todavía no la puedo confirmar", declaró este<br />

representante de la región de Agadez, que solicitó<br />

el anonimato. Antes de las revueltas, Saif al-Islam<br />

se preparaba para ser el heredero del régimen.<br />

Sobre este hijo de Gadafi y el ex jefe de los<br />

servicios de inteligencia libios, Abdalá al Senusi<br />

(también requerido por la CPI), cuñado y ex brazo<br />

derecho del coronel, "están ambos cerca de la<br />

frontera con Níger", insistió la fuente. El sitio donde<br />

se encuentra Saif al-Islam seguramente esté cerca<br />

del lugar en el que se halla Senusi, agregó el<br />

representante de Agadez.<br />

U<strong>na</strong> fuente guber<strong>na</strong>mental nigeri<strong>na</strong> había afirmado<br />

el sábado que Senusi había sido "visto" en el<br />

extremo norte de Níger, fronterizo con Libia.<br />

En tanto, el rebelde Consejo Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Transición (CNT), pidió ayer a la OTAN que<br />


prolongue su misión en Libia durante un mes más.<br />

La Alianza Atlántica no contestó el reclamo, y hasta<br />

ahora sigue con el plan de abando<strong>na</strong>r el país el<br />

próximo 31 de octubre.<br />

El dictador pasó sus últimos días "estresado,<br />

indig<strong>na</strong>do y furioso"<br />

Trípoli | Muamar Gadafi, el poderoso líder de Libia<br />

durante cuatro décadas, pasó sus últimas sema<strong>na</strong>s<br />

saltando de un escondite a otro en su ciudad <strong>na</strong>tal<br />

de Sirte en un vaivén emocio<strong>na</strong>l, entre la rabia y la<br />

desesperación, mientras se desplomaba su<br />

régimen, dijo un allegado que ahora está preso.<br />

Gadafi, su hijo Muatassim y u<strong>na</strong> comitiva de dos<br />

dece<strong>na</strong>s de incondicio<strong>na</strong>les quedaron aislados del<br />

resto del mundo en su fuga desesperada, viviendo<br />

en casas abando<strong>na</strong>das sin televisores, teléfonos ni<br />

electricidad y usando velas para ilumi<strong>na</strong>rse, reveló<br />

Mansour Dao, miembro del clan de Gadafi y exjefe<br />

de guardaespaldas.<br />

Gadafi pasaba el tiempo leyendo, haciendo<br />

anotaciones o preparando té en u<strong>na</strong> estufa a<br />

carbón, dijo Dao en u<strong>na</strong> sala de conferencias<br />

-ahora empleada como celda- en el cuartel general<br />

de las fuerzas revolucio<strong>na</strong>rias en la ciudad de<br />

Misrata. "Él no conducía la batalla", dijo Dao. "Sus<br />

hijos lo hacían. Él no planeó <strong>na</strong>da ni pensó en un<br />

plan", agregó.<br />

Gadafi, que había regido un país de seis millones<br />

de habitantes con puño de hierro, "estaba<br />

estresado, realmente indig<strong>na</strong>do, a veces furioso",<br />

recordó Dao. "Mayormente estaba triste y<br />

enfadado. Creía que el pueblo libio todavía lo<br />

amaba, aun después que le dijimos que Trípoli<br />

había sido ocupada".<br />

El levantamiento contra Gadafi estalló en febrero y<br />

se intensificó rápidamente en u<strong>na</strong> guerra civil que<br />

concluyó formalmente el domingo, con la<br />

El Pais - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

declaración de libertad de los nuevos líderes. La<br />

captura y muerte de Gadafi el jueves, junto con la<br />

conquista de Sirte, el último bastión del régimen,<br />

sentó las bases para esa proclamación.<br />

El día de la captura de Gadafi, el exdictador, Dao y<br />

un grupo de leales intentó escapar de Sirte en un<br />

convoy que incluía u<strong>na</strong> camioneta en la que viajaba<br />

Gadafi, pero el convoy fue atacado por la OTAN.<br />

Gadafi y Dao fueron heridos y capturados, y poco<br />

después mataron al exlíder.<br />

Dao, uno de más de u<strong>na</strong> dece<strong>na</strong> de capturados en<br />

ese entonces, dijo que perdió el conocimiento a<br />

causa de sus heridas antes de la captura de Gadafi<br />

y que no sabía qué había pasado con éste. Añadió<br />

que Gadafi huyó de su complejo residencial en<br />

Trípoli el 18 de agosto, justo antes de la entrada de<br />

los insurgentes. Y que después de la caída de la<br />

capital fue directamente a Sirte, junto a su hijo<br />

Muatassim. Su heredero, Saif al-Islam, buscó<br />

refugio en Bani Walid, otro bastión leal. AP<br />

El País Digital<br />


El Peruano - Noticia, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Ocma destituye a 40 magistrados<br />

Entidad ejecuta también campaña contra ruleteo o<br />

direccio<strong>na</strong>miento de casos<br />

El jefe de la Ofici<strong>na</strong> de Control de la Magistratura<br />

(Ocma), Enrique Mendoza, informó que un<br />

aproximado de 40 magistrados y funcio<strong>na</strong>rios del<br />

Poder Judicial fueron destituidos durante el año<br />

por diversas faltas e irregularidades.<br />

"Estamos por encima de las 35 o 40 destituciones<br />

en el año, tanto de magistrados y funcio<strong>na</strong>rios, y<br />

u<strong>na</strong> serie de amonestaciones y apercibimientos. Es<br />

a todo nivel, menos en la Corte Suprema, donde<br />

tiene competencia el Consejo Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de la<br />

Magistratura", dijo.<br />

Por otro lado, el titular de la Ocma indicó que ahora<br />

mismo se encuentra en ple<strong>na</strong> ejecución u<strong>na</strong><br />

campaña contra el denomi<strong>na</strong>do ruleteo o<br />

direccio<strong>na</strong>miento de demandas, para evitar que<br />

determi<strong>na</strong>dos jueces resuelvan determi<strong>na</strong>dos<br />

casos "a gusto del cliente", manifestó Mendoza.<br />

Además, resaltó que en los últimos meses se haya<br />

tecnificado el trabajo con la utilización de la<br />

informática para dar mayor agilidad a los<br />

procedimientos.<br />

"Esto va acompañado por u<strong>na</strong> serie de actividades<br />

de campo, que son las visitas judiciales ordi<strong>na</strong>rias y<br />

extraordi<strong>na</strong>rias", comentó el jefe de la Ocma.<br />


El Universal - Estados, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Panistas exigen renuncia de presidente de IEE<br />

Miércoles 26 de octubre de 2011 Dinorath Mota<br />

Corresponsal | El Universal Comenta la Nota<br />

PACHUCA. Un airada protesta de panistas en<br />

ple<strong>na</strong> sesión del Instituto Estatal Electoral (IEE)<br />

originó un enfrentamiento verbal entre la ex<br />

candidata al gobierno de Hidalgo, Xóchitl Gálvez, y<br />

el presidente del órgano electoral, Daniel Jiménez<br />

Rojo.<br />

La sesión donde el IEE rendía un informe fue<br />

interrumpida por medio cente<strong>na</strong>r de panistas,<br />

quienes entre gritos y pancartas responsabilizaron<br />

al órgano electoral de haber perdido las elecciones<br />

para presidente municipal en Mineral de la<br />

Reforma.<br />

Encabezados por Gálvez, los inconformes exigían<br />

a gritos la renuncia del presidente del IEE, Daniel<br />

Jiménez; en respuesta éste acusó de mentirosa a<br />

la ex candidata, “al menos yo no le miento a los<br />

hidalguenses”, acotó.<br />

El pasado 3 de julio se realizó la elección para<br />

presidentes municipales del estado, en la que el<br />

candidato del PAN a la alcaldía de Mineral de<br />

Reforma, Luis Baños, obtuvo la mayor votación. El<br />

PRI impugnó y el 16 de agosto, el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Electoral del Estado de Hidalgo (TEEH) revirtió el<br />

triunfo del panista.<br />

Los panistas llevaron el caso al Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral<br />

del Poder Judicial de la Federación (TEPJF) y en<br />

días pasados, en sesión pública, los magistrados<br />

de la Sala Toluca desecharon la impug<strong>na</strong>ción del<br />

partido blanquiazul y dieron la razón al TEEH.<br />

El TEPJF ratificó el triunfo de Hernández, al<br />

proceder el alegato del PRI sobre la sustitución de<br />

un funcio<strong>na</strong>rio que no correspondía a la sesión.<br />

Ayer, los panistas ame<strong>na</strong>zaron que realizarán u<strong>na</strong><br />

serie de protestas hasta que se les devuelva el<br />

triunfo. Culparon al Instituto Electoral de las<br />

anomalías en el cambio de funcio<strong>na</strong>rio y dijeron la<br />

capacitación de éstos es responsabilidad del IEE.<br />

El presidente del IEE hizo un llamado a la cordura,<br />

sin embargo, los gritos en sesión subieron y<br />

exigieron su salida del IEE.<br />

Luis Baños dijo que se iniciará un plantón afuera de<br />

la sede del ayuntamiento de Mineral de la Reforma<br />

y ame<strong>na</strong>zó con no permitir el arribo del presidente<br />

electo, Filiberto Hernández. Xóchitl Gálvez<br />

responsabilizó al IEE de estos acontecimientos y<br />

dijo que en el órgano electoral no realizaron su<br />

trabajo de manera responsable.<br />

Los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios del IEE recordaron a la ex<br />

candidata al gobierno de Hidalgo que sus<br />

representantes de partidos se niegan a participar<br />

en la capacitación de los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios, “tienen que<br />

estar ahí los representantes de partidos y nunca<br />

van”, señalaron.<br />

Jiménez acotó que hay reglas establecidas y pugnó<br />

por el respeto a las instituciones.<br />


La Nacion - Información geral, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Lorenzetti avaló el expediente digital<br />

Dijo que otorgará mayor celeridad a la Justicia y<br />

que se necesitan políticas más perdurables<br />

"Hay un gran rechazo de la sociedad a la lentitud<br />

de la Justicia y la tecnología otorgará mayor<br />

celeridad al Poder Judicial que presta un servicio<br />

y en el que, del otro lado, hay u<strong>na</strong> necesidad".<br />

Esos conceptos pertenecen al discurso que brindó<br />

ayer el presidente de la Corte Suprema de<br />

Justicia, Ricardo Lorenzetti, en u<strong>na</strong> conferencia<br />

sobre "servicios informáticos y expediente digital en<br />

la justicia <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l".<br />

Durante la jor<strong>na</strong>da se debatieron en el Colegio de<br />

Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires los<br />

desafíos que presenta la ley 26.685, sobre la cual<br />

la Corte Suprema y el Consejo de la Magistratura<br />

tienen a cargo su implementación. También las<br />

exposiciones giraron en torno a la digitalización del<br />

Poder Judicial.<br />

Al igual que otros expositores, Lorenzetti insistió en<br />

que el proceso de incorporación de tecnología<br />

dentro del ámbito jurídico requiere un cambio<br />

cultural. "Yo entiendo que es difícil, pero hay que<br />

transformarse. No podemos dejar pasar esta<br />

oportunidad", afirmó el juez.<br />

"El Poder Judicial necesita políticas de Estado<br />

que deben durar varios años, esté quién esté; debe<br />

contar con políticas perdurables y consistentes",<br />

puntualizó el titular del máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l ante los<br />

asistentes, público compuesto por abogados,<br />

jueces, funcio<strong>na</strong>rios, legisladores y representantes<br />

del ámbito jurídico.<br />

Al fi<strong>na</strong>lizar su discurso, Lorenzetti hizo hincapié en<br />

que la tecnología aumentará la rapidez en la<br />

selección de jueces. "En la Argenti<strong>na</strong> estamos<br />

acostumbrados a hacer cambios en la superficie y<br />

no a combatir el círculo vicioso que nos rodea",<br />

puntualizó el magistrado.<br />

Un cambio gradual<br />

Por su parte, Alejandro Fargosi, integrante del<br />

Consejo de la Magistratura, afirmó: "El cambio de<br />

paradigma tecnológico es algo que tenemos que<br />

tener muy presente. Es sabia la ley cuando<br />

especifica que debe ser gradual".<br />

Raúl Aguirre Saravia, presidente del Colegio de<br />

Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, expuso:<br />

"Debemos ser agentes de cambio y no de<br />

resistencia. Los avances en materia informática<br />

propician el cambio cultural que le da soporte y<br />

debe involucrar a todos los sectores del ámbito<br />

jurídico"..<br />


Los Angeles Times - Local, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


California Supreme Court rejects challenges to<br />

political districts<br />

The California Supreme Court on Wednesday<br />

u<strong>na</strong>nimously rejected two legal challenges to state<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>te and congressio<strong>na</strong>l districts drawn by a<br />

citizens commission.<br />

The new districts were drawn after voters approved<br />

initiatives to transfer authority for drawing the<br />

political boundaries from the Legislature to the<br />

commission. The transfer is intended to take politics<br />

out of the redistricting process and possibly<br />

produce candidates with more centrist views.<br />

But Republican leaders balked at the district<br />

boundaries certified by the commission in August<br />

and filed suit. They asked the state's high court to<br />

nullify the districts and draw new ones.<br />

Interactive: Find your district<br />

Some minority groups, particularly Latinos, also<br />

have complained that the new districts would dilute<br />

their clout in the voting booth.<br />

Opponents of the commission's work have been<br />

circulating petitions for a new ballot measure to<br />

repeal its districts.<br />


The New York Times - The Opinion Pages, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

Dictators Get the Deaths They Deserve<br />


Published: October 26, 2011<br />

“ALL political lives, unless they are cut off in<br />

midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure,”<br />

wrote Enoch Powell, the controversial but often<br />

perspicacious British politician, “because that is the<br />

<strong>na</strong>ture of politics and of human affairs.” But the<br />

political lives of tyrants play out human affairs with<br />

a special intensity: the death of a democratic leader<br />

long after his retirement is a private matter, but the<br />

death of a tyrant is always a political act that<br />

reflects the character of his power. If a tyrant dies<br />

peacefully in bed in the full resplendence of his rule,<br />

his death is a theater of that power; if a tyrant is<br />

executed while crying for mercy in the dust, then<br />

that, too, is a reflection of the <strong>na</strong>ture of a fallen<br />

regime and the reaction of an oppressed people.<br />

This was never truer than in the death, last week, of<br />

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. The only difference<br />

between his death and those of so many other<br />

tyrants across history was that it was filmed with<br />

mobile phones, a facility u<strong>na</strong>vailable to<br />

contemporaries of, say, the Roman emperor<br />

Caligula.<br />

Despite brandished phones and pistols, there was<br />

something Biblical in the wild scene, as elemental<br />

as the deaths of King Ahab (“the dogs licked up his<br />

blood”) and Queen Jezebel (thrown off a palace<br />

balcony). It was certainly not as terrible as the<br />

death of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus I, who<br />

was beaten and dismembered, his hair and teeth<br />

pulled out by the mob, his handsome face burned<br />

with boiling water. In modern times, it was more<br />

frenzied than the semi-formal execution, in 1989, of<br />

the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, but not<br />

as terrible as the ghastly lynching, in 1958, of the<br />

innocent King Faisal II of Iraq (age 23) and his<br />

hated uncle, who were supposedly impaled and<br />

dismembered, their heads used as soccer balls. In<br />

1996, the pro-Soviet former president of<br />

Afghanistan, Najibullah, was castrated, dragged<br />

through the streets and hanged.<br />

Western leaders and intellectuals find Colonel<br />

Qaddafi’s lynching distasteful — Ber<strong>na</strong>rd-Henri<br />

Lévy worried it would “pollute the essential morality<br />

of an insurrection” — yet there are sound political<br />

reasons for the public culling of the self-proclaimed<br />

king of kings. Colonel Qaddafi’s tyranny was<br />

absolutist, mo<strong>na</strong>rchical and perso<strong>na</strong>l. The problem<br />

with such dictatorships is that as long as the tyrant<br />

lives, he reigns and terrorizes. As Churchill put it,<br />

“dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which<br />

they dare not dismount.”<br />

Only death can end both the spell to bewitch and<br />

the prerogative to domi<strong>na</strong>te — and sometimes, not<br />

even death can snuff out power. “The terror<br />

inspired by Caligula’s reign,” wrote Suetonius,<br />

“could be judged by the sequel.” Romans were so<br />

terrified of the emperor that it was not enough to<br />

assassi<strong>na</strong>te him. They wanted to see him dead:<br />

fearing it was a trick and lacking cellphone footage,<br />

they had to be convinced. The mile-long line of<br />

Libyans who were keen to see Colonel Qaddafi’s<br />

cadaver in its shop-refrigerator-tomb would<br />

understand this perfectly.<br />

When Catherine the Great overthrew her husband,<br />

Peter III, in 1762, she knew that if anything<br />

happened to him, she would be blamed. Yet her<br />

entourage, led by her lover, Grigory Orlov, realized<br />

that as long as he lived, he remained the legitimate<br />

autocrat: they strangled him. His body was<br />

displayed to prove that he was dead, but<br />

nonetheless, Peter III impostors tormented<br />

Catherine for the rest of her life. Henry IV<br />

experienced similar troubles after the death of<br />

Richard II; a host of pretenders haunted the<br />

usurper.<br />

But such comebacks may be history: the cellphone<br />

videos, which show Colonel Qaddafi being beaten,<br />

and later, the bullet holes in his dead body, rob his<br />

last followers of the mystique necessary to lead an<br />

insurgency in his <strong>na</strong>me, charged with all the<br />

excitement of a (Saddam Hussein-style) heroic<br />

leader on the run. His preposterously exuberant cult<br />

of perso<strong>na</strong>lity was surely shattered by the spectacle<br />

of his pathetic demolition.<br />

Sometimes the killing of tyrants is specially<br />

designed to echo the leader’s vices. Shajar al-Durr,<br />

an Egyptian sultan’s widow who became (uniquely<br />

in Muslim history) a sultan in her own right, was<br />

notorious for her extravagance. When she<br />

murdered her new husband in 1257, his concubines<br />

beat her to death with her own clogs — both a sign<br />

of Arab contempt and the medieval equivalent of<br />

death by stiletto. It was said that Edward II,<br />

notorious for homosexual relationships with his<br />

favorites, was killed with a red-hot poker. The<br />

upside-down suspension of the dead Mussolini with<br />

his mistress in a town square sig<strong>na</strong>led the end of<br />

his pretensions to Caesarian heroism and<br />

Casanovan machismo.<br />

Related<br />


For someone who so thrived in the age of<br />

television, an impresario of many a circus of public<br />

violence, Colonel Qaddafi faced an entirely fitting<br />

end. When he asked his frenzied killers, who had<br />

known no other ruler in their lives, “Do you not<br />

know the difference between right and wrong?” he<br />

had already taught them the answer. We may call<br />

this auto-tyrannicide. The manically terrifying but<br />

ruthlessly brilliant Mamluk sultan Baibars I, was<br />

more literally a victim: according to some accounts,<br />

he regularly poisoned his guests until, in 1277, he<br />

absentmindedly downed a glass of poisoned<br />

fermented camel’s milk himself. During the<br />

Crusades, the Atabeg of Mosul and Aleppo (in<br />

today’s Iraq and part of Syria), Zangi, who liked to<br />

castrate the children of enemies, and possibly his<br />

boy lovers as well, was supposedly stabbed in his<br />

bed by one of those humiliated eunuchs. When<br />

Stalin suffered a stroke in 1953, he had recently<br />

arrested dozens of doctors for treason. He lay in his<br />

own urine for more than 12 hours before his<br />

henchmen dared to call a doctor. He was not<br />

murdered — like Colonel Qaddafi, he was the<br />

author of his own destruction.<br />

There is no greater achievement for the tyrant —<br />

short of immortality — than to die in his own bed.<br />

He must control the time, place and consequence<br />

of death. This is possible with a gradual illness.<br />

“Now Herod’s sickness greatly increased upon him<br />

... God’s judgment upon him for his sins,” wrote<br />

Josephus about the king of Judea. “His entrails had<br />

ulcers ... an aqueous and transparent liquor had<br />

settled itself around his feet and the bottom of his<br />

belly. His genitals were rotting and gave birth to<br />

worms.” Yet the suppurating Herod ma<strong>na</strong>ged to kill<br />

one rebellious son and arrange the succession of<br />

three more before succumbing.<br />

Unlike mo<strong>na</strong>rchs, who pass power to their heirs at<br />

the moment of death to ensure the survival of the<br />

regime, tyrants must simply survive as long as<br />

possible. Hence inhumane struggles by<br />

indefatigable doctors to keep ailing dictators —<br />

Chairman Mao, Leonid I. Brezhnev, Marshal Tito,<br />

General Franco — alive. Only the ingenious North<br />

Koreans have solved this problem by declaring Kim<br />

Il-sung immortal, perpetual president.<br />

The courtiers of modern tyrants have sought to<br />

avoid the inconvenience of death by creating new<br />

hereditary mo<strong>na</strong>rchies. Outside the Arab world, the<br />

Kims of North Korea, Kadyrovs of Chechnya,<br />

Kabilas of Congo and Aliyevs of Azerbaijan all<br />

achieved this dictator’s dream. Few in the Arab<br />

world have done the same. Hafez al-Assad of<br />

Syria, who ruled from 1970, died in his bed in 2000,<br />

passing the presidency to his son Bashar. Colonel<br />

Qaddafi, Mr. Mubarak and Mr. Hussein all dreamed<br />

of it. But the spoiled heirs of such hereditary<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

tyrannies usually lack the talent of their fathers.<br />

ALL tyrannies are virtuoso displays over many<br />

years of cunning, risk-taking, terror, delusion,<br />

<strong>na</strong>rcissism, showmanship and charm, distilled into<br />

a spectacle of total perso<strong>na</strong>l control. Tyrants are<br />

the greatest of all actor-ma<strong>na</strong>gers — omnipotent<br />

impresarios. They will last only as long as prestige,<br />

prosperity and a vestige of justice are maintained.<br />

Uninhibited bloodletting can also work — as Bashar<br />

al-Assad and Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali<br />

Khamenei, have demonstrated — until luck<br />

eventually runs out in the shape of treason, outside<br />

interference or a tsu<strong>na</strong>mi of rebellion like the Arab<br />

Spring. It is hard to imagine that there would be<br />

anything but giblets left if those two now fell into the<br />

hands of their people.<br />

If a tyrant cannot die in his own bed, the best he<br />

can do is try to stage ma<strong>na</strong>ge his downfall, because<br />

such characters find it unthinkable to exist without<br />

ruling. Colonel Qaddafi, like many others, was so<br />

<strong>na</strong>rcissistic that he first denied the fact of the<br />

revolution before embracing his own reckless,<br />

heroic role, the drama of the last stand: “I have set<br />

my life upon a cast,” says Shakespeare’s Richard<br />

III, “and I will stand the hazard of the die.” Colonel<br />

Qaddafi could have saved his family and thousands<br />

of lives by retiring to a villa and later facing the<br />

Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court. Yet the <strong>na</strong>rcissist<br />

envisages his downfall only as a mise-en-scène<br />

featuring his followers, family and country,<br />

consumed in his bonfire of egomaniacal nihilism.<br />

Colonel Qaddafi must have planned to die in battle<br />

like Richard III and Macbeth, or to kill himself. Yet<br />

this monstrous poseur totally bungled his own<br />

death.<br />

The master class in the death of tyrants was given<br />

by Hitler who, even as Russian legions fought their<br />

way into Berlin, kept control long enough to plan<br />

and execute his testament, marriage and suicide:<br />

control to the end in a kerosene-fueled garden<br />

Götterdämmerung. But not even he achieved the<br />

brilliant dignity of the death of Charles I, denounced<br />

as a “man of blood” by his Puritan tormentors,<br />

whose grace before execution set a standard that<br />

Colonel Qaddafi could only dream of: “I am a martyr<br />

of the people,” he said before facing the ax. “I go<br />

from a corruptible to an incorruptible crown where<br />

no disturbance can be, no disturbance in the world.”<br />


The New York Times - Politics, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Push for ‘Personhood’ Amendment Represents New<br />

Tack in Abortion Fight<br />


With this far-reaching anti-abortion strategy, the<br />

proponents of what they call personhood<br />

amendments hope to reshape the <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l debate.<br />

“I view it as transformative,” said Brad Prewitt, a<br />

lawyer and executive director of the Yes on 26<br />

campaign, which is <strong>na</strong>med for the Mississippi<br />

proposition. “Personhood is bigger than just<br />

shutting abortion clinics; it’s an opportunity for<br />

people to say that we’re made in the image of God.”<br />

Many doctors and women’s health advocates say<br />

the proposals would cause a dangerous intrusion of<br />

crimi<strong>na</strong>l law into medical care, jeopardizing<br />

women’s rights and even their lives.<br />

The amendment in Mississippi would ban virtually<br />

all abortions, including those resulting from rape or<br />

incest. It would bar some birth control methods,<br />

including IUDs and “morning-after pills,” which<br />

prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus.<br />

It would also outlaw the destruction of embryos<br />

created in laboratories.<br />

The amendment has been endorsed by candidates<br />

for governor from both major parties, and it appears<br />

likely to pass, said W. Martin Wiseman, director of<br />

the John C. Stennis Institute of Government at<br />

Mississippi State University. Legal challenges<br />

would surely follow, but even if the amendment is<br />

ultimately declared unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l, it could disrupt<br />

vital care, critics say, and force years of costly court<br />

battles.<br />

“This is the most extreme in a field of extreme<br />

anti-abortion measures that have been before the<br />

states this year,” said Nancy Northup, president of<br />

the Center for Reproductive Rights, a legal<br />

advocacy group.<br />

Opponents, who were handing out brochures on<br />

Saturday to tailgate partiers before the University of<br />

Southern Mississippi football game in Hattiesburg,<br />

said they hoped to dispel the impression that the<br />

amendment simply bars abortions — a popular idea<br />

in Mississippi — by warning that it would also limit<br />

contraceptives, make doctors afraid to save women<br />

with life-threatening preg<strong>na</strong>ncies and possibly<br />

hamper in vitro fertility treatments.<br />

The drive for personhood amendments has split the<br />

anti-abortion forces <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>lly. Some groups call it<br />

an inspired moral leap, while traditio<strong>na</strong>l leaders of<br />

the fight, including Natio<strong>na</strong>l Right to Life and the<br />

Roman Catholic bishops, have refused to promote<br />

it, charging that the tactic is reckless and could<br />

backfire, leading to a Supreme Court defeat that<br />

would undermine progress in carving away at Roe<br />

v. Wade.<br />

The approach, granting legal rights to embryos, is<br />

fundamentally different from the abortion<br />

restrictions that have been adopted in dozens of<br />

states. These try to <strong>na</strong>rrow or hamper access to<br />

abortions by, for example, sharply restricting the<br />

procedures at as early as 20 weeks, requiring<br />

women to view ultrasounds of the fetus, curbing<br />

insurance coverage and imposing expensive<br />

regulations on clinics.<br />

The Mississippi amendment aims to sidestep<br />

existing legal battles, simply stating that “the term<br />

‘person’ or ‘persons’ shall include every human<br />

being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or<br />

the functio<strong>na</strong>l equivalent thereof.”<br />

A similar measure has been defeated twice, by<br />

large margins, in Colorado. But the <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

campaign, promoted by Personhood USA, a<br />

Colorado-based group, found more receptive<br />

ground in Mississippi, where anti-abortion<br />

sentiment crosses party and racial lines, and where<br />

the state already has so many restrictions on<br />

abortion that only one clinic performs the<br />

procedure.<br />

In 2009, an ardent abortion foe <strong>na</strong>med Les Riley<br />

formed a state personhood group and started<br />

collecting the sig<strong>na</strong>tures needed to reach the ballot.<br />

Evangelicals and other longtime abortion<br />

opponents have pressed the case, and Proposition<br />

26 has the support of a range of political leaders. Its<br />

passage could energize similar drives brewing in<br />

Florida, Michigan, Monta<strong>na</strong>, Ohio, Wisconsin and<br />

other states.<br />

In Mississippi, the emotio<strong>na</strong>l battle is being fought<br />

with radio and television ads, phone banks and<br />

old-fashioned canvassing.<br />

Among the picnicking fans being lobbied outside<br />

the stadium in Hattiesburg on Saturday, Lauree<br />

Mooney, 40, and her husband, Jerry Mooney, 45,<br />

U.S.M. alumni, disagreed with each other. She said<br />

that she is against abortion but that the amendment<br />

is “too extreme.” Mr. Mooney said he would vote<br />

yes because “I’ve always been against abortion.”<br />

Shelley Shoemake, 41, a chiropractor, said the<br />

proposal is “yanking me in one direction and the<br />


other.” She knows women who had abortions as<br />

tee<strong>na</strong>gers, and feels compassion for them. “I’ve got<br />

a lot of praying to do” before the vote, she said.<br />

The latest on the 2012 election, President Obama,<br />

Congress and other news from Washington and<br />

around the <strong>na</strong>tion. Join the discussion.<br />

Mississippi will also elect a new governor on Nov.<br />

8. The Republican candidate, Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant,<br />

is co-chairman of Yes on 26 and his campaign<br />

distributes bumper stickers for the initiative. The<br />

Democratic candidate, Johnny DuPree, the mayor<br />

of Hattiesburg and the state’s first black major-party<br />

candidate for governor in modern times, says he<br />

will vote for it though he is worried about its impact<br />

on medical care and contraception.<br />

No one can yet be sure of how the amendment<br />

would affect crimi<strong>na</strong>l proceedings, said Jo<strong>na</strong>than<br />

Will, director of the Bioethics and Health Law<br />

Center at the Mississippi College School of Law.<br />

Could a woman taking a morning-after pill be<br />

charged with murder?<br />

But many leaders of the anti-abortion movement<br />

fear that the strategy will be counterproductive.<br />

Federal courts would almost surely declare the<br />

amendment unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l, said James Bopp Jr.,<br />

a prominent conservative lawyer from Terre Haute,<br />

Ind., and general counsel of Natio<strong>na</strong>l Right to Life,<br />

since it contradicts a woman’s current right to an<br />

abortion in the early weeks of preg<strong>na</strong>ncy.<br />

“From the standpoint of protecting unborn lives it’s<br />

utterly futile,” he said, “and it has the grave risk that<br />

if it did get to the Supreme Court, the court would<br />

write an even more extreme abortion policy.”<br />

Bishop Joseph Latino of Jackson, Miss., said in a<br />

statement last week that the Roman Catholic<br />

Church does not support Proposition 26 because<br />

“the push for a state amendment could ultimately<br />

harm our efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.”<br />

Conservative Christian groups including the<br />

American Family Association and the Family<br />

Research Council are firmly behind the proposal.<br />

Dr. Randall S. Hines , a fertility specialist in<br />

Jackson working against Proposition 26 with the<br />

group Mississippians for Healthy Families, said that<br />

the amendment reflects “biological ignorance.” Most<br />

fertilized eggs, he said, do not implant in the uterus<br />

or develop further.<br />

“Once you recognize that the majority of fertilized<br />

eggs don’t become people, then you recognize how<br />

absurd this amendment is,” Dr. Hines said. He fears<br />

severe unintended consequences for doctors and<br />

The New York Times - Politics, 26 de Outubro de 2011<br />


women dealing with ectopic or other dangerous<br />

preg<strong>na</strong>ncies and for in vitro fertility treatments.<br />

“We’ll be asking the Legislature, the governor,<br />

judges to decide what is best for the patient,” he<br />

said.<br />

Dr. Eric Webb, an obstetrician in Tupelo, Miss., who<br />

has spoken out on behalf of Proposition 26, said<br />

that the concerns about wider impacts were<br />

overblown and that the critics were “avoiding the<br />

central moral question.”<br />

“With the union of the egg and sperm, that is life,<br />

and genetically human,” Dr. Webb said.<br />

Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, said<br />

he did not agree that the Supreme Court would<br />

necessarily reject a personhood amendment. The<br />

ultimate goal, he said, is a federal amendment, with<br />

a victory in Mississippi as the first step.<br />


Denver Bussiness Jour<strong>na</strong>l - News, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Law group appeals for Mile High Cab to Colorado<br />

Supreme Court<br />

Cathy Proctor<br />

Reporter - Denver Business Jour<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Mile High Taxi Inc.’s fight for existence has moved<br />

to the Colorado Supreme Court , with an appeal<br />

filed Thursday by the Institute for Justice (IJ).<br />

Based in Arlington, Va., IJ describes itself as a<br />

libertarian public interest law firm.<br />

The institute is appealing Denver District Court<br />

Judge A. Bruce Jones’ September ruling, in which<br />

he sided with the Colorado Public Utilities<br />

Commission.<br />

The PUC on June 28 refused to license Mile High<br />

Cab, saying Denver already had too many cabs.<br />

Mile High had wanted permission to put up to 150<br />

cabs on Denver’s streets.<br />

IJ is arguing the PUC misapplied a 2008 state law<br />

that said new cab companies should be allowed if<br />

they’re fi<strong>na</strong>ncially and operatio<strong>na</strong>lly fit — elimi<strong>na</strong>ting<br />

previous standards that revolved around whether<br />

the public needed more taxis.<br />

“The best people to decide how many taxis Denver<br />

needs are the riding public and entrepreneurs,” said<br />

Robert McNamara, the institute’s lead attorney on<br />

the appeal, in an interview. “We don’t require the<br />

government to decide if there are enough<br />

hamburgers in town before someone opens a<br />

hamburger stand.”<br />

Mile High Cab first filed its request with the PUC for<br />

permission to operate in Denver in 2008.<br />

The institute also has a long history in Denver’s taxi<br />

market. The firm filed suit in 1993 that led to new<br />

laws that allowed Freedom Cabs to operate.<br />

Rowland Nwankwo, president of Mile High Cab,<br />

also was one of the origi<strong>na</strong>l litigants in the institute’s<br />

1990s-era Denver taxi case, according to the<br />

institute.<br />

“I am confident that we will win our fight for taxi<br />

freedom,” he said in a statement.<br />

The institute said it’s filed suits to open taxi markets<br />

in Cincin<strong>na</strong>ti, India<strong>na</strong>polis and Minneapolis.<br />

“We focus on economic liberty, the right to earn an<br />

honest living free from government interference,”<br />

IJ’s McNamara said.<br />

“At the heart of it has been freedom for taxi owners.<br />

It’s a great grassroots entrepreneurial opportunity. It<br />

doesn’t take a lot of education or capital and it’s a<br />

great way to get your foot on the bottom rung of the<br />

ladder.”<br />

In the 1990s, IJ’s lawsuit led to changes in state law<br />

that shifted taxi service from a “regulated<br />

monopoly,” which barred new competition in the<br />

market, to “regulated competition,” enough to allow<br />

Freedom Cabs to start operations in 1995,<br />

McNamara said.<br />

“IJ has fought for taxi freedom for more than 18<br />

years,” said Chip Mellor, the institute’s president,<br />

general counsel and co-foujnder, in a statement.<br />

“That work started in Denver, where we helped<br />

Freedom Cabs fight its way into Denver’s closed<br />

market. We’re glad to be back in Denver fighting for<br />

even more economic liberty for taxi entrepreneurs.”<br />


Los Angeles Times - Local, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


California high court rejects challenges to redistricting<br />

The legal challenges were brought by Republicans<br />

seeking to overturn congressio<strong>na</strong>l and state Se<strong>na</strong>te<br />

voting district maps drawn by a citizens<br />

commission.<br />

By Maura Dolan and Anthony York, Los Angeles<br />

Times<br />

October 27, 2011<br />

Reporting from San Francisco and Sacramento --<br />

The California Supreme Court refused Wednesday<br />

to intervene in new voting districts drawn by a<br />

citizens commission, deciding u<strong>na</strong>nimously to reject<br />

two challenges to the boundaries.<br />

The high court considered the legal challenges,<br />

brought by Republicans seeking to overturn<br />

congressio<strong>na</strong>l and state Se<strong>na</strong>te district maps, in a<br />

closed session, and the judges did not comment on<br />

their reasons for rejecting the lawsuits.<br />

"We're disappointed that the court denied the<br />

petition on the Se<strong>na</strong>te districts without a hearing,"<br />

said Charles H. Bell, an attorney for the plaintiffs.<br />

Their lawsuit alleged that some of the boundaries<br />

violate state constitutio<strong>na</strong>l requirements that<br />

districts be compact and contiguous and fail to<br />

comply with the federal voting rights law governing<br />

minority representation.<br />

California voters took the redistricting task away<br />

from the Legislature and created the citizens<br />

commission to do it every 10 years, after the<br />

census, to adjust for population changes.<br />

The ruling leaves a referendum effort against the<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>te maps as the only avenue for GOP interests<br />

seeking to undo the work of the California Citizens<br />

Redistricting Commission. The panel's maps for<br />

state Assembly and Board of Equalization districts<br />

have not been challenged.<br />

Backers of a referendum have until Nov. 13 to<br />

gather some 504,000 sig<strong>na</strong>tures to place their<br />

measure on next year's ballot. If they succeed, the<br />

state Supreme Court will once again be required to<br />

decide whether to use the commission's districts or<br />

appoint special masters to draw new ones until<br />

voters can decide for themselves.<br />

State GOP spokesman Mark Standriff said the<br />

Republican Party supports the idea of an<br />

independent commission to draw California's<br />

political lines, but "the process got hijacked by<br />

political partisans along the way." A referendum, he<br />

said, would "give people a chance to fix the maps."<br />

A similar effort to overturn new congressio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

districts failed to get very far. But the party's drive<br />

against the Se<strong>na</strong>te maps recently got a big boost: a<br />

$1-million do<strong>na</strong>tion from Mercury Insurance<br />

Chairman George Joseph. He recently gave the<br />

money to the California Republican Party, which<br />

poured at least $900,000 into the referendum<br />

sig<strong>na</strong>ture-gathering effort this week.<br />

Jeff Green, a spokesman for Joseph, did not say<br />

why the insurance executive opposed the Se<strong>na</strong>te<br />

districts. Many a<strong>na</strong>lysts believe that the districts<br />

favor Democrats enough that Republican<br />

representation in the upper house could fall below<br />

the one-third threshold needed to block tax<br />

increases in Sacramento.<br />

This is the second time in recent months that<br />

Joseph has opened his checkbook to reshape state<br />

politics. Last summer, he contributed $8.1 million to<br />

an effort to place an initiative on the 2012 ballot that<br />

would allow insurance companies to hike certain<br />

fees to customers. Proponents are gathering<br />

sig<strong>na</strong>tures.<br />

Opponents of the lawsuits and referendum say the<br />

commission's maps simply reflect the drop in the<br />

percentage of Republicans in California's<br />

electorate. According to the California secretary of<br />

state, Republicans were 35% of state voters in<br />

2003 but just under 31% in February of this year.<br />

"The Supreme Court has struck a blow against<br />

politics as usual by upholding the fair and<br />

representative maps" drawn by the citizens panel,<br />

commissioner Stan Forbes said in a statement<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Paul Mitchell, a Democratic political consultant who<br />

has specialized in redistricting, said the court's<br />

Wednesday action also has implications for the<br />

referendum drive.<br />

"The court just threw out the lawsuits, saying in<br />

effect that these plans are legal," he said. "It<br />

creates a sense that these plans pass legal<br />

muster."<br />

Also on Wednesday, California Common Cause, a<br />

proponent of the ballot measures that voters<br />

approved last year and in 2008 to create the new<br />

redistricting system, filed a complaint with the<br />

state's ethics agency against the California<br />

Republican Party and one of the referendum<br />


advocates, Fairness & Accountability in<br />

Redistricting (FAIR).<br />

The complaint alleges that the two violated<br />

campaign fi<strong>na</strong>nce disclosure rules by failing to<br />

properly disclose the major fi<strong>na</strong>ncial supporters of<br />

the proposed referendum. Representatives of FAIR<br />

could not be reached for comment. The GOP's<br />

Standriff called the complaint "frivolous" and said<br />

the Republican Party had filed amended<br />

disclosures that addressed all of its contributions.<br />

The redistricting commission produced new political<br />

maps last summer after several months of intensive<br />

public testimony. Some minority rights groups,<br />

particularly Latinos, complained that the maps did<br />

not properly reflect their growth and threatened to<br />

sue in federal court. So far, none has.<br />

maura.dolan@latimes.com<br />

Los Angeles Times - Local, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


anthony.york@latimes.com<br />

Los Angeles Times staff writers Jean Merl in Los<br />

Angeles and Patrick McGreevy in Sacramento<br />

contributed to this report.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

Muammar Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam ready to<br />

surrender in Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

LONDON: Former Libyan leader Muammar<br />

Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam has offered to surrender<br />

in the Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court (ICC) in The<br />

Hague if he is guaranteed his safety, Libyan<br />

officials said.<br />

The 39-year-old Seif has been on the run since the<br />

Nato airstrike on the city of Sirte last Thursday that<br />

led to his father's capture and subsequent<br />

execution, the Daily Mail reported.<br />

The offer of surrender raises the prospect of a trial<br />

in The Hague which could include new details of<br />

the background to the Lockerbie bombing (1988)<br />

and murder of policewoman Yvonne Fletcher.<br />

Gaddafi, who ruled Libya for 42 years, was<br />

captured by the Natio<strong>na</strong>l Transitio<strong>na</strong>l Council (<br />

NTC) fighters seven months after an inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

West-led alliance launched a military operation in<br />

Libya March 19.<br />

Seif and former intelligence chief Abdullah<br />

al-Senussi, the ousted Muammar Gaddafi's<br />

brother-in-law, had been trying to broker a deal<br />

through a third country - believed to be Niger - to<br />

hand themselves in, said a senior official in the<br />

Natio<strong>na</strong>l Transitio<strong>na</strong>l Council.<br />

Senussi is said to have fled into Niger late last<br />

week and there were reports last night that Seif had<br />

also crossed into the country where hundreds of<br />

millions of pounds of Gaddafi's smuggled money is<br />

held.<br />

Seif and Senussi are wanted on ICC warrants for<br />

genocide and crimes against the Libyan people.<br />


A ballot measure going before voters in Mississippi<br />

on Nov. 8 would define the term “person” in the<br />

State Constitution to include fertilized human eggs<br />

and grant to fertilized eggs the legal rights and<br />

protections that apply to people. It is among the<br />

most extreme assaults in the push to end women’s<br />

reproductive rights.<br />

The aim is to redefine abortion and some of the<br />

most widely used forms of contraception as murder,<br />

obliterating a woman’s right to make childbearing<br />

decisions under the 1973 Supreme Court decision<br />

Roe v. Wade.<br />

Besides outlawing all abortions, with no exceptions<br />

for rape or incest or when a woman’s life is in<br />

danger, and banning any contraception that may<br />

prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, including<br />

birth control pills, the amendment carries many<br />

implications, some quite serious.<br />

It could curtail medical research involving embryos,<br />

shutter fertility clinics and put doctors in legal<br />

jeopardy for providing needed medical care that<br />

might endanger a preg<strong>na</strong>ncy. Preg<strong>na</strong>nt women also<br />

could become subject to crimi<strong>na</strong>l prosecution. A<br />

fertilized egg might be eligible to inherit money or<br />

be counted when drawing voting districts by<br />

population. Because a multitude of laws use the<br />

terms “person” or “people,” there would be no<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


The ‘Personhood’ Initiative<br />

shortage of unintended consequences.<br />

A similar ballot measure was handily rejected by<br />

Colorado voters in 2008 and 2010. But, in<br />

Mississippi, which has already imposed so many<br />

burdensome restrictions that the state has only one<br />

abortion clinic, there is a real possibility that voters<br />

will not react as wisely. Voter approval could<br />

energize similar “personhood” initiatives in half a<br />

dozen other states, including Florida and Ohio.<br />

Both the Republican and Democratic candidates for<br />

governor in Mississippi have endorsed the<br />

measure, even though some traditio<strong>na</strong>l leaders in<br />

the anti-abortion battle, including Natio<strong>na</strong>l Right to<br />

Life, have declined to do so, viewing it as a reckless<br />

strategy that could lead to a defeat in the Supreme<br />

Court. This extreme measure would protect<br />

zygotes at the expense of all women while creating<br />

a legal quagmire — at least until the courts rule it<br />

unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l, as they should.<br />


The New York Times - Politics, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Lawyer Opposing Health Law Is Familiar Face to the<br />

Justices<br />


Published: October 26, 2011<br />

WASHINGTON — It would be hard for any lawyer<br />

to fathom a more riveting caseload than the one<br />

Paul D. Clement carried during his seven years in<br />

President George W. Bush’s Justice Department.<br />

As solicitor general for three years and deputy<br />

solicitor for four, Mr. Clement appeared before the<br />

Supreme Court 49 times, defended the<br />

administration’s detention of terrorism suspects,<br />

fought off challenges to the McCain-Feingold<br />

campaign fi<strong>na</strong>nce law and validated the prosecution<br />

of medical marijua<strong>na</strong> growers in a landmark<br />

commerce case.<br />

But if possible, the docket that Mr. Clement has<br />

compiled in the private sector as one of<br />

Washington’s leading appellate litigators may<br />

situate him even closer to the center of <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

discourse.<br />

At the moment, he is defending both Arizo<strong>na</strong>’s<br />

tough new law against illegal immigration and<br />

Congress’s prohibition against federal recognition<br />

of same-sex marriages. And if, as expected, the<br />

Supreme Court soon announces that it will hear a<br />

challenge to last year’s health care law, it seems<br />

increasingly likely that it will be Mr. Clement who<br />

argues, in the thick of the 2012 campaign, that<br />

President Obama’s sig<strong>na</strong>ture domestic<br />

achievement is unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

This week and last, Mr. Clement, 45, filed briefs<br />

supporting the Obama administration’s request that<br />

the court accept his health care challenge from<br />

among the several pending before it. He is lead<br />

counsel in the high-profile Florida case filed by<br />

Republican governors and attorneys general from<br />

26 states. In August, he and his co-counsel,<br />

Michael A. Carvin, won the only appellate ruling to<br />

invalidate the act’s keystone provision, which will<br />

require most Americans to obtain medical<br />

insurance, starting in 2014.<br />

That opinion, from the Court of Appeals for the 11th<br />

Circuit in Atlanta, directly contradicts a ruling from<br />

the Sixth Circuit in Cincin<strong>na</strong>ti, and both rulings,<br />

along with others, have been appealed to the<br />

Supreme Court.<br />

“I do think there’s a good chance that the court will<br />

take the 11th Circuit case,” Mr. Clement said in an<br />

interview in his M Street office. “It may take other<br />

cases as well. But in the 11th Circuit case you’ve<br />

got a statute of Congress struck down as<br />

unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l, in a way that creates a circuit split,<br />

and the federal government is petitioning. I’m not<br />

sure there’s ever been a case that had those three<br />

things going for it that wasn’t granted.”<br />

The other thing the 11th Circuit case may have<br />

going for it is Mr. Clement. As a former clerk to<br />

Justice Antonin Scalia, Mr. Clement maintains a<br />

breezy but respectful rapport with the justices. It is<br />

assumed that his familiar <strong>na</strong>me on a petition can<br />

improve the 1-in-100 chance that a case will be<br />

accepted for consideration.<br />

That is among the reasons Gov. Jan Brewer of<br />

Arizo<strong>na</strong> hired Mr. Clement to handle her state’s<br />

Supreme Court appeal of rulings against its<br />

groundbreaking immigration law. The speaker of<br />

the House, John A. Boehner, engaged him to<br />

contest challenges to the 1996 Defense of Marriage<br />

Act after the Obama Justice Department declared it<br />

was unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l and stopped defending it.<br />

Mr. Clement, who has argued more Supreme<br />

Court cases since 2000 than any other lawyer,<br />

made his 54th appearance in mid-October and has<br />

another scheduled for December. As a change of<br />

pace, he is among the lawyers representing the<br />

Natio<strong>na</strong>l Basketball Association in labor<br />

negotiations with its locked-out players, reprising a<br />

role he played for the Natio<strong>na</strong>l Football League last<br />

spring.<br />

Florida’s attorney general, Pam Bondi, said the<br />

plaintiffs in the health care litigation hired Mr.<br />

Clement at the appellate stage out of conviction<br />

that their case was “the ideal vehicle” for the<br />

Supreme Court.<br />

“Having Paul Clement as our lawyer cements that,”<br />

she said, “because his presence assures the<br />

Supreme Court that our arguments will be<br />

presented as professio<strong>na</strong>lly, intelligently and<br />

effectively as possible.”<br />

Justice Department officials said the health care<br />

law would be defended in the Supreme Court by<br />

the current solicitor general, Do<strong>na</strong>ld B. Verrilli Jr.<br />

Florida and the other plaintiff states have a contract<br />

with Mr. Clement, at discounted rates, that is<br />

capped at $250,000. In the same-sex marriage<br />

case, House Republicans recently tripled the cap<br />

on his fees to $1.5 million, paid from tax coffers.<br />

Without being precise, Mr. Clement confirmed<br />


speculation that he typically bills in the range of<br />

$1,000 an hour.<br />

Other appellate specialists say Mr. Clement brings<br />

both exhaustive preparation and acute insight to his<br />

cases. The son of an accountant and a homemaker<br />

from Cedarburg, Wis., north of Milwaukee, he<br />

received his bachelor’s degree from Georgetown, a<br />

master’s in economics from Cambridge and a law<br />

degree from Harvard, where he helped edit the law<br />

review when Barack Obama was its president. Mr.<br />

Clement now lives in Alexandria, Va., with his wife<br />

and three sons.<br />

Despite his relative youth, Mr. Clement ranks eighth<br />

among active lawyers in the number of Supreme<br />

Court appearances. (The record belongs to the<br />

19th-century advocate Walter Jones, with 317,<br />

followed by Daniel Webster, according to the Yale<br />

Biographical Dictio<strong>na</strong>ry of American Law.)<br />

Mr. Clement has a winning record in the Supreme<br />

Court, but his losses include significant rulings<br />

against the Bush administration’s indefinite<br />

detention of enemy combatants. In 2004, he<br />

asserted under questioning from Justice Ruth<br />

Bader Ginsburg that the Bush administration did not<br />

torture, only to learn through news reports the next<br />

day that American soldiers had mistreated Iraqi<br />

prisoners at Abu Ghraib.<br />

Related<br />

“It’s the worst thing that can happen to you as a<br />

lawyer,” he said of being blindsided by inconvenient<br />

facts.<br />

Mr. Clement is admired by colleagues and<br />

adversaries for the straightforward clarity of his<br />

presentation. He famously argues without notes,<br />

leaving his hands free to jab and gesticulate,<br />

sometimes as if wringing an imagi<strong>na</strong>ry neck.<br />

“He just inter<strong>na</strong>lizes every single aspect of the<br />

case,” said Viet D. Dinh, Mr. Clement’s law partner.<br />

“He makes the argument not from memory but from<br />

total immersion.”<br />

Mr. Clement’s familiarity with the court was on<br />

display in an edgy exchange in 2009, when he<br />

argued in Perdue v. Kenny A. that lawyers<br />

occasio<strong>na</strong>lly deserved enhanced fees for<br />

exceptio<strong>na</strong>l performance. It had been barely a year<br />

since he left the solicitor general’s job, with its<br />

$158,500 salary, for a huge pay package at King &<br />

Spalding.<br />

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., who had himself<br />

once enjoyed a lucrative law practice, started the<br />

ribbing. “Maybe we have a different perspective,”<br />

The New York Times - Politics, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


the chief justice said. “You think the lawyers are<br />

responsible for a good result, and I think the judges<br />

are.”<br />

“And maybe your perspective’s changed, Your<br />

Honor,” Mr. Clement suggested, as the courtroom<br />

tittered.<br />

“Maybe your perspective has changed, too, Mr.<br />

Clement,” volleyed Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., who<br />

then questioned whether good lawyering could be<br />

bought only with immense fees.<br />

“Well, on that,” Mr. Clement said, “my perspective<br />

has changed, Your Honor.”<br />

Because Mr. Clement’s caseload reads like the<br />

Republican Party platform — against same-sex<br />

marriage, tough on illegal immigration, pledged to<br />

the destruction of the Obama health care law — he<br />

is perceived by some as an ideological warrior.<br />

“He has really run the table of conservative<br />

causes,” said Walter Dellinger, who served as<br />

solicitor general under President Bill Clinton. “Paul<br />

is such a good advocate and such a cheerful friend<br />

that it’s easy to forget how conservative he is.”<br />

That reputation was likely reinforced by Mr.<br />

Clement’s principled resig<strong>na</strong>tion in April from King<br />

& Spalding after the firm, under inter<strong>na</strong>l and<br />

exter<strong>na</strong>l pressure, withdrew from the Defense of<br />

Marriage case.<br />

Officials at the firm said the case had not received<br />

proper review, but acknowledged that Mr. Clement<br />

had reason to believe it would be approved. Mr.<br />

Clement said he knew his representation might<br />

offend some, but felt bly that any act of Congress<br />

should receive a capable defense.<br />

In his resig<strong>na</strong>tion letter, he stressed that he was<br />

leaving not because of his views on same-sex<br />

marriage, which he did not volunteer, but “out of the<br />

firmly held belief that a representation should not be<br />

abandoned because the client’s legal position is<br />

extremely unpopular in certain quarters.”<br />

Decamping a firm with 800 lawyers, Mr. Clement<br />

landed at one with 12, Bancroft P.L.L.C., which was<br />

founded by Mr. Dinh, a law school friend and former<br />

Justice Department colleague.<br />

Mr. Clement resists discussing his own politics, and<br />

said he eagerly took work from wherever it came.<br />

He pointed to his recent representation of California<br />

inmates who won a United States Supreme Court<br />

order to reduce overcrowding, and of a human<br />

rights group seeking to obtain videotape of a prison<br />

murder.<br />


“I’m sure I’ve been involved in a case that, if you<br />

just looked at that one case, would tick off almost<br />

everyone,” Mr. Clement said. “To me, being a<br />

lawyer means that you get in the fray.”<br />

Because Mr. Clement’s <strong>na</strong>me is included on most<br />

lists of potential Supreme Court candidates in a<br />

Republican administration, his caseload is<br />

scrutinized by court watchers for signs of<br />

positioning. Mr. Clement cannot help hearing the<br />

buzz, but said it played no role in his selection of<br />

cases.<br />

The New York Times - Politics, 27 de Outubro de 2011<br />


“It sure doesn’t seem to, does it?” he asked. “You<br />

certainly don’t look at the cases I take and say,<br />

‘Boy, this guy’s being incredibly cautious.’ ”<br />


Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Goldman, Citigroup, Madoff, JPMorgan, MERS in<br />

Court News<br />

By Elizabeth Amon - Oct 28, 2011 8:40 AM<br />

GMT-0200<br />

Basis Capital, an Australian hedge fund, said one of<br />

its funds filed a new lawsuit in state court in New<br />

York against Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) over<br />

the sale of securities known as Timberwolf and<br />

Point Pleasant.<br />

The filing couldn’t immediately be confirmed from<br />

court records.<br />

A June 2010 lawsuit by Basis Capital’s Basis Yield<br />

Alpha Fund in federal court in Manhattan was<br />

dismissed earlier this year. U.S. District Judge<br />

Barbara Jones ruled the Australian fund couldn’t<br />

use U.S. securities laws to pursue its claims against<br />

Goldman Sachs.<br />

The earlier complaint says the fund was forced into<br />

insolvency after buying mortgage-linked securities<br />

created by Goldman Sachs, in what one Goldman<br />

Sachs executive described inter<strong>na</strong>lly as a “shi--y<br />

deal.”<br />

“We remain committed to holding Goldman to<br />

account,” Basis Capital director Stuart Fowler said<br />

in a statement yesterday.<br />

Edward Naylor, a Hong Kong-based spokesman for<br />

Goldman Sachs, said the U.S. bank acted<br />

appropriately and Basis Capital wasn’t misled.<br />

“Basis and Goldman Sachs relied on the same data<br />

on the underlying mortgages and both were well<br />

aware of the prevailing global market conditions,”<br />

Naylor said by phone yesterday. “Goldman Sachs<br />

was also an investor in Timberwolf securities and<br />

lost several hundred million dollars.”<br />

Lawsuits/Pretrial<br />

Citigroup’s $285 Million SEC Settlement<br />

Questioned by Judge<br />

Citigroup Inc.’s $285 million settlement with the<br />

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was<br />

questioned by a federal judge who asked both<br />

sides to justify the accord as fair.<br />

U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff, who in 2009<br />

rejected a $33 million settlement between the SEC<br />

and Bank of America Corp. (BAC), set a hearing on<br />

the matter for Nov. 9.<br />

Citigroup, the third-biggest U.S. bank, agreed this<br />

month to pay the money to resolve SEC claim that<br />

the New York-based company misled investors in a<br />

$1 billion collateralized debt obligation linked to<br />

risky mortgages.<br />

“Why should the court impose a judgment in a case<br />

in which the SEC alleges a serious securities fraud<br />

but the defendant neither admits nor denies<br />

wrongdoing?” Rakoff wrote in the first of nine<br />

questions he ordered the parties to address in the<br />

hearing.<br />

Danielle Romero-Apsilos, a Citigroup<br />

spokeswoman, declined to comment on Rakoff’s<br />

order.<br />

In September 2009, Rakoff rejected Bank of<br />

America’s settlement with the SEC over claims it<br />

misled investors about Merrill Lynch & Co.<br />

bonuses, saying the deal suggested “a rather<br />

cynical relationship between the parties.”<br />

In his five-page order yesterday, Rakoff told the<br />

parties to address whether the public has an<br />

interest in determining if the SEC claims against<br />

Citigroup are true and how the amount of loss to<br />

victims and the proposed judgment against the<br />

bank were calculated.<br />

In the Citigroup settlement, announced Oct. 19,<br />

both sides agreed to resolve claims that Citigroup<br />

structured and sold the collateralized debt<br />

obligations in 2007 without telling investors it was<br />

betting the underlying assets, about half of which it<br />

had helped select, would decline in value.<br />

The case is U.S. Securities and Exchange<br />

Commission v. Citigroup Global Markets Inc.,<br />

11-cv-7387, U.S. District Court, Southern District of<br />

New York (Manhattan).<br />

For more, click here.<br />

Madoff Family May Keep $82 Million Under Ruling<br />

Limitation<br />

Ber<strong>na</strong>rd L. Madoff’s family would keep about $82<br />

million of “other investors’ money” under a ruling<br />

that limited a bankruptcy trustee to claiming from<br />

the owners of the New York Mets only two years of<br />

withdrawals from the Ponzi scheme, according to a<br />

court filing.<br />

The confidence man’s family took out $141 million<br />

in the six years before Madoff’s firm went bankrupt<br />

in 2008, of which less than $59 million was taken in<br />

the two years before the bankruptcy, trustee Irving<br />


Picard said in a filing. Many other investors are<br />

trying to hang onto “stolen” money that belongs to<br />

customers who took losses in the fraud, he said.<br />

“But the trustee is a fiduciary of all customers and,<br />

as such, must make every effort to obtain redress<br />

for all the customers of BLMIS who fell victim to<br />

Madoff’s fraud,” he said in the filing in U.S. District<br />

Court in Manhattan yesterday, referring to the<br />

Madoff firm.<br />

Picard wrote about the Madoff family in court<br />

papers filed after U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff told<br />

him to explain why another investor, James Greiff,<br />

shouldn’t keep money he says he took “in good<br />

faith” from the Ponzi scheme. Rakoff’s Madoff<br />

caseload includes Picard’s suits against the Mets<br />

owners and Greiff.<br />

“These arguments implicate the questions about<br />

how to integrate the securities and bankruptcy<br />

laws,” Rakoff wrote in an order. Under securities<br />

law, some withdrawals from a brokerage firm may<br />

be protected from clawbacks, he has said.<br />

“Hiding behind the veil of ‘innocent investor,’ Greiff<br />

aims to keep money he now knows was stolen from<br />

other customers,” Picard told Rakoff.<br />

“This is a public disgrace,” Helen Chaitman, a<br />

lawyer for Greiff, said in an e-mail. “Picard owes a<br />

fiduciary duty to Mr. Greiff under the Securities<br />

Investor Protection Act. Yet, he attacks an innocent<br />

victim.”<br />

The case is Picard v. Greiff, 11-cv-03775, U.S.<br />

District Court, Southern District of New York<br />

(Manhattan).<br />

For more, click here.<br />

Louisia<strong>na</strong> Must Give BP Data or Lose Spill Claims,<br />

Judge Says<br />

Louisia<strong>na</strong> must quickly turn over all documents BP<br />

Plc (BP/) has requested or face stiff fines and<br />

possible dismissal of the state’s claims for<br />

environmental and economic losses from the 2010<br />

oil spill, a judge ruled.<br />

If Louisia<strong>na</strong> fails to meet strict new deadlines, the<br />

earliest of which is Nov. 3, the state will be fined<br />

$2,500 a day, U.S. Magistrate Sally Shushan said<br />

in an order yesterday in New Orleans federal court.<br />

That fine rises to $5,000 a day after seven days<br />

and to $10,000 a day after 14 days, if Louisia<strong>na</strong><br />

continues to delay.<br />

“At the end of 21 days of non-compliance, the court<br />

will consider, either on its own motion or the motion<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


of any party, whether the claims of Louisia<strong>na</strong> in this<br />

MDL shall be dismissed in whole or in part for<br />

failure to prosecute,” Shushan said in a five-page<br />

order.<br />

Shushan is assisting U.S. District Judge Carl<br />

Barbier of New Orleans, who presides over more<br />

than 350 spill-related lawsuits that have been<br />

consolidated into a multidistrict litigation proceeding<br />

for pretrial processing.<br />

Louisia<strong>na</strong> must produce documents related to the<br />

first phase of the spill trial, to determine liability and<br />

which companies must pay for damages suffered<br />

by thousands of coastal businesses and property<br />

owners from the spill. On Oct. 12, after the judge<br />

had granted Louisia<strong>na</strong> one extension to the<br />

document production deadline, the state’s lawyers<br />

told Shushan they would need 14 to 16 more weeks<br />

to complete that task.<br />

“While the court appreciates that Louisia<strong>na</strong> is<br />

required to expend public funds to produce the<br />

documents, it is necessary that its document<br />

production be completed so that this MDL<br />

proceeding may progress as scheduled,” Shushan<br />

said. BP must be given the state’s documents with<br />

enough time to be “adequately prepared” for<br />

depositions scheduled to begin Nov. 14, she said.<br />

Amanda Larkins, spokeswoman for Louisia<strong>na</strong><br />

Attorney General James “Buddy” Caldwell, declined<br />

to immediately comment.<br />

The case is In Re: Oil Spill by the Oil Rig<br />

Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico on April<br />

20, 2010, MDL-2179, U.S. District Court, Eastern<br />

District of Louisia<strong>na</strong> (New Orleans).<br />

Lehman Says Bankruptcy Judge Must Keep<br />

JPMorgan Lawsuit<br />

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. said a bankruptcy<br />

judge must handle its $8.6 billion lawsuit against<br />

JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) because the case<br />

involves “classic” bankruptcy claims and related<br />

common-law claims that don’t require a<br />

higher-court ruling.<br />

Lehman sued New York-based JPMorgan last year,<br />

saying the bank extracted assets that fatally<br />

weakened the firm before its 2008 collapse.<br />

JPMorgan said it took the collateral under a federal<br />

law e<strong>na</strong>cted to safeguard banks lending to faltering<br />

companies. It asked a district judge to decide the<br />

case.<br />

The exit from bankruptcy courts became common<br />

after a Supreme Court ruling in the An<strong>na</strong> Nicole<br />

Smith case described limits to the powers of<br />


ankruptcy judges. JPMorgan, HSBC Holdings Plc<br />

(HSBA), UniCredit SpA and hundreds of individuals<br />

have asked district judges to handle suits brought<br />

by the liquidator of Ber<strong>na</strong>rd L. Madoff’s firm.<br />

JPMorgan’s effort to move the Lehman case is<br />

based on a “mischaracterization” of the claims and<br />

the Supreme Court ruling, the bankrupt firm said in<br />

a filing.<br />

The bank’s interpretation “is so overbroad as to<br />

require a radical alteration of the division of labor<br />

between bankruptcy courts and district courts,” it<br />

said yesterday in the filing in U.S. District Court in<br />

Manhattan.<br />

Joseph Evangelisti, a spokesman for JPMorgan,<br />

the largest U.S. bank, declined to comment on the<br />

filing.<br />

The District Court case is Lehman Brothers<br />

Holdings Inc. (LEHMQ) v. JPMorgan Chase Bank<br />

NA, 11-cv-06760, U.S. District Court, Southern<br />

District of New York (Manhattan).<br />

For more, click here.<br />

Wal-Mart Workers Limit Gender Bias Suit to<br />

California Stores<br />

Lawyers for women who origi<strong>na</strong>lly sued Wal-Mart<br />

Stores Inc. (WMT) for sex discrimi<strong>na</strong>tion on behalf<br />

of 1 million co-workers <strong>na</strong>tionwide amended the<br />

lawsuit yesterday, limiting it to gender- bias claims<br />

by California workers.<br />

The filing comes four months after the U.S.<br />

Supreme Court in June barred the case as a class<br />

action covering all U.S. stores, saying the women<br />

failed to prove the world’s largest retailer had a<br />

<strong>na</strong>tionwide policy that led to gender discrimi<strong>na</strong>tion.<br />

The Supreme Court sent the suit back to federal<br />

court in San Francisco, where it was first filed in<br />

2001.<br />

The new filing alleges that Wal-Mart blocked<br />

women in California from promotions and paid them<br />

less in ma<strong>na</strong>gement and hourly positions than men<br />

doing comparable work. Lawyers for the women<br />

said they amended the suit to respond to the<br />

Supreme Court’s rejection of the <strong>na</strong>tionwide class.<br />

“The Supreme Court did not rule on the merits of<br />

the action, but only ruled that the class as certified<br />

could not proceed,” they said in yesterday’s filing.<br />

“It did not preclude prosecution of a class that was<br />

consistent with its newly announced guidelines and<br />

standards.”<br />

The amended lawsuit was filed by five current or<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


former company employees on behalf of all women<br />

working in California Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club<br />

stores from December 1998 to the present. At least<br />

95,000 current and former female Wal-Mart workers<br />

may be covered by the new complaint, said Brad<br />

Seligman, an attorney for the employees.<br />

The new filing won’t answer the Supreme Court’s<br />

concerns, said attorney Theodore J. Boutrous Jr.,<br />

who represents Bentonville, Arkansas-based<br />

Wal-Mart.<br />

“The Supreme Court rejected these very same<br />

class action theories when it reversed the plaintiffs’<br />

lawyers’ last effort in June,” he said in an e-mail.<br />

“The plaintiffs’ lawyers do not come close to<br />

meeting the standards for obtaining class<br />

certification and their arguments still rely on the<br />

same incorrect and discredited theories that the<br />

Supreme Court repudiated.”<br />

The California action is the first of “an armada of<br />

cases” to be filed against Wal-Mart on behalf of<br />

female employees in individual states or regions,<br />

said attorney Joseph Sellers, who also represents<br />

the women.<br />

The California lawsuit is Dukes v. Wal-Mart Stores<br />

Inc., 01-cv-02252, U.S. District Court, Northern<br />

District of California (San Francisco). The Supreme<br />

Court case is Wal-Mart v. Dukes, 10-00277, U.S.<br />

Supreme Court (Washington).<br />

For more, click here.<br />

For the latest lawsuits news, click here.<br />

New Suits<br />

Mortgage Registry MERS Sued by Delaware<br />

Attorney General<br />

Merscorp Inc., the operator of a <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l mortgage<br />

registry used by banks, was sued by Delaware’s<br />

attorney general for allegedly using deceptive<br />

practices that hide information from borrowers.<br />

The MERS database, which tracks ownership<br />

interests in mortgages, impeded the ability of<br />

homeowners to fight foreclosures and obscures its<br />

data, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden said<br />

in a complaint filed yesterday.<br />

“MERS engaged and continues to engage in a<br />

range of deceptive trade practices that sow<br />

confusion among consumers, investors and other<br />

stakeholders in the mortgage fi<strong>na</strong>nce system,<br />

damage the integrity of Delaware’s land records,<br />

and lead to unlawful foreclosure practices,” Biden<br />

said.<br />


MERS tracks servicing rights and ownership<br />

interests in mortgage loans on its electronic<br />

registry, allowing banks to buy and sell loans<br />

without recording transfers with individual counties.<br />

MERS acts as the lender’s nominee, remaining the<br />

mortgagee of record as long as the note promising<br />

repayment is owned by a MERS member.<br />

Janis Smith, a spokeswoman for Merscorp, said the<br />

allegations in the suit have no merit.<br />

“MERS’s business practices are transparent,” she<br />

said in a phone interview. “There is no confusion.”<br />

“Merscorp has cooperated in good faith with the<br />

Delaware attorney general’s office and complied<br />

with their requests for information under a<br />

subpoe<strong>na</strong> issued earlier this year,” Smith said. “The<br />

lawsuit they filed was unexpected, and we disagree<br />

with the allegations made in their complaint.”<br />

The case is State of Delaware v. MERSCORP Inc.,<br />

CA6987, Delaware Chancery Court (Wilmington).<br />

For more, click here.<br />

Two Innospec Ex-CEOs Charged Over Alleged<br />

Bribes in Indonesia<br />

Two former chief executive officers of Innospec Ltd.<br />

were charged with trying to bribe officials of the<br />

Indonesia government to win contracts to supply<br />

the fuel additive tetraethyl lead.<br />

Dennis Kerrison, 67, of Surrey, and Paul Jennings,<br />

54, of Cheshire, were charged yesterday with<br />

conspiracy to corrupt at a London crimi<strong>na</strong>l court.<br />

Kerrison was CEO of the company under its<br />

previous <strong>na</strong>me, Octel Corp., according to the<br />

Serious Fraud Office, which is prosecuting the<br />

case. The charges cover a six- year period, from<br />

2002 until 2008.<br />

Jennings is also accused of conspiring to bribe Iraqi<br />

government officials to secure contracts to supply<br />

products including tetraethyl lead, and for the<br />

officials to give poor reviews to a competing product<br />

manufactured by the Ethyl Corp. subsidiary of<br />

Richmond, Virginia-based NewMarket Corp. (NEU)<br />

Kerrison, who worked for Innospec until early 2005,<br />

has been cooperating with the SFO, he said in a<br />

statement sent by his spokesman.<br />

“It is a matter of great regret that they have not<br />

listened to the substantial points made by him,”<br />

spokesman Andy Wigmore said in the e-mailed<br />

statement. “He will be vigorously defending the<br />

allegation that he directed, ma<strong>na</strong>ged or was<br />

involved in bribery.”<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Jennings’s lawyer, Angus McBride, didn’t<br />

immediately respond to a request for comment.<br />

Both men were released on bail and are scheduled<br />

to appear at a higher crimi<strong>na</strong>l court on Jan. 6.<br />

Madoff Trustee Sues Somers Dublin Seeking $86.4<br />

Million<br />

The trustee liquidating Ber<strong>na</strong>rd Madoff’s defunct<br />

firm sued Somers Dublin Ltd., an Irish affiliate of<br />

HSBC Holdings Plc, seeking $86.4 million.<br />

Trustee Irving Picard said he aims to recover<br />

“customer property” from companies that invested<br />

with Fairfield Sentry Ltd., a so-called feeder fund<br />

that placed money in Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.<br />

Picard demanded the return of any funds received<br />

from investments with Fairfield, according to the<br />

lawsuit filed yesterday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in<br />

Manhattan.<br />

HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Ltd. owns<br />

Somers Dublin, which has offices in Dublin,<br />

according to the complaint. HSBC Holdings, based<br />

in London, is Europe’s biggest bank. Somers<br />

Nominees (Far East) Ltd., a Bermudan company,<br />

was also <strong>na</strong>med in the lawsuit.<br />

Somers Dublin officials couldn’t immediately be<br />

reached for comment on the lawsuit after business<br />

hours in Ireland.<br />

Fairfield is in liquidation in the British Virgin Islands.<br />

The case is Picard v. Somers Dublin Ltd.,<br />

11-02784, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District<br />

of New York (Manhattan).<br />

For the latest new suits news, click here. For copies<br />

of recent civil complaints, click here.<br />

Trials<br />

Chelsea Owner Abramovich to Take Stand in<br />

Billio<strong>na</strong>ire Battle<br />

Roman Abramovich, the billio<strong>na</strong>ire owner of<br />

Chelsea Football Club, had to watch from the other<br />

side of the courtroom as his former business<br />

partner Boris Berezovsky called him a “gangster”<br />

who wasn’t smart enough to succeed on his own.<br />

In the next stage of a London trial pitting two of the<br />

world’s richest men against each other, Abramovich<br />

will take the witness stand to defend himself. His<br />

testimony is scheduled to begin Nov. 2.<br />

Exiled Russian businessman Berezovsky said he<br />

was intimidated by Abramovich into selling his<br />

stakes in state-owned companies for less than they<br />

were worth. He is seeking $6.8 billion in damages,<br />


including interest, in the trial that began earlier this<br />

month.<br />

Berezovsky, who built Russia’s largest car<br />

dealership LogoVaz in the 1990s, was<br />

cross-examined for seven days, more than 30<br />

hours of court time, before stepping down from the<br />

witness box Oct. 17. In tense exchanges with<br />

Abramovich’s lawyer Jo<strong>na</strong>than Sumption, he was<br />

accused of money laundering and lying to support<br />

his case.<br />

“You are prepared to say anything in a document<br />

put before the English courts, whatever you think<br />

suits your case, whether it is true or not,” said<br />

Sumption.<br />

Abramovich, who is 53rd on Forbes’ list of the<br />

world’s richest people and rarely speaks in public,<br />

will probably have to spend at least as long as<br />

Berezovsky did on the stand, Max Hastings, a<br />

member of Berezovsky’s legal team, said in a<br />

phone interview last week.<br />

Karyl Nairn, a lawyer representing Abramovich,<br />

didn’t respond to an e-mail seeking comment on the<br />

trial.<br />

The two men present contrasting versions of the<br />

events which turned them from friends and allies<br />

into enemies. Berezovsky claims Abramovich told<br />

him the Russian state would seize his shares in<br />

OAO Sibneft and United Co. Rusal unless he sold<br />

them in 2001 and 2003.<br />

Abramovich said Berezovsky’s role was as a<br />

political power broker and that he had no actual<br />

stake in either company.<br />

For more, click here.<br />

For the latest trial and appeals news, click here.<br />

Verdicts/Settlements<br />

Citigroup Wins Approval of $13.5 Million Investor<br />

Accord<br />

Citigroup Inc. (C), the third-biggest U.S. bank, won<br />

court approval of a $13.5 million settlement of<br />

shareholder claims over the sale of its former<br />

Student Loan Corp. (STU) unit.<br />

The accord, which provided an extra $2.50 a share<br />

to Student Loan investors, was “an excellent result,”<br />

Delaware Chancery Court Judge Travis Laster said<br />

before approving the settlement yesterday at a<br />

hearing in Wilmington.<br />

Investors sued Student Loan in September 2010,<br />

alleging they were getting shortchanged in the $600<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


million sale to Discover Fi<strong>na</strong>ncial Services. (DFS)<br />

Laster declined to block the deal last year, saying<br />

shareholders could seek damages later in a trial.<br />

The Student Loan unit was one of at least 21<br />

Citigroup businesses put up for sale by Chief<br />

Executive Officer Vikram Pandit following the<br />

bank’s $45 billion bailout in 2008.<br />

Citigroup is “pleased the settlement has received<br />

the court’s approval,” Shannon Bell, a<br />

spokeswoman for the New York-based bank, said<br />

in an e-mailed statement.<br />

Student Loan, based in Stamford, Connecticut,<br />

agreed to the $30-a-share bid by Riverwoods,<br />

Illinois-based Discover in September 2010. The<br />

offer was 40 percent more than the trading price of<br />

the Citigroup unit’s shares at the time.<br />

The takeover made Discover the third-largest U.S.<br />

provider of private student loans, behind SLM Corp.<br />

(SLM) and Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) The sale to<br />

Discover also involved the acquisition of some loan<br />

portfolios by Citigroup and SLM, Laster said<br />

yesterday.<br />

Student Loan investors argued that directors didn’t<br />

shop around enough for the best price for the<br />

Citigroup unit and failed to make proper disclosures<br />

about the deal. Student Loan executives later<br />

disclosed more information about the fees paid to<br />

bankers advising them on the deal, Laster said.<br />

The Delaware case is Kahn v. Student Loan Corp.,<br />

CA5832, Delaware Chancery Court (Wilmington).<br />

For more, click here.<br />

Ex-Primary Global Executive Fleishman Seeks New<br />

U.S. Trial<br />

Former Primary Global Research LLC executive<br />

James Fleishman, convicted of two counts of<br />

conspiracy in September as part of a U.S.<br />

crackdown on insider trading, is asking for the<br />

charges to be dismissed or for a new trial.<br />

Fleishman was convicted Sept. 20 by a federal jury<br />

in Manhattan of helping pass confidential<br />

information to fund ma<strong>na</strong>gers as part of an<br />

insider-trading scheme. Prosecutors said<br />

Fleishman obtained and passed confidential data<br />

from technology company employees who were<br />

moonlighting as consultants for Mountain View,<br />

California-based Primary Global. The secret tips<br />

were given to fund ma<strong>na</strong>gers who paid Primary<br />

Global fees for consultation calls, prosecutors said.<br />

Fleishman’s lawyer, Ethan Balogh, said in court<br />

papers filed Oct. 26 that prosecutors failed to<br />


establish that any acts to further the conspiracy<br />

occurred in New York. Balogh also argued that<br />

Fleishman was improperly told that the only way he<br />

would be allowed to testify in his own defense was<br />

if he turned over to prosecutors diaries during a<br />

four-year period.<br />

Testimony about a June 2009 meeting in<br />

Manhattan between Fleishman and Karl Motey, an<br />

independent consultant who was cooperating with<br />

the government and wearing a body wire, failed to<br />

establish that Fleishman committed any<br />

wrongdoing during that meeting, Balogh said.<br />

“The government failed to present sufficient<br />

evidence of venue in the Southern District of New<br />

York,” Balogh said in court papers.<br />

A spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara in<br />

Manhattan couldn’t immediately be reached for<br />

comment.<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


The case is U.S. v. Nguyen, 11-cr-32, U.S. District<br />

Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).<br />

For the latest verdict and settlement news, click<br />

here.<br />

To contact the reporter on this story: Elizabeth<br />

Amon in Brooklyn, New York, at<br />

eamon2@bloomberg.net.<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this story:<br />

Michael Hytha at mhytha@bloomberg.net.<br />


El Peruano - Noticia, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Participan más de doscientos magistrados<br />

Debatirán temas como seguridad ciudada<strong>na</strong> y<br />

descarga procesal<br />

Mejoras en el Poder Judicial.<br />

[Tarapoto] Con la asistencia de más de 200<br />

magistrados de todos los niveles, el presidente del<br />

Poder Judicial, César San Martín, i<strong>na</strong>uguró ayer<br />

en esta ciudad el Quinto Congreso Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Jueces, que debatirá temas de trascendental<br />

importancia como la seguridad ciudada<strong>na</strong>, la<br />

descarga procesal, la medición del desempeño<br />

jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l, el presupuesto institucio<strong>na</strong>l y las<br />

remuneraciones.<br />

Las palabras de bienvenida estuvieron a cargo del<br />

presidente de la Corte Superior de San Martín,<br />

Alfonso Chacón, quien agradeció la elección de<br />

Tarapoto como sede del Congreso. Luego, el<br />

presidente de la Comisión Organizadora, Víctor<br />

Prado, explicó los temas a tratar y la metodología<br />

de trabajo durante estos tres días de sesiones en<br />

los que participarán expositores <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les y<br />

extranjeros. Se elaborará u<strong>na</strong> encuesta para<br />

conocer la opinión de los magistrados.<br />


El Universal - Metropoli, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Magistrado busca u<strong>na</strong> segunda presidencia del TSJDF<br />

Sólo Édgar Elías Azar, actual presidente presidente<br />

del TSJDF y el magistrado Lázaro Tenorio Godínez<br />

serán quienes compitan por la presidencia en<br />

diciembre próximo<br />

Claudia Bolaños<br />

Hoy el presidente del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Superior de Justicia<br />

del Distrito Federal (TSJDF), Édgar Elías Azar, dio<br />

a conocer que volverá a contender por presidir<br />

cuatro años más el Poder Judicial local.<br />

Tan sólo él y el magistrado Lázaro Tenorio<br />

Godínez serán quienes compitan por la presidencia<br />

del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l y del Consejo de la Judicatura, en u<strong>na</strong><br />

elección que se realizará en diciembre próximo<br />

para asumir el cargo en enero de 2012.<br />

En sesión privada del pleno de magistrados,<br />

Tenorio Godínez y Elías Azar manifestaron su<br />

intención de participar en el proceso.<br />

El magistrado Lázaro Tenorio Godínez está<br />

adscrito a la Primera Sala Familiar, donde es el<br />

titular de la Ponencia 1 y se ha desempeñado<br />

como profesor en derecho familiar y civil en<br />

diferentes instituciones educativas del país, así<br />

como en materia de amparo, mediación y justicia<br />

para adolescentes.<br />

Y Edgar Elías Azar, quien preside actualmente el<br />

TSJDF y el CJDF, ha sido académico de diferentes<br />

instituciones educativas del país y ha participado<br />

como expositor y conferenciante en instituciones<br />

públicas y privadas y en foros <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les e<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les.<br />

Dijo que la competencia será interesante y dijo que<br />

ambos tienen la posibilidad de ga<strong>na</strong>r, "eso no lo<br />

sabemos pues el voto es secreto".<br />

Dijo que espera consolidar muchos proyectos que<br />

están a la mitad, como la creación de los<br />

comedores de trabajadores, escuela para jueces,<br />

oralidad en lo mercantil, y afianzar lo relacio<strong>na</strong>do a<br />

los juzgados para Adolescentes los de Ejecución,<br />

los cuales dijo son su mayor preocupación.<br />


El Universal - Nación, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Dictar sentencia cuesta $31 mil: Judicatura<br />

En 2007 cada sentencia costó 29 mil 900 pesos. El<br />

consejero federal, Jorge Moreno Collado, asegura<br />

que aunque el precio subió hemos ga<strong>na</strong>do en<br />

calidad y prontitud<br />

Alberto Morales<br />

En 2007 el Poder Judicial de la Federación<br />

resolvió casi 700 mil asuntos, frente al millón de<br />

casos del presente año; por lo que en promedio, en<br />

2007 cada sentencia costó 29 mil 900 pesos, en<br />

tanto que este año el costo promedio es de 31 mil<br />

381 pesos, lo cual implica que la justicia ha<br />

permanecido en el mismo rango de costo en el<br />

lustro mencio<strong>na</strong>do, pero hemos ga<strong>na</strong>do en calidad<br />

y prontitud, aseguró el consejero de la Judicatura<br />

Federal Jorge Moreno Collado.<br />

El consejero refirió que en los últimos cinco años el<br />

Poder Judicial de la Federación ha logrado que el<br />

costo de los juicios federales en el país se<br />

mantenga en el mismo rango, pero con la<br />

participación de un mayor número de órganos<br />

jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>les, con lo que se ha ga<strong>na</strong>do mayor<br />

calidad y prontitud en sus resoluciones.<br />

Moreno Collado adelantó que el PJF suscribirá un<br />

convenio con la Comisión Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Bancaria y de<br />

Valores, mediante el cual se dispondrá legalmente<br />

de toda la información relativa, cuando sea<br />

necesario, de los ingresos y cuentas bancarias de<br />

los trabajadores del PJF para transparentar su<br />

actividad y conducta.<br />

Durante su participación en el Semi<strong>na</strong>rio de<br />

Transparencia Judicial Federal, en el Instituto de la<br />

Judicatura Federal, el Consejero mencionó que el<br />

presupuesto autorizado a este organismo se dedica<br />

a mantener la operación de los órganos<br />

jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>les en toda la República y a la creación<br />

de nuevos órganos.<br />


El Universal - Estados, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Ministra pide deslindar responsabilidades por Royale<br />

Olga Sánchez Cordero dijo que es necesario u<strong>na</strong><br />

investigación puntual por parte de la PGR y de la<br />

Procuraduría estatal sobre el incendio en el casino<br />

que provocó la muerte de 52 perso<strong>na</strong>s<br />

Monterrey, NL | Viernes 28 de octubre de 2011<br />

Patricia Salazar Martínez / Corresponsal | El<br />

Universal18:58<br />

El deslinde de responsabilidades en torno al<br />

atentado al Casino Royale, en donde 52 perso<strong>na</strong>s<br />

murieron a causa de un incendio por presuntos<br />

miembros de zetas que operan en Nuevo León,<br />

corresponden tanto a la Procuraduría General de la<br />

República y a la procuraduría estatal, reveló la<br />

Ministra de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la<br />

Nación, Olga Sánchez Cordero.<br />

Al asistir a la i<strong>na</strong>uguración de la Sala de Juicios<br />

Orales sede del Poder Judicial establecida en la<br />

Universidad Metropolita<strong>na</strong> de Monterrey; la Ministra<br />

dijo que es necesario u<strong>na</strong> investigación puntual<br />

entre ambas dependencias, para deslindar<br />

responsabilidades en torno al multihomicidio.<br />

"Yo soy la primera que tengo interés en que se<br />

deslinde (la responsabilidad), sobre todo, las de<br />

nuestros jueces y de nuestros magistrados.<br />

Hay que hacer u<strong>na</strong> investigación, hay que hacer<br />

u<strong>na</strong> investigación muy puntual y sobre todo, y esto<br />

yo quisiera que quedara muy claro, deslindar la<br />

responsabilidad de cada uno en la esfera de su<br />

competencia".<br />

Dijo que en materia federal, la Suprema Corte de<br />

Justicia mantiene su interés en que se aplique la<br />

justicia en torno a este atentado a la casa de<br />

apuestas, de manera transparente, confiable y<br />

creíble para la población.<br />

"Las autoridades no podemos más que hacer lo<br />

que nuestra competencia y nuestras atribuciones<br />

constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y legales nos permiten realizar.<br />

Entonces no hay más y cada uno tiene su esfera<br />

de competencia, políticas públicas, permisos<br />

otorgados por las diversas autoridades federales o<br />

locales o estatales o municipales, jueces de distrito,<br />

tribu<strong>na</strong>les superiores", expresó Sánchez Cordero;<br />

al subrayar que todos tienen competencia en el<br />

deslinde de responsabilidades; luego de que en<br />

días pasados la PGR se desligara de la realización<br />

de peritajes en materia de seguridad industrial y<br />

protección civil.<br />

"Nosotros en el Poder Judicial Federal somos los<br />

más interesados en que nuestros jueces se<br />

comporten con excelencia, profesio<strong>na</strong>lismo,<br />

autonomía, honestidad, apegados a la<br />

Constitución y a la ley", señaló.<br />

En su conferencia magistral u<strong>na</strong> abordó la temática<br />

de la Reforma Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de Derechos<br />

Humanos y su relación con la reforma en el<br />

sistema pe<strong>na</strong>l acusatorio; y estuvieron presentes<br />

jueces, magistrados locales; la presidenta del<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Superior de Justicia en el Estado;<br />

Bucha<strong>na</strong>n Ortega, y el presidente de la institución<br />

privada, Alfonso Romo Garza.<br />


A más de seis años del plagio de Hugo Alberto<br />

Wallace, cuatro perso<strong>na</strong>s señaladas como<br />

responsables del secuestro recibieron sentencia<br />

conde<strong>na</strong>toria por el crimen del hijo de Isabel<br />

Miranda<br />

A más de seis años del plagio de Hugo Alberto<br />

Wallace, cuatro perso<strong>na</strong>s señaladas como<br />

responsables del secuestro recibieron sentencia<br />

conde<strong>na</strong>toria por el crimen del hijo de Isabel<br />

Miranda de Wallace, quien luego de la desaparición<br />

de su hijo se convirtió en activista y emblema en<br />

México.<br />

Aquí, la cronología del caso.<br />

2005<br />

11 de julio. El empresario Hugo Alberto Wallace<br />

Miranda es secuestrado en las instalaciones de<br />

Plaza Universidad, de acuerdo con las<br />

investigaciones realizadas por su madre la señora<br />

María Isabel Miranda.<br />

12 de julio. La señora Miranda denuncia ante la<br />

PGR y la Procuraduría capitali<strong>na</strong>, el secuestro de<br />

su hijo.<br />

30 de noviembre. Brenda Quevedo Cruz es<br />

detenida en la ciudad de Kentucky. Se le acusa de<br />

quien está involucrada en el secuestro y asesi<strong>na</strong>to<br />

de Alberto Wallace.<br />

2006<br />

22 febrero. Ante el retraso de las investigaciones y<br />

la detención de los implicados en el secuestro y<br />

muerte de Alberto Wallace, a través de tres<br />

espectaculares Isabel Miranda ofrece u<strong>na</strong><br />

recompensa económica de 250 mil pesos para<br />

quien entregue "vivo" a las autoridades a Jacobo<br />

Tagle Dobin, quien presuntamente participó en el<br />

plagio.<br />

15 de marzo. Isabel Miranda anuncia la captura de<br />

otro integrante de la banda que encabeza César<br />

Freyre Morales, alias "El Yanqui", y dice que<br />

continuará hasta detener a otros cinco<br />

sospechosos más.<br />

Por tercera ocasión, la madre de familia coloca un<br />

espectacular, esta vez en la calle de Medellín 150,<br />

en la colonia Roma, en el que ofrece u<strong>na</strong><br />

recompensa de 50 mil pesos a quien proporcione<br />

información de un cuarto cómplice, identificado<br />

como Tony Castillo Cruz.<br />

Cronología El caso Wallace<br />

El Universal - Nación, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


16 de marzo. Los golpes que recibió Hugo Alberto<br />

Wallace por parte de sus secuestradores le<br />

provocaron la muerte por paro cardiaco, informa la<br />

PGR.<br />

21 de diciembre. Un juez federal sentencia a cinco<br />

años de prisión a César Freyre Morales, presunto<br />

jefe de la banda de secuestradores a la que se le<br />

atribuye el plagio y homicidio del joven empresario.<br />

2008<br />

9 de junio. Isabel Miranda sale ilesa del ataque que<br />

perpetraron dos sujetos al disparar contra la<br />

camioneta que se disponía a abordar en sus<br />

ofici<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

11 de diciembre. El agente Marco Antonio Alquicira<br />

Díaz, considerado por la señora Isabel Miranda<br />

como pieza clave para localizar el cadáver de su<br />

hijo, es ejecutado de un disparo en la cabeza en su<br />

domicilio.<br />

2009<br />

29 de junio. Un juez de Estados Unidos autoriza la<br />

extradición de Brenda Quevedo a México para que<br />

sea juzgada por el secuestro y homicidio del<br />

empresario Hugo Alberto Wallace.<br />

25 de septiembre. Estados Unidos extradita a<br />

México a Brenda Quevedo Cruz, alias "Nadia<br />

Vázquez", informa la PGR.<br />

28 de septiembre. Isabel Miranda hace un llamado<br />

para promover la creación de la Ley Federal de<br />

Víctimas, que permita que las perso<strong>na</strong>s afectadas<br />

por diferentes delitos tengan voz y sean<br />

escuchadas.<br />

24 de diciembre. Un juez dicta sentencias que van<br />

de los 28 a los 47 años de prisión al ex policía de<br />

Morelos César Freyre Morales; a la bailari<strong>na</strong> Jua<strong>na</strong><br />

Hilda González Lomelí y a los hermanos Antonio y<br />

Alberto Castillo Cruz, cuatro de los partícipes en el<br />

secuestro y homicidio de Hugo Alberto Wallace.<br />

2010<br />

5 de enero. Isabel Miranda de Wallace cuestio<strong>na</strong> la<br />

sentencia que un juez federal impusó a cuatro de<br />

los secuestradores de su hijo y pide la intervención<br />

del Consejo de la Judicatura Federal (CJF). Por su<br />

parte, la Procuraduría General de la República<br />

(PGR) apeló el fallo judicial.<br />


6 de enero. Isabel Miranda se reúne con el<br />

presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la<br />

Nación, Guillermo Ortiz Mayagoitia, para expresarle<br />

su frustración tras la sentencia dictada a los cuatro<br />

secuestradores de Hugo Alberto Wallace.<br />

2 de marzo. Se<strong>na</strong>dores de distintas fuerzas<br />

políticas arropan la iniciativa de Isabel Miranda de<br />

Wallace para garantizar la "atención a las víctimas<br />

del secuestro".<br />

13 abril. La Primera Sala de la Suprema Corte de<br />

Justicia de la Nación admite la solicitud que hizo el<br />

procurador General de la República, Arturo Chávez<br />

Chávez, para que ejerza su facultad de atracción y<br />

revise las sentencias que le aplicó un juez federal a<br />

los secuestradores de Hugo Alberto Wallace, por<br />

considerar que fueron mínimas y merecían pe<strong>na</strong>s<br />

más altas.<br />

26 de abril. Alejandro Martí e Isabel Wallace<br />

acuden al Se<strong>na</strong>do de la República para participar<br />

en la negociación del dictamen de la llamada Ley<br />

Antisecuestro.<br />

19 de mayo. La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la<br />

Nación dicta que no intervendrá en el juicio de los<br />

secuestradores de Hugo Alberto Wallace.<br />

24 de agosto. Un tribu<strong>na</strong>l federal revoca las<br />

sentencias que se impusieron a cuatro integrantes<br />

de la banda que secuestró y asesinó al empresario<br />

Hugo Alberto Wallace, al considerar que el delito<br />

cometido no es competencia de la normativa<br />

federal sino de la local.<br />

7 de octubre. La Cámara de Diputados aprueba la<br />

Ley Antisecuestro, con la que se endurecerán las<br />

sanciones a quienes cometan este delito.<br />

4 de diciembre. Elementos de la Procuraduría de<br />

Justicia del Estado de México (PGJEM) capturan a<br />

Jacobo Tagle Dobin, el último de los presuntos<br />

implicados en el secuestro y homicidio del<br />

empresario Hugo Alberto Wallace Miranda.<br />

2011<br />

28 de octubre. El Poder judicial de la Federación<br />

dictó sentencia conde<strong>na</strong>toria para cuatro<br />

integrantes de la banda que secuestró a Hugo<br />

Alberto Wallace Miranda, con sentencias que van<br />

de los 78 a 131 años de prisión dentro de la causa<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>l 35/2006.<br />

Destaca la sentencia en contra de César Freyre<br />

Morales o José Antonio Hernández Lozano, quien<br />

tendrá que cumplir u<strong>na</strong> conde<strong>na</strong> de 131 años de<br />

prisión y veinte mil novecientos ochenta y siete<br />

días de salario mínimo.<br />

El Universal - Nación, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


A Jua<strong>na</strong> Hilda González Lomelí o Sandra Jiménez<br />

Gutiérrez, de 78 años, 9 meses de prisión y cuatro<br />

mil doscientos noventa y dos días de multa, por su<br />

responsabilidad en los delitos de privación ilegal de<br />

la libertad en la modalidad de secuestro,<br />

delincuencia organizada, posesión de arma de<br />

fuego y cartuchos de uso exclusivo de las Fuerzas<br />

Armadas.<br />

A Tony Castillo Cruz se le dictó u<strong>na</strong> pe<strong>na</strong> de 93<br />

años, 6 meses de prisión, y u<strong>na</strong> multa de siete mil<br />

setecientos setenta y cinco días, por su<br />

responsabilidad en el delito Privación ilegal de la<br />

Libertad en la modalidad de Secuestro y<br />

Delincuencia Organizada.<br />

Y a Alberto Castillo Cruz, le fue dictada u<strong>na</strong><br />

sentencia 93 años, 6 meses de prisión, u<strong>na</strong> multa<br />

de siete mil setecientos setenta y cinco días, por su<br />

responsabilidad en el delito de Privación ilegal de la<br />

Libertad en la modalidad de Secuestro y<br />

Delincuencia Organizada<br />

Con información del Centro de Documentación de<br />



El Universal - Nación, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Dan a plagiario de Wallace 131 años de cárcel<br />

Imponen a César Freyre la mayor sanción por el<br />

secuestro de Hugo Alberto, hijo de la activista<br />

Isabel Miranda; a los otros tres implicados les<br />

dictan sentencias de 63, 79 y 93 años de prisión<br />

Alberto Morales/El Universal<br />

El Poder judicial de la Federación dictó sentencia<br />

conde<strong>na</strong>toria para cuatro integrantes de la banda<br />

que secuestró a Hugo Alberto Wallace Miranda,<br />

con sentencias que van de los 78 a 131 años de<br />

prisión dentro de la causa pe<strong>na</strong>l 35/2006.<br />

Destaca la sentencia en contra de César Freyre<br />

Morales o José Antonio Hernández Lozano, quien<br />

tendrá que cumplir u<strong>na</strong> conde<strong>na</strong> de 131 años de<br />

prisión y veinte mil novecientos ochenta y siete<br />

días de salario mínimo de multa<br />

Lo anterior, informó la Procuraduría General de la<br />

República (PGR) en un comunicado, por su<br />

responsabilidad en los delitos de privación ilegal de<br />

la libertad en la modalidad de secuestro,<br />

delincuencia organizada, portación de arma de<br />

fuego de uso exclusivo del Ejército, Armada o<br />

Fuerza Aérea.<br />

De acuerdo con la PGR el Magistrado del Segundo<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Unitario en Materia Pe<strong>na</strong>l del Primer<br />

Circuito consideró fundados los agravios hechos<br />

valer por el Ministerio Público de la Federación y<br />

modificó, al resolver el Toca Pe<strong>na</strong>l 321/2011, la<br />

sentencia emitida por el Juzgado Décimo Sexto de<br />

Distrito de Procesos Pe<strong>na</strong>les Federales en el<br />

Distrito Federal.<br />

En u<strong>na</strong> primera instancia, el Juzgado Décimo Sexto<br />

de Distrito de Procesos Pe<strong>na</strong>les Federales en el<br />

Distrito Federal condenó a César Freyre Morales<br />

63 años, seis meses de prisión, así como siete mil<br />

37 días de multa.<br />

Los otros tres sentenciados e implicados en el caso<br />

tendrán que pagar las siguientes conde<strong>na</strong>s:<br />

A Jua<strong>na</strong> Hilda González Lomelí o Sandra Jiménez<br />

Gutiérrez, de 78 años, 9 meses de prisión y cuatro<br />

mil doscientos noventa y dos días de salario<br />

mínimo de multa por su responsabilidad en los<br />

delitos de privación ilegal de la libertad en la<br />

modalidad de secuestro, delincuencia organizada,<br />

posesión de arma de fuego y cartuchos de uso<br />

exclusivo de las Fuerzas Armadas.<br />

A Tony Castillo Cruz se le dictó u<strong>na</strong> pe<strong>na</strong> de 93<br />

años, 6 meses de prisión, y u<strong>na</strong> multa de siete mil<br />

setecientos setenta y cinco días de salario mínimo<br />

de multa por su responsabilidad en el delito<br />

Privación ilegal de la Libertad en la modalidad de<br />

Secuestro y Delincuencia Organizada.<br />

Y a Alberto Castillo Cruz le fue dictada u<strong>na</strong><br />

sentencia 93 años, 6 meses de prisión, u<strong>na</strong> multa<br />

de siete mil setecientos setenta y cinco días de<br />

salario mínimo de multa por su responsabilidad en<br />

el delito de Privación ilegal de la Libertad en la<br />

modalidad de Secuestro y Delincuencia<br />

Organizada.<br />


Nación.cl - Tribu<strong>na</strong>les, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Suprema emite dura declaración en respuesta al<br />

Gobierno<br />

El pleno rechazó que el Ejecutivo considere los<br />

fallos de los jueces al promover ascensos, defiende<br />

independencia del Poder Judicial y advierte<br />

“riesgos en las garantías constitucio<strong>na</strong>les”. Esta<br />

jor<strong>na</strong>da, el ministro Ribera reafirmó sus dichos que<br />

gatillaron la polémica: “No estoy arrepentido”, dijo.<br />

Viernes 28 de octubre de 2011| por Nación.cl<br />

Defendiendo la independencia del Poder Judicial<br />

ante declaraciones de autoridades de gobierno<br />

sobre los criterios que se aplicarán a la hora de<br />

promover ascensos, el pleno de la Corte<br />

Suprema emitió hoy u<strong>na</strong> declaración donde<br />

advierte que tales planteamientos podrían afectar<br />

las garantías constitucio<strong>na</strong>les en el país.<br />

El documento señala que “es posible que los<br />

magistrados tengan presente, consciente o<br />

inconscientemente, la forma cómo repercutirá<br />

en su carrera profesio<strong>na</strong>l las decisiones que<br />

adopten respecto de las peticiones que le formulen<br />

los intervinientes. Esta posibilidad afecta<br />

objetivamente tanto las garantías<br />

constitucio<strong>na</strong>les de ser juzgado por un juez<br />

independiente e imparcial, como las de un<br />

debido proceso legal”.<br />

Ello, considerando que “se ha indicado a los<br />

magistrados de la República que el Supremo<br />

Gobierno, entre otros antecedentes,<br />

considerará la forma en que resuelvan las<br />

solicitudes de medidas cautelares perso<strong>na</strong>les<br />

de los imputados en los procesos pe<strong>na</strong>les, con<br />

vista a cursar los nombramientos”.<br />

La declaración, que fue enviada al Presidente<br />

Sebastián Piñera, al ministro de Justicia<br />

Teodoro Ribera (quien hoy dijo no estar<br />

arrepentido por sus declaraciones) y los jueces,<br />

subraya que “los criterios para la desig<strong>na</strong>ción del<br />

perso<strong>na</strong>l judicial deben ser objetivos y<br />

transparentes. Nosotros no revisamos el contenido<br />

de las resoluciones. Nosotros discrepamos, pero si<br />

está dentro del margen de la ley el juez tiene su<br />

independencia perso<strong>na</strong>l y eso es respetable”.<br />

En ese sentido rechaza que el gobierno anuncie<br />

que considerará los criterios de los jueces. “No<br />

tiene por qué tener influencia en su carrera<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>ria, donde deben primar sus criterios<br />

objetivos, no sus opiniones o el contendido de sus<br />

resoluciones. No nos parece conveniente para la<br />

independencia del Poder Judicial que se<br />

utilicen ese tipo de criterios por sectores<br />

extraños a la judicatura”.<br />

Tras leer la declaración del pleno, el vocero del<br />

máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l, Jaime Rodríguez Espoz,<br />

descartó que con esta declaración se esté<br />

haciendo “ningu<strong>na</strong> advertencia a un poder del<br />

Estado, sino que estamos formulando un<br />

respeto y apoyo a nuestros jueces”.<br />

Durante su discurso de juramento de nuevos<br />

abogados, el presidente de la Corte Suprema,<br />

Milton Juica, manifestó que “<strong>na</strong>die aparte de la<br />

jurisdicción puede, en caso alguno, ejercer<br />

funciones judiciales, revisar los fundamentos o<br />

contenidos de sus resoluciones, normativa que<br />

es necesario recalcar, sobre todo en esta época en<br />

que se observa u<strong>na</strong> devoción política para<br />

desbordar este necesario equilibrio”<br />


En medio de la polémica, la Corte Suprema dioa<br />

conocer u<strong>na</strong> estadística del Sistema Procesal<br />

Pe<strong>na</strong>l elaborado por el Poder Judicial que revela<br />

que desde el inicio del nuevo sistema los jueces de<br />

garantía han concedido el 89% de las<br />

solicitudes de prisión preventiva presentadas<br />

por el Ministerio Público.<br />

Según los datos, de las 144.850 peticiones de<br />

prisión preventiva solicitadas por las fiscalías a<br />

los distintos tribu<strong>na</strong>les del país -entre el año<br />

2000 y el 30 de junio de 2011-, en 128.441 esta<br />

medida fue acogida por los tribu<strong>na</strong>les, y sólo en<br />

16.409 se rechazó. De esta última cifra, el<br />

Ministerio Público apeló en 3.419 ocasiones,<br />

consiguiendo revertir la decisión del tribu<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

garantía en 1.511.<br />


La declaración de la Suprema fue emitida tras<br />

conocerse u<strong>na</strong> entrevista del ministro de Justicia<br />

Teodoro Ribera, en donde éste no retrocede ni<br />

un milímetro en sus dichos sobre los "jueces<br />

garantistas".<br />

“¡Jamás! ¡Nunca! No estoy arrepentido”,<br />

declaró el secretario de Estado al Diario<br />

Fi<strong>na</strong>nciero, atribuyendo la molestia del Poder<br />

Judicial a que “hoy existe un estado de<br />

crispación que incrementa la sensibilidad".<br />

En la entrevista, Ribera añadió que “<strong>na</strong>die puede<br />

sentirse ame<strong>na</strong>zado cuando el ministro de<br />

Justicia ejerce las atribuciones que le confiere<br />

la ley”.<br />



Published: October 28, 2011<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Being Handcuffed? Press Send<br />

There is a b technological strain running through<br />

Occupy Wall Street, and software developers have<br />

been gathering at events in several cities to<br />

develop such tools for the demonstrators. One<br />

mobile app being developed, Shouty, would allow<br />

people to use their phones as radios, amplifying the<br />

human microphone at meetings in Zuccotti Park.<br />

But the app that has gained the most attention is<br />

called I’m Getting Arrested. It allows users to write<br />

a message and identify recipients — friends, family,<br />

a lawyer — in advance. Then, if they are about to<br />

be taken into custody, they can push a button to<br />

send a text message blast. Its developer, Jason<br />

Van Anden, created it in two days after an<br />

acquaintance <strong>na</strong>rrowly avoided an arrest at a<br />

demonstration several weeks ago.<br />

Since its release, the Android app has been<br />

downloaded nearly 10,000 times. But it is unclear if<br />

it has ever been used for its intended purpose or,<br />

indeed, whether it would be useful. The app is<br />

simple to use; it takes a few seconds to set up a list<br />

of phone numbers and a message. But curiously,<br />

the message would not include information about a<br />

user’s location and does not facilitate connection to<br />

social networks like Twitter and Facebook, which<br />

are in wide use at political demonstrations.<br />

The app also raises a question: If you do not have<br />

time to send a full text message when being<br />

arrested, will you have time to take out your phone,<br />

open the app and press the “Send” button for two<br />

seconds? I was once arrested at a political<br />

demonstration, and I do not remember having much<br />

time to pull out my phone.<br />

The app’s primary use so far seems to be as a<br />

political symbol. Downloading it is a statement —<br />

as is, apparently, reviewing it. Those who have<br />

given it positive reviews have generally done so to<br />

express support for the demonstrators. Those who<br />

have panned it have criticized its potential users<br />

rather than its lack of Facebook integration.<br />

At Zuccotti Park, and at Occupy marches and<br />

rallies, cellphones are ubiquitous. “I think people<br />

typically view the cellphones, or smartphones or the<br />

like, as a form of protection,” said Don<strong>na</strong><br />

Lieberman, the executive director of the New York<br />

Civil Liberties Union.<br />

Ms. Lieberman said the constant documentation of<br />

political demonstrations had served as a deterrent<br />

against aggressive action by the police.<br />

When arrests are made, she said, video from<br />

cellphones has served as evidence to support<br />

demonstrators who say they have been mistreated;<br />

it was cellphone images that showed the<br />

pepper-spraying of young women by a New York<br />

Police Department deputy inspector.<br />

But some people involved in the protests see<br />

cellphones as a mixed blessing.<br />

One question is whether the police could search the<br />

contents of cellphones seized during arrests,<br />

allowing them to glean information about the person<br />

being arrested or about the movement. Courts in<br />

different states have issued conflicting opinions<br />

about the rules restricting cellphone searches. The<br />

California Supreme Court ruled in January that<br />

police officers could examine text messages and<br />

other phone data without a warrant during an<br />

arrest. In response, legislators passed a bill<br />

requiring a warrant, but the bill was vetoed by Gov.<br />

Jerry Brown this month. New York’s courts have not<br />

ruled on the issue.<br />

The Police Department did not immediately<br />

respond to questions about its practices on<br />

searching phones during arrests.<br />

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, an advocacy<br />

group for perso<strong>na</strong>l digital rights, advised those<br />

carrying phones at demonstrations to lock them<br />

with passwords and to consider using apps like<br />

WhisperCore, which encrypts phone data.<br />

The best solution for people going into tense<br />

situations is simply to leave their phones behind,<br />

said Hanni Fakhoury, a staff lawyer with the<br />

foundation. But he acknowledged that his advice<br />

was likely to fall on deaf ears.<br />

“It kind of cuts against the advances of technology,”<br />

he said.<br />


Have a favorite New York City app? Send tips via<br />

e-mail to<br />

appcity@nytimes.com or via Twitter to<br />

@joshuabrustein.<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - New, 28 de Outubro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

Factbox: What is the Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court?<br />

By David Cutler and Gilbert Kreijger | Reuters – Fri,<br />

Oct 28, 2011<br />

THE HAGUE (Reuters) - The Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court's prosecutor said on Friday that his<br />

office was in "informal contact" with Muammar<br />

Gaddafi's fugitive son, Saif al-Islam, regarding his<br />

surrender to the war crimes court.<br />

The ICC prosecutor has charged Gaddafi, Saif<br />

al-Islam and Libya's former intelligence chief<br />

Abdullah al-Senussi with crimes against humanity<br />

for the shooting and killing of civilians protesters in<br />

February, and issued arrest warrants in June.<br />

Below are some facts on the court.<br />

* The United Nations has ad hoc tribu<strong>na</strong>ls dealing<br />

with abuses in former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, but<br />

the ICC is the first permanent court set up to try<br />

individuals for genocide, war crimes and other<br />

major human rights violations.<br />

* The Rome Statute of the Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Court was established in 1998, and the treaty<br />

entered into force on July 1, 2002.<br />

* The court is now supported by 119 <strong>na</strong>tions,<br />

although still not by Russia, Chi<strong>na</strong> and the United<br />

States, which opposed the creation of the ICC,<br />

fearing it would be used for politically motivated<br />

prosecutions of its citizens.<br />

* Countries which are not party to the Rome Statute<br />

are not obliged to hand over suspects.<br />

* The court only has jurisdiction with respect to<br />

crimes committed after July 1, 2002, in countries<br />

that have ratified its treaty. However, the ICC can<br />

also prosecute if the Security Council refers a case<br />

to it regarding crimes committed in a country that is<br />

not a sig<strong>na</strong>tory to the treaty.<br />

* Proceedings before the ICC may be initiated by a<br />

state party, the prosecutor or the United Nations<br />

Security Council.<br />

* The ICC launched its first investigations in 2004,<br />

into crimes in Democratic Republic of Congo and<br />

Uganda, and issued its first arrest warrants in 2005<br />

for five leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army in<br />

Uganda, accused of stoking 19 years of conflict.<br />

The governments of both countries had asked the<br />

ICC to investigate.<br />

* The court is based in The Hague, Netherlands,<br />

and is funded by contributions from state parties<br />

and by voluntary contributions from governments,<br />

organizations and individuals.<br />

* The ICC is currently handling 11 cases, including<br />

the 2008 post-election violence in Kenya, alleged<br />

war crimes committed in the Central African<br />

Republic, and Sudan's conflict-ridden Darfur region,<br />

while the prosecutor's office is conducting<br />

exami<strong>na</strong>tions in several other countries including<br />

Afghanistan and Georgia.<br />

* The ICC is separate from the Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

of Justice (ICJ), the highest legal authority of the<br />

United Nations which is also based in The Hague<br />

and which was i<strong>na</strong>ugurated in 1946 to resolve<br />

disputes between states.<br />

(Reporting by David Cutler and Gilbert Kreijger)<br />


Business Line - Industry & Company, 30 de Outubro de 2011<br />


2G case: CBI to oppose bail plea of 5 corporate heads<br />

in apex court<br />

New Delhi, Oct 30:<br />

The CBI will oppose the bail of five corporate<br />

honchos in the Supreme Court which is to hear<br />

their petitions tomorrow, in connection with the 2G<br />

scam, days after it did not object to the bail pleas of<br />

DMK MP Kanimozhi and four others in the trial<br />

court.<br />

Sources in the investigating agency confirmed that<br />

it has instructed the lawyer to oppose the plea of<br />

corporate executives - Unitech Wireless’ MD<br />

Sanjay Chandra, Swan Telecom’s Director Vinod<br />

Goenka and Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani<br />

group’s executives Hari Nair, Gautam Doshi and<br />

Surendra Pipara - who have approached the apex<br />

court for bail.<br />

Earlier the agency on October 24 did not oppose<br />

the bail plea of Kanimozhi, Kalaig<strong>na</strong>r TV MD<br />

Sharad Kumar, directors of Kusegaon Fruits and<br />

Vegetables Asif Balwa, Rajiv Agarwal and<br />

Bollywood producer Karim Morani before a special<br />

CBI court here.<br />

It had, however, opposed bail plea of Swan<br />

Telecom promoter Shahid Balwa and A Raja’s<br />

former private secretary R K Chandolia in the trial<br />

court.<br />

Tomorrow’s proceedings in the Supreme Court<br />

assumes significance as the apex court had earlier<br />

said the accused in the 2G scam can seek bail after<br />

framing of charges against them which was done<br />

on October 22.<br />

Other accused in the case include former telecom<br />

minister A Raja, former telecom secretary<br />

Siddhartha Behura and three telecom firms<br />

Reliance Telecom Ltd, Swan Telecom and Unitech<br />

(Tamil Nadu) Wireless Ltd.<br />

All the accused have pleaded that they have not<br />

done anything wrong and refuted the charge of<br />

drawing illegal benefits in allocation of 2G<br />

spectrum.<br />

Keywords: 2G sam, Supreme Court, CBI, bail<br />

plea, five teleco heads<br />


El Peruano - Noticia, 30 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Ocma suspende a juez en Lambayeque<br />

En lo que va del año se destituyó a 40 magistrados,<br />

revela Enrique Mendoza<br />

Campesinos piden justicia.<br />

La Ofici<strong>na</strong> de Control de la Magistratura (Ocma) del<br />

Poder Judicial dispuso, mediante resolución N°<br />

03-2011 del pasado 9 de setiembre, suspender<br />

preventivamente al juez Emiliano Pérez Acuña,<br />

extitular del Juzgado Mixto-Pe<strong>na</strong>l Uniperso<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

San Ig<strong>na</strong>cio, de la Corte Superior de Justicia de<br />

Lambayeque.<br />

La sanción a Pérez Acuña se activó tras u<strong>na</strong> queja<br />

presentada por el coadministrador de la<br />

Corporación Agrícola Ucupe, Segundo<br />

Montenegro, contra el magistrado en la demanda<br />

interpuesta por David Carrión contra Perales<br />

Huancaru<strong>na</strong> SAC y otros.<br />

De acuerdo con la investigación, Pérez Acuña fue<br />

suspendido por supuestas irregularidades<br />

cometidas en el mencio<strong>na</strong>do proceso, según el<br />

expediente Nº 175-2011. En agosto pasado,<br />

mediante resolución N° 2, Odecma Lambayeque<br />

resolvió abrir proceso discipli<strong>na</strong>rio administrativo<br />

contra el juez por presunta inobservancia de los<br />

deberes de función.<br />

Procesos<br />

Hasta este mes, la Ocma destituyó a cerca de 40<br />

magistrados y funcio<strong>na</strong>rios del Poder Judicial por<br />

cometer diversas faltas e irregularidades, informó el<br />

jefe del ente, Enrique Mendoza. "Estamos por<br />

encima de las 35 o 40 destituciones en el año, y<br />

u<strong>na</strong> serie de amonestaciones y apercibimientos. Es<br />

a todo nivel, menos en la Corte Suprema, donde<br />

tiene competencia el Consejo Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de la<br />

Magistratura."<br />


Compromiso por la justicia<br />

[Tarapoto] Los magistrados ratificaron su<br />

compromiso de mejorar la impartición de la justicia<br />

en el país, durante la clausura del Quinto Congreso<br />

Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de Jueces, realizado en esta ciudad.<br />

El presidente del Poder Judicial, César San<br />

Martín, señaló que la cita permitió importantes<br />

reflexiones sobre seguridad ciudada<strong>na</strong>, descarga<br />

procesal, medición del desempeño jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l,<br />

presupuesto institucio<strong>na</strong>l y haberes de los jueces.<br />

Sostuvo que con estas reuniones se ratifica la idea<br />

central de autogobierno judicial y la necesidad de<br />

escuchar a jueces y trabajadores para construir<br />

políticas, programas, planes y acciones que<br />

contribuyan a mejorar el servicio de justicia.<br />

El Peruano - Noticia, 30 de Outubro de 2011<br />



Nación.cl - Tribu<strong>na</strong>les, 31 de Outubro de 2011<br />


Magistrados califican como “agresión” dichos de<br />

ministro de Justicia<br />

La asociación que los agrupa rechazó "las<br />

apreciaciones de quien, como integrante del<br />

aparato estatal, actúa en calidad de parte ante los<br />

tribu<strong>na</strong>les de justicia",<br />

Lunes 31 de octubre de 2011| por Nación.cl -<br />

La Asociación Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de Magistrados del Poder<br />

Judicial, catalogó como u<strong>na</strong> "agresión y presión<br />

indebida contra la independencia del juez", las<br />

declaraciones del ministro de Justicia, Teodoro<br />

Ribera, respecto a revisar la labor de los jueces.<br />

"Tales críticas y anuncio no pueden sino<br />

considerarse como u<strong>na</strong> agresión y presión indebida<br />

contra la independencia del juez, principio este que<br />

nuestro orde<strong>na</strong>miento jurídico garantiza a la<br />

sociedad toda", declaró la organización mediante<br />

un comunicado.<br />

La asociación rechazó "las apreciaciones de quien,<br />

como integrante del aparato estatal, actúa en<br />

calidad de parte ante los tribu<strong>na</strong>les de justicia",<br />

repudiando también "todo intento de presio<strong>na</strong>r a los<br />

jueces, condicio<strong>na</strong>ndo su eventual nombramiento<br />

en un cargo, para que sometan sus decisiones a<br />

los intereses de cualquier grupo, idea o corriente<br />

política o filosófica".<br />


Diario La Prensa - Politica, 01 de Novembro de 2011<br />


El expediente digital llega a la Justicia<br />

01.11.2011 | U<strong>na</strong> ley sancio<strong>na</strong>da en junio de este<br />

año, equipara el soporte electrónico con el antiguo<br />

sistema de papel. La Corte y el Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura tienen a su cargo la implementación<br />

de esa norma.<br />

Por Carlos E. Hartmann<br />

"Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil deben<br />

apoyar esta iniciativa para que se aplique con éxito.<br />

Los abogados, como auxiliares de la Justicia,<br />

estamos llamados a adecuarnos a u<strong>na</strong> gestión más<br />

ágil y transparente al servicio de los derechos<br />

ciudadanos. La sociedad nos va a valorar mejor si<br />

somos agentes de cambio y no si somos agentes<br />

de resistencia".<br />

Así lo señaló Raúl Aguirre Saravia, presidente del<br />

Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos<br />

Aires, al abrir la jor<strong>na</strong>da sobre Servicios<br />

Informáticos y Expediente Digital en la Justicia<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l. La Corte Suprema y el Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura tienen a su cargo la implementación<br />

de la norma -ley 26.685, sancio<strong>na</strong>da el 1º de junio<br />

del presente año-, que equipara, en el ámbito del<br />

Poder Judicial, el soporte electrónico con el<br />

antiguo sistema (legajo físico o soporte papel).<br />

Esa misma disposición legal, autoriza la utilización<br />

de documentos, firmas, comunicaciones, domicilios<br />

electrónicos y firmas digitales en todos los<br />

procesos judiciales y administrativos que tramitan<br />

ante el Poder Judicial de la Nación, con idéntica<br />

eficacia jurídica y valor probatorio que sus<br />

equivalentes convencio<strong>na</strong>les. El debate se realizó<br />

en Montevideo 640, sede de la entidad que nuclea<br />

a los letrados porteños, y participaron, entre otros,<br />

el presidente de la Corte Suprema Ricardo<br />

Lorenzetti, y el integrante del Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura de la Nación, Alejandro Fargosi.<br />


Fue precisamente Lorenzetti quien explicó, ante el<br />

nutrido auditorio compuesto por magistrados,<br />

legisladores y abogados, el marco teórico y<br />

práctico en que se están efectuando los cambios<br />

mencio<strong>na</strong>dos.<br />

"El Poder Judicial necesita políticas de Estado<br />

perdurables, constantes, que puedan ir penetrando<br />

en cada uno de los estamentos", reclamó el titular<br />

de la Corte, para agregar seguidamente: "Hemos<br />

comenzado a trabajar en dos campos centrales:<br />

uno es la informatización y otro el cultural.<br />

Llevamos adelante u<strong>na</strong> de las licitaciones más<br />

grandes del Poder Judicial, sin que hubiese<br />

ningu<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción y superando u<strong>na</strong> vieja y<br />

frustrante historia de fracasos".<br />

Explicó que desde febrero de 2012 no habrá más<br />

opción, todos los jueces y juezas tendrán que usar<br />

el nuevo sistema digital. "Es un software de gestión<br />

con u<strong>na</strong> capacidad extraordi<strong>na</strong>ria, flexible, que va a<br />

generar estadísticas. Hasta ahora no tenemos<br />

estadísticas confiables, pero las va a generar este<br />

sistema", detalló el presidente de la Corte.<br />

Según Lorenzetti, en el máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l ya existen<br />

expedientes digitales (por ejemplo, notificaciones<br />

electrónicas) y la posibilidad de firmarlos<br />

digitalmente. Se ha empezado con experiencias<br />

piloto. Hubo un trabajo intenso en los últimos tres<br />

años, pero para que esa experiencia se traslade a<br />

todo el Poder Judicial, hace falta, en primer lugar,<br />

que sea gradual -no se puede pasar de cero a<br />

cien-, y en segundo plano, que cambien los usos y<br />

costumbres de jueces y abogados. Es un cambio<br />

cultural.<br />

"Hay que aplicar criterios de gestión privada al<br />

Estado. No privatizar el Estado, sino aplicar<br />

criterios de gestión. Y lo estamos haciendo. Por<br />

ejemplo, hace poco i<strong>na</strong>uguramos la mesa de<br />

entradas única de la Corte", dijo Lorenzetti.<br />

Un expediente que antes demoraba dos años en la<br />

Corte, ahora puede demorar un mes, o un mes y<br />

medio, consignó el magistrado. También aclaró que<br />

hubo expedientes de diez años de duración, con<br />

trámites complejos, y se los ha bajado a dos años.<br />

Ingresaron en su momento al máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

70.000 causas por el "corralito", y más de 100.000<br />

por trámites jubilatorios. Pero se sacó todo el<br />

grueso de la carga de expedientes que tenía la<br />

Corte, en base a la gestión. Hoy existe u<strong>na</strong><br />

cantidad más reducida y manejable de casos.<br />

"Es hora de que nosotros asumamos la<br />

responsabilidad de concretar este objetivo, porque<br />

el Poder Judicial debe cambiar, debe dejar de<br />

mirarse a sí mismo. Y debe entender que además<br />

de ser un poder del Estado, presta un servicio.<br />

Debe mirar entonces también a quienes lo reciben.<br />

Tratarlos bien, rápido, no perder el tiempo, pensar<br />

que siempre del otro lado hay alguien que tiene<br />

u<strong>na</strong> necesidad. Para eso es que estamos nosotros<br />

aquí, poniendo lo mejor de nosotros mismos",<br />

concluyó Lorenzetti.<br />



La nómi<strong>na</strong> de disertantes se completó con Gerardo<br />

Vassallo, juez de la Cámara Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Apelaciones en lo Comercial, y Carlos Moli<strong>na</strong><br />

Portela, juez del fuero Civil. Igualmente expusieron<br />

dos especialistas en informática -Eduardo Parody y<br />

Julio Quiñones-, mientras que Ele<strong>na</strong> Domínguez<br />

Pecco se refirió al proyecto "cero papel" en<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>les, en su calidad de coordi<strong>na</strong>dora de la<br />

Ofici<strong>na</strong> Regio<strong>na</strong>l de la Conferencia de Ministros de<br />

Justicia de Iberoamérica.<br />

Por su parte, Horacio Granero, presidente de la<br />

Diario La Prensa - Politica, 01 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Comisión de Alta Tecnología del Colegio de<br />

Abogados de la Ciudad, explicó los pasos<br />

graduales de la implementación del expediente<br />

digital.<br />


Bizjour<strong>na</strong>is - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Appeals court: KCUMB doesn’t have to pay legal<br />

bills for ex-CEO Pletz<br />

Steve Vockrodt<br />

Reporter - Kansas City Business Jour<strong>na</strong>l<br />

A Missouri appeals court has ruled that Kansas City<br />

University of Medicine and Biosciences does not<br />

have to pay former CEO Karen Pletz’s legal bills.<br />

The Tuesday decision by the Missouri Court of<br />

Appeals , Western District, is the third ruling in favor<br />

of the osteopathic university, which contends that it<br />

has no obligation to pay Pletz’s legal bills related to<br />

her civil or crimi<strong>na</strong>l trials on embezzlement and tax<br />

fraud charges.<br />

KCUMB’s attorneys — backed up by appellate<br />

court judges — have said the university has<br />

discretion about to whom and for how long it<br />

advances fees.<br />

A Jackson County Circuit Court judge twice had<br />

ruled against Pletz, who said her employment<br />

contract and university bylaws obligate the<br />

university to pay her legal costs.<br />

KCUMB is advancing legal fees to other university<br />

employees who have been called to testify in<br />

depositions related to the Pletz investigation.<br />

In December 2009, Pletz was suddenly fired from<br />

KCUMB, where she had served as the top<br />

administrator since 1995.<br />

The university claimed that Pletz looted more than<br />

$2 million in university money for perso<strong>na</strong>l uses.<br />

On March 30, a grand jury indicted her on similar<br />

charges, as well as tax fraud for using university<br />

money for charitable do<strong>na</strong>tions and claiming them<br />

on her perso<strong>na</strong>l tax returns.<br />

KCUMB initially advanced her fees but later<br />

decided to stop.<br />

Pletz’s attorneys cited university bylaws, as well as<br />

that KCUMB was advancing fees to others, as<br />

reasons that the university should do the same for<br />

Pletz.<br />

Attorneys for Pletz were not immediately available<br />

to comment about the ruling.<br />


Bloomberg - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Wells Fargo Sued by Loreley Fi<strong>na</strong>ncing Over $163<br />

Million CDOs<br />

A Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) unit was accused by<br />

Loreley Fi<strong>na</strong>ncing in a lawsuit of allegedly<br />

conspiring to defraud it in the sales of $163.3<br />

million of collateralized debt obligations.<br />

Wells Fargo Securities LLC created the CDOs,<br />

made material misrepresentations and was unjustly<br />

enriched by the investments Loreley purchased,<br />

Loreley said in a summons filed yesterday in New<br />

York State Supreme Court in Manhattan. The<br />

document didn’t contain specifics about the<br />

allegations. Loreley wants its money back and<br />

unspecified punitive damages.<br />

Loreley is a group of special-purpose entities based<br />

in Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands, a<br />

dependency of the U.K. with its own legislative<br />

assembly and known as a tax haven. The entities<br />

were formed for long-term investing in CDOs, pools<br />

of assets such as mortgage bonds packaged into<br />

new securities, Loreley said in an Oct. 5 lawsuit it<br />

filed against Deutsche Bank AG over $440 million<br />

in CDO purchases.<br />

Elise Wilkinson, a spokeswoman for San<br />

Francisco-based Wells Fargo, didn’t immediately<br />

return a voice-mail yesterday seeking comment on<br />

the lawsuit.<br />

Wells Fargo fell $1.14, or 4.4 percent, to $24.77<br />

yesterday in New York Stock Exchange composite<br />

trading. The shares have declined 20 percent this<br />

year.<br />

The case is Loreley Fi<strong>na</strong>ncing v. Wells Fargo<br />

Securities, 653037/2011, New York State Supreme<br />

Court (Manhattan).<br />

To contact the reporter on this story: Karen Gullo in<br />

San Francisco at kgullo@bloomberg.net<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this story:<br />

Michael Hytha at mhytha@bloomberg.net<br />


Bloomberg - World View, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Culture War Ens<strong>na</strong>res a Beloved Indian Epic:<br />

Choudhury<br />

Returning to New Delhi early last month, after two<br />

weeks on the road without much exercise, I passed<br />

my neighborhood park (where 10 laps every<br />

evening provide the reflective state of mind and the<br />

adre<strong>na</strong>lin that lead to columns such as this one)<br />

and realized there would be no run for me that day.<br />

It was the festival of Dussehra -- the day on which<br />

the victory of the godly king Rama of Ayodhya over<br />

his 10-headed antagonist Rava<strong>na</strong> of Lanka, and<br />

indeed of Good over Evil, is celebrated across<br />

India. In the middle of my park towered three<br />

effigies, each 40 feet high, of the bloodthirsty<br />

Rava<strong>na</strong>, to be burnt to ashes that evening like<br />

hundreds of other effigies across the city. As dusk<br />

fell, the streets of my neighborhood filled with<br />

hundreds of visitors, mostly families resplendent in<br />

festival finery, the children wearing red horns and<br />

piping on whistles and bugles, rippling with<br />

pleasure at the prospect of the shared <strong>na</strong>rrative and<br />

spectacle that would soon unfold in front of them.<br />

The story and the tradition in which millions of my<br />

countrymen were participating on Oct. 6 might be<br />

called the Rama katha (the word in many Indian<br />

languages for "story"), one of the oldest legends of<br />

the subcontinent and still the most popular,<br />

containing hundreds of archetypes, symbols,<br />

metaphors and proverbs that undergird Indian<br />

beliefs and ethical and philosophical ideas. The<br />

story is one of our greatest oral traditions and<br />

creates, as with many such <strong>na</strong>rratives handed<br />

down from one generation to another, a sense of<br />

the telescoping of time that allows people to speak<br />

of Rama and the events of his life as if they<br />

occurred in the recent past, not in the mists of<br />

mythological time.<br />

But there is also a textual genealogy to the<br />

tradition, which takes the form of various <strong>na</strong>rrations<br />

of the story in the Indian languages, many of them<br />

in dialogue with the version considered the ur-text,<br />

the enormous Ramaya<strong>na</strong> (about 50,000 lines of<br />

verse) composed in Sanskrit, the root and<br />

precursor of many modern Indian languages, by the<br />

sage Valmiki around the fifth century BC. In a<br />

preface to the most recent scholarly edition of<br />

Valmiki's text in English translation, the Indian<br />

economist and public intellectual Amartya Sen<br />

gives a sense of the story's power and geographical<br />

reach:<br />

The spread [of the Rama story across space and<br />

time] was, however, accompanied by many distinct<br />

transformations, some minor, some quite major [...]<br />

Within India there is a huge dichotomy, involving<br />

serious differences between the Northern and<br />

Southern versions. There are differences even<br />

between Northeastern variants and Northwestern<br />

ones, all in Sanskrit. As the Ramaya<strong>na</strong> gets<br />

translated into the later Indian languages, Hindi,<br />

Tamil, Kan<strong>na</strong>da, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, and<br />

others, the <strong>na</strong>rrative takes again many different<br />

turns. And there were particular variants seen from<br />

different perspectives, for example that of women,<br />

rather than men. And as the Ramaya<strong>na</strong> spread<br />

abroad, also like wild fire, with translations and<br />

adaptations across the eastern world, with<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong> stories circulating in An<strong>na</strong>mese,<br />

Balinese, Cambodian, Javanese, Khotanese,<br />

Laotian, Malayan, Sinhalese, Thai, Tibetan, and<br />

others, we get a huge cluster of generically linked<br />

but partially divergent <strong>na</strong>rratives.<br />

To the Rama story's many traditio<strong>na</strong>l versions<br />

across languages and cultures, we may add a<br />

modern one, again with a constituency mainly in<br />

north India, which has many towns and rivers<br />

<strong>na</strong>med in the Valmiki Ramaya<strong>na</strong> and believes itself<br />

uniquely connected to the epic through this "sacred<br />

geography." This is the idea of a political, martial<br />

Rama, returning to redeem Hinduism from the<br />

margi<strong>na</strong>lization it has suffered at the hands of the<br />

secular Indian republic put in place after<br />

Independence, as well as the violence inflicted by<br />

Islamic invaders over the last millennium. This<br />

Rama seems to want to unite all Hindus politically<br />

(though usually upper-caste Hindus in practice) in<br />

an effort to assert the domi<strong>na</strong>nce of "Hindu<br />

civilization" in multi-faith, multicultural modern India.<br />

Rama as a political symbol is central to the idiom<br />

and political program of the main opposition party in<br />

Parliament, the Bharatiya Ja<strong>na</strong>ta Party (BJP),<br />

which orchestrated in 1992, with the support of<br />

various militant Hindu groups, the bringing down of<br />

the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, on the grounds that<br />

it had been constructed by the Mughal emperor<br />

Babur on the site where Rama was thought to have<br />

been born, and deserved to be replaced with a new<br />

Ram temple. Indeed, the BJP often speaks of its<br />

ideal of government as "Ram Rajya," which would<br />

be modeled on an order that prevailed during the<br />

time of Rama. In the last three decades, the BJP,<br />

along with the mass media -- particularly in the form<br />

of a vastly popular television version telecast on<br />

India's <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l channel Doordarshan in the late<br />

1980s -- have done a great deal to homogenize the<br />

public understanding of story of Rama, privileging<br />

the versions of the story produced by Valmiki and<br />

by the 16th-century poet-saint Tulsidas in his<br />

Ramacharitama<strong>na</strong>s. The dangers of this reduction<br />


of a widely circulated story to the authority supplied<br />

by one or two texts have been pointed out by<br />

historians such as Romila Thapar in a perceptive<br />

essay from 1989 titled "The Ramaya<strong>na</strong> Syndrome."<br />

This is the context of a controversial and deplorable<br />

recent decision by Delhi University, the country's<br />

leading institution, to excise from its history syllabus<br />

an essay by the Indian scholar of classics AK<br />

Ramanujan called "Three Hundred Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s."<br />

Ramanujan's scholarly text would be intriguing and<br />

even insightful to anyone who recognizes a secular<br />

right to inquire into the origins and variants of<br />

religious tradition. The ruckus was first raised by<br />

the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the youth<br />

wing of the BJP, in 2008, when it vandalized Delhi<br />

University's History Department in real or<br />

cooked-up outrage over the essay.<br />

The protesters claimed that the essay, which treats<br />

the many different versions of the Ramaya<strong>na</strong><br />

circulating in the subcontinent as "tellings" without<br />

privileging a particular one as authoritative,<br />

circulates many untruths about the Ramaya<strong>na</strong> and<br />

is offensive to Hindus. It is easy to see how the<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong> knowledge in Ramanujan's text -- for<br />

example, that in some versions, the villain Rava<strong>na</strong><br />

is really a kind of tragic hero, and that in one he is<br />

even, unknown to himself, the father of Sita, the<br />

woman whom he lusts after and abducts -- would<br />

seem heretical to those who would regard the<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong> not as story but as scripture. A sentence<br />

like "When we enter the world of Jain tellings, the<br />

Rama story no longer carries Hindu values" would<br />

inflame someone who sees the story as a vessel of<br />

idealized Hindu values: Rama's nobility and ideal of<br />

dharma or right conduct, Sita's famed chastity, the<br />

monkey-god Hanuman's sacrifice and devotion.<br />

In voting 111 to 9 to delete the text from the<br />

syllabus, then, Delhi University's Academic Council<br />

was, in an atmosphere of violence, intimidation and<br />

unreason, choosing to take the path of least<br />

resistance. Perhaps it reasoned that the backlash<br />

from the excision of the essay, which would be<br />

widespread but nonviolent, would be preferable to<br />

another round of vigilante justice from hotheads<br />

who would be able to frame the debate in such a<br />

way that they would have a groundswell of popular<br />

support.<br />

The university practically ensured the veto for<br />

Ramanujan's text by allowing for a referendum on<br />

the matter in the first place, when it should have<br />

stood its right to teach the syllabus it had origi<strong>na</strong>lly<br />

prescribed. One might say the Council, when faced<br />

with a vote, was being quite pragmatic. The ideas<br />

of humanistic inquiry and free speech are<br />

insufficiently grounded in Indian public life, and very<br />

few spaces -- even classrooms -- are free of the<br />

Bloomberg - World View, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


weight and creeping pressure of religious belief.<br />

The evidence for this might be found not just in the<br />

youth wing's charmless and intimidating approach,<br />

but even in the report of the four-member academic<br />

committee appointed by the Supreme Court to<br />

look into the matter. The one dissenting member of<br />

the committee argued that he was skeptical that<br />

students -- even students of history -- would be able<br />

to tolerate the relativization of what many<br />

considered a sacred text, and further that teaching<br />

it was "likely to become more difficult in the case of<br />

a non-Hindu teacher."<br />

Meanwhile, the protestors were ignoring Hinduism's<br />

own tradition of honoring pluralism, opting instead<br />

for the gesture of a more modern believer, that of<br />

competitive religious chauvinism against the<br />

common enemy of secularists and "leftists." This<br />

was clear from a press conference held by the<br />

BJP's youth wing after Ramanujan's text was<br />

elimi<strong>na</strong>ted. Ragini Bhuyan of the Sunday Guardian<br />

reported, in a piece called "Ramanujan and the<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong>":<br />

Chahal [a youth group functio<strong>na</strong>ry] argued that the<br />

world erupted in protest when cartoons of Prophet<br />

Muhammad were published by a Danish<br />

newspaper. Christian organisations also protested<br />

against the portrayal of the Vatican in Dan Brown's<br />

worldwide bestselling thriller, The Da Vinci Code.<br />

Chahal went on to cite the example of the professor<br />

in Kerala who wrote a question in an exam paper<br />

referring to Prophet Muhammad, and who suffered<br />

the horrific fate of having his hands cut off. The<br />

inference was clear: other religions don't tolerate it,<br />

so why should Hindus?<br />

The press conference also brought to light some<br />

undercurrents in this battle. The press release<br />

[circulated by the organizations involved with the<br />

protest] says, "It is a well-known tactic of the<br />

Leftists to attack deep-rooted religious beliefs of<br />

Hindus." [...] Dr Awasthy claimed at the press<br />

conference that "these historians are all Left wing.<br />

This is a conspiracy by the Left." ... [The] press<br />

release also asks "Whether the same historians will<br />

recommend [sic] a <strong>na</strong>rrative by Salman Rushdie as<br />

a compulsory text for the study of the Quran or<br />

Islam?"<br />

And in one of the best responses to the<br />

controversy, the jour<strong>na</strong>list Hartosh Singh Bal<br />

offered the big picture:<br />

The ideological route from the Babri Masjid to the<br />

removal of this essay is clear. If Rama is to be a<br />

historic perso<strong>na</strong>ge, if the Ramaya<strong>na</strong> is to be<br />

history, then there cannot be many tellings, there<br />

cannot be many Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s, there cannot be many<br />

Ramas.<br />


In a biting essay in The Telegraph, the historian<br />

Mukul Kesavan cited a poem by Ramanujan that<br />

would have served as an account of this unsavory<br />

episode:<br />

A part of Ramanujan’s oeuvre is a sharp poem<br />

called “Some Indian Uses of History on a Rainy<br />

Day”. The poem tells the story of an Indian<br />

professor of Sanskrit making his way around Berlin<br />

in 1935, u<strong>na</strong>ble to make sense of the city or its<br />

German signs till familiar symbols, a “gothic lotus<br />

on an iron gate” and “the swastika on the<br />

neighbour’s arm” give him a fleeting, spurious<br />

sense of home. A university’s academic guardians<br />

must know that there have been attempts in other<br />

times and places to fabricate an authorized past, to<br />

speak for an authentically Indo-European people, to<br />

concoct an ‘Aryan’ canon. Ramanujan’s essay is an<br />

intellectual antidote to projects such as these, it is a<br />

text that revels in the incredible diversity of our epic<br />

<strong>na</strong>rratives.<br />

I can only imagine that the vice-chancellor and the<br />

academic council made an honest mistake, that,<br />

prompted by a misplaced sense of prudence or<br />

superabundant caution, they offered “Three<br />

Hundred Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s” at the altar of a lumpen god,<br />

hoping to appease it. It won’t, of course: this god is<br />

insatiable. Instead of pandering to unreason, the<br />

university should be true to itself, stand its ground<br />

and reinstate Ramanujan.<br />

Even as some aspects of India's vibrant Ramaya<strong>na</strong><br />

tradition are, as Kesavan says, being sacrificed, the<br />

country's rich traditions of renewal and<br />

reinterpretation of the Rama katha continue in a<br />

parallel universe. Two excellent contributions to this<br />

tradition in English have appeared in the last six<br />

months. "Sita's Ramaya<strong>na</strong>," a graphic novel by the<br />

writer Samhita Arni and the folk artist Moy<strong>na</strong><br />

Chitrakar, is <strong>na</strong>rrated from the perspective of Sita<br />

and not Rama, and was recently on the New York<br />

Times bestseller list. "Lost Loves: Exploring Rama's<br />

Anguish" is a book by the scholar and Ramaya<strong>na</strong><br />

translator Arshia Sattar about the relationship<br />

between Rama and Sita, and their respective<br />

dilemmas after she is abducted by Rava<strong>na</strong>.<br />

Bloomberg - World View, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Sattar's book, one can safely assume, would also<br />

be attacked by the censorious religious right if it<br />

made its way onto a university syllabus. But in truth,<br />

it makes Rama come alive by making his problems<br />

come alive in all their moral complexity, holding that<br />

we can best understand the story only when we are<br />

furthest "from the all-encompassing bhakti universe<br />

[universe of devotion] that renders Rama's deeds<br />

unquestio<strong>na</strong>ble and beyond reproach." One might<br />

say that some of India's self-appointed guardians of<br />

knowledge and culture, breathing fire and hatred<br />

like the cardboard villain Rava<strong>na</strong> of their<br />

black-and-white Ramaya<strong>na</strong>, have in this particular<br />

episode successfully come between Ramanujan<br />

and university students. But it will be much harder<br />

for them to wedge themselves between India and<br />

its many Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

(Chandrahas Choudhury, a novelist, is the New<br />

Delhi correspondent for the World View blog. The<br />

opinions expressed are his own.)<br />

To contact the author of this blog post: Chandrahas<br />

Choudhury at chandrahas.choudhury@gmail.com<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this post: Max<br />

Berley at mberley@bloomberg.net Tweet More<br />

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Clarín - Política, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Falleció Sergio Montiel, ex gober<strong>na</strong>dor entrerriano<br />

Sergio Montiel, político radical, ex diputado<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l y ex gober<strong>na</strong>dor de Entre Ríos en dos<br />

períodos, falleció ayer, a los 84 años, en Paraná,<br />

luego de u<strong>na</strong> larga enfermedad . Montiel fue uno de<br />

los radicales que más se opusieron al Pacto de<br />

Olivos , firmado por el entonces presidente Carlos<br />

Menem y el ex presidente Raúl Alfonsín, de quien<br />

fue un enco<strong>na</strong>do adversario y a quien acusó de<br />

haber recibido dinero a cambio de dicho acuerdo.<br />

Nació el 20 de octubre de 1927 en Concepción del<br />

Uruguay, se graduó de abogado en la Universidad<br />

Nacio<strong>na</strong>l del Litoral, y gobernó su provincia de<br />

1983 a 1987 y de 1999 a 2003. Casado con Martha<br />

Jordán, tuvo dos hijos y varios nietos. También fue<br />

diputado <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, catedrático universitario,<br />

subsecretario de Justicia y presidió el Instituto de<br />

Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Su padre, el teniente coronel Lino H. Montiel<br />

casado con Cándida Forzano, murió el 20 de julio<br />

de 1931, cuando era jefe del Regimiento 9 de<br />

Infantería de Corrientes y apoyaba al gobierno del<br />

general José Félix Uriburu, que derrocó a Hipólito<br />

Yrigoyen el 6 de septiembre de 1930. Murió<br />

baleado durante u<strong>na</strong> pelea con el teniente coronel<br />

Gregorio Pomar, ex edecán presidencial de<br />

Yrigoyen, quien se levantó en armas contra<br />

Uriburu.<br />

Sus hermanos mayores siguieron la carrera militar.<br />

El coronel Juan José Montiel Forzano, fallecido en<br />

2007 a los 89 años, se retiró en 1964; mientras que<br />

el general Lino Montiel Forzano sucedió a Antonio<br />

Bussi en el gobierno militar de Tucumán, en 1977,<br />

y presidió luego Yacyretá.<br />

El último tramo de su gober<strong>na</strong>ción, ya caído De la<br />

Rúa, fue muy tumultuoso pero contó con el<br />

respaldo del ex presidente Raúl Alfonsín y del<br />

entonces presidente Eduardo Duhalde. En<br />

diciembre de 2002, un fallo del Superior Tribu<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Justicia de Entre Ríos restituyó en sus bancas a<br />

ocho legisladores leales al mandatario y frenó su<br />

destitución. Querían enjuiciarlo por decretar la<br />

emisión de 198 millones de bonos federales con los<br />

que pagaba sueldos.<br />

No fueron fáciles esos tiempos, pues el estado<br />

provincial casi no contaba con recursos. Inclusive,<br />

el 22 de febrero de 2003, el mandatario de 75 años<br />

fue agredido a puñetazos en Urdi<strong>na</strong>rrain, cerca de<br />

Gualeguaychú.<br />

Montiel logró por primera vez la gober<strong>na</strong>ción de<br />

Entre Ríos en los comicios del 30 de octubre de<br />

1983. Luego sufrió dos derrotas ante el PJ, Mario<br />

Moine (1991) y Jorge Busti (1995), para volver al<br />

sillón de Urquiza en 1999.<br />

El gober<strong>na</strong>dor Sergio Urribarri lamentó el<br />

fallecimiento de Montiel. “Como hombres de la<br />

democracia lamentamos su partida y<br />

acompañamos a su familia en el doloroso trance”,<br />

dijo.<br />


Correio Del Uniroco - Notícias, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Darío Vivas: La derecha privatiza hasta los derechos<br />

políticos<br />

"Están convirtiendo las candidaturas en un negocio<br />

que es contrario a la Constitución", advirtió<br />

El cobro de tarifas millo<strong>na</strong>rias para optar a la<br />

candidatura presidencial es el ingrediente que<br />

añade la derecha para privatizar los derechos<br />

políticos y hacer de la política un tremendo<br />

negocio, aseveró Darío Vivas, dirigente <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV).<br />

"Están convirtiendo las candidaturas en un negocio<br />

que es contrario a la Constitución", advirtió.<br />

Cuestionó que los sectores de oposición vendan en<br />

1 millón de bolívares la posibilidad de ser candidato<br />

presidencial en Venezuela, cuando la Carta Mag<strong>na</strong><br />

sólo establece que para aspirar a la Presidencia de<br />

la República es necesario ser venezolano y mayor<br />

de edad.<br />

"Eso demuestra los antivalores que rigen la política<br />

de la derecha; ya lo hicieron para los comicios<br />

parlamentarios y ahora están cobrando 1 millón de<br />

bolívares para quien quiera postularse a la<br />

Presidencia", señaló.<br />

Vivas recalcó que, ante la imposición de pagos<br />

para participar en las elecciones de 2012, el<br />

Consejo Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Electoral (CNE) está en la<br />

obligación de revisar la procedencia de los<br />

recursos que cancelarán los opositores para poder<br />

aspirar a u<strong>na</strong> candidatura: "Ese dinero puede<br />

provenir fácilmente del <strong>na</strong>rcotráfico o de la<br />

corrupción".<br />

Sostuvo que "a cualquiera le genera dudas" la<br />

disponibilidad de 1 millón de bolívares para<br />

comprar la posibilidad de participar en u<strong>na</strong> jor<strong>na</strong>da<br />

electoral: "Acción Democrática, Copei y todos sus<br />

derivados convierten en un negocio todo lo que ven<br />

y por eso hay que revisar de dónde saldrá ese<br />

capital".<br />

El dirigente socialista contrastó la visión<br />

mercantilista de la oposición venezola<strong>na</strong> con el<br />

proceso organizativo que adelantan las fuerzas<br />

revolucio<strong>na</strong>rias para garantizar la reelección del<br />

presidente Hugo Chávez, desde el PSUV y el Gran<br />

Polo Patriótico (GPP).<br />

"Estamos trabajando por los 10 millones de votos y<br />

no importa cómo la derecha se organice, porque el<br />

pueblo venezolano ya la conoce y le va a propi<strong>na</strong>r<br />

otra contundente derrota el 7 de octubre de 2012?,<br />

acotó. Fuente/AVN<br />

Foto/Archivo Versión para Imprimir Ir arriba | Ir a<br />

Portada<br />


El Argentino - País, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Reclaman a Macri la aplicación de la Ley de Comu<strong>na</strong>s<br />

El bloque del Frente para la Victoria (FPV) de la<br />

Legislatura exigió hoy la derogación del decreto del<br />

Ejecutivo porteño que crea las Unidades de<br />

Atención Ciudada<strong>na</strong> (UAC) por entender que "vacía<br />

de atribuciones a las Juntas Comu<strong>na</strong>les".<br />

El gobierno de Mauricio Macri pretende "sacarle<br />

competencia a los comuneros e ir en contra de la<br />

voluntad popular, mediante la creación de las<br />

UAC", afirmó el presidente del bloque de<br />

legisladores kirchneristas, Juan Cabandié.<br />

"El PRO comete un hecho de gravedad en contra<br />

de la ley de Comu<strong>na</strong>s, la cual fue votada para<br />

generar u<strong>na</strong> efectiva descentralización y<br />

participación ciudada<strong>na</strong>", agregó Cabandié en u<strong>na</strong><br />

conferencia de prensa del bloque de legisladores<br />

del FPV y aliados, junto a los 32 comuneros electos<br />

de esa fuerza.<br />

El kirchnerismo anunció además que impulsará un<br />

"plan de acción" con movilizaciones para que "el<br />

macrismo cumpla con la Constitución" de la<br />

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.<br />

Además de Cabandié estuvieron presentes en la<br />

rueda de prensa el ministro de Trabajo, Carlos<br />

Tomada, y los legisladores Gabriela Alegre, Tito<br />

Nen<strong>na</strong>, María José Lubertino, Gonzalo Ruanova,<br />

Gabriela Cerruti, Delia Bisutti y Aníbal Ibarra, entre<br />

otros.<br />

"Vamos a exigir la aprobación y el aumento del<br />

presupuesto, el cumplimiento de las competencias<br />

de las Juntas comu<strong>na</strong>les y la anulación de las<br />

UAC. Creemos en la decisión y elección popular",<br />

subrayó el presidente de la bancada.<br />

Por su parte, la diputada Alegre afirmó que "el<br />

gobierno de Mauricio Macri intenta vaciar de<br />

contenido a la Juntas Comu<strong>na</strong>les para impedir que<br />

tengan capacidad de gestión y control de los<br />

contratos de mantenimiento del espacio público".<br />

Según el bloque del FPV, el decreto de las UAC<br />

"viola el espíritu de la Ley Orgánica de Comu<strong>na</strong>s"<br />

al crear de hecho "u<strong>na</strong> junta comu<strong>na</strong>l paralela sólo<br />

en manos del macrismo".<br />

"Macri no quiere participación ni control por parte<br />

de los ciudadanos y de las fuerzas de la oposición,<br />

por lo que avanza con el vaciamiento de un órgano<br />

constitucio<strong>na</strong>l que fue votado de manera directa<br />

por los ciudadanos porteños, garantizando la<br />

pluralidad de sus representantes", señaló.<br />

El bloque kirchnerista fijó esta posición pocos días<br />

después de que el subsecretario de Atención<br />

Ciudada<strong>na</strong>, Eduardo Macchiavelli, afirmara que "el<br />

proceso de descentralización" hacia las Comu<strong>na</strong>s<br />

"requiere ir despacio", al presentar a la Legislatura<br />

el presupuesto de gastos para 2012.<br />

Según la ley 1.777 de 2005, la Ciudad debe poner<br />

en funciones el próximo 10 de diciembre las Juntas<br />

Comu<strong>na</strong>les, cuyas autoridades fueron elegidas el<br />

pasado 10 de julio.<br />

Pero, en agosto último, el gobierno de Macri creó<br />

por decreto las UAC, consideradas por diversos<br />

sectores de la oposición, también por el FPV, como<br />

un intento de quitar facultades de gestión a las<br />

Comu<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

"En el proyecto de Presupuesto 2012 el macrismo<br />

no reconoce a las Comu<strong>na</strong>s como jurisdicción y no<br />

se han incorporado las partidas presupuestarias<br />

necesarias para la puesta en funcio<strong>na</strong>miento de las<br />

Juntas Comu<strong>na</strong>les y los Consejos Consultivos<br />

Comu<strong>na</strong>les", denunció el bloque del FPV.<br />

El kirchnerismo anunció que, para lograr la<br />

derogación del decreto de las UAC, promoverá un<br />

"plan de acción" con "movilizaciones y campañas<br />

de concientización" frente a las sedes actuales de<br />

los Centros de Gestión y Participación Comu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

(CGPC).<br />

Además, señaló que se "reserva el derecho de<br />

accio<strong>na</strong>r judicialmente para obligar al Ejecutivo<br />

macrista a cumplir con la Constitución y las<br />

leyes".<br />


El Pais - Entrevista, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La hora de racio<strong>na</strong>lizar la España autonómica<br />

Con su pretensión de devolver competencias<br />

onerosas, algu<strong>na</strong>s autonomías reabren el debate<br />

sobre la recentralización - No hay estudios que<br />

digan que más Estado significa más ahorro y<br />

eficacia<br />

JOSÉ LUIS BARBERÍA 02/11/2011<br />

El sistema autonómico gestado hace tres décadas<br />

parece haber entrado en barre<strong>na</strong> cuando ape<strong>na</strong>s<br />

quedan ya competencias que transferir y se<br />

estre<strong>na</strong>n los estatutos de segunda generación. En<br />

ple<strong>na</strong> crisis, el planteamiento revisionista cobra<br />

fuerza<br />

Es como si el motor del Estado autonómico se<br />

hubiera gripado repenti<strong>na</strong>mente tras 30 años de<br />

andadura y los mecánicos manejaran un<br />

diagnóstico dividido entre "preocupante", "grave" y<br />

"crítico". De la noche a la maña<strong>na</strong>, la crisis<br />

económica ha venido a suspender la marchosa<br />

competición entre los 17, de forma que donde<br />

antes se reclamaban alegremente competencias,<br />

ahora agradecerían mucho que, por favor, les<br />

liberaran de las que pesan como u<strong>na</strong> losa en las<br />

depauperadas haciendas autonómicas. Se<br />

acabaron los fastos, los gastos suntuosos, los<br />

aeropuertos sin aviones para despegar y tantos<br />

proyectos magníficos y costosos, al tiempo que se<br />

tambalean las televisiones autonómicas, las<br />

empresas semipúblicas y las que proveen a las<br />

Administraciones. "No nos llega", es el grito que<br />

surge de los cuatro puntos cardi<strong>na</strong>les autonómicos<br />

del Estado, aunque se oyen pocos golpes de pecho<br />

y se tiende a pensar que la responsabilidad recae<br />

fuera del territorio propio.<br />

El miedo al colapso fi<strong>na</strong>nciero está poniendo en<br />

circulación un término en desuso, exhumado para<br />

el momento. Es el vocablo "recentralizar", y puesto<br />

que esa es la palabra de moda, habría que saber si<br />

la gestión centralizada resulta más económica y<br />

eficaz, como suponen quienes creen que el Estado<br />

de las autonomías es un dispendio que este país<br />

ya no pueda permitirse. Ante el estupor general, la<br />

presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Esperanza<br />

Aguirre, ha anunciado su propósito de devolver las<br />

competencias de Justicia a la Administración<br />

central, al tiempo que adelantaba que tampoco le<br />

importaría prescindir de otras, como Cultura,<br />

Infraestructuras, Medio Ambiente o Economía. Los<br />

catedráticos constitucio<strong>na</strong>listas con más<br />

predicamento que acaban de clausurar el congreso<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l sobre federalismo y autonomías<br />

celebrado en Bilbao se echan las manos a la<br />

cabeza. ¿Devolver competencias? La<br />

Constitución y los estatutos no contemplan<br />

semejante posibilidad. Si lo que se da no se quita,<br />

lo que se acepta no se devuelve, así como así.<br />

Haría falta un acuerdo con el Estado, u<strong>na</strong> reforma<br />

estatutaria... pero ¿no es un contrasentido que<br />

des<strong>na</strong>turaliza la esencia de la autonomía?<br />

La presidenta de Madrid no está sola en esta<br />

iniciativa, es la abanderada de un planteamiento<br />

revisionista que comparten Murcia, Valencia y<br />

Castilla-La Mancha, comunidades gober<strong>na</strong>das por<br />

el PP y actualmente irritadas porque, en aras de la<br />

proclamada austeridad, el Gobierno central les<br />

exige cumplir la regla de gasto y el Instituto de<br />

Crédito Oficial solo se presta a cubrirles la mitad de<br />

la deuda. ¿Hay que tomarse en serio estos aires de<br />

revuelta autonómica desatados contra el Ejecutivo<br />

central o pensar que, por desengrasado que se<br />

halle el sistema, esos aires amai<strong>na</strong>rán en cuanto<br />

Mariano Rajoy se asiente en La Moncloa? Lo que<br />

sí sopla desde hace tiempo es un viento creciente<br />

de descrédito y desafecto hacia el Estado de las<br />

autonomías que parece haber hecho olvidar que,<br />

con los desajustes, duplicidades e ineficiencias que<br />

se quieran, la descentralización ha sido un invento<br />

sumamente beneficioso para este país.<br />

"En poco tiempo, el Estado autonómico ha pasado<br />

de ser considerado un sistema perfecto y habilitado<br />

para integrar a los <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>listas a ser visto como<br />

un instrumento ineficiente en lo económico e inútil a<br />

la hora de encauzar el problema de los<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lismos", constata el profesor de Derecho<br />

Administrativo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, José<br />

Tudela. Parece evidente que el rechazo al sistema<br />

autonómico ha dejado de ser u<strong>na</strong> cuestión de la<br />

derecha extrema para extenderse por campos<br />

ideológicos donde priman la búsqueda de la<br />

eficacia y la preocupación por la igualdad y la<br />

equidad. Las noticias que dan cuenta de casos de<br />

adoctri<strong>na</strong>miento <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lista o de margi<strong>na</strong>ción de<br />

los castellanohablantes se entrelazan a menudo en<br />

un totum revolutum con la atribución genérica a las<br />

autonomías de los pobres resultados educativos o<br />

el engorro de tener que cumplir normativas<br />

diferentes sobre los mismos asuntos. Los 17<br />

permisos de caza o la variedad de reglamentos que<br />

exigen que las astas de los toros desti<strong>na</strong>dos a la<br />

lidia tengan 5, 5,5 o 6 centímetros, según la<br />

comunidad de que se trate, ilustran de forma<br />

pintoresca esa diversidad normativa percibida a<br />

menudo como innecesaria y caprichosa.<br />

El desencanto se comprende si a esas realidades o<br />

suposiciones prejuiciosas se les abo<strong>na</strong> con<br />

escándalos de corrupción como el de la trama<br />

Gürtel o de despilfarro y saqueo en las cajas de<br />

ahorro administradas por encargo de élites políticas<br />


locales que después de haber gestio<strong>na</strong>do los<br />

tiempos de bo<strong>na</strong>nza se ven incapaces de<br />

mantener, no ya sus grandes promesas, sino los<br />

servicios básicos. Algunos estudiosos del proceso<br />

autonómico recuerdan ahora los gestos de<br />

admiración y asombro con que parlamentarios<br />

extranjeros de estados federales contemplaban los<br />

lujosos edificios que albergan parlamentos,<br />

gobiernos y demás instituciones autonómicas<br />

españolas. "A menudo, se ha confundido la<br />

dignidad institucio<strong>na</strong>l con la magnificencia y el lujo",<br />

admite Alberto López Basaguren, catedrático de<br />

Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de la Universidad del País<br />

Vasco.<br />

Así las cosas, un número creciente de ciudadanos<br />

parece tender a buscar soluciones en el<br />

reforzamiento, sin matices, del Estado y la<br />

Administración central, pese a que el despilfarro no<br />

ha sido solo cosa de las autonomías. ¿Cómo se<br />

explica, si no, que el Estado central no haya<br />

adelgazado en número de funcio<strong>na</strong>rios después de<br />

las masivas transferencias de estas décadas? ¿Se<br />

ha adaptado realmente al sistema autonómico?<br />

No hay estudios científicos que demuestren que la<br />

gestión estatal es, por sí misma, más eficiente y<br />

económica. Las conclusiones de los trabajos<br />

realizados hasta ahora no van mucho más allá de<br />

mostrar que, al contrario de lo que ha ocurrido en<br />

Italia, la España autonómica ha logrado reducir<br />

algo las diferencias de renta entre las comunidades<br />

y ha hecho crecer a todas. "No sabemos si u<strong>na</strong><br />

Sanidad más centralizada es o no más eficiente.<br />

Podemos suponer que u<strong>na</strong> mayor coordi<strong>na</strong>ción,<br />

por ejemplo, en la compra masiva de<br />

medicamentos, o la especialización de las<br />

autonomías en áreas médicas determi<strong>na</strong>das<br />

resultarían beneficiosas, pero no lo sabemos.<br />

Necesitamos hacer estudios empíricos porque<br />

puede que no haga falta recentralizar y que baste<br />

con u<strong>na</strong> mayor coordi<strong>na</strong>ción", indica José Tudela.<br />

No se ha probado, pues, que la racio<strong>na</strong>lidad<br />

económica esté necesariamente vinculada al<br />

centralismo, ni tampoco lo contrario.<br />

"Hemos hecho un esfuerzo sin precedentes para<br />

mejorar y modernizar la Administración de Justicia.<br />

Hemos incrementado el presupuesto de 150<br />

millones hasta 350, sin que eso haya redundado en<br />

beneficios para los ciudadanos", ha asegurado<br />

Esperanza Aguirre. ¿A qué cabe atribuir entonces<br />

el fracaso, si cada competencia transferida va<br />

acompañada de su correspondiente partida<br />

presupuestaria? El presidente de Murcia, Ramón<br />

Luis Valcárcel, considera que el ministro de<br />

Justicia, Francisco Caamaño, le "engañó" con la<br />

transferencia y otros presidentes autonómicos del<br />

PP denuncian que el Gobierno central ha actuado<br />

con estrechez de miras en el Consejo de Política<br />

El Pais - Entrevista, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Fiscal y Fi<strong>na</strong>nciera que se encarga de coordi<strong>na</strong>r los<br />

presupuestos de las comunidades con el Estado.<br />

"¿Qué por qué no les llega? Fundamentalmente,<br />

por la mala gestión. El sistema de fi<strong>na</strong>nciación ha<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>do y además, las autonomías pueden<br />

establecer sus propios tributos. El problema es que<br />

los presidentes autonómicos no quieren mostrarse<br />

ante sus ciudadanos como los encargados de la<br />

poda a la que obliga la crisis", apunta Francisco<br />

Balaguer, catedrático de Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

de la Universidad de Gra<strong>na</strong>da. "Hay que ser serios,<br />

el Estado autonómico no puede ser más caro ni<br />

contar con un sistema de fi<strong>na</strong>nciación que se<br />

declara definitivo y se modifica cada dos años",<br />

subraya López Basaguren.<br />

Es también un hecho que bajo las razones<br />

contables con que se justifica el propósito de<br />

desprenderse de determi<strong>na</strong>das competencias<br />

subyace la idea de que el desarrollo autonómico ha<br />

ido demasiado lejos y que el modelo ha fracasado<br />

por no haber puesto freno a las "apetencias"<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>listas. Esperanza Aguirre ha explicado su<br />

postura invocando el carácter "<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l" de la<br />

Administración de Justicia -se consideraba materia<br />

del Estado central hasta que el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l autorizó las transferencias-, pero<br />

quien ha expresado esa crítica de forma más nítida<br />

ha sido el presidente de Murcia. Tras señalar que<br />

"de seguir así, más de uno tendremos que<br />

plantearnos la devolución de competencias",<br />

Valcárcel ha indicado: "Si resulta que en un lugar<br />

de España donde no quieren ser un lugar de<br />

España se está dando u<strong>na</strong> Historia que no tiene<br />

<strong>na</strong>da que ver con España, no me interesa la<br />

competencia de Educación, ni en Murcia, ni en<br />

Sebastopol". Aunque pueda parecer un desahogo<br />

aislado, es evidente que sus palabras conectan con<br />

un clima de opinión que en la cuestión autonómica<br />

ha pasado de la desconfianza a la beligerancia.<br />

"Puede que el problema no esté solo en las<br />

comunidades autónomas. El Estado ha reducido<br />

mucho más los gastos pero es porque resulta más<br />

fácil dejar de hacer autopistas que recortar en<br />

servicios de demanda rígida como Educación o<br />

Sanidad, que se llevan entre el 60% y el 70% del<br />

presupuesto total de las comunidades", destaca<br />

Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer, catedrático de Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de la Pompeu Fabra, ex<br />

magistrado del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l y principal<br />

asesor jurídico de la reforma del estatuto catalán.<br />

Al igual que el catedrático de Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l por la Universidad Autónoma de<br />

Madrid Juan José Solozábal y otros grandes<br />

juristas, también Viver considera que el rechazo de<br />

competencias deja al descubierto la crisis del<br />

sistema.<br />


"Un sector de la sociedad no solo rechaza la<br />

existencia de 17 entes políticos diferentes, sino<br />

también de 17 administraciones diferentes. Y, por<br />

lo visto, hay comunidades que no aspiran a<br />

mantener el nivel de autogobierno tan potente que<br />

han alcanzado", añade. Ahí apuntan los expertos<br />

juristas partidarios de un modelo asimétrico que dé<br />

más a los que más piden. A su juicio, la crisis<br />

actual sería la consecuencia retardada de la<br />

errónea concepción del modelo de 17 autonomías<br />

establecido hace 30 años. "Puesto que el sistema<br />

fue concebido para satisfacer las ansias de<br />

autogobierno del País Vasco y Cataluña y, en<br />

menor medida, la de Galicia, no tenía sentido<br />

embarcar al resto de las regiones en un proceso de<br />

acumulación de competencias no demandadas<br />

socialmente. Ahora, la crisis económica pone en<br />

evidencia esa falta de cultura y vocación<br />

autonómica integral", sugieren.<br />

Por el contrario, el catedrático de Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l por la Autónoma de Barcelo<strong>na</strong>,<br />

Francesc de Carreras i Serra, opi<strong>na</strong> que el<br />

problema no está en el modelo, sino el mal<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>miento del modelo. "Habría que llegar a un<br />

acuerdo general y establecer con criterios<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>les qué competencias convendría que<br />

desempeñara el Estado", señala. Es u<strong>na</strong> posición<br />

opuesta a quienes siguen creyendo en la tesis:<br />

"cuantas más competencias, mejor" cuestio<strong>na</strong>da<br />

con la crisis. "O vamos a un sistema básicamente<br />

igualitario o vamos a un modelo que diferencie a<br />

Cataluña, País Vasco y no sé si también a<br />

Andalucía", advierte López Basaguren. U<strong>na</strong><br />

máxima a tener en cuenta de cara a un<br />

replanteamiento autonómico que dé continuidad,<br />

sentido y fortaleza al proceso es que el peligro de<br />

legislar de manera arbitraria es mayor cuanto más<br />

pequeña es u<strong>na</strong> Administración. Y, como se ha<br />

visto con los Ayuntamientos implicados en la<br />

corrupción urbanística, la compra de voluntades, el<br />

clientelismo y la prevaricación anidan mejor en los<br />

espacios administrativos reducidos, más opacos a<br />

la inspección y al control. La otra máxima a<br />

considerar es que la gestión cerca<strong>na</strong> al ciudadano<br />

tiende a ser más eficiente y se supone que la<br />

descentralización aporta por sí misma di<strong>na</strong>mismo y<br />

competitividad.<br />

El Pais - Entrevista, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

El sistema parece haber entrado en barre<strong>na</strong><br />

precisamente cuando ya no quedan asuntos que<br />

transferir y se estre<strong>na</strong>n los estatutos de segunda<br />

generación, forzados por u<strong>na</strong> demanda catala<strong>na</strong><br />

insatisfecha que persigue los "privilegios" fiscales<br />

vascos y <strong>na</strong>varro. ¿La doble crisis económica y<br />

autonómica no brinda u<strong>na</strong> oportunidad para<br />

repensar el modelo, revisar y cambiar lo que haya<br />

que cambiar y buscar un mejor acomodo para<br />

todos? Al fin y al cabo, ya sería extraordi<strong>na</strong>rio que<br />

el proceso de descentralización más rápido de la<br />

esfera inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l no hubiera cometido errores,<br />

desajustes, ni tuvieran fallas de calado que<br />

exigieran su recomposición.<br />

"No podemos prolongar u<strong>na</strong> situación de crisis<br />

autonómica tan seria. Hay que llegar a un acuerdo<br />

de coordi<strong>na</strong>ción y organizarse de manera eficiente.<br />

El Estado tiene suficientes títulos para controlar e<br />

intervenir; lo que pasa es que a veces, los demás<br />

llegan donde tú consientes", subraya Solozábal. En<br />

opinión de Francesc de Carreras, la clave es<br />

abordar el problema con "ojos laicos", pensando en<br />

el ciudadano y no en dar un paso más hacia la<br />

soberanía. "La disputa <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lista es un pulso<br />

contra España por motivos ideológicos, porque<br />

aquí <strong>na</strong>die se ha quejado de las grandes cesiones<br />

de soberanía que hemos hecho a Bruselas",<br />

afirma.<br />

Tironeado entre los <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>listas agraviados y<br />

quienes creen que el proceso ha traspasado la<br />

raya de la racio<strong>na</strong>lidad, el debate se polariza sin<br />

que desde la política se aborde el problema en su<br />

conjunto, se remuevan los grandes obstáculos,<br />

singularmente la reforma del Se<strong>na</strong>do, para integrar<br />

a las comunidades autónomas en los órganos<br />

comunes o se asuma el criterio rector de u<strong>na</strong><br />

racio<strong>na</strong>lización que, dada la <strong>na</strong>turaleza identitaria<br />

autonómica, tampoco tiene por qué suponer la<br />

aplicación de un visión exclusivamente<br />

economicista.<br />

¿La situación exige reconsiderar el tamaño de las<br />

unidades que componen el mosaico de las 17,<br />

a<strong>na</strong>lizar a viabilidad de las autonomías<br />

uniprovinciales, estudiar alianzas, acuerdos de<br />

servicios entre vecinos, fusiones? "Alemania tiene<br />

16 länder para u<strong>na</strong> población de noventa y tantos<br />


millones, y España 17 autonomías con la mitad de<br />

habitantes", indica José Tudela. ¿No ha llegado el<br />

momento de hacer un punto y aparte, abrir u<strong>na</strong><br />

reflexión tranquila, sosegada y replantearse un<br />

modelo que, como sostiene Alberto López<br />

El Pais - Entrevista, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Basaguren, ya viene a ser un "federalismo<br />

encubierto"?<br />


El Pais - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Argenti<strong>na</strong> debate ley de aborto; Fernández no está de<br />

acuerdo<br />

Proyecto. Sería legal antes de las 12 primeras<br />

sema<strong>na</strong>s de gestación<br />


Es un debate histórico para la Argenti<strong>na</strong>. La<br />

Cámara de Diputados inició ayer la discusión para<br />

avanzar en la despe<strong>na</strong>lización del aborto y de las<br />

iniciativas evaluadas en la Comisión de Legislación<br />

Pe<strong>na</strong>l se aprobó la más progresista.<br />

Se avanzará en la posibilidad de modificar el<br />

código pe<strong>na</strong>l para legalizar el aborto siempre que<br />

se realice antes de las 12 sema<strong>na</strong>s de gestación.<br />

Los proyectos que se debatieron, básicamente, se<br />

encuadraban en dos posiciones: la despe<strong>na</strong>lización<br />

total o parcial del aborto. El dictamen favorable,<br />

que obtuvo 7 de los 12 votos de la Comisión, fue<br />

para el primer proyecto, impulsado por la diputada<br />

Cecilia Merchán y apoyado por un gran número de<br />

organizaciones sociales.<br />

La despe<strong>na</strong>lización total habilita a que -además de<br />

que la mujer pueda interrumpir su embarazo<br />

durante las primeras 12 sema<strong>na</strong>s de gestación- en<br />

los casos en que se verifique que el embarazo fue<br />

producido por u<strong>na</strong> violación o que esté en riesgo la<br />

vida de la mujer, el aborto puede ejecutarse en<br />

cualquier momento antes del <strong>na</strong>cimiento del bebé.<br />

La presidenta Cristi<strong>na</strong> Fernández no se ha<br />

pronunciado, pese a que la mayoría de los<br />

kirchneristas llaman a la legalización. La<br />

mandataria, sin embargo, ha declarado a la<br />

periodista Sandra Russo, autora de la biografía La<br />

Presidenta (Sudamerica<strong>na</strong>, 2011): "El recuerdo de<br />

un embarazo que perdí me moviliza mucho (…) Yo<br />

no estoy de acuerdo con el aborto, pero no digo<br />

que tenga razón".<br />

Tal como sucedió con iniciativas como la del<br />

matrimonio igualitario o, para ir más atrás, con la<br />

del divorcio, las discusiones serán muy<br />

encendidas. Hay u<strong>na</strong> tercera posición que no se<br />

plasmó en un proyecto pero es la que sostienen los<br />

legisladores que rechazan de plano el aborto y<br />

también harán oír sus razones para oponerse a la<br />

aprobación de ambas leyes en las cámaras.<br />

Así, los intercambios que se darán serán reflejo de<br />

u<strong>na</strong> opinión pública dividida. Uno de los consensos<br />

sobre los que se parte en el proyecto de<br />

despe<strong>na</strong>lización total, es que la práctica del aborto<br />

es u<strong>na</strong> realidad en la Argenti<strong>na</strong>, solo que se<br />

mantiene en la clandestinidad, con los riesgos que<br />

esto conlleva, sobre todo para las mujeres de<br />

menores recursos.<br />

La referente en este tema del Movimiento<br />

Socialista de los Trabajadores, Vilma Ripoll, estimó<br />

cifras de entre 400.000 y 600.000 casos. El<br />

Ministerio de Salud habla de 800.000. "Los abortos<br />

sépticos (infectados) provocan 30% de las muertes<br />

mater<strong>na</strong>s, siendo así la primera causa", señala<br />

Ripoll. Y cuestio<strong>na</strong>: "Las muertes reales son<br />

entonces 400 o 500 al año, casi siempre de<br />

mujeres jóvenes y humildes que son las que no<br />

pueden acceder a practicarlo en clínicas o<br />

consultorios privados". Esta es u<strong>na</strong> cuestión de<br />

"salud pública" y de "justicia social", añade.<br />

De allí que, en palabras de la diputada Merchan<br />

(opositora y exkirchnerista), "el solo hecho de que<br />

se discuta en el Congreso, históricamente<br />

cajoneado, es de por sí un motivo para celebrar.<br />

Además, el proyecto es un ejemplo de construcción<br />

ciudada<strong>na</strong> y democrática: en él se manifiesta el<br />

consenso de todas las organizaciones que<br />

componen la Campaña Nacio<strong>na</strong>l por un Aborto<br />

Legal, Seguro y Gratuito".<br />

Ripoll también considera histórico este debate que<br />

-señala- requiere de la participación de la sociedad<br />

expresándose en las calles, en los medios, en el<br />

Congreso. "Se tiene que habilitar un movimiento<br />

transversal en el Congreso y eso dependerá de la<br />

presión social que se ejerza, como en el tema del<br />

matrimonio igualitario, será indispensable el apoyo<br />

de la sociedad", opinó.<br />

Las diferencias de posiciones quedarán de<br />

manifiesto hoy con dos marchas. Quienes se<br />

oponen al tratamiento del proyecto se citaron para<br />

las 14 horas frente al Congreso Nacio<strong>na</strong>l "a fin de<br />

ejercer el derecho constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de peticio<strong>na</strong>r ante<br />

las autoridades y pedir que se desestimen los<br />

proyectos sobre aborto". Quienes están a favor,<br />

convocan a la misma hora en el mismo lugar. La<br />

definen como u<strong>na</strong> protesta lanzada desde la<br />

Campaña Nacio<strong>na</strong>l por el derecho al Aborto Legal,<br />

Seguro y Gratuito.<br />

Un debate mundial<br />

No se puede<br />

El aborto está aceptado para salvar la vida de la<br />

mujer o prohibido en 68 países, que representan el<br />

28,5% de la población. Entre ellos están Brasil,<br />

Irlanda, Irán e Irak.<br />


por salud<br />

En 58 países, que representan el 13,8% de la<br />

población, solo se puede realizar en caso que esté<br />

en juego la salud de la madre. Argenti<strong>na</strong> y Uruguay<br />

están en esta lista.<br />

Por economía<br />

En 15 países, entre ellos India, que representan el<br />

21,6% de la población, el aborto se puede realizar<br />

por razones socioeconómicas (y si está en juego la<br />

salud de la mujer).<br />

Se puede<br />

En 58 países, que representan el 39,2% de la<br />

población, el aborto se puede realizar sin<br />

restricciones. Esto abarca EE.UU., Ca<strong>na</strong>dá, Chi<strong>na</strong>,<br />

Italia, España, Francia y otros.<br />

El País Digital<br />

El Pais - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />


El País - Sociedad, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La hora de racio<strong>na</strong>lizar la España autonómica<br />

Es como si el motor del Estado autonómico se<br />

hubiera gripado repenti<strong>na</strong>mente tras 30 años de<br />

andadura y los mecánicos manejaran un<br />

diagnóstico dividido entre "preocupante", "grave" y<br />

"crítico". De la noche a la maña<strong>na</strong>, la crisis<br />

económica ha venido a suspender la marchosa<br />

competición entre los 17, de forma que donde<br />

antes se reclamaban alegremente competencias,<br />

ahora agradecerían mucho que, por favor, les<br />

liberaran de las que pesan como u<strong>na</strong> losa en las<br />

depauperadas haciendas autonómicas. Se<br />

acabaron los fastos, los gastos suntuosos, los<br />

aeropuertos sin aviones para despegar y tantos<br />

proyectos magníficos y costosos, al tiempo que se<br />

tambalean las televisiones autonómicas, las<br />

empresas semipúblicas y las que proveen a las<br />

Administraciones. "No nos llega", es el grito que<br />

surge de los cuatro puntos cardi<strong>na</strong>les autonómicos<br />

del Estado, aunque se oyen pocos golpes de pecho<br />

y se tiende a pensar que la responsabilidad recae<br />

fuera del territorio propio.<br />

El miedo al colapso fi<strong>na</strong>nciero está poniendo en<br />

circulación un término en desuso, exhumado para<br />

el momento. Es el vocablo "recentralizar", y puesto<br />

que esa es la palabra de moda, habría que saber si<br />

la gestión centralizada resulta más económica y<br />

eficaz, como suponen quienes creen que el Estado<br />

de las autonomías es un dispendio que este país<br />

ya no pueda permitirse. Ante el estupor general, la<br />

presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Esperanza<br />

Aguirre, ha anunciado su propósito de devolver las<br />

competencias de Justicia a la Administración<br />

central, al tiempo que adelantaba que tampoco le<br />

importaría prescindir de otras, como Cultura,<br />

Infraestructuras, Medio Ambiente o Economía. Los<br />

catedráticos constitucio<strong>na</strong>listas con más<br />

predicamento que acaban de clausurar el congreso<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l sobre federalismo y autonomías<br />

celebrado en Bilbao se echan las manos a la<br />

cabeza. ¿Devolver competencias? La<br />

Constitución y los estatutos no contemplan<br />

semejante posibilidad. Si lo que se da no se quita,<br />

lo que se acepta no se devuelve, así como así.<br />

Haría falta un acuerdo con el Estado, u<strong>na</strong> reforma<br />

estatutaria... pero ¿no es un contrasentido que<br />

des<strong>na</strong>turaliza la esencia de la autonomía?<br />

La presidenta de Madrid no está sola en esta<br />

iniciativa, es la abanderada de un planteamiento<br />

revisionista que comparten Murcia, Valencia y<br />

Castilla-La Mancha, comunidades gober<strong>na</strong>das por<br />

el PP y actualmente irritadas porque, en aras de la<br />

proclamada austeridad, el Gobierno central les<br />

exige cumplir la regla de gasto y el Instituto de<br />

Crédito Oficial solo se presta a cubrirles la mitad de<br />

la deuda. ¿Hay que tomarse en serio estos aires de<br />

revuelta autonómica desatados contra el Ejecutivo<br />

central o pensar que, por desengrasado que se<br />

halle el sistema, esos aires amai<strong>na</strong>rán en cuanto<br />

Mariano Rajoy se asiente en La Moncloa? Lo que<br />

sí sopla desde hace tiempo es un viento creciente<br />

de descrédito y desafecto hacia el Estado de las<br />

autonomías que parece haber hecho olvidar que,<br />

con los desajustes, duplicidades e ineficiencias que<br />

se quieran, la descentralización ha sido un invento<br />

sumamente beneficioso para este país.<br />

"En poco tiempo, el Estado autonómico ha pasado<br />

de ser considerado un sistema perfecto y habilitado<br />

para integrar a los <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>listas a ser visto como<br />

un instrumento ineficiente en lo económico e inútil a<br />

la hora de encauzar el problema de los<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lismos", constata el profesor de Derecho<br />

Administrativo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, José<br />

Tudela. Parece evidente que el rechazo al sistema<br />

autonómico ha dejado de ser u<strong>na</strong> cuestión de la<br />

derecha extrema para extenderse por campos<br />

ideológicos donde priman la búsqueda de la<br />

eficacia y la preocupación por la igualdad y la<br />

equidad. Las noticias que dan cuenta de casos de<br />

adoctri<strong>na</strong>miento <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lista o de margi<strong>na</strong>ción de<br />

los castellanohablantes se entrelazan a menudo en<br />

un totum revolutum con la atribución genérica a las<br />

autonomías de los pobres resultados educativos o<br />

el engorro de tener que cumplir normativas<br />

diferentes sobre los mismos asuntos. Los 17<br />

permisos de caza o la variedad de reglamentos que<br />

exigen que las astas de los toros desti<strong>na</strong>dos a la<br />

lidia tengan 5, 5,5 o 6 centímetros, según la<br />

comunidad de que se trate, ilustran de forma<br />

pintoresca esa diversidad normativa percibida a<br />

menudo como innecesaria y caprichosa.<br />

El desencanto se comprende si a esas realidades o<br />

suposiciones prejuiciosas se les abo<strong>na</strong> con<br />

escándalos de corrupción como el de la trama<br />

Gürtel o de despilfarro y saqueo en las cajas de<br />

ahorro administradas por encargo de élites políticas<br />

locales que después de haber gestio<strong>na</strong>do los<br />

tiempos de bo<strong>na</strong>nza se ven incapaces de<br />

mantener, no ya sus grandes promesas, sino los<br />

servicios básicos. Algunos estudiosos del proceso<br />

autonómico recuerdan ahora los gestos de<br />

admiración y asombro con que parlamentarios<br />

extranjeros de estados federales contemplaban los<br />

lujosos edificios que albergan parlamentos,<br />

gobiernos y demás instituciones autonómicas<br />

españolas. "A menudo, se ha confundido la<br />

dignidad institucio<strong>na</strong>l con la magnificencia y el lujo",<br />

admite Alberto López Basaguren, catedrático de<br />

Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de la Universidad del<br />


País Vasco.<br />

Así las cosas, un número creciente de ciudadanos<br />

parece tender a buscar soluciones en el<br />

reforzamiento, sin matices, del Estado y la<br />

Administración central, pese a que el despilfarro no<br />

ha sido solo cosa de las autonomías. ¿Cómo se<br />

explica, si no, que el Estado central no haya<br />

adelgazado en número de funcio<strong>na</strong>rios después de<br />

las masivas transferencias de estas décadas? ¿Se<br />

ha adaptado realmente al sistema autonómico?<br />

No hay estudios científicos que demuestren que la<br />

gestión estatal es, por sí misma, más eficiente y<br />

económica. Las conclusiones de los trabajos<br />

realizados hasta ahora no van mucho más allá de<br />

mostrar que, al contrario de lo que ha ocurrido en<br />

Italia, la España autonómica ha logrado reducir<br />

algo las diferencias de renta entre las comunidades<br />

y ha hecho crecer a todas. "No sabemos si u<strong>na</strong><br />

Sanidad más centralizada es o no más eficiente.<br />

Podemos suponer que u<strong>na</strong> mayor coordi<strong>na</strong>ción,<br />

por ejemplo, en la compra masiva de<br />

medicamentos, o la especialización de las<br />

autonomías en áreas médicas determi<strong>na</strong>das<br />

resultarían beneficiosas, pero no lo sabemos.<br />

Necesitamos hacer estudios empíricos porque<br />

puede que no haga falta recentralizar y que baste<br />

con u<strong>na</strong> mayor coordi<strong>na</strong>ción", indica José Tudela.<br />

No se ha probado, pues, que la racio<strong>na</strong>lidad<br />

económica esté necesariamente vinculada al<br />

centralismo, ni tampoco lo contrario.<br />

"Hemos hecho un esfuerzo sin precedentes para<br />

mejorar y modernizar la Administración de Justicia.<br />

Hemos incrementado el presupuesto de 150<br />

millones hasta 350, sin que eso haya redundado en<br />

beneficios para los ciudadanos", ha asegurado<br />

Esperanza Aguirre. ¿A qué cabe atribuir entonces<br />

el fracaso, si cada competencia transferida va<br />

acompañada de su correspondiente partida<br />

presupuestaria? El presidente de Murcia, Ramón<br />

Luis Valcárcel, considera que el ministro de<br />

Justicia, Francisco Caamaño, le "engañó" con la<br />

transferencia y otros presidentes autonómicos del<br />

PP denuncian que el Gobierno central ha actuado<br />

con estrechez de miras en el Consejo de Política<br />

Fiscal y Fi<strong>na</strong>nciera que se encarga de coordi<strong>na</strong>r los<br />

presupuestos de las comunidades con el Estado.<br />

"¿Qué por qué no les llega? Fundamentalmente,<br />

por la mala gestión. El sistema de fi<strong>na</strong>nciación ha<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>do y además, las autonomías pueden<br />

establecer sus propios tributos. El problema es que<br />

los presidentes autonómicos no quieren mostrarse<br />

ante sus ciudadanos como los encargados de la<br />

poda a la que obliga la crisis", apunta Francisco<br />

Balaguer, catedrático de Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

de la Universidad de Gra<strong>na</strong>da. "Hay que ser serios,<br />

el Estado autonómico no puede ser más caro ni<br />

El País - Sociedad, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

contar con un sistema de fi<strong>na</strong>nciación que se<br />

declara definitivo y se modifica cada dos años",<br />

subraya López Basaguren.<br />

Es también un hecho que bajo las razones<br />

contables con que se justifica el propósito de<br />

desprenderse de determi<strong>na</strong>das competencias<br />

subyace la idea de que el desarrollo autonómico ha<br />

ido demasiado lejos y que el modelo ha fracasado<br />

por no haber puesto freno a las "apetencias"<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>listas. Esperanza Aguirre ha explicado su<br />

postura invocando el carácter "<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l" de la<br />

Administración de Justicia -se consideraba materia<br />

del Estado central hasta que el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l autorizó las transferencias-, pero<br />

quien ha expresado esa crítica de forma más nítida<br />

ha sido el presidente de Murcia. Tras señalar que<br />

"de seguir así, más de uno tendremos que<br />

plantearnos la devolución de competencias",<br />

Valcárcel ha indicado: "Si resulta que en un lugar<br />

de España donde no quieren ser un lugar de<br />

España se está dando u<strong>na</strong> Historia que no tiene<br />

<strong>na</strong>da que ver con España, no me interesa la<br />

competencia de Educación, ni en Murcia, ni en<br />

Sebastopol". Aunque pueda parecer un desahogo<br />

aislado, es evidente que sus palabras conectan con<br />

un clima de opinión que en la cuestión autonómica<br />

ha pasado de la desconfianza a la beligerancia.<br />

"Puede que el problema no esté solo en las<br />

comunidades autónomas. El Estado ha reducido<br />

mucho más los gastos pero es porque resulta más<br />

fácil dejar de hacer autopistas que recortar en<br />

servicios de demanda rígida como Educación o<br />

Sanidad, que se llevan entre el 60% y el 70% del<br />

presupuesto total de las comunidades", destaca<br />

Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer, catedrático de Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de la Pompeu Fabra, ex<br />

magistrado del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l y principal<br />

asesor jurídico de la reforma del estatuto catalán.<br />

Al igual que el catedrático de Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l por la Universidad Autónoma de<br />

Madrid Juan José Solozábal y otros grandes<br />

juristas, también Viver considera que el rechazo de<br />

competencias deja al descubierto la crisis del<br />

sistema.<br />

"Un sector de la sociedad no solo rechaza la<br />

existencia de 17 entes políticos diferentes, sino<br />

también de 17 administraciones diferentes. Y, por<br />

lo visto, hay comunidades que no aspiran a<br />

mantener el nivel de autogobierno tan potente que<br />

han alcanzado", añade. Ahí apuntan los expertos<br />

juristas partidarios de un modelo asimétrico que dé<br />

más a los que más piden. A su juicio, la crisis<br />

actual sería la consecuencia retardada de la<br />

errónea concepción del modelo de 17 autonomías<br />

establecido hace 30 años. "Puesto que el sistema<br />

fue concebido para satisfacer las ansias de<br />

autogobierno del País Vasco y Cataluña y, en<br />


menor medida, la de Galicia, no tenía sentido<br />

embarcar al resto de las regiones en un proceso de<br />

acumulación de competencias no demandadas<br />

socialmente. Ahora, la crisis económica pone en<br />

evidencia esa falta de cultura y vocación<br />

autonómica integral", sugieren.<br />

Por el contrario, el catedrático de Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l por la Autónoma de Barcelo<strong>na</strong>,<br />

Francesc de Carreras i Serra, opi<strong>na</strong> que el<br />

problema no está en el modelo, sino el mal<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>miento del modelo. "Habría que llegar a un<br />

acuerdo general y establecer con criterios<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>les qué competencias convendría que<br />

desempeñara el Estado", señala. Es u<strong>na</strong> posición<br />

opuesta a quienes siguen creyendo en la tesis:<br />

"cuantas más competencias, mejor" cuestio<strong>na</strong>da<br />

con la crisis. "O vamos a un sistema básicamente<br />

igualitario o vamos a un modelo que diferencie a<br />

Cataluña, País Vasco y no sé si también a<br />

Andalucía", advierte López Basaguren. U<strong>na</strong><br />

máxima a tener en cuenta de cara a un<br />

replanteamiento autonómico que dé continuidad,<br />

sentido y fortaleza al proceso es que el peligro de<br />

legislar de manera arbitraria es mayor cuanto más<br />

pequeña es u<strong>na</strong> Administración. Y, como se ha<br />

visto con los Ayuntamientos implicados en la<br />

corrupción urbanística, la compra de voluntades, el<br />

clientelismo y la prevaricación anidan mejor en los<br />

espacios administrativos reducidos, más opacos a<br />

la inspección y al control. La otra máxima a<br />

considerar es que la gestión cerca<strong>na</strong> al ciudadano<br />

tiende a ser más eficiente y se supone que la<br />

descentralización aporta por sí misma di<strong>na</strong>mismo y<br />

competitividad.<br />

El sistema parece haber entrado en barre<strong>na</strong><br />

precisamente cuando ya no quedan asuntos que<br />

transferir y se estre<strong>na</strong>n los estatutos de segunda<br />

generación, forzados por u<strong>na</strong> demanda catala<strong>na</strong><br />

insatisfecha que persigue los "privilegios" fiscales<br />

vascos y <strong>na</strong>varro. ¿La doble crisis económica y<br />

autonómica no brinda u<strong>na</strong> oportunidad para<br />

repensar el modelo, revisar y cambiar lo que haya<br />

que cambiar y buscar un mejor acomodo para<br />

todos? Al fin y al cabo, ya sería extraordi<strong>na</strong>rio que<br />

el proceso de descentralización más rápido de la<br />

esfera inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l no hubiera cometido errores,<br />

El País - Sociedad, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

desajustes, ni tuvieran fallas de calado que<br />

exigieran su recomposición.<br />

"No podemos prolongar u<strong>na</strong> situación de crisis<br />

autonómica tan seria. Hay que llegar a un acuerdo<br />

de coordi<strong>na</strong>ción y organizarse de manera eficiente.<br />

El Estado tiene suficientes títulos para controlar e<br />

intervenir; lo que pasa es que a veces, los demás<br />

llegan donde tú consientes", subraya Solozábal. En<br />

opinión de Francesc de Carreras, la clave es<br />

abordar el problema con "ojos laicos", pensando en<br />

el ciudadano y no en dar un paso más hacia la<br />

soberanía. "La disputa <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lista es un pulso<br />

contra España por motivos ideológicos, porque<br />

aquí <strong>na</strong>die se ha quejado de las grandes cesiones<br />

de soberanía que hemos hecho a Bruselas",<br />

afirma.<br />

Tironeado entre los <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>listas agraviados y<br />

quienes creen que el proceso ha traspasado la<br />

raya de la racio<strong>na</strong>lidad, el debate se polariza sin<br />

que desde la política se aborde el problema en su<br />

conjunto, se remuevan los grandes obstáculos,<br />

singularmente la reforma del Se<strong>na</strong>do, para integrar<br />

a las comunidades autónomas en los órganos<br />

comunes o se asuma el criterio rector de u<strong>na</strong><br />

racio<strong>na</strong>lización que, dada la <strong>na</strong>turaleza identitaria<br />

autonómica, tampoco tiene por qué suponer la<br />

aplicación de un visión exclusivamente<br />

economicista.<br />

¿La situación exige reconsiderar el tamaño de las<br />

unidades que componen el mosaico de las 17,<br />

a<strong>na</strong>lizar a viabilidad de las autonomías<br />

uniprovinciales, estudiar alianzas, acuerdos de<br />

servicios entre vecinos, fusiones? "Alemania tiene<br />

16 länder para u<strong>na</strong> población de noventa y tantos<br />

millones, y España 17 autonomías con la mitad de<br />

habitantes", indica José Tudela. ¿No ha llegado el<br />

momento de hacer un punto y aparte, abrir u<strong>na</strong><br />

reflexión tranquila, sosegada y replantearse un<br />

modelo que, como sostiene Alberto López<br />

Basaguren, ya viene a ser un "federalismo<br />

encubierto"?<br />


El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La CPI busca al reemplazante de Moreno Ocampo<br />

ucesor se elegirá el próximo mes y podría ser u<strong>na</strong><br />

mujer<br />

LA HAYA | AFP<br />

La Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l (CPI) está buscando<br />

a un "superhéroe" en materia legal que pueda<br />

perseguir y detener a jefes de Estado que hayan<br />

cometido genocidios y a otras figuras responsables<br />

de crímenes y violaciones masivas.<br />

El cargo de fiscal principal de la CPI requiere a<br />

alguien con las destrezas para investigar de<br />

Sherlock Holmes, la diplomacia de Otto von<br />

Bismarck y el talento gerencial de Steve Jobs.<br />

El fiscal principal actual, Luis Moreno Ocampo,<br />

informará hoy al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU<br />

sobre sus esfuerzos para detener a destacados<br />

sospechosos de crímenes de guerra. Pero en las<br />

próximas cuatro sema<strong>na</strong>s, estará más dedicado a<br />

buscar a su reemplazante.<br />

Un primer grupo de 52 candidatos fue reducido a<br />

cuatro. La CPI podría escoger a u<strong>na</strong> superheroí<strong>na</strong><br />

como la suplente de Moreno Ocampo, Fatou<br />

Bensouda, ex ministra de Justicia en su Gambia<br />

<strong>na</strong>tal, y considerada por muchos diplomáticos<br />

como la favorita.<br />

Bensouda se disputará el cargo con Mohamed<br />

Chande Othman, el máximo magistrado de<br />

Tanzania; Briton Andrew Cayley, uno de los<br />

fiscales del tribu<strong>na</strong>l especial que juzga los<br />

crímenes de los kmeres rojos en Camboya; y<br />

Robert Petit, el mayor especialista en crímenes de<br />

guerra del ministerio ca<strong>na</strong>diense de Justicia.<br />

Los cuatro se presentarán este mes en la sede de<br />

la ONU ante los cerca de 120 sig<strong>na</strong>tarios del<br />

estatuto de la CPI, quienes intentarán elegir por<br />

consenso al candidato antes de u<strong>na</strong> elección en<br />

diciembre.<br />

"Encontrar a la perso<strong>na</strong> ideal para el cargo de fiscal<br />

de la CPI es prácticamente imposible", dice Richard<br />

Goldstone, el primer fiscal de los tribu<strong>na</strong>les<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les para la antigua Yugoslavia y<br />

Ruanda, que juzgaron los crímenes contra la<br />

humanidad en esos países.<br />

"Se requiere a un superhombre o a u<strong>na</strong> supermujer<br />

en materia legal", opinó Param-Preet Singh, un<br />

importante abogado de Human Rights Watch.<br />

La CPI incluyó al presidente de Sudán, Omar al<br />

Bashir, en su lista de perso<strong>na</strong>s buscadas por<br />

genocidio en Darfur y también expidió u<strong>na</strong> orden de<br />

arresto contra el ex hombre fuerte de Libia,<br />

Muamar Gadafi, quien fue abatido el 20 de octubre.<br />

El hijo fugitivo de Gadafi, Seif al Islam, está<br />

negociando actualmente con la CPI, y altos<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>rios kenianos y líderes de las milicias de la<br />

República Democrática del Congo también se<br />

hallan en su lista de requeridos.<br />

El fiscal debe tener elevadas aptitudes en materia<br />

de derecho inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, pero como también será<br />

la cara visible de la CPI, debe manejarse<br />

sabiamente con la prensa para proyectar el<br />

mensaje de la Corte en el mundo, afirma<br />

Goldstone.<br />

"Se necesita a alguien que comprenda la exigencia<br />

de actuar independientemente y con imparcialidad<br />

en un esce<strong>na</strong>rio inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l para defender la<br />

necesidad de justicia", sostiene.<br />


Luis Eduardo Podestá. Periodista<br />

El Peruano - Noticia, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


El juez que sentenciaba en verso<br />

¿Cómo reaccio<strong>na</strong>ría usted si en la culmi<strong>na</strong>ción de<br />

un litigio, por equis razones, recibiera u<strong>na</strong><br />

sentencia o u<strong>na</strong> resolución redactada<br />

poéticamente, con rimas incluidas?<br />

Perplejidad es la respuesta. Y eso es lo que acaba<br />

de sufrir el público de la Gran Ca<strong>na</strong>ria, España, al<br />

informarse de que el juez Álvaro Gaspar Pardo<br />

emitió u<strong>na</strong> sentencia en verso que motivó la queja<br />

de la conde<strong>na</strong>da ante la Inspección del Consejo del<br />

Poder Judicial de Ca<strong>na</strong>rias.<br />

En cumplimiento de su misión, el Consejo abrió<br />

u<strong>na</strong> investigación al juez por redactar u<strong>na</strong><br />

sentencia en verso, porque su sentencia fue<br />

denunciada como "agravio perso<strong>na</strong>l de un juez<br />

contra un ciudadano".<br />

Según el diario El País, el Consejo archivó la<br />

denuncia y se limitó a "no compartir" la forma en<br />

que se halla redactada la sentencia.<br />

Ocurre que María Teresa Cabo Vizo, directora de<br />

u<strong>na</strong> academia de azafatas, fue sentenciada a<br />

pagar 7,300 dólares a u<strong>na</strong> alum<strong>na</strong> que la denunció<br />

por "incumplir sus expectativas laborales".<br />

La sentencia incluía versos como "Tinieblas del<br />

corazón / ¿Por qué asistió la señora Cabo Vizo al<br />

juicio / si no se había pedido su interrogatorio? /<br />

Porque le dolía, le duele el corazón. / Acaso, ojalá<br />

contribuya la presente / a derivar tal dolor hacia el<br />

bolsillo".<br />

La ciudada<strong>na</strong> se quejó sobre todo porque la<br />

sentencia la aludía a ella y no a la empresa de que<br />

forma parte. Pero en fin...<br />

El juez, además, es reincidente. Ya las autoridades<br />

judiciales le aplicaron en 1999 u<strong>na</strong> multa de 50 mil<br />

antiguas pesetas (unos 410 dólares) por "falta<br />

leve".<br />

En aquella ocasión el juez Pardo sentenció la<br />

separación de un matrimonio:<br />

"Procede acceder a la separación / que imploran<br />

tanto el señor Tria<strong>na</strong>, / al que no le da la ga<strong>na</strong> / de<br />

soportar la tensión, / como la señora Sarmiento /<br />

que no sufriendo escarmiento, / tras su primer<br />

tropezón, / persiste en el mismo tono, / y aduciendo<br />

el abandono, / suplica solución".<br />

Cuando lo multaron el juez Gaspar se defendió sin<br />

versos pero sí con prosa: "Si el fallo es bello<br />

además de justo, el derecho sale ga<strong>na</strong>ndo"<br />

Hace unos años, nuestro Poder Judicial convocó<br />

a un semi<strong>na</strong>rio para tratar de perfeccio<strong>na</strong>r la<br />

redacción de las sentencias y la Academia de la<br />

Magistratura tenía preparado, hasta donde yo sé,<br />

un manual de redacción para agilizar la lectura de<br />

las resoluciones judiciales.<br />

El semi<strong>na</strong>rio fue motivado por reiterados pedidos<br />

de los litigantes que llegaron a decir que debían<br />

contratar a un abogado para que "tradujera" las<br />

resoluciones porque no podían interpretarlas. Creo<br />

que después de aquel esfuerzo no volvió a<br />

hablarse del asunto, porque a la luz de algu<strong>na</strong>s<br />

consultas realizadas entre litigantes, el fenómeno<br />

de las resoluciones difíciles de entender se<br />

mantiene.<br />

Frente al fenómeno planteado, ¿sería preferible<br />

insistir en un cursillo de cómo redactar resoluciones<br />

de lectura fácil o recomendar que sean hechas en<br />

verso como lo ha ensayado con tanto éxito el juez<br />

poeta de las Ca<strong>na</strong>rias, cuyas sentencias acaban de<br />

dar la vuelta al mundo?<br />


El Peruano - Noticia, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Comunidad jurídica participa con la magistratura<br />

Abogados e instituciones aportarán para formación<br />

de jurisprudencia<br />

Como parte del Sétimo Pleno Jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l Pe<strong>na</strong>l<br />

de la Corte Suprema de Justicia esta maña<strong>na</strong><br />

abogados y representantes de instituciones<br />

vinculados al ámbito legal participarán del ple<strong>na</strong>rio<br />

abierto convocado por la máxima magistratura del<br />

país a fin de conocer sus opiniones en temas de<br />

gran relevancia jurídica, antes de establecer<br />

nuevos precedentes de observancia obligatoria<br />

para todo el Poder Judicial.<br />

El coordi<strong>na</strong>dor de este pleno jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l, Víctor<br />

Prado Saldarriaga, explicó que dicha participación<br />

se dará lugar en temas sobre el derecho pe<strong>na</strong>l,<br />

parte general y parte especial, derecho procesal<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>l y derecho de ejecución pe<strong>na</strong>l. El acto se<br />

realizará en el Palacio de Justicia, dijo.<br />

Así, participarán como ponentes los catedráticos<br />

Ro<strong>na</strong>ld Gamarra, Raúl Pario<strong>na</strong> y Percy Cavero.<br />

Además, miembros del Centro de Estudios de<br />

Derecho Pe<strong>na</strong>l Económico y de la Empresa<br />

(Cedpe), el Idehpucp, Demus y el Inpe, entre otros.<br />

Fecha:02/11/2011<br />


El Universal - Nación, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Cuitláhuac Sali<strong>na</strong>s, nuevo titular de la SIEDO<br />

Victoria Pacheco Jiménez es la nueva<br />

subprocuradora de Control Regio<strong>na</strong>l,<br />

Procedimientos Pe<strong>na</strong>les y Amparo, y Angélica<br />

Herrera Rivero, fiscalía Especial para los Delitos de<br />

Violencia Contra las Mujeres y Trata de Perso<strong>na</strong>s<br />

Por conducto de la procuradora Marisela Morales,<br />

el presidente Felipe Calderón designó a José<br />

Cuitláhuac Sali<strong>na</strong>s Martínez como nuevo titular de<br />

la Subprocuradoría de Investigación Especializada<br />

en Delincuencia Organizada (SIEDO), en<br />

susttución de Patricia Bugarin.<br />

Además, nombró a Victoria Pacheco Jiménez como<br />

subprocuradora de Control Regio<strong>na</strong>l,<br />

Procedimientos Pe<strong>na</strong>les y Amparo, y a Angélica<br />

Herrera Rivero en la Fiscalía Especial para los<br />

Delitos de Violencia Contra las Mujeres y Trata de<br />

Perso<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR)<br />

informó a través de un comunicado de los nuevos<br />

nombramientos en su estructura orgánica.<br />

"Los servidores públicos desig<strong>na</strong>dos respaldarán el<br />

trabajo decidido del gobierno de la República de<br />

garantizar a la sociedad u<strong>na</strong> procuración de justicia<br />

sólida y procedimientos pe<strong>na</strong>les efectivos y<br />

expeditos", detallo la PGR.<br />

Sali<strong>na</strong>s Martínez ha ocupado diversos cargos en la<br />

procuración e impartición de justicia, detalló la<br />

dependencia.<br />

Actualmente se desempeñaba como subprocurador<br />

de Control Regio<strong>na</strong>l, Procedimientos Pe<strong>na</strong>les y<br />

Amparo.<br />

En la PGR ha ocupado, entre otros cargos, el de<br />

coordi<strong>na</strong>dor de Asesores de Marisela Morales;<br />

fiscal y coordi<strong>na</strong>dor general en la Unidad<br />

Especializada en Investigación y Tráfico de<br />

Menores, Indocumentados y Órganos, y director<br />

general de investigación y análisis.<br />

"En su experiencia laboral destaca su desempeño<br />

en el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Superior de Justicia del Distrito<br />

Federal y en el Poder Judicial de la Federación,<br />

así como en la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la<br />

Nación", subrayó la PGR.<br />

En tanto, Pacheco Jiménez, nueva subprocuradora<br />

de Control Regio<strong>na</strong>l, Procedimientos Pe<strong>na</strong>les y<br />

Amparo, se desempeñaba como delegada de la<br />

PGR en Jalisco.<br />

Ha ocupado responsabilidades en la Secretaría de<br />

Seguridad Pública Federal, en la Secretaría de la<br />

Reforma Agraria, en la Procuraduría General<br />

capitali<strong>na</strong> y en el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Superior de Justicia<br />

también del Distrito Federal.<br />

A su vez, la nueva titular de FEVIMTRA, Angélica<br />

Herrera, ocupaba la titularidad de la Unidad<br />

Especializada en Investigación de Tráfico de<br />

Menores, Indocumentados y Órganos.<br />

Se ha desempeñado en la Fiscalía Especializada<br />

para la Atención de Delitos Electorales y en el<br />

Subprocuraduría de Investigación Especializada en<br />

Delincuencia Organizada.<br />


<strong>na</strong>yeli.cortes@eluniversal.com.mx<br />

El Universal - Nación, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Impug<strong>na</strong>n reglamento de radio y tv<br />

El PRI, el PRD y el PAN impug<strong>na</strong>ron el<br />

Reglamento de Acceso a Radio y Televisión en<br />

Materia Electoral, aprobado por el Consejo General<br />

del Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) el pasado 27 de<br />

octubre.<br />

El PRD impugnó la decisión del IFE de conceder<br />

un día más para poner al aire los promocio<strong>na</strong>les<br />

electorales, a televisoras y radiodifusoras con un<br />

domicilio legal ubicado en un lugar distinto a donde<br />

transmiten los spots.<br />

El PRI, por su parte, se inconformó por la decisión<br />

de transmitir spots genéricos de partido si algún<br />

instituto político no realiza contienda inter<strong>na</strong> y<br />

postula a un candidato de unidad.<br />

El PAN presentó u<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción, pero luego se<br />

desistió. El Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral del Poder Judicial<br />

de la Federación (TEPJF) deberá determi<strong>na</strong>r si<br />

acepta o no el desistimiento.<br />

Las impug<strong>na</strong>ciones fueron entregadas en la sede<br />

del IFE y éste las remitirá al TEPJF para que las<br />

resuelva.<br />

Las inconformidades<br />

En su recurso presentado por Sebastián Lerdo de<br />

Tejada, representante del PRI ante el IFE, el<br />

partido alega que la aprobación del reglamento les<br />

causó "perjuicio directo", porque "se dejaron de<br />

observar preceptos constitucio<strong>na</strong>les".<br />

El tricolor no impug<strong>na</strong> -como lo alegó en la sesión<br />

de Consejo General del pasado 27 de octubreviolación<br />

a los tiempos legales al expedir u<strong>na</strong><br />

norma electoral.<br />

Su recurso es contra el artículo 15 del reglamento,<br />

que precisa que si un partido no realiza<br />

precampañas, los spots que corresponderían a sus<br />

precandidatos serán usados para difundir mensajes<br />

genéricos del instituto político.<br />

En su impug<strong>na</strong>ción, presentada por Camerino<br />

Márquez, representante del PRD ante el IFE, el<br />

partido cuestionó la redacción de varios artículos,<br />

pues "no dejan claro" que todas las estaciones de<br />

radio y ca<strong>na</strong>les de televisión están obligados a<br />

realizar bloqueos de spots.<br />

El bloqueo de promocio<strong>na</strong>les ocurre, por ejemplo,<br />

cuando está en curso un proceso electoral local y<br />

las televisoras y radiodifusoras que operan en el<br />

estado deben elimi<strong>na</strong>r de su programación los<br />

spots relativos a la propaganda guber<strong>na</strong>mental,<br />

que por ley no pueden difundirse en el marco de<br />

comicios estatales.<br />

El partido también impug<strong>na</strong> la decisión del Instituto<br />

Federal Electoral de conceder un día más de plazo<br />

-en total cuatro días- para poner al aire un spot<br />

electoral a los concesio<strong>na</strong>rios y permisio<strong>na</strong>rios de<br />

radio y televisión que ubiquen su domicilio legal en<br />

u<strong>na</strong> entidad distinta a donde se difunden los<br />

promocio<strong>na</strong>les.<br />


El Universal - Nación, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Halla IFE cuentas fantasmas en partidos<br />

Gastos sin justificar, facturas inexistentes,<br />

proveedores con domicilios equivocados, así como<br />

cuentas bancarias sin reportar son algu<strong>na</strong>s de las<br />

irregularidades que presentaron los siete partidos<br />

políticos (PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, PVEM, MC y Pa<strong>na</strong>l)<br />

en la revisión de sus gastos que hizo el Instituto<br />

Federal Electoral (IFE) a través de su Unidad de<br />

Fiscalización durante 2010.<br />

En el caso de AN, el órgano electoral encontró que<br />

este partido abrió cuatro cuentas bancarias sin<br />

avisar a la autoridad y no presentó un recibo por 46<br />

mil pesos para justificar la organización de un<br />

evento.<br />

Además, el Comité Directivo Estatal de Baja<br />

California no registró la deuda de u<strong>na</strong> multa que<br />

tendría que pagar por no haber retirado la<br />

propaganda electoral en los plazos establecidos<br />

por la ley. La multa que debió incluirse en su<br />

cuenta como un egreso de este partido en aquella<br />

entidad era por 131 mil 744 pesos.<br />

Este organismo político también gastó 10 mil 440<br />

pesos por tarjetas de felicitación, pero nunca<br />

entregó el comprobante que justificara el pago.<br />

Empresas “fantasma”<br />

En el PRI, la fiscalización dio cuenta de que los<br />

supervisores del IFE que acudieron a varias<br />

empresas a las cuales contrató ese partido no<br />

existen o dejaron de existir, como lo dio a conocer<br />

en su relatoría el instituto. Tal fue el caso de uno de<br />

los supervisores que <strong>na</strong>rró así su visita a u<strong>na</strong> de<br />

las direcciones entregadas por este partido.<br />

“El suscrito tocó el inmueble y u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong> de<br />

origen extranjero, que no se identificó, indicó que<br />

en el domicilio señalado en el oficio en cuestión ya<br />

no habitaba Carlos Eliseo Romero López, pues ella<br />

tenía de vivir ahí cerca de seis meses”, detalló el<br />

visitante del domicilio ubicado en Diego Are<strong>na</strong>s<br />

Guzmán 270, paralela a Tlalpan, colonia Villa de<br />

Cortés, en Benito Juárez.<br />

El PRI fue de los partidos que presentó diversas<br />

irregularidades en los documentos que entregó,<br />

como facturas, a la Unidad de Fiscalización del<br />

IFE. Esta información fue revisada y resultó en<br />

falsedad de los domicilios registrados como<br />

supuestos proveedores.<br />

El PT compró mil 180 camisetas a la empresa<br />

Renca, S.A. de C.V. por 24 mil 255 pesos, pero no<br />

dio comprobante y también fue sancio<strong>na</strong>do por el<br />

IFE al encontrar que utilizó dinero para “regalos” de<br />

campaña, recursos que no estaban permitidos para<br />

dicho fin.<br />

“De la revisión a la cuenta ‘Gastos Operativos de<br />

Campaña’, subcuenta ‘Regalos’, se observó el<br />

registro contable de pólizas que presentaban como<br />

soporte documental comprobantes por conceptos<br />

que no correspondían a las actividades propias del<br />

partido”.<br />

Entre las compras que hiciera el partido se<br />

encuentran palanga<strong>na</strong>s, cubetas de barril, vasos,<br />

licuadoras, ollas y balones de fútbol. Todo esto por<br />

un costo de 24 mil 935 pesos.<br />

El PVEM incurrió en diversas faltas, entre ellas, el<br />

falseo de información.<br />

“Como se observa, el acta notarial señala que se<br />

tenían miles de playeras, bolsas de mano y otros<br />

artículos, los cuales tenían publicidad del Partido<br />

Verde Ecologista de México, y se manifiesta que<br />

fueron adquiridas con el proveedor ‘Tailhy<br />

Fabricación y Corporación, S.A. de C.V.’, con<br />

domicilio en calle Cerro San Francisco 331, colonia<br />

Campestre Churubusco, en Coyoacán, mediante la<br />

factura número 0959, de fecha 19 de febrero de<br />

2010; sin embargo, no se identificó registro alguno<br />

en su contabilidad de dicha factura.<br />

“En consecuencia, no se tiene identificado el origen<br />

de los recursos para el pago de la factura referida,<br />

ni el destino que se dio a la publicidad u<strong>na</strong> vez que<br />

fue localizada. Au<strong>na</strong>do a lo anterior, el acta<br />

presentada por el partido hace alusión a apéndices<br />

que no fueron remitidos a la autoridad electoral”.<br />

Compra de playeras y bolsas<br />

Este partido no reportó el gasto de la factura 0959<br />

emitida por Tailhy Fabricación y Corporación, S.A.<br />

de C.V. por concepto de 60 mil playeras y 4 mil 500<br />

bolsas de mano y omitió aclarar respecto si los<br />

servicios fueron pagados y en su caso el origen de<br />

los mismos, por 542 mil 880 pesos.<br />

Un caso particular fue detectado en Movimiento<br />

Ciudadano (antes Convergencia), que incluyó en el<br />

rubro de “cuentas por cobrar” un inmueble que está<br />

“tomado” desde 2005 en Nayarit y que fungía como<br />

sede local.<br />

“Se encuentra en proceso legal por la toma del<br />

edificio de este comité en el año de 2005 y que a la<br />

fecha sigue el proceso, por lo que se anexa<br />


demanda TEP/III/CH/4581/05, así como copia del<br />

oficio sellado de recibido con fecha 8 de julio 2011<br />

por la Procuraduría General de Justicia de Nayarit,<br />

donde se solicita la devolución de los bienes<br />

muebles y documentación asegurados”, dio a<br />

conocer la misma Unidad.<br />

Con este edificio, au<strong>na</strong>do a las demandas y juicios<br />

laborales que tiene en su contra Movimiento<br />

Ciudadano, trataron de justificar el egreso de 3<br />

millones 635 mil pesos que incluyó este instituto<br />

político en sus cuentas de 2010. Sin embargo,<br />

dicha unidad consideró que esto no era correcto.<br />

Sobre la situación fiscal del Pa<strong>na</strong>l, al menos se<br />

detectaron 97 cuentas bancarias cuya creación no<br />

fue notificada legalmente ante el IFE.<br />

“Derivado del intercambio de información fi<strong>na</strong>nciera<br />

que este Consejo General llevó a cabo con la<br />

Comisión Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Bancaria y de Valores, se tuvo<br />

El Universal - Nación, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


conocimiento de la existencia de 97 cuentas<br />

bancarias respecto de las cuales el partido no<br />

presentó documentación algu<strong>na</strong>”, detalló la<br />

auditoria.<br />

Aunque el IFE ya ordenó sanciones contra los<br />

partidos políticos por estas irregularidades, los<br />

mismos tienen posibilidad de inconformarse ante el<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación.<br />


Le Figaro - Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Cour pé<strong>na</strong>le inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>le<br />

Seif el-Islam/reddition: des négociations<br />

La Cour pé<strong>na</strong>le inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>le (CPI) est toujours<br />

en train de négocier une possible reddition du fils et<br />

dauphin de l'ancien dirigeant libyen Mouammar<br />

Kadhafi, Seif el-Islam, a indiqué ce mercredi le<br />

procureur de la CPI, Luis Moreno-Ocampo.<br />

La CPI "a reçu des questions de personnes liées à<br />

Seif el-Islam sur les conditions légales relatives à<br />

sa possible reddition", a déclaré M.<br />

Moreno-Ocampo devant le Conseil de sécurité de<br />

l'ONU.<br />


Los Tiempos - Economía, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Cocaleros y colonos suspenden bloqueos y a<strong>na</strong>lizan<br />

marcha a La Paz<br />

LA PAZ |<br />

Los productores de coca, colonizadores, miembros<br />

del Consejo Indíge<strong>na</strong> del Sur (Conisur) y<br />

autoridades municipales del trópico cochabambino<br />

confirmaron la vigencia de un cuarto intermedio en<br />

sus protestas y bloqueos por la festividad de Todos<br />

Santos y a<strong>na</strong>lizan u<strong>na</strong> posible marcha hacia La<br />

Paz, exigiendo la construcción de la carretera al<br />

Beni pasando por el corazón del Territorio Indíge<strong>na</strong><br />

y Parque Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Isiboro Sécure (Tipnis).<br />

El presidente de la Mancomunidad de Municipios<br />

del Trópico, Rimer Ágreda informó que todos los<br />

sectores sociales que sostenían la pasada sema<strong>na</strong><br />

un bloqueo de la vía Cochabamba-Santa Cruz en<br />

protesta por la Ley Corta a favor del Tipnis,<br />

declararon cuarto intermedio en sus protesta para<br />

no perjudicar el desarrollo del Día de los Difuntos.<br />

"La ruta Cochabamba-Santa Cruz y viceversa está<br />

expedita, ya que los bloqueos en el tramo Villa<br />

Tu<strong>na</strong>ri-Si<strong>na</strong>hota fueron levantados en su totalidad<br />

por los hermanos del Conisur. Se trata de un cuarto<br />

intermedio por Todos Santos, pero todos los<br />

sectores a<strong>na</strong>lizan la posibilidad de retomar las<br />

protestas la próxima sema<strong>na</strong> y preparar u<strong>na</strong><br />

marcha hacia La Paz", dijo.<br />

Ágreda recordó que el pasado fin de sema<strong>na</strong>, los<br />

indíge<strong>na</strong>s del Conisur (en su mayoría yuracarés),<br />

tras u<strong>na</strong> vigilia procedieron al bloqueo de la<br />

carretera interdepartamental, exigiendo la<br />

construcción de la carretera Villa Tu<strong>na</strong>ri-San<br />

Ig<strong>na</strong>cio de Moxos pasando por el Tipnis.<br />

Dijo que tras ocho horas de bloqueo declararon<br />

u<strong>na</strong> pausa hasta pasadas las fiestas en honor a los<br />

difuntos, para luego retomar otras medidas, entre<br />

ellas u<strong>na</strong> gran marcha con participación de las seis<br />

federaciones de cocaleros, alcaldías e indíge<strong>na</strong>s<br />

que cuestio<strong>na</strong>n a los dirigentes del Tipnis, a<br />

quienes emplazaron a explicar los alcances de la<br />

Ley Corta acordada con autoridades de gobierno.<br />

La autoridad municipal sostuvo que a su juicio, la<br />

Ley Corta que declara la intangibilidad del Tipnis,<br />

viola la Constitución Política del Estado por lo que<br />

debe ser abrogada o modificada, permitiendo la<br />

construcción de la vía al Beni.<br />

¿MARCHA?: Ante insistencias de los medios de<br />

comunicación, Ágreda afirmó que ya no se<br />

bloqueará la vía Cochabamba-Santa Cruz, pero se<br />

a<strong>na</strong>liza y prepara u<strong>na</strong> marcha a La Paz en protesta<br />

contra la Ley Corta que fue impuesta por los<br />

indíge<strong>na</strong>s del Tipnis al gobierno.<br />

Sostuvo que la exigencia de los indíge<strong>na</strong>s del<br />

Conisur para que los dirigentes del Tipnis informen<br />

de su proceder está en vigencia, y esperarán se<br />

hagan presentes en la zo<strong>na</strong> para que expliquen los<br />

alcances de la ley que obliga a u<strong>na</strong> modificación<br />

del trazo en el tramo II de la carretera al Beni.<br />

Por su parte, el asambleísta del Movimiento Sin<br />

Miedo (MSM), Mario Orella<strong>na</strong> lamentó que el<br />

gobierno del presidente Evo Morales no cumpla<br />

con sus compromisos con los dirigentes del Tipnis<br />

e insista en la construcción de la carretera<br />

rechazada y cuestio<strong>na</strong>da en su tramo II.<br />

Dijo que todos los bolivianos tenían la seguridad<br />

que con la firma de la Ley Corta todo iba a cambiar,<br />

pero lo que se observa que no es así, ya que hay<br />

u<strong>na</strong> contraofensiva de acusaciones e insinuaciones<br />

del gobierno contra los habitantes del Tipnis que<br />

demuestran la soberbia del gobierno.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


We did not oppose Kanimozhi's bail: CBI<br />

NEW DELHI: Even as the Supreme Court<br />

Tuesday reserved orders on the bail pleas of five<br />

top corporate honchos in the 2G spectrum scam,<br />

the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said it did<br />

not oppose the bail petitions of DMK MP Kanimozhi<br />

and four others earlier before the trial court.<br />

Appearing for CBI, Additio<strong>na</strong>l Solicitor General<br />

(ASG) Harin Raval told Justice G.S. Singhvi and<br />

Justice H.L. Dattu that the concession given to<br />

Kanimozhi and four others was not available to<br />

other accused.<br />

The investigating agency opposed the bail plea of<br />

former telecom secretary Siddharth Behura even<br />

though he sought the same concession, the ASG<br />

said.<br />


The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Detective Is Found Guilty of Planting Drugs<br />

The New York Police Department, already saddled<br />

with corruption scandals, saw its image further<br />

tainted on Tuesday with the conviction of a<br />

detective for planting drugs on a woman and her<br />

boyfriend.<br />

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The bench verdict from Justice Gustin L. Reichbach<br />

in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn stemmed from<br />

acts committed in 2007 by the defendant, Jason<br />

Arbeeny, a 14-year veteran of the department who<br />

worked in the Brooklyn South unit.<br />

Before announcing the verdict, Justice Reichbach<br />

scolded the department for what he described as a<br />

widespread culture of corruption endemic in its drug<br />

units.<br />

“I thought I was not <strong>na</strong>ïve,” he said. “But even this<br />

court was shocked, not only by the seeming<br />

pervasive scope of misconduct but even more<br />

distressingly by the seeming casualness by which<br />

such conduct is employed.”<br />

The case against Detective Arbeeny was rooted in<br />

a far larger tale of corruption in Police Department<br />

drug units: several <strong>na</strong>rcotics officers in Brooklyn<br />

have been caught mishandling drugs they seized<br />

as evidence, and hundreds of potentially tainted<br />

drug cases have been dismissed. The city has<br />

made payments to settle civil suits over wrongful<br />

incarcerations.<br />

During the trial, prosecutors described the<br />

corruption in the drug units that Detective Arbeeny<br />

worked for. One former detective, Stephen<br />

Anderson, who did not know the defendant, testified<br />

that officers in those units often planted drugs on<br />

innocent people. Mr. Anderson has pleaded guilty<br />

to official misconduct over a 2008 episode involving<br />

drug evidence and now faces two to four years in<br />

prison.<br />

Detective Arbeeny was convicted of official<br />

misconduct, offering a false instrument for filing and<br />

falsifying business records. Charles Guria, a<br />

prosecutor, described this latest case of police<br />

corruption as an abuse of power.<br />

“It’s a sad day when a police officer misuses his<br />

authority,” Mr. Guria said.<br />

On Jan. 25, 2007, prosecutors said, Detective<br />

Arbeeny planted a small bag of crack cocaine on<br />

two innocent people.<br />

The detective’s lawyer, Michael Elbaz, tried to<br />

discredit the most important prosecution witnesses,<br />

Yvelisse DeLeon and her boyfriend, Juan Figueroa.<br />

Ms. DeLeon had testified that the couple drove up<br />

to their apartment building in Coney Island and<br />

were approached by two plainclothes police<br />

officers. She said she then saw Detective Arbeeny<br />

remove a bag of powder from his pocket and place<br />

it in the vehicle.<br />

“He brought out his pocket,” Ms. DeLeon told the<br />

court. “He said, ‘Look what I find.’ It looked like little<br />

powder in a little bag.”<br />

Later in 2007, the detective was accused of stealing<br />

multiple bags of cocaine from the prisoner van to<br />

which he had been assigned; Justice Reichbach<br />

found Detective Arbeeny not guilty of those<br />

charges.<br />

Though there had been conflicting testimony during<br />

the trial about the existence of quotas in the<br />

department’s drug units, Justice Reichbach said, a<br />

system of flawed procedures in part led to the<br />

charges against Detective Arbeeny.<br />

In the department’s Brooklyn South <strong>na</strong>rcotics unit,<br />

for instance, drugs seized as evidence are not<br />

counted or sealed until they reach the precinct and<br />

can be handled by multiple officers along the way,<br />

Justice Reichbach said, adding that such<br />

u<strong>na</strong>cceptable practices “pale in significance” to the<br />

“cowboy culture” of the drug units.<br />

“Anything goes in the never-ending war on drugs,”<br />

he said, “and a refusal to go along with<br />

questio<strong>na</strong>ble practices raise the specter of<br />

blacklisting and isolation.”<br />

Sentencing is scheduled for January. Detective<br />

Arbeeny faces up to four years in prison.<br />


The New York Times - Politics, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


As Polls Slip, Perry Gets First Bounty of ‘Super PAC’<br />

Ads<br />

A new “super PAC” co-founded by Gov. Rick<br />

Perry’s onetime chief of staff has begun running<br />

campaign ads in Iowa and South Caroli<strong>na</strong>, marking<br />

the first advertising by a major super PAC in the<br />

Republican presidential primary and serving as a<br />

reminder of the Texas governor’s formidable<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncial resources despite his recent slide in the<br />

polls.The group, Make Us Great Again, is spending<br />

roughly $200,000 in each state over the next 10<br />

days. While that amount is enough for a large initial<br />

advertising buy, it is sure to be only the first trickle<br />

in the total spent by candidate-focused super PACs<br />

in the coming months.<br />

Make Us Great Again initially planned to raise and<br />

spend as much as $55 million through next April,<br />

though an official of the group later said that<br />

information was outdated, and it was not clear how<br />

much the group had raised. Some rival campaigns<br />

question whether the pro-Perry group can ever<br />

come close to reaching its initial target.<br />

A competing super PAC, Restore Our Future, which<br />

supports Mitt Romney and is operated by his former<br />

aides, reported raising $12 million in the first half of<br />

the year. Most of these groups are not required to<br />

disclose their contributions or donors from the<br />

second half of this year until Jan. 31.<br />

There had been expectations that super PACS<br />

would fi<strong>na</strong>nce attack ads; historically, outside<br />

groups have run some of the harshest ads against<br />

candidates, like Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,<br />

which attacked the Viet<strong>na</strong>m War record of Se<strong>na</strong>tor<br />

John Kerry. But the two 30-second pro-Perry spots<br />

are designed instead to build up the candidate with<br />

a <strong>na</strong>rrative of his life and his accomplishments as<br />

Texas governor, echoing his message on the<br />

campaign trail.<br />

Both advertisements, for example, mention that Mr.<br />

Perry was the son of a te<strong>na</strong>nt farmer and that he<br />

served in the Air Force, and they repeat Mr. Perry’s<br />

campaign message that his policies have created<br />

jobs in Texas.<br />

The group’s advertising expenditure comes one<br />

week after Mr. Perry’s campaign began running its<br />

first television advertising in Iowa. A person close to<br />

Make Us Great Again declined to discuss future<br />

strategy, including whether the group might run<br />

attack ads against Mr. Romney or other Republican<br />

rivals, but said the scope of the group’s efforts was<br />

expected to be comparable to the pro-Romney<br />

group.<br />

Super PACs were made possible by the Supreme<br />

Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010, which<br />

allowed unlimited spending by corporations, unions<br />

and individuals through these organizations, as<br />

long as the groups do not coordi<strong>na</strong>te their spending<br />

with the candidates. Most of the top Republican<br />

presidential contenders, and President Obama,<br />

now have the support of super PACs established by<br />

donors and former aides, and they are expected to<br />

play a major role in the 2012 campaign.<br />

The pro-Perry ads feature recent video of the<br />

governor shaking hands and speaking on the<br />

campaign trail. Jason Miller, a spokesman for Make<br />

Us Great Again, said the video was taken during<br />

campaign events that had been announced and<br />

open to the public in both Iowa and South Caroli<strong>na</strong>.<br />

The ads “are designed to promote Governor Perry’s<br />

excellent record on helping to create jobs and grow<br />

the economy,” Mr. Miller said.<br />

The group was founded two weeks before Mr. Perry<br />

officially declared his candidacy in August by<br />

supporters and donors including Mike Toomey, a<br />

lobbyist and former chief of staff to the Texas<br />

governor. Its executive director, Scott Rials,<br />

formerly worked for the campaign of Newt Gingrich,<br />

with the two men now at the top of the Perry<br />

campaign, Dave Carney and Rob Johnson.<br />


The New York Times - Opinion, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Under ‘Color of Federal Law’<br />

he Supreme Court ruled three decades ago in<br />

Carlson v. Green that a federal prisoner could sue<br />

for money damages from prison employees who<br />

abused his constitutio<strong>na</strong>l rights. On Tuesday, in<br />

Minneci v. Pollard, the court heard the government<br />

and others contend that a prisoner held in a facility<br />

operated by a private contractor cannot bring this<br />

kind of action.The court should reject this argument.<br />

If not, it will allow the government to contract away<br />

prisoners’ constitutio<strong>na</strong>l rights — and contract away<br />

its own responsibility to protect individuals<br />

imprisoned under the law.<br />

While incarcerated for 20 months in a privately run<br />

facility, Richard Lee Pollard fell and broke his<br />

elbows, a serious injury. When he sought medical<br />

treatment, he was refused a splint to help repair his<br />

arms and forced to wear a handcuff-like device that<br />

caused him tremendous pain.<br />

If he had been in a government-run prison, he<br />

clearly could have sued those who mistreated him<br />

for damages. The private facility where Mr. Pollard<br />

was imprisoned was different only in ownership. It<br />

operated under federal authority and functioned as<br />

a government facility. Those who worked there or<br />

provided services for it were operating “under the<br />

color of federal law,” a critical test.<br />

The government and others also contend that such<br />

actions are reserved for extraordi<strong>na</strong>ry<br />

circumstances where the person alleging injury has<br />

no other basis for suing because, for example, state<br />

law provides no remedy and that Mr. Pollard could<br />

have brought a civil action under tort law in state<br />

court. But after the court held that is no substitute<br />

because of the vagaries of state laws, Congress<br />

twice affirmed the right to sue officials for redress in<br />

federal court.<br />

The Pollard case matters so much because one of<br />

every six federal prisoners is now held in a privately<br />

run facility, compared with none two decades ago.<br />

Private facilities also house half the federal<br />

immigration detainees.<br />

Bad as many government-run prisons are, some<br />

privately run prisons may well be worse. There is<br />

mounting evidence that private prisons pay guards<br />

less, have smaller staffs and give limited training,<br />

reducing the level of care and oversight and<br />

exposing prisoners to greater threats to health and<br />

safety. The prisons and the people who work there<br />

must be held accountable when they badly perform<br />

this role of government.<br />


To the Editor:<br />

The New York Times - Opinion, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


A Political Battle Over the Courts’ Power<br />

Re “G.O.P. Field Stoking Anger at U.S. Courts”<br />

(front page, Oct. 24):<br />

Extreme anti-judiciary measures like those<br />

proposed by Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann<br />

and Ron Paul, as well as Mitt Romney’s choice of<br />

the ultra-conservative failed Supreme Court<br />

nominee Robert H. Bork to head his legal team, are<br />

chilling reminders of the stakes of the 2012<br />

presidential election.<br />

But these are not far-off threats. The G.O.P. has<br />

already found a simple and immediate way to wage<br />

war on the federal judiciary: by obstructing the<br />

confirmation of new judges.<br />

There are about 100 vacancies in federal courts<br />

throughout the country, a third of which are in<br />

districts so hard pressed that they have been<br />

desig<strong>na</strong>ted “judicial emergencies.”<br />

In spite of this, Se<strong>na</strong>te Republicans have been<br />

confirming nominees at a record sluggish pace. The<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>te is currently sitting on 23 nominees, virtually<br />

all of whom have b bipartisan support. It simply<br />

defies reason that nominees who have received<br />

absolutely no opposition from either party are<br />

sometimes forced to wait months for a simple<br />

up-or-down confirmation vote.<br />

A functioning independent judiciary is at the<br />

foundation of our democracy. But the religious right<br />

has often been wary of the judiciary’s power to act<br />

as a bulwark against efforts to crumble the wall of<br />

separation between church and state and to deny<br />

rights to women, gay people, religious minorities,<br />

workers and consumers. U<strong>na</strong>ble to pass extreme<br />

measures like the ones being proposed by<br />

presidential candidates, the right has settled<br />

instead for quietly kneecapping the courts.<br />


Exec. V.P. for Policy and Program<br />

People for the American Way<br />

Washington, Oct. 24, 2011<br />

To the Editor:<br />

“The Court and the Next President” (editorial, Oct.<br />

29) asserts that “it may not be in the Republicans’<br />

best interests to have a sober <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l debate”<br />

about the judicial branch. Newt Gingrich disagrees,<br />

which is why he has put the issue of restoring the<br />

proper role of the judicial branch front and center in<br />

his campaign.<br />

The modern Supreme Court claims that its<br />

interpretations of the Constitution are binding on the<br />

executive and legislative branches. The founding<br />

fathers believed otherwise and President Abraham<br />

Lincoln acted otherwise, issuing passports to free<br />

blacks and signing legislation that limited the<br />

extension of slavery, both in clear defiance of the<br />

Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott.<br />

Today, as federal courts have intervened in sectors<br />

of American life never before imagi<strong>na</strong>ble, the public<br />

has increasingly come to view them as an<br />

usurpative device for unelected rulers. This abuse<br />

of power and loss of public confidence amounts to<br />

a constitutio<strong>na</strong>l crisis.<br />

In response, Mr. Gingrich supports the view that the<br />

executive and legislative branches each have an<br />

independent responsibility to interpret the<br />

Constitution, and in those rare circumstances when<br />

they believe the federal courts, including the<br />

Supreme Court, have engaged in a serious<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>l error, they can choose among an<br />

array of constitutio<strong>na</strong>l powers to check and balance<br />

the courts.<br />

Specifically, Mr. Gingrich believes that the<br />

Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in Boumediene<br />

giving captured noncitizen enemy combatants the<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>l right to access American courts to<br />

challenge their detention was wrongly decided and<br />

should be ignored by the executive branch and<br />

challenged by Congress.<br />


Arlington, Va., Oct. 31, 2011<br />

The writer is policy director for Newt Gingrich’s<br />

campaign.<br />

To the Editor:<br />

Your editorial claims that if a Republican is elected<br />

president and has a chance to fill a Ruth Bader<br />

Ginsburg vacancy, that would result in a “decidedly<br />

conservative” court, but if President Obama is<br />

re-elected and has the chance to fill Antonin<br />

Scalia’s seat, the court becomes “a more moderate<br />

one.”<br />


Not so. The four liberals on the court are every bit<br />

as predictable on key political issues as the four<br />

conservatives; another liberal member and one<br />

fewer conservative and the court becomes<br />

decidedly liberal.<br />


The New York Times - Opinion, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />



The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Olympus Names Review Panel<br />


TOKYO—Olympus Corp. <strong>na</strong>med the members of<br />

an outside committee to examine four past<br />

acquisitions, responding to calls by regulators and<br />

shareholders to explain the deals.<br />

The six-member committee will be overseen by<br />

Tatsuo Kai<strong>na</strong>ka, a former Japan supreme court<br />

justice, who was also involved in a compliance<br />

investigation into Japan Airlines ma<strong>na</strong>gement and<br />

led a panel investigation into system failures at the<br />

retail banking unit of Mizuho Fi<strong>na</strong>ncial Group Inc.<br />

earlier this year.<br />

Mr. Kai<strong>na</strong>ka will be joined by four other lawyers and<br />

one accountant.<br />

In a statement, the Japanese maker of cameras<br />

and endoscopes said the committee will examine ...<br />


USA Today - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Column: Jobs and civics go hand in hand<br />

By Sandra Day O'Connor and Bob Graham<br />

America's Founding Fathers understood that the<br />

success of our republic would depend on our<br />

citizens' civic knowledge and participation. Indeed,<br />

the origi<strong>na</strong>l impetus for public schooling was to<br />

teach young people about their rights,<br />

responsibilities and competencies as citizens. Now<br />

comes news that more than our democratic system<br />

relies on civic education: Our economy may as well.<br />

According to a recent study by the congressio<strong>na</strong>lly<br />

chartered Natio<strong>na</strong>l Conference on Citizenship,<br />

there is a b correlation between civic engagement<br />

and unemployment. In recent years, unemployment<br />

has risen less in states and cities where more<br />

people volunteer, register to vote, attend public<br />

meetings, and work with neighbors to address<br />

community challenges. For every percentage point<br />

increase in people who attend public meetings, the<br />

study found nearly a quarter percentage point<br />

decrease in unemployment. For every percentage<br />

point climb in volunteerism, unemployment dipped<br />

nearly a fifth of a percentage point.<br />

Importance of volunteering<br />

Such trends are borne out at the state level. Eight<br />

of the 11 states with the highest volunteering rates<br />

at the outset of the fi<strong>na</strong>ncial crisis — Alaska, Iowa,<br />

Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas,<br />

Minnesota and Vermont — experienced among the<br />

smallest rises in unemployment. Seven of the 10<br />

states with the lowest volunteering rates — Arizo<strong>na</strong>,<br />

California, Alabama, Florida, Nevada, Rhode Island<br />

and Delaware — experienced among the highest<br />

increases in unemployment.<br />

These statistics are striking, but not surprising.<br />

Sixty percent of volunteers believe that community<br />

service increases their odds of finding a job, and<br />

they're right. Citizens engaged in their communities<br />

have more opportunities to build the networks<br />

needed to secure employment. Similarly,<br />

communities with higher voter turnout are more<br />

likely to elect leaders who pursue policies that<br />

reflect local economic needs.<br />

The Census Bureau has wisely expanded its<br />

tracking of civic engagement. Last month, the<br />

bureau issued a mix of good and bad news.<br />

Downturn in participation<br />

While nearly 60% of Americans are registered to<br />

vote, almost three in four never or rarely discuss<br />

politics. While nearly 70% of young people talk with<br />

friends and family on the Internet numerous times a<br />

week, only about a third talk with their neighbors as<br />

frequently. And while most Americans participate in<br />

their communities in some form, only one in four<br />

volunteer. Even more troubling are reports that<br />

nearly three-quarters of Americans have reduced<br />

their civic participation in the recent downturn. This<br />

bodes a vicious cycle — whereby dwindling civic<br />

engagement is exacerbated by, and contributes to,<br />

our economic hardships.<br />

For the sake of our democracy and our economy, it<br />

is time for America to reinvest in civics. The<br />

connection between civic learning and economic<br />

success begins early in life, but civics has all but<br />

vanished from the public school curriculum. On the<br />

last <strong>na</strong>tionwide civics assessment test, two-thirds of<br />

students scored below proficiency. government<br />

leaders should work together to improve civics<br />

instruction and extracurricular community service<br />

activities. Award programs honoring students and<br />

schools for contributions to their communities can<br />

help put us on the right path.<br />

The secret to America's success is the strength of<br />

our civil society. An informed citizenry lays the<br />

foundation for not just democracy but also for an<br />

innovative, dy<strong>na</strong>mic economy.<br />

Sandra Day O'Connor is a retired associate justice<br />

of the U.S. Supreme Court and founder of iCivics.<br />

Bob Graham was governor of Florida from<br />

1979-1987 and represented the state as a U.S.<br />

se<strong>na</strong>tor from 1987-2005.<br />


USA Today - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Column: 'Juan Crow' law alive and well in Alabama<br />

By David Person<br />

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Here in the South it feels like<br />

the 1960s all over again. And now, just as back<br />

then, far right-wing white politicians are doing their<br />

damnedest to be the poster boys of intolerance, this<br />

time on the issue of immigration.<br />

Birmingham's Eugene "Bull" Connor, Dallas County<br />

Sheriff Jim Clark and Alabama Gov. George<br />

Wallace were high-profile antagonists of the civil<br />

rights movement. Today, it's north Alabama Rep.<br />

Mo Brooks and Kansas Secretary of State Kris<br />

Kobach leading the anti-illegal-immigration charge.<br />

Of all Alabama's officials, Brooks has been the<br />

most inflammatory and provocative cheerleader for<br />

the state's heinous immigration law. Kobach helped<br />

Alabama and other states craft similar laws through<br />

his side gig with the Federation for American<br />

Immigration Reform (FAIR), an organization<br />

described as a hate group by the Southern Poverty<br />

Law Center.<br />

Despite objections from the Justice Department, a<br />

federal judge upheld portions of it, directing<br />

Alabama law enforcement officers to act as de facto<br />

immigration agents during routine traffic stops and<br />

requiring school systems to document the<br />

citizenship status of new students. Some are calling<br />

it "Juan Crow" — a play on Jim Crow, the moniker<br />

for segregation in the pre-civil rights South —<br />

because of the likelihood that Hispanics will be<br />

subjected to racial profiling and dubious detentions.<br />

Not surprisingly, most black lawmakers in the South<br />

bly oppose this and similar laws. They have not<br />

forgotten the sting of Jim Crow laws that were<br />

aimed at segregating blacks and denying them<br />

equal access to jobs, education, housing and health<br />

care.<br />

The Justice Department is asking the 11th Circuit<br />

Court of Appeals to invalidate the law. That court<br />

temporarily blocked the portions requiring that<br />

schools collect immigration data and that<br />

immigrants carry proof of residency. This month, it<br />

is expected to hear full arguments challenging the<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>lity of the law.<br />

Taxes and education as weapons<br />

That has not deterred Brooks and other supporters<br />

of the law from continuing to dig in, repackaging the<br />

old arguments that were used against Jim Crow-era<br />

blacks to target the undocumented. For example,<br />

like Jim Crow laws imposed segregated schools on<br />

black children, the Alabama law attempts to place<br />

barriers to illegal immigrants getting an education<br />

— though the appeals court has temporarily<br />

blocked that part of the law.<br />

"The bottom line is illegal aliens consume far more<br />

of our tax resources than they generate," Brooks<br />

told Politico recently. "We don't have the money in<br />

America to keep paying for the education of<br />

everybody else's children from around the world."<br />

The Tax Foundation, a non-partisan tax research<br />

group that conservatives love to quote, disputes<br />

Brooks' first point. The foundation concluded that<br />

undocumented workers are helping to fill federal<br />

and state coffers via payroll taxes (Social Security<br />

and Medicare) and sales taxes on food, clothing<br />

and other essentials. Some might even pay income<br />

taxes, depending on their income level and whether<br />

or not they have a Social Security Number or a Tax<br />

Identification Number, even if they are fraudulent<br />

numbers.<br />

As for Brooks' claim of having to educate<br />

"everybody else's children," the Supreme Court in<br />

1982 ruled in Plyler v. Doe that any child living in<br />

the U.S., whether here legally or illegally, has a<br />

right to a free public education. Alabama's law<br />

attempted to get around that fact by not blocking<br />

enrollment, but by requiring the student and/or<br />

parent upon enrollment to provide proof of<br />

citizenship as a way to track the number of illegal<br />

immigrant students.<br />

Of course fear, not facts, is driving Alabama's law<br />

and its sister laws. The same fear, no doubt, moved<br />

FAIR founder John Tanton to write in a 1993 letter<br />

that his goal is to keep the United States "a<br />

European-American majority, and a clear one at<br />

that." Supporters of Alabama's law also claim that<br />

undocumented workers are taking jobs away from<br />

American citizens. But Tanton and FAIR should rest<br />

easy. Alabama and its deep South neighbors still<br />

have solid white majorities. Hispanics make up only<br />

3.9% of Alabama's population, according to the<br />

Census Bureau. Florida (23%), Georgia (9%),<br />

Tennessee (5%) and Mississippi (3%) are just as<br />

safe.<br />

Some rise up despite bias<br />

But the Tantons and Brookses of the world should<br />

remember that some of our society's greatest<br />

contributors have been victims of discrimi<strong>na</strong>tion.<br />

Survivors of Jim Crow have become some of our<br />

<strong>na</strong>tion's most important leaders in business,<br />


science, academics and entertainment. Many future<br />

leaders are now being subjected to Juan Crow<br />

when what they should be given is a fair and<br />

reaso<strong>na</strong>ble path to citizenship.<br />

I recently met two of them — sisters Kelly and Nelly<br />

(I am not giving their last <strong>na</strong>me because of their<br />

immigration status.) — who crossed the<br />

Mexico-U.S. border five years ago with their<br />

parents, struggling farmers from the small city of<br />

Cuer<strong>na</strong> Vaca. For now, despite the law, their family<br />

is opting to stay in Alabama.<br />

"My parents told us we had to come," said Kelly, the<br />

oldest at 18. "They didn't want the same thing for<br />

us."<br />

"We want a better life," said Nelly, 15.<br />

Hopefully, they'll still have one — as long as our<br />

USA Today - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


bigotry and fears don't get the best of us.<br />

David Person is the host of WEUPTalk on<br />

WEUP-AM in Huntsville, Ala., a freelance arts<br />

reporter for Natio<strong>na</strong>l Public Radio and a member of<br />

USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.<br />


USA Today - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


High court case on GPS surveillance could break new<br />

ground<br />

By Joan Biskupic, USA TODAY<br />

WASHINGTON – In a potentially groundbreaking<br />

case on high-tech tracking by police, the Supreme<br />

Court will decide whether constant surveillance is<br />

such an intrusion on people's lives that police need<br />

a warrant before attaching a GPS device to a<br />

person's car.<br />

The case, to be heard Tuesday, tests law<br />

enforcement's use of the latest technology to fight<br />

crime as it raises the specter of a "Big Brother"<br />

government knowing one's every move. GPS<br />

tracking lets police engage in round-the-clock<br />

surveillance — without a person's knowledge —<br />

over a prolonged period that could seldom be<br />

matched by cops on a beat or other traditio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

observation.<br />

Global Positioning System receivers, origi<strong>na</strong>lly<br />

developed for military use, rely on a constellation of<br />

satellites in fixed orbits. Receivers on the ground<br />

use satellite transmissions to calculate the latitude<br />

and longitude of a location. Data can be transmitted<br />

remotely to police computers and stored.<br />

"A person who knows all of another's travels"<br />

through GPS, U.S. Appeals Court Judge Douglas<br />

Ginsburg wrote in the ruling that the high court will<br />

take up, "can deduce whether he is a weekly<br />

church goer, a heavy drinker, a regular at the gym,<br />

an unfaithful husband, an outpatient receiving<br />

medical treatment, an associate of particular<br />

individuals or political groups — and not just one<br />

such fact about a person, but all such facts."<br />

The Washington, D.C.-based appeals court ruled<br />

that the Fourth Amendment protection against<br />

unreaso<strong>na</strong>ble searches and seizures require police<br />

get a warrant before affixing a GPS device to a car<br />

or truck.<br />

The federal Justice Department, appealing the<br />

warrant requirement, argues that drivers do not<br />

expect their movements to be kept private. "Officers<br />

do not conduct a 'search' when they observe<br />

matters conducted in the open, which anyone could<br />

see," U.S. Solicitor General Do<strong>na</strong>ld Verrilli tells the<br />

justices in his brief.<br />

The dispute over the technology becoming<br />

ubiquitous on smartphones and vehicles could lead<br />

to a major decision regarding police tactics for<br />

decades to come.<br />

The case, involving a Washington, D.C., nightclub<br />

operator who was investigated in a<br />

cocaine-trafficking case, has drawn a dozen "friend<br />

of the court" briefs from an array of outside groups<br />

all but one opposing the federal government.<br />

Among those siding with the drug defendant, who<br />

was tracked for a month, is the Council on<br />

American-Islamic Relations, which says Muslim<br />

Americans have been increasingly subject to<br />

warrantless GPS surveillance, and Roger Easton,<br />

an inventor regarded by many as "the father of<br />

GPS."<br />

Other cases involving technology<br />

The following Supreme Court cases that involve<br />

police use of technology form the backdrop of the<br />

Nov. 8 dispute over the use of GPS tracking:<br />

•Katz v. United States, 1967: Establishing the<br />

Fourth Amendment standard that people are<br />

entitled to a “reaso<strong>na</strong>ble expectation of privacy”<br />

against electronic surveillance; the court ruled that<br />

the use of an electronic listening device attached to<br />

the outside of a public telephone booth, to gather<br />

information from a private conversation inside,<br />

constituted a “search,” requiring a warrant.<br />

•United States v. Knotts, 1983: Finding that a<br />

person riding in car on public streets has no<br />

reaso<strong>na</strong>ble expectation of privacy in any<br />

movements from one place to another; the court<br />

permitted police use of a beeper to follow a car on<br />

public roads.<br />

•United States v. Karo, 1984: Declaring that the use<br />

of a beeper to track information into a private<br />

residence — the device was used to track a can of<br />

ether — violated the Fourth Amendment.<br />

•Kyllo v. United States, 2001: Holding that officers’<br />

use of thermal imaging technology to detect heat<br />

radiating from within a home (where marijua<strong>na</strong> was<br />

being grown) was a “search” subject to the Fourth<br />

Amendment; that decision emphasized the sanctity<br />

of the home.<br />

By Joan Biskupic<br />

Lawyers for Easton, 90, and other GPS developers,<br />

say the tracking is done in such continuous and<br />

large-scale fashion that it defies comparisons to<br />

beepers and other electronic surveillance tactics<br />

previously reviewed by the high court.<br />

The one group siding with the federal government,<br />


the New York-based Center on the Administration<br />

of Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Law, points to the cost benefits of<br />

satellite surveillance in tough fi<strong>na</strong>ncial times. It says<br />

GPS surveillance requires fewer personnel hours<br />

and less cost than having agents physically follow<br />

someone.<br />

Anthony Barkow, the group's director, said in an<br />

interview that GPS surveillance is on the<br />

"constitutio<strong>na</strong>l" side because it reveals information<br />

that could be observed in public. Barkow<br />

acknowledged that "fear of Big Brother" could affect<br />

the justices, but he says that law enforcement<br />

should be able to take advantage of technology,<br />

within constitutio<strong>na</strong>l safeguards.<br />

The Justice Department is urging the high court to<br />

reinstate the drug-conspiracy conviction of Antoine<br />

Jones, who was tracked with a GPS device over<br />

four weeks in 2005.<br />

Federal agents, who had secretly put a GPS device<br />

on Jones' Jeep while it was in a public lot, used the<br />

evidence from Jones' travels to a stash house in<br />

Fort Washington, Md., to help win a conviction of<br />

conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Agents found large<br />

amounts of cocaine in the house and recovered<br />

about $70,000 from the Jeep.<br />

Solicitor General Verrilli is urging the high court to<br />

rely on its 1983 ruling in United States v. Knotts,<br />

which said the use of a beeper to track a suspect<br />

driving to a drug lab was not a search under the<br />

Fourth Amendment. Verrilli says the lower court<br />

hearing Jones' appeal wrongly abandoned a<br />

longstanding line between private information and<br />

information that is "exposed to the public," for<br />

example, on roadways.<br />

The lower court said, however, that a month of<br />

detailed tracking could not be considered "public" in<br />

the usual sense because it was unlikely anyone<br />

would actually have observed all of Jones' travels.<br />

Verrilli counters that information does not become<br />

"less public" simply because it is collected with in a<br />

more sophisticated technology.<br />

USA Today - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


The high court will also be looking at whether just<br />

the installation of the device violated Jones' rights.<br />

Justice Department lawyers say installing the GPS<br />

device was permitted because it didn't interfere with<br />

Jones' driving or take up any space inside the<br />

vehicle.<br />

Stephen Leckar, representing Jones, tells the<br />

justices in his brief that unrestrained GPS<br />

monitoring has become "a grave threat to<br />

expressive and political association, as well as to<br />

the perso<strong>na</strong>l privacy and security of every individual<br />

in the country."<br />

Leckar added in an interview, "I'm not saying the<br />

government can't tail you, but they can't track<br />

people relentlessly without a warrant. … Who wants<br />

to live in a totalitarian state when you're under<br />

constant electronic monitoring?"<br />

The U.S. government tells the justices that law<br />

enforcement has not been abusing GPS technology<br />

and it is not even in widespread police use. "If<br />

'dragnet' use of tracking technology" were to occur,<br />

Verrilli says, "its constitutio<strong>na</strong>l implications can be<br />

addressed at that time."<br />


USA Today - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Justice Stevens' memoir: Modest tone but pointed<br />

critiques<br />

By Joan Biskupic, USA TODAY<br />

WASHINGTON – For his nearly 35 years on the<br />

Supreme Court, Justice John Paul Stevens was<br />

never a scene stealer. As he gravitated toward the<br />

left, he was overshadowed by prominent liberals<br />

such as William Bren<strong>na</strong>n. Later, when he became<br />

the senior justice on the left and controlled the<br />

assignment of opinions, he often gave important<br />

cases to key colleagues.<br />

Stevens' observations also serve as a reminder, as<br />

the presidential season heats up, of how a single<br />

new justice can make the difference in the law of<br />

the land. Stevens writes that the 1991 retirement of<br />

liberal Thurgood Marshall and President George<br />

H.W. Bush's choice of conservative Clarence<br />

Thomas to succeed him "may well have been the<br />

most significant judicial event" of Rehnquist's<br />

tenure as chief justice.<br />

MORE: Full coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court<br />

Among the best criticisms in Five Chiefs: A<br />

Supreme Court Memoir are Stevens' objections to<br />

Rehnquist's positions against crimi<strong>na</strong>l defendants<br />

and decisions weakening the states' duty to comply<br />

with federal law. Stevens refers to Rehnquist<br />

opinions as "abysmal" and "simply wrong."<br />

Throughout the 1990s, Stevens was in dissent as a<br />

<strong>na</strong>rrow five-justice majority cut back on people's<br />

ability to sue states to enforce individual rights, for<br />

example, to obtain overtime wages due under<br />

federal labor law.<br />

"Like the gold stripes on his robes," Stevens<br />

observes in his book, "Chief Justice Rehnquist's<br />

writing about (state) sovereignty was ostentatious<br />

and more reflective of the ancient British mo<strong>na</strong>rchy<br />

than our modern republic."<br />

In a recent interview with USA TODAY, Stevens<br />

acknowledged that he was tough on Rehnquist, a<br />

fellow Midwesterner and Republican appointee who<br />

he counted as a friend. "He deserves it," Stevens<br />

said flatly.<br />

He said he did not think Rehnquist would have<br />

been surprised at his criticism. "I don't think there is<br />

anything in there that I didn't say to him perso<strong>na</strong>lly,"<br />

said Stevens, who retired last year and was<br />

succeeded by Ele<strong>na</strong> Kagan. Rehnquist died in<br />

September 2005.<br />

The switch of Thomas for Marshall transformed the<br />

court, Stevens said, including on civil rights, federal<br />

authority over the states and gun control. He points<br />

to a <strong>na</strong>rrow majority's 1997 invalidation of a<br />

requirement in the Brady Handgun Violence<br />

Prevention Act that local police make background<br />

checks of prospective buyers of handguns.<br />

At the time of that 1997 decision, Stevens' referred<br />

in his dissent to the importance of <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

responses to local emergencies, and he added in<br />

his book, "I often wonder whether the tragic events<br />

of 9/11 have given members of the majority any<br />

second thoughts about the wisdom of their<br />

decision."<br />

In the interview, Stevens said, "On all the key<br />

cases, where Clarence was one of the five (to make<br />

the majority), Thurgood surely would have voted<br />

the other way. That was the most significant thing<br />

that happened to the court during that period."<br />

Stevens also acknowledged that he went relatively<br />

easy in his book on current Chief Justice John<br />

Roberts. "He's a young man and he has a long way<br />

to go," said Stevens, 91, of Roberts, 56.<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Japan not safe for meeting with panel: ex-Olympus<br />

CEO<br />

By Sumio Ito and Reiji Murai<br />

TOKYO (Reuters) - The ex-CEO of Japan's<br />

Olympus Corp said on Wednesday he wanted to<br />

meet investigators appointed to probe a scandal<br />

engulfing the firm, but added it would not be safe<br />

for him to travel to Japan.<br />

Briton Michael Woodford, whose sacking and<br />

revelations about irregular deals and payments<br />

exposed the scandal, said he would meet the<br />

company-appointed panel of investigators in<br />

London, New York or Singapore.<br />

"I think there are security issues in relation to<br />

Japan," Woodford told Reuters in a phone interview<br />

from Britain. "They only have to get on a plane."<br />

Woodford did not explain his concerns but the<br />

scandal has raised fears -- denied by Olympus -that<br />

the deals could be linked to "anti-social forces",<br />

a euphemism in Japan for organized crime.<br />

Olympus has been under intense pressure to<br />

explain deals that have rattled confidence in the<br />

92-year-old company and wiped out half its market<br />

value.<br />

The company has repeatedly denied any<br />

wrongdoing. Woodford raised alarm bells over the<br />

deals publicly after he was sacked on October 14<br />

just two weeks into the job of CEO.<br />

This week the endoscope and camera maker set up<br />

a panel of six men to investigate the deals, which<br />

include the world's most generous advisory fee of<br />

$687 million, mostly paid to an obscure Cayman<br />

Islands firm.<br />

In a sign of concern the scandal may hurt investor<br />

confidence in Japan, the ruling Democratic Party<br />

plans to set up its own panel to debate improving<br />

corporate gover<strong>na</strong>nce and disclosure, a senior<br />

party official said on Wednesday.<br />

At the center of the scandal is the 2008 acquisition<br />

of British medical equipment maker Gyrus for $2.2<br />

billion that involved an advisory fee of $687 million,<br />

about a third of the buying price and way above the<br />

industry standard of around 1 percent.<br />

The Olympus panel will also focus on the<br />

acquisition of three firms in Japan that Olympus,<br />

under chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa's decade-long<br />

reign at the company, later largely wrote off.<br />

Woodford has brought the deals to the attention of<br />

regulators in Britain, Japan and the United States.<br />

Olympus' chairman has resigned over the<br />

revelations.<br />

The panel's chief, Tatsuo Kai<strong>na</strong>ka, said earlier on<br />

Wednesday the body would need at least a month<br />

before it could report its findings.<br />

Kai<strong>na</strong>ka, a former supreme court justice who earlier<br />

this year headed a probe of Japan's No.2 bank,<br />

Mizuho Fi<strong>na</strong>ncial Group, told Reuters the panel had<br />

"a wealth of experience".<br />

A review in 2009 commissioned by Olympus'<br />

auditing board cleared ma<strong>na</strong>gement of misconduct<br />

in the now-controversial acquisition of the three<br />

Japanese firms.<br />


Adding to the heat on the company, a Japanese<br />

investor threatened to file a shareholder suit against<br />

the ma<strong>na</strong>gers responsible for the deals, in what<br />

would be the first legal action over the acquisitions.<br />

Seeking to assure skeptical investors, Olympus has<br />

said no one on the all-Japanese panel had any<br />

previous association with the company.<br />

Still, some a<strong>na</strong>lysts said the company will need to<br />

go further to provide reassurance about the integrity<br />

of the panel's role, while Woodford said he had<br />

reservations.<br />

"The material will be fed and filtered by Olympus,<br />

they need forensic accountants to report to the<br />

committee because you don't want Olympus to<br />

provide the data, you want accountants to provide<br />

the data," the Briton said.<br />

Corporate gover<strong>na</strong>nce expert Nicholas Benes,<br />

head of the Board Director Training Institute of<br />

Japan, said it was important for Olympus to show<br />

the committee had free rein in its investigation<br />

"What exactly is the brief of the committee -- this<br />

should be painted crystal clear on the website of<br />

Olympus. I don't see that here," he said. "If the<br />

committee does what needs to be done it is not<br />

going to look good for half or more of the board -there<br />

is no way it can."<br />

The group, besides Kai<strong>na</strong>ka, includes lawyers and<br />

an accountant with experience investigating<br />

gover<strong>na</strong>nce at a bank, power company and<br />


consumer electronics maker.<br />

It includes Hideki Nakagome, a retired judge who<br />

served on a panel investigating Tokyo Electric<br />

Power's nuclear accident at its Fukushima plant.<br />

Also <strong>na</strong>med was ex-prosecutor Tomoyoshi Arita<br />

and two lawyers from private practice, Eiji<br />

Katayama and Osamu Sudo. The latter chaired a<br />

group investigating JVC Kenwood Corp, which last<br />

year was forced to issue a warning about its status<br />

as a going concern. Katsuaki Takiguchi, an<br />

accountant, rounds off the panel.<br />

Katayama, Sudo, Kai<strong>na</strong>ka and Nakagome have not<br />

handled cases involving mergers and acquisitions,<br />

legal filings from legal publisher Westlaw Japan's<br />

database show.<br />

The head of the Tokyo Stock Exchange on Friday<br />

criticized Olympus ma<strong>na</strong>gement for its handling of<br />

the crisis and warned that it risked legal action from<br />

Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


shareholders unless the probe was truly<br />

independent.<br />

(Writing by Tim Kelly, Tomasz Janowski and Mark<br />

Bendeich; Editing by Neil Fullick and Dean Yates)<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - New, 02 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Court rules WikiLeaks' Assange should be extradited<br />

LONDON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks' founder Julian<br />

Assange, whose activities have angered the U.S.<br />

government, should be sent to Sweden from Britain<br />

to face questioning over alleged sex crimes, the<br />

High Court ruled Wednesday, rejecting his appeal<br />

against extradition.<br />

Swedish authorities want to question the<br />

40-year-old over accusations of rape and sexual<br />

assault made by two female former WikiLeaks<br />

volunteers.<br />

Assange now has two weeks to consider whether to<br />

make a fi<strong>na</strong>l appeal to the Supreme Court.<br />

However, any recourse to Britain's highest judicial<br />

body can only be made on a point of law<br />

considered by judges to be of general public<br />

interest, so permission to appeal must be obtained<br />

first from the High Court.<br />

"We will be considering our next steps in the days<br />

ahead," Assange said in an uncharacteristically<br />

short statement afterwards.<br />

Wearing a smart <strong>na</strong>vy blue suit and sporting a<br />

Remembrance Day poppy in his lapel, the<br />

Australian computer expert listened intently during<br />

the 10-minute hearing but showed no emotion as<br />

the result was read out.<br />

He was hugged and kissed by a female supporter<br />

after the hearing while banners fixed to the court<br />

railings outside proclaimed him to be a "casualty of<br />

war and truth."<br />

He was mobbed by supporters on his arrival and<br />

when he left court Wednesday, waving and smiling<br />

when an anti-capitalist protester from a camp<br />

outside St Paul's Cathedral shouted out he had<br />

their backing.<br />

Assange was arrested in Britain 11 months ago and<br />

has since been living under strict bail conditions at<br />

the country estate of a wealthy supporter.<br />

He denies any wrongdoing, saying the case is<br />

politically motivated, possibly at the direction of<br />

U.S. officials angry over WikiLeaks' release of<br />

secret State Department and Pentagon documents.<br />

Swedish prosecutors say their case has nothing to<br />

do with his whistle-blowing website.<br />

In 2010 WikiLeaks posted 391,832 secret<br />

documents on the Iraq war and 77,000 classified<br />

Pentagon documents on the Afghan conflict. It has<br />

also made available about 250,000 individual<br />

cables -- the daily traffic between the State<br />

Department and more than 270 American<br />

diplomatic outposts around the world.<br />

Assange's lawyers have argued the Swedish<br />

demand is legally flawed and that the sex was<br />

consensual.<br />

A lawyer for the women in Sweden making the<br />

allegations criticised the High Court for having<br />

taken months to reach its verdict.<br />

"This decision was exactly what I expected, but I<br />

am very critical about the fact that it has taken the<br />

High Court such a long time, from July," said Claes<br />

Borgstrom.<br />

Last month, Assange, an Australian citizen, said<br />

WikiLeaks would stop publishing secret cables and<br />

devote itself instead to fund-raising because of a<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncial block on payments to the site by U.S. firms<br />

such as Visa and MasterCard.<br />

He said if the block was not ended by the turn of<br />

the year, WikiLeaks would not be able to continue.<br />

(Editing by Janet Lawrence)<br />


Bloomberg - World View, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Culture War Ens<strong>na</strong>res a Beloved Indian Epic:<br />

Choudhury<br />

Returning to New Delhi early last month, after two<br />

weeks on the road without much exercise, I passed<br />

my neighborhood park (where 10 laps every<br />

evening provide the reflective state of mind and the<br />

adre<strong>na</strong>lin that lead to columns such as this one)<br />

and realized there would be no run for me that day.<br />

It was the festival of Dussehra -- the day on which<br />

the victory of the godly king Rama of Ayodhya over<br />

his 10-headed antagonist Rava<strong>na</strong> of Lanka, and<br />

indeed of Good over Evil, is celebrated across<br />

India. In the middle of my park towered three<br />

effigies, each 40 feet high, of the bloodthirsty<br />

Rava<strong>na</strong>, to be burnt to ashes that evening like<br />

hundreds of other effigies across the city. As dusk<br />

fell, the streets of my neighborhood filled with<br />

hundreds of visitors, mostly families resplendent in<br />

festival finery, the children wearing red horns and<br />

piping on whistles and bugles, rippling with<br />

pleasure at the prospect of the shared <strong>na</strong>rrative and<br />

spectacle that would soon unfold in front of them.<br />

The story and the tradition in which millions of my<br />

countrymen were participating on Oct. 6 might be<br />

called the Rama katha (the word in many Indian<br />

languages for "story"), one of the oldest legends of<br />

the subcontinent and still the most popular,<br />

containing hundreds of archetypes, symbols,<br />

metaphors and proverbs that undergird Indian<br />

beliefs and ethical and philosophical ideas. The<br />

story is one of our greatest oral traditions and<br />

creates, as with many such <strong>na</strong>rratives handed<br />

down from one generation to another, a sense of<br />

the telescoping of time that allows people to speak<br />

of Rama and the events of his life as if they<br />

occurred in the recent past, not in the mists of<br />

mythological time.<br />

But there is also a textual genealogy to the<br />

tradition, which takes the form of various <strong>na</strong>rrations<br />

of the story in the Indian languages, many of them<br />

in dialogue with the version considered the ur-text,<br />

the enormous Ramaya<strong>na</strong> (about 50,000 lines of<br />

verse) composed in Sanskrit, the root and<br />

precursor of many modern Indian languages, by the<br />

sage Valmiki around the fifth century BC. In a<br />

preface to the most recent scholarly edition of<br />

Valmiki's text in English translation, the Indian<br />

economist and public intellectual Amartya Sen<br />

gives a sense of the story's power and geographical<br />

reach:<br />

The spread [of the Rama story across space and<br />

time] was, however, accompanied by many distinct<br />

transformations, some minor, some quite major [...]<br />

Within India there is a huge dichotomy, involving<br />

serious differences between the Northern and<br />

Southern versions. There are differences even<br />

between Northeastern variants and Northwestern<br />

ones, all in Sanskrit. As the Rāmāya<strong>na</strong> gets<br />

translated into the later Indian languages, Hindi,<br />

Tamil, Kan<strong>na</strong>da, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, and<br />

others, the <strong>na</strong>rrative takes again many different<br />

turns. And there were particular variants seen from<br />

different perspectives, for example that of women,<br />

rather than men. And as the Rāmāya<strong>na</strong> spread<br />

abroad, also like wild fire, with translations and<br />

adaptations across the eastern world, with<br />

Rāmāya<strong>na</strong> stories circulating in An<strong>na</strong>mese,<br />

Balinese, Cambodian, Javanese, Khotanese,<br />

Laotian, Malayan, Sinhalese, Thai, Tibetan, and<br />

others, we get a huge cluster of generically linked<br />

but partially divergent <strong>na</strong>rratives.<br />

To the Rama story's many traditio<strong>na</strong>l versions<br />

across languages and cultures, we may add a<br />

modern one, again with a constituency mainly in<br />

north India, which has many towns and rivers<br />

<strong>na</strong>med in the Valmiki Ramaya<strong>na</strong> and believes itself<br />

uniquely connected to the epic through this "sacred<br />

geography." This is the idea of a political, martial<br />

Rama, returning to redeem Hinduism from the<br />

margi<strong>na</strong>lization it has suffered at the hands of the<br />

secular Indian republic put in place after<br />

Independence, as well as the violence inflicted by<br />

Islamic invaders over the last millennium. This<br />

Rama seems to want to unite all Hindus politically<br />

(though usually upper-caste Hindus in practice) in<br />

an effort to assert the domi<strong>na</strong>nce of "Hindu<br />

civilization" in multi-faith, multicultural modern India.<br />

Rama as a political symbol is central to the idiom<br />

and political program of the main opposition party in<br />

Parliament, the Bharatiya Ja<strong>na</strong>ta Party (BJP),<br />

which orchestrated in 1992, with the support of<br />

various militant Hindu groups, the bringing down of<br />

the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya, on the grounds that<br />

it had been constructed by the Mughal emperor<br />

Babur on the site where Rama was thought to have<br />

been born, and deserved to be replaced with a new<br />

Ram temple. Indeed, the BJP often speaks of its<br />

ideal of government as "Ram Rajya," which would<br />

be modeled on an order that prevailed during the<br />

time of Rama. In the last three decades, the BJP,<br />

along with the mass media -- particularly in the form<br />

of a vastly popular television version telecast on<br />

India's <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l channel Doordarshan in the late<br />

1980s -- have done a great deal to homogenize the<br />

public understanding of story of Rama, privileging<br />

the versions of the story produced by Valmiki and<br />

by the 16th-century poet-saint Tulsidas in his<br />

Ramacharitama<strong>na</strong>s. The dangers of this reduction<br />


of a widely circulated story to the authority supplied<br />

by one or two texts have been pointed out by<br />

historians such as Romila Thapar in a perceptive<br />

essay from 1989 titled "The Ramaya<strong>na</strong> Syndrome."<br />

This is the context of a controversial and deplorable<br />

recent decision by Delhi University, the country's<br />

leading institution, to excise from its history syllabus<br />

an essay by the Indian scholar of classics AK<br />

Ramanujan called "Three Hundred Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s."<br />

Ramanujan's scholarly text would be intriguing and<br />

even insightful to anyone who recognizes a secular<br />

right to inquire into the origins and variants of<br />

religious tradition. The ruckus was first raised by<br />

the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the youth<br />

wing of the BJP, in 2008, when it vandalized Delhi<br />

University's History Department in real or<br />

cooked-up outrage over the essay.<br />

The protesters claimed that the essay, which treats<br />

the many different versions of the Ramaya<strong>na</strong><br />

circulating in the subcontinent as "tellings" without<br />

privileging a particular one as authoritative,<br />

circulates many untruths about the Ramaya<strong>na</strong> and<br />

is offensive to Hindus. It is easy to see how the<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong> knowledge in Ramanujan's text -- for<br />

example, that in some versions, the villain Rava<strong>na</strong><br />

is really a kind of tragic hero, and that in one he is<br />

even, unknown to himself, the father of Sita, the<br />

woman whom he lusts after and abducts -- would<br />

seem heretical to those who would regard the<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong> not as story but as scripture. A sentence<br />

like "When we enter the world of Jain tellings, the<br />

Rama story no longer carries Hindu values" would<br />

inflame someone who sees the story as a vessel of<br />

idealized Hindu values: Rama's nobility and ideal of<br />

dharma or right conduct, Sita's famed chastity, the<br />

monkey-god Hanuman's sacrifice and devotion.<br />

In voting 111 to 9 to delete the text from the<br />

syllabus, then, Delhi University's Academic Council<br />

was, in an atmosphere of violence, intimidation and<br />

unreason, choosing to take the path of least<br />

resistance. Perhaps it reasoned that the backlash<br />

from the excision of the essay, which would be<br />

widespread but nonviolent, would be preferable to<br />

another round of vigilante justice from hotheads<br />

who would be able to frame the debate in such a<br />

way that they would have a groundswell of popular<br />

support.<br />

The university practically ensured the veto for<br />

Ramanujan's text by allowing for a referendum on<br />

the matter in the first place, when it should have<br />

stood its right to teach the syllabus it had origi<strong>na</strong>lly<br />

prescribed. One might say the Council, when faced<br />

with a vote, was being quite pragmatic. The ideas<br />

of humanistic inquiry and free speech are<br />

insufficiently grounded in Indian public life, and very<br />

few spaces -- even classrooms -- are free of the<br />

Bloomberg - World View, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


weight and creeping pressure of religious belief.<br />

The evidence for this might be found not just in the<br />

youth wing's charmless and intimidating approach,<br />

but even in the report of the four-member academic<br />

committee appointed by the Supreme Court to<br />

look into the matter. The one dissenting member of<br />

the committee argued that he was skeptical that<br />

students -- even students of history -- would be able<br />

to tolerate the relativization of what many<br />

considered a sacred text, and further that teaching<br />

it was "likely to become more difficult in the case of<br />

a non-Hindu teacher."<br />

Meanwhile, the protestors were ignoring Hinduism's<br />

own tradition of honoring pluralism, opting instead<br />

for the gesture of a more modern believer, that of<br />

competitive religious chauvinism against the<br />

common enemy of secularists and "leftists." This<br />

was clear from a press conference held by the<br />

BJP's youth wing after Ramanujan's text was<br />

elimi<strong>na</strong>ted. Ragini Bhuyan of the Sunday Guardian<br />

reported, in a piece called "Ramanujan and the<br />

Ramaya<strong>na</strong>":<br />

Chahal [a youth group functio<strong>na</strong>ry] argued that the<br />

world erupted in protest when cartoons of Prophet<br />

Muhammad were published by a Danish<br />

newspaper. Christian organisations also protested<br />

against the portrayal of the Vatican in Dan Brown's<br />

worldwide bestselling thriller, The Da Vinci Code.<br />

Chahal went on to cite the example of the professor<br />

in Kerala who wrote a question in an exam paper<br />

referring to Prophet Muhammad, and who suffered<br />

the horrific fate of having his hands cut off. The<br />

inference was clear: other religions don't tolerate it,<br />

so why should Hindus?<br />

The press conference also brought to light some<br />

undercurrents in this battle. The press release<br />

[circulated by the organizations involved with the<br />

protest] says, "It is a well-known tactic of the<br />

Leftists to attack deep-rooted religious beliefs of<br />

Hindus." [...] Dr Awasthy claimed at the press<br />

conference that "these historians are all Left wing.<br />

This is a conspiracy by the Left." ... [The] press<br />

release also asks "Whether the same historians will<br />

recommend [sic] a <strong>na</strong>rrative by Salman Rushdie as<br />

a compulsory text for the study of the Quran or<br />

Islam?"<br />

And in one of the best responses to the<br />

controversy, the jour<strong>na</strong>list Hartosh Singh Bal<br />

offered the big picture:<br />

The ideological route from the Babri Masjid to the<br />

removal of this essay is clear. If Rama is to be a<br />

historic perso<strong>na</strong>ge, if the Ramaya<strong>na</strong> is to be<br />

history, then there cannot be many tellings, there<br />

cannot be many Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s, there cannot be many<br />

Ramas.<br />


In a biting essay in The Telegraph, the historian<br />

Mukul Kesavan cited a poem by Ramanujan that<br />

would have served as an account of this unsavory<br />

episode:<br />

A part of Ramanujan’s oeuvre is a sharp poem<br />

called “Some Indian Uses of History on a Rainy<br />

Day”. The poem tells the story of an Indian<br />

professor of Sanskrit making his way around Berlin<br />

in 1935, u<strong>na</strong>ble to make sense of the city or its<br />

German signs till familiar symbols, a “gothic lotus<br />

on an iron gate” and “the swastika on the<br />

neighbour’s arm” give him a fleeting, spurious<br />

sense of home. A university’s academic guardians<br />

must know that there have been attempts in other<br />

times and places to fabricate an authorized past, to<br />

speak for an authentically Indo-European people, to<br />

concoct an ‘Aryan’ canon. Ramanujan’s essay is an<br />

intellectual antidote to projects such as these, it is a<br />

text that revels in the incredible diversity of our epic<br />

<strong>na</strong>rratives.<br />

I can only imagine that the vice-chancellor and the<br />

academic council made an honest mistake, that,<br />

prompted by a misplaced sense of prudence or<br />

superabundant caution, they offered “Three<br />

Hundred Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s” at the altar of a lumpen god,<br />

hoping to appease it. It won’t, of course: this god is<br />

insatiable. Instead of pandering to unreason, the<br />

university should be true to itself, stand its ground<br />

and reinstate Ramanujan.<br />

Even as some aspects of India's vibrant Ramaya<strong>na</strong><br />

tradition are, as Kesavan says, being sacrificed, the<br />

country's rich traditions of renewal and<br />

reinterpretation of the Rama katha continue in a<br />

parallel universe. Two excellent contributions to this<br />

tradition in English have appeared in the last six<br />

months. "Sita's Ramaya<strong>na</strong>," a graphic novel by the<br />

writer Samhita Arni and the folk artist Moy<strong>na</strong><br />

Chitrakar, is <strong>na</strong>rrated from the perspective of Sita<br />

and not Rama, and was recently on the New York<br />

Times bestseller list. "Lost Loves: Exploring Rama's<br />

Anguish" is a book by the scholar and Ramaya<strong>na</strong><br />

translator Arshia Sattar about the relationship<br />

between Rama and Sita, and their respective<br />

dilemmas after she is abducted by Rava<strong>na</strong>.<br />

Bloomberg - World View, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Sattar's book, one can safely assume, would also<br />

be attacked by the censorious religious right if it<br />

made its way onto a university syllabus. But in truth,<br />

it makes Rama come alive by making his problems<br />

come alive in all their moral complexity, holding that<br />

we can best understand the story only when we are<br />

furthest "from the all-encompassing bhakti universe<br />

[universe of devotion] that renders Rama's deeds<br />

unquestio<strong>na</strong>ble and beyond reproach." One might<br />

say that some of India's self-appointed guardians of<br />

knowledge and culture, breathing fire and hatred<br />

like the cardboard villain Rava<strong>na</strong> of their<br />

black-and-white Ramaya<strong>na</strong>, have in this particular<br />

episode successfully come between Ramanujan<br />

and university students. But it will be much harder<br />

for them to wedge themselves between India and<br />

its many Ramaya<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

(Chandrahas Choudhury, a novelist, is the New<br />

Delhi correspondent for the World View blog. The<br />

opinions expressed are his own.)<br />

To contact the author of this blog post: Chandrahas<br />

Choudhury at chandrahas.choudhury@gmail.com<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this post: Max<br />

Berley at mberley@bloomberg.net<br />


Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Abortion Ban Republicans Favor May Be Deadly in<br />

Latin America<br />

Latin America, home to the world’s strictest abortion<br />

laws, may hold lessons for U.S. Republican<br />

presidential hopefuls who advocate a ban on the<br />

practice.<br />

A consequence of the laws, whatever the moral<br />

arguments, is that Latin American women have<br />

more “unsafe” abortions per capita than women in<br />

any other region, according to the World Health<br />

Organization. An estimated 900 women died in<br />

2008 from unsafe abortions in Central and South<br />

America, says a 2008 WHO report. The actual<br />

number may be higher because not all illegal<br />

abortions are reported, the study says.<br />

Strict abortion laws “consistently generate poor<br />

physical health outcomes, resulting in deaths,” the<br />

United Nations Human Rights Council Special<br />

Rapporteur on health, A<strong>na</strong>nd Grover, told the<br />

General Assembly on Oct. 24.<br />

Almost four decades after the Supreme Court’s<br />

Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in the<br />

U.S., calling for its overturn is a political litmus test<br />

in Republican presidential primaries. In declaring<br />

his opposition to abortion with “no exceptions,”<br />

businessman Herman Cain has stated the best<br />

anti-abortion position among the current<br />

front-runners, including former Massachusetts<br />

Governor Mitt Romney and Texas Governor Rick<br />

Perry.<br />

Cain said Oct. 30, on CBS’s “Face the Nation”<br />

broadcast, that he opposes abortion even in cases<br />

of rape, incest or when the life of the mother is at<br />

stake. That followed earlier remarks on CNN’s<br />

“Piers Morgan Tonight,” which drew attacks from<br />

his rivals when he said abortion should be illegal,<br />

but it may be a family’s or mother’s decision what to<br />

do. ‘100 Percent Pro-Life’<br />

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum<br />

similarly supports a no-exceptions approach, and<br />

has said he favors prosecuting doctors who perform<br />

abortions.<br />

When asked whether she supports exceptions<br />

during a June 13 Republican presidential primary<br />

debate, Minnesota Representative Michele<br />

Bachmann said she is “100 percent pro-life” and<br />

that “the very few cases that deal with those<br />

exceptions are the very tiniest of fraction of cases<br />

and yet they get all the attention.”<br />

In Latin America, Nicaragua and the Dominican<br />

Republic have joined Chile, El Salvador and<br />

Honduras in making abortion -- even to save the<br />

mother’s life -- a crime that carries a prison<br />

sentence.<br />

The strict laws in Latin America haven’t stopped<br />

abortion and, in some cases, have interfered with<br />

life-saving medical procedures for women. Afraid to<br />

Intervene<br />

In Nicaragua, where a complete ban was passed in<br />

2006, psychologist Marta Maria Blandón recounts<br />

the case of a married young woman carrying her<br />

first child, who sought treatment for acute stomach<br />

pains. She died in a hospital bed because doctors,<br />

afraid to intervene, ordered more tests when a<br />

therapeutic abortion would have saved her life,<br />

according to Blandón.<br />

Ipas, an inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l women’s advocacy group with<br />

an office in Ma<strong>na</strong>gua, estimates that at least 100<br />

women in Nicaragua have died in the past five<br />

years as a result of the law because health<br />

authorities didn’t perform abortion when atypical<br />

preg<strong>na</strong>ncies put the mothers’ lives in danger.<br />

The American Life League, an anti-abortion group,<br />

says on its website that “the use of the term<br />

‘therapeutic’ is another pro-abortion attempt to<br />

sanitize a repulsive act.”<br />

Anti-abortion activists such as Magaly Llaguno, who<br />

led the Latin American operations of Human Life<br />

Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l until last year, dispute that there is a<br />

link between a legal ban and high death rates. They<br />

point to Ireland and Poland as countries with<br />

restrictive laws that are among the world’s lowest<br />

mater<strong>na</strong>l mortality rates. Link Disputed<br />

They cite a 2010 Chilean study which, using data<br />

from 1960 to 2007, found mater<strong>na</strong>l deaths dropped<br />

88 percent since the country made abortions illegal<br />

without exception in 1989. Deaths peaked in 1961,<br />

when abortion in special instances was still allowed.<br />

Blandón counters that the decline reflects advances<br />

in medicine and hygienic conditions in Chile, and<br />

said that closer exami<strong>na</strong>tion of mortality data for<br />

instances where women have problematic<br />

preg<strong>na</strong>ncies would paint a different picture.<br />

Abortion-rights activists also note that Chile is one<br />

of the region’s richest economies, meaning women<br />

have better access to health care. They may be<br />

able to afford to travel elsewhere to termi<strong>na</strong>te a<br />

preg<strong>na</strong>ncy or get black-market access to the<br />

abortion drug misoprostol, reducing the use of<br />


surgical abortions and other methods with higher<br />

health risks.<br />

U.S. Shift<br />

Aspiring Republican presidential candidates have<br />

ratcheted up their anti-abortion advocacy as U.S.<br />

public opinion is shifting to being slightly less<br />

favorable toward abortion rights, according to Clyde<br />

Wilcox of Georgetown University in Washington,<br />

author of “Between Two Absolutes: Public Opinion<br />

and the Politics of Abortion.”<br />

Still, fewer than one in four Americans support a<br />

no- exceptions policy. A Gallup Poll conducted in<br />

May found 22 percent of respondents said that<br />

abortion should be illegal under all circumstances,<br />

up from 15 percent in 2006. Seventy- seven<br />

percent said abortion should always or sometimes<br />

be legal, down from 83 percent in May 2006.<br />

In Latin America, abortion is an issue that draws on<br />

b emotions and is used as a political card in heavily<br />

Roman Catholic <strong>na</strong>tions.<br />

“Elections are a crucial time when politicians have<br />

learned that to speak against abortion is going to<br />

make them look good and make the bishops<br />

happy,” said Blandón, Central American director of<br />

Ipas, in an Oct. 18 telephone interview. Emergency<br />

Contraception<br />

In Chile, abortion was allowed for medical purposes<br />

until 1989, just before the end of the Pinochet<br />

regime. Then in a gesture to pacify the church, the<br />

dictator elimi<strong>na</strong>ted the possibility of legal abortion,<br />

even for therapeutic purposes.<br />

As Chile’s first female president from 2006 to 2010,<br />

Michelle Bachelet tried to provide free morning-after<br />

pills to women aged 14 or older in a bid to make<br />

emergency contraception more available to poorer<br />

Chileans. It was a controversial move that drew<br />

angry protests and was struck down by the<br />

Constitutio<strong>na</strong>l Tribu<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Bachelet, a feminist and a doctor who went on to<br />

become the first head of the United Nations’ agency<br />

for women, never attempted to legalize abortion in<br />

the deeply Catholic country. Bachelet, via her UN<br />

office, declined to comment.<br />

In Nicaragua, opposition to abortion pays political<br />

dividends. Daniel Ortega, the former leader of the<br />

Sandinista revolution who governed between 1979<br />

and 1990, returned to power by backing a blanket<br />

ban on abortion that the incumbent government<br />

passed in the run-up to 2006 elections.<br />

Transformed View<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Ortega, an advocate of abortion rights in the 1980s,<br />

underwent a transformation after losing three<br />

elections and facing a sex scandal when his<br />

stepdaughter accused him of abusing her as a<br />

child. He denied the allegations and the case never<br />

went to trial.<br />

The Marxist revolutio<strong>na</strong>ry turned devout Catholic is<br />

now seeking a third term in a Nov. 6 vote with a<br />

slogan that reads: “Christian, Socialist and<br />

Solidarity.”<br />

The extent of illegal abortions in Latin America is<br />

difficult to gauge. Women are reluctant to admit to<br />

an induced abortion, especially when it is illegal,<br />

meaning that many cases remain unreported.<br />

“The only thing the legality of abortion affects is<br />

whether it’s safe,” said Marianne Mollman, author of<br />

“Over Their Dead Bodies,” a 2007 report for New<br />

York-based Human Rights Watch on the impact of<br />

the ban on Nicaraguan women.<br />

In Chile, with a population of 16 million, there may<br />

be as many as 160,000 clandestine abortions each<br />

year, according to a 2008 editorial in the Chilean<br />

Gynecology and Obstetrics Review by the<br />

magazine’s editor, Enrique Donoso. Uncounted<br />

Women<br />

It is almost impossible to know the actual number of<br />

women killed by back-street abortions or<br />

complications from self- initiated efforts to end an<br />

unwanted preg<strong>na</strong>ncy.<br />

In Latin America, the annual number of unsafe<br />

abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44 is higher<br />

than any other region, including Africa, according to<br />

the 2008 WHO report. In Western Europe, where<br />

most countries permit abortions, the unsafe<br />

abortion rate was “negligible,” while in Latin<br />

America it was about 31 per thousand, the report<br />

said. For Africa, which had a much higher overall<br />

number of abortions, the population-adjusted rate<br />

was 28 per thousand.<br />

WHO defines unsafe abortion as a procedure by<br />

people without the necessary skills or in an<br />

environment that doesn’t meet minimum medical<br />

standards. Abortion Pill<br />

“Despite large numbers of unsafe abortions, the risk<br />

of death associated with unsafe abortion is low at<br />

an average of 10 per 100,000 live births in Latin<br />

America and the Caribbean,” versus 40 for<br />

developing countries overall, according to the 2008<br />

WHO report.<br />

A 2006 study, published in The Lancet medical<br />

jour<strong>na</strong>l, said that the introduction of the<br />


abortion-inducing drug misoprostol, supplanting<br />

some surgical abortions, is “one of the most<br />

significant factors” in reducing hospital admissions<br />

for abortion complications. The report looked at<br />

estimated abortion- related hospital admissions in<br />

13 developing countries, including Chile.<br />

Improving access to sex education, contraception<br />

and health care are the most effective ways of<br />

reducing abortions, Mollman said.<br />

Women’s rights activists want the experience of<br />

Latin American women to serve as a cautio<strong>na</strong>ry<br />

lesson for U.S. politicians. Blandón recounts the<br />

case of a woman in Nicaragua who was carrying a<br />

baby with anencephaly, a fatal defect in which<br />

major parts of the brain are missing. The woman<br />

was required to carry the child to birth by the<br />

doctors, who told her not to worry because the<br />

money she had set aside for a cradle could be used<br />

to buy a coffin.<br />

-- With assistance from Sebastian Boyd in<br />

Santiago. Editors: Terry Atlas, Jim Rubin.<br />

Bloomberg - Perso<strong>na</strong>l Fi<strong>na</strong>nce, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


To contact the reporters on this story: Flavia<br />

Krause-Jackson at the United Nations at<br />

fjackson@bloomberg.net Caroline Alexander in<br />

London at calexander1@bloomberg.net;<br />

To contact the editors responsible for this story:<br />

Mark Silva at msilva34@bloomberg.net; Andrew J.<br />

Barden at barden@bloomberg.net Tweet More<br />

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Bloomberg - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Visa, MasterCard See Potential $4B Settlement<br />

Visa Inc. (V) and MasterCard Inc. (MA), the world’s<br />

biggest payment networks, put any potential<br />

settlement of price-fixing litigation by merchants at<br />

about $4 billion.<br />

MasterCard “extrapolated an estimate of a<br />

reaso<strong>na</strong>bly possible loss of at least $500 million if<br />

there is a negotiated settlement with all plaintiffs,”<br />

MasterCard Chief Executive Officer Ajaypal S.<br />

Banga said on an earnings conference call with<br />

investors today.<br />

In February, Visa, MasterCard and the banks being<br />

sued by merchants over swipe fees, or interchange,<br />

agreed that San Francisco-based Visa would be<br />

responsible for two-thirds of any settlement and<br />

Purchase, New York-based MasterCard would be<br />

responsible for about one-eighth. Visa has a<br />

litigation escrow account with $2.7 billion in cash<br />

available, it said in a regulatory filing. Those figures<br />

put a potential settlement at $4 billion.<br />

The opposing parties today argued before U.S.<br />

District Judge John Gleeson in Brooklyn, New York,<br />

on why he should rule in their favor without the<br />

need of a trial in the antitrust litigation, begun in<br />

2005.<br />

Banga didn’t say that any settlement was imminent,<br />

either in the class action or in suits brought by<br />

individual merchants including Publix Super<br />

Markets Inc. (PUSH), the Lakeland, Florida-based<br />

supermarket chain, and Rite Aid Corp. (RAD), the<br />

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania-based drugstore chain.<br />

‘Substantial Progress’<br />

“While we’ve made substantial progress with the<br />

individual merchant plaintiffs, there has not been<br />

similar progress with the class plaintiffs,” he said.<br />

“At this time, it is not possible to put an upper limit<br />

on this loss due to the significantly higher demands<br />

by the class plaintiffs, which are u<strong>na</strong>cceptable to<br />

MasterCard.”<br />

The merchants estimate damages in the case “will<br />

range in the tens of billions of dollars,” according to<br />

their complaint.<br />

Visa and MasterCard argued they and banks<br />

including JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), Bank of<br />

America Corp. (BAC) and Citigroup Inc. (C) can’t be<br />

accused of a conspiracy because the merchants<br />

don’t directly pay the interchange fees on<br />

payment-card purchases.<br />

They also argued that the accusations are covered<br />

by a settlement in previous litigation and that the<br />

payment-card operators are now public companies,<br />

which set the fees themselves, rather than joint<br />

ventures of the banks.<br />

The interchange fees on credit cards, which<br />

average about 2 percent of the purchase price, add<br />

up to $40 billion a year for retailers, not including<br />

debit cards. ‘Result of Competition’<br />

“The level of interchange is not the result of any<br />

anticompetitive conduct,” Peter E. Greene, a lawyer<br />

for JPMorgan, told Gleeson today. “That level is the<br />

result of competition.”<br />

Greene is a partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate,<br />

Meagher & Flom LLP in New York.<br />

“The defendants’ rules and interchange fees<br />

increase merchants’ costs to accepting payment<br />

cards, and that shows harm to competition,” K.<br />

Craig Wildfang, a lawyer for the merchants, told<br />

Gleeson.<br />

The lawsuit threatens a revenue source for banks<br />

that U.S. lawmakers left untouched in passing the<br />

Dodd-Frank Act fi<strong>na</strong>ncial overhaul last year.<br />

Congress opted to cap only debit-card interchange<br />

fees, which typically had cost merchants about half<br />

of what they pay to accept credit cards. The debit<br />

caps may cut annual revenue at the biggest banks<br />

by $8 billion, according to data compiled by<br />

Bloomberg Government. Summary Judgment<br />

Both sides have asked Gleeson for summary<br />

judgment in their favor now that discovery, or<br />

information-gathering, is done. They say a trial isn’t<br />

needed, at least on most counts, because there are<br />

no facts in dispute for a jury to decide. Gleeson said<br />

today that he would rule on the motions at a later<br />

date.<br />

The lawsuit contains allegations that the card<br />

companies’ rules, including those prohibiting<br />

merchants from steering customers to cheaper<br />

forms of payment, violate U.S. competition law.<br />

Last year, Visa and MasterCard settled with the<br />

U.S. government on such anti-steering allegations.<br />

New York-based American Express Co. (AXP), the<br />

biggest credit-card issuer by purchases, is fighting<br />

that suit.<br />

The two sides also debated today whether the<br />

networks’ rules preventing merchants from adding a<br />

surcharge to payment- card purchases violates<br />

antitrust law.<br />


Visa, MasterCard and the banks argued in court<br />

papers that the case has to be tossed because the<br />

merchants have no standing to bring it: They don’t<br />

directly pay the interchange fees -- the merchants’<br />

banks pay them to the cardholders’ banks, which<br />

pass them along to the merchants. Antitrust<br />

Violation<br />

They cite a 1977 U.S. Supreme Court decision<br />

that said indirect buyers can’t claim they were<br />

injured by an antitrust violation.<br />

“Interchange fees are not paid by merchants,”<br />

David Graham, a lawyer for Citigroup at Sidley &<br />

Austin LLP in Chicago, told the judge today.<br />

Courts have refused to apply the 1977 case when<br />

the direct purchaser is a co-conspirator, as the<br />

merchants’ banks are, the plaintiffs argue.<br />

“It’s undisputed that it’s merchants who pay the<br />

fee,” said Wildfang, a partner at Robins, Kaplan,<br />

Miller & Ciresi LLP in Minneapolis.<br />

In 2003, Visa and MasterCard settled a separate<br />

antitrust class action, called In re Visa Check, for $3<br />

billion. That case targeted debit-card rules.<br />

Litigation Releases<br />

As part of the settlement, the merchants can’t sue<br />

over conduct occurring before 2004. The<br />

defendants argue that release covers their current<br />

rules, which date from before 2004.<br />

“Plaintiffs do not challenge new conduct,” said Mark<br />

Ladner, a lawyer for Bank of America at Morrison &<br />

Foerster LLP in New York. “They simply challenge<br />

continued adherence to those rules.”<br />

The merchants said they are alleging new antitrust<br />

injuries that came after the rules were reauthorized<br />

and new fee rates established.<br />

The defendants also argue the banks no longer<br />

control the payment-card companies now that they<br />

are publicly traded, and don’t control the rate of the<br />

interchange fees. MasterCard conducted an<br />

initial-public offering in May 2006, Visa in March<br />

2008. Before that, they were joint ventures owned<br />

by the banks.<br />

Merchants argue the banks continue to control<br />

rules and interchange rates in a way that restrains<br />

competition or at least threatens anticompetitive<br />

effects.<br />

“Visa and MasterCard were formed by competitors,”<br />

Wildfang said. “The defendants continue today to<br />

abide by those rules.”<br />

Bloomberg - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


The merchants are also seeking to have the IPOs<br />

unwound, contending they lessen competition.<br />

Gleeson previously dismissed that argument,<br />

though he allowed the merchants to re-file it.<br />

The case is In re Payment Card Interchange Fee<br />

and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation,<br />

05-md-1720, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of<br />

New York (Brooklyn).<br />

To contact the reporter on this story: Thom Weidlich<br />

in Brooklyn, New York, federal court at<br />

tweidlich@bloomberg.net.<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this story:<br />

Michael Hytha at mhytha@bloomberg.net. Tweet<br />

More Business Exchange Buzz up! Digg Print Email<br />


Bloomberg - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


CBS Ruling on Janet Jackson’s Super Bowl Exposure<br />

Upheld by Appeals Court<br />

A U.S. appeals court upheld its earlier decision<br />

throwing out a $550,000 indecency fine against<br />

CBS Corp. (CBS) for the split-second exposure of<br />

singer Janet Jackson’s breast during the 2004<br />

Super Bowl halftime show.<br />

The U.S. Court of Appeals in Philadelphia ruled in<br />

2008 that the fine should be voided because the<br />

U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s policy<br />

on indecency in broadcasting was arbitrary. The<br />

U.S. Supreme Court asked the panel to review its<br />

opinion after a ruling in a case involving News<br />

Corp. (NWSA)’s Fox Television revived the issue.<br />

“While we are disappointed by the court of appeal’s<br />

decision, we note that the court overturned the<br />

FCC’s 2006 forfeiture order on <strong>na</strong>rrow procedural<br />

grounds,” Neil Grace, a spokesman for the FCC,<br />

said in an e-mailed statement.<br />

The FCC fined New York-based CBS after viewers<br />

got a glimpse of Jackson’s breast for 9/16 of a<br />

second during the show. Her singing partner, Justin<br />

Timberlake, called the incident a “wardrobe<br />

malfunction.”<br />

CBS cheered the ruling in an e-mailed statement<br />

today.<br />

“We are gratified that once again the court has<br />

ruled in our favor,” the company said. “We are<br />

hopeful that this will help lead the FCC to return to<br />

the policy of restrained indecency enforcement it<br />

followed for decades.”<br />

The appeals court in Philadelphia ruled in July 2008<br />

that the FCC’s policy on determining indecency was<br />

“arbitrary and capricious” and tossed the agency’s<br />

$550,000 fine. The dispute reopened in 2009 after<br />

the Supreme Court ruled in the Fox Television<br />

case that the “coarsening of public entertainment”<br />

justified the commission’s more stringent regulation<br />

of broadcast programming. 2-1 Ruling<br />

The FCC failed to acknowledge that its order<br />

against CBS reflected a policy change and<br />

improperly imposed a pe<strong>na</strong>lty on the network for<br />

violating a previously u<strong>na</strong>nnounced policy, the<br />

three-judge panel said today in a 2-1 ruling.<br />

The Fox Television case “confirms our previous<br />

ruling in this case and that we should readopt our<br />

earlier a<strong>na</strong>lysis and holding that the commission<br />

acted arbitrarily in this case,” Circuit Judge Marjorie<br />

Rendell wrote for the majority.<br />

Judge Anthony Scirica wrote in dissent that based<br />

on the Supreme Court’s account of the history of<br />

the FCC enforcement policy in the Fox case, the<br />

Philadelphia appeals court “cannot adhere to our<br />

earlier determi<strong>na</strong>tion that prior FCC policy had<br />

granted a per se exemption to all fleeting indecent<br />

material.”<br />

Still, the FCC can’t impose a pe<strong>na</strong>lty unless CBS<br />

knew about the impropriety associated with the act,<br />

Scirica said, adding that he would send the case<br />

back to the trial court for further proceedings.<br />

The Parents Television Council, an advocacy group<br />

for broadcast decency, condemned the decision,<br />

saying in a statement that the appeals court has<br />

chosen to ignore the law and the will of the<br />

American people.<br />

“Today’s ruling reaches the level of judicial stupidity<br />

and is a sucker-punch to families everywhere,” PTC<br />

President Tim Winter said in the statement.<br />

CBS rose 1.4 percent to $24.95 in New York<br />

trading. The stock has gained 31 percent this year.<br />

The case is CBS Corp. v. FCC, 08-04474, U.S.<br />

Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (Philadelphia).<br />

To contact the reporter on this story: Sophia<br />

Pearson in Philadelphia at<br />

spearson3@bloomberg.net<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this story:<br />

Andrew Dunn at adunn8@bloomberg.net Tweet<br />

More Business Exchange Buzz up! Digg Print Email<br />


New Delhi, Nov. 3:<br />

Business Travel - Industry & Economy, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Apex Court calls for Land Act amendment<br />

Noting that the Land Acquisition Act has become<br />

outdated and failed to adequately compensate<br />

displaced land owners, the Supreme Court has<br />

asked the Centre to come out with a “fair,<br />

reaso<strong>na</strong>ble and ratio<strong>na</strong>l e<strong>na</strong>ctment” to protect their<br />

Constitutio<strong>na</strong>l rights.<br />

“The provisions contained in the Act, of late, have<br />

been felt by all concerned, do not adequately<br />

protect the interest of the land owners/persons<br />

interested in the land. The Act does not provide for<br />

rehabilitation of persons displaced from their land<br />

although by such compulsory acquisition, their<br />

livelihood gets affected.<br />

“For years, the acquired land remains unused and<br />

unutilised. To say the least, the Act has become<br />

outdated and needs to be replaced at the earliest<br />

by fair, reaso<strong>na</strong>ble and ratio<strong>na</strong>l e<strong>na</strong>ctment in tune<br />

with the constitutio<strong>na</strong>l provisions, particularly,<br />

Article 300A of the Constitution,” the court said.<br />

Under Article 300 A, no person can be deprived of<br />

his or her property except by due process of law.<br />

A bench of Justices R.M. Lodha and J.S. Khehar<br />

made the observation while upholding the<br />

acquisition of 1.45 acres land by the Tamil Nadu<br />

Government at Chidambaram town in Arcot district<br />

on behalf of Patel Cholan Roadways Corporation<br />

Ltd for expansion of the existing bus depot.<br />

“We expect the law making process for a<br />

comprehensive e<strong>na</strong>ctment with regard to<br />

acquisition of land being completed without any<br />

unnecessary delay,” Justice Lodha writing the<br />

judgement said.<br />

The aggrieved owners Ramji Veerji Patel and<br />

others challenged the acquisition claiming that<br />

despite availability of alter<strong>na</strong>tive sites, the<br />

government chose to acquire their lands depriving<br />

them of their livelihood as they were running their<br />

saw mills at the place.<br />


Correio Del Uniroco - Notícias, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Honduras inicia “Operación Relámpago” para<br />

combatir la violencia<br />

El operativo inició a tempra<strong>na</strong>s horas de la<br />

maña<strong>na</strong>, cuando los efectivos de la policía civil en<br />

compañía de miembros del Ejército se apostaron<br />

en las zo<strong>na</strong>s catalogadas como “las más<br />

conflictivas”<br />

El Gobierno de Honduras lanzó este martes la<br />

Operación Relámpago, u<strong>na</strong> metodología contra la<br />

violencia que distribuirá cente<strong>na</strong>res de policías y<br />

militares a nivel <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, con el fin de garantizar<br />

más “orden” y “seguridad” en la <strong>na</strong>ción<br />

centroamerica<strong>na</strong>, donde el promedio de asesi<strong>na</strong>tos<br />

es de aproximadamente 20 diarios.<br />

Los medios locales reseñaron que el operativo<br />

inició a tempra<strong>na</strong>s horas de la maña<strong>na</strong>, cuando los<br />

efectivos de la policía civil en compañía de<br />

miembros del Ejército se apostaron en las zo<strong>na</strong>s<br />

catalogadas como “las más conflictivas” de<br />

Honduras para trabajar en conjunto (pero en forma<br />

independiente) combatiendo la inseguridad.<br />

En el caso de la capital hondureña, Tegucigalpa,<br />

que junto a San Pedro Sula encabeza los niveles<br />

de violencia y crimi<strong>na</strong>lidad, el ministro de Defensa,<br />

Marlon Pascua, explicó que el Ejército hará<br />

recorridos a pie, patrullajes en vehículos y retenes.<br />

En tanto, la Policía Nacio<strong>na</strong>l hizo acto de presencia<br />

en varias colonias que en los últimos meses ha<br />

estado sitiada por maras y pandillas.<br />

Según las autoridades, la presencia de los<br />

uniformados se irá extendiendo esta sema<strong>na</strong> a<br />

otros puntos. El titular de Defensa indicó que con<br />

este operativo, más de 400 soldados se distribuirán<br />

en el territorio hondureño para darle protección a la<br />

ciudadanía y devolver la “paz” y “seguridad” a la<br />

población.<br />

“Los detenidos por la comisión de un delito serán<br />

puestos a la orden del Ministerio Público para que<br />

les instruya el proceso judicial correspondiente”,<br />

añadió la autoridad.<br />

En la noche de este lunes, el presidente de<br />

Honduras, Porfirio Lobo, anunció en u<strong>na</strong> cade<strong>na</strong><br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de radio y televisión que la Operación<br />

Relámpago continuará hasta que él lo considere<br />

necesario.<br />

En este sentido, el mandatario reiteró el<br />

compromiso del Estado para garantizar “la ple<strong>na</strong><br />

realización de la perso<strong>na</strong> huma<strong>na</strong> dentro de la<br />

justicia, la libertad y la seguridad”.<br />

“Es innegable que necesitamos que los operadores<br />

del sistema de seguridad recuperen la confianza de<br />

los habitantes de nuestro país; es imperante la<br />

necesidad de atacar las causas generadoras de la<br />

violencia y no solo sus efectos; es impostergable la<br />

necesidad de coordi<strong>na</strong>r acciones con el Poder<br />

Judicial, el Ministerio Público, la Policía Nacio<strong>na</strong>l,<br />

los centros penitenciarios y las propias Fuerzas<br />

Armadas para poder enfrentar el crimen y la<br />

violencia”, expresó.<br />

Insistió también en que “más que armas y<br />

vehículos se necesita el apoyo de la sociedad y la<br />

participación de todos, y repitió que con estas<br />

acciones, se pretende “asegurar la presencia de las<br />

autoridades en los sectores de mayor<br />

conflictividad”.<br />

Además, recalcó que estas acciones preventivas<br />

vendrán acompañadas con otras actividades de<br />

monitoreo, supervisión y evaluación; y con metas<br />

de corto, mediano y largo plazo, para evaluar<br />

resultados.<br />

“Quizás la más importante es reconocer que la<br />

represión por sí misma no resuelve el problema y<br />

que deben enfrentarse las causas generadoras del<br />

delito como problema social en virtud de que<br />

fiscales, policías, jueces y militares, tratan con los<br />

efectos del crimen, no controlan sus causas”,<br />

agregó.<br />


Correo Del Orinoco - Nacio<strong>na</strong>les, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

FGR instaló Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas mención<br />

Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La fiscal destacó que la Escuela Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Fiscales ha realizado diversas actividades<br />

académicas como diplomados, cursos y talleres, a<br />

través de convenios con universidades <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les<br />

e inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les<br />

La Fiscal General de la República, Luisa Ortega<br />

Díaz, instaló este jueves el Doctorado en<br />

Ciencias Jurídicas, mención Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

En el evento, el cual se llevó a cabo en el auditorio<br />

del edificio sede del Despacho de la Fiscal General<br />

de la República, la máxima autoridad de la<br />

institución señaló que la realización de dicho<br />

estudio superior fue u<strong>na</strong> alianza entre la<br />

Escuela Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de Fiscales (ENF) y la<br />

Universidad Santa María (USM).<br />

Destacó que la ENF ha realizado diversas<br />

actividades académicas como diplomados, cursos<br />

y talleres, a través de convenios con universidades<br />

tanto <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les como inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les, con el fin de<br />

formar a los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios de la institución.<br />

No obstante, indicó que el Ministerio Público no<br />

sólo se ha preocupado en la capacitación de<br />

quienes forman parte de este organismo, sino<br />

que ha dictado talleres a funcio<strong>na</strong>rios de los<br />

diversos órganos de investigación policial con<br />

la fi<strong>na</strong>lidad de que el proceso pe<strong>na</strong>l sea más<br />

transparente y eficaz.<br />

Igualmente, manifestó que al inicio de su<br />

gestión era necesario unificar criterios y por<br />

ello la ENF se concibió como la dependencia<br />

encargada de la preparación jurídica de todos<br />

los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios de la institución.<br />

Recordó que el Ministerio Público abrió el I<br />

Concurso de Credenciales y de Oposición para<br />

el Ingreso a la Carrera Fiscal para dar<br />

estabilidad a los fiscales y garantizar su<br />

independencia, probidad e idoneidad.<br />

Informó que el Doctorado está conformado por 40<br />

participantes entre directores, sub directores,<br />

fiscales <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les, principales del área<br />

metropolita<strong>na</strong> de Caracas, auxiliares y abogados<br />

adjuntos del Ministerio Público.<br />

En ese sentido, la Fiscal General hizo un llamado<br />

a los estudiantes a que aprovecharan este<br />

espacio académico para profundizar el<br />

conocimiento y, de esta manera, trabajar por el<br />

proceso de integración entre los distintos<br />

operadores del sistema de justicia pe<strong>na</strong>l, a fin<br />

de consolidar y coordi<strong>na</strong>r planes que ayuden a su<br />

fortalecimiento.<br />

Es importante señalar, que el mencio<strong>na</strong>do<br />

Doctorado consta de 10 semi<strong>na</strong>rios, divididos en 5<br />

semestres académicos de 16 sema<strong>na</strong>s cada uno;<br />

niveles en los que se abordarán diversas temáticas<br />

de interés jurídico como el Derecho<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l Profundizado, Comprensión de la<br />

Constitución de 1999 y Derecho Procesal<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Fuente y foto/Ministerio Público<br />


Correo Peru - Política, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Desig<strong>na</strong>n a Rosa Florián como secretaria de<br />

coordi<strong>na</strong>ción de la PCM<br />

Lima -<br />

El Ejecutivo designó a la excongresista Rosa<br />

Florián Cedrón como secretaria de coordi<strong>na</strong>ción de<br />

la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros (PCM),<br />

cuya función será establecer ca<strong>na</strong>les de<br />

comunicación entre los poderes del Estado,<br />

organismos constitucio<strong>na</strong>les autónomos y la<br />

sociedad civil organizada.<br />

Mediante resolución ministerial suscrita por el<br />

presidente del Consejo de Ministros, Salomón<br />

Lerner, Florián reemplaza en el cargo a Juan<br />

Figueroa Quinta<strong>na</strong>, quien renunció al puesto que<br />

depende jerárquicamente de la Secretaría General<br />

de la PCM.<br />

La exlegisladora debe coordi<strong>na</strong>r con el Congreso,<br />

organismos constitucio<strong>na</strong>les autónomos distintos al<br />

Poder Judicial y Ministerio Público; así como con<br />

entidades públicas descentralizados adscritas a la<br />

PCM, gremiales y sociedad civil.<br />

Florián debe también monitorear las políticas,<br />

programas, y acciones cuyo carácter abarca a<br />

varios o todos los sectores del Poder Ejecutivo.<br />


Lima -<br />

Correo Peru - Mundo, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Tanzania prefiere perder ayuda británica antes que<br />

aceptar la homosexualidad<br />

El ministro tanzano de Asuntos Exteriores, Ber<strong>na</strong>rd<br />

Membe, afirmó que su país está dispuesto a perder<br />

la ayuda del Reino Unido en materia de<br />

cooperación, antes que aceptar la homosexualidad.<br />

Membe respondió así al primer ministro británico,<br />

David Cameron, que ame<strong>na</strong>zó con retener las<br />

ayudas británicas a los países que aún prohíben la<br />

homosexualidad a menos que estos reformen su<br />

legislación.<br />

Cameron explicó que ese tema había sido<br />

abordado en la reunión de la Commonwealth<br />

(Mancomunidad de Naciones), que tuvo lugar en la<br />

ciudad australia<strong>na</strong> de Perth el fin de sema<strong>na</strong>.<br />

En Tanzania, la homosexualidad es un delito que<br />

es castigado hasta con 30 años de cárcel.<br />

Membe subrayó que el Gobierno de Tanzania<br />

-excolonia británica- sigue firme en su postura de<br />

no reconocer la homosexualidad."Mantendremos<br />

nuestra dignidad y moralidad. No deberíamos ser<br />

coaccio<strong>na</strong>dos de ningu<strong>na</strong> manera sólo porque ellos<br />

(Reino Unido) nos dan ayuda. Somos un Estado<br />

soberano con nuestras propias leyes. El Reino<br />

Unido no hará nuestras leyes", indicó.<br />

El ministro dijo que los asuntos de su país son<br />

gestio<strong>na</strong>dos por su gobierno y su pueblo, y no por<br />

un "poder extranjero". "Eso es lo que llamamos<br />

neocolonialismo y nosotros no nos postraremos",<br />

anotó.<br />

El jefe de la diplomacia tanza<strong>na</strong> citó un artículo de<br />

la Constitución que prohíbe las relaciones<br />

sexuales entre perso<strong>na</strong>s del mismo sexo, y recordó<br />

que la Carta Mag<strong>na</strong> remarca que el pilar de la<br />

<strong>na</strong>ción es la familia.<br />


Crítica em Línea - Además, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Educadores interponen amparo contra descuento<br />

Un grupo de educadores agluti<strong>na</strong>dos en la<br />

Asociación de Educadores Veraguenses (AEVE)<br />

realizó un piquete en las escali<strong>na</strong>tas de la Corte<br />

Suprema de Justicia e interpusieron un amparo de<br />

garantías constitucio<strong>na</strong>les contra el descuento que<br />

hizo el Ministerio de Educación (MEDUCA), en<br />

virtud de la pasada huelga.<br />

Según explicó Yadira Pino, vocera de AEVE, el<br />

MEDUCA les descontó en la primera y segunda<br />

quince<strong>na</strong> de octubre los dos días de huelga que<br />

realizaron el 28 y 29 de julio.<br />

Expresó que la medida adoptada por el MEDUCA<br />

es arbitraria, ya que el derecho a huelga está<br />

reglamentado en la Constitución.<br />

A su perecer, con esa acción el MEDUCA les ha<br />

violado el debido proceso y violentado el Resuelto<br />

5432, en el cual se habían comprometido a<br />

respetar tres puntos vitales, entre ellos el de<br />

huelga.<br />


Diário de La Prensa - Política, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


El expediente digital llega a la Justicia<br />

1.11.2011 | U<strong>na</strong> ley sancio<strong>na</strong>da en junio de este<br />

año, equipara el soporte electrónico con el antiguo<br />

sistema de papel. La Corte y el Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura tienen a su cargo la implementación<br />

de esa norma.<br />

Por Carlos E. Hartmann<br />

"Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil deben<br />

apoyar esta iniciativa para que se aplique con éxito.<br />

Los abogados, como auxiliares de la Justicia,<br />

estamos llamados a adecuarnos a u<strong>na</strong> gestión más<br />

ágil y transparente al servicio de los derechos<br />

ciudadanos. La sociedad nos va a valorar mejor si<br />

somos agentes de cambio y no si somos agentes<br />

de resistencia".<br />

Así lo señaló Raúl Aguirre Saravia, presidente del<br />

Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos<br />

Aires, al abrir la jor<strong>na</strong>da sobre Servicios<br />

Informáticos y Expediente Digital en la Justicia<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l. La Corte Suprema y el Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura tienen a su cargo la implementación<br />

de la norma -ley 26.685, sancio<strong>na</strong>da el 1º de junio<br />

del presente año-, que equipara, en el ámbito del<br />

Poder Judicial, el soporte electrónico con el<br />

antiguo sistema (legajo físico o soporte papel).<br />

Esa misma disposición legal, autoriza la utilización<br />

de documentos, firmas, comunicaciones, domicilios<br />

electrónicos y firmas digitales en todos los<br />

procesos judiciales y administrativos que tramitan<br />

ante el Poder Judicial de la Nación, con idéntica<br />

eficacia jurídica y valor probatorio que sus<br />

equivalentes convencio<strong>na</strong>les. El debate se realizó<br />

en Montevideo 640, sede de la entidad que nuclea<br />

a los letrados porteños, y participaron, entre otros,<br />

el presidente de la Corte Suprema Ricardo<br />

Lorenzetti, y el integrante del Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura de la Nación, Alejandro Fargosi.<br />


Fue precisamente Lorenzetti quien explicó, ante el<br />

nutrido auditorio compuesto por magistrados,<br />

legisladores y abogados, el marco teórico y<br />

práctico en que se están efectuando los cambios<br />

mencio<strong>na</strong>dos.<br />

"El Poder Judicial necesita políticas de Estado<br />

perdurables, constantes, que puedan ir penetrando<br />

en cada uno de los estamentos", reclamó el titular<br />

de la Corte, para agregar seguidamente: "Hemos<br />

comenzado a trabajar en dos campos centrales:<br />

uno es la informatización y otro el cultural.<br />

Llevamos adelante u<strong>na</strong> de las licitaciones más<br />

grandes del Poder Judicial, sin que hubiese<br />

ningu<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción y superando u<strong>na</strong> vieja y<br />

frustrante historia de fracasos".<br />

Explicó que desde febrero de 2012 no habrá más<br />

opción, todos los jueces y juezas tendrán que usar<br />

el nuevo sistema digital. "Es un software de gestión<br />

con u<strong>na</strong> capacidad extraordi<strong>na</strong>ria, flexible, que va a<br />

generar estadísticas. Hasta ahora no tenemos<br />

estadísticas confiables, pero las va a generar este<br />

sistema", detalló el presidente de la Corte.<br />

Según Lorenzetti, en el máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l ya existen<br />

expedientes digitales (por ejemplo, notificaciones<br />

electrónicas) y la posibilidad de firmarlos<br />

digitalmente. Se ha empezado con experiencias<br />

piloto. Hubo un trabajo intenso en los últimos tres<br />

años, pero para que esa experiencia se traslade a<br />

todo el Poder Judicial, hace falta, en primer lugar,<br />

que sea gradual -no se puede pasar de cero a<br />

cien-, y en segundo plano, que cambien los usos y<br />

costumbres de jueces y abogados. Es un cambio<br />

cultural.<br />

"Hay que aplicar criterios de gestión privada al<br />

Estado. No privatizar el Estado, sino aplicar<br />

criterios de gestión. Y lo estamos haciendo. Por<br />

ejemplo, hace poco i<strong>na</strong>uguramos la mesa de<br />

entradas única de la Corte", dijo Lorenzetti.<br />

Un expediente que antes demoraba dos años en la<br />

Corte, ahora puede demorar un mes, o un mes y<br />

medio, consignó el magistrado. También aclaró que<br />

hubo expedientes de diez años de duración, con<br />

trámites complejos, y se los ha bajado a dos años.<br />

Ingresaron en su momento al máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

70.000 causas por el "corralito", y más de 100.000<br />

por trámites jubilatorios. Pero se sacó todo el<br />

grueso de la carga de expedientes que tenía la<br />

Corte, en base a la gestión. Hoy existe u<strong>na</strong><br />

cantidad más reducida y manejable de casos.<br />

"Es hora de que nosotros asumamos la<br />

responsabilidad de concretar este objetivo, porque<br />

el Poder Judicial debe cambiar, debe dejar de<br />

mirarse a sí mismo. Y debe entender que además<br />

de ser un poder del Estado, presta un servicio.<br />

Debe mirar entonces también a quienes lo reciben.<br />

Tratarlos bien, rápido, no perder el tiempo, pensar<br />

que siempre del otro lado hay alguien que tiene<br />

u<strong>na</strong> necesidad. Para eso es que estamos nosotros<br />

aquí, poniendo lo mejor de nosotros mismos",<br />

concluyó Lorenzetti.<br />



La nómi<strong>na</strong> de disertantes se completó con Gerardo<br />

Vassallo, juez de la Cámara Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Apelaciones en lo Comercial, y Carlos Moli<strong>na</strong><br />

Portela, juez del fuero Civil. Igualmente expusieron<br />

dos especialistas en informática -Eduardo Parody y<br />

Julio Quiñones-, mientras que Ele<strong>na</strong> Domínguez<br />

Pecco se refirió al proyecto "cero papel" en<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>les, en su calidad de coordi<strong>na</strong>dora de la<br />

Ofici<strong>na</strong> Regio<strong>na</strong>l de la Conferencia de Ministros de<br />

Justicia de Iberoamérica.<br />

Por su parte, Horacio Granero, presidente de la<br />

Diário de La Prensa - Política, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Comisión de Alta Tecnología del Colegio de<br />

Abogados de la Ciudad, explicó los pasos<br />

graduales de la implementación del expediente<br />

digital.<br />


Diário de La Prensa - Política, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia<br />

Mujica reclama termi<strong>na</strong>r la polémica con Argenti<strong>na</strong><br />

por Botnia<br />

El presidente uruguayo, José Mujica, pidió termi<strong>na</strong>r<br />

la polémica con Argenti<strong>na</strong> sobre los resultados del<br />

monitoreo conjunto del Río Uruguay por la papelera<br />

UPM (ex Botnia), para evitar perjuicios al sector<br />

turístico de su país, ante la cercanía del verano.<br />

"Estamos entrando en la temporada de turismo, es<br />

el fenómeno más importante que tiene la economía<br />

uruguaya, hay que tener la apertura de viabilizarla<br />

y no de obstaculizarla", consideró el mandatario al<br />

diario El País.<br />

En declaraciones publicadas hoy por el matutino de<br />

Montevideo, Mujica sostuvo que "cuando las cosas<br />

se trancan, yo voy por ahí por el medio, entonces<br />

trato de ir a zurcir. Voy por arriba y veo cómo<br />

arreglar, siempre tratando de descomprimir".<br />

La actividad turística en ese país está fuertemente<br />

vinculada a la Argenti<strong>na</strong> y es sensible tanto a los<br />

factores económicos como a las disputas políticas<br />

que se producen en la relación bilateral.<br />

De hecho, en las últimas horas empezaron a<br />

a<strong>na</strong>lizar empresarios hoteleros y gastronómicos<br />

recibir tanto en Punta del Este como en otras<br />

localidades veraniegas pesos argentinos en lugar<br />

de pesos uruguayos o dólares, debido a los<br />

controles cambiarios que activaron las autoridades<br />

económicas del gobierno de Cristi<strong>na</strong> Fernández de<br />

Kirchner.<br />

En este contexto fue que Mujica afirmó que<br />

"indirectamente todo lo que sean las asperezas de<br />

las relaciones no nos favorecen en eso", por el<br />

turismo, por lo que pidió a la dirigencia de su país<br />

evitar agravar las diferencias.<br />

El presidente uruguayo resaltó que la controversia<br />

por la instalación y el funcio<strong>na</strong>miento de la pastera<br />

"es un problema <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l y cuanto menos<br />

hablemos mejor, mejor que negocien" los<br />

cancilleres, insistió el diario de Montevideo.<br />

El martes pasado, Luis Hierro, uno de los<br />

delegados uruguayos -que representa a la<br />

oposición política local- en la Comisión<br />

Administradora del Río Uruguay (CARU), denunció<br />

que la delegación argenti<strong>na</strong> ante ese organismo<br />

"está ocultando" los resultados de análisis<br />

practicados en la papelera UPM de Fray Bentos, lo<br />

que ocasionó malestar en el gobierno de Mujica.<br />

Hierro declaró que "por responsabilidad de la<br />

delegación argenti<strong>na</strong> se está ocultando u<strong>na</strong><br />

información" sobre el monitoreo ambiental que<br />

busca determi<strong>na</strong>r si existe riesgo de contami<strong>na</strong>ción<br />

a raíz del funcio<strong>na</strong>miento de la pastera, lo que llevó<br />

al canciller de ese país, Luis Almagro, a convocarlo<br />

por revelar información "reservada".<br />

"U<strong>na</strong> negociación con la CARU, que debería estar<br />

blindada, sale a la luz pública con información que<br />

no está completa", se quejó en las últimas horas el<br />

canciller Almagro, frente a la polémica que generó<br />

el dirigente opositor de su país.<br />

El monitoreo conjunto de los niveles de<br />

contami<strong>na</strong>ción industrial de la planta finlandesa fue<br />

dispuesto por la Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia de<br />

La Haya, cuando en abril de 2010 falló en contra<br />

del pedido de Argenti<strong>na</strong> de relocalizar la pastera,<br />

que consideraba peligrosa para el medioambiente.<br />


Diario El Argentino - Noticias, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Pacayut recurrirá a la Suprema corte de la Nación<br />

11:04 |El ex se<strong>na</strong>dor provincial Abelardo Félix<br />

Pacayut, al conocer el fallo de la STJ, confirmando<br />

la sentencia de rechazar el recurso de Casación<br />

contra la Sala 1ª de la Cámara del Crimen de<br />

Paraná, afirmó “voy a instruir a mis apoderados<br />

legales de hacer uso del derecho constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

que me asiste de recurrir a la instancia superior<br />

para demostrar mi inocencia”<br />

En ese sentido, el ex legislador manifestó, en u<strong>na</strong><br />

gacetilla enviada a esta Agencia: “Tengo la íntima<br />

convicción que mis acciones no se enmarcan en<br />

las conductas que me endilgan y es por eso que<br />

tengo la decisión de agotar todas las instancias<br />

judiciales; lo digo desde la fortaleza que me<br />

brindan mis familiares y amigos en estos<br />

momentos difíciles”.<br />

Por último el ex se<strong>na</strong>dor consideró: “La Corte<br />

Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, desprovista de<br />

los prejuicios localistas, hará un profundo análisis<br />

de la causa; por lo que mantengo mi fe que se hará<br />

justicia”.<br />

Fuente: APF.<br />


El Mundo Bolívia - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


SENADOR DEL MAS Anuncia dejar la investigación<br />

de las ONG´<br />

El presidente de la Comisión de Constitución de la<br />

Cámara de Se<strong>na</strong>dores, Eugenio Rojas (MAS)<br />

anunció que existe la posibilidad de dejar sin efecto<br />

la Comisión multipartidaria de la Asamblea<br />

Legislativa que debía investigar a las<br />

Organizaciones No Guber<strong>na</strong>mentales (ONG´s) que<br />

habrían fi<strong>na</strong>nciando la marcha del Tipnis.<br />

El legislador mencionó que luego de que los<br />

marchistas y el gobierno acordaron, mediante u<strong>na</strong><br />

ley, que la carretera Villa Tu<strong>na</strong>ri – San Ig<strong>na</strong>cio de<br />

Moxos no atraviese el Tipnis, existe la posibilidad<br />

de no continuar con esta investigación.<br />

Rojas precisó que para dicho fin es necesario<br />

presentar un informe sobre los avances ante la<br />

Asamblea Legislativa. /ANF<br />


El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Argenti<strong>na</strong> debate ley de aborto; Fernández no está de<br />

acuerdo<br />


Es un debate histórico para la Argenti<strong>na</strong>. La<br />

Cámara de Diputados inició ayer la discusión para<br />

avanzar en la despe<strong>na</strong>lización del aborto y de las<br />

iniciativas evaluadas en la Comisión de Legislación<br />

Pe<strong>na</strong>l se aprobó la más progresista.<br />

Se avanzará en la posibilidad de modificar el<br />

código pe<strong>na</strong>l para legalizar el aborto siempre que<br />

se realice antes de las 12 sema<strong>na</strong>s de gestación.<br />

Los proyectos que se debatieron, básicamente, se<br />

encuadraban en dos posiciones: la despe<strong>na</strong>lización<br />

total o parcial del aborto. El dictamen favorable,<br />

que obtuvo 7 de los 12 votos de la Comisión, fue<br />

para el primer proyecto, impulsado por la diputada<br />

Cecilia Merchán y apoyado por un gran número de<br />

organizaciones sociales.<br />

La despe<strong>na</strong>lización total habilita a que -además de<br />

que la mujer pueda interrumpir su embarazo<br />

durante las primeras 12 sema<strong>na</strong>s de gestación- en<br />

los casos en que se verifique que el embarazo fue<br />

producido por u<strong>na</strong> violación o que esté en riesgo la<br />

vida de la mujer, el aborto puede ejecutarse en<br />

cualquier momento antes del <strong>na</strong>cimiento del bebé.<br />

La presidenta Cristi<strong>na</strong> Fernández no se ha<br />

pronunciado, pese a que la mayoría de los<br />

kirchneristas llaman a la legalización. La<br />

mandataria, sin embargo, ha declarado a la<br />

periodista Sandra Russo, autora de la biografía La<br />

Presidenta (Sudamerica<strong>na</strong>, 2011): "El recuerdo de<br />

un embarazo que perdí me moviliza mucho (…) Yo<br />

no estoy de acuerdo con el aborto, pero no digo<br />

que tenga razón".<br />

Tal como sucedió con iniciativas como la del<br />

matrimonio igualitario o, para ir más atrás, con la<br />

del divorcio, las discusiones serán muy<br />

encendidas. Hay u<strong>na</strong> tercera posición que no se<br />

plasmó en un proyecto pero es la que sostienen los<br />

legisladores que rechazan de plano el aborto y<br />

también harán oír sus razones para oponerse a la<br />

aprobación de ambas leyes en las cámaras.<br />

Así, los intercambios que se darán serán reflejo de<br />

u<strong>na</strong> opinión pública dividida. Uno de los consensos<br />

sobre los que se parte en el proyecto de<br />

despe<strong>na</strong>lización total, es que la práctica del aborto<br />

es u<strong>na</strong> realidad en la Argenti<strong>na</strong>, solo que se<br />

mantiene en la clandestinidad, con los riesgos que<br />

esto conlleva, sobre todo para las mujeres de<br />

menores recursos.<br />

La referente en este tema del Movimiento<br />

Socialista de los Trabajadores, Vilma Ripoll, estimó<br />

cifras de entre 400.000 y 600.000 casos. El<br />

Ministerio de Salud habla de 800.000. "Los abortos<br />

sépticos (infectados) provocan 30% de las muertes<br />

mater<strong>na</strong>s, siendo así la primera causa", señala<br />

Ripoll. Y cuestio<strong>na</strong>: "Las muertes reales son<br />

entonces 400 o 500 al año, casi siempre de<br />

mujeres jóvenes y humildes que son las que no<br />

pueden acceder a practicarlo en clínicas o<br />

consultorios privados". Esta es u<strong>na</strong> cuestión de<br />

"salud pública" y de "justicia social", añade.<br />

De allí que, en palabras de la diputada Merchan<br />

(opositora y exkirchnerista), "el solo hecho de que<br />

se discuta en el Congreso, históricamente<br />

cajoneado, es de por sí un motivo para celebrar.<br />

Además, el proyecto es un ejemplo de construcción<br />

ciudada<strong>na</strong> y democrática: en él se manifiesta el<br />

consenso de todas las organizaciones que<br />

componen la Campaña Nacio<strong>na</strong>l por un Aborto<br />

Legal, Seguro y Gratuito".<br />

Ripoll también considera histórico este debate que<br />

-señala- requiere de la participación de la sociedad<br />

expresándose en las calles, en los medios, en el<br />

Congreso. "Se tiene que habilitar un movimiento<br />

transversal en el Congreso y eso dependerá de la<br />

presión social que se ejerza, como en el tema del<br />

matrimonio igualitario, será indispensable el apoyo<br />

de la sociedad", opinó.<br />

Las diferencias de posiciones quedarán de<br />

manifiesto hoy con dos marchas. Quienes se<br />

oponen al tratamiento del proyecto se citaron para<br />

las 14 horas frente al Congreso Nacio<strong>na</strong>l "a fin de<br />

ejercer el derecho constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de peticio<strong>na</strong>r ante<br />

las autoridades y pedir que se desestimen los<br />

proyectos sobre aborto". Quienes están a favor,<br />

convocan a la misma hora en el mismo lugar. La<br />

definen como u<strong>na</strong> protesta lanzada desde la<br />

Campaña Nacio<strong>na</strong>l por el derecho al Aborto Legal,<br />

Seguro y Gratuito.<br />

Un debate mundial<br />

No se puede<br />

El aborto está aceptado para salvar la vida de la<br />

mujer o prohibido en 68 países, que representan el<br />

28,5% de la población. Entre ellos están Brasil,<br />

Irlanda, Irán e Irak.<br />

por salud<br />

En 58 países, que representan el 13,8% de la<br />


población, solo se puede realizar en caso que esté<br />

en juego la salud de la madre. Argenti<strong>na</strong> y Uruguay<br />

están en esta lista.<br />

Por economía<br />

En 15 países, entre ellos India, que representan el<br />

21,6% de la población, el aborto se puede realizar<br />

por razones socioeconómicas (y si está en juego la<br />

salud de la mujer).<br />

Se puede<br />

En 58 países, que representan el 39,2% de la<br />

población, el aborto se puede realizar sin<br />

restricciones. Esto abarca EE.UU., Ca<strong>na</strong>dá, Chi<strong>na</strong>,<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Italia, España, Francia y otros.<br />

El País Digital<br />


El País - España, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

La CPI busca al reemplazante de Moreno Ocampo<br />

ucesor se elegirá el próximo mes y podría ser u<strong>na</strong><br />

mujer<br />

LA HAYA | AFP<br />

La Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l (CPI) está buscando<br />

a un "superhéroe" en materia legal que pueda<br />

perseguir y detener a jefes de Estado que hayan<br />

cometido genocidios y a otras figuras responsables<br />

de crímenes y violaciones masivas.<br />

El cargo de fiscal principal de la CPI requiere a<br />

alguien con las destrezas para investigar de<br />

Sherlock Holmes, la diplomacia de Otto von<br />

Bismarck y el talento gerencial de Steve Jobs.<br />

El fiscal principal actual, Luis Moreno Ocampo,<br />

informará hoy al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU<br />

sobre sus esfuerzos para detener a destacados<br />

sospechosos de crímenes de guerra. Pero en las<br />

próximas cuatro sema<strong>na</strong>s, estará más dedicado a<br />

buscar a su reemplazante.<br />

Un primer grupo de 52 candidatos fue reducido a<br />

cuatro. La CPI podría escoger a u<strong>na</strong> superheroí<strong>na</strong><br />

como la suplente de Moreno Ocampo, Fatou<br />

Bensouda, ex ministra de Justicia en su Gambia<br />

<strong>na</strong>tal, y considerada por muchos diplomáticos<br />

como la favorita.<br />

Bensouda se disputará el cargo con Mohamed<br />

Chande Othman, el máximo magistrado de<br />

Tanzania; Briton Andrew Cayley, uno de los<br />

fiscales del tribu<strong>na</strong>l especial que juzga los<br />

crímenes de los kmeres rojos en Camboya; y<br />

Robert Petit, el mayor especialista en crímenes de<br />

guerra del ministerio ca<strong>na</strong>diense de Justicia.<br />

Los cuatro se presentarán este mes en la sede de<br />

la ONU ante los cerca de 120 sig<strong>na</strong>tarios del<br />

estatuto de la CPI, quienes intentarán elegir por<br />

consenso al candidato antes de u<strong>na</strong> elección en<br />

diciembre.<br />

"Encontrar a la perso<strong>na</strong> ideal para el cargo de fiscal<br />

de la CPI es prácticamente imposible", dice Richard<br />

Goldstone, el primer fiscal de los tribu<strong>na</strong>les<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les para la antigua Yugoslavia y<br />

Ruanda, que juzgaron los crímenes contra la<br />

humanidad en esos países.<br />

"Se requiere a un superhombre o a u<strong>na</strong> supermujer<br />

en materia legal", opinó Param-Preet Singh, un<br />

importante abogado de Human Rights Watch.<br />

La CPI incluyó al presidente de Sudán, Omar al<br />

Bashir, en su lista de perso<strong>na</strong>s buscadas por<br />

genocidio en Darfur y también expidió u<strong>na</strong> orden de<br />

arresto contra el ex hombre fuerte de Libia,<br />

Muamar Gadafi, quien fue abatido el 20 de octubre.<br />

El hijo fugitivo de Gadafi, Seif al Islam, está<br />

negociando actualmente con la CPI, y altos<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>rios kenianos y líderes de las milicias de la<br />

República Democrática del Congo también se<br />

hallan en su lista de requeridos.<br />

El fiscal debe tener elevadas aptitudes en materia<br />

de derecho inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, pero como también será<br />

la cara visible de la CPI, debe manejarse<br />

sabiamente con la prensa para proyectar el<br />

mensaje de la Corte en el mundo, afirma<br />

Goldstone.<br />

"Se necesita a alguien que comprenda la exigencia<br />

de actuar independientemente y con imparcialidad<br />

en un esce<strong>na</strong>rio inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l para defender la<br />

necesidad de justicia", sostiene.<br />


El desgobierno<br />

S.A.M. | Montevideo<br />

@| "Posibilidades de asombro y desconcierto ya no<br />

nos quedan. Son extremas las últimas y nos llevan<br />

a pensar en la incertidumbre del futuro del país.<br />

Ayer hemos visto y oído a Don Pepe, como le<br />

dijera el señor presidente Piñera, respondiendo así<br />

a la poco formal manera de dirigirse a él como la<br />

de Don Piñera, hacer declaraciones sobre la<br />

prepotente aprobación que en definitiva anula la ley<br />

de Caducidad.<br />

Con su habitual manera de expresarse manifestó<br />

que la Constitución no se cumple ni se respeta en<br />

muchos otros casos, reconociendo así<br />

explícitamente la inconstitucio<strong>na</strong>lidad del proyecto<br />

en cuestión.<br />

Prácticamente pudo decir `¿qué le hace u<strong>na</strong><br />

mancha más al tigre?`, frase muy conocida.<br />

Es lamentable que un Presidente haga estas<br />

declaraciones por cuanto nos está afirmando que<br />

nuestra Carta Mag<strong>na</strong> es un impreso más al que<br />

ningún respeto se le tiene. Frente a estas<br />

expresiones ya entramos a pensar en el poco<br />

sentido que le quedan a todas las normas regidas<br />

por dicho documento.<br />

Si aceptamos estas declaraciones luego de la<br />

flagrante violación que se ha hecho de lo que por<br />

dos veces consecutivas el voto popular dispuso,<br />

convengamos en que nuestro futuro ha quedado en<br />

manos de u<strong>na</strong> innegable dictadura. No nos<br />

alejamos de sospechar que más tarde puedan<br />

seguir produciéndose violaciones a disposiciones<br />

de mucho más alcance establecidas por la<br />

Constitución.<br />

Lamentable fue el espectáculo del Parlamento<br />

mientras se discutía dicho proyecto. Con la<br />

seguridad de que la mayoría estaba obligada a<br />

votarlo, ya que los disidentes, que los había,<br />

estaban dispuestos a hacerlo contra sus propias<br />

convicciones para defender así sus muy óptimas<br />

condiciones de legisladores, la discusión se<br />

constituyó en u<strong>na</strong> de las habituales jor<strong>na</strong>das de<br />

espectáculo para lograr el aplauso de `sus` barras<br />

regimentadas.<br />

Es evidentemente muy grave todo lo que viene<br />

aconteciendo. Se avasalla, mediante presuntas<br />

artimañas jurídicas, la expresa voluntad del pueblo<br />

Mensajes de los lectores<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


manifestada explícitamente en dos consultas<br />

anteriores.<br />

Entre los votantes que se manifestaron en esas<br />

ocasiones, no cabe la menor duda que se cuentan<br />

sufragios del propio frenteamplismo ya que esa<br />

mayoría no se hubiera logrado de otra forma.<br />

Se les está diciendo a sus propios adherentes que<br />

de <strong>na</strong>da sirven sus ideas y convicciones<br />

perso<strong>na</strong>les ya que lo único que tiene validez<br />

respetable son las órdenes impartidas por las<br />

autoridades partidarias de la calle Colonia.<br />

Triste papel el de algún se<strong>na</strong>dor que u<strong>na</strong> vez más,<br />

y podríamos pensar que cobardemente, encuentra<br />

un subterfugio pretendiendo acallar su conciencia<br />

al solicitar licencia por no tener el coraje de<br />

defender sus ideas.<br />

Así se manejan y se obtienen las mayorías.<br />

De decepcio<strong>na</strong>nte, irrespetuoso de los preceptos<br />

constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y dictatorial debemos considerar la<br />

aprobación de tan nefasto proyecto. Será necesario<br />

de nuestra parte ir gestando en la ciudadanía<br />

burlada tan burdamente un nunca más en el año<br />

2014".<br />

Presupuesto Participativo (I)<br />

Guillermo Asi Méndez | Montevideo<br />

@| "Leí y escuché que asistieron a votar alrededor<br />

de 72.000 montevideanos, estando habilitados a<br />

partir de los 16 años (para votar 16 años está bien,<br />

para ir preso no).<br />

¿Cuántos son los habilitados? ¿1.500.000? De ser<br />

cierta mi aproximación, 72.000 son el 4.8%.<br />

La verdad, es ridícula la proporción. Un 95,2% le<br />

dio la espalda al evento. ¿Sabemos cuánto costó<br />

en propaganda, impresos, otros gastos, pagos a<br />

los integrantes de las mesas?<br />

Es admirable cómo logran tergiversar todo, la<br />

dialéctica que utilizan es muy interesante, ahora<br />

todos los reclamos incumplidos, todas las<br />

carencias de la IMM son culpa de los votantes,<br />

debido a que son ellos los que decidieron qué<br />

hacer.<br />

De más de 100 carencias o necesidades para un<br />

barrio se realizará solo u<strong>na</strong>, la votada en mayoría,<br />

las demás embromarse y si alguien reclama<br />


contestarán: `Pero hombre, hacemos lo que el<br />

pueblo pide`.<br />

Lo que más me molesta es el silencio cómplice de<br />

la oposición, el que calla otorga y así vienen<br />

dejándole la cancha libre desde hace varios años.<br />

Bien por ellos, mal por nosotros".<br />

Presupuesto Participativo (II)<br />

Caroli<strong>na</strong> | Montevideo<br />

@| "Lamentable como siempre. Voté en Cavia casi<br />

Libertad. Tuve que salir del cuarto a preguntar al<br />

presidente de mesa (supongo) cómo lo hacía, ya<br />

que ni idea que habrían dos hojas.<br />

Puntué más de cuatro proyectos, por lo tanto no sé<br />

si fue válida mi asistencia. Al salir vi unos folletos.<br />

Le manifesté mi disgusto al señor que los<br />

entregaba, el cual me respondió con u<strong>na</strong> sonrisa<br />

de `agua y ajo`.<br />

Esto es otro engaño a los ciudadanos de bue<strong>na</strong> fe,<br />

como lo fueron las elecciones para los directivos al<br />

BPS. Cuanto más ignoremos mejor para este<br />

gobierno, así solamente ga<strong>na</strong>n sus candidatos".<br />

Rebaja del IVA<br />

Marcelo Fernández | Montevideo<br />

@| "Promesa de campaña: rebaja del IVA del 22 al<br />

20%. Ahora resulta que la rebaja del IVA va a ser<br />

solo aplicable a las compras con tarjetas.<br />

Parece que el gobierno no sabe que las tarjetas<br />

cobran por sus servicios a las empresas. Por tanto,<br />

si usted tiene u<strong>na</strong> empresa por un lado le rebajan<br />

un 2% de IVA pero por el otro las tarjetas cobran<br />

entre un 6 y un 10% del total de la transacción.<br />

¿Acaso piensan que los comerciantes somos<br />

tontos? Si mis ventas con tarjeta de crédito<br />

aumentan, mis costos fi<strong>na</strong>ncieros aumentan, por<br />

ende se va a repasar al producto. ¿Quién ga<strong>na</strong>?<br />

Las tarjetas de crédito, porque los comerciantes<br />

siguen con u<strong>na</strong> tasa alta de IVA, los consumidores<br />

van a termi<strong>na</strong>r pagando más por los productos y es<br />

mentira lo que dice el gobierno que esto bajará la<br />

inflación.<br />

Para termi<strong>na</strong>r, el gobierno se hace de otra arma<br />

para controlar el IRPF al controlar las tarjetas de<br />

crédito con el cruzamiento de datos. No mientan<br />

más".<br />

Lección recibida<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Martín Giorello | Montevideo<br />

@| "El 10 de octubre de 2011 debe ser<br />

comprendido como el día de la <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lidad<br />

uruguaya, pues fue cuando se hicieron los mayores<br />

festejos, al menos económicamente hablando. Mis<br />

planes para ese día eran, como el de muchos<br />

jóvenes uruguayos, asistir con un amigo a los<br />

recitales de `Las Pelotas`, `La Vela Puerca` y `El<br />

Cuarteto de Nos`.<br />

Nos encontramos en el Montevideo Shopping para<br />

salir de allí hacia el Centro a presenciar aquellos<br />

recitales. Esperamos al primer ómnibus que fuese<br />

hacia aquel destino y llegó el 142. Lo fre<strong>na</strong>mos<br />

junto a u<strong>na</strong> veinte<strong>na</strong> de perso<strong>na</strong>s,<br />

aproximadamente. Como siempre hago, dejé pasar<br />

a todos para subir por último yo. Mi amigo subió<br />

entre los primeros. Esperé y cuando al fin faltaba<br />

yo y otra muchacha se cerró u<strong>na</strong> de las dos<br />

puertas del ómnibus. `Debe estar rota`, pensé.<br />

Mientras ésta se cerraba, el chico que estaba<br />

delante de mí se movió y entró dejando los dos<br />

escalones libres. A los pocos instantes, se<br />

comenzó a cerrar la otra. `Pará, hay gente afuera`,<br />

grité yo. La puerta se cerró. Toqué como loco la<br />

venta<strong>na</strong>, miré por la venta<strong>na</strong> por si había un<br />

guarda, pero no lo vi. Al que sí vi era a mi amigo<br />

adentro del ómnibus que miraba con cara de<br />

sorpresa lo que sucedía, así como al chico que se<br />

había corrido hacia adelante realmente atónito por<br />

lo sucedido. El ómnibus arrancó y se fue. Llamé a<br />

mi amigo y le dije que se bajara en la próxima<br />

parada para tomarnos juntos el próximo ómnibus.<br />

El siguiente que nos servía pasó y no frenó por<br />

estar lleno. Recién el tercer ómnibus frenó,<br />

pareciendo apiadarse de dos jóvenes que querían<br />

ir a ver los recitales, pese a estar bastante lleno.<br />

Llegamos tarde, por supuesto, para ver el<br />

espectáculo de `Las Pelotas`. Mientras<br />

esperábamos el último ómnibus recibí u<strong>na</strong> clase de<br />

moral de mi amigo acerca de que la gente ya no se<br />

preocupa por los demás, que yo debía hacer lo<br />

mismo, que no debía dejar mi asiento ni dejar<br />

pasar a <strong>na</strong>die antes que yo, que si los demás se<br />

quedaban afuera, `que se jodan`, entre otras<br />

cosas. Yo le respondí que a mí no me importa lo<br />

que hacen los demás y que eso no iba a cambiar<br />

<strong>na</strong>da en mí, pese a que tenía u<strong>na</strong> calentura que me<br />

daban ga<strong>na</strong>s de reventar al chofer del ómnibus que<br />

me dejó afuera.<br />

Sí, la lección recibida en el día de la <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>lidad,<br />

el día en que todos debíamos estar unidos fue que<br />

`no me importen los demás`. El día de los<br />

uruguayos recibí la lección que me decía: `sí al<br />

individualismo, hacé la tuya, que los demás se<br />

joroben`. Todo eso se lo debo al conductor del 142<br />

que pasó cerca de las cinco y poco de la tarde por<br />


la parada de L. A. de Herrera y la Avda.<br />

Salsipuedes (tal parece ser su nombre ahora por el<br />

vandalismo de perso<strong>na</strong>s que no saben qué<br />

significan las circunstancias históricas y por la<br />

complicidad de la IM), que parecía no tener ga<strong>na</strong>s<br />

de esperar cinco segundos más después de haber<br />

esperado un minuto, que parecía no tener<br />

comprensión por lo que le podía estar sucediendo<br />

a las perso<strong>na</strong>s que se quedaban afuera y que<br />

obviamente no sabía en qué día se encontraba.<br />

En fin... esto es el Uruguay del siglo XXI, muy<br />

distinto a lo que con gran admiración me tengo que<br />

creer que algu<strong>na</strong> vez fue".<br />

¿Qué se hace al respecto?<br />

Nicolás Marfetán Muro | Canelones<br />

@| "Hace pocos días se emitió un informe acerca<br />

de la venta de lentes para sol (no autorizados) en<br />

18 de Julio. Al ser preguntado uno de los<br />

vendedores si sabía que no estaba bien lo que<br />

hacía respondió -con firmeza y desenfado- `¿Y qué<br />

querés, que salga a robar?`<br />

Primero: queda en evidencia que en ple<strong>na</strong> vía<br />

pública hay venta de artículos que pueden<br />

perjudicar a quien los compre. ¿Debería permitirse<br />

esa `actividad`? Y seguramente, quien tenga ese<br />

puesto de venta, no paga impuestos como quienes<br />

tenemos un negocio establecido.<br />

¿Qué se hace al respecto?<br />

El País - Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Segundo: mis conocimientos en Derecho Pe<strong>na</strong>l son<br />

escasos. Pregunto si u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong> que manifiesta<br />

-en un medio de prensa público- que si no lo dejan<br />

seguir con u<strong>na</strong> actividad (ilícita) sale a robar, ¿no<br />

debería ser, al menos, detenido para investigar sus<br />

antecedentes? Reitero: ¿qué se hace al respecto?<br />

Nada se hace. Parece que para evitar robos hay<br />

que permitir actividades ilícitas, ya que mientras los<br />

mismos de siempre paguemos, se sigue barriendo<br />

para abajo de la alfombra".<br />

El País Digital<br />


El País - España, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


El PSE pide "desacralizar" algu<strong>na</strong>s leyes para evitar<br />

duplicidades<br />

El parlamentario del PSE-EE Oscar Rodríguez ha<br />

instado a "desacralizar" algu<strong>na</strong>s leyes para evitar<br />

duplicidades e ineficiencias y abordar, entre todos<br />

los grupos políticos, "las luces y las sombras" del<br />

entramado institucio<strong>na</strong>l vasco teniendo en cuenta<br />

que las duplicidades de las administraciones se<br />

cifran en 403 millones de euros anuales.<br />

El representante de los socialistas en el Legislativo<br />

vasco, que maña<strong>na</strong> planteará la constitución de<br />

u<strong>na</strong> comisión especial que a<strong>na</strong>lice las duplicidades<br />

e ineficiencias en el entramado institucio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Euskadi, pide "altura de miras" al resto de grupos<br />

para que sean "capaces de hacer u<strong>na</strong> lectura<br />

crítica" del actual modelo.<br />

En declaraciones a Europa Press, Rodríguez ha<br />

recordado que tanto el lehendakari como el<br />

PSE-EE plantearon, como necesarios, el debate<br />

sobre fiscalidad, el de la paz y convivencia, y el de<br />

la regeneración institucio<strong>na</strong>l y la consecuente<br />

elimi<strong>na</strong>ción de las duplicidades.<br />

"Dijimos que lo haríamos, le gustara al PP o no le<br />

gustara, le gustara al PNV o no le gustara, y le<br />

gustara a algu<strong>na</strong>s Diputaciones, o no", manifestó.<br />

Por esta causa, reclamó a la formación jeltzale,<br />

"que es la que parece que tiene las mayores<br />

resistencias" ante la posible creación de u<strong>na</strong><br />

comisión parlamentaria de duplicidades, que "se<br />

quite el miedo, mire al futuro y desacralice algu<strong>na</strong>s<br />

leyes" para que las instituciones "funcionen mejor<br />

de lo que funcio<strong>na</strong>n en Euskadi".<br />

El parlamentario de Unión Progreso y Democracia,<br />

Gorka Maneiro, volverá a defender en la Cámara<br />

de Vitoria la necesidad de hacer u<strong>na</strong> profunda<br />

reforma de la Ley de Territorios Históricos (LTH)<br />

para modernizar y simplificar el entramado<br />

institucio<strong>na</strong>l vasco. Para ello, UPyD ha presentado<br />

u<strong>na</strong> enmienda a la propuesta del PSE de crear u<strong>na</strong><br />

comisión que a<strong>na</strong>lice las duplicidades e<br />

ineficiencias, puesto que con ello "sólo se pretende<br />

alargar el debate". Maneiro señala que "la reforma<br />

y actualización de la LTH es u<strong>na</strong> de las propuestas<br />

fundamentales de UPyD para Euskadi, puesto que<br />

esa ley habilita un entramado institucio<strong>na</strong>l vasco<br />

disparatado, caro e ineficiente que no tiene sentido<br />

en u<strong>na</strong> comunidad de ape<strong>na</strong>s dos millones de<br />

habitantes".<br />


El País - España, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Guiño del Gobierno al PP al hablar de u<strong>na</strong><br />

Conferencia de Paz en 2012<br />

La portavoz del Gobierno vasco, Idoia Mendia,<br />

dedicó ayer un significativo guiño al PP, su apoyo<br />

político en la actual legislatura, al aventurar la<br />

posibilidad de que en el año 2012, en el que se va<br />

a recordar el 75 aniversario del inicio de la Guerra<br />

Civil española, pueda desarrollarse u<strong>na</strong><br />

Conferencia o un Congreso inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l que hable<br />

de paz. Esta propuesta fue adelantada por Antonio<br />

Basagoiti, presidente de los populares vascos, al<br />

término de su reunión con el lehendakari, Patxi<br />

López, dentro de la ronda de contactos para<br />

abordar el nuevo esce<strong>na</strong>rio político tras el cese de<br />

la violencia de ETA.<br />

Apuesta por u<strong>na</strong> hoja de ruta consensuada sobre el<br />

fin del terrorismo<br />

Según admitió Mendía, durante u<strong>na</strong> entrevista en<br />

Radio Nacio<strong>na</strong>l, esta Conferencia "se celebrará o<br />

no en función de lo que se decida, y de lo que<br />

decida el lehendakari". López no rechazó la idea de<br />

Basagoiti, quien propuso un "gran encuentro,<br />

conferencia o congreso sobre la libertad, la<br />

ciudadanía, democracia y principios democráticos"<br />

en el que "se ponga en valor a las perso<strong>na</strong>s,<br />

normas y convivencia por encima de terrorismos,<br />

identidades e ideas separadoras y excluyentes".<br />

Mendia reconoció que la idea de Basagoiti, "como<br />

todas las propuestas que hacen los líderes<br />

políticos, las estudiamos y las valoramos",<br />

A propósito de los encuentros con los grupos<br />

políticos, la portavoz del Gobierno vasco aseguró<br />

que el lehendakari está "convencido" de que hay<br />

mucho puntos de encuentro entre los partidos<br />

democráticos, lo que "nos debe llevar a u<strong>na</strong> hoja de<br />

ruta consensuada para este fi<strong>na</strong>l del terrorismo". A<br />

su juicio, el Estatuto de Gernika es un ejemplo<br />

"magnífico" de pacto entre vascos. "Nos hace tener<br />

entidad política y el grado de bienestar del que<br />

gozamos. Apostamos por el Estatuto, pero ningu<strong>na</strong><br />

ley es sacrosanta. Todas están sometidas a<br />

cambios, incluida la Constitución", añadió. Por<br />

ello, defiende que se aborden cambios en la<br />

Constitución y en el Estatuto, que tiene más de 30<br />

años y tiene que actualizarse a los cambios de<br />

Europa y del mundo, "no necesariamente con u<strong>na</strong><br />

mayor capacidad de decisión, sino con u<strong>na</strong> mayor<br />

capacidad de autogobierno y de gestio<strong>na</strong>r",<br />

abriendo la puerta a pueda emprenderse a partir de<br />

la próxima legislatura.<br />

A su vez, y ante las exigencias de PNV y la<br />

izquierda abertzale sobre un adelanto electoral en<br />

Euskadi, Mendia recordó que la capacidad de<br />

decidir si se convocan o no comicios anticipados es<br />

del lehendakari, por lo que "será él quien lo<br />

decida". No obstante, advirtió de que, "no va a<br />

tener <strong>na</strong>da que ver, desde luego, el resultado de<br />

las elecciones" del próximo 20-N que considera<br />

que será "mucho mejor" para el PSE-EE que el<br />

sufrido en las recientes municipales.<br />

La portavoz del Gobierno vasco añadió que ese<br />

"sonsonete" que mantienen "todos" de pedir<br />

elecciones anticipadas en Euskadi, demuestra "que<br />

les falta bastante talante democrático". Para<br />

Mendia, "al fi<strong>na</strong>l, la democracia, u<strong>na</strong> democracia<br />

como la nuestra, tiene sus tiempos, cada institución<br />

tiene sus tiempos y estar constantemente en un<br />

permanente plebiscito, pidiendo elecciones, no<br />

parece lo más razo<strong>na</strong>ble", abundó<br />

Según la portavoz del Ejecutivo vasco, "en<br />

Euskadi, la gente entiende muy bien lo que está en<br />

juego las elecciones generales. En España no es lo<br />

mismo Mariano Rajoy con su modelo, que<br />

desconocemos todavía, de derechas, que u<strong>na</strong><br />

perso<strong>na</strong> como Rubalcaba, que ha demostrado<br />

compromiso con Euskadi", precisó.<br />


La Constitución establece un tamaño del<br />

Congreso que oscila entre un mínimo de 300 y un<br />

máximo de 400 diputados. Desde las primeras<br />

elecciones de 1977, ese número ha quedado fijado<br />

en 350. ¿Son muchos o pocos para representar a<br />

los ciudadanos españoles? Los dos principales<br />

partidos han ofrecido respuestas contradictorias y<br />

cambiantes. Con intensidades distintas predican<br />

ahora su reforma, pero hasta hace bien poco la han<br />

impedido sistemáticamente. En esta misma<br />

legislatura, u<strong>na</strong> comisión del Congreso ha<br />

considerado la posibilidad de reformar algunos de<br />

los elementos del sistema electoral contenidos en<br />

la LOREG, la ley orgánica que los regula. Pero<br />

hace menos de un año el PSOE y el PP vetaron<br />

todas las propuestas para modificarlos. Ni el<br />

tamaño del Congreso, ni la fórmula electoral, ni la<br />

magnitud de las circunscripciones, ni las<br />

asig<strong>na</strong>ciones de escaños mínimos por provincia<br />

fueron modificados: la continuidad de la LOREG<br />

fue aprobada por el 97% del Congreso.<br />

Ahora, al filo de la campaña electoral, tanto el<br />

PSOE como el PP han realizado nuevas<br />

propuestas. Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba se ha<br />

incli<strong>na</strong>do en el programa electoral de su partido por<br />

un sistema que se acerque al alemán y en todo<br />

caso por el desbloqueo de las listas electorales al<br />

Congreso. De forma más sorprendente, Mariano<br />

Rajoy abogaba en la Convención Nacio<strong>na</strong>l del PP,<br />

celebrada en Málaga hace u<strong>na</strong>s sema<strong>na</strong>s, por<br />

reducir en 50 escaños el tamaño del Congreso; a<br />

los pocos días, el portavoz del PP, Esteban<br />

González Pons, la justificaba porque "sobran<br />

políticos". Pero en el programa electoral del partido<br />

<strong>na</strong>da se dice sobre esta ocurrencia. Solo se afirma<br />

que “fortaleceremos el vínculo que une a<br />

representantes con representados”, un objetivo<br />

retórico que podría justificarse mediante esa<br />

reducción o alcanzarse por muchas otras medidas.<br />

(La única otra referencia en el programa<br />

conservador a la reforma del sistema electoral se<br />

propone cambiar el municipal para "respetar la<br />

voluntad mayoritaria de los vecinos", otra<br />

declaración vacía cuya intención oculta quizá sea<br />

la de impedir las coaliciones guber<strong>na</strong>mentales por<br />

partidos distintos del PP.)<br />

En ambos casos, estas propuestas se deben<br />

<strong>na</strong>turalmente a la influencia del movimiento de los<br />

indig<strong>na</strong>dos del 15-M. Pero parecen moverse en<br />

Congreso grande o pequeño<br />

El País - Sociedad, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


direcciones opuestas. La iniciativa del PSOE<br />

responde a las peticiones para incrementar la<br />

representatividad del Congreso, lo que en<br />

cualquiera de las posibilidades exigiría ampliar su<br />

tamaño; y la propuesta del PP, de concretarse en<br />

esa línea, estaría buscando aumentar todavía más<br />

la desproporcio<strong>na</strong>lidad de nuestro sistema<br />

electoral.<br />

¿Importan estos cambios? A la hora de diseñar (o<br />

reformar) el sistema electoral de un país, los<br />

políticos se enfrentan a la disyuntiva fundamental<br />

de contener la fragmentación partidista y procurar<br />

por lo tanto u<strong>na</strong> cierta estabilidad guber<strong>na</strong>mental<br />

(como en el Reino Unido), o mejorar la<br />

representación parlamentaria de los distintos<br />

intereses presentes en la sociedad a cambio de<br />

aumentar el número de partidos y contar con<br />

gobiernos de coalición (como en Holanda).<br />

Diseñado tras la muerte de Franco por algunos<br />

notables de la UCD, el sistema electoral español ha<br />

conseguido un éxito indudable en materia de<br />

gobiernos estables, que están entre los más<br />

duraderos de las democracias existentes. En<br />

contrapartida, la combi<strong>na</strong>ción de circunscripciones<br />

de magnitud baja, de la fórmula D'Hondt y de la<br />

desviación en el prorrateo han supuesto la<br />

aparición de niveles elevados de<br />

desproporcio<strong>na</strong>lidad en la atribución de escaños,<br />

con la consiguiente infrarrepresentación de los<br />

partidos minoritarios de ámbito <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

De llevarse a cabo, la propuesta del PP podría<br />

reducir aún más la representatividad del Congreso<br />

a costa de aumentar la sobrerrepresentación del<br />

partido ga<strong>na</strong>dor. La idea de recortar el número de<br />

escaños, y propiciar así u<strong>na</strong> hipotética mayor<br />

conexión de los electores con sus diputados, viene<br />

inspirada por u<strong>na</strong> concepción de la política que<br />

cree de justicia limitar el pluralismo si con ello se<br />

ahorran unos miles de euros al bolsillo del<br />

contribuyente. En tiempos de crisis, esta propuesta<br />

parece además sintonizar un tanto<br />

demagógicamente con las opiniones de unos<br />

ciudadanos azotados por el paro y la recesión<br />

económica. Pero no deja de causar estupefacción<br />

que esta idea surja precisamente en la legislatura<br />

en que con mayor fuerza se han hecho sentir las<br />

voces que reclamaban un sistema electoral más<br />

proporcio<strong>na</strong>l. Es cuando menos dudoso que,<br />

incluso en el nivel de las meras propuestas, sea<br />


ésa la reforma que necesita un país con diez<br />

millones de habitantes más y quizás la misma<br />

pluralidad de opiniones que hace tres décadas.<br />

El País - Sociedad, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />



El País - España, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Guiño del Gobierno al PP al hablar de u<strong>na</strong><br />

Conferencia de Paz en 2012<br />

Mendía descarta que el 20-N provoque un posible<br />

adelanto electoral en Euskadi<br />

La portavoz del Gobierno vasco, Idoia Mendia,<br />

dedicó ayer un significativo guiño al PP, su apoyo<br />

político en la actual legislatura, al aventurar la<br />

posibilidad de que en el año 2012, en el que se va<br />

a recordar el 75 aniversario del inicio de la Guerra<br />

Civil española, pueda desarrollarse u<strong>na</strong><br />

Conferencia o un Congreso inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l que hable<br />

de paz. Esta propuesta fue adelantada por Antonio<br />

Basagoiti, presidente de los populares vascos, al<br />

término de su reunión con el lehendakari, Patxi<br />

López, dentro de la ronda de contactos para<br />

abordar el nuevo esce<strong>na</strong>rio político tras el cese de<br />

la violencia de ETA.<br />

Según admitió Mendía, durante u<strong>na</strong> entrevista en<br />

Radio Nacio<strong>na</strong>l, esta Conferencia "se celebrará o<br />

no en función de lo que se decida, y de lo que<br />

decida el lehendakari". López no rechazó la idea de<br />

Basagoiti, quien propuso un "gran encuentro,<br />

conferencia o congreso sobre la libertad, la<br />

ciudadanía, democracia y principios democráticos"<br />

en el que "se ponga en valor a las perso<strong>na</strong>s,<br />

normas y convivencia por encima de terrorismos,<br />

identidades e ideas separadoras y excluyentes".<br />

Mendia reconoció que la idea de Basagoiti, "como<br />

todas las propuestas que hacen los líderes<br />

políticos, las estudiamos y las valoramos",<br />

A propósito de los encuentros con los grupos<br />

políticos, la portavoz del Gobierno vasco aseguró<br />

que el lehendakari está "convencido" de que hay<br />

mucho puntos de encuentro entre los partidos<br />

democráticos, lo que "nos debe llevar a u<strong>na</strong> hoja de<br />

ruta consensuada para este fi<strong>na</strong>l del terrorismo". A<br />

su juicio, el Estatuto de Gernika es un ejemplo<br />

"magnífico" de pacto entre vascos. "Nos hace tener<br />

entidad política y el grado de bienestar del que<br />

gozamos. Apostamos por el Estatuto, pero ningu<strong>na</strong><br />

ley es sacrosanta. Todas están sometidas a<br />

cambios, incluida la Constitución", añadió. Por<br />

ello, defiende que se aborden cambios en la<br />

Constitución y en el Estatuto, que tiene más de 30<br />

años y tiene que actualizarse a los cambios de<br />

Europa y del mundo, "no necesariamente con u<strong>na</strong><br />

mayor capacidad de decisión, sino con u<strong>na</strong> mayor<br />

capacidad de autogobierno y de gestio<strong>na</strong>r",<br />

abriendo la puerta a pueda emprenderse a partir de<br />

la próxima legislatura.<br />

A su vez, y ante las exigencias de PNV y la<br />

izquierda abertzale sobre un adelanto electoral en<br />

Euskadi, Mendia recordó que la capacidad de<br />

decidir si se convocan o no comicios anticipados es<br />

del lehendakari, por lo que "será él quien lo<br />

decida". No obstante, advirtió de que, "no va a<br />

tener <strong>na</strong>da que ver, desde luego, el resultado de<br />

las elecciones" del próximo 20-N que considera<br />

que será "mucho mejor" para el PSE-EE que el<br />

sufrido en las recientes municipales.<br />

La portavoz del Gobierno vasco añadió que ese<br />

"sonsonete" que mantienen "todos" de pedir<br />

elecciones anticipadas en Euskadi, demuestra "que<br />

les falta bastante talante democrático". Para<br />

Mendia, "al fi<strong>na</strong>l, la democracia, u<strong>na</strong> democracia<br />

como la nuestra, tiene sus tiempos, cada institución<br />

tiene sus tiempos y estar constantemente en un<br />

permanente plebiscito, pidiendo elecciones, no<br />

parece lo más razo<strong>na</strong>ble", abundó<br />

Según la portavoz del Ejecutivo vasco, "en<br />

Euskadi, la gente entiende muy bien lo que está en<br />

juego las elecciones generales. En España no es lo<br />

mismo Mariano Rajoy con su modelo, que<br />

desconocemos todavía, de derechas, que u<strong>na</strong><br />

perso<strong>na</strong> como Rubalcaba, que ha demostrado<br />

compromiso con Euskadi", precisó.<br />


Austeridad<br />

Si hay que ser austeros, empecemos disminuyendo<br />

el número de congresistas y se<strong>na</strong>dores, reduciendo<br />

al máximo los 17 Gobiernos autónomos, que no<br />

pueden ser copia del <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l. Que se eviten<br />

duplicaciones en el poder judicial y en las policías<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les, municipales y regio<strong>na</strong>les. ¡Cuántos<br />

ministerios, consejerías, mandos, academias,<br />

despachos y salarios en paralelo existen! Ahí tiene<br />

Rajoy donde aplicar su austeridad. Que deje<br />

tranquilos a los pensionistas y olvide los recortes<br />

en sanidad y educación. Afirma que no se debe<br />

gastar más de lo que se tiene, pues que dé ejemplo<br />

y no pida créditos para fi<strong>na</strong>nciar sus campañas.<br />

El País - Opiníon, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />



El Universal - Primera, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Detecta IFE “cuentas fantasmas” en partidos<br />

El Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) encontró<br />

diversas irregularidades en los siete partidos<br />

políticos al fiscalizar los recursos ejercidos en 2010<br />

Gastos sin justificar, facturas inexistentes,<br />

proveedores con domicilios equivocados, así como<br />

cuentas bancarias sin reportar son algu<strong>na</strong>s de las<br />

irregularidades que presentaron los siete partidos<br />

políticos (PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, PVEM, MC y Pa<strong>na</strong>l)<br />

en la revisión de sus gastos que hizo el Instituto<br />

Federal Electoral (IFE) a través de su Unidad de<br />

Fiscalización durante 2010.<br />

En el caso de AN, el órgano electoral encontró que<br />

este partido abrió cuatro cuentas bancarias sin<br />

avisar a la autoridad y no presentó un recibo por 46<br />

mil pesos para justificar la organización de un<br />

evento.<br />

Además, el Comité Directivo Estatal de Baja<br />

California no registró la deuda de u<strong>na</strong> multa que<br />

tendría que pagar por no haber retirado la<br />

propaganda electoral en los plazos establecidos<br />

por la ley. La multa que debió incluirse en su<br />

cuenta como un egreso de este partido en aquella<br />

entidad era por 131 mil 744 pesos.<br />

Este organismo político también gastó 10 mil 440<br />

pesos por tarjetas de felicitación, pero nunca<br />

entregó el comprobante que justificara el pago.<br />

Empresas “fantasma”<br />

En el PRI, la fiscalización dio cuenta de que los<br />

supervisores del IFE que acudieron a varias<br />

empresas a las cuales contrató ese partido no<br />

existen o dejaron de existir, como lo dio a conocer<br />

en su relatoría el instituto. Tal fue el caso de uno de<br />

los supervisores que <strong>na</strong>rró así su visita a u<strong>na</strong> de<br />

las direcciones entregadas por este partido.<br />

“El suscrito tocó el inmueble y u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong> de<br />

origen extranjero, que no se identificó, indicó que<br />

en el domicilio señalado en el oficio en cuestión ya<br />

no habitaba Carlos Eliseo Romero López, pues ella<br />

tenía de vivir ahí cerca de seis meses”, detalló el<br />

visitante del domicilio ubicado en Diego Are<strong>na</strong>s<br />

Guzmán 270, paralela a Tlalpan, colonia Villa de<br />

Cortés, en Benito Juárez.<br />

El PRI fue de los partidos que presentó diversas<br />

irregularidades en los documentos que entregó,<br />

como facturas, a la Unidad de Fiscalización del<br />

IFE. Esta información fue revisada y resultó en<br />

falsedad de los domicilios registrados como<br />

supuestos proveedores.<br />

El PT compró mil 180 camisetas a la empresa<br />

Renca, S.A. de C.V. por 24 mil 255 pesos, pero no<br />

dio comprobante y también fue sancio<strong>na</strong>do por el<br />

IFE al encontrar que utilizó dinero para “regalos” de<br />

campaña, recursos que no estaban permitidos para<br />

dicho fin.<br />

“De la revisión a la cuenta ‘Gastos Operativos de<br />

Campaña’, subcuenta ‘Regalos’, se observó el<br />

registro contable de pólizas que presentaban como<br />

soporte documental comprobantes por conceptos<br />

que no correspondían a las actividades propias del<br />

partido”.<br />

Entre las compras que hiciera el partido se<br />

encuentran palanga<strong>na</strong>s, cubetas de barril, vasos,<br />

licuadoras, ollas y balones de fútbol. Todo esto por<br />

un costo de 24 mil 935 pesos.<br />

El PVEM incurrió en diversas faltas, entre ellas, el<br />

falseo de información.<br />

“Como se observa, el acta notarial señala que se<br />

tenían miles de playeras, bolsas de mano y otros<br />

artículos, los cuales tenían publicidad del Partido<br />

Verde Ecologista de México, y se manifiesta que<br />

fueron adquiridas con el proveedor ‘Tailhy<br />

Fabricación y Corporación, S.A. de C.V.’, con<br />

domicilio en calle Cerro San Francisco 331, colonia<br />

Campestre Churubusco, en Coyoacán, mediante la<br />

factura número 0959, de fecha 19 de febrero de<br />

2010; sin embargo, no se identificó registro alguno<br />

en su contabilidad de dicha factura.<br />

“En consecuencia, no se tiene identificado el origen<br />

de los recursos para el pago de la factura referida,<br />

ni el destino que se dio a la publicidad u<strong>na</strong> vez que<br />

fue localizada. Au<strong>na</strong>do a lo anterior, el acta<br />

presentada por el partido hace alusión a apéndices<br />

que no fueron remitidos a la autoridad electoral”.<br />

Compra de playeras y bolsas<br />

Este partido no reportó el gasto de la factura 0959<br />

emitida por Tailhy Fabricación y Corporación, S.A.<br />

de C.V. por concepto de 60 mil playeras y 4 mil 500<br />

bolsas de mano y omitió aclarar respecto si los<br />

servicios fueron pagados y en su caso el origen de<br />

los mismos, por 542 mil 880 pesos.<br />

Un caso particular fue detectado en Movimiento<br />

Ciudadano (antes Convergencia), que incluyó en el<br />

rubro de “cuentas por cobrar” un inmueble que está<br />

“tomado” desde 2005 en Nayarit y que fungía como<br />

sede local.<br />


“Se encuentra en proceso legal por la toma del<br />

edificio de este comité en el año de 2005 y que a la<br />

fecha sigue el proceso, por lo que se anexa<br />

demanda TEP/III/CH/4581/05, así como copia del<br />

oficio sellado de recibido con fecha 8 de julio 2011<br />

por la Procuraduría General de Justicia de Nayarit,<br />

donde se solicita la devolución de los bienes<br />

muebles y documentación asegurados”, dio a<br />

conocer la misma Unidad.<br />

Con este edificio, au<strong>na</strong>do a las demandas y juicios<br />

laborales que tiene en su contra Movimiento<br />

Ciudadano, trataron de justificar el egreso de 3<br />

millones 635 mil pesos que incluyó este instituto<br />

político en sus cuentas de 2010. Sin embargo,<br />

dicha unidad consideró que esto no era correcto.<br />

Sobre la situación fiscal del Pa<strong>na</strong>l, al menos se<br />

detectaron 97 cuentas bancarias cuya creación no<br />

fue notificada legalmente ante el IFE.<br />

“Derivado del intercambio de información fi<strong>na</strong>nciera<br />

que este Consejo General llevó a cabo con la<br />

Comisión Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Bancaria y de Valores, se tuvo<br />

conocimiento de la existencia de 97 cuentas<br />

El Universal - Primera, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


bancarias respecto de las cuales el partido no<br />

presentó documentación algu<strong>na</strong>”, detalló la<br />

auditoria.<br />

Aunque el IFE ya ordenó sanciones contra los<br />

partidos políticos por estas irregularidades, los<br />

mismos tienen posibilidad de inconformarse ante el<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación.<br />


El Universal - Nación, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Partidos reprueban auditoría del IFE<br />

Gastos sin justificar, facturas inexistentes,<br />

proveedores con domicilios equivocados, así como<br />

cuentas bancarias sin reportar son algu<strong>na</strong>s de las<br />

irregularidades que presentaron los siete partidos<br />

políticos (PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, PVEM, MC y Pa<strong>na</strong>l)<br />

en la revisión de sus gastos que hizo el Instituto<br />

Federal Electoral (IFE) a través de su Unidad de<br />

Fiscalización durante 2010.<br />

En el caso de AN, el órgano electoral encontró que<br />

este partido abrió cuatro cuentas bancarias sin<br />

avisar a la autoridad y no presentó un recibo por 46<br />

mil pesos para justificar la organización de un<br />

evento.<br />

Además, el Comité Directivo Estatal de Baja<br />

California no registró la deuda de u<strong>na</strong> multa que<br />

tendría que pagar por no haber retirado la<br />

propaganda electoral en los plazos establecidos<br />

por la ley. La multa que debió incluirse en su<br />

cuenta como un egreso de este partido en aquella<br />

entidad era por 131 mil 744 pesos.<br />

Este organismo político también gastó 10 mil 440<br />

pesos por tarjetas de felicitación, pero nunca<br />

entregó el comprobante que justificara el pago.<br />

Empresas “fantasma”<br />

En el PRI, la fiscalización dio cuenta de que los<br />

supervisores del IFE que acudieron a varias<br />

empresas a las cuales contrató ese partido no<br />

existen o dejaron de existir, como lo dio a conocer<br />

en su relatoría el instituto. Tal fue el caso de uno de<br />

los supervisores que <strong>na</strong>rró así su visita a u<strong>na</strong> de<br />

las direcciones entregadas por este partido.<br />

“El suscrito tocó el inmueble y u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong> de<br />

origen extranjero, que no se identificó, indicó que<br />

en el domicilio señalado en el oficio en cuestión ya<br />

no habitaba Carlos Eliseo Romero López, pues ella<br />

tenía de vivir ahí cerca de seis meses”, detalló el<br />

visitante del domicilio ubicado en Diego Are<strong>na</strong>s<br />

Guzmán 270, paralela a Tlalpan, colonia Villa de<br />

Cortés, en Benito Juárez.<br />

El PRI fue de los partidos que presentó diversas<br />

irregularidades en los documentos que entregó,<br />

como facturas, a la Unidad de Fiscalización del<br />

IFE. Esta información fue revisada y resultó en<br />

falsedad de los domicilios registrados como<br />

supuestos proveedores.<br />

El PT compró mil 180 camisetas a la empresa<br />

Renca, S.A. de C.V. por 24 mil 255 pesos, pero no<br />

dio comprobante y también fue sancio<strong>na</strong>do por el<br />

IFE al encontrar que utilizó dinero para “regalos” de<br />

campaña, recursos que no estaban permitidos para<br />

dicho fin.<br />

“De la revisión a la cuenta ‘Gastos Operativos de<br />

Campaña’, subcuenta ‘Regalos’, se observó el<br />

registro contable de pólizas que presentaban como<br />

soporte documental comprobantes por conceptos<br />

que no correspondían a las actividades propias del<br />

partido”.<br />

Entre las compras que hiciera el partido se<br />

encuentran palanga<strong>na</strong>s, cubetas de barril, vasos,<br />

licuadoras, ollas y balones de fútbol. Todo esto por<br />

un costo de 24 mil 935 pesos.<br />

El PVEM incurrió en diversas faltas, entre ellas, el<br />

falseo de información.<br />

“Como se observa, el acta notarial señala que se<br />

tenían miles de playeras, bolsas de mano y otros<br />

artículos, los cuales tenían publicidad del Partido<br />

Verde Ecologista de México, y se manifiesta que<br />

fueron adquiridas con el proveedor ‘Tailhy<br />

Fabricación y Corporación, S.A. de C.V.’, con<br />

domicilio en calle Cerro San Francisco 331, colonia<br />

Campestre Churubusco, en Coyoacán, mediante la<br />

factura número 0959, de fecha 19 de febrero de<br />

2010; sin embargo, no se identificó registro alguno<br />

en su contabilidad de dicha factura.<br />

“En consecuencia, no se tiene identificado el origen<br />

de los recursos para el pago de la factura referida,<br />

ni el destino que se dio a la publicidad u<strong>na</strong> vez que<br />

fue localizada. Au<strong>na</strong>do a lo anterior, el acta<br />

presentada por el partido hace alusión a apéndices<br />

que no fueron remitidos a la autoridad electoral”.<br />

Compra de playeras y bolsas<br />

Este partido no reportó el gasto de la factura 0959<br />

emitida por Tailhy Fabricación y Corporación, S.A.<br />

de C.V. por concepto de 60 mil playeras y 4 mil 500<br />

bolsas de mano y omitió aclarar respecto si los<br />

servicios fueron pagados y en su caso el origen de<br />

los mismos, por 542 mil 880 pesos.<br />

Un caso particular fue detectado en Movimiento<br />

Ciudadano (antes Convergencia), que incluyó en el<br />

rubro de “cuentas por cobrar” un inmueble que está<br />

“tomado” desde 2005 en Nayarit y que fungía como<br />

sede local.<br />

“Se encuentra en proceso legal por la toma del<br />

edificio de este comité en el año de 2005 y que a la<br />

fecha sigue el proceso, por lo que se anexa<br />


demanda TEP/III/CH/4581/05, así como copia del<br />

oficio sellado de recibido con fecha 8 de julio 2011<br />

por la Procuraduría General de Justicia de Nayarit,<br />

donde se solicita la devolución de los bienes<br />

muebles y documentación asegurados”, dio a<br />

conocer la misma Unidad.<br />

Con este edificio, au<strong>na</strong>do a las demandas y juicios<br />

laborales que tiene en su contra Movimiento<br />

Ciudadano, trataron de justificar el egreso de 3<br />

millones 635 mil pesos que incluyó este instituto<br />

político en sus cuentas de 2010. Sin embargo,<br />

dicha unidad consideró que esto no era correcto.<br />

Sobre la situación fiscal del Pa<strong>na</strong>l, al menos se<br />

detectaron 97 cuentas bancarias cuya creación no<br />

fue notificada legalmente ante el IFE.<br />

“Derivado del intercambio de información fi<strong>na</strong>nciera<br />

que este Consejo General llevó a cabo con la<br />

Comisión Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Bancaria y de Valores, se tuvo<br />

El Universal - Nación, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


conocimiento de la existencia de 97 cuentas<br />

bancarias respecto de las cuales el partido no<br />

presentó documentación algu<strong>na</strong>”, detalló la<br />

auditoria.<br />

Aunque el IFE ya ordenó sanciones contra los<br />

partidos políticos por estas irregularidades, los<br />

mismos tienen posibilidad de inconformarse ante el<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación.<br />


El Universal - Nación, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


TEPJF declara infundada queja por consejeros de IFE<br />

El Tribu<strong>na</strong>l rechaza la queja presentada por un<br />

grupo de 30 ciudadanos contra la omisión de la<br />

Cámara de Diputados de nombrar a los tres<br />

consejeros electorales<br />

El Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación (TEPJF) desechó, por segunda<br />

ocasión, u<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción contra los diputados<br />

federales por no haber elegido a tres consejeros<br />

electorales.<br />

Lo anterior, pese a que el proyecto elaborado por la<br />

magistrada María del Carmen Alanis, proponía<br />

reconocerles interés y orde<strong>na</strong>r a la Cámara de<br />

Diputados realizar las acciones necesarias para<br />

elegir a los consejeros electorales.<br />

A principios de octubre, más de 20 ciudadanos<br />

presentaron un recurso ante el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l, bajo el<br />

argumento de que los diputados habían violado su<br />

derecho a votar y ser votado al no elegir a los tres<br />

consejeros electorales.<br />

La impug<strong>na</strong>ción llegó, luego de que en San Lázaro<br />

desecharan la ter<strong>na</strong> de consejeros electorales<br />

integrada por Cecilia Tapia, David Gómez y<br />

Enrique Ochoa.<br />

El pasado 12 de octubre, el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l resolvió u<strong>na</strong><br />

impug<strong>na</strong>ción similar presentada por Álvaro Uribe<br />

Robles. En esa ocasión, el organismo electoral<br />

concluyó --basado en un proyecto formulado por el<br />

magistrado Pedro Pe<strong>na</strong>gos-- que Uribe no tenía<br />

interés jurídico para impug<strong>na</strong>r el acto.<br />

Lo anterior, porque no formaba parte de la lista de<br />

17 candidatos a consejeros electorales elaborada<br />

por la Comisión de Gober<strong>na</strong>ción de la Cámara de<br />

Diputados y entregada a la Junta de Coordi<strong>na</strong>ción<br />

Política de la misma Cámara, para que con base<br />

en ella elaborara u<strong>na</strong> ter<strong>na</strong> de candidatos a ocupar<br />

el cargo.<br />

Pe<strong>na</strong>gos aclaró que el artículo 79 de la Ley<br />

General del Sistema de Medios de Impug<strong>na</strong>ción<br />

precisa que los juicios para la protección de los<br />

derechos político electorales procederán solo<br />

cuando quien presente la denuncia resulte afectado<br />

en sus derechos como resultado de la decisión<br />

impug<strong>na</strong>da.<br />

El TEPJF tenía pendiente resolver otra<br />

impug<strong>na</strong>ción en el mismo sentido que había sido<br />

tur<strong>na</strong>da a María del Carmen Alanis. En su proyecto<br />

de resolución, la magistrada propuso reconocerles<br />

interés a los ciudadanos que impug<strong>na</strong>ron la<br />

omisión de la Cámara.<br />

Basó su argumentación en considerar al derecho a<br />

votar y ser votado como un derecho humano.<br />

"El Constituyente diseñó la integración de ese<br />

órgano para funcio<strong>na</strong>r óptimamente con un<br />

consejero presidente, ocho consejeros electorales<br />

y su desig<strong>na</strong>ción la atribuyó a la Cámara de<br />

Diputados, entonces toda ciudada<strong>na</strong> o ciudadano<br />

que pueda votar en las elecciones federales cuenta<br />

con la legitimación, con el interés. (Por ello),<br />

encuentro que el juicio para la protección de los<br />

derechos político electorales es la vía procedente<br />

para evitar que el ejercicio de ese derecho pueda<br />

verse afectado de algu<strong>na</strong> manera, sobre todo si ha<br />

iniciado el proceso inicial federal 2011-2012",<br />

explicó Alanis Figueroa.<br />

"Todas y todos los ciudadanos que están en la lista<br />

nomi<strong>na</strong>l, que cuentan con su credencial para votar<br />

con fotografía, que están en capacidad de votar en<br />

la próxima elección federal para Presidente, para<br />

se<strong>na</strong>dores y para diputados, cuyos comicios están<br />

siendo organizados por el Instituto Federal<br />

Electoral, ¿por qué no reconocerles, entonces, la<br />

legitimación e interés jurídico para exigir ante este<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l que el máximo órgano de dirección se<br />

encuentre debidamente conformado?", agregó.<br />

No obstante, la mayoría de los magistrados (con<br />

excepción de Flavio Galván) rechazaron la posición<br />

de Alanis y reiteron los argumentos que<br />

esgrimieron en la primera ocasión que resolvieron<br />

u<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción contra la Cámara de Diputados<br />

por la elección de consejeros.<br />

"Yo les digo con todo respeto a los recurrentes, no<br />

se les afecta su derecho a votar y ser votado",<br />

precisó el presidente del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l, Alejandro Lu<strong>na</strong><br />

Ramos.<br />

Pedro Esteban Pe<strong>na</strong>gos aclaró que el hecho de<br />

que el Consejo General del IFE no esté<br />

completamente integrado no significa que se afecte<br />

el derecho de un ciudadano a votar o ser votado.<br />

Recordó que según la ley, este Consejo puede<br />

funcio<strong>na</strong>r con seis consejeros. Reconocer los<br />

argumentos de Alanis, acotó, implicaría concluir<br />

que todas las decisiones que ha tomado el IFE<br />

--con su integración actual-- no son válidas.<br />

El magistrado Manuel González Oropeza secundó<br />

a Pe<strong>na</strong>gos y agregó que de aplicar el criterio<br />

propuesto por Alanis Figueroa, cualquier ciudadano<br />


podría demandar, por ejemplo, al Se<strong>na</strong>do por la no<br />

ratificación de un tratado inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Fi<strong>na</strong>lmente, con u<strong>na</strong> votación de cinco contra dos,<br />

el TEPJF desechó la impug<strong>na</strong>ción.<br />

El Universal - Nación, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />



La Nacion - Política, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


PGN e Itaipu: Resultados de la sesión de Se<strong>na</strong>dores<br />

El ex se<strong>na</strong>dor provincial Abelardo Félix Pacayut, al<br />

conocer el fallo de la STJ, confirmando la sentencia<br />

de rechazar el recurso de Casación contra la Sala<br />

1ª de la Cámara del Crimen de Paraná, afirmó “voy<br />

a instruir a mis apoderados legales de hacer uso<br />

del derecho constitucio<strong>na</strong>l que me asiste de recurrir<br />

a la instancia superior para demostrar mi inocencia”<br />

En ese sentido, el ex legislador manifestó, en u<strong>na</strong><br />

gacetilla enviada a esta Agencia: “Tengo la íntima<br />

convicción que mis acciones no se enmarcan en<br />

las conductas que me endilgan y es por eso que<br />

tengo la decisión de agotar todas las instancias<br />

judiciales; lo digo desde la fortaleza que me<br />

brindan mis familiares y amigos en estos<br />

momentos difíciles”.<br />

Por último el ex se<strong>na</strong>dor consideró: “La Corte<br />

Suprema de Justicia de la Nación, desprovista de<br />

los prejuicios localistas, hará un profundo análisis<br />

de la causa; por lo que mantengo mi fe que se hará<br />

justicia”.<br />


La Nacion - Economía, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Por acciones de la Anses, se traban más juicios de<br />

jubilados<br />

En la justicia previsio<strong>na</strong>l están paralizados por lo<br />

menos 2300 expedientes de demandas de<br />

jubilados, a raíz de u<strong>na</strong> acción de la Administración<br />

Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de la Seguridad Social (Anses), que se<br />

propone apartar del análisis de las causas a uno de<br />

los jueces que integran la sala II.<br />

Mientras tanto, no cesa el ingreso de reclamos,<br />

principalmente por reajustes de haberes o por el<br />

cálculo del ingreso mensual de inicio. Según las<br />

estadísticas de la Cámara Federal de la Seguridad<br />

Social, entre febrero y octubre de este año se<br />

iniciaron 71.167 litigios, mientras que los juzgados<br />

de primera instancia emitieron <strong>na</strong>da menos que<br />

33.605 sentencias. En tanto, a las tres salas de la<br />

cámara de apelaciones llegaron en esos nueve<br />

meses 36.311 expedientes, un número muy<br />

superior respecto de los de igual período de años<br />

anteriores.<br />

En esta segunda instancia, las trabas comenzaron<br />

a principios de julio. Tal como se informó en ese<br />

momento, en ese mes el organismo previsio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

-que es la parte demandada en los reclamos de<br />

jubilados- recusó al juez camarista Luis René<br />

Herrero. Es decir: al enviar las apelaciones de<br />

fallos de primera instancia comenzó a rechazar la<br />

intervención del mencio<strong>na</strong>do magistrado en las<br />

votaciones para emitir sentencias.<br />

Si bien las recusaciones fueron sin causa (lo cual<br />

inhabilitaría al Poder Judicial a evaluar si<br />

aceptarlas o no), un tribu<strong>na</strong>l de jueces determinó<br />

que hubo un abuso de derecho por parte de la<br />

Anses al recurrir a ese tipo de figura. Se argumentó<br />

que el organismo había expresado públicamente<br />

que sí tenía causas para actuar contra Herrero, un<br />

magistrado de amplia trayectoria académica que<br />

integra la cámara hace 32 años. De hecho, este<br />

año la Anses envió al Consejo de la Magistratura<br />

un pedido de investigación contra el juez, con la<br />

acusación de supuestas irregularidades en el<br />

proceso de firma de dos sentencias, que podría<br />

derivar en un juicio político y que también involucra<br />

a Emilio Fernández.<br />

Fernández es otro integrante de la misma sala.<br />

Con Herrero, son los dos jueces que años atrás<br />

habilitaron la vía cautelar para que los jubilados<br />

que litigan por reajuste de haberes puedan<br />

comenzar a percibir sus ingresos actualizados, sin<br />

verse obligados a esperar a que fi<strong>na</strong>lice el juicio<br />

(en casos en que ya se conoce cuál será la<br />

sentencia). El trámite judicial suele llevar varios<br />

años, que se suman al plazo posterior para que la<br />

Anses efectivice el pago correspondiente.<br />

Al a<strong>na</strong>lizar en su momento las presentaciones<br />

hechas por la Anses, los jueces camaristas<br />

Fernández, Néstor Fasciolo y Juan Carlos Poclava<br />

Lafuente rechazaron las recusaciones, decisión<br />

que habilitó a Herrero a seguir firmando fallos. Sin<br />

embargo, todo volvió a trabarse porque la Anses<br />

rechazó esa resolución y presentó un recurso<br />

extraordi<strong>na</strong>rio en busca de que el tema llegue a la<br />

Corte Suprema.<br />

Recusación<br />

Además, el organismo estatal recusó a los tres<br />

jueces mencio<strong>na</strong>dos para evitar que sigan<br />

rechazando recusaciones. Esta última presentación<br />

de la Anses, a su vez, debe ser resuelta por otros<br />

tres jueces: Victoria Pérez Tognolla de Vitobello,<br />

Mabel Maffei de Borghi y Ber<strong>na</strong>bé Chirinos.<br />

Mientras todo eso ocurre, los expedientes esperan<br />

y las causas de los jubilados se demoran aún más<br />

de lo habitual. Según fuentes judiciales, de la sala<br />

II sólo salen sentencias y resoluciones de<br />

expedientes previos a que la Anses comenzara con<br />

las recusaciones.<br />

Para la denuncia contra Herrero ante el Consejo de<br />

la Magistratura, el organismo que dirige Diego<br />

Bossio se basó en acusaciones hechas en notas<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>s de la cámara por la tercera jueza de la<br />

sala, Nora Dorado, sobre supuestas irregularidades<br />

en la votación de dos causas.<br />

En su defensa, el juez Herrero expresó<br />

públicamente, entre otros argumentos, que las<br />

acusaciones se refieren a tareas que no están bajo<br />

su responsabilidad. Y rechazó también u<strong>na</strong><br />

acusación de amistad con el abogado de u<strong>na</strong><br />

causa en la que intervino, lo cual, de todas formas<br />

no lo habría obligado a recusarse. Para referirse a<br />

esa supuesta amistad, la Anses presentó<br />

programas de congresos sobre temas jurídicos en<br />

los que ambos profesio<strong>na</strong>les habían coincidido.<br />

Los mismos hechos -sobre los cuales Herrero<br />

presentó su defensa ante el Consejo de la<br />

Magistratura, según pudo saber LA NACIONfueron<br />

denunciados ante el juez Claudio Bo<strong>na</strong>dio y<br />

ante la Unidad Fiscal de Investigaciones de Delitos<br />

de la Seguridad Social, a cargo de Guillermo<br />

Marijuán. Desde el Consejo -donde llegó u<strong>na</strong><br />

presentación espontánea de la jueza Dorado contra<br />

sus pares- señalaron que el caso está en la<br />

Comisión de Discipli<strong>na</strong> y Acusación, aún sin<br />

dictamen..<br />


La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Diputados PPD y PS rechazan nueva “lista negra” de<br />

Isapre Consalud<br />

Como un “escándalo” y u<strong>na</strong> “vergüenza” calificaron<br />

diputados del PPD y del PS, el veto de Isapre<br />

Consalud a trabajadores de 619 empresas e<br />

instituciones, emulando u<strong>na</strong> práctica similar que se<br />

había conocido por parte de Banmédica y Vida<br />

Tres. La diputada Adria<strong>na</strong> Muñoz (PPD) indicó que<br />

“desde que asumió el gobierno de Piñera las<br />

Isapres están viviendo en un paraíso terre<strong>na</strong>l<br />

donde no hay normas, ni respeto a la<br />

Constitución. Tenemos u<strong>na</strong> industria que entrega<br />

un derecho fundamental de las perso<strong>na</strong>s que es la<br />

salud, poniendo barreras que son<br />

inconstitucio<strong>na</strong>les, por edad, por sexo, por ingreso<br />

y hoy por pertenecer a u<strong>na</strong> determi<strong>na</strong>da institución<br />

o empresa”. Por eso, dijo que “queremos pedir la<br />

renuncia del Superintendente de Isapres, que no<br />

ha acogido ningu<strong>na</strong> de las denuncias realizadas<br />

por los parlamentarios y por los trabajadores de las<br />

Isapres”. El diputado Enrique Accorsi (PPD) afirmó<br />

que “hemos exigido al Superintendente que nos<br />

entregue el listado de las listas negras que tienen<br />

las otras Isapres. Esto es verdaderamente u<strong>na</strong><br />

vergüenza pública, un escándalo. La Constitución<br />

garantiza el libre acceso de las perso<strong>na</strong>s al sistema<br />

de salud, y aquí por u<strong>na</strong> razón que solamente tiene<br />

que ver con el ingreso, no le dan cabida a las<br />

perso<strong>na</strong>s”. Asimismo, el diputado socialista Juan<br />

Luis Castro sostuvo que “es la hora que los 2.5<br />

millones de chilenos pertenecientes a las Isapres<br />

decidan si quieren mantenerse en un sistema que<br />

incurre en estas prácticas francamente oscuras y<br />

persecutorias o derechamente prefieren irse a<br />

Fo<strong>na</strong>sa”.<br />


La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Gobierno recibió informe de Carabineros por parte<br />

adulterado<br />

El ministro del Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, confirmó<br />

este jueves que recibió el informe de Carabineros<br />

sobre la adulteración del parte del accidente de<br />

tránsito en que se vio involucrado el hijo del ex<br />

general director de la institución, Eduardo Gordon.<br />

Hinzpeter no se refirió al contenido específico del<br />

informe y sólo se limitó a señalar que el proceso<br />

está en manos de la justicia militar. "Cuando la<br />

justicia inicia el conocimiento de estos hechos, a<br />

las autoridades políticas nos corresponde tomar un<br />

segundo plano y esperar la decisión fi<strong>na</strong>l del Poder<br />

Judicial, porque es la decisión que en definitiva<br />

corresponde", señaló el ministro. En tanto, el actual<br />

general director de Carabineros, Gustavo<br />

González, también confirmó el envío del informe al<br />

gobierno, pero declinó referirse a la situación del<br />

general Aquiles Blu, quien habría orde<strong>na</strong>do<br />

adulterar el parte. El general Blu, director de Orden<br />

y Seguridad de Carabineros, era mencio<strong>na</strong>do como<br />

sucesor de Eduardo Gordon. Tras la renuncia de<br />

este último, asumió el general González mientras<br />

se reformula el alto mando. Sobre esto último, el<br />

general González confirmó que el nuevo alto<br />

mando de la institución se dará a conocer a<br />

mediados de este mes. Por el momento, se<br />

desconoce si el general Aquiles Blu seguirá en<br />

Carabineros. La adulteración del parte se dio a<br />

conocer el pasado 1 de septiembre por el portal<br />

Ciper Chile. De inmediato el gobierno pidió a la<br />

policía un informe detallado sobre el caso, y<br />

Gordon renunció al cargo al día siguiente.<br />


La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Matrimonio homosexual: TC rechazó el requerimiento<br />

de parejas gay<br />

Por 9 a favor y el voto en contra el ministro Hernán<br />

Vodanovic, el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l rechazó el<br />

recurso presentado por 3 parejas homosexuales<br />

contra la aplicabilidad del artículo 102 del Código<br />

Civil, que restringe el matrimonio a los contratos<br />

entre un hombre y u<strong>na</strong> mujer. El proceso se inició<br />

en octubre 2010, cuando las parejas, el Movimiento<br />

de Liberación Homosexual (Movilh) y sus abogados<br />

presentaron un recurso de protección ante la Corte<br />

de Apelaciones de Santiago, alegando que la<br />

prohibición al matrimonio igualitario contraviene la<br />

Constitución. En diciembre de 2010, el tribu<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

alzada capitalino decide consultar al TC sobre la<br />

aplicabilidad o i<strong>na</strong>plicabilidad sobre la prohibición<br />

del matrimonio igualitario, institución que tramitó el<br />

requerimiento hasta su sentencia de hoy jueves.<br />

Los recurrentes que llevaron el caso hasta el TC<br />

son César Peralta y Hans Arias, padres de 2 niños,<br />

luego de que el primero ga<strong>na</strong>ra la tuición de sus<br />

hijos en un fallo emitido el 2009 por el Juzgado de<br />

Familia de Puente Alto; el ca<strong>na</strong>diense Stephane<br />

Abran, quien contrajo matrimonio en agosto del<br />

2006 con el chileno Jorge Mo<strong>na</strong>rdes en Ca<strong>na</strong>dá; y<br />

Víctor Arce y Miguel Lillo, quienes formalizaron su<br />

unión en Mendoza en agosto del 2010. EL<br />

REQUERIMIENTO El reclamo de las parejas<br />

homosexuales apuntaba contra el artículo 102 del<br />

Código Civil que establece que el "matrimonio es<br />

un contrato solemne por el cual un hombre y u<strong>na</strong><br />

mujer se unen actual e indisolublemente, y por toda<br />

la vida, con el fin de vivir juntos, de procrear y de<br />

auxiliarse mutuamente". Sin embargo, la<br />

impug<strong>na</strong>ción de i<strong>na</strong>plicabilidad presentada por el<br />

mundo homosexual no fue acogida por el TC. En<br />

su fallo, la instancia expresa que "si bien se ha<br />

efectuado u<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción aislada de un artículo,<br />

lo que verdaderamente se impug<strong>na</strong> es la aplicación<br />

de un estatuto jurídico complejo derivado del<br />

vínculo matrimonial entre hombre y mujer, que se<br />

encuentra regulado en su estructura esencial en el<br />

Código Civil y en la Ley Nº 19.947, esto es, la Ley<br />

de Matrimonio Civil". "En otras palabras –añade la<br />

sentencia del TC- lo que pretenden los recurrentes<br />

es que se les reconozca la aplicación del<br />

mencio<strong>na</strong>do estatuto, cuestión que no es de<br />

competencia de este Tribu<strong>na</strong>l, pues éste no se<br />

encuentra facultado para modificar y regular las<br />

instituciones que contempla el orde<strong>na</strong>miento<br />

jurídico mediante un pronunciamiento de<br />

i<strong>na</strong>plicabilidad". LLAMADO A LEGISLAR Si bien<br />

votaron contra el recurso de i<strong>na</strong>plicabilidad, los<br />

integrantes del TC Francisco Fernández, Carlos<br />

Carmo<strong>na</strong>, José Antonio Viera Gallo y Gonzalo<br />

García formularon un llamado al Gobierno y al<br />

Congreso a legislar sobre las uniones civiles del<br />

mismo sexo "Legislar sobre la materia resulta aún<br />

más imperioso en nuestro país frente al vacío<br />

normativo que hoy existe. Ello deja en u<strong>na</strong><br />

incertidumbre jurídica a las uniones de hecho,<br />

especialmente a las parejas del mismo sexo,<br />

exponiéndolas a situaciones de menoscabo y<br />

desamparo. Existe en este punto u<strong>na</strong> omisión<br />

legislativa y un déficit de protección que es preciso<br />

remediar con prontitud. Existe u<strong>na</strong> clara tendencia<br />

a regular estas situaciones en los diversos países",<br />

señala el voto redactado por estos 4 ministros.<br />

PLENO RECHAZO En otro voto concurrente, los<br />

ministros Marcelo Venegas, Enrique Navarro e Iván<br />

Aróstica no sólo rechazan el requerimiento de las<br />

parejas homosexuales. También expresan que la<br />

negativa a parejas del mismo sexo a contraer<br />

matrimonio no vulnera la Constitución. De<br />

acuerdo a la sentencia, estos magistrados "dejan<br />

constancia de que "estuvieron por pronunciarse<br />

derechamente sobre el fondo del requerimiento<br />

deducido por la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago,<br />

declarando que no resulta contraria a la<br />

Constitución la aplicación del artículo 102 del<br />

Código Civil, en el proceso sobre Recurso de<br />

Protección N° 6787-2010". EL VOTO DISIDENTE<br />

DE VODANOVIC En su voto disidente, el ministro<br />

Hernán Vodanovic esgrime sus argumentos a favor<br />

de acoger el requerimiento de i<strong>na</strong>plicabilidad contra<br />

el artículo 102 del Código Civil. Para ello cita un<br />


fallo de 2005 de la Corte Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Sudáfrica cuando invalidó la cláusula heterosexual<br />

del régimen matrimonial. También hace suyos los<br />

argumentos entregados por Libertades Públicas<br />

ante el TC. "Privar a un grupo de perso<strong>na</strong>s de la<br />

posibilidad de acceder a la institución matrimonial<br />

importa negarles la dignidad que la propia<br />

Constitución les reconoce", sentenció Vodanovic<br />

La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


citando la exposición de Libertades Públicas,<br />

añadiendo que se genera un "tratamiento<br />

discrimi<strong>na</strong>torio en perjuicio de las parejas del<br />

mismo sexo que no cuenta con ningu<strong>na</strong><br />

justificación razo<strong>na</strong>ble en u<strong>na</strong> República<br />

democrática que acepta la diversidad de formas de<br />

vida".<br />


Los Angeles Times - Business, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


CBS beats FCC again in Janet Jackson 'wardrobe<br />

malfunction' case<br />

New Delhi, Nov. 2:<br />

Selling a project without registering it with the<br />

proposed Real Estate Authority can soon land a<br />

developer behind bars, if it involves “crimi<strong>na</strong>l<br />

intent”. Also, the erring builder may be asked to<br />

cough up a heavy pe<strong>na</strong>lty.<br />

These provisions are part of the draft Real Estate<br />

(Regulation and Development) Bill 2011. The<br />

Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation<br />

plans to seek public comments on the draft in 8-10<br />

days. The new version has been prepared after<br />

extensive consultation with stakeholders and<br />

incorporates many changes since the first draft in<br />

mid-2009.<br />

“Our effort is to table this Bill during the Winter<br />

Session of Parliament and get it passed by the<br />

Monsoon Session,” a senior Government official<br />

said.<br />

So, one can expect e<strong>na</strong>ctment of the law from the<br />

second half of next year. The proposed Bill aims to<br />

cover only property transactions, and all the States<br />

are expected to adhere to its provisions.<br />


The official said there were plans to set up a Real<br />

Estate Authority in each State. Also, there will be a<br />

dispute settlement mechanism to amicably resolve<br />

differences between buyers and builders.<br />

This was not part of the origi<strong>na</strong>l draft, which had<br />

only talked about suo motu action by the proposed<br />

regulator, a source said. The origi<strong>na</strong>l provisions<br />

pertaining to submission of bank guarantee (by<br />

builders) have also been changed, the source<br />

added.<br />

The Bill proposes that a builder or developer will<br />

first have to register with the authority. This will<br />

allow the developer to upload information on the<br />

authority's Web site. One condition could be that a<br />

developer may have to make certain documents<br />

available to intending purchasers for inspection.<br />


These could include the title deed and approval<br />

certificate from the competent authorities. But, to<br />

collect any advance payment (over and above the<br />

basic application fee), developers will need to first<br />

enter into registered sales deed, after which they<br />

may have to produce more documents, such as<br />

information about architects and engineers.<br />

The authority's decision can be challenged in the<br />

Appellate Tribu<strong>na</strong>l, which is proposed to be set up<br />

at the central level. The Tribu<strong>na</strong>l's order can be<br />

challenged in the Supreme Court.<br />

For contravention of rules, developers may be<br />

asked to pay up to 5 per cent of the total project<br />

cost. But, if the Tribu<strong>na</strong>l's order is not followed, the<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>lty could go up to 10 per cent of the project<br />

cost.<br />

When contacted, Mr Pradeep Jain, Chairman,<br />

Confederation of Real Estate Developers'<br />

Association of India, said the Bill's focus was mainly<br />

on regulating developers.<br />

“It does not talk of regulating other stakeholders,<br />

such as consumers, fi<strong>na</strong>ncial institutions and local<br />

sanction authorities. If, as a builder, I develop a<br />

project but the local authority delays the occupancy<br />

certificate, why should I be held liable for the<br />

delay?” he said.<br />

Shishir.s@thehindu.co.in<br />


Los Angeles Times - Business, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Supreme Court<br />

Amazon offers to serve as tax collector - for a price<br />

Reporting from Sacramento- Amazon.com Inc. for<br />

years has fought state efforts to force it to collect<br />

sales taxes from its customers. Now, instead of<br />

battling the tax man, the company is looking to<br />

profit - by hiring itself out as an Internet tax<br />

collector.<br />

In an abrupt about-face, the company is now<br />

offering to handle sales-tax chores for merchants<br />

who sell products through its site for a fee<br />

equivalent to 2.9% of the taxes collected.<br />

The optio<strong>na</strong>l service, which is set to roll out Feb. 1,<br />

will be offered to Amazon's third-party vendors in all<br />

50 states. It's a strategy that could reap millions of<br />

dollars in new revenue for Amazon, which has been<br />

among the most vocal opponents of government<br />

attempts to tax e-commerce.<br />

A<strong>na</strong>lysts said Amazon's shift is an acknowledgment<br />

that Internet retailers ultimately will have to play by<br />

the same rules as bricks-and-mortar stores. It's also<br />

a recognition that there's money to be made in the<br />

process, said George Runner, a member of the<br />

California State Board of Equalization, the agency<br />

that administers sales tax.<br />

"This is what smart businesspeople do," Runner<br />

said. "They are going to use whatever model they<br />

can to expand their business opportunities. They're<br />

very slick at it."<br />

Seattle-based Amazon currently collects sales<br />

taxes from its own customers in Washington, New<br />

York, Kentucky, Kansas and North Dakota, as well<br />

as in some foreign countries where it does<br />

business. In the U.S., Amazon and other online<br />

merchants have long contended that they're legally<br />

obligated to collect sales taxes only in states where<br />

they have a physical presence.<br />

But the rise of Internet commerce has made it a<br />

plum target for wider taxation. U.S. Internet retail<br />

sales topped $176 billion last year and are<br />

expected to reach $279 billion by 2015, according<br />

to Forrester Research Inc. Online sales currently<br />

account for about 9% of total retail sales, a share<br />

that's projected to triple over the next few decades.<br />

State and local governments are determined to<br />

force Amazon and others to pay up.<br />

"The reality is ? that they are going to be collecting<br />

sales tax," said Benjamin Schachter a senior<br />

a<strong>na</strong>lyst for Internet and interactive entertainment<br />

stocks for Macquarie Capital (USA) Inc., a New<br />

York investment bank.<br />

In California, Amazon recently abandoned a<br />

much-criticized effort to repeal a new Internet sales<br />

tax law passed by the state legislature this year.<br />

Instead, the company cut a deal with the<br />

administration of Gov. Jerry Brown to start<br />

collecting and remitting California's 7.25% sales<br />

tax, plus local sales taxes, beginning Sept. 15.,<br />

2012.<br />

That agreement was a victory for traditio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

retailers, who say they've lost billions in sales to<br />

Internet merchants that sell identical merchandise<br />

free of sales taxes. But news that Amazon now is<br />

angling to make a buck from those levies has some<br />

fuming anew. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Target Corp.<br />

and major chains continue to push legislators to<br />

close legal loopholes that allow Amazon to dodge<br />

sales-tax collection in most U.S. states.<br />

"It's hypocrisy of the highest order," said Jason<br />

Brewer, a spokesman for the Retail Industry<br />

Leaders Assn. in Arlington, Va. "Now, they're trying<br />

to profit from collecting sales tax everywhere else,<br />

while still digging in their heels from collecting for<br />

their own company."<br />

Amazon's new offer is aimed at hundreds of<br />

thousands of independent U.S. businesses, ranging<br />

in size from tiny used-book sellers to major<br />

manufacturers, that sell their products through the<br />

Amazon.com site. Amazon works with about 2<br />

million such sellers worldwide but won't specify how<br />

many of those are based in the U.S.<br />

Nearly 40% of the merchandise sold worldwide by<br />

Amazon comes from third parties that use the<br />

company's Internet platform to do business,<br />

Macquarie a<strong>na</strong>lyst Schachter said. Amazon last<br />

year posted net sales of $34.2 billion. About half of<br />

those sales required Amazon to collect sales taxes<br />

or value-added taxes from U.S. and foreign buyers,<br />

Schachter said.<br />

Amazon, like other e-commerce retailers, earns<br />

commissions and fees for sales made by third-party<br />

sellers that use its site. But the company's move to<br />

charge its affiliates extra for collecting sales taxes<br />

may be an industry first.<br />

Wal-Mart, for example, does not charge for<br />

collecting sales taxes for the independent vendors<br />

that sell through its online store, Wal-Mart<br />

spokesman Daniel Morales said. Neither does Best<br />

Buy Co., whose website is also open to third-party<br />

sellers. E-Bay Inc. provides its sellers some online<br />

tools for calculating state and local sales taxes but<br />


leaves collecting and remitting those levies to them.<br />

Last week, Amazon told merchants that sell their<br />

wares through Amazon's Marketplace Professio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

and Webstore programs that they were eligible to<br />

take advantage of the service. Amazon said it<br />

would calculate and collect the taxes, then send<br />

those funds back to the affiliate sellers, who would<br />

remain responsible for remitting them to state tax<br />

agencies.<br />

"Tax collection services now available," Amazon<br />

announced electronically in posts on the "help"<br />

section of its website and in messages to its sellers.<br />

"Your seller account now has access to tax<br />

collection services that e<strong>na</strong>ble collection of U.S.<br />

sales and use taxes on your orders."<br />

Streamlining tax collection could benefit<br />

mom-and-pop vendors that sell through Amazon,<br />

but how many are willing to pay for that<br />

convenience remains to be seen.<br />

"Amazon is offering a way to simplify complying<br />

with the tax laws. That's all to the good," said Debra<br />

Schepp, a Washington expert on e-commerce and<br />

social networking whose books are sold on<br />

Amazon.com. "But, on Feb. 1 when the 3% [fee]<br />

starts, it may not feel quite as good to the sellers."<br />

Until recently, Internet retailers haven't had to worry<br />

much about collecting sales taxes from their<br />

out-of-state customers. Lawmakers in the late<br />

1980s and 1990s granted exemptions to foster the<br />

growth of e-commerce. In 1992, the U.S. Supreme<br />

Court enshrined the principal into law in a decision<br />

that said the sales tax should be collected only<br />

when a seller has a physical presence in a state,<br />

such as a store or a warehouse.<br />

Support for that <strong>na</strong>rrow interpretation began to<br />

crumble in the last few years as <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l retail<br />

chains and independent store owners complained<br />

they were victims of unfair competition from<br />

Amazon and other e-sellers that could undercut<br />

their prices by as much as 10% by not adding sales<br />

tax. (Consumers are supposed to pay those taxes,<br />

but rarely do.)<br />

Amazon called the current patchwork of differing<br />

state sales tax laws "an unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l burden" on<br />

commerce. It said it supports collecting the sales<br />

taxes but only if it's done consistently from state to<br />

state, according to a <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l formula approved by<br />

Congress. Amazon is backing a proposed interstate<br />

agreement that would require participating states to<br />

write similar sales tax laws.<br />

Other lawmakers, including Rep. Jackie Speier<br />

(D-Hillsborough), are pushing for more<br />

Los Angeles Times - Business, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Supreme Court<br />

straightforward measures that affirm the rights of<br />

California and other states to force Internet sellers<br />

to collect sales taxes.<br />

But the company's decision to reverse its<br />

long-standing opposition to collecting sales taxes -<br />

and to profit in the process - "clearly affirms<br />

Amazon has the capability to collect tax on these<br />

sales despite its prior assertion it could not," said<br />

Betty Yee, another Board of Equalization member.<br />

She predicted that Amazon's Marketplace retailers<br />

would pass the 2.9% fee on to their customers in<br />

the form of higher prices.<br />


Los Angeles Times - Business, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Restaurant group to respond Friday to Cain accuser<br />

request<br />

The Natio<strong>na</strong>l Restaurant Assn., the trade group at<br />

the center of the Herman Cain sexual harassment<br />

furor, said it has received a request to allow one of<br />

Cain's accusers to release a public statement<br />

detailing her version of events and will respond<br />

Friday.<br />

The group was contacted by Joel Bennett, a<br />

Washington lawyer who helped negotiate a<br />

settlement with the association on behalf of one of<br />

two women who complained about Cain's conduct<br />

while he was its president and chief executive.<br />

Bennett has been seeking to lift a restriction in the<br />

deal that bars his client from talking.<br />

“Our outside counsel was contacted by Mr. Bennett<br />

today and was asked to provide a response to a<br />

proposed statement by tomorrow afternoon. We are<br />

currently reviewing the document, and we plan to<br />

respond tomorrow,” said Sue Hensley, a<br />

spokeswoman for the association.<br />

Bennett said his client is reluctant to speak publicly<br />

about events that occurred while she worked for<br />

Cain in the late 1990s, so he has asked the<br />

association to instead approve a statement by her<br />

for public release.<br />

Cain is not a party to the agreement, Bennett said,<br />

meaning that he would only need the consent of the<br />

association in order for the statement to be<br />

released.<br />

“Mr. Cain was not a sig<strong>na</strong>tory to the settlement<br />

agreement therefore he would have no standing<br />

one way or another” on whether the statement<br />

could be released, Bennett said.<br />

Politico reported Thursday that one of the women<br />

who accused Cain of sexual harassment during his<br />

tenure received a $45,000 settlement. The New<br />

York Times had previously reported that a second<br />

woman obtained a $35,000 payout.<br />

Cain has demurred when asked whether Bennett's<br />

client should be released from her confidentiality<br />

agreement and be allowed to tell her story to the<br />

media.<br />

Bennett said that if the association approves a<br />

waiver to the confidentiality requirements, he would<br />

release a one-page statement on behalf of his<br />

client. But, he said, he will not divulge her <strong>na</strong>me<br />

and said "she does not intend to appear publicly."<br />

By handling it in this fashion, Bennett said that his<br />

client can get her side of the story out without<br />

becoming an “Anita Hill figure,” a reference to the<br />

woman who endured intense scrutiny after publicly<br />

alleging i<strong>na</strong>ppropriate conduct by Supreme Court<br />

Justice Clarence Thomas.<br />


Portal Paraguaio - Actualidad, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Centro de Estudiantes del STJ celebra sus 30 años de<br />

creación<br />

El Centro de Alumnos Teresianos (CAT) cumple 30<br />

años de su creación y por ello, su Mesa Directiva<br />

organiza un acto conmemorativo este miércoles a<br />

las 10:20 horas en el Salón de Actos del Colegio<br />

Santa Teresa de Jesús (STJ), sito en Avenida<br />

Mariscal López 237 casi Constitución. En el acto<br />

se rendirá home<strong>na</strong>je a las ex presidentas del CAT,<br />

se descubrirá u<strong>na</strong> placa conmemorativa, además<br />

de oír las palabras de bienvenida a cargo de la<br />

Asesora del CAT, Profesora Teresita Arriola de<br />

Jiménez y de la Presidenta actual del CAT, Paula<br />

Pekholtz. Luego se compartirá un brindis. La actual<br />

Mesa Directiva del Centro de Alumnos Teresianos<br />

(CAT) está integrada por: Paula Pekholtz,<br />

Presidenta; Gabriela Parra, Vice Presidenta;<br />

Rodrigo Frontanilla, Tesorero; Vanessa Escobar,<br />

Secretaria; Nadia Romero, Pro Secretaria; Andrea<br />

Brizuela, Vocal; y Chiara Bo, Vocal. El Centro de<br />

Alumnos Teresianos (CAT) fue creado en el año<br />

1981, siendo su primera Presidenta Blanca Lila<br />

Mieres. Se constituye como un espacio de<br />

desarrollo de la autogestión con un estilo<br />

democrático y participativo, del liderazgo juvenil, de<br />

formación ciudada<strong>na</strong> y compromiso social. En sus<br />

inicios estaba enfocado fundamentalmente a la<br />

ayuda social, característica que se mantiene hasta<br />

hoy día. Anualmente, el alum<strong>na</strong>do de 3er. Ciclo de<br />

la Educación Escolar Básica (EEB) y del Nivel<br />

Medio de la institución, a través de un proceso<br />

eleccio<strong>na</strong>rio, escoge a sus autoridades que duran<br />

en sus funciones un año, contando con el<br />

asesoramiento de la Profesora Teresita Arriola de<br />

Jiménez por ser un espacio co-curricular.<br />


Reuters Argenti<strong>na</strong> - Articulo, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


G-20 esboza plan acción para reactivar crecimiento<br />

global<br />

CANNES, Francia, nov 3 (Reuters) - Los líderes del<br />

G-20 reunidos en Cannes delinearán un plan para<br />

que la economía mundial vuelva a crecer de<br />

manera equilibrada, estrategia que incluirá u<strong>na</strong><br />

promesa de Italia para reducir su deuda y su déficit,<br />

según un borrador del comunicado de la cumbre.<br />

El documento al que Reuters tuvo acceso, fechado<br />

el 2 de noviembre, afirma que los países del G-20<br />

se comprometen a coordi<strong>na</strong>r sus acciones y<br />

políticas, en un plan que instaría a los países con<br />

déficits a consolidar sus cuentas y a aquellos con<br />

superávits a fortalecer su demanda inter<strong>na</strong>.<br />

El comunicado fi<strong>na</strong>l será dado a conocer el viernes<br />

por la tarde en la que será la última cumbre de<br />

Francia en la presidencia del G-20.<br />

Algunos espacios en blanco en el borrador sobre<br />

los tipos de cambio y los recursos del FMI sugieren<br />

que esas áreas aún están siendo discutidas, pero<br />

de otra manera el comunicado se ciñe a lo<br />

esperado, en un encuentro que fue eclipsado por la<br />

crisis griega.<br />

Reflejando el nivel de temor a u<strong>na</strong> nueva crisis<br />

económica mundial, el documento reveló que el<br />

G-20 está considerando u<strong>na</strong> propuesta del Fondo<br />

Monetario Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l para crear u<strong>na</strong> nueva línea<br />

de crédito de corto plazo que vaya en ayuda de los<br />

países con crisis exter<strong>na</strong>s, dijo u<strong>na</strong> fuente del<br />

G-20.<br />

La agrupación también considera inyectar miles de<br />

millones de dólares a la economía mundial<br />

mediante u<strong>na</strong> segunda asig<strong>na</strong>ción especial de<br />

Derechos Especiales de Giro, la moneda del FMI.<br />

U<strong>na</strong> medida de ese tipo ayudaría a calmar la<br />

preocupación por la crisis de la zo<strong>na</strong> euro.<br />

El presidente francés, Nicolas Sarkozy, se había<br />

propuesto usar la presidencia anual del G-20 para<br />

lograr metas ambiciosas, como u<strong>na</strong><br />

reestructuración del sistema fi<strong>na</strong>nciero global y<br />

cambios en la regulación de los mercados de<br />

materias primas, pero rápidamente debió reducir<br />

sus ambiciones al desatarse la crisis en Grecia.<br />

Mientras está en suspenso la pertenencia de<br />

Grecia a la zo<strong>na</strong> euro, el borrador del comunicado<br />

resaltó el temor a que si Italia no puede poner sus<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>nzas en orden, pueda seguir los pasos de<br />

Grecia y necesitar un rescate.<br />

"Italia se compromete a alcanzar u<strong>na</strong> rápida caída<br />

en su ratio deuda-PIB a partir del 2012 y a<br />

equilibrar su presupuesto para el 2013", señala el<br />

borrador.<br />

"Este objetivo, basado en la ple<strong>na</strong> implementación<br />

del plan fiscal de 60.000 millones de euros<br />

aprobado este verano, será apuntalado por el<br />

fortalecimiento de las reglas fiscales, provenientes<br />

tanto de la legislación europea como de la<br />

introducción en la Constitución de la regla de un<br />

presupuesto balanceado", agrega.<br />

En busca de enfrentar los desequilibrios que<br />

desencade<strong>na</strong>ron la crisis del 2007-2009, como el<br />

déficit comercial en Estados Unidos y el<br />

correspondiente superávit en Chi<strong>na</strong>, el G-20 había<br />

mencio<strong>na</strong>do a siete países que debían tomar<br />

medidas: Estados Unidos, Chi<strong>na</strong>, Japón, Alemania,<br />

Francia, Gran Bretaña e India.<br />

Ahora, todos los 20 países prometerían medidas,<br />

liderados en parte por el compromiso de Francia de<br />

hacer un millo<strong>na</strong>rio ajuste presupuestario.<br />

(Reporte de Redacción G-20 en Cannes)<br />


Reuters General - Article, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


UK court rules WikiLeaks's Assange should be<br />

extradited<br />

WASHINGTON | Wed Nov 2, 2011 4:00pm EDT<br />

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supreme Court<br />

justices appeared reluctant on Wednesday to<br />

change how crimi<strong>na</strong>l trials are conducted in a case<br />

about the reliability of eyewitness identification<br />

testimony.<br />

The justices during arguments in a New Hampshire<br />

case cited existing safeguards aimed at preventing<br />

such testimony and expressed reservation about<br />

adopting a broad rule for crimi<strong>na</strong>l trials.<br />

At issue is whether the U.S. Constitution's due<br />

process protections require a judicial inquiry into<br />

the reliability of an eyewitness identification even in<br />

cases where the police do not improperly suggest<br />

the suspect is guilty.<br />

The case involved Barion Perry, who was convicted<br />

of theft for breaking into a car in 2008 at an<br />

apartment building parking lot in Nashua. He was<br />

sentenced to three to 10 years in prison.<br />

Nubia Blandon, who lived in a fourth-floor<br />

apartment, told police she saw Perry take things<br />

from the car. She described the suspect as a "tall<br />

black man," but gave no other details. She later<br />

could not pick him out of a police photo lineup.<br />

Perry's lawyer, Richard Guerriero, argued that<br />

Blandon should have been excluded from testifying<br />

at trial because her observations were unreliable,<br />

and he proposed a rule that would extend the due<br />

process protections to other crimi<strong>na</strong>l cases.<br />

But he faced skeptical questions from both liberal<br />

and conservative justices.<br />

Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said a defense<br />

lawyer could ask a judge to instruct the jury to be<br />

careful because eyewitness testimony can be<br />

unreliable and could make that point in<br />

cross-examining a witness and in closing<br />

arguments.<br />

"Why aren't all those safeguards enough?" she<br />

asked.<br />


Liberal Justice Ele<strong>na</strong> Kagan asked whether<br />

Guerriero's proposed rule would apply to other<br />

categories of possible unreliable testimony, such as<br />

testimony by jailhouse informants.<br />

Moderate conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy<br />

said the reliability of witness testimony usually was<br />

a factual question decided by the jury. "You're just<br />

usurping the province of the jury, it seems," he told<br />

Guerriero.<br />

Conservative Justice Samuel Alito said Guerriero's<br />

proposed rule would exclude the testimony of a<br />

rape victim who did not get a good look at her<br />

attacker, but later identified the perpetrator when a<br />

photo appeared in the newspaper after an arrest for<br />

a rape in another part of the city.<br />

New Hampshire Attorney General Michael Delaney<br />

and U.S. Justice Department attorney Nicole<br />

Saharsky urged the justices to uphold a ruling by a<br />

lower court that allowed the eyewitness testimony<br />

in the case.<br />

Delaney said Perry's conviction resulted from a fair<br />

trial, while Saharsky said a judicial inquiry into the<br />

reliability of an eyewitness identification was<br />

required only when the police unnecessarily<br />

suggested a certain suspect was guilty.<br />

A ruling in the case is expected early next year.<br />

The Supreme Court case is Perry v. New<br />

Hampshire, No. 10-8974.<br />

(Reporting by James Vicini, Editing by Peter<br />

Cooney)<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


2G: A Raja completes 9-months in jail, never sought<br />

bail<br />

NEW DELHI: A Raja, former telecom minister,<br />

today completed nine months in jail without even<br />

once trying his release on bail unlike other 13<br />

accused persons in the 2G spectrum case, who<br />

have knocked the doors of all the three courts,<br />

including the Supreme Court.<br />

Raja, also a lawyer by profession, was the first<br />

along with two others to be arrested by the CBI on<br />

February 2 and till now he has preferred not to<br />

move any bail application either in the trial court or<br />

Delhi High Court or the Supreme Court.<br />

In stark contrast, his party colleague and Rajya<br />

Sabha MP Kanimozhi, has knocked the doors of all<br />

courts and her fate is likely to be decided by<br />

Special CBI Judge O P Saini, who has reserved the<br />

order on her bail plea for tomorrow.<br />

Besides Kanimozhi, others whose bail pleas will be<br />

decided are Raja's former private secretary R K<br />

Chandolia, former telecom secretary Siddhartha<br />

Behura, who were arrested along with Raja.<br />

The special judge is also likely to pronounce<br />

tomorrow the order on bail pleas of Swan Telecom<br />

promoter Shahid Usman Balwa, Kalaig<strong>na</strong>r TV MD<br />

Sharad Kumar, Directors of Kusegaon Fruits and<br />

Vegetables Asif Balwa and Rajiv Agarwal,<br />

Bollywood producer Karim Morani.<br />

The Supreme Court has also reserved its order on<br />

the bail pleas of five corporate honchos -- Sanjay<br />

Chandra, MD of Unitech Ltd, Vinod Goenka, MD of<br />

DB Realty and Reliance ADAG top executives<br />

Gautam Doshi, Surendra Pipara and Hari Nair.<br />

Earlier, the bail pleas of all the 13 accused persons<br />

were dismissed either by the trial or the High Court<br />

and in the case of Kanimozhi and Sharad Kumar,<br />

the apex court had asked them to approach the trial<br />

court afresh for bail after framing of charges.<br />

The charges were framed against all the accused in<br />

the case on October 22.<br />

Check out Brand Equity's Most Trusted Brands List<br />

2011<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Denying bail a grave miscarriage of justice: Ram<br />

Jethmalani<br />

NEW DELHI: The denial of bail to DMK MP<br />

Kanimozhi by a Delhi Court was today termed as a<br />

"serious miscarriage of justice" by her counsel Ram<br />

Jethmalani who hoped that the Supreme Court<br />

would set it right.<br />

"What the judge has done is a serious miscarriage<br />

of justice. I believe this judge seems to have<br />

decided that no relief should be given except by the<br />

Supreme Court itself. He is not therefore wanting<br />

to do what is plainly right.<br />

"I consider it grave, grave miscarriage of justice and<br />

a deliberate misapplication of law, I hope the<br />

Supreme Court will soon put this right," Jethmalani<br />

said.<br />


The Economist Times - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Monopoly after SC ban on mining helps NMDC<br />

Mining company NMDC surprised investors with a<br />

42% rise in per share profits. This has to do with<br />

the near monopolistic situation for mining ore in<br />

Kar<strong>na</strong>taka, which currently favours the state-run<br />

firm after the ban imposed by the Supreme Court<br />

on mining activities in the state. But it appears that<br />

the performance has already been captured in the<br />

price as the stock trades at over 12 times its trailing<br />

12-month earnings, making it fairly valued.<br />

In the wake of the ban which halted operations of<br />

private producers, steel makers in the region have<br />

only one source of iron ore - NMDC. Moreover, due<br />

to numerous logistical constraints, it is unviable for<br />

steel manufacturers to procure iron ore from other<br />

states, increasing their dependence on NMDC. To<br />

meet the demand of steel makers in the state, the<br />

Supreme Court directed NMDC to double its<br />

output to 12 million metric tonnes a year. Having<br />

ramped up production, net sales increased 24% to<br />

Rs 3,062.32 crore over the year-ago period.<br />

Compared to the previous quarter, sales rose 10%,<br />

but blended realisations were flat.<br />

This is because iron ore prices have started to<br />

decline globally. Though NMDC earns only about<br />

10% of its revenue through exports, iron ore prices<br />

in India are largely driven by global trends, where<br />

further softening could be expected. A a result,<br />

realisations are not expected to increase<br />

significantly.<br />

The company's operating profit for the quarter rose<br />

32% to Rs 2,435.35 crore and net profit 42% to Rs<br />

1,963.15 crore. Last month, the company<br />

announced that it had acquired a 50% stake in<br />

Australian miner, Legacy Iron Ore, for<br />

approximately Rs 96.34 crore. It is also in the<br />

process of setting up a 3mtpa steel plant at<br />

Chhattisgarh. With a cash balance of Rs 20,725<br />

crore as on September 30, 2011, NMDC is in a<br />

comfortable position to fund its acquisition and<br />

expansion plans. The company is now debt free.<br />

During the quarter, the NMDC scrip declined 14%<br />

in a choppy market, but has started to recover. At<br />

Rs 234, the stock trades at 12.6 times its trailing<br />

12-month earnings and is fairly valued. Given the<br />

softening iron ore price sce<strong>na</strong>rio, there appears to<br />

be little upside left. Moreover, the lifting of the<br />

mining ban in Kar<strong>na</strong>taka, though unlikely in the<br />

near term, will nullify NMDC's monopolistic<br />

advantage in the state.<br />


The Economist Times - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


2G: DMK MP Kanimozhi, 7 others denied bail by<br />

court<br />

NEW DELHI: A Delhi court on Thursday denied bail<br />

to Kanimozhi and seven others accused in the 2G<br />

spectrum allocation case. Kanimozhi has been in<br />

jail since May 20.<br />

Special CBI Judge O P Saini had on September 24<br />

reserved the order on the bail pleas of Kanimozhi,<br />

Swan Telecom promoter Shahid Usman Balwa,<br />

former Telecom Minister A Raja's ex-private<br />

secretary R K Chandolia, Kalaig<strong>na</strong>r TV MD Sharad<br />

Kumar, Directors of Kusegaon Fruits & Vegetables<br />

Asif Balwa and Rajiv Agarwal and Bollywood<br />

producer Karim Morani.<br />

Besides them, the court had yesterday reserved its<br />

order on the bail plea of former telecom secretary<br />

Siddhartha Behura.<br />

The CBI had preferred not to oppose the bail pleas<br />

of Kanimozhi and four others during the arguments<br />

on the ground that they faced specific charges,<br />

apart from the "umbrella section" of 120-B (crimi<strong>na</strong>l<br />

conspiracy) IPC, which entail five years sentence<br />

as maximum punishment.<br />

The agency has also slapped charges of crimi<strong>na</strong>l<br />

breach of trust under section 409 of the IPC which<br />

carries life term as maximum punishment, against<br />

Kanimozhi and four others.<br />

The agency, however, had opposed the bail pleas<br />

of Shahid Balwa, Chandolia and Behura.<br />

Regarding Shahid Balwa and Chandolia, special<br />

public prosecutor U U Lalit had told the court that<br />

they should be denied bail as maximum<br />

punishment for the specific charges levelled against<br />

them was seven years.<br />

Opposing Behura's bail plea, Lalit had said he was<br />

earlier indicted with charges punishable up to seven<br />

years of jail term whereas now he is also charged<br />

under section 409 of the IPC, carrying maximum life<br />

term on conviction.<br />

Senior advocate Altaf Ahmed, appearing for<br />

Kanimozhi and Sharad Kumar, had said as per the<br />

June 22 order of the Supreme Court, both of them<br />

could approach the special court seeking bail after<br />

framing of charges. The court had framed charges<br />

against all the accused on October 22.<br />

Morani's counsel Siddharth Luthra had sought bail<br />

saying his health condition was not good and that<br />

the probe against him was complete and charges<br />

too have been framed.<br />

Shahid Balwa's counsel Vijay Aggarwal had said he<br />

was willing to deposit his 55 per cent share in<br />

Etisalat DB with the court as pre-requisite condition<br />

for bail.<br />

Arguing on bail pleas of Asif and Rajiv, Aggarwal<br />

had said these are two persons who are in custody<br />

for the longest time as far as supplementary charge<br />

sheet is concerned.<br />

Senior advocate Aman Lekhi, appearing for<br />

Behura, had claimed that CBI was discrimi<strong>na</strong>ting<br />

among various accused in the case by not<br />

opposing the bail pleas of some of them for political<br />

considerations.<br />

Besides these accused, the court had also framed<br />

charges against Raja, DB Realty MD Vinod<br />

Goenka, Ma<strong>na</strong>ging Director of Unitech Ltd Sanjay<br />

Chandra, Reliance ADAG top executives Gautam<br />

Doshi, Surendra Pipara and Hari Nair and telecom<br />

firms Reliance Telecom, Swan Telecom and<br />

Unitech Wireless (Tamil Nadu) Pvt Ltd.<br />

The court had found prima facie evidence to<br />

proceed with the trial against all the accused in the<br />

case.<br />


The New York Times - Opinion, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


As Polls Slip, Perry Gets First Bounty of ‘Super PAC’<br />

Ads<br />

A new “super PAC” co-founded by Gov. Rick<br />

Perry’s onetime chief of staff has begun running<br />

campaign ads in Iowa and South Caroli<strong>na</strong>, marking<br />

the first advertising by a major super PAC in the<br />

Republican presidential primary and serving as a<br />

reminder of the Texas governor’s formidable<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncial resources despite his recent slide in the<br />

polls.The group, Make Us Great Again, is spending<br />

roughly $200,000 in each state over the next 10<br />

days. While that amount is enough for a large initial<br />

advertising buy, it is sure to be only the first trickle<br />

in the total spent by candidate-focused super PACs<br />

in the coming months.<br />

Make Us Great Again initially planned to raise and<br />

spend as much as $55 million through next April,<br />

though an official of the group later said that<br />

information was outdated, and it was not clear how<br />

much the group had raised. Some rival campaigns<br />

question whether the pro-Perry group can ever<br />

come close to reaching its initial target.<br />

A competing super PAC, Restore Our Future, which<br />

supports Mitt Romney and is operated by his former<br />

aides, reported raising $12 million in the first half of<br />

the year. Most of these groups are not required to<br />

disclose their contributions or donors from the<br />

second half of this year until Jan. 31.<br />

There had been expectations that super PACS<br />

would fi<strong>na</strong>nce attack ads; historically, outside<br />

groups have run some of the harshest ads against<br />

candidates, like Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,<br />

which attacked the Viet<strong>na</strong>m War record of Se<strong>na</strong>tor<br />

John Kerry. But the two 30-second pro-Perry spots<br />

are designed instead to build up the candidate with<br />

a <strong>na</strong>rrative of his life and his accomplishments as<br />

Texas governor, echoing his message on the<br />

campaign trail.<br />

Both advertisements, for example, mention that Mr.<br />

Perry was the son of a te<strong>na</strong>nt farmer and that he<br />

served in the Air Force, and they repeat Mr. Perry’s<br />

campaign message that his policies have created<br />

jobs in Texas.<br />

The group’s advertising expenditure comes one<br />

week after Mr. Perry’s campaign began running its<br />

first television advertising in Iowa. A person close to<br />

Make Us Great Again declined to discuss future<br />

strategy, including whether the group might run<br />

attack ads against Mr. Romney or other Republican<br />

rivals, but said the scope of the group’s efforts was<br />

expected to be comparable to the pro-Romney<br />

group.<br />

Super PACs were made possible by the Supreme<br />

Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010, which<br />

allowed unlimited spending by corporations, unions<br />

and individuals through these organizations, as<br />

long as the groups do not coordi<strong>na</strong>te their spending<br />

with the candidates. Most of the top Republican<br />

presidential contenders, and President Obama,<br />

now have the support of super PACs established by<br />

donors and former aides, and they are expected to<br />

play a major role in the 2012 campaign.<br />

The pro-Perry ads feature recent video of the<br />

governor shaking hands and speaking on the<br />

campaign trail. Jason Miller, a spokesman for Make<br />

Us Great Again, said the video was taken during<br />

campaign events that had been announced and<br />

open to the public in both Iowa and South Caroli<strong>na</strong>.<br />

The ads “are designed to promote Governor Perry’s<br />

excellent record on helping to create jobs and grow<br />

the economy,” Mr. Miller said.<br />

The group was founded two weeks before Mr. Perry<br />

officially declared his candidacy in August by<br />

supporters and donors including Mike Toomey, a<br />

lobbyist and former chief of staff to the Texas<br />

governor. Its executive director, Scott Rials,<br />

formerly worked for the campaign of Newt Gingrich,<br />

with the two men now at the top of the Perry<br />

campaign, Dave Carney and Rob Johnson.<br />


The New York Times - Opinion, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Under ‘Color of Federal Law’<br />

The Supreme Court ruled three decades ago in<br />

Carlson v. Green that a federal prisoner could sue<br />

for money damages from prison employees who<br />

abused his constitutio<strong>na</strong>l rights. On Tuesday, in<br />

Minneci v. Pollard, the court heard the government<br />

and others contend that a prisoner held in a facility<br />

operated by a private contractor cannot bring this<br />

kind of action.The court should reject this argument.<br />

If not, it will allow the government to contract away<br />

prisoners’ constitutio<strong>na</strong>l rights — and contract away<br />

its own responsibility to protect individuals<br />

imprisoned under the law.<br />

While incarcerated for 20 months in a privately run<br />

facility, Richard Lee Pollard fell and broke his<br />

elbows, a serious injury. When he sought medical<br />

treatment, he was refused a splint to help repair his<br />

arms and forced to wear a handcuff-like device that<br />

caused him tremendous pain.<br />

If he had been in a government-run prison, he<br />

clearly could have sued those who mistreated him<br />

for damages. The private facility where Mr. Pollard<br />

was imprisoned was different only in ownership. It<br />

operated under federal authority and functioned as<br />

a government facility. Those who worked there or<br />

provided services for it were operating “under the<br />

color of federal law,” a critical test.<br />

The government and others also contend that such<br />

actions are reserved for extraordi<strong>na</strong>ry<br />

circumstances where the person alleging injury has<br />

no other basis for suing because, for example, state<br />

law provides no remedy and that Mr. Pollard could<br />

have brought a civil action under tort law in state<br />

court. But after the court held that is no substitute<br />

because of the vagaries of state laws, Congress<br />

twice affirmed the right to sue officials for redress in<br />

federal court.<br />

The Pollard case matters so much because one of<br />

every six federal prisoners is now held in a privately<br />

run facility, compared with none two decades ago.<br />

Private facilities also house half the federal<br />

immigration detainees.<br />

Bad as many government-run prisons are, some<br />

privately run prisons may well be worse. There is<br />

mounting evidence that private prisons pay guards<br />

less, have smaller staffs and give limited training,<br />

reducing the level of care and oversight and<br />

exposing prisoners to greater threats to health and<br />

safety. The prisons and the people who work there<br />

must be held accountable when they badly perform<br />

this role of government.<br />


To the Editor:<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

A Political Battle Over the Courts’ Power<br />

Re “G.O.P. Field Stoking Anger at U.S. Courts”<br />

(front page, Oct. 24):<br />

Extreme anti-judiciary measures like those<br />

proposed by Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann<br />

and Ron Paul, as well as Mitt Romney’s choice of<br />

the ultra-conservative failed Supreme Court<br />

nominee Robert H. Bork to head his legal team, are<br />

chilling reminders of the stakes of the 2012<br />

presidential election.<br />

But these are not far-off threats. The G.O.P. has<br />

already found a simple and immediate way to wage<br />

war on the federal judiciary: by obstructing the<br />

confirmation of new judges.<br />

There are about 100 vacancies in federal courts<br />

throughout the country, a third of which are in<br />

districts so hard pressed that they have been<br />

desig<strong>na</strong>ted “judicial emergencies.”<br />

In spite of this, Se<strong>na</strong>te Republicans have been<br />

confirming nominees at a record sluggish pace. The<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>te is currently sitting on 23 nominees, virtually<br />

all of whom have b bipartisan support. It simply<br />

defies reason that nominees who have received<br />

absolutely no opposition from either party are<br />

sometimes forced to wait months for a simple<br />

up-or-down confirmation vote.<br />

A functioning independent judiciary is at the<br />

foundation of our democracy. But the religious right<br />

has often been wary of the judiciary’s power to act<br />

as a bulwark against efforts to crumble the wall of<br />

separation between church and state and to deny<br />

rights to women, gay people, religious minorities,<br />

workers and consumers. U<strong>na</strong>ble to pass extreme<br />

measures like the ones being proposed by<br />

presidential candidates, the right has settled<br />

instead for quietly kneecapping the courts.<br />


Exec. V.P. for Policy and Program<br />

People for the American Way<br />

Washington, Oct. 24, 2011<br />

To the Editor:<br />

“The Court and the Next President” (editorial, Oct.<br />

29) asserts that “it may not be in the Republicans’<br />

best interests to have a sober <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l debate”<br />

about the judicial branch. Newt Gingrich disagrees,<br />

which is why he has put the issue of restoring the<br />

proper role of the judicial branch front and center in<br />

his campaign.<br />

The modern Supreme Court claims that its<br />

interpretations of the Constitution are binding on the<br />

executive and legislative branches. The founding<br />

fathers believed otherwise and President Abraham<br />

Lincoln acted otherwise, issuing passports to free<br />

blacks and signing legislation that limited the<br />

extension of slavery, both in clear defiance of the<br />

Supreme Court’s decision in Dred Scott.<br />

Today, as federal courts have intervened in sectors<br />

of American life never before imagi<strong>na</strong>ble, the public<br />

has increasingly come to view them as an<br />

usurpative device for unelected rulers. This abuse<br />

of power and loss of public confidence amounts to<br />

a constitutio<strong>na</strong>l crisis.<br />

In response, Mr. Gingrich supports the view that the<br />

executive and legislative branches each have an<br />

independent responsibility to interpret the<br />

Constitution, and in those rare circumstances when<br />

they believe the federal courts, including the<br />

Supreme Court, have engaged in a serious<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>l error, they can choose among an<br />

array of constitutio<strong>na</strong>l powers to check and balance<br />

the courts.<br />

Specifically, Mr. Gingrich believes that the<br />

Supreme Court’s 2008 decision in Boumediene<br />

giving captured noncitizen enemy combatants the<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>l right to access American courts to<br />

challenge their detention was wrongly decided and<br />

should be ignored by the executive branch and<br />

challenged by Congress.<br />


Arlington, Va., Oct. 31, 2011<br />

The writer is policy director for Newt Gingrich’s<br />

campaign.<br />

To the Editor:<br />

Your editorial claims that if a Republican is elected<br />

president and has a chance to fill a Ruth Bader<br />

Ginsburg vacancy, that would result in a “decidedly<br />

conservative” court, but if President Obama is<br />

re-elected and has the chance to fill Antonin<br />

Scalia’s seat, the court becomes “a more moderate<br />

one.”<br />


Not so. The four liberals on the court are every bit<br />

as predictable on key political issues as the four<br />

conservatives; another liberal member and one<br />

fewer conservative and the court becomes<br />

decidedly liberal.<br />


Sacramento, Oct. 29, 2011<br />

The New York Times - The Opinion Pages, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />


The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Detective Is Found Guilty of Planting Drugs<br />

The New York Police Department, already saddled<br />

with corruption scandals, saw its image further<br />

tainted on Tuesday with the conviction of a<br />

detective for planting drugs on a woman and her<br />

boyfriend.<br />

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and headlines.<br />

The bench verdict from Justice Gustin L. Reichbach<br />

in State Supreme Court in Brooklyn stemmed from<br />

acts committed in 2007 by the defendant, Jason<br />

Arbeeny, a 14-year veteran of the department who<br />

worked in the Brooklyn South unit.<br />

Before announcing the verdict, Justice Reichbach<br />

scolded the department for what he described as a<br />

widespread culture of corruption endemic in its drug<br />

units.<br />

“I thought I was not <strong>na</strong>ïve,” he said. “But even this<br />

court was shocked, not only by the seeming<br />

pervasive scope of misconduct but even more<br />

distressingly by the seeming casualness by which<br />

such conduct is employed.”<br />

The case against Detective Arbeeny was rooted in<br />

a far larger tale of corruption in Police Department<br />

drug units: several <strong>na</strong>rcotics officers in Brooklyn<br />

have been caught mishandling drugs they seized<br />

as evidence, and hundreds of potentially tainted<br />

drug cases have been dismissed. The city has<br />

made payments to settle civil suits over wrongful<br />

incarcerations.<br />

During the trial, prosecutors described the<br />

corruption in the drug units that Detective Arbeeny<br />

worked for. One former detective, Stephen<br />

Anderson, who did not know the defendant, testified<br />

that officers in those units often planted drugs on<br />

innocent people. Mr. Anderson has pleaded guilty<br />

to official misconduct over a 2008 episode involving<br />

drug evidence and now faces two to four years in<br />

prison.<br />

Detective Arbeeny was convicted of official<br />

misconduct, offering a false instrument for filing and<br />

falsifying business records. Charles Guria, a<br />

prosecutor, described this latest case of police<br />

corruption as an abuse of power.<br />

“It’s a sad day when a police officer misuses his<br />

authority,” Mr. Guria said.<br />

On Jan. 25, 2007, prosecutors said, Detective<br />

Arbeeny planted a small bag of crack cocaine on<br />

two innocent people.<br />

The detective’s lawyer, Michael Elbaz, tried to<br />

discredit the most important prosecution witnesses,<br />

Yvelisse DeLeon and her boyfriend, Juan Figueroa.<br />

Ms. DeLeon had testified that the couple drove up<br />

to their apartment building in Coney Island and<br />

were approached by two plainclothes police<br />

officers. She said she then saw Detective Arbeeny<br />

remove a bag of powder from his pocket and place<br />

it in the vehicle.<br />

“He brought out his pocket,” Ms. DeLeon told the<br />

court. “He said, ‘Look what I find.’ It looked like little<br />

powder in a little bag.”<br />

Later in 2007, the detective was accused of stealing<br />

multiple bags of cocaine from the prisoner van to<br />

which he had been assigned; Justice Reichbach<br />

found Detective Arbeeny not guilty of those<br />

charges.<br />

Though there had been conflicting testimony during<br />

the trial about the existence of quotas in the<br />

department’s drug units, Justice Reichbach said, a<br />

system of flawed procedures in part led to the<br />

charges against Detective Arbeeny.<br />

In the department’s Brooklyn South <strong>na</strong>rcotics unit,<br />

for instance, drugs seized as evidence are not<br />

counted or sealed until they reach the precinct and<br />

can be handled by multiple officers along the way,<br />

Justice Reichbach said, adding that such<br />

u<strong>na</strong>cceptable practices “pale in significance” to the<br />

“cowboy culture” of the drug units.<br />

“Anything goes in the never-ending war on drugs,”<br />

he said, “and a refusal to go along with<br />

questio<strong>na</strong>ble practices raise the specter of<br />

blacklisting and isolation.”<br />

Sentencing is scheduled for January. Detective<br />

Arbeeny faces up to four years in prison.<br />


The New York Times - Politics, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


As Polls Slip, Perry Gets First Bounty of ‘Super PAC’<br />

Ads<br />

A new “super PAC” co-founded by Gov. Rick<br />

Perry’s onetime chief of staff has begun running<br />

campaign ads in Iowa and South Caroli<strong>na</strong>, marking<br />

the first advertising by a major super PAC in the<br />

Republican presidential primary and serving as a<br />

reminder of the Texas governor’s formidable<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncial resources despite his recent slide in the<br />

polls.The group, Make Us Great Again, is spending<br />

roughly $200,000 in each state over the next 10<br />

days. While that amount is enough for a large initial<br />

advertising buy, it is sure to be only the first trickle<br />

in the total spent by candidate-focused super PACs<br />

in the coming months.<br />

Make Us Great Again initially planned to raise and<br />

spend as much as $55 million through next April,<br />

though an official of the group later said that<br />

information was outdated, and it was not clear how<br />

much the group had raised. Some rival campaigns<br />

question whether the pro-Perry group can ever<br />

come close to reaching its initial target.<br />

A competing super PAC, Restore Our Future, which<br />

supports Mitt Romney and is operated by his former<br />

aides, reported raising $12 million in the first half of<br />

the year. Most of these groups are not required to<br />

disclose their contributions or donors from the<br />

second half of this year until Jan. 31.<br />

There had been expectations that super PACS<br />

would fi<strong>na</strong>nce attack ads; historically, outside<br />

groups have run some of the harshest ads against<br />

candidates, like Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,<br />

which attacked the Viet<strong>na</strong>m War record of Se<strong>na</strong>tor<br />

John Kerry. But the two 30-second pro-Perry spots<br />

are designed instead to build up the candidate with<br />

a <strong>na</strong>rrative of his life and his accomplishments as<br />

Texas governor, echoing his message on the<br />

campaign trail.<br />

Both advertisements, for example, mention that Mr.<br />

Perry was the son of a te<strong>na</strong>nt farmer and that he<br />

served in the Air Force, and they repeat Mr. Perry’s<br />

campaign message that his policies have created<br />

jobs in Texas.<br />

The group’s advertising expenditure comes one<br />

week after Mr. Perry’s campaign began running its<br />

first television advertising in Iowa. A person close to<br />

Make Us Great Again declined to discuss future<br />

strategy, including whether the group might run<br />

attack ads against Mr. Romney or other Republican<br />

rivals, but said the scope of the group’s efforts was<br />

expected to be comparable to the pro-Romney<br />

group.<br />

Super PACs were made possible by the Supreme<br />

Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010, which<br />

allowed unlimited spending by corporations, unions<br />

and individuals through these organizations, as<br />

long as the groups do not coordi<strong>na</strong>te their spending<br />

with the candidates. Most of the top Republican<br />

presidential contenders, and President Obama,<br />

now have the support of super PACs established by<br />

donors and former aides, and they are expected to<br />

play a major role in the 2012 campaign.<br />

The pro-Perry ads feature recent video of the<br />

governor shaking hands and speaking on the<br />

campaign trail. Jason Miller, a spokesman for Make<br />

Us Great Again, said the video was taken during<br />

campaign events that had been announced and<br />

open to the public in both Iowa and South Caroli<strong>na</strong>.<br />

The ads “are designed to promote Governor Perry’s<br />

excellent record on helping to create jobs and grow<br />

the economy,” Mr. Miller said.<br />

The group was founded two weeks before Mr. Perry<br />

officially declared his candidacy in August by<br />

supporters and donors including Mike Toomey, a<br />

lobbyist and former chief of staff to the Texas<br />

governor. Its executive director, Scott Rials,<br />

formerly worked for the campaign of Newt Gingrich,<br />

with the two men now at the top of the Perry<br />

campaign, Dave Carney and Rob Johnson.<br />


The New York Times - Editorial, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Tainted Witness<br />

The Supreme Court heard arguments this week on<br />

a critical question about the use of witness<br />

identification. In Perry v. New Hampshire, the State<br />

Supreme Court ruled that a trial judge cannot<br />

exclude witness identification based on suggestive<br />

circumstances, unless there was improper police<br />

manipulation of the identification. That ruling takes<br />

the law backward and should be firmly rejected by<br />

the Supreme Court.<br />

Reliability, the court has said, is the “linchpin” in<br />

decisions about whether an identification should be<br />

admitted into evidence. For trials to be fair, courts<br />

must scrutinize all suspect identifications. That<br />

principle has been Supreme Court law for a<br />

generation and should not be made unjustly <strong>na</strong>rrow<br />

— particularly given decades of studies showing<br />

that misidentification is the leading cause of<br />

wrongful convictions across the country.<br />

Barion Perry, an African-American, was convicted<br />

of stealing two amplifiers from a car around 3 a.m.<br />

When he was identified by a woman looking down<br />

from an apartment near where the car was parked,<br />

he was the only possible suspect. The witness told<br />

one officer at the scene that the thief was the man<br />

“in the back parking lot standing with the police<br />

officer.” Even though she could not later identify Mr.<br />

Perry from a lineup of photos, the court let the jury<br />

hear the witness testify against Mr. Perry.<br />

There is overwhelming scientific evidence, as a<br />

recent New Jersey Supreme Court ruling<br />

explained, about the risk of i<strong>na</strong>ccurate<br />

identifications. Many studies document how certain<br />

factors — stress on a witness, viewing a crime from<br />

a distance, a suspect’s race — greatly reduce<br />

accuracy. The lack of improper police action does<br />

not make identifications tainted by these factors any<br />

less prejudicial. When jurors hear i<strong>na</strong>ccurate<br />

identifications, they have a tendency to accept that<br />

testimony. Yet consistently, one-third of witness<br />

identifications are wrong.<br />

The Supreme Court should maintain the law’s<br />

focus on reliability — and require that courts keep<br />

out unreliable identification that is likely to prejudice<br />

a verdict.<br />


The New York Times - Politics, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Meeting With Chinese, Official Tests Limits Set by<br />

Congress<br />

WASHINGTON — A fight over whether a White<br />

House official broke the law by meeting with<br />

Chinese officials has opened a rare window into<br />

how executive branch lawyers, working across<br />

administrations of both parties, get around legal<br />

limits imposed by Congress.The dispute centers on<br />

a statute forbidding the White House’s Office of<br />

Science and Technology Policy from using its funds<br />

for bilateral engagements with Chinese officials.<br />

The restriction was inserted into a budget bill by<br />

Republican lawmakers who were suspicious of<br />

Chinese espio<strong>na</strong>ge. President Obama signed the<br />

measure in April.<br />

Although the Supreme Court has never struck<br />

down such a law, the Justice Department<br />

pronounced it unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l. The director of the<br />

technology office, John Holdren, spent about<br />

$3,500 in public funds to participate at a conference<br />

with visiting Chinese officials in May and to host a<br />

dinner and buy gifts for them.<br />

At an oversight hearing on the matter Wednesday,<br />

the subcommittee chairman, Representative Da<strong>na</strong><br />

Rohrabacher, Republican of California, criticized<br />

cooperation with Chi<strong>na</strong> and chastised the<br />

administration for violating the statute. But Dr.<br />

Holdren said that the benefits of engaging with<br />

Chi<strong>na</strong> outweighed the risks and that his actions<br />

were lawful, pointing to the Justice Department’s<br />

advice.<br />

While the power of the department’s Office of Legal<br />

Counsel to nullify statutes has led to fierce debate<br />

in recent years, the highest-profile disputes have<br />

involved <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l security issues like surveillance,<br />

where significant portions of the material are<br />

classified.<br />

By contrast, the executive branch’s writings in the<br />

current dispute are public. They illustrate how one<br />

president’s assertion of executive power —<br />

sometimes in memorandums that are secret at the<br />

time — establishes a “precedent” for his successors<br />

to develop by applying it to new circumstances.<br />

Each repetition cements and expands the claim<br />

without a court ever weighing in.<br />

“This is a bipartisan project of executive<br />

aggrandizement,” said Bruce Ackerman, a Yale law<br />

professor and critic of the Office of Legal Counsel<br />

system. “Law is a disciplined conversation between<br />

lawyers and judges. But without any judges, law is<br />

a conversation between lawyers and other lawyers<br />

— and they’re all on the same side, building upon<br />

one another.”<br />

Dawn Johnsen, who led the Office of Legal Counsel<br />

for a period during the Clinton administration and<br />

was Mr. Obama’s first nominee for that position,<br />

said on some matters the president must rely on<br />

Justice Department legal advice.<br />

“The executive should be very wary of ever acting<br />

contrary to a federal statute, but on rare occasions<br />

it is necessary and appropriate,” she said. “On<br />

some issues there is simply very little judicial<br />

precedent, and there is no alter<strong>na</strong>tive to the<br />

executive branch relying on its own legal<br />

interpretations.”<br />

As in many cases raising tensions between the<br />

power of Congress and of the presidency, courts<br />

have no opportunity to weigh in because no one<br />

has standing to file a lawsuit. In that vacuum, the<br />

Justice Department largely cited its own previous<br />

claims. Many were not directly relevant, but were<br />

instead citations to objections to statutes burdening<br />

the president’s diplomatic powers in other ways,<br />

like restricting his ability to talk to whomever and<br />

about whatever he wants.<br />

A handful of precedents directly addressed the<br />

<strong>na</strong>rrower question at hand: whether Congress can<br />

use its spending power to restrict which officials the<br />

president may desig<strong>na</strong>te as his diplomatic agents.<br />

The first directly relevant precedent was in 1990,<br />

when the first Bush administration claimed that<br />

Congress could not, as a condition of approving<br />

funds for a certain diplomatic delegation, require it<br />

to include a representative from a Congressio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

panel.<br />

In a memorandum, William P. Barr, the head of the<br />

Office of Legal Counsel, pronounced the restriction<br />

unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l because the president’s powers<br />

“self-evidently” included the authority “to choose the<br />

individuals through whom the Nation’s foreign<br />

affairs are conducted. That responsibility cannot be<br />

circumscribed by statute.”<br />

In 1991, Congress passed a statute about<br />

passports effectively requiring the State<br />

Department to send different officials to Israel and<br />

Arab countries. In a signing statement, the Bush<br />

administration said Congress could not prevent the<br />

president from sending the same diplomat to both<br />

places.<br />

In 1992, the new Office of Legal Counsel head,<br />

Timothy Flanigan, issued a memorandum applying<br />

the theory to a nearly identical law, thereby<br />


establishing a third precedent. Lawyers in the<br />

George W. Bush administration added more<br />

precedents after Congress passed budget bills that<br />

barred State Department officials, but not other<br />

agencies, from attending meetings chaired by a<br />

country linked to terrorism. They drafted signing<br />

statements declaring the mandates would be<br />

treated as “advisory” and a State Department<br />

delegation attended such a meeting.<br />

In 2009, the Obama administration added a<br />

Democratic precedent. In a memorandum, its first<br />

Office of Legal Counsel head, David Barron, cited<br />

the previous precedents and agreed that the State<br />

Department could keep attending such meetings<br />

because Congress cannot “place limits on the<br />

president’s use of his preferred agents” for<br />

diplomacy.<br />

He also noted, as strengthening the case, that the<br />

statute barred using the State Department for<br />

diplomacy. The executive branch’s latest claim<br />

went further, asserting that Congress cannot stop<br />

the president from using a White House aide for<br />

diplomacy, either. Citing previous executive writings<br />

as “ample precedent,” the current head of the Office<br />

of Legal Counsel, Virginia Seitz, wrote that the<br />

president has “absolute discretion” to choose<br />

“whomever he considers most suitable” to be his<br />

diplomatic agent, clearing Dr. Holdren to ignore the<br />

statute.<br />

Mr. Rohrabacher on Wednesday vowed to “fight”<br />

that “overreach.” But Congress has limited tools to<br />

push back in disputes falling far short of<br />

impeachable offenses. Congress e<strong>na</strong>cted a law<br />

making it a crime to spend public funds beyond its<br />

The New York Times - Politics, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


appropriated limits. But the Justice Department<br />

does not prosecute people for actions its Office of<br />

Legal Counsel approved.<br />

Representative Frank R> Wolf, Republican of<br />

Virginia, is trying to slash the technology office’s<br />

budget, but that would not prevent the White House<br />

from paying the same staff from its general budget.<br />

He has also demanded that the Justice Department<br />

revoke its memo, pointing to an a<strong>na</strong>lysis by the<br />

Government Accountability Office, a Congressio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

agency, saying that Dr. Holdren had violated the<br />

statute. But a G.A.O. lawyer testified Wednesday<br />

that his agency did not a<strong>na</strong>lyze the constitutio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

issue, saying it presumed that spending restrictions<br />

were valid “until a court indicates otherwise.”<br />

Shannen Coffin, who worked on executive power<br />

issues during the Bush administration for the<br />

Justice Department and Vice President Dick<br />

Cheney, argued that courts should stay out of<br />

foreign policy disputes between the two political<br />

branches. “This is a paradigmatic political question:<br />

It’s a battle between the branches in an area of<br />

shared authority,” he said. “Courts dramatically<br />

upset that political balance when they start to<br />

impose legal standards that are more or less made<br />

up.”<br />


The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Years Later, Lawsuit Seeks to Recreate a Wedding<br />

Of all the many things that make up a wedding, few<br />

are more important than the photographs.Long after<br />

the last of the cake has grown stale and the tossed<br />

bouquet has wilted, the photos endure, stirring<br />

memories and providing vivid proof that the day of<br />

one’s dreams took place.<br />

So it is not particularly surprising that one groom,<br />

disappointed with his wedding photos, decided to<br />

sue. The photographers had missed the last dance<br />

and the bouquet toss, the groom, Todd J. Remis of<br />

Manhattan, said.<br />

But what is striking, said the studio that took the<br />

pictures, is that Mr. Remis’s wedding took place in<br />

2003 and he waited six years to sue. And not only<br />

has Mr. Remis demanded to be repaid the $4,100<br />

cost of the photography, he also wants $48,000 to<br />

recreate the entire wedding and fly the principals to<br />

New York so the celebration can be re-shot by<br />

another photographer.<br />

Re-e<strong>na</strong>cting the wedding may pose a particular<br />

challenge, the studio pointed out, because the<br />

couple divorced and the bride is believed to have<br />

moved back to her <strong>na</strong>tive Latvia.<br />

Although Justice Doris Ling-Cohan of State<br />

Supreme Court in Manhattan dismissed most of<br />

the grounds for the lawsuit, like the “infliction of<br />

emotio<strong>na</strong>l distress,” she has allowed the case to<br />

proceed to determine whether there was indeed a<br />

breach of contract. But she displayed a good deal<br />

of amusement about the lawsuit’s purpose in an<br />

opinion in January that quoted lyrics from the<br />

Barbra Streisand classic “The Way We Were.”<br />

“This is a case in which it appears that the ‘misty<br />

watercolor memories’ and the ‘scattered pictures of<br />

the smiles ... left behind’ at the wedding were more<br />

important than the real thing,” the judge wrote.<br />

“Although the marriage did not last, plaintiff’s fury<br />

over the quality of the photographs and video<br />

continued on.”<br />

Mr. Remis is suing H & H Photographers, a<br />

65-year-old studio known fondly among thousands<br />

of former and current Bronx residents because it<br />

chronicled their weddings, bar mitzvahs and<br />

communions.<br />

One of the two founders, Curt Fried, escaped<br />

Nazi-occupied Vien<strong>na</strong> in September 1939 as a<br />

15-year-old and was drafted into the United States<br />

Army, where he learned to shoot pictures assisting<br />

cameramen along the legendary Burma Road<br />

supply line to Chi<strong>na</strong> during World War II. Mr. Fried<br />

recalled that in the late 1940s, Arthur Fellig, the<br />

celebrated street photographer known as Weegee,<br />

twice sought work at the studio when he needed<br />

money, but was turned down because he did not<br />

own a suit.<br />

In November 2003, Mr. Remis, an equity research<br />

a<strong>na</strong>lyst, and his fiancée, Mile<strong>na</strong> Grzibovska,<br />

stepped into the H & H studio, which was then in<br />

Riverdale, met with Mr. Fried and signed a contract<br />

to have photographs and videotape taken of their<br />

wedding the next month — on Dec. 28 — for<br />

$4,100.<br />

It was a small party, with fewer than 40 guests, at<br />

Castle on the Hudson in Tarrytown. Photographs<br />

show a cheerful bride and groom surrounded by<br />

delighted relatives, including Ms. Grzibovska’s<br />

mother, Iri<strong>na</strong>, and her sister Ali<strong>na</strong>, who traveled<br />

from Latvia.<br />

But a month after the wedding, when Mr. Remis<br />

returned to the studio to look over the proofs, he<br />

complained that the three-person crew had missed<br />

the last 15 minutes — the last dance and the<br />

bouquet toss. He noted in a deposition last July that<br />

the employees at H & H did not respond in a courtly<br />

fashion.<br />

“I remember being yelled at more than I have ever<br />

been yelled at before,” Mr. Remis said.<br />

In his lawsuit, he also complained that the<br />

photographs were “u<strong>na</strong>cceptable as to color,<br />

lighting, poses, positioning” and that a video, which<br />

he had expected to record the wedding’s six hours,<br />

was only two hours long.<br />

“I need to have the wedding recreated exactly as it<br />

was so that the remaining 15 percent of the<br />

wedding that was not shot can be shot,” he<br />

testified.<br />

Mr. Fried, now 87, chuckles at this idea: “He wants<br />

to fly his ex-wife back and he doesn’t even know<br />

where she lives.”<br />

Mr. Remis, who said at his deposition that he has<br />

not been employed since 2008, and his lawyer,<br />

Frederick R. McGowen, did not return messages<br />

left on their phones. Ms. Grzibovska did not<br />

respond to a message left through her Facebook<br />

page. The next court hearing is scheduled for<br />

Thursday.<br />


Mr. Fried said Mr. Remis left the studio in 2004 with<br />

400 proofs — essentially small photographs used<br />

for selecting a few dozen photographs for the<br />

album; Mr. Remis claims “the office kept<br />

everything.” But a 2004 magazine published by Mr.<br />

Remis’s alma mater, Bowdoin College, which is<br />

also online, displays a photograph of the bride and<br />

groom in a feature on alumni weddings. Mr. Fried<br />

said it was a photograph his firm took.<br />

The couple separated around 2008 and their<br />

divorce, which Mr. Remis contends was amicable,<br />

was fi<strong>na</strong>lized in 2010. Mr. Remis sued in 2009, just<br />

before the statute of limitation was about to expire,<br />

according to Mr. Fried.<br />

Mr. Remis testified that he wanted photographs of<br />

the wedding, even if it ended in divorce and even if<br />

Mr. Fried contended he already had them.<br />

“It was unfortu<strong>na</strong>te in its circumstances,” he said,<br />

“but we are very much happy with the wedding<br />

event and we would like to have it documented for<br />

eternity, for us and our families.”<br />

Mr. Fried retired in 2004 and turned his half of the<br />

business over to his son Dan, who now operates<br />

the studio with Lawrence Gillet, a son of the other<br />

founder, from a loft in Irvington, in Westchester<br />

County.<br />

Dan Fried said that the costs of defending the<br />

lawsuit had already matched the amount sought by<br />

Mr. Remis and that it was hurting his business’s<br />

bottom line. He said the case was “an abuse of the<br />

legal system.”<br />

The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Mr. Remis’s lawyer works for Goodwin Procter,<br />

where Mr. Remis’s father, Shepard M. Remis, is a<br />

litigation partner. The younger Mr. Remis has<br />

testified that he is paying his lawyer himself.<br />

Curt and Dan Fried are paying their lawyer, Peter<br />

Wessel, themselves, they said, and the costs —<br />

$50,000 — the time the suit has taken and the<br />

distress have taken a toll.<br />

“I had a good life, thank God,” Curt Fried said, “and<br />

at the end of my life this hits me in the face.”<br />


The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Firing Sought for One of Two Officers in Bell<br />

Shooting Case<br />

Prosecutors with the New York Police Department<br />

recommended on Wednesday that one of the two<br />

officers being tried in connection with the killing of<br />

Sean Bell five years ago should be allowed to stay<br />

on the force while the other should be fired.In<br />

closing arguments in a departmental administrative<br />

trial, prosecutors said that Detective Gescard F.<br />

Isnora, who fired the first shots in a 50-bullet<br />

barrage that killed Mr. Bell on what was supposed<br />

to have been his wedding day, should lose his job,<br />

but a lesser punishment — the loss of 30 vacation<br />

days — was appropriate for Officer Michael Carey,<br />

who fired three of the shots.<br />

“Maybe Detective Isnora was frightened; maybe<br />

Detective Isnora was nervous,” said Nancy Slater,<br />

one of the prosecutors. “I submit he overreacted.”<br />

Ms. Slater also questioned the detective’s judgment<br />

in coming out of his undercover role, approaching<br />

Mr. Bell’s car with his gun drawn and his shield<br />

clipped to his collar, and opening fire on the car<br />

early on the morning of Nov. 25, 2006.<br />

Last week, Detective Isnora testified that he thought<br />

Mr. Bell and his friend Joseph Guzman, who were<br />

parked outside a strip club in Jamaica, Queens,<br />

were about to take part in a drive-by shooting. He<br />

has said his belief that Mr. Guzman had a gun was<br />

based on a heated argument that he overheard in<br />

front of the strip club.<br />

But Ms. Slater argued that going from thinking that<br />

the man may have had a gun to “I alone have to<br />

come out of role and stop a drive-by” was “a huge<br />

leap of logic.”<br />

In contrast, Ms. Slater characterized Officer Carey<br />

as the victim of “contagious firing” and blamed him<br />

for relying too heavily on Detective Isnora’s actions<br />

when he decided to start shooting.<br />

“He didn’t know who he was firing at; he didn’t know<br />

why he was firing,” Ms. Slater said.<br />

In his closing arguments, Detective Isnora’s lawyer,<br />

Philip E. Karasyk, argued that the prosecution was<br />

unfairly judging an officer “who has to make life or<br />

death decisions in a heartbeat.”<br />

“In that split-second judgment call, Detective Isnora<br />

believed Joseph Guzman had a firearm and was<br />

about to use it,” Mr. Karasyk said. The police did<br />

not find a weapon on Mr. Guzman.<br />

Detective Isnora was acquitted of crimi<strong>na</strong>l charges<br />

in a State Supreme Court trial in 2008. Officer<br />

Carey was not charged crimi<strong>na</strong>lly.<br />

Officer Carey’s lawyer, Stephen C. Worth, argued<br />

that his client’s decision to open fire was based on<br />

the information that he had at the time, and that if<br />

Mr. Guzman had had a weapon and Officer Carey<br />

had not fired, he would have been accused of<br />

failing to defend a fellow officer.<br />

The judge presiding over the case, Deputy<br />

Commissioner Martin G. Karopkin, will send a<br />

recommendation to Police Commissioner Raymond<br />

W. Kelly, who will decide the professio<strong>na</strong>l fate of<br />

the two officers.<br />


The New York Times - N.Y./Region, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Trial Begins for Man Charged With Falsely Accusing<br />

Ex-Girlfriend<br />

A little more than a year after she accused her<br />

ex-boyfriend of rape, Seemo<strong>na</strong> Sumasar was<br />

pulled over by the police near her Queens home.<br />

Before she had a chance to speak, she said, she<br />

was handcuffed.Ms. Sumasar, 36, a petite former<br />

Morgan Stanley a<strong>na</strong>lyst, suddenly found herself<br />

treated like a crimi<strong>na</strong>l rather than a rape victim,<br />

charged with carrying out a spree of armed<br />

robberies while dressed as a police officer.<br />

All the while, she protested loudly that her<br />

ex-boyfriend, Jerry Ramrattan, had set her up,<br />

using the knowledge he had gleaned by<br />

obsessively watching detective dramas like “CSI.”<br />

But she said prosecutors and the police called her a<br />

liar.<br />

On Wednesday, as Mr. Ramrattan’s trial on<br />

charges including rape, perjury and conspiracy<br />

began at State Supreme Court in Queens,<br />

prosecutors told the jury that Ms. Sumasar had<br />

been right all along, the victim of what Frank<br />

DeGaetano, an assistant district attorney,<br />

characterized as one of the most elaborate<br />

frame-ups in recent history.<br />

“When reality dawned on Jerry Ramrattan, he<br />

s<strong>na</strong>pped,” Mr. DeGaetano said to the jury, referring<br />

to the rape charge against Mr. Ramrattan. “He<br />

masterminded a conspiracy that will astound you.”<br />

Prosecutors say the scheme unraveled after a<br />

police informant connected Mr. Ramrattan to Ms.<br />

Sumasar’s various accusers. Mr. Ramrattan, 39,<br />

was arrested in December 2010, and has pleaded<br />

not guilty to all charges. If convicted, he could face<br />

more than 25 years in prison.<br />

Mr. Ramrattan’s lawyer told the jury on Wednesday<br />

that it was Ms. Sumasar who had framed Mr.<br />

Ramrattan and that the alleged rape had been<br />

consensual sex. He called the prosecution’s<br />

description of an elaborate plot “preposterous.”<br />

On Wednesday, Mr. Ramrattan took his place in<br />

court, smiling at members of the news media,<br />

carefully taking notes and at times shaking his head<br />

and opening his mouth wide as if in shock.<br />

At the center of the trial is the rape that prosecutors<br />

say led to the plot.<br />

Mr. DeGaetano told the jury that Ms. Sumasar had<br />

been begging Mr. Ramrattan to move from her Far<br />

Rockaway house, but he refused. On March 8,<br />

2009, Mr. Ramrattan raped her, Mr. DeGaetano<br />

said. He said DNA evidence would unequivocally<br />

link Mr. Ramrattan to the crime.<br />

After charges were filed, the prosecutor said, Mr.<br />

Ramrattan intimidated or cajoled several people to<br />

concoct stories that they had been robbed at<br />

gunpoint by Ms. Sumasar. He said Mr. Ramrattan<br />

had staged crime scenes and had shown the<br />

supposed witnesses photographs of Ms. Sumasar<br />

so they could identify her in a police lineup.<br />

In May 2010, Ms. Sumasar was arrested and<br />

remained in jail for seven months, separated from<br />

her daughter.<br />

Mr. Ramrattan’s lawyer, Frank Kelly, said on<br />

Wednesday that Mr. Ramrattan had no motive to<br />

set her up: “This story is nothing but lies,<br />

fabrication, embellishment, revenge and hate.”<br />

He also said that at the time of the alleged rape,<br />

Ms. Sumasar and Mr. Ramrattan were living as if<br />

they were husband and wife.<br />

Mr. Kelly also indicated that one of the defense’s<br />

main strategies would be to discredit the testimony<br />

of the people who once said they had been robbed<br />

by Ms. Sumasar and have now agreed to testify at<br />

trial for the prosecution. All have been convicted of<br />

perjury for their initial claims about Ms. Sumasar.<br />

“Rats in the sewer — you are going to see them,”<br />

he told the jury. “These are people who will say or<br />

do anything.”<br />


The New York Times - World, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


British Court Says WikiLeaks Founder Can Be<br />

Extradited for Questioning<br />

LONDON — A British court ruled Wednesday that<br />

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, can be<br />

extradited to Sweden for questioning over<br />

allegations of sexual abuse made against him by<br />

two women there last year. He will seek a fi<strong>na</strong>l<br />

appeal at Britain’s highest court, according to a<br />

person close to him.Two of Britain’s most senior<br />

judges dismissed all four arguments raised by Mr.<br />

Assange’s defense team. The decision makes it<br />

increasingly likely that Mr. Assange will face his<br />

accusers in Sweden.<br />

He has at least 14 days to ask for permission to<br />

bring his case before Britain’s highest court, the<br />

Supreme Court, for a fi<strong>na</strong>l appeal. The court hears<br />

only cases of constitutio<strong>na</strong>l or general public<br />

importance.<br />

The 43-page ruling was the latest twist in an<br />

11-month legal battle that has included multiple<br />

court appearances and brought out throngs of<br />

supporters, and it comes as WikiLeaks has been<br />

temporarily shuttered because of continuing<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncing troubles. Mr. Assange was briefly jailed<br />

last December, as Swedish authorities filed an<br />

arrest warrant demanding he return to face<br />

accusations made by two WikiLeaks volunteers in<br />

Stockholm in August 2010. He is accused of two<br />

counts of sexual molestation, one count of unlawful<br />

coercion and one count of rape based on their<br />

allegations that consensual sex became<br />

nonconsensual.<br />

He vehemently denies the allegations and has<br />

engaged a series of high-profile lawyers to fight the<br />

extradition warrant, arguing, among other things,<br />

that he could not get a fair trial. Mr. Assange has<br />

given interviews condemning Sweden’s strict<br />

sexual crimes laws, calling the country “the Saudi<br />

Arabia of feminism.”<br />

Wednesday’s ruling marks the second time a British<br />

court has rejected his appeals. After the ruling Mr.<br />

Assange and a coterie of advisers and friends<br />

huddled in the courthouse to discuss their options,<br />

flanked by security guards.<br />

“We will consider our next steps in the coming<br />

days,” he said in a brief statement to the throng of<br />

reporters gathered outside. But a person close to<br />

Mr. Assange said he would appear in court again to<br />

seek permission to appeal. If the court does not<br />

allow him to move his case forward, Mr. Assange<br />

will be extradited to Sweden within 10 days of the<br />

court’s decision.<br />

Mr. Assange appeared for an initial interview with<br />

the police in Sweden in 2010, but flew to London<br />

before further questioning could be completed, a<br />

court here was subsequently told.<br />

He has told friends that he has refused to return to<br />

Stockholm to face questioning because he fears<br />

that the country is run by a cabal of interconnected<br />

people who are aligned against him.<br />

Mr. Assange’s lawyers have also argued that if he<br />

were extradited from Sweden to the United States,<br />

he could face the death pe<strong>na</strong>lty over the leaking of<br />

classified American documents, citing comments by<br />

conservative politicians, including the former<br />

governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, who said he<br />

should be hunted down as an anti-American<br />

operative. In addition, Mr. Assange has hinted that<br />

he believes world powers might be behind the<br />

sexual abuse charges, seeing them as a way of<br />

silencing him and halting embarrassing leaks.<br />

The WikiLeaks release of hundreds of thousands of<br />

United States military documents on the Iraq and<br />

Afghanistan wars and State Department diplomatic<br />

cables domi<strong>na</strong>ted the front pages of newspapers<br />

across the world last year. Mr. Assange has hoped<br />

that releases of such documents would reshape the<br />

very <strong>na</strong>ture of government. WikiLeaks cables in<br />

which American diplomats reported on the<br />

corruption of Tunisia’s rulers did, in fact, help fuel<br />

the uprising that overthrew Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali,<br />

jumpstarting the Arab Spring.<br />

WikiLeaks has foundered since Mr. Assange was<br />

briefly jailed last December, before being placed<br />

under virtual house arrest at the country mansion of<br />

a wealthy friend in eastern England. Mr. Assange<br />

told a press conference in London last month that<br />

WikiLeaks would cease its publishing activities<br />

because it lacked money following a blockade on<br />

do<strong>na</strong>tions by credit card companies like Visa and<br />

MasterCard, and the payments services Western<br />

Union and PayPal.<br />

The organization has also been severely weakened<br />

by a spate of defections from its core of<br />

computer-programmer volunteers, insiders have<br />

said. Many, tired of what they described as Mr.<br />

Assange’s imperiousness, have formed their own<br />

document-leaking sites.<br />


The New York Times - Opinion, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Having the Watchdogs to Tea<br />

Congress rarely remembers that it is responsible for<br />

overseeing the Federal Election Commission — the<br />

party-hack-ridden agency that e<strong>na</strong>bles campaign<br />

abuses. The House elections subcommittee has<br />

now summoned commission members to a rare<br />

hearing on Thursday about its work. Rather than a<br />

severe grilling, it’s more likely to be a<br />

meet-and-greet smile among professio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

backslappers.The need for a vigilant F.E.C. has<br />

never been greater as the <strong>na</strong>tion enters the most<br />

money-drenched campaign in history, thanks to the<br />

new “super PAC” bundlers and the Supreme<br />

Court’s Citizens United decision blessing unlimited<br />

corporate do<strong>na</strong>tions. While all this looms, the<br />

six-member F.E.C. has been stymied by its three<br />

Republican appointees who apparently believe the<br />

best campaign regulation is none and regularly<br />

reject professio<strong>na</strong>l staff findings of campaign<br />

abuses and block enforcement.<br />

Politicians know a toothless watchdog when they<br />

see one. In the latest outrage, Se<strong>na</strong>tor Mike Lee, a<br />

Republican of Utah, asked the F.E.C. for an<br />

advisory opinion on whether he can raise unlimited<br />

funds for his own leadership political action<br />

committee. This is clearly barred by law. It would<br />

ensconce moneyed princes on Capitol Hill to buy<br />

lawmakers’ favors from within. Surely the F.E.C.<br />

can muster the courage to shoot that down. Surely?<br />

Congress should be reforming the agency, and<br />

President Obama should be challenging Congress<br />

to do it. The F.E.C. needs commissioners who don’t<br />

owe their positions to either party machine. The<br />

president can drive the issue by proposing truly<br />

independent appointees to the Se<strong>na</strong>te to replace<br />

lame-duck members.<br />


The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


U.K. Court Rejects Bid by Assange to Stop<br />

Extradition<br />

LONDON—A U.K. appeals court has ruled that<br />

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be<br />

extradited to Sweden to face questioning in a<br />

sexual assault case, leaving him with dwindling<br />

legal options in the long-running drama.<br />

The High Court in London Wednesday dismissed<br />

Mr. Assange's appeal against a lower court's<br />

decision to extradite him.<br />

Wednesday's ruling isn't necessarily the end of the<br />

extradition saga, however. Mr. Assange has two<br />

weeks to appeal Wednesday's ruling. If he does,<br />

the High Court will then decide whether to allow his<br />

appeal, which would be heard before the U.K.'s<br />

Supreme Court.<br />


The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Court Affirms Ruling That FCC Wrongly Fined CBS<br />

WASHINGTON—A federal appeals court on<br />

Wednesday for the second time ruled that the<br />

Federal Communications Commission improperly<br />

fined CBS Corp. for airing singer Janet Jackson's<br />

infamous Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction" in<br />

2004.<br />

The Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Court of Appeals,<br />

ruling again after the Supreme Court remanded<br />

the case in 2009, upheld its previous decision that<br />

the agency didn't provide broadcasters fair warning<br />

about a change in indecency enforcement rules.<br />

The case involves a $550,000 fine on CBS for<br />

airing a Super Bowl halftime show featuring ...<br />


USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Judicial Review<br />

Ex-wife of Texas judge calls his brutal spankings an<br />

'addiction'<br />

The Texas woman who released a 7-year-old video<br />

showing her being beaten by her father, a Texas<br />

judge, says she has "some regret" over making the<br />

tape public. Update at 8:50 a.m. ET: The ex-wife of<br />

a Texas judge who was captured on video beating<br />

his tee<strong>na</strong>ge daughter with a belt 7 years ago<br />

blames the regular attacks on an addiction and<br />

says he brainwashed her into compliance. Hallie<br />

Adams, in an interview with NBC's Today show<br />

calls County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams'<br />

addiction a "family secret," but does not elaborate.<br />

Their 22-year marriage ended in 2007. She is<br />

shown in the 8-minute-video also striking the girl<br />

with a belt. Adamstells Today that her ex-husband<br />

"completely brainwashed and controlled" her.<br />

Update at 8:38 a.m. ET: "I'm experiencing some<br />

regret because I just pulled the covers off my own<br />

father's misbehavior after so many people thought<br />

he was such a good person. ... But so many people<br />

are also telling me I did the right thing," she tells<br />

The Associated Press outside her mother's home in<br />

the Gulf Coast town of Portland, near Corpus<br />

Christi. "He's supposed to be a judge who<br />

exercises fit judgment," she tells the AP. Earlier<br />

posting: The young woman who released a video<br />

showing her father, a Texas judge, beating her with<br />

a belt 7 years ago says she decided to make it<br />

public not out of vengeance, but as a way to move<br />

on, KRIS-TV reports. "Waiting this long to publish it<br />

has e<strong>na</strong>bled me to look at it with hindsight and not<br />

be so caught up in the passion of the moment,"<br />

Hillary Adams tells reporter Keaton Fox of the<br />

Corpus Christi TV station. "I think we do, my mother<br />

and I, we do need to try to move on past the anger<br />

and just concentrate on getting counseling and<br />

help." She says she feels like a lot of people in her<br />

community "were tricked" by her father, Judge<br />

William Adams in Aransas County. "They saw him<br />

treating his wife and daughter, oh, look what I gave<br />

them, look at these amazing cars and watches and<br />

pianos, everything like that and just this other side<br />

of him, was hidden for so long, because he was so<br />

good at controlling the situation and covering<br />

anything up," she tells KRIS. Origi<strong>na</strong>l posting by<br />

Michael Winter: Texas authorities are investigating<br />

a family-law judge after his daughter posted a video<br />

that shows him beating her legs with a belt when<br />

she was 16 years old, according to news reports.<br />

"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the<br />

car back, in a nutshell, but, yeah, that's me, I lost<br />

my temper," Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge<br />

William Adams told KRIS-TV. "Her mother was<br />

there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a long time ago. ... I<br />

really don't want to get into this right now, because<br />

as you can see my life's been made very difficult<br />

over this child." "In my mind I have not done<br />

anything wrong other than discipline my child when<br />

she was caught stealing. I did lose my temper, I've<br />

apologized. ... It looks worse than it is." The judge<br />

added that he informed the Judicial Review board<br />

after seeing the 2004 video, which was posted to<br />

YouTube last week by his daughter, Hillary, now<br />

23. The county district attorney and Rockport,<br />

Texas, police department are investigating. KRIS<br />

has reaction from Hillary Adams and her mother,<br />

who is divorced from her father. Hillary said that<br />


she "had held onto the video for so long for the right<br />

time" and that it wasn't for revenge. She hopes her<br />

father seeks counseling. Later this afternoon, she<br />

told the Associated Press she set up the camera<br />

because she knew her father would punish her for<br />

illegally downloading music. She admitted she felt<br />

USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Judicial Review<br />

some regret for posting the seven-minute clip,<br />

which has gone viral since Reddit linked to it<br />

Tuesday. Slate magazine poses this question:<br />

"Does Texas Judge William Adams Deserve<br />

Internet Vigilantism for Allegedly Beating His<br />

Daughter?"<br />


USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Column: 'Juan Crow' law alive and well in Alabama<br />

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. ??" Here in the South it feels<br />

like the 1960s all over again. And now, just as back<br />

then, far right-wing white politicians are doing their<br />

damnedest to be the poster boys of intolerance, this<br />

time on the issue of immigration. Birmingham's<br />

Eugene "Bull" Connor, Dallas County Sheriff Jim<br />

Clark and Alabama Gov. were high-profile<br />

antagonists of the civil rights movement. Today, it's<br />

north Alabama Rep. and Kansas Secretary of State<br />

Kris Kobach leading the anti-illegal-immigration<br />

charge. Of all Alabama's officials, Brooks has been<br />

the most inflammatory and provocative cheerleader<br />

for the state's heinous immigration law. Kobach<br />

helped Alabama and other states craft similar laws<br />

through his side gig with the Federation for<br />

American Immigration Reform (FAIR), an<br />

organization described as a hate group by the .<br />

Despite objections from the Justice Department, a<br />

federal judge upheld portions of it, directing<br />

Alabama law enforcement officers to act as de facto<br />

immigration agents during routine traffic stops and<br />

requiring school systems to document the<br />

citizenship status of new students. Some are calling<br />

it "Juan Crow" ??" a play on Jim Crow, the moniker<br />

for segregation in the pre-civil rights South ??"<br />

because of the likelihood that Hispanics will be<br />

subjected to racial profiling and dubious detentions.<br />

Not surprisingly, most black lawmakers in the South<br />

bly oppose this and similar laws. They have not<br />

forgotten the sting of Jim Crow laws that were<br />

aimed at segregating blacks and denying them<br />

equal access to jobs, education, housing and health<br />

care. The Justice Department is asking the 11th<br />

Circuit Court of Appeals to invalidate the law. That<br />

court temporarily blocked the portions requiring that<br />

schools collect immigration data and that<br />

immigrants carry proof of residency. This month, it<br />

is expected to hear full arguments challenging the<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>lity of the law. Taxes and education as<br />

weapons That has not deterred Brooks and other<br />

supporters of the law from continuing to dig in,<br />

repackaging the old arguments that were used<br />

against Jim Crow-era blacks to target the<br />

undocumented. For example, like Jim Crow laws<br />

imposed segregated schools on black children, the<br />

Alabama law attempts to place barriers to illegal<br />

immigrants getting an education ??" though the<br />

appeals court has temporarily blocked that part of<br />

the law. "The bottom line is illegal aliens consume<br />

far more of our tax resources than they generate,"<br />

Brooks told Politico recently. "We don't have the<br />

money in America to keep paying for the education<br />

of everybody else's children from around the world."<br />

The Tax Foundation, a non-partisan tax research<br />

group that conservatives love to quote, disputes<br />

Brooks' first point. The foundation concluded that<br />

undocumented workers are helping to fill federal<br />

and state coffers via payroll taxes (Social Security<br />

and Medicare) and sales taxes on food, clothing<br />

and other essentials. Some might even pay income<br />

taxes, depending on their income level and whether<br />

or not they have a Social Security Number or a Tax<br />

Identification Number, even if they are fraudulent<br />

numbers. As for Brooks' claim of having to educate<br />

"everybody else's children," the Supreme Court in<br />

1982 ruled in Plyler v. Doe that any child living in<br />

the U.S., whether here legally or illegally, has a<br />

right to a free public education. Alabama's law<br />

attempted to get around that fact by not blocking<br />

enrollment, but by requiring the student and/or<br />

parent upon enrollment to provide proof of<br />

citizenship as a way to track the number of illegal<br />

immigrant students. Of course fear, not facts, is<br />

driving Alabama's law and its sister laws. The same<br />

fear, no doubt, moved FAIR founder John Tanton to<br />

write in a 1993 letter that his goal is to keep the<br />

United States "a European-American majority, and<br />

a clear one at that." Supporters of Alabama's law<br />

also claim that undocumented workers are taking<br />

jobs away from American citizens. But Tanton and<br />

FAIR should rest easy. Alabama and its deep South<br />

neighbors still have solid white majorities. Hispanics<br />

make up only 3.9% of Alabama's population,<br />

according to the Census Bureau. Florida (23%),<br />

Georgia (9%), Tennessee (5%) and Mississippi<br />

(3%) are just as safe. Some rise up despite bias<br />

But the Tantons and Brookses of the world should<br />

remember that some of our society's greatest<br />

contributors have been victims of discrimi<strong>na</strong>tion.<br />

Survivors of Jim Crow have become some of our<br />


<strong>na</strong>tion's most important leaders in business,<br />

science, academics and entertainment. Many future<br />

leaders are now being subjected to Juan Crow<br />

when what they should be given is a fair and<br />

reaso<strong>na</strong>ble path to citizenship. I recently met two of<br />

them ??" sisters Kelly and Nelly (I am not giving<br />

their last <strong>na</strong>me because of their immigration status.)<br />

??" who crossed the Mexico-U.S. border five years<br />

ago with their parents, struggling farmers from the<br />

small city of Cuer<strong>na</strong> Vaca. For now, despite the<br />

USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


law, their family is opting to stay in Alabama. "My<br />

parents told us we had to come," said Kelly, the<br />

oldest at 18. "They didn't want the same thing for<br />

us." "We want a better life," said Nelly, 15.<br />

Hopefully, they'll still have one ??" as long as our<br />

bigotry and fears don't get the best of us. David<br />

Person is the host of WEUPTalk on WEUP-AM in<br />

Huntsville, Ala., a freelance arts reporter for<br />

Natio<strong>na</strong>l Public Radio and a member of USA<br />

TODAY's Board of Contributors.<br />


USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


High court case on GPS surveillance could break new<br />

ground<br />

By Joan Biskupic, USA TODAY<br />

Updated 11/2/2011 1:27 AM<br />

WASHINGTON – In a potentially groundbreaking<br />

case on high-tech tracking by police, the Supreme<br />

Court will decide whether constant surveillance is<br />

such an intrusion on people's lives that police need<br />

a warrant before attaching a GPS device to a<br />

person's car.<br />

The Global Positioning System not only helps<br />

drivers find their way around, it can also allow for<br />

constant surveillance otherwise too costly for law<br />

enforcement.<br />

The case, to be heard Tuesday, tests law<br />

enforcement's use of the latest technology to fight<br />

crime as it raises the specter of a "Big Brother"<br />

government knowing one's every move. GPS<br />

tracking lets police engage in round-the-clock<br />

surveillance — without a person's knowledge —<br />

over a prolonged period that could seldom be<br />

matched by cops on a beat or other traditio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

observation.<br />

Global Positioning System receivers, origi<strong>na</strong>lly<br />

developed for military use, rely on a constellation of<br />

satellites in fixed orbits. Receivers on the ground<br />

use satellite transmissions to calculate the latitude<br />

and longitude of a location. Data can be transmitted<br />

remotely to police computers and stored.<br />

"A person who knows all of another's travels"<br />

through GPS, U.S. Appeals Court Judge Douglas<br />

Ginsburg wrote in the ruling that the high court will<br />

take up, "can deduce whether he is a weekly<br />

church goer, a heavy drinker, a regular at the gym,<br />

an unfaithful husband, an outpatient receiving<br />

medical treatment, an associate of particular<br />

individuals or political groups — and not just one<br />

such fact about a person, but all such facts."<br />

The Washington, D.C.-based appeals court ruled<br />

that the Fourth Amendment protection against<br />

unreaso<strong>na</strong>ble searches and seizures require police<br />

get a warrant before affixing a GPS device to a car<br />

or truck.<br />

The federal Justice Department, appealing the<br />

warrant requirement, argues that drivers do not<br />

expect their movements to be kept private. "Officers<br />

do not conduct a 'search' when they observe<br />

matters conducted in the open, which anyone could<br />

see," U.S. Solicitor General Do<strong>na</strong>ld Verrilli tells the<br />

justices in his brief.<br />

The dispute over the technology becoming<br />

ubiquitous on smartphones and vehicles could lead<br />

to a major decision regarding police tactics for<br />

decades to come.<br />

The case, involving a Washington, D.C., nightclub<br />

operator who was investigated in a<br />

cocaine-trafficking case, has drawn a dozen "friend<br />

of the court" briefs from an array of outside groups<br />

all but one opposing the federal government.<br />

Among those siding with the drug defendant, who<br />

was tracked for a month, is the Council on<br />

American-Islamic Relations, which says Muslim<br />

Americans have been increasingly subject to<br />

warrantless GPS surveillance, and Roger Easton,<br />

an inventor regarded by many as "the father of<br />

GPS."<br />

Lawyers for Easton, 90, and other GPS developers,<br />

say the tracking is done in such continuous and<br />

large-scale fashion that it defies comparisons to<br />

beepers and other electronic surveillance tactics<br />

previously reviewed by the high court.<br />

The one group siding with the federal government,<br />

the New York-based Center on the Administration<br />

of Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Law, points to the cost benefits of<br />

satellite surveillance in tough fi<strong>na</strong>ncial times. It says<br />

GPS surveillance requires fewer personnel hours<br />

and less cost than having agents physically follow<br />

someone.<br />

Anthony Barkow, the group's director, said in an<br />

interview that GPS surveillance is on the<br />

"constitutio<strong>na</strong>l" side because it reveals information<br />

that could be observed in public. Barkow<br />

acknowledged that "fear of Big Brother" could affect<br />

the justices, but he says that law enforcement<br />

should be able to take advantage of technology,<br />

within constitutio<strong>na</strong>l safeguards.<br />

The Justice Department is urging the high court to<br />

reinstate the drug-conspiracy conviction of Antoine<br />

Jones, who was tracked with a GPS device over<br />

four weeks in 2005.<br />

Federal agents, who had secretly put a GPS device<br />

on Jones' Jeep while it was in a public lot, used the<br />

evidence from Jones' travels to a stash house in<br />

Fort Washington, Md., to help win a conviction of<br />

conspiracy to distribute cocaine. Agents found large<br />

amounts of cocaine in the house and recovered<br />

about $70,000 from the Jeep.<br />

Solicitor General Verrilli is urging the high court to<br />


ely on its 1983 ruling in United States v. Knotts,<br />

which said the use of a beeper to track a suspect<br />

driving to a drug lab was not a search under the<br />

Fourth Amendment. Verrilli says the lower court<br />

hearing Jones' appeal wrongly abandoned a<br />

longstanding line between private information and<br />

information that is "exposed to the public," for<br />

example, on roadways.<br />

The lower court said, however, that a month of<br />

detailed tracking could not be considered "public" in<br />

the usual sense because it was unlikely anyone<br />

would actually have observed all of Jones' travels.<br />

Verrilli counters that information does not become<br />

"less public" simply because it is collected with in a<br />

more sophisticated technology.<br />

The high court will also be looking at whether just<br />

the installation of the device violated Jones' rights.<br />

Justice Department lawyers say installing the GPS<br />

device was permitted because it didn't interfere with<br />

Jones' driving or take up any space inside the<br />

vehicle.<br />

Stephen Leckar, representing Jones, tells the<br />

justices in his brief that unrestrained GPS<br />

monitoring has become "a grave threat to<br />

expressive and political association, as well as to<br />

the perso<strong>na</strong>l privacy and security of every individual<br />

in the country."<br />

Leckar added in an interview, "I'm not saying the<br />

government can't tail you, but they can't track<br />

people relentlessly without a warrant. … Who wants<br />

to live in a totalitarian state when you're under<br />

constant electronic monitoring?"<br />

The U.S. government tells the justices that law<br />

enforcement has not been abusing GPS technology<br />

and it is not even in widespread police use. "If<br />

'dragnet' use of tracking technology" were to occur,<br />

Verrilli says, "its constitutio<strong>na</strong>l implications can be<br />

addressed at that time."<br />

For more information about reprints & permissions,<br />

visit our FAQ's. To report corrections and<br />

clarifications, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones.<br />

For publication consideration in the newspaper,<br />

send comments to letters@usatoday.com. Include<br />

<strong>na</strong>me, phone number, city and state for verification.<br />

To view our corrections, go to<br />

corrections.usatoday.com.<br />

Other cases involving technology<br />

The following Supreme Court cases that involve<br />

police use of technology form the backdrop of the<br />

Nov. 8 dispute over the use of GPS tracking:<br />

•Katz v. United States, 1967: Establishing the<br />

USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Fourth Amendment standard that people are<br />

entitled to a “reaso<strong>na</strong>ble expectation of privacy”<br />

against electronic surveillance; the court ruled that<br />

the use of an electronic listening device attached to<br />

the outside of a public telephone booth, to gather<br />

information from a private conversation inside,<br />

constituted a “search,” requiring a warrant.<br />

•United States v. Knotts, 1983: Finding that a<br />

person riding in car on public streets has no<br />

reaso<strong>na</strong>ble expectation of privacy in any<br />

movements from one place to another; the court<br />

permitted police use of a beeper to follow a car on<br />

public roads.<br />

•United States v. Karo, 1984: Declaring that the use<br />

of a beeper to track information into a private<br />

residence — the device was used to track a can of<br />

ether — violated the Fourth Amendment.<br />

•Kyllo v. United States, 2001: Holding that officers’<br />

use of thermal imaging technology to detect heat<br />

radiating from within a home (where marijua<strong>na</strong> was<br />

being grown) was a “search” subject to the Fourth<br />

Amendment; that decision emphasized the sanctity<br />

of the home.<br />

By Joan Biskupic<br />


USA Today - On Polítics, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Arizo<strong>na</strong> gives boot to redistricting leader<br />

If you ever wanted to know why redrawing<br />

boundaries for Congress is such a politically<br />

sensitive topic, Arizo<strong>na</strong> is now Exhibit A in that<br />

expla<strong>na</strong>tion.<br />

The Republican-controlled Arizo<strong>na</strong> Se<strong>na</strong>te last<br />

night ousted the chairwoman of the state's<br />

independent redistricting commission. The<br />

unprecedented step came at the behest of Arizo<strong>na</strong><br />

Gov. Jan Brewer, a Republican.<br />

The commission's attorneys will try today to petition<br />

the state Supreme Court to allow Colleen Mathis<br />

to remain leader of the commission, which is trying<br />

to draw new boundaries for Congress and the state<br />

Legislature.<br />

"I will not sit idly by while Arizo<strong>na</strong>'s congressio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

and legislative boundaries are drawn in a fashion<br />

that is anything but constitutio<strong>na</strong>l and proper,"<br />

Brewer said in a statement.<br />

She contends that Mathis has been trying to tilt the<br />

redistricting process toward Democrats and has not<br />

held commission meetings, as required, in public.<br />

The Arizo<strong>na</strong> Republic explains the redistricting<br />

controversy in more detail.<br />

Lawyers for the five-member commission and<br />

Mathis say Brewer is overstepping her authority.<br />

"This was just an opportunity for Republicans to<br />

take over this process," Mathis' attorney, Paul<br />

Charlton, told The New York Times.<br />

Because of population gains in the last Census,<br />

Arizo<strong>na</strong> will get one new U.S. House seat. The<br />

state currently is represented in the House by five<br />

Republicans and three Democrats.<br />


USA Today - Communities, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Justice Ginsburg: A clean bill of health<br />

By Joan Biskupic, USA TODAY<br />

Updated 4d 10h ago<br />

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who<br />

has twice survived cancer and is regularly subject<br />

to speculation about her retirement plans, said<br />

Thursday she recently received a clean bill of<br />

health.<br />

Ginsburg, 78, in response to a question from USA<br />

TODAY, said she recently underwent her annual<br />

checkup and was in good health.<br />

The eldest of the nine justices, Ginsburg has<br />

repeatedly vowed to stay on the bench through the<br />

2012 presidential election and a few years after<br />

that. Yet rumors of a possible retirement continue to<br />

swirl, because of her past health problems and<br />

because of presidential politics.<br />

The president makes lifetime appointments to the<br />

federal bench, and the stakes for the Supreme<br />

Court tend to be heightened during an election<br />

season.<br />

Harvard Law professor Randall Kennedy wrote in<br />

The New Republic magazine last spring that<br />

Ginsburg should retire soon to ensure that<br />

Democratic President Obama, rather than a<br />

possible new GOP president, could appoint her<br />

successor. (Kennedy said Stephen Breyer, 73,<br />

should also retire.)<br />

Ginsburg has said she at least wants to match the<br />

tenure of Justice Louis Brandeis, who retired at age<br />

82 in 1939. That would get her to 2015.<br />

The current Supreme Court, deeply split along<br />

ideological lines, is facing a slew of significant<br />

cases through mid-2012, including on the<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>lity of the Obama-sponsored health<br />

care law.<br />


USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Texas judge questions daughter's motives in posting<br />

video<br />

By Michael Winter, USA TODAY<br />

The Texas woman who released a 7-year-old video<br />

showing her being beaten by her father, a Texas<br />

judge, says she has "some regret" over making the<br />

tape public.<br />

Update at 6:10 p.m. ET: In a statement released by<br />

his lawyer this afternoon, Aransas County<br />

Court-at-Law Judge William Adams questions his<br />

daughter's motives, saying she posted the video<br />

after he told her he would no longer support her<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncially and was taking away her Mercedes-Benz<br />

because the piano prodigy had dropped out of<br />

college and was working part time at a video game<br />

store, the Corpus Christi Caller says.<br />

Adams, who handles family law cases, also said it<br />

was "regrettable" that she had used her cerebal<br />

palsy "as a device for media sympathy," saying she<br />

"is articulate, possesses a superior IQ, and is<br />

capable of functioning as a productive adult in<br />

today's complex society."<br />

Some excerpts from the three-page letter (pdf):<br />

Perhaps Hillary Adams should explain, if she felt<br />

she was raised by a tyrannical father, a claim<br />

shared with no one until five years after adulthood,<br />

why she insisted on living with her father and not<br />

her mother from the time of her parent's divorce,<br />

until she moved out on her own. Hillary Adams has<br />

been living on her own for some time, and has been<br />

an adult for almost six years, so why post the video<br />

in late 2011?<br />

William Adams is of the opinion that Hillary Adams<br />

is an extremely bright, highly functio<strong>na</strong>l, adult. The<br />

media has described her as a piano prodigy, who<br />

has competed at Carnegie Hall on multiple<br />

occasions. As one of Hillary's long term teachers<br />

noted in the press, Hillary, so close to<br />

accomplishment, has of recent "inexplicably<br />

dropped out, just two classes shy of completing her<br />

[college] studies."<br />

The video in question was recorded well before<br />

Hillary graduated high school. If the public must<br />

know, just prior to the You Tube upload, a<br />

concerned father shared with his 23 year old<br />

daughter that he was unwilling to continue to work<br />

hard and be her primary source of fi<strong>na</strong>ncial support,<br />

if she was going to simply "drop out", and strive to<br />

achieve no more in life than to work part time at a<br />

video game store. Hillary warned her father if he<br />

reduced her fi<strong>na</strong>ncial support, and took away her<br />

Mercedes automobile, which her father had<br />

provided, he would live to regret it. The post was<br />

then uploaded. The public may wonder if this is the<br />

tyranny of which Hillary Adams speaks as her<br />

reason to dissemi<strong>na</strong>te the video seven years after it<br />

was recorded, and five years into adulthood? Is this<br />

the reason she "hoarded" the video for seven<br />

years?<br />

...<br />

Judge Adams regrets, if true, that his daughter<br />

believes he is in need of healing from the family<br />

divorce. Divorce is certainly traumatic, and takes a<br />

significant toll on all, especially children. Judge<br />

Adams is of the opinion that Hillary's gesture is little<br />

more than a much needed but hard to believe<br />

expla<strong>na</strong>tion of why she chose to post the video. If<br />

this entire event was a plea for help and healing,<br />

the methodology is certainly unorthodox. ...<br />

Earlier updates by Douglas Stanglin:<br />

Update at 8:50 a.m. ET: The ex-wife of a Texas<br />

judge who was captured on video beating his<br />

tee<strong>na</strong>ge daughter with a belt 7 years ago blames<br />

the regular attacks on an addiction and says he<br />

brainwashed her into compliance.<br />

Hallie Adams, in an interview with NBC's Today<br />

show calls County Court-at-Law Judge William<br />

Adams' addiction a "family secret," but does not<br />

elaborate. Their 22-year marriage ended in 2007.<br />

WATCH: Tape of beating. Warning: Graphic<br />

She is shown in the 8-minute-video also striking the<br />

girl with a belt. Adams tells Today that her<br />

ex-husband "completely brainwashed and<br />

controlled" her.<br />

Update at 8:38 a.m. ET: "I'm experiencing some<br />

regret because I just pulled the covers off my own<br />

father's misbehavior after so many people thought<br />

he was such a good person. ... But so many people<br />

are also telling me I did the right thing," she tells<br />

The Associated Press outside her mother's home in<br />

the Gulf Coast town of Portland, near Corpus<br />

Christi. "He's supposed to be a judge who<br />

exercises fit judgment," she tells the AP.<br />

Earlier posting: The young woman who released a<br />

video showing her father, a Texas judge, beating<br />

her with a belt seven years ago says she decided to<br />

make it public not out of vengeance, but as a way<br />

to move on, KRIS-TV reports.<br />


"Waiting this long to publish it has e<strong>na</strong>bled me to<br />

look at it with hindsight and not be so caught up in<br />

the passion of the moment," Hillary Adams tells<br />

reporter Keaton Fox of the Corpus Christi TV<br />

station. "I think we do, my mother and I, we do need<br />

to try to move on past the anger and just<br />

concentrate on getting counseling and help."<br />

She says she feels like a lot of people in her<br />

community "were tricked" by her father, Judge<br />

William Adams in Aransas County.<br />

"They saw him treating his wife and daughter, oh,<br />

look what I gave them, look at these amazing cars<br />

and watches and pianos, everything like that and<br />

just this other side of him, was hidden for so long,<br />

because he was so good at controlling the situation<br />

and covering anything up," she tells KRIS.<br />


By Chris Sherman, AP<br />

Origi<strong>na</strong>l posting by Michael Winter:<br />

Texas authorities are investigating a family-law<br />

judge after his daughter posted a video that shows<br />

him beating her legs with a belt when she was 16<br />

years old, according to news reports.<br />

"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the<br />

car back, in a nutshell, but, yeah, that's me, I lost<br />

my temper," Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge<br />

William Adams told KRIS-TV. "Her mother was<br />

there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a long time ago. ... I<br />

really don't want to get into this right now, because<br />

as you can see my life's been made very difficult<br />

over this child.<br />

"In my mind I have not done anything wrong other<br />

than discipline my child when she was caught<br />

stealing. I did lose my temper, I've apologized. ... It<br />

looks worse than it is."<br />

The judge added that he informed the Judicial<br />

Review board after seeing the 2004 video, which<br />

was posted to YouTube last week by his daughter,<br />

Hillary, now 23.<br />

The county district attorney and Rockport, Texas,<br />

police department are investigating.<br />

KRIS has reaction from Hillary Adams and her<br />

mother, who is divorced from her father. Hillary said<br />

that she "had held onto the video for so long for the<br />

right time" and that it wasn't for revenge. She hopes<br />

her father seeks counseling.<br />

Later this afternoon, she told the Associated Press<br />

she set up the camera because she knew her<br />

USA Today - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


father would punish her for illegally downloading<br />

music. She admitted she felt some regret for<br />

posting the seven-minute clip, which has gone viral<br />

since Reddit linked to it Tuesday.<br />

Slate magazine poses this question: "Does Texas<br />

Judge William Adams Deserve Internet Vigilantism<br />

for Allegedly Beating His Daughter?"<br />

Origi<strong>na</strong>l posting by Michael Winter:<br />

Texas authorities are investigating a family-law<br />

judge after his daughter posted a video that shows<br />

him beating her legs with a belt when she was 16<br />

years old, according to news reports.<br />

"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the<br />

car back, in a nutshell, but, yeah, that's me, I lost<br />

my temper," Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge<br />

William Adams told KRIS-TV. "Her mother was<br />

there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a long time ago. ... I<br />

really don't want to get into this right now, because<br />

as you can see my life's been made very difficult<br />

over this child.<br />

"In my mind I have not done anything wrong other<br />

than discipline my child when she was caught<br />

stealing. I did lose my temper, I've apologized. ... It<br />

looks worse than it is."<br />

The judge added that he informed the Judicial<br />

Review board after seeing the 2004 video, which<br />

was posted to YouTube last week by his daughter,<br />

Hillary, now 23.<br />

The county district attorney and Rockport, Texas,<br />

police department are investigating.<br />

KRIS has reaction from Hillary Adams and her<br />

mother, who is divorced from her father. Hillary said<br />

that she "had held onto the video for so long for the<br />

right time" and that it wasn't for revenge. She hopes<br />

her father seeks counseling.<br />

Later this afternoon, she told the Associated Press<br />

she set up the camera because she knew her<br />

father would punish her for illegally downloading<br />

music. She admitted she felt some regret for<br />

posting the seven-minute clip, which has gone viral<br />

since Reddit linked to it Tuesday.<br />

Slate magazine poses this question: "Does Texas<br />

Judge William Adams Deserve Internet Vigilantism<br />

for Allegedly Beating His Daughter?"<br />


USA Today - On Politics, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Group to decide whether Cain accuser can make<br />

statement<br />

A day after the Herman Cain controversy reached a<br />

fever pitch, the decibel level seemed to come down<br />

a notch over sexual harassment allegations made<br />

in the 1990s against the GOP presidential<br />

candidate.<br />

Developments on Thursday:<br />

1) The Natio<strong>na</strong>l Restaurant Association says it will<br />

decide tomorrow whether one of Herman Cain's<br />

accusers will be released from her confidentiality<br />

agreement.<br />

GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain says he<br />

is the victim of a smear campaign.<br />


By Carolyn Kaster, AP<br />

Joel Bennett, the woman's attorney, has been<br />

working with his client on a statement about<br />

accusations she made against Cain when he led<br />

the trade group.<br />

"Our outside counsel was contacted by Mr. Bennett<br />

today and was asked to provide a response to a<br />

proposed statement by tomorrow afternoon. We are<br />

currently reviewing the document, and we plan to<br />

respond tomorrow," Sue Hensley, senior vice<br />

president for public affairs, said in a statement.<br />

2) Texas Gov. Rick Perry said his campaign was<br />

not involved with leaking details of the harassment<br />

accusations to Politico. In an interview with CNN,<br />

Perry was adamant that he would fire someone on<br />

his staff for such behavior. "If you're passing rumors<br />

that are that heinous and that bad, you don't need<br />

to be working for me," Perry said. He stressed: "Our<br />

campaign didn't have anything to do with it."<br />

Cain's chief of staff, Mark Block, told Fox News<br />

earlier Thursday that he accepted the expla<strong>na</strong>tion<br />

of Curt Anderson, a Perry political consultant, that<br />

he had nothing to do with the Politico story.<br />

Anderson worked on Cain's unsuccessful 2004<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>te race in Georgia.<br />

"I didn't know anything about this, I didn't leak it,"<br />

Anderson said Thursday on CNN, adding that he<br />

believes Cain and his campaign are "grasping at<br />

straws" and have developed a "diversio<strong>na</strong>ry<br />

strategy."<br />

3) Cain told The Daily Caller that the news media<br />

have rushed to judgment. "That is the D.C. culture.<br />

Guilty until proven innocent," he told Ginni Thomas,<br />

wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,<br />

who is a special correspondent to the website.<br />

On Sean Hannity's radio show, Cain decried "gutter<br />

politics." He said the controversy is "an intentio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

way to slow me down ... and put a cloud of doubt<br />

over me and my campaign,"<br />

4) Some of Cain's GOP presidential rivals are<br />

starting to speak out about the scandal.<br />

Rick Santorum told Radio Iowa that Cain's policy<br />

positions on issues such as abortion are more<br />

troublesome than the sexual harassment<br />

allegations.<br />

"If you look at his policy positions, they're all over<br />

the map, and I'm hopeful that as this situation<br />

comes to a resolution one way or another that<br />

people go back and look at his policies," the former<br />

Pennsylvania se<strong>na</strong>tor said in the interview.<br />

Newt Gingrich told CNN on Wednesday night that<br />

he finds the idea of a possible smear campaign<br />

"repulsive."<br />

"I'd want to see the evidence, but I would say if it<br />

turns out that a Republican presidential candidate<br />

deliberately went out and created this kind of a<br />

story about a fellow candidate, that they would<br />

pretty rapidly become a pariah to the rest of us and<br />

they'd fire who did it," said Gingrich, a former<br />

House speaker.<br />

5) Cain tried to go back to business as usual on the<br />

campaign trail. His campaign announced formation<br />

of an Iowa fund, with the goal of raising $999,000<br />

by Nov. 9 to help him bolster his ground game in<br />

the lead-off state.<br />

The Iowa caucuses are on Jan. 3.<br />

"As of today we are back on message and we're<br />

going to stay on message," he said on the Hannity<br />

radio show.<br />


USA Today - Sports, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Unbeaten New York team loses appeal in state court<br />

An undefeated central New York high school<br />

football team will not play in Saturday's<br />

championship game after a state appeals judge<br />

refused to lift a suspension for recruiting violations.<br />

Skaneateles Central School officials took the case<br />

to the Appellate Division of New York State<br />

Supreme Court, arguing the suspension was too<br />

severe and the team should be allowed to play for<br />

the Section III Class C title.<br />

Section III's Athletic Council voted to suspend the<br />

team for the rest of the season after a district<br />

investigation found an un<strong>na</strong>med coach improperly<br />

tried to recruit players from other schools last year.<br />

There also were allegations that three players who<br />

did switch to Skaneateles this season did not live in<br />

the district.<br />

Judge John V. Centra left the suspension in place<br />

Thursday.<br />

"The judge denied our appeal, so at this point our<br />

season has ended," Skaneateles Superintendent<br />

Philip D'Angelo said outside court. "We had a<br />

fabulous season, 9-0. Our student-athletes did a<br />

tremendous job. We're very, very proud of them.<br />

They're ending their season as winners. We<br />

appreciate that. This has nothing to do with them."<br />

After the team's practice Thursday, the players<br />

stood in a huddle near the goal posts at the<br />

northern end zone, yellow pants topped by white<br />

practice jerseys. At the end of the brief gathering,<br />

they raised their yellow helmets over their heads<br />

and walked off the field to the locker room. A few of<br />

the players exchanged hugs.<br />

Head coach Tim Green, a former Syracuse<br />

All-American and eight-year NFL veteran, resigned<br />

Tuesday night in the wake of the suspension. He<br />

has denied wrongdoing. Green, who coached the<br />

team for two seasons, was not immediately<br />

available for comment.<br />

The district argued the players were being punished<br />

for mistakes made by adults.<br />

"It was the right decision. It was a law decision and<br />

sometimes that's difficult," said John McGowan,<br />

attorney for Section III. "There's no joy in this.<br />

Nobody wants to take kids off the field. These are<br />

young athletes who have done their very best.<br />

"It's what the rules are. It's a matter of upholding the<br />

integrity of the system. It has to be done, and it's<br />

done."<br />

The section officials voted u<strong>na</strong>nimously last Friday<br />

to suspend the team, but Supreme Court Justice<br />

Brian DeJoseph later issued a temporary<br />

restraining order delaying the suspension.<br />

That allowed Skaneateles to play in the state<br />

semifi<strong>na</strong>ls, and the Lakers beat Notre Dame (Utica,<br />

N.Y.) 46-27. DeJoseph lifted the restraining order<br />

Tuesday, saying any further delay and allowing the<br />

Lakers to finish their season would nullify the<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>lty.<br />

That cleared the way for Section III officials to offer<br />

Notre Dame a berth against Herkimer for the<br />

sectio<strong>na</strong>l title.<br />

Section III executive director John Rathbun said he<br />

called Notre Dame athletics director Gene<br />

Leuthauser as soon as Thursday's decision was<br />

rendered, Leuthauser relayed the news, and the<br />

players erupted in glee. All three teams had been<br />

practicing while they awaited the decision.<br />


UY Press - Actualidad, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Suprema Corte de Justicia en sesión extraordi<strong>na</strong>ria por<br />

caso Damasco<br />

MONTEVIDEO, 3 Nov (UYPRESS/Actualización) –<br />

En sesión extraordi<strong>na</strong>ria se reunieron este jueves<br />

los ministros de la Suprema Corte de Justicia y<br />

ratificaron la decisión de auditar el juzgado pe<strong>na</strong>l<br />

de 14º turno.<br />

Según informa el diario El País, la Suprema Corte<br />

de Justicia (SCJ) está evaluando este jueves las<br />

consecuencias del procesamiento de la ex jueza<br />

A<strong>na</strong>bella Damasco, procesada con prisión el<br />

miércoles por el juez Jorge Díaz, que la encontró<br />

culpable de “siete delitos de peculado en<br />

reiteración real” cometidos entre 2004 y 2007.<br />

Se anunció que en la reunión de hoy la Corte<br />

dispondrá u<strong>na</strong> auditoría contable en el juzgado en<br />

el que Damasco se desempeñaba como jueza,<br />

para tener el control exacto de los dineros<br />

manejados, los depósitos realizados y el destino de<br />

esos dineros.<br />

La magistrada ahora procesada admitió ante el<br />

juez Jorge Díaz haberse apropiado del dinero<br />

—unos U$S 55.000 en total, según cifras del citado<br />

matutino— pero no quiso revelar las razones de su<br />

accio<strong>na</strong>r ni declarar qué uso le había dado al<br />

dinero.<br />

La Asociación de Magistrados, por su parte,<br />

también reunirá a su comisión directiva este jueves<br />

para a<strong>na</strong>lizar los hechos. A<strong>na</strong>bella Damasco<br />

presidió esa Asociación hasta el martes, día en que<br />

presentó su renunica mediante un corre<br />

electrónico, al tomar conocimiento de que se<br />

habían iniciado las investigaciones.<br />

Fuentes vinculadas al ámbito del Derecho<br />

entrevistadas en diversos medios de prensa han<br />

coincidido en señalar que el Poder Judicial actuó<br />

con celeridad, rigor y transparencia, mostrando su<br />

capacidad de autosanearse y probando que la<br />

honorabilidad del cuerpo está por encima de los<br />

vínculos perso<strong>na</strong>les o profesio<strong>na</strong>les.<br />

El abogado Federico álvarez Petraglia, en tanto,<br />

que fue quien ocupó el cargo de juez de la sede de<br />

14° Turno luego de que Damasco fuera ascendida<br />

a ministra de un Tribu<strong>na</strong>l de Apelaciones en lo<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>l, afirmó que mientras estuvo al frente de ese<br />

juzgado "nunca existieron elementos que hicieran<br />

pensar en que haya existido algún tipo de<br />

irregularidad en ese sentido".<br />

álvarez Petraglia fue el juez que, continuando con<br />

las investigaciones derivadas de la Operación<br />

Campanita llevada adelante por Damasco, procesó<br />

por lavado de activos al abogado pe<strong>na</strong>lista Carlos<br />

Curbelo Tammaro.<br />

A última hora de este jueves se confirmó que la<br />

SCJ ratificó la decisión de auditar el jusgado pe<strong>na</strong>l<br />

de 14º turno en el que Damasco se desempeño<br />

como jueza. Además, la Corte suspendió a<br />

Damasco como ministra del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

Apelaciones.<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - New, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Court rules WikiLeaks' Assange should be extradited<br />

LONDON (Reuters) - WikiLeaks' founder Julian<br />

Assange, whose activities have angered the U.S.<br />

government, should be sent to Sweden from Britain<br />

to face questioning over alleged sex crimes, the<br />

High Court ruled Wednesday, rejecting his appeal<br />

against extradition.<br />

Swedish authorities want to question the<br />

40-year-old over accusations of rape and sexual<br />

assault made by two female former WikiLeaks<br />

volunteers.<br />

Assange now has two weeks to consider whether to<br />

make a fi<strong>na</strong>l appeal to the Supreme Court.<br />

However, any recourse to Britain's highest judicial<br />

body can only be made on a point of law<br />

considered by judges to be of general public<br />

interest, so permission to appeal must be obtained<br />

first from the High Court.<br />

"We will be considering our next steps in the days<br />

ahead," Assange said in an uncharacteristically<br />

short statement afterwards.<br />

Wearing a smart <strong>na</strong>vy blue suit and sporting a<br />

Remembrance Day poppy in his lapel, the<br />

Australian computer expert listened intently during<br />

the 10-minute hearing but showed no emotion as<br />

the result was read out.<br />

He was hugged and kissed by a female supporter<br />

after the hearing while banners fixed to the court<br />

railings outside proclaimed him to be a "casualty of<br />

war and truth."<br />

He was mobbed by supporters on his arrival and<br />

when he left court Wednesday, waving and smiling<br />

when an anti-capitalist protester from a camp<br />

outside St Paul's Cathedral shouted out he had<br />

their backing.<br />

Assange was arrested in Britain 11 months ago and<br />

has since been living under strict bail conditions at<br />

the country estate of a wealthy supporter.<br />

He denies any wrongdoing, saying the case is<br />

politically motivated, possibly at the direction of<br />

U.S. officials angry over WikiLeaks' release of<br />

secret State Department and Pentagon documents.<br />

Swedish prosecutors say their case has nothing to<br />

do with his whistle-blowing website.<br />

In 2010 WikiLeaks posted 391,832 secret<br />

documents on the Iraq war and 77,000 classified<br />

Pentagon documents on the Afghan conflict. It has<br />

also made available about 250,000 individual<br />

cables -- the daily traffic between the State<br />

Department and more than 270 American<br />

diplomatic outposts around the world.<br />

Assange's lawyers have argued the Swedish<br />

demand is legally flawed and that the sex was<br />

consensual.<br />

A lawyer for the women in Sweden making the<br />

allegations criticised the High Court for having<br />

taken months to reach its verdict.<br />

"This decision was exactly what I expected, but I<br />

am very critical about the fact that it has taken the<br />

High Court such a long time, from July," said Claes<br />

Borgstrom.<br />

Last month, Assange, an Australian citizen, said<br />

WikiLeaks would stop publishing secret cables and<br />

devote itself instead to fund-raising because of a<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncial block on payments to the site by U.S. firms<br />

such as Visa and MasterCard.<br />

He said if the block was not ended by the turn of<br />

the year, WikiLeaks would not be able to continue.<br />

(Editing by Janet Lawrence)<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


CBS wins Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction ruling<br />

(Reuters) - An appeals court on Wednesday threw<br />

out a federal agency's decision to fine CBS Corp<br />

television stations $550,000 for airing singer Janet<br />

Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" during the 2004<br />

Super Bowl broadcast.<br />

The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in<br />

Philadelphia said that in imposing the fine, the<br />

Federal Communications Commission "arbitrarily<br />

and capriciously" departed from prior policy that<br />

exempted "fleeting" indecency from sanctions.<br />

Jackson's right breast was briefly exposed to<br />

almost 90 million TV viewers after the singer Justin<br />

Timberlake accidentally ripped off part of her<br />

bustier during a halftime show performance.<br />

The 3rd Circuit ruled in favor of CBS in 2008. The<br />

Supreme Court vacated that ruling the following<br />

year and sent the case back for reconsideration.<br />

(Reporting by Jo<strong>na</strong>than Stempel in New York;<br />

editing by Andre Grenon)<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - World, 03 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Supreme Court blocks Khadr extradition to U.S.<br />

By Randall Palmer | Reuters – Thu, Nov 3, 2011<br />

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Supreme Court of<br />

Ca<strong>na</strong>da blocked on Thursday the extradition to the<br />

United States of Abdullah Khadr, a Ca<strong>na</strong>dian<br />

wanted by Washington on terrorist charges. Khadr,<br />

30, who told CBC television before being detained<br />

in Islamabad in 2004 that every Muslim dreams of<br />

being a martyr for Islam, was accused by<br />

Washington of supplying missiles to al Qaeda in<br />

Pakistan and conspiring to murder Americans<br />

abroad. His brother Omar is in prison at<br />

Guanta<strong>na</strong>mo. The Supreme Court refused on<br />

Thursday to hear an appeal - launched on behalf of<br />

the United States - of lower court decisions that had<br />

stopped proceedings for his extradition. That brings<br />

the United States to the end of the legal road in<br />

Ca<strong>na</strong>da. The high court did not give a reason for its<br />

decision.<br />

But the Ontario court that first quashed his<br />

extradition had ruled that Khadr's human rights,<br />

including access to Ca<strong>na</strong>dian diplomatic counsel,<br />

had been unjustifiably violated after his arrest by<br />

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate.<br />

The United States paid $500,000 to the Pakistanis<br />

to abduct him in Pakistan in October 2004. For 14<br />

months he was held secretly in that country, where<br />

he alleges he was tortured. Khadr's lawyer, Dennis<br />

Edney, said the United States presented no other<br />

evidence than that which had been obtained<br />

through Pakistani mistreatment of him. "This is a<br />

triumph for justice. Courts have shone by indicating<br />

that the rule of law and fundamental human rights<br />

are not trumped by security concerns," Edney said<br />

in a phone interview. According to documents<br />

before the Supreme Court, after the Pakistanis<br />

had exhausted Khadr as a source of anti-terrorism<br />

intelligence, they were ready to free him. But<br />

Washington insisted they hold him for another six<br />

months, while it held an investigation and started<br />

the extradition process. He was allowed to return in<br />

December 2005 to Ca<strong>na</strong>da, where he was soon<br />

arrested at the request of the United States.<br />

The Ca<strong>na</strong>dian government was the actual party that<br />

appealed the lower court decisions to the top court,<br />

acting on behalf of the United States. Khadr was<br />

freed in August 2010 after the initial court ruling that<br />

he should not be extradited. The Khadr family had<br />

close ties to Osama bin Laden, living at his<br />

compound in Afghanistan before the September 11,<br />

2001, attacks on the United States. Abdullah's<br />

father, Ahmed, was arrested in Pakistan in 1995 in<br />

connection with a bomb at the Egyptian embassy in<br />

Islamabad, then freed at Ca<strong>na</strong>da's request. He was<br />

killed in a gun battle in Pakistan in 2003. Abdullah's<br />

brother, Omar, pleaded guilty in October 2010 to a<br />

series of charges, including an admission under a<br />

plea deal that he was an al Qaeda conspirator who<br />

murdered a U.S. soldier. Under a deal agreed at his<br />

sentencing, he is eligible to be sent home to<br />

Ca<strong>na</strong>da at some point to serve his sentence.<br />

(Reporting by Randall Palmer; editing by Peter<br />

Galloway)<br />


Correo Del Orinoco - Comunicación y Cultura, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Co<strong>na</strong>tel anunció medidas cautelares contra las<br />

radioemisoras Machiques Stereo, Romance y K’lor<br />

La medida tiene sus bases en el Art. 182 de la Ley<br />

Orgánica de Telecomunicaciones, que establece la<br />

suspensión de las actividades clandesti<strong>na</strong>s e<br />

incautación de los equipos<br />

La Comisión Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de Telecomunicaciones,<br />

Co<strong>na</strong>tel, con miras a establecer el control de la<br />

prestación ilegal de servicio de telecomunicaciones<br />

tomó medidas cautelares de carácter<br />

provisio<strong>na</strong>lísimo para los operadores de<br />

radiodifusión: Machiques Stereo 106.7 FM,<br />

Romance 104.3 FM y K’lor 92.1 FM, que operaban<br />

en la población de Machiques de Perijá, estado<br />

Zulia.<br />

Co<strong>na</strong><strong>na</strong>tel informó mediante nota de prensa que a<br />

prestación ilegal de servicio ocasio<strong>na</strong> el colapso del<br />

espectro radioeléctrico y perjudica a los<br />

radioescuchas y prestadores de servicio que<br />

cumplen con los requerimientos de la Constitución<br />

y el Marco Legal de las Instituciones.<br />

De acuerdo al gerente general de Operaciones,<br />

Enrique Quinta<strong>na</strong>, esta medida tiene sus bases en<br />

el Art. 182 de la Ley Orgánica de<br />

Telecomunicaciones, que establece la suspensión<br />

de las actividades clandesti<strong>na</strong>s e incautación de los<br />

equipos y materiales empleados en la realización<br />

de esta actividad ilegal.<br />

Añadió que a estos prestadores de servicio se les<br />

resguardará el derecho a la defensa y al debido<br />

proceso que ampara a todos los administrados, los<br />

prestadores de servicio cuentan con quince (15)<br />

días hábiles para exponer sus alegatos y defensas,<br />

y cinco (5) días hábiles para oponerse a las<br />

medidas acordadas, todo ello de conformidad con<br />

las previsiones de la Ley Orgánica de<br />

Telecomunicaciones.<br />

Fuente/Co<strong>na</strong>tel<br />

Texto/CO<br />


Diário de La Prensa - Economía, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Macri admitió que el subte podría aumentar a 3,40<br />

pesos si se quitan los subsidios<br />

03.11.2011 | El jefe de gobierno porteño afirmó con<br />

respecto al traspaso de los subtes de la Nación a la<br />

Ciudad: "Algunos especulan que sería sin<br />

recursos", lo cual para él "sería demasiado burdo".<br />

El jefe de Gobierno porteño, Mauricio Macri,<br />

admitió que el boleto de subte podría aumentar de<br />

1,10 a "3,30 ó 3,40" pesos si se elimi<strong>na</strong>n los<br />

subsidios del ejecutivo <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Macri aseguró esta maña<strong>na</strong> estar predispuesto<br />

para "poner el hombro y trabajar" junto al gobierno<br />

de Cristi<strong>na</strong> Fernández en la transferencia de la<br />

administración del sistema de subterráneos a la<br />

órbita capitali<strong>na</strong>, aunque advirtió que el traspaso<br />

debería realizarse con sus recursos porque "hoy la<br />

plata no la tenemos".<br />

"Maña<strong>na</strong> a las 12 voy perso<strong>na</strong>lmente a reunirme<br />

con (el ministro de Planificación Julio) De Vido y su<br />

equipo y, en base a la información que recibamos,<br />

veremos las decisiones conjuntas que vamos a<br />

tomar", sostuvo el mandatario comu<strong>na</strong>l por radio.<br />

Según el jefe de Gobierno, "algunos especulan que<br />

(el traspaso) sería sin recursos. Nosotros no<br />

queremos especular con <strong>na</strong>da. De Vido dijo<br />

claramente que esto es sin chica<strong>na</strong>s. Si uno tiene<br />

un plan de inversión que lleva adelante y un<br />

sistema tarifario, tiene que sentarse a ver cómo<br />

evacúa las dos cosas con equilibrio".<br />

"Las redes de subte necesitan ser modernizadas y<br />

ampliadas. Hay que sentarse en u<strong>na</strong> mesa a<br />

dialogar para ver cómo nos ayudamos en la gestión<br />

del subte. Es parte de la tarea que debe tener cada<br />

vez más el gobierno de la ciudad autónoma",<br />

prosiguió.<br />

En ese sentido, dijo: "No me quiero adelantar.<br />

Nosotros estamos para poner el hombro y trabajar:<br />

el transporte, la seguridad, la salud pública, la<br />

educación pública son los temas centrales".<br />

Sin embargo, consultado respecto de si el boleto<br />

del subte podría aumentar a cinco pesos si se<br />

elimi<strong>na</strong> el aporte estatal, Macri respondió: "No nos<br />

da un valor tan alto. El valor de equilibrio del<br />

subsidio da 3,30, 3,40. Ese es el valor de equilibrio<br />

que, en apariencia, nos da a nosotros".<br />

Además, cuando se le preguntó si su<br />

administración cuenta con "plata" para hacerse<br />

cargo del servicio de subtes, Macri contestó: "Hoy<br />

no la tenemos".<br />

En tanto, el jefe de Gabinete de Macri, Horacio<br />

Rodríguez Larreta, consideró hoy que la<br />

transferencia "es u<strong>na</strong> medida en la bue<strong>na</strong><br />

dirección" y evaluó que "sería demasiado burdo,<br />

demasiado exagerado" que se concretara sin<br />

recursos.<br />

El funcio<strong>na</strong>rio capitalino manifestó a radio La Red<br />

que "ayer De Vido dijo que las transferencias van<br />

con los recursos correspondientes. No sólo lo dijo<br />

De Vido sino que lo dice la Constitución, que es<br />

muy clara".<br />

Autoridades <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>les y del gobierno autónomo<br />

de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires se reunirán maña<strong>na</strong><br />

para comenzar a discutir la transferencia de la<br />

administración del sistema de subterráneos y el<br />

premetro a la órbita porteña.<br />

La decisión de la Casa Rosada se adoptó en el<br />

contexto de la política de reducción de subsidios<br />

del Estado <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l a diversos servicios públicos<br />

anunciados por los ministros de Economía, Amado<br />

Boudou, y de Planificación Federal, De Vido.<br />


El Argentino - País, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Venta de dólares: Se rechazó el primer recurso de<br />

amparo<br />

Economía / El juez Luis Armella no hizo lugar a u<strong>na</strong><br />

medida cautelar presentada por un particular que<br />

pretendía que se declarase la inconstitucio<strong>na</strong>lidad<br />

del nuevo sistema de control para la venta de<br />

divisas.<br />

El titular del Juzgado Federal de Quilmes, Luis<br />

Armella, resolvió “denegar la medida cautelar<br />

solicitada” ante u<strong>na</strong> presentación realizada por u<strong>na</strong><br />

jubilada a la que se le denegó la venta de dólares<br />

en u<strong>na</strong> entidad bancaria del Banco Piano.<br />

La medida fue solicitada por Justa Ruperez, veci<strong>na</strong><br />

del barrio quilmeño de Ber<strong>na</strong>l, quien el lunes<br />

intentó adquirir 1.700 dólares estadounidenses.<br />

Según explica la resolución, la jubilada señaló que<br />

su intención era ahorrarlos para sus nietos y ante lo<br />

cual la entidad le informó que por la nueva<br />

normativa de control de venta de moneda<br />

extranjera, no se le podía vender dicha divisa.<br />

Ante esta situación, la jubilada decidió presentar<br />

u<strong>na</strong> medida cautelar, convirtiéndose así en la<br />

primera perso<strong>na</strong> en presentar un recurso de<br />

amparo en la justicia contra la entidad fi<strong>na</strong>nciera y<br />

contra la AFIP, organismo que dirige Ricardo<br />

Echegaray.<br />

El reclamo (causa número 2370) que fue<br />

presentado ayer argumentaba que las resoluciones<br />

3210/11 de la AFIP y la comunicación 5239 del<br />

Banco Central que establecen el régimen de<br />

consulta y validación oficial ante cada compra de<br />

divisas afectan derechos y garantías previstas en la<br />

Constitución, como el derecho a la propiedad<br />

privada y que por lo tanto solicitaba que se declare<br />

su inconstitucio<strong>na</strong>lidad.<br />


El Mundo Bolívia - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Juez ciudadano procesado por renunciar a caso<br />

Porvenir<br />

El juez ciudadano Rodolfo Álvarez, quien cumplía<br />

esa función dentro del juicio por la "masacre de<br />

Porvenir", cuyo principal acusado es el ex prefecto<br />

de Pando Leopoldo Fernández, será procesado por<br />

renunciar a cumplir esa labor, argumentando<br />

razones económicas, informaron fuentes judiciales.<br />

Freddy Panique, miembro del comité impulsor del<br />

juicio contra Fernández, indicó que Álvarez envió<br />

su carta en la que manifestó su deseo de no<br />

continuar con esa labor, después de haberse<br />

ausentado en dos audiencias anteriores.<br />

"Se ha dado lectura a u<strong>na</strong> carta, (...) ha<br />

manifestado que el fundamento esencial de su<br />

i<strong>na</strong>sistencia, se debe a razones de índole<br />

económica. El Tribu<strong>na</strong>l ha dispuesto la separación,<br />

y ha orde<strong>na</strong>do también que se lo procese<br />

judicialmente por incumplimiento de deberes con el<br />

Poder Judicial", manifestó a los medios. /ABI<br />


El Mundo Bolívia - Política, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


TSE dio a conocer a los titulares del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Supremo de Justicia<br />

La vocal del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Supremo Electoral (TSE),<br />

Di<strong>na</strong> Chuquimia, informó ayer que ya se concluyó<br />

el escrutinio de votos departamentales sobre las<br />

elecciones judiciales del pasado 16 de octubre y se<br />

conocen los nombres de los titulares del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Supremo Electoral (TSJ).<br />

“Teniendo ya los datos enviados por los tribu<strong>na</strong>les<br />

departamentales, se darán los datos fi<strong>na</strong>les a nivel<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l para conocer los nombres de los elegidos<br />

suplentes y titulares del TSJ”, anotó.<br />

Agregó que, de acuerdo al escrutinio de votos<br />

realizados a nivel departamental, los magistrados<br />

titulares y suplentes elegidos para el TSJ a nivel<br />

departamental, son Maritza Suntura (Titular) y<br />

William Alave (Suplente) en La Paz; Jorge Von<br />

Borries (Titular) y María Ríos (Suplente); Fidel<br />

Tordoya (Titular) y María Lourdes Bustamante<br />

(Suplente) en Cochabamba; Rita Nava (Titular) y<br />

Javier Serrano (Suplente) en Chuquisaca; Rómulo<br />

Calle (Titular) y A<strong>na</strong> Quispe (Suplente) en Oruro;<br />

Pastor Mamani (Titular) y Elisa Sánchez (Suplente)<br />

en Potosí; Antonio Campero (Titular) y Carmen<br />

Núñez (Suplente) en Tarija; Gonzalo Hurtado<br />

(Titular) y Silva<strong>na</strong> Rojas (Suplente) en Beni; y<br />

Norka Mercado (Titular) y Delfín Betancour<br />

(Suplente) del departamento de Pando.<br />

Chuquimia recordó que luego de las elecciones y<br />

para demostrar la transparencia del proceso<br />

electoral, el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Supremo Electoral ha<br />

mantenido las “puertas abiertas” para que la<br />

ciudadanía en su conjunto pueda verificar el<br />

cómputo de las actas electorales. “Sabemos que<br />

más de medio millón de perso<strong>na</strong>s han ingresado a<br />

la pági<strong>na</strong> web del TSE (www.oep.org.bo) para<br />

realizar consultas y verificar el trabajo realizado<br />

sobre el escrutinio de los votos”, dijo.<br />

Agregó que igualmente pueden acudir a las<br />

ofici<strong>na</strong>s del TSE para indagar sobre la votación.<br />

Chuquimia enfatizó que para este siete de<br />

noviembre ya se tendrán los datos oficiales fi<strong>na</strong>les<br />

del escrutinio de votos a nivel <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

De un total de 5,2 millones de bolivianos<br />

habilitados para votar, por lo menos un 80 por<br />

ciento sufragó el pasado 16 de octubre.<br />

Esperan captura del presidente Ovando<br />

La abogada del Movimiento Sin Miedo (MSM),<br />

informó ayer que la físcal Verónica Arancibia podría<br />

pronunciarse el próximo miércoles 9 de noviembre<br />

sobre la solicitud de aprehensión del presidente del<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Supremo Electoral (TSE), Wilfredo<br />

Ovando, presentada por este partido político el<br />

pasado 28 de octubre debido a que la autoridad<br />

electoral no asistió a declarar en dos ocasiones<br />

para aclarar sobre tres procesos que se habrían<br />

cometido antes y después de las elecciones<br />

judiciales.<br />

“La fiscal nos dijo que el miércoles se pronunciará<br />

sobre nuestra solicitud, seguramente la están<br />

evaluando para determi<strong>na</strong>r la decisión que se debe<br />

asumir. Los ciudadanos autoridades o no debemos<br />

someternos a la acción de la justicia y si fuimos<br />

objeto de u<strong>na</strong> demanda pe<strong>na</strong>l con mayor razón<br />

debemos someternos a la autoridad que nos está<br />

convocando”, explicó Camacho.<br />

El MSM inició, el pasado 20 de julio de este año,<br />

u<strong>na</strong> serie de denuncias y demandas contra el<br />

presidente y los vocales del Órgano Electoral por<br />

los delitos de incumplimiento de deberes y<br />

resoluciones contrarias a la Constitución Política<br />

del Estado (CPE), retardación de justicia, falsedad<br />

ideológica y uso de instrumento falsificado,<br />

tipificados en los artículos 153, 154, 177, 199 y 203<br />

del Código de Procedimiento Pe<strong>na</strong>l y que tienen<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>s de cárcel de 2 a 10 años. /Erbol<br />

Ovando apoya auditoría electoral<br />

El presidente del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Supremo Electoral<br />

(TSE), Wilfredo Ovando, informó que u<strong>na</strong> vez<br />

concluya el recuento de votos a nivel <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l este<br />

siete de noviembre, la Sala Ple<strong>na</strong> se autorizará u<strong>na</strong><br />

auditoria al proceso electoral del 16 de octubre,<br />

para verificar la transparencia del proceso que fue<br />

cuestio<strong>na</strong>da por líderes de la oposición. “Nosotros<br />

somos los más interesados en que se realice la<br />

auditoría para ver el trabajo transparente del<br />

Órgano Electoral, primero tiene que concluirse con<br />

el computo <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l y la publicación de resultados<br />

luego hacer u<strong>na</strong> evaluación”, declaró Ovando en<br />

inmediaciones de la Asamblea Legislativa.<br />

El día de ayer la máxima autoridad electoral<br />

presentó su informe oral ante la Comisión de<br />

Constitución de la Cámara de Diputados sobre las<br />

elecciones judiciales, referido a la difusión de<br />

méritos de los candidatos, uso de recursos<br />

económicos, entre otros que deberían haberse<br />

conocido antes de los comicios del mes de octubre.<br />

El informe fue solicitado por parlamentarios de la<br />

oposición en el mes de julio y recién se llevó a<br />

cabo luego de tres meses, por dilación de<br />


parlamentarios del oficialismo. /ANF<br />

El Mundo Bolívia - Política, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />



El Pais - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Suprema Corte de Justicia<br />

Jueces con mucho poder y poco control de la Corte<br />

Caso Damasco. La Suprema Corte de Justicia<br />

inspeccio<strong>na</strong> los juzgados pe<strong>na</strong>les solamente u<strong>na</strong><br />

vez al año o cada dos años No se hacen auditorías<br />

sobre los fondos incautados a delincuentes<br />

La Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ) casi no ejerce<br />

control administrativo sobre los jueces pe<strong>na</strong>les. Las<br />

cuentas donde se deposita el dinero incautado no<br />

son auditadas, y el único registro que se lleva es el<br />

saldo mensual que envía el BROU.<br />

El Código del Proceso Pe<strong>na</strong>l (CPP) vigente en<br />

Uruguay es inquisitivo, lo que implica que es el juez<br />

quien dirige la investigación, dispone<br />

procesamientos y conde<strong>na</strong> o absuelve al fi<strong>na</strong>lizar el<br />

proceso judicial.<br />

Los magistrados tienen u<strong>na</strong> absoluta<br />

independencia técnica de la SCJ. El único medio<br />

para controlar la actuación jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l de los<br />

jueces es la apelación de sus decisiones y que,<br />

incluso, sus pronunciamientos pueden llegar a<br />

estudio de la SCJ, que tendrá la palabra en la<br />

tercera y última instancia del proceso.<br />

La independencia técnica de los magistrados está<br />

postulada en la ley de la Judicatura (15.750)<br />

vigente desde 1985, que en su artículo 1°<br />

establece: "El Poder Judicial y el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l de lo<br />

Contencioso Administrativo son independientes de<br />

toda otra autoridad en el ejercicio de sus<br />

funciones".<br />

A su vez, el artículo 4° de la norma, prevé para<br />

todos los jueces (no sólo los pe<strong>na</strong>les) la posibilidad<br />

de dar intervención a la Policía con el objetivo de<br />

que se cumplan sus fallos.<br />

"Para hacer ejecutar sus sentencias y para<br />

practicar los demás actos que decreten, pueden los<br />

tribu<strong>na</strong>les requerir de las demás autoridades el<br />

concurso de la fuerza pública que de ellas<br />

dependa, o los otros medios de acción<br />

conducentes de que dispongan", dice la ley.<br />

INSPECCIONES. A nivel administrativo, los jueces<br />

pe<strong>na</strong>les están sometidos a controles de la SCJ que<br />

no son muy exhaustivos y que se realizan en cada<br />

juzgado solamente u<strong>na</strong> vez al año o cada dos<br />

años.<br />

Los inspectores, que dependen de la División de<br />

Servicios Inspectivos de la SCJ, concurren a las<br />

sedes y controlan desde el cumplimiento de los<br />

plazos para el dictado de resoluciones y hasta la<br />

asistencia de los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios, explicó a El País el<br />

actuario de un juzgado pe<strong>na</strong>l de Montevideo.<br />

Además, todos los meses, los juzgados deben<br />

enviar a la SCJ u<strong>na</strong> nómi<strong>na</strong> con la lista de las<br />

sentencias dictadas y los expedientes que están en<br />

plazo para emitir resolución.<br />

En forma semestral, todos los juzgados deben<br />

informar a la Corporación sobre el trámite de los<br />

casos en calidad de presumario (en los cuales no<br />

hay resolución de procesamiento), ya que si bien<br />

no hay un plazo para la extensión del presumario,<br />

se busca que su duración sea lo menor posible.<br />

El vocero de la Corporación, Raúl Oxandabarat,<br />

dijo a El País que las características de los<br />

controles a los jueces pe<strong>na</strong>les son producto "de la<br />

<strong>na</strong>turaleza del propio sistema judicial, que necesita<br />

que los magistrados puedan obrar con absoluta<br />

independencia, y si hay otra perso<strong>na</strong> que controle o<br />

dé el visto bueno a las cosas que hace, el juez<br />

estaría sujeto a la autoridad de otro funcio<strong>na</strong>rio".<br />

Por eso, Oxandabarat explicó que es "muy<br />

delicado" determi<strong>na</strong>r los aspectos en los cuales se<br />

puede intervenir en la gestión de los juzgados.<br />

LAS CUENTAS. En relación a lo que prácticamente<br />

no hay controles, es en cuanto a las cuentas<br />

bancarias en las que se deposita el dinero<br />

incautado en las investigaciones judiciales.<br />

En cada caso donde se incauta dinero, ese monto<br />

es ingresado a u<strong>na</strong> cuenta a nombre del<br />

expediente en el Banco de la República Oriental<br />

del Uruguay (BROU).<br />

Esos fondos quedan a disposición del juez, que al<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>lizar el proceso, deberá decidir si los reintegra a<br />

su propietario o los decomisa y en tal caso serán<br />

derivados a Rentas Generales o a la Junta<br />

Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de Drogas, en casos de <strong>na</strong>rcotráfico.<br />

El actuario consultado, y que pidió reserva de su<br />

nombre, dijo que sobre las cuentas bancarias "no<br />

hay ningún control". Agregó que u<strong>na</strong> vez por mes el<br />

BROU envía a cada juzgado la información con el<br />

saldo de cada cuenta.<br />

"Control, lo que se dice control, no hay, pero eso no<br />

significa que haya descontrol", dijo el funcio<strong>na</strong>rio,<br />

que tiene amplia experiencia como actuario en la<br />

órbita pe<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

MUCHO PodER. Consultado sobre la gestión de<br />

cuentas bancarias con fondos incautados, el<br />


exministro de la SCJ y catedrático pe<strong>na</strong>lista Milton<br />

Cairoli opinó que "sería bueno" que el tema fuera<br />

manejado por la Corporación de forma tal que el<br />

resguardo de los fondos no dependa únicamente<br />

del juez.<br />

Así, para Cairoli, el manejo del dinero debería<br />

quedar en manos de la División Contaduría de la<br />

SCJ o algu<strong>na</strong> otra ofici<strong>na</strong> especializada. El<br />

exministro agregó que sería bueno que el dinero se<br />

pueda mover "con la firma de varias perso<strong>na</strong>s".<br />

"Para la tranquilidad de todo el Poder Judicial y la<br />

propia Suprema Corte de Justicia sería bueno<br />

cambiar el manejo de dinero", expresó Cairoli,<br />

quien ejerció como magistrado durante más de 40<br />

años.<br />

Por su parte, Raúl Vázquez, secretario general de<br />

la Asociación de Funcio<strong>na</strong>rios Judiciales del<br />

Uruguay (AFJU), cuestionó que los magistrados<br />

tienen "demasiado poder".<br />

"Los jueces tienen que tener libertad e<br />

independencia técnica, pero el hecho de auditar las<br />

cuentas del dinero incautado no tiene <strong>na</strong>da que ver<br />

con la independencia técnica de los magistrados",<br />

señaló.<br />

"Sería bueno auditar todos los juzgados pe<strong>na</strong>les",<br />

dijo Vázquez. A criterio del dirigente gremial, la<br />

Corporación "tendría que buscar mecanismos que<br />

protejan a los justiciables".<br />

Imagen Poder Judicial<br />

Según el Índice Factum de Imagen, la confianza en<br />

las instituciones cayó en Uruguay entre junio de<br />

2010 y junio de 2011.<br />

El Poder Judicial ocupa el cuarto lugar entre las<br />

instituciones más confiables.<br />

El primer lugar en el Índice Factum de Imagen lo<br />

ocupan los bancos (56 puntos) como la institución<br />

más confiables, seguidos por el Parlamento (44), la<br />

Policía (42) y la Justicia (41). Más atrás aparece un<br />

grupo integrado por los empresarios (37), la Iglesia<br />

El Pais - Nacio<strong>na</strong>l, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Suprema Corte de Justicia<br />

Católica (36) y las Fuerzas Armadas (34). Y en el<br />

grupo de los de menos confianza, figuran los<br />

partidos políticos (27) y los sindicatos (24).<br />

Los que tienen más confianza en el Poder Judicial<br />

son los votantes del Frente Amplio y las perso<strong>na</strong>s<br />

de nivel socioeconómico alto o medio.<br />

Todas las instituciones relevadas han perdido<br />

confianza en la población, medidos en términos del<br />

Índice Factum de Imagen la pérdida promedio es<br />

de 9 puntos. El Parlamento y la Policía son las<br />

instituciones que han tenido u<strong>na</strong> pérdida mayor.<br />

El País Digital<br />


El País - España, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Nicolás Sartorius: "El 20-N Franco falleció en la cama<br />

pero su dictadura murió en la calle"<br />

La Constitución de 1978 implicó la ruptura con el<br />

franquismo, asegura el político y sindicalista<br />

La Constitución de 1978 implicó la ruptura<br />

democrática con el franquismo, cuyo titular falleció<br />

el 20-N en la cama, si bien su dictadura murió en la<br />

calle. Este razo<strong>na</strong>miento del expolítico, dirigente<br />

sindical y exparlamentario Nicolás Sartorius<br />

resume su intervención en el tercer ciclo de la<br />

Fundación Progreso y Cultura dedicado a la<br />

Transición democrática en España en u<strong>na</strong><br />

conferencia-coloquio sobre "El ocaso del<br />

franquismo" celebrado este jueves en Madrid. En el<br />

evento han participado también el profesor y<br />

exparlamentario Antonio Chazarra y el escritor<br />

Javier Alfaya, que intervino como introductor y<br />

moderador del ulterior debate.<br />

Alfaya abrió el tema negando la especie, que<br />

considera muy extendida, según la cual la agonía<br />

del franquismo anunciaba u<strong>na</strong> liberalización política<br />

interior del régimen. Por el contrario, el escritor<br />

gallego aseguró que "los últimos años de la<br />

dictadura fueron momentos de verdadero terror,<br />

con las cárceles lle<strong>na</strong>s de prisioneros políticos,<br />

procesos judiciales abiertos contra dirigentes de los<br />

sindicatos obreros clandestinos y u<strong>na</strong> lucha<br />

incesante y muy arriesgada de los movimientos<br />

obrero y estudiantil, pese a lo cual no consiguieron<br />

derrocar al Gobierno". Antonio Chazarra,<br />

exparlamentario autonómico socialista, destacó por<br />

su parte que el decli<strong>na</strong>r franquista "ha sido objeto<br />

de un revisionismo reaccio<strong>na</strong>rio" y que la transición<br />

democrática "fue consecuencia del desgarro entre<br />

u<strong>na</strong> sociedad española ya europeizada y u<strong>na</strong>s<br />

estructuras dictatoriales incapaces de satisfacer los<br />

anhelos sociales de libertad". Chazarra remarcó el<br />

papel de la cultura y de los intelectuales en aquel<br />

tránsito entre la dictadura y la democracia, y<br />

rechazó "la atribución de un protagonismo crucial<br />

en tal proceso a figuras providenciales",<br />

protagonismo que atribuyó a las luchas<br />

ciudada<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

Para Nicolás Sartorius, que vivió el ocaso del<br />

franquismo desde la primera línea política como<br />

dirigente del Partido Comunista Español y del<br />

sindicato clandestino Comisiones Obreras, "no fue<br />

lo mismo la agonía de Franco que la agonía de la<br />

dictadura, porque Franco falleció en la cama y la<br />

dictadura murió en la calle" en referencia a las<br />

luchas sociales obreras, estudiantiles,<br />

profesio<strong>na</strong>les y campesi<strong>na</strong>s desencade<strong>na</strong>das por<br />

las fuerzas de oposición antifranquista. Más<br />

adelante, el presidente de la Fundación<br />

Alter<strong>na</strong>tivas reiteró que "no es lo mismo u<strong>na</strong><br />

democracia otorgada, como pretenden definirla<br />

quienes manipulan aquel proceso, que u<strong>na</strong><br />

democracia conquistada como la que entonces las<br />

luchas populares lograron adquirir". De igual modo<br />

recordó el político comunista y dirigente sindical<br />

que "entre la muerte física del dictador y la<br />

legalización de partidos y sindicatos medió un largo<br />

año y medio jalo<strong>na</strong>do por numerosas situaciones<br />

de represión, incertidumbre y retrocesos bajo el<br />

mandato de Carlos Arias Navarro, represor de<br />

Málaga en el primer franquismo". Atribuyó Sartorius<br />

al Rey Juan Carlos "la certeza de que la mo<strong>na</strong>rquía<br />

no era compatible con la dictadura, consciente del<br />

desenlace político que acarreó el juego de Alfonso<br />

XIII con la dictadura del general Primo de Rivera".<br />

En el coloquio, Nicolás Sartorius remarcó la idea<br />

central de su discurso, según la cual "la<br />

Constitución de 1978 supuso la ruptura<br />

democrática con el franquismo". Por otra parte, el<br />

exlíder sindicalista informó de u<strong>na</strong> reunión secreta<br />

entre el ministro del Gobierno predemocrático,<br />

Enrique de la Mata Gorostizaga, con la dirección<br />

clandesti<strong>na</strong> de Comisiones Obreras en la cual el<br />

ministro pidió a los sindicalistas que aceptaran<br />

retardar la legalización sindical, a lo cual se<br />

opusieron. "Si quieren salir de la crisis económica,<br />

legalicen los sindicatos", aseguró Sartorius que<br />

respondieron, y el Gobierno acabó por avenirse. En<br />

otro momento del debate dijo que "en ningún<br />

momento se depuraron responsabilidades políticas<br />

y policiales por la represión" y añadió "no haber<br />

oído nunca" la interpretación según la cual la<br />

continuidad del franquismo sin Franco, encar<strong>na</strong>da<br />

por el almirante Luis Carrero Blanco, hubiera<br />

polarizado la hegemonía de la transición<br />

democrática hacia la izquierda comunista,<br />

posibilidad que el asesi<strong>na</strong>to del almirante a manos<br />

de ETA en 1973 truncó, permitiendo a otras fuerzas<br />

políticas no comunistas aprovechar aquella<br />

situación en beneficio propio.<br />

El escritor Javier Alfaya, que cubrió<br />

informativamente la Revolución de los claveles en<br />

Portugal en 1974, aseguró haber recabado<br />

testimonios en medios de la izquierda gallega<br />

según los cuales "hubo entonces un tráfico de<br />

armas españolas hacia grupos<br />

contrarrevolucio<strong>na</strong>rios portugueses, con<br />

complicidades de las autoridades españolas, para<br />

intentar sofocar aquella revolución".<br />

Durante el coloquio, los participantes tildaron de<br />

falacia la identificación del llamado "Estado de<br />

obras franquista" con el Estado de derecho como, a<br />


su juicio, las versiones manipuladoras o<br />

edulcoradas de la Transición han pretendido<br />

establecer.<br />

El País - España, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />



El Universal - Nación, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Fiscal: la CPI no juzga decisiones políticas<br />

Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l es selectiva al admitir<br />

denuncias, asegura Moreno<br />

Cualquier perso<strong>na</strong> puede denunciar casos ante la<br />

Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l (CPI), pero ésta<br />

investiga responsabilidades pe<strong>na</strong>les, no decisiones<br />

políticas, aseguró el fiscal de ese tribu<strong>na</strong>l, Luis<br />

Moreno Ocampo.<br />

El fiscal dictó ayer u<strong>na</strong> conferencia magistral en el<br />

auditorio del Instituto de la Judicatura Federal,<br />

donde fue consultado sobre la denuncia por<br />

crímenes de guerra en contra del presidente Felipe<br />

Calderón, que pretende llevar ante la CPI un<br />

colectivo de la sociedad civil.<br />

Moreno Ocampo evitó pronunciarse sobre el caso:<br />

“Yo opino que no debo hablar porque soy el fiscal”,<br />

pero explicó que la CPI tiene dos criterios<br />

fundamentales al admitir denuncias “y es muy<br />

selectiva”.<br />

“Tiene que haber crímenes de lesa humanidad, de<br />

guerra o genocidio. Torturas individuales o casos<br />

que no son eso, no nos corresponde. Decisiones<br />

políticas no son lo que juzgamos. Vamos a juzgar<br />

responsabilidad pe<strong>na</strong>l, no responsabilidad política”,<br />

dijo.<br />

El segundo criterio, explicó Moreno Ocampo, es<br />

que el sistema de justicia <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l del país al que<br />

corresponda el caso tiene la prioridad para realizar<br />

la investigación y tomar acciones, y la CPI sólo<br />

podrá intervenir si esto no ocurre. “Mi deber es no<br />

intervenir si el gobierno <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l actúa”, aclaró.<br />

Citó como ejemplo a Colombia, donde la guerrilla,<br />

los grupos paramilitares e incluso el ejército han<br />

incurrido en conductas que pueden tipificarse como<br />

crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad, pero el<br />

gobierno tiene u<strong>na</strong> actividad judicial muy intensa,<br />

con juicios, conde<strong>na</strong>s y nuevos casos.<br />

“El sistema (<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l) por lo menos está intentando<br />

enfrentarlo. Y si esto ocurre y los casos que yo<br />

integro están hechos en Colombia, mi deber es<br />

respetarlos en la medida en que yo tenga datos de<br />

que los esfuerzos son genuinos (…) Tiene que<br />

haber crímenes de guerra y tiene que haber<br />

i<strong>na</strong>ctividad del sistema <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l o que éste no<br />

actúe de forma genui<strong>na</strong>”, afirmó.<br />

Moreno Ocampo estuvo acompañado por el<br />

magistrado y ex asesor fiscal de España, Baltasar<br />

Garzón, y la fiscal de la Audiencia Nacio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Española, Dolores Delgado, quienes dictaron u<strong>na</strong><br />

conferencia magistral sobre justicia pe<strong>na</strong>l<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Ante la insistencia por la eventual denuncia contra<br />

Calderón, Moreno Ocampo reiteró que la Corte<br />

Pe<strong>na</strong>l sigue criterios jurídicos, no políticos, por lo<br />

que para ser efectiva u<strong>na</strong> denuncia contra<br />

cualquier perso<strong>na</strong> debe demostrar que cometió u<br />

ordenó crímenes que son competencia de ese<br />

tribu<strong>na</strong>l, como en los casos de Libia y Sudán.<br />

Acciones contra paramilitares<br />

Por la maña<strong>na</strong>, en la Cámara de Diputados el juez<br />

español Baltasar Garzón recomendó a México<br />

ejercer acciones contundentes frente a la<br />

existencia de posibles grupos paramilitares.<br />

El experto en terrorismo inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l y crimen<br />

organizado consideró que se debe de actuar así,<br />

“porque constituyen un germen nocivo que ataca a<br />

las estructuras democráticas de la sociedad, en<br />

cuanto a que pueden revelar insatisfacción por la<br />

acción de las instituciones, lo que se traduce en<br />

u<strong>na</strong> acción ilegal por fuera de los bordes”.<br />

A Garzón se le preguntó su opinión sobre la<br />

operación en México de presuntos grupos<br />

paramilitares. Aunque no dio por hecho su<br />

existencia, dijo que su surgimiento “puede<br />

obedecer a muchos factores, no sólo a la eventual<br />

ineficacia de las instituciones”. Es decir, podría<br />

tratarse de “escuadrones de la muerte o de grupos<br />

paramilitares” que operan contra un grupo, pero<br />

también u<strong>na</strong> mera confrontación entre grupos<br />

armados o miembros del crimen.<br />

Baltasar Garzón, Luis Ocampo Moreno, fiscal jefe<br />

de la CPI, y Dolores Delgado, fiscal de la Audiencia<br />

Nacio<strong>na</strong>l de España, acudieron a San Lázaro al<br />

foro Legalidad democrática, ética, derechos<br />

humanos y seguridad, en el que pusieron como<br />

ejes para el combate al crimen abatir el beneficio<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>nciero de los cárteles y la corrupción, y el<br />

respeto a los derechos humanos.<br />

Delgado, experta en terrorismo inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, dijo<br />

que es u<strong>na</strong> “barbaridad” llamar “guerra” a la lucha<br />

anticrimen: “Nosotros no entramos en un combate<br />

paritario con los crimi<strong>na</strong>les: ellos son los malos,<br />

nosotros los buenos (…) Si entramos en conceptos<br />

de guerra a un régimen de excepcio<strong>na</strong>lidad, de<br />

terrorismo o crimen organizado, corremos el riesgo<br />

de que nos confundan y seamos nosotros también<br />

crimi<strong>na</strong>les”.<br />


El Universal - Metropoli, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Alabama: ecos de la lucha por los derechos civiles<br />

BIRMINGHAM.— El epicentro de la lucha por la<br />

reforma a la ley de inmigración de Estados Unidos<br />

no está en Arizo<strong>na</strong>, que tiene frontera con México,<br />

sino en el estado suroriental de Alabama.<br />

Este factor ha hecho que la ley más dura contra la<br />

inmigración de perso<strong>na</strong>s que carecen de los<br />

correspondientes permisos para residir en el país<br />

esté siendo comparada con el movimiento por los<br />

derechos civiles que hace más de cuatro décadas<br />

protagonizó la población estadounidense de origen<br />

africano en este mismo estado.<br />

Casi con seguridad, la nueva ley estatal termi<strong>na</strong>rá<br />

en la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos, pese a<br />

que Arizo<strong>na</strong>, Georgia, India<strong>na</strong>, Utah y Caroli<strong>na</strong> del<br />

Sur han aprobado leyes similares.<br />

Sin embargo, tanto detractores como simpatizantes<br />

de la nueva iniciativa coinciden en que ningu<strong>na</strong> de<br />

las otras leyes estatales es tan estricta como la de<br />

Alabama, bloqueada temporalmente y que requiere<br />

que las escuelas comprueben si sus estudiantes<br />

cumplen con la ley migratoria.<br />

Los partidarios de esta legislación consideran<br />

necesaria esta cláusula, alegando que impedirá<br />

que quienes no tienen autorización para residir<br />

legalmente en Estados Unidos le quiten puestos de<br />

trabajo a residentes legales.<br />

Su estatus como la ley más estricta en el país<br />

contra los inmigrantes que ingresaron al país sin<br />

permiso, junto con las inevitables comparaciones<br />

de la comunidad hispa<strong>na</strong> con los<br />

afroestadounidenses de las décadas de 1950 y<br />

1960, convierten a esta ley en u<strong>na</strong> prueba para el<br />

tribu<strong>na</strong>l más alto de EU.<br />

“Realmente le ofrece a la Corte Suprema u<strong>na</strong><br />

amplitud enorme para remodelar lo que significa<br />

ser un inmigrante (sin permiso de residencia) en<br />

Estados Unidos”, dijo el abogado Foster Maer, que<br />

representa a la organización activista LatinoJustice<br />

en Nueva York, que impugnó judicialmente la ley.<br />

Los oponentes sostienen que el requisito escolar<br />

de la nueva ley recuerda los tiempos del<br />

gober<strong>na</strong>dor George Wallace parado a la entrada de<br />

u<strong>na</strong> escuela para evitar la entrada de<br />

estadounidenses de origen africano.<br />

Intimidaciones<br />

“Hoy tenemos normas diferentes a la entrada de la<br />

escuela. Hay gestiones para intimidar a los<br />

menores que tienen el derecho constitucio<strong>na</strong>l de<br />

asistir a clase”, dijo el presidente de la organización<br />

activista Southern Poverty Law Center, Richard<br />

Cohen. Aunque no existen estadísticas fiables, las<br />

escuelas dijeron que en la actualidad hay menos<br />

estudiantes hispanos acudiendo a clases. En<br />

algunos casos hasta un 10% ha preferido desertar<br />

desde que la ley entró en vigencia hace un mes.<br />

El procurador general de Alabama, Luther Strange,<br />

culpa al Departamento de Justicia del presidente<br />

Barack Obama de alentar las comparaciones con el<br />

movimiento de los derechos civiles al pronosticar<br />

falsamente que la ley dará pie a u<strong>na</strong> discrimi<strong>na</strong>ción<br />

generalizada.<br />

El Departamento de Justicia, u<strong>na</strong>s 30<br />

organizaciones defensoras de los derechos civiles<br />

y algunos líderes religiosos prominentes<br />

impug<strong>na</strong>ron en u<strong>na</strong> corte federal la ley, conocida<br />

como HB56. Los jueces bloquearon algunos puntos<br />

de la ley, pero otros están vigentes, como la<br />

verificación que puede hacer la Policía del estatus<br />

migratorio de u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong> durante u<strong>na</strong> detención<br />

de tránsito, y el que convierte en delito grave la<br />

realización de trámites básicos, como conseguir<br />

u<strong>na</strong> licencia de conducir.<br />

El Pew Hispanic Center calcula que el número de<br />

inmigrantes que viven en Alabama sin permiso<br />

aumentó de 25 mil en el 2000 a 120 mil en 2010.<br />

Los residentes comenzaron a quejarse de que los<br />

hispanos les quitaban los empleos. Pero ahora,<br />

muchos migrante han huido y los patrones no han<br />

encontrado ciudadanos legales dispuestos a tomar<br />

los trabajos.<br />

Muchos temen que la ley afecte la reputación del<br />

estado ante las empresas. “Se da la imagen, válida<br />

o no, de que no se quiere a los extranjeros y<br />

punto”, dijo el director general del sistema estatal<br />

de pensiones, David Bronner.<br />


El Universal - Metropoli, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Acotan cláusula de gober<strong>na</strong>bilidad<br />

Por mayoría, todos los partidos en la Cámara de<br />

Diputados aprobaron reducir 12 puntos la sobre<br />

representación que la fuerza mayoritaria en la<br />

capital puede alcanzar en la Asamblea Legislativa<br />

del Distrito Federal (ALDF).<br />

Además, los diputados se comprometieron a ir por<br />

u<strong>na</strong> verdadera reforma política para la ciudad de<br />

México.<br />

La Constitución establece hoy que el partido que<br />

obtenga 30% de los votos en la ciudad pueda<br />

acceder hasta a 20% más lugares en la ALDF para<br />

tener mayoría absoluta, lo que se conoce como<br />

cláusula de gober<strong>na</strong>bilidad.<br />

Como parte de la reforma política, el Se<strong>na</strong>do<br />

propuso aumentar a 40% de votos los necesarios<br />

para que un partido accediera a esa cláusula, pero<br />

en el debate ayer, diputados de todos los grupos<br />

convinieron en homologar la sobre representación<br />

a la existente en la Cámara de Diputados.<br />

Con ello se busca elimi<strong>na</strong>r la sobre representación<br />

en la ALDF, ya que al partido con mayor votación<br />

sólo se le podrá otorgar ocho por ciento más de<br />

curules, con lo que prácticamente desaparece<br />

dicha cláusula.<br />

El presidente de la Comisión de Puntos<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les, Alejandro Enci<strong>na</strong>s y el diputado<br />

del PAN Agustín Castilla pidieron elimi<strong>na</strong>r la<br />

cláusula de gober<strong>na</strong>bilidad pues son "mayorías<br />

artificiales".<br />

Pero en realidad sólo se redujo la sobre<br />

representación. Así lo precisó Sebastián Lerdo de<br />

Tejada (PRI): "aquí hay u<strong>na</strong> gran confusión, no se<br />

refiere a la cláusula de gober<strong>na</strong>bilidad, sino que se<br />

refiere a los términos de la sobre representación,<br />

son dos conceptos distintos y tienen que ver con<br />

equiparar los términos de sobre representación de<br />

la cámara federal con los de la ALDF".<br />


El Universal - Cultura, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Palesti<strong>na</strong>, tierra con u<strong>na</strong> identidad por construir<br />

Palesti<strong>na</strong> es desde el pasado 31 de octubre,<br />

miembro número 195 de la Organización de las<br />

Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la<br />

Cultura (UNESCO). Este hecho histórico, se ha<br />

dicho, podría propiciar la protección de la herencia<br />

arqueológica palesti<strong>na</strong> y la posible postulación de<br />

antiguas ciudades como Patrimonio de la<br />

Humanidad, como Belén y Nazareth.<br />

En el discurso de admisión de Palesti<strong>na</strong> como<br />

Estado Miembro de la UNESCO, Iri<strong>na</strong> Bokova,<br />

directora general del organismo, dijo que éste ha<br />

cooperado con Palesti<strong>na</strong> en temas educativos, y<br />

recordó que se han invertido esfuerzos en la<br />

preservación del patrimonio cultural. Como ejemplo<br />

citó la instauración de un plan de gestión sostenible<br />

en los sitios de Tell Balata en Naplusa, el parque<br />

ecológico y los mosaicos de Qasr Hisham, la<br />

iglesia de la Natividad y el Museo de la Riwaya en<br />

Belén.<br />

Bokova señaló que a partir de este momento, la<br />

UNESCO, que fue creada hace 60 años para<br />

asegurar que la educación, las ciencias, la cultura y<br />

la comunicación “unieran a las perso<strong>na</strong>s y<br />

fomentaran u<strong>na</strong> cultura de paz”, velará por que<br />

continué esta cooperación, “movida por la más<br />

profunda convicción de que la calidad del sistema<br />

educativo, así como el di<strong>na</strong>mismo de la cultura o el<br />

pluralismo de los medios de comunicación,<br />

constituyen los cimientos sólidos de toda<br />

sociedad”.<br />

Peldaño dentro de u<strong>na</strong> estrategia<br />

Sin embargo, para Farid Kahhat -licenciado en<br />

Sociología por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del<br />

Perú, cuya familia es de origen palestino- la<br />

inclusión de Palesti<strong>na</strong> en la UNESCO es sólo un<br />

peldaño dentro de u<strong>na</strong> estrategia, pues el objetivo<br />

mayor es ser parte de la Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

“No sé si esta situación influya en la probabilidad<br />

de que algunos de los elementos de la cultura del<br />

lugar puedan ser considerados Patrimonio de la<br />

Humanidad. Sé que en todo caso la UNESCO<br />

puede dar materia técnica a un estado miembro. La<br />

UNESCO no es un objetivo fundamental per se,<br />

salvo por el hecho de tener u<strong>na</strong> mayoría a favor de<br />

Palesti<strong>na</strong>, pese a la ame<strong>na</strong>za de sanciones por<br />

parte de Estados Unidos”, explicó vía telefónica<br />

desde Perú.<br />

Manuel Férez, especialista en Medio Oriente, dice<br />

que con su inclusión a la UNESCO, los palestinos<br />

buscan asegurar algu<strong>na</strong>s regiones o sitios como<br />

Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad y<br />

administrarlos ellos.<br />

“Si bien coincido en que se trata de u<strong>na</strong> estrategia<br />

para crear un Estado palestino, este movimiento<br />

entra en la lógica de ver qué pasará cuando sean<br />

independientes, así que están buscando el control<br />

de los sitios históricos gracias al fi<strong>na</strong>nciamiento que<br />

daría la UNESCO. No creo que sólo sea u<strong>na</strong><br />

estrategia política, sino un paso más en la<br />

consolidación de un Estado”, dijo.<br />

Historia de la cultura de Palesti<strong>na</strong><br />

Trazar la historia de la cultura y el arte palestino ha<br />

sido tema de pocos especialistas dada la compleja<br />

historia de la región. A partir de la diáspora en<br />

1948, se profundizó la complejidad para determi<strong>na</strong>r<br />

lo que forma de la identidad cultural palesti<strong>na</strong> y qué<br />

es israelí.<br />

“En muchas partes del mundo es el Estado el que<br />

construye la <strong>na</strong>ción y por ende la identidad y<br />

cultura <strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, son los Estados los que crean<br />

símbolos como banderas, escudos, construyen<br />

estatuas, unifican la enseñanza, los museos y<br />

antropológicos suelen ser estatales, de manera que<br />

el Estado es u<strong>na</strong> fuente importante de la cultura<br />

<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l y esto es justo de lo que carecen los<br />

palestinos”, explicó Kahhat.<br />

De acuerdo con el a<strong>na</strong>lista inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l, sí es<br />

posible delinear u<strong>na</strong> identidad cultural palesti<strong>na</strong>,<br />

pero está vinculada a la experiencia histórica. “Hay<br />

quienes sostienen que existe u<strong>na</strong> identidad<br />

palesti<strong>na</strong> desde antes del conflicto con Israel, pero<br />

lo que hace que los palestinos sean un pueblo<br />

árabe y de mayoría de musulma<strong>na</strong>, es la<br />

experiencia única del desplazamiento colectivo y<br />

de la ocupación israelí”.<br />

Para Férez, director del Centro de Investigación y<br />

Docencia para América Lati<strong>na</strong> y Medio Oriente, la<br />

identidad palesti<strong>na</strong> se ha forjado desde hace<br />

décadas y coincide con Kahhat en que las<br />

manifestaciones artísticas han girado en torno a la<br />

ocupación y resistencia.<br />

“No todo está condicio<strong>na</strong>do al conflicto, está la<br />

riqueza arqueológica, tienen lugares como<br />

Cisjordania en donde hay ciudades muy<br />

importantes para los musulmanes y otras para los<br />

cristianos, como Nazareth. En Palesti<strong>na</strong> hay<br />

movimientos culturales muy importantes en lugares<br />

como Ramala, aunque es verdad que ante el<br />


conflicto no hay espacio para análisis de las<br />

manifestaciones artísticas, ni siquiera para la<br />

creación. La Autoridad Palesti<strong>na</strong> apoya el arte<br />

siempre y cuando tenga que ver con la resistencia,<br />

todos los recursos están desti<strong>na</strong>dos a la obtención<br />

del Estado, así que un artista independiente tendrá<br />

muchas dificultades”, aseguró.<br />

La asistencia prestada por la UNESCO a la cultura<br />

en 2006 se centró en la salvaguardia del patrimonio<br />

cultural material e inmaterial, haciendo hincapié en<br />

los proyectos con posibilidades de generación de<br />

empleos.<br />

De acuerdo con los avances de la UNESCO en las<br />

instituciones educativas y culturales del pueblo<br />

palestino, publicado en el 2007, se establece que<br />

en relación con el patrimonio material se<br />

recaudaron 1.3 millones de dólares para la<br />

restauración del caravasar de Khan al-Wakala en<br />

Neplusa. Asimismo, se ideó un plan de<br />

conservación de las ciudades viejas de Hebrón y<br />

Naplusa.<br />

Pese a estos esfuerzos, dice Kahhat, la política<br />

también ha sido determi<strong>na</strong>nte para el estudio del<br />

patrimonio cultural de la región. “En el tema de la<br />

arqueología y preservación del patrimonio hay un<br />

debate porque Israel busca usar la historia como<br />

forma de legitimar su existencia y su conducta en el<br />

El Universal - Cultura, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


presente. De manera que ocurre u<strong>na</strong> cosa inusual:<br />

la arqueología y el patrimonio también tiene u<strong>na</strong><br />

agenda política, la politización llega hasta ese<br />

punto y por todos los bandos involucrados”.<br />

De acuerdo con Manuel Férez, hay proyectos<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>nciados por organizaciones no<br />

guber<strong>na</strong>mentales europeas que ayudan a la<br />

conservación de lugares como la Iglesia de la<br />

Natividad. “Este sitio, donde se dice que <strong>na</strong>ció<br />

Jesús, es muy cuidado, incluso por el Vaticano.<br />

También hay un movimiento de arqueólogos<br />

israelís que intentan mantener en buen estado los<br />

recintos históricos. Hay muchas cosas que<br />

Palesti<strong>na</strong> tiene por ofrecer, pero están ocultas bajo<br />

el conflicto con Israel”.<br />


El Universal - Metropoli, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


TEPJF falla en favor de queja ciudada<strong>na</strong><br />

El Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación (TEPJF), fijó criterios para que en el<br />

proceso electoral 2012, los ciudadanos acrediten<br />

interés jurídico en las quejas por actos anticipados<br />

de precampaña.<br />

Así lo aseguró el especialista en temas electorales,<br />

Eduardo Huchim, quien agregó que con base en<br />

ello el Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal (IEDF)<br />

y el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral tendrán que atender<br />

principios constitucio<strong>na</strong>les en sus resoluciones.<br />

Lo anterior, debido a que en la resolución<br />

SUPJDC10484/2011 el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral revocó el<br />

fallo del IEDF, con el cual se había negado el retiro<br />

de la propaganda de la diputada Alejandra<br />

Barrales, como medida cautelar a u<strong>na</strong> queja, ya<br />

que quien la presentó fue un ciudadano y no un<br />

militante del PRD, lo cual le restaba interés jurídico.<br />

Debido a que el tema no se a<strong>na</strong>lizó de fondo, el<br />

quejoso, que responde al nombre de Miguel Ángel<br />

Núñez Gutiérrez, presentó u<strong>na</strong> impug<strong>na</strong>ción ante el<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Electoral capitalino.<br />

Ahí, los magistrados, con votación dividida,<br />

confirmaron la resolución del Instituto Electoral;<br />

motivo por el que acudió al TEPJF.<br />

De acuerdo con esta última resolución, que se llevó<br />

a cabo el pasado 2 de noviembre, se le mandató a<br />

la Dirección de Asociaciones Políticas del IEDF<br />

para que vuelva a conformar su resolución,<br />

atendiendo la demanda ciudada<strong>na</strong> y con base en el<br />

artículo 134 constitucio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Dicho apartado señala: "Los servidores públicos de<br />

la Federación, los estados y los municipios, así<br />

como del Distrito Federal y sus delegaciones,<br />

tienen en todo tiempo la obligación de aplicar con<br />

imparcialidad los recursos públicos que están bajo<br />

su responsabilidad, sin influir en la equidad de la<br />

competencia entre los partidos políticos".<br />

También dice que "la propaganda, bajo cualquier<br />

modalidad de comunicación social, que difundan<br />

como tales los poderes públicos, los órganos<br />

autónomos, las dependencias y entidades de la<br />

administración pública y cualquier otro ente de los<br />

tres órdenes de gobierno, deberá tener carácter<br />

institucio<strong>na</strong>l y fines informativos, educativos o de<br />

orientación social. En ningún caso esta propaganda<br />

incluirá nombres, imágenes, voces o símbolos que<br />

impliquen promoción perso<strong>na</strong>lizada de cualquier<br />

servidor público".<br />

Empoderamiento ciudadano<br />

Para el consejero del Instituto Electoral del Distrito<br />

Federal, Néstor Vargas, el fallo del Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Federal<br />

le da interés jurídico al quejoso para que el<br />

Consejo General del árbitro local se pronuncie al<br />

respecto.<br />

Huchim agregó que con ello cualquier ciudadano<br />

podrá inconformarse ante las autoridades en<br />

materia electoral.<br />

En entrevista con EL UNIVERSAL, el especialista<br />

detalló que el criterio de la sala superior, abre la<br />

posibilidad de que los órganos de control<br />

sancionen las violaciones a la ley, y "sin hacerse de<br />

la vista gorda".<br />

Incluso, bajo esa óptica, los magistrados<br />

electorales del DF modificaron de último momento<br />

el proyecto de sentencia que se va a discutir hoy<br />

en sesión pública, respecto a medidas cautelares<br />

en u<strong>na</strong> queja promovida por la diputada federal<br />

Gabriela Cuevas, a fin de que la sala superior no<br />

les enmiende la pla<strong>na</strong>.<br />

Mientras que en el IEDF, los Consejos Distritales<br />

revisan la propaganda que detectaron durante un<br />

mes de recorridos.<br />


El Universal - Nación, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


"Blindan" protesta del Presidente<br />

Sacan de reforma reelección de alcaldes y<br />

legisladores locales<br />

politica@eluniversal.com.mx<br />

La Cámara de Diputados amplió los esce<strong>na</strong>rios<br />

constitucio<strong>na</strong>les para que el nuevo Presidente de la<br />

República tenga, ante u<strong>na</strong> crisis política, varias<br />

opciones para rendir protesta y no se reedite el<br />

conflicto del 1 de diciembre de 2006, cuando el<br />

entonces presidente electo Felipe Calderón tuvo en<br />

San Lázaro u<strong>na</strong> complicada toma de protesta.<br />

Durante la maratónica discusión de la reforma<br />

política, que inició el 25 de octubre y que tuvo<br />

pausas por el puente vacacio<strong>na</strong>l, la mayoría<br />

decidió aceptar la reserva del PRD, para añadir al<br />

artículo 87 constitucio<strong>na</strong>l la posibilidad de que el<br />

Presidente, al no poder rendir protesta ante el<br />

Congreso de la Unión o ante la Comisión<br />

Permanente, tenga alter<strong>na</strong>tivas.<br />

"En caso de que el Presidente no pudiera rendir la<br />

protesta ante el Congreso de la Unión, ante la<br />

Comisión Permanente o ante las Mesas Directivas<br />

de las Cámaras del Congreso de la Unión, lo hará<br />

de inmediato ante el presidente de la Suprema<br />

Corte de Justicia", apunta el texto aprobado.<br />

Esta propuesta remendó la minuta del Se<strong>na</strong>do<br />

aprobada en comisiones, la cual contemplaba<br />

como único esce<strong>na</strong>rio para la toma de protesta la<br />

SCJN, dejando esa responsabilidad al Poder<br />

Judicial, pero un acuerdo previo entre perredistas,<br />

priístas y panistas hizo que la reserva fuera<br />

aceptada sin problemas, aunque el PT manifestó<br />

su rechazo.<br />

Por mayoría, el pleno de San Lázaro también<br />

acordó sacar de la reforma política la reelección de<br />

alcaldes y diputados locales, propuestas por el<br />

PAN, pero PRI, PVEM y Nueva Alianza la<br />

cancelaron.<br />

Plantean consulta<br />

Los priístas Humberto Benítez y Felipe Solís Acero<br />

argumentaron que sea u<strong>na</strong> consulta ciudada<strong>na</strong> la<br />

que defi<strong>na</strong> si hay o no reelección. "Es<br />

absolutamente falso y es necesario volverlo a decir<br />

aquí, que el PRI está en contra de la reelección. Lo<br />

que queremos es consultarle a la gente y que la<br />

gente decida", dijo en tribu<strong>na</strong> Solís Acero.<br />

De hecho, el pleno legislativo condicionó la<br />

inclusión de la reelección en la reforma política al<br />

aval de u<strong>na</strong> consulta popular, a realizarse por lo<br />

menos hasta 2013.<br />

La convocatoria respectiva deberá, según el<br />

dictamen que aún será votado hoy, nomi<strong>na</strong>lmente<br />

"formularse dentro del año siguiente a la entrada en<br />

vigor de la legislación que norma la consulta<br />

popular, debiendo ser organizada por el IFE".<br />

De aplicarse las reglas sobre consultas populares<br />

propuestas por el pleno, en ella tendrían que<br />

participar el 25% de los ciudadanos en lista<br />

nomi<strong>na</strong>l, esto es, más de 19.3 millones, pues en<br />

total son 77.4 millones los mexicanos enlistados. Y<br />

tendrían que votar por la reelección más de 10<br />

millones de perso<strong>na</strong>s.<br />

Los legisladores, luego de 10 horas y tres sema<strong>na</strong>s<br />

de debate, acabaron la discusión de la reforma<br />

política, pero este viernes votarán todas las<br />

reservas aceptadas, las cuales deberán ser<br />

ratificadas por las tres terceras partes de los<br />

presentes.<br />


La Nacion - Economía, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Rechazan un amparo contra los controles<br />

El juez federal de Quilmes, Luis Armella, rechazó<br />

u<strong>na</strong> medida cautelar de u<strong>na</strong> jubilada que había<br />

presentado un amparo porque no la dejaron retirar<br />

dólares del Banco Piano.<br />

Fuentes judiciales indicaron ayer a la agencia DyN<br />

que en el fallo "no surge, en este estado del<br />

proceso, la existencia de un accio<strong>na</strong>r o un<br />

comportamiento manifiestamente arbitrario o ilegal"<br />

por parte de la Administración Federal de Ingresos<br />

Públicos (AFIP).<br />

El diario Clarín informó anteayer que Justa<br />

Ruperez, de 87 años, intentó el lunes último sacar<br />

US$ 1700, pero se lo denegaron; la decisión de<br />

Armella le impediría hacer esta extracción mientras<br />

se resuelva la cuestión de fondo.<br />

La mujer explicó que "esos 1700 dólares los quería<br />

para ahorrarlos para sus nietos", según se<br />

desprende de la resolución judicial.<br />

Ruperez sostuvo a través de su abogado que la<br />

resolución de AFIP 3210/11 y la comunicación A<br />

5239 del Banco Central de la República Argenti<strong>na</strong><br />

(BCRA) afectan sus "derechos y garantías de<br />

rango constitucio<strong>na</strong>l, en particular los artículos 14,<br />

14 bis, 16, 17, 18, 28 y 31 de la Constitución<br />

Nacio<strong>na</strong>l".<br />

Pedido de informe<br />

Pero, por el contrario, el juez sostuvo en su<br />

resolución que "no se evidencia en autos el riesgo<br />

de irreparabilidad o daño inminente" que obliga a<br />

predictami<strong>na</strong>r sobre las normas objetadas.<br />

No obstante, y para poder hacerlo, Armella requirió<br />

a la AFIP, al Banco Piano y al Banco Central de la<br />

República Argenti<strong>na</strong> un "informe circunstanciado<br />

sobre los antecedentes y fundamentos de las<br />

medidas", de manera de poder decidir sobre el<br />

reclamo..<br />


La Nacion - Información geral, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Reclamo de justicia<br />

U<strong>na</strong> maqueta de u<strong>na</strong> cabi<strong>na</strong> de un avión de<br />

Austral, carteles con fotos de víctimas de diferentes<br />

episodios violentos y un sentimiento común: el<br />

reclamo de justicia. Ayer, en la plaza San Martín se<br />

presentó Familias Unidas contra la Impunidad, u<strong>na</strong><br />

organización coordi<strong>na</strong>da por el cineasta Enrique<br />

Piñeyro, que reúne a los diferentes grupos que<br />

reclaman al Gobierno y al Poder Judicial avances<br />

en causas tan importantes como los accidentes del<br />

avión de Austral, en 1997, y el de Lapa, en 1999; la<br />

tragedia de Cromagnon, el atentado a la AMIA;<br />

casos de gatillo fácil y represión policial, y los<br />

accidentes de tránsito y de trenes evitables. El<br />

común denomi<strong>na</strong>dor en la plaza fue la indig<strong>na</strong>ción<br />

y el dolor de padres, madres y familiares de<br />

víctimas. "Estamos reunidos para exigir que se<br />

termine la impunidad de un Poder Judicial cuyos<br />

integrantes se desig<strong>na</strong>n políticamente con el solo<br />

objetivo de ser funcio<strong>na</strong>les a los gober<strong>na</strong>ntes de<br />

turno", dijo Piñeyro frente a u<strong>na</strong>s 100 perso<strong>na</strong>s que<br />

aún lloran la pérdida de sus seres queridos.<br />


La Nacion Chile - Portada Noticias, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Manuel García, Chancho en Piedra y La Noche dan el<br />

vamos a la Gira Teletón 2011<br />

Como un “escándalo” y u<strong>na</strong> “vergüenza” calificaron<br />

diputados del PPD y del PS, el veto de Isapre<br />

Consalud a trabajadores de 619 empresas e<br />

instituciones, emulando u<strong>na</strong> práctica similar que se<br />

había conocido por parte de Banmédica y Vida<br />

Tres.<br />

La diputada Adria<strong>na</strong> Muñoz (PPD) indicó que<br />

“desde que asumió el gobierno de Piñera las<br />

Isapres están viviendo en un paraíso terre<strong>na</strong>l<br />

donde no hay normas, ni respeto a la<br />

Constitución. Tenemos u<strong>na</strong> industria que entrega<br />

un derecho fundamental de las perso<strong>na</strong>s que es la<br />

salud, poniendo barreras que son<br />

inconstitucio<strong>na</strong>les, por edad, por sexo, por ingreso<br />

y hoy por pertenecer a u<strong>na</strong> determi<strong>na</strong>da institución<br />

o empresa”.<br />

Por eso, dijo que “queremos pedir la renuncia del<br />

Superintendente de Isapres, que no ha acogido<br />

ningu<strong>na</strong> de las denuncias realizadas por los<br />

parlamentarios y por los trabajadores de las<br />

Isapres”.<br />

El diputado Enrique Accorsi (PPD) afirmó que<br />

“hemos exigido al Superintendente que nos<br />

entregue el listado de las listas negras que tienen<br />

las otras Isapres. Esto es verdaderamente u<strong>na</strong><br />

vergüenza pública, un escándalo. La Constitución<br />

garantiza el libre acceso de las perso<strong>na</strong>s al sistema<br />

de salud, y aquí por u<strong>na</strong> razón que solamente tiene<br />

que ver con el ingreso, no le dan cabida a las<br />

perso<strong>na</strong>s”.<br />

Asimismo, el diputado socialista Juan Luis Castro<br />

sostuvo que “es la hora que los 2.5 millones de<br />

chilenos pertenecientes a las Isapres decidan si<br />

quieren mantenerse en un sistema que incurre en<br />

estas prácticas francamente oscuras y<br />

persecutorias o derechamente prefieren irse a<br />

Fo<strong>na</strong>sa”.<br />


Le Monde - Idées, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Constitutionnel<br />

L'arme référendaire aux mains du Sé<strong>na</strong>t<br />

Point de vue | LEMONDE.FR | 04.11.11 | 10h29 •<br />

Mis à jour le 04.11.11 | 10h30<br />

par Pascal Jan, professeur de droit public à<br />

Sciences Po Bordeaux et Philippe Blachèr,<br />

professeur de droit public à Lyon-III<br />

Permettant, dans sa rédaction initiale, au seul<br />

président de la République de solliciter directement<br />

le peuple en vue d'adopter un projet de loi dans<br />

certaines matières ou d'autoriser la ratification d'un<br />

engagement inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l, l'article 11 relevait de ce<br />

que les juristes appellent les "pouvoirs<br />

discrétion<strong>na</strong>ires" du chef de l'Etat. C'est une arme<br />

stratégique entre ses mains dont a utilisé le général<br />

de Gaulle pour asseoir la légitimité de ses réformes<br />

constitutionnelles et les présidents François<br />

Mitterrand et Jacques Chirac pour entériner des<br />

évolutions de l'Union européenne. Avec plus ou<br />

moins de succès comme chacun le sait.<br />

La révision constitutionnelle de l'été 2008 met fin au<br />

monopole du président de la République en matière<br />

de déclenchement du référendum. Instaurant un<br />

droit d'initiative minoritaire partagée entre par<br />

lementaire et électeurs (et non "d'initiative<br />

populaire"), le nouvel article 11 prévoit qu'un<br />

référendum "peut être organisé" sur une proposition<br />

de loi "à l'initiative d'un cinquième des membres du<br />

Parlements, soutenue par un dixième des électeurs<br />

inscrits sur les listes électorales".<br />

Cette proposition de loi doit évidemment respecter<br />

certaines conditions sous le contrôle du Conseil<br />

constitutionnel : des conditions liées à la collecte<br />

des sig<strong>na</strong>tures (1/5e des parlementaires + 4<br />

millions d'électeurs, qui se greffent à la proposition<br />

de loi par voie électronique) ; des conditions liées à<br />

l'objet du référendum qui doit respecter la<br />

Constitution.<br />

Si la proposition de loi n'a pas fait l'objet d'au moins<br />

une lecture (et non d'un vote !) par chacune des<br />

deux assemblées dans un délai fixé par la future loi<br />

organique, le président de la République la soumet<br />

au référendum dans les quatre mois qui suivent<br />

l'expiration de ce délai.<br />

Le Sé<strong>na</strong>t dispose ainsi d'une arme stratégique. Il<br />

est effectivement en mesure de solliciter<br />

l'organisation d'un référendum sur un sujet sensible<br />

(par exemple le droit de vote des étrangers aux<br />

élections locales). Il suffit à la majorité sé<strong>na</strong>toriale<br />

de refuser d'examiner une proposition de loi ayant<br />

récolté toutes les sig<strong>na</strong>tures dans le cadre du<br />

nouveau dispositif. Le refus de lecture "neutralise"<br />

le pouvoir discrétion<strong>na</strong>ire du président de la<br />

République en l'obligeant, selon les termes de<br />

l'article 11 de la Constitution, à organiser un<br />

référendum et à promulguer la proposition de loi en<br />

cas d'adoption populaire (" Lorsque le référendum a<br />

conclu à l'adoption (…) de la proposition de loi, le<br />

président de la République promulgue la loi dans<br />

les quinze jours qui suivent la proclamation des<br />

résultats de la consultation. ")<br />

D'aucuns diront que le président de la République<br />

peut refuser d'organiser la consultation populaire<br />

car l'usage présidentiel de l'article 11 est une<br />

faculté, non une obligation. Effectivement l'alinéa<br />

1er, qui donne au président la faculté de prendre<br />

l'initiative référendaire, dispose que "le président de<br />

la République (…) peut soumettre au référendum"<br />

un projet de loi. Mais a contrario l'alinéa 5 du même<br />

article est rédigé à l'indicatif présent : "Si la<br />

proposition de loi n'a pas été examinée par les<br />

deux assemblées (…) le président de la République<br />

la soumet au référendum". Le doute n'est donc pas<br />

permis : cette disposition impose une obligation au<br />

président de la République.<br />

Il reste au législateur à parfaire le dispositif, l'article<br />

11 étant la seule réforme de 2008 en attente des<br />

dispositions organiques en assurant l'application.<br />


Los Angeles Times - Business, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Restaurant group to respond Friday to Cain accuser<br />

request<br />

The Natio<strong>na</strong>l Restaurant Assn., the trade group at<br />

the center of the Herman Cain sexual harassment<br />

furor, said it has received a request to allow one of<br />

Cain's accusers to release a public statement<br />

detailing her version of events and will respond<br />

Friday.<br />

The group was contacted by Joel Bennett, a<br />

Washington lawyer who helped negotiate a<br />

settlement with the association on behalf of one of<br />

two women who complained about Cain's conduct<br />

while he was its president and chief executive.<br />

Bennett has been seeking to lift a restriction in the<br />

deal that bars his client from talking.<br />

“Our outside counsel was contacted by Mr. Bennett<br />

today and was asked to provide a response to a<br />

proposed statement by tomorrow afternoon. We are<br />

currently reviewing the document, and we plan to<br />

respond tomorrow,” said Sue Hensley, a<br />

spokeswoman for the association.<br />

Bennett said his client is reluctant to speak publicly<br />

about events that occurred while she worked for<br />

Cain in the late 1990s, so he has asked the<br />

association to instead approve a statement by her<br />

for public release.<br />

Cain is not a party to the agreement, Bennett said,<br />

meaning that he would only need the consent of the<br />

association in order for the statement to be<br />

released.<br />

“Mr. Cain was not a sig<strong>na</strong>tory to the settlement<br />

agreement therefore he would have no standing<br />

one way or another” on whether the statement<br />

could be released, Bennett said.<br />

Politico reported Thursday that one of the women<br />

who accused Cain of sexual harassment during his<br />

tenure received a $45,000 settlement. The New<br />

York Times had previously reported that a second<br />

woman obtained a $35,000 payout.<br />

Cain has demurred when asked whether Bennett's<br />

client should be released from her confidentiality<br />

agreement and be allowed to tell her story to the<br />

media.<br />

Bennett said that if the association approves a<br />

waiver to the confidentiality requirements, he would<br />

release a one-page statement on behalf of his<br />

client. But, he said, he will not divulge her <strong>na</strong>me<br />

and said "she does not intend to appear publicly."<br />

By handling it in this fashion, Bennett said that his<br />

client can get her side of the story out without<br />

becoming an “Anita Hill figure,” a reference to the<br />

woman who endured intense scrutiny after publicly<br />

alleging i<strong>na</strong>ppropriate conduct by Supreme Court<br />

Justice Clarence Thomas.<br />


Reuters General - Article, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Supreme Court grants bail to Satyam founder Raju<br />

The Supreme Court on Friday granted bail to<br />

Ramalinga Raju, founder and former chairman of<br />

outsourcing firm Satyam Computer Services Ltd, in<br />

a $1.5 billion fi<strong>na</strong>ncial fraud case, after the Central<br />

Bureau of Investigation (CBI) failed to file charges<br />

on tim<br />

NEW DELHI | Fri Nov 4, 2011 3:20pm IST<br />

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on<br />

Friday granted bail to Ramalinga Raju, founder and<br />

former chairman of outsourcing firm Satyam<br />

Computer Services Ltd, in a $1.5 billion fi<strong>na</strong>ncial<br />

fraud case, after the Central Bureau of Investigation<br />

(CBI) failed to file charges on time.<br />

The CBI did not file a charge-sheet against Raju<br />

within the statutory period, according to a court<br />

order seen by Reuters.<br />

According to Indian law, charge-sheet against an<br />

accused has to be filed within 90 days of arrest.<br />

Raju, a ma<strong>na</strong>gement graduate from Ohio University<br />

who founded Satyam in 1987, shocked investors in<br />

January 2009 when he said the firm's profits had<br />

been overstated for years and assets falsified in a<br />

fraud allegedly worth more than $1.5 billion.<br />

In November 2010, he surrendered after the<br />

Supreme Court in August cancelled a bail granted<br />

to him by a lower court in Hyderabad, where<br />

Satyam is based.<br />

In an auction in April last year, Satyam was sold to<br />

Indian IT firm Tech Mahindra, majority-owned by<br />

automaker Mahindra & Mahindra and part-owned<br />

by British telecoms firm BT Plc.<br />

It was subsequently re<strong>na</strong>med Mahindra Satyam.<br />


Reuters General - Article, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


India top court grants bail to Satyam founder Raju<br />

(Reuters) - India's Supreme Court on Friday<br />

granted bail to Ramalinga Raju, founder and former<br />

chairman of outsourcing firm Satyam Computer<br />

Services Ltd, in a $1.5 billion fi<strong>na</strong>ncial fraud case,<br />

after the federal investigative agency failed to file<br />

charges on time.<br />

The Central Bureau of Investigation did not file a<br />

charge-sheet against Raju within the statutory<br />

period, according to a court order seen by Reuters.<br />

According to Indian law, charge sheet against an<br />

accused has to be filed within 90 days of arrest.<br />

Raju, a ma<strong>na</strong>gement graduate from Ohio University<br />

who founded Satyam in 1987, shocked investors in<br />

January 2009 when he said the firm's profits had<br />

been overstated for years and assets falsified in a<br />

fraud allegedly worth more than $1.5 billion.<br />

In November 2010, he surrendered to a lower court<br />

in south India after the Supreme Court in August<br />

canceled a bail granted to him by a lower court in<br />

Hyderabad, where Satyam is based.<br />

In an auction in April last year, Satyam was sold to<br />

Indian IT firm Tech Mahindra, majority-owned by<br />

automaker Mahindra & Mahindra and part-owned<br />

by British telecoms firm BT Plc.<br />

It was subsequently re<strong>na</strong>med Mahindra Satyam.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Satyam founder Ramalinga Raju granted bail by<br />

Supreme Court<br />

NEW DELHI: B Ramalinga Raju, the disgraced<br />

founder of Satyam Computers and prime accused<br />

in the company's multi-crore accounting fraud, was<br />

today granted bail by the Supreme Court after he<br />

spent two years and eight months in the jail.<br />

The apex court took into account that Raju has<br />

been in incarceration for considerable time for the<br />

offence in which the maximum punishment is seven<br />

years jail term and he cooperated during the<br />

ongoing trial of the case after his bail was cancelled<br />

in October last year.<br />

"On the facts of the case and considering the<br />

totality of the circumstances including that the<br />

accused has undergone the actual sentence of two<br />

years and eight months, we deem it fit to release<br />

him on bail," a bench comprising justices Dalveer<br />

Bhandari and Dipak Misra said.<br />

It asked the Special CBI court in Hyderbad to<br />

expeditiously complete the trial of the case which<br />

was scheduled to have been concluded on July 31<br />

this year.<br />

The court warned that any attempt by Raju and<br />

other accused to influence the trial of the case<br />

directly or indirectly in any manner would give<br />

liberty to the CBI to approach the apex court for the<br />

cancellation of their bail.<br />

During the judicial custody, Raju had also spend<br />

four months in hospital for heart ailment.<br />

The court also granted bail to Ramalinga Raju's<br />

brother B Rama Raju and Satyam's former Chief<br />

Fi<strong>na</strong>ncial Officer Vadlamani Srinivas. The bail for<br />

the three is on a perso<strong>na</strong>l bond of Rs 2 lakh each<br />

and two sureties of like amount.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Supreme Court dismisses Ayodhya verdict judge's<br />

plea<br />

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court today dismissed<br />

the petition of Justice (retd) Dharam Vir Sharma, a<br />

member of the three-judge Allahabad High Court<br />

bench which had delivered the landmark Ayodhya<br />

verdict on September 30, 2010, challenging his<br />

non-appointment in Natio<strong>na</strong>l Green Tribu<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

A bench of justices Altamas Kabir and S S Nijjar<br />

said Sharma cannot claim any right to appointment<br />

as it was the prerogative of the government.<br />

"This is not a post. Can this court give any such<br />

direction? Can we issue a mandamus"? the bench<br />

told counsel N Gupta appearing for the former<br />

judge.<br />

Gupta said Sharma was selected for both Natio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Green Tribu<strong>na</strong>l and Central Administrative<br />

Tribu<strong>na</strong>l(CAT) by the high- powered committee but<br />

he was not appointed. No reason, he said, was<br />

given for his non-inclusion.<br />

However, the argument failed to convince the<br />

bench which said "the petitioner has no right to<br />

appointment" and dismissed the petition.<br />

Justice Sharma was a member of the bench which<br />

had ruled by a majority verdict that the disputed<br />

land in Ayodhya be divided equally into three parts<br />

among Hindus and Muslims and that the place,<br />

where the makeshift temple of Lord Ram exists,<br />

belongs to Hindus.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Denying bail a grave miscarriage of justice: Ram<br />

Jethmalani<br />

NEW DELHI: The denial of bail to DMK MP<br />

Kanimozhi by a Delhi Court was today termed as a<br />

"serious miscarriage of justice" by her counsel Ram<br />

Jethmalani who hoped that the Supreme Court<br />

would set it right.<br />

"What the judge has done is a serious miscarriage<br />

of justice. I believe this judge seems to have<br />

decided that no relief should be given except by the<br />

Supreme Court itself. He is not therefore wanting<br />

to do what is plainly right.<br />

"I consider it grave, grave miscarriage of justice and<br />

a deliberate misapplication of law, I hope the<br />

Supreme Court will soon put this right," Jethmalani<br />

said.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Kanimozhi bail denial in 2G case: Bail may be<br />

considered after recording of evidence, hints court<br />

NEW DELHI: While dismissing the bail pleas of the<br />

eight accused, including DMK MP Kanimozhi, in the<br />

2G spectrum allocation scam, the special CBI court<br />

hinted that the chances of bail would get brighter<br />

after recording of evidence in the case.<br />

Dealing with the question of the accused as to how<br />

long they could be kept in custody, special CBI<br />

judge O P Saini took support of a Supreme Court<br />

judgment to indicate that bail could be considered<br />

after recording the statement of important<br />

witnesses.<br />

The court reasoned that "one way of generating a<br />

sense of security in the mind of victims and the<br />

witnesses is to keep the accused in custody till their<br />

evidence is complete".<br />

The judge said courts had to strike a balance<br />

between liberty and rights of accused and safety<br />

and security of witnesses to ensure fair trial.<br />

"Victims and witnesses cannot be left to their own<br />

fate while protecting the rights of the accused. They<br />

also must have a sense of security and safety and<br />

must have a feeling that no harm would come their<br />

way by just being witness in a case and disclosing<br />

the truth before the investigating agency and the<br />

court," the judge said.<br />

Brushing aside the contentions of the accused that<br />

there was no apprehension of witnesses being<br />

influenced or evidence being tampered with, the<br />

court said witnesses would be "under a lot of<br />

pressure" in view of the "unprecedented <strong>na</strong>ture" of<br />

this case. "The witnesses would be under a lot of<br />

pressure, given the serious consequences of the<br />

case for the parties. This is further compounded by<br />

the fact that the witnesses are employees, relatives,<br />

family members, colleagues and subordi<strong>na</strong>tes of<br />

the accused persons," the court said.<br />

The court, however, clarified that the rights of the<br />

accused were very important in crimi<strong>na</strong>l<br />

jurisprudence and they were also required to be<br />

protected under all circumstances. "There is no<br />

doubt that continued and unnecessary incarceration<br />

of an accused is violative of his rights. If an<br />

accused is required to be kept in custody during the<br />

trial, the reasons for the same must be valid, both in<br />

law and fact. Having said that, I may also record<br />

that the rights of victim and witnesses are also no<br />

less valuable and are required to be protected<br />

equally during the trial," the judge said.<br />

The court observed that rights of accused,<br />

witnesses and victims should be protected fairly<br />

and over-emphasis on any one may result in<br />

subversion of justice.<br />

upfront<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Kanimozhi bail denial: Legal eagles divided over<br />

decision to deny bail<br />

NEW DELHI: The trial court's decision to deny bail<br />

to DMK MP Kanimozhi despite CBI not opposing<br />

her petition evoked caustic remarks from senior<br />

advocates but a former high court judge termed it a<br />

legally sound order to sensitize people about the<br />

seriousness of "white collar crimes" .<br />

Former law minister and senior advocate Ram<br />

Jethmalani , who had appeared for Kanimozhi<br />

earlier, termed it a "grave miscarriage of justice and<br />

a deliberate misapplication of law" by the trial court.<br />

He hoped the "Supreme Court will soon put this<br />

right" . He also said bail was refused only in cases<br />

where the accused was likely to abscond, tamper<br />

with evidence or influence witnesses. "There is no<br />

such evidence at least in the case of this woman ,"<br />

he said.<br />

S N Dhingra, who retired as a judge of Delhi HC<br />

this year, found nothing wrong with special judge O<br />

P Saini's order. "Time has come when we stop<br />

treating white collar crimi<strong>na</strong>ls as honourable<br />

persons . They are, in certain cases, worse than<br />

soil collared crimi<strong>na</strong>ls. In the 2G case, once<br />

chargesheet was filed, the court got an insight into<br />

the <strong>na</strong>ture of the offence, possibility of accused<br />

tinkering with evidence and the seriousness of the<br />

offence. The judge was well within his right to deny<br />

bail, which in any case is not a fundamental right,"<br />

he said.<br />

The trial court had said the right of the accused was<br />

important but the same was true for the rights of the<br />

victims and the witnesses. "One way of generating<br />

security in the mind of the victims and the<br />

witnesses is to keep the accused in custody till their<br />

evidence is complete," the judge said while refusing<br />

bail to Kanimozhi and seven others.<br />

Former additio<strong>na</strong>l solicitor general Raju<br />

Ramachandran was equally critical of denial of bail.<br />

"The normal rule is bail not jail. Now here's a case<br />

where prosecuting agency says they do not need to<br />

keep accused in jail any more and that the<br />

investigation is complete and charges have been<br />

framed. There really is no reason whatsoever in<br />

these circumstances to deny bail," he said.<br />

Ja<strong>na</strong>ta Party president Subramanian Swamy, who<br />

is a petitioner before the Supreme Court as well as<br />

a complai<strong>na</strong>nt before the trial court in the 2G scam<br />

case, said the trial court rightly refused bail to the<br />

accused as they had committed "crime against the<br />

<strong>na</strong>tion" ."This is a correct decision.<br />

The CBI was pressurised to take a ridiculous stand<br />

of not objecting to bail applications of certain people<br />

while objecting to others. These are not ordi<strong>na</strong>ry<br />

people. These are billio<strong>na</strong>ires who have<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l connections. Consequently, when<br />

witnesses are called, these witnesses could be<br />

affected by the atmosphere created by their coming<br />

out (of jail), celebrations for them, holding rallies<br />

etc. In that situation, it is a wise thing to keep them<br />

in jail till witness deposition is over," he said.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


2G scam:CBI probes share transfer trail to identify<br />

beneficiaries<br />

NEW DELHI: A CBI team will go to Switzerland<br />

later this month to find the identity of the real<br />

beneficiaries of investments worth $4 million in BTS<br />

Belvoir, a Swiss firm chosen as the parking lot for<br />

the 9.9% stake offloaded from Delphi.<br />

Delphi, the Mauritius-based fully owned subsidiary<br />

of Mavi Investment Fund, was itself the recipient of<br />

Reliance Telecom's 9.9% stake in Swan Telecom in<br />

2007. The CBI has been trying to uncover the<br />

Reliance Telecom-Swan-Delphi share transfer trail<br />

as part of its larger exercise to zero in on the<br />

beneficiaries of the 2G spectrum allocation scam. A<br />

Reliance ADAG spokesperson, when contacted,<br />

refused to comment on the issue.<br />

The CBI, which had sent a team to Mauritius earlier<br />

this year in an attempt to find out the identity of the<br />

real owners of Delphi Investment, discovered that<br />

the share transfer trail did not end at the island<br />

<strong>na</strong>tion. Information received from the Mauritian<br />

authorities indicated that Reliance Telecom's stake<br />

in Delphi was subsequently diverted to BTS Belvoir,<br />

an investment company located in Switzerland.<br />

An amount of $4 million was parked in Belvoir. The<br />

CBI believes that the real value of these shares<br />

was much more, at least $76 million. The 9.9%<br />

stake was later reduced to 5%, after Etisalaat<br />

bought a major chunk of shares in Swan Telecom.<br />

The CBI has sent a Letter Rogatory to Switzerland<br />

in September this year, seeking the help of the<br />

authorities there in unearthing the money trail. The<br />

investigating agency's counsel, senior advocate KK<br />

Venugopal had informed the Supreme Court about<br />

the move during the hearing on the 2G case on<br />

September 30.<br />

Venugopal had told the bench hearing the case that<br />

in the wake of its probe in Mauritius, the agency<br />

had taken steps to send a LR as part of the<br />

exercise to seek cooperation of the authorities there<br />

to unravel the identity of the individuals to whom<br />

Delphi had transferred the shares it received from<br />

Reliance Telecom. The senior counsel had pointed<br />

out that Reliance transferred 1,07,90,000 equity<br />

shares in Swan to Delphi in 2007 for Rs 15 per<br />

share.<br />

"The total value of $76 million of the shares sold by<br />

Reliance to Delphi was grossly undervalued,''<br />

Venugopal had told the bench. The CBI feels that<br />

the ownership of BTS Belvoir Investments itself has<br />

changed hands in the interregnum, and fears that<br />

the money trail could lead it to British Virgin Islands.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


ED's attachment of Hasan Ali's properties upheld<br />

NEW DELHI/MUMBAI: The adjudicating authority<br />

on the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA)<br />

has upheld the Enforcement Directorate's decision<br />

to attach properties owned by Punebased stud-farm<br />

owner Hasan Ali Khan and his associate Kashi<strong>na</strong>th<br />

Tapuriah.<br />

The two are under ED investigation for allegedly<br />

stacking large amounts of black money in foreign<br />

banks and evading taxes. The three-member PMLA<br />

adjudicating authority, in an order passed on<br />

Thursday, endorsed ED's provisio<strong>na</strong>l attachment of<br />

properties worth some Rs 50 crore.<br />

These belong to the Khan-Tapuriah duo. They<br />

include apartments owned by Khan in the Delhi's<br />

up-market Prithviraj Road, Mumbai's Peddar Road<br />

and his bungalow at Koregaon Park in Pune.<br />

Khan's fleet of cars, including Porsche and<br />

Mercedes, too will be in ED's possession.<br />

ED had in June issued provisio<strong>na</strong>l order attaching<br />

of these assets belonging to Khan and his<br />

Kolkata-based associate. It was challenged<br />

subsequently by the two accused in their petition<br />

filed before the adjudicating authority.<br />

The day's development, coupled with Supreme<br />

Court's September 30 order staying Mumbai High<br />

Court's decision granting bail to Khan, is expected<br />

to strengthen ED's ongoing investigation against<br />

Khan and his co-accused in the money laundering<br />

case.<br />

A bench comprising Justices Altamas Kabir and S<br />

Nijjar, while denying bail, endorsed the Centre's<br />

contention that Khan by depositing $800 million<br />

with a bank outside India, and various transactions<br />

through his foreign bank accounts, revealed his<br />

association with Saudi arms dealer Ad<strong>na</strong>n<br />

Khashoggi.<br />

ED is gearing up to confiscate properties of Hasan<br />

Ali in Switzerland. Under the Prevention of Money<br />

Laundering Act, ED can confiscate properties<br />

outside India.<br />

But, it requires co-operation of respective countries<br />

and certain legal procedures including issuance of<br />

Letter Rogatory, a letter to a foreign court for<br />

judicial assistance.<br />


The Economic Times - Politics/Nation, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Maoists refuse to meet Mukul Roy<br />

KOLKATA: The Peoples Committee Against Police<br />

Atrocities (PCPA) from Jangalmahal, including the<br />

wife of their arrested leader Chhatradhar Mahato<br />

Niyati, on Thursday skipped their scheduled<br />

meeting with the Union Minister of State for<br />

Shipping Mukul Roy, giving a clear indication that<br />

the front organisation of the Maoists had no interest<br />

in joining talks with Mamata Banerjee's<br />

government.<br />

The meeting between Roy and PCPA was fixed by<br />

the secretary of the All India Legal Aid Forum and a<br />

Supreme Court advocate Joydeep Mukherjee and<br />

some other functio<strong>na</strong>ries like the Tri<strong>na</strong>mool<br />

Congress Rajya Sabha MP Debabrata Banerjee.<br />

But, the PCPA leader and secretary of the Santras<br />

Birodhi Mancha, Ashok Jiban, had informed the<br />

mediators at the eleventh hour that they will not<br />

attend the meeting. Apart from Niyati and Ashok<br />

Jiban, another PCPA leader of Nari Ijjat Bachao<br />

Committee Jyots<strong>na</strong> Mahato, was also supposed to<br />

attend Thursday's meeting with Roy.<br />

Nari Ijjat Bachao Committee is a<br />

Jangalmahal-based organisation, which is fighting<br />

against so-called police atrocities on women in the<br />

region. Police sources, however, claimed that this<br />

committee also functions as a Maoist front<br />

organisation.<br />

When contacted, Mukherjee told ET on Thursday<br />

that they met the Union minister and informed him<br />

that the PCPA leaders will not attend the meeting.<br />

"The minister told us that his door is always open<br />

for any organisation in Jangalmahal which is<br />

interested in sorting out the impasse in the region<br />

through talks with the government. We had tried our<br />

best to organise a direct talk between the<br />

government and the Jangalmahal-based<br />

organisation. But the leaders of the organisation did<br />

not turn up today."<br />

Ashok Jiban said that "we wanted to meet our<br />

leader Chhatradhar Mahato, who is currently in jail,<br />

to consult him before our meeting with the Union<br />

minister. But, we were not allowed to meet Mahato<br />

in jail.<br />


The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Strip-Search Lawyers Air Dirty Linen<br />

Team Feuded Over Appealing Case to High Court,<br />

Endangering Lucrative Legal Niche<br />


WASHINGTON—A Supreme Court case testing<br />

whether jails can strip-search every arrestee has<br />

provoked a bitter clash between two headb<br />

lawyers—on the same side.<br />

The dispute between Susan Cha<strong>na</strong> Lask and Elmer<br />

Robert Keach III sheds light on a little-known but<br />

lucrative legal niche, and shows why a decisive<br />

ruling by the Supreme Court is sometimes the last<br />

thing lawyers want.<br />

For decades, federal appeals courts held it<br />

unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l to strip-search people arrested on<br />

minor charges without a specific reason to suspect<br />

weapons or drugs were hidden in their body<br />

cavities. But many jails flouted those holdings by<br />

routinely strip-searching every inmate. Some jails<br />

have paid a price for that.<br />

Mr. Keach said he and his colleagues have racked<br />

up $36 million in class-action settlements with jails<br />

across the Northeast and as far away as Texas that<br />

routinely strip-searched inmates. Roughly 30% of<br />

that went to attorneys' fees.<br />

Jour<strong>na</strong>l Community<br />

Ms. Lask may have ruined it all, Mr. Keach said, by<br />

bringing a case before a conservative-led Supreme<br />

Court, where several justices suggested at<br />

arguments last month that blanket strip-search<br />

policies might be constitutio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

"Susan Cha<strong>na</strong> Lask is an incompetent dolt," said<br />

Mr. Keach of Amsterdam, N.Y.<br />

Ms. Lask, who practices in Manhattan, is no less<br />

blunt. Mr. Keach—or, as she sometimes calls him,<br />

"Mr. Leech"—is a "monster" who put profits ahead<br />

of the victims' cause, she said.<br />

The case that has upended the strip-search bar<br />

began in 2005, when a state trooper in Mount Holly,<br />

N.J., pulled over a BMW X5 and arrested a<br />

passenger, Albert Florence, after the police<br />

computer flagged him for failing to pay an old fine.<br />

Actually, Mr. Florence had paid up, but he spent six<br />

days in the Burlington and Essex county jails and<br />

was strip-searched twice before a judge released<br />

him.<br />

[STRIP2] Nancy Bruno Photography<br />

Elmer Robert Keach III<br />

Mr. Florence hired Ms. Lask. She learned that<br />

everyone processed by the two county jails was<br />

strip-searched—the perfect sce<strong>na</strong>rio for a<br />

class-action lawsuit for violating the Fourth<br />

Amendment ban on "unreaso<strong>na</strong>ble searches."<br />

For help, she called Mr. Keach, who was becoming<br />

a pro at strip-search cases after securing a $2.7<br />

million settlement from Rensselaer County, N.Y., on<br />

behalf of 2,000 minor offenders.<br />

"I've done like 20 of these," said Mr. Keach, who<br />

began teaming up with attorney friends to do the<br />

work and share the fees. The payoff for ex-inmates<br />

ranges from $100 to $3,000, but "the mainline<br />

figure is $1,000 a head," he said.<br />

At first glance, Mr. Keach and Ms. Lask, who both<br />

claim hardscrabble roots in southeastern<br />

Pennsylvania, have much in common.<br />

"An extraordi<strong>na</strong>ry lawyer fighting for the common<br />

man" declares Mr. Keach's website. Ms. Lask, who<br />

has registered several websites including<br />

www.suethemall.com, selected the slogan, "If you<br />

want Justice, you want Susan Cha<strong>na</strong> Lask."<br />

Nonetheless, the two took an immediate dislike to<br />

each other.<br />

"Not only was this woman not ready for prime time,<br />

she wasn't ready for public access," said Mr.<br />

Keach. Fearing she would blow the case and set<br />

bad precedent, Mr. Keach said his team offered to<br />

run the case, while guaranteeing Ms. Lask a cut of<br />

any settlement.<br />

More<br />

Supreme Court Wrestles With Strip Searches<br />

"They start saying, 'Give us the case, you can sit<br />

back and do nothing,' " is how Ms. Lask remembers<br />

it. "[You can] go buy yourself a yacht and retire,"<br />

Mr. Keach told her, she said, promising her a share<br />

of the "good life" he enjoyed through strip-search<br />

proceeds.<br />

"I didn't want to be any part of these <strong>na</strong>sty people,"<br />

Ms. Lask said. "They were like fleas, going from<br />

prison to prison to prison," sucking out settlements.<br />

When she declined Mr. Keach's invitation, he<br />


"started screaming at me and freaking out, and I<br />

hung up," she said.<br />

Rebuffed, Mr. Keach's group took a drastic step,<br />

filing court papers to oust Ms. Lask as class<br />

counsel. "They wanted to steal the case from me,"<br />

she said.<br />

"We were going to take over her case because of<br />

the sheer level of incompetence she was showing,"<br />

Mr. Keach said. But Ms. Lask fought back, and<br />

eventually Mr. Keach gave up the effort.<br />

In 2009, a federal court in Camden, N.J., ruled<br />

against Burlington and Essex in the class-action<br />

suit. The counties appealed before damages were<br />

calculated.<br />

By this time, the legal environment was beginning<br />

to shift. Some federal appeals courts were allowing<br />

automatic strip searches even for minor offenses,<br />

bucking the earlier consensus that this violated the<br />

Fourth Amendment.<br />

The Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which<br />

includes New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware,<br />

had never ruled on the question, but Mr. Keach<br />

feared it was likely to follow the new trend. He<br />

recalled urging Ms. Lask, "For the love of God,<br />

settle your case! Why are you on this kamikaze<br />

mission?"<br />

Ms. Lask said a Keach-style settlement where the<br />

ex-inmates got modest sums "wasn't worth it to<br />

me." She added: "I want to get people decent<br />

money or some kind of change in the law."<br />

When the appeals panel in Philadelphia ruled<br />

against Ms. Lask, effectively ending strip-search<br />

class actions in three states, Mr. Keach was beside<br />

himself.<br />

"Congratulations, Susan," he told her by email.<br />

"You killed the golden goose."<br />

"I thought, 'What a pig,' " said Ms. Lask.<br />

Mr. Keach dreaded the idea of the New Jersey<br />

case going to the Supreme Court. He argued there<br />

were better cases to frame the question—for<br />

instance, the Roman Catholic nun who was<br />

strip-searched at a San Francisco jail after her<br />

arrest at a peace demonstration.<br />

Ms. Lask wasn't listening. She appealed to the<br />

Supreme Court, which heard the case Oct. 12 and<br />

is expected to rule before July. Mr. Keach said he<br />

was pleased she let an experienced high-court<br />

litigator, Tom Goldstein, argue before the nine<br />

justices.<br />

The Wall Street Jour<strong>na</strong>l - Article, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Mr. Keach predicts a 6-3 Supreme Court vote<br />

blessing blanket strip searches. "It's heartbreaking<br />

when one looks at the devastation that's likely to<br />

follow from her foray into the Supreme Court," he<br />

said.<br />

Ms. Lask said that even if she loses the case, she<br />

will be proud to have clarified the constitutio<strong>na</strong>lity of<br />

strip searches.<br />

"I'm one woman. I did all this, and I got it up to the<br />

Supreme Court," she said.<br />

Write to Jess Bravin at jess.bravin@wsj.com<br />


USA Today - News, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Texas judge questions daughter's motives in posting<br />

video<br />

The Texas woman who released a 7-year-old video<br />

showing her being beaten by her father, a Texas<br />

judge, says she has "some regret" over making the<br />

tape public. Update at 8:50 a.m. ET: The ex-wife of<br />

a Texas judge who was captured on video beating<br />

his tee<strong>na</strong>ge daughter with a belt 7 years ago<br />

blames the regular attacks on an addiction and<br />

says he brainwashed her into compliance.<br />

Hallie Adams, in an interview with NBC's Today<br />

show calls County Court-at-Law Judge William<br />

Adams' addiction a "family secret," but does not<br />

elaborate. Their 22-year marriage ended in 2007.<br />

WATCH: Tape of beating. Warning: Graphic She is<br />

shown in the 8-minute-video also striking the girl<br />

with a belt. Adams tells Today that her ex-husband<br />

"completely brainwashed and controlled" her.<br />

Update at 8:38 a.m. ET: "I'm experiencing some<br />

regret because I just pulled the covers off my own<br />

father's misbehavior after so many people thought<br />

he was such a good person. ... But so many people<br />

are also telling me I did the right thing," she tells<br />

The Associated Press outside her mother's home in<br />

the Gulf Coast town of Portland, near Corpus<br />

Christi. "He's supposed to be a judge who<br />

exercises fit judgment," she tells the AP. Earlier<br />

posting: The young woman who released a video<br />

showing her father, a Texas judge, beating her with<br />

a belt seven years ago says she decided to make it<br />

public not out of vengeance, but as a way to move<br />

on, KRIS-TV reports. "Waiting this long to publish it<br />

has e<strong>na</strong>bled me to look at it with hindsight and not<br />

be so caught up in the passion of the moment,"<br />

Hillary Adams tells reporter Keaton Fox of the<br />

Corpus Christi TV station. "I think we do, my mother<br />

and I, we do need to try to move on past the anger<br />

and just concentrate on getting counseling and<br />

help." She says she feels like a lot of people in her<br />

community "were tricked" by her father, Judge<br />

William Adams in Aransas County. "They saw him<br />

treating his wife and daughter, oh, look what I gave<br />

them, look at these amazing cars and watches and<br />

pianos, everything like that and just this other side<br />

of him, was hidden for so long, because he was so<br />

good at controlling the situation and covering<br />

anything up," she tells KRIS. Origi<strong>na</strong>l posting by<br />

Michael Winter: Texas authorities are investigating<br />

a family-law judge after his daughter posted a video<br />

that shows him beating her legs with a belt when<br />

she was 16 years old, according to news reports.<br />

"She's mad because I've ordered her to bring the<br />

car back, in a nutshell, but, yeah, that's me, I lost<br />

my temper," Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge<br />

William Adams told KRIS-TV.<br />

"Her mother was there, she wasn't hurt ... it was a<br />

long time ago. ... I really don't want to get into this<br />

right now, because as you can see my life's been<br />

made very difficult over this child. "In my mind I<br />

have not done anything wrong other than discipline<br />

my child when she was caught stealing. I did lose<br />

my temper, I've apologized. ... It looks worse than it<br />

is." The judge added that he informed the Judicial<br />

Review board after seeing the 2004 video, which<br />

was posted to YouTube last week by his daughter,<br />

Hallie, now 23. The county district attorney and<br />

Rockport, Texas, police department are<br />

investigating. KRIS has reaction from Hallie Adams<br />

and her mother, who is divorced from her father.<br />

Hillary said that she "had held onto the video for so<br />

long for the right time" and that it wasn't for<br />

revenge. She hopes her father seeks counseling.<br />

Later this afternoon, she told the Associated Press<br />

she set up the camera because she knew her<br />


father would punish her for illegally downloading<br />

music. She admitted she felt some regret for<br />

posting the seven-minute clip, which has gone viral<br />

since Reddit linked to it Tuesday. Slate magazine<br />

USA Today - News, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


poses this question: "Does Texas Judge William<br />

Adams Deserve Internet Vigilantism for Allegedly<br />

Beating His Daughter?"<br />


USA Today - News, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Justice Ginsburg: A clean bill of health<br />

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who<br />

has twice survived cancer and is regularly subject<br />

to speculation about her retirement plans, said<br />

Thursday she recently received a clean bill of<br />

health.<br />

Ginsburg, 78, in response to a question from USA<br />

TODAY, said she recently underwent her annual<br />

checkup and was in good health.<br />

The eldest of the nine justices, Ginsburg has<br />

repeatedly vowed to stay on the bench through the<br />

2012 presidential election and a few years after<br />

that. Yet rumors of a possible retirement continue to<br />

swirl, because of her past health problems and<br />

because of presidential politics.<br />

The president makes lifetime appointments to the<br />

federal bench, and the stakes for the Supreme<br />

Court tend to be heightened during an election<br />

season.<br />

Harvard Law professor Randall Kennedy wrote in<br />

The New Republic magazine last spring that<br />

Ginsburg should retire soon to ensure that<br />

Democratic President Obama, rather than a<br />

possible new GOP president, could appoint her<br />

successor. (Kennedy said Stephen Breyer, 73,<br />

should also retire.)<br />

Ginsburg has said she at least wants to match the<br />

tenure of Justice Louis Brandeis, who retired at age<br />

82 in 1939. That would get her to 2015.<br />

The current Supreme Court, deeply split along<br />

ideological lines, is facing a slew of significant<br />

cases through mid-2012, including on the<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>lity of the Obama-sponsored health<br />

care law.<br />


USA Today - On Politics, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Group to decide whether Cain accuser can make<br />

statement<br />

A day after the Herman Cain controversy reached a<br />

fever pitch, the decibel level seemed to come down<br />

a notch over sexual harassment allegations made<br />

in the 1990s against the GOP presidential<br />

candidate.<br />

Developments on Thursday:<br />

1) The Natio<strong>na</strong>l Restaurant Association says it will<br />

decide tomorrow whether one of Herman Cain's<br />

accusers will be released from her confidentiality<br />

agreement.<br />

GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain says he<br />

is the victim of a smear campaign.<br />


By Carolyn Kaster, AP<br />

Joel Bennett, the woman's attorney, has been<br />

working with his client on a statement about<br />

accusations she made against Cain when he led<br />

the trade group.<br />

"Our outside counsel was contacted by Mr. Bennett<br />

today and was asked to provide a response to a<br />

proposed statement by tomorrow afternoon. We are<br />

currently reviewing the document, and we plan to<br />

respond tomorrow," Sue Hensley, senior vice<br />

president for public affairs, said in a statement.<br />

2) Texas Gov. Rick Perry said his campaign was<br />

not involved with leaking details of the harassment<br />

accusations to Politico. In an interview with CNN,<br />

Perry was adamant that he would fire someone on<br />

his staff for such behavior. "If you're passing rumors<br />

that are that heinous and that bad, you don't need<br />

to be working for me," Perry said. He stressed: "Our<br />

campaign didn't have anything to do with it."<br />

Cain's chief of staff, Mark Block, told Fox News<br />

earlier Thursday that he accepted the expla<strong>na</strong>tion<br />

of Curt Anderson, a Perry political consultant, that<br />

he had nothing to do with the Politico story.<br />

Anderson worked on Cain's unsuccessful 2004<br />

Se<strong>na</strong>te race in Georgia.<br />

"I didn't know anything about this, I didn't leak it,"<br />

Anderson said Thursday on CNN, adding that he<br />

believes Cain and his campaign are "grasping at<br />

straws" and have developed a "diversio<strong>na</strong>ry<br />

strategy."<br />

3) Cain told The Daily Caller that the news media<br />

have rushed to judgment. "That is the D.C. culture.<br />

Guilty until proven innocent," he told Ginni Thomas,<br />

wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas,<br />

who is a special correspondent to the website.<br />

On Sean Hannity's radio show, Cain decried "gutter<br />

politics." He said the controversy is "an intentio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

way to slow me down ... and put a cloud of doubt<br />

over me and my campaign,"<br />

4) Some of Cain's GOP presidential rivals are<br />

starting to speak out about the scandal.<br />

Rick Santorum told Radio Iowa that Cain's policy<br />

positions on issues such as abortion are more<br />

troublesome than the sexual harassment<br />

allegations.<br />

"If you look at his policy positions, they're all over<br />

the map, and I'm hopeful that as this situation<br />

comes to a resolution one way or another that<br />

people go back and look at his policies," the former<br />

Pennsylvania se<strong>na</strong>tor said in the interview.<br />

Newt Gingrich told CNN on Wednesday night that<br />

he finds the idea of a possible smear campaign<br />

"repulsive."<br />

"I'd want to see the evidence, but I would say if it<br />

turns out that a Republican presidential candidate<br />

deliberately went out and created this kind of a<br />

story about a fellow candidate, that they would<br />

pretty rapidly become a pariah to the rest of us and<br />

they'd fire who did it," said Gingrich, a former<br />

House speaker.<br />

5) Cain tried to go back to business as usual on the<br />

campaign trail. His campaign announced formation<br />

of an Iowa fund, with the goal of raising $999,000<br />

by Nov. 9 to help him bolster his ground game in<br />

the lead-off state.<br />

The Iowa caucuses are on Jan. 3.<br />

"As of today we are back on message and we're<br />

going to stay on message," he said on the Hannity<br />

radio show.<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - World, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Supreme Court blocks Khadr extradition to U.S.<br />

ReutersBy Randall Palmer | Reuters – Thu, Nov 3,<br />

2011<br />

OTTAWA (Reuters) - The Supreme Court of<br />

Ca<strong>na</strong>da blocked on Thursday the extradition to the<br />

United States of Abdullah Khadr, a Ca<strong>na</strong>dian<br />

wanted by Washington on terrorist charges. Khadr,<br />

30, who told CBC television before being detained<br />

in Islamabad in 2004 that every Muslim dreams of<br />

being a martyr for Islam, was accused by<br />

Washington of supplying missiles to al Qaeda in<br />

Pakistan and conspiring to murder Americans<br />

abroad. His brother Omar is in prison at<br />

Guanta<strong>na</strong>mo. The Supreme Court refused on<br />

Thursday to hear an appeal - launched on behalf of<br />

the United States - of lower court decisions that had<br />

stopped proceedings for his extradition. That brings<br />

the United States to the end of the legal road in<br />

Ca<strong>na</strong>da. The high court did not give a reason for its<br />

decision.<br />

But the Ontario court that first quashed his<br />

extradition had ruled that Khadr's human rights,<br />

including access to Ca<strong>na</strong>dian diplomatic counsel,<br />

had been unjustifiably violated after his arrest by<br />

Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate.<br />

The United States paid $500,000 to the Pakistanis<br />

to abduct him in Pakistan in October 2004. For 14<br />

months he was held secretly in that country, where<br />

he alleges he was tortured. Khadr's lawyer, Dennis<br />

Edney, said the United States presented no other<br />

evidence than that which had been obtained<br />

through Pakistani mistreatment of him. "This is a<br />

triumph for justice. Courts have shone by indicating<br />

that the rule of law and fundamental human rights<br />

are not trumped by security concerns," Edney said<br />

in a phone interview. According to documents<br />

before the Supreme Court, after the Pakistanis<br />

had exhausted Khadr as a source of anti-terrorism<br />

intelligence, they were ready to free him. But<br />

Washington insisted they hold him for another six<br />

months, while it held an investigation and started<br />

the extradition process. He was allowed to return in<br />

December 2005 to Ca<strong>na</strong>da, where he was soon<br />

arrested at the request of the United States.<br />

The Ca<strong>na</strong>dian government was the actual party that<br />

appealed the lower court decisions to the top court,<br />

acting on behalf of the United States. Khadr was<br />

freed in August 2010 after the initial court ruling that<br />

he should not be extradited. The Khadr family had<br />

close ties to Osama bin Laden, living at his<br />

compound in Afghanistan before the September 11,<br />

2001, attacks on the United States. Abdullah's<br />

father, Ahmed, was arrested in Pakistan in 1995 in<br />

connection with a bomb at the Egyptian embassy in<br />

Islamabad, then freed at Ca<strong>na</strong>da's request. He was<br />

killed in a gun battle in Pakistan in 2003. Abdullah's<br />

brother, Omar, pleaded guilty in October 2010 to a<br />

series of charges, including an admission under a<br />

plea deal that he was an al Qaeda conspirator who<br />

murdered a U.S. soldier. Under a deal agreed at his<br />

sentencing, he is eligible to be sent home to<br />

Ca<strong>na</strong>da at some point to serve his sentence.<br />

(Reporting by Randall Palmer; editing by Peter<br />

Galloway)<br />


Yahoo Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l - News, 04 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Olympus delays earnings announcement; shares<br />

plunge<br />

By Isabel Reynolds<br />

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Olympus Corp said it<br />

won't announce its quarterly earnings on November<br />

8 as expected because it needs more time after<br />

appointing an exter<strong>na</strong>l panel to look into past deals,<br />

sparking a fresh plunge in the firm's shares.<br />

A spokesman for the scandal-hit maker of cameras<br />

and endoscopes said Olympus aimed to release<br />

the July-September figures in mid to late<br />

November, and would not necessarily wait for the<br />

panel to reveal its findings.<br />

"The decision to delay is not due to any issues<br />

pointed out by exter<strong>na</strong>l parties," said the<br />

spokesman. "We simply feel it would be difficult to<br />

hold an earnings conference under the current<br />

circumstances."<br />

Olympus on Tuesday <strong>na</strong>med six men, including a<br />

former Japanese supreme court justice, to<br />

investigate past M&A deals at the core of a scandal<br />

engulfing it in a bid to stem an exodus of investors.<br />

The panel has set no deadline to complete its<br />

investigation.<br />

Listed firms in Japan are usually required to report<br />

quarterly earnings within 45 days after the end of<br />

the period. Failure to comply can result in the<br />

company being delisted.<br />

The Tokyo Stock Exchange said the usual time limit<br />

for reporting July-September earnings is November<br />

14 and approval to report any later needs to come<br />

from the government, a spokeswoman for the<br />

exchange said.<br />

Shares in Olympus dived as much as 12 percent<br />

after the news, before paring losses to end the<br />

morning down 7.3 percent at 1,113 yen.<br />

The company has lost about 60 percent of its value<br />

since it suddenly fired British CEO Michael<br />

Woodford last month, saying he failed to<br />

understand the company's ma<strong>na</strong>gement style or<br />

Japanese culture.<br />

Woodford said he was forced out for probing<br />

astronomical fees paid in the $2 billion acquisition<br />

of British medical equipment company Gyrus in<br />

2008, as well as three other acquisitions of small<br />

Japanese firms whose value had been largely<br />

written off after the purchases.<br />

The investigative panel has expressed interest in<br />

talking to Woodford.<br />

Many Japanese firms held their annual earnings<br />

announcements later than usual this year, as they<br />

scrambled to clarify the effects of the March 11<br />

earthquake. But it is unusual to put off an<br />

announcement once the date has been made<br />

public.<br />

Most a<strong>na</strong>lysts have dropped coverage of Olympus<br />

due to the lack of clarity over its past deals.<br />

(Editing by Joseph Radford and Miyoung Kim)<br />


El Argentino - Mundo, 05 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Lula da Silva, el más admirado por los congresistas<br />

brasileños<br />

Mundo / El ex presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula<br />

da Silva es más admirado por los congresistas<br />

brasileños que la actual mandataria, Dilma<br />

Rousseff, y que el también exgober<strong>na</strong>nte Fer<strong>na</strong>ndo<br />

Henrique Cardoso, según un sondeo entre<br />

legisladores divulgado hoy por el portal "Congresso<br />

em Foco".<br />

05.11.2011 | 13.35 |<br />

El ex presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.<br />

Lula (2003-2010) recibió de los diputados y<br />

se<strong>na</strong>dores u<strong>na</strong> calificación promedio de 7,25 sobre<br />

10, mientras que la nota de Rousseff fue de 6,81 y<br />

la de Cardoso (1995-2002) de 6,1.<br />

El primer líder obrero y sindicalista en llegar a la<br />

Presidencia brasileña fue bien evaluado tanto por<br />

los legisladores oficialistas como por los de la<br />

oposición, según el sondeo que el portal<br />

especializado en información legislativa le<br />

encomendó al Instituto Análisis.<br />

Lula, que se despidió del cargo con niveles récords<br />

de popularidad, fue sucedido en enero pasado por<br />

Rousseff, su apadri<strong>na</strong>da política y cuya aspiración<br />

presidencial no ape<strong>na</strong>s apoyó totalmente sino que<br />

lanzó pese a que no era compartida por todos los<br />

sectores del oficialista Partido de los Trabajadores<br />

(PT).<br />

Lula, en cuyo mandato cerca de 30 millones de<br />

perso<strong>na</strong>s salieron de la pobreza, sucedió en la<br />

jefatura del Estado brasileño a Cardoso, el<br />

sociólogo perseguido por la dictadura (1964-1985)<br />

al que se le atribuye la actual estabilidad de la<br />

economía brasileña.<br />

Ape<strong>na</strong>s Lula y Cardoso obtuvieron notas positivas<br />

tanto de los legisladores oficialistas como de los de<br />

la oposición.<br />

"Es otra demostración de que el momento es<br />

francamente favorable a Lula y a Dilma", explicó<br />

Alberto Almeida, director del Instituto Análisis, al<br />

interpretar el resultado del sondeo realizado en<br />

octubre pasado a 125 diputados y 25 se<strong>na</strong>dores<br />

escogidos proporcio<strong>na</strong>lmente a la representación<br />

de sus partidos en el Congreso.<br />

Para el a<strong>na</strong>lista político Marcio Grijó, citado por<br />

Congresso em Foco, el estudio muestra que los<br />

congresistas brasileños siguen prefiriendo a Lula<br />

que a Rousseff.<br />

"Lula siempre supo negociar más con el Congreso<br />

mientras que Rousseff tiene un perfil más técnico",<br />

según Grijó.<br />

Interrogados sobre su preferido para las elecciones<br />

presidenciales de 2014, el 73 por ciento de los<br />

legisladores sondeados prefirió no responder, un<br />

16 por ciento citó a Rousseff y un 2 por ciento al<br />

se<strong>na</strong>dor Aecio Neves, uno de los principales<br />

líderes de la oposición.<br />

Los parlamentarios también le dieron calificación a<br />

cuatro instituciones, que recibieron evaluaciones<br />

inferiores a las de Lula: la prensa recibió u<strong>na</strong> nota<br />

promedio de 6,53, el Congreso 6,5, el Gobierno<br />

6,34 y el Poder Judicial 6,34.<br />


APFDigital - Politicas, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />





– El próximo miércoles a las 11 horas la Comisión<br />

de Asuntos Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y Acuerdos continuará<br />

avanzando en el tratamiento de los pliegos que<br />

envió el Ejecutivo para cubrir cargos en el Poder<br />

Judicial • El presidente de la Comisión, Aldo<br />

Balleste<strong>na</strong>, explicó a APF los pasos que se deben<br />

dar para llegar a la instancia de aprobación de los<br />

pliegos y, en tal sentido, puso en duda la<br />

posibilidad de que “den los tiempos” para que sean<br />

aprobados por los actuales se<strong>na</strong>dores<br />

La Comisión de Asuntos Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les se<br />

reunirá el miércoles a las 11 horas en forma<br />

conjunta con la de Legislación General, indicó<br />

Balleste<strong>na</strong>, quien sostuvo que se tratarán u<strong>na</strong> serie<br />

de “temas pendientes”.<br />

En este marco, se refirió al tratamiento de los<br />

pliegos que sema<strong>na</strong>s atrás envió el Ejecutivo a la<br />

Cámara.<br />

El Se<strong>na</strong>dor dijo que “este lunes comenzamos a<br />

publicar los pliegos” y luego hay que seguir<br />

cumplimentando u<strong>na</strong> serie de pasos, tal como lo<br />

establece el artículo 19 del Reglamento de la<br />

Cámara de Se<strong>na</strong>dores.<br />

“Estamos trabajando en eso, si nos dan los tiempos<br />

lo tratará este Se<strong>na</strong>do, si no es así, lo harán los<br />

que asuman el 10 de diciembre”, manifestó<br />

Balleste<strong>na</strong> cuando esta Agencia le consultó sobre<br />

los plazos que se manejan.<br />

Cabe destacar que luego del pedido de acuerdo del<br />

Poder Ejecutivo para el nombramiento de<br />

magistrados y/o funcio<strong>na</strong>rios públicos, se deben<br />

seguir u<strong>na</strong> serie de pasos. Primero la Comisión de<br />

Asuntos Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y Acuerdos debe<br />

publicar, dentro de los treinta días hábiles de<br />

recibido el mismo, los datos filiatorios y<br />

antecedentes curriculares del candidato propuesto.<br />

La publicación deberá efectuarse en el Boletín<br />

Oficial, en los dos diarios de mayor circulación en<br />

la provincia y en la pági<strong>na</strong> web de la Cámara.<br />

Otro de los pasos tiene que ver con la “Consulta<br />

Ciudada<strong>na</strong>”. Esto es, los ciudadanos y<br />

organizaciones en general podrán ejercer el<br />

derecho a manifestarse fundadamente y por<br />

escrito, respecto de las calidades y méritos del<br />

candidato propuesto. Esto debe hacerse dentro de<br />

los diez días hábiles siguientes a la segunda<br />

publicación y ante la Comisión de Asuntos<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y Acuerdos.<br />

Luego de cumplimentadas estas estapas, el<br />

Presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y Acuerdos fijará lugar, fecha y<br />

hora para la realización de la Audiencia Pública. A<br />

la misma se citará al candidato propuesto, quien<br />

será interrogado por la Comisión.<br />

La Audiencia Pública tendrá por objeto conocer del<br />

candidato: su motivación para el cargo; forma en<br />

que desarrollará eventualmente su función; criterios<br />

que sustenta en torno a temas trascendentes de la<br />

materia correspondiente al cargo a cubrir; planes<br />

de trabajo; medidas que propone para u<strong>na</strong> función<br />

eficiente; sus valores éticos; vocación democrática<br />

y por los derechos humanos; situación patrimonial<br />

y fiscal; las consideraciones que el postulante<br />

entiende correspondan en relación a las<br />

manifestaciones contempladas en el Inciso b) del<br />

presente artículo; y todo aquello que la Comisión<br />

considere pertinente para un acabado<br />

conocimiento de las aptitudes del candidato.<br />

U<strong>na</strong> vez realizada la Audiencia Pública, la<br />

Comisión de Asuntos Constitucio<strong>na</strong>les y Acuerdos<br />

confeccio<strong>na</strong>rá un dictamen fundado, aconsejando<br />

la aprobación o rechazo del acuerdo solicitado por<br />

el Poder Ejecutivo.<br />

El pedido de acuerdo será tratado y resuelto en<br />

Sesión Pública, en la cual deberá ser oído el<br />

dictamen referido. Dicha Sesión Pública deberá<br />

fijarse con u<strong>na</strong> antelación no menor a dos días y<br />

publicarse en la pági<strong>na</strong> web de la Cámara y en un<br />

diario de circulación provincial.<br />

Si no existiere acuerdo dentro de los seis meses de<br />

presentado el pedido, las actuaciones se<br />

archivarán.<br />

• Los nombres<br />

Los nombres propuestos por el Ejecutivo son:<br />

- Dr. Martín Cabrera, para ser nombrado Defensor<br />

de Pobres y Menores N° 3 de Paraná.<br />

- Dr. Ricardo Nelson Golly, para ser nombrado<br />

Defensor de Pobres y Menores N° 2 de Paraná.<br />

- Dr. Raúl Damir Flores, para ser nombrado<br />

Defensor de Pobres y Menores de La Paz.<br />


- Dra. Noelí Gabriela Ballhorst, para ser nombrado<br />

Defensor de Pobres y Menores de Diamante.<br />

- Dr. Pablo Andrés Conti, para ser nombrado<br />

Defensor de Pobres y Menores N° 7 de la ciudad<br />

de Paraná.<br />

- Dr. Pablo Omar Pattini, para ser nombrado<br />

Defensor de Pobres y Menores N° 1 de la ciudad<br />

de Gualeguaychú.<br />

- Dra. María Alba Ojeda De Downes, para ser<br />

nombrada Jueza Civil Y Comercial N° 2 de la<br />

APFDigital - Politicas, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


ciudad de Villaguay.<br />

- Dra. Susa<strong>na</strong> María Amherdt, para ser nombrada<br />

Jueza Civil Y Comercial N° 1 de la ciudad de La<br />

Paz.<br />

(APF.Digital)<br />


Bloomberg - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Police GPS Device Use Triggers Clash Over Privacy<br />

at U.S. Supreme Court<br />

By Greg Stohr - Nov 7, 2011 3:01 AM GMT-0200<br />

Enlarge image Police GPS Device Use Triggers<br />

Privacy Clash at High Court<br />

“GPS surveillance is a critically important law<br />

enforcement tool that often may be most important<br />

in the inception of an investigation when probable<br />

cause is lacking,” argued U.S. Solicitor General<br />

Do<strong>na</strong>ld Verrilli. Photographer:Mark Wilson/Getty<br />

Images<br />

For a month in 2005, police in Washington tracked<br />

Antoine Jones’s every move -- or at least those he<br />

made in his Jeep Grand Cherokee.<br />

Using a GPS device authorities had secretly<br />

attached to the vehicle, investigators in the <strong>na</strong>tion’s<br />

capital were able to tie him to a suspected drug<br />

stash house. Jones was eventually arrested and<br />

convicted in federal court of conspiracy to distribute<br />

cocaine.<br />

The case is now before the U.S. Supreme Court,<br />

raising far- reaching questions about privacy in an<br />

age when technology gives police unprecedented<br />

power to peer into Americans’ day-to-day activities<br />

with cameras, computers and tracking devices. In<br />

arguments tomorrow, the justices will consider<br />

whether police need a search warrant before using<br />

a global-positioning system device to monitor a<br />

suspect for weeks at a time.<br />

“It’s very important because the police have begun<br />

to use technology in all sorts of investigations for all<br />

sorts of purposes,” said Chris Slobogin, a professor<br />

at Vanderbilt Law School in Nashville, Tennessee,<br />

who has written a book on the legal implications of<br />

the high-tech government surveillance methods.<br />

The case is before the court as lawmakers and<br />

privacy advocates are raising concerns that<br />

companies are collecting perso<strong>na</strong>l data from<br />

electronic devices, including mobile phones and<br />

tablet computers, for marketing purposes.<br />

Apple Data<br />

In recent months, Apple Inc. (AAPL) has denied<br />

allegations that it tracks the location of iPhone and<br />

iPad users, General Motors Co. (GM)’s OnStar<br />

vehicle-<strong>na</strong>vigation service has promised not to<br />

collect data on the driving habits of former<br />

customers and Facebook Inc. has faced<br />

accusations that it tracks users’ Internet browsing<br />

after they log out of the social-networking site.<br />

The high court case doesn’t directly affect those<br />

private- sector controversies and instead focuses<br />

on the limits placed on the government by the<br />

Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which bars<br />

unreaso<strong>na</strong>ble searches and seizures.<br />

The Supreme Court in 1983 upheld the use of a<br />

beeper placed on a car to track a suspect during a<br />

single trip. The newest question is whether police<br />

need a warrant to use GPS devices continuously<br />

over longer periods. Lower courts are divided on<br />

the issue, with the federal appeals court in Jones’s<br />

case overturning his conviction.<br />

Privacy advocates say a ruling in favor of the police<br />

would open a dangerous new chapter in<br />

government surveillance of ordi<strong>na</strong>ry citizens. Unlike<br />

with the beeper, which required an officer to follow<br />

the suspect’s car to pick up the sig<strong>na</strong>ls being<br />

emitted, GPS devices allow monitoring with very<br />

little police effort, says Marc Rotenberg, executive<br />

director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center<br />

in Washington.<br />

‘More Effective’<br />

“With GPS tracking, you can have a computer<br />

monitor with 100 cars under surveillance being<br />

viewed by a single officer with a cup of coffee,” said<br />

Rotenberg, whose group is siding with Jones in the<br />

case. “That can’t be permissible.”<br />

The efficiency of GPS tracking is also an argument<br />

in its favor, said Anthony Barkow, executive director<br />

of the Center on the Administration of Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Law<br />

at New York University School of Law. His office<br />

filed a brief urging the court to rule that officers<br />

didn’t need a warrant in the Jones case.<br />

GPS tracking “is both less costly and more<br />

effective” than other investigation methods, said<br />

Barkow, a former federal prosecutor. The case “has<br />

tremendous implications in a world of limited<br />

budgets and budget crises.”<br />

Easier Tracking<br />

Tracking may become even easier as more<br />

vehicles come pre- equipped with GPS technology.<br />

In the Jones case, officers not only had to attach<br />

the device to the vehicle, they had to return to<br />

replace the battery.<br />

Jones, now 51, was a Maryland resident who<br />

owned a nightclub in Washington where<br />

prosecutors say he ran a <strong>na</strong>rcotics trafficking<br />


organization. The GPS device, placed in the car<br />

while it was in a Maryland parking lot, was one<br />

facet of an investigation by local and federal<br />

authorities that also included visual surveillance<br />

and a wiretap on Jones’s mobile phone. Jones is<br />

serving a life sentence.<br />

The Obama administration is urging the high court<br />

not to require a warrant for GPS use, calling it a<br />

“minimally intrusive” step that yields important<br />

results in drug and terrorism cases. To obtain a<br />

warrant, officers must show a judge that they have<br />

“probable cause” to believe the search will lead to<br />

evidence of a crime.<br />

“GPS surveillance is a critically important law<br />

enforcement tool that often may be most important<br />

in the inception of an investigation when probable<br />

cause is lacking,” argued U.S. Solicitor General<br />

Do<strong>na</strong>ld Verrilli, the administration’s top Supreme<br />

Court advocate.<br />

Traditio<strong>na</strong>l Investigation<br />

The government also argues that GPS tracking<br />

provides no more information than what police<br />

could have obtained through more traditio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

means.<br />

“If they had unlimited resources, they would have<br />

been able to accomplish the same thing,” Barkow<br />

said. “It shouldn’t be unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l just because<br />

they’re doing it with a device.”<br />

In a 1967 case, the Supreme Court said the Fourth<br />

Amendment doesn’t shield information that a<br />

person “knowingly exposes to the public.”<br />

Jones’s lawyers say GPS devices can show a<br />

pattern of movement that officers might not detect<br />

through visual observation. In throwing out the<br />

conviction, a federal appeals court in Washington<br />

agreed with that reasoning.<br />

Bloomberg - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


“The whole of one’s movements over the course of<br />

a month” indicates “far more than the individual<br />

movements it comprises,” the panel ruled. “The<br />

difference is not one of degree but of kind, for no<br />

single journey reveals the habits and patterns that<br />

mark the distinction between a day in the life and a<br />

way of life.”<br />

The case is United States v. Jones, 10-1259.<br />

To contact the reporter on this story: Greg Stohr in<br />

Washington at gstohr@bloomberg.net.<br />

To contact the editor responsible for this story:<br />

Mark Silva at msilva34@bloomberg.net.<br />


Bloomberg - Politics, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Passport Clash Over Jerusalem at High Court May<br />

Shape Foreign Policy Power<br />

The U.S. Supreme Court debated whether an<br />

American boy’s passport should list his birthplace<br />

as Jerusalem or Israel in a case that may redefine<br />

the foreign- policy roles of the president and<br />

Congress.<br />

The hour-long argument session stemmed from a<br />

request by the 9-year-old’s parents to have his<br />

passport list Israel even though the State<br />

Department’s longstanding policy has been to<br />

desig<strong>na</strong>te Jerusalem as the place of birth in such<br />

cases. The U.S. doesn’t take a position in the<br />

inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l dispute over the city’s status.<br />

The parents, Ari and Naomi Zivotofsky, point to a<br />

2002 statute that would give passport holders or<br />

their parents the option of using Israel as the<br />

desig<strong>na</strong>tion. The law has sparked a constitutio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

clash, with the Obama administration contending<br />

that Congress is infringing on the president’s<br />

exclusive power to recognize foreign sovereigns<br />

and determine their territorial boundaries.<br />

“This is an area in which the executive’s got to<br />

make the judgment because it’s of paramount<br />

importance that the <strong>na</strong>tion speak with one voice,”<br />

argued U.S. Solicitor General Do<strong>na</strong>ld Verrilli,<br />

President Barack Obama’s top high court advocate.<br />

Several of the justices suggested they were of<br />

mixed minds, aiming skeptical questions at both<br />

sides. Justice Antonin Scalia said that the<br />

president’s leading role in shaping foreign policy<br />

didn’t necessarily exclude Congress altogether.<br />

’Sole Instrument’<br />

“Our cases say repeatedly that the president is the<br />

sole instrument of the United States for the conduct<br />

of foreign policy, but to be the sole instrument and<br />

to determine the foreign policy are two quite<br />

different things,” Scalia said.<br />

Justice Stephen Breyer said he could think of “very,<br />

very few cases” in which the court had said a<br />

president could act contrary to a statute.<br />

The Zivotofsky family’s lawyer, Nathan Lewin,<br />

argued that any presidential interest in the<br />

place-of-birth desig<strong>na</strong>tion was a “trivial” one.<br />

“All that happens with this statute is that 50,000<br />

American citizens have the same passport as<br />

100,000 other American citizens who were born in<br />

Tel Aviv or Haifa,” Lewin argued. The child at issue<br />

in the case, Me<strong>na</strong>chem Binyamin Zivotofsky, was<br />

born in 2002.<br />

Chief Justice John Roberts questioned whether the<br />

court should second-guess the president’s<br />

conclusion that a particular passport desig<strong>na</strong>tion<br />

would cause a political backlash.<br />

He said the court in effect would be telling the<br />

president, “We know foreign policy better. We don’t<br />

think it’s going to be a big deal.”<br />

The case is Zivotofsky v. Clinton, 10-699.<br />


Bloomberg - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Suprema Corte<br />

Life Sentences for Juveniles Will Be Subject to U.S.<br />

Supreme Court Review<br />

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to decide<br />

whether 14-year-olds convicted of taking part in a<br />

murder can be sentenced to life in prison without<br />

the possibility of parole.<br />

Less than a year and a half after ruling that such<br />

sentences are unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l for youths convicted<br />

of a crime other than murder, the justices today<br />

accepted two inmate appeals that would extend<br />

that conclusion to homicide cases, at least for<br />

children 14 and under. The disputes will test the<br />

reach of the constitutio<strong>na</strong>l ban on cruel and unusual<br />

punishments.<br />

In one case, the high court will hear an appeal from<br />

Evan Miller, who was 14 at the time he killed his<br />

neighbor, Cole Cannon, in Lawrence County,<br />

Alabama, in 2003.<br />

Prosecutors said Miller and an accomplice robbed<br />

and beat Cannon before setting his trailer on fire<br />

and killing him in the process.<br />

Miller’s lawyers said in his appeal that he is one of<br />

73 people in 18 states to have received such a<br />

sentence for a crime committed at the age of 14 or<br />

younger.<br />

The second case concerns Kuntrell Jackson, who<br />

was convicted for his role in the 1999 shooting<br />

death of a video- store clerk during a robbery in<br />

Blytheville, Arkansas.<br />

Jackson, who had turned 14 less than a month<br />

earlier, says that he served only as the lookout in<br />

the attempted heist and that another boy fired the<br />

fatal shot.<br />

In both cases, state courts upheld sentences of life<br />

without the possibility of parole.<br />

The cases are Miller v. Alabama, 10-9646, and<br />

Jackson v. Hobbs, 10-9647.<br />


Correo Del Orinoco - Multipolaridad, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia<br />

Costa Rica reforzará presencia policial en frontera con<br />

Nicaragua<br />

Anunció Ministerio de Seguridad Pública Costa<br />

Rica reforzará presencia policial en frontera con<br />

Nicaragua<br />

6 noviembre 2011 | Haga un comentario<br />

El gobierno costarricense construirá cinco<br />

destacamentos policiales que estarán ubicados<br />

frente al río limítrofe San Juan, en las proximidades<br />

de u<strong>na</strong> ruta de 120km de longitud que se construye<br />

paralela a la vía fluvial<br />

El gobierno de Costa Rica construirá cinco<br />

destacamentos policiales a lo largo de la frontera<br />

con Nicaragua, país con el que mantiene un litigio<br />

limítrofe ante la Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia<br />

con sede en La Haya, anunciaron este domingo<br />

fuentes oficiales.<br />

Los puestos estarán ubicados frente al río<br />

limítrofe San Juan, en las proximidades de u<strong>na</strong><br />

ruta de 120km de longitud que se construye<br />

paralela a la vía fluvial, señalaron autoridades del<br />

Ministerio de Seguridad Pública, según reportó la<br />

agencia de noticias DPA.<br />

El ministro de Seguridad Pública, Mario<br />

Zamora, explicó que los destacamentos serán<br />

ocupados por al menos 40 efectivos y que uno<br />

de ellos será fi<strong>na</strong>nciado por Estados Unidos.<br />

Costa Rica acusó a Nicaragua de haber invadido<br />

hace un año el sector fronterizo de isla Calero-isla<br />

Portillos, territorio ahora en disputa ante el tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

con sede en La Haya.<br />

Desde entonces, las relaciones entre los dos<br />

países se mantienen en el más bajo nivel de los<br />

últimos 30 años.<br />

A raíz del conflicto fronterizo, el gobierno de la<br />

presidenta Laura Chinchilla ordenó realizar u<strong>na</strong><br />

serie de inversiones en la zo<strong>na</strong>, por muchos años<br />

aislada del resto del país.<br />

Fuente/Agencias<br />


Nación.cl - Tribu<strong>na</strong>les, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Suprema descarta que libertad a mayor (r) Cereceda<br />

pueda ser revertida<br />

Milton Juica, presidente del máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l, niega<br />

que el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l pueda modificar la<br />

resolución que benefició al acusado por cuasi delito<br />

de homicidio por la muerte de 45 soldados en los<br />

faldeos del volcán Antuco en mayo de 2005. Lunes<br />

7 de noviembre de 2011| por UPI - foto: Archivo<br />

El presidente de la Corte Suprema, Milton Juica,<br />

descartó que la libertad condicio<strong>na</strong>l concedida<br />

por la justicia al retirado mayor Patricio Cereceda,<br />

pueda ser modificada.<br />

Esto frente a la solicitud planteada por familiares<br />

de las víctimas de Antuco, quienes recurrieron<br />

al Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l (TC) para pedirle a<br />

esta instancia que declare la i<strong>na</strong>plicabilidad de la<br />

normativa utilizada por el máximo tribu<strong>na</strong>l que<br />

acogió el recurso de protección presentado por<br />

Cereceda contra el ministerio de Justicia,<br />

concediéndole el beneficio.<br />

“No hay u<strong>na</strong> acción especial contra sentencia<br />

de los tribu<strong>na</strong>les de justicia. El Tribu<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l no tiene competencia para<br />

revisar lo fallado por los tribu<strong>na</strong>les de justicia”,<br />

dijo el magistrado.<br />

El representante del Poder Judicial fue claro al<br />

advertir que “hasta ahora, a menos que se haya<br />

modificado la ley en las últimas 24 horas,<br />

entiendo que el Tribu<strong>na</strong>l Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l no tiene<br />

competencia para conocer los fallos judiciales”.<br />


Reuters General - Article, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Supreme Court to decide juveniles' life sentence<br />

Credit: Reuters/Larry Downing<br />

WASHINGTON | Mon Nov 7, 2011 12:07pm EST<br />

(Reuters) - The Supreme Court said on Monday it<br />

would decide the constitutio<strong>na</strong>lity of sentencing<br />

juveniles to life in prison without parole for murder.<br />

The <strong>na</strong>tion's high court agreed to hear a pair of<br />

Alabama cases and decide whether life<br />

imprisonment in such cases violated the<br />

Constitution's ban on cruel and unusual punishment<br />

under the Eighth Amendment.<br />

The justices agreed to examine a question left open<br />

in their ruling last year that declared<br />

unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l sentences for juveniles of life in<br />

prison without parole for crimes other than murder.<br />

The court in 2005 abolished the death pe<strong>na</strong>lty for<br />

juveniles. The classification covers all those under<br />

age 18.<br />

Evan Miller and Kuntrell Jackson are serving<br />

sentences of life in prison for murders committed<br />

when they were 14 years old. They are among the<br />

73 inmates <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>lly serving such a sentence for<br />

murders committed at age 14, their lawyers said.<br />

There were no statistics available for the total<br />

number of juveniles serving such sentences in the<br />

United States for murder.<br />

Nationwide, juvenile sentencing trends in recent<br />

years have reflected get-tough efforts by states that<br />

have abolished parole and prosecuted juveniles in<br />

the regular crimi<strong>na</strong>l justice system for especially<br />

heinous crimes such as murder.<br />

The Supreme Court will hear arguments in the two<br />

cases early next year, with a decision likely by the<br />

end of June.<br />

The Supreme Court cases are Evan Miller v.<br />

Alabama, No. 10-9646, and Kuntrell Jackson v.<br />

Hobbs, No. 10-9647.<br />

(Reporting by James Vicini; Editing by Peter<br />

Cooney)<br />


USA Today - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


States' grandparent visitation laws raise concern<br />

HARTFORD, Conn. – Increasingly, a wrenching<br />

dispute is playing out in courts <strong>na</strong>tionwide:<br />

balancing parents' constitutio<strong>na</strong>l rights to raise their<br />

children without interference against grandparents'<br />

desire to be involved in those youngsters' lives.<br />

Now, a growing number of grandparents are<br />

pushing lawmakers around the country to change<br />

state standards they say are too restrictive and<br />

ignore the unique bonds many grandparents have<br />

with their grandchildren.<br />

Now, a growing number of grandparents are<br />

pushing lawmakers around the country to change<br />

state standards they say are too restrictive and<br />

ignore the unique bonds many grandparents have<br />

with their grandchildren.<br />

Now, a growing number of grandparents are<br />

pushing lawmakers around the country to change<br />

state standards they say are too restrictive and<br />

ignore the unique bonds many grandparents have<br />

with their grandchildren.<br />

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to decide this<br />

winter whether it will revisit the issue, which it<br />

addressed 11 years ago in a landmark case out of<br />

Washington state that makes competent parents'<br />

wishes the guiding principle in most disputes.<br />

Although all state laws must meet that constitutio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

threshold, their efforts have resulted in a patchwork<br />

of state court rulings and legislation. They now<br />

impose such a variety of conditions that the parties'<br />

home states can affect the cases almost as much<br />

as the specifics.<br />

Connecticut has become a battleground state in the<br />

issue for two reasons: its protections for parents are<br />

among the <strong>na</strong>tion's strictest and many of its<br />

grandparents are very vocal in their push to change<br />

it.<br />

A task force will advise the General Assembly this<br />

winter on whether to change state law to give<br />

grandparents more chance to get into court to<br />

argue their cases.<br />

"Right now it's the luck of the draw if you're some<br />

poor family stuck in a state that doesn't stand<br />

behind that grandparent-grandchild bond and<br />

attachment," said Susan Hoffman, 59. She founded<br />

Advocates for Grandparent Grandchild Connection<br />

after losing her California petition for visitation when<br />

her adult son signed away parenting rights to her<br />

grandson.<br />

The growing movement among grandparents'<br />

groups has alarmed many parents and their<br />

advocacy groups <strong>na</strong>tionwide, including organizers<br />

and participants on the parentsrights.com website.<br />

Many say they are being pilloried by those who<br />

wrongly accept stereotypes that all grandparents<br />

are loving and supportive. And they say they're<br />

being drained fi<strong>na</strong>ncially to defend parenting rights<br />

the Supreme Court has already upheld.<br />

Polly Tavernia, 41, said her New York case cost her<br />

family almost $10,000 even though her estranged<br />

mother's petition was eventually dismissed.<br />

"It was one of the worst things I've ever been<br />

through," she said. "It's honestly just horrible to<br />

have to worry about someone else making those<br />

decisions for you, especially when they don't know<br />

the whole story."<br />

All 50 states have laws governing the conditions for<br />

non-parent third parties seeking visitation, but it<br />

was only in 2000 that the U.S. Supreme Court's<br />

ruling said none of those laws can infringe on the<br />

rights of competent parents.<br />

That includes determining who can spend time with<br />

their children, with courts stepping in to order<br />

non-parent visitation only under tight circumstances<br />

deemed in the child's best interest.<br />

That's where state laws and court rulings have<br />

evolved to include conditions that vary widely from<br />

one state to the next. The circumstances also vary,<br />

from intact two-parent families being sued by<br />

grandparents to situations stemming from thorny<br />

divorces and remarriages, disputes with one parent<br />

after another dies, and other cases.<br />

In some states, grandparents can sue for visitation<br />

only if they have been completely cut off by<br />

custodial parents. In others, they must show their<br />

relationship with the grandchild was similar to that<br />

of a parent. In yet others, they must prove with<br />

"clear and convincing evidence" that the child will<br />

suffer irreversible harm without the visits.<br />

And while some states have a combi<strong>na</strong>tion of those<br />

standards, others have very few and give<br />

grandparents far more latitude to present their<br />

cases.<br />

That can include deposing their adult children,<br />

seeking the parents' medical and fi<strong>na</strong>ncial records<br />

and other time-consuming actions. And some state<br />


courts have ruled that even if the grandparents<br />

lose, the parents can't get their legal bills<br />

reimbursed.<br />

Connecticut is not the only state struggling with the<br />

issue. In June, Alabama's state Supreme Court<br />

struck down its law as unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>l because it<br />

included grandparent visitation rights over<br />

competent parents' objections.<br />

Attorneys in the case have asked the U.S.<br />

Supreme Court to take up the issue, backed by<br />

officials in Ohio, Hawaii, Louisia<strong>na</strong>, Michigan and<br />

Washington.<br />

Connecticut, Florida and Arizo<strong>na</strong> are considered<br />

among the most parent-friendly based on their laws<br />

or court precedents. Others are considered more<br />

grandparent-friendly, including Utah, Kansas and<br />

Oklahoma.<br />

For parents and grandparents facing challenges in<br />

"unfriendly" states, the stress of family<br />

disagreements can be magnified by expensive<br />

court proceedings.<br />

LoriAnn Levanto, 43, a social worker from Norwich,<br />

Conn., lost her effort to get court-ordered visitation<br />

with her grandson after her adult son decided not to<br />

be involved in the boy's life and the boy's mother<br />

remarried and moved away.<br />

Her grandson is now 4 years old and, in the two<br />

years since she has seen him, Levanto has<br />

maintained a jour<strong>na</strong>l she hopes he will want when<br />

he is 18.<br />

"What's difficult is that many of us grandparents<br />

aren't asking for custody, just visitation," she said. "I<br />

think the court systems are afraid to open that door,<br />

even a little bit, toward grandparents."<br />

The possibility of that door being opened too far<br />

alarms many parents, though, particularly those<br />

who say they want to shield their own young<br />

children from grandparents who have broken<br />

boundaries and trust.<br />

Erin Bay, 33, and her husband drive about 90<br />

minutes from their Missouri home to Kansas, where<br />

they previously lived, for proceedings in a case<br />

involving her parents' request for court-ordered<br />

visitation with the Bays' five children.<br />

If she'd moved before the case was filed, Missouri's<br />

standards are so different that it likely would have<br />

been dismissed by now — but Kansas allows far<br />

more latitude for grandparents than Missouri.<br />

Bay said she and her husband denied<br />

USA Today - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


unsupervised visits because of several serious<br />

concerns, especially not wanting their children<br />

being around a family member she says sexually<br />

abused her.<br />

"There are very real assumptions on the part of<br />

society about parents who are involved in this kind<br />

of litigation. It feels like our fitness has already been<br />

decided by the public because we've been sued by<br />

our parents or in-laws, and that's really<br />

disheartening," Bay said.<br />

One thing that all sides agree on: The court process<br />

is wrenching.<br />

Karen Wyle, an attorney in Bloomington, Ind., who<br />

works with parents in such cases, said the<br />

grandchildren are the ultimate victims.<br />

"They're in an emotio<strong>na</strong>l crossfire," she said. "The<br />

courthouse doors should have written on them,<br />

'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.' Litigation is<br />

not going to heal these families — quite the<br />

reverse."<br />

———<br />

Online:<br />

http://www.parentsrights.net/<br />

http://www.grandparentchildconnect.org/<br />


USA Today - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Supreme Court wrestles with sticky Jerusalem<br />

passport case<br />

By Joan Biskupic, USA TODAY<br />

Updated 1h 14m ago<br />

Reprints & Permissions<br />

WASHINGTON – In a dispute that evokes<br />

Arab-Israeli tensions and important divisions of<br />

federal power, Supreme Court justices voiced<br />

doubt Monday that Congress could override the<br />

president and require U.S. passports of children<br />

born in Jerusalem to list the place of birth as Israel.<br />

For more than six decades, since the 1948 creation<br />

of the state of Israel, the U.S. government has<br />

declined to recognize any country as having<br />

sovereignty over Jerusalem. State Department<br />

policy dictates that the passports of children of<br />

American citizens born in Jerusalem say only<br />

"Jerusalem" for place of birth.<br />

Justice Department lawyers say accepting<br />

Jerusalem as the sovereign territory of Israel "would<br />

critically compromise the ability of the United States<br />

to work with Israelis, Palestinians and others in the<br />

region to further the peace process."<br />

The legal case began when Congress, as part of a<br />

larger foreign relations measure, in 2002 directed<br />

the secretary of State to record Israel as a place of<br />

birth if a citizen or his guardian wants it. Soon after,<br />

the American parents of Me<strong>na</strong>chem Binyamin<br />

Zivotofsky, born on Oct. 17, 2002, in Jerusalem,<br />

sought to have Israel indicated on his U.S.<br />

passport.<br />

State Department officials refused, based on<br />

long-standing policy, and the parents sued on their<br />

son's behalf. Lower federal court judges rejected<br />

the claim on grounds that it was a "political<br />

question" over which they lacked authority.<br />

Taking up an appeal from the boy and his parents<br />

Monday, several justices seemed ready to side with<br />

the Obama administration that Congress was<br />

treading on executive power when it sought the<br />

"Israel" desig<strong>na</strong>tion on passports. (President Bush<br />

had signed the sweeping foreign-relations<br />

authorization act that contained the disputed<br />

passport provision, but he issued a statement<br />

saying the provision "interferes with the president's<br />

constitutio<strong>na</strong>l authority to conduct the <strong>na</strong>tion's<br />

foreign affairs.")<br />

Justice Sonia Sotomayor suggested Congress was<br />

"hobbling the president" on foreign policy. Justice<br />

Anthony Kennedy said the lawyer for Me<strong>na</strong>chem,<br />

now 9 years old, was arguing for a "crabbed<br />

interpretation" of the president's foreign affairs<br />

power.<br />

Justice Kennedy separately told U.S. Solicitor<br />

General Do<strong>na</strong>ld Verrilli, "It's always awkward for us<br />

to tell counsel what's in their best interests, but it<br />

does seem to me that your position would be much<br />

ber if you said there is jurisdiction (for the court)<br />

and the president wins."<br />

Verrilli asked the justices not to intervene in the<br />

"political" matter but alter<strong>na</strong>tively the court could<br />

find that Congress unconstitutio<strong>na</strong>lly encroached on<br />

the president's authority. Verrilli said the president<br />

has the exclusive power to recognize foreign<br />

sovereigns and the related content of passports.<br />

"I do think that this is an area in which the<br />

executive's got to make the judgment, because it's<br />

of paramount importance that the <strong>na</strong>tion speak with<br />

one voice," he told the justices.<br />

Washington lawyer Nathan Lewin, representing the<br />

Zivotofsky family, stressed that Congress had used<br />

in the 2002 provision its power over passports,<br />

which flows from congressio<strong>na</strong>l authority on<br />

immigration matters.<br />

"Congress has decided that saying 'Israel' alone<br />

does not present a foreign policy issue," Lewin said,<br />

and emphasized that the law "is, on its face, a<br />

passport statute."<br />

Justice Ele<strong>na</strong> Kagan challenged Lewin, saying, "It's<br />

a passport statute that seems to have nothing to do<br />

with the immigration functions that passport<br />

statutes usually serve. It seems to have everything<br />

to do with Congress' declaration of a foreign policy."<br />

A related exchange between Kagan and Lewin<br />

produced a rare moment of levity in the courtroom.<br />

Kagan told Lewin: "I think you would have a better<br />

argument if this statute said if you were born in<br />

Jerusalem you can pick anything you want in your<br />

passport. You can pick Jerusalem, you can pick<br />

Israel, or you can pick Palestine. But the statute in<br />

fact doesn't say that. It says you can pick Israel."<br />

Lewin responded: "The statute does say that the<br />

individual passport holder … if he's born before<br />

1948, he can say Palestine."<br />

That led Kagan, born in 1960 and 51 years old, to<br />


say, "Well, you have to be very old to say<br />

Palestine."<br />

To which Ginsburg, born in 1933 and age 78,<br />

interjected, "Not all that old." The justices and<br />

spectators erupted in laughter.<br />

A ruling on Zivotofsky v. Clinton is likely by the end<br />

USA Today - News, 07 de Novembro de 2011<br />


of June, when the justices recess for the summer.<br />


El Peruano - Noticia, 08 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Hay que reestructurar el Poder Judicial<br />

César Sandoval Nizama Abogado<br />

El artículo 138 de la vigente Constitución Política<br />

de 1993 establece: "La potestad de administrar<br />

justicia ema<strong>na</strong> del pueblo y se ejerce por el Poder<br />

Judicial a través de sus órganos jerárquicos con<br />

arreglo a la Constitución y las leyes", pero hasta<br />

el momento se trata de un principio teórico rector.<br />

Administrar justicia, es "decir el derecho", es dar a<br />

"cada uno lo suyo", manifestación que corresponde<br />

a la autoridad investida del "poder jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l"<br />

conocida como "magistrado" (juez, vocal supremo,<br />

vocal superior, etcétera), que según su<br />

especialidad decidirá en materia civil, pe<strong>na</strong>l,<br />

laboral, agraria, de familia, etcétera. Desde luego,<br />

según el objeto de la pretensión, dentro de un<br />

debido proceso y tutela jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l efectiva.<br />

El Estado, dentro de sus funciones, debe resolver<br />

los conflictos suscitados entre los ciudadanos y<br />

sancio<strong>na</strong>r a quienes falten o perturben las reglas<br />

establecidas y aceptadas por la sociedad<br />

democrática.<br />

El hombre, por ser creativo, es un animal productor<br />

de desorden. El hombre inventa, recrea las cosas e<br />

introduce cambios en el orden <strong>na</strong>tural bajo cuya<br />

situación, de algu<strong>na</strong> manera, desorganiza o<br />

desorde<strong>na</strong> la <strong>na</strong>turaleza. Pero el hombre, por vivir<br />

en sociedad, necesita de orden para subsistir y<br />

estas circunstancias dan lugar a los avances de la<br />

humanidad. Para mantener este orden existen<br />

reglas y regulaciones.<br />

La sociedad moder<strong>na</strong> está basada en el conflicto<br />

de intereses individuales. Sin embargo, en la<br />

realidad, los justiciables, miembros de la sociedad<br />

civil, no ven que la justicia ema<strong>na</strong> del pueblo sino<br />

del "magistrado", rentado por el Estado, sin<br />

ningu<strong>na</strong> vinculación con el pueblo, aplicando u<strong>na</strong><br />

legislación i<strong>na</strong>decuada constituida por códigos con<br />

apéndices de leyes modificatorias que resultan<br />

siendo mucho más amplias que el propio código y<br />

dentro de este "bosque legislativo" el "magistrado"<br />

pierde de vista el espíritu origi<strong>na</strong>rio de la ley. Esto<br />

constituye un grave problema para la<br />

administración de justicia y, ante la sociedad civil,<br />

el Poder Judicial aparece "maniatado" e ineficaz,<br />

brindando un servicio evidentemente pobre. Como<br />

no funcio<strong>na</strong> a cabalidad, ante la sociedad ha<br />

perdido credibilidad y confianza, a lo cual se suma<br />

la mano del "poder corruptor" (delincuencia<br />

organizada, <strong>na</strong>rcotráfico, etcétera), por lo que el<br />

desencanto con la actuación del Poder Judicial es<br />

mucho mayor, tanto en los asuntos patrimoniales<br />

como en los asuntos de orden pe<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

Hay u<strong>na</strong> gran insatisfacción ciudada<strong>na</strong> en la lucha<br />

contra la delincuencia. La Policía captura a diario a<br />

avezados delincuentes y cuando pasan al ámbito<br />

judicial, obtienen libertad sin mayor problema; en<br />

otros casos, no se capturan y, de algu<strong>na</strong> manera,<br />

eluden a la justicia; en otros casos, los procesados<br />

no son juzgados a tiempo y obtienen libertad por la<br />

figura de la prescripción; o también son liberados<br />

por falta de pruebas.<br />

Por eso, en la ciudadanía y con mayor énfasis en<br />

los sectores populares, la divergencia con el<br />

sistema formal de la administración de justicia<br />

(Poder Judicial) es manifiesta. Es tiempo de<br />

reconocer que el Poder Judicial está en<br />

decadencia por el envejecimiento del sistema y las<br />

formalidades decadentes.<br />

No es posible que los magistrados de los niveles<br />

de abajo estén obligados a conocer asuntos de<br />

orden civil, pe<strong>na</strong>l, familiar, etcétera, y lo que es<br />

más grave atiendan en ambientes desorde<strong>na</strong>dos,<br />

llenos de expedientes, sin siquiera poder<br />

desplazarse normalmente dentro de su área de<br />

trabajo. Visitemos cualquier juzgado instalado en<br />

uno de los distritos de Lima. Se me ocurre señalar<br />

el Módulo Judicial de La Moli<strong>na</strong>-Cieneguilla, allí sus<br />

ambientes son almacenes de expedientes, hay un<br />

innecesario retardo en cada proceso, los escritos<br />

se proveen fuera de los plazos legales, el área de<br />

notificaciones trunca las diligencias, etcétera. En<br />

los niveles judiciales superiores, donde predomi<strong>na</strong><br />

la veneración y el ruego, tampoco se escapan de la<br />

congestión de expedientes y allí también hay<br />

retardo para dar la ansiada justicia.<br />

Si la administración de justicia constituye uno de<br />

los pilares importantes del sistema democrático y<br />

de armonía social, los justiciables deben ser<br />

atendidos en forma oportu<strong>na</strong> y eficaz con dicho<br />

servicio. Cuando esto no ocurre, se ocasio<strong>na</strong>n<br />

desequilibrios muy graves para ciertos niveles de la<br />

población, entonces, este mundo margi<strong>na</strong>do de la<br />

justicia puede buscar u<strong>na</strong> solución en la agitación o<br />

en la violencia, lo que debe prevenirse.<br />

En conclusión, hay que reconocer que el Poder<br />

Judicial está en decadencia por el envejecimiento<br />

del sistema y las formalidades decadentes, por eso<br />


hay que redefinirlo y reestructurarlo para brindar un<br />

servicio eficaz al ciudadano de a pie y de a caballo;<br />

y, fundamentalmente, en esta redefinición, el<br />

Estado debe propender a un garantismo social,<br />

para garantizar la participación de cada uno de los<br />

El Peruano - Noticia, 08 de Novembro de 2011<br />


ciudadanos en la formación de la voluntad social y<br />

en el control de la gestión administrativa y de<br />

gobierno, priorizando en ello la atención en el<br />

servicio de la administración de justicia.<br />


Luz Gonzáles<br />

El Universal - Nación, 08 de Novembro de 2011<br />


CJF podrá revisar las cuentas de juzgadores<br />

El Consejo de la Judicatura Federal (CJF) firmó un<br />

convenio de colaboración con la Comisión Nacio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV) para establecer un<br />

procedimiento eficiente para la petición y entrega<br />

de información y documentación sobre cuentas<br />

bancarias de los servidores públicos del Poder<br />

Judicial de la Federación.<br />

Mediante este convenio, la Judicatura podrá<br />

solicitar información relacio<strong>na</strong>da con las cuentas<br />

bancarias, contratos de inversiones y operaciones<br />

fi<strong>na</strong>ncieras de los jueces de Distrito y magistrados<br />

de Circuito, en su carácter de clientes y usuarios de<br />

instituciones de crédito.<br />

La medida, que también incluye a los servidores<br />

públicos adscritos a órganos jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>les y<br />

administrativos del propio Consejo de la Judicatura<br />

Federal, tiene como objetivo que la CNBV agilice la<br />

atención de los requerimientos de información que<br />

se le hagan en este rubro, con pleno respeto al<br />

secreto bancario, informó la Judicatura.<br />

“Medida rigurosa”<br />

En el convenio se establecieron los requisitos y<br />

formalidades que debe cubrir el Consejo para<br />

solicitar y obtener información bancaria de alguno<br />

de los servidores públicos del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación.<br />

El documento fue suscrito el 4 de noviembre<br />

pasado por el consejero Jorge Efraín Moreno<br />

Collado, presidente de la Comisión de Vigilancia,<br />

Información y Evaluación del CJF, por el contralor<br />

del Poder Judicial de la Federación, Jaime<br />

Contreras Jaramillo, y el presidente de la CNBV,<br />

Guillermo Enrique Babatz Torres.<br />

Según el consejo, "la firma de este instrumento<br />

forma parte de u<strong>na</strong> serie de medidas más rigurosas<br />

que ha puesto en marcha el Consejo de la<br />

Judicatura para la fiscalización del patrimonio de<br />

los funcio<strong>na</strong>rios del Poder Judicial de la<br />

Federación" .<br />

Entre esas medidas se encuentra el Acuerdo<br />

General 10/2011 en el que se establecieron u<strong>na</strong><br />

serie de lineamientos con base en los cuales se<br />

busca detectar, prevenir y denunciar a tiempo<br />

conductas irregulares, precisó el CJF, órgano de<br />

administración, vigilancia y discipli<strong>na</strong> del Poder<br />

Judicial de la Federación.<br />

Dicho acuerdo permite la revisión del patrimonio<br />

del funcio<strong>na</strong>rio de menor rango hasta el de los<br />

propios consejeros de la Judicatura y del ministro<br />

presidente del Consejo de la Judicatura Federal y<br />

de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación.<br />


El Argentino - Sociedad, 09 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

Polémica por la prohibición de do<strong>na</strong>r sangre a<br />

homosexuales<br />

Sociedad / En el Día Nacio<strong>na</strong>l del Do<strong>na</strong>nte,<br />

agrupaciones por los derechos de minorías<br />

sexuales reclamaron, en diálogo con<br />

ElArgentino.com, ser incluídos en esa práctica<br />

solidaria a la que no pueden acceder por ser<br />

considerados "grupo de riesgo".<br />

09.11.2011 | 13.57<br />

Do<strong>na</strong>ción de sangre: hay perso<strong>na</strong>s excluidas<br />

Por Pablo Méndez Shiff<br />

@pableshiff<br />

Hoy se conmemora el Día Nacio<strong>na</strong>l del Do<strong>na</strong>nte de<br />

Sangre en la Argenti<strong>na</strong> y hay perso<strong>na</strong>s que no<br />

pueden acceder a esta práctica solidaria. Son los<br />

que pertenecen a los denomi<strong>na</strong>dos “grupos de<br />

riesgo”, que por tal condición están excluidos de<br />

esa posibilidad.<br />

“Hay un formulario definido en u<strong>na</strong> resolución del<br />

Ministerio de Salud en el cual se les pregunta a las<br />

perso<strong>na</strong>s cuál es su orientación sexual. Esto es<br />

u<strong>na</strong> violación del derecho a la intimidad, que es un<br />

derecho constitucio<strong>na</strong>l”, señaló Esteban Paulón,<br />

presidente de la Federación Argenti<strong>na</strong> de<br />

Lesbia<strong>na</strong>s, Gays, Bisexuales y Trans (FALGBT), en<br />

diálogo con ElArgentino.com.<br />

Cuando u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong> se acerca para efectuar u<strong>na</strong><br />

do<strong>na</strong>ción de sangre, debe someterse a un<br />

cuestio<strong>na</strong>rio exhaustivo: consumo de alcohol y<br />

cigarrillos; frecuencia, estabilidad y elección de<br />

género en las relaciones sexuales. En caso de que<br />

algu<strong>na</strong> de las respuestas vaya contra lo establecido<br />

en la resolución, la perso<strong>na</strong> debe volver a su casa<br />

sin haber realizado la do<strong>na</strong>ción. Esta situación<br />

hace que muchos homosexuales mientan u oculten<br />

su identidad con el fin de ayudar a un ser querido.<br />

“Está basado en un prejuicio, en u<strong>na</strong> idea errónea<br />

de que había grupos de riesgo cuando lo que hay<br />

son situaciones de riesgo. Lo que importa es<br />

cuidarse en las relaciones sexuales, no si uno es o<br />

no homosexual. Esto está basado en la idea de<br />

que hay grupos poblacio<strong>na</strong>les que son un riesgo<br />

para la salud pública y nosotros lo consideramos<br />

inconstitucio<strong>na</strong>l”, agregó el dirigente.<br />

Paulón indicó que “hay proyectos de diferentes<br />

bloques” para modificar esta situación en el plano<br />

legal y que “tuvo dictamen de la comisión de Salud;<br />

ahora está pendiente en Legislación General”.<br />

“Pedimos que ayer lo incorporaran al temario, pero<br />

como todavía no lo trató esa comisión no creo que<br />

salga antes del 10 de diciembre. Vamos a volver a<br />

insistir el año que viene”, explicó.<br />

La ex titular del Instituto Nacio<strong>na</strong>l contra la<br />

Discrimi<strong>na</strong>ción (INADI) y actual legisladora porteña,<br />

María José Lubertino, contó que durante su paso<br />

por el organismo envió “notas a los ministros de<br />

Salud” y organizó “u<strong>na</strong> mesa de diálogo en la que<br />

estaban presentes los responsables del programa<br />

de sangre del Ministerio de Salud, las<br />

organizaciones no guber<strong>na</strong>mentales de la<br />

diversidad, la Federación, la CHA y gente de la<br />

Sociedad de Hemoterapia”.<br />

Desde las mesas del INADI, comenzaron a<br />

“explicar que en todo caso había que limitar las<br />

conductas de riesgo y que hablar de grupos de<br />

riesgo era estigmatizante”.<br />


El Pais - Opinión, 09 de Novembro de 2011<br />


El juez poeta y la juez malhablada<br />

MANUEL ÁLVAREZ DE LA ROSA (Catedrático<br />

de Derecho del Trabajo) 09/11/2011<br />

Poco importa que el juez no sea poeta o que sea<br />

buen o mal versificador. Poco importa también que<br />

la juez haya utilizado u<strong>na</strong> palabra malso<strong>na</strong>nte, pero<br />

no de las peores del idioma. No, lo que importa<br />

tiene que ver con el uso del lenguaje y el propio<br />

código de conducta. Los jueces han de administrar<br />

justicia sin ejercer ningu<strong>na</strong> otra función. De ese<br />

mandato constitucio<strong>na</strong>l se deriva el papel, la<br />

capacidad de actuación de cada juez ante el<br />

ciudadano concreto. Hay pues u<strong>na</strong> exclusiva<br />

relación entre la realidad y el lenguaje: la potestad<br />

jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l.<br />

El lenguaje que utilice el juez se refiere a algo de<br />

otro -el justiciable- y no de sí mismo. El juez no<br />

tiene hacia el otro, al que trata en razón de su<br />

función, más relación que la establecida en las<br />

leyes. Ni siquiera las normas de cortesía son<br />

obligatorias, salvo el recíproco trato igualitario que<br />

va más allá, obviamente, de las fórmulas corteses.<br />

El juez tiene constitucio<strong>na</strong>lmente reducido su<br />

lenguaje -exactamente, su diálogo- al ejercicio de<br />

la potestad jurisdiccio<strong>na</strong>l. Y punto. Cualquier salida<br />

de ese ca<strong>na</strong>l debe ser corregida. Y ahí aparece el<br />

Consejo General del Poder Judicial, órgano de<br />

gobierno de jueces y magistrados, que debe<br />

reprender cualquier desviación que en ellos se<br />

produzca del cumplimiento de sus obligaciones. Sin<br />

embargo, escribir sentencias en verso o ser<br />

malhablada no parece ser para el Consejo ocasión<br />

propicia para sentar los límites de actuación de los<br />

jueces; no tienen, dice, entidad para ser tipificadas<br />

dentro del llamado Derecho discipli<strong>na</strong>rio.<br />

Cualquier incumplimiento de esa <strong>na</strong>turaleza<br />

producido por un trabajador asalariado -que escriba<br />

el albarán, el parte, el informe en verso o que<br />

ofenda al empresario o al cliente con palabras<br />

malso<strong>na</strong>ntes- constituye causa de despido; esto es,<br />

motivo suficiente para resolver el empresario<br />

unilateralmente el contrato de trabajo. ¡Ah!, claro,<br />

olvidaba un dato: los jueces son opositores<br />

exitosos y no meros trabajadores asalariados.<br />

Pero el Consejo debe darse cuenta de que no<br />

embridar el uso del lenguaje es, sencillamente,<br />

abrir la puerta al incumplimiento por otro. ¿Imagi<strong>na</strong><br />

el Consejo cuál sería su reacción si un fiscal<br />

-opositor exitoso también- redacta el escrito de<br />

acusación en verso o interroga al inculpado,<br />

intercalando palabras malso<strong>na</strong>ntes para hacer<br />

vibrante el discurso? El lenguaje debe siempre<br />

corresponder a un determi<strong>na</strong>do código de<br />

conducta. Y los jueces solo han de ser, eso,<br />

jueces, funcio<strong>na</strong>rios sometidos, como todos, a la<br />

Constitución.<br />


Nación.cl - País, 09 de Novembro de 2011<br />


Hinzpeter critica a jueces y al Ministerio Público:<br />

"Todos deben dar la cara"<br />

Jefe de gabinete negó argumento de Sabas<br />

Chahuán de que Carabineros no aporta las<br />

pruebas suficientes y citó el episodio de la muerte<br />

de un joven en Quilicura, donde a 4 sospechosos<br />

detenidos el "fiscal de turno les preguntó dónde<br />

viven y los dejó libres".<br />

Miércoles 9 de noviembre de 2011| por Nación.cl<br />

El ministro del Interior Rodrigo Hinzpeter asumió<br />

que las cifras en el combate a la delincuencia no<br />

son bue<strong>na</strong>s, pero enfatizó que así como él "da la<br />

cara" para responder por la actuación del Gobierno<br />

en esta área, "todos" deben asumir sus<br />

responsabilidades, en directa alusión al Ministerio<br />

Público y el Poder Judicial.<br />

El jefe de gabinete escogió el mati<strong>na</strong>l<br />

"Bienvenidos" de Ca<strong>na</strong>l 13 para responder a las<br />

críticas por el incremento de los delitos violentos,<br />

constatados en el último informe trimestral de la<br />

Subsecretaría de Prevención del Delito.<br />

Dijo que "estamos viviendo u<strong>na</strong> situación de<br />

delincuencia que a nosotros nos tiene muy<br />

preocupados", pero relativizó la magnitud de las<br />

cifras, al plantear que "no estamos en alzas<br />

desmedidas respecto de lo que han sido los últimos<br />

5 ó 6 años".<br />

Aseguró, en este sentido, que la tarea de vencer a<br />

la delincuencia no se resolverá en los 4 años que<br />

dura este Gobierno, sino es u<strong>na</strong> misión de más<br />

largo aliento: "No hay ningún Gobierno que pueda<br />

dar u<strong>na</strong> solución inmediata (...) Los países que han<br />

vencido la delincuencia se han tomado cerca de 10<br />

años", dijo.<br />

Hinzpeter insistió en que el combate a la<br />

delincuencia "es u<strong>na</strong> pelea muy dura y muy<br />

impopular". "Nosotros como gobierno hemos<br />

planteado un concepto que ha sido criticado<br />

muchas veces por gente del mundo político, del<br />

periodismo y de los abogados. Es el concepto de<br />

u<strong>na</strong> persecución enérgica de los delincuentes",<br />

dijo.<br />

El jefe de gabinete asumió que es blanco de<br />

críticas por "represión, estado policial, y<br />

vulneración de los Derechos Humanos", pero<br />

sostuvo que "voy a seguir dando esta pelea".<br />


Sin embargo, Hinzpeter fue enfático en deslindar<br />

responsabilidades: "Voy a dar la cara siempre en<br />

los malos y ojala en los buenos momentos. Y en<br />

los malos van a tenerme a mí para dar u<strong>na</strong><br />

explicación. Pero que den la cara todos, porque<br />

culpar sólo al Gobierno y a Carabineros no es la<br />

línea correcta", subrayó.<br />

Con estas palabras, Hinzpeter respondió<br />

directamente al Fiscal Nacio<strong>na</strong>l Sabas Chahuán,<br />

quien en días pasados responsabilizó a la falta de<br />

pruebas de Carabineros los problemas para<br />

sustentar las causas y hacer más efectivas las<br />

formalizaciones.<br />

"Los jueces y fiscales son parte del sistema y<br />

muchas veces vemos errores que yo no<br />

comprendo", espetó el ministro, quien añadió así a<br />

sus cuestio<strong>na</strong>mientos a los jueces garantistas u<strong>na</strong><br />

directa crítica al Ministerio Público.<br />

Hinzpeter citó el caso del adolescente I.A.G. que<br />

murió baleado en Quilicura, y donde 4 de los 6<br />

sospechosos fueron dejados en libertad.<br />

"Así como yo doy la cara (...) los fiscales deben<br />

explicar cuál es el razo<strong>na</strong>miento (...) u<strong>na</strong> perso<strong>na</strong><br />

de 16 años murió, Carabineros tomó detenidos,<br />

ellos estaban manchados con sangre, tenían<br />

armas, fueron a sus casas, les encontraron<br />

revólveres, un montón de cartuchos, escopetas,<br />

pesas, drogas, y a 4 de esas 6 perso<strong>na</strong>s, el fiscal<br />

de turno (Jorge Marín) les preguntó donde viven y<br />

los dejó libres", aseveró.<br />


El jefe de gabinete también fue consultado por la<br />

muerte de Vicente, el menor de 5 años baleado en<br />

un bus del Transantiago en la comu<strong>na</strong> de El<br />

Bosque.<br />

Y, al igual como señaló ayer el vocero Andrés<br />

Chadwick, el ministro dijo que la captura del<br />

asesino es inminente. "Ruego a Dios que hoy o<br />

maña<strong>na</strong> podamos ponerle las manos encima a ese<br />

asesino", dijo el jefe de gabinete.<br />


The New York Times - Europe, 09 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | European Court of Justice<br />

Greek Leader’s Speech Hints at Decision on New<br />

Prime Minister<br />


Published: November 9, 2011<br />

ATHENS — Prime Minister George A. Papandreou<br />

went on <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l television on Wednesday evening<br />

to announce that a new interim government had<br />

been formed. But he did not <strong>na</strong>me his successor.<br />

Instead, he made a kind of valedictory speech,<br />

summing up moves in recent years to stabilize and<br />

help the country, expressing the country’s<br />

continued commitment to the European bailout<br />

plan, and urging political parties to transcend their<br />

differences.<br />

Ahead of a scheduled meeting with Greek<br />

President Karolos Papoulias, when he is to submit<br />

his resig<strong>na</strong>tion, Mr. Papandreou said the country’s<br />

new government would sig<strong>na</strong>l the “beginning of a<br />

new political mentality, a new political culture.”<br />

“Today we leave aside our differences,” he said,<br />

heralding “a common effort to ensure the country<br />

moves forward, not only to remain part of the euro<br />

zone but also to emerge from the crisis.”<br />

He said the interim government would make the<br />

necessary efforts to “justify the sacrifices made by<br />

the Greek people over the past two years,” referring<br />

to a raft of wage and pension cuts as well as hefty<br />

tax increases. The chief goals would be to secure<br />

crucial rescue funding for the country and continue<br />

talks with foreign creditors, he said.<br />

Some interpreted the tone of his speech as<br />

sig<strong>na</strong>ling his departure not only from Greek politics<br />

but from the country itself. “I never put my position<br />

above the <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l good.” he said. “For me, Greece<br />

is above everything. Wherever I go, I will carry the<br />

Greek flag in my heard.” He added that he would do<br />

everything he could to support the new prime<br />

minister and the new government.<br />

After months of protest and building pressure from<br />

the European Union, Mr. Papandreou agreed two<br />

days ago to step down once political negotiators<br />

had established a new unity government. But from<br />

the start those negotiations were dogged by<br />

reverses.<br />

On Tuesday, it had appeared that Lucas<br />

Papademos, a respected economist, was on the<br />

verge of being <strong>na</strong>med to the job. But the list of<br />

candidates also included an array of senior figures<br />

included Fi<strong>na</strong>nce Minister Evangelos Venizelos;<br />

Vassilis Skouris, president of the European Court<br />

of Justice; and the house speaker, Filippos<br />

Petsalnikos.<br />

On Tuesday, Antonis Samaras, the leader of the<br />

main opposition party, New Democracy, balked at a<br />

demand by Eurogroup, the European Union’s group<br />

of fi<strong>na</strong>nce ministers, that several top Greek leaders<br />

give a written commitment to the terms of an<br />

expanded bailout devised with Europe’s leaders<br />

last month.<br />

“There is such a thing as <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l dignity,” Mr.<br />

Samaras said in a statement. “I have repeatedly<br />

explained that in order to protect the Greek<br />

economy and the euro, the implementation of the<br />

Oct. 26 agreement is inevitable.”<br />

He added, “I won’t allow anyone to question the<br />

statements I have made.”<br />

His statement came just a few hours after Mr.<br />

Venizelos, the fi<strong>na</strong>nce minister, told a cabinet<br />

meeting that five top Greek officials were being<br />

asked to sign the letter — a demand made on<br />

Monday by the chief of Eurogroup, Jean-Claude<br />

Juncker — before the next installment of aid to<br />

Greece would be released.<br />

The demand landed in the middle of byzantine<br />

negotiations. The apparent choice of Mr.<br />

Papademos, a former vice president of the<br />

European Central Bank, came after more than two<br />

days of intense wrangling here and growing fear<br />

that Greece’s political class would be u<strong>na</strong>ble to stop<br />

feuding — and positioning themselves for the next<br />

elections — long enough to agree on a unity<br />

government.<br />

But early Wednesday morning, several local media<br />

outlets reported that there had been discussions<br />

about other possible candidates for prime minister,<br />

including Mr. Petsalnikos, the current speaker, and<br />

a former speaker, Apostolos Kaklamanis.<br />

In the through-the-looking-glass world of Greek<br />

politics, the argument was not over who could claim<br />

the cabinet positions, but who could avoid taking<br />

them, particularly the Fi<strong>na</strong>nce Ministry.<br />

Mr. Papandreou was repeatedly rebuffed when he<br />

offered positions in the new government, reports<br />

said, because nobody wanted to be associated with<br />

the unpopular measures Greece will be forced to<br />

impose to qualify for new loans from Europe.<br />


In particular, Mr. Samaras, who has his eye on the<br />

next elections, did not see any reason for his party<br />

to participate. But other smaller parties also<br />

refused.<br />

Mr. Papademos had also played a role in the<br />

delays by demanding the right to appoint some<br />

ministers, including the fi<strong>na</strong>nce minister.<br />

In one of the stranger twists, Mr. Papademos<br />

apparently insisted that Mr. Venizelos, who will<br />

most likely run for prime minister in the next<br />

elections, step down as fi<strong>na</strong>nce minister. But Mr.<br />

Samaras, who would like to run against him, is<br />

demanding that he stay, some local news outlets<br />

have reported.<br />

Greece’s new administration has a difficult road<br />

ahead. Its first job will be to secure the next<br />

installment of aid, which is needed by December,<br />

Greek officials say, or the country will be u<strong>na</strong>ble to<br />

pay its bills.<br />

The New York Times - Europe, 09 de Novembro de 2011<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | European Court of Justice<br />

But it must also secure approval of the loan deal,<br />

which requires that Parliament pass a new round of<br />

austerity measures, including layoffs of government<br />

workers. It also calls for permanent foreign<br />

monitoring to ensure that Greece delivers on<br />

promised structural changes, a move that many<br />

Greeks see as an affront to <strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l sovereignty.<br />


Indíce Remissivo por Assunto<br />


61, 62, 80, 110, 111, 116, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127, 135, 137, 139, 145, 146, 185, 186, 187, 189, 193, 197,<br />

202, 204<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Constitutionnel<br />

205<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l de Justicia<br />

114, 232<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Corte Pe<strong>na</strong>l Inter<strong>na</strong>cio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

15, 72, 119, 195<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Cour pé<strong>na</strong>le inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>le<br />

79<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Derecho Constitucio<strong>na</strong>l<br />

60, 63, 67, 69, 108, 115, 117, 154, 196, 242<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | European Court of Justice<br />

245<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Inter<strong>na</strong>tio<strong>na</strong>l Crimi<strong>na</strong>l Court<br />

21, 28, 48<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Judicial Review<br />

169<br />


13, 17, 18, 19, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 107, 109, 112, 128, 129, 131,<br />

133, 136, 138, 181, 188, 200, 201, 203, 225, 226, 233, 239, 241, 243, 244<br />

CLIPPING INTERNACIONAL | Suprema Corte de Justicia<br />

191<br />


14, 20, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 47, 49, 55, 56, 57, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 100, 103,<br />

105, 106, 141, 144, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167,<br />

168, 171, 173, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 182, 183, 184, 198, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214,<br />

215, 216, 217, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 228, 230, 234, 235, 237<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Suprema Corte<br />

231<br />

Justiça no Exterior | Supreme Court<br />

142<br />


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