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12 ∫ 14 Años sirviendo a nuestra comunidad / 14 Years serving our community ∫ rUtAs dE america Marzo/March 21 - Abril/April 20, 2012 bra s i l Armada Brasil ve mancha de crudo en campo petrolero de Chevron RÍO DE JANEIRO – La petrolera estadounidense Chevron anunció recientemente que por una “pequeña filtración” suspendía la extracción de crudo de su plataforma de Campo Frade, frente al estado de Río de Janeiro. La fuga se produjo en las mismas instalaciones que fueron selladas en noviembre pasado, tras un primer derrame de entre 2000 y 3000 barriles al mar. Tras el sobrevuelo del área, las autoridades de la Marina brasileña identificaron “una tenue mancha” de petróleo de casi un kilómetro, a 130 kms de la costa carioca. Mientras las autoridades determinan cómo controlar esta incipiente marea negra, un juez brasileño limitó la salida del país a 17 ejecutivos de Chevron y de la perforadora Transocean. impacto ambiental. RFI español Ho n d u r a s Presidente del Parlamento oficializa su precandidatura a la Presidencia TEGUCIGALPA – El presidente del Parlamento de Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, oficializó recientemente su precandidatura a la Presidencia del país centroamericano por el Partido Nacional, en el estadio “Chochi Sosa” del Complejo Deportivo José Azcona. Hernández subrayó que “será un camino difícil, lleno de dificultades, de obstáculos y problemas” pero “¿Quién dijo miedo?” consultó a sus seguidores. Agregó que Honduras necesita que el partido Nacional “siga gobernando” por lo que hizo un llamado a los diferentes candidatos para que las próximas elecciones “sean transparentes, limpias y democráticas”. El presidente del Parlamento dijo que quiere ser presidente de Honduras porque “aún falta mucho por hacer, hay varios problemas por resolver. EFE CH i l e Severa ley seca altera a los chilenos CHILE – La sociedad chilena está aterrada por una dura modificación a la ley de tránsito que establece tolerancia cero al consumo de alcohol por parte de los conductores, y que la ubica como una de las más restrictivas a nivel mundial, por sobre la Argentina, España y Francia. Los motivos son razonables: se busca terminar con los accidentes mortales causados por conductores ebrios, responsables de 3347 de las 16.000 muertes en accidentes de tránsito durante la última década, y de 40.000 de los 490.000 accidentes, en el mismo período. “No queremos asesinos conduciendo”, fue la dura sentencia del ministro del Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter, al promulgar la ley que reduce el límite de gramos de alcohol en la sangre, de 0,5 a 0,3 para la categoría “bajo los efectos del alcohol” y de 1 a 0,8 gramo para el “estado de ebriedad”. lanació Méx iCo Hallan 10 cabezas humanas en medio guerra de cárteles MICHOACAN – El agente de guardia del ministerio público de Teloloapan dijo que las cabezas fueron abandonadas en una calle a la altura del matadero de ganado municipal. En el lugar también había dos mensajes dirigidos contra la organización criminal que surgió de Michoacán, y que en los últimos años fue expandiendo su área de influencia. Teloloapan es un pueblo de unos 21.500 habitantes ubicado en una zona de difícil acceso de la sierra de Guerrero, muy cerca del estado de Michoacán, donde operan los cárteles La Familia y de los Caballeros Templarios, que mantienen una sangrienta disputa entre ellos. Más de 50.000 personas han muerto en México por la lucha entre los cárteles del narcotráfico y la ofensiva militar. ´ Co l o M b i a El país crecería 5-6% en 2012, se vigila inflación BOGOTÁ – “La economía de Colombia habría crecido cerca de 6 por ciento el 2011 y se expandiría entre 5 y 6 por ciento este año, en medio de expectativas de inflación que comienzan a ceder tras recientes alzas de la tasa clave”, dijo el ministro de Hacienda Juan Carlos Echeverry. El Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) del 2011 estaría impulsado por el dinamismo de la demanda interna, con una tasa de inversión récord que este año sería nuevamente superada, pronosticó Echeverry. También dijo que el fuerte consumo local y una tasa de inversión que anotó un alza interanual del 20 por ciento en enero-febrero empujarían al PIB del primer trimestre a crecer alrededor de 5 por ciento, pese a un complejo escenario internacional que lentamente comienza a disiparse. Reuters Pa r a G u a y Lugo y Maduro participan en misa en la que oran por la salud de Chávez ASUNCIÓN – El presidente de Paraguay, Fernando Lugo, y el canciller de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, participaron recientemente en una misa en la que los asistentes oraron por la recuperación del presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez. Lugo, ex obispo católico, y Maduro asistieron a la misa de la iglesia de Limpio, municipio cercano a Asunción, donde se realizó una celebración en honor a San José, patrono de esa localidad, y durante la que también se abogó por la salud del mandatario venezolano, informaron los medios de prensa asuncenos. Maduro dijo durante ese encuentro, en declaraciones a periodistas, que Chávez se encuentra “muy fortalecido” tras la nueva cirugía a la que fue sometido. Terra Gu a t e M a l a Comisionada Navi Pillay ve retroceso en seguridad civil Venezuela EL AGUILA CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA – La alta comisionada se refirió a la presencia de militares en la lucha contra la violencia, cuando eso es labor de la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC), aunque aseguró que el presidente Otto Pérez Molina le dijo que es una medida temporal. La representante de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) también se refirió a la inseguridad y violencia como “serias preocupaciones para todos los guatemaltecos”. Pillay aseguró: “Para luchar contra la inseguridad, la violencia y el crimen, debemos atender primero sus causas estructurales, y luego adoptar una estrategia integral que abarque la prevención de la violencia, y que esté firmemente basada en los derechos humanos de toda persona”. Hija de cónsul chileno en Venezuela muere por disparos de policía CARACAS — Karen Berendique, hija del cónsul honorario de Chile en Maracaibo, falleció tras ser mortalmente herida por agentes que, en una mala práctica policial, dispararon al vehículo en que viajaba con su hermano, se admitió oficialmente. El cónsul Fernando Berendique, quien vive desde hace 30 años en Venezuela, declaró a la prensa local que a su hija, de 19 años, “la mataron unos policías cuando iba a un reencuentro con sus amigos del colegio”. Berendique indicó que sus hijos y otro joven que los acompañaba ignoraron la voz de alto de los agentes por creer que podían ser víctimas de delincuentes. Los agentes habían instalado un puesto de control en un sector del norte de Maracaibo, a unos 650 kilómetros al oeste de Caracas. AP

el AGUilA Wednesday March 21, 2012 Ladysmith Black Mambazo Details: The voices from the blockbuster animated film The Lion King come to the Emelin! Hailing from South Africa, this a cappella group blends South African music with traditional gospel. Time and Place: 8pm. Emelin Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Cost: $59.00 – regular Details: 914-698-0098 Arts in the Afternoon: Meet Winfred Rembert Details: Meet Winfred Rembert, whose dramatic images on handtooled leather are on view in Amazing Grace. Time and Place: 1:30pm. Hudson River Museum, 511 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701 Cost: Free Contact: 914-963-4550 Thursday March 22 - Thursday April 12, 2012 AARP Tax aide volunteers Details: It’s tax time again and the Tax aide volunteers will again be available for tax preparation every Thursday. Time and Place: 10am-2pm. Budarz Theater, 53 Croton Avenue Ossining, NY 10562 Cost: Free Contact: (914) 941-2416 ext. 327 or 320 Thursday March 22, 2012 Classic Film: Jason and the Argonauts Details: The legendary Greek hero leads a team of intrepid adventurers in a perilous quest for the Golden Fleece in this actionpacked fantasy classic featuring Ray Harryhausen’s amazing stopmotion special effects Time and Place: 7pm. New Rochelle Public Library, Huguenot St & Lawton St, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Contact: (914) 632-8254 Saturday March 24, 2012 The Ugly Duckling & The Tortoise and the Hare Details: The Ugly Duckling tells the story of a neglected duckling † 14 Años sirviendo a nuestra comunidad / 14 Years serving our community ¢ cAlendArio / calendar searching for friends who will love him for who he truly is. In The Tortoise and the Hare, children learn the valuable lesson that slow and steady wins the race. Ages 4+ Time and Place: 11am and 1:30pm, Emelin Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Cost: $18.00-Adults. $13.00-Children Contact: 914-698-0098 Sunday March 25, 2012 Science Sundays: The Freshwater Frontier Details: Can we conserve the world’s remaining freshwater biodiversity for future generations? Explore these issues with Dr. David L. Strayer, Freshwater Ecologist at the Cary Institute in Millbrook, New York. Time and Place: 2:30 pm. Hudson River Museum, 511 Warburton Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701 Cost: Free Contact: 914-963-4550 Tuesday March 27, 2012 A Feast for the Eyes: A Food-Themed Art Exhibition Details: United Hebrew is proud to present this dynamic exhibition which features artwork representing food in unique and creative ways. Time and Place: 9am-5pm. Lazarus Gallery of United Hebrew of New Rochelle, United Hebrew of New Rochelle, 391 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 Cost: Free Contact: 914-632-2804 x1224 Wednesday March 28, 2012 Music for Violin and Piano Details: Laura Hamilton, violin; Jerome Rosen, piano. The Principal Associate Concertmaster of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra plays music of Brahms and Mendelssohn Time and Place: 12:10 pm. Downtown Music at Grace, Grace Episcopal Church at the intersection of Main and Mamaroneck, 33 Church Street (for GPS or mail), White Plains, NY 10601 Cost: Free Contact: 914-949-0384 Thursday March 29, 2012 Classic Film: Electra Details: “Majestic and awesome” — The New York Times. 1962 Academy Award nominee for Best Foreign Language Film. Black and white film is in Greek with English subtitles. Time and Place: 7 pm. New Rochelle Public Library, Huguenot St & Lawton St, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Cost: Free Contact: (914) 632-8254 Calendar of Events Friday March 30, 2012 Open Life Drawing Session Details: Enjoy three hours of focused life drawing. Offered on a first come, first served basis to a max of 20 participants. Time and Place: 10am-1pm. Westchester Community College Center for the Arts 196 Central Ave, White Plains, NY 10606 Cost: on a donation basis: pay what you wish. Contact: 914-606-7500 Saturday March 31, 2012 “Reconnecting Families Summit” Details: Keynote speaker is Hashim Garret, who after six years of presenting the Harvard Violence Prevention curriculum to more than 15,000 students, founded “Wisdom & Understanding LLC”, a conflict resolution and life enhancement organization. Time and Place: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Great Room (Kaplan Hall) of SUNY Orange’s Newburgh Campus, 5 Washington Street. (Enter on Grand Street). Cost: Free Contact: Yvette Norat at (845) 563-2972,; or Melanie Russell at (845) 568-6613, Nearly Lear Details: Nearly Lear encapsulates all the grandeur of Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear as seen through the eyes of the King’s closest companion – his own fool Time and Place: 8pm. Emelin Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Cost: $34.00-regular. $17.00-student Contact: 914-698-0098 Sunday April 1, 2012 Yonkers Philharmonic Orchestra Concert Details: Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutti Overture opens this concert. The slow introduction leads to the rhythmic Presto with its alternative whispering and chattering creating an air of urgency and mystery hinting of themes of the opera to come. Time and Place: 3pm. Saunders Trade and Technical High School, 183 Palmer Road Yonkers, NY 10704 Cost: Free Contact: 914 631-6674 Michael Albert and his Pop Art Details: Workshop “Library: Family Mini Collage” will be part of the annual “Trumble in The Trove”. Time and Place: 1-5pm. White Plains Public Library Foundation, 100 Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 Cost: Free Contact: 914-422-1480 Tuesday April 3, 2012 Noon at the Neu Details: Rediscover the joy of a true lunch break and explore the exhibition Visionary Sugar: Works by Kiki Smith. Think brain food, think Noon at the Neu. Time and Place: 12pm. Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College SUNY 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577 Cost: Free Contact: 914-251-6100 Wednesday April 4, 2012 Arts Awards Details: The Arts Award is our most distinguished award, bestowed each year on individuals and organizations that have made extraordinary contributions to the arts and the community. Time and Place: 11:30am reception; 12pm luncheon. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 66 Hale Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601 Cost: $65.00 – General admission Contact: 914-428-4220 Thursday April 5, 2012 Classic Film: Welcome to Hard Times Details: Starring Henry Fonda as an aging, pacifistic sheriff who finds his resolve faltering in the face of unrepentant evil, with Janice Rule and Aldo Ray. The 1963 film is in color. Time and Place: 7pm. New Rochelle Public Library, Huguenot St & Lawton St, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Cost: Free Contact: (914) 632-8254 Time to laugh: GET Comedy Night Details: As seen on The Late Show with David Letterman and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Master Comedian Andy Pitz brings his show to the Railroad Playhouse, in Newburgh, NY. A fundraising event to support GET’s free programs to promote economic development in the Hudson Valley, it will make you jump with laughter and cry for more. Time and place: 5:30 to 7:00 pm -Railroad Playhouse, 27 South Water Street, Newburgh , NY Cost: $55 per person and $500 for a table of 10. Contact: The Get Team Gateway to Entrepreneurial Tomorrows 845-489-3317 or Saturday April 7, 2012 Family First Saturday: Picturing People Details: Sketch faces from paintings in the gallery, then make your own portraits—of yourself or your friends! Time and Place: 1-4pm. Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College SUNY, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, NY 10577 Cost: Free Contact: 914-251-6100 Sunday April 8, 2012 Circa 1986 Details: ‘CIRCA 1986_ shows 65 artworks by 47 international artists who emerged with significant artworks in the extremely prosperous and exciting period between 1981 and 1991. Time and Place: 12-6pm. Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art 1701 Main Street. Peekskill, NY 10566 Cost: Free Contact: 914-788-0100 Monday April 9, 2012 through Thursday April 12, 2012 Spring Art Camp Details: This week is designed for kids to spend their spring break having fun exploring different media such as sculpture, painting and photography. For ages 8 -13. Time and Place: 10am-2:30pm. Westchester Community College Center For The Arts 196 Central Ave, White Plains, NY 10606 Cost: $190.00 Contact: 914-606-7500 Tuesday April 10, 2012 Rolfe Schulte and Judith Olsen Details: German born violin prodigy, Rolfe Schulte, together with pianist Judith Olsen perform works of Ravel, Carter, Debussy and Bartok. Time and Place: 1:30pm. Reisinger Concert Hall, Sarah Lawrence College, 1 Mead Way, Bronxville, NY 10708 Cost: Free Contact: (914)-395-2412 Wednesday April 11, 2012 Organ Recital Details: Organist Elizabeth Wong has played celebrated recitals in Singapore, London and Hong Kong. Join us as she returns to the magnificent instrument at Grace Church. Time and Place: Downtown Music at Grace, Grace Episcopal Church, 33 Church Street and Main St, White Plains, NY 10601 Cost: Free Contact: 914-949-0384 Marzo/March 21 - Abril/April 20, 2012 Thursday April 12, 2012 Po’jazz on Hudson 13 Details: Please join us as we celebrate in words and jazz the work and life of Louis Reyes Rivera. Time and Place: 6-8:30pm. Blue Door Gallery, 13 Riverdale Avenue between Main & Hudson Streets, Yonkers, NY 10701 Cost: Free Contact: 914-375-5100 Saturday April 14, 2012 The Music of Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles Details: The performance will feature Ray Charles’ #1 hit “Hit the Road Jack” and of Wonder’s “Creepin’.” Also on the roster are “Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing,” “Too High,” “One Mint Julep” and “Georgia,” among other tunes. Time and Place: 8pm. Irvington Town Hall Theater, 85 Main Street, Irvington, NY Cost: $35 adults/$30 seniors/$10 students. Group sales – buy 6 or more adult or senior tickets, save 10% Contact: - Theater box office: 914-591-6602 - WJO: 914-861-9100 Sun. Apr. 15 through – Fri. Apr. 27, 2012 Student Exhibition: Photography, Sculpture and Ceramics Details: Center for the Arts is pleased to announce our annual student exhibition. This year’s show will highlight the students working in photography, ceramics and sculpture. Time and Place: Mon-Thur. 10am-8pm; Fri, 10am-5pm. Westchester Community College Center For The Arts, 196 Central Ave, White Plains, NY 10606 Cost: Free Contact: 914-606-7500 Sunday , April 22 Michael Leach Asks “Why Stay Catholic? Details: Dean of Catholic Book Publishing Says Catholics Do Not Need To Leave The Church Leading Catholic author. Time and place: 2:30 pm, Maryknoll Mission Center, 55 Ryder Road, Ossining, NY. Cost: Reservations are requested and can be made by contacting Colleen Brathwaite at cbrathwaite@ or 914-941-7636, extension 2445. Contact: Additional information and directions can be found at

el AGUilA<br />

Wednesday March 21, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Ladysmith Black Mambazo<br />

Details: The voices from the blockbuster<br />

animated film The Lion<br />

King come to the Emelin! Hailing<br />

from South Africa, this a cappella<br />

group blends South African music<br />

with traditional gospel.<br />

Time and Place: 8pm. Emelin<br />

Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck,<br />

NY 10543<br />

Cost: $59.00 – regular<br />

Details: 914-698-0098<br />

Arts in the Afternoon: Meet<br />

Winfred Rembert<br />

Details: Meet Winfred Rembert,<br />

whose dramatic images on handtooled<br />

leather are on view in Amazing<br />

Grace.<br />

Time and Place: 1:30pm. Hudson<br />

River Museum, 511 Warburton<br />

Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-963-4550<br />

Thursday March 22 - Thursday<br />

April 12, <strong>2012</strong><br />

AARP Tax aide volunteers<br />

Details: It’s tax time again and the<br />

Tax aide volunteers will again be<br />

available for tax preparation every<br />

Thursday.<br />

Time and Place: 10am-2pm. Budarz<br />

Theater, 53 Croton Avenue<br />

Ossining, NY 10562<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: (914) 941-2416 ext. 327<br />

or 320<br />

Thursday March 22, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Classic Film: Jason and the<br />

Argonauts<br />

Details: The legendary Greek<br />

hero leads a team of intrepid adventurers<br />

in a perilous quest for<br />

the Golden Fleece in this actionpacked<br />

fantasy classic featuring<br />

Ray Harryhausen’s amazing stopmotion<br />

special effects<br />

Time and Place: 7pm. New Rochelle<br />

Public Library, Huguenot St<br />

& Lawton St, New Rochelle, NY<br />

10801<br />

Contact: (914) 632-8254<br />

Saturday March 24, <strong>2012</strong><br />

The Ugly Duckling & The<br />

Tortoise and the Hare<br />

Details: The Ugly Duckling tells<br />

the story of a neglected duckling<br />

† 14 Años sirviendo a nuestra comunidad / 14 Years serving our community ¢<br />

cAlendArio / calendar<br />

searching for friends who will<br />

love him for who he truly is. In<br />

The Tortoise and the Hare, children<br />

learn the valuable lesson that<br />

slow and steady wins the race.<br />

Ages 4+<br />

Time and Place: 11am and<br />

1:30pm, Emelin Theatre, 153 Library<br />

Lane, Mamaroneck, NY<br />

10543<br />

Cost: $18.00-Adults. $13.00-Children<br />

Contact: 914-698-0098<br />

Sunday March 25, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Science Sundays: The<br />

Freshwater Frontier<br />

Details: Can we conserve the<br />

world’s remaining freshwater<br />

biodiversity for future generations?<br />

Explore these issues with<br />

Dr. David L. Strayer, Freshwater<br />

Ecologist at the Cary Institute in<br />

Millbrook, New York.<br />

Time and Place: 2:30 pm. Hudson<br />

River Museum, 511 Warburton<br />

Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10701<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-963-4550<br />

Tuesday March 27, <strong>2012</strong><br />

A Feast for the Eyes: A<br />

Food-Themed Art Exhibition<br />

Details: United Hebrew is proud<br />

to present this dynamic exhibition<br />

which features artwork representing<br />

food in unique and creative<br />

ways.<br />

Time and Place: 9am-5pm. Lazarus<br />

Gallery of United Hebrew of<br />

New Rochelle, United Hebrew of<br />

New Rochelle, 391 Pelham Road,<br />

New Rochelle, NY 10805<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-632-2804 x1224<br />

Wednesday March 28, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Music for Violin<br />

and Piano<br />

Details: Laura Hamilton, violin;<br />

Jerome Rosen, piano. The Principal<br />

Associate Concertmaster of<br />

the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra<br />

plays music of Brahms and Mendelssohn<br />

Time and Place: 12:10 pm.<br />

Downtown Music at Grace, Grace<br />

Episcopal Church at the intersection<br />

of Main and Mamaroneck, 33<br />

Church Street (for GPS or mail),<br />

White Plains, NY 10601<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-949-0384<br />

Thursday March 29, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Classic Film:<br />

Electra<br />

Details: “Majestic and awesome”<br />

— The New York Times. 1962<br />

Academy Award nominee for Best<br />

Foreign Language Film. Black<br />

and white film is in Greek with<br />

English subtitles.<br />

Time and Place: 7 pm. New Rochelle<br />

Public Library, Huguenot St<br />

& Lawton St, New Rochelle, NY<br />

10801<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: (914) 632-8254<br />

Calendar of Events<br />

Friday March 30, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Open Life<br />

Drawing Session<br />

Details: Enjoy three hours of focused<br />

life drawing. Offered on a<br />

first come, first served basis to a<br />

max of 20 participants.<br />

Time and Place: 10am-1pm.<br />

Westchester Community College<br />

Center for the Arts<br />

196 Central Ave, White Plains,<br />

NY 10606<br />

Cost: on a donation basis: pay<br />

what you wish.<br />

Contact: 914-606-7500<br />

Saturday March 31, <strong>2012</strong><br />

“Reconnecting<br />

Families Summit”<br />

Details: Keynote speaker is Hashim<br />

Garret, who after six years of<br />

presenting the Harvard Violence<br />

Prevention curriculum to more<br />

than 15,000 students, founded<br />

“Wisdom & Understanding LLC”,<br />

a conflict resolution and life enhancement<br />

organization.<br />

Time and Place: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.<br />

Great Room (Kaplan Hall) of<br />

SUNY Orange’s Newburgh Campus,<br />

5 Washington Street. (Enter<br />

on Grand Street).<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: Yvette Norat at (845)<br />

563-2972,; or<br />

Melanie Russell at (845) 568-6613,<br /><br />

Nearly Lear<br />

Details: Nearly Lear encapsulates<br />

all the grandeur of Shakespeare’s<br />

tragedy King Lear as seen through<br />

the eyes of the King’s closest companion<br />

– his own fool<br />

Time and Place: 8pm. Emelin<br />

Theatre, 153 Library Lane, Mamaroneck,<br />

NY 10543<br />

Cost: $34.00-regular. $17.00-student<br />

Contact: 914-698-0098<br />

Sunday April 1, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Yonkers Philharmonic<br />

Orchestra Concert<br />

Details: Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutti<br />

Overture opens this concert. The<br />

slow introduction leads to the<br />

rhythmic Presto with its alternative<br />

whispering and chattering creating<br />

an air of urgency and mystery<br />

hinting of themes of the opera to<br />

come.<br />

Time and Place: 3pm. Saunders<br />

Trade and Technical High School,<br />

183 Palmer Road<br />

Yonkers, NY 10704<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914 631-6674<br />

Michael Albert and<br />

his Pop Art<br />

Details: Workshop “Library: Family<br />

Mini Collage” will be part<br />

of the annual “Trumble in The<br />

Trove”.<br />

Time and Place: 1-5pm. White<br />

Plains Public Library Foundation,<br />

100 Martine Avenue, White Plains,<br />

NY 10601<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-422-1480<br />

Tuesday April 3, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Noon at the<br />

Neu<br />

Details: Rediscover the joy of a<br />

true lunch break and explore the<br />

exhibition Visionary Sugar: Works<br />

by Kiki Smith. Think brain food,<br />

think Noon at the Neu.<br />

Time and Place: 12pm. Neuberger<br />

Museum of Art, Purchase College<br />

SUNY<br />

735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase,<br />

NY 10577<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-251-6100<br />

Wednesday April 4, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Arts<br />

Awards<br />

Details: The Arts Award is our<br />

most distinguished award, bestowed<br />

each year on individuals<br />

and organizations that have made<br />

extraordinary contributions to the<br />

arts and the community.<br />

Time and Place: 11:30am reception;<br />

12pm luncheon. Crowne Plaza<br />

Hotel, 66 Hale Avenue, White<br />

Plains, NY 10601<br />

Cost: $65.00 – General admission<br />

Contact: 914-428-4220<br />

Thursday April 5, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Classic Film: Welcome<br />

to Hard Times<br />

Details: Starring Henry Fonda as<br />

an aging, pacifistic sheriff who<br />

finds his resolve faltering in the<br />

face of unrepentant evil, with Janice<br />

Rule and Aldo Ray. The 1963<br />

film is in color.<br />

Time and Place: 7pm. New Rochelle<br />

Public Library, Huguenot St<br />

& Lawton St, New Rochelle, NY<br />

10801<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: (914) 632-8254<br />

Time to laugh: GET<br />

Comedy Night<br />

Details: As seen on The Late<br />

Show with David Letterman and<br />

The Late Late Show with Craig<br />

Ferguson, Master Comedian Andy<br />

Pitz brings his show to the Railroad<br />

Playhouse, in Newburgh,<br />

NY. A fundraising event to support<br />

GET’s free programs to promote<br />

economic development in the<br />

Hudson Valley, it will make you<br />

jump with laughter and cry for<br />

more.<br />

Time and place: 5:30 to 7:00<br />

pm -Railroad Playhouse, 27 South<br />

Water Street, Newburgh , NY<br />

Cost: $55 per person and $500 for<br />

a table of 10.<br />

Contact: The Get Team<br />

Gateway to Entrepreneurial Tomorrows<br />

845-489-3317 or<br />

Saturday April 7, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Family First Saturday:<br />

Picturing People<br />

Details: Sketch faces from paintings<br />

in the gallery, then make<br />

your own portraits—of yourself or<br />

your friends!<br />

Time and Place: 1-4pm. Neuberger<br />

Museum of Art, Purchase<br />

College SUNY, 735 Anderson Hill<br />

Road, Purchase, NY 10577<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-251-6100<br />

Sunday April 8, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Circa 1986<br />

Details: ‘CIRCA 1986_ shows 65<br />

artworks by 47 international artists<br />

who emerged with significant artworks<br />

in the extremely prosperous<br />

and exciting period between 1981<br />

and 1991.<br />

Time and Place: 12-6pm. Hudson<br />

Valley Center for Contemporary<br />

Art<br />

1701 Main Street. Peekskill, NY<br />

10566<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-788-0100<br />

Monday April 9, <strong>2012</strong> through<br />

Thursday April 12, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Spring Art Camp<br />

Details: This week is designed for<br />

kids to spend their spring break<br />

having fun exploring different media<br />

such as sculpture, painting and<br />

photography. For ages 8 -13.<br />

Time and Place: 10am-2:30pm.<br />

Westchester Community College<br />

Center For The Arts<br />

196 Central Ave, White Plains,<br />

NY 10606<br />

Cost: $190.00<br />

Contact: 914-606-7500<br />

Tuesday April 10, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Rolfe Schulte and<br />

Judith Olsen<br />

Details: German born violin prodigy,<br />

Rolfe Schulte, together with<br />

pianist Judith Olsen perform works<br />

of Ravel, Carter, Debussy and<br />

Bartok.<br />

Time and Place: 1:30pm. Reisinger<br />

Concert Hall, Sarah Lawrence<br />

College, 1 Mead Way, Bronxville,<br />

NY 10708<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: (914)-395-2412<br />

Wednesday April 11, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Organ<br />

Recital<br />

Details: Organist Elizabeth Wong<br />

has played celebrated recitals in<br />

Singapore, London and Hong<br />

Kong. Join us as she returns to the<br />

magnificent instrument at Grace<br />

Church.<br />

Time and Place: Downtown<br />

Music at Grace, Grace Episcopal<br />

Church, 33 Church Street and<br />

Main St, White Plains, NY 10601<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-949-0384<br />

<strong>Marzo</strong>/March 21 - Abril/April 20, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Thursday April 12, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Po’jazz on Hudson<br />

13<br />

Details: Please join us as we celebrate<br />

in words and jazz the work<br />

and life of Louis Reyes Rivera.<br />

Time and Place: 6-8:30pm. Blue<br />

Door Gallery, 13 Riverdale Avenue<br />

between Main & Hudson<br />

Streets, Yonkers, NY 10701<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-375-5100<br />

Saturday April 14, <strong>2012</strong><br />

The Music of Stevie Wonder<br />

and Ray Charles<br />

Details: The performance will<br />

feature Ray Charles’ #1 hit “Hit<br />

the Road Jack” and of Wonder’s<br />

“Creepin’.” Also on the roster are<br />

“Don’t You Worry ‘Bout a Thing,”<br />

“Too High,” “One Mint Julep” and<br />

“Georgia,” among other tunes.<br />

Time and Place: 8pm. Irvington<br />

Town Hall Theater, 85 Main<br />

Street, Irvington, NY<br />

Cost: $35 adults/$30 seniors/$10<br />

students. Group sales – buy 6 or<br />

more adult or senior tickets, save<br />

10%<br />

Contact: -<br />

Theater box office: 914-591-6602<br />

- WJO: 914-861-9100<br />

Sun. Apr. 15 through –<br />

Fri. Apr. 27, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Student Exhibition:<br />

Photography, Sculpture<br />

and Ceramics<br />

Details: Center for the Arts is<br />

pleased to announce our annual<br />

student exhibition. This year’s<br />

show will highlight the students<br />

working in photography, ceramics<br />

and sculpture.<br />

Time and Place: Mon-Thur.<br />

10am-8pm; Fri, 10am-5pm. Westchester<br />

Community College Center<br />

For The Arts, 196 Central Ave,<br />

White Plains, NY 10606<br />

Cost: Free<br />

Contact: 914-606-7500<br />

Sunday , April 22<br />

Michael Leach Asks<br />

“Why Stay Catholic?<br />

Details: Dean of Catholic Book<br />

Publishing Says Catholics Do Not<br />

Need To Leave The Church Leading<br />

Catholic author.<br />

Time and place: 2:30 pm, Maryknoll<br />

Mission Center, 55 Ryder<br />

Road, Ossining, NY.<br />

Cost: Reservations are requested<br />

and can be made by contacting Colleen<br />

Brathwaite at cbrathwaite@<br /> or 914-941-7636,<br />

extension 2445.<br />

Contact: Additional information<br />

and directions can be found at<br />

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