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epresentations, despite the fact that that this strategy made them look, "coy at best and silly or<br />

untrustworthy at worst," as Jonathan Abady of Emery Celli put it in an email to Donziger and<br />

other Emery Celli and Patton Boggs attorneys.<br />

a. The RICO Defendants' Initial False Representations to U.S.<br />

Courts That They Had No Relationship With Cabrera and<br />

No Role in Preparing the "Cabrera Report"<br />

273. In opposing Chevron's discovery efforts, the RICO Defendants' first tactic was<br />

denial of any misconduct whatsoever, despite Prieto's email making clear that what the RICO<br />

Defendants did, if discovered, would "destroy" their case in Ecuador and that, "all of us, your<br />

attorneys, might go to jail." Indeed, as Donziger has recently admitted, even after he received<br />

Prieto's email, the substance of which he discussed with Patton Boggs and Emery Celli lawyers,<br />

Emery Celli filed briefs in which it claimed that Cabrera was independent and, in Donziger's<br />

words, "[ s ]ought to prevent Stratus' role relative to the Cabrera report from coming out." And as<br />

early as January 2010, Donziger was preparing scripts about the relationship with Cabrera for<br />

Stratus and others to rely on in depositions using a consistent, but false, story. By taking these<br />

and other actions that served to stonewall the federal court, they hoped to avoid the discovery of<br />

their extraordinary misconduct. In multiple filings in Section 1782 proceedings, the conspirators<br />

have falsely asserted their lack of relation to Cabrera: "Mr. Cabrera is not even an expert for one<br />

party, but a Court-appointed neutral .... " Additionally, in declarations filed throughout the<br />

country, the RICO Defendants and their co-conspirators have perpetuated their false version of<br />

events, hiding their relationship with Cabrera and claiming that he was "independent."<br />

274. The RICO Defendants continued to spread their false version of events in<br />

depositions. On April 23, 2010, for example, Chapman falsely testified that he had no reason to<br />

think that Stratus had provided work product to Cabrera. The RICO Defendants and their co-<br />

conspirators were proud of Chapman's performance, but realized that the truth was bound to<br />

come out. As co-conspirator Andrew Wilson of Emery Celli wrote to Donziger, "Chapman did<br />

an excellent job of not remembering anything-but Chevron will be able to do side-by-side<br />

comparisons of Stratus work product and [Cabrera's] report to ajudge that will smell bad." In<br />


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