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Spouses: A Family Planning Experiment in Guatemala"; Public Health Reports; Vol. 98, No. 3, May - June,<br />

1983; pg. 273 - 277.<br />

17. "Traditional Birth Attendants: A Resource for the Health of Women", Reprinted from the<br />

International Journal of Gynecolog' and Obstretics; Vol 23, 1985; Pgs. 247 - 303.<br />

18. Delgado, Hernan, Valverde, Victor and Hurtado, Elena; "Case Study on Infant Mortality, Primary<br />

Health Care and Nutrition in Rural Guatemala", Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama, circa<br />

1980.<br />

19. Paul, Lois; "The Mastery of Work and the Mystery of Sex in a Guatemalan Village"; Woman,<br />

Culture and Society; Stanford University Press, 1974, pg. 219 - 339.<br />

20. Paul, Lois; "Careers of Midwives in a Mayan Community", Women in Ritual and Sy<strong>mb</strong>olic Roles;<br />

Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1978, pg. 129 -149.<br />

21. Paul, Lois and Paul, Benjamin; "The Maya Midwife as Sacred Specialist: a Guatemalan Case";<br />

American Ethnoloist; Vol 2, No. 4, Nove<strong>mb</strong>er, 1975, Pg. 707 - 726.<br />

22. Reyes, Petra; "Assessment of the Training Program of the Primary Health Care Component of the<br />

Community-Based Health and Nutrition Systems Project of Guatemala", American Public Health Association,<br />

International Health Programs, 1983.<br />

23. "Encuesta Nacional Comunitaria de Conocimientos, Actitudes y Practicas de Salud Materno Infantial<br />

- Descripcion General de las Principales Variables del Estudio", Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia<br />

Social y Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama (INCAP), Guatemala, 1987.<br />

24. "Encuesta Nacional Simplificada dG Salud y Nutricion Materno Infantil, Informe Final", Ministerio de<br />

Salud Publica y Asistencia Social y Instituto de Nutricion de Centro America y Panama, Guatemala, Agosto,<br />

1986.<br />

25. Guitierrez Pineda, Miguel; "Evaluacion de las Actividades Desarrolladas por las Comadronas<br />

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Carlos de Guatemala, FacultaJ de Ciencias Medicas, Octudre, 1986.<br />

26. Jordan, Bridgette; B,:h in Four Cultures; Montreal, Canada, Eden Press Women's Publications,<br />

1978.<br />

27. El Tom, A. R. et al; "Developing the Skills of Illiterate Health Workers"; World Health Forum; Vol.<br />

5, 1984.<br />

28. "Estudio Sobre la Partera Tradicional", Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social, Honduras,<br />

1985.<br />

29. Maglacas, A. M. & Simmons, J. eds.; The Potential of the Traditional Birth Attendant; World<br />

Health Organization, 1986.<br />

30. Untitled document from Elena Hurtado about health seeking behavior in a -Guatemalan<br />

community.<br />

31. Normas y Guias de Atencion en Centros de Salud, Programa de Salud Materno Infantil;<br />

Departamento Materno Infantil, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social; 1986 y 1988.<br />

"Permanence of the Primary Health Care Component of the Health and Nutrition Integrated<br />

Community Systems Project"; Kraus International, Inc.; February, 1988.<br />

33. WHO Safe Motherhood Conference 1987, Report.

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