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28<br />

Año IV - Nº 38 - Julio | July | Juli - 2009<br />


Alberto Vázquez - Figueroa: Novel writer, journalist and cinema producer<br />

«No one will print a book, it costs more<br />

than to buy it»<br />

FMHOY - Silvia Comeche<br />

Novel writer, journalist, cinema producer,...those are<br />

the many adjectives that can define Alberto Vázquez-<br />

Figueroa, the multi-talented man who benefits from a<br />

formidable career. At present, he is enjoying the<br />

success of his latest piece «Saud el leopardo», which,<br />

like the rest of his novels, can be downloaded free<br />

through the internet. To the amazement of the editorial<br />

world, Vázquez-Figueroa confirms that «more get<br />

sold» this way. «Readers can become buyers, buy<br />

buyers rarely become readers», he adds.<br />

He was the first author to offer his books free of<br />

charge, and gives an advice to the edition industry: «It<br />

is absurd that they are not adapting, that they don’t<br />

realise that, like discography and cinema producers<br />

have done before, Internet is not the enemy; it should<br />

be an ally».<br />

In order to put a stop to polemics from the start, the<br />

author from Tenerife says that it is «absurd» to talk<br />

about pirating when it comes to literature. «Nobody is<br />

going to print a book, it would cost more than to buy it<br />

in the shop».<br />


Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa wants everyone to have the<br />

opportunity to read his books. «Blind people or people<br />

who have bad eyesight cannot read a normal book. I<br />

send it to them by internet and they can print it in large<br />

FOTOS: José Luis Hourcade<br />

Alberto Vázquez - Figueroa: Novel writer, journalist and<br />

cinema producer<br />

writing. For blind people, their computer can translate<br />

it or I send it to them recorded».<br />

The other case is when people can’t afford to buy a<br />

book. «Why not offer it to them?» wonders the prolific<br />

author. «I wrote Tuareg 30 years ago and sold millions<br />

of copies. It has already made its profits, what do I<br />

care if someone reads it free of charge?», he says with<br />

confidence and wisdom gained from experience and<br />

sales figures.<br />

He keeps on looking forward to the future and works<br />

on various projects. His next novel is already finished<br />

and ready to be launched.<br />


Vázquez-Figueroa’s personality does not go<br />

unnoticed. At present, TC Canarias is preparing his tri-<br />

bute: El mundo de Vázquez-Figueroa. «There are 13<br />

programmes about me, speaking with journalists as if<br />

it was a get-together after diner», he explains. It will<br />

deal with themes that are part of the author’s life such<br />

as diving, the forest, or the desert.<br />


Other subjects have caught the attention of Vázquez-<br />

Figueroa over the past few years such as reversed osmosis.<br />

It is a system of desalination plant using natural<br />

pressure that according to the inventor will solve<br />

the problem of water shortage at a relatively low cost.<br />

However, after years of investigation and studies<br />

from the Government and the electric companies, the<br />

project has not been applied in Spain. When faced with<br />

this situation, the Spanish author the most read in the<br />

world made a decision: «I have decided to sell it». Once<br />

more remember that, if something slowed down its<br />

development, it is «the interest of businesses».<br />

Now, he has taken a new direction. «I have to go to<br />

Dubai, to the Arab Emirates, to negotiate with them. I<br />

wanted to sell and keep the rights for Spain, but they<br />

want it all. In the end they will make the desalinations<br />

plants and we will have to buy them from the Arabs»<br />

he complains.<br />


Going back to his speciality, which is literature, the<br />

author has one favourite amongst his 40 novels: Tuareg.<br />

«It is a very good novel that has had worldwide<br />

success and was translated in almost every language»,<br />

he says proudly.<br />

Regarding his undeniable success, Vázquez-Figueroa is<br />

auto-critical and recognises that he has been wrong in<br />

many occasions. «When you write a book you always want<br />

it to be a success, but unfortunately it is not always this<br />

way. We can only really be aware of the quality of the piece<br />

when we look at it from a distance. What is absurd is not<br />

to admit it. No one, not even Cervantes, has only written<br />

good pieces. We learn from our mistakes», he concludes.

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