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GRATIS / FREE - fuerteventura magazine hoy


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FUERTEVENTURA MAGAZINE <strong>hoy</strong><br />


Victor Alonso – Cabildo’s Social Matters’ Councillor<br />

“We have reached our goal: to maintain the level<br />

of social services and attention to citizens”<br />

FMHOY - Fuerteventura<br />

After three years experience in this Council, which<br />

he tends to call “the people’s Council”, we have come<br />

once again to chat with Víctor Alonso, so that he could<br />

tell us about his duties during this venture.<br />

Changes have been positive, he seems younger and<br />

full of vitality, unlike what tends to happen as years go<br />

by for all of us and especially for politicians, who have<br />

to cope with more work related stress than others.<br />

Tell us about your experiences over the past few<br />

years.<br />

They are very varied because this position is very<br />

controversial, and does not always suit everyone, but I<br />

believe that we have reached our goals over this term:<br />

to maintain the level of social services by improving<br />

their infrastructures and attention to citizens.<br />

We know that new services’ centres have been<br />

inaugurated. Can you tell us more about those?<br />

As for infrastructures, we managed to put in place<br />

last year the Occupational Centre of the Southern<br />

Area in Gran Tarajal, for people with light mental<br />

disabilities where activities and workshops are organised<br />

to make their integration in social and working<br />

life easier. Regarding numbers, when the term<br />

started, everyday ten of those people (young people<br />

and adults) used to have to go from Morro Jable at 6<br />

in the morning in order to get to Puerto del Rosario.<br />

We are also currently completing a new centre in<br />

Gran Tarajal that will welcome students from the local<br />

that was given by Tuineje’s Ayuntamiento which is<br />

being refurbished. We hope that it will be completed<br />

in November or December... And the Psycho-social<br />

Rehabilitation Centre of Puerto del Rosario, in the area<br />

of Rosa Vila, has just started operating. As the Centre<br />

North mancomunidad was closed, the Cabildo and<br />

Canarian Government have taken those rehabilitation<br />

centres under their wing. The centre’s staff consists<br />

of teachers, a social worker and a psychiatrist. We are<br />

also aiming at taking care of Gran Tarajal’s centre once<br />

it will be completed if the centre-south mancomunidad<br />

agrees, as this should depend from the Cabildo.<br />

Another very important project is the Centro Insular<br />

de Atención a la Discapacidad (disability attention centre)<br />

of Puerto del Rosario where we are carrying out the<br />

first phase of investment that represents 1.200.000 €.<br />

This project houses the new Occupational Centre and<br />

the new island’s Residence for deeply mentally disabled<br />

people and a communal area that their families will be<br />

able to use. This area will contain a swimming pool that<br />

will also be available to families and associations.<br />

How about the elderly people?<br />

We have also carried out refurbishments and repairs<br />

in the Elders’ Residence of Casillas del Ángel<br />

representing an investment of over 1.500.000 €. It<br />

was a spectacular change. On the other hand, the<br />

Island’s Water Board carried out major work to create<br />

a direct and easy entrance to the premises through<br />

a roundabout and also for ambulances to get easy<br />

access without having to come in through the village.<br />

How did budget cut backs affect your Council?<br />

Regarding attention to persons, the Cabildo increased<br />

the budget by 1,65%. We are one of the<br />

Councils that has not suffered from any cut backs,<br />

but we have to take care of many services. There was<br />

a major investment for drug-addictions although the<br />

Canarian Government had to reduce the amount of<br />

help they use to grant us. The Cabildo has carried<br />

on maintaining services and we have increased the<br />

number of staff in the south of the island and added<br />

a psychologist to care for people concerned and their<br />

families. We need a lab-technician for methadone<br />

treatments in the southern area but the budget does<br />

not allow us to cover this position.<br />

Another priority is the Island’s Social Services’<br />

Centre that currently attends around 12.000 people.<br />

We have concentrated our efforts on this department<br />

by making adjustments and we have moved part of<br />

the staff of this module to the Popular University and<br />

another part of the Council will be located next to the<br />

Auditorium where the drug-addiction services and the<br />

sexual information service will be situated. Although we<br />

wish to create a space for this centre, the project will<br />

9<br />

have to wait for financial resources to increase which<br />

will allow us to increase and improve our service of<br />

attention to citizens which is our most important task.<br />

What projects are being carried out for people<br />

with physical disabilities?<br />

This year we are going to sign an agreement with<br />

the Frater association, in order to care for all the<br />

accessibility deficiencies of the island.<br />

Frater is going to check out each municipality in<br />

order to point out all the problems that a person with<br />

disabilities could encounter from taking a taxi to getting<br />

access to any public place. Furthermore, this initiative<br />

will help ayuntamientos to be aware of the norms on<br />

adequate accesses before giving out building licences.<br />

Any other interesting news?<br />

Yes, until recently residents of the island had to go to<br />

the Cabildo in order to get an assessment of their level<br />

of disability and the final decision used to take a year<br />

before being given out. We have come to an agreement<br />

with the Canarian Government in order to speed up this<br />

process and we have now dedicated a psychologist and<br />

a social worker for this task at the Cabildo. The administration<br />

is taken care of by the Canarian Government.<br />

Therefore the process will be almost immediate and<br />

the final decisions will be handed out directly by the Office<br />

of Attention to Citizens. We have also managed to get<br />

the evaluation commissions to meet in Fuerteventura.<br />

What are you most proud of?<br />

I think this Council has achieved projects for each<br />

collectivity which was one of my main goals when I first<br />

started. This year we have managed to sign agreements<br />

with over twenty eight associations and N.G.O., we<br />

have maintained the amount of subventions, help and<br />

assessments for associations such as Corazón y Vida,<br />

Asociación Fuerteventura contra el Cáncer, Frater, Asomasamen,<br />

Familia con trastornos de déficit de atención,<br />

Victimas de Violencia de Genero, Hijas de la Caridad de<br />

Corralejo, we have carried on providing tele-assistance<br />

with the Red Cross and this year we also want to help<br />

with Caritas, Adisfama, Adisfuer, etc. We also keep on<br />

supporting as much as possible the Ayuntamientos<br />

thanks to the Social Well-being agreements.<br />

We have achieved over 125% of the electoral plan<br />

of the Government’s pact that was presented at the<br />

beginning and which no one was aware of in 2007,<br />

and we have given answers to all the associations<br />

within our budget possibilities.<br />

I am also very proud of the Gold Medal that the Red<br />

Cross awarded us in recognition of the social work carried<br />

out by Fuerteventura’s Cabildo over the past year.

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