GRATIS / FREE - fuerteventura magazine hoy

GRATIS / FREE - fuerteventura magazine hoy

GRATIS / FREE - fuerteventura magazine hoy


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FUERTEVENTURA MAGAZINE <strong>hoy</strong><br />


María Sanz Esteve – Prize winner of the award for best director for her short<br />

film called Serendipia<br />

“Fuerteventura, main character on the big<br />

screen”<br />

FMHOY - Fuerteventura<br />

Fuerteventura is back on the national cinema<br />

screens. And this time not only as the scenery but<br />

as the main character.<br />

The event is due to the short film “Serendipia”<br />

being awarded the Premio del Público Madrid 2010<br />

which is the first film that María Sanz Esteve directed<br />

within the 13th Curt Ficcions short film Festival. The<br />

prize which does not consist of any financial reward,<br />

offers for two copies in 35 millimetres of the film to<br />

be made so that the film can be shown in cinemas in<br />

over 20 Spanish towns during one year, which would<br />

otherwise be unfeasible for this type of film.<br />

The director granted us a few minutes of her time<br />

to give us a few details about her cinematographic<br />

path and her work.<br />

María Sanz Esteve has been a resident on the<br />

island for 10 years, she was born in Madrid and graduated<br />

in Sciences of Image although she confirms<br />

that she didn’t learn from university what she knows<br />

about cinema. Her restlessness and almost obsessive<br />

passion about cinema from a very young age made<br />

her move to London as soon as she graduated from<br />

University. She lived there for 7 years completely<br />

immersed in any opportunities of work or activities<br />

related to cinema and she finally managed to access<br />

the city’s film library,- she tells us enthusiastically-<br />

where in addition to being able to watch as much<br />

cinema as she wanted, from the greatest masters in<br />

the world…they used to pay her to do it! – from this<br />

moment on, she participated in various productions<br />

as production assistant, director’s assistant, extras’<br />

coordinator, dressing room manager, decorator and<br />

even driver of the electronics and machinists truck,<br />

which she had to pass the appropriate licence for… -<br />

This was her best school and allowed her to find out<br />

in depth about every aspect of cinema. She then<br />

moved to Fuerteventura where she says she found the<br />

perfect environment to develop her creativity without<br />

the influence of globalisation.<br />

The idea of “Serendipia” came from a micro-tale of<br />

the Ecuadorian writer, who lives in the Canaries, Patricia<br />

Sacoto… “A child walks in an immense desert. To reach<br />

the shop and come back can be a blessing or a nightmare.<br />

Sometimes it only depends from each person’s own<br />

perspective”. Set on the island of Fuerteventura in the<br />

50’s, “Serendipia” can be seen as universal story about<br />

difficult times… The story tells about the return trip of<br />

Carmencita to a shop to buy a few groceries in order to<br />

feed her family… María tells us that it is a fiction based<br />

on a true story, a tale or a trip, where the good and the<br />

bad sides of life are not always clear.<br />

For the production, the director recalls that she<br />

31<br />

was able to rely on a great team of professionals and<br />

unconditional enthusiasts, whose input was indispensible.<br />

The production was paid by Dunes Films,<br />

a production company created by María three years<br />

ago, which is sponsored by the Canarian Government<br />

and benefits from the participation of Ventura Films<br />

and Sebastián Álvarez as associate producers and<br />

the collaboration of Fuerteventura’s Cabildo. Asiria<br />

Suárez Álvarez got the role of Carmencita; Soledad<br />

Aguiar Montelongo was Señá Manuela and Lorenza<br />

Machín interpreted Abuela. Furthermore, some residents<br />

of the island appeared in the story such as<br />

Suso Machín or María Jesús Martínez Ruíz (the true<br />

protagonist of this story). The music creation consisted<br />

of an original sound track from Miguel Pérez Díaz<br />

and the introduction of themes given by the Majoreo<br />

Timple player Domingo Rodríguez “El colorao” and the<br />

group from Tenerife called “Non Trubada”.<br />

After our chat with María and seeing in her eyes the<br />

emotion brought back with memories of the production,<br />

filming and editing of her prized short-film, we now understand<br />

why it is called the 7th art (although it is difficult<br />

to really understand the reason for its seventh ranking).

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