,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission ,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

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coru E?on 198, our of ls, 53,049 a]s lotal fftsr ea in Haze divisio. l, 35,5?4 e6 wde in Abbonabadlo. On. lourtn of tbe total eca of the disticr Mdschm cotuisrs of plains. lahli is the nosl inpolt&r of thc plains. Out of l. 99,534 &rcs lolal cultiv.t€d d.a 32.124 es s€rc isiSrred in 198 in rhir districl''. Si6 dd Kunhd cmls iEislIe hajor poniotr of ldd. Wnea!, maid, rice, potab ed robeco @ imponet crcps of the area. Tbe area h nch in aruits dld v.8.rabls. Liv6 stet &d poulhy e. in abmd{c€ in lhis ara. As regdG tne foet, &cording to rhc dislict c€.sus repon 1998, Mdschra is on. ollne richell disFicts. Fortsr coveed an ag of 8,21,028 eG in the dislicla':. t(otbrr ftde is ediiy of aCiculiml led in Kohisle dis1nc1. Out of36,?49 &.es loul cullivaled e!" slreus dd srrings irigar€d ede 25,000 er€s @ in Kohbte @ording to 1t98 ccBuJ3. Vh.cr md m.i& N impondl cops of the 16. Aiier c€dcultur€, fie nosl imporlml sou& ofsublistchce in Kofiistan is lt* slo.k. \tost common slock de 8oa1fld shep. For6B @vered 18. 72. tO6 rEs de 'n KohEb uordrna b the drshct cfl!6 Cidled by rhc romlai$, n is th. dch6l aSnoltual @ in lhe prcvire. Th€ valle, consisrs of P6bawd and Marde divisioru All rhe didncts leshawd, Medan, Swabl Chdsadda &d Nowsh.E e agricuhur.lly rich. In Peshos& dishict out of l, 83,571 &es total cultivat€d N4 l, 38,592 eG wde imgaled emrdins o 198 cds!s". The districl is foou for fi!i15. Tne principd nuns @ plm, p€.ch, p*, apncot, oeloni apple, guava, ndgo, pminnon md loquats. Th* @ Imv ldit orchdds along the Gred TnDl Road. Tnc posprny bfar@ G du. to cml svslen r€d by lhc tuycr Kabul dd tuva Sw.l. wl@! bdL, gM, puls6, oils€€d, suglr bet, v.B.rabl€s dd lodCd d. gown in laOi ed maize, millets, paddy, puls6, oileeds, su8eoe, v.Sdabl* dd lodda rc 8rcwn in r(ra'lffin" 33

ln Mardmoutolz, ?8,715 acres clliivardea2,71,821 &res eawa iftigated according !o 1998 c4urr Upp.r dd tiwcr Svat cmzls N m.in $!B oa iEisalion. What ed nsizc e oajor f6d cnin crops. lt is al$ €au.d ldd or su!@d€ dd roblccort. Mosl ofth. er in Swabi is pltn ed fdtil€. Our of2,15,075 e6 cdlivated {ca in Swabi 1,58,150 &rcs were inigaied by Upper Swat canal, Pehlr ceal dd iube wdllsa'. wleat, naiz€, iob&co dd suge&e de main crcp' A ldge qldily of or&ge dd guava e poduced in lhc villagG ofMainj, Jnmda md TordhE on conftddal bais. Moc the 90 p@mt offtc l,83516 e6 ror.l clhivared @a otChas?ddr wc i galed ecordine lo 1998 cmsuss'. Four mlin cdals iFigali.S lne disticl a@ Doaba cM.l, Saidar gdhi c,nal, tlwd md Upp.r Swat c.nals Major crcps ercm in the dca a€ eh.at, beley, mcir, tobMo ad sus4de chds.dd! h fmos ror bl&[ sneai (Cr). A{ording ro th€ .listricr cffu Epon 1998, out oa 1?9,821 e$ bral cultivat€d ag in Noqsb@ 86.488 &Es @ w6 inigated5r. Pubbi circl€ ofNowsh.ta is fmous for citus fruils. Foresrs covered 12,936 des d.a in Norvrhda disrriclr:. \vhat, @tq sngscee md suga. h.er e oain crep3 of rhe m. It includG major pan of Kohal dd Hdg! dbdcts. The t€a consiets of uPled, oUrns moulain vallcts dd sau plai6. ln Kohar dis$icr lrigarion wa1e. i3 supplied nrinly by Tddr Dm, (&d€r dnn. DNaizi dan, Ch{d. Faleh Khe Dm, Gddjali dar s w€ll 6 by springs ed wells. Oul of65,l0o &s lolal cultivated d€a 25 pd.nl is irig.ted". A major pan of Kohat d.a is slill d.p.nddt on d.y fmiDg conditions. Ga.dlly in (,ztal naia, p.ddt mill€t, puls6, oilsced ed sug@ne is sroM. In ia6l ftuitl v.selables dd lbdda are sown Gutva is fmous frun of dD region. Livs stock is als do.8 bain o9€upation or lhc re3lon i4

coru E?on 198, our of ls, 53,049 a]s lotal fftsr ea in Haze divisio. l, 35,5?4<br />

e6 wde in Abbonabadlo.<br />

On. lourtn of tbe total eca of the disticr Mdschm cotuisrs of plains. lahli is the nosl<br />

inpolt&r of thc plains. Out of l. 99,534 &rcs lolal cultiv.t€d d.a 32.124 es s€rc<br />

isiSrred in 198 in rhir districl''. Si6 dd Kunhd cmls iEislIe hajor poniotr of ldd.<br />

Wnea!, maid, rice, potab ed robeco @ imponet crcps of the area. Tbe area h nch in<br />

aruits dld v.8.rabls. Liv6 stet &d poulhy e. in abmd{c€ in lhis ara. As regdG tne<br />

foet, &cording to rhc dislict c€.sus repon 1998, Mdschra is on. ollne richell disFicts.<br />

Fortsr coveed an ag of 8,21,028 eG in the dislicla':.<br />

t(otbrr<br />

ftde is ediiy of aCiculiml led in Kohisle dis1nc1. Out of36,?49 &.es loul cullivaled<br />

e!" slreus dd srrings irigar€d ede 25,000 er€s @ in Kohbte @ording to 1t98<br />

ccBuJ3. Vh.cr md m.i& N impondl cops of the 16. Aiier c€dcultur€, fie nosl<br />

imporlml sou& ofsublistchce in Kofiistan is lt* slo.k. \tost common slock de 8oa1fld<br />

shep. For6B @vered 18. 72. tO6 rEs de 'n KohEb uordrna b the drshct cfl!6<br />

Cidled by rhc romlai$, n is th. dch6l aSnoltual @ in lhe prcvire. Th€ valle,<br />

consisrs of P6bawd and Marde divisioru All rhe didncts leshawd, Medan, Swabl<br />

Chdsadda &d Nowsh.E e agricuhur.lly rich.<br />

In Peshos& dishict out of l, 83,571 &es total cultivat€d N4 l, 38,592 eG wde imgaled<br />

emrdins o 198 cds!s". The districl is foou for fi!i15. Tne principd nuns @ plm,<br />

p€.ch, p*, apncot, oeloni apple, guava, ndgo, pminnon md loquats. Th* @ Imv<br />

ldit orchdds along the Gred TnDl Road. Tnc posprny bfar@ G du. to cml svslen r€d<br />

by lhc tuycr Kabul dd tuva Sw.l. wl@! bdL, gM, puls6, o<strong>il</strong>s€€d, suglr bet,<br />

v.B.rabl€s dd lodCd d. gown in laOi ed maize, m<strong>il</strong>lets, paddy, puls6, o<strong>il</strong>eeds,<br />

su8eoe, v.Sdabl* dd lodda rc 8rcwn in r(ra'lffin"<br />


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