,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission ,il nwFP (r960-19t0) - Higher Education Commission

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cnt ca Lfan<strong>il</strong> oEyE LO?nE <strong>il</strong>T<br />

,<strong>il</strong> <strong>nwFP</strong> (<strong>r960</strong>-<strong>19t0</strong>)<br />

Pnos?EcTt GHAU.ENGES AfaD FOUCV O?flOllS<br />






rN NWFP (1960-80)<br />



f$};a*li*-**rq:'<br />


!a hntrr! .@lcty 6IU.EB of w.tttt ard povottt<br />

|t. tto m.b |orre.. of .vlt...wh€t! poPdatl@ b dlvftLd<br />

bio rn teo cLrlc. of tt! ?cty dcb .!d Ett Poor' t!6.<br />

cr! tc !o rcd .htq 6ot tb.t! c.r tG !o !t ! frrc!&hlp<br />

b.tccn tlc ch.s;t frlr|r|lttlP lr tlc 4cdr.t PdrdPrG


Ilrir $.ri! by l"tt- MrhlM.d A.l.D Kh.n n e4tt d it tlti! Feql tdE bv th6<br />

N.tind bn tub ofl'.Iidd slrd.r fd ED.gte 6f!! D o l''Iictd sNli!'<br />

s@iN a'tL.''^11^ | a-I/

N.\-!l0tiAl- L\sT!]-1,iTn ol J'AKI sl i'i\ :'l l')ll t<br />

cl . lAll)_l Az Al"l l,'^_nTRsl'rI<br />


\r; Jl c1 -D/)a'lr)llLAI 5PMINAl{ OFMl{ MjrrAMVAl) AsLA\l {llANi<br />

' " - r:u-O ScjHo_iAR_.lll'$, euApt-^zAl4 !rl,,ttvr.r clrY, l$L^.r'lAB4P:<br />

Tbe Delor.l S€ooarofvt Mll$mad A'tm Kh'n Ii' D S'hol'roflhi3<br />

rNlrrur. was lEl.l o. lgn l '1m9 in llr pr.i.ne of fa'llry n''trlr'r' indn {nl5 ll;!<br />

p. bnb.nce in rh. !.!rnar ol lr! Pn. D $.tr loPt "Agd'l'l( "! l)elrloPneri $<br />

:\'Vltt' (1960{tD Pn5E61t .h.[dAs sd Poli.t oPtiotrs " *$ qdsf'ctory<br />

42,..?e/"*<br />

/...,.^"^t;t (Di

tanlml<br />

Th€r€ are so many instihfions and indivi<strong>il</strong>uals who have helped Ine<br />

direcdy or indircctly in carrying out of lhis study. To siart with the insaitution<br />

my debt is to the HiSher <strong>Education</strong> Cornmission, Corial Univ€rsity Dera Isma<strong>il</strong><br />

Khan, National Institule of Pakislan Snrdi€s, Quaid_I-Azam University<br />

Islamabad, Pakislan Instihrt€ of Developm€nt economics Islamabad and<br />

lnstitule of D€vcloprenl Studies, Agricultuml UnivErsity Peshawar.<br />

The Higber <strong>Education</strong> Comnission has sponsorcd me lhrough iis<br />

indig€nous scholarship program. Gornal University ttera Isrna<strong>il</strong> Khan wner€ I<br />

am serving has allow€d mc wirh pay leav€ for tnre€ years. National Institute of<br />

Pakistan Studies, Quaid-I-Azam University Islainabad 4abled me lo be a<br />

scholar and Palistan lnstitute of Development €conomics as well as Institut€ of<br />

D€velopment Studies. Agricultural University Peshawar provided In€ valuable<br />

<strong>il</strong>ata on the subject. Besides thes€ therc ar€ nrany othcr research centers whos€<br />

help I car't forget like Pakislrn National documentation Center, Islanabad,<br />

NWFP Archives Peshawar and Rural Acad€my Peshawar-<br />

Among th€ individuals who played an imponant role in cnabling me to<br />

complele this work, my first debt go€s lo sqp€rvipor Dr. Naur€en Talha who<br />

guidcd me and influ€nce th€ shap€ of my th€sis lhiough discussions and<br />

coEection of the draft again and again. She may not be blamed for lhe<br />

blenishes that must remain in lhe th€sis.<br />

Also there are so nany authors fi'om whose works I benefited immenselv.<br />

I arfl greatly indebted to Malmood Hasan Khan, Chaudhry Ghaffar, John<br />

Mcllor and others who have witten a lot on the agriculture of Pakislrn. I am<br />

also thanktul to Dr. Syed Waqar Ali Shah, Dr. Lal Baha md Mian Nurul hlam<br />

whose valuable work on one or oth€r asp€cl of Nonh W€st Fronti€r Provmcc<br />

proved great helptul to me in this study.<br />

I am also thankful to administrativ€ and libQry staff of National Institut€<br />

of Pakistan Studi€s who were very coop€rativ€ with me during the course of<br />

time I spent wirh them.<br />

Last nol the l€a$ thanks 1o all rny colleagues panicularly Shakeel Abmad<br />

who Save me company dudng my stay at the campus of Quaid{- Azam<br />

Mr. Mohamnad Aslam Khan

Il<br />

t,2<br />

l3<br />

1.5<br />

r.6<br />

3I<br />

32<br />

33<br />

3.4<br />

4.1<br />

4.2<br />

4.3<br />


COI{TDI{TA<br />

LG...sh PtoDLE{Asiculrural devcloPment in NWFP)<br />

statement of the problem<br />

objectives of thc study<br />

Rescarch Methodolos/<br />

OrSaniation ot the stud<br />

Notes dd refcrcnces<br />

th.oEtiql at|o4ott<br />

Notcs md Refcrences<br />

htsdrctio! to Agiiculturc r! l|xlFP<br />

t{orrh West Frontier Provin e, tand and people<br />

Economy of North West Frontier Plovince<br />

Asricultural sector ofihc economv ofNWFP<br />

R;gion-wise d.ta<strong>il</strong> of agricultue in NWFP<br />

Notcs dd rcfcrences<br />

Ht torldl brcltreund of igticoltunr<br />

.Lv.!opa.nt ttl ltslP<br />

Agricultue dcvelopment in Sub_Continent<br />

dunrE Muslis rure<br />

Asric;lture devclopment in Frontier districts<br />

durinA pre. British era<br />

Agliculture Development in Fronticr d'stncts<br />

durinE Bntish

5_2<br />

5.3<br />

5,4<br />

55<br />

6.2<br />

6.3<br />

6.3-l<br />

6.3-2<br />

6.5<br />

Emnomic dryclopment in NWFP (1950'60)<br />

(1) Industnar development<br />

(2) Aslicultual dcvelophent<br />

Economic dd€lopment in Pakrstan { 1960'70}<br />

(l) AsricultuEl developncnt<br />

(2) IndNrial development<br />

E oDomic ddelophent in NWFP (1960 70)<br />

(r) hdustrial dcvclopment<br />

(2) Agriculturar d€velop6ent<br />

Green r€volution in NWFP as @mP@d to<br />

other rcgions of Pakistan<br />

Notes and Refercnces<br />

Agrlcdtur.r DGslopBolt t! I{LFP (!97Gaol<br />

zA Bhutto €ra (19?l-77)<br />

(i) Public policy (ii) lznd rcrorn {1972)<br />

{iii) Economic pcrfoddce<br />

First th.ee yeds of zia rcgrmc (1977_80)<br />

(i) Public policy (ii) Lqnd rcfom {1977)<br />

(iii) E onomic perfomdc!<br />

Economy of NWFP duing l97o-80'<br />

lndustncs in thc Provincc<br />

Agricultural dcvclopment<br />

Shde of NWFP in the total crcps produchon<br />

Agti@ltual ddclopment durinA 1980s& 90s<br />

Notes and Refcrcnces<br />

Prelpocts, Ch.[.!gct .!<strong>il</strong> Poltcy oPtto!.<br />

Notes and Refercnces<br />

arEd.rt u<strong>il</strong> Corcru.btr<br />

Canal Iftigation ald ldd re.lmation<br />

Droiects completcd rn NWFP 11955_70)<br />

imialion prolets compl.ted in NWFP<br />

duong (1970-80)<br />

The North West Frontier P.ovince<br />

Tendcv Act 19s0 with amcn lmenls<br />

Martial law Reculabon 64 {19s9 Lsncl .cromsl<br />

Mcniat tpw Resllstion I l5 (1973ldd rcfom\i<br />

Land Rcforms Act, 1977<br />

Bibliognphy<br />

77-43<br />

a3 a4<br />

84-r0a<br />

0a t10<br />

111- 15<br />

t16-48<br />

t6 20<br />

L20-22<br />

r22-23<br />

123-26<br />

r26-,34<br />

13a-40<br />

t40-44<br />

145 4a<br />

t49-54<br />

159<br />

t6at-63<br />

1,66'67<br />

168'69<br />

70 21r<br />

212-222<br />

223-235<br />

236-243<br />


Llst ofTrbt€s<br />

No Title<br />

4.1 Revdue expmdinrc 4d dctic<strong>il</strong> olihe NWIP aoml90l to 1947<br />

4.2 Poportior of oMd dd to$t cdtivator in NWFP dding 1930s<br />

5-l Total Rd6!., ErPodir@ dd Deficit! oath€ Drevisc. duitrg 1947_ 1970<br />

5.2 The podulion of food ghim, su$rcec {d lob@o crops in NWFP<br />

dui.8 (1955- 1960) a.ompaEd 10 wdpg. pmdudon duins 1948-54<br />

5.3 Population of Palislan, P@jab and N\\'FP duing l95l _71<br />

5.4 Inv€slmert by th. F€ddal gov€tmd in indNFiot seclor in all lhe fou<br />

Pov<strong>il</strong>]6 ofPalbia! duinS 194?-'75<br />

5.5 Inv6cnmls by wesi Pakistrn lrdutrial Dcvclopmot Coaonlion<br />

durins ( 1962-?2) in lhe fou Ptoviu€s of wesl Patistd<br />

5.6 Thc pel959 led omhiP t*tu in P*islan ttd NWFP<br />

5.7 Cdal wald withdmwal by NWTI dd Pujab<br />

5.8 NMba of tub. *.lls in opdtion in th. provircd of Pdjab dd<br />

N*'FP duins 1963-70<br />

5.e Culdvard dd iFisaled d in Pujab sd NWIP d;ng 0948_ 19?O)<br />

5.lO CocunDli@ of f.rt<strong>il</strong>i6 inNWFPduing l95l_?0<br />

5.ll The .!e6ge musl qmlrty of imprcvcd $eds of wlr4t, maize dd 8rM<br />

5.12 Ad @votd by plart prcl@tio! opfalids in NWFP durin8 1960-70<br />

5.13 Thc aveBse atnual ..@c., prcducion dd yield peracre ornajor food ed<br />

cdh .rops in l.lWFP duinA 196055&1965-70<br />

5.14 Th. E€td in agncultud sroE& prevircial sh@ in tolal agricultu l<br />

prcductio., soss v.lue Pbduct pd fm workd in thc Provino6 of<br />

Punjab md NwF! duing I96G?0<br />

paSe<br />

58<br />

n<br />

83<br />

85<br />

36<br />

a1<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />

I0l<br />

102<br />

lo3<br />

106<br />


5.15'IrE gc cgiona! prcducl5&dGRP pacapitaFdM inthe fou 109<br />

povitues of?ali$an duing 1969-?0<br />

6.1 Tlufaof €apitd to Pujsb dd lwFP thrcudt sukidi€s for &e l2l<br />

6.2 Shd€ olPdjab dd NryFP in dE tobl culii$led dea ofPakbld 126<br />

duing 19?l-80<br />

6.3 T.ble shoeirg ups dd dow tu wls iriSatcd al4 i. PMjab a ll2<br />

NWFP duing l97l-81<br />

6,4 Tolal rubdoftub€ welkop@tinginPujab&dNwrP duing 197G81 131<br />

6.5 Sh@ ofPuj$.nd NWIP h rherorlt inisrn.d d ofPakisro t14<br />

6.6 Ye&-wise ofltale offen<strong>il</strong>i&r inNwFP duine 197G60 l3s<br />

6.7 F.rr<strong>il</strong>ia @cuprid in Puja! r NWFP duing 09?1-1980) 135<br />

6.8 Ycd-wis distibrtionofimpbved @droftuin crcp8 irNwFP 136<br />

duing 0970-80)<br />

6.9 Th. avmg. mul a.@ec, pKlduction. ield rd fE ofnajor food 138<br />

dd c,sh crp! of h NWFP dEins 1970-75 6d 1975-80<br />

6.10 The perceni.gc olprevincialmual Irovth 6teofgtos crcp vah. 139<br />

duing 197G80 in Prltui5<br />

6.11 Prcvincial shlE in grcs value ofaericultural oul Pui ol 139<br />

?akisto ai cuMi prics (190)<br />

MAES<br />

3.1 GcoeFphical Map ofNonh W.st Frentid Prcvince<br />

6.1 leatron of indusEial uits io di|IeMt Fpois of NwFP 126<br />


Glosstry<br />

Aftab lord or naster<br />

Ar<strong>il</strong>s a rartuns colleiots of r6fl.d led revouc<br />

Band6 hmLk<br />

Bdiy. Hind! n@cyl@d6<br />

Rakttu she or lhe plot of & indiYidual<br />

Ranjol d*crt.d oi tun-cultivded ldd<br />

Baruni 6i. fcd<br />

Batoi shring ofpoduc. of l&d<br />

qga, o^d rbwdb to(cd labd<br />

Rurna\har ijnada4 who used b dr . l.nd at sne c.5h rat. md<br />

cltlival! <strong>il</strong> rkouSh lhc teMl! d nirEd lator<br />

Cha.her lmd thal renaincd fcllow @nliouously for<br />

lhE. or fou yea.s ,<br />

Cha*daot ttlan| F bulc l.rd<br />

Chdvdki.lar {aichme<br />

Choshas long .oats<br />

Dafa.i lddoMd<br />

Doftor @.pbor<br />

Dehqors p@t! or labots<br />

Dhinit nm-MBtin, ne toE payingrcligiou lar<br />

Diflan-i-MBtottraj ninistty of land d.nE<br />

Dhatudc4la tdPLs or Eindu6 Place ofeoshiP<br />

Famans ordd<br />

Faqir EliSoB nmdicdl w<strong>il</strong>h out sial statN<br />

Gtt black sugd<br />

Ghd,nir a sinpl. mrcnine N by buUocl(, u*d for ctushio8 sugd cdc &d<br />

dtr&tingjuicc fiDn <strong>il</strong>.<br />

Ghdlldbakl i shft ofstlt€ in ptoduce ofled conPuted in cah

gemsara d@dd41or cli.nis<br />

Iqta th. tditorial uit ot ldd sigM@t of thc si2c .onpmbl. (o<br />

lhc FMtprcvinc.<br />

Indns c6h wdd or a pdi of colmor 8t@ing l&d<br />

Jonb scd 6 t abt sylr.n 6 wcll s . ui1 of ldd .qual !o l,2rh of<br />

,i cd.l<br />

Jvaa a tnb.l com<strong>il</strong><br />

Kadar 8o@or<br />

leltue tributa<br />

kantut-batai tn. alPnisd ofsbt 's ponion by iNpelion of staldng crop<br />

dd dividing thc prcduce at ihtdhing odi<br />

Khan chicfofthe rrib.<br />

Kiturs Eind! lddlods<br />

Xhud|Nht alfcultivabr<br />

Khtu j-i M'q@dtu .3ylldn ofland @dE in abich @t ofbtrd ch..g.d wa<br />

PrePoniona& to gFs Yield of Lnd<br />

Khttuj-i Mu*du! a sysim ofldd r.voue in which a nx€d dded ws nade<br />

itup€.live of dlc &tut Fodttcc of Lnd<br />

Ktoaj a l.x 6ll-kd &oh m-MElim forpreviding th.m safctv in<br />

kl.D. srsl@ of covclmor<br />

K el sEtio! of a tribc<br />

tt ash moulh divisid: h uD-iricaredsddv.eof L*ld M@al<br />

Khudkasht nal<strong>il</strong>@n p..st pllpncro6<br />

trhatoda$ tribal ldy<br />

Kit ,<br />

p.6e1<br />


Katuin uFtarl I<br />

Kha" Rahadur h.6ic lids g<strong>il</strong>cn by Bndsh6<br />

Aad Khan Sahib lo tltii Patntd faithtul<br />

Inhbdnla, a viU!8. hadmaJ! who u€d lo coll4l land r*au. frcd the<br />

@_ v<strong>il</strong>ag4<br />

Mohajd, mon ylodd<br />

Mansabdon a srsh in which hold6 gf,i1ama, bolh Zmid$ ed<br />

hgirdG w@ agcntt of dP@t dd w@ boud to 6td{<br />

36vicc n<strong>il</strong>itary d oth.Ni* whd hc @ calLd upd lo do e.<br />

Thac wet€ popL who w@ .llowed io collsi lmd @venue<br />

undd their char8..for lhmselv€r'<br />

Motuab 6nt!, meing frDh 20lo 10000<br />

Ma@ lh. cgSrcgale of lcw v<strong>il</strong>a86<br />

Molit a l.ading m& ofthc lm<strong>il</strong>y<br />

MalitKobzd oMd by por*son<br />

MMM| hald<strong>il</strong>ary<br />

i4irubi c6s sup€RGory Lt on c@! e.t€r<br />

vuqaAtuns a^d MuB Hindu chrls md ZdurrdaA<br />

Mullahs ad Wd rh. pn€sdy cl6s<br />

Mdl<strong>il</strong>Kattu oMdbyposdion<br />

N6ac she ofsbie io pFduce of land pardle in c6h<br />

Noaho ab3.nre lee<br />

Pauis<br />

pi@6ofw@l6ololhe<br />

P!ryaM<br />

pob ltad whicn ws fdi<strong>il</strong>c dd @Dtdlly under cultiv.tiod<br />

lndut<br />

ldd wnich wd occisionally bn f.llo*<br />

Potuatit rh. k €pa oflh. v<strong>il</strong>laS. lad r€cord<br />

@^ryo"<br />

lhesuldYi oflh.Pdrrutqt<br />

Raitatwn i. lhis ststd d,r!l or cultivald hs d hditable ed fiusfq<br />

Rotttl crlltv.toB<br />

abL relrt ofcultivaiion md nddgcn€nl oflmd

Rivaj-e-lbpdti custon ofitrig.tjon<br />

Rxhnia doct 16 of l6.a4P@ch€d by Pir Rokld l

zaitdori ldd divid€d in 4<strong>il</strong>s (PortioB) undd ald( (@.nue<br />

@Ie.ror) for l!qu. o[61io<br />

zdbti asslncft by nBuing lh. ldd culdv*cd<br />

zLbt cashpryD. of Prcd@otr&td

ADfC<br />

ADBP<br />

AKRSP<br />

BADP<br />

CRBC<br />

CIMMYT<br />

D.I.K<br />

DDT<br />

CRP<br />

tIYvS<br />

IDS<br />

IRRI<br />

IRDP<br />

JARD<br />

MKP<br />

MLR<br />

MNTAC<br />

NOOs<br />

NARC<br />

o?Ec<br />

P,L<br />

acRolfrus<br />

A8!c!hru veEity P6hawd<br />

Agricuhr Ddelopndt Fi're Coryohlion<br />

Agiculnuc Ddelopn nt Batt of?alisid.<br />

Aencull@ D€veloFnent Adhonty.<br />

AuslElid lrldational Ddelopmmt Asisrare D!F!<br />

Auslralid Cdter of Intln.tional AgricultuE R6eeh.<br />

A8na (nd Rural suppot losan.<br />

B&&i Atca D€v€lopmdl Po8rm. l<br />

Chalm tu8lu Bor C{.1.<br />

Catro l mtional De M.jorminoio Dc Maiz Y Trigo.<br />

Dichlor Dc Phoyl Tri Cholm Ethdc.<br />

lood ed ,ASricultw o'Ssization,<br />

Crcs RegjoBl ?rcdels.<br />

Hieh Yi.ld v&i€ty c.d.<br />

lstihle of Dcv.lopnal Siudies,<br />

lntemational Rrce Re.ed€h I$titule.<br />

lnlegEred Rlrd DdelopB|dr Pregtu.<br />

JoU@l of Rudl Dd€lopndt ed A.l,ninbtndot<br />

Manid rrw Rcgdation.<br />

Ministry of Food, AgicllNE ed Coop@liv6.<br />

North Wdir<strong>il</strong>tln fuocy.<br />

Notr CoY€motal OrSid2a,tiG. '<br />

National Agricrltft Rca.eh Cdtrc,<br />

Nord Wesi Frentid Ptuvince.<br />

o.g6izalion of Pdolcm Exponitg CouEi6.<br />

On Fam Wdler MMgcni.nl. I

PIDE Pakisra Instittt€ ofD*l@bat Eco.omi6<br />

PARC Pakiste agriculr Reseh counctl<br />

PARD Palistan Acaddy ofRurd Developndt<br />

PIDC Pakist& Industial D4.lopmdt Coryoration.<br />

?lClC Pelista! tndlsitial Credit & Investn.nl CorPoraiion.<br />

PW! ?6p16 works PDerd.<br />

PASSCO Pa*isto Agriculu€ SbraSc ed Sdic6 Colloral'on<br />

Pru Prcdu@Ind€xunit<br />

PPP ?ak<strong>il</strong>t n Papldlarty.<br />

PQLU Pht6ical Qusliti€s oflifc Index<br />

RWP Ru6l WdbPogre.<br />

SIDB Soall lnduslriB De\.loPnor Bottd<br />

SSIDB safiad smatl Ind$lri6 D+elopDdt Bo$d<br />

SV,/A South Wein$6 Agacy.<br />

SRSP SBhad Rml Suppon Pogru<br />

SCARP Salinitycort l.nd Rcl@tior Prce@.<br />

TIPAN Imfolmtim dd Intcgrarion of Povincial agricultMl N.twork<br />

T&V Tninine fld Vkii.<br />

TNT ThoMd Nuri@t T@.<br />

US AlD U.ited StdB Agdcy for hldational Ddelopm.d-<br />

UNDP L nrtd \aLion Dtvelopo.nt Prcctd<br />

V.AID V<strong>il</strong>bge Agicuhnal rnd lndusLial Dcvcl@nol.<br />

\{?lDc w.si P.kist& bdutrial Devcl;pmdl Coryoratio.<br />

WPADC W.st Palistin A8.ic'ntua Dd.lopndl CoryoPt'on<br />

WAIDA Wdcr dd ?ows D€veloFlcnr Aulhor<strong>il</strong>v.<br />

zAB Zulfiqd Ali Bhuno

. ChaPl€Fl<br />

LI - Stat€m€nt of lh€ Problem<br />


Thc ESion i.d.y cmiioling Nonh W6l Fontiq Prcvince *!s 4onmi llv tt !0r<br />

wnh o$.r pans of Punjab in lhe pft-Btiish era Thc Br<strong>il</strong>isfi dcveloped the lndus<br />

basin crn.l sFr.m thc @'ldyl.r8esr d. in Punjab tnd Sind dlring 1830'1930<br />

Itu Indls bdin oDl sfsrd bblgblfrne'dds pb86 lo tgicullE r $€s<br />

prcvirce!. The wetk be of sgricultorc in the pE6'nt NWFP is taced b3ok ro the<br />

lfoEr.ntiorcd Fn.d 'hd no EDa'hbL i[ieltio! proi€ct w!<br />

Fontiq disticls. This pln of llnd could nor b€reft fEm irisalion developFenh ro<br />

lhe sn. d.sre 6 Punjft ud Sind. Thc Q6lioo<br />

tnsps whv rrontier distrrcls could<br />

not shaE eruny tllc imladon dcveloprcno wlledq bsic €u* of ib d'pivation<br />

fton inigation develoPndt was non fddb<strong>il</strong>nv and inlccessib<strong>il</strong>itv ol h<strong>il</strong>l, Giiatn or<br />

rh* bordcr disnrc!? or uliBrirish st m. of d*.ll.B of rhis cgion hindersl irs<br />

&wlopmc l wlEt cq th. cru$ nay b. lhe inr.Frcgiml sononic incqulhiet<br />

thus on.. bom, d*paned '<strong>il</strong>i lle pa$rgc ol nme<br />

S.cdd pt* of iagltid.l md rlriculbnl dcrclopne sdded in Pikison<br />

durins 16l. l95os 6nd l%os Ihis tibc ld 6ost of rd Barases, Sipho's Dans and<br />

link smls bu<strong>il</strong>q .dded 10 lh. llr€dv itriStled a@ of Punj'b and sind v'ry lew<br />

srdl drtu like WrNI( KusD G ni, TDdt ltd Khlnpu w'E bu<strong>il</strong>r i' NWFP thlr<br />

could mr bring any dajor chcnge in (ne toul iri glled l and of the pmvi'cc ln 1960s<br />

and 70r, boln plblic and pntlle tub. *ells *@ insr.ll'd in p'kisbn Th' shaE of<br />

NWFP in these tob. wetls *$ nominrl Onlv No pcrc' oi tobl cull<strong>il</strong>rr'd aEa in<br />

NrvFP was idtlted by tubc wclh. Tub. qcll insbll.tio! ddded t6 the nig'rtd arc!<br />

in Plnjtb gstly and !t dE dd of l9?6i orc sitlh o'cultira&d ara in Pu'jab sA<br />

inigalcd by Nbe w.lls. Iher. is ' need lo.xplore *hv NWFP could nor bonclir fom<br />

ftig<strong>il</strong>ioMl d€v€loDrunr ro llle eDe lercl as Indus basin Egions during 1960_30'<br />

Modco agriculoFl inplls like fen<strong>il</strong>id impEved vari'ries of *tdt planr<br />

p@tecrion nasures sdE applicable to iFi!,cd aG$ bnlv Th'reroE rhd E a need<br />

of dbEugn inGtiSiion b rrcv wh.tlEr dE frmcB in NWFP b'tufii'd ftm<br />

Dffhaniarid tnd noden .slicultudl inpu6 sd b *hat exle'r as conplEd b<br />

o H Fovinces oi P.lislan. Covement.nh'n'd cddir Lc<strong>il</strong>iries and 3dv' subsidv<br />

m a'nost all asncrlunl inpub and nnnor'red Pduremcnr fn6 or rojor

iSncul<strong>il</strong>Bl cDps lim tie lo line wh.tier dc fimcc in NWFP lva<strong>il</strong>ed the<br />

fic<strong>il</strong>in6 ott Ed by go*'mcnl ol P'Lishn io l96oe? The atuwB ro rh'e quesrions<br />

*<strong>il</strong>l be explorcd in lhis study To loov about rhe cluss ol compantiv'lv la$tng<br />

shE of agnculuE in IIWFP, inv.srigarion of v.ndos physiql. ircttotioml an'l<br />

.cononic questio.s like tlle sle ol govmmenl D dissenin ing cchnicel<br />

inlmtion .nd bD*l.{kE, mblitg faftF b &c.d' b phvsic'l inpuB reno ng<br />

sheE ever posiblc .nvirchncllll obslacles and inproving the sldctuE af<br />

inc.ntrr.! w<strong>il</strong>l h.\e b b€ uploEd on $. inkrpotincial le\cl<br />

L2. OblocUvos oa ihc study<br />

(i) T[e @r8jtrg sdno of slobllianid d.m.ds a 9p€ ot nepcllBE rhat cd<br />

compete in tlt globol tukd The agti.lltlE in tlE NWFP lhough diversiiied tnd<br />

posss DoEmial bur is s<strong>il</strong>l utrdd de4lop.d Th.E is. diE ne€d ofa rhooud!<br />

study o. .glioulturc ol lhe tgion lo inv.stig{re $c ftcbs whi'h cau*<br />

blclw.rdft$ of agricul@ in th. pmvi@.<br />

(ii) whm s..i Ehlldo; khnolosi.s @rc inLodlccd in nod of rc l'$ devclop'd<br />

counties of $e world g€ftolly rnd Patjslon pldiculerlv it lale l96osThe<br />

agicuhusl eonmisll hirc divc$ vids .tbur rhc inpoca of lh* techmloBies on<br />

NWFP, son. agicuxuBl eononisk arc ol tlE vi.w lhat no 8reen rcvoluiion rook<br />

placc in NWFP, othd @ift {ut 8rn Evolurian ote€d NWFP with lull s*ing bur<br />

w<strong>il</strong>h some dcldy. This stldy is crried om !o tno* dbou developndll i! agiculruE<br />

of $e Esion sine ib im.pton gp'mllv md dudnS 1960 b 1930 prnicuhnv *he'<br />

gr€n rMlution &chnologies *q€ widc spreod. Ite sludv w<strong>il</strong>l focus on ltnd<br />

cfom, lh. .xdr of titulv tviibb<strong>il</strong>itv of inru6 likc. Mrer, fcn<strong>il</strong>ias HYv $cds<br />

p.sticider, inscclicides and nodcm raming inplen'nls litc rBcton<br />

'hFsheE<br />

TlE study *<strong>il</strong>l !l$ di&uss inDaoll of igticultunl p"icv pek!8e like ldd retbms<br />

pric. suppon sten, input subsidi.s and cFdn &c<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>ies sxend'd bv lh' 8awnncnt<br />

(iii) Th. snrdy w<strong>il</strong> induce rhe afiorls ror inPovins dE livinS sbndlrds in rh€ dt'l<br />

rreas ofth. povince wheE 4licultu i.lhe Dain source ollivelibood As lhe $udy<br />

G sDadevotl in irs nioE on iSFcul$El i,ev.lopDenr in lhe Provirce x mav<br />

stimulate rh. policy nrkl6, pdclirimqs i.d Esotrches who$ da<strong>il</strong>v concem bnngs<br />

$d inio dirccr contad wnh lll. probl€m of lasgins athcullurc' b do rharcugft wolt<br />

n 4rrculluE oINWFP i. tuNE<br />


1 ,3- JBriflc.tlon<br />

Th.re a.e so mny ro G o, .vety arp.cr of igriculbre of P*isbn Mosl oi<br />

rsriculonl ..miL hrtc i .ttEGd ibb iim Punjab tnd Sind in dEn so*s<br />

Mdhned Hasd. Kh.n obsefle!, the rclearch p@blcms of orhe' ffias, pan'curaav<br />

Balrchish $d f,IwFP d€gE shne @nnidel tor .t l4!r No o$ns lidlv 'ts<br />

lgricullural p@blms ift in nany ways dore conple-r a'd intrlobble lnd scondlv<br />

rhcE is rrE prcblen of st;sly in!d.4u& inrom.tion and d.li on the& poblmsr'<br />

h w<strong>il</strong>l nor h€ nnjud to add lhtr chNdhry Muluddld Aslt# h's his PhD qorr<br />

on rne asdcuhml &velopft.r 6r th. prolincc of Baluchisun ion Te6pl€<br />

Univ.6<strong>il</strong>y, U.S.A. N.HMid,M N@cm.dSA Huseinr hlve then PhD wolk on<br />

Dcvelopmenr and Slructure ol agnouxur. with special reierclce lo Punjab lrcm<br />

$rnlord su$x and DoYis Unimi.ics, S N zihid h6lis PhD wo& on Aanntn<br />

Dcvclopbenl of Sind frcn Sh.foid Univcnitv Agr<strong>il</strong>ullu(e in NWFP h diveFe in<br />

dE sE rh{ all thc inpotunt tru<strong>il</strong>s and tood.rops e Ao*n h@ Our of th' l0<br />

lglFlinalic zm.s cs oarled bv Palishn Agnculh)Fl R'sea'ch counc<strong>il</strong> 6 're<br />

loc.t d in NWFP Star vdley dnd tne .djtcent aads of Hoara ore th' 6mv $ns<br />

wlEr co cullivarion is posibl. on 2, Oi o0O acrcs lmd Forcslry. livcnel fdlB<br />

and rcsscblc hrve gr.aioppodun<strong>il</strong>ies ofd.velop6'nr in Nwf_P So f6! as works on<br />

agricuhuE i. NVFP is 6tu.h.d dep( Mid Nw kbnt. Muh'nFad Ahnad<br />

Kha.i md othes hav. pul foN.d rnst wotk ih lhc lom of nunber or monosFphs<br />

ond €Frs published by fom.r Berd of E€onomic Enqurry 'nd larcr lndnul. of<br />

Dcv.lophenl studies (lDD Asncuhnl UniveBitv Pcsb'*!r Morc<br />

of rh. t FB in l@l joumls, m pnps dmugr v *oir h's bc'n done on lhs<br />

subjet anof,g si.l scieDnsb so lhet i5 a n*d b f<strong>il</strong>l rh' g!p' Th'rcfor€ Ph o<br />

disnahon on asnclhual d.vcloPndr id l\rwFP is cmied oul Findinss ot rhe<br />

study v<strong>il</strong> b. hehrul for th. !8riclltuE depaftnl or NWFP ts wcll as orhe'<br />

ag.ncies thli are intrcsted in rh. inpmv.me olagiicullute ofrhe pov'nce<br />

Dunns th. po-Bntih petud nlc {rcwlopmen6 h.ve 6ren plt@ in lhi! pln of h'd<br />

th.l today consl<strong>il</strong>ules P.kistsn Sd foi tgnculton of the E8i'n is conened kraD<br />

Habib' ind Shireen Moosvi! h.ve 6eir sorl o! ryBntn sv$'m 'no 'g6nan<br />

oonont in Subcdti*nl ddirg Mugh,l rule. The foma h$ rt<strong>il</strong>ed rht eNs tnd

condirim ol p.eru and zntdol clls and rheir EisbN. lo MuBlEl Empire'<br />

Magnitod. of hnd rcdue desind, $. n.lhods and svsctu of land Evenuc<br />

as$n€nr in dif.rent csion oflh. empirc h.ve b*n described The laner has<br />

dhcu$en exrcnl oi .ultivalion, meats oi culrivrtion irigd(ion and asnc lturcl<br />

producrions in son. dcL<strong>il</strong>s She lE pE*nled delarled accounr df land revenue'<br />

.eNiu cononY and sid shdE<br />

As Bod of th. lgricuhN d.wloFrcnl hs GuF€d in SubconriD'nt dlnna<br />

Bndsh role Md in thk regird. Imn Alit lss nade a deh<strong>il</strong>e! accoml of.s.icullurc<br />

developnenl in Pu.jab durins BdtGb dlc The d€velopbent or Indus basn canaL<br />

syslen as well $ developbe.t of diffprc.r caml tolonies in Punltb has been<br />

descnb.d. A K. Kh.lidro h6 lis n ali& on aetdM hisrorv ol P*isbn ind coves all<br />

rhe inpoianr scls 6lcn ftr d.rclopGnb of Agiculurc fFn rh. time of Muslih<br />

In the Po$ F€nirion period scond ph.* of |gricultutal dcvelopmenl ianed<br />

when rh€ sbgnsnl alricuhuft sror *ds lm6fomed inlo dyntnic one in 1960s borh<br />

dmush nesr irig.lio. pojeds ad ihe t.chloloaical brsk thro!8i in Pali sbn 'lhe<br />

isbuaiion of tnvrc bb€ wells, inttoducrion or \is[ vield vnrieti.s sads lor<br />

ditr@nr cbF, th. ue ofoodeo inpuB 3uch s r.n<strong>il</strong>izD lnd insticides and tb'<br />

neh.nialion of t<strong>il</strong>lrgc oDestioN hcvc cnhanced dE iel,culturd gro*b nre. TheE<br />

arc nany debslcs in rhe lit€siure lbout enploJm€nl ss well as si4 and scale<br />

pospecrs und€r rh. 8r*n rcvohlion lechnolocy<br />

Mrim@d H.s Khan ha four wot*t and h.s al$ tublistud I lor of pap€G on<br />

vdio6 isp€.b oarsriculiuE |ire aBF ion ntuctuE,land GnoE. ogricuhne rcsrch<br />

and gE. E$ldion in nadoul 6 *ll .s i.redriml jouo<strong>il</strong>s likc lhe Quaderlv<br />

Joumal of E ononios, E onomic Intdrio.al, Popuhtion and Devel@menl<br />

Revier', Anelican Jounal ofAgriclltuBl Ecmonics, World Developmen' and<br />

'Patistlr D.lclopoent Review . Hi IiFt wo&rr is mai.lv concemed wirh l@kin! al<br />

,gn( ulM &rn8 I . g.'mb' of $lplus non.v thor lindnc'<strong>il</strong> 'ndD'tri'lizriun Hc<br />

h$ i&nnficd dt agl.n.t tuctoE !s a diff.Entud on , co6istinB or rhr laver,<br />

(i) ihe rerdcl csriouhue (ii) ib€ persrnt csncultu€ ed (iii) rh. apiblisl 'gicuxue<br />

The tuin lheris of thir wo.k could be 3ummdrizd as; the 8rccn revohl'on hrs nol<br />

in facr. tumed oul to be ts Eten as son. $ouslr <strong>il</strong> lo be, and ih.r <strong>il</strong> could have becn<br />

oade nuch noE green if mly the agnridn structu€ hN'i been rh. ienl ore"rr' ln this<br />

wo sctuE i3 e.. !s ! stltesic f.ctor cond<strong>il</strong>i@ing dE ploduction posit<strong>il</strong>itv of

osliculruft. ft ats hisNig)<strong>il</strong>3 .Sricullurc !! social as *.ll s pohical unit gis lhird<br />

wo&Lr expcs thc he mture of Patisbnt aericrlturc' He fi8 rlleeed th. tbulrv<br />

stutut of agriculru€ ir P.li.Ln fot componiGins 0E p!.ducrio. pos<strong>il</strong>ihi's Hc<br />

ias hiShliShled lhc sial .nd elhical forcs for und.rstondina rh' 'eBrian ntucturc<br />

and ir5 sielncarc€ for econdnic d.velopdent He hrs de*.ib€d hov a<br />

pcdomim y aodal tucruE ch.ne6 wirh rhc p@8. oatift inio Lud.l-capitalisr<br />

nould. His foudh *orkrr is collerion of his pap.s aterdv published i. rbs jouoal<br />

ol Paknb. Inshut. of DeveloDnent ecommi.'<br />

M. ch.fin ClEnehry h$ @fticd ou. hk PhD di$edii" 6n lh' cde'<br />

Rcvoluljon and inoome inequrlities 16 fion Univm<strong>il</strong>v of wisonsi' Mtdi$n and<br />

al$ cofinbll.d s ody articl.s publisncd in mlioul.nd i edliomlioumak<br />

!6lie Nnlry[ mtibu!6 in tu th.ring aweEs abour thc whole ph<strong>il</strong>o$phv<br />

and objeclives of dcvelopnenr during C]!.n Remlurion Sone or rhe aforenentioned<br />

wod{s havc corcentacd hav<strong>il</strong>y on 'rdtit.live metlipds and olh.6 hav. usd purc<br />

eonomic thedica b hishligh incorc imqurlites rh.t blosn.d rmn E or SFen<br />

Evolutidd tebnologies, vhich occuftd during latc I960s Ihe aulhor suggens lha(<br />

$a poblm iFsho is gening d'e b.neliB ndu rhan wh is rh' nk 6f Ftum<br />

Hd.in& Ron<strong>il</strong>d and M Ghifrar Ch.udhi.v in $cn nudvrr cvaluatd rh' 1972<br />

la0d sioms ncasuft i. P.tistan, <strong>il</strong>s idp.cls o! d8licullural produciivitv, Income<br />

disdbuton rd .mploynicnl tnd higli lid obsbclA lo dEir €l,al'on.<br />

tj& Nrbi, Ncv.ed Afinrd tnd Sh.hid z.bid in cn studvre d.ste hGroncal<br />

chrnS.s in ratisttn asricuhur. .!d tb€ eff.cts of tucruml md non strucrunl ospeob<br />

of policy on 'Sncultore. Thc& annbu .E of rhe vicw thar inve$ relrrio' sh'P<br />

b.N*n fam sia md p'lnucdvity m/ no lonsd worL According ro dEn land<br />

dnrribuion and tenlncy Floms hrve littla e'I*r on Lhe pbductiv<strong>il</strong>v otagricultuE<br />

trfrn ul ltlqe s€1 for$ thc linkgc clfer bctwd fimci'8 of agpculurc ttxt<br />

asricultuGl growth in rtkbtn A dau on aCrioltDral fimnce and main croF ol<br />

Pikist.n has b..n prese.cd in the ro Th. .dv!nr.8.s of p8s book svst'n lor<br />

ssy cd to ct dii tnd tn lgdcultuEl tcn hd b€€n hignlighr'd<br />

Vaq{ Abmad and Rllhid Anjad i! ihet work.:rbesides d'$ribins P'kisEn<br />

Econont during d€ tust lhr dec t s al$ dalva the wrying d'gtee of<br />

FrloDttue<br />

of lgicultu. Th.* audDF .E of dE vlcv rh:t de Pakitu Economv<br />

semmed pnft.l<strong>il</strong>y Fom rhc iMb<strong>il</strong>ig oftgricultur ro prcvide ad'quah opponln<strong>il</strong>ies<br />

ior full emplotftnt. Tney ar8e $.t na$iv. poverty in runl secror sd a numb€! of

other s@io-@ononic p;bl.os ao* lDm sketr.d dkribllion of lsnd owne6h'p<br />

Goftm.nl could nor lom any int SEt d policy id 1950s Except lew inigttion<br />

poj*tJ no .ttenlion *c !6id ro rhc dcElopnat or agricurt'E €ror hi i was<br />

.xploiLd for cipiial lomition i. noi{griculiu€ sloF Some chrnS' in pubhc<br />

po licy fivomble ro agnculrurc occufted in I 960 lhat coino ided *nh 8r.en e eo luron<br />

Fi6t four chaph3 of Syed Alb{ aidi\ b@L2 ,ft ab.ul agridXue<br />

develophc ol Patjsn. H. h^ dall lhe No nyhs (i) Patisl,n is m.inlv<br />

asicultohl ind (ii) Palisth 0encullur. k feudal He has di$tr*'d contiiburion of<br />

aencuturc ro Palftbn economy, rhe Drurc of agnculluBl Prdductioni culrivdcd<br />

as, cop6 yi€ld dd olls cMhnpoEry ises Eldine ro PaLslnn .8riculNre<br />

Abotrr rhe sond mrth , hor Llls rhd latBc holdings arc cooiF l Nnh liudaUn in<br />

Patdshn. H. adds fial lgiicultore is no more feudalistic bur cap<strong>il</strong>d_inre'sve<br />

aciicult!re doniMtes. Tha lulllor h!5 .ls .ldircd chanScs tt agrtcutrure secbr<br />

drnt lBrc o*rn pl&e siM 1960s.<br />

s M. akhbl], B A. Azhall, On r Nonmz5 .nd P.rvaiz Hasrn" have ftn<br />

wo s on.cononic de!.lopmenl in Plkisbn dunh3 ih e&lv decsdes ie l950s,<br />

1960s lnd l9?0s. Th€y hrve tl$ di$used a&.iclltunl dcvclopne gtrcmllv ain<br />

hive inEAELd dre d.b nosdy ftom Punjrb tnd Sind. All o' rll.n hrvc nor<br />

discu$ed th. lasCrng sht ofasriculluft i. NWFP<br />

TltG.xist conLadictory vids in lh. ledine vo<strong>il</strong>s on agncuXurc in Pakistrn<br />

about dE inp&b ofgEo EvolDrior btrologiA on ditfednt rcgions rnd dttt'rent<br />

siEs or fims. Khant. KiEmal|, Alvi', ralconr0 and Gnmn'' ar. otrh' view rhat<br />

rhe beftl<strong>il</strong>s fon snwrh oxPrnetue undet rreen rvohtion tshnologv hove not been<br />

dislribuL'd unifomly b.rwen laq. a.d smll fams The ra's€ fatu b'netkd<br />

gedy. Fdcd a.g!6 dd even dDuSh in s.v mod'n i'pnb $ch 6 sed 'nd<br />

fefr<strong>il</strong>id arc si3 reuhl i. pElicc th.v ire mc , Sim<strong>il</strong>arlv Cnffrn poi edour.<br />

''The lechnical inp s Equir.d by lhe g@n revolution'cft e$entiallv !'ale nellnl'<br />

bd the i$liturio6 IquiFd by rhe ft, Lchnolag/ oftd !rc mi" He fudhc' addcd<br />

fial go!.nn ot pognm suh 6 pric. appd fr our pur and subsidier on 'npur<br />

rended to benelit bis l.mes mdnly".<br />

Khrnrr, cdmit, sr8.ha', Aluii au*irr, Falcona. tnd cotshar dE or rh€<br />

viry thrt rh. intuduclion ol grn Evolurio' rehnolog led ro 'ncMtng ruEr<br />

i.cone dtplnty in P.rhan Thes.uthoc hold lhar th. b'nefib o' cchnology<br />

rehaired rcstncEd ro inig.Gd tMs alon., as in Punjab.90 p€rcent cuhivated a@a

w.6 inisated, $ the b.ncn$ oi gld revolltion remain.d Estricted lo Puojtb onlv<br />

Punj.b wiit !. .libomle synd or cansb tnd islallation of tub. wlls is lik'lv ro<br />

hlve nade hmendous Saim in lS.cultoBl prodlclioD as conpared io olhet<br />

provinoes esp€cially NWFP 6nd Baluchistin, vhere lericuhuml poduction h0ve<br />

3hom rc visibL sigs of inpb@l Th.s appEhallsioD kn b $c cmlusim of<br />

ri6irg infi povincid dis?rnty Khrn poi.6d out lh lhet Pr'_occupalion with<br />

iaGin! duFur levels, policy mrkes relcg.tcd ihe dikibulive aspect ol then pohoes<br />

ro th. bmkround. Th@ is l<strong>il</strong>de doubr lhai l0 p.re.r oi th€ fadts in Pakisr$'<br />

own<strong>il</strong>g 25 acEs or nd dd &coding for 4l p.t'nt of t,l. fmcd 8er'<br />

sp.ad€arled $. ssxicult<strong>il</strong>l chlnse and weE ns 6aih b€tuficiades C.Nquendv'<br />

thc incw disp.riri.s ri$ in agricultua cetuitlv hrv. widen'd { Sim<strong>il</strong>'dv<br />

C.ifiD s]3, Th. oost inponanl ssn lor lhe bis oa the g@n tvolution is thc<br />

bi.s of govemmenr policy Fo! nany v.{6 extension and lnvesltoenl prcgmni rn<br />

.gncuhuE h.ta h€en devocd ro oising outpur. rheir pdo"v "nccm h$ nor bcco ro<br />

incEas the welfatc oarh. drl popuhtion std ro idpEve the distributive osp€t of<br />

rh. incone md we0ldl $, 8i8chi sha@ lhese vie*s as "lhe basis of regiotul ond<br />

cla$ *is iftqu.lity i' ln. di*ibulion of g,iG ol agFcultuml Psd&r<strong>il</strong>itv htd<br />

llnldy b€en lrid in the arlid yac rkough ihc sotLi.S oul of th' policies Th'*<br />

aurhon are o<strong>il</strong>hc vier lh con@Lation ofagncultu$l llndhas incrced dunng the<br />

gFen rYolurion P€riod*<br />

c.nelry ro rhis c<strong>il</strong>audhry Ghrff.r Dd oth€6 iE ol tF iew t''r t 8En<br />

revolurion rechnolog} wts tize neutrl" and *aL noural , msning lhot dl tv?' or<br />

tldcs, i.e., solll or bi8, p@r or nch .q!.llv b€Delit.d liob tle Boddiurion of<br />

rgricultur. Thcy .rpe rhol th€ Gl€ R.blurion @hmlogv hrs a&ted ro tlE<br />

emplolmenr of ldbor force. Chaudnry aqued .hat despic the diff'rcntial inpac! of<br />

rcw lgncuXunl tehnqlow in rne .arlv sbges oi developrc'r' lhe incr f'm<br />

d<strong>il</strong>t Ential in lhc tdoption oa noden Dmc{i6 hs.irh'r ben diepD€red or h$<br />

bicn graduuy mmwed tnd fte ddorstrati@ oi polirab<strong>il</strong>irv of inDroved fam<br />

prcci€4r. Aglit Chaudhry wits, L. concenhrion rholg! hieli' inproved<br />

n. .dly in rh. gEn @llrion pcriod. Thet vas . dclitiE and mad(ed redncson<br />

in lhe land conccnnation of opcraling holdings belw.on 1960 snd 1972 and a slighr<br />

incEe h€r*..n l9?2 i.d 1980 Dudng ihe p.n9d lom 1972 !o 1930' llnd<br />

(jtrenhrion in NWFP del.riosr.d 4

Chiudhirycombitudihe,holesof isDesandcomludcd intheswordsi rhe<br />

frpiri€l cvi&*. in P;kis sms to.sbblish c{trlusiYelv lh.l mt i*ode of<br />

tenrns and smalt frd.s brvc bm inc@sing fash rh.n ih@ of big landosns<br />

On .hc wholc, gften r.volulion app.oF ro hlve been enploFent c rcon!8 There hds<br />

been tu sukritulion of whett for cotton and th. induced chMg.s 1n crcpprna patGm<br />

h!v. lendcd lo imr.re lab.r inleDsity in .ClicultnE rr' rjbor rcquireoe'r 6f ftms<br />

iFigared by tube wcl! \.ft a6out 57 p.Ecnt hiBhd 6an thoe !re<br />

well 6 isulLdr Ag'in smll-$ale i.dusty 6si.ed with tobe well<br />

nanufactuins pbvid.d job lo aboul 6,000 p€eB in ?okhknlt Chaudhrv h or thc<br />

eiew thar lhe i*o.!cs i. ardcultunl pFduction w@ not contined ld tunjtb alone<br />

but orher Folimcs widely and eqDally sh.red rhm Hc G ot th. vicw that tne nsing<br />

shlEs ot odEr poviMs i. asticultudl prcducnon c indiolio. or mot mpid<br />

grcfir, of agticulluml pioducrim in rh. poviMs oftsind, NWFP ''i Baluchisbn<br />

lhan i. the Punjlb in the 197G, wnen grc.n revohnon khnol4i.s weft adopled in<br />

Naqli, Knln lnd Chaudharyir ar offie vi* th,r $e ftdDciidn in lam size hN<br />

posniv. inpacs on land p.ducnvity tnd on lh. iMme ofsmrll f.me6 md renanG<br />

aoth ft* lacbE rG u'!t.Fuy aclndLdg.d 6 condEiv. to Eisins asncultunl<br />

produdiviry. Thc snall ftn6 follo{ loborinhsive lechtiqu.s, shich aE h'ds<br />

saving a.d cap<strong>il</strong>als s.vins Snlll fad.6 supplemenrihe u* of l$dniond inpuls bv<br />

noden inpurs, Thcy hiE &e r<strong>il</strong>age equiDo.nt like lmcior, thr.shc6 et lbr sone<br />

imc *tEn $cF i! . l@d of wdt. sim<strong>il</strong>.rly the r or n.nure .ubl6 die snall<br />

frffi io suE b.Lr e<strong>il</strong> nutienr ttrl.M.<br />

Gokh found lirr despib dE 3en.dl l,ct of c@eh rc8rrding sdall tme6<br />

who hdition.lly has befl asociot d w<strong>il</strong>h viriors Sovodncnt<br />

agencres. ihe<br />

siopli.ity, divisib<strong>il</strong>iry ard Pldfibb<strong>il</strong>ity ofseds and len<strong>il</strong>ize6 hqv. been such that rhe<br />

d<strong>il</strong>frision prGss ha p.rchral b grouDs ol lll si4s Since tube well is phv$callv<br />

indivistbte ud tltir imbllartons lls Fqric lmp sm in!€dmeDt ir tuv rhls b.<br />

b€yond rhe liniLtd UMNial lMns of nall f.m6 to idll th.n os' tnb. welltl<br />

'nie study trics not lo delve in rhc issue df incose incqudtv and olher alared<br />

dhpute in de dsad.s of 1960s lnd 706 bur concenbares on fie ond.i developed<br />

.gricDl@ in r,lwFP rtar noft or rhc abov. studi.d haw inclGiv.lv tactled<br />

Arbabrr co.dur€d r sNey.nd cxrmimd dE rcI. ol tub. w.tl warer in<br />

ldoptio of a flu nnge of the eEcn rcvolulio' r*hnol4t r.d its inp€cls

prcductivity .nd inl.Ffam dislibuion oi incone in NlwFP Ir unv'<strong>il</strong>cd ioo nuch<br />

debared b$es, nancly the inpact oi gtcn revolu(ion cchnoloSv on pEductivitv and<br />

on intd-fim dtmbDim of ircose In. rcsull of sufrev Fvealed dlr de doprion<br />

of cEen rercluion tchnolqy *is linir.d to lh€ ftms whet rub. seus ftE<br />

i*hued sucfi r.ms @E found b n E nade Eh.tirclv more Drcductive ue or<br />

noden inpuB. Ako hi8lid yi.lds p€r cc w.E obsv€d an the tob. wclls inigacd<br />

lars Moturq rhc suney pointen olr rhsl rh. di lle€nce b€rw€n lhc bi g and small<br />

lom inus ofps acre Doden inpuk cnd per acr prcdlciion significantlv toduced<br />

R.htive lo big f.m.n lhe small latuen were fou.d to have slbsh.tiallv inc.eed<br />

p€r acre olr plt .s sell s ihe use of fod.m inpuls. Thus tu modem inlus etubl.d<br />

$€ s.ll f0m6 to idporc th.ir Dosiion $ comped ro tl* big ram.6<br />

Mian Nuol hl.n h$ wml wdks o llrious 'rp€6 of ogriculluft in N\WP.<br />

His norossph on ag.culohl emony of NWFt'r Evis fam d.velopne'r dunnA<br />

1945 ?O snd id.ntifies the key fcoto^ for tuluE delelopncnt of lgiculture in<br />

NWFP Anothcr work by rhe 3.me aurhol' presenb iniom<strong>il</strong>ion about the<br />

p€domnc. ol ruhl w6*3 phsr65 .nd gives deL<strong>il</strong>s of de bumb.r of sch€mss<br />

conplcLd in d. pbviNe. n &lh $oul lh. 8orcmDe,ir and pll'lic conr.iburions md<br />

dd {i* priodli.s of de prcgm.<br />

Moh.snld Ahnld Khan\ sork"' pEsenb deb<strong>il</strong> a@ounl of l.nd rctbms !'d<br />

hnancy Eiod in I\IWFP and muncEt s then ecio_economic impods. Jan<strong>il</strong><br />

Almd siddiqi! worlr6 pub foBard $e hisloncali6ls olexrcnsion woft. irs nain<br />

objsrivd .nd pobleDs a.d posFcb of alFculruftl exrcnsion $nice in lhe<br />

provircc of NWFP.<br />

Mohlnrwl tbnnin B€A in his vol/t |G tfie diff@nl sbges of<br />

mslBDiarior.nd agridlluEl dewloptunt in iistdiql p€6!d1iv. in Plkis6n wlo'<br />

refeEnce to NWFP and estim0tes cosl b.n nrdioofhctoisandbullocks<br />

C M Knaftl in his papclr i<strong>il</strong>v.stkates fte lorest resources and then<br />

ut<strong>il</strong>iarion. 11& .lrhor sl)m.nds r.y! and meos fo. Llie st ndin! volun. ol<br />

d'h€r @s. tle in[oduces nodeh Gchnhud of lossing and th. csbblislnndr of<br />

foE{ b8€d Indu$ial @nplG to g€t muiDrn p.$ible bcftfit fbm lhe exiiing<br />

logeins op.arion i. 0E Pest:*3r v!11.,

l.t Ra..rch M€lhodolog,<br />

L lhis @arch wolt bisrorical as *ell $ descripl<strong>il</strong>e nelhods ol rc*dth have been<br />

used Hisroricll method df d&arh is on , *hich involves sbdving ulde6bnding<br />

and expl0iniq th. pa3r .hs .nd to rnivc ar ! mnclution cotuemi4 .!uss, etfecrs<br />

or EeD& of pct ecut:w6llBl tut b. ncbnn b dphit lhc pt*nt evenls aii<br />

.dicip.tc tic tuturc €vad Wrih cotiu.ting study m rh€ poblcn 4rrculsFl<br />

delelopneni in NWFP (1960-30)'p.ryaclive of developn.nb paniculdv during<br />

l38()- l93O hld a direcl iEpacl on ptesent lrgging sbb of agricullurc in rhe pnvtnce<br />

The steps involved in co.ducring a hisloncal stu4 aE sen.rallv thc sme as rre<br />

bkfl in orh.r qTcs ot Etrh nefiods. tn hisbncd metiod of rcs..Eh ore does<br />

noi hN.lo grtha &b by ldninis.rin! inshtMb or inditduals bur h. sks out<br />

{,ata thrt ir rlF:dy .u<strong>il</strong>able A rGadptiv. study d.hines tnd repons $e $av rhe<br />

Sources oi dat! aE refend (o ad pdmary atut secondary' Th. iome. constitute<br />

ijrsl hlrd loowlcdS. sun as eyo*nn ss Epod and o.Ainll conttmpoBry<br />

docm.nts and th. bner corsritute second hi(l info'mrion slch as des.ipton of<br />

evdr by sm. o* otE. ih6n an .yewitn $. Bmks, nagazin s, ncaspapeB rd<br />

FnodiFlr aF jnpodrn $uG ol eon&ry datr Th. foret d fie Pnd!ry<br />

sou.ss a€ moE leunte dd aa pEf.ftd A najd poblen snh hislorical resnh<br />

is excesive rol<strong>il</strong>nce on sondrry dah<br />

Mo6t of the Drimary $urces $.d inolu& archives Gcords govemmenl<br />

published or Ela*d rep6tu, statistjcs, suryets, 3erctte.^ .nd int diews For<br />

instue Annul ASricllo€ sbtiiic NWFP lnd NWFP D€leloPnoi Sorisric<br />

publidEd by Plmning rnd D€v.lopft &p!tudr gorcnded of NWFP. Amual<br />

Repon oa AgncultuEl ExbNion. ASticuluFl Sblislics of Prlistr. pubtished<br />

amually by Minisrry ol Food and AgncultuE Pakisbn, SlstGtics vcr! book published<br />

amu.lt by st iislic division, MinGlty of Finonoe, 25 veats of Pakisrln slarGtics<br />

l9a?-?2 rnd IO y.as of Patisbn strt<strong>il</strong>tic 1972_32, Paldsbn Economrc surev,<br />

published .mu<strong>il</strong>ly by rh€ Eononic .dvi$a3 wing, Ministv da FiMnd and World<br />

Derclopncnl R.pon, publishcd .mlolly by thc wond Banl, Wlshingron D.C haE<br />

b€a msulted. For tlE Bocrgblnd EadinB and rlview of l<strong>il</strong>eralua secon'j.ry<br />

sourcd werc !

n this study, dlt. n s bdn coltecred frcnte DI.clodE ol asticultoE NWFP<br />

BuEau of solislics NWFP, Omce oi Aglcultue Exhion !t Inditut ol<br />

Developnenr Studies. AericultuE Univ.sity of Peshawir, Tamab Agncultu&<br />

Rcs€mh Sbtion PesnaMr and offce! oi tE Assisb Dietor AsFcuxuc of<br />

cottdel dislncts.<br />

l.G Ora. arlon ofihe Studt<br />

Th€ sody n$ ben orSdied itu ei8hr ch.p6. Ch.picr I$ li'g Reefth<br />

Prcblm' hishlist{s shen nl ol the pr.blcn, objeclives' jus.incalion md €srch<br />

methodology .dopred for caqing our rh. wo.k Tb. poi 'l vi'ws of d<strong>il</strong>fercnr<br />

.Sricutlunl commiss .bour tht .gricultlr.l dcEloPft.t includina g@t dvoluhon<br />

.nd ib inplcts 6n Pa srrns ae.dltoE in gseol and rhe llgginB s6le ol<br />

lsriculture in Norlh wesl Fbnlisr Povinc. has been summanz'd<br />

Seond chlp1er t<strong>il</strong>ling'Thd€ti@l Fdncwo'l hisl' lisllr di€ vicws o'vtnous<br />

lllditioml as wll ts nodem 6o@nic ph<strong>il</strong>os6ph6 abo![he ole of lgnculfure and<br />

po$ible viys fot its dewloPmenl.<br />

The $id chaPk da*rib€s rhe llnd conslitutinB NwrP irs 'conomv d<br />

pdsptc of .gnculEBl poducnm 'n vrnous rg)ons ofUF pmvi^c<br />

In chapl.' rour 'hhtoricat backound hisrorv bf.sFculturc dcvclopmcnl6<br />

trucd sinc. rh. idival of rh. Mlslims in 0r ltdia up to pnidon of tlE Subcontiknr'<br />

TIE contibulioD mdc by Muslin dp.bu ro .sricrloEl develoPrcd lhw b"n<br />

oveflised Th. main lllco.r included !re developnenl df itigllion ptopneury<br />

lighis in la.d .nd l,nl hr. sysrem and dgto-b$e indudries duing B<strong>il</strong>ish penod ll<br />

Evalc why Frcntier PbviM inhsicn lhe utdcr d'vclop'd agncultuE fnn rhe<br />

British Thc Br<strong>il</strong>ish sPEld I nci cf csMls iD Pmjlb lnd sind dunng (1880 1947)<br />

why they could not lNunch itigarion pojdt! in $e iiontier dhtri''c<br />

Th. fitu ch.pLr'agticultlEl d.vclopMr duing 1960t qanin's ag'icuhlEl<br />

d.vclopbett in NWFP ii rh. p.sr ptnirion psiod S'neDllv Md duri'8 rhe pcnod<br />

( l 960 70) plnicularly Th. bird eye view on the ecorcmv 0!d industia l develotme nt<br />

of dF NrWFP is dls imluded in tb€ chopr.r' Th€ la'd E oms 'nd lt'd renure and<br />

i.Mrcy Ef@s 6 wll e !.ndtod5 GN.E €ldioN in lhe asion htve b€n tle<br />

discussd Tbc inpels of sutfi* ,nd stou nd sata d.ve lopment ts w' ll as di ltercnl<br />

Cren Revollrion lechnol4l/ inpuls viz len<strong>il</strong>ias, HYv seeds, ind i@cricdes on<br />

pd eE pdduction a inp.cE oftupD.n Pi6 fo'dQuland subsidies m inPurs'<br />


on agridlhirdl developnol in NWFP dr. obseded. nE incFE8ional conparison ot<br />

agricllbEl poduction i! .ls disusd in this chaple'<br />

chrDcr six Asricultual dev.loprcnl during l9T0s hiahlighls dt eonamic<br />

social rnd agriculfdral efoms in $. province Expansion in ground as well ts<br />

srrracs w.tdr i.d incsiv. @ ofiopls like fen<strong>il</strong>;s, HYvs, plant peccrion and<br />

cr€dn focihi.s b thc lamec in dE NWFP during (1970_30) lnd on*ad is<br />

de$nM. Thc inp.cts of tli. aeranan Efons havc bei di$ussd *h<strong>il</strong>c kepitg 'n<br />

iN the gov€mme nitioDliation movc and nesadve .flec$ of mluml cdlanities<br />

lite floo& .nd locusE aitks dDnnr lhis period TlE ava<strong>il</strong>ib<strong>il</strong>iry ol vandus<br />

.gricultudl i'rDub and oul put in NWFP is cdpaEd ro orh.r previnc6 of Pa*is'<br />

panicullrly Punjib, so lhat 16 lmw ,boul tnc €u*s of,hod lall in pDduclon or<br />

v&ious agricultuftl crcps in hontier povince<br />

Ch.pr€t srcn exploB lh€ pbsldts, chllleng.s $d policf oprions for tlF<br />

.iryeloDm. ofiglcrltoE ir Norlh Wen Fbnnd Povirc..<br />

In cbrler cish! lic thsis 6 . whol. is smmsied conduded 6 well s<br />

nrsr. our look for d.v.lopmcnr is oudined.

]cnudhrMohmn.d^drn.ryt',@/&*,@'gd 6.t P"ltr raraa *tI 'pt.tt<br />

eJcQte Q<br />

&ll.r&@. (rioe rzhr @ r9r9)<br />

!N.smii. tsls d ^sior,nr D.ldsnd ^ k studt orhnnt lho oi$ strordd<br />

\ i"-tr. n'. rdtud ^F-rm<br />

s,*^ rqo "'ir v \**. 3n, r;-. "d \s<br />

. M;,. N*r kr,., n /rb,ra-r Eoorr o/ trFP, (n.trd. or ftEl@M' srudE.<br />

un*utrydtosaqf, ro70)<br />

^rrond . ;l-...- Kh* r".d-dl<br />

^h..i<br />

UdEBtrl of Ps|':qI' |'30)<br />

^m.ulur:l f i,t-, H6,r, r . t@"- ,'E- 4 uqbt<br />

! shEq- Mc!r. 7r. rc@oz, o/rql,ar ralE (N.v ftn,i cford unvdi! PE$. ie37)<br />

s 1nrta<br />

rc<br />

^ri<br />

n! Plriob wdq i.h:h th'rclis\ t$rrel7.ttt.\| D.rni o<br />

K end r . asuiot Bitdtt ol P'*!r.i, (L.IEE ^nnd P'.s (Pn ) Li leeo<br />

IlMcbtrUofu1h,vdar{hb.l<br />

^<br />

i".-E@i -rr",. i P.tbb, D*tw,r Rd4 v.r rvi-xo. I Fin n (wm6 re3D<br />

r, tuhml""a Hd; Kh.i. n.6/. o/@rdtv. udqdexd.tbPn rt @e end, rtPdhh'<br />

. ,--^n' a-^ R"-h'i04, Parlhr. (N.r ' Y{* Pnqd tobkeE<br />

" "t'n<br />

|1.''<br />

ree3)<br />

td(' t Pa|td,. (3oi6. colo wd *t Prs<br />

rcnLEAr.iii'rs,l.a, *Dd*.<br />

D La" Nr" t. ",*" r.-i.,- , Pa,'or. -pt'datto. Ptutd<br />

,.d.';'A.d,.,-, -rnd.tr<br />

,qr-, - r"*" i..t -a su<br />

diry'ft|07lundk|m3fP{'{<br />

r-"a*d t .-a.<br />

^n6",iH* r v-. R..in r**<br />

^h;d;d ^.d.<br />

iti'ft":",f?-",.".,,,,,,,,-.o.ry (K,eh.oifdd1h*uivp..s.,'e')<br />

n n*, n-i-.'r*a- ,;aar -d E N t Hbtq 'it. tel7 tr.v rd'r' K@n P'\l<br />

orrdd uiiv.6ny Prcs, 1993)<br />

rM-^-H,;"rh,, k;-.-r-.b.,...,,1"*' "<br />

ir r-." r, "a, p'u,J' t. pa'<br />

io ii.-- ir, n r-r n"..a u<br />

D,ary;' . t",st"6h "d P"r".^<br />

rd r'r m" im ""- ".",'ii<br />

ri" *n'. n. u*a e.-".<br />


aJ arnr lqlt<br />

"dot<br />

r5 kiqd Hei Kh-. /rd@ '@tandi@<br />

rh. Potrbot Eeron! oJ uatq lqsr@fl(' (bodoi ombid3!<br />

n r,,vor11, No rr (rc76)<br />

os .t.,t in Rrct tutop d ir settod.'l o!, ,4r&b. (HoDlulu unirBiv Prcs or Hli',<br />

ewb'M'PolqtI.l,.P'b'hr4F<br />

a'd7|IRUole*lapn.rbsor<br />

[ryi.!|t!n|&EbPIMlPn'fu.hcFP4.fL<br />

af|fucp'R@funkPg|B'6'|975'o|q|'|2r<br />

1t ctint n d"an t

Chapter 2<br />

Tbeoreticd rr.riewoik<br />

To undesrand asrioullunl developndr it s<strong>il</strong>l bc b€sr lo fi$t $e whal d'velopnent is?<br />

Thc sord developrcnt t borh imbiguous 6 wsll 6 el$iv' TheE ir no uniwel<br />

!el!m..l lhour iB monins .nd d.linirim tn IiteEbE .bo!t ei)lmic dev€lopn'nt<br />

lhd. aic bolh nanow ond widd vi.ss abolr lhe lm dev'lopnmi Tlt romd 8iv's<br />

inport m. ro snomic ncdud like ris in 8rcwrh rltc dltd being sr'gFnr for sdd<br />

lin . Dri.s lalt r stsc ris. it CDP ad pd crpit! iffi is {'ll a ! shio @us<br />

iowards in

tnfi of indlslics dd Fi@s nss in <strong>il</strong>r ElioMl iNd' As t lsh a8ticultuDl<br />

p.pulalid ftom Mt a@s nigdb to lrbon e.&B fd jobs in sondary tnd ten6ry<br />

In tbe pls World Wtu II .d fouowins five ladinB theones ol econonic devclopmed<br />

*.8 pur fotulrd<br />

(i) Thc liEr sbs6 of gro*th nodol (ii) Th6ri6 ofshcl'El chtnec<br />

(ii) Tnc intemtional d.Fnde'@ rvolution (iv) The neo cl$sicll n!' matlrei<br />

couier revoldion (v) The oldoslnous lh€orv oleonon'c conh<br />

The lin t' sba.li@n6 ol l95os rd 196& vicw the pidss of do'lopmdl as a<br />

sries of su@$ive sg6 of cononu grodh though which all d* olntstes musl pas<br />

This theory oi d.velopndt .rguc! rhal th. righr quoriiv ol stving inv€sdal lnd forcign<br />

aid werc ne&d lo mble rh. Ttird world counri.s to folo; tnc path leadins lo dononi'<br />

d€rclopndr !s &h€v€d by &vclop.d cdnts'6<br />

shctlati5t lppmtch ir b.aeltv hisloncll ud ih' structuml chtna4 'nd pr't'c<br />

aE focused in .he s€quenrid pMes Ii briD8s 3lruobnl changc ii ae'icrltuE lsn 0<br />

Fadniotul lo m.demia one and enphtsias oii rhe€xpandi4 ble of induslnal sclor<br />

Th.o.i6 ofsrwtual ch.nSe ponn*dth. i fllptM of rhctudl changc lhrt Bu{ b€<br />

un&r eom by lc$ d€vcloFd cdnties to achicv. tnd sMin dcv'lopDmr' In shon $'s<br />

theones hiSlligll rhc bechtnim bv shicfi und6 dselop€d dononies hnslod fsm<br />

aSriclltunl ro nodcn indusdirl slltes Th€e thcories irclud' Aithut Le*is6 lwo{eclor<br />

nodel, and <strong>il</strong>olli B. Ch€*ry?! nodel ofstructuEl chmge<br />

TIE inictuiioml deD.td.G ftwludon ircludins lhF mjn rhtonci $c tu<br />

clNidl d.!.nd.ne oodel, lhc frls pmdigD model and d. dualisiic developncnl rh@tv<br />

view d,id rorld counLtes c.ush up in . &!€ t.tue 'nd doditunce r'lotionship wnh nct<br />

Ndlo$iol 4oronics car inb cx<strong>il</strong>r.M h dE l9o c'nlurv' in an d wh" rhc<br />

industrial revolution in Ensland Ns at is D.* Thc old and qad<strong>il</strong>ioml n@lasictl 8Dsfi<br />

lheory rsns libcmlizttion of mtionol mrker rh.t bnngs doncstic and fo€ie! invesmcnl<br />

ind Bc ol c.pibl &mul.lion inc@ cNP 8o*s $rt mi* dordic $vin8 6te r<br />

ont'G 6pibl Ltor aao ltd p.r clpib imoft in deYelopins countiG Th' M{lasisl<br />

a narl'r fnsdlv<br />

couh-revolution beli€ves in lct*r govmnenl i crfeftnce and Feaches<br />

apploach. It suppon fre€ n.rt l libdaliaiion of dioml economvi increed Invesld'd<br />

level and c.pibl fomtrion .lons *nn <strong>il</strong>€* in dooesric eving d'r 6uss c'D<strong>il</strong>tl ltbo'<br />


TIG Nes Govtn Tncorvr retEN dep€t&nt on t number oi r'ditio@l ff<strong>il</strong>a$ical<br />

sunDlioN of € loAqds 3ro*rh ft l@uss on CNP 8rc*1h<br />

a eruol oulcor of lmg dn<br />

oukom of<br />

.qu<strong>il</strong>'brium ntb Ery rl$ dphtN khmloSicl| chance:5<br />

'n 'ndogems<br />

prblK cnd pavlre iNshnG m hlmn t<br />

'ptEl Md Indushes lr actw rcle ro!<br />

'u38'ds 'n<br />

Dublio policy in pmoting @nomio d*lopncnt<br />

All of lhe* dwelopmeni nodels f@us on dcv€lopndt rkough dvnanic lnd modm<br />

indult<strong>il</strong>l srd. Th€ ihporL@ of a sod.m irdwLitl sbr c'mi b' iCEred but rhtt G<br />

b.yond rhc sp€ of IIE p€snt sludv.<br />

l. Pakistsn panioula y in NWFP rhe tuin i!$e is to f€d thc popuktion bv<br />

mod.nizinglhe elive rgricultuft stn. Asricultud b€<strong>il</strong>g explo<strong>il</strong>alion or natural<br />

resour.c! like lad dd w.c! and Bisine pr.duclion of crop€, idirs vegebbles ond th'<br />

nunb€r ot dituls sEd Th. mb mtiburing tacbs to agriculluE dev€lopnent 't<br />

bcttcr clidte tnd fen<strong>il</strong>. r.min. th€ oltit.blc lrnd pff h"d, tt'<strong>il</strong>'b<strong>il</strong>i9 of mtr for<br />

iFiSltion, l!'d hlE s}3r.m and tne aPplioton of clPibl b l"d' Thc edices addins 1o<br />

.griouhural poge$ tre Es.aEh, cx&nsion sdiccst transponadon! and mrketing fac<strong>il</strong>nFs<br />

Asricultubl eion, $b6idi6 on inpuk dd tt sovelmdt pricins ae policies factore<br />

cpomiblc to. i'@ in .Sticulbr ou9!t'Dlting lne lgri cdrurv lgFcukle wa<br />

*p!ndcd. Thc r of rulinc.y, rmls ond olls.quipnals '@ intodu"{t New cbpDing<br />

prfths cnerged Dne ro individull om.ship ot ltnd at:d cmmoditv poducrion lk<br />

chdmclo! of agticulture was oapiblisl Throulh the use oi nw inpuls tnd stplicarion of<br />

advrnc. knoNl€dCp Md hod.m l€chmlosi.s trnsioftd raditiontl 'griculbft sndulllv<br />

inro fodco ndvdced asriculnE o.<br />

Thc ncr dii@l ftc6t in lhe @rlv 3iig6 of &v€lotmc is tE c$d<strong>il</strong>io6 of<br />

lgricultoE seord. becou* w<strong>il</strong>houl a suPlN olfood pFducnd ov'r 3ubsisldce needs liulo<br />

el* can b. done. There would be no surplu6 laboq no eving 'nd no lood io fe'd ldbor<br />

wo ing in olns seclm Agnculture ftle@ Lbo6 iion tne land dd lh' sualus laboi ru'h<br />

indulE<strong>il</strong>l gb$rli. Prcfsr JoLsM md John Mollor h!re l'd'd firc inpotu *!)€ tn<br />

*hich lgricultlE contibrEs !o rLe pcs of 6t)|Mic &retopnqt<br />

(i) Prcduct conlribulion (ii) rjbd conlribution (iii) capibl conlribution (iv) M! 't<br />

consibur'on rvr FoEiSr e\chdiee.onr$uuor '<br />

Atrl.dh.rld.v€lopD.ol-dllf...nlthsred.dlppmehes<br />

AsiiculoE dewlopncnt is ! Pde of incdctjon tmong 2 ntrnh'r of 'lctuc w' lok<br />

d rh. @inS of lgricllbE dev.lopf.nt s $'n "d vie|€d bv Ne€la$iol and<br />

srll{nlist shsls of do!8r't.<br />


th. Nd4L$tc.l .PProeb<br />

Miin Neoclasi.ll Th@ri6 of.gnclltunl dcrclopmd wni'h hive been innuenrid in<br />

shapinB lhe lihtuE ie {i) Durlinic rn ort or dcwlopnent (ii) Thcory orpclenr b€hauor<br />

and (iii) John Mellols tpporh ro lgriculn&l devcloDmenr'<br />

(i) Tb.orler of Dulbtic DevelopEe<br />

Th@d.s of dulidic ddelop& bv Lrvis, ri8, Fo and lorgln$n narc domin'led rx€<br />

lircBtuc on *ononic ddclopn.nl The $@n's @ cotccdcd wirh lhc d'rcropMt<br />

exp.ncn€ of lc$ d€velop.d oountries (LDCg) This nod'l har ol lead idendned dE<br />

coDdbDrions or $. dgl'cDlture ecbi in ecdMic busrorution Two *cto6 kdniml<br />

'sricultoE and nod.n industiol sbr inle4t.wnh @h otls bv t'ffifenin3 labor md<br />

sualus re$urces foo 663ronl rgl'cullnre b $c no

agricullurc cquiEs helry invcstncni in lh. iom of ftigrion pmjals. ldd @l'naron<br />

prcjdt and la.se{cale nrhaniation (vi) Binsins echnolosictl ch'nee rhar 66es<br />

podmrivny. This app@ch is sc.6tul in rut high im;nc counhi6 iEludins mo{<br />

(iii) Gmwth Str3e rbeory<br />

Thc gpfrh s10gp rhory or Pr|6s olnod€niatioD ofasdcultuE pur fovard bv<br />

'ohnsio'<br />

and John Mcllo! includ.s 6odr phvsical 6 w.ll 6 i$rirulioml facloB of producton'<br />

A.cordiq to Join Mellofs pwdprio. dE€ t@ rhre Phes of agricult@l d'velopnenl'<br />

Phe one n @hnlosjolty sbgMl bdaue of MtEihbrlitv of nodd inpub' Phd<br />

two is rshnologicauy dlmnic ,8ncul$E v<strong>il</strong>h lov capitll foming od phse $rcc N<br />

tccbmlosictlly dtusic *<strong>il</strong>h biSn opital lomi4 Thu M'llor's apptu'ch is iddifitd wirh<br />

lllc inclte in dE bt. ol dpi6l i! agriclltoE nE ctuolioD b'tren rhis *t or<br />

ltgumenls dnd tie gle.n revolnrion sralegies i6 ve'v cleqr' Ihb appo'ch lo lgnclllunr<br />

chinge i&nifi6 dE ouniN and logic of siweDirnt polic's Mirlcd *ioi srn<br />

Structurrl lh@rl6 of .8rlc tur.l d.v.lopbe<br />

Am.ding b Bdi..b d.velopn.nl is a hidoncrl D@'s<br />

rbal dcu6 wirhout b'mg<br />

co.scidsly w<strong>il</strong>led by .nym. {hioh im$cnllv chug's !h' *i.l foncwdk 'nd lhe<br />

whol e soci.9. Tbi s i s found in &e sl<strong>il</strong>ins or Kdrl Mo*s The shclure of societv and lhe<br />

sial aklion of poduction aE sFific io ot pdi'ulft hod' of poduction''" A@din8<br />

b slrutunlisrs siety .volws lh$ugh vnious slnc$ of sodes HcE asricultuE<br />

dev€ldPnenr mans chtnges in lic r.lotim of PFduction i'' s asiiculluft d'velopnent<br />

pcedi rh. Elidon of P'.ducnon rc llBti dd EconsitoLd Ew l'nes<br />

'n<br />

sbcludlisl th@n.s leused on the o*ffihip and conbl ovtt the ncons ofpc<br />

dulion Th. rebtios oi Foduction de mlvioit in tcfts of mpii'list' and 'toHtp<strong>il</strong>'lisr<br />

lom of 9,lductid A s@llv pcvl<strong>il</strong>ins ln@8tlt in rh'$ lnatus is ul d€ dcvclopMr<br />

olcapiblisn in osricultorc lsds ro imBsins .dcenhtion t'd cenhlialion ofrhe m@ns<br />

of produclion. Tiis, in lum leads ro lh€ co*aialio' of ltnd into lor8er uiib of hold'ngs<br />

This r<strong>il</strong>l i*n {w ! pblibridizrion and dcint'Snrion of $c p€oentrv Thu' tccordma<br />

ro one sohool of rnough wnbin tisbncd tuo'work, n is th' natuE ol otpiblisn b aholish<br />

orhd loms ol poduction (pEt.tiLlisl)''<br />

wirhin lhctuol<strong>il</strong>l $on6 rc haw a vsidv ofd<strong>il</strong>t'* tlditios o'nitin3 vhich<br />

do no1..c.$!.<strong>il</strong>y sh.F como f*turc' slch s'nto_Ms*isF which 3i'cc the nid_1960s<br />

h.s tud. o ldge contslhatiot. Atd rgdin within th' heo_M'disf st@l se hlve o divtFitv<br />


of rloustlt !d app@lEs !o the qu6lid of tstlr<strong>il</strong>n de*lgpftnl, *hich aE mr 6v lo<br />

chlncrtiE. To |4a o fa imDorianl stdlt ol thoughr D€FD&rcv $h6l tE coE_<br />

pdiphcry 6nst5, uequll cxchoee a@lysts, dE node of pFductid shol and a la'8'<br />

numbd of conc@t: such m under developmdl dependent developnent, uneven<br />

dcvelopment disbned &v.loPne.r, erc hivc cn.Eed Thes 0pporch's have povid'd<br />

ftw irsigl|lsu. Only No w.lltmu theon* of Ir drd tnutstv al'tins ro asicultoal<br />

dc!.loDment wiU be .unin d h.E<br />

(i) Th. d.velopmdr of .3.lcullu.l crDlnltb<br />

Thc ccnbll fstuE ofthis theotv is dt fomrlid olhone miiker ltr cdpitllism This is ihe<br />

$m. as tltrt of Drccd of capir.l Gn in the econm v<br />

Asricnlbre <strong>il</strong> sel i b'comcs u indu strv<br />

rnd thc eneDrees of.rchanse <strong>il</strong>eusn mltk.t nonetiatid md connoditialion bl€s<br />

rla@ wi0'in aEFcuttoa. Acconiing to Iein clpit lin is parsibl' in ' @untv vnndt<br />

@nkl win focign nttlct for its pltrduci On dE blsG 6f fom.lion of tF hom miker ffr<br />

clDialism, LlDin locrtd tts min o$ere in rcgards b arricultut w<strong>il</strong>h vddus s!b_<br />

asp€ors and procesi Thrcc main aspecb idslified aE (a) disinesration of peasantr 0)<br />

hnsfoturion or the alt ridn cconony to cspiblist prodrtion, dd (c) codnercializrion in<br />

aSricrlturc. roin argu.i lh.l llt farb psd@lion rnd iwroducrion w.€ sim<strong>il</strong>ar ro €piblisl<br />

s)51cF of faming in which Fj$nty vas in tlE pt@s of dis$lotion "d in its place 'w<br />

9?os of inhabit!.ls *eE .n lginerr This 6 eooopanied bv Portri4lio' of pNtr and<br />

crcarion of (a) rhe rich famcn rnd lhe oNnc6 of i.duslrial esbblhhmcns (b) the rudl<br />

proLr.'i', .nd (c) $e lr.dl.ss *orkeB bking pdn .s paid work on ftms Th€ pbcess of<br />

dirintgErion exp!ffls dE home martet 6 th€ bours.oisie GtonB wlion) buv ma's or<br />

rodrction ftm pbbbn!6 (*€k sliot) ln lhis pl@s Ltin obw'd m' Elardng<br />

feioE suh s nigEtion of ni(Hl€ clats Fsnty !o loM! lhc us of monev lending $d<br />

The secmd asDdl of linin s theory, ltat wc drv prperlv cdl 3 th'ory, is the st$'n<br />

of otg niatim oflsnclxuE Th€ sysm of.llohing la'd io lh€ Fiitnls<br />

who in tum would<br />

providc ll'€ir hbor io $. ordof llrt land itd i@ &F ddt m lsndlords (ind landlords<br />

wct in tum dcpede on r[.n $rfd\tm) mw b.ing und'min'd Th' ldnslomarion dcuN<br />

dnd . sydm ofwsgc lrbor ensgps ladlotd induced matry chlng's @ $cir fams such<br />

ds gFwins ol6oE pbnlablo .6ps, equirins lh. means ol pFduction' s'ch as nachDery'<br />

tools elc ind diretly D.dicipahd in th€ clltivsrion of land and enPloved wage labor' In<br />

lhis *ry capitalin fam wls cat€drr'

Irle thiid le€cl is tlE srcwins comDer<strong>il</strong>liation of agri.ult]E Ag.iclllE follots a<br />

ditlcEnt Dattcfr lha. indusFy. Fom6 6pecialize in one n0jor omp which spr€ods on the<br />

frd3.roud ODq conmcrc<strong>il</strong>l .sticuhre erpmds dE torc mdlcl ror cap<strong>il</strong>alism lrt<br />

gosrh of 6mn rciat lgricDxut cMEs dc@d lor drc peducls of industv .Dd lls<br />

i.r.nsifies capitllist conta{tiolions ii lgriculbre. but in lhis do@si<br />

acceLEles rhe p6ce$<br />

of chln8s. Thc

Typer olagrl(trlrure<br />

Th€ picvl<strong>il</strong>i.g alricultui. in lh. rotld could bc qbgdi4d inb No lrinds, ote vcq<br />

eFrcn $ s in do{eloFd wo d and oihav.ry wak udblc r' rcd i'msesasc@ld<br />

b€ ob$wed in l})id world counties we have pHe&nts beloF us of mort prcnisins<br />

d.Elopmdr m'd. by &vclop.d 's {.ll d der.loting @lnrrics of rh' wtrld AnonA rhc<br />

lslicultumlly adtnced countnes U S.A, sbrled as a eton of snall $61' faoec tr $e end<br />

of I ss ccntury m{t 94 p€ft.nr of all lh. pople iI tli. Unned S6ts w.o livins in rudl aMs<br />

Dd v.rc mostly nB.sen in tgiculoE Bv tlt midl9s @nnrrv, rh' indct<strong>il</strong>l Evolution<br />

b€sd !o uke hold in Aneiica Despiic bugeding indlslridl etiv<strong>il</strong>ics th' 6'jo!itv or th€<br />

Ancddns ontir*d b mkc then living nom fming unl<strong>il</strong> rh' erlv lgoosn l' it<br />

succeedint dec.des Andica bega. ro lnin and dcouEg€ agricultunl 'pecialist and set up<br />

rxp.rimcnr.l slalioos rh.t mbled ik asicd$f io ol,iin a Idge pblittble vi'ld ps acR<br />

Th€ sd 6 $imlific.lly d.vclop€d plcthftl.nd tsisLnl lo dis€e Th<br />

u* of fen<strong>il</strong>izds on

gtur ond pardy !s lms bul th. €cipid vs bound io clrry onr $' {ork in lccorducc<br />

win fi. povid.d sltldard d.sien. This pi.* ws followed bv aeiher pogn6 of<br />

dcwlolndl of inhi*uc$E for boti rgiculot prcductim $d oth't nrftm lctiriria<br />

The fimes sere cncouas.d lo ao in fo! incond sotrdlits ptojsls such as srcup fafrin8'<br />

omMn s.ed H, of s$n lesel<strong>il</strong>4 dltivrtio! mmudq lo66non lnd poslut'<br />

SaeDsul felo.i6 insLllation and connm na.k ling fac<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>icsl Tht govcmcnt supplied<br />

n.l)sry matet<strong>il</strong>l dd opeitina tunds prnlv 6 Sra and pdlv as loiN The fiding<br />

comlnity 6 abk ro sr.p up rh. vi.ld oI nc. ud odEr crops lnd malc an<br />

'ddinoMl<br />

incom. rhrous! oth.r or Part<br />

^rl1<br />

tine jobs in Stcmaul i&rolies, honiculture' pouldr' and<br />

&iry 6minS. Tnc rie yi.ld ws r.Fn d b h!v. i@s'd fEm I 4 ncdic totr pq acE in<br />

l97l $ 2 O nebic ton pd icE in l9?7rr'<br />

In P*isLn w. h!v. 6td phag of .glcultE d*lopm€d in 1950s lollowod bv Spod<br />

one in I96Os In Souli Asia Plircularlv in Patish lh' folloeing modclt IBE b€" apPli'd<br />

(i)Ihe fbnrier dodel sliFuhr.s an cxp.nsion oi rhe cDlrivated dea<br />

imps in asicuhml dqut (ii) Th. cNditior tbi'l is bed on dE inEsobd coP<br />

livesbot husbandry which, Mycle plml nutials in lhe fom of a'inal ntnu€ lo mn10E<br />

s<strong>il</strong> t n<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>y (iii)The diftution no

unrrBiry md P@hrlm couicir, n d ). pp sle<br />

4^, ir-""t L-nh -,r D?a@.<br />

Ed['oi),{ t ndoql/6<strong>il</strong>hi PEs LrD, ree), p Ir<br />

turd.i u r[. m6drv jottml orPor6k No Ir' 12(sFisd^d!ro r93s)P*]snsrdv<br />

scbl. 22 May Le54), F.Be ltr<br />

vih ulinti 4Frv d h6d lMuFtr MrEbtd<br />

lAdn'B c|ffi' &Mld.ri'B d 4.*la?ra| P.lq'< BjMGiJd'nHolriUii6i'<br />

PRl9?9)<br />

dE.dhb P.sFaiE 3lwittw), l' l7 71tr$ G Nidda nd. _fi! dffiida or<br />

rNh td''er./a@.r. l0 (Iuq rer)<br />

t s"" F.i ft,$" .stu a Ddt@d Pdk6\ o! PqL<br />

1o tnrmdtonot .rrytoPeaio ol ttu s@k<br />

1r sru( F bhnsim ad roh w. M<br />

(septnbdr96l) P5tr72<br />

d v<strong>il</strong>h [Limi.d $pply !| hbds ]n Md.lgjq sc,&/ o/<br />

1? 0 et4) pp lre er<br />

lr N.bi, liu, Nav.d tuid fd si2nid, z'ntd, nt @td Eer'ry q,<br />

,or.r.r, (turhi, oxtod uDE6iy P4 1916l re r7i9<br />

14lonreiIdMdlq'o}ci'.,9<br />

ol P@qd kM) trtri o<br />

dd s-i* (Rt l n Hmqdd rx6)<br />

t6 hnadbdt.4hrdb 4ttu wd<br />

lt M.ra. r u Ir. x.* tui6 o/ enir. t ''d.st h. hdtu d tutopiry eoAd tt6n'<br />

cftn uiir*iy P6 19?6I r z7-at<br />

orc^*l\ (u s.^, M.dm R.*r, kF b..k l96rt Pp +6<br />

cdnn \^1+rou@t oltunb L<br />

'!M s kndri, -^rFo;k b dddoridr, rcw{ dfneid rL<br />

olRwdt Drdqtult hd /.|hhn@tu, ^siqhdi vol :r. No 1. (^urunn ^ re33), pp 25 26<br />

'v i rain. tu" tudwt "rcltttu , rdt/ (Mosdr, pm$e$i! Plblnh.E ret4),p40<br />

" r. s;;r. 5-."ry d,h *r-,.d Fnt or xrdirv! fr. ^s io aEid<br />

- tu66r N{n\ h tu xe 6tardn.r<br />

'jM^HlshMdl<strong>il</strong>l.M.|j4^@!lluE<br />

orrord uii!.Ery P6, 2003), p r5<br />

(Bmrrol n^o. r9t5), 4jr

Chapter-3<br />

l{orlh West F.ontler Provlnce<br />

Thc prcvince ofN\4trP is snuar.d betwm 31"15 &d 16" 57' North lantlde dd 69' 5 dd<br />

?4" 7 E6t longitud€ on ln€ World nrp, Ths exlrme logh of lne pnYince betwd th€<br />

Ddllel '< 408 m<strong>il</strong>a dd dE md'mm bErdd b.ts6 the mod's is 2?9 n'l6 ll 16 rl<br />

thc juction of th@ noulain mgsj riinal.t€, Kdaku@ &d Hindukush. Kahmn dd<br />

Punjab 4e locat.d lo its €st ed Afghmishn to its we6! Afelmistd ds bonnds lh€<br />

provrnce on rhc nonn. Baluchists sd D

Bmu ed D,LKhd. Il)c ri)olr vduable sd of ihe pbvin e is irs uique cult@l hd<strong>il</strong>age<br />

thol is thouleds of yes old, lt hs a hunbq of histolic.l bu<strong>il</strong>ding!, {ch@loSical<br />

monmolr dd cdhral hisiory Oal is enhdccd by nanml b.auly of rhe vaicd lddear€.<br />

llltFl is Mli.lly a noun ircs resion w<strong>il</strong>h rut wialioN in 6e t.min a onc nove<br />

from one prn lo lh€ otn€r<br />


q.,;<br />


The Peshaw&, Meda, Ch@dda dd Swabi havc f€nik ldds sutuuded by h<strong>il</strong>ts, *h'te 6<br />

one novc funhd $nth to Koh.! B@u dd Dc6 Im<strong>il</strong>, Kne, o.e cm se expm6 of<br />

b'lq e4. Goins up lo rhe nortn, $e nouiaio rdain baoms noE rugged dd the<br />

valleF mor. 'mcc€ssible. The momrain cnain of Kagnm vatlcy is weI vooded Hgaa is<br />

llso a mar of nobtaiN with fclt<strong>il</strong>e agricultuG s well 6 fo6t ar@. Dn, Bajou &d Swal<br />

@ feft<strong>il</strong>e and wcll w@

ccmus. nE ldied g@logt, cndows the Drcvircc wi0r oolhols min@l w€alth. Moe tnu<br />

t5 mi!@ls have ben discoverqt in subsldial qudny at the v&ious pl&6 in Swat, Dir!<br />

Konisun, Cnitul Man&h6 &d Kant disrricb of re province. Anlimony, Aqumaiine,<br />

Anphibolie, Bdit€, Bentonite, Full6 eeth, Firc clay, Asbestos, Ctlsuh, Creir€, cmd,<br />

Gr.phit . Olivine, Phosphat., Plr<strong>il</strong>€, Quafiz, Rcd orid€, R€d eher, Bsal! Boulinsnl.,<br />

Clim clay, Coal, Cabtu, Coppd, ChFhnc, Comidon, Dolomitc. En6ld, F€ldspsr,<br />

FhonF, Embladq lon, LiEesion€, tsd, Llt€nte Meble, Mic4 Magnetit€, Mego6.,<br />

Molybo<strong>il</strong>e, N.?hline Syn<strong>il</strong>c, Oryinar, Shal. clay, Sall, Soapsron., Scrpmrine, Scheelito,<br />

S<strong>il</strong>ica sdd, Stal. slon., Sulphd. Tope, Toumaline, Tin. Vemiculite ed zinc !E<br />

inpod&t minerals min.d in ln€ pbvincet. Thcr. b a grgl potent ial of expon ofpreious<br />

slon6 ad All Patislo conn@id expod c*iation (APCEA) b6cd in P6haM qporled<br />

.bour t 4..2 m <strong>il</strong>hm of Dueh dd urpolished sron.s Mullr r I a97r Thc pm\ Dce '@uts<br />

for ar led ?3 pftenr of the nlrble prcducl'on In Pal'isllno. NumercLs sorlshop,<br />

thftughoul the pbvince suppon lhe neufactu.€ of snall ms and weapons of various<br />

Pdhawr 'rhe capnal ol I.iwFP' ha always maincd a teus of lnde, @eiving<br />

eoods lDn dd b€yond Afgheisrrn dd rc-dispatcbrg it ro de eulh md 61ward to other<br />

povrnc6 lhe econon) of lhe pbvD.e hanly r.licd on;. Afg!& lrmir bzde .mhg<br />

from ihc work6 seNing in K&ehi {d rn€ Middle Est. Ned aboui 0,3 ndlion Pa&hllns<br />

w.rc wo dnS in Middl. Edt duing liie p€riod 1960'80, who *€r. B.nding m av€rage US<br />

Dolld 0.5 biUion ps yturu. Th€ prcvincc ah&d .r avmse muslly 15 pft6r in rhe total<br />

chitl4.6 of Pakisle lhar wortft et ,i!n a!rcld dtrins afo@cndored pqiod. In<br />

.dd<strong>il</strong>ion it gor mually 23 percert of inlr-povincid nel flow duc ro ihe lage nunbr or<br />

wolkers wo.kins in olhe! povirces at rhe sane tihe". The biss6t a$ci of lhe province h<br />

ns pot€nrial hydrcpowd g€n€ration €ap&ity Mor€ thd 70 pd€nt of lh. hydioel{tric<br />

capacity of Patisla is &cr.dned b NWFP ed n gg|rared abolt 33 pdcd of tne blal<br />

ehticity of Palisl,r. wh<strong>il</strong>. coNm6 onl] lOp.Enloflhebt lr'z.<br />

The NwI" wa . bsl'Mrd on€ du. !o nmw b?se of its asriculture 6 well 6<br />

indushy. Th6e secto6 were unable b ab$ib ihc labor work force, The $cio econonic<br />

ddcloonot in I.rwFP has not b@ uifom. s bulks of the iduskial unns Nft l@ated in<br />

tne indufial slal6 ol Peshawd, ltan&, Haripu and Gadoon Amei (Swabi) Apd<br />


fton lh$e l&8€ i.duslrial 6kr€€, snau o.es have ben dtablished at Kohat Rodd<br />

Psha*&, Jerud Road Peshawe, Mardn, KlElbat TowNhip (Hdip!r, Abhonabad,<br />

Mms.hr,, Kohar, Noshcra Bmu &d D.LKhe. March f&|orics, vegetabl. o<strong>il</strong> m<strong>il</strong>t., harble<br />

t<strong>il</strong>6 ae!ori6, racbnes of cbmicah dd phmaccutiols, i€xiitc nitls dd chtronic sood6<br />

factories doninat. th. induslliq in thee indusrriat eslates.<br />

3.3 Ag.icollurrl Sato. ol tl. Eolony of NWFP<br />

Agriculiw is sl<strong>il</strong>l . mlin &livity in the prcvincc ofNrwFP. Thc eolosical fccloB atf6ing<br />

so<strong>il</strong> fcrl<strong>il</strong>ity dd w.ler ava<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>ity have gre.t signincec€ in agricultu@ dwelopnenr.<br />

Agriclhue greB,lh in lh€ f6t 35 y6 or so ha not b@ unihm a.rcs esions of prkisto<br />

duc |o uequal avr<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>ity of agricuhDl inplGi lik€ inigario. wate., fql<strong>il</strong>iz€E, tnclo6,<br />

dd agri.ultual FPico; l<strong>il</strong>c !€$dch &d ertension, credir frcit<strong>il</strong>iA fld varihg impacts of<br />

pubuc policy iNtrum.nls; such s ldd refoms, ldd t6ue refoms, laalion, subsidi.s and<br />

!n the Nonnem h<strong>il</strong>ly rcgions ed non-idieat€d arcs of Paknrd, agicultue is<br />

dderdevelop€d dd lhe na6 e poor. 20 pcrc.nr popuhtion of Patisrad l<strong>il</strong>cd in Nonhefr<br />

n<strong>il</strong>ly Eg|ons of NWIP dd Baluchtt& according !o t98l ccnsus'r. Th* d€6 e snow<br />

covd.d tqt inacccsibl€ for ball oflhe yr. TlE nain $uEc of in€one is onc or iwo cops,<br />

fru<strong>il</strong>, lorestry, liv.stoct dd lo a linit€d €rteni ioudsn. The rain led de6 constituted 30<br />

pm.nt or Patisrd cultivaled d.a dd on€ sixlh of the rorll populalio. of Pakisirn ws<br />


lhe lutsmounlajnous trurs. GoeFlly &e s<strong>il</strong> oithe prlince is dclicidt in orgdic haries<br />

l&e rihoe€n ed phosphoruJt. Ulst od miz. @ rh. doniMt food cmps wh<strong>il</strong>€ rugt<br />

ce. ad iob&co e nlin c.sh.Dps oflh. p6viM. P6hawd sd Mardd distrids arc<br />

highly iftigaled. Orh€r disiricts lik Bm!, D.t,Kha! Kohai {d Swlr de poorly idgated.<br />

R jFfcd aM d€ foud in all the disrricts. Rmg.lod compris6 about sixl6 n<strong>il</strong>lion &6<br />

ed prcvid6 som. fom of subsist€nc€ lo the h.rds. Th. plr capiia cultivable dea ws 0.4<br />

&B in NWFP wniG compdablc ligre in Sind &d Pmjab e 202 and 0.96 &6<br />

Espedvelyrs. NWFP w6 prcduins ?1.3 peecnl ofrhe roral rob&co ol Pakhid in 1960s.<br />

Fruits ed veg.lablc. w@ prc

Chiud, Kud,l&jkoB dd Sear. Cullivar€d ldd is stl ed mNtly linitcd ro lhe vauey<br />

botlom side. Bdk of thc am h4 rueed agriculle. l{d holdings in th* ,6 d. vqy<br />

small dd p@ple rc S.ncrally poods. Tn€ runl mnony of these nouniainous egions is<br />

b6ed on lor.sts. lives sbct &d loi$ Iikc mulberry, r.tnul, apricor, .pple dd grap6.<br />

Maize n<strong>il</strong>l.ts, puls, polarc, veSaabb ed fo

cultiwdon. Oul of the r0, 24i 77 &cs lolal ollivaled ,rE!" GMdigd ed D@n ifti8atioi<br />

sch€m€e iri8ate !on. @rr, Fo6Fy drd livdtocl( ee othd min $lres of incone. Foct<br />

@v.rd l, 96,500 e6 @ ed liv.sr@t popul.tion w4 452,801 ofwhich 130,16l w€re<br />

goals od 122,6,10 sheep in 1998r'z.<br />

This dist jct is dumuded by hiel l<strong>il</strong>ls. AgriculluE is the ruin solEe oflivelihood. Th€<br />

Bua c€cc Epon 1998 deled lhal lorrl culriv.red e. in lhc districr M 1,36,?88 sc<br />

in 1998. Lin iriSslion wa $e nain eurce of wasing (h€ lod. It irigai.d aboli 2,471<br />

&Brr. For€sls covc.cd 32,10I &r€s ea!. Sctubs ard chir pire dc @jo. tlp6 ot focts.<br />

Toral clltivaied ea in Malatmd potec&d is l, 12,882 &6. Upper sw.t cml is nain<br />

$me ot iEigllio, 72,179 &c ae is irisaiedrs. Liv6 nst is m.in $ne of incohe aor<br />

housebold.<br />

This zon includd disnicts ol Swar, Kohisld. MtuehF, Bara8ru md Abboltabad The<br />

s<strong>il</strong> is mostly lod in nal@, Mlia dd whcar e d? ndn cops Ano.8 ii!tu.nd<br />

veget6blcs dpples, apncots. c<strong>il</strong>rus, ped, romab ed potalo e grown.<br />

In Svat dis6ic! agiculiN t ine ldg.si stor of troht Ir 198,lotal culrivaled e. in<br />

rhe dislricr w4 2,44,256 acEs out of wbi.h l,01,930 &6 wd iEig.ted". Abou 20<br />

p.rcmr ol tte tolal @a ol Swal is u.dd for..r. Liq sl@k is on of lh. main $urccs or<br />

B.t gnn<br />

The enliE dea of Batagm dkbict i6 fcn<strong>il</strong>e Dd Crows Sood ciops, brt most of the dca is<br />

Ein-fed. The najor croF e miz., whqt ard nce. Mti4, whdt dd rice *.rc cullivaled<br />

on 46,359 &@, 19,902 er6 md 5,821 acr€s r$pelively rccording to lhe disfict census<br />

oui or 61,3?2 acrB torat cultivated dca in Abbollabad 69p0 me wa iniSel.d bv tatual<br />

springs in 1998t. Main 6ops e wn4! mizc, jlvr 4d bdley. A@rdirg !o th€ dislid<br />


coru E?on 198, our of ls, 53,049 a]s lotal fftsr ea in Haze divisio. l, 35,5?4<br />

e6 wde in Abbonabadlo.<br />

On. lourtn of tbe total eca of the disticr Mdschm cotuisrs of plains. lahli is the nosl<br />

inpolt&r of thc plains. Out of l. 99,534 &rcs lolal cultiv.t€d d.a 32.124 es s€rc<br />

isiSrred in 198 in rhir districl''. Si6 dd Kunhd cmls iEislIe hajor poniotr of ldd.<br />

Wnea!, maid, rice, potab ed robeco @ imponet crcps of the area. Tbe area h nch in<br />

aruits dld v.8.rabls. Liv6 stet &d poulhy e. in abmd{c€ in lhis ara. As regdG tne<br />

foet, &cording to rhc dislict c€.sus repon 1998, Mdschra is on. ollne richell disFicts.<br />

Fortsr coveed an ag of 8,21,028 eG in the dislicla':.<br />

t(otbrr<br />

ftde is ediiy of aCiculiml led in Kohisle dis1nc1. Out of36,?49 &.es loul cullivaled<br />

e!" slreus dd srrings irigar€d ede 25,000 er€s @ in Kohbte @ording to 1t98<br />

ccBuJ3. Vh.cr md m.i& N impondl cops of the 16. Aiier c€dcultur€, fie nosl<br />

imporlml sou& ofsublistchce in Kofiistan is lt* slo.k. \tost common slock de 8oa1fld<br />

shep. For6B @vered 18. 72. tO6 rEs de 'n KohEb uordrna b the drshct cfl!6<br />

Cidled by rhc romlai$, n is th. dch6l aSnoltual @ in lhe prcvire. Th€ valle,<br />

consisrs of P6bawd and Marde divisioru All rhe didncts leshawd, Medan, Swabl<br />

Chdsadda &d Nowsh.E e agricuhur.lly rich.<br />

In Peshos& dishict out of l, 83,571 &es total cultivat€d N4 l, 38,592 eG wde imgaled<br />

emrdins o 198 cds!s". The districl is foou for fi!i15. Tne principd nuns @ plm,<br />

p€.ch, p*, apncot, oeloni apple, guava, ndgo, pminnon md loquats. Th* @ Imv<br />

ldit orchdds along the Gred TnDl Road. Tnc posprny bfar@ G du. to cml svslen r€d<br />

by lhc tuycr Kabul dd tuva Sw.l. wl@! bdL, gM, puls6, o<strong>il</strong>s€€d, suglr bet,<br />

v.B.rabl€s dd lodCd d. gown in laOi ed maize, m<strong>il</strong>lets, paddy, puls6, o<strong>il</strong>eeds,<br />

su8eoe, v.Sdabl* dd lodda rc 8rcwn in r(ra'lffin"<br />


ln Mardmoutolz, ?8,715 acres clliivardea2,71,821 &res eawa iftigated according<br />

!o 1998 c4urr Upp.r dd tiwcr Svat cmzls N m.in $!B oa iEisalion. What ed<br />

nsizc e oajor f6d cnin crops. lt is al$ €au.d ldd or su!@d€ dd roblccort.<br />

Mosl ofth. er in Swabi is pltn ed fdt<strong>il</strong>€. Our of2,15,075 e6 cdlivated {ca in Swabi<br />

1,58,150 &rcs were inigaied by Upper Swat canal, Pehlr ceal dd iube wdllsa'. wleat,<br />

naiz€, iob&co dd suge&e de main crcp' A ldge qld<strong>il</strong>y of or&ge dd guava e<br />

poduced in lhc v<strong>il</strong>lagG ofMainj, Jnmda md TordhE on conftddal bais.<br />

Moc the 90 p@mt offtc l,83516 e6 ror.l clhivared @a otChas?ddr wc i galed<br />

ecordine lo 1998 cmsuss'. Four mlin cdals iFigali.S lne disticl a@ Doaba cM.l, Saidar<br />

gdhi c,nal, tlwd md Upp.r Swat c.nals Major crcps ercm in the dca a€ eh.at, beley,<br />

mcir, tobMo ad sus4de chds.dd! h fmos ror bl&[ sneai (Cr).<br />

A{ording ro th€ .listricr cffu Epon 1998, out oa 1?9,821 e$ bral cultivat€d ag in<br />

Noqsb@ 86.488 &Es @ w6 inigated5r. Pubbi circl€ ofNowsh.ta is fmous for citus<br />

fru<strong>il</strong>s. Foresrs covered 12,936 des d.a in Norvrhda disrriclr:. \vhat, @tq sngscee md<br />

suga. h.er e oain crep3 of rhe m.<br />

It includG major pan of Kohal dd Hdg! dbdcts. The t€a consiets of uPled, oUrns<br />

moulain vallcts dd sau plai6.<br />

ln Kohar dis$icr lrigarion wa1e. i3 supplied nrinly by Tddr Dm, (&d€r dnn. DNaizi<br />

dan, Ch{d. Faleh Khe Dm, Gddjali dar s w€ll 6 by springs ed wells. Oul of65,l0o<br />

&s lolal cultivated d€a 25 pd.nl is irig.ted". A major pan of Kohat d.a is sl<strong>il</strong>l<br />

d.p.nddt on d.y fmiDg conditions. Ga.dlly in (,ztal naia, p.ddt m<strong>il</strong>l€t, puls6,<br />

o<strong>il</strong>sced ed sug@ne is sroM. In ia6l ftuitl v.selables dd lbdda are sown Gutva is<br />

fmous frun of dD region. Livs stock is als do.8 bain o9€upation or lhc re3lon<br />


lft!gu<br />

Oul of 852!$ eEs lotal culiwred aM in Fl&gu nd about 14,827 'ft3 e.G inigared by<br />

spnngs, tub€ w.lk a(t f* chdels consloctcd hy prcvincial ir'galion depairnenl!.<br />

Whqt dd mize de inpond crops of the district. Cuava, apple, apricot, p.eut dd plun6<br />

e mrjor nuiG of ln€ *a. Abour 2.5 pd€at ol the rolal l{d in rhe disFicl w6 udd loEsr<br />

Th. bain compries of district! of Bmu, La$i Mwal ed major pan of rwd{ disbict<br />

In $e Bmu dislricl propr ag.icuhe n d@cndo1 upon p.@ial inigaiion, $aonal<br />

iFigadon ftom the h<strong>il</strong>l lon€nl3 dd ihe rainy water thar is sdlldhrribured. Kumh dd iouchi<br />

Riv€6 inigrte lh€ Bmu dtlrict, K&htot, Vial Chuld Muhmnad, vitl Durea Kno and<br />

Vial Shr! ,nya @ mtn canals of Bmu-. Dunns lar, whc.r, bdlex gtu, tob&co,<br />

oibeens, fiu<strong>il</strong>s, veg€tabl€s &d foddcr e src{n. Paddy. maizc, D<strong>il</strong>l€ts, pul!$, sug@ane,<br />

cot!o., fruirs md v.8€tab16 de srern in {ra4 Banea" dal6 &d suava de najor ftuits of<br />

Buu. Our ot I, 8,1673 &6 roral culrivar€d rd 45 p@{t ws idisat€d in 1998n.<br />

According lo rh. dbbct cdsls rcpon 1998, out of4,45,663 &G ofiotal cullivared ea in<br />

L.&ti M@al, c.nals, lift irigaiion stslm, Ro.ltohi hd tlbc wclls idigarcd abou174,l3l<br />

eGrt. Mwar c@1, Kachkol.dal, Sahe€npu. ce|, Panr khel cdal drd Nullals lite<br />

Khmba, ToN4 kghw4 G.abe ed ChuDi @. irigalinS the ltuds. Whca! grd dd<br />

m.izc G nrjor crops Mustn.lon md watdmcloh m mjor fruns offie diskict,<br />

In Kdat disftid ac@rding !o thc distict cdsus rcpori 1998 about 34,,161 rcE (I8 p*fl1)<br />

of tolal ea of l, 91,450 eE ww cullivaled, oul of which 2 p@€nl wd 'merted by<br />

$ora8c of6inwar.l!. No.ivr or ceal 6 p6si!8 thrcud the dist.icl ro sd. (n. iri8.tion<br />

(vi) Srldn.r Pl.d Mort<br />

This ploin lies b€tp€en Rivd Indus ed Sulima. dg6. Il consisls ofD.LKhm od Ta*<br />


Palwlur Cdal suppli.d warer to the aEa d{.d D.LKhd. 20 p€rc6r ofroral cullivat€d<br />

da ofNwF? is leared in Dda llnair Kne, our of8,47000 Mes lolal cultivalcd ea 50<br />

p@al i6 iriSarelw. Thc situlions n.ve inpov€d msiddbly wnh ihe conplcrion of<br />

Chshna Rigbt Banl Cad. Wort on CoDll Zm Dam pmj{t is going od. w<strong>il</strong>b the<br />

completjon of whicn ih€ agricnlluc w<strong>il</strong>l inpove sufficidtly. In emc a@ of D.l. Khd,<br />

agFcultuc b d€Fndat or loff<strong>il</strong>warer laally @lled Rodlohi. Lr th. piedno plain of<br />

D.LKhd fbn 25 h<strong>il</strong>l lore s 850,000 cs{s water b dis.ha8al duiinS p.ar< now which<br />

iriSale 0,61 n<strong>il</strong>lion accs''. Wh.5r, gm, oihclds, nuiG, v.gclabl* ed lodcs e ebw.<br />

duing lari. wlt<strong>il</strong>e n.ize n<strong>il</strong>l.! puli6, @non, ricq sng@&. and taddy m grcM duing<br />

Tdk<br />

h T!* dktnd. aordinB b I9a8 4NN oulof92,624 rE bkl.uhivatcd aru. Tslvm<br />

ed Rodh kohj inigat€d 24,710 &rcs6:. M$knelon, dalc palm,.pple md cirrus re<br />

inporta fruns ofthe q6.<br />

Th€ @gion is only confined to Hdipur distri.l wher€ agriculm is hainly depende.t on<br />

6infatl. Howdd.dlab non rivd Dod irirarc |he a@ aound Hdipur loM. Rivd H&<br />

irieai$ lnall rs ,n Khupu<br />

Situ tuvd, lchh& @d, Du @al, Pujkltha c@1, Kh&pu dcllt ed bn mals, KaIl,<br />

Msg md BhuFy dms iEisare lb. districr. Dunng (rar,/narc, n<strong>il</strong>l.t, grcundnul,lent<strong>il</strong>s<br />

&e comonly grcM. In Ra& whdt, E@, o<strong>il</strong>sceda md bdley e Itown". Out of lolal<br />

7?,816 &re culrivarcd a@ <strong>il</strong> Hdipu dislricr about 13,000 46 re idiSarcd. 79,489 acm<br />

s.a is und.r foren in Heipu*.<br />

(viii) Soulten E<strong>il</strong>ly R.gor<br />

This ane is nairly conpnsed of Noirh and So n Weiristat Agcn i6 H.rc ma'ze<br />

sugNm., rices md p!ls6 r€ fic Krarlcrop!. wlr41dd baley d. Rabi crops. FtuiN<br />

suh s pl!frs, appl€s, lpricois e al$ grema. Work, on Gomal d dm ha b€en<br />

Graned, which w<strong>il</strong>l h.lp ro iriSatc rbc soult wdi.islrn 48fty.

w.tdR6o!!G<br />

N\VFP G divided into the najor tunes on th. basis ofwater r€sure'<br />

{a) Ib. K.brl4hltnLswrt B4in<br />

The Kabll-Chitral-S*at Bditr @npns* $e pan of Pdhlwd ud Malaldd division i e.<br />

dlire dhinage area of ihe Kabul Rivq. nr major Cistribliries of dE Kabul River in lhe<br />

b6in include the Swat, th€ PujLor., the Cltrnl sd the Be. It is lhe nost fdr<strong>il</strong>e dd sellidisatcd<br />

rcgiotr of thc pFvitrce. Out oftwo h<strong>il</strong>liotr cG cultirable l&d rbout halt@<br />

idgat€d at lh€ rin€ of indepfldmc.b. h rhi6 Egio. l. ?1,400 &res of laod wd povided<br />

idigation ft.<strong>il</strong>itia duinS 1950s Dd 60s67<br />

(b) Kr.nDKon.GGoD.l Bsitr<br />

It includes th€ whole dea ofD.l.Khe, Bdnu, Kohat divhion ed Klrm ageocy. Rives<br />

Kuff rd Touchi imA.le Bmu, G.hal 4d l!du' ';8da D.t.Xnd 4d Kohd T6'<br />

irigal6 Kofiar- Ite rcSior onrin d 1.5 m<strong>il</strong>lion s6 ofculivaied ldd, oul orwhi.h l6s<br />

thm one-third i e. aboul I,?8,000 acres wer€ irig.t€d by cMh ed tub. wclls dd nor€ thm<br />

Zld is Bin-f€dd. Duntrg tne de.d. of 1960, .bout 2,IO,5OO a.6 of land w6 boughl<br />

udd itrigrrion@. In 1978, qork on chGhna tu8nr B.it cmal ed $aned, w<strong>il</strong>h tne<br />

corpletion of which th. poblen of watd shon ge ws slved lo $nc cxldl in D.l.(nm<br />

s@n dd Do& riv6 imSat€ Ha4a d<strong>il</strong>ision. In 1968, the lotal cultir.icd lnd ws 5, 66,<br />

871 &6, out of which 93,000 &c i.e ls rhe l? p.rcol w4 inig.red, the sallel<br />

poponion, in the wholc prcvincc of NWFP'o. About 64 pcrenl i,e.10, 2?.504 ac!.s *qe<br />

cultivablc bur sft not bcing cultivatcd, the hjSh.sl prcponion in fie whol€ pnvincc. Abont<br />

24,000 &6 w@ pevidcd iriearior f&<strong>il</strong>i1i6 in dis parl of pbvincc duing l950s.rd


't^Nndcoz et ot kdk. Pn'hck<br />

'ljlB|}4 N tr F P ,lddintndior ttdt sht<strong>il</strong>h xrte, 190 t 19t9lrt.ndnn: N.tionl Comturioo on<br />

Hisidi.al md culrud Rcldoh, le73), p, r<br />

'hnp: // .d witjp.dir dg/ witiNwFP= clidr<br />

'MiuNudLroridsFns.jidinsaid, t' E@roFrc tre,ss olcropptE Pckn b PFP, Pdt,<br />

Hirbrt dt F.'p4n|Q (e17-76)lP6h*t rBh@ of d.sldpnd ftmnis, un'v.dry otP6luw.<br />

'hnp://.n.wikD.di..olg/ wi*i/ NVFP = climr<br />

'covmr ol MrT?, &rror'.rorr"r of ffim a lktl8nt P6row, ffi@Ir.pod 1990,p.4<br />

<strong>il</strong>li@wqa'E,pofu'lp't'l<br />

'^hipi *w wiJiFdir, lrvFP. o!..ir<br />

" S ah d Kaidat , The Politial Eab', ,/ Poltrrr',, (!ahoa: p681.$iv. Pnblnhc6, 1937). p I<br />

'r Mu brmd ^mDgzb, rdtlddlxrFP, (P6rr*u ^nP,<br />

Ds lce2), P iii<br />

D s.u,rr@ lktt td.Etopi.nL p.xlty ard i4latit ir Pot6br, \t'hft<br />

' lb'd, p ,11<br />

'ltmpaia cu.naoltttiz, Ptutria rdia Notn vd FNtuPtuvie,p31<br />

tt *ltlid Ma, Pbbt h al.lMtophdt ptdrnthp Nalt tr6t Fnntcr Ptovi'.., (lElbt oiD.v.lopftdr<br />

Sbdi6, Agicultur Univdity or Peshiw, 1990), p.a<br />

?!Mio}{lni r.lrm Mia,/rtrl&zt E donlalNtrFf, Qr4661 olDddoptr FMis,<br />

aENlbElr nr.d'n orPshr\. lo-0), p -<br />

rr N|al r.d hbls or.cit, p 73<br />

! Plll'us {d D.Eropnd Diviia covtu orP|tisb4 t4zrcd Dewropnd ofuon@tture ot<br />

NtrFPlq qot, J.NrJy te36,p te<br />

's t2nbeY\te R.larce hq. dnd Eb&d'. p@sr ol MaLakand Diaton (P$hi*ri IDs, le36) pp 4&1e<br />

, k44kd DNkpMt ol Hoditu M ot NvFP tt dpod. t'rny te36.q cn, e.2o<br />

:popur"hcdGolgriiz m. D. nt c.BB R.tod ot r bot. IeN.w I t rg<br />

'<br />

r0 PoDuhtidd Cds orsMrion, Dlinict Cuu Repn ol Low Dn 1993,Pp t5 t6<br />

'| P@!L!d c.M or9ide Ds hd ..Bb Rq'd.I tM Dn tgos p 1|<br />

u poNLM e.BB orF@,in Ds h. t c.M R"Nd ol tM Dt. tee'.p t0<br />

riP@bdq cdu o'snrioa Dlt , cds Repa oI Matorad tees,tr 1rt5<br />

: PoFtdm cl,N o'cairzito4 Dntd cM Rerod ots*a. 1e93,@3'1<br />

rr Popuhiion cffiu Ors iarion, ,tnd C.Bs Rzpon ol4a|oBnfl\ t993,pp t6<br />

'Popul.dd Cds o4rizdoA Dirtict Ce,M R.pdfl.t /bbotubnd. 1903 p 4<br />


iL Popuhrioh cdu OB@rim, Dtr ikt cM R.tad ol Mqyhn\ 1993, pp 15-16<br />

"lbid, p.r6<br />

"PoF<strong>il</strong>d@c€tuo4on 64D"ri.,c*tu r.p.d otru'i@ t9,F.a5<br />

' Populrtidd c'nu! O'l,ulDor Dsnrt (<br />

Rtpon aI t|ardo\ t9r8,w ttr6<br />

^t<br />

o<br />

PopdrM h6 o4Mi4 DrrR I AM R.podolsqb| |et,n.tz Idt1<br />

- PoroLlid c.M O4mi,ri4 Dtnrt tjBB R.Na afcMdz ]99t p ta rd t1<br />

' P9!!brid c.GG Orrmt ridr Dlbtat c.Ba Repot a[No$]@, 1993,ut.9t2<br />

" Popuhid C{!G O!8oi,'riq Dnt .t ceBA Rtp.t ofxoh't, t9r3,1p34<br />

: Por{t do clM o4lizriq ,rr,d cM oI Husr, t e9e, @.e-ro<br />

^.poa<br />

" Popul{m cNs OEmiz:toq Dr'|tu c@ R.poa d LaEd MoMt, t993,w.t4<br />

" Poruhriod cms Olgrnizlriod, D,!t dCe''s Repo/ofXd41993,pp.lur2<br />

- srrd M*d-Dd.Di!, rz'irrdal ,co'ory Qt D.n hko<strong>il</strong> x6or (19,7- 1931), n$. asi@lturl niivdiry<br />

' St d MGua-Ehn,{arcltral &dN, qD& Iffi<strong>il</strong> t(ttu D'h.I (1917-1931),9.24<br />

" PoDuLt@ c.tu orgbi'.6oq Dnnid cM R.td ofton\ I9t3,w s.to<br />

- M 6n €nd Sy6d, Op.o L p.l9<br />

'Poplhbm ctrs oE$Ehoq DAtid cM Retoh of HoriM te93,pr.t3f7<br />

d<br />

M .. .nd st€d. O9.clr, p.16<br />

!'Nmr LIrn MiA nd r!tu/@/ t or,ry of NVFP, l9m.8t<br />

a rbrr\inB.E M%hott'ti\ of l*ieultoE t ,r. n ./FA 0Biie of D.vdopm( E.@iB, aeii.ulrDl<br />

un<strong>il</strong>dfty of P6br*r, reTr), p.75<br />


Cbrpter4 .<br />

Hbtorlc.l brck€mund of agrlculhral dev.loPoert In NWFP<br />

The wold agri.ultuE is con .&d of No *ords asel {rh. @<strong>il</strong>) dd cultuE (ihe l<strong>il</strong>liog<br />

of). acdlly .S.i!hE n not m.E lh. tlling of o<strong>il</strong> bd n is a prcaesio for Baina liv.lihood<br />

by *ploidng tutunl EsouMs ..s lmd md rala et. In i6 sinpl€st foo agpcrltudl<br />

davelopmont n€aN dising p'oduction or c@ps, iuits, veseLbles and lne nunber of mimlls<br />

l€@d. B6i&i f.mins .nd mioll hubddry, isricultE alr incbdA 6snqi.s ud foEslrt<br />

Htlory or agricultuE is s old s tt !.1 lDd pdctie of cultiEtion, t h E ced brck 10<br />

lhe &volopodnt of dom.slicarim of planls rnd .Dimls in thc Nsllnic p.iiod abonl 10,000<br />

ya6.go. Subcontindt he b*n. wld eruary since liDcs in'lmdi<strong>il</strong>. About 5000 Fs<br />

lgo thft w.re fmins comuities in tne nonn scst 6r the Slb.ontiEDr. Tn inl'tbn nl6 of<br />

this a@ uscd io ebw wheal lnd kesp sieep, slal! td alde. ft.y usd to bu<strong>il</strong>d dtns tcFss<br />

ssoMl stseaE vid slon.walk b inislc dEir copJ. P€n;im of vha! bdl€, paddy 8d<br />

the nlage tools fonnd in th. Sdghor. clv€ e sideEd by mhalogis6 b b. a00O ys old<br />

Anm tib€s wlrc @cuDicd.iwnN @3 of the Indus ed <strong>il</strong>s Libulfid 3!ch .s lhc Swal and<br />

Kabul bccue noie Dd no& .&plcd 10 .srcultuG wnh dE pagsc of tinc. TIc<br />

&hadlodel w6l$ aond nm $. q€votios ot Sh€irn t ohsj, $e SD8how cav., &.<br />

Knshni Snus. the Polo Dheri ca!e, lh. T'litbai, rh. Jrmol c.rhi, the Jui sh.ikh ruins 8td thc<br />

ex€vard chain afciv<strong>il</strong> c!@ls e all tcstinory 10 lh. fict lhal .gricDltuE h.d b..n tne ceDlunca<br />

old trcuparon of rh. nh.bihts of Mlb wsh p.tu ol SDbcofriml Ttat B dpL<br />

.videnca of asriculluE b.ing drc Finciptl @cupation of lhe Y<strong>il</strong>l.g. folrs in l.tt r Vadic asc<br />

'n<br />

Indo-sub.ontinenl flErc see cMh !o inisale thc I.Dds. Tbe !!e oi wN dbo lriomr<br />

'muE<br />

S.foft tb€ .riv<strong>il</strong> of MuliFs in Sut dti6t thc indiS.nols ag..ie stsr€n of<br />

sDbconri*d *6 br*d on tlE Hindu scEd hs of Mmu _rh.rc wG $e li!g, taYing no<br />

p6p.rry nehi in land .xccp1 lh€ rigl* to r shlt of &e prcduoe, below th. ldn3 *os thc<br />

cDftiv.roE (t !di4r/', owM, cultivator z'id! or tuob.s oljoint v<strong>il</strong>tee cmmun'tv) wE of,<br />

r@l oM.a of rh. l.nd Th. tjlg \ custorurt shlF ws equl ro l/o- or Ld of thc ptodue J<br />

fte omollsol ie.ut. colle.kd tlnd E\edue Ile kinS; pqtandunrduq '!) b pmkcr hi!<br />

a.r AS.lculturc Dor.roPndr duba Mu.liD Rul. I! Srb-CondtrEt<br />

On ln.n ri!.I in $h.oDtiMi in ?l l A D, the Muslims bbughl with lhen rbc lr'd<br />

reveue sylli.B ot Kh\ruJ i-Mtq@ha tnd Ktn4i rMueo,ol thtt \|e idcnlid wnn dc<br />

.lFldy op.6ftr'g sFcn of agricultuE rh6 Thay oDly 3w. smc rcbic md &6id ll.lG ro

thc rhci erisrins insliruiotrs rhrcurh minor chmges. IiiM! ftlcnu. olnccN \rcrd k pr lnr.d lo<br />

strpen ise the ignculruc in ecupi€d &rirory of Sindh dd p.d ot Plnjab, !'kl the Esl of lndia<br />

fruc fmm Mtrslim\ infl&ncc rdrincd unaheEd. h thc fomer !us,lhu co.vcG werc lo Day<br />

otrly iarer otr tlFir produce ol llnd and non-Muslihs w€re to po, lr,fdl e.luiv.l€nt ro l/6'" of<br />

Thc mcdicval Mudim kirF ofChrmvid.r, chfrida ud Qllbi dynlsties followad tlE<br />

hnd sysrcn inroduced lry ihe Adbs in Sindb. Thc pc.snty conpried nosrly of Hind$, sbo<br />

*ere ftgardcd as dr,t,:r.nd wd. auorcd b *olk on ri.n fomd holdrn$. Thc piym of<br />

fixcd lnnud /irrzj in Iu p sud wls dre dpotrib<strong>il</strong>ity of the v<strong>il</strong>hlc headoo who<br />

$rlF.que.lly dktibtrred dr rsscssne rNon! rhep.0sanG6 Tho Motr!.I[i(h devosllrod Drost<br />

ol rh. aEar of Indir in l3'" c.ntr'ry 0!d Nh.rever.ultivario, w6 po$ibtr by zDrd,,r, lhe<br />

ljor ponior of rhe prcnucc rvas r.ken awlr as rcvc.uc sllecrion '<br />

AnDgrlt llrlcr si,l/r!,, Ala{ -Din Kh<strong>il</strong>jii'nroduccd lrc'ncn'lo's chrDlcs i', d{ |<br />

odminishtion of$e $hinatc The cou.r mbl6 who domiMted n litic.l our look and wcE of<br />

gElimpotuft. fton dF agBnu t inl ofvid during Sdldr.e, olc Thcy w@ allowcd t<br />

p3niou ollofd ri€c ldn olessmenl rs rcnrunci0riotr td then sryices to rhc srore Thoy werc<br />

.xp€{rei ro colLcl dE sbr. s sh.re blr rh.y squccz.d o@ our of p@nts rhnn rhey paid ro 0'e<br />

public exch.qucl AI.-!d-Din fts dlcc.sfnl lo r.duce thei <strong>il</strong>ttuence ltc broughl dn c<br />

dtnges in sgnrian policy. He ord€red fie resudption ofall lond gmnis, wlrich lne nob<strong>il</strong>igi,<br />

Sovcmenr o<strong>il</strong>iciah lnd othd iDdividu.ls held as gitu, gmnt or lew.rd ibm rhc sbrc. H€<br />

n p\vdf, Mtqdddtna ed Mub ofa brg. pan ofrh.i |rn,ts .nd .nh,m<br />

ofthesbterromonesixthloonchalfoffieprcducc.Demdhdd!ofr$e$mcDtw*r.fomed<br />

lnd rh. sc s dcoaqls wc c.lcul.cd on rhe b.sis of sb'datn yi.ld p€r un<strong>il</strong>.@ Th. dcnrnd<br />

ws sl!6ted pldy in c!5h and p.nly h gmin. ln dd<strong>il</strong>ion I gEin8 rox sas chars.dv. lo<br />

rcmove lhe maladoinisnarionj larye orc! was convdr.d to k dlird thar was dirccrly nanlged by<br />

(a*uns For eddicating conpdon a s.pante depann.nt of<br />

DiMn i viratd $Ngl ADt<strong>il</strong>s<br />

^tA<br />

Dntuti||wtukJtnj v* .t.akd and .nhskd *irh rhc dud6 of inquiring i.ro arean lnd<br />

misuse of 10nd revcnue. Mo(over king kept vig<strong>il</strong>a8c warch ovcr rhe dondu.r ofPah@/is dnd<br />

rh. Eveou. books w€re iNpelcd by lupdior oflieB ud Ling hin slf Egulaly. S.vw<br />

punrltnerts wce oeLd out 6 dbs. vho w@ round Fsponsiblc fo! lakins bribcs or rrlsit<strong>il</strong>g<br />

Anong lh€ succedrne Kin8s, chyeud,Din Tughluq t(Dk ten intc!6t in .gnirn<br />

6an* He E{tganircd rh. Fvenue sdminiddrion. Hc di$rdad hasurflrnr in farcr oirrl,t<br />

thtrr allorins coDsssior to $e n€asanls ior pdnial fdituft ofcrops or unexpecred lowyictd The

'landad dchdd srs Educd f@n oe h.l<strong>il</strong>o on. fiRn ofthc p6due " Fibz Shan Tusnhq<br />

Irve inp.tus to dE exioNio! lnd impbMe oflgriculrrE bt.xovarion lnd coNhction oa<br />

ne" rml. Fous lournew.rE.r ro menerhe Esioo oidE Indu. bssn. Peop.es {{!<br />

encotrng.d ro bu<strong>il</strong>d prirarc mmb with $cn oNn rcsulc. sdc of rhc pivltc car.k lik<br />

Chasd .nd Krchkot in lrannu dGricr ol Nonh w$r Fo ier ESion were rcpai..d thar ftrv.<br />

b€d bu<strong>il</strong>r by the Mengal lnd ll0ns rib6'<br />

DtrrinA the Lod[i !tr'l Syed dtm3ics lh. l.nd dignhont *as (ic msr inpotunr<br />

innnudo. .nd tne a$<strong>il</strong>us $cre bounJ no. ncEly 10 loyalry ad p€erul *Me brt ro<br />

nrinhin 3 body o<strong>il</strong>rcop lvl<strong>il</strong>iblc foi rhe kitrg's ne.d. Bahlul hdhi offqed tarlc assignncnts ro<br />

rhc Afuhan l.adca sho.oNirurel hisclridNs slrcrgdr The Af8h.tr rssiunuu h triehrM<br />

rd mrmgc rhc hnd and b ui<strong>il</strong>ize rh. p.lens plac.d undd rtm''.<br />

Thc Nonhwos frorrier rcgionr srw mant Paknton or Afghan rib.s ltcadity shitting<br />

erssvmd fio'n Afshanishn rnd conMnrly cxeding pre$ure upon lhe canicr irhbir.nc du ng<br />

,h{ €' lJ (.nruner Md ol rhe Pathton n ibcs ot rhc Fbntrq onc hF ri conquco bcrwen<br />

1000 andl500 AD'' BctoE 1526lh. Pdshasar valley Fdci !s erlci: ttu ier for pa$oral<br />

clans tod Afghatr rib.l conr.dsaoios migntins fron lh€ west. nrce ctans occ'|pied the rcgion<br />

bcN,en Khtb.r Pa$ !.d inc hd$ Riwr by .lispl@ing d dohiurina tenl nlcE ond<br />

agtictrlr(dns. The AfSn& styling rb.melv6 !s PllJrNn, dividcd thc plan and highlaod vlllcy<br />

nonh of Ihe Peshawar vrlley !mmgrhcir fanitiei and coniederdrc.llier', )<br />

Dtrinr rhe Mughul s ieign, ZihiDddin Aabd.nd I]lmatu rode no b.r.iit chang. in<br />

rhe exi'ins lisl amngdent durir8 ihri. Efuns Sh.r srEh Suri was rhe ficl who madc !<br />

synemaric lrndsurvcyand l.iddosn thc nain pnnc iples of revonue !d mini $. rion, wh ich wor.<br />

follosed dudn! $e hrc! kings. H. fix.d rhe sr . d.rond !r one rhird oi rh. poduce rnd<br />

i @duced Egular adninGtmfion hi.1rchy of DnM, porym, sotku znd iqto. puEdno *as<br />

adQr.d .u.$.nrialry i rcv.n.e untrtr tn c -h poagana ri&r w6 R,Nnnblr fo, kefins<br />

reood or lh. rcvsnne collection and ndins it ro th. kins. Ai v<strong>il</strong>lsgc levet, rhc vithse headnan<br />

cou4rd th. l.nd tmu.. H. inroduccd. Jdli, ot:,r, s]sien. Th. land N.s c.icBdizd inro<br />

good, niddlin8 rnd bodr ind *rs nasur.d by &pc Mo@wi hc inloduccd rhc zry,r!4rt<br />

stsem undo! whrch rdtar havirg secu rcd p ropriersry inre€sl in rh. soitrnd norivaled rhem ro<br />

blina abundrnr wastelln& undd rh. plough I'<br />

Akbar corebd, whd Sher Shrh had alEqdy foundcd, by .volvi.g rhe mdnods oi lhd<br />

sufley. Fi6llyj he inlroduced "Iar, of bombos joined tos.lh.r wifi i@n iinss for the<br />

nNEmdr of land; oorvd rh. I.nd was clasiti.d inb p./9; pro'1i, chocher and banjo.<br />

'th. poloj .nd prouti lDds wft dividcd inio good, niddln'C and h6d. TtE orc lhnd oa av.n8c<br />


pnduc. ollhese tnEe snd.s of lud w.s laten t! lnc sh.E of thc alat The amul etdmenl<br />

@ Fpl&.n by d@mj.l eltlcncnt- A numbd of d6 w@ lbolkh.d. ftqdi l@6 reE<br />

issu.d ro lle peallnt3 tIDr w.rc rccovsod in insbllmenrs. n@ syslcns of Ewnu., the Cr,ra<br />

bo*tti,Zobi nn Nsag erc.doptrd in rhc enpiErr. albd.volved tt integElcd syscn for<br />

ihe coll.clim ol hnd lwnuc, tl 'ot onlt pleased $c p.enty bu1 bcncfir.d dt sbr. als. Hc<br />

inroduecd rhe,tr'axsardari sysr.h, *hich bcci6.. D.mrc fodd ofrh. sgarian sysisn of<br />

rhc hrc. Mushul cnpiEs 'nd conrinucd u!' ro rhc svohrh 6ory. -l]E sysEn inplied |n31<br />

the hdldc6 ol the M4rrrtr wcr if scrvioc ol the nare and wdc bound b rcDder seflrcc m<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>ary<br />

or orh.'sie whcn they wcr0 crllsd upor '' Ift AnEi@n obps quiclly spud $irh in rh.<br />

Mudrtrl Fopnc duri s rhc Nn.J l60o-14i0 (tnr or raia {rs iohn'ccd rs a li*d cop 'n<br />

the Pesl *ar valley durin! rlris puiod.<br />

lle peernid ifti$ri('r n rha lndui synen d!t!s bact b lie qrly 17th @nlury when<br />

Empgrcs Shah Je[rn and Jciargn condnrclcd aenal'H!slie'bn ging *ad fon rh. Ravi lo<br />

rhc oyalBaidcns ncor hhoR.nd for Shrlianar gmden of Lrhore. tidocror AuhDg2eb ale<br />

br<strong>il</strong>r r sc.ierofcamls h Mllhn. The M(A,l ,t sFem v.nt on dct'nfth,a 'nd stsar i6<br />

ldwcbbdfri'U rhd rful,<br />

'cra<br />

ol unngzxb\ re<strong>il</strong>t. The .s*$menl $ns r$do on lhc v<strong>il</strong>lagers<br />

d uni 0r ' mk \0ry,ng Ircm onerlDrd ro om h.li Thc d.d.nd on inJn'Jual p.dent *d<br />

o'ni.{<strong>il</strong>, kepr ro Li fixed Dy hc Ban, who in oider ro faw his ftends a domindnr clique of<br />

ihe v<strong>il</strong>ldgc, manipulrted tie burden of stFng b foll on tu wek. So thcE was downfau in<br />

agricullual poducrios du. to rhc d€iv. buni.n liid lpon 0E shouldcN of.he ,.a$nls. Th.<br />

cfiod of adtornistntion ro i.c&ase the dvenue in-foct l€d ro continue dccline, nol only i. tnc<br />

r€eocd @s tur al$ in nrc ashm.nts. For li@mlinin3 $c Bcn$0 a'lninisrrrtion th.<br />

emp.or ised \ro lcdDlrns I hc fi61amthlsizd inctwing th. olti\"td ars, *elaarc ofoE<br />

I'easant ind lrnnging under ccaecrive oo ol rhe 1@01ofrioiols. The secord one wis <strong>il</strong>s'ed td<br />

ensui. rhar rhe Ev.nue is arssd od collc.red in &coi.tuc with fi. principlcs oa lslanic<br />

las Thc pBcricrl oul come .f rhc laftr was nor .ncoudginS $ it Nas {rcssin8 *D!ftam ot<br />

i.srri irch k azJ ldnd bur dN skre ollaDd rcnained unaltered!.<br />

4r-ACrlcultur. ddclopncnr la Fmlricr dkoict! h rh. prs0rftih crr<br />

During Albd s ancnpl ro subordinatr rhe Afghans livine in the Pc$rwar vallcy led ro<br />

unending riva lry b.reed Mu8h<strong>il</strong>s kings a nd Paknfu! wdoldr, 'The lcd 4cord ot th k penod<br />

is tull of bumi.g, qpulsim 0nd mrsrcs of rh. trib6 Mupyina lhe pl.i$ by th. Mugbuk<br />

whichlheycompellcdbpaylrihie'rr, The lion shsrcofttu rcvelu€ colleded was redisbbnted<br />

ro <strong>il</strong>lid Mzlnr, $d. of whon nadcd degl6 of srbodiMrim. Ir app.is rha! ouch or rcr ol

h. P6hasar vollcy wis ncv.r subj.ccd ro any rylr.natic cbpland or h.w6r nasurdn!<br />

and hrs nor deliv.icd .ry dirccr palmcnl ro MuShul ofiici<strong>il</strong>s,.<br />

ln 1536, Mohmand and odE6 Pakntun rib6 @@l€d undq.ral.h, rhe Rarrrrd herdic<br />

Thc Youelzri and Mandolr Afghan .Lb f.ll und.r lhc ecll of lhc I'J'lr, h.asy. Mughul<br />

aurho.it srs challcrgcd agrnr !'d again ir rhis pln of rh. counry. Matit hrcd r youefzi<br />

chief lhen ficed llrc d<strong>il</strong>cnmi as hor b batdncc rhc @ious youMfzia clai,ns on the n.w<br />

leflrones arouM Pcshaqor He tuned to a rcligiotrs figure, Akhund Dorozo <strong>il</strong>0hd ro ,range<br />

pdsible solution. Akhund Dcdaa cEdired Shcikh Mati with qryins oul census ol fte<br />

Youelzia rfta and lo accodptish equibble tand disEibrri6n:r. The lsnd !s disribured<br />

.ccordi'3 b the rulcs l.id doM in lne Daldr of Sh.ib M.li. sheib b.sides llreari.g shnre ro<br />

each clrn also decE.d 0E! the $ Fiod otim. mtLs rhara y@6,nd nor noE rhln t0<br />

,qs, re'shbdirS elrlcd clam would nubrlt, dchdse ltuds and l<strong>il</strong>ascs fi. nain<br />

phiiosophy b€hi'rd ris dccrce wrs ro glanntc lhci no group would goin any Mdre ro ben*<br />

so<strong>il</strong>, chnrt rrd exccs to waler. casrins lok decidcd lhc question which hrd lhould go ro<br />

whom rhis drdoh is loootty knoln,6 ks, or *rar,,/rir. Main objsrivc oI ydr, systen w.s<br />

to mrin&in jusricc dnd cquahy aftons rhe ribdncn. Thee Edisrrjbulion poticies were<br />

le3itimize,ibyEligiouslurhonry ofSh.jkh Mali ard ako by hn sial bt.as neurEt, coe,sus<br />

bu<strong>il</strong>diDg figuE oul sid. $c cortsoBiar Ftnicat 3phcc ofMoli*rrJ.<br />

During rhc laLr Mughul p.riod, rh. anbnions of Kh.l<strong>il</strong> and Mohm.nd M,litl h.d<br />

.urld,,eior'.rL'rn(c\en.orhetirleofKt,an" kad,ngKhshtKhan"Ansr.!a,Jed,he<br />

r<strong>il</strong>re or,!rrd, (lord or maste, by a r"d,/ 0f dre erreF! Shah Jehan Mohnlnd Khons soon<br />

adopled ihe ide. Tnc pr.*ncc otpowe.tul,tdo, KhaDs in rh. hav<strong>il</strong>y iftiaakd rdpp,J lound<br />

Pcah,we <strong>il</strong>l$htod th. Mughul &ieDiMrjon lo n.ximik EvflE frm .jch lands For oEr a<br />

c.ntory. a linnen glup of P*ntu JbgTda6 lnd cLr Lldds @d Mughut p.bdgc ro<br />

coMli.laa peenal cl.ime to liHge ladcchip lnd b cd Folirid ,udBnry o!.r !8.icultuEt<br />

Facks. Nercnhel$s dE Muehut ! hotd in t,cso t6ritoii.! @ @k and pecrlioudd ft.<br />

P.rb,w ruler Shcikn Ush.n sBrucred Ja Sh.i*n or .,Sheit! k (alha,, canar in 1694 unde.<br />

In$ruction of Mughdl kiDg Auianszeb.<br />

In rhe errly.ighr!.nth centory, imperial 5hcto,cd agBlian ftlation in p6hlwu vallcy<br />

chaucnged lnd Eshap.d local P.*hu sejety Aunn82cb lppan to hav. ldoprcd corcit<strong>il</strong>bry<br />

policy to*dds fi. Afghe. Sone of dEm wft @.jvi,s 6c€G non tn. .mpcbr, which<br />

FcwDlc{ dy cotrcn d Alghd nsing aslitur lhc Mughlls. Afshds owr m, H@n in rhd

On ft. ddlts of Allmgab d*dy .nd disiDt.gEtimrsl&le{t. Empercr B.h.d€r Shah<br />

.n mpLd ro Fsuide Afz.l Khnn Gnnd lon of Kn$bl Khrn Khnrbh ed cnief ol Kh0rbk<br />

clan) ro t@oopany nim ofi.ring hin tlc Ma,Bd, ol4OOO hoMzr. Nonh west Fbmi.r csion<br />

.rp.riom.d politiql cNlidation of tn!N. Th.sc ldrn! 4rn s inr€mediries b.Ncn<br />

v<strong>il</strong>lqc b.sd clm b&r rnali* ldl irFnd tdn<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>Frc wno wE skinA hd. brb<br />

reur<strong>il</strong>y. n<strong>il</strong>itary @oits d'd romiol ffru. obliSr|iou dn y!re taBely Mirled is J,si6<br />

md *Nie wd&. ChiefE f!l)@, gtuG.s ed .dvdtuEm chining rlc er alled edltd<br />

on {E bair df pGsessim niinhin.d by |orc., drn.d to coller &vo'ue 6on the Delsinb und.r<br />

thct cdnrbl and adm<strong>il</strong>red lirb<strong>il</strong>ities lo pay a ponion of lhcir &oeipls lo aDy suDend. aDthority<br />

nmr| crotrlh ro $ist on Dalmctrr ,lurin! lard' Mtrghtrl Kings I'r rhk w.y subsidiad thms<br />

mrinbined inperial tics yet al ihe sme rihc con6oliddred rheir posnion s seni lutononous<br />

h.id. oi.lansrt.<br />

During DuBnis nle, L\e DuE i ,

The Si*h m.nu. sFten *6 ba&d won lh. principlc ofdealins nol 'wjrh thc pcople<br />

bur *nh rh. chi.lj*. Thcv did mr ollcr Lnd ..M!. bur d@r€d 6burg frcm rhc chi.ls.<br />

Peshl$ir. Koh!( Arnnu lnd pd of D.F lma<strong>il</strong> Kjun wcE .gtully bibuhry rds l}c SikI<br />

uslally colleclcd thc ribua in kind,lh€ nrcs boing on hllf of rhc pbduce in inig.r.d land md<br />

riom one lhtd oon. eighr on nh fed bnds. Besid.s revenue the Sikn rut6 imposcd nunEous<br />

ces*r and vcxarion duedr. In nada thcy d.s<strong>il</strong>yod tie Fop.ierary ishrs of dc old hnd<br />

owning connunrty ,ariJ.l .nd chirud th. ?ntiF .8. a b€longing !o the soE. Warld and<br />

d'en rarn! w.rc r.Ld <strong>il</strong>ik .They wcrc <strong>il</strong>lowd ro hott l$ei tud or rhe aitt oi sbrc .nd on<br />

condidon ol poyins $c tuu €.r. which s.s o,. half oad. pode. fic iishrs in ldd r.d wrd<br />

seft npbccd by ncw oG, le.ding io which (hc plr€c oa kalonB or rriburo sholld @ivc<br />

prDpnebry nghb to bolh e<strong>il</strong> and mrd. Fom ltis onwrd they l@ked upon {E* rislB ol<br />

vater as dislinct fbm those in la and wat r could b€ bolShr, sold .nd nD(gaged<br />

4.3A8ricultureDev€lopme lnFrc jerditrrt.t!dudngBrtdshperlod(1849n90t)<br />

ft. Bnr<strong>il</strong>h ov.nlla} lhe Si*b bd b) rhc pcllnard ofMach 29. 1349. tn. PunJrb<br />

wa rmexod and Fbltid dGricts ftE n!d. a prrr of Punjab. F@ a shon imc lh. disricrs oi<br />

Pesbawar, Kohar i.

fte a.iti5h unden@k liBr rev€mue &rrlcorotrc ir lionli€r disrrica trr<strong>il</strong>tB lhc puriod<br />

cxl.nding nom 1368 to 1880. T!€ l€m olfid rcgulir ef<strong>il</strong>cdenr wts lscrry.iv€ yeaB for<br />

P..hawar, Koh.r and D.ra l5m.<strong>il</strong> Khan Md thidy yeoB lor Binnu dd Htat!. The Pr, system<br />

cx<strong>il</strong>ld rhoud in h.Suirhing rom in T.hl<strong>il</strong> Trnk of DtuEict De6 hna<strong>il</strong> Kuq ln. upper<br />

Mtami or Koh.t disiricl in rh. M'Mr Tcnr<strong>il</strong> of Bamu lnd in som. v<strong>il</strong>lasB of P6hawar<br />

dunng fic fi^r '.gulq t.dl.n.nPr<br />

Bnt,h.n.oudg.d md,v'dualztion rn popcrq ,ignL. wbch q$ ! mslad lh'n hm<br />

ih. colletive omeship by v<strong>il</strong>hgc conmuni9 snd othd conplex rom or propcrq dgnt in land<br />

rha! sxi.ten ar rhe rihc of the tate ov* by th. Birkh. In lhe remotc, inrccc$ible .|ld baftcn<br />

deai rhe tibal ;mctuE has not chmsed. wl<strong>il</strong>c in lhs .as<strong>il</strong>y acc6sibl. fd<strong>il</strong>. ph.c it $on<br />

und*.nt tundamcnul ch.ng. and. fctdrl si.ry b.g!n ro.ftdgc. (ro, no lo4d rhd*d<br />

tib<strong>il</strong> chief bur agmcd thc s.nrs of landlo'die. Th. inflMrirl clrsg *.8 gnnEd.pei.l<br />

concc$ions. Brinsh rttucr!rod an indiEr rysLn of odnids[ation in Fbnricr disrricls. A lalec<br />

Nmbcs al.he hnded.lib qere nploycd in this ncw stsuotur€ to scurc poliiical conhl and<br />

r|t cotrsoliddion olihpcirli$ in thc diiicls. So ices ol rh€se c&d acrc l<strong>il</strong>ied by rhe<br />

coroD'al solenhcnl in rhc disdcrjudicirl ,rnd Nr.nue adninistation, in r<strong>il</strong>itary ond in &rive<br />

so* rsainn ary polirifll rgidi.r In lietr oa rhcn k^ i.es io rh. e zJ. rhey w.a giver hoDorific<br />

rrc\ .L!1. as Ardn 4/.rrx\ rn,r x/,a, r/nb\ rnd aLo gmtrbd 0fn J,atrr, !un\ dnd cvmuc<br />

r.m,sioDs. Tne impci.lisls icglrd€d ri* big Khms or thc pdv<strong>il</strong>cged hndcd .dliochcy as the<br />

mrural lsden oI li,c |Eotlc Thcy owned ldlc pioces ot land Sometiftc ursndsolacrcsof<br />

hnd were owned by r|[n, poses*d elomotrs vcrlrh, had gieal sociat slltN, and ex.rcied<br />

grc innuence ovcr thc v<strong>il</strong>hg.^ Anotner rrotrp ot the lande,l cln. sds rhd lnnller Knffs,<br />

rhough nuneic.lly stbn& le$ favot€d by rhe govmn.d. A. a Coup rhet wcrc nor opp.ed (a<br />

tnc Br<strong>il</strong>ish covern. Tncy had di@r conLclr w<strong>il</strong>h dic pe,$r dd ordiury cutrihbB. ne<br />

Khins bodr big and sn<strong>il</strong>Lr oncs did nol cllrivd. ihc l.rd by rherelr.!, $der rh€n btehge<br />

v.te dehqars hntatar, and loqirt rho siftply t ndcrcd rhcn alegiance !o tho Khsls an'l acrd<br />

The bulk ollh. aEiculluhl popul.ionoith.piovinc. wasXr!&an Ztn ind.6't|,e,<br />

th.t. rete IE Eutkhalho. vdnrra6, who Encd rh. l.Dd fro; a /drxd,r ro' I ra.d bm d<br />

emc nx.d osh Ers and cultivared n ihrouch hir.d labor or she copFsr".<br />

So far d rlE .ight ol difcrco. individ!,ls in rhc so<strong>il</strong> *6 corcuncd, lollowing four<br />

clt$cs ol ne, po$es$d propiebry risbrs in l!nd. ir) Fuu poprielor; was otre who cutlivated<br />

hLs htrds.nd was eDtirlcd to iLLllFoduce ortiDd (b),,, M.I* rur', i elD hrd aoquired hG<br />

prcpiierary right in llnd by purchase or by fovor olrhe lovemenl. He oc.!pi.d intemddiate

posi.ion between tho full popriclor and tenanl, tl. was nor o menb€r of L\e co-pl..rry body of<br />

the v<strong>il</strong>lqp propri.to! nor corld hc clrin any sh.rc i. th. $dul/a! of $c viuage. Ue w6<br />

E+oNible for'rhc p.trcnt of the @!e .nd c.ss on hjt hold;'g rnd could llidrt. hG land.<br />

k) A supqior pFpndo'; vs d 0be@ Lndlord wh@ inFEsl in land was @rnncd o'ly b<br />

rhc lteipr olqDn E' Sonc tim hc h.d rishi in w!$elmd fioueh lE had Indc conrol over<br />

cultiwtn ioldings, (d) An intenoi propderori wr on.n .h. acrul culrivitoi but somctines hc<br />

migh. have rena.G uldq hin'"<br />

As ftacds .sqo.nl or the lr!d, two noth€ds of 6s$en! fixed c$h 6*$nert and<br />

<strong>il</strong>Etu.rin3 as.snml w.G intro

(ii) Lrbd (a4rdc,,)<br />

'lirislon<br />

'ne Pakl un supDoned thds.her on .BricultlE dd canh breding. Dccisim<br />

con*hina the tib.t coufttive actions N.E bk D bt tlE./iirad. Thc land own.Bhip lnd land<br />

i.nuE sysh plsd rhFuc rh@ disliDcr Dhrs: tn. Mughd, tbc s<strong>il</strong>h .nd (h. Brir<strong>il</strong>h.<br />

Thc llnd knurc lylcD in tlre Noni*.{ Fonlier EgioN s$ orc of .x@d<br />

egalirariadm. E ch lrib. lEd r sp*ifi€d lEi of l.nd, shich was iinh€r 3lbdiaid.d ido !tulla<br />

unis for rhe \rrious rribol sogm.nb doM lo rhe rrt M. The tand lenure in lh. Pakhru.! a@a<br />

ras based on a slrong *n6. of reaitorial rishr Ir *.s collotir risht s sell as p@viding lor &e<br />

seprfrte e.joymenr oi rhr indifidull LmitJ sh& in rhc tdd. A very imroninr aspccr of rhis<br />

r8hrNasrhcsyic olkls,,r'.orgrhcrib.s.ftcirrt s alxt subsriom.'Ur porsion of !<br />

sepinc t@r by.ich rib. \'as pluled od inro tos or rapr6, ach h.td by mlin sub dirision<br />

6f rh. tibe. 1 hc* IoG \rru again snbd<strong>il</strong>idcd inro btak6 dch leld by a lr!/ ot thc subdivision<br />

These blocks Nere ycr !g.i,! sutiivided nro rra.t th.l held t'y subsrion of rhc rrel, whiL<br />

inside eroh ,a,lt cr0h individual pmpieror hft hh share or ,,*rra. ljlch ,//'rl, wrs nol,<br />

ho$cver. EprcscnroJ by I si'nplc gohprcr ptor oftrhd. To ecue !n cqsitiry ofdirribtrrion<br />

e&h ta,/i was $'hdividdd inro rvands acco<strong>il</strong>ing ro rh. tuiuft of (hc soit or fac<strong>il</strong>iies of<br />

iniSarion, and a fi€ld or lield in cach wnd, \'hich u$alty m dE whotc tc.grh oalhe blet,<br />

repEscncd uch shirc" tn Manv.r rfisit of sriru disrincr srsteh of trxtr r\, prcvn<strong>il</strong>ed<br />

Und.r t/'//, 'cs, sh.cs weE allocd to n,tr, wobrn dd chitd{. In rhe }IraE dhrict mc<br />

or<strong>il</strong>inal dntiburiotr of tribrl lrnd was known as ,i/ddr and rhe o*ner boins crtjod ,r,i a.<br />

Accodhs ro nibdl cusroms, sone ponimof t0nd w.s irways sel. pin tor dE Durpose<br />

of comnon Erazin8 or rr4,rialdr. Thc individudl lhoc of lhe rra n,iatat ws .dt tl InuL ,he<br />

r.'bar rand was carl.d Dald and ibe individtral h.viDs a .h!€ ii rhe dolar ws .^ t 4 tkJta.i_ A<br />

nin \ ho c€sql ro bc . /,lcl w?s Do tonsq cntrd?d ro b. . pj-htu .nd s J\ Jubb€d $ a frkr,<br />

wrhour hrving aDy voicc in v<strong>il</strong>lag. or rib.l councit. Ate v<strong>il</strong>hgc *3anrs, nrcnirls ind ,nies<br />

h.ld lind rcncfe in r.run for seeicd ro fic lnb. in pac. a.{t war Thure Neto ,ko t.,rsd}6<br />

sho wee d.pend.nt culiivarors occupying ,o,/as on tlr oul skinj of $e n?pn. Thesc nen<br />

held ltuds on condniotr thsr <strong>il</strong>Ey would asisr $e *rdl ro whon the land bekllscd in rcpe|ins<br />

raids oarival k ?/s Th. pdcarly ct6sss, Mlral,r and SrX& wcE alowed no shaE tn fie ribal<br />

flbi ro clain moE land 0un dEn<br />

fcuow tribsftn do. Howcvd siM ihcn sdic* e@ omideEd indisp.Nblc b de<br />

comunry, enc ponon of comon trnd call.d S.ri wcr.<br />

Trib€r cusrohs do nol albv rrd6 dd Malit , s.<br />

.llocations were als mdc ro impdtarl khan b .ngl. lhen<br />

asiCnoi ro then. Som. limc sucn<br />

19 m@t the exp.n*s, whioh dei

Fxiriotr *renr.d. u m dolbr Enecl.d the d.mcntically indiv<strong>il</strong>ulisr Mtue of rhc lalhtus.<br />

As li! idealcd l.nd va plEd.n @t.mong (h. mai! stions of lh. trih., suhs.qucndy rh.<br />

anoud of laboi, whioh th. d<strong>il</strong>lerenr slbsection ot dE tribo conEibut d ro the miintuncq<br />

inpiovcm. and qtension oath. cri$ing itrisatidn fac<strong>il</strong>itiG, de&mined fien sh,a in *ar..<br />

'nrc* pEclical rhrfts hd.ncd into rigrrts .har p6*d &on gend(ion lo Scneotionro.<br />

Throughour thc Iftr hala of $. .i €Dr[ cenhny @@nic sr.gnorid, wid. spEad<br />

pov.ity, sEd<strong>il</strong>t irftGing prcssr€ on land and giowina ihpovcishnenr oi ollictrtrurc cl.se!<br />

prevd<strong>il</strong>.d in SDbcontire . No sysGnalic cffons hav. ben ro

nd hm<strong>il</strong>NorlLng p€asantry, wos roglrddd by <strong>il</strong>s llrirish conqueoK as more vrlurble rhan lhc<br />

,iisuovLry of rh. .ich6r nrincs. lhn 1335 on .rl, rh. eo'my of Plnjlb beso ro b. Gh.pcd<br />

by !l'e unprcce?enren cxMsion in rhe alriculluol prcducrim bbughr rbour by on.l<br />

coloniation. ariish coDnn'crcd Cenhl Bri D$b Caml on th. Rrvi in 1359, Sindhai Comtby<br />

direision frcn Rrvi in 1336. lhe nsthcadqork consrrucEd in 1887, was MrFla Ban g. thar<br />

suppli.d lucr to lhs Upper Chcnab CrDL j! I8r0, Rech$ D@b (afta berween Rlvi and<br />

ch.mb) ..d t ve. cn reb wa, op.n€d on in I 3r. chaj Doab pDj6r (irigarins ar.a hcrwen<br />

ch.Mb lnd Jnelun) op.ncd t Nrr Jhelum Clml h l$t. Thc Triplc Caml lrcj*r w6<br />

sancrioned in I905 (irisarinS upFr pan ofchaj snd Rehm Do!b!) conriningoiUDperCh.@b<br />

Crml, Lowr Chenab CaDll rDd 0 Brrale or lho Rrvi to dived rtrc (irjsloflod ware, i,no fic<br />

new loqcr Bari Dub Canal)'.<br />

In rhc wesiem Punjab, lh. en rgence ofa hydEulic ujely combined wirh exrc,sivc<br />

iricarion sh.mes in thc nciAhbon.gpoviMofSindhhad tedto rhe.nablishm ofrheIndus<br />

Basin, ono of fte lagcsr idigation srslns in fie wo d. It conDoe

Th?re $ere folr €cgori.s ol c.Mk in thc fronti.r diskicrs untu rh. Punjib<br />

adninGt lion. rnE 66t dtegory, rhc priwL ciols" disrcd i. all lhc disLicts .xepr<br />

Peshowar. Thc* can!16 wcE de prcp.ny of ri€ p.oplc ind wcG mooged by llrc repEenblive!<br />

of rhe Sowmenl of t!. diy. No .el b b.yond a smll c* ro cov.r rhe exp€ner of<br />

eblishnr'r of Mrrari wrs levicd on lh s ddls. Tn trs of the aml 'arer joi.dy<br />

tumished fte labor fo! lhc coturnction olbbds (dam) md for litr claFncc whm warer usc6<br />

oi. v<strong>il</strong>ldgc fr<strong>il</strong>ed io fumirn irs quot oflab.Ers, rhc naDgert.viod,6neca|'.dna,to5t.<br />

TIE s.ond acgory of sok conpnsd oi $heduLd aMls of (h. pcsh.w dGtrid<br />

mrtug.d by De?uV Conmissionar under the P.shawar Cinrt rcgularion I8r5. Mrari cc$<br />

(r\)oryNorybx)wtrslcvjodonihe&c0trohako. tfiowahru$NoirhcsecanrtswereoDt<strong>il</strong>cdlo<br />

funish lrpsid labor for dlErirg .h. rmual s<strong>il</strong> cl.e@ and hlinicrc ot wacmllei,,<br />

The tnid c.r.gtry ofcamls vas ol tho* cordruccd wirh Dslict Soard lolhs The Miohni<br />

oael htcn off lron lhc bn bant of R<strong>il</strong>er K06ul neor Michni fon in l8t6 ond Shab Klddr<br />

Bnnch l .n ofi rron $c nishr Rrnt ol s$ar Rirr jn the P*i.s.r disrid was conslBccd in<br />

| 39S I hu aomer idlorcd l_600 rEls 'nd rlrc hflLr | ,300 acG csp€divcty!, A M@, Fc ss<br />

ro bcpaid by rhe usca olhorh rhcss on.ts<br />

Flnolly in the r'ounh.drlory wcru rhe mosl inrponad clMk ofrhe prcvime, rhe Sw!r.<br />

the lGbtrl lnd rbe Ban Riv!. qmk in the ttshawn disFic., or..d rnd mnas.d by the punjrb<br />

soEmmrnt Tne Brnish Aovenncnr ol Punjab conrdcLd rhc6c aaMls.<br />

xrbur River divid.s inro I bnnchus ancr cnrering p.sh.w.r \€llcy, River shanrbm,<br />

RtreJ \,surar cnd Rner si'.dery?b Alt rhe{ hree bmnche; rtu, rJ\cb 1d 20 r.,tes nrar<br />

t th Ri ver Swat and ionE River Lunda sh ich joiB R<strong>il</strong>er Indus at Arock 1.h. S*!t Rivq rhor<br />

e'te6 rh. P.$ier vall.y nt Abiaj, wh.E d. .t @ svar 6mt p6jat *rs st d.d in r 8?a,<br />

ro intelr. .n au ol 126,000 ices in (h.<br />

'od ad ofrh. peshlwa! vallcy.r. h luppties *.Er ro<br />

lhe fen<strong>il</strong>. Iandr ol ChiEAda and Mddan, The conlruction ot rno Swar Canal pos.d a fonid.ble<br />

pFbl.n for the gownncrt. nE Eib.sen ftom b.yond th. bordc! Eidcd rhc woir sjls .nd<br />

t<strong>il</strong>led numb.r of laboEu. CoG.qucnlty imed gu.rds v@ e6ptoy.d b pror.cr rhe *oitiDg<br />

pai,es lhus rl a considcrablc cosr. Thc wo.t ats sufc€d durj,s lhc second Ath.n \ir'ar ( 1878.<br />

30) Thcrciorc, rhe lot.l.oi @ched or Rs.3.4j n<strong>il</strong>tion The c.ml wlsctasifi.d as a.Cjnie<br />

rcliefpd€rive public sA' and w$ @nllded in 1885 tt prc!.d i srear succc$, 6 rd. lnd<br />

dcscneJ l,trxl wcft bolghr undcr cuhiv.rion. Ths ror.trEa ift<strong>il</strong>oLd by ltr crtrotwas 162,07l<br />

r.'-.r b.od"m.rion trr.,tio pronprrd L,) poh[.a. (o6d.rdno1 4

Ptonis. of sood !rcps. lt prolcd La€ ed th. t!ib.! d.rivine ccononic ben f<strong>il</strong>s fron canal<br />

.hanM rheir oniar hGble ,nitu& lnd be.d. otm.<br />

The K,6ul Rivd clnrt Prcjot sbncd in 1885 aDd !oo* fivc t!a,s i, comprcrion. Ttrc<br />

clnal was t.kcn out fim the rier bank of fic rsbul Riv.r at wanat and p@v.rj hishty<br />

rcmun.Etivc, Thc bl.l es iftiearcd by tne cr$l w$ 4s,7?l !cE3dJ.<br />

The Brn Riv.r Cdl w .t@dy $pplyj,8 w.h for ddn*jn8 rn

4.4 [adonlc dev.lopb.ur i! rhe provinc. durtq (r90r-4?)<br />

NWFP rook amy nally l/l4s of fi. PuDj.b,3 !o!al.rs and l/15,r of irc brlt @e.uc<br />

rld. $m. noa rh.D l/l8d of <strong>il</strong>s €nriE populrriond. Tnc noc strikinS foturc of fte<br />

adninjlFdtion ol lhc plovimc was its fiqu.nlhuds.r &ficit. ror dE fi6r d.crdc tn. Evenue<br />

and cxp€ndtuG of $c Provituc weE *holly ihp.rial.'Thc &lenuc or r]lc povbc. i.celsd<br />

stlod<strong>il</strong>, hul rhc cxpondito& ot lhe adminisEArion roo rosc iapidly as a 4sul ns bldg€t was<br />

always a deffcit on., DesDih int€nsive efioli3 midc to reduce rte ljeficir of rh. povioce, by<br />

b<strong>il</strong>sins into pEductivc sph.G tlE @siml llnd and hy i&ssin8 yirld. on .xisrins trnds<br />

ttuough inprov.d e.ds, inptctunll, fen<strong>il</strong>izc .nd .nli rut dqc.s. .nE src.dy iMEe in<br />

popularion !r r.ll a in p.r €pib lood c@n rion lnd p.rio

(l ) ABreb.s.d tnd.rrrig<br />

Thc as now consl<strong>il</strong>uling P6kisl& ws moslly agrarian.nd ws backwad induslirly<br />

and 0r. mw nrteiak borh agricuttural and hineBl wc pecesed €ls where in rhe<br />

subcontiMt or dpon d, *Mei of tlE Lrg.r p.nion of @t!on goq in Sind aod w6En<br />

hnj.b us.d ro so ro lhc conon m<strong>il</strong>k orAhn.d$ad, Bonbay and Caqnpor.. Ead pFjab, U.r<br />

and Bombrybayn<strong>il</strong>l! rum.d Ew w@l prcduoed in cot4 Esion of wesr punjob and NwFp <strong>il</strong>to<br />

6nisn d clotn. MincRl o<strong>il</strong> ud .nrjmony nincd in ln. hiuy r&x or chitslt in trwF? wcnt ro<br />

Bombay Io, alinrng':.<br />

l,\yFP lass.d bchind in iDdud.ies dd bu<strong>il</strong>dinS of som. thin indusrrial shclur. w.s<br />

staed in lar! 1930s Thc ind!s!.i!l .6rabti,hn nG .rccred N.ft ho.tly confi,ad !o dE sue4 !.d<br />

lobacco A Fbnder Slgrr Mi|l (Tr*hbri) M.da was .qr<br />

'nduslrics.<br />

w in 19j8, vnn dl<strong>il</strong>y<br />

cDshing cipaci9 880 n<strong>il</strong>lion ions of !ug:r and pEni.! Susff Miu (Mard.n) wcs .lbbtish.d i!<br />

1944 w<strong>il</strong>h da<strong>il</strong>y crulhing capaciry oi1800 m<strong>il</strong>tion loN ofsugar ciner. Tie Drcvincc poss$cd<br />

norc porcntial<strong>il</strong>iet for rhc

c iv{ion. TneEfoE, lrgdt nc.i of anp<strong>il</strong>ltior ot n.w Ecord or nehts in t.rd rnd a i..w<br />

ttstcn nt .f Rtuaj-e-abpasri wrs f.lt to keop ploe widr lh. spjd charsos i. asricuhlral<br />

cond<strong>il</strong>ions. No chansc wN made in $c method of o!*$mcnr in rhc rcvhcd scittcN in (ot t.<br />

q@6 a t B@u .xc.pr D@ l3s.<strong>il</strong> Kha[ wh.& b@u$ of <strong>il</strong>s p@nous idig.rion syslcm:<br />

lh. fluctulting se$ncrr sys.o ]!s dopledrl<br />

Theprinciplcsol!$dssm.nrtcmainedthcusuathalioithcnera$cc,*h<strong>il</strong>crheft rltio<br />

hld rhosn a sE:dy upwdd re tmy brcushr,bour by lacb6,uchs gbxlh ofpopllation, rh.<br />

inpov.n nt oa m.rkca .nd rjsinS pti@s. h lhao djslrict as , whol. dE Evcnuc dcnMJ<br />

incroscd 6y 67 p.rccnr, in Bmnu by 65 pere , i, Koh0r by 44 percan lnd in Dc6 hma<strong>il</strong><br />

Khrn by 1? percenr owr &e fiN rcBular &nt mml!. rE c.,ht soveme ws nor Dtas.d<br />

*irh thh dastic .nd su{b.n ircas iD Evduc d.m.nd. so ir !.!nEn rlicf ro u\c culliv.{o6 o,<br />

.j,e l@.1 r.te and of lanba..lari e$ in lhc prcvinc., k.epjng in vicw, den hard and srenuous<br />

oondition! ond lhet coBranr exposure lo Eids and .ndclc of rhc rraN-boder 3a4s of rcbbcd<br />

and dacorrs. The p..,pl. of Haaa ond B.Du *.G Elis.d Esparircty of 0E go.r h and rhc<br />

rti@ prlm bx inroduc.d rheE in ri! Evised srt.ndrr. Coni.qu.ndy fie rorat p.rccnbse, oi<br />

a$ignncn$ wee cverywhere lowcr in rhe prcvinc. rhan lhey ha

monsisc{t, of qhich Hindu morcylcndcts hcld 41.84? rcres or 4,{ pcaenfr. In Kohnr dislricr 5 1<br />

perccn! ol !h. culrivak! hnd nad b..n mon8lg.d ro rnd I perc.nt had been sold to<br />

moRy.eno.^ snc dE libr Fgul& s.nldcnr ln Hum d<strong>il</strong>ricr, rhc robl .'s modgJged ro<br />

th.m wls 4 pcrent wl<strong>il</strong>. I pa$nt of rhc blat a@ has hen sotd ro $cm sie. liEt relutrr<br />

fie p.opL in Haz6, Bmu and DeF kn.<strong>il</strong> Khd e.c in tavor ofthc ercnsion offic<br />

Pujlb Ijnd alicmtion Acr t90o b rh. Frc id whire in !cslbw,,.nd KoMt lhc Dlbric<br />

ophroDs wele ave6e ro .ny inlelfccnce with $cn fteedon of r.nsf.r D.anc tu chi.f<br />

Conmisiorcr ol NWFP dl.nd.d rh. plnjlb bDd Ali6.don Acr b $a tonq dtric6 or<br />

H.ad, Bantu $d Dem lrm.<strong>il</strong> Xl$ in Junc t9O4 .long vir! lhc foltowina rwo an.nddelts<br />

Inrrcad oa rhF. chss ol ag.icutun66, non{griculrlisb and ,rarurory asicuulr<strong>il</strong>ls as<br />

5t cifi.d in dE acMI Acr No cl?lg. .gdotrud.ts aitd @ugrjdton$ w.E Eco8ni4d for<br />

NWFP. Thus ohifting rlr class destnatcd in ih. Acl as s6tu.ry as,iculrurins. Th.sc r.nds<br />

orning [ud6 s.re resiidcd as rh. hain danSd ro ieriouliulisl cohnuniv. To b ng rhe<br />

@uplncy ien.nb within th. puoiew oa6. Acq lhc smc Euidid ws inpos.d on lh.ir ighr<br />

!o rcu or modg!8. land !s had ben imposed on $e .sricultunl tribcs. Also rlr rmended<br />

pEchption rcsul.rio. (1h. righr of a pcr$n lo c.quiE asricoltural t.nd was resrict d !o lhe<br />

m.nbcs of cgricllrunl Libc) wrs aDplicd ro the povinc in 1906. Thc Esulsrion wrs inEnd.d<br />

to bs conplenenr!ry for the Lrnd Aticnorion Actrr, Lnre! on. in t921.22 the L.nd Ationarion<br />

acr wrs exrcndcd b Koh.r ind leshawar disFicr wh.n cov.mmcnr found l@al !.ool. ot dEc<br />

disdcrs in favor oa rlle Acr.<br />

The right ro buy and scll land fi*ly mons rhc asticulturjsr did not impbve aarioulluml<br />

cfrci.rcy as rhc LdloMc6 w.re deagcd in i@ins tzld undcr ti.ir 6ndol. Thc 'gruaon<br />

of suspension .nd cni$ion of Ebuc ot Maeh t9O5 was dr.d in $c provin e i, S.ptenbei<br />

1907 thd provid.d lor ereate! elasiciry i! sovff.nl revenuq derond !r rime of orcp ta<strong>il</strong>ure.<br />

Thc r.elurion poinred No types of riMtioN on ocasion ot whjch lrd !!h!. na! b.<br />

su{cnded or Emin€d, (i) in locrl calaoi ries i.su ltins iomhr<strong>il</strong>sroms, floods and locuslrnd (ii)<br />

widcsprcad calamitics sucb as droughr rnd fidine rnd gereral fa<strong>il</strong>uE oa crcpsr,.<br />

ntoleh ano'hd rdoluliof, pssd in May 1906, ir wns srssed lh( dgricrtuDl lan,j<br />

impb!.henis rtfeclcd by privare individu<strong>il</strong> should be exenrt.d iron lhc dse in hnd rcvcnue<br />

in th. Fm ior plovince thcse exenprion rules scE rhouShr sDffici€nrty libeBt ro Drcvjde<br />

''3bn8 srinulus lo! El.mtio! ol lind by privaE inidaliv.s6. Th. 3rinurls povid.d by lh.<br />

olcs was se.n in $c Eolamalion of 2?,000 acrcs of wast land in lbe Kohrr disLior iD jusl nvo<br />

y.rc .d sim<strong>il</strong>arly @rdnatiotr h6 b..n dore in lhc H@E di.rict 6 *cllr7.

(ii) L! ndlorde tenr nts' dbF uts ond lrnd rcnlrc rcrorm3<br />

In aeru<strong>il</strong>n societi.s. lan

T1& di8putcs betwa landlo.d Md etunl3 .ruprcd md inrlnri,i.d time md rsai. ond ted<br />

lo Mu niabadrt (Pesh.wd) and Ohdladhelo (Ma dan) c lasb.s in I er 7 -3 B. rhe tenants d.nMnded<br />

ban otr <strong>il</strong>losul llxcs l.vicd by Ihc Nuva/Jj .ncn $ mutho tjx\t . thurt,l'r rtrd /o,!u, Mofroecr<br />

rh.y d.nlndcd ban on draar, itt.gal .vicdon oa cMnts, <strong>il</strong>l.8rl fircs a rhcn physimr<br />

hateft.t. (,3& conf.rcncB qcE lEtd on ditf.tul ptacs in rh. povi&e u(Lr tlE lc.&shiD<br />

orAbdul Rahin Populai.In l)18, rwD Kisan conf.rcnccs *eE hctd in HlaF rn dcNanded<br />

in end io thc D€0 and dDydb,l.<br />

ror p.rchins up, rho dbpucs b*en brdlord .d leMnr,, D6!o! Khan Sahib, Chisf<br />

M'ni*r of NWFP pur a brn on i cSltb6 Lvi.d by dE rd;br.In M,rh 1918, rh. Z,dal<br />

ind l'odr, sysbn w .bolbhed $ 0El ro cufi<strong>il</strong> dE pnv<strong>il</strong>.gcs of $c nobbl6. Agai. a b<strong>il</strong>l<br />

recomncnding the fod€iruio of rhc]<strong>il</strong>zas and i,afu was 2as.d. Accoding !o officicl dinare,<br />

lne .gricultunl idde6t dn.$ ot rurat popubrjon ot Nr$/Fp wB 6bou 90 mnro/J, So ft.<br />

Agriculturirt 3 D.bloE Reli.f B<strong>il</strong>l E pos.d jn Norcmb.. t gl8 ro provide imn di.r rclicf ro<br />

lhc smllsr pdents. rdssDb r.d snllr zatu Ad.r wre facin8 rhc hish hadcnn.$ of rhe<br />

niddlemcD who weE nosrly ,rorrlir^. Thcy doninar

(iii) Irrlgadon dclclopDrcnt<br />

In Punjab fie Upp.r Cnooh Canal $e bwcr Ban Do.b C.Mr lnd rhc Upplr Jhclun<br />

Ca@l on Rivq Jhelum w.rc conslrucrcd in 1912, t9ll .trd I j espsclivcty. Sinr<strong>il</strong>lrly thc<br />

l ple caml srstem was develolEd which linked lh..thclub wirh Chenab and Ravi, in rhe period<br />

1907 to 1915. bb on Sulemnli H*d w6i5 an wirh rhc impleoeur.tion ofqhich rh€ itrisation developmc in<br />

thc Povinc..ntered inro a rew ph.ic, Thc cono<strong>il</strong>lion slE$.t on the pot nriat pmr*rjve and<br />

@mdir vnluc or 0E coslruction of lhe Har Khai bleh or rhc K.brl tuF C'MI in<br />

lhc PeslEwa! disrricl dd lhc Prhaaur canal in dc Dera lsna<strong>il</strong> Knan distiic!. The Comnhsion<br />

alb @oomm.ndcd the improveacnr.nd dcvelopndr otpnvstc iFigtion wo&<br />

Th. 6ct srcp tat.n w.t lo improw dc ninor can.b aDd io b,i.g rh.n undcr clo& supcnisio!<br />

or gowm. n t. ne ro&l itri8lt€d a rea undd pdvat. cinds in dc iour dislric c o f Kohal, Hcan,<br />

D. l. (han lnd Bamu ws 432,OOO acrcsrm. rn t9O7 rhc pu.job nro! ccndt Act llr of r9o5<br />

srs qratd.d ro rhe Fm i.! Fovirc..<br />

'nr Dlno sylrch of irigarion in lhe Dcla ttu<strong>il</strong> (hh,wh.ft, lgriculture dcpcnded<br />

nainly on h<strong>il</strong>l toft.nrs (iod.Loho uling the *rter le.Uel by m.lt d sno* or h.ary 6ift in rhe<br />

h<strong>il</strong>ls. unr<strong>il</strong> r9ol, th. gorctr],Mr h.d nk n no ir@t in itc Dzrun iEjgatid. rn I9o5<br />

O Dwy€r sussest.d dE imprcven€ntofDa@n irigarion. rnprov.nent ws cls bbusl inthe

itris.lion lyscn offt. Arou disrtict, wh@ lh. pri.cipat dns ofirisalion *cc rhc Kumnr<br />

and lohra clnal tuR Glincy, thc S.nl.henr otfrcs otBam! poinrd oul rhc d.tcqrive wolt<strong>il</strong>s<br />

orrhe Kunam cr@h,In Sept€mbcr 1t07, D€n sked tor Llje jnpovemenl of idigarion works<br />

D.i.c (Conmb.ioner) did nor lind nucn oppodunity tor lhe jnpbv.6.,t ot minor<br />

cauls in th. otie! dkh.icts i... H@8, Kohal and peshrwar, The h<strong>il</strong>l sreams in oEs rhEe<br />

distri.ll were sno* i.d .tut p€'mial. tn H@ and yohar, tlEy wcr. tuUy ut<strong>il</strong>ianl by , sysren<br />

of dislriblbies coGrtocrcd lnd nrinl.iEd b, lhc pcople rhcnr*lves. Ir lcstmw0, lltr n<strong>il</strong>l<br />

steonE wcN divened irro governnr.nr ond piiv!€ snalr. tn lddnion ro inrproving utrd<br />

.xiending pivare idglioD work. rh. pEvirci.t dubondes paid h*d to $. co.slrldion of $0tc<br />

inigarion poj@b litc 0E ranarpur inurdation csl, dE Hrar Kh.wnni b6.ch oa rhc K.b!l<br />

River c.n.l ard the Upper Swar caml.<br />

ftc scheme fo! rhe Pat@?ur inDndation qmt w6 fid m6red in tgOO by t]. w. c...<br />

the Dcpuly coonissiorc. of Dea lsmait Khm, lvnh tne objer io uritirc rh. hdus warer ror<br />

ihedion ol $os patu ot rhc oubcE h{ {ff.Ed moj m rhc do-Bnk. For rom.hme r\c<br />

Punj sb sovchment took no aclion for wanr ot tund, Thc r.!ct ro be injs.ted lay on iJE wesrem<br />

side oitb.Indus md.xrcndcd fbn B<strong>il</strong>ot ro DeE l3ma<strong>il</strong> Khan CMronncnr. tn r90s. i Evi$d<br />

Atnatc pur rhe iotrl co atRr.9,88,282. Thc robtl€ngrh oi$c c!n,t jrcludins Hafiabld<br />

dnbibluries measuEd 57 nites Thc canal was comDlel.d in Mrrch r9to. The new cdrrl<br />

coonandcd an aEa of aboul 10,000 acEs of gowhn wasct.rd. Th. sov.nnenr reEnrded<br />

rhc cxp€r.d in@nc 1106 rhis tut as onc of6c m.in sss of rtjc €ut. Thc p.harpur cin<strong>il</strong><br />

did rct pove renuncr iv.. h l9l9-20lhe !or!t lcr injs0tcd w$ measuEd to bc ontv 20.670<br />

acEs whc&as lhc culrivdle a€a hld origimuy b*n cstimled.r 6!,4t0 a@s Thc toral cv.nu.<br />

SrmDld lion thc crml in l9l9-20 6 onq R5.t4, 193 s agairsl worki.g expensas<br />

lmounting b Rs91, 609 i. rhe $n va/@.<br />

The *cond ltate prcject was $e Haar Kjani bnnc<strong>il</strong>ot rhe Kabul River cand t.hc<br />

Punjab sovem€nt in 1395 realiad $c n.d for irs .xFnsioD brt de ro l.ct of tund. it3<br />

coDtuclion sas dcbycd r<strong>il</strong>l t902. Th. cxtcnsion wo,k oi rhc oMl vas coDplcr.d in 1906-0?<br />

and as a rcsuu Knbtrl Rirer crtutitrigarion capacity !0ised fro6 31,668 ocrcs to 45,773 acrcs Ar<br />

lhcen.lme rhe rohlicvenue assmod of rhe c!n.t ose fom R!.126. S?2 !o tu l4l_ 477rd.<br />

Fittlly iI. boldei ifti!.lion sched. ofde Sov.on.rt *as lIE Upp.i S*ar can.l The w{d of<br />

sqrt Rivc! is lb. lun of h{o soalt ivcN, *hioh rnci passing lhrcugh Swat and Boj,r vducy<br />

6edl5 at Tan8a in MaLkand AseDcy. I! Upp.r Swrr Cm<strong>il</strong> w.! talen al Anandara in Swar<br />

vall.t with lhc lohl comnri.d a@ of 4j8,895 &c ot which 3,82.000 lcs wd ro b.

percnnially iBigaled in the Peshowd difticlo', Thc consrucrion oi the clndl s<strong>il</strong>ned in J r<br />

1907. Th. bcblvior of <strong>il</strong>E lrib.smc, low:rds tho coGrocrion of crdl ws nol as ftendty .s<br />

*s b€in8 dpercd In vi?w olth. potiti@l dimcuti.!, sonc chans.s *cE madc in rh. origirrl<br />

plan of lh. clnrl. The ..w lowlcrcl aligm.nr *.r add.n 16 d& csn.t Dt shotuned irs mlin<br />

chann.l by abour.4.5 n<strong>il</strong>6 *h<strong>il</strong>c involved $c consrdclion oian ll,2l4 iecr lons nhnet kN*n<br />

as Benbr ru!rclror. In Msy t9t 5, a tasr rcvied;nimore was mlde, which sel rhe bbl cosr rt<br />

Rs.20.2 nr<strong>il</strong>lionnnd 6. EKnuc rclum { onty 6.J pcrccm of the opirll ourhyre. fnmuialr lrN<br />

caml povcd ! fi<strong>il</strong>uE.In l9l9-20, dE cut w.G,!d lt8,l94 !cs, ftdc tcs tl,an h.tf oa lic<br />

orisiMl ..tin!re, Th. go$ rcr.nu. al€ed fFm vad EE amount i b R..5,16,125 *h.E!s<br />

lhc workint exp€M old. onal for rhe ssn t..r cane !o Rs.5,24,26510?. The rclariv.<br />

urprcductivc mture or tho oanal w6 pardy.nribured b so@ pol<strong>il</strong>icat causes, tD seprcoh.r<br />

1915,. pcflnan.nr rcoission of caml warq Er.s on on dElsnd accs of land in rhc tibrl<br />

teribry was sDd.d lo rib6rcn, !s a m,rk of ,ppeiarion ror rlEi cooD.Erion in rE<br />

oonseucrion of de ca.rl, This involve

'n. ycd 1943, wi[lessd . fsine thot in<strong>il</strong>icted a sv.d &l bact lo food pnductiotr.<br />

coupl.d eith tlD BnGh iNolErcnr in d. world wd s4onl. such a rito ion Dot only<br />

.ccentuared $e reed lori bul rko hcltsd sov.nm.nl lo iocus.ulnrion on ov$ dt Efonrs in<br />

.8iicultule, The sovenmcnt msde morc libeol allocltioo of funds lor 0 hBe nunhor of<br />

.gioullural drwlop@nt pojeG lndd r[c ibFhB of.sow noc rood dnp.ign ot t94]. rt<br />

bioushr soh. .xcEion in I$IIFP iFis.lion systcd. Five i s.lion schen.., chicf oi which h<br />

tne New Michli Brech of rhe D@b c.nal, hiv. b..n codplcrcd .t lh. cost of Rs 2, 83,675,<br />

which boughr .n aE. of $out iw rhousnd rcB lnder eniv.rionrri. An-olh.r lb. Iui Sh.ith<br />

lirl<strong>il</strong>r *h.m. inpov.! thc itrisqiion ottsen!, 6ou!!td aci.r of fcdite tand, Hatf or rhc cost<br />

orthirs.n m *isbon.bydec.nhtsovhn.nl fhe trid;nincorrhe B.nThneL drhe<br />

hed or Bah CMl. .nd Gnod.linB |hc Tatrlare.! disEiblNy or rhe panlDur enal wcE<br />

o$er No ehlEcs conpl.bd succortully. Th. ncl qA CoEldclion oarhc Rishr Bank lin<br />

inie.tion schcm. or Kaliul Rircr Canal drat bouslt abour lt,()OO scrcs or land und.r<br />

ln spik olrhis fairly progEsivc dcv.topmcnt oi iBiaarion in rhe r,ovircc, rh.E vas sl$<br />

oorsidcr$lc undelur<strong>il</strong>iation of a$esd porenthliries. The provinc<strong>il</strong>l govemh.m hsd doN<br />

much bd nnrDce wos a &.ar handicap. h was rh. duty of 6e enrral govammcm ro comc ou<br />

w'dr a gcrcrou6 h.lp. L<strong>il</strong>gc qurnrity of ware(, vhich could haw b€cn uscd ior grcqing c.ops,<br />

wct. bken aray by the Dr<strong>il</strong>itary authodies for rh€ u& ot loops ond tor lhe lasns ud saidcDs in<br />

fi. cdronm€nts slneed over lh. provin€. For iFr'nc. a coNid.Fble qlanriry ofBam war.!<br />

w6 blcn r*ry fton thrr riEr for P4h'wd C! onmnr. sli<strong>il</strong>c \,e ftrch$ or f.n,le hnd<br />

ouside and up to rhe Afridi foolh<strong>il</strong>h hrv. io do vnh whar liftto war lefi overirs.<br />

AlthouSh extcnsion in inigorion brcughr coGidchbt. benetirs ro 0E !rca no*<br />

corsiruti',B Prkisbn, rhcy also gaw rie ro bu<strong>il</strong>d ineorcmto di$lririss. Du€ ro tr,cocrbrunrs<br />

difieEn .l incias in produc.irity ot idsaGd .r6s over lhr non,idis0i.d Fsjons inrcr<br />

provincial snd ink-regionol dGparity .6.ryedrLo. At ine our er of Bndsh rulc, rhe basic cause<br />

for rhe difcrcntial poducrion io didaEnr povirc.s w drc ro varicd inveihcnr in irigarion in<br />

difleEnt p.r!, of wst Pckistn. 18 m<strong>il</strong>lion acFs a@ Nas tud. i sar.d in w.st pskirdn<br />

during colonial tule, Tho iFisated dca incElsed rboul fourfotd fron 1890 to 1947. As ak..dv<br />

hc iorcd in NWFP 28 prrcdr (0.74 n<strong>il</strong>ion) our ot (2 64 h<strong>il</strong>Uon) loLt culrivard tard wG<br />

iFigarcd { thc line of fomatior of NWFP. Al &a time ot ind.p.ndencc blrl cllt<strong>il</strong>at€d ana iD<br />

NwrP 'nc'.r6eJ b:.92 m'll'on r.as our oI{h(h I o. d'ttro; d(ft,1r !) *s itris"kd. Itr<br />

wa rc rcF.rk.blc chnn8. i. <strong>il</strong>r€ idsar.d afu Abolt oE fdnn of de lotal a@ of P!nj$ w.s<br />

under culriv.lio4 an,j of this, one sixd! was rcgutliy iriS.rcdrrr. ltc v.st irisated land<br />


@urcca h . proroDnd inpact on d'c cconon, lhd s*iery in lunjrb. In.lunjab obtiinu'l i's<br />

dos pDm<strong>il</strong>ing dqclopmcnl. Sib<strong>il</strong>rrly Sind, which wrs ded in lhc 1390s, h.d 5 n<strong>il</strong>lion acrs<br />

iftie ed lond al lhe rih. oi iadcponden€Lrr blt rhe iftisarion pejeols jn dD fonticr 'l<strong>il</strong>rricb<br />

weE conpaEtively flr lcs @spicuous. Ittrc w.E plcnry of ld<strong>il</strong>e landr auihble in fi.<br />

povirc, which had .or ycl be€n boughl under rh. plolgh duc !o $arcity of w.lcr Tholsnds<br />

and $ou$nds acres strelohes of fen<strong>il</strong>! lands in D.ia knl<strong>il</strong> Knrn, Bannu ond Kohd coutd be<br />

tlned into coh and liu<strong>il</strong> grcwing .rca if wak w6 !v!it bte.<br />

Thc faming n&dodalo9/ of |IWFP wdr debmined hy locrt soit condirions Spccific<br />

fming tcahriqu.s, ciop selection rnd yields En dc

cusht from Pue, Sinla, Qucti!, s.hltbDur ind rjhos fo. p6hrwar, H!e, Brnnu .nd<br />

'Ir'c cst3hl<strong>il</strong>hn rt of rhc AgricultuEl Dcp.mnent in l9!, howcvcr, wns 0 si!<br />

lmdrEk in ft asricultual

nd Chlrodd. b.s!n ro t l@ inrcst in ftu<strong>il</strong>l so*iDs on conncrciot $!lc and aruir orchard<br />

wdc l.id on sddl scal. iDd nun dcveloping culhe Uounshcd in NWFP.<br />

Under rhe str6 ol tla World wd I l, an ht r mtd ol rte c.md ttoiE w0s t lt for rhc<br />

Bntish forces, busy in fighlin8 in faFnunB rftls. So I numbe! of frun drrins shtions wcrc<br />

.sdblishcd Th. sovemoclr of Ldia porid.d o.6s m<strong>il</strong>rion tor seninS up of fDn ming racrory<br />

rt Nasnabad ncar Tamab hm, whioh nol o y cnsule supply of rinned fdns but lls D.dc<br />

ccnam ava ib<strong>il</strong>ity of v.gcbbl6, Ml a.d nat Fod!* ro rL. oy.t fte* Cord stdase for<br />

ftuib w.s esrlblkhcd in lt44r1r. Tnc p6hovn vllley in NWFP sovc ! lod ro oorqprov<strong>il</strong>oos<br />

when tu sLsd .anc Rcsc0rch scclioD rh.n t@at i !r Tamb fam gor ! 25 ll.p FcrBu$n u0uror<br />

(b) Lq.vt lo.!. lnd cooDerltiv.s credh<br />

ccnhl govenncnl inlmduced two neasurs for agiculluml delctopnentr ltd $c<br />

gmnk or nore libeol sirt. N<strong>il</strong>rincc ro ryo,r in rhe fom of rd.raer loMs md $cond rtN<br />

rrcvition oacrcdir foc<strong>il</strong>iri.s ror t<strong>il</strong>lcN.hrolsh c@ponlive crcd'r sdiclies es|lblishcd by.n er<br />

o I I 904 Under thc li Gt nelsuE lonBrem bans w.re povid.d ror lutbin0blc d.ve topfrenr o I<br />

!8rjcnltorc such s t[c lirlins oi welk, constsuclion of&ss ind .nb!.king and exc.varion oi<br />

n.w l8nks and ch.mcls. The sond hersure prcrided shon-|.m loi.s tor cur€ cgiicultuhl<br />

nc.& such 6 lhc puahrlc of scds, c.nt., maNr. and impleFcnrs. In rhc Frcmi{ pdv<strong>il</strong>oe<br />

s.oL and gBdual rnccas rook place in rhc dmounr ol.Sfl(ulNEl or 7aq,ri ldb advdn(ed bJ<br />

rhe govdmed.In l90l-02ltc torN mountcd b ps.t,42,844 thar i'cEascd lo RS. t, ?6,655<br />

in l9l0'll and fultnq inctqsed io R!.251,487 in l9l9-20. ftc ldqdvj loi6 povided by<br />

covcmcnr Eachcd Rs.'7, 5l,oOO oc! Mum h 1q?r6.<br />

The coop.mtiv€ hoven nt in the Fonli.r hsd a v..y slow b.simins. In 1904, rhe t{!l<br />

goMm€nt sr.tud a few ctuFnrivc si.ri6 on dEnmcnrnt b.sis. Two such sei.ries werc<br />

4lablish.d i. Dcra lsm<strong>il</strong> Khan, In 190743 lhen ionl ndbcBhip d<strong>il</strong>ed b only 93 with a !ot.l<br />

*o*jr8 €piral ot Ri860. I( rooL evcml yaE b€foE rh c@p.hij!. noEncnr got I<br />

subshrlial footing in the F onlie! Fovincc.<br />

In 1925, tllc Fontid Poainc. *B 6sl ima irlly dposd b tlE o{pchiive movem.nr<br />

(alihough thc Act wa! applioqbl. in ltl2), rnrc cogpcdtive novement and coopemliv.<br />

d?pttEnt funcrioncd u.dcr tnc cFD.nsvc sicli.s AcL 1912. ln l9lo, rh. numbq of<br />

s€ietics nld inoEAs.d lo 106, thc numbor of nembers to 5,825 .nd fie mount of c.pibl ro<br />

n@ly 9, OO,0OOrr'. Th. coopeBlivo dep.tud dD.nii.d is cffft fbm 1930 onud but lird.<br />

pros€$ was nad. due lo volunia.r/ charactcr oflhc psEsn ad l6ck ofadequab ioined sllfi

At the liDa of ind.p.Ddecc in | 947, NWFP h.d l, t t 9 wi.d6 with n.nheshj, of 36.779 .nd<br />

! woi.in! ..pihl of&,5.? I m<strong>il</strong>ionur.<br />

(v) cuulvrted rr.. rd eopt producdon<br />

thc robl aEr undq mljor &d minorcDp! w.s 2.34 niuiooacrs outof which r. 25.000<br />

.cft. ea was ud.r mod cbpq 2.1 m<strong>il</strong>lid acrcs ag w., udcr food g6in !(t l, I I,OOO<br />

tcs &. ws un&r 6n cop!'t. lr robmco w m;or ccl c6r, TtE lhrF of lob.cco<br />

icftato wB l0 p.rc.nl of oalh cops in 1945-46. Th. comm.rcial growins ofvitinia lobacco<br />

w tr61 sr.rftd inl948. Thc sSrr *s rlE s@nt ash cop. Undr l9!9, 80 F@nr $g.. *r!<br />

dcvoled |o O,r psduclion<strong>il</strong>o, tn p.shrwir !(t Mord.n 6]000 acEs of tud tr8 uo{tcr $gm<br />

ods c@p. Ihe suga! cdtu gbwn @ of aelt. qulir. But@r dnM crushing mitk qlcd<br />

C,,,,8 crushed moir of rhE susoEn.. L t946, tha comoodr;B ii shich lh. Drclirce qr! in<br />

suipru. wcre au! iob&6, dd.d iiuiis, nri&, b.jB, puk.s crc. Tn cxDoriabl. su6lE of lh.<br />

pbrrcc d 9,4 lob!6 and dri.d aruib w 62647,32?3,6t7a8 b6 !nn!. y,rr. Th.<br />

.xpoiablc aurplus in naia, b0jm, pulso4 cto. Nos 4053 ron., Exponabtc sulplus in w@1, hid.s<br />

.nd stift wcre 7t9, 3800, I 14? ioN sFctiEly.lrl Agricuttuht deetopmenr in NWFp dlrirg<br />

l9<strong>il</strong>7-50 .nd l960-70 !rc di$us.d i! d.r<strong>il</strong> in th. n.xt chaptq,

I Mud H$r ted \ lsrcuhv c..sEpi,. ( N& eh.. ^nnor Fbrio;E py, L,d r,r4,. , 4<br />

,srrsio{o\..shd||rDh.n.'i! K,srrnsnn!.rrrrooh,,tu,c, Lcnn\<br />

t ,ry, ol quro,,<br />

Iti|rud lbrhrtshbirerelDD9.r0<br />

3 v.d8r! rdqet rcLaior boot, or Hiidr Aih {dr, ysj( rcd\ sm. h<br />

4 C- a M,mn , 1s,@h\4t pnu.N rJ /d,., (^rL!cd x$b kbr, reo6} e 116<br />

:^K 6did' ft| 4g4w HBb4 o!<br />

1 D c o!tn., rr. EwLtd' 4 Nqr w& F.dE proyr., (pd,*, sud Bo<br />

re17),a 25<br />

26 Celrnd.r h,!.r, c@'e qt tr.<br />

3dPodst, reTi P16<br />

rbh'! srns{,Me rubLsnffi, roertp ro<br />

,.4r x4 /rrl. /r/e. ( rrlDd N.l<br />

o/, ( btsrc: Mrimr<br />

39s}tdw4nAIish.|i'!,,a!ti'}/d ndlDi/P(4ree9t Pr G7<br />

4 srd Nrvr! Hydd Nrqll, bmood H'sn xi.D xd M. chrfn: cxrudry,<br />

P,r&br ! /3.1d/eq (Lbnredl ptDE,r9aI e.lo

,.r fb'nr rr,!ir. (Lqdd, cuus prcs, 43 c.ti^ Da\id, fl, 1"od.u at No/^<br />

rrt, p 55<br />

5t aoEn lcd ot nda, R'P4atr,. t<br />

lr"i$;s]"*''^s**jD.*|oPn![nb!Pqlh('3.c.|,.?,mE<br />

rl M.^ c$rdllq xd M.v ,r E6,*t 1d/, otLN ad J,eL4 o! n44n6 |<br />

ory. d?<br />

fl lhnrhrd PtDqrearJ,'p ( ^dnr 12!l<br />

zrrhrn H* b. &o^r, shi nd M<br />

IT'-"'"-'""'- **""*<br />

s6tnn^\,n P!\job \rd! 'nB\,<br />

66<br />

(Ddhiio:fodrJmwflirypcs,t9!9),p 4<br />

^&\tadwn. 6atd ard Gw aJ th. K,!b Pubhh.s, r e.t, pp. 1r.60<br />

7t r84 w sFi.fh. pdtpr ha.c.. kt 4 ((.i&hii hdo plbrnnios re6r, p.2 t6<br />

.{d$nl@d^udD.v.]qq|)<br />

zajM.opoL. P6?<br />

u fh. tEF4d aw@. ot tdn tPn<br />

Gbradiq (M:,n i) N:wrb 6n.d cda<br />

9lTa.o|lddfueeFdD!lh.gE*of$.Nr*!h<br />

d r nn Dois rhc p.eiG yho d!..d o

h.trmn{.gtDly<br />

et v(f ^l'md md R:rid ^nn4 7r. u6.s*t olpotth, a^6t te17-31,

Chaptet 5<br />

Agrlcultural Development In NWFP during (1960 '70)<br />

Genmlly @onomy of a counry depcnds lpon lhe health of conhodnv prcducing sa$6<br />

thar m clsified inlo prinry $cloB (Asricultrc dd Mining) md s*ondary sector<br />

(ndufaduring bolh ldge dd snall). Mosl of the undet dcveloped coutris Senenuv dcnve<br />

UEir i.come nom agnculNrc a{1or ed indudtial sdtor Plays very lirtle rol. Al lbe in<strong>il</strong>ial<br />

iage ofpD8r6s lhc she of4riculurc selor in lhe nadonal income d*lin.s ed lhe she<br />

of indusrrial ssto. increase. This is alro tru€ in case ofPakisld. Belore Independencc.lhe<br />

@ lhar nov @tulnute Ptkislm, pdiculely rh. Pmvinc€ of Puni.b ws @nsidei€d a<br />

granary oflhe Subcontnnl sd $ded s a brqdbast€t lof the *hole r€8ion Paniton len<br />

Pakistan stong a8ncultMlly wb<strong>il</strong>e India indctnally If, lhe i.nial vem<br />

an€r indep€.d€nc€<br />

exrrme backsadnGq low labor poductvny &d lov saving cnaractcnzed lne economt oa<br />

Patislm. The lndNrrial seclor w6 ldy seal $d *6 limited to a fcw iute dd conon m<strong>il</strong>ls<br />

ad co tibutids of mduf&luiihg s4lor w6 .ol noE thd 6 peEent ro $c Gross N.tional<br />

5.1 E.oromic d€r.lopb.ll itr P.[nr.! du.i!8195{r<br />

Dunng I95Os, policy mates in Pakisld lollowed the U shaped htlothe$s or econon'c<br />

d€velopm.nl, &cording ro which lh. relative in.ome in'cqualirv incrca6 subsl&liallv in lhe<br />

edly s$8cs of delelopn.nr, {<strong>il</strong>h a rdl of thn lchdocv io lhe lde! sager' The<br />

govemmenl concdrded on gonotio. of econonic glowih. wnn i delib€rate disregrd for<br />

Agncullu!. w$ lnc backbon of econonv of P.ldsle 6d ir r€miined the nosl<br />

donimt eivny in ody wats. Cofitibution of agr'cultuc ro the C D P wa 5l 19 t'rcenl<br />

wh<strong>il</strong>e lhat of wic€s md indutries ws 38.84 and 7.?5 p€rcenl rcsp€clivelv in 19'19-504 lt<br />

pmvided a livelinood lo 80 p.rcal of lhe comlry's t6cl popularion wh<strong>il</strong>e moE lhe half of<br />

the counlry popul ion livin8 in rural atas *6 engaged in faminS, lirestock and othcr sub<br />

slos of .giculurc. Ovd 68 perc€nl of $c l.tbr fot . wo*ed dirftllv in agricllturer'<br />

Dunng lgtos, Policy nttcE in ?akis!.n rboughr lhal th. p'th to 6Pid eononic stowlh lav<br />

in sgid indstrializ.tion Thc anv€6c efTsG of sqnezing agiicultu'e hrd were iSnored a<br />

pFisrenl poveny in runl dc6 cm nol be clrcd wirbout .gricnnud dcveloPoe'r' Moreovci<br />


agriculhml pbduclion could no loneBr keep up with the ind*e id population. Thftibre'<br />

Pali$an bad to inpon one m<strong>il</strong>lion ron of food srain pd vcd dn ing l95ost<br />

The windfall goins, thi.h m€xp€ctedly behetucd Paliistan, wre d!€ to lhe bood In<br />

world Mnodity priccs Guline toh th€ Kora Wd. Paiisld tr.d floush roEign<br />

excb&se from expon of hw nacli.l like jule ed coltoi dd gol sornc relief from lhc<br />

uradcy of eonomic Pr€surc berling the 6onony.<br />

Pubtic Pice Policy in l95os lollow€d lh. devclopmenl 3lta|eg, ofthal inc which soughl to<br />

chsnel Esourccs awoy fron lh€ m$sive agricullural pgpulalion to th. urbM indusridl<br />

.ntctde6. Covffi€dt kcpt lh. FicB of mduftlurot goods abovc de wotld lelcl<br />

drcu8b inpon contrcl md thal ofagliclliute poducls belos lh. world lerel drougl lhc<br />

compulsry p6N€h.it of najor aSticultutal cops Mo@vtr dom6tic td6 dd expons<br />

dulies on agricultural contoodities nade lh€ inlcr_secloral r€ms 6f tndc unf'vomble ror<br />

a8ncultlE. Th€lemof mdeopmlcdagai.sr.8d@lturcdd in favoroaindutrv' Mahbub_<br />

ulHrq cnticiz.d Paldsldi policy mat.rs lor fi.n indifcreol atlitude bwards aericullnre in<br />

th. following words '"Thc food grain pric* wft held doM throuEh conlols lhus<br />

subsidizing ihc cos ol living or lhe urbb industrial torlcs Thc forci8n exchange edred<br />

prim&ly b, th€ asncuhml @br nas b€n lic€nsed nainlv lo lh' indusfi'l *cror, gvrng<br />

tnc hit r. Rindfall gain ed o implicii irosfcr ofincome ftoi ag.iculludl sdlor' All th€sc<br />

policie mount€d to s @nc6l.d ld on agricllture dd a aon€olcd subsidv foi industrv $<br />

lhc worting of thee @ mk made aericultudl iivslnot an infenor alcnatire tlr rne<br />

privar. sdoi s<br />

(2)lldurrl.ldedopmerl<br />

In PaLisld ihe in<strong>il</strong>Gtrial selor ws v.ry weak dd lim<strong>il</strong>cd io fer jule md conon o<strong>il</strong>ls dd<br />

ns codributiod s bave n.nlio.ed al!.ady, weE not more $an 6 p@enl lo Crcss Nttio'al<br />

Prcducts (CM). Th. IndNrial seclor reeiv.d due atl..lion durin8 the d4ade ol1950s<br />

covclmqt oa Patislan ssiSlcd lhe tasl( oa indlstrialialion lo Ptt<strong>il</strong>b lndusmal<br />

Dev€lopnenr Corporation {PIDC) &d pnvare sdlor h rhis scror tne !alu' added incEdcd<br />

fbm &.1 .1 b<strong>il</strong>lion in l95O lo Rs 7 bjllion in lg?oe lndNi.li2alon of the ndoPol'ld<br />

de6 of Sind ed Punjab hc t ken pl&c dunnS l95Os. Ka6chi ws ihe capital and rbe onlv<br />

seaporl md Lanorc b6de th. c.pit l ofwd Palislan in 1955' Th6e corc6 cnjor€d bigh<br />


ldek efietiv. denand, pret@tion fiom odsid€ @bpeiion, gmt of licenses and ldge<br />

i.vcsm€hc in eonoiic ovdhead capnal. The innid , loctlizali on sel the @onomrc'<br />

psychologi.al ed pol<strong>il</strong>i.al foIB in nodon lhal lcd to sdditional industrial a€ivnv r these<br />

catcrs. ConcotJalion oa mrcmic a€tiv<strong>il</strong>ic! in fd co16 8ave binh to rcgion.l<br />

dirpeiti6r0. ln lhe pre-plmed period {1948-1955) a euo of 2260 m<strong>il</strong>lion rupees eas<br />

inr.sled in ldec'$aie indusEig in Pakista.- During 6Bl live tt6 pl.n pe.iod ( 1955{0) th.<br />

sum invsled in lsge{cde nenf&turing s@lor 6se b 3000 m<strong>il</strong>lion ruPes ThouS! small<br />

indNrns could rclr€c€iv. official patunase other tnd ene rd concesion a.d t*hnic.l<br />

help yrt inpelus lo ercwth wd.povided by sMll s.l€ ddufrruing s*lor lhal Srew ar an<br />

average Mul rale of 5 3 p€rcenl du nC 1955-60.The nse in Goss National Poducl Bas 2 5<br />

pdcor pd mnum duine 195050r. Shm oa indlstial sctor s€hed 12 p.rcent ofGDP al<br />

(3) Agricultu..I d.v.loprelt<br />

Agriculrual sclor wd donimt in th€ aonomy of Paldsran. I{dlotds dd ndchans<br />

conlrolled no$ of de econoni. AgriculluF 6.ctor of th. .conomv *!s surplu i. l@d oi<br />

rh. .v€ of pannion. Il sh4€d 53 pdot of thc Grcss Don€sric Prcduct (cDP) of Pa*istan<br />

od engaged 66 pdc6r of lhe tokl labor for.. Jute dd cotlon €xpons accountd lor nor.<br />

rnan 75 percenroaPatisrd sroral.xponrr. As hd ndtio.ed alrcldv thal dsp<strong>il</strong>e the major<br />

contrihrion oa agicuhuG in prcductio.. cotuuoplion, dpon dd .mplovnent. the tuling<br />

elite in Patislm squeezcd aCicllture dd oler mphasized i.d$trialization in 19503<br />

NeSalive policics lowrds asliqnla in lhe fom of dn*t pncc contol dd multiplc<br />

erchsge nlcs we adoplcd. M48d Eouces wcE allotlcd lo aCFcullure in P.kkh ft gol<br />

only7percmtoatheblaldevelopm.htonllayofthen6!6vevearpls{1955-60)'The<br />

shm of public s..ror invGtnol in agicuhurc includinS idigalion wc Rs.z l79 m<strong>il</strong>lion<br />

dlrin8 tne fi.st live yee plu pdiod '.<br />

fte leading posiion in agriculhre ws occupied by cop ptldlclio.s 6p{kllv bv<br />

lour najor cop6, wh€al dd cofton in w6t Pati$an, jule &d n€e in E$t Pakisld. The vield<br />

pq acie of thse crcps vb !€ty low due to us. ofPrimit<strong>il</strong>e ne$ods ofculiivalion Thc<br />

in.dcq@re nolseN dd low cdal inigadon supPli6 cauol pmr cops dlnf,g 1952'51<br />

*hich oa6sit.t€d heavy f@d gains inpons foF abroad.<br />


Ag.icultuF developdenl is a corplfl issueso d ovefliew ofpogress in aeicullural<br />

s6ror dunng 1950s is di*6ed undd h..dinss lit€ agnclhBl 6dch md extension. runl<br />

work polres od Eigalion dcvelophent.<br />

(l) Agricuhur.l R€rr(h .trd Ett€trsior<br />

Mosr of lhe central inslitltions ol agricultudl Gdh vm lost lo India tt $e lime oi<br />

pdnnion of Sub@niino! dd o.ly a f* oatner wd. lst in Pakish thal werc nol nough lo<br />

train dr t4hnical peens needcd for adious btmn6 of aSticullut' Th€ aolemm€nl or<br />

Pakislo cstablhhcd Cenlral D?annd ofPldl Pml@tion in 1947 Food and Agricullure<br />

Coudl wd dabtished in 1949 for prenotion of sciq ific lennobgical. wial ed<br />

4onoiic !.sedch 6 w.ll s education relaing to f@d, 28rcuhuF, animal husbandrv and<br />

The nnt Prime Minist J<br />

of Pal

wheal annuallyro Due to tladvely heavy wheal inporls Pakistm's balmca of patnents<br />

dctqioaroj<br />

Oovemmenr conslituted evdl comitt es duriog the lir$ half of $c d€cade or<br />

l95os. Tb. Sufi Conmifte R€pon:\lgtl) sueg6led th.Blablishfr€nl ofsinelc 'ntcgrated<br />

cximion sdice BPosible for th€ cdualioMl rcliviti6 o' all th€ national bu<strong>il</strong>ding<br />

dcpann.nls. I cxnoncd on lhe re_orgdizalion of agncultuml exleneon sFt6 s<br />

inleghled exlcnsion or8dialion':r. tn ord.r lo impove dd orelnize agncuhure on scictrli lic<br />

lines, rhe govehn.ht oa Pakistan constnured Agricultural lhqunv Conmitle in March 195 I ,<br />

uidq thc chaidsbip of Lrd Boyd On In the ligbl of lhc @@€ndalions of On<br />

colmnl@, a 'C..Fal Ctow Mo!€ Food CoEnnlee was sel up on ad h@ bais b thlnk over<br />

tosible nedurcs for cunehat of foo{t shorlage snudiom i. rh€ fuluE The codmirtec<br />

@ommended lhc shorl-ted m€6u€s such as bringi.B hore trea under lbod slarns<br />

cullraqon, d<strong>il</strong>tuton of rmpoved se€d6, impo\.d melha! or culr'vauon usc of n'nur'<br />

fen<strong>il</strong>iz6 sd Pesticid4 lhar w<strong>il</strong>l sabl. lhe PaLisld agriculture ro rnc6c the exst'ng<br />

crops yi.ld by more thd 50 p4c€ni The conn<strong>il</strong>lee also r4onne.d€d $e eslablishn'nl of<br />

muliiplicarion fms on ldge $ale, int nsificarion of dcmo.strarios and pop'smda woik<br />

lor lhe use of inproved seols, ferl<strong>il</strong>iz€rs dd the establishmot ofcoopeialve socierieszr<br />

A Cotnl Cow MoE Food Ehcrgnv Comtue' wd const<strong>il</strong>ured in 1953 dd tne<br />

provincial govemnenls weE ale diMt€d io set up {ln<strong>il</strong>e<br />

collatoBrion wirh C€nt.l Condne U.dq lhc Crew Moc Fo'd SchnC ruP€es 2l<br />

n<strong>il</strong>lion v€.e all@aled lo NwFPrr.<br />

ln w6i Patnld e<strong>il</strong> omen.lioi P<strong>il</strong>or pojal wd skned in 1954 and in 'll l?<br />

denotrtdion s<strong>il</strong>6 w€G et up, each coosistinS of 15 ro 20 thousand ac6 of llnd The so<strong>il</strong><br />

cohsalion prcjst w6 als !$ned in NWFP tn<strong>il</strong>itllv dmonstdlion work sc ianeo 'n<br />

Kohai Mddm, D@ Isma<strong>il</strong> Kn ! &d HumrL<br />

(li) Rnr.l ddclopn nl Drogrms<br />

lh PaLisrtn abour 78 p.Enl of $e population wd Udns in tual am in about 5000<br />

v<strong>il</strong>lases, lo case of Nonh Wesl Fionlicr Prcvince 90 p.rcflt populaion was liv'ng 'n rual<br />

arw'. The rual Popul.rion *s deFndol on asticulru(al 4rivities for lhcn liv€lih@d<br />

Rural arcas werc chaaclcriz€d bv snAlus popul.lion, unflplormenl and u'der mplolmenl<br />

4d lhe low dc of @nooic PogBs. D<strong>il</strong>l.6r lml d'v'lopnol Pog@s w* 'mqr<br />


oui in ?akiskn witb fiei. stres oi inprevemeni of agnculture In tbe dec.de of 1950s the v<br />

,AlD (1951-61) w4 cried out for f&<strong>il</strong>it2tug tne v<strong>il</strong>lagc or tual lifc The v<strong>il</strong>lag. AID<br />

Pogrm ws inniated in l9sl.lbr ihprov€dcnt of lbc social 6d economic cond<strong>il</strong>ions or<br />

v<strong>il</strong>laB6 rhoueh donmunny dcv.lopment netho&. The Prclre wG finMce bv the Unned<br />

Srab Foaig. Operxion Adninislhtion, the Ford Fomdalion dd tbe Prtislan Civcmot<br />

Thc b6rc phrloloPh) b.hrnd rhe Pbgram $t( ro cre.le toluntary leadehnp dd he<br />

spirit of cooperatio. ed ecr<strong>il</strong>icc mong $. nral p@pl. $ thal lo mehootc th€m<br />

@.onic dd s@ial livings wnn nininm c.9iEr ed in shond possible tinc ll ss a<br />

nultipuQosc prcerm chcompssing as.culNnl exl€.sioni @tlage industrv, heal$ dd<br />

s@ial &tiriti€s. For pt sryice taining ofr<strong>il</strong>lage votkcE. rwo taining in$nutesi one 'h<br />

Pujab md dolhq in Frcnlier Prvinc. w€rc dtablisbol in ,uly l9t3 The v<strong>il</strong>lage workeB<br />

wer€ traiocd io the bsic knowl.dge md sr<strong>il</strong>l aboul vdious developmenl rqs lnd we€<br />


(iii) Irrlg.tior developdelt<br />

The inig.tio. wat€r plays pivotal olc in aeflculrulal development. Cdak and lubc wclls a.e<br />

rbe main eurces ot irieation wat.r, Tbe host impondt b.ni€r to ag cultural de!€lopnent<br />

h6 ba. rh€ shortaS. of idgalioi wald i. Patisitn. Th€ hajor &bievm.nl of lh€ ddadc oa<br />

lc5os in Pakidd s6 rn lhe rcolm ol rstrlurcrtl c\dge wdte 4d Po$er Devclopnenr<br />

aufiority (WAPDA) was shblished in 1958. Chaner of WAPDA included thei.resdsation<br />

plming dd ex@ulion of sh@6 ir 1he neh of supgly of ini8Etio. valcr, dainaee and the<br />

Mlmarion of tne wale! losged ed the sdine ldds, flood contrcl, soeraton Dd<br />

Th. iftigaliof, dwelopm€nl postm includ.d bod, surla.e d w.ll 6 grcund waler<br />

develophenr schen6 like coBlrudion of dms and banaScs, installation ol lifi rtrigaton<br />

pumps! consnation oa rains wat€r md cons!ruction of <strong>il</strong>ood enbankfrml and canal<br />

€xrmsion prcs@s. l. the pepldnd penod (194?1955) on lhe expose of90 h<strong>il</strong>lion<br />

rup6. 0.?8 n<strong>il</strong>lion acrs of ldd w6 irisatcd md 0.18 m<strong>il</strong>lion &rcs saline dd warer<br />

logged ldd ws ieclained in Palistd Duins ti6l pld penod (1955 60), iriSalion fic<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>ies<br />

wft prcvid.d to 1.08 niUion &c ldd in ldditioh 1o 0.1? h<strong>il</strong>lion rcG v{d logS€d lmd,<br />

vhich w6 @laim.dtr. b Puj;b ed Sbd ce.l itrigation works qpdded dpidly {i$ $e<br />

coslruclion ofGM Bnage in 1955, Taunsa Bmge i. 1958 a.d Cuddu BaFaee in 1962<br />

'It6e bMas6 expdrded lhe cdal conned d.. in Punj& fom 14 m<strong>il</strong>lion dG in 1947 ro<br />

aboul35 m<strong>il</strong>lion acEs in 1960. Sin<strong>il</strong>dlyinccEc in cdal idgaled e. @cun€d in Sind"<br />

The per€mial ifieation clealed lhe n.nace ofwald logging and salinity As no<br />

poper &amge systm v6 d.ivcloped in padllcl w<strong>il</strong>h thc cMl inigation for dnposal oa<br />

wter. W.ld lossin! dd salin<strong>il</strong>y aff4led 14.9 and 1918 m<strong>il</strong>lions &Es laod Bl4t<strong>il</strong>elv 'n<br />

Patisran f<strong>il</strong>l l95os. MoE lhd 50 p€rceht of these @as wer€ confined to th€ povincc of<br />

Pujsb:1. tn swabi dbrricr oi Pesbawd valley dd Bmu disficr of D lKis division i.<br />

NWFP, hundrcds squ@ n<strong>il</strong>es of.ullivated da wG undet $e moace olwalr lo8Sing and<br />

salinity Th€rcfoE Salinity Conlrol Md R4lamalio. Program (SCARP) w{e slaned 'n<br />

1954. It vs public tub€ well d<strong>il</strong>ging pos6m l.unch€d for elin<strong>il</strong>v conuol Md @hmtt'on<br />

s well s for prcviding irigario. w.rer.

5.2 f,.otromic d€v€lopn€ll id North wat trrolli.r Provhce (1950-60)<br />

Beaore pM<strong>il</strong>ion of Subco.rinal NWFP wd lhc pbdt Previrce or India in t6ped of<br />

prcvincial revsue evcn poffi lbs tne n*ly fomed mini.lre province ol Oriss. ln lhe<br />

inidal ys an€r ind.r.nd€nc€ ?0 percenl of Patisla. s tolal tade w$ with India NWFP<br />

*6 rls. €.d.g forcigD qchanSc of noE th& 2.5 m<strong>il</strong>lio.s nrpe6 lhreueh lhc cxpon of<br />

lr6h fruit3 !o hdia". The Drovinc. yielded an incone of Rs 18 34 m<strong>il</strong>lion fton provincial<br />

reeurc.s&d Reiv.d 0.93 m<strong>il</strong>lion fron cental rsuEes such d customs, rdNays €xcse<br />

dd inom. t x in 194?. As the popultrion oapovincc wa5 3 5 m<strong>il</strong>lion e rh€ incon€ Fr<br />

h@d computcd to b. Rs.533 pd snh?'. Thc prcvi.c. ws ako deivins an Dnnal<br />

subvdtion of tu.lo h<strong>il</strong>lion ft;n th. chler. Under lhe Raisnd award of 1951, th. mud<br />

bv€ntio. fDn c6rcr io lhe Frcnlid omviDcc ws i@@ed fton l0 n<strong>il</strong>lion 1o Rs l2.5<br />

m<strong>il</strong>liofl. The prcvince aho @eiv.d ssislec€ in lhe fom of loreiSn ere$ and loans lor<br />

findcins ns elrl dd.lopnmr pegrm. Th. shae ol Punjab md NWFP wa 27 PeEqt<br />

.rd 8 0.rc4r rcrpeliv.ly h ln. loLt divnibb inom. tu dd cenrFl excise dulv of lhe<br />

coulry in 1951.<br />

T.bl.5.l<br />

Tord .a.r!., .rD.rdftur. !d dendu or lhe provlnc. durl4 l9d_r9&) l. m<strong>il</strong>lions rup.A.<br />

194647 19.J 44.09 24.19<br />

1955.56 48.7 85.4 J61<br />

t959-60 51.4 93.0<br />

Mlllunnqd S.d ru.! 7. da r/rr. P.fi e'. (bhdc Fdu sc 1972)- p |20 md hffi<br />

n Partd, Bodqhnd (Kffii': bn$ Publistda, 196r), p 2 15<br />

Thc provinc€ ws a deficit one. The flwtuatio.s occm€d in revnue @.ipts md<br />

.xp€Dditc ol the prcvirce duitr8 lhe psiod t94?-70. A! showed by lh€ table t.l, lhe<br />

d.ficns see 124.5 pcrc.nt ofrav.nu. in 1947, whicb fell lo 78 85 perccni in 1956 and l le<br />

incEe toot Dl&c sd eehed 80 ldenr in 1960.<br />

(l) Ild$trl.l dd.loptutrt<br />

Al fie lim. of panitioo Pa,kislm d . whol. *s in d1. p!._itrdEdal lrage No toorc 0w a<br />

fs i$lat d n<strong>il</strong>ls producing sinpl. cosmd g@ds lit€ tcgelable o<strong>il</strong>, sugd, cigarcttes md<br />

t€xt<strong>il</strong>6 src Fs6scd by dy mcl@politan city Th@ w.c dlv 3t a@roncs in thc rca<br />

conslruling Pal dr. out ol $h(h, ll\e frlories and or. *orlshop qcre rr lhe Nwl-P'r'<br />


Theie w@ only teo significml indusLial pl&ls Glgd,m<strong>il</strong>ls) in NWFP al ihe ime of<br />

In lne eady yeaB anq indepndence, backwdd des like NWFP rcceived sone<br />

atr€ntion. An indslrial policy ws &nounced in 1948 bv de govff€nl of Paliskn lhar<br />

snsscd rhe up grEdadon of indu5tn6. In PalGtm lhc ihitial dcvelopnnl elIons wcre<br />

didt.d .htnely loward. indulry ed asricull@ *ctor was n€slected Agncuhure suQluss<br />

wd iaLn for Srdted md eof,ohic d€vclopmot wd considced svnonvmous s<strong>il</strong>h<br />

On 24'" Meb 1948. rne Cni.f Ministd oaNwFP ptesnled d induslnal pld on $e<br />

noor oa prcvincial ssflbly thal stessed on to ser up woolspiming, hides Md sknr Ianning,<br />

enenr, sugar d

CoDontion (PlCIc) advmced Rs.6.o3 n<strong>il</strong>lion in N.\VFP oul or 1404 89 m<strong>il</strong>lio' ruPNs<br />

ldvoccd in West Pakislu al thc sde ine".<br />

(2) Agrlc0ltuEl devolopm.nt<br />

The economy ofthe Nonh West Frcnti.r ?ovince was 6senli.llv asiicullue based Nonh<br />

Wd Frcntlq PFvirce eded s a frun baslet foi lhe Egion. Out of the I 5 h<strong>il</strong>lion loral<br />

popnlalion of th. prcvi.ce about 90 p.rcent dep.nded dirccllv or indnecllv on dSicuhurc for<br />

irs livclihod in t94?r?. The tadiiio.ally oP€dtcd ed n@g.d aclicuhuE *clor rdded to<br />

las behind in povidi.g livemood 6 wcll 6 absolbing labor ore! tin' The production or<br />

nrjor food enins such s whd( ncc, 8Im and jove wd nor sumciql lo nd $e<br />

rcqunemcnl of$eprovince.lr haddennal i@d d€ficit ofaboul50'000 tons of l@d goin'<br />

chielly c a Esuti of the qr.@€ly low prcdlction in lh€ uibal d6! The province<br />

d€pended on idpon of whal lrcn Punjab As aBncultur€ Yd hiehlv su$'pibl€ lo the<br />

vas{ica ol sothei it Somlcd m.ll incon. Mo@ver lhc toPosdphv o' tfie po!'nce<br />

nad€ ene ded non_fesible lo. mod.n t€chnolosv Cro\ah rat€ ofagncuhuE v6 l€s<br />

thm lhe 6te oidenogaphic inc@e in the Polince in lhc Prcvtnce'<br />

The pFvincial govmhdt ddstmk the following steps for inpovendt ol<br />

.gicultuE (1). Bringin8 moF led uder cultivalion (2). lncFaeing th' cxis1i'g cop tlelds<br />

by inftducdon ofh€althy wt

had l79l co{pedlive socieli€s, with a nembc$hip of 55,385 and *orking cap<strong>il</strong>al of Rs<br />

2?.t6 n<strong>il</strong>lionio Aner ihe fomation ol One Uni( the Nonh we3l Fronrier Piovince was<br />

op.hed for the c@perativc tecnniqu€s oiolhei amalSama&d pdvinces Duling nd five vear<br />

pla pdiod I 5 m<strong>il</strong>lion rup€s vre prcvid.d mudly by cmpcdlivct in NWFP The<br />

rvmse taqavi loss Povided to the fam6 ir Pepld.ot<br />

priod (194?_54) v€e 0751<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lion np@s pd snun and rce to I OI m<strong>il</strong>lion rupEs during liFl plm penod The<br />

AB.culluFl Ba<strong>il</strong> of Pakislm w6 est.blisbed in 1957, wbich provided crcdn fac<strong>il</strong>ities,<br />

paniculdly lo the small fmers. Th€ inslitutioBl cr€dit iocFd€d twentv iolds tn NWFP<br />

Thc t<strong>il</strong>l6 meiv.d th. itu urion i loan al th. average @ual ialc of Rs 0.52 nnlon durine<br />

$c pE-plmcd ptriod. ll !o* ton Rs.2t0 lhousd in I94? lo 2 5 n<strong>il</strong>lion in 1960 h<br />

a$ained rhe alcm8e unud l€vel ofRs.2.6 dunnS fic fi6t pld priod ( I 955-60) '<br />

(ll) L.Ddlordirm .nd t.r.rcy<br />

A rh€ tin€ of independcnce 50 p@€ot of th. ava<strong>il</strong>Eble ldd in Pubj.b, a ltule less fiM 50<br />

pdenl in N!\fP and ovcr 80 p€rcenl in Sihd wd in lh€ possession 6fa f.w lhousmds land<br />

lord!'r. Thes ledlords w€rc a very i.nuential pol<strong>il</strong>ical grcuP froh 1947 ro 1958. Thev had<br />

pohical domindcc ovd lhcir $hmisiv€ ard ig.omr tenets. The age-old lmdlotds<br />

lqets dispute crcppcd !p eon ana i.depend.ncc 6 a '6ult ofsome d.gt€ of avakqins<br />

th.t sprsd monSsl th. lflmls. In the ab*ncc of sy senuine orsdizalDh for nprcvemenl<br />

oa lhe condnions of pcsdts in Pakhtan, lhe 1i.ld lmai;ed open lor exPloirarion by $e<br />

colmuist. The conmunist had a stronS basc anong the l&d less haris ofsind Ihough the<br />

Sind H&i Com<strong>il</strong>le.. Sim<strong>il</strong>sly the Punjab Kien Comitlee and NWFP KKm comm'llee<br />

w@ repcqlins lhc @mudsr agreid fionts in Punja! dd NWFP<br />

A Provincial Kisd Co.mitie rcpasnli.g the lgx}Iid arcnt ol the @nnunisr w6<br />

lomed in NWFP in 194?. The Comn<strong>il</strong>lee lried lo oremize lhc kisan ftonts in lanous<br />

dhdcls of lh€ provincc. Thc aub branch of Kisan ComnnGe was lorded ,n Kohat wnh<br />

Alzal Bdgah 6 prcsidcnt. The etiv<strong>il</strong>ies oathe connites were also noliced in Peshawar<br />

&d Ha2@ bul the orgmizcB could nol succed in BMD ed D.l.Khan ThGe comnitles<br />

c!@maed m .8g6ivc dtnud€ mo.s lhc toans rovdds the lddlordslr'<br />

Tne Mulih t aglc Agrdi& Refoms Conmitte {6 tomed in 1947 lo inqlie imo<br />

the maner of po$4sion of lsge lodholdinS! by lddlords and nisdble plighl or bgents<br />

ed !o suEsesl suibble eludon. The cotonitt.. Poposed;<br />

makins ofoccupdcy temts full_<br />


fledg€d oMd, prcviding secuity lo lq&ts ai w<strong>il</strong>l, rcductn8 Mt5 pavable bv lflanb and<br />

.bolishing <strong>il</strong>legal.xacdons inposed on todts by lhe l@dlords_.<br />

The lndlord-teMls dispule intos<strong>il</strong>icd, wh@ th€ lcnmls efuscd io abide bv the<br />

mdnion to shrc lhc Poduce wirh fte lddlord, on lnc pl€a that it was .xccssi!.. Al$ $ev<br />

wce .xpKinS rh.n asnmdr ovs lh€ ,t94t (fmed tabor). This asullcd i. rends md<br />

bitlcmGs onq kadinS to ancd clshes beNcd ledlords od knants ih P€shawar and<br />

Mardd di$rict in 1948. The movend leceivcd . setbrck in 1950 whcn Ziarat Cul lhe<br />

pesidenr of the povincial Kism Commnree ee<strong>il</strong> under grcund for fcar of anenal Unl<strong>il</strong><br />

l9to, lhe Pujab Tddcy Acl of 1887 prcvided lhe rceulations rcgardi.C rendcy and<br />

wunry of renur€ in NWFP. Fom l95o onward a .unb€r of legislariv. measu6 *ec<br />

q&led ftom rine lo rim. ro cfom tn€ led l.nurc dd to prolal ftc rirhts oarenmts in the<br />

pdvince Tftdcy fming covded 56 pfl.nt of lhe mi in NVFP in th. enly tnies'<br />

Qaiyu Krld, lhat tinc Chiei Minisrr of the povince fathered comprchensive lhousi<br />

nod@re lmd r€fomr Pogrd.<br />

The NWIP Tenrncy Acr 1950 w6 thc fi61 l€gidation in Palistd. Ir *s followed by<br />

NWIP prelction dd csrodrion ol tenan y Act l9tl, ed ene mendmenls in n in 1952<br />

The 1950 tmocy Acl .uthon2d @cupdcy tduls lo acqliE o*ne6hip oa rll or ponion of<br />

th. Ied tney cullivat d on plymqt of rcason$le compensation lo the Iddlords The<br />

Jogidari systen we6 abolished Mordvcr n abol,shed rhe long-standrng custonary<br />

dist<strong>il</strong>ctions betNeen agricullwisls and non-a8liculluriss clas6.ll aho abolishcd rhe zrtz,<br />

dd /,ab@b (fored labor). S@uiry of tsure ws givo ro all tenanls for thre yeaE and rull<br />

popn€r.ry nghc w@ confr.d on @up4cy le@ts,nnd.r lhc Acf' Tne l95l ,{ct<br />

GlorEd the fomd po$6so! b 1ne toEG liom whicn den hdbrds ejaled then<br />

Througl the fl&ln.nl of 1952 Acl. mongaScd ld& were to be tatcn ov.r by lb€ onginal<br />

own* with oul palmmt of lhe mortgas€d don.y, provided lhe nonSag.c has benef<strong>il</strong>ed frohl<br />

As a Bult of lhdc rcfoms lhousds &G ol led fomrly h.ld bv hndlords had<br />

bd handed dd lo 26,864 mall Gupecy l.n..ts. O@updcy rdsts wet€ ent<strong>il</strong>,al ro a<br />

rotll of57,l2l er64e. Thc tresfd ws qnh oul conpasalion. Thc l.nant s trad<strong>il</strong>ional renr<br />

to lhe ledow.r had been linned lo tfie arounl equivalnl lo land relenue and o$tr raxes<br />

due lo rhe govemmenr. Anolher 1,81,184 dres were handed over to mo!€ lhd two hundred<br />


lholsand *9anle @cup@y rendts in relum ror conpcGarion. Finallv 4 addnioml l.<br />

42,961 acres *crc pannioned betwed ludloid! md aboli l, 20,000 @cupancr rcnffls and<br />

tnc laler got about ?5 p.rcenr of $c tohl pan<strong>il</strong>ion€d lddr0<br />

(l<strong>il</strong>) hrig<strong>il</strong>io. D4.loPm.rt<br />

Besidd mall€r one the followi.g major inigation pbjets wft cdi.d out in NWFP during<br />

r9503.<br />

ft. Klm C&hi prcj{t w6 ssncd in 1950 wrlh d.stimaled toLl cost ofRs 414<br />

n<strong>il</strong>lion'r6. Thh $hme itrvolv€d lhc crdion ba. husc Eedon lo sroe .umnq fl@ds<br />

{ai.r benind ai eanh l<strong>il</strong>lcd dm n d Bmu. Barm Dd i3 m inPonm pan of ihe schehe<br />

for sronsc oa valc. ofB.m N.llah.ll hd bd completc

Table 5.2<br />

Tb. prodoc<strong>il</strong>otr of food gni.!' !!9.6e .rd<br />

.r .onprr.d io th. .$.te. proddlon don.g<br />

roDreo crops or ihc Drclir.e d$lns O95rle6{)<br />

1ta&!95{ In.bousrnd ro$<br />

Avedg. plodldio! durir Av.r,gc producrior dunn<br />

246 212 6 t0.8<br />

|l.6 8.3 -28 4<br />

550.7 622 8 tl<br />

t226j 1795<br />

25.9<br />

ffi-, cd@r of NwrP, ,rs'eltunr s,tuib o/xrFP, surr.rin No<br />

'fuE w6 neeligibl! increde in c6. of fmd grains i. PalNld<br />

s a whole dunns $e fint<br />

. subslrnlial incres. oI 13<br />

rle sio4 Bd in cse of Fontid 6 tne t6ble shows, lhcE was<br />

p6qt in hod rice did not pdfom weu.<br />

8ni6 dd 46 Pritql in Sued cuc. Tobeco rd<br />

5,3 Economic d€volopm€nl in Paklstan during (1960-70)<br />

A shin in golemar policy in lavor of.gricultur€ @cutr d v<strong>il</strong>h the advent of G@n<br />

Relolulion T6hnology in l96os. Tb.8€en relolution rcchnologv consisted ofa ntrfrbei of<br />

@oplm€nlary inpur viz. hiCI icldinS vdicliF of *.ds for diflffir mPs chemical<br />

f.rt<strong>il</strong>ize$ dd peslicides. Howo!€r lhe inisation waler plaved a critical rolc pdiculdlv rbe<br />

in$allation ofpublic 4 w€ll c pnvat lube w.lls Duing l95os 60s dd ?0s a nlmb'r of<br />

sufaca iFigaiion Poj€cls and inslalhtion of be wells took placc Th€ ovs all irnP&r or<br />

8!€en revolulion lahnoloey i. Patitrd ws stbns dd iBulled in sign<strong>il</strong>ic&r inclease 'n<br />

aSriculfulal productio. panicnlely in the iriSaled d.$ The lituation chanacd 's rhc<br />

cconomy wG growing. Th. 8l9$ah qs quic satsirclorv io all *clos ol economv dunng<br />

ihc d6.d. of 196G.'Ihe avms€ mut ritc in GDP wd 63 p'rcdr pet enum dunns<br />


(ll Agrlcuxtrnl Developneit<br />

Agriculture w6 ioming 53 p€rcd of Grcs Dom6dc Frodncb 6l PakisLn in 1948' lrs<br />

shde lell to 45.8 pmenl i. GDP in 1960. The pdcnlage of labos aorce engaeed in<br />

agd.uhw€ rell ro 64{. TlE copp.! am grcw by l 7 Pdcdt a vw and lhc supplv of<br />

iEis,'lion waler grew by 2,5 pd cot a }€d dpring 1960_70 ACiculurc 8!ew al ihe ralc of<br />

3.7 pdcot pq rld duing 196!l'65 dd 56 p.rcenl pr annum durin8 1965_?0r' The share<br />

oa Agricullurc in GDP of PalGtd tunhd cd. dom to 18 9 peEcnl in 1970 .nd 58 perccnr<br />

olrh.lolal labor for€ of counlry *.s deaged in aericullue"". In 1970 oul of40 to<strong>il</strong>lion<br />

aG culrivared d@ I I m<strong>il</strong>lion acB wer€ tuigat.d6r.<br />

{2 ) Indu slrlr I D.velopm.nl<br />

DuinS deade ol1960s, averag€ stowth in lsge{cale nmufacluring wa 12 p@e p€r<br />

,q. Th€ shsc of indusd.l setor re&hed lo 16 pdc.nl of cDP i. 19?06: A sum ol<br />

Rs4Ot0n<strong>il</strong>lion ws invest d ii leg.-*ale indlslriG during saond fivevedpld (1960'65)<br />

in P.tisLn. Thc shall-sl. induni6 could not deive du€ anston md lhe w6t Palisl.n<br />

Small l.dusti6 Corporalion ws established ts lale as 1965. Dunnglhe lhird five'vear tlan<br />

a sm oa12, ?70 n<strong>il</strong>lion wN spent on dryelopnflt ofbolh smll dd leB._eale indNr'€s<br />

6 wcu s bu<strong>il</strong>ding of 9 sall induslri.l eslatcsdr' Th€ tolal out put of ltrge *.le i.d!sh's<br />

incre.sed twelvc lol4 wh.!€ s 60 p*qt incree took place in oul pul of snall scale<br />

indusrri6 dunng the d@ad. of 1960s_.<br />

5.4 Ecommic d.v€lopmeir h NWFP 0 964-70)<br />

Duc ro strain d rarte elarions wid India dd Pak_lndia 1965 war' $c €xPon ol foiG frcm<br />

NWFP to lrdia olcluat€d sd f€ll do*n. In th. National Finmce Connision (NFC) a{ads<br />

of 1962 md 1964lhe sh{. of e..n Ed Pa}<strong>il</strong>td Md w.si Pakislan povinccs wd nxed t4<br />

p€rcdt md 46 p!@nl rcsP4tively in lhe divisible pm! t res"' Dunng 1955-19?0 all dt<br />

fou ptovincB Punja!. Sind, \'WFP, ed Baluchnm maioed u<strong>il</strong>ied in One Un<strong>il</strong> of W'st<br />

PaIGtd. Duins rh6 on. unn Esimc the public slor tolal d€velopnent outlats in NWFP<br />

plus dbal deas w.ERs.l2OOmiUion ot30 m<strong>il</strong>lio, per snun".<br />


Tlblo5.3<br />

Popuhrbn of Prklsbtr, Puni$ .nd NWFP It mllllod dnrttrg I951'71<br />

t95l I06 20.64 (66.4t 46 (r45)<br />

l96l 42.88 25.58 (58?) 5.? (13.1)<br />

L97t 31.61 (5?.95) 8 4 (12 94)<br />

ff<strong>il</strong>6; f Pd,na r, /do otPd*db, sbtu, teaT'7o<br />

The tauc ahows that th. popul.tiotr ofNwFP ws 4 6 n<strong>il</strong>lion in | 9t I In 196l'iEehdi57<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lion wi$ e dnual Srowth de or2.34 pddi. Al the od of 1960s, poPuloion orthe<br />

pbvince rach.d 8.4 n<strong>il</strong>lion witb avenge mu.l gow$ rate of 3 l2 PeEe'r<br />

Duri.g ih. datd€ of 1960t, 1.57 m<strong>il</strong>liols totd in@.s l@k pLce in th' popul'l'on<br />

of NWFP!?. Av@ge per cstita ircom. in NWFP f€lt !o Rs 160 *h<strong>il</strong>. $e @mteblc p€r<br />

cap<strong>il</strong>a in@n. in Pujab ed Sind qs Rs 614 ed Rs 353 resp@t<strong>il</strong>clv dunns $e dccade of<br />

1960s63. Duc lo hiCI dep.ndency ratio, $e lo{e$ rate of urbanization low per capira<br />

inom€, l&k of r€msentiv. mPloymql oppodunnv ed.inab<strong>il</strong>itv o' asicuhoral seclor ro<br />

ab$rb.dditional nMh6. $a! ha hd a lsge our miS ion Fon N\IFP lo olhq<br />

pmvinc€s. 0.46 M<strong>il</strong>lion wotk@ niSrated fton NWIT to K@hi i! emh ofjobs b€sides<br />

oolhd hlndEd thousdd wdc Porkins i. Pmjab"<br />

O) ltrdutri.l d.v€loDn.lt<br />

Thc totrl nmbs of rcSislcrEd indudrialurns in d; polinc. r@hed I l5 in l97oa<br />

Out oa rh6c ll5 Egistccd <strong>il</strong>dustrial u<strong>il</strong>! 102 wft inst llcd bv pnEle s@tor' PIDC<br />

ihvest€d six hudred n<strong>il</strong>lion only 6.13 perodr ofirs lobl dev€lopncnl expendirure in NWFP<br />

dunrg t9t2-19?Or'. Non-rc9sleted indutries havc favodble d€v€lopnenl tarset in NWFP<br />

They contribuled U.4 d<strong>il</strong>lion pd mM to $e egiontl in@nc od prclided 'nplottd to<br />

In 1962, IIDC wd bifurcated i o lwo orSdizlions' W6t ?alishn indusl'ial<br />

Dev€lopncnl Corpootion (WPIDC) hd Bd Pakht n lndBttral D'velopme't Co'ponno'<br />

(EPIDC). Duing Smnd Fiv. Ya Pld pdiod {196G65) WPIDC inve$ed a slm or<br />

Rs.2?-3 m<strong>il</strong>lion in NWFP, olt of Rs l37 m<strong>il</strong>lion loi,l inv6tncnB nad' in w€sl Ptlisr2nrr<br />

This noney vas inv€sled io BMu SuSnr M<strong>il</strong>l aid develgpm.nl of Rock Sal M'ncs aDd<br />

QuMi.s ar Jlua Baludq Kh.l (Kant).<br />


lruring lhe Third Five Y* Plm p.nod 0965_?0), Wsl Patistd. LdBt ial<br />

Developnot Coipoaliob (w?lDC) made lotal investnents of Rs ll40 n<strong>il</strong>lion in Wesl<br />

Pakistd out of which. a sm of ?4.7? n<strong>il</strong>lion wds inv6ted in NWFP?' ThF sln wc<br />

inv6ted i. tinbs pi6nalion ard lrc3tn€nl pl&t Hav€llid ot Fo6l IndDsis €ohplex<br />

ad ddclopmenl of nin@ls lik. Copper, Bauxit. china clav md R6k $ll Dunng $e<br />

d4ade of l96os, 52 indusdal u.irs were iNlalled in lh€ provincer5<br />

lable 5,4<br />

Inv€tm.ri bl W P I D C 0 96t-72) ltr tt. four Pmviice ol Wdr Ptki!r..<br />

hvertDerl itr Mllllo. tu<br />

2A 131.25 58.8<br />

l7 115.40 210<br />

l) 82.33<br />

5 93.46<br />

The rlbl€ indicai* dat v.ry l<strong>il</strong>tle pDponion 6 7 p.rccnt of fie total w6 invencd rn<br />

NwT rcpon by PIDC wh<strong>il</strong>€ v€ry high pDponion 58 3 p@€nl of roral w.s made n Punjab<br />

DurjnS tbe onc unit pdiod (1955-70) conpealivel, sntll anoum ws inlcslcd in<br />

NwF rcgion. Even the rdntdce $al cme frcn abroad were not inreslcd for thc indusrial<br />

or hume rsN€ de!.lopmml bul wq€ spenl otr @l qrat.s or bu<strong>il</strong>ding or ho66 or on<br />

ndiag.r. As a @tucqu.M oflhc Cpvnn.nls d€lib€Bi€ t licv lo ocoMge indushal<br />

concenllalion, by 1968,lhe 22 ldSst fm<strong>il</strong>ies controlled 66 perc4t of indu$ial asscG, ?0<br />

m.nt of iosmc. fudls and 80 Ddcot of banl sslsrr' Thc Pa'kntun bousos fd<strong>il</strong>ies<br />

rhe Hotis. |he Kna$k lnd Ktuzadahs oafi€ Frcoii.r Esion could b€ @unt.d mons lhc rop<br />

lO capiulist fm<strong>il</strong>i$ in Pal(Gt4. Th. Hotis md Klanzdahs doninaled thc ausd n<strong>il</strong>k ih the<br />

pnvincc?'. Sone asrc-bsed induslri6 insblled in &e Frcnticr pnvince w.re nostlv in the<br />

uib.n a@. Tb@forc inter rcgonll disp&iry .xisled mons the Pbvinces ed mons the<br />

difleFnt rcSrons with i! lne pmvincc. Mosl oalhe ihdusllies q€r€ concentnled in few dred<br />

of Fontid i.e. Peshaw&, Swa! M.rd{ md Abborlalad?! h shows intet rcao'al dispariti€s<br />

vnh in th. prcvince. The gape bltwen difi4ni incone Sroups widened wi$ rhe Esux rhal<br />

60 percent rural peotlcs were @ing less lhan $300 p4, ycar dd Pcr' Iivin8 bclow tne<br />


Small industnes, coMge industies. md handicrans could noi prcgre$ as rapidlv as<br />

w@ experol. Th. Wd Palisr4r Snall Indusdes Corpordion wd gtallished in 1965 lhal<br />

rcnaincd mgage in prcmodng lbe d.velopncni of small indBtnes, cottage induslncs aDd<br />


The shde of thc Fronliq prcvince in $e total !.lu€ of industrial production wd onlv 8<br />

pdcnI at rhc eid olsixliesi5.<br />

(2) Agrlcultural Development<br />

Out of lhe total employed peMns of the NWFP 6? 36 percenr were engascd In<br />

a8nculure dd cobtribntio. of asrcultuc lo lh€ totrl regioMl prcducls *d 40 percenl"<br />

NonI W.sl Fmnrid Prcvince @cupied about 9 4 pdcflt of the lolal area oi Pa*Btan and<br />


ava<strong>il</strong>abihy ofpal.l'. Sone oths elmenis of$e gov.dDlenl polici€s s!'h as a larse sale<br />

iN€strnenl in sat€r sdlor $dd ott 6 tne najor conttibution 10 lhe succes of.Sncultue<br />

(D Pnc€ 3uppotr |or dtput and sub3ldlo3 on inputs<br />

Dui.g l96os shiff in policy towdds agricllurc look pl.ce in fie fom ofinlroduclion ol ns<br />

lechnolog*. Cov.mmenl i rodnced Polici6 to exp&d crafi rac<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>i's Subsidies were<br />

g<strong>il</strong>en on new inputs to populdize tlrem Cov€nme.l i.troduced efec(ivc pnce suppon<br />

s,sl€n for najor dops likc wh€al. conon, ric. bd suSar cde to back up ih' procurdent ll<br />

bolghl gHt chan8. in aericullual Producrions. In lh€ dsade of 1960s govemnenr<br />

introdu€d lhe impon licme stst m for inpon cooibl Expon subsidi6 and mnltiple<br />

exchage 6re srtnt wre folloved ro dcourlsc i.dustrialianion dd lhc expon ol<br />

mdufDrued good6.<br />

Tne stdms ofsuPpon and subsidnspolicies ofagri'rlrnre wft initiatd in 1958 dd<br />

rheir list dd rat€ struclute w$ expdded considereblv during lhe sixlies Towords lh€ end of<br />

lhe sirti6, it eas note

indesed bt 2s peeeni. Colletioh of the land releo!€ fell in rhejurisdhtions ofpmlrioal<br />

govement dd coll@tion of weaxh td on landed prcp€nv Nas lhc dulv of ceniral<br />

gov€ment Bcsidcs di@l ldes like lfd denue aSlcultural incom' tax and saler<br />

char86, indnecl ard hiddc. l!x* in fte fotr oa cusrom duli6 excac

wMa Nr6e'ics w@ Gtlblished !t MimAli (NwA) CtiFat and prng Mthala (lvallkdd<br />

Agency). Sle?s rere |a&en ior foreslalion and conscryadon i. Fronliet Reeions During 1960<br />

upled coton ws intodnced in D I.Khd division an€r contl€lion of suryev of th' KutrM<br />

Carhi prcjecl &e in Bmu ditlricl &d p6or CRAC €omFMd dea i' D l Khan d$ncl As<br />

lhe a@ wdc aoud nosl suibblc for @non cultivarion s Coton R*mb Slalion sd<br />

cslablnbed in D.l.Khe lo €vollc ltiClr vielding carlv naturins sood<br />

dd coron poduc<strong>il</strong>g kchnoloBY"<br />

In tne lghl of the domm€nd*ions of Foo

In 1963.61, tlt. RwP .rn.rSed .s. tulttl.dlpd dcv'lopmc dron br Povision or<br />

s..ial, cd@ation l, haltb dd rSticultul wic6 tl rh' !d'l lcv'l ll wG a lo'nl<br />

gov.mot l ed l@at poSrd fo. si.l dd cotunic pog6t B6id's si'l a'd<br />

@nooic upl<strong>il</strong>l or rud P@pL, dE bdic objetive.of lh' posrd al$ includcd<br />

Gnploynol povision |o sutPlu agli.ulttbt l.bor rnd ;nndcmc of lod 4d lahor<br />

Doderiviry in lh. agricultuhl Gtorq<br />

Th. ptu8m ws in<strong>il</strong>ialtv liMccd b, $c Un<strong>il</strong>cd Slal' Public Llw 480 (PL_480)<br />

shict ws l.uFh.d in Pd{istd in 19603 lo o m.lhc prcduclion ofvadous 'sricultudl<br />

connodnie. Ancr mid 1966 rh. leal @unc<strong>il</strong>s dd @mmrniti6 sbncd lo @nmbnr'<br />

low.i& linding of th. Poam 4 rcrc ofthc sh'h' ws apPrevcd dl* a mininuF of<br />

It pctdt of th. tot l.xFnditu6 of$.r Presm g4 d; cdbv l(al@nnuniiidin thc<br />

fom oa lnd. l.!or or cdh MN tbd two hlndFd poj@16 vcrc comPldcd t<strong>il</strong>l 1980 Tn€<br />

ehcnB unlq r.rd cont in.d, cosuwlio of od' bdd86. n@d @ ol trd snall<br />

idigrtion 6!rdr, mll dus, lish poundx wtcdn ry cdtdn t!b' w'lls, poulltv fms'<br />

@mg. industtid cdlctst .gricutlml wotlclbP6, e<strong>il</strong> ciimdation sdc' comDu'lv-s<br />

bl<strong>il</strong>dings, dispcnsics, $h@l!, str!.t p.lcndl dd dFinagc sh4€s clcq'<br />

Dunng s@nd (1960{5) ed rhid (1965'?0) fiv. vd pld p€nod. our of250 m<strong>il</strong>lions and<br />

430 h<strong>il</strong>lioB rDejficd for Wd Pakis!.!, 36.6 n<strong>il</strong>lioB dd 51 8 n<strong>il</strong>liont wd. all@alcd lo<br />

NWFP cspelivcly, Oul .a ehich 3l m<strong>il</strong>lion w@ ur<strong>il</strong>iz.d dlring lh' s@nd dd 3t 2<br />

n<strong>il</strong>tim dudng thc 6itd fiv. yd pls pqiod- nF popl. @nltibuliotu ecrc Rs 3 5 m'llion ot<br />

t,l Dqtd of th. brAl m@cy +dt on lhc pogrMr@<br />

Thc Ll''on.tion @iv.d fst pridity in thc RWP in NWFP tt Ecivcd Rs 19 m<strong>il</strong>lion or<br />

2t F@nt of totat oul l.y md 1934 *hcmd s@ onPlcLd dding 1963'10 S@nd<br />

priority s$ Sivo !o iFSlrion i. oainsl.lhtio oltubc wclls, uf@ w'lb ad 5mall dut<br />

A sun of Rs.l4.9 n<strong>il</strong>liot ituucd .trd 3 ?14 diffcmr *hcn6 wcc @nPld'd Rs 126<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lioG eGrc sDdt on h.dth &d sitation stor dd 3 4ll $h€nct w'rc compl€lcd ln<br />

.dMrio. t4ror 1,430 poj6t! w.c 6nplct.d d rh. @sl ofl& 12 2 n<strong>il</strong>lion'o'<br />

Moc $$ 5OO eh@6 *4 conPl.r.tl .t ftc cd ot Rs6 9 m<strong>il</strong>lior in th' s@El<br />

sctfe wic6 comp.itinA @Blruclion ol qohmun<strong>il</strong>v bu<strong>il</strong>din8s dd lo* cosl hoc6 ln<br />

industirl slot 6? $ho6 *.a.ompl.l.d 6 th. cct ol0 5 n<strong>il</strong>lioo ln agncuhurl salor<br />

239 diff.6r *hcm6 w.t @mplcr.d on th. dFE of I ? n<strong>il</strong>li@ro':<br />


(lii) Agriculturs crodlt<br />

The ADFC dd ASnculural Bdk w.re her8.d ioto AgncultuBl Dcvelopmenl Banl of<br />

Palista. in 1961.. h providet all ttls ofhelp lo lh€ aencnhuisls During *cond 6ve vee<br />

pl& pqio

PAssco dislribuie.i FYVS, Fert<strong>il</strong>iaF dl P'llicidcs in Punjab and ADA ib NWFP 4d<br />

WAIDA plus Cd,l Depattm€nl dped.d idig.tion '.c<strong>il</strong>ii!'s<br />

(i) Land r€toms .nd Efonn! In land t nure 3y.|o|n<br />

wll6 prcpnebry righls wet b.slo{cd on occlp$cv tcnl<strong>il</strong>s und€t lc'arcv Acl of 1950 on<br />

4ou1 of tbeir renmcy for a PolonS.n Period olhlr clascs or renants who *de nor<br />

colded u.d€r rhis nd law' feh verv unlappv and continue lo oounsh $e hope ior sim<strong>il</strong>d<br />

benelll. Tnal is why $e ledlord tenanfs olalio.s rcmain'd tetue tit€r on tn€ dae of the<br />

Sehad Khm Com<strong>il</strong>tee ws changed to $; MPdoor Kiso Partv in 1968 The wo<br />

Medoor ws appended to tbe f,de of lh. Panv in oldcr to altracl lh' labor cla$ The small<br />

p6sl-9 ed acicultual laboies in $. plovinc. clainad thcir nghl on the ldd undq rh€'r<br />

po$esio.. On th€ sid€ lmd undr t€ndrs w.s clain'd bv tne hdoMqs ot the nost<br />

ptospmus a'm6. Ttus they w* lble to *ag. Lirlt suslain€d ed succdstul De6dls<br />

sruegle asaiGi d€ bis lmdlods in HGhtnaSs, Swai Dn Mddan, Anb (Hum)'0r dd<br />

olhaa6 dunnS l96os. Th. p@19t9ldd rclom lddowncGhip 9!ftm in NWFP wd<br />

T.bL 5.6<br />

Tt. Drcl959 lrd osr€nhiP D.n.ru || Nodh w6r fre ld P'ori"e "d Prllson<br />

t266ll7<br />

227<br />

154J8118 106)9 217425<br />

t0616103<br />

1215.9:<br />

4602)<br />

reet), D.35 rDd Mihrmnrd Ahnrd Khtr L4rd.rd tun'nq tutoti t^ NT P (iDs AtiP res0) pr6<br />

h is €videnl from lh€ abov. table,677 pdsons po$6sed avsage noking of l44l<br />

&6 per hea{t, vhi.h w6 aboul 29 limcs ih. tizc of ecoooqic holding Again as nev 6 7<br />

,o.?ls p€Mtu pos6s.d 3 25 er6 ptr had which ws linlc moE thd one quad of the<br />


Abor 90 pdml ofth. pFvalenl fm 3i2. was l6s ths 12 &res in NWFP Oll of a<br />

rolal of 20 m<strong>il</strong>lion ee cllrivaled dea in Palistd, 2 l o<strong>il</strong>tion ffi w6 cotroldaled l<strong>il</strong>l<br />

1959. tn NWFP lhc pogr€s ws much wote, whcc onlv nne hudred thousd lcEs arca<br />

ou of anoul 3 n<strong>il</strong>lio. e6 cuhivaled area wd co.$lidaLd l<strong>il</strong>l rhc sane dme'(<br />

Pnor io lad refom or 1959, ld

lw.l. Th. suotD.it ws h.dc to 24,31r €nsts thll Bullcd in uFsndalion of4 2 pftot<br />

oab.low subsirlqc. holdings to !ub5itl4c.l4cl. Momvd l0l,l70 4a scG allotlcd to<br />

.lisbl. p.eN on p.Fdlrr.<br />

{ll) |rng|don d€v.lopn.nt<br />

War.r ws th. t.y vdiablc li.t dhblish.d lhc sPG.d of gEn Mlufion t6hnologv Othq<br />

vdiabl6 sh 6 !.cd! .nd f.ri<strong>il</strong>ia w@ dcpddcnl on lhc lin.lv rla<strong>il</strong>.b<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>v ol w.tci Th.<br />

incl.e in lh. rva<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>ity of watd Girhcr lhduei cdd or bv iub. w.lls w6 lhouSl lo bc<br />

€posiblc for hAlf of thc lolrl in.lls in olqulr' ,4 sludv conduclcd bv F.l@n t|d<br />

Gol! h iound lhct ofth. mualcDp Srowth d. of4 9 p.tdl during l9a,0s in Paldste. 2 ?<br />

p@fi w6 ro b..tEiburcd lo iEiSdim, 1.0 P4al lo.fdl<strong>il</strong>ia.rd lhc GmininS l-2<br />

pd6r |o orh6 fetoB'rt,<br />

Dudig 3@nd ( 1960{5) .nd thi'd ( l96t_?0) fivc veB pls Pdiod 24 P.E.nt<br />

or thc<br />

bral dd.lopnht our lay ws dlotr.d ro .Sricullw 3d watq @rou ltrigion and<br />

ele.rion l&<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>i6 wcF previd.d lo 2.05 Dd 6.5.m<strong>il</strong>lions ac6 l.rd during s@nd fiv.<br />

y.s plo Fnod. Duin8 rhird fiv.-y.d pls Pcnod 2 7 n<strong>il</strong>lion 4rcs land ss wJlf.d lnd<br />

irisrrion f&i|ni6 to 12.65 m<strong>il</strong>li@ &e lrd wrc impdv.dlt.<br />

In Pakisr& Cs.l wlra suppli6 iftrcls.d too 50 m<strong>il</strong>lion &rs fd in 1960 lo 5489<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lior ec fd in l9?Orrr. Allhoud lte volmc of wal* h$ ircc.ed npidlx cxp&sion<br />

in lh. cd.l ir<strong>il</strong>rt.d .g hs nol bd e. Thc ceal irigal.d @ ircd!.d fon 2l m<strong>il</strong>lion<br />

&c in | 955 ro 26 h<strong>il</strong>lion &6 in | 960 fallins ro 23 43 mi<strong>il</strong>ion &d in | 970rrr.<br />

Th. oublic wo*. deo.rmcnt NWFP .le shncd @Nlruc$on work o! multi Purposc<br />

Dojers 6d cmplclcd fou n.ll dds: $e waE t Dm in lhc Kabulcl<strong>il</strong>at'Swr Bain,<br />

Kutu Galhi &d Tedc in thc Kund-Kohrl-Oohal BGin rnd Khanput Om h H@rt<br />

dunns thc fiut lwo d*ad*.<br />

h) rhe proi.ct3 clol€d oot In K.bul.Ghlt d$!t B.tln W.r!!t Orn Prol€ct<br />

W.E I Dm vd b.ing bu<strong>il</strong>t undd lhc sup.rbion ofcdtdid ogin 6 undd aGpi@s oa<br />

Colonbo pls at th. point wh6 rhc Kabul Rivd dcbauch€s in|o lh. P*hawd pl.in Tnc<br />

*hhc conn.nc.d in 1949 s<strong>il</strong>h brll ddhal.d @tl oa 26t m<strong>il</strong>tionrr' Two cdals onc on<br />

lhc 1.fl .rd thc orhd ot tn risl<strong>il</strong> v3 @ntttuclcd ln 8ldition ro 4 .rcmous povcr<br />

prcdmlion, ir bouSl urdq culriv.dd norc lh.n I, o0,00O.eB of ben lddh

F4ib<strong>il</strong>ity Epon of eotbq nole sorlhv projccl ples@led in lhis b6in w6 Pehur Canal<br />

A@oding to tte prcjed cdal qs io b. tal.n out River lndus a( P€hur The work on<br />

'ron<br />

ihe poj4l vs sade

of Huara, wtich *as the natiYe town of $e prside Alab Ktm The oiher diskicls lihe<br />

Abbouabad, Msehr4 BataSIUn dd Shanglap( v're neglecred<br />

To snm up, thre exisled d elmdl of ln'qual di{nbudon of valer resoures on<br />

pDvi.cial 6 v€lt s rceomt l4el WAPDA i'cud'd jusi 84 Pdce ol 'ls bul<br />

dd.lopodl ou lav fq ih. hde6l oa Noni wd Frcnlis Prevince in lbe etts sebt<br />

during l95o-tor:'. Cear wdq di$halac mint incd nsi!8 bdd during 1947 dd 1962 *h'le<br />

delincd dun g l9?2 in NWFP bui in csc ot Punjlb cdd walq w<strong>il</strong>hdnval nainhined<br />

nsiig imd lhmugh out excelt l9?2 wh@ lirll. shon fall occurrcd<br />

Tabta 5.?<br />

C.n!l wator wlthdwal bv NWFP and Puni.b in Mllllon &16 F*t<br />

1958<br />

196.2<br />

l9f2<br />

4.05<br />

4.12<br />

Ll6<br />

3648<br />

Thc Lble sbos thal lhe cdrl valer supPlv in the pbvince os to 4 72 n<strong>il</strong>lion acres fed in<br />

1962 bul fell o 3.16MAI in 1972 dle to low llow olwd€r i' R<strong>il</strong>q Kabul ul<strong>il</strong>e incseof<br />

Punjab coal waler supply iai€d fton 36 48 d<strong>il</strong>lion &rcs feel in 194? to 4? 46 in I962 with<br />

littlc lhon lallof4MAI in 1972<br />

tul'';6Gd E--;turj,J'di.d: Niidrr DoL rdndrdo4re6r<br />

A number of inponMl incdtives were Povidcd io th' fmds foi inslallaton of Pnlate tube<br />

w€lls in l96os. FiBlly, ldge volun6 of lods on csv lms wse nad€ ava<strong>il</strong>ahle for lhc<br />

purchG. of tube wells dd sondlv d!€ lo inpon liberalizarion policv <strong>il</strong> becme esrcr lor<br />

rhc l@6 ro inFI1 naldi.ls for tuhe wells idau'rion lt reuhed in lh€ rapid expansion<br />

of pnvlrc |ub€ wells parti€uldlv in lhc lndus Basin eSro$ The ava<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>itv of wals iion<br />

tub. w.ll blme oajor $me of inierrion. The av'6se mul t8urc of lub' wclr<br />

ins!.ll,tion iel6ed i6n 330 in l95os lo 80OO ih l96oJ'3 t' Putrjlb SCARPI SCARPII'<br />

SCARPIII md scaRPIv prcg@s *crc initi'tcd dd 6,844 tube welh q@ sunk undd<br />

$.se pogrms lhal €overed 4 49 n<strong>il</strong>lion rcrcs @nn{d @r:' Tbe aveng' number of ube<br />

wclls in opcration in the coudry reached 23,773 duling 1%3-65 1n Pdjab rcsioi tloie lhe

figl|rc durins rhis Friod ss 22J4s dd in NlrvF Region ontv 303 nDe *'lls vca muauv<br />

id oFnrion in l96r-65rD Duri4 1960-70, $pPli€ of pqlic nrb€ wdk w'r€r incdlcd hv<br />

291percenl in Patisff The wa<strong>il</strong>abihv ofv.Lr fred privab rnbe wells suddmlv incEased<br />

lion O,8O MAF in 1959_60lo 12,05 MA! in 1969'?0 rr'<br />

Numb.r ot tub. r.ll. In opsration |n P.kl.ltn .n.l provincF or PlnJ'b 'nd NWFP<br />

To.d {Dt . of !!be r.l Tottl rrdb.. ol tlbe r.[<br />

23,t3 (l0o)<br />

r0r (r.27)<br />

446 (t.t2)<br />

59,12r (100) 51,797 (00.63) 77r (r l0)<br />

1969 63,167 (r00) 62,034 (90.35)<br />

I.r63 (l4l)<br />

M'iroo.d-rtf'rr M'r'--d /vh'.r.f@/.,r'.t"r' .t Lvd.n dtutuz 4 tiEM dn<br />

.&46 o'Luh.d. PIDti l..rl l'.s!.<br />

It k .viddr lon rh. t ble lhat lujab pos6.d alDur 90 Percmt loral rubc wclls of lh€<br />

Patkrar wh<strong>il</strong>e shde ofN\4aFP vs only I 3 P.rc.nl in (he rotal fube well of thc counuv<br />

Th. idigat€d a@lhlt 'i6 13 8 n<strong>il</strong>lion &G in 1948 i. Pujah os' lo 166 miuion<br />

eres in 1960 od 21 n<strong>il</strong>lion &6 in 1970. In Norlh W6t rb iet Region $. iFgaled land<br />

w6 LO4 m<strong>il</strong>lion d.t6 in 1948, which increed lo 120 n<strong>il</strong>ion &rB ih 1960 and 160<br />

n<strong>il</strong>lion !cr.s in l9?0. The uequ.l devclopncnl io irisaiion in ?ujtb ed NWF tcsion<br />

cult d indificcnc€ in Ps capira ircrce of cultiv.Ld ad imgelcd &q8' drl {d tn€<br />

bsi. caw of lh. d<strong>il</strong>rd*e it lnc dlsl of d.v.lopn nl of 4ncultE obsd d in holh<br />

tn* agioN dunnS 196G70<br />


T.bL t9<br />

Cuhndbd r.d lrrle.t .l ..s. In Pu4rb |nd l{WFPt drdia (1L&19?0)<br />

ood x|u xi- u..'t ',{'r../.'/a-n' s@ n,.rid r'd std Me!_<br />

uGDf. rrd A'b.b rf.'rtu tn /tr.did s'dd6.l Nt'F' tl|tt'7o,<br />

Th. r.blc t-9 indicdG tnll in Punjsb cultiv.r.d @ incc$Gd fiom 22 n<strong>il</strong>tio! eG ir 19':r8<br />

b 2l n<strong>il</strong>liotr sc itr 1960 lnd 27 tn<strong>il</strong>lid .4Es in 1970. 14 Nonh W'sl Fretli4 R'8iotr $€<br />

culdhr.d l.rd .nle.d fron 2 92 n<strong>il</strong>li@ xG ir 1948 ro 3 t3 m<strong>il</strong>lion ac in 1960 ctul<br />

4.20m<strong>il</strong>lion eBin 1970<br />

{lll} U.3 ol Chemlc|l F.tdlE rs<br />

Ue of f.rl<strong>il</strong>i6 E <strong>il</strong>cd s iDP.tus wirh th. iidwtion of hiSh i'ld s'& &d fdl<strong>il</strong>i4F<br />

!6?otui!c vei.li* ofwher.nd dcc in mid 19605,lo8dli4 *ith th' irca!5td cv'<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>v<br />

of irie.tion w!rd. lnrodrclioi of $bidi.s on |.n<strong>il</strong>i4B t'd cxpDsion ol itrslnu on'l<br />


TABLE5.I|)<br />

Con.umptlon ol i.nllE r. lnl.molPb nuhont In NWFPdlrlng 1053'70<br />

renlllu.r o$un.d (Tod Fe.lllrtlr comuD.d (ToB)<br />

195.2-tl 106 196t62 7,691<br />

1953-54 1962.63<br />

. 12,210<br />

195+55 2,756 1963-64 3,92O<br />

1955.56 952 1964.65 2,328<br />

1956-57 655 1965{6<br />

1957-58 4,216 10,066<br />

1958-59 l,l3! 1967-68<br />

t959iO 3457 1968.69 21.551<br />

t960'6l 6,t96 t969-70 lt,8l0<br />

-*<br />

N,,"Ir,r.- Mh 4,r."rs,.r E-*r qrMvF '"d D**r. st*tudq't.t.t\YF,<br />

Th. r.blc show5 08tu [on in qtdftv ot f.n<strong>il</strong>i26 u.d Mdihun fdl<strong>il</strong>id ed u5'd 'n<br />

195] -54 D tb. dc.dc of 1950! Thc @ of fc<strong>il</strong>'a ha @c'daablv rnc@cd lion h lgb<br />

toB in 1960 to ll,E30 bn6 ir 1969.<br />

(iv) Hlgh Yield v.rl€0.! s.€d.<br />

S€€d is the bsic, vital aid cenlnl inpu in .8n.utluE It is ih. tim.lv ava<strong>il</strong>tb<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>v of qu'l<strong>il</strong>v<br />

s.cd of th. right vdi.ry in .d.q!al. qudt<strong>il</strong>i6 lh.l d€iA. $e holih od sircngth of a<br />

acricultudl 4onomy. Th. hish icldinS whqt dd @d vdicli4 qsc inidatlv &velop€d i!<br />

Mqio in lhc l95os. Nq hio iclding re.ti6 of *h@i' m'ia and 'ice dcvcloP€d al<br />

CIMMYT in Mqi.o ad IRRI in ih. Pt<strong>il</strong>ippin6 Esteliv'lv w@ mtd' ava<strong>il</strong>$le in<br />

Pakisbn in lh.softl halfof196&r! Th. hiSh rauh ss@isLd with lhe usco'$6e te'ds<br />

Icd to thcir dpid d<strong>il</strong>tusion mong fmd in dmv couiiri$ in'ludinS Ptkisid' Sc€d is<br />

rclalively lov @ti <strong>il</strong>pur but hs th. Poidtial !o incF.e vicld on 6 bv 20 p'o'nl<br />

'vctlge<br />

ovq the lraditiontl se

Ttble 5.,! 1<br />

Th€ .wr.g. ann(.| quanllty ot<br />

1951-55 I1,401 )61<br />

of who.t, mal4 .nd gr.m used |n<br />

1955-60<br />

6,141<br />

196G65 48,8t6 I A55 ll,l92<br />

r965-70<br />

5,800<br />

Cr.m(Mru!dn<br />

P.edit. (1917-7/i,. ?!6n 'dqr1!nb.r'l 11 r-Dl. Atd'ul'urd u'k"fiv P6hr'rr<br />

Tnc lablc shovs th $ere wf conftuous ince$e '! lhe qudl<strong>il</strong>v orinprolcd seed or whcal<br />

used lt rcached 73,512 naunds du.i.B l96s-?O Thre qas falorable ris€ in tbe use ol<br />

impovcd s€d oi hajze dd G&h€d 5,800 dauds during 1965-T0 wide fluctuation<br />

@udcd i. the w oa inprcved sc.d of sM tG dount in"6ed lo I I '192 naDds dunng<br />

196G65 ed fell to 6,266 Eamds during 1965_70<br />

(v) cuEtivo and Prcventiw m.aEure6<br />

Insk, lcrlebElc p6t5' vetts ed olhcr ds&s duing pr' ard posl hd6t ph'g causd<br />

heavy 10$6 ofup to 20 pd€nl ot nore depddih8 upon lhc crop se6on p'sl i'f€sltt'on<br />

Md dis4e incidenc€rrJ To prcvcnl such losq bolh c@iie as well4 prevenlive nedurcs<br />

wd b.ing sdq Lk6- Curariv. m@B @nsist€d of Sroud od rcnal sPa'ing asarnsr<br />

pd. 4d tudenl atiacks P@enlive nmur6 'onsisled of tdm€nl of s'cds tsainst s'e

1960<br />

TrbL 5.t2<br />

Ar.a cow..d by pl..t Prot ctlon oP.rutlon. h t{ ,FP durlno ls6o'70<br />

cunrv. d.rur.. 0o rcr6)<br />

t96l l,l9,El I 557<br />

t962 95,490 195<br />

1963 1,65,574 1tx<br />

t964 t,76,t26 ?33<br />

t965 t,4t,t20 I,158<br />

1966<br />

t967<br />

1,68,2?6<br />

51,460<br />

1963 1,20,761<br />

-r.*rm.w*<br />

t22<br />

t62<br />

t969 2,2t,161 u6<br />

on t*lis*o<br />

T1€ lal,lc indicrl€s lhlt the ffi @vccd bv plmt prcl*tion m4E duing 196G70<br />

flutuared. Muinm ag ws cov€tld bv c@tiv. m6!s dwing 1967 whd greund od<br />

dial rpBy ws done on 3, 68, 2?8 &c Sid<strong>il</strong>4lv pdcndv. ne6u.6 w€E al pok dunng<br />

1965 {hn I , | 65 to6 of 5!.d $M ws tBl.d wiih chmi@|3 rSainst sed bomc dis€s'<br />

T6td cont ibuti@ b.d imPonanl @n*qu.ncd on .Sticulurc dNng the destlc of 1960s<br />

Its inpons !* o@!dg.d by lh. povition of ch.t9 crcdn thrcugh Agri'ultuar<br />

Dev.loDncnl Bar* of Ptkbt4. In 1959, $.4 w@ 2,000 t.eroF in the @untry' shich<br />

inc@ed by ovd 8,000 pddr to I E,909 in l96Errr. Thte divisions ol Mulre Lohorc &d<br />

Baha*altlr poss6*d 58 pd.nt of th. iolal t&loB of ttt @u ry're ln N\\FP $c lolal<br />

nhber olltaclo6 bo$ owncd by 8ovhndi s wcll s Pnval' poPlc t*hed l 0l9 o! 5 4<br />

peeenr of rord trd6 in wcsi P.kittd in l97or{.<br />

/r AgdcultuEl out Put<br />

iFa-,]dto',.tE.M!ol\I$2'ttc6'^r,j.u*urlvdirvt6r't!nItr0\<br />

Ix€ Dhdomml incMc in aSrrcult!61 !rcwt! toot Pl&c in lwo phaes' h tbe lisi PbGe<br />

iom 1960 lo 1965. thc m.i. ca!s. oi th. Srovlh dlrin8 lhis plriod w6 due lo lnc inctase 'n<br />

iEiSrdon f.c <strong>il</strong>itics, m ainly tub. w.l ls Thc avdage .nnual gFwth r'(' o I t$c ullu'al oll pul<br />


@hert ro 4.5 Frcenr dunng the penod 1960'65 agairsl l 3 p€rcal during l950srl tn the<br />

sond pne, dlring 1965-70, aencul$rc show.d inPlsive grc*lh ehd thc 'xPrded<br />

irigaion f&<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>i6 wete suppldmte

soq on 89 lhoused acB lnoually and <strong>il</strong>s lv€iago prodnclion wds 90 thou@d tons p€r<br />

mum. NWFP prcduccd aboul 65 pd.nt of th. total iobeo of west Palbler4r'<br />

Susddq $€ sffind major c6h cop of lh. prcvinc., wa culiival.d on 206 thosdd ..r€s<br />

muauy dd l2OO lhosdd ton.sugee. w6 prcduc.d enually NWFP produced 15<br />

p@mr of lhc toial slgee. of wcal P.Lisrd.<br />

Polato ed ch<strong>il</strong>ica w@ ol]|d c.sh cops of lh. plovi..€, tbc fomq w4 em on len<br />

tlbGdd &B pd mM ard its svhg. du.l prcduclior w6 41 ll)ow.!!d ioE, whjlc lhe<br />

l.nd w6 sM on 6 ltblsd &G mully ptlducing atdag.ly 5 thousd lon mullyra'.<br />

The pditc. of NWFP regte,.d noc dPidly lhd olnd prcvi.ces in nlal<br />

Flducrio.. Thc prcvincc ws impond fruir gowinS aM. Th. @ud .vm8p Drcduction of<br />

6'uft ws 160 lhouend tons v.luiiS 52.t n<strong>il</strong>lion. 'nE av@8. mul prcdmlion of Plus,<br />

p4, pech6 and .itrs fruic ;s 64.? thous! to$" 22.t thossd lons 3.? thou..nd loB<br />

and 33.5 rhou$rd lds e?driv.ly. This Egion pbdw.d ?6 Frcdl of th€ plws. 96<br />

FE tft of thc pr6, 46 pddt of th. p@h6 nld 100 p@ml of lh€ c<strong>il</strong>tus ftuits of W6t<br />

T.Dl.3.l3<br />

rn. rr.ng. Nrd Eat.'.v.r.g. !!.rl !reftcdo! ..d yt ld p.r tm of mlor aod .rd<br />

sh crop. b NwTt d.d41960{5 ud t96& ,<br />

Arrlrl rv.r{. dlrtla l9a0a5 a!r!.| .@t d.nng |t6&70<br />

llt6 8,92 6.69 I4EE 9_1J<br />

572 6,95 12.14 151 t2.21<br />

t69 65.64 188.18 202 88.56 418.,14<br />

Lt6 27.50 82 2.12 28.24<br />

240 t.322 5.ll 0.795 1.49<br />

19 0.4t2 5.22 71 0.t97 5.59<br />

33 5.21 78 0.369 4.73<br />

.nd S.lldfn ,ln MrnL .rdrlt ot Mttt.t tdan<br />

Alrl.ul.ud Unl*nltP.|hr n l9r9)<br />


Th. table shows the av@8e mual dea undd cult<strong>il</strong>ation ol wh@t, maiz€ sugd cde and<br />

robacco in(esed wh<strong>il</strong>e &r€aee mdd gm, iowd &d bajF decrwd Aeain per scre v'cld<br />

3hows i@lte in cse of naize, t!g4 cr., robd@ dd jow& wniE de'Fed in c& of<br />

whea! Srm md bajn.<br />

In aetcDltuElly nosr dev€lopcd prctincc of Palislan P$jab inclqe in p€r acrc<br />

yi.td or major fmd ad cdh cmPs l<strong>il</strong>e whclt haizc, jowa ($rshm) bajla dd su8lEec<br />

N6 I 1 .6, O 2?, 0.10, 0.25 ed O 18 pcrcenl rcsp.civelv Wh<strong>il</strong>e derse in pe acle vield ol<br />

some crcps like rice g6nddcoftonvs0 73,3.7.nd I I p€rcentresp4tvelvr5r' In cde of<br />

NWFP as we see fton 1ne abole tabls per acr. vield shows o incre& of I 0?' 12 89' 2 ?<br />

ed ? perc€nl in cse of maize, suSdcane. tobeco and jo*& Gorghun) rcspedNelv aid<br />

ddrc.se of2.o, 1.7. ed 1025 p€rcent @cudcd in cs. of wh€at' gran od baja (bdkv)<br />

{lD LlvEs sTocK<br />

Liv6 srocks contribule about 30 pcrc€nl |o CDP ol agric$ue l l percenl to rtE nalonar<br />

CDP ed 23 pdcol to all €xports in Paki3r.nltr. 86id6 b'i'g & inPoidt eKe of n<strong>il</strong>k<br />

.nd m€|, it provide{t drousht pover for vdios agricullMl opmlion nght from the land<br />

pE?sition b thc distostl oflh€ podu.. in thc mdkcl Tne lJwF Egion is €rncd bv iaruc<br />

*'ih clinate &d dvircMot b6t sunins ro r.ding of live slck lt Poss6sed sone of the<br />

r4oglized breeds of live sl@t in Patnsn such 6 t hoi bred of Kohat Achai hteed oi<br />

m<strong>il</strong>tch caltle in Djr, Swat ad Ch<strong>il</strong>nl. F.t l.<strong>il</strong>cd breeds ofHshtiasri dd Michni shep vere<br />

w.U rnown for then nunon, fat dd carpel wool Thin la<strong>il</strong>ed Ddmi sheep were looNn for<br />

iis m<strong>il</strong>i dd Kadmi she@ aor <strong>il</strong>s fi.e *ool.<br />

The live stock popularion oftheotit€ prcvinoe consisted ol7 2 m<strong>il</strong>lion larse animah<br />

(ca le, Bulfales, Goals md shep) b6id€s 3 85 m<strong>il</strong>lion ponlllv bfds h l96osr51 ln 1972<br />

lho nunb€r of lag€ djnals mse lo 9.95 m<strong>il</strong>lion dd ol poultry birds F&h€d 4 93 n<strong>il</strong>lionrir<br />

Thus dlring 1960_72, m incrcNc 38 2 pdc.nl in cse of ldge dinals ed 33 2 terc€nl in<br />

.e of poultry birds t@k plm€ itr NWFP. Thc livesto.k Populttion in PMjab conist'd of<br />

24.15 m<strong>il</strong>lio. larse 4inars 4d 6 44 n<strong>il</strong>lion poulrv bir& id 1960 h i'c6ed ro 27'36 in<br />

c& of large simals &d 8 69 m<strong>il</strong>lion in csc of poullrv birds in 1972r$ ln Punjab a ri$ ol<br />

14.4 in cse ofldge eiruls d<strong>il</strong> 34 9 pdcot in cGc ol poultrv birds @cmed dunng 1960_<br />

?2. Thc tolal pmducdon ofwool in the NWF Egion w4 3 5 n<strong>il</strong>liom pound md d_o$er<br />


niuion pound of wool wd imponed fom AfghdisralrJ' tn lhe abseme ofev wool<br />

spiming or lql<strong>il</strong>e n<strong>il</strong>l in tnc Povincc, l6s lh& ooc lcnlh 6lthe ava<strong>il</strong>ablc N s@l qas<br />

cosuned locatly in th€ frdnfetu€ of bl4k.1, nma& (rult dd ordin{v caipels<br />

(iiD FORESTRY<br />

Al the time of indep@dence tlre prin{y for.drv tcsc.rch dd liaining cot€r at Dm Dhun<br />

wenl lo lhe hdid govmenl Patbtar had lo nan fom a scratch md €stabhh Fotesl<br />

College al Psha*d, {bich waF late! on upgladed to the strtus ol laksld Foresl Insll$le<br />

For€st spread ov€r 2.9 perdt olfie total alea of P.kislon in 194? thal ha increased lo 5 l<br />

percdt in 1932 53. Tte aE under aoresl in lhe NWF rcSion exPedcd lrom 2734 squde<br />

n<strong>il</strong>es io 1947lo 362.2 squde n<strong>il</strong>€s in lgS2rJj FoGc cov€red 133 m<strong>il</strong>lion hetd€ or ll<br />

peicdl of $e lolal dea of NWIP in 1968 The prcvince hs lar8€sl pioponion of dea under<br />

l66t in Pakisld About 39 percdt of tb. nalional hdteaS. unde! loEst *6 in NwF<br />

E8ion fld conriibuled 53.? p€tcot oa$. total r.voue aalne codtry Beived frcfr lhe<br />

for6lsro. Main forBts of the r€gion rc Chi-pinc aocs$ tut arc clbsifi€d into {a) .saed<br />

lo6ts of EdipG, Lw€r Kaghan dd Si6. (b) Gllz.E foci of H&ipu.' Situ, GiddarpD.<br />

bwq r.ashd aid Galis. IE mul yi.ld fom Chir-pinc lo6ls vd I 62 n<strong>il</strong>lio$ cubic<br />

fer Moisl ed dry |enprale aodls thd e cls<strong>il</strong>icd !tl!o (a) rsded fo6rs or Kaghd,<br />

Calis md upps Sid {b) Guz.ru aocsl of Galis, Uppcr (agle hwer KaBIe dd sian<br />

Atrual yield ftom rhe* loBts Ns 0.9 n<strong>il</strong>lion cubic lcct D@dd, Blue Pine md Chirfire<br />

foresrs lodt€d in Pojkora vau€y Pn), Kohi6t4, Kalm (s*al). Bu.er, chital dd Upper<br />

TMval pio.inced 4.2 m<strong>il</strong>lion cubic fecl m.lallyid<br />

5.5 Gro€n revolution In NWFP & comPared to oihor prcvince5 or west<br />

With lhe coning of sreed rdlolution rne inconc distibulion 6p@t bame ci<strong>il</strong>ical dd 1here<br />

w6 a dded for enphsis on bett r regional and social balece in lhe dev€lopnenl<br />

pmc€s16':. Aencnllml gro*th ih Wesl Pat<strong>il</strong>ld duri!8 decad€ of 1960?0 has been<br />

inpresive. The aericunre *ctot Srew ar 1.8 percefl per unun in NwF reg'on ln<br />

Pakisle,tbe oe€r all srcsd in lhe production of majbr coFs {as 4 7 p€rot p€r mufr &d<br />

aor lhe ninor cops <strong>il</strong> ws 4.s p.N€nl per aonumi d<br />

The ercxtn vG $d€n mons rhe provi.ccs The Punjab plaved t leade6hip rcle in<br />

th€ .doption of n@ l@hnolo8y and NWFP lagg.d behind in thn t6p4l Beause or<br />


dif@ntial 6tes of doption of the green Elohiion l@hnologv in lhe ptuvince of PatGtan<br />

pd (R grc$d ofv&iolscrops s6 difTde rnallde fou prcvinc€s<br />

Table 5.14<br />

the lnod In .grlcuttrnl gfdth, p.ovlnd.l $.o In toLl .grl.utllnl prcducdon,<br />

965 v:r* prc.luct p.. tm srtd For lnnum .nd p.r t n lo tlB p.ouG of<br />

Punj.b and NhIFP dudng l96lt-70<br />

733<br />

522<br />

(r')<br />

112<br />

6.1 l9l 10.9<br />

soure: xuhmfrd ^" Id,. g;!fu 6 t"d'nht '@\ i' q.a Po^ttu' Ph D D'r'. *rtrlgton<br />

th. tabl€ indicltes lhat .ll d€ vdiablB i.e. gbwtn rate lr44 gmss laluc plodncl bolh p€r<br />

l@ worta nd p€r .rop &re vm lowd for NWFP s @n|patld to Punjab dd Palista. 6<br />

The Iroslh w6 due lo &dge efi6t Oringing hore dd FoE da 6d.r culivalio.) atd<br />

treld eF{t (HYv, f.d<strong>il</strong>izss md aSricuXual nehindy). Sevdal f&lo^ have bcen<br />

!€sponsible lor the difa€rential clollh rat6 of agricullue mons $e prolihc€s Resional<br />

vdiaiion in aericullual 8ro*4l h6 d$ appar.d s . Fsult oftne watet ava<strong>il</strong>.b<strong>il</strong>itv<br />

T.bl.5.l5<br />

Th. gc. bglon.l ptodlct3 and GRP 9.r dpd. p.r .nnom h in. pdlnc or<br />

Pal|sL. durrry 106$70<br />

3,7t4 l0,l 160<br />

2l,356 14.8 6t4<br />

Sind 9,80t I l:5 854<br />

169 1.7 455<br />

?.r'a\ F*dtl*r*tt", tlt'|-'t, (lirmb.d: n'!!i.! coE !,h rclo).p-s7<br />

The talle shows tha{ NWFP lagA€d behind lll olhcr pbvircB of W$l Pakisid in boii grcss<br />


The spread of srea evolution bhnologies fron 1960s onsard!, tras on lin'ted<br />

*ale in NWIP 6 conped to Indus b6in tgion of Punjab dd Sind Th'rc wqe slons<br />

inlcrpbvincial vtiatios in ado ion of nodd .Sricuhrll inpurs in 1960 The pbvincc of<br />

NwrP bei.g a land of snall l&doMes md faneB halc ftagmenlcd drd unevenlv<br />

disfiibuled ldd':J. The imgalion lat€r comt<strong>il</strong>ut d $e mosl impondt pad of lh€ sPrqd of<br />

wholc 8rn E@lulion kcnnobsv Al ln. cnd of d@adc of l96G $e ir'a irigatcd bv<br />

csah t@hed 15 84 n<strong>il</strong>lion act€s io Pbjtb, vn<strong>il</strong>e in NWFP therc w4 onlv 1 36 nrllDn<br />

acres ceal idcaled area at the smc tinero.<br />

To sun up, $e !€al be.Ith&neb ii agriclltue cd' during thc 1960s Y h 'n<br />

inc@c in the ava<strong>il</strong>.bifty of *atcr, bolh drtlgh dal ed tub' well iniSalio' md the uF<br />

ol new subsidized eeds od fcn<strong>il</strong>izes Amons the prcvinccs, in ?unjab 78 pmenl or<br />

culrivared ma wd inisated wb<strong>il</strong>€ in NWTP 40 perce of cultiYated er was iftisaled"'''<br />

Punjab ws prc

I sri(f ahnud \r*n<br />

;l;;;J;;; ;; i."-..,. ,h. Atr;rn ui'k's ry wdi'rg'onDr' obo p60<br />

iffi <strong>il</strong>**;l ;i;'r.r*;:':s l,*r<strong>il</strong>3r*";'::'i'lll:'igJ .'<br />

".''',-."",' Sh$clld., ahssw. 1939). Ct'ri6 r, Fd ft1, t 65<br />

itrffii.1*ft<strong>il</strong> j"A,,- NOTrJ AND Rf,FERENCDS<br />

ia patu^ chd,E ar.t p,oe're$ te'17?00r' (Llhorc v'igD'dboors'<br />

p'r'b']'c47 )'r ac<br />

:''lk";'*""*.'**n.s,or$o,<br />

i6;ifi;D-;;..;--*nir-*tt'*o v?.r'"r*",t11;!:,?."..',<br />

",,.,<br />

tvqtr Ahmd d R*hd A'q.d ttu Mo'oedat o! Pa6tu z<br />

iH:l'i'*ii:'<strong>il</strong>;J,]i,i,,,,,", o. a^d sR4 - at',.d r \n rp. \'<br />

studi.s, AgriculM lniEBiv Psb!**' 1939) p 79<br />

Liiffiiii+*--*"*b'od6h,'*inw6iPicbn acudd,orh'Eorsmsdon<br />

r*r;l;*t; x**lP,B:.;)""ll5l<strong>il</strong>jn:<strong>il</strong>.;Tll,*: {.iL -.,.' ^'"*."<br />

<strong>il</strong> {l** t ru *lu:m:z;;i#l Pi"f,l':l'r#1T,":r:'i'::'' ...^ "-. ".<br />

,{-,.r.-, rr34 p<br />

". ."1 S-s" xmw oFtr P 13<br />

ii .ii,i*- r.-r',--i Fd Ndndt D'vtopwd<br />

-.o 'xst"<br />

l:'i,llib"., ,,,,,,,,.,, non, of Nd'h ,t.! Frcd., R stoh,<br />

", "."<br />

iriir,lllll,t,'.**<br />

c.mk, i xDclr. Decbs " 1 l<br />

17 A JrEr sdd4', /s4i xrhr &ltr<br />

ft't-"*" t*L*", ".*" *Nlrioer comi$ion d 'gncurtur' ress' p l<br />

tc srd ALber z:id', o?.ir, P rr<br />

<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>lHi"3''*.,'"<br />

<strong>il</strong> ;;;*<br />

""'"".d-' * b PR'R P,trpo'k ro'<br />

*"i-,.-i.a'"p*"- - t t,ir,';',q; o *"o- * a"-*usc<br />

(psbaw Board of E oiomic<br />

Bdd or E6ffi En{un}, t9?r).<br />

*.,cb"-,^M Clldtrv M $dKn& \'n ^ a HM'InH<br />

iiT ji*r 'a4". .r r.*" "r n; t DAlapn Prcsna tterltoeli tkr'mb'd LG4r Lov'mn'1.<br />

,nd Rurl D.alortrnt {ing, lc30) p12<br />

;ffi;;, i,i;; A;-r* cov@ ot P'tr'^ tbe R'Pon '<br />

195t.!. {Kmcb co!.'lnd Pmng<br />

ioiii * s--. n, p^t; e.i*r/ ,tutui' IndsPubr" ori rco')p?16<br />

o/vrrP.o,\LPro<br />

i:,),*','#;.I1";;',;:Ti:l::?:.fl " T,li'lli'i': <strong>il</strong>,:;;;'l"^"''"','.<br />

11!lfrl?.ffi.-,-,***" i^ N,fFp te,63J0).1p.:,'n:B@dofk*nEqry'u Ydsiiv<br />


2J Mohmd lbnrin B.s, ltdla,ndhr aJa.ldtttr, k<br />

;??,;<strong>il</strong>i"" * *.",", * uun "*d a""r ,'<br />

Inisotur trov ctwz6,(rs]'.ne , PDq l9ll), r.aa<br />

;l fl:'<strong>il</strong>#-. "."- "* ". " onomis ot Fah trur:<br />

Enqu'y, Univ.sity ot Peduvii, 1969), p 19<br />

29 z.H ztidi l.dJ, Jnmh NM,Ftu<br />

3t ^bn|JMtRt hdsltutno'io, ol xvfe edlrv{ sodd of E.tmhi.<br />

J2 Pdu Td ''i r.zj u pj[D tEdl, cd.hdtb of NyFP vot6r<br />

un'6,9 or Pdhtw,2oo7 P.l?l<br />

rr M*i.-a ru'.r'. e.g v-r"" ieti'| ofalricuttt| ir NtrFP' \Pdn wd Bord or ['mmc Enquirv<br />

r! Jifllh prFa op$L P 259<br />

r9cow'lw olNsIP. Y{ b@k r95t.p65<br />

ao<br />

cmpdd<strong>il</strong>c ^kb.r Union .nd Bodd ol Ecomnic EaDiiy, 1973), p 25<br />

s ^h\rd , nnt.E! lat @Ptrdtbn. t ludr ol Nu'h<br />

ret rm,rrr 4,0... (P6luwr srhd<br />

42 Moham.d Ibnhm B.1OP.ir,.P l50<br />

4r z.6ahh, atzlB'@h M a rh<br />

a u"'i'ty ot r".a _",4 A!ti.ti@ cN.tMi ol P'riria R.rol d Ntudt connb'b" M<br />

46 Goffirr df NUT", ve. /9t, P 67<br />

47rn NWFP r.mcy Ad, 1950, s alodi r, pp 216 256<br />

'oo[<br />

riii itn". e-*-t a"'a"w , o/Por6,o' (bhdt: PubrBhduorcd LrD. resr). p 230<br />

ii c.'"i*. w* p.u,." ra"" i,p"' rvar-ar. G,t'.., c"'or*' pndD& r e63)' ! r ]e<br />

"r<br />

rPry.|96]'oP(iqpl]7<br />

i'r].]iij"ii..']:,r-*sra"da.Jd.D'n|nd{bJo|b'nL|hh'i3<br />

, i";,.10r i pd* |,",."".rix*<br />

5d N@l llbn /Fdltura, E o4odt ol N||FP, or.n r't1<br />

n Mohrmd thhnB.c. Iioddl oJ n3n ha^ i r[FP op r o t9<br />

sL tu-, r-t ft"ta /; ",t''-t d,',t'p.<br />

ic i.hib, rqb.r ..d r.h" ^a* Ee<br />

;i;;;ii;;;".-.<br />

c.o4. ^lLi indunvin Lm, 19?l),p rr3<br />

6r Mrm. o! .L pp rM fd sdub! ''i ad:( ot ar' P 3<br />

b4 K B SrF.4 Op !( p 56<br />

ii ru r"gi.+d, ', a:,. **-. &ld B6(i <strong>il</strong>R,1<strong>il</strong>,,r:ltlpf;:" .. * ,,,-,, ., ,",.,<br />

06 NNr klm Allqdlon ot (s<br />

i>-a.p^-, n,a .u-n6wi",, viii, No I ( raMv M{ch reTr ) p 30<br />

'or'<br />

x,fP, (Peshrwr Boird orEcoion'. htutry<br />

EtuNE r^otttt ol Le'a Md sttuw ol<br />

l' drF rs&o'. (P..hrwa. Bo{d or E.oiomtr<br />

,,/r' /, PaIitu stdy eftr<br />


nPlotmir Ind rh ned ror on Om 'nplolsd' b '!e N!{rP 'n 'be<br />

63 cbe'dry Mlthrmd A.Lm, igt tltwal Dt|.loryut t^d Public Poltcta ||iL\ tP€tot rcIsse to<br />

,ai(.rijr.,. (ljhoi. Izhr s.tu, 1939).p l5<br />

oe hbh. crDi( ' sr3 'nd b.g . 4s4c! tN1t u..houzoLd n ltFFP Cb! r'r<br />

7or.o;^" !!';4 udadbal tu No watFnaR Pa||a\a )e1t-) P<br />

,r cNrJWd d t\\FP. Dnb. ol t'duhot E<strong>il</strong>arrur'?iB 'P.ih!w<br />

d.potun! corffid orNwP, 1932), pr.l-27<br />

r , (nrid B. s.Fed. op .,1 p.57<br />

7a Dn€b4 ol trdsttol Eda6hlhdd6, OP .ir, PD l5J0<br />

79 szljba :d Ad'a op.ci! Pl5<br />

3, cN.m;i ;rNv,TP. tr@'@i tnq ord ou' l"ot ol NttFPleT t 72. P I<br />

3]say€d'oD.ci|'.!lu<br />

t s";..d d( p ir, ."r xi'.li ^ui. Pbbt r rldd.,beid Pt\,re r t'lFP {Iisrid' 6f D'v'ropnnr<br />

sbdh, ^c'iculNc univ*ity Pst d, 19901t t<br />

35 Mih-ddr Alt oF cir. p.r7<br />

ao zi' ^l t t ly. d"i.,t-"- *., "dplormit ud $. r.d rd or lid 'dnlo)@d r rbe NVFP Ite<br />

P't\ttu DetMt R4i4 tt . NiM t9t2. P ct9<br />

it M- M N; ."d s.'*d. zd ^rrrllrr, onrad Eqtqdt It tt. bdh v?! rwn4 ho4q4 4I<br />

s! Ibd, e a, vdlmd Ah.l. a"--s h Porsd. rl.l.'!t d: P.lnb Aod.nv or knM rcTr) p r0<br />

cr sr, Q*b',:Do-m .* o, ind. md i,brr Fkv rd rEru<br />

D'Erqi.' xoa vot. dy, No. l&4 ( altM.wi.Er, ,tt5), D.170<br />

q M.s',b.;i.H;. ,1" &-!E q/&,dE Pta"ts a .e 'tud\ ot P.rs<br />

ca :Im; He l(}& fte Eodnt at oM adttnot ir Polr\br' (N.* Yolk: ftad PubrsheE.<br />

95 Gr,v.l1md of wd P.rj3r4 wllit P$., 196144, p9.l0.4l<br />

q ldu dr r tdlno PBhNr.

ppb"63<br />

ii;;;',i<strong>il</strong>;:r ff"iii; iiii"e,ii,i*J;';;"*" . p"r,.," D s'h(1 tl 4h<br />

';.P 'nd<br />

ii"*ir-a, i; o;*tp"-, - a,.s,,r" I -d Pd""", H"-r-" p<br />

'ro 'i<br />

iiffi; ;"i;;:D:i;i;h;rsupp.nof smr F,*<br />

i.l*c.-tu,n-*a-l re32.,studv*16No1r)D r3<br />

r 2 vrq.r Ahd md Rahid Anird, op cr, p r24<br />

ij '"'Jii i,.i".,-r..u;". o"';; q;" d -,"r!"38'd"t"<br />

; p-*;;;;.;" c-*" or i'lDs D. ndF w bPb /od.' '0 DD )er 2s3<br />

i; a.*;; d p't's". a^,'*"' c?46 IeTr' rrbh {. pP r01 rM<br />

ia;^;,!d, *-ia*,' mlfdndNr' 1006) PDa<br />

E atunt oJ NtrFP. opcit,9 toz<br />

;l; ti#1":'1'-*'#"fr?.i;H i: : :rt_,:::".,i::tlT":: :i;:i,*;;: i",1", ;f "'<br />

pmdudpo 'd dE P,kEn Pu4,b D rhr roJml or D.-kl'prd' Jtoda<br />

t)o MuhrMd Al'ch'udtut Ind Md<br />

ititi*i+,.*,,*,* "<br />

rl;.m;:-4n *",:m,m'r#['l'l'iff -- ffi'J* Y,:ir,l*l:iffi:1<br />

o'sMnoB dd PiN.k fou&ric<br />

Li s"d* R- Ah,-d Khrn Ar(Irtu. ol Pikison. chall.Dg.r and R.ftdi{i (bhoft [iwon<br />

lJ6 Phmrq cdm$'on, covmfl orPrrnh<br />

l3't Pluq colmsiotr Gov.Mt ot Prkdun.<br />

rk s@^tt Fiv rdt Phr, t!60,P t36<br />

rtuTh FD. tud. Phr,1965 Pao5<br />

iii *i f oi*r r"*, v*r'--tod dd Rdr dctrop"* d P tr<br />

iiii i p-iiiii e"*i' q n,a r.E/@d, (Lrhod: v"sd:d Be* (Pq) t'd re31rp65<br />

. Ee$dt sw ot trrFP, tel t oe ti\ P 5'<br />

i,ir ri.t"".a n^- *r''" n r-o;t ot cn.a R@tuna' n Polatd<br />

i.'riir.J ""*xr'.. r,.*-"4" a! La Rturd a' n P-t'n4 op \'P2i2<br />

t43 B.a M\hamananolas utue<br />

i"i i,i..-*. rmr"; u." r* r- tuF, ott4\tra^t \tF R4to4 oan oq<br />

La5]!mlhLd,sn.!/lldlElaaoqv",!,FPo,fl''Pp9c|or<br />

r 5 | cbui$4 Ad:n o! (i\ Pkar r<br />

l5)lbid,pn1<br />

rsrper.i.p---is"r"" rpp"" ia r.nmbrd PAR' r"3a' p63<br />

l14 NNIkhc {xn.;/kdl E on"sI o! N*FP op

5r c.l.dr€d tror C.Mr ot P.\it n ,lErtahwot cww @gnl'd'rot P*itu ctnss<br />

'9d0<br />

Amdm vol. l t (wd Pd..b), (Krth:, 1961,. pD ll5 116<br />

'ifr iiii*, "i'p'r,.*,.,";t"-t c;^ oiatur, P"L"@

CHAPTER 6<br />

Ag colrnrd D.vclopmrt tr NWFP d!dr8 rfG80<br />

Thc d...d. ol 1970. w tuLd b, cxo!.M8 ,h@b An r dE .Nlftnt olone Unk<br />

of W€t P.li.bn 6 ,uly l, l97O $. old toviB of Pu.j.b, Sind B'luchith<br />

'nd<br />

Noin wqn Fmdd Ptui@ vw Ecdtd- ln 6tu af !.p{Lti6 Pujlb *a dE<br />

1.4$l @ F.e!i!g ?1.8 n<strong>il</strong>lid (56-? Frat) ot tb. ioltl popd'ti6 of P'lbb<br />

follN.d ty Sind wnn ll,5 n<strong>il</strong>lio (22-? FG.l). NWFP widr l0l n<strong>il</strong>lion (15-6<br />

Fqr, !n B.lkhirr.n h.vin8 L? n<strong>il</strong>lio (5 F6O dlvr' Th..nnulnhl s"<br />

follo*rd by s.!@plEa ol g!ftdl @mnic uFtdnq q!&d bv dt g6ion of<br />

Eq. P.tdlt n in D..dhd l97l, At& 0E Fin ow.d 1973 *E l[. v4 or b'd<br />

lsL, be.ue P*i!m w Lcing . wB*i& t.dion Nd . Jt ! ri* in tlE o<strong>il</strong> !m@<br />

by OPEC a. hb 19?3, *!ich ou&d dlE itr llF Fs of fcn<strong>il</strong>iz.E ud ooF .gticultdl<br />

i.pdr. Th. droql ! in l9?2 & l9?4 h.d.d $c ndq cop6, In 1973 197'lrd 1976<br />

noods d.m8!d $. sF p.tdcuLny co{d cro? in Pu!j.b. Dtfts 1975'77 .rciw<br />

dnf.ll . l crlp p6l! dan$.d th. @noi ctop:,<br />

Th. &..& of l9?or is divid.d inio two eiFiodt O)l l97l-?7) mtrlv dq.d bt<br />

sovffint of Z,A Bhutro (2) (19??-80) f<strong>il</strong>st lhE y6 of a. m.n hw Fgift<br />

6l ZA Ahtro d (l9l-t7)<br />

rh. d*k?r6r Dolici6 of pE dina Ar!u! 8ov@ (1958-69) hrd p@lcd rIE<br />

Drieirh ol tumridl incqdity @mng $ for initi.l sF*d! 5.m d.3t4 of @hl<br />

in qu.litt w ne.gry. Asiculot s e s i'd$tri6 htd *itcsd eord lre*llt<br />

nE dudng lh ttui6. BrS ..t|E ofDtBFst PoviM of Punj.b .td Sitd oFd th.<br />

b.ncn6 of .grqhml &EloFlMts, Sib<strong>il</strong>tly a eql.d tv l|rc H.ry.rd .dvi!.rt otr<br />

twcrhid of $c &eb @ld by som lpotstld 'P.ldsrn Indudri.| D.rcloFsrt<br />

Col! ndo (PIDC) duing Aydb Eaift. Gc b.o8ht bv bp 20 fm<strong>il</strong>i6r.<br />

'nduEi.litl<br />

Th.Pltist nP..dcPtdytno@miniinloFwPbpo6d.d!5t .lvlhtles<br />

wnn ol<br />

diff.mr f<strong>il</strong>n F.viN n<strong>il</strong>ibty Egim. Fd PPP Sovffdt 6Mic Srolrh<br />

si.l i6!$dErl *u n6iigh$. X dstlt . thrn in dF !xi.!ns d.*lopoddl<br />

dt aai6 .rd wsiad lo Ed@ th. q<strong>il</strong>rins ci.l iFqDditv<br />

z A Bhutb .@{ft.d $. nxi@littioo of t2 b4p lniB of an bsac <strong>il</strong>dutti4<br />

lit ion dd 'l*1, buic ml!l., harr .nSingir& hql? .ldtric.l mod wnicht<br />

mclor plslr l*rvy.td brtic clEtrioh. c.@( P.!@hcnic.lt St ind o<strong>il</strong> EfMi6

ir Ja' 1972. A ,@r l.l.r, shippins, o<strong>il</strong> disFibltion, rcsebblc o<strong>il</strong> cnd even sBin niuing<br />

and 6tlon ginnine iotu6di.! wr. tlk n ovd by SovmmcDt.<br />

Govemal of PakGbn Peoples Psnt dlso inloduced l.bor policv i! Feb 1972,<br />

*hicb linei ar c8llatin8 dE hbor b.hlvior Th. polioy pFvided respecllb<strong>il</strong>itv aid<br />

hgni6.cy lo hhm in i$ dsling wnh tho manaScncnl. Il pD ded rhe re8ulolory<br />

necn.nisn d rdosnized <strong>il</strong>e righl of labor lo sllitc. Il e@urlgcd labor and<br />

llDmsenent ta sek odjudicttion in $e l.bor coun. Also <strong>il</strong> e.surcd matsial b€nef<strong>il</strong>s fd<br />

l$or lite Fisins lh€ii shdr€ in proni fixins ol thcir nihimum Ndges. prlmenl or bonus<br />

and old aB! peruion, prcvidins lic m.dicll rnd ii.. .duoalion rot th.n ch<strong>il</strong>droa<br />

Trr public secttr was .xt nd.d and t lrbor supply po8r.n was mlved wirh<br />

Middle E s1€m conntn.s foi inprorcn. of .nplorr.nt situdion fie polcv nEde a<br />

favonbl. inp.ct on Mtio@l ecommy, pankul0rly on rh. nFl stot At 've6ge 2l<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lioo wo&€c, 63 Frcsnt ol which b.lonsed io ruml .Eas, weto setina in ditlered<br />

olnties of Middle E"51 in nid 1970s. Th. Eni8.tucs ron dEs wo*m r*hed<br />

12:13 n<strong>il</strong>lion in 1930 rhst w .qul to colndy s rot l6pon 4mi.3 lnd wo*cd ont<br />

.r loper ol dc 10Ll GNP ofd. @unEl. Th. innow of Esioes b ine dnl lrs<br />

v@ I l.3r|] n<strong>il</strong>lion .r rh. $ft tim, whicn s4 cquiv.l. to.bout 20 p.tmr orrh.<br />

robl asriculosl out pul of llE @unFy ld tl|.r y€ra. Thcs miutiG w€€ dE rojor<br />

$uEe of ircorc of runl ho*hold in NWFP ed Punj.b<br />

Along vitt tic awhrcn of *ortcd mi;rcs ;d L4._$.L MtimliatioD<br />

of rhe indltlri.l slo( 6 h.v. n nlioD.d 3lddy, rh. Gov.mdl devrlued rhe cuftrcy<br />

(rnp€€) by 56 Fe.Dt in M.y 1972. Thc ddiion of dcvllution of rh€ curcrcy ond<br />

lbolition of $e inpon lic.ne &lEn rnd nultipL .rch.nge mles afr*ied borh<br />

indusrirl inverhdt lnd rhe tms of lnd. b.t*d thc i.dGtri<strong>il</strong> tnd agriculhEl<br />

slm. Duc to nucft ligt pricc8 of ihpotun mschincry pnvlt in<br />

ncdium slle industi6 divdd b 3mll sl. induldi$ .nd b @l esllt. vhcE .he<br />

ris* ofmlionalialion wei€ lhoueh nuch tmrll.!. Public scchr inve<br />

in @pibl-i.bnsire b.sic induseies. D*cluetid h!6 favorable inpdclx m rsricultuml<br />

seclor .lsD by inproving <strong>il</strong>5 tem of b!d!t<br />

Smn ifier bkin3 orer lhe gov.mmonl, Ille PPP eovohme d.d !o bring about<br />

Efom in asicultuft shcture'Ih. pric.soflsricultoftldommoditieswcft lowe'ed and<br />

reduoed to less rhan wond bvel, qh<strong>il</strong>e tho* oi f.n<strong>il</strong>izers were tdised 3o a larce na6fer<br />

of Nt resurce lrcn asd.uhuc t

'lis[ibutio! ofFsticides A Q!.r6 im Acl !s prcndgatd in 19?6 to k"P rne counlrv<br />

Iie iom tbe int dlclio orpets ud diss!<br />

ln ru$l d{ ol Plkkbn s<strong>il</strong>l md.commic Elalims evolvc nund rIE contsol of ltnd<br />

bidlodr nompoliad sial povs in rhe fldl $en|c Pakish has a hiShlv skd'd<br />

prllem of lmd disnibutim. Ttlo in.d.q@v of I959 ldd Eiod pFYided justificition lot<br />

a downward Evnion oi lmd ownmhip €<strong>il</strong>iq<br />

The Aov.mc.r mo@.d dE Lnd Flore esublion of 1972 (Manial l'w<br />

Rasnlnion No 115) on Meh ll, I9?2. ln rht el ol Ffms, the ce<strong>il</strong>ins wa dcfitud<br />

bofi in tem ol toa lnd poducc ind* unn! (PIU' At individual var 'ntitled ro own<br />

or pcsss 150 .cEs irigated d 100 ,es un_idgltd l?nd (ore 'cE ol iFi$Gd ltnd<br />

beins eqtrri.d b nvo icres oa nn_iFigted land) or an o@ 'qDiEl6t b I t 0m Prus h<br />

sddirion,I,OOOPIUSof lddw.rcallowqllootrnesof tubo*€Usortsdo!o!hoth' Thc<br />

e<strong>il</strong>ing pFvision wG tllo appli4ble ro €liBious, ch{ibbl' and edualion'l sdieti* and<br />

h6rs. .r€piins only univeEitics €sblishcd tt hv.<br />

The originll Regulatid qas aoeddei id 1971, dnd lh€ ce<strong>il</strong>ing *as Edtrced !o<br />

l2,ooo Pbdlc. Ird.x Unis, pl$ 2,000 PIU3 .s a tub. welk ot hcror supplemelt Th'<br />

idFhn<strong>il</strong>y lt.d ts|Nld wG tllorcd up ro . ruiNn of 14 000 Prui pbvdcd n r6x<br />

plac. betwq Mirch l. 1967 tnd D.mbd 20, 197l All tansfeD ifiq d* Itsr datc<br />

werc delitd void A linit oi IO(J a@s w.r stt on the la ror civ<strong>il</strong> &ni s exept<br />

$oe wno gpr n |llsu€! inn rinF The ii rarv paon*l wee 'xmpcd fron ors<br />

provniodiw.<br />

tn order ro pftve de prccnplive hnste' ol laodl all landown* weE tqltcd<br />

ro slbmit .leclastion in ce ltEv pM*d l.nd in qcd oi l2 o0o PtUs ( 100 ocB lor<br />

civ<strong>il</strong> @nls) h.iwm M!rchl, 1967 and Dc'€nter 20, l9Tl Thc govemcnt<br />

rcsum.d <strong>il</strong>E land owd bv mv onc in exoe$ of dis ce<strong>il</strong>inS w<strong>il</strong>h out compcns Dn ro lhe<br />

osncr. blr $e choic€ of land b & Edin d *.s left b tE owner The tolal 'fto resum'd<br />

in dF counEy mdcr thes €foms % onlv I 3 n<strong>il</strong>lion! lcEsr'z' ln No!'nb€r 1975'<br />

sowmnent announc.d thol de smoll lodowne$ oMing qp lo l2 sEi ol imcaled or 2s<br />

icFs or un'inig|t

In Dc.nbd 196, 0E sd.mdt .I@n d . N.ri@l ChrEr fq tlF F$B<br />

dd rMs. As<strong>il</strong>ins b dE ch.et crloE.bl. wlg.Lnd @ disibur'd to@s tl*<br />

Ld.ld F.$!t Th. l.d @@d unLr r9?2 .'d 1973 Efdni m di*ibuad wnh<br />

d* fotlowi4 priditica. Th. tt@cd ltld ftadv utdd oltindd bv d!' t'tul! $'!<br />

distibur.d.nus 06 w<strong>il</strong>h dl xy ch.4$ 09 m<strong>il</strong>lid D@ ldd F$m'd a<br />

d<strong>il</strong>tih|t d dong 76,OiD pasit ri iE €m.d hn' nor culri{lcd bv dE L m5 w$<br />

diiribu&d with oul .ny chrrp, .fug d. Md d mv orhd p.ls w<strong>il</strong>h thc holdi4s<br />

of ls .hs dF rutaititE cit (12 5 .cG) io uPgnd. dEn individul holding! Th'<br />

.F c$n&d nm Nhtib, Jrll,ry,r,litrlocr tnd tnd fffi.rd tudr of Eligiou<br />

.rd chdii$L iNdtutiff ,4 !o bc !&d .t d. disr.tid oa dE !pt@l T16<br />

L!4r@ldt L!!.

pdirioncd, if sucb ! pannioD D$lbd in hnd *gn nls dEr *@ lc<br />

econonic holding However t bolding s! ld be rl ie noled lieelv'0<br />

Besides land Eloms the pri*s oi astiouhn6l' producls inPoved sead<strong>il</strong>v<br />

sub.sidGs oD aBricultunl Dpu6 cmti cd Tb. subsidv ro asncu!turc (wr!tr' len<strong>il</strong>ia<br />

dd cEd,0 inc@d iu 3lm<strong>il</strong>lid in I9?o_71 io l?66 n<strong>il</strong>lion in l93o' Tohl<br />

subsidi6 p'oyid.d ro agrictrle d[jng 19?5-84 w@ 14 314 n<strong>il</strong>lion". Meh.niati""<br />

ircraed rl r mpid rar. The cEd<strong>il</strong> als<strong>il</strong>abihy incMs.d fron Rs 0 ?3 ps acre in 1969-<br />

70 to Rs.33 per aci. in l98orr 'nt large landos..n bm€fibd ftom lhc polictes as lhev<br />

had m.kebble surplus .nd hod the ab<strong>il</strong>ity and Esurces to use rh. @w inputs" ln<br />

NWFP, 90 p€rcenl of rhe pr.valml fom sia wls belo* subsisft. lrcldi4 so lhe<br />

b.n fits ollh. Sov.mmofs d€FculMl inpuls rnd credir subcidv ProEEm hlve ecred<br />

io ir ve.y I* as coop.Fd b Punjab and Sind, which h.d beftr ad<br />

(i<strong>il</strong>) Esmnlc P.rrorm$c.<br />

cn{nh ftnds ol $e eonony could be is*$ed f.n the peifomance of Gros<br />

Doneslic Plodlcls (CDP) co.sisline ol 3sn.ulture, indNlrics od *wic.s sedor' GDP<br />

gm*rn de wos 4 22 !.r r|:|M dunng l9?O'?7' Shee ot lSncuhl$ rcroined 16<br />

p€@m in thc rohl cDP d€spn€ 67 pecd of ltE bial popnlatjon d!'g.ftnt in<br />

agicultoE slo. dlnng 19'70 ?5':?. TrE gowdi 6lc ofiAgricultuft slor du;ng dF<br />

d@de or 1960s was not sustained in lhc l97os tnd tne a!.ul ss*lh r'L iell lo I ?s<br />

percent per antun during 19?1_7? Ri.e 5nd whcar croPs showed sbddv inoEase dunng<br />

In l9?l-72 Dlblic dd privaL in*stndts in the induslriol ecbr looed ?<br />

p€'@t and 9l P.en! EsFcriv€lv of th. lobl inv€sh€'r in $k sbr tn 1976''<br />

public invesddl @hai ?l p€Eent and piivltc int4tlenr d4lincd io 29 p€renr of<br />

iobl inveshcnl in i uthial scbl, L!r8. $!lc nanufacbnns sector srcw<br />

bv 191<br />

percdnt pcr annun during l 9?0_?? snal!$!I. industies prc8Fsd bv 7 04 percenr pd<br />

annun ar rlE emo tid.ro<br />

d.2 Flr.i thK y.s ol zir r.gln 0977_80)<br />

(i) hblic polcy<br />

The period of M. rl lt* tsin qs nol m.*cd bv dv dnm'ric tolicv thit ero$ rhe<br />

*hole dmonic rctlm like his flEdecc$or' Al fi$r, his fomulalion of'conoDic policv<br />

vas renhlive lnd rcconnodaii4 He has trbined sone ofsocial policid md exprnded<br />

public rcle, wh<strong>il</strong>e @tuming bool lo nore lib€tdl indusErtl lnd ftde polioica' The privaG<br />

scbr one b&k in alhr .rd a fanly anncdve strucbE ol fi*'l and non_li$€l

imndE q@ ri.dolv ..@h'Ld in odd ro F!D.& FihL itrGMn in i'd!5ttv<br />

Th. mr imDdrr of |!. i@miE |h.1 l@ otr Fd ro dE pnE& slor e! lh. fi<br />

bolidry inh{tucrid in MNII l9?8. H. opEd lor tld &nlidliztdon A Nnhd ol<br />

!sDh.r.d .nd 'Mll qs<strong>il</strong>Fin3 indld<strong>il</strong> *@ d.dtidliz.d in S.thb.r l9??r'<br />

nE fljor h.llsd( of lts policy ss dE initi.tin ol 6. p!t4 of klaizrrid in dE<br />

dn[y's c@lmi rt*0rF, A @ diNNitr ehich dtflc.d w dE c@it!t6l b<br />

ttLsiz.tid of @i.in 6(nbnic Fedc.n c4ei.lly dF hrdlin3 of cldit i.ur6l lnd<br />

A mjor Flicy shin ii d ! pdiod w itr Lsr of Fiw& dr*.tt ftt itrFc lik<br />

3cd!, fai<strong>il</strong>iz.n od D6.ictu . lhrl misht h.E .lLviiEd !o|lwh.t tL pobl.m ol<br />

imffi.imy fron whach .b. public eior dintibotid ryr.9| ofi.Ed<br />

h oly 19?7, . l.d oecshh e<strong>il</strong>ing *s Mr.r rd$cd 10 l(x) .@ of iD8|Ld .nd<br />

200 rc of M-iri!|rod L . TIE Fon.d Lld wu lo b. !.q!n!d fiw hdlotd d<br />

!.r@r ol mnFFlid of R!,30 pd Pru. ar @ of l 8 m<strong>il</strong>lio dc6 u3 @n d<br />

urid rlE 197 Acdr. O ofll* t ol Eluncd hi u'na |977Acl09n<strong>il</strong>lidesmt<br />

di$ibur.d iMg 13, l,l3 F@D'. I!. lwD.d h.d w diiribo0cd fiE otdv c.c<br />

Dd8ld!r! j'd F.sn,<br />

lnp{t !r

covemal ifi.duccd Cotid cipon sblidias in 1979-80. sbce N\WP w6 sr<br />

p$ducins qpotuble 6tur s rh. Dcw sDbsidica $'lblly sully weni b Pu.jab ed Sind<br />

The number of bb. *.lli rnd hdos co@ulivcly rc* fron 16l,210 alld<br />

?I,OOO in 197710 20?,810 dllI, OO0 in 1982. Si;<strong>il</strong>arli de us 6f ld<strong>il</strong>ia increasd<br />

fton 0.7 n<strong>il</strong>lior nunieDt lons in l9?7 to 1.4 m<strong>il</strong>lio. nulri.hl toN in 1932 such an<br />

inc@s hrs b€6 tEde Dosible lhrcugt thc mssive inflow of forcien @ibmes<br />

sunmins 600 lo 7()() n<strong>il</strong>lion US $ innutlly durins lhis p.riodro.<br />

(t<strong>il</strong>) Ecomnic perrormn..<br />

An trPtu Euftd in *nonic aorivities duiing th. penod 19??_30 Sone ti'vor$le<br />

lac1o6 suct as hisler Enift$ps from PakisLnh wo&ns abrdd and flvorable w€lher<br />

for crops heh€d. nE .cotomy Es"ond.d by rchi.vins high.r 8rcwth mtes {d sdd<br />

pdfomrnce in some c.iticsl r6i such as .xpon d nd fod produc tion GDP rose bv 6. l 6<br />

p.iml pcr annum dunry lhh p.riod. GbN,lh nt of lSriculhrE sto' wa 4 03 pddt<br />

p€r mum. Ll(ge-sle mruf&tudn3 gEw by<br />

? 58 Frar p€r mm due io th. mlximun ul<strong>il</strong>itrion of lh. idle crpaciry Smllsl€<br />

irdusLi6 rceisbr€d grc$rh nt o1 7.04 p.cnt !.r rMum S.Ricd sbr eP 7 08<br />

Frdr per amlnrr. Patistar qt Mt d.bt lwlEd ust 37 b<strong>il</strong>lion ar tt* end of<br />

d.3 Ednomy of lh. No.th Wert Fmdd Porlt.. durhg l9Datl<br />

Th€ pbvincirl gowtmal of rcsly astotd pbviM oa NWFP in 1970 dirred wirh tb€<br />

dencns 0145.5 n<strong>il</strong>tion ofapcndi$c ov{ EwN.r'. Th. poviMc situe lda €alrded<br />

s deficn. Tlr* prin@ly sbLs of Dn, Swrt lnd Chital hlvc be. mersed in \lwFP ;<br />

July 1969, mder rhe tuwly .sLblishei MaLklnd division. h add.d io the ffMncial<br />

poblens alBdy faci.e rhe psrinc.. Malik nd div<strong>il</strong>ion consisliDg of sw , Dn, chitsal<br />

od M<strong>il</strong>alrnd potecLd aE., In M.l.t!4d agncultu@ w$ lhe nos Ple-doftmnl<br />

sonomic adivny rnd 75 D.rc.nl oi thc *orking populaig. was encaged in rhk slot<br />

T06l cullivaled aEa of rhe province w$ 4.62 n<strong>il</strong>lion rcEs (9 05 pdcenl of the lohl<br />

cultimr€d afta or !akisi,n). { out ol4 62 niuion ercs <strong>il</strong>d dreo in NWFP 0 6r diuion<br />

N€s or 154 peFenl of the frm.r* w$ in Molakand In Malikt.d,53 pcrelr ol rhe<br />

tohl fam .re. w* irigrted. wnett and mi4 w@ m.in crcps $w. on 77 peFenc<br />

cuhivated aB in rhis eBion.. Thc 0nrl8rm.Gd Egion was rich in iiuit odhaids<br />

Fisbedcs, Ior€sry and li*3tdk h!v. frvdabl. pbsp€ols in rh€ r€gion ldustiallv lh.<br />

diviim v6 oN of tlE m6r bick*rtd rds in tn. provirc;.<br />

The mul $bvalion lla

w* s hi8h that lne det't li.b<strong>il</strong>iy of tne !rcvituitl Bov€lmal o. Juft 30- l9?0 stood ir<br />

Rs. 9,46? d<strong>il</strong>lion d€e<strong>il</strong>e toolo d€blMne ofi in 1960 and Egular rcpavned ot inLE(<br />

a.d pf,noipl€ when it iell due'r.<br />

Thc grcs Esr@l poducls otd. NWFP povince w.E v.lni4 Rr 3714 d<strong>il</strong>lion<br />

6 mpdr€d b Rs.21356 i<strong>il</strong>lim of Plnj.b GDP Dd c.pib p.t .llllm 96 Rs 360 in<br />

ll !\'FP !! @np6E io Ps.6l4 i. Punjib. o( of tu l7l4 m<strong>il</strong>lio. 8r!$ Egioml Poduct of<br />

NIWFP, Rs.143O o<strong>il</strong>lim (40 Fq€d) wd qonLibu@d bv ogricuhurc in l97oa The<br />

incre.se in grcss provincitl pmducl w$ nat h.d bv lh€ nae in popuhtim lteEio@ rhe<br />

p€r op<strong>il</strong>! iEd. €mh.d low.<br />

fi.E w6 no pbp.t otcaiation for 0E Dldnins tnd mtntS.nal al povincitl<br />

lev.l. A numb4 of olhq frtlrdi.s idded lo lhc complexitv of situarion' In lhe pivate<br />

sctoi, th.E was no policy Pdck Ae fo. encourdginA the laeAin! rceions The effons of<br />

peyincial gowenr b sc@ an edge in llldtioN and its clrim for lager sh'E lin<br />

<strong>il</strong>s dcrclopMl poanm *c s!@6r!l TlE Natioml.E onomic CN<strong>il</strong> daidcd in<br />

l97l-72 !o raisc lhe siaE of provin@s in dt cfftal divisibl. P@l iion 65 p.rconl lo 30<br />

p€cnfr. Ite sha€ ol NWFP ws ni*d fion 14.2 perc€nl to 16.2 tercen! of thc<br />

allcabl. p5n of tne ADP. l. NFC r*ard of 1970 lnd l9?4 sh.re ofPunjabwas565<br />

p€crt and 60.25 Fcnt lnd she of NWFP ws 15 5 Fcd .nd 13 39 pcrenl ln<br />

lgSl Punj.b b€cin sutDlu, pbvincc along with Sind vh<strong>il</strong>c NWFI €ceived Ev'nue<br />

d€6cn srant of8o7 n<strong>il</strong>lion'<br />

As i resDI ol Sour Gtolution in Af8n nislo in 1979, rhe m's infllr ol ner<br />

about 2.5 F<strong>il</strong>lion Afghm Ealgps ido dE FovinE turrh.r rggbvar'd $e eommic<br />

conditioB ud ha'f brrd.n Nss placed on dc eci(Hononic.nvimmdr, Elatng io<br />

the prolhion of food, wdter, helth and educalion fac<strong>il</strong>ities in de povince Bcsdes<br />

suity pobl.d, lh. p.erc. of o ldse Nnb€' of Alsn n r'tusFs xer rffdlng<br />

ptFic.loviDmot olthc pbvie nE Ef!86s dmint.d rhe lel b{sin's bdlue<br />

of rheir w<strong>il</strong>liqr.$ lo olLr nlch b.t@t lnd chcap flica Dle lo pEsu€ on rcal<br />

na.k€tth.prioesorihsofdt<strong>il</strong>yDebs.,ndLtf,poorle.lpopulalionsuifercd"'The<br />

fisal powcd of lh€ porinc.s of NWFP .td Bal@hGlan w'E verv Un<strong>il</strong>ed and rhe<br />

EvenG rhcy cd nort<strong>il</strong>i4 fDn in€n M i$urc6 6lMd.quic io nee( rht Llt of<br />

daeloDn .r. B@@ of rh. hGbridlly hBh iNideE of pove'iv, namw and lioired<br />

€source bds tiey w€re iininoing fw€. rh.n 20 teEe ol their develoPncnr rnd non<br />

development .xpendituos ed nrve dificlltv in fimncing their developmenl 'nd<br />

snli.l sial wic6 Pre8t n tnd alied o. all@ti@ lren rhe center fd Eg)on<strong>il</strong><br />

{t€rcloptuni Th€ @nrer pEa.rEd ro all@L fundr on *tor vist baris kepin8 in ssr

pohrial ot d* sror b contibutc lo the dcvclopmc.t. E!e'y thing de wN givci<br />

sond.ry impotune. Mortover tne backwdrd r.gioN rhoved poot grcl1n ralc koaus.<br />

ofpoo! cEd<strong>il</strong> absoative capsity and imdequltc infnslructuE od wak cred<strong>il</strong> deliv.ry<br />

(6in) lnd$trtrl d.v.lopb.nr<br />

Ar d. rin. ol disolution of On Unn th. indutni.l sror was ore of$c werl.n &cbu<br />

of th. doDmy oa }IWFP. The d.joi induri.s of dE pdvine N@ su8at, rc{ij.,<br />

robsco, lruit plcs<strong>il</strong>s ed cmj.s, lol *tc sd meLl Dtlducrs<br />

In 1970 rhee weE<br />

l5l w.ll{st blisH indEE al trnirs in NWFP invoFng a bhl apir.l oa & t62.5<br />

iiuiof0 Th.s induLi6 @ ehployiry l7,0OO wo!16 tuking les ln.n 2 t rcnl of<br />

10101 civ<strong>il</strong>ir. labor llre of PalftLn Totll conrtibulion 6y large and nedium $e<br />

lndusrrial s{to! was Rs55O n<strong>il</strong>lion hoidly iomiig 3 per..nt of the tolll vdlu. ol<br />

industlidl oul pur in Plnslld"'.<br />

Sa ad SoaU IndDsEes Detlopndt Bstd (ssIDB) was eslabli,hed bt the<br />

govcm.nr in July l9?2, which wos contrcllcd by a bGd of eortnors. dnrn bolh lon<br />

Dublio lnd p.ivaE stos. Thc m.in objdtiw! of this boatd ftE pndtnlv b dewloP<br />

3roll and @rt3g€ irdffiis by poviding hinin8, des io banl l@Ds and inft-rsrmtuR<br />

frc<strong>il</strong>iti6. Th.ft ftE abo 9 indudial6bLs in NwT?. Th. Nnb€6 or hining ent s<br />

Nn by SSIDB iN@*l tm 14 in l9?2 to 35 i. 19355'?. Cow'rumr orgsiztion such<br />

as thc lndusrid davelopnol B.nk of Prlisbn oDBP), lne smau lndu.lrior<br />

Dcv.lopnenr B@d (SIDB) and the Prliskn lndnsbal ctdn and lnv€stmcnr<br />

Corporalion (PIcIc) ser€ helpful in extnding loans fo! industial delelopfient IDBP<br />

irciaed it disbuBenenr ofloim fros R6.14 miUion in l97l io Rs.49 miuion in 1935"<br />

Th.lo.ns snclioned by PICIC os fon Rs.2l.4 h<strong>il</strong>lion in l9?l to RslT n<strong>il</strong>lion in<br />

1985. Th. SIDB, rh€ rnmci* ol smll busiG$, lunLd inwsEmnr ro rhe toft ol Rs.2 6<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lion i! t9?5 ed Rs.6 niuid in 1933-.<br />

Q!6tioN of mFndw bmks&drc$, Esiodl di$!ri9 in imm. .nd rh.<br />

,cd for vidc sp@d di+eel ofplblic inv.stndr ws agibtitrg the ninds or the Dcoplc<br />

of lh. povim of NWFP. The din stllclut ol indDsry iD,N]IIFP sa basic ous of low<br />

61. of u.blniarim in OF poviG. Th. mlo of ubaniatio. srood al 15 p.(cnt lgriGt<br />

28porce tor P.kisld d. whoLsr<br />

The inv€s[nenb by w61 Patttrt Induslial Developnenr Corp.ration (wPlDC)<br />

we@ dcrrcr and it nas eccred nine unufaoluring un<strong>il</strong>s involving caPittl cosl of 82<br />

miuion since <strong>il</strong>s inceplior in NWFP.J6 i

Th. povinc<strong>il</strong>l sov€lmal sare top pnori9 to spdits up developn &nvity,<br />

inpovins tb. budsebiy pGition md Eslving dE .*tins .mmic isc. Irt<br />

soyeme pEvid.d in6ri€ lnd f.c<strong>il</strong>iriG ro.douEae dd bckup inw3nre.t by<br />

famm, i'dGri.lisb dd busi*s@n. Alihesn nw. tutrial for lgricult'N aDd<br />

n<strong>il</strong>Enl blsd indu6ti€s w@ in abund.r in N\VFP, 31iI ir l&kei mc of dF csnrial<br />

clmenll likc cat,l,'l.nd skiu labo. i.o. nssry lor opid industial d.v.lopmcnt The<br />

impodcd nolcridls like o<strong>il</strong>, chmicah, sparc pdns, packiie narflial and oth.r such itlo<br />

*ere 16 be tEnsDon d lion &!Eni. sin<strong>il</strong>lrlr nalk.ts lor $e nnish.d poducts weE<br />

de ldlt d 500 tol000 n<strong>il</strong>6 rmy fion pbviMirl capihl .nd oficr D.tu of dE<br />

poviNr'. Tn induit<strong>il</strong>lists l@ lo p.y r v.ry hidr fEisht m tli€ t Bporittiat of<br />

soods tlEl .dd rowltds dE Fie sr.uclur of tlE iidsFirl p'lduct and d. indutr<strong>il</strong>list<br />

ofNwFP h.v. ro f..c a rcry tougn mFitid anonesl their conlcrp.6 of sind and<br />

In odor lo give i.@dive rd establ<strong>il</strong>hing Nw industies in th. NWFP, the red.ml<br />

and prcvincial govemen.r btve siwn s Nmb.i of catuAsions. shich include lax<br />

holiday sd dlry fK ir4ons of nrchi,.ry for i.dNtri6 to b€ ins$lled in rh. sp.ciied<br />

M in tlr Dovim.. Th. whole of D.l.xhn ard Md.*nid division. thc M.n$hn<br />

districr, rhc 15 n<strong>il</strong>6 ldg sdchcd .u fiDn Nosshd ro teh.ngia o. bolh si&s of<br />

Krbll Rircr.nd !I6c idusEi.l cstt in lh. N\VFP w@ connred $ 5Peifi.d .lw<br />

Wort on lhc poj.ci! of explohlion of phosDhltc 6l I4arba., dcvclopmcnl oa K,kul<br />

plrcsphste niic lnd phcph.L crushing lnd srinding plmt ws catried oul i.lhc Eura<br />

division in th. dadde of l9?0s. naara Uo F.n<strong>il</strong>irer Plr dd Kohat C.mcnt lerort<br />

w dbblitlEd and c.eeit of MGt'khs C.ndl F.cror *as doubl.d Paloshn<br />

PaF CorFErion Ltd. ChlFd& *s dtlblblEd in l9?le. Dr fost conPl.x pDj6r<br />

ar Chrrdin rd.d p'ldulion. T[is nld Oc c.p&ity to Drcduce 331,0m cubic fer or<br />

srm iiDh€r 2l5.lO,OOo sque r*r or ply*ood ond 434o,op etuE fer or chhbolrd-<br />

Sinc. pr<strong>il</strong>aL i.dufial inBh..B r.F rci for$comine i' r.quircd volune b<br />

go!.mnl sctpcd inlo the indust <strong>il</strong> fi.ld. S.th.d Developmfll Adhontv wa aeld<br />

ro speed !p th. poce of induslrial dd *onomic developnmt in lhc pFvin.. Besides<br />

esbblishn nt of dry pod a1 Peshaw.r, lh. iuodity udetrook a numb.t of pFje6<br />

wnich includ. r Srsrr M<strong>il</strong>l d Kn@n. n.ti P6h,v!i cold ims. M&dii, Minsom<br />

HliiDor ud P6ll.*.r, . cm compl* lnd L.drr dmry :t ,brngin 0d t Gin ed<br />

clp€min l.ciory it Hripu. It€ .dndny unda bk *!rt o' so Gha F<strong>il</strong>ls it<br />

Hfiplr lnd Dor$i vhce dFciry ws ddbtcd Ltr m A pojed ftr pFdutioD or<br />

iodiDd ell *.! et up.l Pcshavot. A nl6 and ttick feloty w$ s.l up !l D I Khan'

)<br />

I|l(lust|.ixl t rritr, irr \Nr-iutts rcgiolls ol NWl l'<br />

(;- -'<br />

I<br />

?<br />

l<br />

!r'<br />

)<br />

\ o {ol<br />

Q0f,3)<br />

o (5)<br />

xoh.r /<br />

o|o./<br />

o(o' I \'.i<br />

io"* /<br />

{3) I<br />

(3) o i<br />

I<br />

^.i<br />

)<br />

o (62)<br />

O ooiu (o) *'!, \<br />

I<br />

O(41) \<br />

tho iuhb{t ol Industrlolunlrr In rho 0.0o

Thu the lonl nuhb.r of indusiial un<strong>il</strong>s in NWFP €.chen 6{4 in 1983. employing<br />

49,661 p.Nons Out of dEs, 338 ws€ agD-b.sedd. out of 39 loljl susa n<strong>il</strong>ls in the<br />

cdnhy. 5 (13 p€rc..t) weE in l\rWFP. T1EE w.re 29 nouft<strong>il</strong>ls in IE ptovince with<br />

bbl d2<strong>il</strong>y p.d!cri@ c.p.c<strong>il</strong>y of a24l rG ol U@r. nrc pldi@ wos rrlduc'ry aboi<br />

60 b70 p.rcs of Mtiml pFdudios of tobreo lnd rh.€ w clcrcn d&Etb plab<br />

in rh€ poeinc. ru. by dif.ft lodl snd int mtional r@prnies". ThcE weE 16l<br />

difiertnr g?es of t xl<strong>il</strong>e units cmistins ol l 3 lalge cxr<strong>il</strong>e n<strong>il</strong>s, 3 3 pow. r loom u di6, 94<br />

s<strong>il</strong>i m<strong>il</strong>ls, 9 *@len m<strong>il</strong>ls ,nd 12 otner !ni$ ol valied Mtut€ like cDtron ghnhg! hosery,<br />

mbbidery ind otlEs eoods. flrcr. were 5 !.8.bb1. gh* plants, 2 coo*in8 o<strong>il</strong> plmls<br />

e'd l3 learh.r and latl|d psdNls unns in lh. pdvinc.*.<br />

Snrll nldMid rE€i sD0ll €pibl. povid. noE job opponuniry .nd nn*at<br />

obmblim oa *.rllh

of asrioulte in dc provinc., th.c *!s a lhorlasp of.;pbyne't opporlutiti€s in lh.<br />

asriculore sloi rnd @ ditlion vdt6 *cE nig€tinr f<strong>il</strong>m tnc povi@ to othd<br />

O( ol $. 25.14 n<strong>il</strong>lim &e ioLl oe, or y 12 p€Edr ws undq cullivatio' in rh.<br />

povi@ in 1970. M.in q!€ ol balmes oa Mjor pd of llld in rh. pDvtnce w.s<br />

minly due lo lons sbe&hed h<strong>il</strong>ly l€min in th. nodEn,pon of dE piovinc. The p.r<br />

@pirs cullivabL.6 in tne pbvin@ w.s 0.4 ocres 6 corfEr.d ro 0.96.cE {d 2 02<br />

acFs in Puj.b r.d Sindz. In I97l-72 tho roltl i6 mdcr cullivltio. rebcd 4.04<br />

m<strong>il</strong>lion .cfts in |{WFP Tte abflpl ircs* in ouhivared rrc. of N\r'4P in 1971_72 qls<br />

de to irclusion of Mrlan nd Divhion. By 1982. Pujab ,a contributins 56 4 p€rcenr of<br />

P*brin\ iohl clltisLd re md NWFP 9 4 !@;l ofih. lolal @lliv&d lEo oa th.<br />

T.bL 6 2<br />

sbrE of Pu.j.b .!d NrvIT b rb. bl colthltn .d oa Ptlith. durl4 l97l{ hl<br />

t9711t 27.28 5?.33 8.56<br />

1972-73 21.45 58.11 l.3l 8.10<br />

43.3<br />

27.13 57.89<br />

cdai*i or Ptu /r'ldtu.r sddi6,.rr'rdq, rt$<br />

Tfie bbl. sho*s tlDt in l97l -72 oul ol47 2 n<strong>il</strong>tio rB rocl cultivacn .e ofPa*i$!<br />

Punjib possed 2?,23 n<strong>il</strong>lion lcres or 5?.8 perceDt of lhe loLl crhiuled aE. or<br />

Prkklan. wh@ A. NVT? slDi.d ody 4 OOl n<strong>il</strong>lion &rs or 3 49 p.rc61 of the roLl<br />

oltisr.d a@ of P&ish. n* loi<strong>il</strong> dldnbd lJd in Pu.jtb Ech.d b 233 niuion<br />

qcDs d 56 7 !.rcoi of rhe bbl cultivoEd lind ol Paknbn wnih shrE of NWFP h'rdlv<br />

9.16<br />

t975-16 48 98 ,1.9r 57ll 9.ll<br />

43 3l 56 5.1 t.5l<br />

28.05<br />

23.05 i6.31 951<br />

t979-80 23.29 J659<br />

1980.81 50.00 284 9.t<br />

E.ch.d 4.7? n<strong>il</strong>lion acEs or 9.5 % of1,5€ loLl culrivaled land oiP id.nin I930

The innow of norc lhan rwo n<strong>il</strong>lion Atlin rcfueees in lt7t, lo4ed in 235<br />

cchps d 94 dif@nt phc.s .long with $en h.rds ol clole lc.diu lo incrersing<br />

acdchtBt on rind ud.r aoEsl .nd ovcqxa4d En3Fs.<br />

lrldlord r.nmt .l|!tnt6<br />

TIE rcMns cuhivrEd lsnd fdmen s7 p.tsr of tne privatly owncd tobl mrra TI.<br />

i€ns<strong>il</strong>icalioninlhconsoingaga.ianunrestqndneshnorenentofasiculbralhbor<br />

dd D.enrs b l9?0s c$ b. hc.n ro lhe prc4lection sl*m..ing d.vs olrhe Pakisla!<br />

P@pl. Ptdy, when i dcclatd bnd fot rh. p.a$ls' rd n<strong>il</strong>ls for rhe liboB' Thes<br />

crthy plmss fou.d quict adhlms.noDg lic f.IWFP l.m.s, *ho sioied tllusb"t.g<br />

Bhurtok qishes. nE l97o el*rions bFuShl PakGt ' People Pany to povd in.ounlrv<br />

hosever in thc l\rrrFPi lh€ oppGitio. plni.s inoluding Narion.l Awdi Pa<strong>il</strong>v .nd<br />

Jlmi.t-ul-nlefu Islrn l.d prcviDoial govonmcnl. Of6cial Poplo Ptdv .upponed the<br />

icnrnt3 in dE poviG ro d|n.gp th. b6* ofNAP and JUI t asulEd in risingm<strong>il</strong>ib*v<br />

dona the k@br5. Th. Mrzdor Ki$n Pstly hn by Ali2l Btn8rsh c@ inro tulioMl<br />

limc li8h. and raised loicc .Slind the eviction of &Mnl5 by landlodr Tbe MKP oame up<br />

wnh sbgdn dDr t<strong>il</strong>led !.rc rne orisiml oM.N of the lm<strong>il</strong> The hndlotds hale no dslt<br />

io t!1. rh. sh.E of fic pod@ nm $€ t<strong>il</strong>l6 lnd lhc exisrina Ent lseenea ssre tlt<br />

eull of feudll dploibtioD Tt DdV tuntFr pdlain€d lhar rhc prcduce of the land<br />

*r! 3w.at srd blo.d of thc l<strong>il</strong>leB and no body hs llE nght b t he it rlm lhem. ,b<br />

activiri.s *e& msinly confined to Cha6!da, Madtn and reshawit where llndlords<br />

owning 5OO scEs ot mot *cE suNmded by smoll lmdomds Shall hdowncn *cr'<br />

l<strong>il</strong>lin8 rh.n lad v<strong>il</strong>h th. hclp of l..dles labor dBM fion 6. l@!l r@s a mll as ftom<br />

Swd .nd Malihnd. An cxplGiw snuion.o.4!d wnq @nts-hndlords skimish.t<br />

in M&d!. dd tne adjoininS.@ ofMohtlnd .gcrcvr6 bok plqoc durina l9?3 ?4 This<br />

lnre* causd a nis novemdl of lensnE rsri.d lhc lsdlords in differt't pans ol<br />

NwFPrr. seveBl llndlor& .nd teno|s wcF k<strong>il</strong>led in the ensuing cl.shes<br />

I. shahpur vitlig. of Kohar diincl lh€ lione diincl of Alal B€rylsh. ihe<br />

prcsidcnt oa MKP, Kiyani sd @nb dispuL crcp nPr' ltE l.Ddom6 fominS 'n<br />

ors&iaiion sqled as lh. Ifiehad+'M<strong>il</strong>iki@R_rsziaf 6inh.! a8€ravaled thc<br />

situdrions. Tlis oigmizltion, like Mtzdoot Kisln Paftv poc*sed cxtrenist eled'nls<br />

fivorine a n<strong>il</strong>ibnr sbnc.. The pnblem b.camc quic conPlicatd for prcvitcitl<br />

sovelMc.i. Povinchl .dninist.im b€.red ejetion ol r'mnts This srcp ol<br />

ldhi.ishtion *.s $bjeEd 10 cnticiso . l ws unds fiE bv rli' landlotdsD Th'<br />

adninisfttion set up hl6hi comitte?s' committee for €coN<strong>il</strong>i'lion and Spetd<br />

MisistBre was depured slcly ror tlE purpos orE$lvin3 E cas.s e€tuiniiB to wijl

llndlordstodnts pbbl.n, The tcont3 w.r. *ckine lne hnd l<strong>il</strong>l.d bv tlEn in lhe Mne<br />

ol julice dd .qulity sh<strong>il</strong>c rh. bndlords ,c€ d.mtnditS enlorcenal of ldt Th'<br />

prcvincirt .dftinisdllio. w4 to gudaf,te jutic. * *cl! s nl€ oflase<br />

(2.1) Asricuhuhl .xMion and ttgeh<br />

(2.2) Ru6l wdb pognB (3) Incrnt d RuFl Dcwlopm.nt Po8@ 3nd<br />

Runl wd*r Presnd ( l9?2-80) (b) Bmni i{F!s DcElopmnl Poj.ct (19?5-80)<br />

(c) Asrv<strong>il</strong>lc!<br />

l2,l) Re.dch rld E .6lo!<br />

'wl'en d Julyl, l9?O dE fot:M pFvi* ol Norlh w. FMtid w$ csloEd, tr<br />

Fs:*d 6ll.sc of AgncultuE, P6h!*!r Univ.Fitv ASticultuE ReEn lnlribc<br />

Tamb md lh. D.!.i,rcnl of Agricullus E{Lsion Pdh.*dr' On ,un. 10, l9?2 lhe<br />

w.sr P.h<strong>il</strong>b Asiculn|E D.tlotndr Cdmitcq ws qislvc4 and <strong>il</strong>e rucions ud<br />

proj@rs r@ dnl:Rd io tn. povi@i.l ADc dd |n€ sdll D.6 otr'datid of ln.<br />

\VPADC. Th€ wort of Ddutt1Mt .nd dimibution of f.rl<strong>il</strong>i4u ss F Gtercd ro lh.<br />

tn 1975, th. Corcmc @nniod rn rgiculoEl inqui.v commid€ lo l@k<br />

inb rhe €u*s aor lo* t8ricllbnl dpll in thc ;ny ;qd6 Thc @mtuc in its<br />

aFn poincd our dEt !n in&qurc $tply ol iftForcd v.ri.tv *.ds FniclLrlv in ce<br />

of *trdr s dE min a@ ol lw ptldstiv,iy. Th. @mEi@ Eom..d.d didibllio<br />

of | 7(x) ftlric ronr of Mdim qh.!r .1 sub.idiEn d. !o dF 3bwE. A su of Rs 0 16<br />

n<strong>il</strong>lion *s <strong>il</strong>lmcn b NnlrFP by cdttl eoff<strong>il</strong> for Pdunns tnd suhidizins s.d<br />

oa Mdicrn wh@fr. AsndloEl D.F tn.nl NWFP.st bldrn *d am! !i diff.E<br />

plres in tha prcvinc. for lupply .!Nd nullipliotjon oflw,v.n.g 5..ds TlE Dcpadct't<br />

of AgricllbE 4Lrd.d i$ cxcsi@ &liviti6 ihough in!.ducing &nid BdoE\<br />

TnDrns lnd vbir .Fh (T&V SysEhl '. bR sl*cd lsr r lrc senrics<br />

PEliniM<strong>il</strong>y T & V syli.n ws intrcdrc.d in D.E lsnoii Khln i. AulNt l9?3 md i.<br />

BuM witt h.d q!.n.r !r Dasst in Ocbb.t 1978 1. 1980' povinci<strong>il</strong> rgiculoft<br />

d.prtu.nr ruhEircd lo tut nDEry fm, in vdou! d<strong>il</strong>rncts ol lhe ptuvrc.ri<br />

UD nI l98O tlF wotr of.sricDltunl F&!rch vr! coductd bv tlc prcvincial<br />

wh 5y6Ln thal conli6tld of 15 muli .nd mono dieipliMrv e&trh institules'<br />

asdcultuE Esceh shtioB / sub+bdot ldlicd in lhc imPotiinmgriculture aeas or the<br />

pBvitue$. Those relcffih uniL w.E plri 01tJl. dcpartn.nl oi Food Aeriouloft,

Live*o.t ul C@!..tiE udt t ft&d Mi.E v of rSrEuhe Smc nximllv "rd<br />

i d nd'.lly tult

obl sun ofRs 7,55 n<strong>il</strong>lion ra6 lllealcd to lhe d<strong>il</strong>foFnl progans under BADP The<br />

BADP.mnsed 12,25J orcp cultivalion domoNtrtion plols in2l?2 v<strong>il</strong>lages spread over<br />

lhe whole Dovince. Mocowt 48t adoDliv. r.so.rcb tri.ls, 1s7 "mercial and lll<br />

mnrour/ chhel ploush plols q.s undei b*.nrl<br />

A ns A8rcv<strong>il</strong>lcs D.v.lopnnl Polnn ws lrunclEd it 1971 i' 6rdct to aren $e<br />

imEos in rural populstion rtd ik mpid iiSrarion fom lh€ v<strong>il</strong>lag's lo tlc ltrge ones<br />

Th€ word .grcviu. nqN a lnau loM l@.t d in dEl aEi So this prc8mn lag<br />

launch.d lo d*!op smll !oM3 {d n diun liu citica in ruBl e.vimM'nr dm$h<br />

'd<br />

pndudiv. cn&Dn!. and tlE povision ol edu..tioMl' hqxh, ur€r rupplv ind<br />

wder dkposl, .*$y, hrlpon sd otnd Go<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>i4 Ir would *d. rs f@al poi'r for l,'€<br />

a€<strong>il</strong>.b<strong>il</strong>ity of rsncuhlEl edi@+ rdl,lin! of .sricultlEl products ind dE<br />

dcvclopnd ol !sr-bd!.d lcll indBEi.s{ ln ce of K.shi dre Eov.hneot *as<br />

lninrins ol lautuhing n.hv<strong>il</strong>l$ progdn. $. objel ol wh'ch w.s !o .slablisn sn<strong>il</strong>l<br />

tom in rhe tcinig of indusirl le.rion e lnr lkmchi could b. d@@8ps.d a.d ib<br />

sF&n of hsrod.tid t Eti.v.n. Un- fodrt lv ba.e of orgrnizrioMl a.d<br />

lMial cor6lrinB tIE posM @ld tut b. crcucd I inLnd.ds<br />

Th. PddrLn Peopl. Pany Corcmcnt iBluEd thc cdmrc<strong>il</strong>l ba . ro pbvidc ctldir<br />

frc<strong>il</strong>iti6, l@n lnd adytnc. to ttE slll $d middle t m€6 .nd lhc indost<strong>il</strong>l<br />

enftpEtuur but lhc Es?ore of rh. bmks *0s P@ ln Jtnu!ry 1974 rhc gov.menl<br />

mti@lizd lhc hsnlc b..$e i. w.nLd to bci lgricultdl pbdulia bv ProvidinB<br />

cr.dit ond lMs to th. nms. Tha supply ol !8ticuln|6l cEd<strong>il</strong> i@&d mtnv folds<br />

dunng di. s.rcnti.s. Tlt rorql di$u@m.nl of lSrrcultuml ld. his sorc up fttd Rs<br />

306.75m<strong>il</strong>lioni.l972loPs.5,l08.l4hiuiotinl98ls During l9?0_77. thc grcwt]' Fre<br />

of cedit w6 ,11 .9 p.t.rt p€t amum. Tho 6.dn dd baftlfrcn MlioMlizd bants to dic<br />

fio.B incs*d lom 85 n<strong>il</strong>liot rupd if, l97l_7210 7OO t<strong>il</strong>liot rupccs iD l97s_76!r'<br />

'nis <strong>il</strong>c<strong>il</strong>iry or lo.Ds .nd tcdit, aldg wnh ,n inclt& in preuEment p'ies of<br />

lg.icultuEl cmnodirica ti.r incE&d hudrcd pd&nl dlrin8 tl|is p€riod cl€rlv n@r<br />

an atcmpl on rh. p.n ol gorcdoc !o alt t tlc pr_Crcwd 6datcev of lhc prevDus<br />

Du.ing 1977-80,lh.d ha3 b..n an.xpi6ion in thc volunc ollsFctltoral credn<br />

iion irol<strong>il</strong>ulioMl feuiccs. Th. p€t lofr rv.<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>ity of ihsdulioMl cr.dit inoMsd 10<br />

Rs. s2 in l98O !s comDAEd to only Rs.4 in l97o'r' Thc gowh rate ofdericultoral cr€dn<br />

wls nol * in tne elrli* p.nod. Tn. mode of disEibulion of clcdn ws highlv bhsd in

f.vor of big .imd, who @ivd .lmd 81 Dctfl ol .gticultuBl ccdn disbnrsld bv<br />

the Ag.cultunl Derclopmnt 8.nt and cohmftirl bontJi In 1974 lhe cadn<br />

avi<strong>il</strong>ib<strong>il</strong>ity per acre ws Ri20 in Plnjrb rnd Fi I in NWFP In hlnjab 64 and 44<br />

p€Eenr of the bbl credn disbuc. by ADBP .nd comn*i,l b.nk w@ adwced in<br />

l93l-32. wt<strong>il</strong>e i. l\r$/FP only 7 and ll plernt ol th. lolal credit bv ADBP and<br />

comneEial bank was rdvanc.d! In NWFP, dpee! 3.02 n<strong>il</strong>lion hqa; lMns weE<br />

atlvanced in l97O-71. tn 1980, th€se loans deeased b rupees 2 66 d<strong>il</strong>lion fte numbd<br />

of coop€nt<strong>il</strong>e societies ftehed 3444 and rupe.6 71.21 m<strong>il</strong>lion l@n wis advanced m<br />

Th. adequate and tibelt supply ol inplts play vi|!l rolc in developn€nt ofagtcDllure<br />

€-r) Irrigr<strong>il</strong>on ddclopne<br />

It is u urdeniabl€ frct ih.l 0E mo.t criisl f&iot in P.kistcD agricul@ is the<br />

ik<strong>il</strong>rb<strong>il</strong>iry of m&. lri$rid is thc lif.blo.d of lsictlirF in Pakisbne. wiih ont<br />

irig,tion vituauy rhd would bc m.8ric!1tu8. ln Ptki$t ciMlt and i$€ wlls *re<br />

Dajor FdB of iris.rion lnd rcE idSrtin8 74 lnd 2l p€'qt ol lhe 1od cdti%ral<br />

land r€spddv€lyi Mnin pbblm ftccd by isticulluE in NwT? w.s lbence of<br />

iftisrnd flc<strong>il</strong>itics for wtcrins ot Lnd. Out of 1.05 mnlion m6 bhl cullihred ag<br />

only r 15 n<strong>il</strong>lid lcc wf irig.r.d ir r{wFP.lXus ttc b.rcerhs. ol iftisoted aF b<br />

robl @ltialed.E. w 38 F@nt in NWFP. Wh<strong>il</strong>. tha DddLgc of irigared a6 ro<br />

lobl cuftivared rfr wls 35.4 in .ie of Pu.j.b"<br />

(r) c.ndr lrrk.rlo. dev.lopE.nt<br />

DeeiE lhal rhe 4- and 5'" iv. yac pl.n pointed bwads rh. €onomic conmhiion<br />

ir irieated rappd The po$ible lolution would have been lo inwsr in fi. rain-ted ed<br />

O. the conbry lhe Rdised Aclion Prclmh preprrcd {or tne develoPnmr of watei<br />

ftsources, continued lo slr*s funher impovomcnt i. thosc o€s whert idsition tras<br />

sme mojor idsllion wo*i sfttd oul in NWFP hrvc t*n nention d b€low<br />

Trrbel. D.m P.ojer<br />

In accordmce *<strong>il</strong>h rhe Indu, wu4 Trc.ty (1960) Intdndtioml Developnmt Banli<br />

ployided for 5 bomgcs, 8 li.t c.n.ls cnd I 3iphoD, {hich weE conpltltd in I960s,<br />

mosdy in Purjab. In NWFP, tie @r6lruolio' oi T.tb€h Dlm ar BrE siE an R<strong>il</strong>er Indus<br />

w surred in 1963 and conplcr.d in 1974. Tui.L i! !, €nh Md @k f<strong>il</strong>l dan, 435 ti€l<br />

high *ith slc sioDc! of 1l.l r<strong>il</strong>lion t.Fs fel lt hls Mo out lels lor irisarid

purpGA ard oih.lnr ourlcG ror pow,8"*nOont n i*e".a -a .s!r-i,"d<br />

at.ihb<strong>il</strong>ity of*.h b cels h |I\VPP, Pmj.b tDd Sinn<br />

Cb$s. RiAbt B.nh C.rd<br />

A cml h.nd ECIhtor witt . dp&ity of 5000 clss wG imorpo6t d lo frbL<br />

div.6ion of suppli€s irio Pahlour c.ol wh.n thc f*ding lmsenmls oI dE drnins<br />

Pahirpur @l w* .fiecr.d 0iq |lle cotuhcrion of rh. Chasnm Bmge bl€r o'<br />

propoel for consdclion of gravity caDl .m.d CRBC was dus out The cosl of lhe<br />

CRBC l<strong>il</strong>jecl<br />

vas 6nml.d Rs.l4??.6 n<strong>il</strong>lion w<strong>il</strong>h I forisn exchanse conpdml ol<br />

Rs.501.4 n<strong>il</strong>lim and vN exp@ted to inig.t 0.22 miuion &es qFa in l\lwFPre<br />

The Sdn tuvd G iEisaling E an Wo& on Sann Rirer prcjcot v's 56rred it 196l<br />

XJBnpu. Dan rh.t i! located in Haara, i3 137 fel high dd lll0leet long einhen d.m<br />

'co$ thr Ham Rivq rce Khtnpui IXc pbjaot coiti.!.d 1o linser on up b 1977 due<br />

to vdioE frclon isludins plwity offtndJor. Tte pbj&t sd conplcted in l98l Ir<br />

povid.s lll nnlid salm poitlblc s .r pct d.y io R *llpindi dd Islmabad dd<br />

.lro irisated 11355 ace in Punjlb and 2273s in NwFPi0r. B6id.s dE* mjor prcjec6<br />

dom of mall inisrrion projec w.c cmpl.Ld in difrcEnI dj.ui* ofdE povi*.s<br />

gitd io AtFddn 2. For @tolling @Ey!ft. ls, laehing of On Fm Wab<br />

Mmsend (OFVM) tbj4B ws tu.d h l9?8 *ith rh€ .sistce of US AID. world<br />

B.n* and Asi0 Dewlopndr B.nL<br />

T.bt. d.3<br />

T.bb 3n@hs uF r.d d.'r ln rh. .r L! lrtrL<strong>il</strong> .q! ol hi!.b .nd NrrTP du.bg<br />

re71-s1 (M<strong>il</strong>lion eG)<br />

21.32<br />

1353 m2l<br />

Cnmr of Prris, PaH,b ,lsrh ltottlsbtdi.s t933,<br />

Th. rablc sl's dst during l97Gso, bt l ctdl iriglFd 'F in tll,.F? IluctErcd<br />

bct@ 0.69 n<strong>il</strong>id &E !.d 0,71 n<strong>il</strong>laon .cs. ft! 3hc in btal imgd€d aB of<br />

0.69<br />


Patiib incFased fon 2.?l percenl in l97O lo 280 !€rcett in 1930 wh<strong>il</strong>e canal<br />

irisar.d aF in Pujab bi.d fim l? 54 n<strong>il</strong>lion ercs it l97l to 13 s3 n<strong>il</strong>ion rrts r<br />

l9so. ln orhd wonls, slure of Punjrb incs.sd nom 69?6 pe@nl in 1970 to ?0 19<br />

Fcdr olttF el d<strong>il</strong> iftig'rcd lF of P.li.trn it 1980 :<br />

ln Pu.jab. cdl iris ed 6 pc@4e of rhc totiNl cDlriEled ae hG ircl6<br />

fiw t3 ro 63 p€Eqr ofth€ bbl itris cd.o Ho*vq in c's 6fr'IwFP rh@ -6 rd<br />

&ctine of 15 6 Ftal in iniglcd ,€ 6 pct.nbg. of culri!.lcd a@ in lh' pro;nce,<br />

6,!.ihbnity of (fulw.b{t cs$d fom I 08 n<strong>il</strong>lion &Es f€l in I9?0 b 2 3n<strong>il</strong>lio'<br />

icEs fe. in l93O b€au* of sm.ll?t now i. Rivor fobulr0r<br />

O)Tub. wells irngritor dwdopne<br />

In P.kisbn, rapid irebllation of public a3 w.ll .! pdvql€ tube wells look Pla@ Therc<br />

w.re 2l $hehes, lo in Punjib, 9 in Sind md 4 i! NWFP SCARPII sal$e zone,<br />

scARllll scARP shorkat K.malia, scARP saliua, scAn? sllahPr. scARP<br />

P.njnrd Abbsi. (uirl), T.uns-PanjMd litrk. Ch.lhmi_rnehlm linl! PalBds dtain<br />

pbj*i. scARP Fodwat Sidiqri!, .tti w|rr losging &ide Tnmu_sindld Mriki_<br />

Bh.l*!l link .nd Rt$l$disbad_B.llotj_Sul.ina i li.t erc rhe nNit shenes<br />

conpleied in Punjab duins 1970J!.<br />

ln NWFP, SCARP P6lE*.r Pnbbi P<strong>il</strong>ot Pbjat Il' SCARP P€slErI tui Sheikn<br />

Uni! Anli w'b lodging P6lB*!r Ciry Unir, Anli wlLr lodging Kh.nmnd and Na6njt<br />

Un<strong>il</strong>, SCARP PeshaNar Wtmt Cod Unn, SCARP Mi&n ud SCARP Bamu mF<br />

conplel€d io l97os. IrE blll numtd of Nt *cll wctL 82. 451 in Pakislan in 1970,<br />

oul of thl 75,146 i.e9l.l4 peG w.rc in Punjab ltr NWFP lll@ were 1,163 tub'<br />

wclls rhrl foft.n 1.41 peEenl of the lohl In 1980 $e nunb€r of lube *elb ftmb.d lo<br />

Trblo 6,4<br />

Tot lruEh..of .ub.*eusoFrrtidghPunj rndN\rTTdlrl.g1c71_31<br />

r.20J75<br />

1931 1J3,670<br />

C@i of Ps&nh, Patik, .rsr& ltunl Stutktic 193!<br />


Tho bble indiares thnr tlEE qeE 90,101 bldl tlbc w.lh in Paldshn in 1971, oul ollhot<br />

81,814 i.e.90.03 percnt w@ in Punjrb. In NWFP, lh@ weE I,483 bbe wells th&t<br />

fomcd I 65 pe@nr ofrhe btl. In l98l tE rmtq oitub. w.us sctted 1o 133,670 in<br />

Pltisr.n. Pudlb Fodsed 16l, 8?5 6 85.79 p.e'n of the bhl, {h<strong>il</strong>€ dE nuobcr oa<br />

tub. w.lls in NWFP im@*d io 4.36,1 or 2.14 F|mt of losl.<br />

In P.ritu b.$ qMl .rd tuh. rclls itri$t d lgs htrc sigdfic{dy ircs..d<br />

dunns 1976 Sind &d hnjab w€E o.in b.tufi.irn6 of irisatid d.v.lopndl dung<br />

I97os. Dudns th€ penod lvrllo. in Punj$ rh. inirtLi {s wnr iion 22 63 n<strong>il</strong>lion<br />

acEs to 25.55 m<strong>il</strong>lio. aoEs regisl€r<strong>il</strong>g u i@@& ol 12.6 p.rcdt. In NWFP it iereased<br />

ion I6l miuion mEs to 1.73 n<strong>il</strong>lion rcFs during the .ane penod, regislflng a!<br />

ircia* of ?.5 pffitre The Punjab out dtirnc.d a0 &. odEr prvinc€s ituldding<br />

NwlP in thc proportion of lolal irigat d lEa ol Pakcbn. Ar lh. cnd ol dalde of<br />

1970s, 90 p€Eml of cuhivlted 0Er in Punhb w6 iftigaLd, sh<strong>il</strong>e ir NWFP the<br />

cmspondina fiaDr was only 40 p€Mlor. ln 1982, percfnllee or inigakn as b lolll<br />

culnvllql !g @ned 95 pcrcot in runj.b rn if, I\]1^IFP it hr'dly €rchen 40 pe(cni<br />

P.Ear lbe of Puj.! .!d INWP in MlioMl incMalll iffi i. imgritd @<br />

dnIg l9?l 8l 16 l3 and I ? Es?cctirclyro.<br />

2268<br />

t912-7 ! 32.27 22 75 70.52 130<br />

tt.7l 2145 t75 5.21<br />

t2 96 22.86 69.14<br />

1915.16 11.68 .2.1.19 68.82<br />

t916-17 68.47 1.75 5ll<br />

1977.78 l5 1.1 68.78 L3l 5.20<br />

69.ll 1.63<br />

t97t80 t6 4t ?0lt 7.1)<br />

1930-31 36.42 16.05 L33<br />

Th. r.bl. show t8t iolll iri8't d.@ in PDDjah o* nom 22 68 n<strong>il</strong>lion n a in 1970<br />

ro 26.05 n<strong>il</strong>lid ed3 in 1930. I. case of NWFP, rhe tobl iftieoted.m ircssed tom<br />

I 6l m<strong>il</strong>lio eEs lo 1.83 m<strong>il</strong>lior acE! In 1980, lold idisa&d aE or Pat<strong>il</strong>xn iturc.$d

lo 36.82 n<strong>il</strong>lio $E!. Plnjab's .hx. e& !o 26,05 h<strong>il</strong>h; &rc5 or 70.54 por@nl, wb<strong>il</strong>e<br />

idisar.d os in NWFP tgh.d 1.83 m<strong>il</strong>lioD mc! or4.97 pcrcent of lotll iriSded.rea<br />

F?n<strong>il</strong>ia coGuoption in P.lkbn duriry s.wnti.s wat impEsiv.. Ave6ge<br />

conrumptid p.r,!.r w8 orcr ?3 thou..rd NEi. btu rnd lh. mu.l gD*'tn in<br />

f.rr<strong>il</strong>iz.r otrr.lc ws 12,4 Fddf6, lt itus!.d frm O.!8 h<strong>il</strong>lion nDiridl bs durits<br />

l9?O io 1.24 m<strong>il</strong>lion nutri.nt r@ in lr82rr0.<br />

T.bL 6,6<br />

Y€r-rb ontL ol'ir<strong>il</strong>lr.r |tr N*F? d!d!t 1vtc0, (ltdrh b.t<br />

t970-71 4132 159 t9350<br />

t91t- 72 28851 l65l 2a .t2534<br />

1912- 1t Jt5l9 l16t 12 13049<br />

r91l- 14 2t7t1 108,1 26905<br />

77744 2455 l96 24938<br />

J0937 6942 290 182r9<br />

3 0 7 52269<br />

6520 249 J86r9<br />

t9a-B It979 7U 58509<br />

r979-E0 I]r80 802 69476<br />

!lllN!!d,<br />

^sioldld.r.m or Nwrt. k/flt&rledtu 4 NVFP D<br />

(nicft4 .ri.ulbl &slamr Njd<br />

ollh. iotl l.rr<strong>il</strong>iar u&d. rh. !vag. shlE ol Puj.b w$ 66 Frcd. *t lc $.t of<br />

l.IwFP q.r only 7 D.@nt durinS lr?G. Th. bbh slD*s rhrl thslth ou 1970! th€<br />

Pdjrb ihrE in th. io6l f.fi<strong>il</strong>ia. c.MnDti6 of 0E 6uniy ws .houl 66 pdent wh c<br />

ih,E olr.nvFP we oDly 7 FGnr of rh. iobl. \\IT? l.!g.d b.hind Punjlb i. the u$ of<br />

lcn<strong>il</strong>izr Fr e@ullivrte

f.t<strong>il</strong>iur coNunption im@6€d fim 42 tg F .cE duri.g I9?G?5 b 63 kg p.r lcE<br />

OJ) Ioprc{d v.d.n6 or..€d<br />

In 197tu rh. !* ol imprcv.d vari.li6 ol *.di, idlE&d ooE ors rh@ tin.s in Punj$<br />

wh<strong>il</strong>. inNWFP fieN ofinpD'€d seds be.n double. Th€ tolal aH !nd.r wh.{ and<br />

rice devoEd to high yieldiry vrriclier ols@& h$ been nisd lFm t?8t and 7042<br />

pdml in 1972 to 39.03 ond 94.33 p.F.nt of th. 10Ll !g undq $ese Esp.ctivc crops<br />

by 1982 i, Punjrb. vnn in NWIP 45.59.nd 31.13 pdent olwnd and dcc wa un&r<br />

hish ,icldins v.ri.ti6 ofs€

'llr nost out srandiDg pmductim hs b.d th.r of whdr onlput in Pnldtu. wnh $.<br />

cxi.nsion of !@ udd wh€.r, th€ ndn idp&r hs ben $ouert lhe Epid inc@$ in |n.<br />

doprid orrh high ieldins di$e Bist v.ndi*. M; sm so p@r wh@i !M<br />

*s und.. nod€n nrielics in 1932 in P.Lito. Whcll Pltducrid 'c fion 7.29 niuion<br />

torcs in 1970 iol2.a nnlion lons in 1932 in IE coutrEy Dunng the Fnod l97l -31 ield<br />

pd rcE *dr iion I 1.6 maundr to I ? Mun(hrr'. Wlal inpon dcclined ion 20 pdar<br />

of the 106l olo<strong>il</strong>ob<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>y in 1965 lo !n rv.ns. of onb 4,6 p.rce't dunns 1930. In crs oa<br />

rie, sime nid.l970r, oldll gwrh in ric. pbduotion nls beo sloNer dn vh€at 50<br />

perent.ie arta w6 under hish yicldiDg in l9?9.The iolal rice prcduolion nas incMsed<br />

iom 2.26 n<strong>il</strong>lion lones in l97l to 1.44 n<strong>il</strong>lion toncs in 1933 and per acE yicld fcre.sed<br />

from 15 9 naunds to 13.3 m.unds during the s.me dne. Yield of rice incrca$d ar 2<br />

D€rcent ps yearrrr. Yield iDprcvem.nt hls oonrdbuted only 23 percent in pDduclion of<br />

crops as a shole beBeen l9?0 rnd 1982, in @nF.sr ro 66 FGnl fd *heat G6m<br />

prodftrio. d..E.&d from 0.51 n<strong>il</strong>lion bm in t97l to b.34 m<strong>il</strong>lio. rdes in 1930116.<br />

Cotrd prodlcriM g@ rI a Epid 6r. dEn nc.. Conon p$dwri6D nuctoar€d due ro p6t<br />

wotEr ed Fsl atlck b.fm 1979. Sugsdc yiclb hrvc be. *ric dring I970s.<br />

Thc ovcBAc p€r acE yicld of $gor 6* incs*d ion 193.75 munds in l97l to 425 2<br />

n.uds in l93l1r?. ,{16A. D.r &E ,i.ld 6f iob.cco v* 14.42 munds during tnis<br />

!€riod. The a@ und.r ftlits ieus.d nlm 0.58 F<strong>il</strong>lion acEs in l9?5 b 0.71 ntllton<br />

lcs in 19e0. The leld of nuitr Enaitud 6t!ii. i c 9l .4 mauds per acE dunng $k<br />

Tohl a2 oFps were sro*n in NWFP. P.i lcE yicld of $hear and sugadane wis<br />

low.$ as conpaEd b Punjab and Sind The yield per @ re of lobac co ws conpetitiver i'<br />

In ce ofNwFP dE ourDur of lruits rnd v4euble! h$ bc.n incre0sed nuh faner and<br />

Uie Sbwrh of frui6 ws twice rhal or v.g.hbles The tnnul avdase @. utde! iiuit<br />

@h.d 6672 afts md iolal pioduclion E.oh.d 28200lons in 1980. Polato, onion ind<br />

lomiio e predoniml vcSpllblc in lb. pbvinc.. Avcmge durl .@ Dnder v.gctlbl.<br />

*cludi.8 p.blo sctrai 10429 eB and NcdS€ rnnul Ptldudion l€&hed 56,4{Xr

T.bt 6,,<br />

Th4 .%n3. .!n!.1 .!Etq p.od*tlon .nd vl.ld !.r<br />

As6l svdgr ddin8 l97G7t AMtrl rvft€! deg 19?5-30<br />

rcE ot @Jor lood .bd 'oh<br />

NWFP turlri 197L75 [d l9]d0<br />

r],5 14.192 8.70 1770 t9_9t I1.26<br />

199 t0,t9t r3.0 806 ILl 1J.77<br />

1,19 426.19 230 98.69<br />

61 1.369 20,43 15.t2 r.206<br />

2t4 0.711 J.l8 218.9 0.E084 2.91<br />

70 0.4t2 5.89 68 0,165 5_t1<br />

o.!78 1.95 t19.1 l.t2l 8.81<br />

sF It<br />

s*:C'gll6a;aF*e. rd4rt",s{t'"t<br />

Th€ bble dbws rhlt d* .6!p .!Ml @ u!&r cultiv.ri@ of rll $. coF ims6.d<br />

Asrin pd @ ,i.ld .tbsr i@ in @ of whq( miz., sg|r cu .d b.jE *Nlc<br />

d.cs*d ir * of iotr@q gnn .!d jow-<br />

6.ir Sh... ofl.NvFP h lt. lod .ot Dnd*rlo.<br />

of P.U.nr<br />

IrE Fovi* dr.E of NWFP @in d rboli9 pct6rollll told col'D.d .E.d<br />

.b.rt 5 Fcat of llF lot l iD!.ad rd of th. Nncy durinS ln. de.dc or,97ftrx<br />

Food c6F cupin 80 Fd' ofdFlot l cultinLd d i!l.n{TP.nd co .ih{i.d @lv<br />

6 F.atofdF tot l foodcDp.oldE @unry, Tn 3hc ofNWTP i. oizc F.duction<br />

tueod b.tla $ .!n 60 Fcnr of th. idl produdid of llF counEv Tn! !l@ep our<br />

pot of food sni6 mir.d iffi in NWFP s onFd io Puijlb Dd Sind ln c.E oa<br />

$Bf 6rc IIWFP con[ibltcd 12 !.@nt.l !v.6!c 1o dE !ol!l poduc.im of lh.<br />

@ftr'rr. N\VFP dEi6[l.d ?o F'wr of $. !ol,l iot @ ollhl(iLn Tt liv6r&k<br />

fislsi4 sd foEty .@6Ld for 30 pc@nt of lsticulrnl GDP ol Pst<strong>il</strong>ld TlE<br />

liBtock slor dldbuLd Estly s l<strong>il</strong>hoiB 6d f@tty log.rter @nprb.d onlv l.l<br />

p.Iqt olllF torll rgncDltunl dl pll"':. It. pd €Pib DorlEy popul.tim in deeeldrg<br />

oda ws 0.89, 0,4r, 0.3! .nd 0.29 clletiwty in l!!rlT?l S.lch<strong>il</strong>lan, Sind dd Pujrb<br />

nc D.r oD<strong>il</strong>! o!td. Fpoldion w hidlct in NWIP (0 27) wniL 0!.r ofbufll@s wt3<br />

hish6 i, Puj!6 (0,16)rrr, Ixc !h.E of l.lwFP in totll lirslock prcdelioD of thc<br />

coudry l@itud 15 F@.rra. Ahout 5.1 Dt@ln of th.lohl Fpon d d. of Patifi.<br />

was nd.r fost in l98l,ltr {6. ofNWFP, fonrd. lws3l n<strong>il</strong>lion.crc! m.Ling 15

p€renl offie t

n<strong>il</strong>ion rc d 56.t p€lqr of lh. bbl cuki$ed d of 0!. courty wh.rc s N'\!T?<br />

alnDbd o.ly ftr 4.?0 n<strong>il</strong>lion ocEs or 95 p€e ol tlE roul cultiwtd hnd in<br />

PatGh in I9321'?e. sin<strong>il</strong>'ly Plnjcb's sh.t in .h. loltl itrig&d aEi ol fie @u'bv *is<br />

oler 70 pemt wh<strong>il</strong>e rwF? h.d only 5 p.Dnt shrrc in <strong>il</strong>t bbl ln Pmjib 95 percet't<br />

of6€ cultivated rEa @ iniSrt d it 1982 *hiL in NWFP ihc con€spdnding fuue sas<br />

only 40 percalrro. Ttu gEen Flollrion l..hnologies htd, rhcrcfore, gle.br inpel o'<br />

Punjab\ .SricultuE od nther smll on the aBlicultuE of NWFP. The policv followel<br />

sas for thd wbole of Pakidan dnd did not loke into consid€tstion lhe sp4ificirv of rhe<br />

f.IwFP in lerms of the ina*sib<strong>il</strong>ny of rhc Ggion and oa'giml lames opdarins on<br />

The conc€ntdions of rh. ADBP lo.ns *crc biisd towtrds developnol Pu+oses<br />

ind lo$dds lame6 Ei.g 6oden inpul!. This lpph.ch was .dr verv h.lptul lo the bull<br />

df smll lam.6 in l{wFP wio ,.re umbla to modcdie beau* of i'h@ land sib<br />

ond tien low-incme level. ln l98l, Fi.85.ll n<strong>il</strong>lion ws disblFgl b $€ NVTP, which<br />

ltr 5.5 p.rd of nE iolll. i.fWFP hs lh.loEi.Ea ad h.N.lorcl sh*"' Tl€<br />

irdlow of rb@ n<strong>il</strong>lior Afgh.n Efueer in l9?9 in fi. NWIP funnd conpoundcd $€<br />

poblfl wftn dE fn-Eching inglic.dc for th. emny, 6viMe dd rhc lev.l of<br />

otr-fam employnerr. ThlftfoE owr tlE ds&, !nd.r Evia (1960 1930) n<strong>il</strong>lio. of<br />

ft e6leh dE poviM for olh.r pans of@uniry !'d abotd<br />

aericubre ard induby rhe donomy of NWFP sls uMble b aberb the su+lus l.bor<br />

and dudng $e 9 ydB p.riod fron 1972 b 1980, dr. rct misDlion lion ihe poline for<br />

srch oljob srood l.o2m<strong>il</strong>lionrl.<br />

5l Agrlculture d€v€lopEe du.lng 1980trnd |9903<br />

In l93os, r n s asflcultuml policy w5s a.nounccd! which .xhor&d oD extended sle of<br />

priulc sror, Educlion in sublidi.s on lgf,culural inpuls and ino@*d supDon Dricas<br />

foi aglicnltunl comodities. An lgf,ounu<strong>il</strong>l pricc oommislion w$ esbbl&ned in 1931<br />

to Eonnend amral adjusttn.nl in suppon piic.s of agricultunl connodnies hking<br />

inio scounl oost of prodrdion, ner retln io fcm.6 and inl€mdtiMal pneJ!<br />

Alnosl all the Fseash .vdludio, repons pM.nted in laktulrn bv resarch<br />

oqanization slowed rh€ lack ol hum.n, fimnaial and malenal resources in aencultnre '<br />

ln 1930, a jainl mission of rh. Wotld Bank. USAID, itid CIDA cani.d oul innepdi<br />

eurdion of the mlioncl .sricultuol csarch systeh lhis mision rdonndded o<br />

moE aurdohous sbtus ld llF nrlioml Es.rci .st.blishm.n o povide eicntists w<strong>il</strong>h<br />

r congenid *o* envibmett. Th.reloE, in lt8l, $. agticuluml resrch coud<strong>il</strong> {6<br />

rnesigMbl .s Plkislln Asricultunl Rc$!rch Courc<strong>il</strong> {PARC) wi$ h€td qmncrlr

lslanabld lt helped the protinc isl r.search insl <strong>il</strong>Dlions bv orains suDpon in $e lom of<br />

hied p€Mft!, .quipncnt, ttuspon ind toiting of dsdch st fl Ir hc esrblish'd its<br />

own Mnlml and ESionol .grculo<strong>il</strong> llgeh ent B ar ldlMbld 'nd it nE Mor'<br />

p.ns oi th€ comiry. PARC i! d$ rrying b slv. fic prcblens conaooting nin_fci' a.id<br />

and h<strong>il</strong>l fimins. Ndioml ASncuftuFl Res.rrch Counc<strong>il</strong> (NARC) is c!!ryine a Eseaich<br />

on all srfrs of asriolltur itrludins crops, $<strong>il</strong>s. Uve$dk fotsq, lisheies. scio'<br />

conomic !5Fcb dd .sticult@ extnsion .tc<br />

In i.IwT?, lnc USAjD tutxlcd psjet on rnc tdf;md6 tnd intlsDtio of dE<br />

PFvircial AericulNnl N.l*orl (mAi.D nrncd in l9e6 TrE Poviftial AgriculluF<br />

Rosoarh svslen was hand.d over !o rn. NWFP A$cultu€ Un<strong>il</strong>c$iiv under lhc US<br />

Aid/llPAN Pbsran This pbj€ct Fovided<br />

runds b bu<strong>il</strong>d n.N fac<strong>il</strong>iries tr $e<br />

Arti.ulba Univmity Pdhawar od previ

dd.d iI asriclloc. $tnal oul Dlt uc@d &d its inPon f.ll lrom 2 D<strong>il</strong>lion ftetic<br />

bns i. 19?0s !o 0.5 n<strong>il</strong>ion n tsio lons ir 1930 The l4rd hlsesl of 124 f<strong>il</strong>lion io'es<br />

oi whal in 1932, @bb tne cou.ry, nol onlv lo achieve slf-suffci€ncv blr ako led to<br />

pbdldion of cxpodblc sualut of whar'L{<br />

The d*adc of l99os i! ch.ncteriz.n ry political i.lbb<strong>il</strong>ig' Mmover $e comrrv s8<br />

coping with ihe cff.cs ofsulf cnsh of 1990, @tural cllmitie! in rhe fom oi summer noods<br />

in 1991and 195,mdCurl-ldvo viss(whn iy) .@k m cono. cop in 1994-95<br />

In t€d of lgricuhint policies llleE 6 rdwtion in sublidi6 on agricultuEl itpuls<br />

inprcvenenl in support price! of lgricuftural crcps lnd d€nificanr incre* in tam<br />

For elving lhe pbbl.m of inLr-pdincial Mh dispure over ll<strong>il</strong>iation of Indus<br />

wlrcr, lndus W.tr Cmmitt!6 dd fomcd u(rsr clBimaslip of Adw Hn$ain in<br />

1968 md Faal ALbar in l9?1, ior the dloc.tion ofN'et.mong be prcvFcas Dur no<br />

d.cisio wr bk n. At l.d in l99l rhe chi.f ii.istd of .u $. fot plovircd a8r€€d to<br />

N.ti@l Walet Apportionn nt Accord l99l Accoding ro W et Appdionnql Accord<br />

1991, 3.73 MAF or 14 p€rcent ol $e hdus wie! wds rlloc.ted r' rh' NWFP bur <strong>il</strong> camol<br />

l<strong>il</strong>ia noE rh.n 2 MAF ot (3 p€rc.,o dG ahse of c.lals f€d bt lnduJ{' The<br />

pbvince kkin8 caml fac<strong>il</strong>iti.! lrm Indus crml ut<strong>il</strong>i4 is dE sh:ft lnd hcins an<br />

.nnual los of Rs.5.O b<strong>il</strong>im du. lo v6bSt ol its wdsrar'<br />

tn spitc oi the economic &d pol<strong>il</strong>ical sl€$es $e lgiiculture secior Frtbmed<br />

quirc wel. Th. .Sricdn|El srowdi Mtin d 4 p.EeDi pcr .nnun ddng 1990s fia<br />

yield levels ol ccels panicululy sheal lnd tie rcse bv 3 p.red pq tnnud lnd thrl of<br />

sugatane incr.sed by I 5 percont per annlm. nt she df agncnltt in GDP rcmoined<br />

25 p€rcenr .rd $€ almg. mutl sh.re of.8toultu to .xpon 6r P'kkbi rcmdned l7<br />

p.MDt. 55 F@nl otrh€ bbl populalion miD.d cnstgcd in agrjculbre'u The shn€<br />

of d.jor lnd iinor crcps rcoritud 46 lnd I?9 p€rcent olrhe bbl v'luc adde'l in<br />

agriculture. Lit3r@k account d lor 3l I D.bent of rne,tolll agriculturt valu' added<br />

Forcsty rnd lisicnca a@unLd @Idit.lv for 5 p.rnt ol lh€ bhl vllue nddal 'n<br />

Agrtcutrrc In NWFI drlng 1930t.d q)!<br />

Our of$e 4.6? m<strong>il</strong>lioo &r.s br.l cultival€d r@ in rh. povince 2 54 n<strong>il</strong>lion acrs Nrc0<br />

*s inigad. MoE tho 30 p.@nl of tE idgaled aM it tl'' pDvince ms undq cdl<br />

idiSltim cnd I I pdcenl u .r tobe w.tls .nd ods $!es ol inigalioth wnh dc<br />

conpletion ol cRBc projeol in l990s o 22 m<strong>il</strong>lion acr€s !6 dd'tcd 10 th' idg'ted mt<br />

of p6viner'?, TrE imtw in iftislLi !d tnousll tI sut6 w6 2 16 Flgl pdv@t

dunng l980s .nd 1990s. t nd holdinss w.a v.ry smll in r'IwFP 95 p€@'t or rh.<br />


N\I/IP €ich.d 4,05 n<strong>il</strong>lio. &Es thal *6 l8 Frcent or toial seo4phic.l !g (25 14<br />

n<strong>il</strong>lion@et ofs.nled dklricllrs5.<br />

I<br />

Co.hiblrion otnsnuftctuing bolh ldg. dd mall sc.le rcetud 17.4 percent of<br />

th€ GDP of P.lii.n in 1998 At dt 3arc tinc ld8esle nsuftotun.g wls verv<br />

linir.d in rh. previ@ of |IWTP lii <strong>il</strong> hrdly @tib{ial 4 p.E. of the tobl<br />

mnui:tcn{ing of 0E NFy iD 19?116. Th.a @E .bo[ 2086 indudn.l utrit in rh.<br />

pDvi@, mployinS 77,900 p€MDs in l9?rrr. How*r nod of dF!. uni6 reDai.en<br />

cle. Mmy lhong th.s slpllei indusehl un<strong>il</strong>l weE umbL b he coutt d !s indusiial<br />

u<strong>il</strong>s b€cau!. lll ic. 'Muf&tudng ln<strong>il</strong>s Ntd cold siotlge w al$ co$it'i'd 0s<br />

iDddial mit. AE in out of &. 3l I sith m<strong>il</strong>l!, moc lho lBlr *.s .si|blishcd in private<br />

hl)m *ith i'|Bd b.lo* @ I'utdtcd tlFueri. Odlv 592 uD<strong>il</strong>! hld a. anrcshmr<br />

rh.r cxce.d Rt.5 m<strong>il</strong>lion. The litency dio i. |f,e povime @h.d ll 2 p.crt in<br />

1990 rhr( woe lovc! ihn lb. mliml lcvcl (l ? t Frce4o'$ Th. p.r .rpih CDP in<br />

Patier vaB $ 472 wnib i. r.IwFP ir was 1235 in 1996 At the 5.ne iim.46 percent<br />

population ofde p@vince lived belo' thd pov.ny lire idmined *ith US$ I Fr p€r$n

owetP,trfurPryhbcl]ls],4'@'+A<br />

rd@@r,(P+dccdlrrt<br />

's M N|t4[ lk&{bE(46 dw.di - Peb (uh vxed<br />

i shE d dr6^d;&; de r H@ d k. r'Ih vqd M"tu)'d<br />

rTJ'",'#,,,,,",,,,",,",,,","-,trpinbn,q,,, h nFora,dqr^<br />

pqsi6,ieiotud$'<strong>il</strong>'@deddtI6rd4n€h!;xNorra<br />

'sFin dlaeN{' dxb"+.d,rtre@&4r,&*.{!lid: nDE r*r<br />

rynPeidr cerM,ri|dhi fD. rqc) r3<br />

" tuid Hd@d cdrry tbtu, ft<br />

didq^d,*'n&,@&f,6F'<br />

lNI46ndfuryo'.i'r.9<br />

iN4;'kiDdchdiryogn|P39<br />

"s;r. &dft',eft(rE!d<br />

im,i'e'jdnioi{llllcd9dffit4v0,Noru(iLds+,d<br />

rdrPa<br />

'N4i$xdtuiryoDdr Pre<br />

rM.id^ldxhddrffi<br />

!' $'nd d Fd d ^ri.dm 6--;r;.re4 x@r qt &/tuddtpentN I<br />

t t,$d r'w h;tuL^d L w6v at h<br />

_sd r|s !im,,rEM u rd<br />

',vE ^MDi<br />

khi^Ed E. d!|4r/ o/teid tu4 r! Jor'bn6i d6d!i'6iN<br />

;t*,t{*-***.",, ,,,<br />

!Nrii.tudtuir,@'!Fdb Ptu r tu@na tuFttf r'a<br />

, effid al wFP ede ry olNvFP. le1z,r'l<br />

4* iho.tu4',@4,n ,tlk,cle:l$16U'i.d LD rqt rre<br />

- t,;;d<br />

^ , F*. b rd<br />

cbnn6 d ro{! ur'ianDo!! ","ir-<br />

'<br />

' tu Eidd &b D;i. emM d M<br />

- F* @6aFP tt7\vr3<br />

" i i; d-tr ft &;i** i@..<br />

^t -<br />

d@ oi e d<br />

rd|{dn*r (^@us udEcitalllo, ri4eor&Er4odsl@' r4dr D I<br />

' tuk<br />

'@q/Nrrr, tctL@.tr2<br />

::H.ti*.-*-^'.,.'" o,.t, E4&@ b,b M vd Ftu p4@. q Peq<br />

g,{rud! ffitud cdq tu rfl.ard Meidi bd@fl (rrMoD). P4

- E6aah5w12! iIMP, tt .r)<br />

'sd;ud 6d4 & vqd vo, r4d'' o Pe{4 (&fth R+ br.4D rqirq<br />

'!ri.ibuh5tu'6ft,<br />

^!!{Id<br />

-s&xd6ni!'opc(46sd<br />

ehi) ud xi!@fr lH Litu@<br />

rrHnu Mdr'ft@;ore ed edhh6rih iI H kdi (a).d@A&r o/<br />

shtHM&diEk*<br />

&;q!66'e-Edd{'q<br />

.d;4g;;G{$b-' EE'm<br />

d-;, r 6!a o L; da r.;in*.<br />

! Mdid. tu syla /r*d&ry al D. r tu ttvltrt6. terht .<br />

"<br />

^ur, (.!@.awF, hr eid! Rd rNoof stu dc.ti6<br />

dnsd^6<br />

^Fsrd €!h6* 4 ir tonjdd wd @6<br />

^@<br />

gdb'ri!ifud<br />

'^sd4bi''R6|D46FdlshkaaI6|/nn'inhrfudq|/dnhbn'<br />

(dn!r k.i!ry dtud hh@i,) vor eLi. N. r22 ('hE-sFi3, rs5l ! $<br />

b^Ed!|6sMydehii^!i.dhlbdqdhrr<br />

n sdnu K ousti .,l, rnL cdi rd RuBr Drbrnft sG elq 'i ,' ,ed tu\|bN,t RuEv<br />

vd*'l' Nor rs(s!lllE{d!m re&),e271<br />

qo'mdo.&n4lddcfuiqqqr|6.,J94'9'<br />

'ircNv6i,cNrydh4sdtu6@rtair&tdk<br />

n hni{!H{,r!ln:|e r|!oe d &r@ crEt<strong>il</strong><br />

$ Nqtud cMw q ovkdtuE te$,tk.i\r42<br />

lfufu'hNvF,FwqdwF<br />

ld@|en0W'Pur'd'dqdqdift4<br />

rdni. or ostt! dldqml ur@ d hturr&<br />

R.'d u tup;ry. rs!), F rrtr<br />

(tloff,tr4. r*r

'"'c;lm'd*q' rr,e.mdN.<br />

cl!6(dm.PDertr),p4<br />

'' z'iiq. ^<br />

'\ Nd;d ch\bbr d $tu'Lw.!e't,or.\\r<br />

'6 cut<br />

Ahi{bmtdF!olLwlds<br />

beDhd| shlotg q*F'' |911'| |,3<br />

''<br />

cn d r.js I s4d, Lqdiv m risd{ o'tr&6i h r<br />

49do4' &rr, 3 | r (splis re), p.e<br />

'! HeN4i dhv!. h,opctr f !<br />

iioBd^,n!tElRgrc|fui.oFi'ps<br />

]l|16^grdmlR64irrd'oPdlDJJ<br />

|i'PliM^Eic!fonjR.0rcicoei.o'.i(F,d<br />

i!M,tutss;xh\,Fr@netu ck8d d@te,}@ te<br />

INliodcnd$hno^gi.![F.lcl'.0F!!Ftrio<br />

'!EM^sicdrErisrchee<strong>il</strong>oP4 .<br />

i!rlfu|bh,6.nD.6<br />

r coEnno' d b;@ &tu{' &Attr<br />

'.ia ^ntu,6t vd 4 Mt? /ser, c6irw !6r^x<br />

''r;rtu.v@rc**aPfu<br />

'rM ^wbbm. b*iq b h srn h 6! E4int dlLv $dllle r6|l|vn dd rr '6udee']@l<br />

,";; rdtr b 6. tu Nd vd rc hiF (nP^N @jd ^@<br />

I' G;mrl d rd!,i. ,/b{d&,!tB othtuhr reet er,\MtrF^l<br />

't;J;id &*,,..-d<br />

s@ '; M /@hd tuEtwl h<br />

-nM;;L;;.d. vd $ d H{ dtu'da M.nbr<br />

^ri<br />

k;;";htud-*h,*rdffi ' 'ro*.tlqFtrsdbb, $;tu tMvd xIruNo<br />

Ptur tttt w34353<br />

r.ffiddNwF.$tu kb';n h^d R4N t% t7 @ t 43<br />

^'6t,<br />

- t" d. r* tYrP, (kiie o. klhri stu lh'*q<br />

^--.5.,-" '/ ^e'tud<br />

r'w;;s.d.tu* e-' lffi, *d4h E /d!d!,eqd/q'p!5

Cbepter 7<br />

Prospects, chrllenges rnd policy optiods<br />

The Nonn W6t Fmntid Prcvinc€ is a Doun|aino$ .c8iotr i mix.d with fdl<strong>il</strong>.<br />

valley of P€shawd in 1ne anla dd dry pld.s in lhe solthem pan of rhc piovinc..<br />

NWFP h uiqn€ flom aciculturc point of view bec.use it pots.s*s divesificd<br />

acicultu. Th. diveB<strong>il</strong>y of thc !.eion is E0*l.d tnouSh lhe 4ro_climatic<br />

maP oi<br />

Pakistan prcp,r€d by Asi€ultunl R..@h Coutu<strong>il</strong>, wh@ 6 out of l0 EgioB wca<br />

id@tificd in NWF? According lo 1998 cdsc, NWFP d<strong>il</strong> FATA consiitule 16 p@mt<br />

of $€ populalion of Patist n &d 48 perce ol the lobl labor force of $e povnce is<br />

agrs.d in acrcunuE ud cotrEibuiion of aSricultue lo $. GDP of prcvine slods 40<br />

Toral Fpon.d agricuhrral ldd in $. pov'nce iq 13 89 m<strong>il</strong>lion &6. Onl ot<br />

which 22.23 peM is @ulied by forst ed 2l 90 p.rcdt is uder cbp culri\€rion in<br />

addnion lo 22.49 pdcnt culti!.blc led tnal is bol ul<strong>il</strong>ied because of v&t ofwakl<br />

About 3 n<strong>il</strong>lion rcr.s lor6llsd is situated in Hee4 Dir, Swar, Chitral, and Kohista. A<br />

mininum of 1.5 b<strong>il</strong>lio. cnhic f*t of timbd k oblained fton n dEt eoulr lot moc<br />

lhd 250 b<strong>il</strong>lion rop*s.r Il const<strong>il</strong>ules abonl 16 p@€nl oflhc ioial contribliio6 nade bv<br />

for.sry in PalGtan.<br />

what ard haize e doninml fo.d copt 6f lh. Povi@. Tob@o sugt cme<br />

dd lugu beal @ major 6h crps. In NWFP.bout 7l p.tccnt oftie lotal tobacco dd<br />

15 terc€nl tolal slgem€ of Palisld d ptldu€d Il. provin e he pot€nlial to<br />

inc@c it! tob4co pnduction, Wide vdi.li6 of nuiG. e Frduccd in |IWFP md<br />

orchsds spread ov.r ?4,130 &r$ in |]wFP'. Thc clinale dd $<strong>il</strong> of NWFP is suiLbl.<br />

for vegetabl.s. SRat valley dd th. adlacd de6 ofHu@ {. the onlv sit.s rn Pakrtan<br />

wh€c 2, OO,OOO eres ldd is su<strong>il</strong>alt. for culfivation ofthis cop Td cultivarion n6 bc!<br />

sbn.d &d tarep46sing pldis ntvc bd insl.lled in 1990. About 2000 DrB l4d m<br />

Shinliari dd Khuat h€la is undct trce culdvatioo P€r capiia coNunption of t€a is l k g<br />

in ?atisla. ?ati3h Gupis lhc aend position in th. tca impod ang Britain lt it<br />

inponing la csting norc fie Rs. J.9 b<strong>il</strong>lion whi€h is Ih. s4qd latScsl impon b<strong>il</strong>l<br />

altd edible o<strong>il</strong>. Hug. prcfit colld be emed ud disguisd ln.nplo)mehl could be cue

yield pq ac is low in the plovinc.. Yield oa nost of asriCnltue cops is far belos rbd<br />

th€ &hi.vable pohti.l Lv.ls. The pcdt i.ld lq€l of the crcps is onlv 23 p€rcenl of<br />

its poldlial du€ 1o ! trMbd ot co$t6in|s t&.d by the fm6 Emcieni melgemal of<br />

lhe asri.ulrurl r€*Nh dd pro

Thft is more lhd 4o,o0o MW el@tDcitv g€nqating proj@ts capeitv in NWFP<br />

oi Rivd hdu alonc. Sim<strong>il</strong>4lv 2O,OOO MW Dotcnlial is ava<strong>il</strong>able on Ri!€r Swaf" Cosl<br />

of lDdrction of hydb+lctric<strong>il</strong>y in NWFP is qune bw<br />

Ch.ll.ry6<br />

Sev€n asencies md seven ftuntis rcgions pos6ses sbove l0 m<strong>il</strong>lion population<br />

dd abour 2?220 sq tn goSr.phical d€a bordd lbe povinc€" Srict obsflel of<br />

rcligjo! @d rdnemr to ptislin cultul cod6 ed value caus€d <strong>il</strong>l sio_&nobrc<br />

$agnation Poveny sdcko igrDrel na6s6 of Fo ie( prcvince with iben welike<br />

rm!.@@ts hav. b€d al*ay3 al dagad dr6wn w<strong>il</strong>! lhe oling ciEle Th. p66 dd<br />

vall.yr innalning by Parntb n.s ehold with the Srrnlite of fte€don lishrm dd<br />

kept ihc r€sidflce alive righl ftom the dars of Mughals up !o the presenl Relieror dd<br />

self-respet play.d lhe nle of calallst in 0t€ political a<strong>il</strong>airs of thc r.8ion md in<br />

sodh.adiry their ttruEgle .8.insl rhe rhen ro16 Batuid A@di ed Khusnal (nan<br />

KnanEt foueh w<strong>il</strong>b Muehal dpemn. F.qi. of lppi od Haji Sshih of Tlmgzi Ncrc<br />

dieh.rd opponenG of Br<strong>il</strong>ish /oJ dd lald vocif€lous PoPonols of Paldlunisle bogev<br />

all us€d Elision {d trlmw nalionalis agaitul cdtralisl power dd lh. incubdl<br />

The hdsh &d ngid behaviors oa lht hib*men towdds lhe adFin'stral'o'<br />

hif,d.retl rhe dev.lopmat works i! lhe egion. Th€n hdEviot towards lhe coNlruclion of<br />

cd.h ud not 6iendly. Duins th. Br<strong>il</strong>ish Pqiod wnib diseinS ofcaals in lhe Fovic.<br />

the wo.k s<strong>il</strong>es wft attacked by mobs od ihe gov@€nl was io depute sccuntt Suards<br />

on lll.e s<strong>il</strong>6 dd s a sDlt th€ exp€mes on guards raised th. cost of th6o prcFls<br />

coNid@bly. Tnc Sov.tmat us.d force ro suuue lh. uPrisinss ed no hed wd pa'd<br />

to mclionte sio-4ononic @ndni@ of rh€ people of this Egion that ould hav'<br />

rdcd lhe Mbulfl ms*s.nb adthlllcrdens<br />

P.listan greMh stralegy fion the very bcgimin8 hs ba to &hid' src*lh bv<br />

nising U€ swi.g lcvel md lhccfore incr.e inveslrnal lcvels lte main $urce of<br />

inv6lndt $6 forcigh aid in lhc post independeoce €ra Mdl of the invdlmenls ver€<br />

6@c.d by US .id. Tney wcc made in alc.dv dwelqp.d d€s ('gri'lltmllv fld<br />

indusldallv) of lhc IndE bdi. ldvins ontv I fcw pmjdt! for the Enol rgrculluol<br />

dea ol I.IWFP dd Balnchistanir, Inveslndls were rude on lhe basis of ptuponion of<br />


population po$esd by the proviMe dd no prionly Yd given b bnng backw&d<br />

regions lik€ |,IWFP 4d Bahcnish in Miffr@.<br />

The prsl alming s<strong>il</strong>uation o$lfing lhe Fhole counq n in coninualion to<br />

the p6r p@tices ed it inledfiod alter 9/l I ''. Covemn..l hd lauched w& asaosl<br />

Talibdiatio. dd n<strong>il</strong>ira.cy. Th. pBtling un6r ed uncenainlv is afretins cv.ry<br />

segnot of life md d€velopn€ni worlc could noi be cdied oul in such woBl law dd<br />

odd sn!aion'5. Who jobl6s hobs su<strong>il</strong>d {ononic depdvttion in a. ovirMcnt of<br />

iolt isnodce lhcy v.ry h.pp<strong>il</strong>y join lhe dk! of farEtics lik€ Talib& Hdce lrt of<br />

€conomic oppofiunni.s, absenoe of ole of law have puh.d md h plshing work fofte,<br />

u.be clit dd inv*lo6 lo nig6t.lo the uthu cdles oa Pu.jab dd Sind"<br />

According lo soelor Adcl NWFP govemenl ha no control ovelrs GouEes<br />

ed is rho!€lo@ unablc to make prog.€s in educ.tioi, h€allh, colmunicatio., agncultut<br />

dd indusrry The povinci.l sovemdt hd nSht ovq only o. its fivc- p@61 re$urces<br />

wh<strong>il</strong>e 95 pwenl d. b.ins contrcllcd !y rh. a.ddl govehhqt Thc provihcial .nnual<br />

income fio6 hyd€l el.clricny sum! Rs,25 b<strong>il</strong>lions wh<strong>il</strong>e the ledeFl solcmnenl<br />

is paving<br />

only Rs.6 b<strong>il</strong>lion Mo@v€r abod onc diUion squ@ &rc f..l warer of N\WP is scd bv<br />

Puiab. Tbn waler idigales llre D<strong>il</strong>lior eEs lud in Pu.jab bul nol . single po.v rs<br />

paid lo NWFP. The prcvincitl idcome noh iobcco equah R6 s0 b<strong>il</strong>lion od centnl<br />

sovelmd Pars only Rs-7.2 b<strong>il</strong>lionr.<br />

O$r ntn chall€ng6 f.ced by fming comu.itiG d ldd_lordnh &d<br />

hasrnentation of ldd inlo sall .nd u{onomic lddloldin8s, deiciencv of iriga on<br />

walei, lek of l€chnictl knowledge edudlion {d €rtasion fac<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>iG wid€ spcad<br />

poveny among fm.F md inad.quab crcd<strong>il</strong> fe<strong>il</strong>iti6, s.gesation of sex qp.nsle<br />

fm inDuls md non.ava<strong>il</strong>abihy ofqualiy se.ds, fen<strong>il</strong>ize6 dd pesticid.s, lck of roads<br />

AoD 6cld ro mdkei tow pri.6 of asrcultut t oul Pu! ab6ace of aero_b6ed indwuid<br />

ed flood of Afsnm lefueees. SiDldy tne ncgaiive afi@ts of use of modem agriculiutal<br />

inputs like ten<strong>il</strong>izen od pesdcidd hG c@t d .l@in8 €.liromenlal pollution<br />

L. lordi.m nd fi4n.lt do! ofldd hto lrMtrotlc l.lditrg]<br />

Thc aBee shcm $s preddrnellv ,erdal iuj Fom rh. rne oi vushn<br />

rule, whd alsle€ l4ndlordism origioaied First CrcuP wd of zdindds poss'ssmg<br />

w (d'td 1_5l0o8)<br />


hdeliwy rights oftating l.ibrt€ fion t<strong>il</strong>lerofldd k€epin! l0lo 2t perce ofitforbim<br />

selfdd disp.tching the rmainine to dt€ror. Saond w@ jaerda who w* 8r&ied<br />

Lftirod6 for then ni[try sdi6 dd |ne jtgis e@ q@Pl.d fbn payndr ol<br />

Bana Bntish 4rablishcd |he explicn fiSr !o on6hip of lmd. zdindd dd<br />

Jagirdm s€e allotLd biS lols of agricuhunl l&d !I{t th€ larlet wd cx.mPled to pav<br />

agicultml td. Atl.! independqce fie gov.mn nl oflakntd intrcduced ldd r€foms<br />

in 19s9. 1972 md 197? lo put d 6d to landlordisn, lo imprcve own€ship patten, dd<br />

ro sEbrl?e rhe snall.r f'Jm dd lo lEvnt rher 6trhr 'uMivieon'. Bu dde ro<br />

nMfru qc@tion claus! all tlr6e led rcfoms *ere no1 $cc*sful Onlv a few<br />

n<strong>il</strong>lion eB of ldd ws obtained 6 . Bull of all th* lud refoms of which onlv 50<br />

p4ml ss suibblc for laming<br />

In NWFP the pbvincirn Cpvemnl in its i.divid@l cQ.cny lried to abolish<br />

jagirdai srstd ed cxpbnador of t€hmls by mindm. The oost mponel weE fie<br />

abolirion of lnmdsi ed Jagirdri s,5ld in l9l8 h Pre-Panidon era ed Nwl?<br />

lemcy Acr 1950 lollowai by NWFP Poldtion dd Resloation Acl 1951. Afi:.r<br />

rndependm. 'n addition lo Lb€ r€foms 'nuod(cd by p;vincial govffdt, cmhl<br />

govelmor als inrrcdEed land-rcfoms i. 1959 dd r9?2, but thc cun wd far non<br />

stisforion. ln 1981, l0 pel6r of the enftc !8Fculure ldd wG in $. h&ds of 0.5<br />

pftot of lddowncs who own d noF thu 150 actes pcr nad ' Due lo prevalenl<br />

lslmic law of inherit&ce lhe lmd wa pan<strong>il</strong>ion€d mong the inh€r<strong>il</strong>oB. Theefo6 90<br />

p.rdr fms in op..ation h NWIP wq€ not n*ting tbe oficial cribnon of slbsGlence<br />

holdrnes ftec is r ro of m,r8inal ownd dom,@ind b N$FP Tn.y mo{ly use<br />

fan<strong>il</strong>y labor dd pbduc. for fm<strong>il</strong>y @mmplion. Fragn@rarion of l4d in norc Ibm 20<br />

smU pekels e.rc scaiiosl on vdiour pl.c6. Aho lod in NWFP h nol a producliv€<br />

sinPujabadsindr'.<br />

shorrrge ofirrlSrtlon wrt r<br />

The pG &d posl ind€pend€nc€ tSticuhut.l Polici€s of cential govemne r@t<br />

nore aftendo. lo th. Indus bsin rcgons (Punjab ed Sind) dd lh. l.st to botde!<br />

povircs of NWFP &d Baluhi.tan lnigrlion syscn in NVFP is vdy poor ald3 5<br />

miUion &c ldd b ltlng m-iEi$led dn€ lo sbsde ofpmFr c&al stsi@ Again 40<br />

p@qt wal{ is w6tcd in lh€ d€liv.ry ryslcn due lo inpopq design sd maint in€d<br />


waletuus€s. some wo* on this 61r€l w4 staied in nid 1970 under oi fd walf<br />

Mddgnnl Prcj*l' (OFWM) ed to $ne.xtot suc€6s hd ban .chieved bul lb@ is<br />

n..d of funhd work in lhis field. Oul oa lhc toial cultivated dq 95 p.rcent wd irigarcd<br />

in Pujab ed9? p@.nt in Sind. O.lhcother sid.40 pe\ml dd 39 p€rcenl ofth€ lotal<br />

cultvded lad m llwlP ind Btluchiq& *R mrat.d rcsldNcl/<br />

wld. sprc.d pd.rrt .m!8 rrms.!d l!id€q!.t. d€dir frcllld6<br />

Mosl of &€ t'fic6 in l.tWFP d€ poor hrvins snall pia.s of led e agricullml<br />

policies in tbe provinc. should be in f u ofpqor md Mall lddholde* An.ctcultunl<br />

ccdit policy lhal hd iSno!€d lhc snall famc* may fcus on snall fameB givin8 them<br />

l@s on esy lems. cuncnlly de pJovinc€ h spending hardlv onc pdc€nt ofprovincial<br />

d4.lopmql oul lay on a8.icuhr.<br />

Lrk ofrdndc.l lootl.dg.' .duetiotr r .tt rsior ftc<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>iB<br />

Policy nak€6. csc@he6, qrensio. wolkcn ad fde6 @ .guallv Glonsible<br />

for in€mci€ncy of Agricullw in lh€ povince, The over all eoals befoE them e to<br />

ohai! *ll-suficimcy in food dd 6bd ptoducdon. Existehce of e$@h stxtion n €.ch<br />

lGalc of lhe previmc b th! GloBib<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>y of thc govm.rf ln NWFP. th6€ e I I<br />

smdl dd big re@h s|ltios .l veiou pla6, Exidion Presms r.in famq atoul<br />

n.w m€thods of t<strong>il</strong>lase od infom lhd of lal6t developmqt ih fming t*hnique Tne<br />

exislinS exteBio. plo8rafrs are ioefficient ed poor in qual<strong>il</strong>y The extdsion workeis<br />

on.n lrct adequale skiUs, developnst aunds ed fac<strong>il</strong>iti€s that nate th€ir l6k of<br />

impoving the ndagd.ot st<strong>il</strong>l of tne aamd dificult. In NWIP nall lm6 pr€va<strong>il</strong><br />

ed snrll fme6 e ieno'ld in exlffion .diviti6.<br />

Etp.llive fTd inpll! .!d lon-.ltll.blllty of qu,lity ...dn f.rt<strong>il</strong>i%6 ntrd<br />

A najor proponio. of t<strong>il</strong>l6 in NWFI consi:l of shall tmes hNns<br />

SagDot€d lods- So rhdc is a ndd ol prcvkion of MaI m&hincry rath.r thd bi8 onc.<br />

Th. otnd prcblfl is thc uavl<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>ity of qul<strong>il</strong>y inpurs or lleMbl. pri6. Th€ intutr<br />

e noi ava<strong>il</strong>able to lh. fom6 on ptupd tim. and p.ie. Th. bis fm.n cm sel lhcse<br />

inpuls by $€n oM influchc€ ed rcsonrc€s {,h<strong>il</strong>e snall fmet6 canno! meet Lek or<br />

rce$ ro Inpuls cF,r$ r lor of lxndfl.e ro rncrese lhe tericulludl ou pur Ptrsisknl<br />

povdy dd tek of cap<strong>il</strong>al ed nign co$ conslrain lsal fmd's ab<strong>il</strong>nv to dopt new<br />


costly tohnologios ud to us€ flouch nod€m inputs like fert<strong>il</strong>im ed pdticid.s<br />

Major constni.c in succe$ful ed noE t.qu€hl <strong>il</strong>se otpdticides rc adultdtion in<br />

p6ricid6, hiS! cosr of chmicak ed l&k of knowledge about tteir use. Thc<br />

comuFplion of fen<strong>il</strong>iz€r, hi8l yicld vri€ty sed dd psticides is low s conparcd lo<br />

o$d arri.ulluBlly ddelopcd pmvincd of Palista.<br />

Lrcl ol re.d! lrom 6.ld 1o mrk ( .od l.ck of or.g. f..<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>i6<br />

NWFP.<br />

Th.rc is a lmt of fam lo lwlcl o.&. Thcrc G de l&k of slonge fac<strong>il</strong>ni6 in<br />

Low prL6 of rgrl.rtur.l ont plt<br />

Popcr pnc6 of oul put play d ihpondi Dle lo incre tlre agriculi!61<br />

pmduction In Pakisid 0re prics of .ops paniculely food grtins were kepl belo* the<br />

wond prices by govemdt i.tentionally to b@3i lhq urbm indnshi,l vorkds<br />

Lrck ofttftn<strong>il</strong>on row.rds Livesto.k $d Fonliry<br />

Liv6t@k &d h6hy have b€ti4 out put ed sugpon higr' p@€nlage of<br />

nouschold. Thd€loE d urs€ for ddelophcnt ol lh. livdtct s@tor by pDviding nry<br />

brc.& lor n<strong>il</strong>t and b@f i. felt. This *clor cd Bis lhc i.cone level of the hou*hold in<br />

nonhcm nounlainos 6 v€ll s sulhm din-lcd plm6. Appmximalely 20 perd of<br />

thc in@nc of inc fam howhold dd ldd-l* fd<strong>il</strong>is con€ frDn oinal husbedry, A<br />

sisnificer popularion in Ha4a, Malal@d dd Dm I$;l Khd Divisio6 depd& on<br />

li!.8bct dd ik minants for lheir livelih@&. Thc prcvi.e hs l&g€st dea undq<br />

Abr.lc€ ol qrcbrs.d ind$tri€s<br />

Ind$trially NWIP is ore of dE b&kwdd piwi.c€h of the coutry b*alsc of ns<br />

dGlec. fon ths pons, mtw ol temin, .lmi.B law dd order sn@tion ed lac* oa<br />

sk<strong>il</strong>lcd ndpows, Th6 previtue *s utuble to an@t i.v€stmot. TIE €xistins indlsri6<br />

e concomi.d in lew a6 ofthe pbvince l<strong>il</strong>c Pcsh.wd, M&dd, Chasdda, Hdiput,<br />

Novshcd dd Abbotabad. An urgql ne.d for cq!.1rpE d offe<strong>il</strong>ni6lhrcust out lhc<br />

povinc. ws fell. The chet on potuladon 8rcwth, Irdsfodalion of laboi aorcc,<br />

rddirional invBtm€nr md c@istenl indust ial Soverme( policy in ihe prcvioce *4<br />

felt int.n&ly as th@ is no cocistency i. existing Sovcment policy.<br />


Th€ inccntiv6 previded to Cad@n eui indosrrial 6tare w€E suddoly<br />

w'lhdrawn in 1990s whicn h@e

mi€r !o agricultul daelopn.nt in lhe pDvince is tbe lihit€d supply of<br />

iftigalion wald. The cuent supply of w.ld ton culs 6 w€ll a ube sells is<br />

nol sumcicni ed lh@ h a ne€d ofbu<strong>il</strong>dinB sm.ll md ldse dds, dcalalio. of<br />

coals &d inslallarion oftube v€lk.<br />

The bldleiary allocation for agriculiue should b€ incHed. Golemde.l should<br />

prcvid. inreGt fre loes on *y t.m! ro fmd for lhe purche of bsic inputs<br />

such a sc.d, len<strong>il</strong>izd, fm n&hin ry &d for sttin8 up of ago-basd<br />

indGui.r, Gov@@t should povidc aubsidy b tlie snall fmc6 in onc way or<br />

Gotemn.nr should iml€e lhe nudbd ol Mmb statio in *h l*alny<br />

6p6irlly applicd expdinotal6e@h st.lions s thal lhe fmc6 nay bc k.pl<br />

i.fomcd of the day lo dly newly $.dchcd higl yield vdeties ol difTetenl<br />

cops, $e latesr recomended doe oi p€siicides md herbicides. These exleneon<br />

workcB should be made nob<strong>il</strong>e e $.1 lhcy @uld oonvey their tnoql.dge lo the<br />

fm6 at thcir fmg Tbe €xltuion infomalion pertaini.s exldsion &ivni€s<br />

should b. sp@d though nedia. Thc rppli.d l€wn tudings nay bc conv.y.d<br />

!o $e fm.E in the pdnlei fom in $. l@rl did6t.<br />

As toosr of $e fm6 in N WFP havc vcry sall larid nohngs $ the aericull@l<br />

policid in lhc 'H snodd be in favor of snall fmd. Agricuhural cr.dn vhich<br />

hrs ignolcd the urll fames may be lbcusel on snall fameB giving thcm lods<br />

f@ of inteesl or w<strong>il</strong>h nlninud inte$l.<br />

Tnc orh.r poblds thal need pbp* ntcntion is the wa<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong>ity of qu.hy inpuls<br />

on |.e..b|. pric6. So thm is a diE nc.d ro suE lh€ ava<strong>il</strong>ab<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>y oa inPuE on<br />

pops tin. dd price The big fam6 cd gei th* inturs by h@k or by ctuk<br />

wh<strong>il</strong>. !m!ll fms letd a speial atlotion. kck of &6s lo inpul crc!16 ! lot<br />

olbindtuce to incree ihe agrjcutu.al o pui.<br />

Therc is a nced of famd golping or e$cialion o. v<strong>il</strong>loge lcvel, who co<br />

cEsr€ un<strong>il</strong>y molg a@€rs! ce solvc thcn dMcial dd ecial prcbl.Es sd ce<br />

dmge cxlosion sdic€s. Th6c fmes ssiatons wiu nainlain<br />

*at Nours.s, $lve dislntq ESading wlter, cd arug€ g@d qudni€s of s.'ds<br />

dd Ln<strong>il</strong>ircr. Mo@v6, lhey w<strong>il</strong>l bc a!1. b afuee ene tunds lor needv<br />


peetu, cont&l highd olficials for iraininS oi <strong>il</strong>s menb€s avarlabrlrly dd can<br />

.lo noy otnd collclive devclopnc.ul worlc lik€ ava<strong>il</strong>abihy of Fesporl,<br />

nai enme of nad, hclw of w.ld. Th.y w<strong>il</strong>l be v€ry b€refcial 6 lhcy can<br />

ds cmt Na@6 mong rhc fmd about then n8hs. Ar $me pl&6 du. ro<br />

$nc pohi€ rhe asiatioB mry a&c hubl.s bnt wirh rh. pasSe of r'me<br />

rh* ftoubl6 .ould be or!fum€<br />

Pbpd pncs of agricuhr.l ourput pl.y e inponat Fle to incEe lhc<br />

agricnltuml poduclion. Gov.mot should try lo pmvide such a mdkedng<br />

sylin dat @w$ pFper dd st 6lc pDc6. Tbe rcl€ of ni.ldlnd should b.<br />

abmdoned. Govtu€nl should af!.ge foreign ndt€ts for don€slic agncultudl<br />

prcducrs like fruns ed veg€tables, tu lh.!e it€ms e noG pdishable e better<br />

storag. fr<strong>il</strong>iti.s e€ nGt lor lhd,<br />

Th. povime ofNwFP, apsially th. adj&enl FATA hd tte polential lo double<br />

iB foesl ag th6ud the rhFsrarioo .lforrs. Palistan's foEn Flicy sullded<br />

fron I&k of prcpd efoms ad nainraining tte slatuesqu€ hd bq lh€ nain<br />

thdc of fi. @ut y3 foct policy.<br />

> Civ€mftt should dco@gc livcl@t by suppllhns nfl bn ds for n<strong>il</strong>* ti<br />

mdt s lhis elor is playin8 6 imporrdr Dlc io nis 1n€ in@De lwel of tte<br />

Beter mek€ting md impnv€d inftesmci!rc cd suEly help s€nins due price lor<br />

lhe outpul md eE@ mininizing $dsponaion cosls. Govmot should<br />

pbvide such a markding syslem, which .Nures the prcp€r dd sltble pliccs<br />

Gov.Im6t snonld deg€ for€ign hdkds for domslic aericullul pFduce so<br />

drat the fm€6 could 8B1 the be(d pnc.s of ft.ir prcduc€<br />

Th@ is urg€nl .4d of prcvision of fm lo n&tet oads s €dly 6 Posiblc.<br />

als b€ftq sloEg€ f&<strong>il</strong>nid c lh. n..d ol linc.<br />

P*l od h.ris chak &d contol st$d dFlld be bodmized dd m2de<br />

clT€live & rhat snal f.md my bc a!1. lo u. psticides add h€.bicid6 w<strong>il</strong>h<br />

od ey fed of physical ed fimi.l 16.<br />


' Mim M, Nuir od s.iy.d. Zi! Al J^.ry. Of-Iam E"vtotwd s ie NMt 1,s! FrMtiq<br />

Prceine of Po*xta\qKtnvmd!: (IcMoD)).t3 l<br />

' Mmistry of food, A8nclltur md Liw$ooh Islm.bd rnd J,p€n btcnational Coop@lion<br />

&ency, P.kisb, .to.i,-r.o,onrc B8etine Sud.t lat<br />

N tr F P, lMtt ch,2042 ),<br />

pD, | 2<br />

Ru.at .,|sticuttotul Ded.pnent in<br />

' Eq)ish dl<strong>il</strong>y tt'. Fa,t.r Pd, P.sh.*d. ( Apnl 27, I996)<br />

'co@mrofNwP,l"'t FPD.eelopMt stdbti5 1995-,p9.87-lcD<br />

' Prhsbn Agncultul R.@h C6uo<strong>il</strong>, wany Ncws Leftr. Msch, 2002 dd rhe mnlhly<br />

zui Ja/ra4 vol:33, No.3, ( Oerob< 2OO9)<br />

'&tt AKbs o*t vi* oINWP,4FaleE, ( P6b.wr NESPAK€PCV, 1994), p.r3<br />

! Z.hn Sh.[ English &rly It. Fbnlir P,t . (ls!!ry 14, I995)<br />

'Un<strong>il</strong>cd Sllles Agmoy fq Inlmnoal dev.lopml, S@icEcononic pbf<strong>il</strong>c olKbyb.i<br />

Agdcy, P.lhrM, Dece6be, 1993, pp.7'l0<br />

r0 Enslbh d.<strong>il</strong>y fisr,M, (Msc\ 30.1998)<br />

" So.ieEn"Mic Belitu Sudey Id Rural lgrie4unl Dewlopndt ia NWP Op.c;r,p.z<br />

" F.iallahjd bing thc ri6.l by ui.g glnd in tlt Figlih dt<strong>il</strong>y Srdr6ru' Peslewe<br />

" Zingcl, wolfgolg-pek! 'Som c@Mi. sd s@ial problem ofPckisla. i. 1930d in or?',<br />

Op I ad. n. 23.2. t982, 99.2@.280<br />

r' Motlnftd Alt Saif wdt'fu mnreFad .!d b.yond' in tb. E4lish d<strong>il</strong>y St'kuz,<br />

P6bw (rsu..y 30, 2008)<br />

- Ibid<br />

t1 FiE !.M. s.lid. Ruzl-Urban Miatarid ,, Prtirrt ( L!ha: v&udd, 1933), p 37<br />

lf H@in. A, rAd R.fm i. Edritu: r R.{6id.Btio in dE ,/L,'n io.'.a1'Pn A'im<br />

S.rolz, Vol.16,No.l, r'p..tG52<br />

'' s!id..nd Mio, Op.o<strong>il</strong>., p.49<br />

" Sh.hid, Kedlr, l/'r Polr,r.dl ,e nM, of Pa*kton , (Lrlrcft: Plogresiv. Publishss, 1937).<br />

1'M.rysc,itni EMha tty F6rul, in rnc onb d.<strong>il</strong>v M64fq Pcslt*r ( F.rMv<br />


Chrpter E<br />


Thc main focus of this study ha b@n to r.view historical .xp@ence in ogricultural<br />

dd.loDhdt of Nonll W$l Frcndd rovince in t€m of glowth. Th. study stans wnn $.<br />

slatandt of r.s.el prcbld ed thoEtical nddork folqwed by th. idodetion to hd<br />

p@pl. ed sgddlfire in rWFP. Tn ch.iplq on hhtodcal b@tgroud u.!€<strong>il</strong>s ftal rhe FPon<br />

cororituring Nodr W6t lFntid Pmvince w6 d .qul looiine .c@omically wit! oftq Pans of<br />

pEent P.kisre in tbe pGBdiirh.ra. fte pace of agricultMl dev€lopnenl fteived gsi.r<br />

impeG in thc re8roN consl<strong>il</strong>uling pEenl ?alis!.n durirs th€ l6i qu.n€t of 19lh c€dury sd<br />

dly tlc<br />

of 20rh Htury whd Br<strong>il</strong>ih lavithed nosl of lhc anadon on iriSi.rlon d.v.loPndl<br />

in Sub.onrin€d. rhe Bnish Gov@€nl w6 atuered by rh. indstrious p.asFy md v.sr<br />

thiBty plan! of the hdus bsin dd found ttt bAi. nost suitabl. for lmpv inv€sincnl 'r<br />

inigation, Thcy concdrrated on iricration devdlopm.nt of sind sd Punjab dd the Ind$ bain<br />

cMl3}!r@'cn€rs€d s on€ olll)c lde6t jniS.lion systss ofd. world tlat wd caP.bl. of<br />

..ntrcing ddue of govm.nl ed .ls @uld supply N ml€ri.lt for lhe fadorid ir<br />

The Nonh W€sl F.o.tier dishicls could not benefi1 to lh. sm€ dtot ftom li€r€<br />

dd.lotdcrh s olhd previ.c€s paniculely Punj.b ad Sind. IniS.tion prcj@b wetc nol<br />

ceied out in bordq deas, coftlituling p64t Povin 6 of NWFP ald aahchisl4 liBllv<br />

beu. of the h<strong>il</strong>ly ldd5.atc .rd s@ldly du. to vd l<strong>il</strong>c lenPe@cnts Dd slrms an4h6@r<br />

to clllurc !!d rcligon of thc P@pl€ inhabitinS $6e bordd rcSions P@ple i.haliting ih.F<br />

Fgiont could nol lva<strong>il</strong> thc opportuity beclu& of their sliff rcsist nc. againsl Biitkb<br />

sovffdr in lh€ fom of holy J.had (fiel lor Pe6ele@c€ of Eligjon) that diseun€d $@ in<br />

rh€ ey6 of colonial tu1e6, British gov€menl could nol plv duc attenlion !o deir dwelophdl<br />

6 n t6t mst of<strong>il</strong>s aasi6 in s<strong>il</strong>dci.C $e trib.l lPdsing md rdloring l.w {d odd in th*<br />

undadcvclop.d bo.dd es. nence ihe iriealioo poj6h ceii€d out in fionlid districts wft<br />

@npdfively fd l€s 6nsP'cuou'<br />

Al the olt el of B.<strong>il</strong>th rulc. 18 n<strong>il</strong>lion &Es wft added lo th. iogared aM in w.91<br />

Pa&j.r.r by @lonirr ok. Th. idigaled a@ hs incaasd aboul fourfold tDn 1890 to 194? itr<br />


Plnjab. WlH the Bdt<strong>il</strong>h werc leaving Iidia aboli onc rourth of thc lo|!l geoSnphical @ of<br />

Puojlb va unds cultivation, dd of lhis, one sixth ws recll&ly inisd.d Sin<strong>il</strong>dlv Sjnd,<br />

wnich rs desen in lh. 1890s, had 5 m<strong>il</strong>lion &rc6 irisBted land al th.lih. ofindepddace<br />

ftc vast ftisat d led r€$ecs hrd a pofound isp&l oo th. mnomv &d si.tv ir PuFb<br />

ord S<strong>il</strong>d and hotn of th.m showed notr prcmisine dcv.lopnol- NWFP rd Balebisran<br />

inhditcd b&leard @nohy s conpded to Punj& dd Sind bese lhcrc wdc .o ras*.uc<br />

cbdg6 in th€ iftigaGd arc. in <strong>il</strong>Es prcvinces In NwF? below l0 p€cent oflolal Sognthi.sl<br />

ea w4 eltivaled at rlE iimc of fomalion in 1901 out ofwhicn 28 percdt w6 irisaled At the<br />

tim. of indep€ndence in 1947, total €uttivaled @. in f.IwFP iMeded to 2 92 fr<strong>il</strong>lion am oul<br />

ofwhich 1.04 m<strong>il</strong>lion ..G (15.6) ws inigaled. Th.rc w@ plmty of tcn<strong>il</strong>. Itd. wa<strong>il</strong>able in<br />

th. prevince which hld nol yel b€ bsusht unds lhe ploud du. ro $e'tv or *ald<br />

TnoMds and dousmds ercs slrelch6 of fen<strong>il</strong>. I&d5 i! Da Isna<strong>il</strong> Kh&, B@u {d Kohat<br />

wft abl€ to b€ hned into @m ed ftut growinS seas if Mt€r v$ 's<strong>il</strong>abl.<br />

To sm up exlosion in idgali@ duinS olonial da,€ breuelt considdbl€ bdelit5 to<br />

rh€ @ mw @nslituting P.lislan. Th6 vdied invdtndl in iriSation in difl.Ml pets of wsl<br />

Ptjst n al$ cave rie !o dagcM ofinlerrcsion.l aonomic dispditid<br />

'fie ndr iwo chapi4 dhcnsed agricufture dcvelopnmt duj.g 1960s dd l9?ft Il<br />

hiehlighl! agioltml d€v€lopnenl ih Paldlte Scncrally md in I.I\VFP paniculdlv Tle scond<br />

phe ofirigation dev.lopment sladed in l95Os.Tb. 81o*1h{dmled policies id P.Iis&! <strong>il</strong>th€r<br />

widded llt. already.xistinS gap betw€d tle dav.loPcd and bekwdd rc8iotr of the @ut v<br />

Gr*lh gdraring invesl,nol @ived to9 p.ioDly dd mjor p.n of public I*m6 for<br />

ag.icultE weE inv6t d in the .lr€ady irisated @ of ldds bsir' M61 oa lhe cdal idell'on<br />

pDjdls in 1960s dd lubc qell iGta<strong>il</strong>alion mosrly in l9?0s. during lhis Ph6. add€d to lhe<br />


ohnologi€s packagc of tube w.lls, tractoG ed inp s like fcn<strong>il</strong>iz@, hish yeld veieti* of<br />

p&, iosticid6 rnd p6ticid6. Itc impels of g@n Evolution t6hnologi6 w@ rct of lh.<br />

mc mlgdtud€ on .gri@ltw itr NWFP s wd |.h in Sind sd Pnja!- ntc NWFP laga.d<br />

behind Puiab dd Sind in in€ sc of ch@ical f.n<strong>il</strong>izer, hic! yiclding v&i.tis of Fed md u*<br />

rf p6ticid6 becauc rhde inputs wds +plicabl.<br />

only in irigatcd aM and in cM ofNWfP<br />

Elariv.ly sEIq @ w6 udd .aral dd tubc w.ll irisatiop, Sonc p6tu ol l.nvFP IiLe dE<br />

irig.rcd vale)s of Pcabawd dd Mardo bdcl<strong>il</strong>ed fron thit p@.s wh<strong>il</strong>. odrd as of<br />

pnvirc. have shown rc v<strong>il</strong>ible si8n ol agricultu dev€lopnnl. Th€ SroMI nic in agricullu.l<br />

ed gros valE podu.t for lhe Frcntia previn . wa hlch lowd lhfl for fic rst ofPa*j3ls<br />

Modvd indushial cxpd$o. in lh. provinc6 of Sind dd Psje! hs bd n@ r4id rhs<br />

N'WTP,l$tFr po$css.d 3 pqcdt oflotal indutrial 6rablishm.nls ofPakisld dd contribul.d<br />

8 p@ot of l!€ lot.l valuo of ind$rt'rl poducion of PakisLr wh<strong>il</strong>e @nsljluti.8 13 pddt<br />

tolal DopuLtion ofPrlblr duira th. Dqiod mdd Fvid.<br />

During 1950'80 t@ th. waler fo. iEigaiion plar€d vii.l ble in !!. whole PM6s of<br />

lgri.ulhlzl ddelopncni. Pujab she.d ?0 pd.nt of tle tolal cd.l irieal.d @ of Pakistm<br />

and NWFP posas.d only 2.7 pft4r c.nrl iriS.tcd ldd of P.*j$at in 1980. hslalidon of<br />

t!b. wclls bolh public sld ptivaic co.tribul€d to thc iEigation mstly h P6j!b. ln th. v.d<br />

1980. 86 Ddcot oftobl nmb6 of lub€ wells were foud h ?ojab wh<strong>il</strong>e h NwF! 2,3 p€@nl<br />

ofth. lold rMhd of Tuh6 wells wdc opdalinS. Tlu 70 Frdr ofth. torrl ini8alcd ea of<br />

Plkistan ws in P6j.b dd irigat d .M of NwlP o.slitulcd o.lv 5 Pcrcdi of rhe rot l<br />

iEig.icd @ oI Pakistd in 1980. In Punjab 95 p@.hl oflhe total cuLivat€d @ wa iri8aicd<br />

wldlc in NWFP hardly 40 p@ml ofrh€ btal cultivrt d aM ws ifti84€d<br />

Th. govtudt a!$ infioduced pMum.nt Pnc6<br />

for tgricuhml cop3 od ds pdd<br />

subsidi.6 io l!€ fm.B on th6e dodm isplis. The Indu baein rc8ions b@efitcd tullv &om ihc<br />

Cov.tudt policy of suDpon pnc6 dd enhdc.d .rd<strong>il</strong> fac<strong>il</strong>iti€s, Pujab ut<strong>il</strong>izcd 70 pda|t of<br />

the tot l invelrnml n.de in Paktt t duinS 1960!0, wl<strong>il</strong>e she of NWFP wd o.lv 7 F|@t<br />

in D. btal inv€stm. made in tsnculhre Th. @dp&aue siudv sho{s thlt lhe 'r'd<strong>il</strong><br />

av.<strong>il</strong>sb<strong>il</strong>ity po acE of clliivaled led wB tu. 20 in lujab dd Rs 9 in NwlP Th€ subsidi*<br />

soing io ech prevircc wft in PoPonion to lhc prodEriotr of mjor qops Pujab s<br />

pode<strong>il</strong>g noE lhd 60 p@at wh<strong>il</strong>c NWFP below 6 peEdt of major mps ol Palistan On''<br />


perccni poduciion or najor mps qd dabliDs a ptovincc lo! on - p@ent shde ofthe subidy,<br />

!o rh.r of Punjab ih subsidy wu als abovc 60 p.rc.nl. Crcp poduclion in NWTP Md. <strong>il</strong><br />

Iiablc !o ltr. subsidv belos 6 o*enl.<br />

Th@ .xtted r<strong>il</strong>ong inia-prcvircial vdiations in. adoptioD of g16 Erclution<br />

tehmlogiB in ?etislo, Pujab wa lhc leg6t &d .gdculturaly nGt ddelop.d Previmc<br />

posirS 56.7 pd@1 rotal popuLrion of |he 6mry. NWFP with 13 p@dt of t[. io01<br />

poplhdon of th€ ouEy [ad low61 litmy r.tio in lnc @dtry. Punjab pos.d 57 pd.ol of<br />

rh. roral cultiv.t€d ldd of Palist n wh<strong>il</strong>e NwlP sh.r.d 9.5 p@or of total oliiql.d led of<br />

P*irid in 1980. The ldrd in NWIP wa ool * poductive a ih tbe Pujab and Sid. In csc of<br />

NIYFP ftlsm.nied ed mall siz. ot holdi.g prcdoninated N conpared to ?unjab Md Sind.<br />

which is lcss prodlctive dd Fofitable, The pci capita dltivable ea ws 0.4 ore in NWFP<br />

wh<strong>il</strong>..onpdable fisue in S<strong>il</strong>d dd Pujab wsc 2.02 md 0.96. Pmjab s she w6 68 p.rccni<br />

io ib. tot l f.nifizq Bed in rbe @utry wh<strong>il</strong>c NwlP u5.i only 6 percmr of rhe rotd. Out of thc<br />

lotd Bliord @ @va€d by pldr pdoiior ns@, 60 pmI lied in tujab dd 4 p.Edt<br />

i, N'rvFP.<br />

Duine thc pdiod ud* @id h.lf of thc popll.tion of pov<strong>il</strong>cc wa agagcd in<br />

agricultuc wh<strong>il</strong>€ it pNK 6 to 7 p@or of rorrl culrivarcd a@ of?fisle aDd @ntdbur.s 6-<br />

? pqBdl total aeri.dtual prcdlctio. of rh. county. nr@forc <strong>il</strong>e prcvince is confrcnlcd with<br />

two most acute poblms of fmd shonlge ed ucmploynoi Tt€ prcponion of undploymdt<br />

w6 twicc in NWFI 4 conpared ro Punjab. Th. poportio. of udployneni ws twice in<br />

NWIP a conpdftd to Pujlb. Ite Eenomy oi rhe province b€ins tuinly agricultural Lrw p.t<br />

&r. prcduciioq low level of induhialiation ed innow of ldg€ nMbd of Algnd rctu9ls ir<br />

NIVFP, h NWFP mft tha 70 p@ot ofirs g@lraphical da ws mourrimu. It. pevine<br />

we mE thd dDusdd m<strong>il</strong>6 awly froD rh. n in !..port of the cout y. ft Lck d litor! ed<br />

st<strong>il</strong>l.d n ipoE MieElid rc thc disti@l fstua of rhis previn@ and no6y 2 D<strong>il</strong>li@<br />

FmB mignt d ro K@hi 4d Puja,b duins 196G80,<br />

t w pr &r€ pDdelion, low ldcl of induhializarion ed iniov of la.g. nMbd of<br />

AfShd rcfug@s in NWFP @ nain cau6 of bacl$ardn$. IXe otha caus of lhin struclurc<br />

of agri.uhur€ dd indusry rb vwlP w.re more rhm 70 parmr of rB Bognphical @ 6<br />

noutdnous, nore lhu tnouprd m<strong>il</strong>q distdc. fom the roin sea pon of dF couniry, od thc<br />


alseftce ofl<strong>il</strong>€rale and sk<strong>il</strong>lcd manpow€r. Ag.icultur€ ii the preaircc b6id6 olhd soDali6 is<br />

fs.dwith slbdagc ofirisniod ir.<strong>il</strong>iti6. nr iri8.li6.Foi itr the pDv<strong>il</strong>c. is v.ry p@r ud<br />

hardly 44 p€Kdr culrivst€d l{d is inig.r€d. Thc cultiv.bl. ldd f()m 22 p@dl of th. totd<br />

ag of povin c wh<strong>il</strong>. l2 p4fr1is pccf<strong>il</strong>y udd cutivatio.. Ac@rdrng to D.v.lopmml<br />

St tistica I.IWFP 1996, a significDl porhon, about 3 h<strong>il</strong>lion rc6 olthe cultivable ldd is ling<br />

bsM in the povincc dlc to lek of e .f&cdvc iEigarioh systqn.<br />

On lhe avdlgc, inigacd a@ poducc iwic. s nuch As Ein-fdl a@, This n.s if all<br />

ihe cdtiva!.d !F i! th. pbviE is iri8ar.d, thc agricultuE prcdelioG ol ihc pFvi@ w<strong>il</strong><br />

doubl.. Sin<strong>il</strong>dt if t. culiivable am lyi.g b.m is idigated i[€ agi@hr pDdrctiotr ofln.<br />

provincc @uld b. irc@ed to hu dm€ of th. ps6t prcd@tiod. litigation of ihe<br />

afoMdtion.d ea could be tuade possibls by a octwork of cmals dEl ce b. .xt .d.d nqn<br />

doz€n of rivcts flowing in aU the 24 dishicr! of thc trcvince exc@t dislrict Ke*, Sin<strong>il</strong>ely by<br />

constocling larSc 4d sn.ll dus lhe iEig.tion pbbleDs of lle prcvinc. @uld b. rolved.<br />

lufind i@@. in .griculiural pbductio. could bc mad€ posible by nod.niziq fam<br />

cquipm@b dd fming techniqB The f!d6 of the prevince should @Emi.atc d rhc<br />

podedon of$nc cops lite v€.t$16, fruns, !ob@ and dairy prcduclion tor which the<br />

climt .!d lo<strong>il</strong> h bcn &d have @n!€r<strong>il</strong>iv. dvet 8. ovd orhq !.ditio l coF. mat,<br />

naize sugdce., rob.cco dd Alns 6 ndor cops, NwFr i.d low pd drc yicld or alove<br />

Tne prcvinc. k a good gopd of c<strong>il</strong>ru! ftuit. Th€ pnyince is prcd@ing 2l pdot of<br />

suga ard 90 pcrccni of rhc au viraim rob&co of Palisran, A@rdi!8 to NIYFP Dd.lopm4t<br />

Stalistics 1992,lh. pmdrction oftoh@ in NWFP e6 ?2,141 ton* in 1990. Thc previme ha<br />

eral potatial to inc'le irs tob.m poducrion. If toh&@ faming is hoddiz€4 irs<br />

prcduclion could bc inctus€d to rhE tiE6 of pEsr pmdudiol A lagc trrt of l.nd is<br />

Suit ble for t€a cultiv.tion in Hazar4 Swat dd oihd ribal d4. Pakisld is spoditrg DoG tne<br />

five b<strong>il</strong>lion eeh y.ar on imporl oI t€a. Tnt dount could b. saved if prepq altenlion h paid lo<br />

jncre cullivation of 1c6 i. ahove aM ol NWFP, Ir w<strong>il</strong>l bring Holution in NWFP $ th€ ctup<br />

ha lN pFduclion @st s @mp@d to whc dd n@. Aeain €vd gr@ lla pbet lst! fd rbont<br />

lm y.6 oNe sM ed h d& lalor <strong>il</strong>tcrsivc b€a@ and hd6t it is p@6.d in fcron6.<br />

Vdicti6 of ftuiis produc€d in NWFP e of high quality dd @aidcEd lir6i in th€ Ml4

Arong Mth la,l prduclid, hig! qu<strong>il</strong>ity Auits ft.m Algbeisran m al$ .vtlable in P6hrwr,<br />

Sin<strong>il</strong>dly, ihe clitute dd e<strong>il</strong> of prevircc is suihbl. fd erowing ofvdicli* ofv€edalle. At<br />

p6enr $ere is no slstenatic plflration ofv.g.tabl.s in previncc b@a$c vec€table grcwi.g i3<br />

omid.€d labonous, risty ed capiral inteEive. Fru<strong>il</strong>s end vqgetablcs b.ine hiClly p@lhsblc<br />

iitu, $ fat node of inlgonllion dd stors8e i&<strong>il</strong>ities de rcqnircd for thm. ftrft is L.[ of<br />

stoEa. f*<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>i6 in lhe p@vinc.. The i6b and pc6sld 6uits ed vcg.bhl6 @uld b. qloncd<br />

to othcr previncd drd Middl. Est @utri6. NWFP h6 a wid. poenri.l for qladjnS irs fq!3t<br />

a.a, Mey induhi6 likc tuhitw, chipbod

APPddlr I<br />

Crld kngrtio! tnd ltnd ...lrm io! pol4r! 'orPl't'd h No'th Wd Frontict Pld|!"<br />

ma gttc ot ttt Pojot<br />

dtrnng l95t?0<br />

r-ql!E#*..s#,-*;<br />

As irigat€d<br />

2,48,400<br />

1,r41<br />

t,0! J00 t)16<br />

-lme tffiiH:ffiifr"'d,,')-- 2,15,000 1,702<br />

Pchu flow inieadon ehde (Momo,<br />

Ws* lllgb Ldd Ceal irludrg unvtrY<br />

Flood prctdtio! {ork in ArbdPD dqa<br />

(P.!ht{d)<br />

Rmodeling of Bat! Pivq ed @chucnon ol<br />

r;i-. lr.snn arci lD6hrwd)<br />

^<br />

Un Irrigation Sch@. for It@ NreE<br />

(P6h6*d)<br />

Cosituctitrg lw dd modering old dtlDs<br />

Fl@d pol@tid ftorn Crh<strong>il</strong>bh ndbn and lgnd<br />

rclaiaiion in TN jabba (Peshawe)<br />

Fl@d prctdlio. urd Lad @lamation u Pubor<br />

94,0?,000<br />

1,50,000<br />

-.sm<br />

8,03,?2,000<br />

27,86,100<br />

11.64,800<br />

I,J6,100<br />

5,62,000<br />

I r,9t,000<br />

r8r1,000<br />

46,121<br />

150<br />

\ 996<br />

l,15Jl4<br />

10,000<br />

550<br />

r6,000<br />

11,080<br />

10,160<br />

?,40,000<br />

2,0m<br />

Tubc wells d ndl bsk of kbul RiM<br />

sh-- N^d.her' Alora lPeslEwd)<br />

'nd<br />

Firc-otryat on l.n b&t of kbrl rivd l2a,a00 I l.l4?<br />

b.nrs Nowrhda r4!!!44gl-<br />

rr -.1 'h'a<br />

-.<br />

FiJ kft aM.rdd) 2,83J00 663<br />

4,15,000<br />

3,000<br />

Elcvo nrb. w.ll5 ir lhc ta<strong>il</strong> ad or Ktbul ruvf<br />

..^d w"nar M.hih lPahaffi)<br />

3,00,00()<br />

10180<br />

M!$d Plee for Rdlmttro! or walcr lodgc!<br />

,-" i" Drl.2wr Di.rri.i Ph*l<br />

D"llri-Gi" n.w i;on 6n ftom lch& IUvd<br />

ImPrevmdl of DN inielton ststdn<br />

Hrigu<br />

'r<br />

P*bI flor rtriF$on ehd€ Aos sid l(lva<br />

2,86,500<br />

2,74,000<br />

,86,700<br />

r,500<br />

rp00<br />

6poo<br />


Sir rube wclk d Hs4g{<br />

u'igariot sctoc aom slm n'a rot<br />

flF-o<br />

6;-"d."t of rejk!$a irie.rion svdm<br />

6"uu-cromf i.ieadon ctro*t fo' p-jt.tlr<br />

flooamemaexrrutqqllggrqllt!<br />

ffie.HddMardan.<br />

t9,6t,000<br />

1,96,0@<br />

1,00,00!<br />

9l,000<br />

428,1@<br />

10,04,800<br />

3,?1,800<br />

r,66,100<br />

5$8,00q<br />

I,14,?00<br />

Didtor Snall Dm3 Oreoizltion Rlwalpindi, and Well PaLislsn WATDA Houc' b!@

Irig.llo! Proj4ts oDPlct d |! Non} w6t Frold'r Provln" dtllg l97F8o'<br />

Lis,s orK.btl&!s.lq!s:L!:)!!q<br />

D=,* iDin,o. rPdhaw&)<br />

^f<br />

ConsFucliotr of 0ood hbd*ndl arorS<br />

;-n, a""L ('lnn Rivd aPdhtwd)<br />

^r<br />

Lidng of Wars.& GnvitY ed Lrn cdtsr<br />

(P6hawr)<br />

irbba 'Kn L.igalior Sci-e<br />

(P6baq.4{)<br />

Bda Bdda Lift hri$ton s.nd.<br />

Inpmvcmot dd €tt c,on ot<br />

irieariotr chdelclllgL-<br />

c.iflobn or irigation crrstut fioo<br />

subhd Knwd (Mo@q!U-<br />

T-iiins of HiI To@h ard llood<br />

orcr@don worls C!!4!IEL- -<br />

_t !s<br />

L44l<br />

I,100 I<br />

,r,t00<br />

600<br />

680<br />

?45.1<br />

216.5<br />

4,000<br />

20,000<br />

800<br />

t,000<br />

2,847<br />

r. o&line of w!E4!I4<br />

830<br />

Nrpri Kn.l LriSrtd Schdc (Swal) @ le.ooo<br />

tooaainS oa E cGion of F lehgu m 1 ll000<br />

lrricalion Chmcl (s!!!)-<br />

ah-,- r-"i'"" sf;hh. r SwaLl<br />

xndif Iriqdior CbMd lo44!!q1!!gl I ,O0 4,500<br />

Gasr rtod trncadoLlg@!<br />

Fotd trisutr@ s.t..c (Di'l<br />

Ex s'o' of oed Chdcl (Dn)<br />

or (hdif chmel for<br />

420<br />

4,900<br />

3,000<br />

?00<br />

11@<br />

8,000<br />

tJoo<br />

Badwd dea (Dn)<br />

rqooo<br />

Comtruction of (heif Chmel for 6,000<br />

diffiiiiiir "r"c itigrtion scl*c ror 900 t,?00<br />

-corottaion<br />

Arbni trnextiotr sch.4qIIlBD 91.5 !1!9<br />

Kal{ata lnisarFn Sch!4! lAlq1D 472.2 @,<br />

5,000<br />

[shula4rr UriBaipn Schde (Cluhl] tooo<br />

Snrnalot Liff LtiSEtion Sch€b. 400<br />

t,?00<br />

tMaulsd)<br />

tnleltion Sch@e floF Tdei (hwd<br />

(Mabr.nd)<br />

jd im6id srid<br />

600<br />

500<br />

800<br />

sctmc B+ql!{!qq!a!) 1,600 5,000<br />


44 lub. vclls d len bsr or M@<br />

1,500<br />

721<br />

4,000<br />

13200<br />

9 rubc rctk, Pe* (M!idd) 652 2700<br />

1,166-5<br />

4,800<br />

t 6 Tub. w.tls Kdu Kne r.! (Mdd4,<br />

a Tubc v.lls it Sb,bd Gshi (M,rdd,<br />

Namji Tubqen iri8rtion schm.<br />

Trial boring torTubc w.ll {Pqrwd)<br />

shdtur lube w€I lEe.ldsrh€@<br />

Tub. wclls bet*6 Pubbi ed NowdEr'<br />

-io ru* *elr fd thc .@ bctw@<br />

P&d!u md zardad btub (P6[ad)<br />

82<br />

200<br />

t,lll<br />

350<br />

E00<br />

1,lo?<br />

dfrE *ctts io ll,mpq o (P*la*ot 492.5<br />

@azslv"de<br />

1,800<br />

t,000<br />

2,000<br />

4,0m<br />

6,000<br />

t,tt0<br />

Di@lor Small Dm oi$Dizstion lbwdpindi, md w€sl Ptlktsn WAPDA ttow' lrhoE<br />


APP'!dli:3 '<br />

rHE NoRrfty#.LLRAo}.tfI.I3I1ltr6" ^"'' "'o<br />

w!tr| i|'E!"1'i!i i."'if iiii lIi'' i"ii'.<br />

A! .ct ao ot$llit t rla lt'<br />

"'!d<br />

rh. NortFw.3t Fr.llls<br />

lstd trtY, 19501<br />

on 20th Jun., 1950' anal Pf<strong>il</strong>lth"lin<br />

i", u,<strong>il</strong>i13i'f;-,s11lf<br />

:i3'$:1i;-ie.:i'"","ji"i::'dv..!d'!d<br />

""ii,<strong>il</strong><br />

It ir hdcty coscrcd at tolloss :-<br />

;. ";';'.t,;,<br />

lon't-wiii iroriii rcoDcv ,r'ct' tqso'<br />

(2) tt Grlc.dr ro tL. ttol' of rh' Norrh_Wcat<br />

(3) Tbi! Act sh.ll coD. irlo forc' rl onc'<br />

rb' ..'<br />

.tt !t .!<strong>il</strong> "6!'!o'!'d -rni3 Aci m'' b' c!lr'61L'<br />


l.r r.t.ll.t to tt t..$ct ol l'!'l l'<br />

ru*qr$g*mJ*t;i*r*#r'ffi<br />

ow. P. 1504.<br />

I e.,n. ,.o.i-"..o, pr.*ribcd und.r rccrion ! ofrh' ordiurcc do" ool<br />

mlltir,l+rr*i,l"i,:*i*mhl{ti-girt*'l'l+<br />

ffi{r<strong>il</strong>lfi"l;#.,s::{+i',1k, }i{ql;;i;<br />

F Pcah. l2l.<br />

t, It<strong>il</strong>ttio -1. this Act lntcs th'r' i! tovrfiir! r'pueltnt inlh'<br />

(l) l.trd mc.nt hod *hich is not occuoicd a3lh' r<strong>il</strong>c oftnv bu<strong>il</strong>din3 in<br />

' ' . -;. or v,lltr. ldd it o@spEd or hat b"^ l't fo"ericullur'l psi,ii'..<br />

ii, p".i*- *u.rvi;Dr to sgricultqs. ai ror P'srurc i 3nd<br />


lf<strong>il</strong>ii?',*.11i"::i'.l.:trrrd! o'hf r'dc' d sch r'n'r qtodv<br />

'"riy,:;,f#'Ji'Tf"":Ti:i*s#'":'r"*'rxiih*l<strong>il</strong>::'rl-<br />

what.v.r itPrytbl:<br />

ro. l.nitlord in Dorct q ridl<br />

or o@!.tiod of l..d h.ld bt<br />

(b) '.rerr of r.tr(<br />

' lr::'ir,:i"jfti""-{:iEi';:rHifi"F,}i'*;sl?'?""'"'1't1i ?:<br />

6.aN rc vhlch cmdntrn!.id .n'r lh' d'r' ot<br />

(.) r! iuf.tior l.ad'osncr' 'r<br />

(r) r 6orts.s.. of tn. rish! oi. l.nd'otn'r' or<br />

(.)<br />

<strong>il</strong>?l"l<strong>il</strong>"i#hir,*.'*1"'J j'$ify:r,i:fiir<strong>il</strong>:d:i,$'li{i<br />

rd) .ncrro!tbot!l.o fromrh' Cov'rt6'ol' l"3c otutoeuti"Lodror<br />

- rn; pltDot. of3lbl.rl'ns r i<br />

rnr -hrdtord.' o.rnr . Fr$r und.. qlom<br />

' rh. tcn.nl it. or blr fot s 3p"itr conrt'cr a t.lrnl boldt.nd to thoi<br />

sould b. Iirbl.lo PlY rrr<br />

.r^ -r.n!rr" t.d "l.ndlord includ' lh' pr'd'c'3sore cld luct'$ofl r<br />

' 'inr.r.tr of. r.oo.r aad ,andl6rd, t.spccovqv<br />

!...!l of.l&dlorc !'d{<br />

(r'rrl 'tcd!cv" D..6t . plrcd otlold hcld bv<br />

- on.la. or o!.3cl or @! rro!3 '<br />

(rr) ".tttl." dc.!t e, arc! : -<br />

(.) for Pnich ! tcp.r.tc ..co.d'otuisbt hat b"!<br />

(D) whicb bar b.ctr lcparll.lv 533.3!.d<br />

,, iiit'rfi:#"?"i';j:*I;::"rl 5:.x'.:i.{li1r:"1'tr|i"'ii<br />

l,fl "rrtc! .!d err.J' b.d nl.!.od etsct *hic! "' tridtr<strong>il</strong>v!trttrbl'<br />

" bv t.Dd.ovn.ir,.d includd -<br />

r.! rb.loc.t r.r.. <strong>il</strong>rnv, Prvabl. utd.t lh. Punjrb DBtda D@rdt Acl'<br />

*'<br />

iiir'. ;"d Jv t ; i;virblo ud* te oc !t of rh't '{ct rroa r'!d-<br />

;;i;f.; ,!-; ". "f or bco.tu' d*ivcrl ftoo !!cb turh ! 'r'<br />

r.r.,!Gd lo in &clion m, clto*t (l) (J) or tbtr ^d:<br />

{D) ..v .fiu.| fu!. ch.tl.rblc o!<br />

-' cd!.I.!d Dt.it.r. A.t, 1C7!<br />

&) rb. a<strong>il</strong>dtd rnd t<strong>il</strong>La. o6c{'. c.rt.! ; .!d<br />

(O |!6r ptrlbl. oa .sos!! of v<strong>il</strong>bl. .rF!d ;<br />

oi!.n of ludr {rd.r .Fdon 5t or In.<br />

kl,l 'v<strong>il</strong>l6!. e$" i.clud.t .ov cdt, @.Eibqtio or ds' tticb i! cltloo'<br />

ror $' !F or<br />

'- i.lJ <strong>il</strong>ii,,iii "riiii.i *r;tc.!a i'n.irh*. Pltntlt<br />

;;i".i; ;;;;ii;i ;;;;d !.ivi.o, .or r;,o!.d bt or ond'r tDv<br />

;o.d6dr 6r d. 116! bai.r h rora :<br />

(:/lt)ltv<strong>il</strong>t.ic ofi*t" o..u: chl.lh.rddn, lddo.o ol P|lrn i<br />

{:,') "RGE.u. O6@a or _R.v..u. CoMi i'$r 4 R'Etc'Oder or<br />

'- iri ic"cauo courr uvior .urbotirv uldcr rhir Acl to dk'!'r8'<br />

iii riiiiii"-"i "i" r*."n cout, it th. 41. o', b', uod'r in't<br />

Irv\',r i.d!." it.lud.. ..t pdto! orhc.- rnrn ' v<strong>il</strong>Lg' Ftul io<br />

'_ '"'li_t _rd. rl"a .*-j 6r .nt l'!d ['6 rsiF d lt.'hol'<br />

iiii'-p.aii,t. o;".'".-, o6c'rortt' -n" Go6@'!r;<br />

"riv 'n<br />

r<strong>il</strong>)'L. l Prtctitio!.r" b@r aov l?r,l t6'titiot'r qhhitr lh' D"!'nl<br />

' ;frh; Irs.t Pr.crnioocn Act, l8?9'.rccDr ' '!'*ra':<br />

(rri) urialtoEl v..i' Belt r[. tsr @to''cnr lushd{"1 lb'<br />

'- 6'^iiiiii coi,oo*r ov btloiitdrio! 'Ppo<strong>il</strong>t ror mv rdr'r':<br />

b"?;;i",i'*ig'..?T.1'"?'1$1ll'f I't'.r"::x*''i: :HB:i'3':i'[:<br />

(rJlr "oc@FDcy t.!.!t. f,bo h{ lh' rltli of dcutrlcv<br />

'- -1,'a-.-i!iriii, I * i. a*..d to hrE 3!cb ish' u'd{ Fr'o! 6 or i'<br />

ii<strong>il</strong>'J ii-dii,i i"cl,igtr rcqui"d {cb ri8}r und4<br />

i<strong>il</strong>irii-s - "'a*sdio.?o'ht! coori";* ro h!v. nrch n.nr utrdcr ctior rr ot<br />

i<strong>il</strong> i-'i'i.u-i.Jii.v Acr, or tr d..6'd b b'rc- $(h ris}' wds<br />

iii'i,iiiir iii iii; r;;.Ecv R.surlrior. 18r?. ald lnrrr incrud'<br />

rh. h.n! sld 3u4.soB ofrucb @utast t'L'!r;<br />

(,,\ -iBDrov.E.of n.a!! tirh r.i.r.rc.lo troanc: rort e!ic! i!<br />

*-.',<strong>il</strong>;ii:<br />

i; rh. t!!.cv.!d con'i!t..r 'nv qnl rr c"di'rio't o' n<br />

'hich<br />

iiiiiii. uv *i,iir iui;t,; o t'!'rct L'! bc" rnd soot.u'r to<br />

'hG<br />


!<strong>il</strong>l<strong>il</strong>liii;.i"u', -,if '*'LTff Tf'f<br />

b.orachl lo it ;<br />

:'}i;<br />

E plan ttol !. Il hclld6| tdoot othor tbl4r "":l'lo.i"f"T:3i'iif<br />

:li<br />

*. -""t""U"" ! l orh'r sollt fo! lhc rtor'8c or lu9plv of<br />

- ' e.tcr fot uriculrurrl "t".lh Purporcr ;<br />

(dr ftc contuucrio! 9f torl! fot dniorg' lnd for Proicction r8si$t lrofF<br />

- - rbla coltivabl. or ! t.[!oct i llq<br />

t.l ,i. ,."."., ". "o"utt*tio! of |!v of th' fotctoinS worts or toods ;<br />

[i l3;#*lin.:11,U;:'.:i:fh',Tlgii<strong>il</strong>ti:1."d<br />

i'rr.ci'r or r6'd<br />

(dl rbc;.c(ion of bu<strong>il</strong>din$ rcquirc<strong>il</strong> for th' 60r! coavooiorr or prp0hbl'<br />

' ' .ulliEtion ol. l.n.!cy ; !!d<br />

(.) rh.,cncwlr or con'to"rgr d.:"t-'!ll<strong>il</strong>",i',,'",1i<strong>il</strong>1"So;l* ;:ff;<br />

' tio! th.r.in or irlditiou ttcr'to $ rrc I<br />

as durably <strong>il</strong>crcrs. ib.ir vlluc.<br />

<strong>il</strong>-*:<strong>il</strong>"+T:"glitliii<strong>il</strong>i$l'p"'1'*+;ff{iiirii{H:itll:f;<br />

,"r jglif :!11<strong>il</strong>i"1".-ii:1if*o"of fiXixi:<strong>il</strong>:l<strong>il</strong>"ocic!s'vb'dccmcd<br />

**iio, Ji,ii'iix,1ii*.1,ri1iHr'iii :<strong>il</strong>l;:?i'"i trl:l'lrxIfi $1i.,;'-<br />

(,,) ;,,"X1<strong>il</strong>ttn*',fl.#:iF*!'ut rc-'court of thc rodic<strong>il</strong>r coEEie<br />

c"a<br />

iiff'L$."ii,"u1'"uii i,'Ji["''""'i#'i.an'tftl[<br />

Grlro "Utclt...d .uit" oc|rr. suit rhisb ir a'<strong>il</strong>hct I ltrd-tuit nor i rdrll<br />

11,:,";#] "<br />

(rrir) "valu." u!.d wiih i.fcrcor'.lo r tun mcrn! lhc tEoult ot vrlu' of<br />

- th. 3ubj.c!'Drllcr or tlc rur''<br />

arnl ..cowmocnt" <strong>il</strong>cludc. rbo grovirci.l !!l thc C.ntt l Gotcmd'll i<br />

,rrrn "I'"tU"."*' h!| ttc-i.Ec E 'Dio8 r$isrcd to it i!th' ?urjlb<br />

- Lrtrd Rcvaluc Acl, Mr.

:;g;i*ll,H,$#*ffi$i'Tl;f!i'fi<br />

a. Cotrr.tEU.o io t 9dd lo t! t.ralotd.-Any ocauproc, Lo.!t tho al<br />

rh. c.Eo.nc.d.o! of tbitAc! ;<br />

"iif'iii.:iii'."'-r<strong>il</strong><br />

'$:i:;4!i#,:fi"+ftiii{.'"*.fii"ii{F#fl'.rr."i,i<strong>il</strong>i'{fi<br />

lb\ occuDr.r rlv hDd ru on prymoni oftb! rcot in c!3h' rh'tl bccomc full<br />

'"' Jii.'iii.i"<strong>il</strong> * e.vtwli 6f th6 conP'ontiotr ro tic l'odlord rt ruci<br />

ii<strong>il</strong>i'iii iirlro'.i"t Dctiod 6rv b! Fcsc'it'cd bt rbc Provi'cir<br />

GovarloaDi r!d.r thir ..c(lo!'<br />

k) ffi f-h3"'"'fi '"3*.':n.$'.r$'Hi:i s':J';.*.::T"'ll:<br />

i4|l.d .l -.1ard..d lith .*! F ro. r ft D. lt4n!.d Dt<br />

rr. E .ta ot l.qs ..4.r D! ikx6:<br />

P6vld.d lb.t ia . l.@r f.<strong>il</strong>. ro t t rl. ooFqrlio' &r"ti"tl-r'<br />

rd;,.G 'i.l<br />

tr. Fcriri.r oa .L.i. (t) r.d (.) or ||,. t}Grr4' rF<br />

i,;i. lldficv on_ D.tr.t ot Go6Flnrio! b, th. l.'dlottt lo bt dctor'<br />

"r<br />

;l;;i i-; ift-f;d oi ic'icogJ Ilibt. t r.rttt tr b. .rr i.rsincd -' rd rb'rr<br />

€t i. tL Ldldd..d.Lll t ..lrrL{ lo t .tdi6 t..tdr rc ltoD "t<br />

ij imtoa or rr* scelc.l tt r!. t.lrnt ld c.t .l ot ll.t L!d.<br />

lEitrd. fni. ...1i6 .Lll .o. .tttt to tr.a otr.. 6 .d.bi.l.t''l bt<br />

.L od.i.*i (lo.! C.rt'.l..tl ltot*i.l).<br />

r.nr.t. of tbc !!lot ot @.ro6..y lr*. rl. rirll ollJoEtjeror'<br />

rrir tddFd by h.. E.!.s.rioo lo th.llolt d..l.tc inn.irl.d ov<br />

h;/.dd_..!r.d for th. bd.it of.tl p.r$or. 'no !.dcr rb.l.' clrim'<br />

iC rtc todnrc tcft ty lot ul6 toldcr. Th. Flrcqs of Prcpricrrrv<br />

rirhr. br . tid.t toold loa cb..!c lL.Drlur.orlh.<br />

i,<strong>il</strong>rtortiv ttcrita TborrFoi.tttt. dld Eot ch.'r. *irl rh.<br />

idiriridar of th. right| ot Drorri.(drbiP

lddrDb oa ttc r.16 ol 6,loort rrt. Tb. iirbt oI ltopri.ror<br />

rhl6.@iF! bt h.r tx .! .ddlo. to o.ll6lEd.rl.r. i!n.n..o bt<br />

i<strong>il</strong>'roa ourd roroo tocft ot.ll t no.!, tno..dor<br />

;; rb. h.rlr.s.l.lt by l.rr D.l. holdd. Tn. ptt t4! ol 'h.l.'.l.im' tbtii.trrv<br />

ri.hr, b, . wldo* fdld lot .[.rr. lh. tr.'uo ol l!. 4u|. rhlt ec<br />

.r]t<strong>il</strong>rllr tdh.rlr..t. tLdrlrc.l.r.l. did ml cDtn8. s{h rb.<br />

.diititiat ofth! rlahlt oa proFi.totdit<br />

Wn F rt. .hrE ol tt. Lrdbld ud t!. td.tl i. tt tr.d@ r!.r. 6r.d<br />

bv ri. R.vcouo 06!r b!rl. on Coll*er h.inl @e.{, uodl. rdrro u'<br />

iLi'J liriii,i,i. oa uttl..tol, t!.I,roriNhl -ooEdo;lt nt.d tb. lb|6iod<br />

dt;ea.a rb. R.@s ro .cr.6rdi[. ro lh!o,lt '.r l.ld:-<br />

Tb. <strong>il</strong>t rf.Fd bv lbc Prcvlqi.l GoEFoolr tuitt t!..lrd oflh' htrd'<br />

- -GJIAtl. ddut fot rt. ootto... of.6io. +l{. N'w.!.P. T.ur'<br />

aticr .d tin!. di@dd ro t[. R.tdu. ofcs ro rct r6ord<strong>il</strong>B to<br />

ll! d.d|io! rx u<strong>il</strong>rulqt ot Lt.<br />

sario. 85 nd t4li.o tl-A, sb...cdo! (l) of O! N.'W.F.P rare, Ad<br />

...di;i;i ;;td.!o' th.r ib. Psd.D raiEv Acr' r88?'dld bc i' to@<br />

iriitr iiiartra of q"procv rouitr E d.r.rDircd u.dd.crio!.-^, r.d it<br />

i-orio qrtio rppty rro ft aaho orrh. qlr.mtrd.trtr.E d.tmiGd.trd<br />

;;;i[! arrc"al. -<br />

t! t}n! at! o. t.tr.on bd b..9 d.crn.d rull oDd or<br />

^. <strong>il</strong>*Fi"*.,*r:'*l*" ;*f [.",x:f i;: H:,:?r.li':"t'.?T,H<br />

rtiii;l;,::ml"<strong>il</strong> ju.ffi gr8iitr lP":"$.:i:n: *ffi<br />

rb€ ctv<strong>il</strong> co6r n.d $rldiclid<br />

Tho rordt -occleior Lld $ Ncd ' l..cnr<strong>il</strong>y do ml ncr! phy.iel od-<br />

D{io!,lor I rc@r Ely b. h @dttu

+4, D.r.Eb.rlo. ol ...al.!ct l.osL. t! ..s tl6 rl b !l''l It<br />

nra-"iir l;i*p"*y arDt i'ho i! th.@66.oe6.!t or thir Acr. @u'<br />

;n. h;; - iuch i.d Drv. t.!r bv dlvi.io! ofth. pro.l!@ $.ll b4o6t tull<br />

;iJi"i-"t rt" oiin'.'td' ltd tE p'-op.rrlon to bk rh.rc or tbG.trcdu@<br />

sticb h. r.irtu to! LlEFll, stibo p.va. orDv.oDP""!@ toM<br />

{D Anv oeupr!.f t6&t .cquiri!! Lld i! q@r.L!@ *ith rlt pldi3iotr<br />

or o\iiiiirin- iii-rr.ti rcqurc it lr* rioo rov irddbrDc. ddtcd r' r"p"r<br />

ofrl.r l.nd ht rlo le6lord.<br />

.!l Subi..t to lhc Drov'rio oflub't.ctioo (l) rld (2) lho t'-o<strong>il</strong>ord thtll<br />

d.'r;s+sio. or r!...o.lol!a pordoo ol rh. l.nd.r t!. crprry or cl'rctt<br />

'!'<br />

i.'i.iirumiicir. n* rroo oiiicuEb'.D@ o, t.& cr4rod bt '!. td'r td<br />

oi.!Fo., rirhl! th.r.i! .ll b. dlioFi&hd.<br />

lal Notrkt|t.lrtrEi rtrytbl @ .ir..l i. th. tr.cdba +b'B'{or !h'<br />

acu;ii.v tcornr tLdt oortt!$ ro tb. lrldlord r!0 product or rlt r'!' In<br />

lJii,ii#. itit ii;rdi orti' .riri.s r.i'sv !!t<strong>il</strong> rl. Pmirioa or t! rord'<br />

lDr b!l$a. $G l.ldlot.l.!d t.a i!.t6tcd.<br />

E caetton,-Tni. !..tlo th|u lol .PPlv lo t n6 omc<strong>il</strong> bv OordE !l<br />

n rh c.irtr.l ud Provi.cl.l).<br />

!. r.r..dn rlalt ol hrab.i .ta l.|.r toF!lb9. (l) Tb.r.tr(or<br />

rh. tim.D.<strong>il</strong>r r.y.bl. i!.dter of.l.n.nct.hll b.lh. lnl clrtl. o! ti.<br />

pro<strong>il</strong>w r!.r.ot<br />

12) A t...nt 3brll !. c.l<strong>il</strong>l.d to t.nd, ol hd br.fctl tb. Dtoduo oJbit<br />

6l.d i; dr. coun. ofnu.brndrv *itholt..v Intdfcr..c. oE ln' Pfr or !r'<br />

(!! ErccDt t6.o |h. r.nl it t.tc! bv dhitlon oftb. p!odu@' tnl l."nl<br />

.hdi* .itni.d to l!. crcbtlv! poGnld olrn trcluo tgr' l! r!. .'r' !l<br />

:::.tc<strong>il</strong>J<strong>il</strong>. fi lsi;, lxl, l<strong>il</strong>,i,'13 "5"'li,Llifiiiiy<strong>il</strong>lii j"'tJ&ii;<br />

irrlokunl t.rr h. bc! P.l.t lo th.lrdlotd.<br />

(o wl.!. rdl ir t t.! It divitio! of rb. E od@. i-<br />

lrl thc t.n.!i ttrll b..otltl.d to t!. .rcluti* Pol.nion of th' wholc<br />

.'<br />

nroduc. bll.h.ll not b..ttitlcd to rctuv. n ltun rn' rhrc$tn3:<br />

ioor oltll l( i! dlddrd I<br />

rrl no Fo! u. trodG It r.r<strong>il</strong>t for ditht'o! o! lh' tiFhlll n@r'<br />

' ' rnr Ar.iri. Coll*tor of 2.d rt!d. .pei.uv<br />

<strong>il</strong>[.ii'ii" -iri ow! .@rd. ;r o! rhi .ppllaotior or 'nh'r rhc r?''<br />

fi<strong>il</strong>l riir'iit.a ruti riirir or oan"irt D, Rd'!u' qmcd<br />

lij .:j,"lJk.r,ti t;",:':'n*t*nri;: i."'ir.9iYi',1"',Hi:f<br />

r.r ll l!. t6.!t or l.ldlord EboYcl rlt Dotllo! ot rh' produc i! 'uct<br />

"' j<br />

';;;;E; tffii G Jc otvuor'dcrot oc onrcr 'olderio!

|hc diviriri! of rbc lrodrc. Dry .rt.r |l. buUdhs o! thc lt.Ndrct,<br />

., lt. c$c oly b.. ti.r. ti! Drodor. b Ltr rld dlvldc tn. 9!odu$<br />

(d) lhc l.!dlo!d .!d th. r.!!Dt.trll b. <strong>il</strong>rirl.rl ro b. pr.rclr ri, rld t*.<br />

Frr h, th. <strong>il</strong>lvldo! of U. !trod0o. t<br />

(.) eh.! rh. $odue b|| b..! .lvld.d th. l&dlord.ld ttlt !r!l<br />

rldl bc cltitlcd to thc por!.r.lo! of rh.lr r..!$tlv. .tir.l lEDcdh.<br />

Btplen tlor.--:th. pt..rL. ol rppr.lFEmt otrU!{!, t!. cfop tr ,rl.r)<br />

rbll h.nc.fonh b. dh.olliru.d.<br />

5, CoElllo{.r rll .l!.l|llo! ol r.ri. -(l) m.r. r.rt i. l3t.! br.!y or<br />

$. follolr<strong>il</strong>i tn.tlod., D|D.lt :<br />

(a) by di?irior oftb. D'odrcc !<br />

(r) by rsr.| fr.d rltt r.forcoo. |o $o !dor. of rb. o.opr lrow! i<br />

(.) by r rd. or. r.co$h.<strong>il</strong> E6t3!1. old.. ;<br />

(d) by a r.st ir t.o.r or thc tcrrlot, o!<br />

(.) Dudy by on. ot lh. noltodr .prclicd h chu! (.), (r) rld (t) or |lh<br />

rub...rdion, rld p|rUy by |'o|!.r o? ol!.r. ot l!ao.<br />

o!. of ttoro 6.tbodr 3hrll not b. codaut.d |! tiols or ir Prrt htotrottlr<br />

v<strong>il</strong>houa thc co!!.ni ol bolh llndlord ird t.!l.t,<br />

(2t lo rh..br!ac. otrcortrrc! or I d.cr.o or ordor ot coopot.at auft.<br />

ority tbrho cortlrry. i.mot. rborc r.!r lr trtoo by .!y of tho oc.lbod. .!!cin.d<br />

irorlrrct (r), (r) &d (c) ofrub.r.crio! (l), or by tho E.lhodt rFd&d<br />

io cL||.. (d) ofl[ rrb.r.ctloD, tt.llrot b.lbbl. to tt.t tor r tclrlct r.or<br />

.t |!y hiihc! r.t., o! of. hiEh.! rDoc.t. r| tl.o.r.Drybg tlll ral.or<br />

.dount pry.bl. In r.rp.c! of rh! r.mr., tor ri6 p!..!<strong>il</strong>l!t r|r|ltrlturl ,cir,<br />

7. Prruri.lor l.dt oc.rrLd rlrlolt co!r.!r or hdbta.-Aly P.r.o!<br />

ln nN.rlon of hld o8!l.d rlrborr rL. corrllt of tic htdlord tldl D.<br />

lirbL to erv for tl. u|. or oocirDrtlo! ot rhr lrld ra rh! rrt ol tcrl D.rbl.<br />

in lbo 9!..aCi!s .rticd|lnl yei or, It r.ot r|. lot Ft|bl. l, |!|| yor, rt<br />

r|lci r.l. u rh. Cocrt Ery dcr.fElao lo b! frlr..!d .qql!rbl..

I Coll..tto. .f t !a. ot mitrlddl DtoD.rtt W!.r l3'- ot 60r' P'ftolr<br />

rra ltrdloldt of ! i.n.nt h ?caD.ct ol th. 'ld. lc.r{cl !G l"'nr tn'rt lot<br />

bG borld loDryD.tr oftt. r.nl ofhlt lclr.ct lo o!. or rrosc pcrrolr '!o<br />

&4. nkt! .!a ll.Ulhh. t lrraha ? l .td Go'c.'-'.d (l) N.ot'<br />

titlrtradinr-rovlbior (o th! coudtrlv co.trl!.d i! nt lor<br />

'!t<br />

'.'. l[6 116' o!'<br />

tn. tn loro. oi rnt irr.cll.ol o?.!trv 16 r rcv.tru. r'c'rd' olroy d'crcc or<br />

oracr of .ov courl dr otl$r rulhoritv. tb. r.ot of .ot l rld o.yrDL ot I lc!'[I<br />

by divirioo oflhc t?o lrc. $tll ool.tc.cd forlv P.r c'riu! oI tn' 9roous<br />

;;d-ii;iii;h;; ;iid;;";ld i.to fGtoi'bi irortt wc't Frootrcr Proeirc'<br />

i;;"'v ari n-i.ti.;; rio.o-o-crti ect, re6r, lerli rfrc' to rt rb. A6!!d'<br />

fi;iai: t6.i;i-r hirtci rii; ir bc<strong>il</strong>d cb;t.d in rl !!c. or bnv t'o'!cv' h<br />

'h'rr<br />

b.-r.dwd lo th..fo!.r<strong>il</strong>d llnll:<br />

Provid.d rbfi if !!y lc aiir,.l rh! ii6c oflb. coEirl lolo forc. o!th.<br />

Ali€ndinr Acl, hotdi!8.tt l.nd or 60r. f.vourrbl. tcrm., !. th'll cottrnr'<br />

ro <strong>il</strong>o.o,<br />

(2) All Oov.rtD.!! duct lcvicd o! tbc lrnd coorri!.d inr lcaroct<br />

rbrll-* ptid by lh. hdlord !!d lt. tcn.lt ir lh! t,Ea P?olo.tioa.io<br />

$lch lhcy rhr. tbc Produc. io .ccord<strong>il</strong>cl w<strong>il</strong>! lbr provltlotr or IDlr<br />

Providcd lhrl lfrl ihc tidc olthc cooing <strong>il</strong>to for4 oflb.!\ocadi'l act<br />

r rc!.nt i. lot p.tlot.ty Porlio! of tuch du.!. or ittrliit lcd lu.r rDrl.lo<br />

rou|dh|t3![idt!d..!hcprov<strong>il</strong>ioo|orrhirQ!"|.c|lo!|<br />

con. lirblc for <strong>il</strong>y tu.h plymclt or, .t l!. cr.a o' y bL, lor ItI .dalllo[.|<br />

Prorjdcd furth.r th.t io clt . r!! l. nf. rh.r. ot tl. produ!. mt lt,'<br />

th|n drty D.r ccolrd bur ir iocr..xtl bt vln|r. of rb.9t-o!itio!t or'ub'!ccto!<br />

(lr. h!.h.t'l b..on. ll.bl. io Drv U. Oovcmd.at dc.t to .!co 9o?tror rr ro'<br />

ini!.r.! ia hl. rh.?. oflh. Dtod6c. t.rr lo lh. .nt|l. producc' rrrspcctrY! oI<br />

rh. f.c! eh.lbcr b! sr! .k6dy plyio! rly 9o?tio! or rhc oov.ra6'nr ou'r<br />

;;-!or bu;; no c|t. wltl bc .aqitrad io Piv nor. t!!! ri'l}' Plr catrllo.<br />

8t ta.lor. Fot r[G p!rDo!.t of lhir rob..ccrio! 'Oov{nD.!r duct' D!|o<br />

rh. iq.i tolr I ol htd tcvciruci wrrcr. rrrc. locrt nro en I rlt otblr ruDr lcvcll'<strong>il</strong><br />

i"- o&oi"'cat o! tb. h;d. c'lcot it. t.r l.vlcd und'r th. wcn P.kkl|n<br />

itb.! looovrbl. P.oD.rly T.iAct. i95E (wsl P.li.r.n fct v of l95E)<br />

(l) Notbitrg i! thll rccliotr lb<strong>il</strong>t!!ply lo lh. crt! ofr t.n.!i holdlot .n,<br />

rr.d uod.r rb. Proviicld or tb. C.rrr.l oovcm6.nl.

*;,ffi[t##-ffirr*'m<br />

ra. lL.llrr lo lL a..hl...t l|..t.t !.r-"hr,tt 'hLlr' ll 'irht<br />

,r. iirir ji i.-"i;.rt-,; .dq . Fr.. ofd. tiD 'rd tr@ 'r 'rto<br />

E$ini#"!*i<strong>il</strong>,idlr',!rds*r!i[q*:,x#.ff"11.r!<br />

rl. Cd.a &iiJ.. Tt. r.r.ll ol rl. dir'no' |l'll b' i""d'd 'rd<br />

"-i r''f.iG- !J,.ai,;r'ri dd$i!. rbo 'trtr l& ot' la 'd" 'l<br />

r;rl. cd|r ofJ'vdon.r !. rh'!b nl<br />

rl v|ll-6-Fb-. L.aLa Lcrio'|.'''||l<br />

o'..d io Inc-contdtt i! .nt ltt,.Md'Fl' c!tr6. !t'l' or '!tr'''1.6 ora'd<br />

:-;;;;c;;;; h.';';.i ir ni sirrq noro of Ritirl ot Y',,tr "t r''<br />

drll tf l'.!r. |o Ft rnt irlLF sr o' F 6'r rlt t"E rr<br />

rr.iiof.iy es or dir lo !h l..dlord<br />

It. llb.d- d nl - .lErt|... .l ..t . (D Eirt L"'l r!'ll:rr<br />

b lru. lo trt.ddirF.d t-l lor I ll L.d For.d to !' i! ot l!'<br />

'rst<br />

'' rra ldih'al dl b bc. Dcr|{lt Fa b'la.. uld n r Fl*!<br />

rh.t In..rcB. n d{. lo D. idd't'o! lo iir ldrBt of Lrd trs'<br />

hrq t.rioltl, b.lonr.d lo lh. l.-.ct' t'r rorl Dt dtruYro! ot<br />

drl..iii.. r'rh6l ..r r.a*tir ol tt r..l !.i.1 !.c. : &o<br />

rbr b...'rr.d ro .. .!.t.r.l oa i.r. i! t.rFc o{..t.ko(i.s! ttowg<br />

r..rni t! ri..r. ol tr k-E .r oFBd .lD r!' s' ld t".r<br />

rcor h.r b..n Dr.rtoutlv F d bt hro, r.ks n n p@r.d 'n't rD' or'<br />

.iat r ds to ti. lir of Lld $iC t! dd.d ro ln ri" or r!!<br />

icojry !v rttrmr q qlF*...t|rLt t ..ldirq trr !'r D-'<br />

m.d. t:o d. t.! . r..Der of th..d<strong>il</strong>n'o. to rt. .k..<br />

llt l! a.!.@.r.. ||. .u ld rl.l r..r !:t it" F rrdrl, F'd lr'<br />

c-i-lLit L* ..r.nl-to tl. rolo.r.t. Ito{ orh'. "rr"r' tuo'lt -<br />

trl tLod lb. l.st ir! b..i .llor.d to rold 'd'l<strong>il</strong>'oal Ln<strong>il</strong> it 'r'<br />

'-' iiai.<strong>il</strong>"" .i - .a0,,'- b nr ror'l rcnr o' orr"r& *nl | !' r!or'<br />

l.a|t &d .o.sl orlb ledlora..al<br />

{bt rt. t.ratt.t t|D. d{tina rhr.h th.t. h.. !..! to drrPlt. rt ro "'t "<br />

(tt In nlal.r to or.b.trtrl r..t u.d..ltn K 06, lL Coun '!'ll 'd 19<br />

"' .Lic rr. *ir b u(||.n .M$. .r i d.!nr ro 6! trlr.!rl 'rNrobl'' .'o<br />

olrl D.

lll tn od{tirion lo ol.b.t n.!t ofteot ut.t.t thit r'clion nol bc d'coc'l<br />

rn.;hi!c.m.ot ot r.dlcllot oti.tr rh. d.r.i!a ofrhis Acl<br />

'<strong>il</strong>bin<br />

ta. R6iDlo{ ol nol!t Ccodt &.tt llt ra.. Notr<strong>il</strong>hrt'ld<strong>il</strong>t<br />

rt. forcro'nr r.clinnr oflhlt Acl, if it!pp..n lo. court r6rtr'lr- '-lvlbinl,in rlccG' rot<br />

.. rrmir oircot that tLo r.6 of . r.o.nct h.t bcc! .o.lloi.ltDcd bv onuvbn<br />

ii iiiii<strong>il</strong>* ii,t'r rt. p'oduc rhc..or hit b.Go io dioitrithcd-bv broud<br />

h:rl. dcDo.ii of 3rDd or olh.rl<strong>il</strong>c qh|nitt. rhrl lhc full.nDuDr-or r'nr pvror'<br />

bv rirc ranrnt o.not bc cquit.bltdcficcd. lhc corrl ory' *'l! ulc- ?t'vro!t<br />

Jrclioa of l!. Colletot, .llos tlcb r.Eisiir! frd'|| lh. r.!a pattDl' ot r"<br />

r.o.nr .r m.y.!t rr lo <strong>il</strong> !o bc Jutl.<br />

l!. acd.lor ..4 .6D.tstor oa r.rl co@l!.!t o! llL'l!"lmllof lrld<br />

r.rrai. tli wairi rt'. e.y,rint or rh. rhot. or Inv Prrt of th' l'nd ret'nuc<br />

Drrdl. ii i.tttct ol.ny l.nd it En<strong>il</strong>l.d or 3ulPcoded r K.vcntc unc'r n'v.<br />

fi"!.-;;a [; p:y.b[ in o3b or rh! t.nt b!Fv.bh in lindofrhichrh'<br />

drount h fir.d, bt od.r lcd<strong>il</strong> or sutp.nd, .t rh. qt. Erv b. rnc Palncir ol<br />

tbc r.ot .l rh.t lind lo .r tttoutrl whicn nav h.rr lhc enc PtoPo<strong>il</strong>roi i' or'<br />

rtotc oi rlc aot xvrttc ln rcspcd ot rh. hod r.v..oc of vhich Fvrblc hrr<br />

bcco rooiucd oi rirpcoricd birr ro th. *hol. of rhc l.nd Gv.nuc Pvtrbl' ft<br />

wh.. rb. rnrd.lr ofthc rclt of rar lrnd hat b.Gn tutFld'd !od'r tlit<br />

.hu.. it inrt ri@ia !!d.r.!t!.!3ioo uot<strong>il</strong> tbc coll.'lor or6crt lt' rcr'6!c<br />

lirh:i trnd to t ..!lir.d.<br />

(2) Ar ord.r pt*!d uodc. subecr'or (l) 3b!ll nol bc li.blc to bc cootct'<br />

lld by 3ur! r!.uYCourt.<br />

tjr A ruit lh<strong>il</strong>l oot li. fot rtc rccot.rv for anv t.!r ot *hic! tbc P-rvD'Dr<br />

\ b.ar !.oirlcd or durins th. p..iod of lnc sltPcotio! ol .rv t.nt or *nrco<br />

$. p.yDcll h.. b.c. s!P.!dcd<br />

(4t WhGr. t!. paym.nt olrclt hl! b.Gn 56p.!d.J, rlc pcriod dt-jr<strong>il</strong>s shich<br />

llc rijo.nrion b!. conriored 3brll b. crclud.d rntn.6aPul.no! or rocp'ioo<br />

of lioiirtioD lrrt rib.d for. roir lor lh. rccov'r, or ln' rcot'<br />

r5! tr rh. tindtor collccl! tlolt . tcllot loy tcnt ofrbicb th. Ptvmcnl h.t<br />

t -'<strong>il</strong>"iirr.-,i ii i' ""a. r r"6Dc!3ioi, rlo R. .otcoltc.r drvrcowr trom thc<br />

iiiriiJ ii'J "i'*ir or lot,,.;t tn. r.!t p gorretcd' lld n" 'ho. 'Mvcr bt<br />

rrv ot Dcntltv ! furlh.r AlE nol crcc.o'lt sucn !|t|o!nr o<br />

i.-,i.,.io 5" i"r,i"o.a I. ,t" , Gmit th. roounr ar \elu' or rh' "nt 'o corrccr'd<br />

r6l I$. provition. of rbit sccrron t.l.rinsro rhc rrnit3io! 'nd thc tutp'o'<br />

.i*',,ii rii-"r'yi."r .t rt. rclr D.y bG rpplicd so frr $ rlcv c.o bc n.d.<br />

ffiriid<strong>il</strong>' L-'r.,,t or ebict rh! iand '.rinuc t"i uc'! rcrc!*d (omPou'd'd<br />

iffi;,;;.;;.d; rr'y cr'c ro *ti.tr, itrtc tro't r*coo' i! rsPcct ot rh' Lod<br />

[',lr* ri<strong>il</strong>lmi*',*{".";*{J*';:;:t*,1 1"."}:':"':'"J"lxi' l,ii] :

l! rol.. for th. tlE. b.itt i! fot . tor r.$htint tht r6ltrto! rld s$Pdrlon<br />

(t) Any 3!! ol tlicb l[. tcrr.i j. otdcttd.{idd 'ub'tetiot (t) o'<br />

.did<strong>il</strong> ol;..t d t qxt Dv b. |@Er.d bv th. ColL'lo! ! if n *tc "<br />

' rG Por.r to at .ll rt.t l. cn.b.t!.r rn tG Oi'Gt b cnb" of<br />

fi G'follotint d6,!ro.lt :<br />

Lr Wi6 . hrdl.rd Efut.. to r.c.iv., or 8r..lr . r.ccitl fot. |!v r'!l<br />

'' '|y.bL i! o@t ti.. r.od.cd toni6Dt. t o'!r:<br />

r!.$t it i! dorbt.3lo ttc Frtot 6r<strong>il</strong>l.d lo r.6ivc r..r Prt'<br />

r!! r.o.!t oly.ppl, r.lbc R.V.NG OOer fot l.rv. tq-d.9otit tb! r.rl i! th<br />

6ine-.!d lhc Rcr.nulolkr 3h.ll tceiv.lh.6.F6't o rllcr .rEr!r.a o.<br />

iior<strong>il</strong>Jr. li ii itoe.l rtgc i. tufrd.nt t.o!d io. tbt .gPliorio. .!d ir th'<br />

.;i<strong>il</strong>iont p.,| lh. t ., it.!y, 6.ttebl. rd u. is!. or u<br />

lt. E!.c of,:{ctrbt r..t-( l) Wlcn rd.por<strong>il</strong> h.. b.!tr to rceiY.d,<br />

it rb.ll b. ik.Eld-to Dt . FyDarl D.d. b, tl.lc.lot lo ii3ledlord i!<br />

(D Tt R.v. r. O6cct ..eiri!! t!. d.9os'r 3!.[ airc lode or.tt?<br />

r4iot lt.r.olb.r.D GM!rho l. b.t Ert@ lo b.lacv. ctri6r orit.!r[.q<br />

'o r[. d;@rirrod oti'rv th..oount rbltot to.rv p.6on ltpariti to tii<br />

lo h. dd<strong>il</strong>.d 6.n to, i.i !i.t, lr D. th<strong>il</strong>tr it. Et.i. .!o .l.Po!it Fodtll In.<br />

d.chlo! of . conD.tc!. Co{n .. ro lh! p.rtoo e c!ft|.d,<br />

(l) No Nit er ott r Drocaldtos rtrlt t ioiritltcd .rhr Oovc.lDot or<br />

.ny o|lcer of rh. Csrl.roo..t in crr..l ol .oylb<strong>il</strong>a do.. bt tbc R.rr!o.<br />

Odccr !!d.r tlit rccri.{. bll lotb<strong>il</strong>t l. r!,r Nb-ktion ri.ll trvelt..1<br />

Etur .!'rtLd t'. |wiv. O..Doo.l or.rr.uab d.od<strong>il</strong> troD..coEn!a<br />

Iroo I r.ror ro rloo it tr 0..! Fld br. ReEr. Ofr€r,<br />

I!, t.ssr or r.Dt &d.rl*r.a -(D lf.! ord.r irDd. br..v<br />

Courr lor rh. .rre[[.!r of tb. Drodrc. ''.aN. ol r t.n.!4y or oI .!, Ddrl of . l.!'<br />

|!cy th. ltrdlor.l u) .pplt to tlc R.E!!c OGer by rloo tb..u.cno.!r It<br />

ro b. or bD be! D.it lo t.[ lhc Droduc. |!d D.y ro Din out ol r!. !r...car<br />

oftl.|.1. tt i.oftL.oo!.1o. rlo. of:-<br />

(.) ..t rcd r[&n !.t f.U.! de to biE i. r.!D.cl ofrb. r..@t *<strong>il</strong>lit<br />

tla tsr ies..lirr.lt DtediDa 6. .Dplic.rioo, .n

etol. or tny $rl of thc rcol lo b6 ptovcd. hc airll cru3c lbe P'rrL;L(! or "uLh<br />

iJ'iio. rrrc'rcbr ,r to ."v d.Gm ';cc.ttrv, !o bc rold, 'nd 3h'll 'pplv th' Pro'<br />

tiaiot rtc utc ir rtc Srit i!3irocc to 3ati3f, tbc cl'im<br />

{3) Th. nndio! oftb. R.v.tu. Omcc! utrdcr tub-lcction (2) shollhivc rhc<br />

r.rci rir" Jirio i'-r 'uit b;rqc.D rh.l!idrord .rd rhc tcn'or'<br />

tt. Tr.r!|!.tl ol l.t!.. lor t rlod .r$Gdl'i or 'qs'l l' l"i ot tt"so'!r<br />

^a l..a ..t.M.-(ll Wh.!. n lai!. h!, btcn 8"nlcd or rn '8r'eo"r nrs o'cn<br />

iriiJi i-"ii,, ui " tii;a-.*o.r in ft'pcct or.nv r'nd r$'3ted ro r'nd revcouc<br />

diiiJ6 i r.'i"a crc.cdins rhi t!rB! fo' which rhc l"d "vcolc i" bccn<br />

;;:i..liib;,;"1;i"'h.iaum-prvabtc in rc'pect ot rhc hDd und'r rh' r'cic<br />

;;;;;;;;'.;d'ih;t rciri 6ar crpirco' tb' rcrt' o? .8r'cn'nt 3brrrb'<br />

*'<br />

i.ii iiii-'<strong>il</strong>J i"aitii icrion ro wtroo thc totc hot b'cn s'!!tcd or<br />

iiit *l'"iiii trtr bc.r into to plv such<br />

iii ""i*.*i 'ntcrcd 'cfo{s '<strong>il</strong>-"tti* iii ncvcruc court, on thc luit of thc I'nd-own'r'<br />

oiicroincs to bc rrir "i rod " tquitlblc i ald<br />

Whcrc th. rclllion of landto.d erd tlntnl cxktt bcrwcc'r rhc vrntor itrd<br />

l,.or.Jofrrit.i'., o, bcr'Gco thc P.trotr tlio into !tr'cD'!r :<br />

'o':'rcd 'hc<br />

rrl ai thc ootion of thc tcnant <strong>il</strong> thc hDd rctcn c of lhc la'd br3 bc'n<br />

"' ;:d;h;'Jii;i";iir"ro i.ru'c, ro o"c'1't rcnr a! R'knN<br />

'u'h- ' Courr, on th. luir of thG lcnrot d'l'rDin" lo bc lJ'r nno<br />

'qutraorc<br />

(2) Any .lrccD.nl r'tativ.- lo lhc occrpalioo' r'nt..Prol<strong>il</strong>!' or producc<br />

(,1 !t lhc oDlion ol tho tond-ottrc! if lh' Ltnd'rcv'o"c ol lhc laod h"<br />

ofr;'l'nd;bi;h hrt b.cn corcrcd inro to! thc tcrn ol th' curr'n(v o|.n<br />

<strong>il</strong>'..i'iii, inrenrron-cr'irlv ippcar i rh' i8r'co'nr'<br />

ii-iiJiii"."*i 't"rr. "'t..' i' rcrninatc,l ".ont'rrv bi coiicnt or Innics i'i coursc or uw' cootinuc<br />

id lorcG ut<strong>il</strong>. rcvit.d !t3.!e6.ot lJl.t.llcc!<br />

20. R.lhq{rrbD.lt bt l..t!t for . titqt l.:Dr'-A t'lrnt boldiot for t<br />

nxco iir"' "rair "."r,4"r ;r . d..r.. or ord't of 'oBPct'nt 'urlrorirv' mrv<br />

'i:-o;i h h'; '.traocy si'bou( noticc .t LbG .nd of thc rcrm<br />

21. R.tl.{bkbr.Dl bJ rlt oti.r tcltit {l) Anv otftct t'oadl mav t'lid'<br />

..1.1-r'; icnrniv bv ri.ni vclarllv or in *'rlio?. to hi3 liodlord ot to D't<br />

i.naioiat a.nio'i oi tcrnrc-rb. lirtc?rrh d.v ol,rDurrv in 'nv )cir' notrcc or<br />

t ir intcoxo; ro rclioquitb tho tcnalcv cl thc cnd of tbc aEicuhutcl vcet tb'!<br />

l2l Thc llnrnt mrv, iDn.ldot, or irlddrtion lo. tivi'slhc solicc in.rh!<br />

-*;;'. ;;;ri;;.d ir 'sb rccrioi i t, aPprv ro ! R'Y"uc olliccr oo o' b'ri{'<br />

i;:;;'ri:;i;;;'.;J,oiJu'e ' c !o :c: ! a.- oo trtc rindro'd' atd rr'c<br />

ii".i"i oma.. on rce.i\r's tL. cu'ror"rvr' '.'r.Lt rrom th' r( Dtr('.['ll caus'<br />

noticc ro bc sr cd e! tl8y b!.<br />


O) lt rbc rctr.it doa mt !iv. lotic. io lb. orln.r pr.sib.d in tbk<br />

r.crion, b. iblll 6. li.b'. ro r!, rb. r.nr of bitrc.rRt ot.., !dr! ollhr<br />

.!!uirr rsricullur.l r... du.itr! rhlch th.l...n.t i!Do! l.I by lh. l.ndlo.d io<br />

.odc otlc. D.nor ot ir lor cullirr. by lhc l.ndlorJ hiDlcli<br />

tl n.l<strong>il</strong>{!&tr.r or t rt6ltolr t..r.t -At.E!r o!mr, rithoulln.<br />

6!Ft of hir l.!.llordr !.linq!tun . F.t oolt of nir l6d.r,<br />

|J. Gr.da, ol.F.{@!t of ld..lr aor. nnd ld!,-A tc!.!r no|din! fo.<br />

. 6!.d t.rh udcr ! co.lr.cr of . dcg.. o. d..r.! or ord.r ol . coDDtllt<br />

rurioriry, lnall b.li.bl. Io bc .i..t.d ftoo bir r.!..cy .r rhc cxpn.rio! of<br />

(,) rb.t tc h.r{s..1lhc l.nd coEtri!.d in tt. rd.Fr i..6.0!.r rhic!<br />

t.rdc.r ir u.6r fo. tb. purpotd for rhicn h. h.|r| n :<br />

(6) vh.lc rdr ir F .bl. io tind, lh'r h. t.t iirfout ru6ci.nr dle<br />

f.<strong>il</strong>cd lo ohi{t. rh.t hnd in rhr h.nocr or lo t!. crr.nt o5toD.ry<br />

i! tlc lo..lirr in rnicb rhc h.tl i. riru.lc:<br />

(.) on lny l.ood thicn wou<strong>il</strong> ju<strong>il</strong>ify .jlctD.nl !.d.r th! cootr.ct, d.qe<br />

!4, !i.cro6t olotns torrlt-(l) A r.nlnr rho do.3 Dol hold for.<br />

fircd r.rn urd* . .ortr.ct or. dc.r..or ord.r ol.n, @! plt.at .urborhy,<br />

n.t b..irrcd rl lh..nd ofth! Inird y.!. froE ![.6M..€n.nt ot rhc<br />

rco.rcr .nd lor b{orG .!d or rnr of rhc rolbv<strong>il</strong>s rrousdr, b.forc Dc .rpid.<br />

to! In.r@l llocly :-<br />

(.) thrr hc h.r L<strong>il</strong>.{ ro try Ln. rcnt o! tb. d.r. *!.! ir |:ltr do. ;<br />

(b) lhal hc !q rcdrvcd tbc rtolc or pon ollh. Drodue fro6 rb. rhi.rt.<br />

io3-noor bcfor. it it dividcd:<br />

G) rhr h. h!! u$d rhc hod codDriscd io ln. rlolcy i! rh. Dtr..l<br />

qhjcb r.nd.rr it uolr for rh. pur6tc! ot rbich [. hcld n i<br />

(d) ehd. tb. Ert ir FFbl. ir ti , lhrl h. Il$. ritbodt rullct.lr eut.<br />

r.ikd ro qltiEr. l!.r l.dd i. r!. @..r d to tt. crt.or turoo.rt<br />

io rhc l0..l<strong>il</strong>y i! utich rh.lodd tr riru.r.<br />

(2) No hldlord, in (b.6i. ofr rcnrir wrro d@r .or iold fofu nr.d<br />

lctn u!d.tr.obt[.lor. dlacc or ordcr olcoDD.rc.r rultoar!. $rI.dhrDc.<br />

tb. rcol dlritrs tb. pcriod rhrr bc ir .or Gnhtt.d io.j.cr rhc r! rl und{ tb.<br />

rdrr pr.6rn3 !uBFrro!.<br />

25. Rdtrr.0.r...jeret. - A r.ohr rbr lot t .i!ct.d otncr*jr. !h!<br />

i..rdlrioo ordec. for.j..:r!rctrr, .rc?pt io lt. fonor6!er.t. ubdr:.-<br />

(r) $fb... d.cc. for.n $r..r of ...r i. r.rr..r ot hi3 r.lrDcr h$<br />

D..r pa$4.rrDlt D,B..d r.n.ior nr!.ris[.! .<br />

(b) wirfu 'h. t.Il!t_dos.or hoE rurd tir.d lerd uod.r ! corrr*i or.<br />


Etqitt*fiit.<strong>il</strong>$r#.tnlnnt;i;li.l;r,H"r#<br />

<strong>il</strong>t[f <strong>il</strong>$i1i,g5<strong>il</strong>$g,|ffiq:;;ffi tr<br />

ll tb. .hoont 't not ro prid. lh. RGv'n!' One' {!lt 3!bj'ct to lb' pro'<br />

rr"i' liir<strong>il</strong>i r.i vitb i.3pcr to th' prvm'nt or 'osp'n3'rio'' ordq th'<br />

iiiir-i"nr olrl. to"nt u"tcs idd ciu5. i! 'ho{n !u rr' coorr'rv'<br />

2!. !h.h(.t !t artrir l...nlrbY loll.c -(l)<br />

d rbc londlotd i! unY such.r<br />

&v.ou.Omc.. !b!ll, <strong>il</strong> tl. !pdicrlioo n r! o'orr<br />

i th. Le ofn. eBc 3 loti.c ot.j.crF.nt to oc<br />

On r.c.ivins lh. lptlicalion<br />

.husc (r) ofsccrioo 25. t!.<br />

.nd lor bp.n to obj..tion<br />

l1r A noli6 u&.3ub'..Gtio! (l) rh:U not b' $rv'd !lt'r lh' 6nc'nlb<br />

lv;l Nov.mbcr io itt.!.ricullunl v.'r'<br />

Itl Nolic' utd'r (l) 3bll b' 3lrvqd o' ltc r"t'titrh'<br />

'uts3Flid<br />

-rii.l'r.,<strong>il</strong>iiiriii-"',ir.ii i, otPoi"t io rh' Provirion or 3'ciiotr 21'<br />

l.\ TIE n.ric ehlll sp6ifv rh! n!6. of tnc htdlord d wbo3'<br />

r.lll".ll i'iiiii"ii i'ir,. <strong>il</strong>.d ro shrcb it inrord 'Ppliolion rbc<br />

#;i':;i';;;;;;;;<br />

-rr't" 'nd 'hrrt<br />

'b. r.nd b.rorc th' 6rt d'v orM" n'rr.torroritr!<br />

iir:i,.'iii.-i.i.1'-ii ,;;;,.ii t'ir ti"tititv to-crtcr'cnt h' hu5r in3riturc I<br />

;iri-iii iriii ii,ipii",r 5 R.v.nu. cont wnh'n |*oh'irhs 1106 rhc r3r' ot<br />

[. EfriGc ot rb. n.rie.<br />

m*r*i*$ifr ltxft uir$<strong>il</strong>l"irlli*'*'''.<br />

{6) tfw<strong>il</strong>hi.lwo nonth3 f,on lhc thl..ot lhc icwk' ol rh' nolic' ih'<br />

t6.'ii'ai:. .o i tiutc ' 3uit to Nnt.'t his lirb'ti(t (d b€ 'jccrc'l ' R'r'!u'<br />

oti+i."<strong>il</strong>crooticr'"nortb.hn'llord thrlr rlbjccl lo rh' trounons ol<br />

'tliii'.i;ii''i.i;;;i '; tt'-.*yoi"i otco.p.ortio". -dG' 'h' 'jcc'E'or or<br />

Drovidcd lhrl lb. R.vhu. O64t thrll nol m'kc th' ord" unl<strong>il</strong> h' i!<br />

\ira.d {h rb. oolic. qrr dolv erv.d oE 'h.i.!!nr'

f. r r rhth itoi. Iro 60!tb tho tadat <strong>il</strong>ltitclca I ruia to oo!!6i li.<br />

li.btltf 6 h. .ic.r.d .!d f.iL h tn. r0it. u. Co[t( bt tud thc trit lr d.t!r.<br />

Dh.dit ll bt lb docr.. db.ct tl. .j..a!.!t ot ti. ic!.tl<br />

29. Patr ta ta trta-Ta. Borid ol Ravao$ nal| E*o td.r<br />

Drllcrlllot :-<br />

(t lt. foto rnd h!!o|t! of!99ll6 oll rld ll! !ollc.! ||ldcr tf,. t'o<br />

hrl lor{o<strong>il</strong>t a*tioot I rqt<br />

O) th. dr.!.r i!,iL[ thita |pglbdio!. .!d todc.. .t! to bc rl<strong>il</strong>d<br />

ud .tt al!d,<br />

30. Tlc J.r .h.rr{ -A d.crcc ot otdcr foq t[. citl6.ot of I l'u!t<br />

rbrll aor bc 6rc.ritcd rt rot ollar tio. lD.l Darreo rDo [t3t olyll lllt<br />

.!d tho fflo.!ft d.v ol oa. (bolh t'|vt hchtivc). [rlclr llr. courl Ert-inl u.<br />

dlcl.c or. rh.rc tba ordcr irhada undat ac.tioF 17, |!a o[ccr Eali tla ot6ar<br />

o6c.rL. dh.cl!.<br />

31, Llttrr.l.tt f.?Llh.-(l) ff tn r |uit foi l[G cj.ct.mrt otr r |'t<br />

or e-tiiioi *'iti riou'di ncnrioi'ia h chu.t (,) rldir) of icrlor2t..lr|<br />

lDoctr to tlc Co!.t rbll rt. i.jtttt crul.d bt ti. rcl d omittbn or t!rc!<br />

ri; rlir i. brld ir qDabl. ofb.irr r.ocdi.d, or thrt .! r'|rd of@rPc '<br />

lior r<strong>il</strong>l b! tufici.lt niirfr:tlon to-rtc Lndlord th.tdorc lh. Colrt Drt'<br />

i.iiora oinrtlm r accrcc for rh.ci.cto.nt ol th. tco.Dt, ord.t lio to GD'ct<br />

ti! hiofl shhirl Dcriod to bc fu.d i! ti. ordcr' or od.. hiE lo F r0lo<br />

Corrt: rirhlE ruct i pcriod, loch codp!|r|tior rt lic couR ri<strong>il</strong>lt !l<br />

(t) t}c Court 6rr, froo lioc for .pcci.l rcr3o!t' .rt.!d I p'riod<br />

tucd bt h !dd!r rbtccdoo (\ .<br />

(3) lf Tittir lh6 e.rlod ot crt.!d.d pcti.d' .. tlc c|!' !l!v bt q'd Y<br />

t[! ddlrt un dcr rhi. t.crion, ll. iDjlt, i. '.6.di4 or o! comD'ltrro! rr Pu'<br />

. d.cacc for lhc ..i.ctdcnl of $c l.s|ot lDdl no! !. r dc'<br />

,,, ;t.,m.'l''mffi Hf .1#.:i :f #:1 H,ffi f "ti'ffi :<br />

;,it"$'i'SL"1,i li: #l"l',:t ::' i,ll.i".ffi h."o'#'1.1""' :idfi<br />

raro!$lc 116! to h|.vc.( t!cd.<br />

(2) Thc Courl or R.v.!!! Ofrcc? dlcrc.in3 o' otdtrior lbc li'c<strong>il</strong>clt ol<br />

u. rl<strong>il</strong>.oi iivi#'rli'iJirlJriiiiiirii r.'iiiial'o.iiiiii! v.,- iii'e"t' .'i"<br />


Lr! cdr.qs.r, ot tb. Provhionr ot tlb.rcdlo! (l) b.tft..n O. LEdlod<br />

It r!. lcu!!. ot b.t'.co tb. L!.llonl .0d .0y Frd r!I'rr3d lo lrrv.rr t!.<br />

'.'r of rhc tcNl |!d E t i! ir! or bit di!.r.lD! :<br />

{.! dir.ct ttrr rlc t4.!t D.t for rh. loo&r o!.uprtloo ot lt. Lld<br />

' lmr.d ro hio uldcr nib-tcctio! (ll ruch r.!t |! 6.t br tir.!d<br />

rbl d.r.dir. thc rlu. ot tl! Dn.ofr olcot .!d u.l.lh.E.l crc9l rtd o!<br />

- ' D!yE..r tf,Gmf by rhcltldlord to O. Courl ot Ro..u. OEe.' forln'<br />

rirh .j.ct th6 rcnrrt.<br />

(31 Wh.!. t.!.!t fot tbo.. .j.cocnt Ptr..dit!! ttE bc'!.t3*tn' !.t<br />

c.t;i bly eirh l@l utrs.. 9rcp.r.d ror totira.'!t r.!d coEp.r5'o.r! -atr<br />

r!.ncr. bui hlt nd b*n or pl.nl.d croF on th'l Ln<br />

Gtriiri,o rtc rooto'c uroh clcctrucri r r.it .qoirrl.nt i! 6o!cv ror rbc<br />

lbosr..d.toitll .tt rd.rt bt bio. i! !o Pr.F.in& lhc L.o. r!6 r!. cbun<br />

i-iiii"". oo*. u"i". "t iai or wloE r[. Dro.cldiDr .:. Fn9i'lltrrl oo<br />

l..oDli..riod of rh. d.l..6i!c rb. .uE prv.bL lo.t!. t.<br />

id6irO rtry hig ricootrt !.l<strong>il</strong> lhtl ruo b.t b..! Fl'l ro lio<br />

i S. r.U roc trotn qo.naor d.l..t1rt.-I! .<strong>il</strong>!.. of !!' folot<strong>il</strong>t<br />

d.!, n.ncry:-<br />

(rr itr r?lrot b.r b..! ditdq3cd 'itloot !b .o4!t of lir rc!.4t<br />

' ' ;r.or D.tt th.rcofoll;rritc lbt! .! cteutloo ot. ddF or th.! lo<br />

oueirie of ur or&r radct srio! l7 or tEt'o! 2l<br />

lbl if. t.dDt tho. lot !.rin innitucd. tuit uld.r t'cri@ 2t !|' b"a<br />

' ' ciElcd for hn idocv or-rot t"t rb'r'of in Purr{'!c' ol'n ord'r<br />

u;d.r rnrt s.cri6 d.iri.t h't lirbi|nv to bc .i:crcd,<br />

te tG ot ory, tirhi. oo. t.|r froo lbc drt. of dirpot!cttio!-ot.'j'.cta0!t.<br />

brirurc . trit lor r.cov.r, ot Dotlctiio. or ror.oap.t l|on o? rcr Dor!<br />

34 8.t o.itll bh -No p'Bon rbo 'j'clo'nt h'r b!@ ord'rcd 'bv^'<br />

l.vc!u. Corrr rccrio! 28, rub{cct'ot 17) or *lotc ru't Drt<br />


!!t blitol. | 3uit i! r Civit Colrt to ool.sl b<strong>il</strong> ll.b<strong>il</strong>itt io GicctDclt<br />

o! to Ea.r.r !o.t 1'ir)r ot lo rtcor.t caoltQarld.<br />

!J. !.r .t rdld It tdr t.lLt xcu.. I ( .t I ot lt?) -Pd!6'iot oI I<br />

r. *rorof$t btd coDltit di!.lcorrt <strong>il</strong>rll .ol bc r

t9. Tra.t .t Lu tl a} t .tt rc lrtt a' t' t Lt i' 4tI ol ithr.-If r h.tuotd t.!&'| lo r t n|lr . lc.!. oa !t l'[!" lor rcd "Q+. or<br />

fli;-r;s; ro tG; itoD r[" d.t. ot tL.6r tll! Fid !v ' $c tcu!('<br />

iir'fo iii* .i'r i' dt b. qrccd o!. t!. t.!drr' tf icclit'd b, tL icur'<br />

lii &-;ii.,! bt ri6 '!o c&polrio ir rclFd of iD!'or'Bot Ptl'<br />

i.orlt o.d. on l!. l.!uct.<br />

rto. u.llllt' lor.r cotF li- tot llPnt ...lt a. l+:+ F<br />

. l: .ti,ciit<br />

'IGI.I<br />

,it it to ih! Droti.i@ ot thi!<br />

'it.-sobj..r ^cr' ' rull<br />

Iro'-Liiiai or hir lcurcv. ir tlb Act<br />

{iriit-li .iinJ, "rip-".4'.rr .nd t!. r.!r Prt.!|. '!cord'!@ 'hh b, bie ftltl lot h' 'nt'!c'd u!01<br />

L br r.c.itd cooFoxlio! for<br />

'nPtor.Brlt.<br />

al. c@d.. t.. a&trLG or d-tl{ bt- -(l) A t'qlt!.'lo<br />

I ,i"1.' clrrihrio. t.!d rL<strong>il</strong> it lrot!. r!'. rt'd'<br />

i "lli'.iiidl.orur <strong>il</strong>iiiiEo-ii 'idcd -id'; arco ft. r..dro'd ooD'otrrro! ro' di {rb"c"<br />

hitiri,,i"31;',-1!;*.-#;"'#,0:.i:'"'lr,'T#lijtit:<br />

lf '#ii#;:",litr1.*"',L1,fr lli.i'.,1-":"::.x'I":S[trJf I<br />

hl<strong>il</strong> or lrt F l 6.r.oL<br />

t"(?,,f ,t?lty,F,'.#",T'"lE'l"gtT'{t:'SEfi i<strong>il</strong>i;-i<br />

S,L;iiii,;.ii d";bi.;i[.;omt or rhc ;.vcir!. or'b' hod i'r' rh"uu:t<br />

h}##i,Sn'r,'d#ffi :#t+ jii:##i$<br />

Hl;f jj:f,$"$ft33'.g;;T"$#'iiih'I'ii<strong>il</strong>i.:,!j*}i"p,ti<br />

t"*;rTlXlfiJ<strong>il</strong>'l@' b' t'v'n o.-''-h 'itbdottb'<br />

(.) trlclr loric. !.t be! 3.rv.d oo. tclrnt und'r s'crio! 2? :<br />

lrr rbca . loric. ot.lFltcot h.t b..! lcrv'd o! ' tcnllr utd" S'<br />

*' lii-'ni [ii'ii iii'in-i.;rnrr.d ! turr to co'r'tr ti! rr'biritv 28

l| rdnt!.yrdltotl! R.v6!. OOer h.t<strong>il</strong>r rltborirr !o ord.r lir<br />

.iFro6r udd ecltor 2t o. crio! 18, .r O. q. b.t bG. to d.r.dl.o |!.<br />

.Dur of @oF.!.tio .l!c to llr for iool@la.it or fd dnt{rb.E,<br />

d lor borb, lod t\. Rcv..s. Orfs.hrll dotcr6i.. rh. .mo!n', <strong>il</strong>!.r, o.@r-<br />

dl.dr rld tt. cj.ct6.nl ol rb. r.r.l<br />

'lry<br />

!.r<strong>il</strong> rho Lndlord prlr ru lb.<br />

I' Ea 06.€r rbc rn|@l s d.tddn.n ld .oy r@B ot r.!t or co r<br />

orond ro th. qt<strong>il</strong>f.clio olrt. R@!B Odc.r ro b. ds.ro rD. Lndtord<br />

lrlo o. r.ort.<br />

a{, Mr(d t. L t !ft}a 1..906r or @p.t.tlo! tor brhr.ti.!t.h<br />

4ridrri4 rba 6b0..!t|lo! rob. .*.rd.d u.d.! thh acr td t6!nl for<br />

.! iEprov.r..r,|!! Coln or R.v.!u. Ollsr rh.ll [.s. r.,.rd ro :-<br />

(r) 6. r@!rl br ruc! th.r.ru. or rt rreduc of r!. rmlcr, or rb.<br />

nl!. oftt l predlcc, ir <strong>il</strong>crced by U.trDroEE.ol:<br />

(r) rb. @,dirio! ol rh. ioprov.fttrt .id rhc rrcb. bt. du.r io! ot jrr<br />

.trd :<br />

(.) l.b.or rld 49|l|l i.g!ir.d for tb! rn.t<strong>il</strong>t of iucn r! iotrov.6.Dr i<br />

(O.!t..d@lid or r.o<strong>il</strong>ioo of r.trr or ord.. .dht.t .Ior.d ro rL.<br />

tc!.rt bt r!. ltndtord i!.o!rid.r.tio. of th. iotrorcocrr ;..d<br />

(.t i. <strong>il</strong>.c4 of r.cl.D.rio! or of rhc a.e.rsrion ol minrur.d <strong>il</strong>to<br />

itlirkd l|!d, thc Loirh ot rio. dsriu tbhh rb. r.r{r l.t t|<strong>il</strong><br />

t!. b..cft ofr!. ibDiot.o.!1.<br />

:|!, Fd. ol-ord.ll6,{t) T!. @Dp.!qri@ .h|lt b. D.d. t', Fl|.<br />

06r d !o!.y, u.rcs-r!. trf,rB.tr4 rhrt rr b. o.dc j! rhot. or jn !.n<br />

bt rt. arer of. b.!.6oirl l.!$ of lud or i! rooc orb.r r.y.<br />

(l) ll th. p.rlic e {rcc. rb. C@ ot 8.'6!. Oficr sb.U d.t. ! ord.r<br />

{. rd|d b4d.letq..rt le &t.rd-rto. ot .o!tsrIor.-(t).<br />

lf ftoo ..y .iu!6 rn ldolol of.ooDrn$rio. Dry|bl.lo. tc.rsr:-<br />

(.) !nd.r tnir A.t for iEp.or.E.ot or djtturbrlcc. or<br />

(r) ud.t 6rn-.32.for rh..vr|!. orlEqrr or utrrt.rcd dotr or rb.<br />

prcForio! of l.Drl lor diD! :<br />

hslrr b.d d.r.r6i6.d b.lor. tb. r!!.nr tr .icl.d. tbc.icctDdr drlt oor b.<br />

D{ldl.d by r.r{E olO. oEnno!, bur rb. C:ou( or R.vi.!. ()6..r rbk!<br />

d.d..d or rho o.ds.d l!..j.cro.!r Doy, ou .ortiorio. qdcbr rh; r.D.!r<br />

*'Oir d. tdr rh6 r!. d.r. or rhc cjd 6.nt. co;er th. o@$io; bv !.tirr<br />

'. hd. ofo. rd.!r.! ord.r tor rba pry!.oL ro b,e by \rb. h!_drod or<br />

o.b coEp.ret'oo rr lh. coln or o6c.r Drr i,Gt.ro<strong>il</strong>c lt. l.drr to b.<br />

(4A! urJd or.l. und.r lub.srno. (r, ory b. .xccurcd in ,!r ro.<br />

!.@r |'. dccr.. tor bo..t u) bc cr4ur.d by. R.v..u. courr.<br />


at, Cl.E ol rd.x Oler.-(l) Tl.le rfrllb. rt. tdlluri.rtd$s3<br />

o, BcvclEo OEen, o.6.ly :-<br />

(a) t!. Bdrd of Rcl.dr. :<br />

(d) t[. CooELrio..r i<br />

(n rhc CollFror i<br />

(.) $. Alsitt.ll Coll.ctor oflt.lttl tr.dc; rld<br />

(d) rh. Collcctor ol r!. sc.old andc.<br />

(2) lbc D.Dllr Coibhriol.l of I di...id rhdl bG thc collelo.<br />

b.r.of, I<br />

lll Tb. Edrd of R.vdu. E.rrDroi.t rny Asltt.ot Conbido4t, Eru!<br />

l| i;dor Cooait.ion.ror T.bt<strong>il</strong>dir i6 b. Asirr.. crll4lor or lt. 66r or<br />

ofrb. rc@nd !r.d..1 ir $int tu, rnd o, Nrib.T.bidu to b. r! AttBl.nt<br />

Colhdor of$. r4ood andc,<br />

{al ao6intD.ntr Erd. ud.r .ubcti6 (t) 3t.ll b. bt @t<strong>il</strong>qdo!,<br />

|.d;it #or. r.60. re.ci.llr by !.D. or b, vtrr4 ot hit or54 or of Eot.<br />

imu'rur oo 6y rny dqcriPtid $6ci.'r id t!.it i&!ti6arb.<br />

r5r subi..r ro O. oroyirio!! olthir Acl th. iui.dlclion ot lt. s-rd of<br />

r.k;l. GricoJr to rbd'bol. ot t!. No b.wcr Friti.r ad Cold|aior.B,<br />

Coll..ror. tud &idot Coll.cton ro rn. dintics io tiic! tb.y rt fot tbc<br />

.!8- ADrllo'l.r ra xoeal... ..tdnl'L lt ld.. Otsr-(l) tL.<br />

rort6einr :;;riorio ..d ;rd..dinit rbrll b. <strong>il</strong>irto*d ol bv rt. ld.!E<br />

0I6d. -ai;uch, nnd nocou( rn.i hr. 6trlu.e oldtdnpu. ot dlr.r<br />

ru rBpcct ro ich r.y ru.b .trliorio! ot Proc..drDl dr&r a 6!o.<br />


{.) pr..lcdint r.l.ti.s |o tb. r.oirtior !!d rsD!!.io! ofr.!ltutd.t<br />

rbl llollgrioD! uod.r t4tio! 26 lot lh..j..to.nr of. t.!.ol r$i.3t<br />

' ' i,i.- r d*rco tot o rrc.. oft.!l i. teD4r ot!h t.nro.v hs b.d<br />

D$s.d r.d r.o.it.d u*rirn.d ;<br />

(.r tDrlrdtroDe und.i ..ctio. 26, $b$ctioD (O fo h"j4'6dl ol '<br />

i.latrro. f,boo . loric. or.id!.!. D.! D.@<br />

iiiir iruurl c uit o cort*i bn lhbjlir, to b..i.ct.d bur b', clt'b'<br />

cd cooP.rsrios t!d.r 3.cllon 11 i<br />

rdl rDr[6t'o!! b,l..dtotdr lot PoI.$p.<br />

itrli.b !.t beo. .8li!cl :<br />

ot lit.l t!. riSht of o'dp'trct

{.) proc.do$. "nb r.tD.d ro rb. .r.d of@oF!|rLio! for iotlow.<br />


Ur .prlieud ud.r Gdion 2!, rub$.tio. (6). ror t[. cjfttE.nt ofr<br />

sual o! tloo r !ori.. of.j.clb..l bt be! t.rv.d .nd qho h$ lot<br />

<strong>il</strong>rt<strong>il</strong>lr.d. luir lo @nrdt hir lirb<strong>il</strong>irr .i.ct.d .nd !.r Nt clri6-<br />

.d .oD!d!.don u.d(.etio. a! i<br />

(r) rpDli..li@ to. rh. d.r.roi'.rio!-r<br />

(I) !!d.r Ftio 12 of 6. ml !.r.bL fd tnd @ticd ty croF !n.!t<br />

or !trrlrbccd .r rh. rio. of & ord.r t ior d& lot rbc.jixt@t of<br />

(,1) ud.. crio. !2 ot Fcio!,16 ol rh. y.l* otd.Di or oft!. loE D.y.<br />

.bl. to rh. t.u.r lor l.bou rnd oDir.t.rr..d.tl b, b'o i. Dr.Fri{<br />

Lld for er<strong>il</strong>t:<br />


(a) .ttli..rio!6 ud.r F.tio! 16 b, t ..6tr ro d.Dorit r.!r ;<br />

(l) .trlic.tioot ultLr ..rio! 2l for *rri.. of notic. ofr.l<strong>il</strong>quith.<br />

(./) r!!li6rioo3 ood.r ...rio. 26 for *rvie of rotie ot .tctEdt.<br />

(2) !r..rr ,r orh.o<strong>il</strong>c provid.d bt rry tuh Erd. by rlc Bddof<br />

R.vd!. ir rhir 6.b.ll:<br />

(.) . Collrro! or .! Artitrrlt Collcror ol G. 6Br r..d. o., dir-<br />

Por. of Dt of th. rppli io .!d !ro.!cdio!, D.!rio..d iE $tt<br />

(r) r. asittl.r coll.cror ot rh.3.co.d ardc. lot b.ina. N.ib.tdlrd.t<br />

st dnPc. of r!. .ppliqlio!3 D.!tio!..| in tb. reold .!d tbnd<br />

|ldrt oIOfl rsb*crioD : !!d<br />

G) | N.<strong>il</strong>-T.lr<strong>il</strong>dr. *lcr <strong>il</strong>Er.d rnb rh. ,o*r of.! Asntsr CoF<br />

lBrd oJ rt !.co!.l ardq dr dtrtd. ot ioy of t h. .ptlidriont o.F<br />

Uoc6 '! rh. uird so!, of r!.r 3ubkrio!.<br />

,19. l.fd C@! .{.!lt .nd.lh !t tLr.-(l) wh... R.v.!u.<br />

Oltc.r i!.!.Ei!'Dr juri..licrio! qnb t.D..t ro .!y.x! 6uii r! ir dcs(ribrd iD<br />

sub.stioo (l) d anh t.rt*t to u rplsl or orbcr pre..di!8 lri,inr our of<br />

ur Nch ru<strong>il</strong>, bc rb.ll b. qll.a . Rcvou. C@n.<br />

(4 Th.rc ll.[ b. r!. dB cL!c. orR.v.ac Courr, uot R.kqu!<br />

Otnan u!d.r Oi. Acl, ...1 lr th..bcec ot .trr dd.r of tt. trovi!.!'<br />

OorhE.rr to tL. oltntr, R.v.o!. (rfta. of.!r cL!. Lvi4 juri5dicl'o!

hbi. ..y ldl lioir. urdc. rlh Ad tbll b.. R.t..!. Cosn of 0E t.a.<br />

.L|. !.{i.r iutitdLlio! tithi. t!. aE.lsl lioltt.<br />

Ot Tl. lollo'<strong>il</strong>r &itt rLll L i!.tirot.d i. .!d !..nt.!d &r..oi..a<br />

ty R.v.iu. Coltrr,rld !o oth.r cornt.h.llt.t. co0irr.c ol.!t .!ch dtt<br />

nr.or qrr.t ritt BtBr to rlicl..t 3!<strong>il</strong> Eiall !. <strong>il</strong>rlitltd :<br />

th ho..6t. ,1,.. 8d6r. tun .lt dl,.d ta. Ct,tl Cott-i ...in.<br />

r<strong>il</strong> .orniubt. bt rnd iD3ritur.d in. Civ'l Cdrt. n b.coft.t r...r$y to<br />

a..id...v a.rtct r[i.i c.tr und.r lhir lub.t..tio. b. t..rd [d d.r.6io.d<br />

6ty bv. R.{..!. Coun. Civ<strong>il</strong> Cou.t rhrll r8dor. rror rhc r'i.irr rt uru..<br />

.' rtin r.r lor d.cirioi tnd th.r..ricolrn r.quit.d by Ord.. VlL rul.lO.<br />

cint Pt6..d!r. Cod., hd r.furn rf. pl.int tor Ptcclt.tio! to th. Coll.cro. ;<br />

(t) On rh! rb<strong>il</strong>r b.int tr.r..ii., to th! C.lkcrot, ti. Coll.ctor rh.tl<br />

L .tc.d.d ro h.rr.nd d.r.roin. tb. tuir rt.r. tb. v.l!. th.r.of.rc..dl<br />

lr. t.OaOor.hc mt.r intolr.d b olrh. mtur. i.!rio..d i! 3elio. r(t).<br />

Firu Oroor. ol ttc No.lh-lv.( Fronlid lc.rnct Acl. lltlttnd io ot[.r ot..<br />

Dr r...1rh. ruit to.. Asi!t..t Colb.tor olrb. |tt lrdc for dcitio!,<br />


t.) .cn. t.rr... I.ldlotit.od t.d.t fo..dd'tio! lo or.b.t.6.!l otr..t<br />

-' und.r clion ll or fot.ooour.tion or r.tt:<br />

l br .!nr u.dcr Ktd l, for ri. d.r.to'n. ol r.!l or otb.. tuo o! In! . / r.<br />

orrt'oo ol rb. kr6 0l .i .tt.s6c!l of l.!dr.v..c : ..d run.<br />

;'rr'.r ro th. tc.t to b. 9|id u!d.r. Eot!,rr. o.d. i. Eor.L!..<br />

,nb r;o(.) .t Pr.i.nD.d bt r.cnon 6 ol rb. Pulib Al'.urid .l<br />

Lr.d Acl, 1900,<br />


(c) rrnt bt.l.ndlold lo.icl . 1..,.r i<br />

tdt rri|' br r tct.ot ud.r t.qiotr 2E to.o!r.rt l'rbrlxt loq.(ft.n1'i.r<br />

' nolr. ot.i.ctocsl htt bc.o !.rY.,, i<br />

r.n.dr !n'1.. *crio! ,l fo. t..ov..t of pos.$'otr o. x.b<br />

ror coo*.3.tio., ot fo. borh<br />

((t .ny otbd toir blr*..n l.6dlotd rid.<br />

..ndniole on *Brch . !.d!ct r, ldo t...at .rnint olt olih.l..r or<br />

(,) ,ui13 lot $dr ttrtrbl. on.ccolnl of v<strong>il</strong>htc .r0.$.t :<br />

{h fi,O by | @ tb!t( 'n.n!trr.urbolJ'ttlortb.t.cfrb. Pro6r!<br />

- 't.r.ol or ror. t.lrl.E.or or rccouns .<br />

.' orh.r d.Er.a toFhi.b . tlr lr.r '. I R.r..!. Coun lo<strong>il</strong>.r rlir ruF<br />

',1<br />

rufi fot r.cov.tr ol ov.rt.r@..8 of...r or l..d .cv.ou. or or.!t<br />

.crio. i

'"1'Lr."#Sl,'l thc .oolu!'rt of Larotx. iisolan o!<br />

'.tld!r.<br />


(t) rriB by.ltldtord fo!.rrc!r. of r.rt or th. Eolcy cqrihlcll ofr.ll<br />

or ror srd! r.cov.nblc urd.r t.crioD 7;<br />

(t) tuitt by ! laado*..r ro rccovcr norrF cllin.d cr du. for<br />

E.or ofrishrt i! or ov.r land o.ir *ir.r iocludi og risbB of<br />

light ov.r ftbc.icr, ritbtr of pasrur.lc.Dd forest .iahtt<br />

(a) e<strong>il</strong>s for tuE3 Drylblc oD ac.ouir oflrad ..v.ouc of my<br />

ma.d r.cov.rable 3s!r Biica. of hnd r.v.nu! undc. any<br />

for lhc riD. bcidC io fo.c., onJ by rho eup.rior lind o*d.r<br />

iuEr du. ro hiD sucl<br />

(41 Eept .t olbcrwi3c orovrdcd bv .dv<br />

R.v.ric or rb. Coido<strong>il</strong>iioocr ii rhs b.h.li:-'<br />

(a) ! Collcclor E.y hcar and det.roioc roy<br />

(6) !! Aisrlhor CoUetor of rhc fr3t !od.<br />

of rbc auir! bctrtion.d i! rh. se;ood<br />

ratioo, !!d, ifbc ha! bv naoc bc.n<br />

bchllf by rb. prov<strong>il</strong>cioj Oor..ro.ot,<br />

th. first trould .!d<br />

ru|.e, nrdc by tbo Board of<br />

ofrbc rqits ocnlior.d is tub'<br />

ory [.!r &nd d.tooio. att<br />

and tbrrd Sroups oflbtt sobspccislly<br />

coposer.d i! tbr<br />

aoy of rIc ruirs oeDtro..d In<br />

(.) .3 A$<strong>il</strong>sllor Collcclor of rb. $ond r6dc fl.y hcrr otd d.t..oi..<br />

rly of tic auirs ocnrioo.d in rhc rhird sroup.

o- srr.rlnl.ld.tr.. .nd.olrrot ol R.term Odc.rs.nd rlo,.!r. Co.!..-<br />

(lr Th. tcn.r.l luldini..ddcc all orl,.r k.,.,u. orfir.r.<br />

.h.ll, b. v.rr.d 'tr,.Dd rrr 3uch o6c.rr rnd Couir! 5b.rl<br />

b. sub6'di.r(. ro rn. ao.rd ofR.v.nu..<br />

(2) subjcct t6 rb. $!.rrl 6up.nDr.nd.n.. !.d coorrol or rhc B@rdof<br />

R.v.ru.. . Com'ni"\ioncr rb,ll conkol .ll orh.r R{vrou. Onc.'3.Dd R.v.nu.<br />

(l) subj.d !r ,ror.rrid r.d ro ih. .ontol of rhc CodnBs'o.cr, ' Cbll(r.r<br />

. o6c.r. rn.l Rcv.n!. cod.r ro hr dRkicr.<br />

5r. Po'.r to rt. dl.lribuGr.d 'lrhddn .rd irrt|.r ..5.t.-r l) Th. Borrd<br />

of R.v.nu. of lh. connisio<br />

i..!ch E.nD.r.r it or hc .nin*.6r, any busincs coant'bl. by a RcY.Dn.<br />

OEer or R.r.ru. Colrl uld<br />

12\ Th. ldrd oa R.v.atr..r thc cotr..tor Elv with-<br />

dn* rov c!s. erdin! b.for. inv R.v.nu. 06..r or R.v.o<br />

6.kol.'.nd cith.r riii@\c or iri h,ms.lf, o' by 'n(.D ordcr rcl.r ir tot<br />

dtsrosll ro fy 6th.r Rcvcnn. o6ccr or R.v.ou. coli ubd.. bje 6'td<br />

{rr A! ord.' und.r 6ub.'.crion rl) or r!b{.ctior ()r shtll D<br />

R.v.;i. 06..r or R.v..u. C.u{.;<br />

bnrin.lr *hich bc or n eould ro .!Gr.is. or d.ar wirh wnhi.<br />

rt. b6l limi! 6t it! oq! iurisdi.tio..<br />

51, ^Dp..lrj subj.ci ro th. erov'nonr or<br />

ud.r. ro.to..l lhr<strong>il</strong><br />

':dc<br />

u.dcr rhn A.t bv r R.v.ou. Orfic.r<br />

(a) !o rb. Coll.cro. Bhco rh. ord.r or d.c... ir oad. by aa A$i. ianr<br />

Colletor of.ir[.. sr:d. ?<br />

(b) ro rhc CoDbneiond vh.n .b. ord.r or d.crc. n 6!d€ by r Coll.c.<br />

Prorid.d rb.r 'h.h 5! oriei!.l6rd.r or d.cr.. <strong>il</strong>6nh.n.d o' 6Brrpp.rl;<br />

. fu'rt...9pc.t lrrrl Dor li.,<br />

r^ Aluhamrod s.dta Ktaa r. tittut Edr... IPLD 1957 SC 136-PfR 1957<br />

{lr wP r66 -r0DLRrscr r25-l957tr}PsCR2431,itsasb.ldrh,t rh. Pwt<br />

c;un.'1. 'nd .od.quc.iiy rb. F.d.ral cou't (as ,{ rh.n {'1r, brd jd'Bdk"on<br />

ro b..r 3DD.5lt rrom o'd.r r..!.d by rhc R.v.nuc couir und.r rh. run<strong>il</strong>b<br />

T.nancv Aci. 133? or rh. Norrh w.tr r.;irtr Provi.c. T.Finly Acr, 1950.<br />

rhri Priqy<br />

cou{ rI r rh.b w:!, h jur'h.<br />

16-r0 DL R (sc) r?5- l9s? rl) PscR z{al.<br />

rhir Acr. ond rhc.rl.s rh...-<br />

.pr.lr{. or'l.r or d.c..!,<br />

or R.v.nn. Cou( ! fullosr.<br />

R.v;;i. coudi uni.r rauncy Lre,. tPLD ro\7 sc rs. PLR ret? (r) wP<br />

Sco.ion 34 follo*s !.crion 30, Punjab T?tra.cy Act and prlvjd6 llr.e 'e_<br />

rrdof R.v.n!. i! q'.: wb.'. r p.dv x 'la'r'v'o<br />

h' ro ord.r m.d. und.r tftuoo aO, I.a3dJch, rb.t.to'., o!<br />

5?, P.@doa ol R.r.@ Oicrr -Tlrc Provinci<strong>il</strong> Gov.r8E.nl D'v"<br />

D.tG tuk\ contis ctrt sh'ch tln: Act for r.gulalrnP rhc pto4duk. oI<br />

B.v.ou. of6c.r unde' th't act :n c.i. in *h'Lb ! Pr6crdlrc ( lol Pr.3crro'o

.dnittcdlv pr@.d.d und.r s.ctioo 80 and 6lcd atr aPp'al agrinl-t rh' otdcr ol<br />

ibc eii;'ri,ii t.it."roi "l srh Auast. le5l, bcrotc rhc Coll€ctor orLaebd' Drs-<br />

i'iit.-i<strong>il</strong>i,i"i i"ro.i."r l"iibj p-crii iorcrc to 6te a rc"ision pctirion b'ror' rhc<br />

iigi C"in, ""a "i,i<br />

jnt.em.di uod.r scltion 8r' IPLD Ie61 Kar' 6e2l'<br />

53. Lio<strong>il</strong>atio! f.r rpp..lt -Th. P.tiod of lidit!tio! tor nr lpPc'l und'r<br />

lh. lart fotc8oins 3.cIion ib.ll run fio; tb. d c ol (bc ordcr or d.crcc aPp.al.d<br />

rgr<strong>il</strong>rt,aod rhall b..3 tollo*r, rhat is lo rry :-<br />

(a) t|[.n lh. tppcrl lics lo thc Coll.cior-thirlv davs'<br />

(b) sl.! lh. rpp!.Ilicr to lh. Comditsioocr-ni!.ty davs.<br />

51. R.vie' bt f,.t.r!. Ofrccn. (l)-A R.vcnuc Ofrccr. ar5Jch, may<br />

c;tbct of his o*. motion ordn lhe rnolic.rrion of.ny parry in'.rcsreC. rcvi.w,<br />

a.d on so rcvicwinE, nodiiy, rcvc.s or confrm any order passcd b! hims.lfor<br />

by r.y of his prcdcccs3orr in otrcd;<br />

ProYid.d as follo$ls :-<br />

(d) *h!n a Collcdor thinks it n.c.$ary to rcvi.w r.y ord.r tbich hc has<br />

not hims.lfpascd and wh.. rb.Rcvcnu. Ofliccrofa cl.ss bdow tbat<br />

of th. coll.cror propoe.! ro rcvjcw rnd ord.r ehcrfi.rpais.d by h'm*lf<br />

or by any of bir prcd.ccsort in.of6c., hc rhall first oblain rh. ranction<br />

ot lhc Rcv.nu. OfEc.r lo whosi conlrol bc is ieocdial€ly<br />

(b) a! lpplic.lio! for r.ticw of.n ord.r rhall nol bc.rtc(aincd lrnl.ssit<br />

ir mdd. i,i1hi! nibdy day3 from lh. p.rsins of rhc ordcr, o. unl.$ lb.<br />

appli@nt talisfc' lh. R.r. . Offic.r that nc hrd sufficicnl clusc for<br />

not naling lb..pplicatio! rirhiD tbit.p.riod ;<br />

(.) aD ordcr sh<strong>il</strong>l sol bc nodifcd or (.vcrs.d ur!.rs rerson0bl. ioricc h.!<br />

b€co giv.o 10 panics atr ct.d th.rcby lo app.a! strd b. hcrrd in sub-<br />

Port of lht ord.r ;<br />

(4 r! o.d.r rEainst *iich an<br />

appcal tas beeo prcf.rrcd sball nol b.<br />

(2) For lbc pu.posrs of rbis s.crior rhc Coll€ctor lhall bc d..d.d ro t'.<br />

tbc rlccctsorid.o{6c. ofa.v R.v.du. Offrc.rofa low.r cl.s who has lcft lb!<br />

dktricl or br3 c!a,.d ro cx.rcisc powc6 as a R.vcn ! Otficcrs, snd rc wholt<br />

tb.rc is tro succcssor-in.offrc..<br />

(l) Ar.pp.rl.hru nor li. r.om !o ordc. r.fosi.s ro r€vicw, or @nfr6jor<br />

oa rcvi.w, a prcrjous ordcr.<br />


55. CoDlrt tior or prriod lirit.d for rtDerl. rld rPpii(A;J" :or :"i,::<br />

blhc conoutrtion olthe oeriod forsntpp.!l from or and aPpltrljon rar rl'c<br />

hricr of _an ordcr und.r rhi, Act, tfc limit.lion th.rcfor shlll bc 8ovcrn.d by<br />

6. LiEitstioo Act, 19100,<br />

56. Pot.? lo clll for .t.ElE .td rctl.t Proa.cdiog! of Rmi@O6t$i<br />

i t.t.tG Cortt -(l) Th. Bo.rd of Rcvcru. or thc Comdis3ion'r mnv ir<br />

;y rinc c|ll for rid rccord ofany carc pcodi!8 bcforc, or dispo3.d bv. anv<br />

r.v.nuc Omclr or Rcvcnuc Court 3ubordioalc lo it or hid.<br />

(2t A Coll.ctor may call tor thc r.cord ofany casc PcndinS b.forc ot ,l'r_<br />

rcsti'of Uy, any nc"cnuc Omc.r or Rcv.luc Courr und.t his cor'rol<br />

(3) Il in any casc i' qihich a Coll.ctor bascall.d fo. ! ..cord hc is ol<br />

6iiio; 'hrt thc;roc..dio!s r.ten or rhc ord.r or d.crec nad. tbould h.<br />

;od'fr€d or rcv;ricd. I'c -sball subm<strong>il</strong> thc rccotd s;rh lbc oPinion o! tbc c!!c<br />

br rho ordc13 of thc Co6oi3liorer.<br />

(4) lf, !ftcrcraoitr'Ds ar..ord callcd fot byhinrellutrdersub{ccrion (l)or<br />

!b6irr.d to bih und.r sub.t.clioD tll, lhc Commirs'otre s ol o9r.ron lDrl<br />

i h in.rpcdi.nt to rot.rturs with-tirc procccJingt o' th. ordcr or dccrcc, hc<br />

bll prrr.n ord.r accordiogly.<br />

{5) It lfrcr.rNmining lhc rccord,'hc Borrd ol Rcvriu. or lbc Comois.<br />

toa<strong>il</strong> ir of ttrc opinion that it it cxp.dicnl lo int.rfcre with lb. protccditgr<br />

orrb. order or dccr.. on .ny 8.ound on which th. Higbt Courr i, thc .r.rcr&<br />

0f irs rcvisional iurisdrcrion nay. undc hc hw tor lhe liBe b.iDg ir forcc,<br />

ir.rf.r. wirb Draicedinas of 1n ordcr or d.ct.: of i Civ<strong>il</strong> Co{ir, hc shall fir a<br />

drv for hcanirr the c1ic, a,d nay, on rhrt ot aiy sub,eqdcnt dly lo which hc<br />

niv adrourr thihcaringorsbtch hc may appoiut in lbis beh!lf, ptsr suclr<br />

ordcr si bc thinls fit it rbc casc.<br />

t6t Ej(ccDr *h€n rh. Bo.rd of Rcv.nu. or lhe CoDmissroo.r fi8.t undcr<br />

hb.siirion (j), a day for hsrin8 thc cat., to pairy bas aoy riehl to b. h.atd<br />

Lfor. rhc Bolrd ot Rcv.ouc or rhc ComDisionc rbco.:erc<strong>il</strong>inl <strong>il</strong>s or hit<br />

fowcrr urdcr t!i! scctioo-

(2t Ibc ruks h.y provid.,.monr oihd m.tlcB' fo! ttc nod' of 'nforcitl<br />

-a.i" .r *r.".r i,6. d.liv.r, or p6tc$ro! o d 6ovrbl' prcp"rv'<br />

iii- iurJj pio.ai"r "; for rho'. "nd mltrcB m'v conr'r<br />

'n ' R'v'nu' otnc'r 'rl or<br />

iiiv ioecr i'-,cs*a ro.ontcmpr!. Etkr.ne'bd rh' lit'shich a civ<strong>il</strong><br />

eii;;i-"1;;i;; "iiii ii".'dtioo oi rb. d.d'. rh'rcbv rt h't<br />

;..t 'djudg'd 'j'+<br />

fro;. or d.liv.tv ofposi.t3ioD ol3u(h Piopcrrv<br />

(l) Tb. rolct dav .ho protidc for lh' bad' of cr'culing ord'$ ! lo<br />

-rri-_i"'aiji ii'pri" pt*..dins oqdcr.thir Act or uv or tbc prot<strong>il</strong>ioll<br />

ii<strong>il</strong>ii ii,-"i"uG;Jn.";,. Acr, i88? *irh r*D@r 'll<br />

'' 'rbir*rion<br />

{4r SDbhct to rtc ruld uod.r tbi3 3cction, . R.v.truc Offic'r o'v r'Lr:"<br />

-*;'i'io G " i.p"*-.a to dtrpoe or undar r[k Act ro R'v'nu'<br />

oide. tor ir"c"ti;rriotr and rcPorr' !trd @, d.c!'c Lhc 'noth'r 4sr upon rb'<br />

r.porl.<br />

58. P.M!! bv thoa .!!ci.rs. Dtv b' tt& b'ld' Rcvcle OI!'s-3 't<br />

-"rii,h.i'r.i R.i..s coiti.-(l) App'rr'oe b'ro Rcv'ruo ortc'r<br />

lli"i<strong>il</strong>i-,i .-iorii"ii"* . rna rcr! io ii dolc b'ro€ bro und'r rbis Acr d'<br />

(.) by ib. D.rti.. tb.6sdv4, or<br />

(b) by ih. rc.ollitcd aSols or a l.3rl p clitioncr:<br />

P.ovid.d rh.l rh. GnplovF.nl of tg"t or l'gl.p6cririolc<br />

' -reosoiad<br />

;l;;i;; i!;o.d s".odotr. ii<br />

'P'c'Blrv "qoir'd bv ab ord'r ol<br />

.b"ti;;i;-;;';-,b; ti-"jr .ircnd'oc'. o{ ! D'rrv ro st prc"diDt i! 'n'<br />

r)r For rb! 9urpos., of 3ul,_3.cLio. (l)' r'@llizcd r!'ols sh'll bc socn<br />

**li"'"i<br />

'r,li-pi*i*r'l covcraoc't Dat b' ndtiicrion dc(rar' rr rbrr<br />

#ii:l'4:li."<strong>il</strong>j#ti1gH:$j*i{r<br />

;,ij;'j frii<strong>il</strong>fli i'f#<br />

5r. Cct!.-(l) A R.vG!!. Oficd 6 uv siv'.'dd tPportio! tbc co3t or'o'<br />

luch proc..di.8 !3d.r riit Acr i. .!v druftr n' rbrlrs uI'<br />

r2r Bur if !. dddt rh'r tn'<br />

.t.oi. sh.U r.cord his r"to rd r!' @3l3 dy giocc.diog st.ll not tollo* lh'<br />

figfr *i'$5g*tfi'ffi *s*trTq'-:

l unt<strong>il</strong> rol.! .r. oad. o!d.' 3ubjation (l) ud 3[!&'t lo t[o!' tu|"<br />

,id ;.dc.nd lo ltc Dro tiontolln.Acl:-<br />

rrl lh. Cod. of civ<strong>il</strong> Pte.dor. !h.ll, b fot os ir it rtdiobl"Iplt !o<br />

- rll prc...li!sr i! Rcvrruo coun! sb.that b.lorc or nrcr o'ct" i<br />

16r lhc Botd of R.@@ drll. in Bp.cl ot lb$' pr@'di'&, b' dt'6'd<br />

' robc rh. Hirh Cood drni! tt. !a.i4 orlDrl cd'. '!' run' Nc<br />

iJ"iii r:ri ifi"i'i.i ot iti, ,ra. .r.rci;, .! t4.rd' rbc cori und'r n'<br />

'"",itJt,iit',t" p..i".r. Hlgt coufl uddd tb. cod''<br />

6t, P.ftr.t r.t.n Oftq d n.tu Corl to !om! 9.t!d -(l) A<br />

r.v.!u. Om.ct or Rc{..u. Coud ovrudnon rtv p.6o! tnot' rr'trqre<br />

Giiiir'-"iiiti t tttc purpo;. or rnv .itii€rio'' suir or otr'r<br />

Lnrim$ b.fot. "e.-'v hir or it a R.v.!e of6eR ot R.v.noc odn<br />

l2l A o.dor!o 3uDEotrd rb.ll b. bound ro tFp'lral lt' lod Dh'o<br />

'iE!<br />

'.,\..in;; i;i'r:;;;;-l; p.;i-.i, irih. *"i;-s ,o rrro{r. hnr'cog'<br />

dzld .8.!t or I l.g.l tnclnioo.i<br />

(r) Tb. DcEo^ .lt.ndina r. ob.di.E to lh'sDE@! tl|ll b' booDd ro<br />

arjiici-rti r"v .nr:, t.,p.ctins ebich n' i! oi d!16<br />

"0"" 'nfitr'd<br />

li*{:lri;i<strong>il</strong>,iii;*;:"**;'$i:ll:3:i,*1T;$l'".':**"-'<br />

mjiL#f iffi;,f.#+ii'nl'i'rrr'$i"rni:'l':"."'.'l:<br />

*i**nr*g:rtr$r$m;*t:liiffi<br />

$ffirf*5;4ii1iieg5ffi{ir$,tffi<br />

ffii[l'*Ti,iiiii*pi'if 'li-i'.x[iq"i!{i:'ii:l'"i'';':ft<br />

.,J?.Yi::i:i<strong>il</strong>Li,,"'$1'i<strong>il</strong>liif 's"'.1'$i rj''!l;.<strong>il</strong>"ff : ""'':i::

Colrt 6ty,pr.$Dc.lt.t rh. ioDnon.,.r r.rvcd ,r rhc li@c ob.r rh. t.tl.r<br />

wodrd oc d.hv.rcd in rt. ordidrry co!B. otnori.<br />

_-.,6J._ Mod.otstd oa !.tts, ord.r ot DrodD. d d oDy rhdot A<br />

lli:d_h:fl iii,tr'j:%.1i:!.,xl',r**"";,*i 1..,?"T::!,x'f:d'r.j,t;i:<br />

Dr.D.r provid.d<br />

'r<br />

th. tajr fonloins rerioi lor<strong>il</strong>ic En,.c or" em._;- __<br />

, ,. 64. Aditlodl D.& ot plhlhit.s pro.r.lrdor. W!., ! prct.o.rion ,.-<br />

h'rg ro rly llDdi. ig!.d by r Rcv..u: O6er or<br />

.oo,ro!<br />

R.v.n!.<br />

ro..!y.orl?r nodcor puhtiqrio,<br />

Courr,ni[!<br />

.r,icr<br />

.io<br />

.ry coadn.ottorrhc rr-pn.iiiiii r<strong>il</strong>"i<br />

timc b.ing in forc..<br />

r.n.rr<br />

b. D!d. byb.r,oro,trnorolh.,o,-<br />

n.tnod, aDd by<br />

,lbc porrii! ot o cop, rh.,.bI on I con\picuou, phc. In<br />

or d.ar 0. rlnd ro wh'ch it rct .3<br />

('. Jol.&r ot t.!.r. E ,ntid to !bdta{, r.t.tht ror..t. (r) Ary<br />

i'i::Eiii:iiii<strong>il</strong>!:"iric-ri:;:T:#h,i"*j,ifl ,,ti ..;1";:!:j.", j",li<br />

Gov!roor!r hiy d!k. ir- rh:! b.!d[, bc ;rd. paricr rorny proc.adios uoacr<br />

cctroo 6 lo 9and ll to l9 olrhi! a.'<br />

. (2r But r_d_Fk. rd.r .h! nor bc oJ,jc jo aDy luch proc..diD8, u!t.B<br />

lD.,R.EN. Ofin or_RdmJ. Coud tr:!ritfld rbJr AI rh. pi,rE! rhr;io hN.<br />

n.o rd opportuiiry orrpp.lrinr rDd bons nsc.<br />

. {t)./{ d(ft or ordd mrd. i! r.y s0ch !roc..{,hs lhtlt rp..ity rhc.rl.Dr<br />

ro vhrct .rch otlh. r.!!dr it rfi.crcd rb.r.bi,.<br />

66, Er..Ddq ot $tr. uldcr tlt.J.r tD! or* roo ofc.rhi! .!rctr.!r,<br />

NorhidS ir r.$ioo 80 oarb. Cod. o&ivitproc;durc or iotcc,ion16ofrlo<br />

Puojab MdliciprlAcr,,1884, lhrtt b. colrro?d ro rppt, lo.rurrof!crr{<br />

Ecotio!.d ir r.crior 49 ofrhB Aci<br />

.-- 67. .PrtErlr <strong>il</strong>lo Colrt of oo!!, ''ttrrrt.d to bc du. lo th. thnd D.rro!. rl)<br />

i5 duc fr6E h'd oo r.@unr ofrc.t. blt<br />

Dl.rd.r th.r k i! du. nor to rh. phirtF bur ro ! rhnd Bsoo.ll. Cou..rbrtt,<br />

.!@/ ror rtacirl raloo! ro b. r?@rd.d by <strong>il</strong>. r.tu:. to'r.kc;ohrDrc. otrb.<br />

pl{ utrl.n rhc d.lc.dr.t pay3 iDro Court ti..Douor rc.dEnr.d-lo b. dur.<br />

(2) Wh.r. 3sh I 9|yE?lt n o.d.. rb. Coud rbrtl foflh*n\crur nori@<br />

ot rh? pryE.lt ro bG *o.d oo rhc rhird o..s.<br />

(31 Unlcs In. tbnd p. on Mibi! 1!r.. oonrhr fioi <strong>il</strong>c rccipt oflnc<br />

noricc iolrirutcs ! srit lg.iosr 1bo plliDtifl rod th{.in obrs<strong>il</strong>s an ordd et<br />

ld<strong>il</strong>ir8 plyncnt of tlc Eorcy, ir stall b.p.id ro rn. phinrif,o. bb.pPlrcarion<br />

lo lh. Conn rtd.for.<br />

(4) Norhios in rhn r..Lon sbrlr b. rd.ct.d rb. rishl ot loy p.rc. ro<br />

r..ovrr aroo thc plriotifr Eon.y p.id ru bi@ uod.r sub{;clon (lr,<br />

(J) wh.rcad.|' nd.aterJrDon.7In:oCou(und.rrt.r!.triod,lh.Court<br />

th<strong>il</strong>l Siv. thc J.Lnd.rt . r':cip',r)d h. r.cri"r\oprv.n shrlt oFnr.trri

cquiulncc io_th. 116. .hiDn.r rnd ro th. no! crr.nr r! if ir bld b.cn Biv.r<br />

bt rt.9h<strong>il</strong>tiffor tbc third p.rto!, rr rhc cls. 6.y bc.<br />

6!. Er.ollo! ol .t.ttg tor .rrc.r of F!r. A Corn pa$ior I dercc for<br />

.!.8 .r ot r.!r Day, d th. or.t.ppticlrio! or lhc dc.r.._hotd.., of<strong>il</strong>cr.!.culjo!<br />

rhcrorr!!,st tbc Dovsbl. propclry of rh. cnlocy in rcrpccr ofebich rho<br />

69. Pr.tiurior of iDr.irorxlr ot tar.|!I! .t ario. of dc.s t r rttc.t.<br />

dn t. A rclrnt rhatl !or, durtot rhc conrioulrc. of Dir o@uDrlcy. bc lirbtc<br />

|oiEpn$oEclr o! rh. .pplicatio! of i! hldtord i! .rccurio! df r dccr.G<br />

70. Po's io E|.r lrdt to Chll Colrr, (t) lf, tn.!y Frocccdior E!d<strong>il</strong>g<br />

bctarc r Rcycnu. Coorr .icrciiD! ori!i!.1, lpD.lhtG or r.ivisioorl iidldic.<br />

lion, it rpp..rs 10 thc Cou( thrt 8try qoctrion in i$uc ie orrc DroDlr for d.cirioi<br />

by i Civ<strong>il</strong>Court 6!y, *nh th. Drcvious rccrion ofthc Cburi. if .trv<br />

|l. coltrol of qbict.it i! ioocdittcly lubjccl, rcqsirc, by ordcr yriring.';ry '"<br />

t rry ro r!. procrcorn3 ro rolurur., *rtbt! ruch !tD. .s ir D.r [r i! ll|ir<br />

b.b!|f,. tuit i. rh. Civ<strong>il</strong> Courr for OG purpos. of obraini'a t d.ci-iion o! rh.<br />

9lcarioa ird ithc Lih ro coEply eirh rcquiritioD. Ery d.aid. th. ql|.3rio! L<br />

- (2) Ifrbc party insrirurc! rh. stit io coDpti.rc. wtth rh. rcquiiirio!, ih.<br />

R.!..nc Courr_shall displs oJ tb. preccdinr_ pcrdi.s b.rorc it i;.ccordioc.<br />

nth.llc nDtl d..itioo of rb. Civiteourr of 6iriidr|D; ot !p!.at, $ th. clrc

71. Por.r! to r.t r l. Hlrl Co.rt q..!tlor.t lo i!ridhtlo!.-(l) tl th!<br />

Picsidinr Ofrccr ol o Civ<strong>il</strong> or R.v.nuc Court io sbich a suit has b.cn in(itur-<br />

.d doubu *hcrbcr hc i. pr.clud..l fiom |lking coSnizlocc of rhc suit, h. Ely<br />

rcfd Oo m.u.r rb.oud tL. Disrrict Jud!. or Coll.ctor, or, lf ho i! r Dklricr<br />

JudSc or Collcctor, dkcctly to rhc Hirh Courr.<br />

{2) On..y su.h r.t r.rcc b.ing nid!, th. Hith Court nay ordc! rh!<br />

Prcridio! O6er .ith.r ro ploccid with tb. suir or to r.turr tt! platrl for prc.<br />

sdlllioD in 3ucb oth.r Co!!t rs it Dry io itr ord.r d.clar. ro bc coDcr.rca! to<br />

t.t. cotliaDcc of rb. slit.<br />

(3) Tlc ord.r of th. Hirb cou.t or any r$h ref.rcrc. shlll b. colclusirc<br />

r$ r!.i.3r p.r3on *ho !r. trot plrrict ro rb. suit ar e.ll as aSrinlr p.rsors<br />

t2. Pon.r of tllsh Cod ro v.lld.r. ploc.odhBs Drd. udsr nkirke a. ro<br />

jurkdl.dlo! -(l ) In cith.r of the followi.s cascs, rEnel, :-<br />

(a) ifitsppcasrorCiv<strong>il</strong> Court that ! Court udcr it3 control has d.t..<br />

hin.d a suit ota claii o.ltiolcd i! !.ction 49 which ud.! ihc D.ovi!io!!<br />

oflhat letio! 3loutd livc b.cn hqa.d u<strong>il</strong> dctcrditrcd 6, s<br />

R.vcnu. CoDit, or<br />

(b) <strong>il</strong>ir aop.drs ro a Rcvctru! Courr rhar a Co! und.r irs conrroth.r<br />

d.l.rDjD.d a run shicb ibould har. b.m bcard by a Civit Cou .<br />

tl-cCiv<strong>il</strong>Coud or-R.v.!ue Courl a)rbcca!.Eayb.. rho submr l[e record<br />

or luc surt ro ruc }lren (ourr.<br />

(l) lfon plrulal of rhc rccord ir appclB lo rbc H'gh Coun rhat thc suir<br />

was 3o d.trroir.d in Sood f.irh ald tblt rhr p|ni.s br.. oor b.co Dr.iudrccd<br />

by rb. o<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>k. .r ro jurndicrior, rhc Hisb Coun, Day order rhar rhid.;.cc b.<br />

rcgltcrcd r! rhc court ebicb h4 jurirdiclio!.<br />

(3) If it rppors ro tb. Hi8l Coun, oth.rwir. rbalo! subEturio! ofa<br />

r.cord u!d.r 5qb-!.cliou 0), ttqt a Civ<strong>il</strong>Courr u.dc r3 colrlotbr3 d.r.r<br />

biGd n 3uir ofa cl$. o.orioD.d io !..rioE 49 shic! !d.r rhc orovriotu of<br />

'h.r 3.crioo lhould havc bcco berd .od dcrcr6i!.d by a R.v.!i. Cou;r. di.<br />

Highcour mly tE.c.Dy ord.r.d qhich n h'sbl hav. prs.d ifrL. rc;od<br />

(t.wrlh rcstcct (o-atry proc..dr.B sub*qu.nr !o d.$.c Lh. Hrs[ Coun!<br />

o.y Baxc aucn ordcr tor s r.gtrnsrron a Rcv\lue courr or cir,l co! .3<br />

r! uc cucuEnsoc.r appc.6 ro bo jus! ard 'tr prop.r,<br />


tJ. thccofdtti!r.-(l) Ao Asskr.rl Coll.clor Dry crcrcir! hie Power3<br />

!od.. thi3 Act at rny Dhc. qithio th. Iioir' ot tb. dislricl in which h. 't<br />

(l) Any otb.r R.vcnuc Otnsr or Rcvciu. Court may o.ly .rerci!. hir<br />

or ir; fow.;i ord.r tbir Acl *irhin tbc loc.l limits pf bh or n' jo.iidi.rion<br />

?{. Holt&t..*(l) Th. Bo.rd ol R.v.!uc, with lh..pProv.l oflhc Pre<br />

vioci.t Gov.hlictrt, sh.ll publish in thc olt.i.l Crt.rrc bcfor.lhc conn'.ncc'<br />

nit of crch calcadar ycai t list ofdays lo bc obscrtcd ia tbsl ,c.r as holidavs<br />

br lll or aty Rcvcruc Omccr!.trd R.vcDllc cJurr3.<br />

(2t A Drc..dirs hold b.forc I Rcv..uc Omdr ot R.v.nu. Cou on .<br />

&vr'r;cci6id itr th.l,st 13 a dly to b. obt.tvcd bv th. Omcct or. court.e.<br />

hoiidai' shrll oot bc inv!lid 6y rtason onty of its havins bc.n hdd on<br />

75, Dl*hr8. of &tl6 of C.ll.clo. ati.g d hl.! diehl" a<br />

-When<br />

coU.cbrdh,or<strong>il</strong>ditablCdt.oFp.rforoingh|!dut|c'<br />

t.ooorrnly lo th. cb'.f .rccutiv. .dDini3lr.lion ol drtlrrc u'o'r oro'rt<br />

'Dv <strong>il</strong>f,t orv'gcocrrlty or 3p.ci.lly ksucd bv lh. Ptovi.ci.l Cor'hEcDr in rhrl<br />

b.hrlf. shi|li bc dc.Ecd ro bc coltcctor u !t rbir Acr.<br />

t6. R.t..lio. ol tot..t bt R.t rm Cnc.i li{!Lt.-Wh.n . R'v'nE<br />

omcri otrnv class whd, cirhcrit tuch or.r t Rcv.ouc clurt' har undc b.<br />

ioiinoior pri,"irioor otit'lr Act.!y Pos.B to bc a.tciscd in aDv l@l&r"<br />

ir rr;nrfarrcd ftoD thrt lo€lar.t to tlorhcr ar R.v.6u' o|nccr or Krecnuc<br />

Court ot rb. $Bc or t bi8h.r clast, tc th:ll controuc lo .Frc'3' rho" powcrr<br />

iirt-'rr ottcr locrtarca, u0l.ts lhc Provrncral Govcrdolnt or tbc Borrd or<br />

i.viruc orhcrvisc dncctr or bat otbcr*i'. di'.cr.d.<br />

t?- Co.l'rD.lt of Dot r ol R.64 OEar or I*n Co!'l -(l) Th'<br />

Prov'n.iEl Gotct.ncrt Da! bv ooriication conr'r o! P'rion :-<br />

'!v<br />

pos.ri ofa Board of R.vc.uc o. coEEissioftr or<br />

*ith- *bicb. ar AsittaEt Collcctor ofcithcr<br />

aradc r!, ot may b.. tnv.slc.r tBcrcu[o.r.<br />

tb) .lr or aoy of lb. Pow.r<br />

rnd |b!y by nolincalioo q<strong>il</strong>hdraw rnv Po'cts<br />

so conLr'd'<br />

rrr A D.,5otr or wbom po*cr3 .t. confcrr.d !td'r $brec-tior (l) rball<br />

.t.';,s; thosc povct. s<strong>il</strong>hin sucb local libits ind 'n su<br />

<strong>il</strong>l'"lii.i,ii -c.f.i"'*t nov dircd. sod .rccpr a' orbLr*i:' d/ecr'dbvrhc<br />

iiiiiiiii"ic;*-.-,' 't"tL forsrr pqrpos.t @d'c!tdd wirh th' 'tcr''sc 'h'rc'<br />

i,<strong>il</strong>liii<strong>il</strong>Ji s-,d.r Rcvaiu., c;mrni5,ror'r' corr'ctor, o! A'1'sront cor'<br />

hctor, as thc cas. uIrY D..

(l) Il.ny ot tb. poeeu of r Collcclor und.r scctioo 50, !..liotr 51, xee<br />

rion 52or s.ctio.54 s.. colf.rc<strong>il</strong> o, a! A$hslall Coll.cbr. lhc aball, url6t<br />

tnc Bdrd ofR.vcnuc by sp.cial oid.r oth.rshc direts, bc.t.rck.d by tia<br />

slbj.cr ro 'h. colrrcl orthc Collr@ror.<br />

tE, PoiF ol Bo.rn ol R.rd.lo E.t. nl6,-(l) Thc Bo.rdof R.v.!u.<br />

n.yinadditionro rhc othGr Dl.r vfici nry bc ba<strong>il</strong>. by it hd.r rtir Acr,<br />

o.k. rul.i.o8icnt i,iri rbis Act ard uyotb.rcn.cthot for thc linc beirg ix<br />

G) dctddiring !or'ith!r4idihg r0yrhirs,o !ny r.cord.of-risht, rh. nur<br />

b.r&d rDolhr otrb. <strong>il</strong>sr.loctrri !od rhe ri@. by .nd .r shicb icol<br />

is to b. raid i<br />

(b) tor thc tuidrtrc. of R.vciuc O||k{r io d.lt.d<strong>il</strong>ing<br />

purpoFsof thi!Act. tb. aoounroltb. hnd rcv.olcof .ny<br />

(c) prcsibi.s fo!all oraly ofrhc r.rtiro.i.s to ehich thir Acr Grt.n&,<br />

lhcp..iodr ddiog wbich, in proc..dioSr bdd utrd* fiir Acr, r<br />

ReEnuc Olfrc.ror R€venu. Courr it nor. cr.cDt for rcasone ot!fl.i<br />

lo b. r.cord.d, ro i*u. bt proc.s( of ..i.!l aCainn r Lnd-osd.r<br />

vho cullivar.s ni! own lrnd :<br />

(d) r.Fhti.8 lb. proedur. i. €s. wb.r. p.Bors a.. .nt'rl.d lo idsp.cr<br />

r.@rd3 ofR.v.!u. O6dr or R.v..u. conrt. or lo obEir coDi.soI<br />

lh. sro. ald p..s.ribi!s rh. f..r prrlblc tor rc.rchd rrd copii:3 ;<br />

(c) prA(ibing foros lor sDch booh..!rri.5, qrkrics accourlr s\ t!.<br />

Boatd of R.t.!uc thior3 Earsry ro b. tcpr, Erdc or @6p<strong>il</strong>cd rt<br />

R.vcouc ofric. or R.v..u! courG or ,!bdir;d ro aoy lurho,lty i<br />

(fl d.cl!ri.8 *h3r sh<strong>il</strong>l b! rh. t.ngugo ot atry of rhorc otfres add<br />

cb"urr!, 3!d d.t{EiaiDS io eb{r ds pqsoor prrcrisios i. rh@<br />

o$4r-roo cou s shrlt b. p.rEi(.d ro addcs,lhc pr.sidiosoftjeF<br />

rh.r.of i. EDrlisb : rod<br />

G) Ecn.r.lly for lha Srida&c ot R.r.ou. Oficcf3 and oth.r pcBo.t ir<br />

fatl.rs co!trcct.d vnh lh..rtorc.ErDl oftLi. Alr,<br />

(2, Unt<strong>il</strong> rdlca ..c radc und.r ct.usc {<strong>il</strong> of rub*ctioo t. rclr shrlt b.<br />

Dayabl. by lbc insr.ld.or3 atrd.r rbc rio. 6y srd at rbicb it ii iow payablc,<br />

. (l) Ruk! nedc by rlesoard ot Rrv.dlc und.r rbis or.oy or!.r s.ctior oI<br />

rhn Afr, sh.rl b. nrd. subj.cr ro rb. conrrotof(h. prcritrciaicovcri@.'.<br />

7r. Rll€to L rrd. .t.. rcrlE Dubuotior-lh. Dowcr! ro d.l.<br />

rni r!1.! !bd.r rhit Act, n $ bFir ro rh._coddirion ofrb..- , b.i!, dr&<br />

80. Ponq ci.r.is.ble bt Bo.rd ol n6.uu. or lt. CoDlirdorr llod<br />

rrni b,nD.- Arr po*ca .oDfrr.d by lhh A.r on rhe Board ot tcv.du.<br />

or rnc codots\Dn.r oay bc er.r.n.d koE Uoo ro lioc .. occasion r.qun.,<br />


Et.<br />

ftitLt!<br />

Noll<strong>il</strong>t ol ce.tri.! h R!c!rd."ot-ll![t! -Ao .rtry io an]' rtcord'<br />

ploviditr8 r-<br />

(r) thrt r l$dlord nty Prcaclt I t.qrt fiom m.titrs' ot .'i"t<br />

' Dltint, tuch improv.Dcnb on iit Grrocv ir n' rt 'nlrrrco Io n'x'<br />

urdcr thi! Acl, or<br />

(b) ftu a !c at.<strong>il</strong>ctcd frod hk &oacv thall roi bc .rlitlcd to con-<br />

' ' ocourion for-idtrovco.nG of or for ditturbarcc ir 'trv c!!' in<br />

fui"t' ri woura itndcr tlb Act bc .utitlcd lo coDPrnlltio! tblrc-<br />

bim for<br />

(c) thit r liodlord ory cjcct s t.or.! o$crskc tbrn in lccordanc. w<strong>il</strong>[<br />

' $c orovi3ioDs oft!i3 Acl.<br />

full b. void lo thrt ci.rt.<br />

ra Ndlitt ol c.ir.ii 4r.rocelt c.!rl.rt to tt A.t.-(l) Notling ir ttrv<br />

gccocot maic b.ttcco I Lrdlord 3Dd r.aart aflcr lhc p||srot oI<br />

tull:-<br />

^ct<br />

(r) lal..vtv or li6<strong>il</strong> thc r<strong>il</strong>ht ofa lcDart a! dctcrmio'dby thisAct to<br />

' ' Dal. io;rov.o.rt. rldclaim coop.nsrtion thcrcfot' or tbcrc coDF<br />

plts.tioi for dirlrrbrlcc c€ob. claidcd uDdcr rhis Acl' to clarE 8uc!<br />

.oDP.fsruoo, or<br />

(b) coritlc s lardlord lo cjccl a<br />

thc provi3ionr of tbis Act.<br />

t.naot othcrwisc th3n in accor

8a. tor6 ol iL Pr.tl*i.l Golm ro D.t nld.-41. Pr.vi!.i.I<br />

Govcr@dr tuy, l,y oot6clrio! i. .n. ofiicir! G!zcn.. b.*. rot.s. (For<br />

N.-W F,P. T.na..y R!|.t. t95O.... @t , A+Uz i,/.dr. aor 16. Durbor. ot<br />

orryin! out all or ri, or rb. prct<strong>il</strong>io!;oiri€rio!! a. r4-A ;;d 5 or rhjs A(r.<br />

a5. R.ral,ra ..rtta. -T!. rollorin! Aok.;. blreby r.pear.d-<br />

(') Tt. Punj.b T.n.ncy Ac', 1337, ,e rpptidbtc b rb. Nonb.w.r Fro.ri.t<br />

by rb. Nodh-w.3r F ob'i.r ProviDc. rrw rtrd Jusric. R.suisrion, t9ol.<br />

(b) Hur. T.o.!.y R€a!|.(ion, 133?,<br />

(c) H.a. T.lonsy (Ao.ndEcrl) R.srl.rio., 19,t0.<br />

(d) ft. Prnjrb Td.ncy (North-lv.tl Fm i.r Prov<strong>il</strong>c. An.ndE...)<br />

(.) rh. Punjab a.nancy (No h-w.tr Fro!ti.. Provinc. ar.ndo..t)<br />

(l) Tb. Punjib t.n&cy (Nortd-w.rt Fronrj.. P.ovi.c. A6.!do.'r)<br />

G) Th. PuFb T.!.!c, (Nor[-w..| Fo<strong>il</strong>ri.r Provi.c. AE.rdb.!r)<br />

(.J .ny Dolicc, foro, ord.r, rulc, rclNllltio! or dr.crio. pr.rrib.d,<br />

n.d., i\ru.d, or gi!.n und.r r6y cnacr6..r r.D..l.d by (bn.49r<br />

rb.llotrrinu. in forc .r if ir t.d bR. p'.rqib.d, 8,d., te.u!d,<br />

or riv.o ubdcr rhitAcr,.udb.t b...p..l.d, rcvor..d, rrncd ot<br />

a6.ud.d r$rdidaly i<br />

(b) rny dcuft.. rct rrirs .o rny Act or .n.c.E.nr rcp..l(d 6y thn<br />

' Acr 'h:ll IE @Irucd .r rclcriDl to rf,is Acr or ro rh. cor.spo.d_<br />

i.a.trero.lr or rbj3 A.r :.Dd<br />

(.) .nyo6er or p.Bon.pDoitrkd ro.cL or .Eptoycd u.d.r d P<br />

vfr!. of ry .n.root r.p4l.d by ihi3 Acr st.rr @lrtouc r.d o:<br />

dc.Ecd b Lv. bcc. apporlrrd o. .D!'lorcd uod.r or by vrdu. o'<br />

Ef.ct of R.Padt ol Phldb Taanc, a"<br />

,.ovid.dfu'tb.'lb.t!n|<strong>il</strong>rh.risht3of!no.cuDAncy<br />

i;;;;;.i'::,'i;;i 4-;;d-;i 4,i of-rhit Acr' arr prcvrriont or rh' Purjab<br />

;";"i;i. iiitt. tr .DDri.d ro thc Norrh-w.{r Fr@ri" P'oeidc' or rhc<br />

L-tl .ii;e.;rr#--i-trl, o ttc orc nav bc' so ror 'r rb'vrcratc ro<br />

ccup.!cy r.!.ocy, !!alt t6<br />

TTiE<br />



N.tlt .ti6 No. tt3tl.I.t., a.r.a 26.1 ltR-b.r lgso._ c.z'tr. ?8th<br />

..i--uli. _xoiir' tclor, rn .!.rcit. of th. pow.6 conr..r.d on hi6 bv s.criotr a4<br />

rr' -wi'r nroatic' Provitrc€ i."..cy Ac!, l9io (A.t XIv of 1950,'<br />

: CovGDor, " Norh-W.3i Prcoli.r PtoviDc., i3 9leac.d to h.k. 9' tollowr6S<br />

r.sfor rh. Durpo* of ofyioa olt lb. provi3ions orcltot. (o) or 3!b tccrroo<br />

ori.crion 4 of lb..!id Acl:-<br />


l. Srdl rld. .!d sE.s.!nr.-(l) Th.t. rul.t oiv b. qlkd llr<br />

Norb.W.i Frodli.r Provinc. T.Mrqv {P'rlllotr ot CoEp.!51ltoo to th<br />

(2) tlc !b!ll ao. ialo to... .t o@.<br />

2. I'.!.ttl.n-h (hii Ac, u<strong>il</strong>ctr lh.r. i! .dtlhids rcFrsn.dt i.lft<br />

(d) "Ad" aau thc Nodh-Wltl F.o!li.i lrovin.c Tcn.n.t ad, lrio,<br />

(xxvoll9rO).<br />

(D) "Colt4ror" n..r! pdson lptoitrl.d I colllclor bv lhc Provit.irl<br />

l. Pltrdd of C.tr..1.rid D.t<strong>il</strong>h bt l.!..t .o hb lr.al'ri -1. th.<br />

Elc ol.. ocoDrncy pdv'nr a{,b r.nt io hndlogL ko tiE{ tL.<br />

rboutrr ol3u.h EDt .rcluriv! '.nl!!t 6f l:trd rcv.i'. $4ll '[it b! th. !dounr or codP.t'<br />

xriol pryrbk by lhr oc.up'ncy r.nant to hi! Irndlord to. rh. putpo!. or<br />

cttu* {r)otrrba.cron {lr ot

5. Nroc of tha occspancy trostt.<br />

?. Condiiio8! of th. tcoarcy.<br />

8. Aaar.<br />

9. Crllunbl., or !ot.<br />

I0. If culturrbb, qullity ofthc l6!d,<br />

ll. Ctrlr.t in thc osrcnhip ?ith rplcirl rcfcr.ec to oui.tion or ordcr<br />

or prcscribd ruthor<strong>il</strong>y by rlich thc c[|!fc toot plr6.<br />

12, Aoou oftb..qurl itrrLl0!.Dlr frcd.<br />

I 3. Drtc of p.yocot of tb. i trlocot by tbc occrprrct tomltt.<br />

14. Sigotturo ot lbc Rca.!u. Of[ccr.<br />

15. Datc ofFymcnt of tb6 rdount to l.ndlord.<br />

16. S<strong>il</strong>orturc of $c ncvGnu. O6ccr.<br />

9, Ttc proctduro folloscd io r.rpcct of pryEcnt oflhc compo$alior<br />

roo.y by rh. ocmFmy tcDaDr r<strong>il</strong>l b. rt follosr :-<br />

(r) Ttc V<strong>il</strong>lrt! Ofncrr r<strong>il</strong>l coll.d rhc rEount of cooplD{tioD rlo!8r<strong>il</strong>h<br />

tbc lrod rcv.ouc. ctc, lnd dcaorit lhc !|Dc iolo thc Covctulrcrr<br />

Tr.$ury uodcr hcrp',Fir.d Rcv.ruc D.poritr". T[c v<strong>il</strong>hgc Officct<br />

ir bound to ir!u. a rcccigt for rb. rooutt i! qu.rrion to ihc oocoprncy<br />

(b) Thc .mo'rot s/<strong>il</strong>l bc d.poritcd on thc tcgul.r chrllaD Ford (to b. providcd<br />

by for rhc Tlhr<strong>il</strong> Accouotert) r dupliol. copy offlbich r<strong>il</strong>l bc<br />

Drrcd oi ihc Trhr<strong>il</strong> Authoritid by lh. Ttcrtury or Sub-Trcrrury<br />

Omcc. for n*ior thc o.c.i rry crlrii' io th. R.!itt.r D.llioncd io<br />

scclio! l.<br />

G) Th. v<strong>il</strong>rec Ofrccr s<strong>il</strong>l not bc cati<strong>il</strong>cd to r.ccivc .D Punhln o thi.<br />

13. Tho ptoc.durc aith rcSFrd to lh. piyDcDt of th. compcntltion ooncv<br />

to rbc hrdlord s<strong>il</strong>l bc ar follotrs:-<br />

(.1 Ar tooo $ r[ ioltdEcot ii crc.l<strong>il</strong> uodcr th. hed "Fircd Rcv.!u. Dc-<br />

Dorit", !trd .Dki.s ntd. io lh. Rctittcr prctcib.d in !.ctioo 8, tbc<br />

i.rvcruc Offc.r v<strong>il</strong>l i!5uc . vrittco troticc to thc laadlord lo comc aod<br />

dnr tlc amouDt i! qucrlior on a Rcfosd Vouc!.!.<br />

(b) Aoy crtry to thit .tr ct s<strong>il</strong>l bc r0rdc io t!. Rcgitllr.



(N..W.F.P. ACT VIII OF r95l)<br />

Ar A.l to trot cl rl ao 6toi.<br />

h.. i. r.t ct ot<br />

' l18th Makh, IgtI)<br />

lh. ridt .{ arldr a...rL oI<br />

Nomcrfoe No. r37$L.D., arbd 12|l M.]cl l95l (C'az.$c, I2rh March<br />

I95l). Thc Act of lh. Norlh-Wcn Fronli.r ProviDcr kaistrriv. Ass.nbly,<br />

wa3 !55crtcd to by lhc Cov.mor. Nortb-Wclt Fro r.r Provi.cc, on th. 8rh<br />

Mrrc[. 195t.<br />

Pf.rnrr., WHEREAS <strong>il</strong> i, .rp.di.rt to protccr.nd a rcrlor. tb. rithl,<br />

otccrhiD t.lrnu ofhnd i! r.rpcct ofth.ir tc0alcicr;<br />

It i3 L.rcby.D.ctcd ir follorr rl.<br />

Alorl llle,.!l.rl..d cor!.!c.!.|t.-(I) Tbis Act 6ry b. call.d $.<br />

Norlh-Wcst Frootff ProviNc Prot..rio! .o<strong>il</strong> Rc.ror{ioo of T.o..c} Ri8trrt<br />

Acr, 1951.<br />

(i<strong>il</strong> lt .!6U @6ci!to lorcc io 3ucb dca3 rnd.t r!.h tiE. .i Dav b.<br />

troriicd by inc Provinci.l Gov.rlElot i! thc o6cj.l Grzctl., !trd .hall r.;.ir<br />

i! foro€ for a D.riod of : ycar. fron tl. datc of itt .Dforc.bcrr ir aoy !r.! :<br />

Providld- $rt ttc Provircirl Gov.mrn.lr Dry, by aol;6crlio!, ert.ld<br />

$ir pcriod fo! .U or lly ofru.b.r!.r fo.a futlci p.iod Dot.xc..jjrg liro<br />

Providld funbcr $rr norhiog i! tbi! Acr rbrl rpptt ro r[. r!s. of !<br />

lc rr or cvacu.. prop.ny, or I lmalt loldiDa lly Isrd lDdcr rDc Provjlcidl<br />

or rh. C.olrrl GovcroE.trt, or ud.rsDy Diirrici Bdrrd. MuniqD!tCoEbiu?c,<br />

or Noti[rd Ak. ConDiucc, or !!I orhcr surboritt rs Eri b. lotifld bt<br />

th. Ptoyiocirl Corcmti.rr i! ttir bchalt

6crctor., r.l.i!cd tbc lr.viou r.bcdy itr c&.! of lbis ti.d, odo.lyi rhrl of<br />

bri.gi!8 . ruit for.j.ctn.rt uldcr 3.crioD ?? of rh. T.!!ncy Act, i, shich<br />

irtuc would btvc to bc fdE.d od rh. c!t. d4i

Provided that rh. (.mot to eholr 1[. l.Dancy]a! b.e! r.stor.d shu bt<br />

li6bl. to p.y rocb @Dp. alio! tothe p.rton.vicrcd for rhc tltlding ctop, ia<br />

.oy, and for pt.pat<strong>il</strong>t tlc lrnd for soiiDS, if it ha3 b.ctr 30 PrcPar.d, as<br />

osy bc dct.roincd by !b. R.!rbu! O8ic?r o! rh. lalr.ar rpPlication rq<br />

th<strong>il</strong> b.bdr:<br />

Plovid.d futtbcr tbrl <strong>il</strong> thc cobt.rrlt ion itt;t p.id withi.lbrcc borlhs<br />

ottb. dllc ofthc ordcr oad. bv t[. Rlv.ou. Otri@r in tbit bchlf th. rcuor<br />

to:phon thi tconcr *rr rlitorcd .b.ll t. .i*tcd lh.rcfo!@ rE.l rh.l.rd<br />

rl<strong>il</strong>l bc rcatorcd to lh; pcBon sto wa! cvict.d uliCcr thc ordcrt of ti. R.vcluc<br />

Onc.r.<br />

5. rADDc.l. r.rLlo! .d rrvi.t.-A! otdcr p$ccd bv a R.v.ru! ofricct<br />

ofanv .iL undcr rbir Act sball for lhc Durpot.s of apPcll' rcvisiotr 8nd<br />

r.vic;--bc trc.l.d !t a. otdcr ola R.v.nsc O6c.r ofthc rrbc tradc u!d.r<br />

lh. Nonh-W.6t Frdrticr Provioc. Tcn.fty Acr, r950, ald. ib<strong>il</strong>l b! subj.cl lo<br />

thc proviriors of lh. hltcr Act vitb r.spcct loaPpcal, r<br />

6. B.iol CGit j!.hdlcliot.- (l) Nosirb!t!!ding tltlhitrg (orraiD-'d iD<br />

|[y ollcr Llw for l}. lio. bcDg in forc€. no Court snrH nav' aDv iutr'orcrro!<br />

ir'rny rrrrcr s[ict r RecDuc O-frc.r is.D9o*Gt.d bv lhit Acl to ditPot' ot<br />

t2l No Courlshlu lllcicosrizlo.c of$c st4'r i! "hicb asv Re!'ou'<br />

onciicrcrcii.t uy:Po*cr vart.d i! bin rodcr r!|l acr'<br />

?- lole.. (l) Tb;'Proviicial Gov.hDcoi Dav !)at' Rul'!- @!!kr'!t<br />

qirh $i; jG, )oi q,rtrliir rlc proccaurc ofRct"uc ofrcc'r lod'rrhi! Acl<br />

ir cisc<strong>il</strong>a itriit a proicau'.-ig Doi ptcscribcd bv tti' Act'<br />

t2r Tbc rul.s oty provid., anont olt.r nrttc!3, fot lb' modc of.'n'<br />

r"roi7 o'i<strong>il</strong> "t acti"iri ot poric$ion-of lr .sDd rulc!- p'ovidi!8 lor th's'<br />

ndtcir may coofcr ot i Rd.truc OEer rll or alv ol tlc powcB It Rs8ru<br />

t -ra.irr rcaittrnE rld lh. lit. tbicb ! Civ<strong>il</strong> Coun Erv cr'rcrs'<br />

ii fi" -i*[i,i]""<br />

& d€dcc *h.rcbv it ha' adruds.d deliv'rv orpos:d3ioD<br />

"t<br />

of l.nd.<br />

(3) Tb6 rulcr nry alto proridc for rhc -midc of Grccuti!! ordtr8 lo<br />

.o.ti-''ui ory roEpi i. procicdin8t uodcr rbft Act all or lDv of th' prorisrolt 't<br />

;;ft i;"-i"t6"d h.".i"c Act, riE?. a' !!pti6br. ro rh' Nor|l'wcst Fto''<br />

ticr Pror<strong>il</strong>cc. tiD rcrp.ct to.rbrrr!$ot'<br />

(4) Subj..l to rhc mlca uldcr th-i rc.tio!' ; Rdc! c ofic" nrv tc,ftr<br />

"rv iiio itiit [c it copor.rcd to di6?o.. of uod.r <strong>il</strong>it Act !o inoth..<br />

ii'".iJi ori..' for iEv;3liFrior add icPon,.!d Drv d'cid' tl' cxt' !po'<br />


APPENDIX -4<br />


bt<br />


No 54<br />


lCor. npt! of Pakktad Notlfi.attdt No. I8tl59, daE.l?th Frb att lgtg,<br />

' Gaz.ft. oJ Pakbtdn Exoiotdldary, ttd thnrt' l95a)<br />


L Short tule,.xtht anl coD4r.,..,n.,t.-(l) Thir Rcfuhlion nrt b.<br />

callcd rh. Wst Pakishn Lind Rcto.nrs R.guhrion .<br />

(2) lrcxruds to rll€ Flotr,of N.\l Pnthr.n. ii.h iDg rlt l-.drr!l<br />

(.'nikt, bur {or rh. StlriJl AFr*<br />

lt, lr stull cort irto td^c !t onis. cupl n' tlid u. crrl(J din"rt,6i<br />

r)"rl'.. rnd Knlut Diviiior\, $l,rr.,r $rll cndr: n{i ttr.. d. \nch 'l d. !r<br />

dir$ 1r tlr ComniJrior nry, by nor<strong>il</strong>icllion tu rh. Orlicirii (;n^rr., ippoint.<br />

:od dinerenr.lti.r m.t b..ppoint.d ro' dif.nnt trr.<br />

L D.trnrbar.-Itr lhir Rcgul.li.n, onlxj cr. i( .nythinS r.lugn.nt<br />

in rh. rubi.ct or cont.rt,-<br />

(t) " Conoision " Ec. rhe. wcal krlhtln Ltrod Comnision<br />

coi{irutcd ud., p!r!8tiph4; '<br />

{l) " c.onomic holdin! of si(ry.tour acrc! ol laid<br />

i. rr; F:dcr.lC.Diht lnd -in Kh.irour !trd Hydehb.d I)i\bioni, x 'd r{r<br />

lqurcr or rwo idantl.. or 6fty !ci.5, shhhdcr h mo..,.k.wh.n :<br />

Providcd lhdri. Qucu. lnd K.lar Divirionr, " !i ..nro'nic h.lJing '<br />

lhrll ndn iuch !r.. ollsnd, wirhin $c lforcsaid limks, as |nlt b. sr*c<strong>il</strong>i.d<br />

by tn. Codnksio. ;<br />

(l) " Oovc.nment " o.ani h relstion<br />

&nrql Gov.mm:.r, ,rrd in rclarion to<br />

CovcrnDcnr of wdl P6kktan i<br />

{a) ' jssk " inchdcs-<br />

' (a) .n, grnnt ofhtrd bt wry oflio3i.<br />

(i) rny sBnt of mon.y nidc or conih:lcd bt or on bchrlf of r\c sltr€<br />

clrich t!rpor'I. to bcor is r.c.i!-d our ofhid 'ev..rr.<br />

(.) any !$iEim.nt or rcllas or ltnd(.v.n!:.<br />

, (l) an! csr.r: in Inrd cr.Et.d or rlird.d by or o. Dch.lf of lh.<br />

S'.t sr,iclic.uri* ,rith ir ii,c rrhr ro rG,( orcoll(rltnd rcvriuc or<br />

^<br />

ro rhc Fcd...l CapitlI, th.<br />

rhc r.i of \v.3| Paliela., th.<br />

tr).nr iqiFin:

, 15) . rJxJ .maN l.nd, inctu,t{g ov,coec rrnJ,. whjc[_.is nor oc.u,,.d<br />

roNn. rrlagc,<br />

(a<br />

tucrwr, or industdll csrrbli:hm(hr. nndn<br />

',pN m rE, h{n rr un bc r"r tor <strong>il</strong>riculrurJt prrnorcs o. fo, p,,rp";r<br />

. rlr'l .or 'nh{,\i!Dr ro is'iculr{rr. {,.h:r, fotuni<br />

:,1,1.,".1;li<strong>il</strong>i.jll.ii,,,,," ","',,"Jx .,r..i ,rf .i,.. or r!,,rJ,n!\ .,r.r.,,r,f, {,...:<br />

_ (6) -'cl,Jrd nirJtrr lJxtt und(r truir k(ur, ptJnrcJ ru r J..Afu<br />

n!r.'c,c gn)i. rtrd Inan,r,,in.J t,, Lunri<br />

r?1 .j,\ -l i\luJur rr JrcJpJnr ue d.tioc,l rr.tru.c (t0j<br />

.r "r,..a,,tr )<br />

Ue aombay Land R.v.nnc Cod., 1879 (So,nbar Acr V of-tt?g) :<br />

(8) 'pcrson inclklue. dispheJ p.Eotr is denncd i,r !rru$t2r<br />

if:cdior 2 of rl,r l)i:precc!l Pc'\otrs (I.rnd-S.rrlcmcnU A.r, ,9is (\t.VU ri<br />

(:ental or lrovirrci<strong>il</strong> /|ct :<br />

' l.f.rl .'rrhnrirr o. I l\,dy in.oJ|nrir.J h' r<br />

(9) 'prcerib.d " metrns nrlscribed by ,nl.s rhd. und.r rhd Resutrtiotr:<br />

(10) " prcducc iid.\ unir " nkatrr rla .)ers!r. jn i..hs of stri![<br />

rl'.cornt)rr{livclrodocr<strong>il</strong>iryof.n icr. ot tard of A parricuter knl.t nr.<br />

t,Jrr,curJr _r-..>.mjr'r (ir.l. or 1ir,.r h .ompur.Ll ind Grprcitd tor rtr<br />

pu,16trr.r rhc *h.njc{ r.tsrrng ro rt,c,e\errlcm.ntof d,rDtrccd r(8,,n.<br />

or rr'c .rr,.,rnFnt rirct.s .M Lcr! rvh.,. ,io {,:t,<br />

un,r e\isr!i sr(h nErsor. 13 trriy bc dcr.roined bv rhd conmGsion :<br />

'll)<br />

..j..Frr... |'J.drhg of sirrccr JIL-,,f t., I<br />

ir '1,. l.dL,- l cir'rrl ,",d Kr'rnpur<br />

"r<br />

JnJ ItyJcr!brd Dnir<strong>il</strong>n. r,,J h-x<br />

r 9ur,. o, r.i . or<br />

'..r.','gh<br />

hr.h( r.{t , hrtf r(r$ ot tinJ. *hi\h.r.r<br />

, i''.'.1..J rlor i,' Or.r'r rnJ Krhr DniiioD,a .!ubri,rcncc ,rotJiflA<br />

+..1r mlxn nri' rk^. "irr'i'r r\c .'for.sn tirnitr, is nr,,y rr \Ffc,fie,t hy:...<br />

t. Retal ia n t ttr!. otl'.' l.*. d..-ltr: t,rotr{'vir} or rt,.i<br />

R(gulJrio4. rrl rny rul. .'r or,lc' mxd. rt,.r.un..ler, sh.I hrv. elTc!r ni..<br />

*,rtslrnJ'r's_xntrl.in;'u rl'i -onrary .r rny ortrc. trw, or in Jry J^t!<br />

dr 'n iny conrscr, 'osrnrnrnr, (rcdd or orhcrdd!.rctrl,<br />

PART II- CbisorulroN ArD pow€rs o. L^ND Cor ss,oN<br />

r. t,. .utdn:i ol lnLt (rD'ntuion and itt tor'ar.-\tt t:ot c.tt)-<br />

,19ourrrlcprrpo)6o,rlrn Rct"hrion, a Comnslion, ro b. rJUcd u.<br />

wc{Paknrxn Land Commi'no;1, \h. bc !ont',rurcd. consisr<strong>il</strong>! .f Lr<br />

covcrno(of\\'(( Parnt.n, \sho .r.z'l.x.alJi.i. b. fr ChainnJn-JnJ nor<br />

moE rhin nv. MedDcrs ro b. lptoinlcd by him,<br />

(2) Thc Cordission shcll hav. all d. pow.6 ,.ccasary for tt!<br />

inplcn.ntalioa oa rbis Resularion.<br />

(l) Thc Coddirsioo may noBin . onc of ir3 Mcmb.rs rob. tlr<br />

Chicf Land <strong>Commission</strong>.r Nio, tubiftt ro 5ucb di.erioN rs mv frri,<br />

riD.rotiDcb. siv.tr by rhc Com;$ion, shs bc r.rponnbr.6r<br />

of rhk Rcculari6n<br />

'rr<br />

'mPlcd.nhtion<br />

(4) The con,mi$ion msv<br />

.uLb.rii.t .nd p.6o.r, atrij<br />

(5) wl.r. anr n.rre. js nor<br />

Ji6culty rriscs i[ s'vins ercct<br />

ser uP orgrlizations rnd ippoitrl omc.rt,<br />

confcr Powcrs otr, and .$ign duri.r<br />

providcd for in rhi; Rcgubtion, or y<br />

to (he purpo.es of rhis RcauladoD, rl'.

nry. b/ dgd mt,l.d i. rhc. omciJl cakft, m.[. 5uch<br />

a;oii6ion<br />

L;yiri6r tl'dtot ,5 thinl,6t, , nd slrt u'dcr \hJrlbc J.!'d"l<br />

;torm j.ri 'n,c:Pftt of rl'n Rc8u|Jtio,' 'r itr'l tJ,c clr(r.r(o,dn'!ly.<br />

I {6) whcr. atry dirputc flri$s ii qrryi|g ioto cr€ct rirc provi\ions ol<br />

rh! li;suliLor, sLrh.d$p^urc sl'Jll b. tcfc"cd lr rhc Co 'nr"ian tr(\r<br />

ddhion rhcruntr snlr Dc nn.r'<br />

'<br />

5. D.ksdtio" oJpos.A.-Thc Codm<strong>il</strong>sion nry. by roritcalior in rhc<br />

o6.i.l Cr4ft, dift. rhar th. pov.{ .r.rcisble by ir und.r this Rcsurrriordy.<br />

{'bj.{r ro ruch condirionr. if rny, a\ F''y b. \peificd nr rl'c<br />

iorfaltion!b. .rcrcitcd nl.o bt or ik \lcmh 6 o' ofr!{,! or aurho'irn:<br />

"rr rrbordinalc io n<br />

Providcd thal rhc Cohnissio. 3hrll nbi<br />

'lct<br />

aatc its poN€rs under<br />

.gb.n,rrLdp\ l,) of $rdg'ap\ 7 lo ar olher b.los<br />

'1r ri1* of .<br />

C6dnn({on.r of r Dnnion.<br />

4. Po*er to ntak r!r.s.-Th. Conoission nay *nh 6. pr.lioui<br />

r*rion of Cov.rnm.ni, tuk. rul.r ior crr.yins our rh. pu.porer of<br />

l.NIJrio.. inlluding rul.r on mart.n i.l.ring ro or conn.(rcd sirh 'his rhc<br />

pi(nnhrion. \..'nrF nDJ d(rc,mn*riud of dpp

or'ccoaniad.ri rins 3rud and I'vcrl4k ft.ms to r.L.in luch 'ddnionll<br />

i.-,,,iao *"r' n'inB 6' it c.riiJ{s n*c$.tv for rl,c purPo$ rorld<br />

t."e r, ,u.h.r.r. .r maintnin"d !s trud tnd livtrttrr rdr'ns .. lE<br />

nrovldcd rliir In tl'c cJ* of srJd frtm5 o\trcd or (odron'o. bv<br />

f; T<strong>il</strong>LT<strong>il</strong>i:,1.;<strong>il</strong>l,ft #::"fr'.':,',l:;""1t"I:<strong>il</strong>; i"i<strong>il</strong>T,,fi lff llt<br />

,"",1:'.:i' ;.:'"'j:'i.::*nl! i,j:<strong>il</strong>:.""'J"lii "?';r"l.TliB's<br />

.rrh.rd, for ro lons !t it ir hainiiin.d i5 suoh<br />

i<strong>il</strong> tto-* *a"t otchard h ir cdrpdct blocrt otnolldslnanki<br />

a.rca cach l.nd<br />

- ii ir i* t*n,t'o.. u. o'ea u.der orchsrd in rhe r'!€nueftord'!i<br />

lesi!inc. Rlbi 1956'5?.<br />

ffi**ffi+ift*fr;*lffi<br />

unir5.<br />

.,."ii:l'i;-,,:r'.;i:,lulLT'.:'? n'#'1i11 li. i'"fJ:i.Tl #i:;<br />

thousrnd Pqdue indcr unirt<br />

,*-:*,':r."'i*r:itf * i$:l't-'.Ti#rr".i* <strong>il</strong>iir<strong>il</strong> j'.ti{i<br />

bc;fr' ofthe cxcmPt'on und(r crrA' G' or cBus-r', - '<br />

ro l'r(^._ir) Lond ,ncrud.i ,n any.*drr 91,'bifiTlii. j..\';Ii<br />

lr.i :';T,i :J"f :..}:i<strong>il</strong>[ ;i J:Ji:':;1i*l]T"st i."i' ni", .r *'i'<br />

. ll':l "*n* ;xr *" s'jliLii;,"",i1ii":l':i:1, rj*;1i'"i:i1j"'j,<br />

% ii,n" 0.""' ,, t'* n th' sore bd"ficiarv o' thc aatt' rhe hnn<br />

"nd<br />

'n'",Iff<strong>il</strong>ll lfr;,,.,,'* b nor rr':e sore be.renc{rv sbd th{' 6'(<br />

"n.r<br />

:rr"l#{ur*l<strong>il</strong>:ii'lli T;1.;;"x.#ll':'l' *:'i",'. T'"'i ffi 'Y<strong>il</strong><br />

Hli'li iiri:t :r,*r"rl;ijr,*.,,$f:1i!,:"r,:r5g{:l,i#[*<br />

,,;e.; th. $,1', t.,l h.n'..@rdins to rh' rJs oI rnn<br />

* :5T",i'"'jl.','l ::::":;<strong>il</strong>"1:"'li:,i';"fi;"" "dons,h. bcnc6'<br />

:r:ri,,;'i"i j:t'j;irlr jk<strong>il</strong>l.q:ljlr; ;i li_"i.,1',,^"T::i.'.f "i:i<br />

',ici*ior r.'a "p.nca<br />

on ttc dJv rr'c dJnor d to<br />

."i#<strong>il</strong>+'lll-4i'r iii:'1lt'$llii<strong>il</strong>'H'rff ;'-"':1'rti:"iJ',;

,-^e rl,c Conoision m.y, in l,.u ot fi. bcn.tu, ollow for seb prrpo$<br />

r"t-;;,"n ol rhc l,nd to tE rcr.in.d or.sh coEFnslion ro b. p.,d.<br />

'"'".,i.-;rs <strong>il</strong>,.nd ltlia rh. Iand or. podion .h.rcor, as rbc ca$ hov k<br />

1'::;;d.ne Nnh rh. prov<strong>il</strong>ions or,hie Rcsularion.<br />

" -,r' rvtr.'c ,ndc' nn, "uch w.rf ri aaor.eid. ar, sparhcd lJnd hr'<br />

-.., ;ldicarcd ror a r.lEiou., pi6ur or ch.ritdbl. pu.por' such rond 6rv<br />

1lll i". ro bc ur;t;ca for tt'Jt purpose, lnd 3h.ll be

(2) whcrc a.y such comprnv o. sciclv .3.forceid os or post*'<br />

ll.d;i'ich n"3 noi r.'.r'.d ul' cl sub'plros'rDh (l)..roch latd ror<br />

'rr<strong>il</strong>r'<br />

i-tlii"li,iLi.iiri;" n"s,,',Lion bc dccdcd b b' ovncd or po3*N'r bt<br />

iii uii"i'"<br />

'or<br />

- -r.t: n", $plrltslv .nd nnrividrrrrt bt rt3 sharchorJ"''<br />

;<strong>il</strong>;;;;;;ii;.h ah"^::-ld"r i; rhc t,;,r hlnrs in tr* *mc Propod'on ir<br />

iiii'iiii -,i-;jti" ir t'i. bc.'s ro roft'r pard up cupir'r or rhc<br />

'hlrcs<br />

'rc<br />

irt wt.."ov o"*oo ro.bom l.nd rcv'rc undcr rub-oarqhph (l)'<br />

".* *l;;; i;i.-.4 i;ddqmi..d undr sJb-nrr.s.aph . (2), do.i nor<br />

ovo or Dolsc$ rnv orh..lrnJ' it'c l!nd $<br />

;; :ii"ii=i-ri.:ia uc ririur ro rrrcortw pro'iion5 or rhir Rcau|'rion<br />

"iriii *.- "i.ca "' oos*sd uv rhar FMn iBmal[tclv b'ror' th'<br />

ii'ii'i'"oJ'*i Jr ,ri. h"eurlion';nd wh.raanv 3$ch t'Bon ni<br />

-"-'iJi<br />

ii-iiind *y 'rorcrlid<br />

-t';, I'nd, !r,c rlnd -'o.rcv'd'r<br />

or thc ah'r' b<br />

iiiii.i"<strong>il</strong> rr'"rr bG "?o"a ro rh.r orhd hnd for rhc Purpo* o' lpplv'os thc<br />

olh.r povisioB.f thtu R.8ul!tion.<br />

(i) lf.. ! rctuh of lhc.pplietion of thc prcvi'io of thir X'8uL'<br />

lion;nvDodionofth.|andtawIlichlhitPrr.gdph.pp<br />

ncnt "na'such po'uon r nor sp.cinc<strong>il</strong>l, d.mtEdtcd.lE<br />

nai natc uctr oracr in rcrp;t ot tu i.oardtion lnd P'rtition 's n Mv<br />

tt. Shdt l" Shahlat.-lr) A p.rstr ownir! or tGcrmg-r .harc ih<br />

.Sr.'/a, shlll nor b. cnrnkd ro owr or poss3 anv sucn<br />

aooti*rioo or rba provlion3 of p.n;snpit 8.9, l0.nd lI' h'-i! 'ntnkd<br />

rd;.tritr outridc th. rreurd, .td.ra ol 6v. hundt{l acd ot trn8lr.d<br />

llnd or .. .@ couiv<strong>il</strong>.nt to tbnrrsix rhou{nd prd@ Do* unc<br />

whic!.vcr h mor., ir idd<strong>il</strong>ion lo rh...e or anv or

hnsf.rad o..licn.rcd 6r dEm<br />

t95t. .ar *ldr.d fo. .cr.nrion<br />

Cbihision n., Equir..<br />

on o. .t@r rlrc eighrn day of O.robcr<br />

rry thcn. and slch orhc. i.form{ion ar rhc<br />

t6 - R.wtptlon anl ptina u, cnvnnt.nt of.,..,r t,,..r (t,LrnJ In<br />

h. r{tm..l ry aovc.nmcnr ncc a'n.n rnr.ncumbrrn( or ct,rrs.<br />

Or ryrNumS'rns or LnJ'a. $ir.ch .ri{rcit on.ry tr,kj r.{nnr,J utr,llT<br />

t[rgrlonr<br />

u uno r! ro rh..{r.nr nkcarrry.<br />

ompcnrdrion t 0yrbtc ,,ktrr<br />

t1 s.rh aid ra,h.d.l.ontpa^dti t._tr) ttrJJJirion ra.,try c.,r.<br />

p.netrun wnEn ,nry oc pryaDrc undcr p.,6ar.nh r3. comDsnsrion for<br />

tr^l r.su'n d undd prrsgraph t6, rhrlt bc paid aeording ro rh. fo o$inU<br />

irl.. rhll ts ro qy .<br />

lnir li, for th. 6rit r3.0oo p.oJ,c inJ.r trnirr, 3t rl,. '!'. nt R3.<br />

(r) ror n'c ncrr 2r.0m rrudu.c itrd.l !nir\, .r rhc ,.r. ot Rs. 4<br />

, r<br />

(.) aor .h. n.x( 16,000 pn\rucc inllr nni,., rr r|[ rut. of Rs I<br />

{.4nro. th. iert ?2,000 pro..ttr.c indcx urirr, th. rirc of lr. : rtr<br />

(") for rlr. lr.t!nc.,:r rb. r . of rac, I prr p.odlc.,indcr xnii,<br />

. (2) Comp.ns on p.y:bre unJc. rhj3 pirag,rph s|,Jlt b< nriJ rh,oorh<br />

ff11,,"*T"plfin;1,"[""' b.,rln,f.rabic bi{ .h,rr nor d. ".s;ii;i;<br />

(l) Ajl bo.ij! !h.tt bcrr ranbl. ,nnpt. i{..r.,r sr nF<br />

Fr!:nr p.rannd'n p:r.bt. rnnoa y i. rhc Drcc,ib;C n,!nn.r<br />

,- 1A , p.nMN' insh atinE a,rt ,tr.h...t.-\t) p..man.nr<br />

t.nd<br />

rrnalt..<br />

re"umLd rndrr pa.rgr.ph I6 rhr[ nur tE<br />

tijh.d. bu. \hnn vJir iiC;v*".."r<br />

"ro"g<br />

-",,ii<br />

"",9."?<strong>il</strong>f<strong>il</strong>ii*" Si"$:,T.,l,,J,"i::?,..?,,",j:f ",li;l,,jiiii":,,,11<br />

-<br />

r a3 p.ovidcd in psriAraph t?.<br />

PART V.-S^LE ^ND Urrlrz^rbN oF R6uvGo L^ND<br />

ggg*S#.*f**$*lr*r'ri.:* [,n;ri<br />

pric' plvnbrc s,"1?,:'l5:'jlTit trnda sub-po'.!'Nr,' S*i":d!n (,,<br />

'|h'<br />

fftrJ;;,;;tfir.;p;trfi :ffi g$i*diri,, jffi *

PAll-f Vl.-Anor.rnoN or C'Rr^rN INreREsrs<br />

21. Jag,/t-lt) All rrsl^, ol $l,rt(\.r rinJ ond by wltJr.v

,,, A drnt holdrns.sith tn .ro arc.r" rhrn rhtt ol tnNonodi'<br />

.1'l i."';-;;i 6; ;;r ioi.d in suci , sav .! ro r.iv. no indiiirurr<br />

l*ff i"irl'*;"Hi:"i;l<strong>il</strong>l"'l:,:'<strong>il</strong>'is::'T: ?,id'lti",<strong>il</strong>i1,x',Ti# 3i'::;<br />

oul, iii i^l"r owEr b.bt |h..'.. oa $ubrisr.n.. holdnrg<br />

""' li ;,;;*- or r.nr in .onr'av.n,inn or ,h. n..r,*'n' or I h's F! 'si'nh<br />

."'tr'f "'ii..*^.,, .ftdpzdibl. Jot.! 'al'"i3r'-lr ) A pinr hordine thr<br />

r:'li:x":<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>l.Ui''mrmisibi. lndcr P'd8rhrh 2! shatr continu'<br />

'" iii r" ,r'" ""*t"r .alspurc r.arrdins th' 'i'n!s'n'n' or !n) s*h<br />

]..r holding a3 arorcsap -<br />

"-":i.'y;tll't,,r";.r"[:j .T',,:1, "i:Tii']"'1i."1 .l;l;*;::'i',,'i*<br />

Li,- rt'.y *itt .cerv. thci. Bh!r'! or th' 'ncon' i or<br />

r' -ii,' irit" c"'r'a.. (lnnot !o 6.r.cti *s'"i"'::ii<strong>il</strong>",'JX'":'iTli:<br />

.,r ri{ D.strict in shich" cuch,bold'nl r th'ar'<br />

i..rt,r,*" to oroasc ar ototcsto<br />

'' ,",.;<br />

'r'" obidon of lh. Comnn.iod, no ri'rnr'm'nr tor ioid<br />

-...11;.;i ;t;. th. co{lr'.6 ir pd!!ibk tr'' con' nns'on ndv<br />

l'li<strong>il</strong>ii,'i "li:.; r,.ia,;e on prym.nr or such .rmp€ns ion r\ m'v brdek'nn;r't<br />

in rl'. Pr.icned nrnn'r<br />

t \pt,ndn'n.-tt I ('shd(r f ,-'"" "-' :";l,i,i.i.l":','ii,l:'i3lll<br />

l,Njr,'<strong>il</strong>iin 3h!ll h. Lrctrcrl .\ l<br />

l,,i,ll," ll:t""'r*'ullr*lyi,,r/.i"J':iij, -1<br />

1,i1"31''!-'*i1"f, '"*1::<br />

:'i<strong>il</strong>t;l;.;:<strong>il</strong>"*, i<strong>il</strong>tiim","l "l"l*' J["'lii. lH]ll'"i ]f :ll"Jx'I<br />

P;dvid.d thit s!.h r pc6on nr.v <strong>il</strong>icnatc his holdnrg'<br />

'nli'c<br />

,2) No p.hJn ownnrg an ccJr'n e holJ re lhxrr h' nllo$''i r'' rl: r 'r'<br />

' i'.."a.,rir'", o*.on Nrv rli.mrc hi3 lroldnrs_<br />

'"o, " 'ntiie<br />

"" ..iii. ,1;;,,i;;.: gii; ;, irrr,*^e portion or hir hordidr :<br />

".v<br />

r.!r \'' n

, (D)_ u$d rh.lrnd in n mrnn.rvh,ch rnd.n n unft tor tfi. purpoE f4<br />

{.) f:<strong>il</strong>ed 6 culrivrlc rhc t.nd withour srmcjenr @ur.: or<br />

(zO sublct bj! tcnrnc' ; o.<br />

(d) faircd ro culiv.r. rhc tDd, Nhu,c ,.nr ii pryabl! h lnd rtr<br />

ary ro rhc locrtirv:<br />

<strong>il</strong>J-io rh. mE.,inc, {bj4r rorh. pro!nionr urrh* n.sutDr,.n.,r,r Ln,l.<br />

rhc "shrr rnd Ji*hr.g.,h?<br />

kplMnq.-l^-thi. parlsr.ph. o rc.anr ocanr I p.Bon rho(ltrb<br />

tsrctr hr3 rcnJnrt in Khirir t913.r Rrbi r9J3-59. shich*., r ,ur.,.<br />

21. Brt oIJu.n,X. on. I I \J flornion or rhn Rclutirinn o. ol Jnv<br />

rhcrcundo thallbc colted rn cuon'otr ir rnv Cudr<br />

in(lutlingthc Higl Cou lrd r\c SuDr.m. Courr. o; b.foi. 'rv rurhar;<br />

ortrr rh4 rn idhorr/ rppuinrd undi.r rLjr R.ert.rion, and no such Cou;<br />

q luhonry $xrl ftrr. jurts

4. A r'.'son 9onvictcd oodcl p|rug'aphr 2 and 3 ol 'hs Rcsuhlion<br />

rtrtl D. scnlcncc! lo nnc $hr(h nriy .rl.nd to liv( lhousind ruP.cs,nd<br />

it'rrtrt'o bo tioutc to i.p.i'nnmcnt ot cirhr dcscrinrirn $l,i(h n{r crruid<br />

ro oi. vqr'<br />

5. rn convrctrnt a Pcrsn lor xny or rhc orrcrcca .numcrJrcd In l|JrJ-<br />

dD! No. l, lh. Court may ordft rh.t a lunr nor .rcccJrng hJlf rhc li'rc<br />

;!iit d shlll bc 8iv€n ro rl'. inlo.hnot 3s . r.*s.d.<br />

No. 56<br />

(Ai,.ntD'.at of Rct ation No.6tl<br />

Mtnial ir$r Regtrhlion No.6l,as rcaonstirutcd; bc amordcd !!<br />

'lt.ll<br />

tn lh. said Rcgulation-<br />

(2) 16r prrasnph I thc followins rhall bc substirutcd, ram.ly r-<br />

"Wi i cfccl on.nd frod th. Irt day of Mlrch 1959, noese relalinS to<br />

|n of.rco !nd.r any of th. Mar .l Law RGgUrrioE dlsll be t.icd by any<br />

Cort olh.r than a I'l<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>ary Courl, Spe<strong>il</strong>lor Strmmarr:<br />

Pmridcd rhs! ca*s shich arc pcnding !n Colrl3othcr thatr Nl<strong>il</strong>i|ary<br />

Corrr 3hrll@rrinuc lo b. d.ah wirh in a@odane N<strong>il</strong>h rh. prorition3<br />

of Mlnial L-rs R.gslalion No. 61, :3 it slood irln di.tely b€for. this<br />

Rcruhtion";<br />

(2) h p.<strong>il</strong>si.ph 2, in sub"pansrepb (l), .ft.r tlc words "spc.hl<br />

<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>ary Court" thc wordr 'tor ! Slmmary M<strong>il</strong>ir3rjr Courl shall bc<br />

(J) parasBplt. I and 4 sn b. omiitd i<br />

(4h p.6snph 5. sft.r rub.p! sr.pt'(z) rh. tollowins n.w sub-<br />

Fngnph (3) shollbr add.d. 'iam.ly:-<br />

(J) &ntcoc.s inposed by a Su'nmrry M<strong>il</strong>nrry Cour( tryinE a e$ nt<br />

ertDarcc ofparaSrath I sh.ll not r.quirc conbrdadoo lod msy be crrricd<br />

t l fdrthwith bul th. pro€d|n$of cv.ry such casc chall i'irbour delry bc<br />

rorurd.d to lhe luthority corwrint thc Court to bc counl.Bigncd by thtt<br />

ltlhor<strong>il</strong>y or by any offictr, holdinS an apDoinlm.nt no! below lhat ofr<br />

sriSad. CommaDd.r or its cquivalcnr i. rllc Navr or An Foe, aurhoris.d ir<br />

lh b.h.lt bv strch anthornv ":<br />

- (5) in prncnph 6 io si'b-p.r0rrph (lr, afre! lhc words "sp€.ial M<strong>il</strong>itary<br />

Lo|lrl" $! *ords t,or a SUDDlrv M<strong>il</strong>itrN Courr" rball tr iB.rred : .nd<br />

.(6) h p.ragr.ph ?, b sulpatagriph (l) rftcr thc $ord "srisadi.c<br />

rr hc.!d. thc words rro. ia couival.nr i. lhc N.vv or Air Forc." sh.ll bc<br />

dd.d.<br />


A}PENDIX-5<br />

kgddL! No. ll5<br />

ILAND RrroR$ REGULATToN' 1972]<br />

lolzlttc ol Prli6u[, E$rordinory, 1 I tb March l9?tl<br />

W!.r.$ Llam .olnrr .qohlblo dlr$ibrtion of ectltb rnd ccotodo<br />

Dovlrr ud $hon lbcir comcotr.tloo in s lis brnori<br />

Ard srt.r.!t l! i! In aho lrprcEc natlon.l iotcrcrr b improY6 lb<br />

eononlc wcll-bci!8 of lh6 D. anry, by narjBt llrtulrurc ! prosrlor'<br />

NoF, th.rclot4 lt! Chicf Man<strong>il</strong>l l:w Adminiitalol i! plcls'd lo b*'<br />

(hc followlDg Rcgubtio!.<br />

PART I-fiE D{rNAlY<br />

r- Sho'1 titt., .tt.rt anit comn.n.m.nt -(l) Tbit Rlsul0tiot ert<br />

b. crlki rbo Ltnd RcrorDi Rc8'rl{ioo, 1972<br />

{2) It dt.adt to ab€ Provloc.. o, Brlucbdtn' tio Notlh_W' Froru{l<br />

p""<strong>il</strong>t <strong>il</strong>?<strong>il</strong>iiit<strong>il</strong>.td;u.tii'pit^tli'r,torv' litr lhrll oot rpprv to iL<br />

ccolnlly ado<strong>il</strong>tttlrco r ou |r.!t.<br />

(3) lr sbll oom. hto fotcc 3l oBco.<br />

'i,' 'irAi'rt.-u ta" *srlatlon' uolc$ tbcre $ oDtriti!8 !'P0s0'd<br />

in ibc lubiccl or cori! ,iri<br />

'coo.idon' t."os s L.nd commiirion constitulotl us&l-P'iq<br />

gapb 4.<br />

C) 'econonie holdiDs: ECa!r'-<br />

(c) E;ccAl fot rh! Purposc0 of t.trErpht 22 and 24'-<br />

<strong>il</strong>i in tuc Provioei ot si,,d a Bqluchkkn an ar!a' wh'rb'r d nor<br />

"t,bi;;;;':t; ;;;tu" "r &r';3irtv'rour lcr.' of bnd,<br />

-'--ij<br />

.d.*Lro ,<br />

"o "..", vhctl.r or noa tlthin or' cltalt or t'r!"d d'<br />

dctr. ini squrrcs or tm rlstrlglc! or 6ftv .crt!' *bic!'lcr !{ !'or' i rN<br />

(b) For the purpor.r ol p.rrg.lpb 22 rd 24. aurror sllciacd<br />

juh<br />

'n<br />

.l*Jiiii.,-'i'iiii wltltn irnc irric or nawa ot<br />

- --iii ''cl'<br />

';c"*1"^-i' .ots iD rclnior to rb' Irlso'brd crpkrl Gdlttl<br />

,h. d1n.lt;";;;;";;<strong>il</strong>-in rcrrrion to n prouini"' rbc Gi'*'noror 'r<br />

tDst provme;<br />

(4) "Land" mcani Lod $rhic! it nol occuDi.d !! th. liic of totl<br />

vtX6it, f.cloly of i.dutrri<strong>il</strong> ' G$tablhhm.nl' an<strong>il</strong> ii, occunlcd ot ha3b"! -<br />

purpos.i all<strong>il</strong>d oI uh.r$'!r "<br />

cro bo lcl for a8r'cullurrl9u.ootcr or ror<br />


yicukurc. .od ioclld.t lh. .ib. of bllldlat| .!tl oth.r .t?!cttn . or .ucb<br />

rt) "Orcbrd" rD.r Lld !!dr. h. t ... rLll.d to . rLddlt o?<br />

.c!nir.6vc tr.6 or n.rc F r.r. roto.od o.i!Gb.d bt trD|| c{on i<br />

16) !'OIo.r" irclud.r r !.ruo d..drd to b..r o'0or und.r rub-<br />

6rion (a) of.rcdoo 18. ol l[. Wxl P.lirro bdd R.v6rrc &L 1967<br />

lV. P. Acl XVll of 1116?, ;<br />

(7t "Pcr!on" lrCId.... r.Iitlorr cdlc.tlord 6r cbd|lbb tor$trtio!,<br />

.r.. rru.L ebtb.r 9!bal. o? privrlq r tllrdu lDdlvld.d f.6lly, . cooFny<br />

or sod.llq or body of i.dlridlrlr. .rd . @op6nrle. or oln€ r.d!ty,<br />

bor dod oor iocludo r lcrl surborirr. r univ.(rry .rnblrsLd bt l*, .<br />

body bc.rpor.6l br r c..t l or 9roekcl l.{,orr! e.bc.riool htdt!.<br />

tioo cicopl.d by Gov..fu.crt from r!. or.rdioD of llll Rctrlrdoa;<br />

(8) i'Prflcribdl" nunr rn\..ih.d b:/ rllB a!d. ui.ls rbt R.a!hrt6 ,<br />

tt) "Pr.!id.nt" mc.n! r!! PGrid.ot olP.tlrr![ I<br />

{10) "Produ@ ldlt.x Uoirn &.Et rt. mGr$r. i6 r.rnr ol *!'Eb.h.<br />

oodlar.dv. Fodu.rivitr of .n .r.| of |!.d of . Fnicrlr. tir|l| tr r<br />

gnculr. ars.'h. orcl. or e. h ooDDotcd rFd dpE$.d tor rh.<br />

9lrp$6 ol lld !c!.d.8 r.htL8 ro rh. r...rdcn.or of d(pl...d Fru. on<br />

horl or *s dct r&io.d lnrls rL p6vi.io of rob-pro8..Dh (lo) of<br />

2 of !h. R.palcd RctlblioD. A!C, i! rdp..r of .o 3rKm.ot<br />

FDerp!<br />

lidL q &a *!.r. to rrcl {.l. eu dlt roioolr .ud D..rac !r dt bG<br />

l&tu'n rl by rlF Co6dinror ad rho lFvioe *irhi! rhicb ruch s*s-<br />

G.t circlc o. .B t .irorktl i<br />

Ol) "R!r4b.l R..!|iri@r' !|.16 rtc \v"n P*l3ts b.d ldoret<br />

R.ruldion (R.!ul.d@ 6{ ol l95t) ; r.l<br />

(12) "sDbri!r.!c. holdhB" |!al! .n .Gr ot rbiny-rro .ca. ol Lnd i!<br />

!1. Prdi@ of Bnudbr.o,.ltia! raa o{l.od ln lb. Prod!6 of S<strong>il</strong>d<br />

ud h<strong>il</strong>f a rqu.r. or hdf . !..r.!tl. o. r.lv. rnd n:ll !c.cr of I r!d, rhi:!w!!<br />

n Dorc. .L.eh.rc :<br />

Frevid.d rb.r for lhc p*por.3 ol D.nir.pbr 22 sod 24, . "$b5i'r.ncc<br />

rol'liDg".b8ll no.n .uct h.ldlnJ @6priritr8 !o u.r or rrdr kirhib olc<br />

:rr.rc or "M.s:r_ or "ucb".<br />

7. "R.t.l.U.n to oEnkh otl@ ,.flt .k,"-fhc !!.vfiio6 ol lbit<br />

R.g!btio!, -!n4 .., rst! or o!d.t od. rbd.hd.r, .!rll b.v!.fl

(a) A Codoirdo! h.r !@1..b dc or ft! hc6b.r. lo b. $. Cn a<br />

L.!d C@Di3dwr, plo .t.ll, $bj..r to rE! dnFrior .. h., frcD te<br />

r. (ir. bc 3iB. by rb. Co@r!|5.io.. b. tdpont'bl. ror tn ldd@dt.rbn<br />

(5) erch Co@hrio! b.t ..t !p o.8..ir.tioor lnd !ppoi!. ouic.r.<br />

.otborltio dd 9.8o.!, .!d @d.r Do{ri d, .od !rr'8b drti.r ;<br />

(6) Wbqc ..y di.pur. diq ln qnyl.r lolo .6..t th. p.ovi.i.u+<br />

thi. R.!ol.rlon, h !h.ll b. r.f6$d ro th. Cohdi.no. tor tb. Droifi8<br />

wl|bio obicb.oci di.pulo ..ir6, md Q. d..lrlo. of rbc CooDhtlo! lblrdr_<br />

(7) Whdc !!y dirrut. o. ditLr.nc! lrter<br />

Co@j$ioos qnb rrFot lo .!y D.ovi.lotroi or..t<br />

rbi! Rqd.rlo& it drU bc lclrrt'd.to r!! Pr<strong>il</strong>idclt<br />

3h.ll bc 6aal.<br />

b.twn tso or rrdr<br />

mrlt.. .oni::!.4 '!:1,<br />

drc dc(ni". rftu<br />

(E) Wb@.Et 6!lcr h et provd.d for l. rh'r R.aulato!, or ue<br />

drEolrr ql*r i! aivha .Fccr ro tb6 O{rpcr ot lhir R.8ubrjoo, . CoD!'f,<br />

9o! E!t, *irh rbc.t9rovrl or oo l!. diBrld ot, tb. Pr.3idcrr, D.tc .@l<br />

p.ovirioas io op.cr rbcFof.. n $intr frr, or s n.y b. diGr.d.Ilt<br />

rh. Pr6tdo!.Dd &ci ordcr.bru h. d4D.d to folo a pari ofrbir Rqdi<br />

rion ard !sv..t ct r.@.di.8ly.<br />

5, D.Iqotton.J Po*.a.-A Co6DisioD Dry, by Doriiqrion ir tb<br />

oEcial Os:(c. dir.cr rb.l rb. posrrqeir.bL by ir !.d.r tbiR.sddlb<br />

bay, nbjer lo roch @od'(iooi, ictudlr s !trovitlou .t to ApF{j..lrlds<br />

or rcr'dr, lr rny, o dt b..9.ci0.d iorh. nori6eri@, lE .r.rEirqt .lt'<br />

by.oy ofitt b.hb.r! or o[l.d. d .urhorlri.. rrtarnio.t. rot :<br />

Povld.d th.r. CorEinio!.ldl lor d.L-r. nr @sd udle iD<br />

p.6sEDt (2) ot p.nar.pb t !o .n oEer b.lor $. r.oi or . CobniC..t<br />

6, Powr to nak. Rtks.-A C6sii.lo! D.y o!*. rul.. lor oto&r<br />

our tbc purpoi.s or rDl! R.Eurrio!, n'cl9diDs rul.r on drt|*. rl.rio! lo<br />

6r co!M..n wnh (h€ pr.ri^rrlion. b4rini ..d dc..'otr.rro. oa rlt D<br />

frc6..od .DElicrtioD. for rh. rririon .!d rcvew of. ord.n Eirl. !d!r<br />

PART lll-RBtrctroNl ox OwNlanlr ^No Po$dnoi o! l,rlD<br />

7. C.latu lrNJ.tt rrtd,-(l) Sav. 13 orb.rvb. prorld.d it t|lr<br />

(.) Tb. trslfa otloy |!!d,..d $! r{rio4 of rD, rlsbr d i.Gr6t !9<br />

or cocuob.r.c. o eoy lJod. modc in ..y o.nn.r vn.so€v.r io .io.ds<br />

aor .F.. oo o..f(.r tbc t*cn(icrh

t or ht r..l o( .Dcsmbr.!.. .hrll t vold ut{.i tt tx [oldl.t o! .!.<br />

d.t !o .?or lroE i!.[ dBLr..o rtoul.ld proll@. bd6r uoitr :<br />

.Ar sv.llqrq {h.rc O. Condbdo! i. ntht.d lttl ll sa ! }o,,<br />

r* inaunor, th. r.lifd or utl.odnd rh. qdtion olr.i riSbto!<br />

't"*r.rt io or.nclobtuG oD tnt lrnd. o.a. tt a.t dM4.r wD.rao.!d,<br />

;.rv oaoo holdlor on 0.d M.rch t967. r! ro.qdv.lc!' to mo.. tb!.<br />

;f,; rlo![!d oroduc. tndd !!it. (.dculrtC oa lb. b.tir or cl.rri0qtlon<br />

i.Atar-toc0 rr tl. rctnu!.c@r<strong>il</strong>| tot lb.tit 1966 .od rabl 1966-57),<br />

ir.ti uo.oC rUott bc d..dcd 6lr.y. !o brv. bF vod,.od lb. Lod.o<br />

df.tr.d or rb.lo.d o! qhi.! (lE riahl inEr..t ot<br />

d@l .h.U b., .nd rhell tE d.c6€d .l{.y. ro b.s b.d, owa..l ot<br />

!os$.d, ! rh.c.to orv b!. by rhc acno! by rloE ir wa otD.d or<br />

;6F ed loD.dut.l, bclorc rb.l dlt.':<br />

'<br />

P.ovlEd ri noruns in ttii cl.d. rt.tt.991t to.n id.riod Dsd. by<br />

r p.so! i! f.tolr of hi. n.ir-<br />

E tLntnd t.-F.r rb. Dqttot.t ot r!i! t{b-ter.g.aph .od<br />

drrffioh !0, tn b.l. ihrll 6..n (h. ow l! wit. q qlv6, !ont, dlu8hicB.<br />

hoii, irortcr ua aoc ond dlusbr(n of ! d.@!.d !o. or dauBht r-<br />

E,Dl.natlan ll.-wttct lny lrch rrrrrnctio! ar h rcEr;d to la<br />

.l.uc i6l of lnn sub.9t.lsrspb hli rctllcd In lbo lr.df.r of .ny l.nd or<br />

O.c.ari6r ofioy richr or iol.r.3l i. or .roubbt.o@ 6! .ny laEd ia Itrcu.<br />

dl i nomb.r of dic o'.q! f.6<strong>il</strong>y or rb. r.visioD or 3Ect lald ro !u.t<br />

osc! or d:a!.r. rh.th.r lttough t!. inl!@cdi todof. lbittl pct o! or<br />

orbspi...3eh r^nr.crioa sh.u b. ab.!i.d ro b. \,old, ed rhc lsd !o<br />

r..!sfc.!.1 or..cu6b..cd rU^U b. d.eocd ro h.v. b.cn o,o.d or 9q3d*d<br />

Babc c...drb., by rb. rE3or 6r rbm n r.r or!.d or Poc!.d<br />

ldncdi&lt b.lot tlclt rrrsf.t o. tru6b.@.<br />

E tlaia.ba Ut,-ln 4.'ctb' in!*!.Lhcr . L.n|&liot r.f.rcd to It<br />

.1!uF (rl oapMsrlph(1, r.r D,'zl4 ot olhdwlE, rb. codD|\rtD !b!tl,<br />

|!Mc olbcr orrGB, t l. <strong>il</strong>ro.oo$Jm!lo4 rb. folloviog liclorl :-<br />

(rr $b.rbs.d.qrrtc drld.hiion b.. be. Fid by or oo b!h.l{ of<br />

tbc D.ro! i! *h* ,nvor tbc kr.rr.r h.t b.EE d.d. or .oy r<strong>il</strong>ht,<br />

irrc.a.t or . hcrubr.E@ ha.b4n crr.tcd ;<br />

(Ji) uod.. eho|. 6ao's.ncrr lb. lud hr! r.o!16.d w!l.b b .l.i6d!<br />

rohat b.co ri!!ef4.cd or i! t.lpel ot q,hlcb .!t ri8br, idt...3t or<br />

.nc!rb..!€ !! blcr ct.!r.d l<br />

(lrl) ql'o hl3 b..! F io! rh. I.nd r.ecr!. end orhc! cb.i!6t l. teFct<br />

(rr) who h; b..r r.ei'lo8 r!. r.dt for ot B .i sh.r. rrod 3eb 1..d.<br />

(2) lf sor qo.rrlo. r.irt \hdbc!.ny lrlorf.r d otb.. tt.@tiou ls or<br />

15 lor rold lrid.r rub.e.ras..ph ( 1), tn! daittod of tn. Commi$ioo (b...o!<br />

.h.lt. iu5j :cl rI? proi<strong>il</strong>ioas of p{tt..pb 29, 6. 6!.1.<br />

(r) NorbhS 'o io tub-pdsSrsl,ir (l) lhdl 69ply ro sy rantfcrollrnd<br />

or rb!q..rio! of dy,nlcrdt or ri8ht or cNudbr&6 otr any l.d'l dudo by<br />

i r-lBor *bo h.ld or reeDn.rh D..cmb.. 1971, lrtrd io creu ol tbc<br />

p.rolsiblo liDiB !.d.r p.r4.sph 3. !n.r L. har 8lrrc.dcrcd to Govc!&<br />

bc , in rccdd!.e sirb rh. p.dhiod ol thir (.suhriotr, tbD lo.<strong>il</strong> lu<br />

."c.e ot,uch tioirr<br />

.. L Ltnnt on \n&rtdtal i.Lrrgr.-{l) S.v. & othcr*ia Fovid.d io<br />

-{! R$utlrionr oo D.'Dn !h!u, lt &y ii@., oqo or io ort c.prcitt<br />


ord lud in qeo of .r. lu.d..d .!d i|.r ..16 ot |rfls.t d t.!it,<br />

tlnr. ho!.tft.l .oE o( @lrrk&d Lrd. ot Lrh.r.d.nd dhrirrca hrd r<strong>il</strong><br />

{tlq ..t!r.r Fhi.t d...d! oo b!.dr€d .'d 6ftv .ct!r of tFti.t<br />

|in l (on. .c.. or irrlr.t d l.rxl b.br cton.d 8.tuiEl..r r. rwoid.i<br />

or!nn.ia.t.d l..d_), or !n .F d|oi t.rr r.r ff..cd rhoqand produ* Ld.i<br />

i!.u b. !F{.r.<br />

(2) lolwlthrt.ndln8 tho Drovtdonr or rlb-prnaraph (t), rn onq.f<br />

lry r.|..lD, oll orth. rrcr orbnd b. *.r hotdl.r i6'n.di.Gly b.foo rh.<br />

..dd.nc.odr ot rhl. R.tul.rion, ru.i ^ddhtanrl.r.r,lf.ny. rbtch ro.L<br />

GinE:thc-tolrl !c. r.!.t!.d by hio t. !n. cquiv.t nt of Gighreo rholxdit<br />

prodo@ l!d.r ln<strong>il</strong>r, ir o! rdc rw.nriah of Dcedbcr | 9? l.-<br />

(l) h. owicd aD rs.icolrur.l rncror, erri6..t ro bc in rood wdti*<br />


lt) lt . D.r.o! orDt or D6|.r.| .! .t r ot t.od .tecd<strong>il</strong>r !!. . a<br />

drrr<strong>il</strong><strong>il</strong>d ud.r tti. D.n, D. 6.t b. rllot d to llr.rc-D|t|! lDr tbolc ot-..Dt<br />

;.tr ot.lcb r.i sitb .a .F. at.d .l Do.!.rdr b, !!J Ddb.r o ut<br />

hn<strong>il</strong>y. for th. Durpont of.o!.olld.llon on lhG br.I. or -.grd v ot Bo<br />

valuc ofthc.t4 ptoPdd ro b. i.l.rch.n!Fd.<br />

' Ent@.tto^-tot rbc tlreoB..f tli. r!b'9"t8t!Ph, "ttE<strong>il</strong>t-rb3ll<br />

''odo4-lrd.r<br />

d.tD <strong>il</strong>edDu.nrt, D.rar4 ch<strong>il</strong>dr.o, tr.id.D<strong>il</strong>dF.'<br />

borb'tr' t'lcrt'<br />

i.i'rlml ortci'nrt aoit 'i.tcro.i vD.t ., rid i!t..D!l rod b.t"Drl nqb'$t<br />

aART IV-Ofr l r80 0r Dlclri^rtox3 1ND yrtnxs o!<br />

Axcr*t IAND tN 6owrt!|.err<br />

12. D..b,t aa-{ll A Co6Elr.lo. D.v' by ord.r Dubli'bd! it rhc<br />

o6ci.l Cialtc. dital tb; Lllowinr clx.c! ot F{on3 ro .Lbntl ro- ruon<br />

.urbonr v, in .u.h nlnt.r &n foro ind bt .ucb d!1.' .t o.v bc sP.srEcd r!<br />

Oc or&r, dc followirg d€hnii6 r-<br />

{rl D.ctatslio.3 bv Dct.ont q[. on Mlrch l, t96?, ovr.d ot Pori!4cd<br />

ldd ro.re$ ot ar ua. .oriv.Ltt ro It 0oo Droducabd.t unnr qlcurN<br />

.n rb. ba{r or ch.rl66ti o; o{ torl I .ntc..d i. rhc rsou. r4o'dtlor<br />

tlarif, 1966, aod .oti. l9ec67.<br />

(d) D.clu.rio6 bv 0.e.. tho o! D4@b.. 20'.l9tl' op"

(3) wh.t! rly D.RoD i. i! Dor...rlo. of l.sd io.rcdr of<br />

ttr ai6e oooi$ibtc for tcr.Dtioo iod.r Plt. III ro Euch of tlch<br />

orcG$ l.!d 13 ir iD his Doss.rlion !r. lor!.. or 6ortt!4.. .h.ll<br />

lotr.st io corcmoclt boa rb.ll..obj.cr to ih. orhcr Prov<strong>il</strong>lott<br />

of thi. R.A!htio!, tcvcrt to rtc l.aror or EortFtd, r! thc crl.<br />

14. r..rdDato! h e. oJ dch.rso oI l.!rl .lloatcd<br />

bod.r.r..i. wh... lny pcBotr ro rboo aoy hod has<br />

arrnrcd undcr tbc Wcst Pskirtao Bordcr AEa R.gulatiol, l9tt<br />

,R.cul3r'oo 9 of Zoo. D). t.t.xc-trI.ad th. nid lrad aifi .oy<br />

;rh.-r I'nd oultidc ttc "bordc! rEt,'. d dctn a tolbt id<br />

R.lulitio! tho llnd .o obtatncd i! .rcb.oF by !! t l,3.tor<br />

.hajl rsl rbsolui.ly in (}oi€lr6.dr tr.. ftod ttlt ldtl!br|.c!<br />

rr cLlrsc, lnd rv<strong>il</strong>bour pryocoa of any coDpcos.no!.<br />

t5. Sald lri<strong>il</strong> lir.-!to.t f.rmr : (r) AU arc.3 uodcr slud ot<br />

live{rock fa!os, whcrhc! Srarelsod o! othor{i3e, !lior.d lo b.<br />

r.raincd und€r thc provaioos of pd srap! 9of lhc repcsl.d<br />

R.lulrtro!'khall, whcthcr or trot tbo lrcd ar. hcld by tb. pe.son-s<br />

who hcid tb.o st rb ofrh.t R.Sglar'oir or<br />

bvrhoscrowhod lcaes pcro rf.rotad thcrcuodcr or tlv olhcr<br />

l;',1 be rcruocd rnd vcat iD 6ov.'!oo!r fftc f.o6 ary<strong>il</strong>cuEbFDcc<br />

or chrr8. rh{6ooe.r :<br />

Provid.d th.t etrc.c iDy codFolltior ir rclp.d or rry roc!<br />

lsrE ha! alrcady bccD calcul.ted ind !.ncaion.d uudat ibc ptovi3io!!<br />

of phSrspb lTof lh. rc!€rlod RctEhtioD, thc s3id<br />

coopcositioo .b!ll b. psyabl. to rh€ o*oor| of llc ,rid tltDt.<br />

16. Srll.is.h! : Atl 5rc uldcr Srii*at8qi&-io- th. Poss.-<br />

.sioo or uDd.t rD. dln.a.EcDt oraDv pcrsoo shalr Dc rcaudcd<br />

dd vcsa io Gov.rn6.nl ncc floEr suy crcudbralc€ or cbt86<br />

vha&ocvd..!d \t<strong>il</strong>hout IByaGll of iDy codlpnsttio!.<br />

t7. RdlgL.+ ctlrlt bl. .!d.d!6do!d !o.t?ti.+ iddlralor!<br />

.4 oq.ar : Tb. proviiio!! ol prr.g.ph E tlnll apply to cv.ry<br />

Eliatout. chdlrblo o. .du6tiolrl .o.ioty or iD{<strong>il</strong>ulin..od lo<br />

.vcty irutt or e.tf, rh.thcr public or privtt. :'<br />

(r) ulivorlitt4 c lblirh.d br lrs ;<br />

(<strong>il</strong>) .duclriold rastirutioor cxcdprcd by GovcrrEcor frod<br />

tn. op.ralio! of lbii R.ruhiio!.<br />

"Provid.d th.t if, rhe public ior.rclr, tbc Provinciat cor.r!m.!l<br />

d.cid.! to l..sc out aoy .ucb l.Dd, tbc pcrso! br whoD. it<br />

ers sud.ndcrcd sblll haE rlc .irbr of 6rsr oDtioo ro rh. !r.orol<br />

Ic!!. of thc l.!d or of lwh Doriio! rbcrcol as rbc pr;y<strong>il</strong>ci.l<br />

covc!!D.!r 6rv dcc6 6r".<br />


P..l-V Ut<strong>il</strong>izttio. ofsureDd.r.d & Retrmed knd<br />

1& Gr.i ofL|d ao r.FS: (l) Lsod tbicb v.!t! itr qolcrS'<br />

ucoiririCci *o provirions of pariirnpb 13 or patagraPh 14 lhall'<br />

rubi.€a to tb. oihct DtoYirio8 of lbh p.rsgrrph, bc Slr cd 116'<br />

df.llrs to tb3 t.[aotr *io ltc showl i! lho Ravcnuo Kccorca<br />

i6 -uc in cuiiir"ttog 9os.c!tio! of iti!rKhdif l97l rod Rabi<br />

l97l-721 or ir tbo caso oI lad v.rtiDS ir GovcrrE.-tr! -otr ulc<br />

b.!is ols d.cls.atio! n d! pul|urlt to chulc (ec) or.ub-pq'_<br />

lnDh (l) of o.tlrrsoh 12, lo lho tolanl ctho it lhown i! uo<br />

f,;ioDiJ R.dotdio 5c io caltiv.t<strong>il</strong>a poscldon ofif ir r!€ vc"<br />

idbcdhkly D<strong>il</strong>c.dinf trch allcLration !<br />

Proridad tbrt to lsld .bll bo 8raltcd to<br />

for tha bddDb of lhi! Rosphtim, tould brvc<br />

ls[d frob rtiof tho pctson! frod wboE land<br />

lndll thir Ragulaiion.'<br />

(2) Sbctc . tcrant eho i! cotltlod to tic grrot of laod<br />

undci -<br />

tub-DotrsaDb (l) alr.adv orD3 atrv lard, ho rhrl-l.o.!<br />

rraDacd oDli lo-nuih hnd urd.i rh. said sub-pamgraph w!rcn<br />

io8cahcr witt tho lsod slrcsdy owo.d by bim cquals a! arcl or I<br />

rub.i6tcrc. holdfug.<br />

(3) Wh.tc.Dt tird i3 ro! shoe! io ihc Rcvcoug,Sccoq'^.19<br />

bcin mltivatine Dosscssion or rav tcnant. .!u.lllB l!.Drnr rt'r<br />

aDd Rabi l9?1.t2'it sbrll bc araticd io stch t.Dant ol olD"<br />

Dcrso[!. owoioc lcs! tba[ t cubEfutclcc boldinS' and oD-luctt<br />

icrms aid coldiiioos. ar th! GovcrDdoDt mav dcterEinc ; 19to'<br />

vidcd lhct oovcmDcnt rDst ut<strong>il</strong>izc srv 3uch land for sucn puDrrc<br />

purposo a. <strong>il</strong> Eay dceE fft'l<br />

(4) NothiDg io this p.ragtrph 6htll<br />

arv Stltc-lard rreDtcd on iotlrlE.rts<br />

rcapcd of suchlaDd rcolir3 uDpaid.<br />

tcrrrotr who, but<br />

cotit&d to i! hcri!<br />

hs b.cn rctudcd.<br />

sDDlv io orcbard!, ot !o<br />

wliri aoy irstdacrt to<br />

19. UllUatlor of hrd od.r ortf.rlb. tlna or llG.tocl<br />

tud! : I,rtd oodcr orch$d!, stud or liv.-$tik frrE wli-ch r'<br />

i€sudcd aod v.st! io Govcruictrr urdcl thc proYirioos ol ttdq_<br />

gtrph lsloey bo ut<strong>il</strong>izcd by Oovcrodcrt ir such oltrrcl r3rr<br />

Provid.d that if io thc Dublic i!lcrcs! Oowrnocnt d.cido! to<br />

l.!s€ out aov lind. thc Dcrson fro6 c,ho6 i! v,a! tcsultcd sDarr<br />

havo tbe rigirt of fust oprion to rbo 8r'rrr of lcssc tlof lbo la-Do<br />

r.ruDcd froo hint or ofsuch ponio-o rhcrcofee ahc Ggvcrrdto'<br />

Bay dctcrEincl of Ihe wholc or such @tt of' or dla lroo' uu!"<br />

latrd, a3 tho (tovcrtrocDl may dc.E 6r:<br />


20. Utll|' rlor of lrta o!a.. ].|r!.d .httt'trlt : Irnd<br />

ondar thlka4aht rcauood psrsSr.pb t6 .hrll bo ut<strong>il</strong>iz.d iD luch<br />

Erlllr ar thc Gov.rlm.Dt may dot rrtl<strong>il</strong>c.<br />

A. Udlzrdo! Dltrd .!.on.d tloE rdldod' chrrla.tl€ rrd<br />

adla.doll loc|cd.a .' Lsnd rlauEad urdor tho ]tovisioDr of- pola'<br />

lraph l7 sl|lll b6 or<strong>il</strong>iz.d ln .uch D<strong>il</strong>t.t.! E.y bc pr.tcnDlo :<br />

Ptovidcd th.t tfi! tho DEbtlc <strong>il</strong>Lt tt oovcmocli drcld'r<br />

to lcr.c onl rlv laad- lha Darton &on tho|t <strong>il</strong> it rcluEc(l aD{r<br />

levatlo;nnt oftnl d,odod to thc rrrlt of tho l.r.o rtof.bo<br />

hd r.!oB;d froo hiD'or of .och tdnion <strong>il</strong>o'lof .t tlc ooFmoJainrv<br />

ocaroiri oi thc rrhol. 6r toch p.t! of, ot ltor fmo'<br />

.rch l.da, r. Govcrn6clt Dly d6ro ftl.<br />


ON<br />


Zt B6Etcdo6 oD r.td0Dr ol lohr loldllgt: (llAjoi<br />

holdine *itb D rftr conll to or 1.3! tlra ahrt ot a toblittcoc!<br />

boldiri rtdl oot. bo Dr|tliaio!.4 .tcep. tbcrc tb€ joira holdc?r<br />

oro. <strong>il</strong>rdividi.lly or joioaly, othcs hod io tb. 56c &l ot<br />

v<strong>il</strong>lu€! aDd lha Dqtirio! bs. lhc c8cct ofcv.tvsuch holdct<br />

o"ofts, wbcrh.r iraividudly or joiotly. . boldiog witb !o arca<br />

oot l.tjs tbrD .ht df r 'rbddcrc. ioldiot:<br />

(2) A ioior holdio& l&ac. thro a subGrcaco bolding bu!<br />

smallci tlan ar ccorooic boldir. shrll ool 5c pr.litioocd, it<br />

p.rtitios. trai lb. ctfcc.. of dividirg tb holdios iolo tucb p.rri<br />

ttat loyonc part add.d totha.r.. altcrdy orncd or Posscsrcd<br />

by tb. individu!.| cosbarc. to wboo lhlo parl would go bccod.r<br />

l!3s rhro rbc ar€a of ! rub3istco:c holdiog.<br />

(3) A ioiot boldinc wirh an arci .ou.l to rhal of ao ccoao_<br />

oic h;tdi;g lhrll Doi bo p'rrition€d. .rccpr eber. thc joiDt<br />

holdcrr ovo oth.r laod i! thc 3ar0c d.l.or v<strong>il</strong>lagc, lld.lltr<br />

partitioo has th. cfcct of such hold.r owlioS, c,hctber roq'vt<br />

dullly or joitrlly, a holdioS, eith an trca oot lcs3 tb6t tba! ol .n<br />

(4) A joint holdinS flirb rn arca Srcttcr tha! thal ofau<br />

ccooooic h<strong>il</strong>dios sbrll -rot bc DartitioDcd;n such a way a: .to<br />

lc.vc ro iDdividu.l holditrr tirkcn tolcthcr with lh. .rca wDtcn<br />

thc owncr rnlv rlr.adv Doe;s. !ou!l-to .D .conoDic holdioS.<br />

or to lcavc tlc iodiviitu<strong>il</strong> boldioiofaoyoo. of thc joint o*Dcrs<br />

lcrs rh.o thc rrca of ! sutrsisrcocc holdidg.<br />


(5) Partitiotr of lasd io coot6vctrtiotr of the provisionq of<br />

thii paragraph sball be void.<br />

.. (6) Th€ provi3ions of tbis prr.rgriph shall tro! apply to bol'<br />

oro8r, Joror' ortrco oy-<br />

(a) cvacu.cr and noo-€vacucca, rcquir:4 ro b. part<strong>il</strong>ioncd-rt<br />

accordancc vitb lbc proccdurc Drclcrib;d \:rder rry RebaDrrrt"'<br />

rion Scttlcm€ot Schcmc :<br />

(6) owoars of laod rld occuPsocy tooiDts-ot Muqarcrdatt'<br />

cduir;d to bc part<strong>il</strong>iorcd io iccordroc. w$b tDo ploclouto<br />

l'iiiiiitidtv o. i,oa". "ov law fot rbc tioc bciD8 io forc'<br />

23. rr{lorcenoot of ioprrtlbh lollt holdl.g.: (l) A Jo'rl<br />

boldibg the partitiotr of wbich ir nor pcrmissiblc undor Patr.<br />

graph 22 shall contiEuc to b. Eanrgod s3. lirglc urit<br />

(2) In thc cver of { disput. rclafdiog tbc miorgcrlclt of<br />

lDy iuch joirt boldiog as .foreslid-<br />

(d) th. co-sharcru m.y sclcct on? ofthcmsclve!" by d.esio!<br />

of lots or olhcri,,isr. wb; w<strong>il</strong>l daoec.. on tbci. bcbalf. lbc bol'<br />

diD8, and from eholn they w<strong>il</strong>t rcc.iv; tbeir iharcr of lh! io.<br />

coEG : ot<br />

(r) if lhc co-Bhsrcrs cNnoot !o scl.ct- tbev mey rcqudt tb.<br />

Cotl.ctor of th6 Disrrict in which such holdinc ii sitia!! io oodi-<br />

Dntc oBc oftb. co-sharars to aanagc as aforsiid.<br />

- (3) lf in tbc op<strong>il</strong>ioo of rhc Co<strong>il</strong>oiglioD, no sEaog.octt<br />

forjoiot mal.gcmcot betwacn lto co.sharcrs is Dossiblc, tlc<br />

ConmbsioD Esy rcquirc rh. boldiog or lrgymcotbf 3uch com.<br />

Ftrselion a! msy bc di,tc.rbiBcd i! tt;orca;ribcd oantrcr.<br />


|cqorE rh. boldin! on p.yo.[r ol<br />

nlmd h tbc 6rdc.ib..l 6s.d.<br />

E Dlatutlon,-tl r cadt|tr.t L<br />

Ur tu.rdl![ tblu bo lret d 4.<br />

!u:h co6Do!l!1io! $ nrt b€ iLld<br />

for rb. riD. bciog.mhd or lulrrlo<br />

@{hir.r to. rL pu.p6c ot thb t rr<br />

24- S.tqtctt@t on .l&dtta' oJ hotua,.-lt> No Dqd otlbt<br />

uor. rh& rha rrc. ofatr dtoab lold<strong>il</strong>t !b!ll bc rllow.d to.li..lb<br />

br rlc, oonr.lp, ift o! o!b..*h. .oy poirloa ot bit loldiot rna.l<br />

D., !.duc. rlc !ir! of tb bolding m rn t.. b.lot rlc li6ii drr<br />

eoEoDi. loldEt :<br />

Irdidioa rh.t !!.h a prsn d.y rlldl. hi! crlie loldio&<br />

(2) No r.60. ohins .n .$nodic holdioi lhsl<strong>il</strong> b. tllo<strong>il</strong>d to<br />

dicn;r. by 3iL, nfiS!8.8Iat or othcruiE e, Po.rl@ of hi! botdbl :<br />

lrovidc<strong>il</strong> lhrt 3uob s p.Bot m.y dic!.!c Dit .trir. loldltrl.<br />

(3) No Dc.!o! o*.itrs Eorc thrn rho rr.. of. .ubtirt De boldios bu!<br />

l.s r<strong>il</strong>n rn.orodic holdi4 thlll bc !llo*!d b rli.! .Dy tdo, Eo?rt.lq,<br />

ci(! or orh.r*<strong>il</strong>c sly porl'o'i ol hi. holdrtg whioh may ..dua6 tho.le ol<br />

br. boldto8 to co tr€ ldt.h.l lb. rr.r of.ubrhl.!@ holdtnS:<br />

Providd l!.t ruch a p.!!o! mty oll.nrrc lii .orirc hold'Dg.<br />

(J):\o p.so! owdirg !..r.4 .qud to or l.st rbao r tubri3lclco holdioa<br />

lbsll bL alr;wd .o rli.arrc by .:do, do(a.g:, 3if. o. olb..*u! !o, Ptn ol<br />

Prcvidcd rt.r hcE.y !li.!.t. bi3.nrir. holdinS or, iqlh.cr.of<br />

. holdiDs {bi.h ii l* rbr. r rub3nlo@ hol

l3t I$1rc6 rb'U 1912.-<br />

{d) bnd ttv.n|l. lrd o$.r ur... c.3!r .ur.h.r8. |tra Ld.i oo hld<br />

.dl br D.y|bL bt ib. d6t;<br />

(D) Tt. ltrblllty tor F E.'t ol trl!ti.t., .dd provldb[ ...d aor<br />

x, l.!d rtlll b. rhlr oflt o,6c. or ottd r.tron h D*.trioD th.rsf,<br />

(.) TL 6t ol t <strong>il</strong>E rr .rd p!r{cid6 ltqriF.l for rt. l|!d.olb.<br />

trl$d i! . r6.!cy.h!ll b. rh.cn .qqlly b.tre. tn6 o'6dd O.<br />

(d) Srbjcd ro rb. orhd !,rdijor. of thh R.!rrl|lio., ! rE.!r h.e.<br />

rt.66r .l!hr ofpr..cdplio. i! r6Fcr ot rh. hld codF<strong>il</strong>ld b hi.<br />

(4) No oh.r or r..ro. io p6er.ion ol.oy lr.d &rU l.vy.ry c6r ot<br />

!rtllc lny le l.boor frod,rny othit t nmt .<br />


26. ao ol j\' kokttoi. -lr\ No proviriotr or Oi! R.Suhrioa or of.ay<br />

ruLr or ordBs 6.d. th.rculd.r rbrll b. coll.d iD qr.ltion io rulcoult.<br />

bclodb8 lbc Hish Coqr .od tr. Suprcdc Cou , or brrorc .try siroorlri<br />

otnd tho !n ,orbo.irr .Dpoln'.d u.dcr thtr RellatioD, .trd oo .u:<strong>il</strong><br />

CoiI| or ru$o.ity rb.ll hlvc Jrirdictio. itr rcrlld ot |.y oa(.r qhtch<br />

th. CoE6hrto! i! .@Fv4.d lo ddcrllla,<br />

O) Noleb Coln d $thodry .t .fo.csid .hrll bc @6ed.nr to<br />

aot uy lrjulclioB or ott.r ord4 t! r.LlioD ro .!y p.o*dindb.for.<br />

rh. Co66ii3id or bdor. rnr otlc.r.r:rcirb3 lnypo&rqdkc-t rri!!<br />

rn, frDcrioD uldr Oir Rc3ll.rioD or rh. 1016 o. od4 6d. rb-*.:<br />

llidd! orjn r.l?uoo ro.ttrbiot doo. ori!r..d.d .o b. dor. byot.r rb.<br />

ldmc. of lb. CooE<strong>il</strong>]ioo o. .e! o6e..<br />

- 21, InlhNht.-No nlr or otb.r l.t.l proc.c<strong>il</strong>i!8r sbrll lic rSuiGr<br />

!.vcri@ol or lg.lnlt uy p.Eo! t! r.rp.ot ot.lyrblr8 sbid h i. rood<br />

ir<strong>il</strong>h doo. or lot n

cquir.d bt rrch FovLb[t ot r<strong>il</strong>follt f$.nlthca lDcolrp|do d taLo<br />

dcitrndoD or iofonbatlor. oa .tmDcn llitlr atry aacord rtlcv.!'t ao lh<br />

g rpoa$ ot auch DroiLioaa, or obttnrclt aoy p.tton i lbo diLb&t!<br />

of nir duli6 o. furdion. uDd.l ruclr ptovhiotr lhrll b. pulnld ttl<br />

r<strong>il</strong>orour roprirormaor thich Day .rtcnd lo l.v.i ya{rl aotl wh.$ a<br />

ncrron lur txca corricLd uldcl thh pn.gr|ph of s<strong>il</strong>tully |ltirg or<br />

i'fiishius r f.L. d.cltEtion, lhc Courl corvicliog hld E y od!<br />

tbrr dl or iry loEovrblo propcay of 3uch gonoa b. forhlr.d !o<br />

Oo|ctoE aL<br />

tl. Cotntt.t4 of on tctt -No Court.bdl t!k! c!8 2.!c. ot<br />

o&a.. urdlr rht Roruhlion ctoapl ot r arDPhrol D ndq[t Drda<br />

ord6 of, or un&. rlttotity froE. th. Coodittto!.<br />

!2. R.D.el ar.l ,rvrr,r.-(l) Tho warl P.litl,rn l"$d Rdotor<br />

R.solario! (Rclulrtto[ 6a ol t9t, b.Ginrftcr td.rrcd to tr lto aald<br />

.-n{ulati , is lcrcby ropcrlcd.<br />

(2) Sub.i.ct t6 tbc orhcr p.ovitionr of tllt RcSt lado& lhc ..!Ed ot lt!<br />

.eid itcSdriio! ddl lot aff.cF-<br />

(d) Thc pn.vlou! oF<strong>il</strong>tioo of lho |.id R.gutatior or t[. vrlidhr,<br />

invrlditt. .llc.l or coolcqullcrt ot .oylbht <strong>il</strong>r.adt doo. or luf.tcd<br />

(b) Aly right,litto, privifugc, oblit{to! or n:bitit , .cquirld, rc(rrrd<br />

or iocu(Isld lLdqudd ; or<br />

t.) Aly pcntlty, forfciturc or puoirblr€nt <strong>il</strong>currcd in r.spcd of.!t<br />

oFmcc undcr t[.lrld RcSultllo! ; or<br />

(d) A6y irv.tliglio!, lcgal tro..cdlolt or r.Dcdy iD r.tp.ot otuy<br />

rfth r<strong>il</strong>hr, litlg Drlv<strong>il</strong>cSc, obl<strong>il</strong>rtio!, lhb<strong>il</strong>ity, pcn8ltt, forLiB!. or<br />

rulirbecrr $ rforctaid; !!d tDy such <strong>il</strong>v.rlitrUo!, l.8d plocdlng4 ot<br />

rtocd, Drt bc lo$ituG4 .oEtur.d or.!ffi.Dd royr|lctt!! ltt<br />

tdfc,ru?c or puDbhb.rt' (ory b! idpord tr if thi! R.guhiou td noit<br />

(3) Ao] proc€.diE!. p.ndirg brtorc rn aurhority cootiitlrcd or.!Cob<br />

rcd uldcr |noldd RcStrlarion, imm.diitcly bcfofc r'le coo<strong>il</strong>s joro forc<br />

ofthh Rc8uhdotr, r!.ll rtrnd t|alrf.rrcd lo ruch rudorirJ cooltitlrd 6<br />

lrDornlld uodor rU3 R.guldrio! .! tbc CooDbsioo sry, by ordor publirtldi;i[c<br />

omcbl Clrct|c splclfr i! thir bchrlf, rnd lha authorhy ro wllch ,t}al<br />

slocr.dhgr ar. i'an'rcn.d lball, io luch Foc..diog+ rcr i! lccordls t l<br />

ihc Fov<strong>il</strong>roD. ol .bc r<strong>il</strong>d Retula, io6, l' lf <strong>il</strong> brd bcro rgpolord [od.i itq<br />

lrid R4drtk'd,<br />

aa<br />

bt<br />


APPENDIX-6<br />

ACI II OF I9??<br />


.t, ,ct to yath le lnhc. lai 4oiat<br />

lctrdt. ot P.llu!, Err.aordio.., P.n l, 9:h l.ollit l9zl<br />

T!. folh{tlr A.r of P&ll.nr.rr r..!iEd t!. r..!i ofo. P.tsi

o) "!.tec d..' iie dq r}.lb br . F.r6 to rt P6drd Oota.<br />

dd! !.! Ptori.ei GotqaE !t 6r io I b,a, .iiEllr r <strong>il</strong>drralr @lts[{<br />

b4 ' |!d 9oEn@6E ;<br />

P)'ftaqtt " c..! Flr.<strong>il</strong>D.d !r ruLr o.& utu thL A!'( ;<br />

(lo) uft .tihrr" @sr rh. Pr-ld.nt or ttc ld!ai.: R.!$lio o(<br />

t*ttn ;<br />

(1,) it

.Eh Lld rirh bld owDd o[ Do-.nd iirbi! rh. ..E di.lriol !y .lt D+<br />

td ot hE f@llr lq tb. putDd. ol @6.o1'dtdo! on t!. b|.! ol .4t|Urt I<br />

Fbd!6 ir.Lt hl!! of rh. Lld Fogoxd lo b. Nh|n..di<br />

(t) !o .!D..1 ![ell lic is .iy corn or b.torc .ot .uibodt, thrli.{i<br />

qdnir .E .$h!n8t of r.nd dl )w.d o, dl{llor.d !od.r tubRlDo (1)<br />

Ealastt@.-Fl'f t6. pu'ro.. ol .ob!4nor (1, "t m<strong>il</strong>t" ,all 6a<br />

frrh., doln.', br. d., d.r.n, hltbtnt, wrrc or riv..,.o!t aod dcuttr.rl<br />

S, Pdtutdttts { hht Hdt tt 6t o,lhttbd Shttdlot.-NqiqftbirdEi:<br />

Errh<strong>il</strong>r 6nr.lo.d in.lvoltr.r hq fo. rh. (16. b.lor to ro!s., i ioA<br />

loidhr- or o $divid.d .hrdlrt .hr[ lor rb. porpa of thi. a* t]<br />

objccr ro D.niron to ah..tt nt ol tb. rb|i! 4t . P.trct *no cletr C-<br />

.ur.nd.r rb.vbob or D.rt ol bir .br. lo .eb Jo|dl noldint or .rt<br />

6- C..tah t ntl.. r.A.-(i Irlo x.!.tct of !'y l.nd, ihoa<br />

|Dr riShr o imcct ro, ot.!.s6\rr3€ oo .n, Lri, tr8t. 'rith..F r! .ot q!.i<br />

qhn.e.r i! r.qEr olmy .ra., o! or rftcr tbc coDrocD..dcna of lbh Arl<br />

!r.or Ddlor b.kiinS io6!d'r(.lr t frr. rhrr d.t .! .ta d*din8 tl<br />

drirEftsr u.dcr i..ro! 3 O.lt b..!d tnll lE den d rl{.tr !o bE lel<br />

vci.r, .rd rhc lrld ro (t&rf.rfrd o' .Bullt Ed .b!tl bo d..d ! lo brtb t ,;t<br />

oeE.d cr po$cr.d, 3r tL. c.E nr, b-l bt !h. plrsoo by sb@ it slr dld<br />

o! Dor.r..d iocJalcly b.tor. rn r dir..<br />

(2) Norbrna id |tbstion (l).h.ll.Ppl, to rny rr.d' t of l..d or lb<br />

q..tDn of.!tr<strong>il</strong>nt ot <strong>il</strong>rscc i! d .ncrobr.G 6 .Dt Lld Lfr rit|i<br />

p-.o! .ft.r ltc blr .uftrd.rod uE Ln l io !tcs, b hL .odrlcftlt u!&<br />

CEAPIER lU-OsrrlxrNo or OEcr.^r^no$, vtfrtNo of<br />

LnD $ Covurrr.€'tr<br />

7. &.lr.rbd.-(l) A lhtri!.r.I L.nd Co6nieio! o.r. bt lod6odl€<br />

i! th! o6.irt O.r!tr!. r.{uir. tltt.ol r.r.on r

a. c..t4ot Nnla/'t r{r'l{,.a 6a ifu,tea a tr'o.d 4<br />

#*tT" a.{ffige;Ltrif.: ;;-.-T" dlcn<br />

fi o.t, dh .r!6r trc6 rl..ooo,lrul o{ |n'l ]t4 c.l o. t rd. !.,<br />

=; dltdntlc d.'nolhL d.o.rr t. rodoF ..v 9.rd.n@r tqrt|lr.r|on<br />

*-tu".5#11'#',f ':ii"l"H<strong>il</strong>LY:."::fl :,l&'iif':'j<br />

- . y-tb, r,t do(Mr .f .at td -{1, rad in Gqt ol t!. .B<br />

to.-..|.;ti.; bi . titoo !rL. rdlg. l, .!'ll b' bt<br />

hiiira i"iiiio'riti"itt oo6oar.d..r ofrih at'! ro-.t '!"'r&bd urc col<br />

-fiitr<br />

fi6ii'&oj*ivie 'tro.<br />

olt l.!d i. dt!d.' .!d ir .t.ll i! oo'.rD<br />

dr fr6 ol..v .rcrDb..!.. ot oh.rl. : '.t<br />

r"oyllcd ur .irtr. .G.t .ulr.rld of .!r D'F!9. In t6rEr 9g i[. :.nt<br />

kr dDt o lxit na<strong>il</strong>la.tql co&t rhb *dio! r!.[ 60r<br />

:tih dry.fruo! lr?7,<br />

.:i L:d d.Etdt!..t, !!iL.{b.*rid (t ot ..lio. ?, ro b' ia .Iar (o<br />

,h.nrid.6hr ot. s.m ft dl $rr ronhtirh in $. orv4nd.nt ro o! .nt<br />

Xiii-l*-o. .tifte e.a tna d.t ltd rbdl L drod ro L'6 lb'f'lt'd o'<br />

.lb.!d oPtlo! E6.r ... da.<br />

- O) Alt lrd roikt tltla.i.n ttLh l. h !.dr to (n .!do''!'!r ol '<br />

anii'oll iUr r,cr, ortl- qt i. lhc Ootc.oE ol loli.ct ro tho !o.l.dj{di'<br />

id.. oaaL dabL ol lb |niarn ..<br />

(a) r{., l..d otn.d.r.d bt . td.t rhleh o la hb tE!.do ! '<br />

rr.; & oi,nrrr.. rt'rtl aor dt id GoYdiDnr btt .hrll.rbj-r 'o tt'<br />

trtior d r&ioo !. tlt n to lcte! o! no.$rao?' .. &o c... d.t Dc<br />

lU ,or*'c ttttlCa..b.t a .t tst tt.-_{vd..ni h.t llrb{<br />

d ifu

(!) P.to.rt ol@dL...d.. rlb E ad .b.! t a& to |L<br />

rd@ cono.r4rl .tc d.&d.r .{ct !!t[. d..+ o*d br hi., l|c<br />

F *d !.

CgAPrBr Vl-ldD Corlluo€<br />

ra. Fd.ttort of F..ld.l L.'r Cflar.b,r-Tb. P.d..j lr.d Co6ot.<br />

{t) ooo.dl..r. th. t!.ctroni4 ol Prorlad.l Ltod Codsi{iorr :<br />

d.rnt tho llddrl Oo€tlE ot ir rLddha .ny dbDut. ot diiaoc<br />

r <strong>il</strong>r lgo or ho,. F ov<strong>il</strong>d.l bEd c@ol||ioot ;<br />

t ) ui.r tb. F.dal G.Go6..t ir ib 3..dt of lb Fftn &&<br />

',/tbn: (4) bu..Eh aLstlo. lo.ry d .ll lro{..id Lld Coa.hl6 ..<br />

.d D. !...5..r rq th. Dlrlod ot tfr a.r i<br />

(t) ldfo.o .s! otbr toooooir || ory, lloo rtB. ro aioc, bc .erlgn d<br />

bl by th. P.dal Oor,..o@.t.<br />

19. PMt d t6.tht q. hnih.ld It'.,! C.dr.luld,-Sabler ro tho<br />

dr@t, oa rhh A.L . Prcvioci.l |''.'lrl Codelrio! rhd qdElr. d DJ?dr<br />

ird F ronn .ll &ncrl@rle.'rirt\tr-t ' li6.otrii! ,-: ... :1,<br />

N PM, to nr tt ora6h.rrw,....-=A CooDi.doo dy er !p !!.tr<br />

orrr,-(ioa.dod .r'a'oi!t .ucb .ul!dli...o6c.l| r!0 n.trrld @!t r rwh<br />

rortn opd_, .!d_.d8r.db duti.. ao rlre || l! o.y d..o ffir.rr lor ,tt!<br />

21, Poru toab dht-A Cooolrio. dy E.r. .d- lor 6rrri.s<br />

d! tL. Duttbs ol lbi. A.t, ieludi.r .!L. o! ultor. rd|t<strong>il</strong>R io q<br />

lddt d ritb rt. Dc4nl|do!, b..rioa.!d rld.roin|tlo. of TFrt frcD,<br />

Ed.prtqriod ror Fviio! od or&n Ed..!d.t oir ad :<br />

Pbrirld rhri lh. r.lr o.d. 'trtd.t und{ r!i. ..ctioc ir o.t. of F.dq.t had<br />

Aod.dD rh.u bo $rt .r .o.r!.!d ot rh. Fdanl Oo{fD@!r" .d h<br />

o. ot.ltoviud L.!a CoDtlii.r4 to rt! rgprord of tlo Provi!.<strong>il</strong><br />

22. D.Lsdl6 qifpw!4t) Th hd.d.t Oow.ler E.t rt ut<br />

!a.r dd.l r. .!y ot ia DoFl. or t|rldloo 6dc $L A.r to.at bory ..<br />

f.D! .r 6.tr d6o !..r{.t aor {E DU9a. ot rbir Acr<br />

- (2) A Coooblo! 6ry, rt .nr tlor, !r o'r<strong>il</strong>h.dd i! rtro oficirt<br />

r...rq d.Lt r. .o, o? in ooEo to .Dr otib ocotln B o6e or<br />

Etb.n$d, $bler h rub cordriid i r ror, rr o., b s.cf<strong>il</strong>di, o!<br />

idtlc.hh.<br />

Tt. addlqlaa oJ . tual,jd.-T!. F.da.t Oc*l!!!nr dr,.r<br />

QJ tib.. by nori6nd@ i! ib! o6d.l O&.uo. r!@!.titut. . CoEB'sio.<br />

o conDri, o.t Fno!! $ ir at d. nL |!it rt coodj.do F Ecornirut <strong>il</strong><br />

q|lt. d.!E d lo b.. CoEdl..Io! !!dc r.r{r.Dh 4 or,l-A, at lh. qr.<br />

qt t., drrh. had RdqEr lt rehrio!, li?2.<br />

- 4. Pc.o to bbp.-^ C@6ido! .n tl l.ei.* . .ri or . dd ol<br />

ffi.tFmoto*lHt: *.. th. cooD.eo. .f rtr. Act. if D diBot d<br />

yql';"f&:;r-*-d*#,f."'ifffi ;*.#'T"Hlj<br />

"|a obrGd u!1., rbc Fa&td Golorl6dt .lL.ot. ou.rrt i! . ..|c or da$<br />

- x nttut t d tt tlbt.-lf ur di.ouE q doubl .r1... !t t. lt. .uat<br />

' xop. .r.!y eow or rlr uEld 6 rUcI it .h!U tr .tdcl*lblo bt t

co!!Eh.io4 r!! -rr._1l.t-.trll b. rr.rFd to rb. F.d-rl Od.rD6.d rbr<br />

ddi.ld rh.,!d .i.ll h. tll.<br />

71. PM..dk P.lbtul A.Enw ,-l}'. F.'l.ral Covd<strong>il</strong>Mr @<br />

.t .ny d64 .t ir. own 6orid q inn..w,{q r.k d,aliD6oa. d-;a<br />

trl.. !p |y. codnibion or *ntdr.q ..itr po!'r|nf D.for. . c.6oiri;<br />

d c.ll for r.e i.dde! by ! Cd'dEi\\iod ,n uny r{lbcllv .iDo&4d be :<br />

Coooi.tr'n 'n th<strong>il</strong>hlhqll,.nd Dr! n/.t or/_r xr <strong>il</strong> d.ld.o h fter.{F/ 'ui<br />

rh..rdd ro rts

(4 otttu! |[, Fror b l[. dlctqr d t& 6td.' urlft!.d@r<br />

ltaclb! Aq. or<br />

- (r) oooigor bE b t6 odrlft.n acl a oobio! b d.&d .rt ot<br />

dE ourroaar o[ tbb Aca ot<br />

'-'(/) cor|ny.lor o! tallr ta cotr ly cith |'t olhll<br />

t&<br />

o? rhir<br />

'rori.ior<br />

,n'n b..purifubb wio r;8orou loprLoo.ot lod a tdE sucb ory<br />

;rrod to aFo Frn or witb f..fdtw! ot tlt i6mol$L FoF9 o, eia!<br />

tai!.<br />

a2) A D.noo coovic!.d ot .ut_otrooc Edlt (l) fi.tl h.<br />

d<strong>il</strong>ddrtkd?orn bcins I o.dbcr of ? lttmoll o. I '|rblclon Provocid A|*6blv or<br />

;ib6l G|ctrv. body lod ftodr b6io8 clcdcd rDd obor.o |! .ucb ! [!ll!Dcr<br />

|;oi I Friod o? tv! tcs6 ftod tlE darc of 3!ct cooYbdoo.<br />

(l) Ary Flloo.llritlld ot.nt od.!c. uodlt lubt c.tioo (l)$dlbc<br />

dkl<strong>il</strong>it.d froE b.in8 ! p'rtli: rij...nr Lt ;ttm b.kg rppolorcd 3..uct or<br />

ton-to:diar-sar-oti:r-r,*car'' | ;:. .1"ri{qrof-intdffiv0lv'<br />

hg rotrl t rpiudo h dhqurliErd<br />

11. Cot^lenc. ol .ll.ra.-No Court or ttibu!.l .hdl t.k colDittD.o<br />

ol![ odclcr uEd.r rhir,iict ct.Dt oor tcDolain s.<strong>il</strong>bt ol th! frclr coD3li.<br />

rolirS luch oEcoco, o.dc bt i Pftlic |cr}!ol urdor o.d.r or aqnornt ottbc<br />

F.&nl Gotrmrtrctrt or ! Prodlcid Govorooaol.<br />

35. Xrr.rr.-Tho LNod Rdornr Ordlomlo, l9t? (Il of l97?l it hcrlbJ<br />



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