EN (PDF) - Finter Bank Zürich

EN (PDF) - Finter Bank Zürich EN (PDF) - Finter Bank Zürich


Annual Report 2011

Annual Report<br />


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51<br />

52<br />

Consolidated Key Figures<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Management<br />

Report of the Board of Directors<br />

Financial Year 2011<br />

Consolidated Financial Statements<br />

Report of the Statutory Auditor<br />

on the Consolidated Financial Statements<br />

Financial Statements<br />

Report of the Statutory Auditor<br />

on the Financial Statements<br />

Our Offices


chF million 2011 2010 2009<br />

Consolidated net result – 4.7 – 4.4 0.4<br />

Gross result – 7.0 1.0 4.5<br />

Total assets 911 866 1 065<br />

Total equity 98 128 137<br />

Total client assets 3 771 4 759 5 908<br />

Share of these assets with portfolio<br />

management mandates<br />

950 1 061 1 284<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> — consolidated key Figures<br />


2 Board of Directors — <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong>


Mario Cao, Chairman Canobbio<br />

elected as Chairman 28 September 2011<br />

Dr. Marco G. F. Lanzi, Chairman Weisslingen<br />

resigned effective 28 September 2011<br />

Dr. Pierfranco Riva, Vice Chairman Lugano<br />

Marco Piccinini Monte Carlo<br />

Ing. Giampiero Pesenti Bergamo<br />

Gustav D. Weil Pfäffikon SZ<br />

Dr. Giorgio Moroni Milan<br />

elected 28 April 2011<br />

Dr. Damiano Brusa Küsnacht<br />

elected 21 October 2011<br />

Dr. Pier Giorgio Barlassina Monza<br />

resigned effective 9 March 2011<br />

Dr. Max Amstutz Begnins<br />

resigned effective 28 April 2011<br />

Committees – by 31.12.2011:<br />

Members of the Executive Committee: Mario Cao, Dr. Pierfranco Riva, Marco Piccinini<br />

Members of the Audit Committee: Dr. Damiano Brusa, Mario Cao, Dr. Pierfranco Riva, Dr. Giorgio Moroni<br />

Members of the Remuneration Committee: Mario Cao, Dr. Pierfranco Riva, Ing. Giampiero Pesenti<br />

All the members of the Board of Directors and the committees have been elected until<br />

2014. The majority of the members of the Board of Directors fulfill the independence<br />

requirements of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. The Chairman of the<br />

Board of Directors is also a member of the Audit Committee, whereby it must be considered<br />

in particular that, from a regulatory perspective, the size of the <strong>Bank</strong> is such that<br />

there would be no requirement for it to set up an Audit Committee.<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> — Board of Directors<br />


4 Management — <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong>

MANAGEM<strong>EN</strong>T<br />

Dr. Marco G. F. Lanzi a. I. Chief Executive Officer<br />

elected 28 September 2011, until 11 March 2012<br />

José Luis Ferrer, elected to CEO 12 March 2012<br />

Vincenzo Di Pierri, resigned as CEO 27 September 2011<br />

Michiel Hagens Group Head Private <strong>Bank</strong>ing<br />

Chief Investment Officer<br />

Roger Dürig Chief Operating Officer<br />

Dr. Matteo Maccio Chief Financial Officer<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> & Trust (Bahamas) Ltd., Nassau<br />

Beat Brechbühler Resident Manager<br />

<strong>Finter</strong>Life Life Insurance Limited, Vaduz<br />

Herbert Wahl Resident Manager<br />


PricewaterhouseCoopers, Switzerland<br />


KPMG AG, Zurich<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> — Management<br />



6 report of the Board of Directors — <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong><br />

The ongoing sovereign debt crisis in Europe had a strong impact on the financial markets<br />

and the economic environment during the last year. It led to high insecurity with regard<br />

to the further economic development of numerous countries in Europe and of the economy<br />

on a global level. Various parties put continuance of the Euro into question; a potential<br />

exit of single states from the currency unit is no longer viewed as a completely unrealistic<br />

hypothesis.<br />

As a consequence of the debt crisis stability risks in Europe rose to a level rarely seen<br />

in the last decades. Several highly indebted states were no longer able to access financial<br />

markets at reasonable conditions and had to be sustained by bailout schemes and pur­<br />

chases of bond issues by the European Central <strong>Bank</strong>.<br />

Due to the uncertain economic situation the Euro temporarily lost significantly in value<br />

with respect to the Swiss Franc. At the beginning of August it practically reached parity<br />

with the Franc which represented a depreciation of 17.6%. In order to counteract the<br />

resulting menace to its economy, on 6 September the Swiss National <strong>Bank</strong> felt impelled<br />

to fix a minimal exchange rate against the Euro of CHF 1.20. Since then the exchange<br />

rate has not fallen below this level. As per year end the exchange rate had depreciated<br />

2.7% compared to the beginning of the year. The USD basically followed the performance<br />

of the Euro.<br />

After various positive quarters the economic performance of the Euro zone again<br />

stagnated in the forth quarter. For a number of countries the year 2012 is expected to<br />

be a very difficult one with a decrease of economic performance; for the other countries<br />

of the Euro zone, only modest growth is foreseen.<br />

Positive effects are expected from decreasing inflation rates, in particular in the<br />

emerging countries and in the US. Towards the end of the year the stabilization measures<br />

decided by the politics and various states led to a significant tranquillization of the<br />

financial markets. During the first weeks of the new year the situation further improved.<br />

Several important European states were able to realize important bond issues at<br />

con siderably more advantageous conditions. The improving economic forecasts and<br />

the increasing confidence in the stability of the banking systems in the Euro zone<br />

entailed a clear recovery of the quotations of shares, corporate bonds and raw materials.

The fundamental changes in the world of finance, already highlighted last year, went on in<br />

the year 2011. Economic operators active in the financial sector are confronted with an<br />

ever increasing density of regulation and continuously increasing requirements regarding<br />

capital, qualified employees and their specific professional education and qualification.<br />

This evolution represents a big challenge, especially also for Private <strong>Bank</strong>ing in Switzerland,<br />

the core business of <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong>.<br />

In order to operate successfully in such a changed environment we need to accept<br />

and positively address this change process. Excellent client service and high quality services<br />

are key in our business. The clients will select and retain their bank primarily<br />

based on these criteria and the security offered. This change process entails additional<br />

investments and operating costs for all financial institutions. To adapt structures<br />

grown over the years to the new realities will be complex, labour intensive and cause<br />

significant additional financial expense. The related activities left a clear mark in<br />

the financial statements of <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong>.<br />

In pursuing its strategic objectives the bank intends to simplify its structure and focus<br />

its activity more clearly on the core needs of its Private <strong>Bank</strong>ing clients. Among other it<br />

was decided to renounce on own funds and to offer clients only investment vehicles with<br />

an outstanding internal assessment. In the acceptance of new client relationships and<br />

the administration of client assets the bank continues to adopt a prudent strategy, essentially<br />

focused on security and conservation of value. The equity is invested for the<br />

most part in liquid fixed income instruments of high quality debtors. Credits are granted<br />

normally only to Private <strong>Bank</strong>ing clients and employees against provision of adequate<br />

c ollateral.<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> — report of the Board of Directors<br />


8<br />

FINANCIAL STATEM<strong>EN</strong>TS 2011<br />

The financial results of the year 2011 were strongly influenced, as in the prior year, by<br />

difficult market conditions and high insecurity. The sovereign debt crisis in Europe<br />

and regulatory developments on national and international level caused high insecurity<br />

of institutional and private investors. Therefore they adopted a very prudent investment<br />

strategy which resulted in a significant drop of trading volumes. Together with capital<br />

outflows, due to fiscal reasons and stronger competition, and the reduction of the<br />

volumes of the own funds, this led to a decrease of the consolidated net commission and<br />

service fee income of CHF 5.7 million to CHF 26.4 million.<br />

Net interest income remained with CHF 7.4 million practically unchanged, while<br />

the net trading income increased slightly to CHF 3.2 million. Total revenues decreased<br />

from CHF 43.9 million to CHF 37.6 million.<br />

Administrative expenses amount to CHF 44.5 million, an increase of CHF 1.7 million<br />

with respect to the prior year. Personnel expenses, as well as operating expenses include<br />

high extraordinary costs related to the future strategic direction of the bank which should<br />

strongly decline in the next year. Lower total revenues and slightly higher administrative<br />

expenses resulted in a negative gross profit of CHF 6.9 million with respect to the positive<br />

gross profit of CHF 1.0 million of the prior year.<br />

Depreciation on fixed assets of CHF 17.9 million include an extraordinary value<br />

adjustment of CHF 11.7 million on immaterial assets from the acquisition in the year 2008<br />

of <strong>Bank</strong> Hugo Kahn & Co Ltd. Value adjustments and provisions of CHF 6.2 million<br />

include provisions made in 2011 for client credits for a total amount of CHF 5.4 million.<br />

In order to neutralize these extraordinary positions, in the reporting year CHF 22.5 million<br />

of the reserve for general banking risks were released and credited to extraordinary<br />

income. This position also includes the book profit of CHF 2.7 million resulting from the<br />

sale of the property in Chiasso. The partial dissolution of the provision for deferred<br />

taxes on the immaterial values written down in the reporting year entailed a positive tax<br />

effect of CHF 1.9 million.<br />

The balance sheet total rose by CHF 44.6 million to CHF 911.0 million. On the assets<br />

side cash and other liquid assets strongly increased from CHF 15.8 million to CHF 166.9<br />

million. This increase is essentially due to short term placements of excess liquidity from<br />

client funds with the Swiss National <strong>Bank</strong>. Outstanding credits of CHF 119.7 million<br />

were CHF 33 million lower than in the previous year; trading positions and fixed financial<br />

assets decreased by CHF 69.6 million to CHF 88.2 million.<br />

Financial statements 2011 — <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong>

As a consequence of the unstable market situation and the low level of interest, amounts<br />

due to customers rose by CHF 87.7 million to CHF 569.1 million. Higher provisions in<br />

the client credit area are at the root of the increase of the value adjustments and provisions<br />

of CHF 3.5 million to CHF 8.3 million.<br />

Consolidated net equity before appropriation of earnings amounts to CHF 98.3 million<br />

which, with more than triple the required net equity, continues to represent a very<br />

solid equity capital base.<br />

The financial statements 2011 of <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> on a stand alone basis close with<br />

a profit of CHF 8.0 million. This result includes the distribution of a dividend by<br />

our affiliate <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> & Trust, Bahamas, and exceeds the result of the prior year by<br />

CHF 10.3 million. The balance sheet total rose, analogue to the consolidated figures,<br />

because of the interbank placements, slightly to CHF 718 million.<br />

The detailed figures for the reporting year and the related notes to the consolidated<br />

financial statements are presented on page 12 to page 41; the stand alone financial<br />

statements on page 43 to page 50.<br />

The Board expresses its gratitude to all of our clients for the trust they have placed<br />

in us over the last year. Our gratitude extends in particular to all our employees, for their<br />

commitment and engagement for our bank.<br />

On behalf of the Board of Directors<br />

Mario Cao<br />

Zurich, March 2012<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> — Financial stateMents 2011<br />


10 FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011

Financial Year 2011<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />



Balance sheets as of December 31, 2011 and 2010<br />

Assets (in cHF 1000) Page Note 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

cash and other liquid assets 166 874 15 813<br />

Bills of exchange and money market papers 117 235<br />

Due from banks 313 485 290 008<br />

Due from customers 26 3.1 68 371 90 346<br />

Mortgages 26 3.1 51 330 62 331<br />

Trading positions in securities and precious metals 27 3.2 39 135 86 956<br />

Financial assets at fair value on account and risk of policyholders<br />

of life insurance policies 200 430 191 671<br />

Fixed financial assets 27, 29 3.2, 3.6 49 096 70 917<br />

non-consolidated associates 27, 28 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 863 862<br />

Fixed assets 28 3.4 6 589 17 507<br />

intangible assets 28 3.4 6 045 20 235<br />

accrued income and prepaid expenses 3 781 15 121<br />

Other assets 29 3.5 4 793 4 299<br />

Total assets 910 909 866 301<br />

Total accounts receivable from non-consolidated associates<br />

and qualified associates 85 210<br />

12 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

Balance sheets as of December 31, 2011 and 2010<br />

Liabilities (in cHF 1000) Page Note 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Due to bills of exchange and money market papers 43 62<br />

Due to banks 16 186 34 930<br />

Due to customers as savings or deposits 512<br />

Other amounts due to customers 569 110 481 365<br />

accrued expenses and deferred income 6 737 13 137<br />

Other liabilities 29 3.5 4 713 4 151<br />

Value adjustments and provisions 30 3.8 8 347 4 845<br />

Mathematical provisions insurance business 30 3.8 207 429 199 297<br />

reserves for general banking risks 30 3.8 2 837 25 337<br />

Share capital 30, 31 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 45 000 45 000<br />

retained earnings 54 576 61 425<br />

Minority interest 581 624<br />

net consolidated result – 4 650 – 4 384<br />

whereof minority interest – 53 – 43<br />

Total liabilities 910 909 866 301<br />

Total amounts due to non-consolidated participations and qualified associates 2 791 1 045<br />

Off-balance-sheet items as of December 31, 2011 and 2010<br />

(in cHF 1000) Page Note 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

contingent liabilities 26, 37 3.1, 4.1 8 702 10 903<br />

irrevocable commitments 26, 37 3.1, 4.1 2 304 3 198<br />

Derivative financial instruments 37 4.2<br />

– positive replacement values 1 771 1 270<br />

– negative replacement values 1 160 1 181<br />

– contract volume 147 399 104 731<br />

Fiduciary transactions 38 4.3 226 474 303 602<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 13


Profit and loss statements 2011 and 2010<br />

(in cHF 1000) Page Note 2011 2010<br />

Net interest income<br />

interest income 4 648 4 192<br />

interest and dividend income from trading positions 1 680 1 862<br />

interest and dividend income from investment securities 1 382 1 694<br />

interest expense – 300 – 315<br />

Net interest income 7 410 7 433<br />

Net commission and service fee income<br />

credit-related fees 76 125<br />

commission income from securities trading and investments 29 407 36 630<br />

Service-related fees and commissions 752 1 039<br />

commission expenses – 3 812 – 5 630<br />

Net commission and service fee income 26 423 32 164<br />

Net income insurance business<br />

income from insurance business 11 962 38 582<br />

expenses from insurance business – 11 683 – 38 281<br />

Net income insurance business 279 301<br />

Net trading income 38 5.1 3 160 3 052<br />

Net other ordinary income<br />

Profit from disposals of fixed financial assets<br />

income from associates 138 138<br />

of which remaining, non-consolidated associates 138 138<br />

Profit from real estate 68 314<br />

Other ordinary income 320 788<br />

Other ordinary expenses – 246 – 334<br />

Net other ordinary income 280 906<br />

Operating revenue 37 552 43 856<br />

Net administrative expenses<br />

Personnel expenses 39 5.2 – 26 088 – 24 740<br />

Operating expenses 39 5.3 – 18 459 – 18 111<br />

Net administrative expenses – 44 547 – 42 851<br />

Gross result – 6 995 1 005<br />

14 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

Profit and loss statements 2011 and 2010<br />

(in cHF 1000) Page Note 2011 2010<br />

Gross result – 6 995 1 005<br />

Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets 28 3.4 – 17 882 – 6 492<br />

Value adjustments, provisions and losses 30 3.8 – 6 188 – 623<br />

Profit before extraordinary items and taxes – 31 065 – 6 110<br />

extraordinary income 39 5.4 25 174 2 497<br />

extraordinary expenses 39 5.5 – 180 – 414<br />

Taxes 41 5.8 1 421 – 357<br />

Net consolidated result – 4 650 – 4 384<br />

whereof minority interest – 53 – 43<br />

15<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 15


Cash flow statements 2011 and 2010<br />

(in cHF 1000)<br />

Flows from operations<br />

16 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Sources<br />

of funds<br />

2011 2010<br />

Uses Sources<br />

of funds<br />

of funds<br />

consolidated net loss – 4 650 – 4 384<br />

Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets 17 882 6 492<br />

Value adjustments and provisions 3 502 3 545<br />

accrued income and prepaid expenses 11 340 6 423<br />

accrued expenses and deferred income 6 400 4 033<br />

Foreign exchange differences 54 2 163<br />

reserves for general banking risks 22 500 2 000<br />

Minority interest 43 67<br />

Dividend from the previous year 2 500 300<br />

contribution of pension funds 200<br />

Total 28 128 31 443 6 141 14 698<br />

Net cash provided by operating activities 3 315 8 557<br />

Flows from investment activities<br />

associates 1 2<br />

Fixed assets 8 026 819 3 241<br />

intangible assets 800<br />

Total 8 026 820 802 3 241<br />

Net cash provided by investment activities – 7 206 2 439<br />

Flows from banking activities<br />

Due to banks more than 90 days<br />

Due from banks more than 90 days<br />

Bills of exchange and money market papers 118 45<br />

Interbank activities 118 45<br />

Savings and deposit funds 512 338<br />

Due to customers 87 745 222 613<br />

Due from customers 21 975 11 707<br />

Mortgages 11 001 1 190<br />

Customer activities 120 721 512 11 707 224 141<br />

Trading positions in securities and precious metals 47 821 41 038<br />

Fixed financial assets 21 821 11 715<br />

Capital market activities 69 642 52 753<br />

Uses<br />

of funds

Cash flow statements 2011 and 2010<br />

(in cHF 1000)<br />

Sources<br />

of funds<br />

2011 2010<br />

Uses Sources<br />

of funds<br />

of funds<br />

Other assets 494 337<br />

Other liabilities 562 4 379<br />

Other balance sheet positions 562 494 337 4 379<br />

Total 191 043 1 006 12 089 281 273<br />

Net cash provided by banking activities – 190 037 269 184<br />

Flows from insurance business<br />

Financial assets at fair value on account and risk of policyholders of life insurance policies 8 759 80 007<br />

Mathematical provisions insurance business 8 132 66 385<br />

Total 8 132 8 759 66 385 80 007<br />

Net cash provided by insurance business 627 13 622<br />

Change in liquidity<br />

cash and other liquid assets 151 061 60 620<br />

Due from banks up to 90 days 23 477 262 734<br />

Due to banks up to 90 days 18 744 29 316<br />

Due to bills of exchange and money market papers 19 236<br />

Total 193 301 323 554 29 552<br />

Change in liquidity – 193 301 293 802<br />

Total sources of funds 235 329 408 771<br />

Total uses of funds 235 329 408 771<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />

Uses<br />

of funds<br />



Notes<br />


General<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> is a bank active in the Private <strong>Bank</strong>ing<br />

and Portfolio Management business as well as in<br />

the ancillary activities directly related to such core<br />

business (e.g. lending and trading in securities mainly<br />

on behalf of clients) with headquarters in Zurich as<br />

well as a branch office in Lugano and an agency in<br />

Chiasso.<br />

The bank serves an international clientele. The<br />

bank also owns a subsidiary in the Bahamas (100%)<br />

with the same business purpose as well as a life insurance<br />

company in Liechtenstein (92%). In addition,<br />

various subsidiaries support the bank’s operations in<br />

fund management, financing and fiduciary activities. The<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> Funds were liquidated during the reporting year.<br />

At the end of the year, the bank had 118.5<br />

em ployees (full time equivalents; previous year 117).<br />

The bank focuses on the lines of business<br />

described below. It does not pursue any other operations<br />

that have a material impact on its risk or income<br />

situation.<br />

lenDinG<br />

Lending is of secondary significance for <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong><br />

<strong>Zürich</strong>. Most loans are secured and refinanced with<br />

client deposits.<br />

cOMMiSSiOn BUSineSS anD SerViceS<br />

Commissions and revenues from services are the<br />

bank’s principal sources of income, comprising in<br />

particular client securities and investment activities in<br />

the areas of asset management, investment advice<br />

and fiduciary investment. Income from these business<br />

areas accounts for approximately two thirds of the<br />

bank’s total revenues.<br />

18 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

TraDinG<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> is active in both securities and<br />

foreign exchange trading. Trading operations are<br />

clearly defined and monitored on an ongoing basis.<br />

This also applies to transactions involving financial<br />

derivatives that are employed on behalf of the bank’s<br />

clients as well as for the bank’s own account.<br />

OTHer OPeraTiOnS<br />

For liquidity purposes, the bank maintains a securities<br />

portfolio containing high-quality fixed-income securities.<br />

The bank operates in rented premises that have<br />

been customized to its needs.<br />

riSK aSSeSSMenT<br />

The Board of Directors has dealt with the material risks<br />

that the Group is exposed to in the meeting held on<br />

March 9, 2011. We refer to the following remarks<br />

regarding risk management.<br />

riSK ManaGeMenT<br />

The Group Risk Policy and Control Framework constitutes<br />

the basis for the bank’s and the Group’s risk<br />

management activities. This has been approved by the<br />

Board of Directors and is periodically reviewed to<br />

ensure its ongoing appropriateness. The implementation<br />

of the Framework is the responsibility of the<br />

Management Board. Clearly defined limits are established<br />

for individual risks.<br />

The Group Risk Committee is responsible for<br />

ensuring compliance with the policy and the ongoing<br />

monitoring of all relevant risks. The Committee is<br />

chaired by the Chief Risk Officer, and several members<br />

of the Management Board act as standing members.<br />

Actively traded positions are valued on a daily<br />

basis. Responsibility for risk monitoring is segregated<br />

from responsibility for trading operations at Management<br />

Board level.

The Management Board is regularly informed about<br />

the bank’s financial, liquidity and earnings situation as<br />

well as of the associated risks.<br />

DeFaUlT riSKS<br />

Default risks comprise all commitments from which<br />

a loss might arise if the counterparties were no longer<br />

in a position to fulfil their obligations. These risks are<br />

controlled by means of limit systems and quality requirements.<br />

The bank’s powers of credit authorization regulate<br />

the loan approval process, whereby creditworthiness<br />

and eligibility are assessed according to standard<br />

banking criteria. Lending operations are mainly<br />

restricted to clients for whom the bank provides Private<br />

<strong>Bank</strong>ing services.<br />

inTereST raTe riSKS<br />

The bank’s Asset and Liability Committee (ALCO),<br />

chaired by the Chief Investment Officer, is responsible<br />

for the central monitoring and reporting of interest<br />

rate risks arising from lending and non-lending operations.<br />

The focus lies on interest rate volatility risk. In<br />

addition, the net present value calculation of interestrelated<br />

cash flows allows the bank to undertake sensitivity<br />

analyses.<br />

OTHer MarKeT riSKS<br />

Other market risks, which arise primarily as a result of<br />

positions held in securities, foreign exchange, and precious<br />

metals, are limited by both volume and loss<br />

limits. Traded positions are monitored on a daily basis.<br />

liQUiDiTY riSKS<br />

Solvency is monitored and assured as per the corresponding<br />

regulations and requirements defined by<br />

banking law. The bank’s proprietary positions are<br />

regularly reviewed with respect to their liquidity.<br />

OPeraTiOnal riSKS<br />

Operational risks are defined as “risks of indirect or<br />

direct losses resulting from the inadequacy or failure of<br />

internal procedures, persons and systems, or external<br />

events”. Such risks are mitigated by in-houseregulations<br />

and directives that cover organizational<br />

measures and controls. The bank’s internal auditors<br />

regularly review the appropriateness and effectiveness<br />

of internal controls and report their findings or recommendations<br />

directly to the Audit Committee.<br />

GrOUP cOMPliance riSKS<br />

The Head Compliance is located in Zurich and reports<br />

directly to the CEO. <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> also has a<br />

Branch Compliance Officer located in the Lugano<br />

branch office who exercises on-site compliance functions.<br />

The Branch Compliance Officer reports to the<br />

Head Compliance.<br />

Both Group Compliance and the individual<br />

Compliance Officer ensure that the bank’s business<br />

activity conforms to the continually changing regulatory<br />

regime and the bank’s due diligence obligations.<br />

Group Compliance is responsible for the review of new<br />

guidelines or regulations issued by the financial regulators,<br />

Swiss legislation, or other organizations responsible<br />

for defining banking standards.<br />

OUTSOUrcinG OF BUSineSS OPeraTiOnS<br />

The bank has not outsourced any material lines of<br />

business according to the meaning of the FINMA<br />

Circular 2008/7.<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


2. AccOuNTINg, PRES<strong>EN</strong>TATION AND VALuATION<br />


Accounting, valuation and presentation comply with<br />

the provisions of the Swiss Code of Obligations, with<br />

the provisions of the Swiss Federal <strong>Bank</strong>ing Act and<br />

Ordinance, with statutory provisions, as well as with<br />

the circulars issued by the Swiss Financial Market<br />

Supervisory Authority (FINMA). The consolidated<br />

financial statements provide a true and fair view of the<br />

assets, financial position and results of the Group, and<br />

are prepared in compliance with the reporting rules for<br />

banks and brokers.<br />

The accounting, presentation and valuation principles<br />

apply to the consolidated financial statements as well<br />

as to the standalone financial statements.<br />

cOnSOliDaTiOn ScOPe<br />

Parent company and subsidiaries in which the Group<br />

directly or indirectly owns more than 50% of the voting<br />

capital or which are controlled by other means, are<br />

fully consolidated.<br />

cOnSOliDaTiOn MeTHOD<br />

Subsidiaries that are directly or indirectly controlled by<br />

the Group are fully consolidated. Capital consolidation<br />

is carried out according to the purchase method. Newly<br />

acquired subsidiaries are consolidated as of the date on<br />

which control is assumed. Subsidiaries that have been<br />

divested remain consolidated until completion date of<br />

the transaction. Companies that are held temporarily<br />

and have been acquired with the intention of resale in<br />

the near future are presented under the caption fixed<br />

financial assets. Intercompany business and interim<br />

gains are eliminated in the preparation of the consolidated<br />

financial statements.<br />

20 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

recOrDinG anD rePOrTinG<br />

All business transactions are recorded in the bank’s<br />

accounts on the trade date and are valued according to<br />

the following principles. Cash transactions that have<br />

not yet been settled are also recorded on the trade<br />

date.<br />

FOreiGn cUrrencieS<br />

Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies<br />

are converted using the closing date rate. Resulting<br />

exchange differences are booked through profit and<br />

loss. Exchange rate differences between the trade date<br />

of a transaction and its settlement date are booked<br />

through the profit and loss account.<br />

The assets and liabilities of consolidated companies are<br />

converted using the closing date exchange rates, while<br />

income and expenses are converted at average annual<br />

exchange rates. Currency translation differences, resulting<br />

from this use of different exchange rates, are<br />

recognised in equity.<br />

closing<br />

date rate<br />

2011<br />

average annual<br />

date rate<br />

USD 0.9354 0.8847<br />

eUr 1.2148 1.2329<br />

Closing<br />

date rate<br />

Previous year<br />

Average annual<br />

date rate<br />

USD 0.9318 1.0369<br />

EUR 1.2502 1.3779

General ValUaTiOn PrinciPleS<br />

All individual positions recorded in the balance sheet<br />

are valued individually (“individual valuation”).<br />

Accounts payable and receivable denominated<br />

in foreign currencies as well as foreign currency coins<br />

and banknotes are valued using the closing date rate.<br />

caSH anD OTHer liQUiD aSSeTS, BillS OF excHanGe<br />

anD MOneY MarKeT PaPerS anD DUe FrOM BanKS<br />

These are carried in the balance sheet at their nominal<br />

value. Where necessary, individual value adjustments<br />

are booked for receivables at risk.<br />

aMOUnTS DUe FrOM cUSTOMerS anD aMOUnTS DUe<br />

SecUreD BY MOrTGaGe<br />

Amounts due from customers that are at risk, i.e.<br />

amounts owed by borrowers who are unlikely to be<br />

able to meet their future commitments, are valued<br />

individually and the expected loss is accounted for by<br />

individual value adjustments. Off-balance sheet business<br />

transactions such as fixed commitments, guarantees<br />

and derivative financial instruments are also<br />

reviewed in this revaluation process.<br />

Amounts due from customers are classified as<br />

at risk at the latest when the contractually agreed payments<br />

for principal and/or interest have been outstanding<br />

for more than 90 days. Interest payments outstanding<br />

for more than 90 days are deemed overdue.<br />

Overdue and at risk interest payments are recorded as<br />

“value adjustments and provisions” instead of being<br />

recorded as income.<br />

Amounts due from customers are recorded<br />

without interests when the realization of the interest<br />

seems so doubtful that a deferral can no longer be<br />

deemed sensible.<br />

The expected loss is calculated as the difference<br />

between the book value of the receivable and the<br />

amount that is expected to be realized, taking into<br />

account counterparty risk and the net proceeds<br />

expected from the liquidation of collaterals.<br />

The individual value adjustments are recorded<br />

as “value adjustments and provisions”.<br />

If a receivable is to be classified as fully or partially<br />

not realizable or if the claim is waived off, the<br />

receivable is booked against the respective value<br />

adjustment. Any amounts that are recovered at a later<br />

date are directly booked to “value adjustments for<br />

default risks”.<br />

TraDinG POSiTiOnS in SecUriTieS anD PreciOUS<br />

MeTalS<br />

In principle, trading positions in securities and precious<br />

metals are valued and recorded at fair value. Fair value<br />

is defined as the price traded in an efficient and liquid<br />

market or as a model based valuation. Alternative<br />

investments are valued with the market prices available<br />

as of the closing date. If, in exceptional cases, a fair value<br />

is not available, the position is valued and recorded<br />

according to the lower of cost or market principle.<br />

Gains and losses resulting from valuation are<br />

recorded under “net trading income”. Interest received<br />

and dividends paid on trading positions in securities are<br />

credited to “interest and dividend income from trading<br />

positions”. No capital refinancing costs are charged<br />

under “net trading income”.<br />

The caption “net trading income” also includes<br />

primary trading income from emissions.<br />

Physical positions of precious metals are valued<br />

at market prices.<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


FixeD Financial aSSeTS<br />

Fixed-income debt securities, convertible bonds and<br />

bonds with warrants not recorded under trading positions<br />

are valued at the lower of cost or market provided<br />

there is no intention to hold such positions to maturity.<br />

The net balance of value adjustments is recorded<br />

as “other ordinary expenses” or “other ordinary<br />

income”. A revaluation up to no more than the historic<br />

cost is made if the market value rises again after a drop<br />

below the historic cost.<br />

Debt securities acquired with the intention of<br />

being held to maturity are valued according to the accrual<br />

method. Premium and discount are accrued over the<br />

remaining life time of the security until maturity.<br />

Interest related gains or losses resulting from sale or<br />

redemption before maturity are accrued over the remaining<br />

time period, i.e. until the original maturity date.<br />

Losses and gains related to the solvability of<br />

issuers are recorded under “other ordinary income” in<br />

the profit and loss statement. Any proceeds (difference<br />

between book value and sale price) arising from fixed<br />

financial assets valued at the lower of cost or market<br />

are booked to “proceeds of sales of fixed financial<br />

assets”. Positions held in equity securities and precious<br />

metals are valued at the lower of cost or market.<br />

nOncOnSOliDaTeD aSSOciaTeS<br />

Minority participations upon which the Group can<br />

exercise a significant influence are recorded according<br />

to the equity method. Significant influence is typically<br />

assumed when the Group owns at least 20% of the<br />

voting rights. Companies upon which the Group can<br />

exercise no significant influence or whose size and<br />

activity are not material for the Group are recorded<br />

under “non-consolidated associates” and valued at the<br />

lower of cost or market.<br />

22 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

FixeD aSSeTS<br />

Investments in new fixed assets are capitalized and<br />

valued at cost if they are used over more than one<br />

financial period. Investments in new IT applications<br />

are capitalized if the investment exceeds CHF 100 000<br />

or equivalent.<br />

Investments in existing fixed assets are capitalized<br />

if their market value or value in use is sustainably<br />

increased or if their useful life is significantly prolonged.<br />

In following valuations the fixed assets are<br />

recorded at cost less accumulated amortization and<br />

depreciation. Assets are systematically amortized over<br />

their estimated useful lives. The sustainability is reviewed<br />

on an annual basis.<br />

If a sustainability review identifies a change in<br />

the useful life or a loss in value, the residual value is<br />

then systematically amortized over the reassessed useful<br />

life of the asset, or the asset is impaired.<br />

Amortizations, depreciations and impairments<br />

are recorded in the profit and loss statement as “depreciation<br />

and amortization of fixed assets”. If the reason<br />

for an impairment ceases to apply, the corresponding<br />

amount is credited back to the item.<br />

The estimated useful lives of individual fixed<br />

asset categories are as follows:<br />

Own bank building, without land:<br />

(sold during the reporting year in December)<br />

25 years<br />

renovation investments in leased premises: 5 years<br />

Furniture and facilities: 5 years<br />

iT applications: 5 years<br />

iT hardware including networks: 2 years

Profits realized from the sale of fixed assets are recorded<br />

as “extraordinary income”, and the corresponding<br />

losses as “extraordinary expenses”.<br />

IntangIble assets<br />

The capitalized intangible assets related to the acquisition<br />

of <strong>Bank</strong> Hugo Kahn & Co Ltd include the acquired<br />

client relationships and software, as well as the resulting<br />

goodwill. The client base was valued according to<br />

estimated future revenue generation, while software<br />

was valued according to the replacement value. The<br />

intangible assets related to the acquired client relationships<br />

as well as goodwill are amortized over ten years,<br />

while the intangible assets related to software are<br />

amortized over five years. Based on the impairment<br />

test, intangible assets were written down by CHF 11.7<br />

million in the reporting year.<br />

benefIt plan lIabIlItIes<br />

The Group maintains two retirement funds in Switzerland<br />

for its staff. Both are to be considered as defined<br />

contribution schemes according to Swiss law.<br />

The benefit plan liabilities and the assets that<br />

cover these liabilities are in a legally independent foundation<br />

with a collective agreement and in an affi lia tion<br />

contract to a collective fund of an insurance company.<br />

The organization, management, and financing<br />

of the benefit plans comply with the legal provi sions,<br />

with the foundation by-laws, and with the applicable<br />

rules and regulations of the basic plan. The second<br />

plan insures those salary components that exceed the<br />

maximum insurable salary of the basic plan. The Group<br />

fully funds the second plan.<br />

As of the closing date, the basic plan covered<br />

111 insured employees, of which 110 were fully insured<br />

and one employee was insured for risk only. In the previous<br />

year there were 113 insured employees, of which<br />

one was insured for risk only. 10 employees are co -<br />

vered by the second plan.<br />

For each pension plan, according to the Swiss<br />

GAAP FER 16, the bank has to evaluate whether any<br />

debit or credit balance may result in economic risks or<br />

economic returns. Currently avai lable assets slightly<br />

exceed the benefit plan’s liabilities. This small excessive<br />

cover does not need to be recognized. Em ployer<br />

contribution reserves or similar items are recognised<br />

as “other assets” on the balance sheet. The financial<br />

statements of the pension fund provide the basis for<br />

the annual assessment.<br />

Employer contribution reserve, both plans:<br />

CHf 1 000<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />

31.12.11 Previous<br />

year<br />

Reserve at the beginning of year 1 487 1 287<br />

allocation 135 200<br />

Reserve at end of year 1 622 1 487<br />

The Group acquired <strong>Bank</strong> Hugo Kahn & Co Ltd (BHK)<br />

as per October 1, 2008. The employees of BHK were<br />

covered by two plans, by a basic plan and by a second<br />

plan. The basic plan of BHK was closed by January 1,<br />

2010, and the second plan by January 1, 2011 and all<br />

former insured persons habe been integrated into the<br />

group plans.<br />

The pension fund of BHK still has assets related<br />

to the employers' contribution reserve. This employer<br />

contribution reserve is not recorded in the balance<br />

sheet because it is intended to be used for the pension<br />

plan for the former BHK employees.<br />


TaxeS<br />

cUrrenT TaxeS<br />

Current taxes are recurring, generally annual income<br />

and capital taxes. One-off or transaction related taxes<br />

are not recorded as current taxes. Current taxes on the<br />

net income for a period are calculated in accordance<br />

with local tax law, regulations and guidelines and are<br />

recorded as expenses in the accounting period in which<br />

the respective profits were generated. Direct taxes<br />

owed from current profits are booked under liabilities<br />

as accrued expenses.<br />

DeFerreD TaxeS<br />

Deferred taxes are separately determined for each taxpaying<br />

entity in each business period. There are currently<br />

no tax effects arising from temporal differences<br />

between the values of assets and liabilities recorded in<br />

the balance sheet and the actual tax values of these<br />

items. In connection with the acquisition of <strong>Bank</strong> Hugo<br />

Kahn & Co Ltd, deferred taxes totalling CHF 1 547 000<br />

were accounted for after impairment.<br />

reSerVeS FOr General BanKinG riSKS<br />

According to the Swiss Federal <strong>Bank</strong>ing Act Ordinance,<br />

“reserves for general bank risks” are considered equity<br />

and taxed. The amount includes the first time capitalization<br />

of the employer contribution reserve of CHF<br />

687 000.<br />

OFF Balance SHeeT TranSacTiOnS<br />

Off balance sheet transactions are disclosed at their<br />

nominal value. Provisions are recorded for anticipated<br />

losses.<br />

24 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

ValUe aDJUSTMenTS anD PrOViSiOnS<br />

Individual value adjustments and provisions are recorded<br />

for all loss risks identified. No longer required<br />

value adjustments and provisions are dissolved<br />

through profit and loss.<br />

DeriVaTiVe Financial inSTrUMenTS<br />

The relevant business policy and risk management<br />

measures are outlined under the heading “<strong>Bank</strong>’s operations”.<br />

TraDinG<br />

All derivative financial instruments are valued at fair<br />

value (with the exception of derivatives used in conjunction<br />

with hedging transactions). These instruments<br />

are recorded as “other assets” or “other liabilities” with<br />

positive or negative replacement values.<br />

Any profit or loss generated in trades with derivative<br />

financial instruments is recorded as “net trading<br />

income”.<br />

HeDGinG TranSacTiOnS<br />

Derivative financial instruments may be used within<br />

the scope of asset and liability management in order to<br />

hedge interest rate and exchange rate risks or to hedge<br />

other balance sheet assets.<br />

Hedging transactions are valued in the same<br />

way as the underlying transaction being hedged. Any<br />

profit or loss from hedging transactions is recorded<br />

through the profit and loss of the transaction being<br />

hedged.<br />

Profits or losses incurred with derivatives used<br />

to hedge interest rate risks are calculated according to<br />

the accrual method. The interest component is apportioned<br />

by means of the compound interest method<br />

applied throughout the product maturity. Accrued<br />

interest on the hedged position is recorded in the “settle -<br />

ment account” as “other assets” or “other liabilities”.

TranSacTiOnS WiTH relaTeD ParTieS<br />

Most transactions with related parties are secured<br />

loans granted to employees at preferential interest<br />

rates. Furthermore conventional banking services such<br />

as securities transactions, payment transactions and<br />

asset management services are offered to employees at<br />

standardized preferential terms.<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> is also mandated to manage<br />

the portfolios of several Group companies of its parent<br />

company, Italmobiliare S.p.A., Milan, at preferential<br />

terms.<br />

cHanGeS in accOUnTinG anD ValUaTiOn PrinciPleS<br />

There have been no changes in the accounting and<br />

valuation principles since last year.<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


3. COMM<strong>EN</strong>TS ON THE BALANCE SHEET<br />

3.1 Breakdown of loan collateral and off-balance-sheet operations<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Loans<br />

26 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Secured by<br />

mortgage<br />

Other<br />

collateral<br />

Un-<br />

secured Total<br />

Due from customers 5 915 56 882 5 574 68 371<br />

Mortgages<br />

– Residential properties 49 635 49 635<br />

– Business and office properties 1 545 1 545<br />

– Commerce and industry 150 150<br />

– Others<br />

Total mortgages 51 330 51 330<br />

Total loans 31.12.2011 57 245 56 882 5 574 119 701<br />

Previous year 62 697 89 522 458 152 677<br />

Off-balance-sheet operations<br />

Contingent liabilities 8 546 156 8 702<br />

Irrevocable commitments<br />

Liabilities for calls on shares and other equity<br />

2 304 2 304<br />

Committed credits<br />

Total off-balance-sheet operations 31.12.2011 8 546 2 460 11 006<br />

Previous year 10 339 3 762 14 101<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Gross<br />

outstanding<br />

amount<br />

Estimated<br />

liquidation<br />

value of<br />

collateral<br />

Net<br />

outstanding<br />

amount<br />

Individual<br />

Provision<br />

Doubtful accounts receivable 31.12.2011 9 256 3 744 5 512 5 512<br />

Previous year 189 189 192

3.2 Trading positions in securities and precious metals, fixed financial assets and participations<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Trading positions in securities and precious metals<br />

Interest-bearing debt certificates<br />

– listed 34 227 77 947<br />

– not listed 631 1 427<br />

Equities 472 4 864<br />

Alternative Investments 3 766 2 685<br />

Precious metals 39 33<br />

Total trading positions in securities and precious metals 39 135 86 956<br />

– of which securities eligible for repo accordant liquidity regulations 4 334 53 814<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Fixed financial assets<br />

Book value<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Fair value<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Book value<br />

31.12.2010<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />

Fair value<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Debt certificates 49 096 49 846 70 917 71 584<br />

– of which with retaining intent until maturity 49 096 49 846 70 917 71 584<br />

Participations<br />

– of which qualifying participations<br />

Total fixed financial assets in interest-bearing securities and options listed<br />

on the stock exchange 49 096 49 846 70 917 71 584<br />

– of which securities eligible for repo accordant liquidity regulations 43 693 44 464 65 715 66 379<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Non-consolidated participations<br />

with market value<br />

Book value<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Book value<br />

31.12.2010<br />

without market value 863 862<br />

Total non-consolidated participations 863 862<br />


3.3 Comments on significant subsidiaries<br />

Company name Domicile Business activity Currency<br />

Full consolidated subsidiaries<br />

28 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Share<br />

Capital<br />

in 1 000 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> & Trust (Bahamas) Limited Nassau <strong>Bank</strong> USD 5 000 100 100<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> Fund Management Company SA Luxembourg Fonds-Management CHF 250 100 100<br />

Enhanced Frontier (SAC) Ltd. Nassau Fonds-Management EUR 0.1 100 100<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> Life Lebensversicherungs-<br />

Aktiengesellschaft Vaduz Life insurance CHF 7 000 92 92<br />

Finance Company Hugo Kahn & Co Ltd. Zurich Finance Company CHF 10 000 100 100<br />

Amazonas Investments Limited Nassau Trust company USD 10 100 100<br />

Frederick Investment Limited Nassau Trust company USD 10 100 100<br />

3.4 Analysis of fixed assets<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Total non-consolidated<br />

Cost<br />

price<br />

Accrued<br />

depreciation<br />

and<br />

amortization<br />

Book value<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Conversion<br />

differences Investments Divestments Depreciation<br />

Book value<br />

31.12.2011<br />

associates 8 176 7 312 862 1 863<br />

– <strong>Bank</strong> premises 20 458 12 076 8 382 152 – 8 026 – 508<br />

– Other equipment 8 998 8 244 754 – 343 411<br />

– IT-Software 20 393 13 082 7 311 – 12 83 – 1 974 5 408<br />

– Other fixed assets 21 888 20 828 1 060 – 7 584 – 867 770<br />

Total fixed assets 71 737 54 230 17 507 – 19 819 – 8 026 – 3 692 6 589<br />

– Goodwill 8 022 1 604 6 418 – 6 418<br />

Participation in %<br />

– Intangible assets 17 472 3 655 13 817 – 7 772 6 045<br />

Total intangible assets 25 494 5 259 20 235 – 14 190 6 045<br />

Total 105 407 66 801 38 604 – 18 819 – 8 026 – 17 882 13 497<br />

Fire insurance value of properties 281<br />

Fire insurance value of the other fixed assets 36 836

3.5 Other assets and liabilities<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Replacement values of derivative financial instruments<br />

Other<br />

assets<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Other<br />

liabilities<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Other<br />

assets<br />

31.12.2010<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />

Other<br />

liabilities<br />

31.12.2010<br />

– Contracts as trader 1 771 1 160 1 270 1 181<br />

Indirect taxes 345 2 491 364 2 420<br />

Settlement accounts 592 634 251 41<br />

Employer contribution reserve 1 622 1 487<br />

Other assets and liabilities 463 428 927 509<br />

Total other assets and liabilities 4 793 4 713 4 299 4 151<br />

3.6 Pledged or assigned assets to secure own commitments<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Pledged assets<br />

Book-<br />

value<br />

31.12.2011<br />

outstanding<br />

amount<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Book-<br />

value<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Bookvalue of own securities included in the position<br />

“investment securities”* 19 759 22 212<br />

* Assets pledged or assigned as collateral for guarantees for joint operations for banks and for Repos with the Swiss National <strong>Bank</strong> (SNB).<br />

3.7 Committments to own pension funds<br />

outstanding<br />

amount<br />

31.12.2010<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Obligations 827 204<br />

Employer contribution reserves capitalized 1 622 1 487<br />

The benefit plans maintained by the Group for employees are defined contribution plans under Swiss law.<br />

Apart from part-time employees and apprentices, all staff members employed by the Swiss company are insured by<br />

two plans. The standard age of retirement is 65, but staff members over 59 have the option to request early retirement, with<br />

a corresponding reduction in the amount of pension received. In addition to providing mandatory benefits pursuant to the<br />

BVG (Berufliches Vorsorgegesetz: Occupational Pensions Act), the plan also covers voluntary benefits under the BVG.<br />

The employer contributions are recognized unchanged as an expenditure in the profit and loss account. Obligations are<br />

deemed fulfilled with the payment of the amounts specified in the plan regulations.<br />


3.8 Value adjustments and provisions / Reserves for general banking risks<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

30 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Status<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Uses and<br />

releases as<br />

designated<br />

Recoveries of<br />

interest at<br />

risk and<br />

currency<br />

differences<br />

New<br />

provisions<br />

charged to<br />

P&L<br />

Releases<br />

in favor<br />

of P&L<br />

Status<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Provisions for deferred taxes 3 460 – 1 913 1 547<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

for default and other risks<br />

Value adjustments and provisions for default<br />

risks (delcredere and country risks)<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

for other business risks<br />

252 – 51 5 372 5 573<br />

Provisions for restructuring 395 – 330 6 5<br />

Other provisions<br />

Total value adjustments and provisions<br />

738 424 1 162<br />

as per balance sheet 4 845 – 2 294 5 796 8 347<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 25 337 – 22 500 2 837<br />

Mathematical provisions insurance business 199 297 8 132 207 429<br />

The position “Reserves for general banking risks” is taxed in full.<br />

3.9 Share capital and shareholders with shares greater than 5% voting rights<br />

The share capital of the company, amounting to CHF 45 000 000, subdivided into registered shares of a par value of<br />

CHF 100 each, remained unchanged. All 450 000 shares have full rights for dividends.<br />

Important shareholders and groups with voting rights<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> Ltd is a fully owned subsidiary of SOPARFI Société de Participation<br />

Financière Italmobiliare SA, Luxembourg, which in turn is fully owned by Italmobiliare<br />

S.p.A., Milan (a company quoted on the stock exchange). 100%<br />

In the previous year <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> Ltd was a fully owned subsidary of Fincomind AG,<br />

Lugano which in turn was owned by Italmobiliare S.p.A., Milan (69.93%) and by SOPARFI<br />

Société de Participation Financière Italmobiliare SA, Luxembourg (30.07%).<br />

31.12.2011 31.12.2010

3.10 Changes in shareholders equity<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Equity at the beginning of the year<br />

Share capital 45 000<br />

Retained earnings (incl. foreign exchange differences) 61 425<br />

Minority interest 624<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 25 337<br />

Consolidated result – 4 384<br />

Total equity at the beginning of the year (before distribution of profit) 128 002<br />

Changes<br />

– Dividend and other distributions of consolidated profit<br />

of the previous year – 2 500<br />

– Release of reserves for general banking risks – 22 500<br />

– Foreign exchange differences 35<br />

– Change of minority interest in equity – 43<br />

– Consolidated result – 4 650<br />

Total equity as per 31.12.2011 (before distribution of profit) 98 344<br />

Share capital 45 000<br />

Retained earnings (incl. Foreign exchange differences) 54 576<br />

Minority interest 581<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 2 837<br />

Consolidated result – 4 650<br />

3.11 Regulatory requirements regarding the publication of the allocation of equity<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Total eligible equity 84 521 99 340<br />

Required equity 25 281 32 469<br />

whereof for credit risks 12 487 16 120<br />

whereof for non counterparty related risks 3 136 5 887<br />

whereof for market risks 2 794 2 506<br />

whereof for operational risks 6 864 7 956<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


3.12 Maturity profile of current assets, fixed financial assets and borrowed funds<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Current assets<br />

32 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

On<br />

demand Callable<br />

Due<br />

within<br />

3 months<br />

Due after<br />

3 to 12<br />

Months<br />

Due after<br />

1 to 5<br />

years<br />

Due<br />

after 5<br />

years<br />

Immobi-<br />

lized Total<br />

Cash and other liquid assets 166 874 166 874<br />

Bills of exchange and money<br />

market papers 117 117<br />

Due from banks 63 535 249 950 313 485<br />

Due from customers 21 777 27 428 8 616 10 550 68 371<br />

Mortgages 27 911 4 588 12 274 6 457 100 51 330<br />

Trading positions in securities<br />

and precious metals<br />

Trading positions on account<br />

and risk of holders of life<br />

39 135 39 135<br />

insurance policies 200 430 200 430<br />

Fixed financial assets 6 540 2 033 37 802 2 721 49 096<br />

Total current assets 31.12.2011 297 572 222 207 288 506 22 923 54 809 2 821 888 838<br />

Previous year 101 834 208 357 305 337 81 620 104 038 7 091 808 277<br />

Borrowed funds<br />

Due to bills of exchange and<br />

money market papers 43 43<br />

Due to banks 10 634 5 552 16 186<br />

Other amounts due to customers 569 110 569 110<br />

Total borrowed funds 31.12.2011 579 787 5 552 585 339<br />

Previous year 492 930 23 940 516 870

3.13 Claims and liabilities to affiliated companies as well as loans extended to the organs of the company<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Due from affiliated companies 209 478<br />

Due to affiliated companies<br />

Loans extended to the organs of the company 3 750 3 553<br />

3.14 Analysis of assets by countries / group of countries<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 share in % 31.12.2010 share in %<br />

Assets<br />

Western Europe (excluding Switzerland) 561 299 62 588 139 68<br />

Others 40 293 4 49 076 6<br />

Switzerland 309 317 34 229 086 26<br />

Total assets 910 909 100 866 301 100<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


3.15 Domestic / foreign analysis of balance sheet<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Assets<br />

34 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Domestic<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Foreign<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Domestic<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Foreign<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Cash and other liquid assets 164 231 2 643 14 450 1 363<br />

Bills of exchange and money market papers 117 235<br />

Due from banks 43 892 269 593 62 642 227 366<br />

Due from customers 17 411 50 960 17 813 72 533<br />

Mortgages 47 620 3 710 58 547 3 784<br />

Trading positions in securities and precious metals 556 38 579 949 86 007<br />

Trading positions on account and risk of<br />

holders of life insurance policies 200 430 191 671<br />

Fixed financial assets 16 971 32 125 23 687 47 230<br />

Non-consolidated associates 834 29 834 28<br />

Fixed assets 5 347 1 242 15 996 1 511<br />

Intangible assets 6 045 20 235<br />

Accrued income and prepaid expenses 3 144 637 6 071 9 050<br />

Other assets 4 223 570 3 513 786<br />

Total assets 310 391 600 518 224 972 641 329<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Liabilities<br />

Domestic<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Foreign<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Domestic<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Due to bills of exchange and money market papers 43 62<br />

Foreign<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Due to banks 11 678 4 508 9 202 25 728<br />

Due to customers as savings or deposits 500 12<br />

Other amounts due to customers 62 092 507 018 61 794 419 571<br />

Accrued expenses and deferred income 5 701 1 036 5 258 7 879<br />

Other liabilities 4 237 476 3 605 546<br />

Value adjustments and provisions 8 006 341 4 784 61<br />

Mathematical provisions insurance business 207 429 199 297<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 2 837 25 337<br />

Share capital 45 000 45 000<br />

Retained earnings 54 576 61 425<br />

Minority interest 581 624<br />

Group result – 4 650 – 4 384<br />

whereof minority interest – 53 – 43<br />

Total liabilities 190 101 720 808 213 207 653 094

3.16 Analysis of balance sheet by currency<br />

(at 31 December 2011 in CHF 1000) CHF EUR USD Other Total<br />

Assets<br />

Cash and other liquid assets 162 765 3 821 164 124 166 874<br />

Bills of exchange and money market papers 117 117<br />

Due from banks 3 382 166 429 93 910 49 764 313 485<br />

Due from customers 23 517 14 048 14 031 16 775 68 371<br />

Mortgages 51 330 51 330<br />

Trading positions in securities and precious metals 11 716 20 965 6 415 39 39 135<br />

Trading positions on account and risk of<br />

holders of life insurance policies 2 712 193 330 1 512 2 876 200 430<br />

Fixed financial assets 26 339 17 807 305 4 645 49 096<br />

Non-consolidated associates 863 863<br />

Fixed assets 6 282 212 95 6 589<br />

Intangible assets 6 045 6 045<br />

Accrued income and prepaid expenses 2 067 1 149 455 110 3 781<br />

Other assets 4 526 116 102 49 4 793<br />

Total assets by balance sheet 301 544 417 665 117 106 74 594 910 909<br />

Delivery rights from foreign exchange forwards and currency options 14 721 45 515 77 698 8 798 146 732<br />

Total assets 316 265 463 180 194 804 83 392 1 057 641<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


(at 31 December 2011 in CHF 1000) CHF EUR USD Other Total<br />

Liabilities<br />

Due to bills of exchange and money market papers 43 43<br />

Due to banks 10 019 1 113 21 5 033 16 186<br />

Due to customers as savings or deposits<br />

Other amounts due to customers 132 239 219 392 158 561 58 918 569 110<br />

Accrued expenses and deferred income 5 987 304 366 80 6 737<br />

Other liabilities 4 608 – 111 235 – 19 4 713<br />

Value adjustments and provisions 8 006 341 8 347<br />

Mathematical provisions insurance business 2 712 200 329 1 512 2 876 207 429<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 2 837 2 837<br />

Share capital 45 000 45 000<br />

Retained earnings 54 576 54 576<br />

Minority interest 581 581<br />

Group result – 4 650 – 4 650<br />

whereof minority interest – 53 – 53<br />

Total liabilities by balance sheet 261 915 421 070 161 036 66 888 910 909<br />

Delivery obligations from foreign exchange forwards<br />

and currency options 70 433 30 279 29 503 15 909 146 124<br />

Total liabilities 332 348 451 349 190 539 82 797 1 057 033<br />

Net position by currency – 16 083 11 831 4 265 595 608<br />

36 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH


4.1 Off balance sheet liabilities<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Contingent liabilities 8 702 10 903<br />

Irrevocable commitments (payment obligations to depositor protection schemes) 2 304 3 198<br />

4.2 Open derivative financial instruments<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Trading instruments<br />

Foreign exchange<br />

Positive<br />

Replacement<br />

values<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Negative<br />

Replacement<br />

values<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Contract<br />

volume<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Positive<br />

Replacement<br />

values<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Negative<br />

Replacement<br />

values<br />

31.12.2010<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />

Contract<br />

volume<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Forwards 770 576 43 810 765 788 65 112<br />

Combined interest-/cross currency swaps 1 001 584 102 913 505 393 35 015<br />

Equity / Indices<br />

Futures 676 4 604<br />

Total 1 771 1 160 147 399 1 270 1 181 104 731<br />

As of 31 December 2010 and 2011 there were no hedging instruments in place.<br />


4.3 Fiduciary transactions<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Fiduciary deposits with third-party banks 226 474 303 602<br />

Fiduciary loans and other fiduciary financial transactions<br />

Total fiduciary transactions 226 474 303 602<br />

4.4 Assets under Management<br />

(in CHF 1 000 000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Type of assets under Management<br />

Assets in own-managed collective investment instruments 15 302<br />

Assets with portfolio mandate 950 1 061<br />

Other assets under Management 2 806 3 396<br />

Total assets under Management (incl. double counts) 3 771 4 759<br />

Of which double counts 70 326<br />

Net inflow of new money (incl. double counts) – 591 – 658<br />

The client assets are composed of current accounts, fiduciary deposits, calls, precious metals and securities, which are held or<br />

managed by the bank on behalf of clients and from which we receive commission income. Loans to clients are not deducted<br />

from the total of Assets under Management indicated above. The values for double counting are fund units registered as fund<br />

assets on one side. On the other side they are part of the clients assets. The calculation of net inflow/outflow of money is based<br />

on the pure cash flow of funds in cash and securities. Performance, commissions and interest are not considered as cash flow.<br />


5.1 Net trading income<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011 2010<br />

Securities – 934 – 1 736<br />

Foreign exchange and notes 4 092 4 788<br />

Foreign exchange options 2<br />

Precious metals<br />

Net trading income 3 160 3 052<br />

38 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

5.2 Personnel expenses<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011 2010<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> authorities, attendance fees and fixed compensation 1 059 896<br />

Salaries and bonuses 19 065 17 822<br />

Statutory and contractual benefit contributions 1 551 1 259<br />

Contributions to pension funds 2 937 3 366<br />

“Other personnel expenses<br />

(recruitment, training, insurance, luncheon)” 1 476 1 397<br />

Personnel expenses 26 088 24 740<br />

5.3 Operating expenses<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011 2010<br />

Premises expenses 3 194 3 257<br />

Expenses for IT (internal and external information<br />

and communication systems)<br />

Other administrative expenses related to office supplies, printed<br />

material, transportation, travel representation, specialist<br />

literature, insurance, advertising, memberships, legal costs and<br />

5 956 6 074<br />

fees for auditors etc. 9 309 8 780<br />

Operating expenses 18 459 18 111<br />

5.4 Extraordinary income<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011 2010<br />

Release of reserves for general banking risks 22 500 2 000<br />

Capital gain related to the sale real estate 2 674<br />

Other related to other periods and non recurring income 497<br />

Total 25 174 2 497<br />

5.5 Extraordinary expenses<br />

(in CHF 1 000) 2011 2010<br />

Related to other periods and non recurring expenses 180 414<br />

Total 180 414<br />

5.6 Revaluation of fixed assets to the maximum of cost price (Art 665 and 665a Swiss code of obligation)<br />

None of the companies included in the scope of consolidation of <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> Ltd made any revaluation of fixed assets.<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


5.7 Income and expenses from the ordinary banking business divided by domestic and foreign according<br />

to the principle of units<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Income and expenses from the ordinary banking business<br />

Net interest income<br />

40 Consolidated Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Domestic<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Foreign<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Domestic<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Foreign<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Interest income 4 562 86 4 073 119<br />

Interest and dividend income from trading positions 1 569 111 1 710 152<br />

Interest and dividend income from investment securities 1 382 1 694<br />

Interest expense – 767 467 – 630 315<br />

Net interest income 6 746 664 6 847 586<br />

Net commission and service fee income<br />

Credit-related fees 76 125<br />

Commission income from securities trading and investments 25 818 3 589 31 154 5 476<br />

Service-related fees and commissions 567 185 646 393<br />

Commission expenses – 3 617 – 195 – 5 120 – 510<br />

Net commission and service fee income 22 844 3 579 26 805 5 359<br />

Net income insurance business<br />

Income from insurance business 11 962 38 582<br />

Expenses from insurance business – 11 683 – 38 281<br />

Total net income insurance business 279 301<br />

Net trading income 2 945 215 3 064 – 12<br />

Other ordinary income<br />

Profit from disposals of fixed financial assets<br />

Income from associates 138 138<br />

Profit from real estate 116 – 48 346 – 32<br />

Other ordinary income 316 4 715 73<br />

Other ordinary expenses – 246 – 334<br />

Total other ordinary income 324 – 44 865 41<br />

Administrative expenses<br />

Personnel expenses – 23 808 – 2 280 – 22 922 – 1 818<br />

Operating expenses – 16 973 – 1 486 – 16 112 – 1 999<br />

Total administrative expenses – 40 781 – 3 766 – 39 034 – 3 817<br />

Gross result – 7 922 927 – 1 453 2 458

5.8 Tax expenses<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011 2010<br />

Capital tax – 264 – 258<br />

Income tax – 228 – 99<br />

Dissolution of deferred taxes 1 913<br />

Tax incom/expenses 1 421 – 357<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Consolidated Financial Statements 2011<br />


42 Report of the Statutory Auditor 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

Financial statements<br />

Balance sheets as of December 31, 2011 and 2010<br />

assets (in CHF 1000) Note 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Cash and other liquid assets 168 500 16 334<br />

Bills of exchange and money market papers 117 235<br />

Due from banks 302 552 290 215<br />

Due from customers 62 729 84 383<br />

Mortgages 51 330 62 331<br />

Trading positions in securities and precious metals 34 942 78 216<br />

Fixed financial assets 49 096 70 917<br />

Subsidiaries and associates 29 845 32 128<br />

Fixed assets 5 278 15 907<br />

Intangible assets 6 045 20 235<br />

Accrued income and prepaid expenses 2 999 6 225<br />

Other assets 2.3 4 560 3 838<br />

total assets 717 993 680 964<br />

Total accounts receivable from subsidiaries and associates 3 418 7 900<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Financial Statements 2011 43

Balance sheets as of December 31, 2011 and 2010<br />

liabilities (in CHF 1000) Note 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Due to bills of exchange and money market papers 43 62<br />

Due to banks 83 145 130 687<br />

Due to customers as savings or deposits 512<br />

Other amounts due to customers 522 316 424 377<br />

Accrued expenses and deferred income 5 390 5 019<br />

Other liabilities 2.3 4 713 4 135<br />

Value adjustments and provisions 2.4 7 806 4 584<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 2.4 2 837 25 337<br />

Share capital 2.6 45 000 45 000<br />

General legal reserves 31 050 31 050<br />

Other reserves 9 800 12 300<br />

Loss/profit carried forward – 2 098 196<br />

Net result 7 991 – 2 295<br />

total liabilities 717 993 680 964<br />

Total due to subsidiaries and associates and to holders of qualifying participation rights 91 504 114 917<br />

Off balance sheet positions as of December 31, 2011 and 2010<br />

(in CHF 1000) Note 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Contingent liabilities 8 702 10 504<br />

Irrevocable commitments 2 304 3 198<br />

Derivative financial instruments<br />

– positive replacement values 1 769 1 266<br />

– negative replacement values 1 175 1 190<br />

– contract volume 148 302 105 095<br />

Fiduciary transactions 3.1 201 292 287 611<br />

44<br />

Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

Financial statements<br />

Profit and loss statements 2011 and 2010<br />

(in CHF 1000) Note 2011 2010<br />

net interest income<br />

Interest income 4 584 4 079<br />

Interest and dividend income from trading positions 1 569 1 710<br />

Interest and dividend income from investment securities 1 382 1 694<br />

Interest expense – 1 186 – 1 048<br />

total net interest income 6 349 6 435<br />

net commission income<br />

Credit-related fees 76 125<br />

Commission income from securities trading and investments 25 818 31 158<br />

Service-related fees and commissions 567 646<br />

Commission expenses – 3 617 – 5 120<br />

total net commission income 22 844 26 809<br />

net trading income 4.1 2 945 3 088<br />

Other ordinary income<br />

Profit from disposals of fixed financial assets<br />

Income from participating interests 13 156 3 774<br />

Profit from real estate 116 346<br />

Other ordinary income 2 347 2 197<br />

Other ordinary expenses – 246 – 334<br />

total other ordinary income 15 373 5 983<br />

administrative expenses<br />

Personnel expenses – 23 792 – 22 906<br />

Operating expenses – 16 965 – 16 070<br />

total administrative expenses – 40 757 – 38 976<br />

Gross result 6 754 3 339<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Financial Statements 2011 45

Profit and loss statements 2011 and 2010<br />

(in CHF 1000) Note 2011 2010<br />

Gross result 6 754 3 339<br />

Depreciation and amortization of fixed assets – 19 742 – 6 735<br />

Value adjustments, provisions and losses 2.4 – 5 832 – 605<br />

Profit before extraordinary items and taxes – 18 820 – 4 001<br />

Extraordinary income 25 174 2 362<br />

Extraordinary expenses – 180 – 414<br />

Taxes 1 817 – 242<br />

net result 7 991 – 2 295<br />

appropriation of retained earnings<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011 2010<br />

Retained losses/earnings brought forward – 2 098 197<br />

Net result 7 991 – 2 295<br />

Balance available for appropriation 5 893 – 2 098<br />

Dividend<br />

Transfer to general legal reserves<br />

Transfer to other reserves<br />

Other appropriation of profit<br />

to be carried forward 5 893 – 2 098<br />

46<br />

Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

Financial statements<br />

1 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEM<strong>EN</strong>TS<br />

The information related to operations as well as to accounting policies and valuation principles applies to both financial<br />

statemetns in this report. For details, please refer to the consolidated financial statements.<br />

2 COMM<strong>EN</strong>TS ON THE BALANCE SHEET<br />

2.1 Pledged or assigned assets to secure own commitments<br />

The comments on the bank and consolidated financial statements are identical. Therefore please refer to the explanations on<br />

the consolidated financial statements.<br />

2.2 Pension funds liabilities<br />

The comments on the bank and consolidated financial statements are identical. Therefore please refer to the explanations on<br />

the consolidated financial statements.<br />

2.3 Other assets and liabilities<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

Replacement values of derivative financial instruments<br />

Other<br />

assets<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Other<br />

liabilities<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Other<br />

assets<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Other<br />

liabilities<br />

31.12.2010<br />

– Contracts as trader 1 769 1 175 1 266 1 190<br />

Indirect taxes 345 2 491 364 2 420<br />

Settlement accounts 565 619 251 41<br />

Employer contribuition reserve 1 622 1 487<br />

Other assets and liabilities 259 428 470 483<br />

total other assets and liabilities 4 560 4 713 3 838 4 134<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Financial Statements 2011 47

2.4 Value adjustments and provisions / Reserves for general banking risks<br />

(in CHF 1000)<br />

48<br />

Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH<br />

Status<br />

31.12.2010<br />

Uses and<br />

releases as<br />

designated<br />

Recoveries of<br />

interest at<br />

risk and<br />

currency<br />

differences<br />

New<br />

provisions<br />

charged to<br />

P&L<br />

Releases<br />

in favor<br />

of P&L<br />

Status<br />

31.12.2011<br />

Provisions for defered taxes 3 460 – 1 913 1 547<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

for default and other risks<br />

Value adjustments and provisions for default risks<br />

(delcredere and country risks)<br />

Value adjustments and provisions<br />

for other business risks<br />

191 – 51 5 372 5 512<br />

Provisions for restructuring 395 – 330 65<br />

Other provisions 538 144 682<br />

total value adjustments and provisions<br />

as per balance sheet 4 584 – 2 294 5 516 7 806<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 25 337 – 22 500 2 837<br />

The position “Reserves for general banking risks” is taxed in full.<br />

2.5 share capital and shareholders with shares greater than 5% voting rights<br />

The comments on the bank and consolidated financial statements are identical. Therefore please refer to the explanations on<br />

the consolidated financial statements.

2.6 changes in shareholders equity<br />

(in CHF 1000) 2011<br />

shareholders equity<br />

equity at the beginning of the year<br />

Share capital 45 000<br />

General legal reserves 31 050<br />

Other reserves 12 300<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 25 337<br />

Result for distribution – 2 099<br />

total equity at the beginning of the year (before distribution of profit)<br />

Changes<br />

111 588<br />

– Dividend and other distributions of the net income from the previous year – 2 500<br />

– Release of reserves for general banking risks – 22 500<br />

+ Net result 7 991<br />

total equity as per 31.12.2011 (before distribution of profit) 94 580<br />

Share capital 45 000<br />

General legal reserves 31 050<br />

Other reserves 9 800<br />

Reserves for general banking risks 2 837<br />

Retained earnings available for appropriation 5 893<br />

2.7 claims and liabilities to affiliated companies as well as loans extended to the organs of the company<br />

The comments on the bank and consolidated financial statements are identical. Therefore please refer to the explanations on<br />

the consolidated financial statements.<br />

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Financial Statements 2011 49


3.1 Fiduciary transactions<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Fiduciary deposits with third-party banks 201 292 287 611<br />

Fiduciary loans and other fiduciary financial transactions<br />

total 201 292 287 611<br />

4. COMM<strong>EN</strong>TS ON THE PROFIT AND LOSS STATEM<strong>EN</strong>TS<br />

4.1 net trading income<br />

(in CHF 1000) 31.12.2011 31.12.2010<br />

Securities – 894 – 1 573<br />

Foreign exchange and notes 3 837 4 661<br />

Foreign exchange options 2<br />

Precious metals<br />

total 2 945 3 088<br />

4.2 extraordinary income and expenses<br />

Reference is made to tables 5.4 and 5.5 on page 39.<br />

50<br />

Financial Statements 2011 — FINTER BANK ZÜRICH

FINTER BANK ZÜRICH — Report of the Statutory Auditor 2011<br />



www.finter.ch<br />

ZURICh<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> Ltd<br />

head Office<br />

Claridenstrasse 35<br />

8002 Zurich<br />

Phone: +41 (0)44 289 55 00<br />

Fax: +41 (0)44 289 56 00<br />

E­mail: zh@finter.ch<br />

52 Our Offices — <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong><br />

LUGANO<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> Ltd<br />

Lugano Branch<br />

Via al Forte 1<br />

6900 Lugano<br />

Phone: +41 (0)91 910 21 21<br />

Fax: +41 (0)91 910 21 41<br />

E­mail: lu@finter.ch<br />

ChIASSO<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> Ltd<br />

Chiasso Agency<br />

Corso San Gottardo 35<br />

6830 Chiasso<br />

Phone: +41 (0)91 695 24 24<br />

Fax: +41 (0)91 695 24 44<br />

E­mail: ch@finter.ch


<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> & Trust<br />

(Bahamas) Limited<br />

Norfolk House<br />

Frederick Street<br />

P. O. Box N­3744<br />

Nassau – Bahamas<br />

Phone: +1 (242) 356 64 51<br />

Fax: +1 (242) 356 58 18<br />

E­mail: bahamas@finter.bs<br />

www.finter.bs<br />


<strong>Finter</strong>Life Life Insurance Limited<br />

Heiligkreuz 43<br />

FL­9490 Vaduz<br />

Liechtenstein<br />

Phone: +423 237 15 65<br />

Fax: +423 237 15 69<br />

E­mail: info@finterlife.li<br />

www.finterlife.li<br />

<strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong> — Our Offices<br />


Published in English, German and Italian.<br />

Please note that this is a translation,<br />

and subordinate to the German language.<br />

Photos: page 2, 4 Katharina Wernli, Zurich<br />

Print production: Neidhart + Schön AG, Zurich<br />

Printed in Switzerland, 2012<br />

54 Our services — <strong>Finter</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> <strong>Zürich</strong>

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