world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc


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Syndrome Gene Location Cancer site/<strong>cancer</strong><br />

Familial retinoblastoma RB1 13q14 Retinoblastoma,<br />

osteosarcoma<br />

Multiple endocrine neoplasia II RET 10q11 Medullary thyroid carcinoma,<br />

phaeochromo-<br />

cytoma<br />

Multiple endocrine neoplasia I MEN1 11q13 Adrenal, pancreatic<br />

islet cells<br />

Neurofibromatosis type I NF1 17q11 Neurofibromas,<br />

optic gliomas,<br />

phaeochromocytoma<br />

Neurofibromatosis type II NF2 22q2 Bilateral acoustic<br />

neuromas, meningiomas,<br />

cerebral astrocytomas<br />

Bloom syndrome BLM 15q26 Leukaemia, lymphoma<br />

Familial adenomatous polyposis APC 5q21 Colorectal, thyroid<br />

Von Hippel-Lindau VHL 3p25 Renal cell carcinoma,<br />

phaeochromocytoma<br />

Familial Wilms tumour WT1 11q Wilms tumour (kidney)<br />

Xeroderma pigmentosum XP(A-D) 9q, 3p, 19q, Basal cell carcinoma,<br />

15p squamous cell carcinoma,<br />

melanoma (skin)<br />

Fanconi anaemia FAC 16q, 9q, 3p Acute leukaemia<br />

Li-Fraumeni syndrome p53 17p13, Breast and adrenocortical<br />

carcinomas, bone and<br />

soft tissue sarcomas,<br />

brain tumours, leukaemia<br />

Cowden syndrome PTEN 10q22 Breast, thyroid<br />

Gorlin syndrome PTCH 9q31 Basal cell carcinoma<br />

X-linked proliferative disorder XLP Xq25 Lymphoma<br />

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome LKB1 19p Breast, colon<br />

Ataxia telangiectasia ATM 11q22 Leukaemia, lymphoma<br />

Table 2.20 Inherited <strong>cancer</strong> syndromes caused by a single genetic defect. The lifetime risk of <strong>cancer</strong> is<br />

high. There are usually recognizable phenotypic features that make the syndromes easy to identify clinically.<br />

Although most <strong>cancer</strong>s arise through<br />

somatically acquired mutations (which are<br />

found uniformly only in relevant tumour<br />

cells), about 5% of all <strong>cancer</strong>s can be attributed<br />

to inherited gene alterations which are<br />

common to every cell in an affected individual.<br />

Such a genetic change may be present<br />

in, and hence inherited from, one parent or<br />

may have occurred in a germ cell (egg or<br />

sperm cell) before fertilization, and may, in<br />

72 The causes of <strong>cancer</strong><br />

turn, be passed on to the next generation.<br />

These alterations, in every cell, constitute a<br />

partial commitment to <strong>cancer</strong> which may be<br />

completed either by random processes or<br />

as a result of environmental insults. This<br />

theory of why tumour development preferentially<br />

occurs in individuals with a genetic<br />

predisposition was first proposed by Alfred<br />

Knudson in 1971 in the context of a childhood<br />

eye tumour, familial retinoblastoma [1]<br />

Fig. 2.66 Child with retinoblastoma, a malignant<br />

tumour of the eye, which arises from retinal germ<br />

cells. In the familial form it is caused by an autosomal<br />

dominant mutation of the retinoblastoma<br />

gene.<br />

Fig. 2.67 Patient with xeroderma pigmentosum, a<br />

rare inherited (autosomal recessive) disease,<br />

exhibiting spots of hyperpigmentation in sunexposed<br />

portions of the skin, which are prone to<br />

develop into multiple skin <strong>cancer</strong>s. The disease is<br />

caused by mutations in genes involved in DNA<br />

repair.<br />

(Figs. 2.65, 2.66). In general, inherited<br />

forms of <strong>cancer</strong> occur at an earlier age than<br />

sporadic or environmentally-caused<br />

tumours. Thus although only a relatively<br />

small fraction of all <strong>cancer</strong>s are attributable<br />

to inherited mutations in <strong>cancer</strong> susceptibility<br />

genes, such “germline” alterations<br />

account for a significant fraction of <strong>cancer</strong>s<br />

occurring at young ages. It is also likely that<br />

individual differences in the ability to detoxify<br />

or metabolize carcinogens (Carcinogen<br />

activation and DNA repair, p89) or regulate<br />

levels of hormones (Reproductive factors<br />

and hormones, p76) are under some degree<br />

of genetic control. Both of these forms of<br />

variation would modify the effects of environmental<br />

exposures and the consequent<br />

<strong>cancer</strong> risk.

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