world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc


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Partial cystectomy is appropriate for only a<br />

minor proportion of patients with invasive<br />

bladder <strong>cancer</strong>. Radical radiation therapy<br />

as sole treatment has been evaluated, and<br />

criteria contributing to a favourable outcome<br />

(tumour size, stage, morphology,<br />


1. Ferlay J, Bray F, Parkin DM, Pisani P, eds (2001)<br />

Globocan 2000: Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide<br />

(IARC Cancer Bases No. 5), Lyon, IARCPress.<br />

2. Brennan P, Bogillot O, Cordier S, Greiser E, Schill W,<br />

Vineis P, Lopez-Abente G, Tzonou A, Chang-Claude J, Bolm-<br />

Audorff U, Jockel KH, Donato F, Serra C, Wahrendorf J,<br />

Hours M, T'Mannetje A, Kogevinas M, Boffetta P (2000)<br />

Cigarette smoking and bladder <strong>cancer</strong> in men: a pooled<br />

analysis of 11 case-control studies. Int J Cancer, 86: 289-<br />

294.<br />

3. Silverman DT, Morrison AS, Devesa SS (1996) Bladder<br />

<strong>cancer</strong>. In: Scottenfeld D, Fraumeni, FJ eds, Cancer<br />

Epidemiology and Prevention, Oxford, New York, Oxford<br />

University Press, 1156-1179.<br />

4. Pisani P, Parkin DM, Muñoz N, Ferlay J (1997) Cancer<br />

and infection: estimates of the attributable fraction in<br />

1990. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 6: 387-400.<br />

5. Saad A, Hanbury DC, McNicholas TA, Boustead GB,<br />

Woodman AC (2001) The early detection and diagnosis of<br />

bladder <strong>cancer</strong>: a critical review of the options. Eur Urol,<br />

39: 619-633.<br />

6. Lee R, Droller MJ (2000) The natural history of bladder<br />

<strong>cancer</strong>. Implications for therapy. Urol Clin North Am, 27: 1-<br />

13, vii.<br />

etc.) have been determined. Tumour staging<br />

is based on the degree to which the<br />

tumour has invaded the bladder wall.<br />

In more developed countries, five-year relative<br />

survival is in the order of 65% (Fig.<br />

5.87), and there has been a steady<br />

7. Noss M, Klotz L (1998) Male urogenital <strong>cancer</strong>. In:<br />

Morris D, Kearsley J, Williams C eds, Cancer: a comprehensive<br />

clinical guide, Harwood Academic Publishers, 213-<br />

222.<br />

8. d'Errico A, Malats N, Vineis P, Boffetta P (1999) Review<br />

of studies of selected metabolic polymorphisms and <strong>cancer</strong>.<br />

In: Vineis P, Malats N, Lang M, d'Errico A, Caporaso N,<br />

Cuzick J, Boffetta P eds, Metabolic Polymorphisms and<br />

Susceptibility to Cancer (IARC Scientific Publication No.<br />

148), Lyon, IARCPress, 323-393.<br />

9. Brandau S, Bohle A (2001) Bladder <strong>cancer</strong>. I. Molecular<br />

and genetic basis of carcinogenesis. Eur Urol, 39: 491-497.<br />

10. Metts MC, Metts JC, Milito SJ, Thomas CR, Jr. (2000)<br />

Bladder <strong>cancer</strong>: a review of diagnosis and management. J<br />

Natl Med Assoc, 92: 285-294.<br />

11. Maluf FC, Bajorin DF (2001) Chemotherapy agents in<br />

transitional cell carcinoma: the old and the new. Semin<br />

Urol Oncol, 19: 2-8.<br />

improvement during the last decades.<br />

Survival is poorer in developing countries,<br />

with five-year relative survival rates of 30-<br />

50%.<br />


NCI Bladder Cancer Homepage.<br />

http://www.<strong>cancer</strong>.gov/<strong>cancer</strong>_information/<strong>cancer</strong>_type/<br />

bladder/<br />

Bladder <strong>cancer</strong><br />


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