world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc


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and intestinal metaplasia (Fig. 5.25), frequently<br />

precede and/or accompany intestinal<br />

type adenocarcinoma, especially in<br />

high incidence areas. Premalignant conditions<br />

include gastric polyps, Menetrier disease,<br />

gastric ulcer, pernicious anaemia<br />

(achlorydia) and previous gastric surgery<br />

to reduce acid output [3]. H. pylori strains<br />

containing a group of genes named cag<br />

induce a great degree of inflammation,<br />

and there is an association between infection<br />

with a cag positive H. pylori strain and<br />

the development of gastric carcinoma [5].<br />

Gastric carcinomas are morphologically<br />

heterogeneous, resulting in various classifications<br />

based on histological appearance,<br />

degree of differentiation, growth<br />

pattern, and histogenesis [6]. The major<br />

histological types include tubular adenocarcinoma<br />

(Fig. 5.27), papillary adenocarcinoma,<br />

mucinous adenocarcinoma and<br />

signet-ring cell carcinoma. When more<br />

than one histological type is observed<br />

within the tumour, the diagnosis is based<br />

on the predominant histological pattern<br />

[7]. Based on their differentiation status,<br />

gastric carcinomas are also classified as<br />

Histologic type<br />

Gene alterations Poorly-differentiated (%) Well-differentiated (%)<br />

KRAS mutation 0 10-20<br />

c-met<br />

Amplification ≈ 40 ≈20<br />

6.0 kb mRNA ≈ 80 ≈ 50<br />

K-sam amplification 20-30 0<br />

c-erbB2 amplification 0 20-40<br />

Cyclin E amplification 10 10<br />

p53 LOH/mutation ≈ 80 ≈ 60<br />

APC LOH/mutation - 40-60<br />

DCC LOH - 50<br />

Cadherin, catenin deletion 50 -<br />

CD44 abnormal transcript 100 100<br />

Genetic instability ≈ 40 ≈10<br />

Table 5.3 Genetic alterations in gastric carcinomas, (≈ = approximately), [15, 16].<br />

196 Human <strong>cancer</strong>s by organ site<br />

well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (composed<br />

of well-formed glands, often resembling<br />

metaplastic intestinal epithelium)<br />

and poorly-differentiated adenocarcinoma<br />

(composed of highly irregular glands or<br />

single cells that remain isolated).<br />

Moderately-differentiated adenocarcinomas<br />

show intermediate features between<br />

the two.<br />

Gastric carcinomas may also be classified as<br />

diffuse and intestinal types (Laurén classification)<br />

[8]. Intestinal type carcinoma is composed<br />

of distinct glandular elements with<br />

well-defined lumina, sometimes accompanied<br />

by papillary structures or solid components.<br />

Diffuse gastric carcinoma is characterized<br />

by the lack of cell cohesion, and<br />

malignant cells infiltrate the surrounding tissue<br />

as single cells or small clusters of cells<br />

without glandular lumina [8]. Other classification<br />

systems are also in use.<br />

Clinical and pathological staging of stomach<br />

<strong>cancer</strong> is based on the TNM system (Box:<br />

TNM, p124) in Western countries and the<br />

Japanese classification system in Japan [9].<br />

Most gastric carcinomas occur sporadically,<br />

but up to 10% have an inherited familial<br />

component [10]. Case-control studies also<br />

suggest a small but consistent increased<br />

risk in first-degree relatives of gastric carcinoma<br />

patients [11]. Germline E-cadherin<br />

(CDH1) mutations lead to an autosomal<br />

dominant predisposition to diffuse gastric<br />

carcinoma [12]. Gastric carcinomas may<br />

also develop as part of the hereditary nonpolyposis<br />

colon <strong>cancer</strong> (HNPCC) syndrome<br />

[13] (Colorectal <strong>cancer</strong>, p198). They exhibit<br />

intestinal type <strong>cancer</strong>s and microsatellite<br />

instability.<br />

Loss of heterozygosity studies and comparative<br />

genomic hybridization (CGH)<br />

studies have shown that frequent loss or<br />

gain occurs at chromosomal regions 1p,<br />

1q, 3p, 4, 5q (APC locus), 6q, 7q, 9p, 17p<br />

(p53 locus), 18q (DCC locus), and 20q<br />

[14]. Well- and poorly-differentiated adenocarcinomas<br />

frequently show different<br />

genetic alterations (Table 5.3), as do diffuse<br />

and intestinal types [15,16].<br />

Management<br />

Most patients diagnosed with stomach<br />

<strong>cancer</strong> have advanced disease and the<br />

prognosis is extremely poor with survival<br />

rates rarely exceeding 15%. Differences in<br />

classification of <strong>cancer</strong> lead to apparently<br />

much higher survival rates in Japan (Fig.<br />

5.28). Management of stomach <strong>cancer</strong><br />

Fig. 5.28 Five-year relative survival after diagnosis<br />

of gastric carcinoma.

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