world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc


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stoves arises in rural areas of developing<br />

countries. Exposure may be reduced by<br />

introducing improved stoves, better housing<br />

and cleaner fuels. Environmental exposure<br />

to tobacco smoke is a key aspect of<br />

atmospheric pollution and reducing this<br />

hazard is discussed elsewhere (Tobacco<br />

control, p128).<br />


1. Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention (1996) Harvard<br />

Report on Cancer Prevention. Volume 1: Causes of human<br />

<strong>cancer</strong>. Cancer Causes Control, 7 Suppl 1: S3-59.<br />

2. Swerdlow AJ (1990) Effectiveness of primary prevention<br />

of occupational exposures on <strong>cancer</strong> risk. Evaluating<br />

Effectiveness of Primary Prevention of Cancer (IARC<br />

Scientific Publications, No. 103), 23-56, Lyon, IARCPress.<br />

3. Alderson M (1986) Occupational <strong>cancer</strong>, Butterworths.<br />

4. Tomatis L, Aitio A, Day NE, Heseltine E, Kaldor J, Miller<br />

AB, Parkin DM, Riboli E, eds (1990) Cancer: Causes,<br />

Occurrence and Control (IARC Scientific Publications, No.<br />

100), Lyon, IARCPress.<br />

5. Maher KV, DeFonso LR (1987) Respiratory <strong>cancer</strong><br />

among chloromethyl ether workers. J Natl Cancer Inst, 78:<br />

839-843.<br />

6. Magnus K, Andersen A, Hogetveit AC (1982) Cancer of<br />

respiratory organs among workers at a nickel refinery in<br />

Norway. Int J Cancer, 30: 681-685.<br />

7. Grimsrud TK, Berge SR, Resmann F, Norseth T,<br />

Andersen A (2000) Assessment of historical exposures in a<br />

nickel refinery in Norway. Scand J Work Environ Health, 26:<br />

338-345.<br />

140 Prevention and screening<br />

Soil and water pollution<br />

The United Nations Environment Programme<br />

establishes warning systems for countries<br />

in which the environment and human<br />

health may be affected by the export of hazardous<br />

substances and pesticides from<br />

where they are manufactured. The<br />

Rotterdam Convention, 1998, which<br />

8. Wu W (1988) Occupational <strong>cancer</strong> epidemiology in the<br />

People's Republic of China. J Occup Med, 30: 968-974.<br />

9. Pearce N, Matos E, Vainio H, Boffetta P, Kogevinas M,<br />

eds (1994) Occupational Cancer in Developing Countries<br />

(IARC Scientific Publications, No. 129), Lyon, IARCPress.<br />

10. Jedrychowski W (1999) Ambient air pollution and respiratory<br />

health in the east Baltic region. Scand J Work<br />

Environ Health, 25 Suppl 3: 5-16.<br />

11. Selcuk ZT, Emri S, Sahin AA, Baris YI, Coplu L,<br />

Kalyoncu F, Artvinli M (1999) Malignant mesothelioma and<br />

erionite exposure. Eur Respir J, 14: 480-481.<br />

12. IARC (1989) Diesel and Gasoline Engine Exhausts and<br />

Some Nitroarenes (IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of<br />

Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol. 46), Lyon, IARCPress.<br />

13. UNEP (2000) UNEP Achievements. 2000. United<br />

Nations Environment Programme http://www.unep.org/<br />

Documents/Default.asp?DocumentID=43&ArticleID=250<br />

14. Bruce N, Perez-Padilla R, Albalak R (2000) Indoor air<br />

pollution in developing countries: a major environmental<br />

and public health challenge. Bull World Health Organ, 78:<br />

1078-1092.<br />

replaced various voluntary systems, obliges<br />

an importing country to give explicit<br />

informed consent before specific chemicals<br />

(such as DDT and polychlorinated<br />

biphenyls) can cross its borders. This measure<br />

is particularly important to countries<br />

with limited scientific expertise or equipment<br />

to deal with hazardous materials.<br />


International Labour Office:<br />

http://www.ilo.org/<br />

UK Health and Safety Directorate: Preventing or controlling<br />

exposure to substances which can cause occupational<br />

<strong>cancer</strong>:<br />

http://www.hse.gov.uk/hthdir/noframes/<strong>cancer</strong>s.htm<br />

The Air Management Information System, WHO’s Healthy<br />

Cities Programme:<br />

http://www.who.int/peh/air/amis.html<br />

EPA National Center for Environmental Assessment,<br />

Cancer Guidelines:<br />

http://www.epa.gov/ncea/<strong>cancer</strong>.htm<br />

United Nation Environment Programme:<br />

http://www.unep.org<br />

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA):<br />


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