world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc

world cancer report - iarc


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smoke. This may be achieved in part by<br />

health protection legislation which limits<br />

smoking indoors and the requirement to<br />

provide a safe workplace. In common<br />

with some other areas of tobacco control,<br />

it is possible that progress in this<br />

area may be influenced by the outcome<br />

of litigation and the associated financial<br />

risk incurred by those permitting or tolerating<br />

such exposure.<br />

Outcome<br />

The health benefits of smoking cessation<br />

are indisputable, and specifically<br />

include reduced risk of malignant disease.<br />

A classic example involves the<br />


1. Wald NJ, Hackshaw AK (1996) Cigarette smoking: an<br />

epidemiological overview. Br Med Bull, 52: 3-11.<br />

2. Doll R, Peto R, Wheatley K, Gray R, Sutherland I (1994)<br />

Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years' observations on<br />

male British doctors. BMJ, 309: 901-911.<br />

3. Doll R (1998) Uncovering the effects of smoking: historical<br />

perspective. Stat Methods Med Res, 7: 87-117.<br />

4. Thun MJ, Heath CW, Jr. (1997) Changes in mortality<br />

from smoking in two American Cancer Society prospective<br />

studies since 1959. Prev Med, 26: 422-4 26<br />

5. Murray CJL, Lopez AD (1996) Quantifying the burden of<br />

disease and injury attributable to ten major risk factors. In:<br />

Murray CJL, Lopez AD, eds, The Global Burden of Disease,<br />

Geneva, World Health Organization, 295-324.<br />

6. Peto R, Lopez AD, Boreham J, Thun M, Health CJ, eds<br />

(1994) Mortality from Smoking in Developed Countries<br />

1950-2000: Indirect Estimates from National Vital<br />

Statistics, Oxford, Oxford University Press.<br />

7. Niu SR, Yang GH, Chen ZM, Wang JL, Wang GH, He XZ,<br />

Schoepff H, Boreham J, Pan HC, Peto R (1998) Emerging<br />

tobacco hazards in China: 2. Early mortality results from a<br />

prospective study. BMJ, 317: 1423-1424.<br />

8. Chen ZM, Xu Z, Collins R, Li WX, Peto R (1997) Early<br />

health effects of the emerging tobacco epidemic in China.<br />

A 16-year prospective study. JAMA, 278: 1500-1504.<br />

9. Sasco AJ (1992) Tobacco and <strong>cancer</strong>: how to react to<br />

the evidence. Eur J Cancer Prev, 1: 367-373.<br />

10. WHO (1992) Framework Convention on Tobacco<br />

Control. Technical Briefing Series Paper 2. Improving<br />

134 Prevention and screening<br />

impact of anti-smoking publicity and<br />

health education in California, where<br />

smoking rates declined more than twice<br />

as rapidly as in the rest of the USA. It is<br />

now evident that during the period<br />

1988-1997, age-adjusted lung <strong>cancer</strong><br />

incidence rates in California declined<br />

significantly compared with stable incidence<br />

rates in other parts of the USA<br />

(Fig. 4.7). Thus, California is one of the<br />

few regions in the developed <strong>world</strong><br />

where lung <strong>cancer</strong> mortality among<br />

women is declining.<br />

The efficacy of smoking cessation, as a<br />

means of decreasing the risk of malignant<br />

disease, is not an issue requiring<br />

Public Health through an International Framework<br />

Convention on Tobacco Control (Tobacco-Free Initiative),<br />

Geneva, World Health Organization.<br />

11. Roemer R, ed. (1987) Legislative Strategies for a<br />

Smoke-Free Europe, Copenhagen, World Health<br />

Organization, Regional Office for Europe.<br />

12. Saffer H, Chaloupka F (2000) The effect of tobacco<br />

advertising bans on tobacco consumption. J Health Econ,<br />

19: 1117-1137.<br />

13. Aftab M, Kolben D, Lurie P (1999) International cigarette<br />

labelling practices. Tob Control, 8: 368-372.<br />

14. Sasco AJ, Kleihues P (1999) Why can't we convince<br />

the young not to smoke? Eur J Cancer, 35: 1933-1940.<br />

15. Reid D (1996) Tobacco control: overview. Br Med Bull,<br />

52: 108-120.<br />

16. Greaves L ed. (1996) Smoke Screen. Women's<br />

Smoking and Social Control, Halifax, Fernwood Publishing.<br />

17. The World Bank (1999) Development in Practice.<br />

Curbing the Epidemic. Governments and the Economics of<br />

Tobacco Control, Washington DC, The World Bank.<br />

18. Curry SJ (2001) Bridging the clinical and public health<br />

perspectives in tobacco treatment research: scenes from a<br />

tobacco treatment research career. Cancer Epidemiol<br />

Biomarkers Prev, 10: 281-285.<br />

19. Law M, Tang JL (1995) An analysis of the effectiveness<br />

of interventions intended to help people stop smoking.<br />

Arch Intern Med, 155: 1933-1941.<br />

further investigation. Hence, the immediate<br />

issue confronting governmental<br />

and other authorities is the amount and<br />

type of resources that should be allocated<br />

to this established means of <strong>cancer</strong><br />

prevention. An important consideration<br />

is the limitation of those factors which<br />

tend to promote adoption of the smoking<br />

habit by the community in question.<br />


GLOBALink, the International Tobacco Control Network,<br />

UICC:<br />

http://www.globalink.org<br />

Florida Tobacco Control Clearinghouse:<br />

http://www.ftcc.fsu.edu<br />

CDC's Tobacco Information and Prevention Source:<br />

http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/<br />

List of smoking and tobacco control monographs from the<br />

National Cancer Institute:<br />

http://rex.nci.nih.gov/NCI_MONOGRAPHS/LIST.HTM<br />

Tobacco Control Research Branch (NCI), information on<br />

spit tobacco:<br />

http://dccps.nci.nih.gov/TCRB/less_default.html<br />

Tobacco Free Initiative, WHO:<br />

http://tobacco.who.int/<br />

11th World Conference on Tobacco or Health (August<br />

2000):<br />

http://www.wctoh.org/<br />

Smoking Cessation, “Live Smoke Free”, Health Canada:<br />

http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hppb/cessation/<br />

Framework Convention on Tobacco Control :<br />

http://www.who.int/gb/fctc/<br />

Quit: the National Tobacco Initiative (Australia):<br />


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