SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 39<br />

would have amounted to 5 persons per square meter, a figure which is<br />

physically possible.<br />

Although it is obvious that Arad cannot present any documentary or<br />

forensic evidence for the alleged mass killings at Sobibór, he has witness<br />

statements such as the following:<br />

“In the winter of 1942/43 and in the spring and summer of 1943,<br />

transports arrived in Sobibór with Jews from the Lvov district. In<br />

some of the transports the Jews were naked. They were forced to undress<br />

before entering the freight cars, to make it more difficult for<br />

them to escape from the train. […] In her testimony, Ada Lichtman<br />

told of a transport that arrived from Lvov in the winter; nude<br />

corpses were removed from the closed freight cars. The prisoner<br />

platform workers said that the corpses were frozen and stuck to one<br />

another, and when they were laid on the trolley, they disintegrated,<br />

and parts of them fell off. These people had had a long voyage [sic]<br />

and their corpses crumbled.”<br />

Normally frozen corpses do not crumble, which means that the<br />

“prisoner platform workers” related something that they could not have<br />

seen and hence never did see.<br />

We will not go into Arad’s statistics on the Jews that were deported<br />

to Sobibór from various countries, because this question will be dealt<br />

with in the discussion of the book by Jules Schelvis. Suffice it to say<br />

that Arad gives a figure of 145,000 to 165,000 (p. 390f.) for the Jews<br />

deported to Sobibór from the General Government (Polish areas occupied<br />

but not annexed by the Germans during the war). Actually, the<br />

maximum was about 54,000, 54 which means that Arad’s figure is too<br />

high by a factor of three.<br />

To put it mildly, Arad’s book does not measure up in any way to a<br />

“standard” on the subject.<br />

2.3.12. Witold Zbigniew Sulimierski (1993)<br />

By 1993, i.e. half a century after the closure of Sobibór, there was<br />

still no Polish monograph on this camp. To make up for this, a man by<br />

the name of Witold Zbigniew Sulimierski published a brochure during<br />

that year, the title of which can be rendered in English as “Sobibór. A<br />

Hitlerian Death Camp.” 55 This booklet contains neither references nor a<br />

54<br />

Cf. section 2.3.19.<br />

55<br />

Witold Zbignew Sulimierski, Sobibór. Hitlerowski Obóz �mierci, Fundacja “Kamena” w<br />

Che�mie, Che�m 1993.

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