SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 313<br />

6. According to information from RSHA, the evacuation of<br />

633,300 Jews from the Russian territories including the former<br />

Baltic states since the beginning of the eastern campaign<br />

must be taken into account. Not included in the above figures<br />

are the detainees in the ghettos and the concentration<br />

camps.”<br />

Concerning item 4 Witte and Tyas write: 957<br />

“It should be noted that the seemingly harmless euphemism<br />

‘passed through the camps in the General Gouvernment’ already<br />

carried a sinister meaning for insiders in 1942/43. The phrase derives<br />

from the common term ‘transit camp.’ For example Theresienstadt<br />

and Westerbork were officially termed transit camps,<br />

whence transportation to the East meant in fact dispatch to death.<br />

But there are other examples of transit camps that served exclusively<br />

as killing sites. The extermination camps Sobibór and Che�mno were<br />

also designated by this term. But the euphemism used by Himmler<br />

and Korherr was calculated to make outsiders believe that there really<br />

were transports ‘to the East.’”<br />

This interpretation ranks with those of R. Hilberg and C. Browning<br />

examined above and is just as nonsensical: As the term transit camp appears<br />

in Himmler’s letter of 5 July 1943 on the specific subject of Sobibór<br />

and as the letter is labeled “top secret,” why should any outsiders<br />

be kept in the dark? 958<br />

Witte and Tyas then discuss the alleged “euphemisms” of the Korherr<br />

report: 957<br />

“To fully understand Höfle’s telegram we have to take into account<br />

Himmler’s criticism of the first, March 23, Korherr report.<br />

The Reichsführer-SS rejected several phrases in the sixteen-page<br />

paper and had Dr. Brandt, the head of his Personal Office, write<br />

Korherr on 14 April [recte: on 10 April] 1943:<br />

The Reichsführer-SS has received your statistical report on the<br />

‘Final Solution of the European Jewish Problem.’ He does not wish<br />

the words ‘special treatment of Jews’ to be used at all. On page 9,<br />

point 4, the text must read as follows:<br />

‘Transportation of Jews from Eastern Provinces to the Russian<br />

East: Number of those passed through the camps in the General<br />

957<br />

P. Witte, S. Tyas, op. cit. (note 18), p. 477.<br />

958<br />

All members of the SS who had access to this “geheime Reichssache” knew the truth and<br />

did not need any euphemisms.

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