SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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288 J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong><br />

The witness was subsequently transferred to Lublin (Majdanek), Mileow,<br />

Trawniki, Lublin, Auschwitz, Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald,<br />

Lippstadt bei Hannover, Kaunitz, before finally returning to Holland.<br />

At Sobibór she saw neither gas chambers nor cremations, hence<br />

only the function of a transit camp agrees with her actual experience.<br />

We know that the extremely few German documents to have survived<br />

on the subject of Sobibór designate it precisely as a transit camp.<br />

On 5 July 1943 Himmler sent the following letter to SS-WVHA and<br />

seven other SS offices: 875<br />

“1. The Sobibór transit camp in the Lublin district is to be converted<br />

into a concentration camp. In the concentration camp a<br />

workshop for the defusing of enemy munitions is to be set up.<br />

2. All Higher SS and Police Chiefs are requested to deliver there<br />

any enemy munitions to the extent that they are not needed for seized<br />

enemy ordnance.<br />

3. Any metals, but most of all the explosive powder, are to be<br />

carefully reclaimed.<br />

4. Simultaneously, a production site for our own multiple launchers<br />

and/or for other munitions is to be built.”<br />

On 15 July Oswald Pohl, head of SS-WVHA, replied with the following<br />

letter having the subject heading “Transit Camp Sobibór:” 876<br />

“Reichsführer!<br />

According to your above instructions, the Sobibór transit camp in<br />

the Lublin district is to be converted into a concentration camp.<br />

I have discussed this with SS-Gruppenführer Globocnik. Both of<br />

us propose to abandon this conversion, as the purpose intended, viz.<br />

to set up at Sobibór an installation for the defusing of enemy munitions,<br />

can be realized without such a conversion.<br />

All other points of the above instructions can stay unchanged. I<br />

request your approval which is only of importance for Gruppenführer<br />

Globoccnik [sic] and myself.”<br />

Himmler’s personal assistant, Rudolf Brandt, replied on 24 July: 877<br />

“The Reichsführer SS agrees to the proposal [made] by you and<br />

SS-Gruppenführer Globocnik concerning the maintenance of the Sobibór<br />

transit camp in the Lublin district in its present state, as the<br />

desired objective can be attained in this manner.”<br />

875 Der Reichsführer SS. Feld-Kommandostelle, den 5. Juli 1943. NO-482.<br />

876 SS-Wirtschafts-Verwaltungshauptamt, Berlin, 15. Juli 1943. NO-482.<br />

877 J. Schelvis, op. cit. (note 70), p. 174.

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