SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 279<br />

alleged gas chambers of the Aktion Reinhardt camps were built by T4<br />

staff along the lines of those of the euthanasia institutions.<br />

What is even less valid is the alleged proof of the secrecy surrounding<br />

all this. In this respect M. Novitch wrote: 847<br />

“Euthanasia was treated as a state secret, and all its participants<br />

were sworn to silence. Operation Reinhard was also a state secret;<br />

he who had not taken a vow of silence in Berlin had to do so in<br />

Trawniki. They signed the following proclamation: ‘Any member belonging<br />

to the team of the death camps swears that he has been instructed<br />

by Sturmbannführer Hoefle, commander of the head office<br />

of Operation Reinhard, not to reveal any information, oral or written,<br />

on the resettlement of Jews.’ It was stressed that anyone divulging<br />

a secret would be severely punished; it was also forbidden to<br />

take photographs of the camp.”<br />

Leaving aside the straightforward lie regarding the “death camps,” 848<br />

the obligation to secrecy concerned everybody, including the firms<br />

working in the concentration camps. These companies had to sign a<br />

“Verpflichtungserklärung zur Geheimhaltung” (declaration of committment<br />

to secrecy) which covered leakage of information and the taking<br />

of photographs and threatened any such acts with the punishments<br />

for high treason. 849<br />

On the other hand, the <strong>Holocaust</strong> thesis discussed above is neither<br />

the only one nor even the one most compatible with the circumstances.<br />

As it is certain that the National-Socialist policy in respect of the Jews<br />

did not aim at their extermination but at their deportation to the East, as<br />

there is no documentary evidence which would indicate that this deportation<br />

policy was ever reversed or interrupted in a manner which might<br />

cited by Y. Arad in the passage quoted above, declared that in 1941 it was an “open secret”<br />

that the German authorities wanted to exterminate all Jews. Holding this to be<br />

“unwürdig” (below their dignity), he and his collaborators looked for “a different solution<br />

of the Jewish problem” and found one: the deportation of the Jews to the island of<br />

Madagascar, which they had thought out and proposed as an alternative to the extermination<br />

project already on the books! This will give the reader an idea concerning the trustworthiness<br />

of such testimonies.<br />

847 M. Novitch, op. cit. (note 39), p. 24.<br />

848 The document cited by M. Novitch states: “Minutes of the engagement of […] as a person<br />

specifically entrusted with the execution of work in connection with the implementation<br />

of Jewish resettlement within “Einsatz Reinhard” by the Chief of SS and Police in<br />

the Lublin district. […] declares: I have been thoroughly instructed and advised by SS-<br />

Hauptsturmführer Höfle in his quality as head of the Division “Einsatz Reinhard” under<br />

the Chief of SS and Police in the Lublin district: […]” Jüdisches Historisches Institut<br />

Warschau (ed.), op. cit. (note 116), p. 300.<br />

849 WAPL, ZBL, 7, p. 5.

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