SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 271<br />

Christian Wirth, the highest-ranking officier from the euthanasia<br />

program assigned to Operation Reinhard, and Oberscharführer Josef<br />

Oberhauser. Additional people from the euthanasia program arrived<br />

in Lublin during the first months of 1942. Viktor Brack visited<br />

Lublin at the beginning of May 1942 and discussed with Globocnik<br />

the contribution of the euthanasia organization to the task of exterminating<br />

Jews.”<br />

As for the deployment of euthanasia personnel at the “Aktion Reinhardt”<br />

camps, the following documentary evidence may be brought<br />

fourth. On 23 June 1942 the organizer of the euthanasia program, SS-<br />

Oberführer Viktor Brack, sent a letter to Himmler in which he stated: 814<br />

“In accordance with my orders from Reichsleiter Bouhler I have<br />

long ago put at Brigadeführer Globocnik’s disposal part of my manpower<br />

to aid him in carrying out his special mission. Upon his renewed<br />

request I have now transferred to him additional personnel.”<br />

Later in the same letter Globocnik’s “special mission” is identified<br />

as “the action against the Jews”. This can only mean that Brack had part<br />

of his euthanasia staff transferred to “Aktion Reinhardt.” We furthermore<br />

have documentary proof that two individual members of the euthanasia<br />

staff were present in the Reinhardt camps. The physician Dr.<br />

Irmfried Eberl served as the medical director of the euthanasia institutes<br />

in Brandenburg and Bernburg. In the summer of 1942 he was transferred<br />

to Treblinka II, where he served as the first commandant of the<br />

camp.<br />

Both the involvement in the euthanasia program and the transfer to<br />

Treblinka is confirmed by Eberl’s preserved personal correspondence,<br />

part of which has been published by his biographer Michael Grabher. 815<br />

Secondly, Christian Wirth is mentioned as belonging to the Dienststelle<br />

of Brack in a letter of recommendation dated 21 August 1941. 816 In<br />

another letter addressed to Kuno Ther and dated 13 April 1943, Polizeimajor<br />

Christian Wirth is identified as the “responsible inspector”<br />

(verantwortlicher Inspektor) of the Reinhardt camps. 817 He is again<br />

mentioned prominently in the letter sent by Globocnik to von Herff on<br />

814 IMT Document NO-205; quoted in Y. Arad, op. cit. (note 49), p. 17.<br />

815 Michael Grabher, Irmfried Eberl. ‘Euthanasie’-Arzt und Kommandant von Treblinka,<br />

Peter Lang / Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main 2006. None of<br />

the letters sent by Eberl from Treblinka contains any mention of gassings of Jews.<br />

816 Henry Friedlander, Sybil Milton, Archives of the <strong>Holocaust</strong>, Vol. 11, Berlin Document<br />

Center, part 2, Garland Publishing, New York/London 1992, Document 426 on p. 331.<br />

817 Ibid., Document 429 on p. 334.

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