SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 253<br />

Majdanek. 746 This procedure was so complicated that, on 14 May 1943,<br />

Kammler sent out three pages of instructions for the “simplification of<br />

administrative procedures” concerning the rules then in force. 747<br />

The camp was therefore planned and built within the framework of<br />

responsibilty and authority of Amtsgruppe C of SS-Wirtschafts-<br />

Verwaltungshauptamt (WVHA, Economic-Administrative Main Office),<br />

just in the same way as Auschwitz-Birkenau was. This makes<br />

Hilberg’s thesis even more nonsensical that the alleged extermination<br />

camps of Aktion Reinhardt were built in the absence of a competent<br />

central authority and without a specific budgetary reference.<br />

This also means that the camp had to be equipped with all elementary<br />

hygienic systems for the benefit of the SS supervisory force. Among<br />

other things, there had to be at least a water supply, a sewage disposal<br />

system, one or several washing barracks, toilet facilities, a sick bay, delousing<br />

or disinfestation facilities with bath, all the more so if Sobibór<br />

really was an extermination camp. The daily arrival of victims in precarious<br />

hygienic conditions and the presence of an enormous number of<br />

corpses in a very limited area would otherwise have increased the risk<br />

of spreading infectious diseases enormously.<br />

Jan Piwonski, who worked at the Sobibór railway station, declared<br />

on several occasions to Claude Lanzmann that in late March and early<br />

April of 1942 barrack elements arrived at Sobibór by rail: 748<br />

“And a little bit later, train cars came from time to time with<br />

parts for the barracks. […] And the Jews unloaded the cars and<br />

brought the material for the barracks over there by the camp.”<br />

Sobibór was therefore probably equipped with standard types of barracks<br />

found in all concentration camps, for example the “Pferdestallbaracke”<br />

type 260/9 (which measured 40,76m×9,36m), type IV/3<br />

(19,95m×8,14m), type 501/34 (42,30m×12,50m), the “Schweizerbaracke”<br />

(28,20m×6,20m), the Baracke type VII/5 (33,15m×8,14m), type<br />

RAD IV/3 (59,55m×8,14m) etc. This also suggests that the construction<br />

of Sobibór was, first of all, Kammler’s responsibility.<br />

746 The respective documentation is kept at WAPL, file ZBL. As far as Auschwitz is concerned,<br />

cf. the source given in the preceding footnote.<br />

747 Addressed to all construction groups of SS-Wirtschafter attached to the Höheren SS und<br />

Polizeiführern in den besetzten Gebieten, Bauinspektionen, Zentralbauleitungen und<br />

Bauleitungen der Waffen-SS und Polizei (hence including the SS-Wirtschafter attached<br />

to Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer im Generalgouvernement, as well as to the Bauinspektion<br />

der Waffen-SS und Polizei Reich Generalgouvernement and to the Bauleitung at<br />

Zamo��); WAPL, ZBL, 268, pp. 94-97.<br />

748 J. Piwonski op. cit. (note 221), pp. S3 and S5.

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