SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 17<br />

railway platform to the burial trenches ran a narrow-gauge railway,<br />

used to transport persons too weak to make their way to the gas<br />

chambers on their own, as well as the bodies of those who had died<br />

en route to Sobibór.[…]<br />

Several hundred able-bodied Jews were chosen from among the<br />

first few transports to form work teams. Some were employed in the<br />

workshops as tailors, cobblers, carpenters and so on, to serve the<br />

needs of the German and Ukrainian camp staff; all the other work<br />

assignments related to the processing of the victims along the route<br />

that led from the railway platform to the burial trenches. A total of<br />

about 1,000 prisoners, 150 of them women, were eventually put into<br />

these teams. One group, numbering several dozen, worked on the<br />

railway platform. Its job was to remove from the cars those who<br />

were incapable of getting off on their own; to remove the bodies of<br />

those who had died en route; and to clean out of the cars the dirt<br />

that had accumulated and the articles left behind. […]<br />

In the extermination area, two hundred to three hundred Jewish<br />

prisoners were kept, whose task was to remove the bodies of the<br />

murdered victims from the gas chambers, take them to the burial<br />

ground, and then clean up the chambers. A special team of prisoners,<br />

nicknamed ‘the dentists,’ was charged with extracting gold teeth<br />

from the mouths of the victims before their bodies were put into the<br />

trenches. Toward the end of 1942, in an effort to erase the traces of<br />

the mass killings, the bodies were exhumed and cremated; this task<br />

too was carried out by a special team of prisoners. […]<br />

Transports: First Stage. The procedure for the reception of incoming<br />

transports was based entirely on misleading the victims and<br />

concealing from them the fate that was in store for them. When a<br />

train arrived, the deportees on board were ordered to disembark<br />

and were told that they had arrived at a transit camp from which<br />

they would be sent to labor camps; before leaving for the labor<br />

camps, they were to take showers, and at the same time their clothes<br />

would be disinfected. Following this announcement, the men and<br />

women were separated (children were assigned to the women), on<br />

the pretext that the sexes had to be separated for their showers. The<br />

victims were ordered to take off their clothes and hand over any<br />

money or valuables in their possession; anyone who was caught trying<br />

to conceal any item was shot. There followed the march to the<br />

gas chambers, which had been made to resemble shower rooms.

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