SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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168 J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong><br />

dump (item #81), despite Kola’s description of it as a cremation site,<br />

not a deposit for ashes. Apparently we are to believe that the SS had<br />

cremation grates built on top of unincinerated corpses! It is clear that<br />

Bem in producing the map has dishonestly “improved” upon Kola’s excavation<br />

results in order to better make them fit the official historiographic<br />

picture.<br />

5.7. Estimate of the Sobibór Death Toll<br />

How many people died and were buried at Sobibór? We can affirm<br />

with certainty that the number of Sobibór dead is far less than the figures<br />

advanced by mainstream <strong>Holocaust</strong> historians. However, to answer<br />

with exactitude the question of the actual victim figure is, at the present,<br />

more or less impossible due to the absolute lack of documentary evidence<br />

pertaining to the number of deceased deportees, as well as quantifiable<br />

forensic evidence. Nonetheless we will provide a rough estimate<br />

of this figure, which may be divided into three categories of deaths.<br />

As for the first category, it is beyond any doubt that a large number<br />

of the Jews selected for work in the camp also perished there. As already<br />

mentioned, the October 1943 uprising led to the death of between<br />

380 and 420 inmates. It is further to be assumed that an unknown number<br />

of inmates were executed in connection with earlier, failed escape<br />

attempts 483 or for violating camp rules. Many eye witnesses also speak<br />

of epidemic diseases, such as typhus, claiming victims among the inmate<br />

population, 484 which was replenished with new arrivals in case of<br />

losses. All in all the number of deceased inmates may have amounted to<br />

approximately 1,000 people.<br />

The second category is that of those who died en route. This figure is<br />

difficult to estimate, but we know that the transports from the Netherlands<br />

and France took place under relatively humane conditions, 485 often<br />

using passenger trains, so that the number of en-route deaths among<br />

this group of in total (34,313+3,500=) 37,813 deportees is likely to have<br />

been small. In order to avoid accusations of underestimating the number<br />

of en route dead, we will assume, however, that 3% of all 170,165 deportees<br />

perished on board the trains due to dehydration, illness, and<br />

483 J. Schelvis, op. cit. (note 71), pp. 140-142.<br />

484 Ibid., pp. 86f.<br />

485 Ibid., pp. 53-55.

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