SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong> 131<br />

Drancy to Sobibór comprised a total of 2,002 deportees, among them<br />

110 children up to the age of 16, 376 i.e. about 5.5%. Schelvis 377 has two<br />

more transports from Drancy which he assigns to Sobibór (departure<br />

from Drancy on 4 and 6 March 1943), but which Klarsfeld assigns to<br />

Majdanek. These transports comprised 2,001 deportees, with 7 boys and<br />

girls under the age of 17, i.e. about 0.35%.<br />

The percentage of “Kinder” in all of the above Dutch and French<br />

transports thus amounts to 15.6% on average, or 1 out of 6 persons.<br />

Helena Kubica estimates that out of the roughly 1,095,000 deportees<br />

to Auschwitz 378 some 216,300 379 were children, corresponding to<br />

19.75% or 1 out of 5 persons.<br />

For Poland H. Kubica finds some 66,000 children out of a total of<br />

300,000 deportees, i.e. 22%; for Slovakia 9,000 out of 27,000 or 30%.<br />

She has a percentage of about 11.5% (2,636 out of 23,000 deportees)<br />

for Germany and Austria, and about 14.04% (6,460 out of 46,000) for<br />

the Protectorate (Theresienstadt).<br />

Her estimate for Poland is probably too low. If we take as a<br />

yardstick the population of Polish Jews in the �od� ghetto on 30 June<br />

1942, 380 there were 25,947 children under the age of 16 among the total<br />

of 96,874 persons, or some 26.8%. We may thus assume roughly 27%<br />

instead of 22%.<br />

On the other hand, the estimate with respect to Slovakia is rather on<br />

the high side. According to Andrej Steiner, altogether 57,837 Jews were<br />

deported from Slovakia, among them 2,482 children below 4 years of<br />

age and another 4,581 between the ages of 4 and 10 years of age, 381 resulting<br />

in a total of 7,063 children below age 10 or 12.21% of the total.<br />

As compared to this, there were 12,891 children below age 10 in the<br />

�od� ghetto, some 49.7% of all children. Hence, the percentage of<br />

children below the age of 16 deported from Slovakia may have been as<br />

high as 25%.<br />

376<br />

S. Klarsfeld, op. cit. (note 75), p. 17 (our pagination).<br />

377<br />

J. Schelvis, op. cit. (note 71), p. 217.<br />

378<br />

Franciszek Piper, Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz, Verlag des Staatlichen Museums in<br />

O�wi�cim, O�wi�cim 1993, p. 200.<br />

379<br />

H. Kubica, “Kinder und Jugendliche im KL Auschwitz,” in: Wac�aw D�ugoborski, Franciszek<br />

Piper (eds.), Auschwitz 1940-1945. Studien zur Geschichte des Konzentrationsund<br />

Vernichtungslagers Auschwitz, Verlag des Staatlichen Museums Auschwitz-<br />

Birkenau, O�wi�cim 1999. vol. II, p. 349.<br />

380<br />

“Die Ghettobevölkerung am 30. Juni 1942 (laut Meldungen),” WAPL, PSZ, 863, pp.<br />

16,16a.<br />

381<br />

State of Israel, op. cit. (note 137), vol. II, p. 912.

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